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An Energy Check-In ~ Appreciating Our Puzzle Pieces to Each Other

I’m feeling like doing a little energy check-in with you all and seeing how you’re experiencing this month of April and the way the Eclipse energies may have woven into your life. Sometimes this can be as simple as a pause and asking some questions of yourself to receive a gauge from your own intuitive and body wisdom.

Doing these little check-ins, at the least, help with becoming more present about what you’re feeling and reflects that you are in fact worthy of giving love and acknowledgment to.

If you look at recent days with what is on the table and compare this to the past that you’ve made it through, what are you noticing different about what is showing up now and how you are feeling about it?

Are there areas you notice to no longer be as important, whereas others are taking on more prominence?

Are you caught in between a new and freeing feeling you caught glimpse of and an old one that’s felt painful, but familiar?

For many this recent period has been a highlighting of things – underscoring that which has felt promising and that which has felt uncomfortable. The two feel connected to me, and through the contrasts, life’s purpose reveals itself as a way to experience each layer with the same gratitude and embrace for how it invites you to entertain a new relationship in each circumstance.

The Eclipse energies felt light for me, but I acknowledge, and am grateful for, being strategically anchored as such to be able to assist others because I know it has been intense for many. And I’m grateful to see the contrasts, as they help me to deepen my own practices around unity. We are all a perfect puzzle fit with each other.

My own feelings around the Eclipse were about a slow and organic undercurrent that mirrors Earth’s shifts over time, rather than anything explosive on either side of the fence.

What I CAN share about some of the experiences the Eclipse brought through, include the following things.

I had some potent dreams, the two nights leading up to the New Moon Eclipse that I recognize were about clearing and rewriting layers of old that were ready to be easily released. The dreams were gentle, but powerful, as I deliberately walked through dark and old tunnels connected to childhood and faced the ghosts (represented by literal spirits of dead people) and fears head on. I just kept moving through it, and actually traveled the tunnels twice – there and back – with greater lightness achieved.

I also remember part of the dreams of the second night where I actually pulled out what appeared to be a small branch of dried arteries from one of my nostrils. This happened without any pain or blood…it came out fluidly even though it was branched out like a fan and there was no possible way it could have come through that narrow passage. That felt amazingly potent.

This pointed to something unknown and deep-seeded that was hindering flow in some area of my life having been removed – things that no longer served me or the support system of my life, which could have been some kind of stress, pressure, belief, or fear, I had now eliminated from within.

I was so amazed at the ease and gentleness of it all and again, how the Eclipse energies had overall felt this way for me.

I know that everyone has had a lot of varying experiences to move through (including Dave who’s been navigating rough, but potent waters with Boojum’s transition) and so, once again, I feel that where ever we each find ourselves is a place of synergy to others and exactly where is perfect to be.

Some are maybe being asked to lean into community, support from loved ones, or more inner trust and love of self while reflecting needed alchemy to their puzzle piece companions.

And others perhaps being that support or energetic anchor and creators of possibilities on the other side of the bridge where the pieces join.

Each integral to the other and even if not interacting directly in these ways, we are all frequency holders of equal value to the whole.

That second dream was the night before the Eclipse, and again, it moved with a flow that made it feel like an alignment had ignited and the portal the Eclipse opened, enabled the readiness within to move forward.

And in fact, I had a special interview lined up for three days after the Eclipse and when I viewed the video there was a noticeable frequency emanation I saw and felt when watching myself. We don’t often see ourselves, so it was very interesting to me, as it was truly like looking in the mirror and being able to see direct shifts embodied from what I recognized taking place in dream time. A very powerful reflection.

That’s why taking that pause to tune in with ourselves, how we’re feeling, and where find ourselves in the moment can be helpful as so often we overlook just how much we have actually evolved. It’s healthy to honor those steps.

Some other things that happened around the Eclipse were two nights of coyote packs howling and yipping directly behind our house in the forest. The first took place just as we went to bed, on the actual night of the Eclipse. A pack went on for a while to the left of the house in the forest, just down the trail we usually walk.

And then the very next night, after the Eclipse, they loudly woke us up at 3am, but this time we were both surprised as to how close they were. They sounded to be directly in back of our house, maybe no more than fifty feet from the back deck.

Coyote medicine is a prominent force on my current path, weaving in with my other key animal guides. I feel that their vocalization is a big part of that because sound is so front and center and speaks to me of creative self expression in communicating one’s authentic song, or voice. Even their ability as guardians to see things that others don’t feels important, as they highlight the potency of cycles from death to rebirth.

There’s been a lot of excitement here on the edge of the forest with birds and ground dwellers in a dance of joy for Spring’s presence. I’ve been watching all the varieties of birds going crazy, literally…as wild songs and excited chirps, as well as spiraling chases amidst lovers take place.

Even the little furry ones are squealing in delight, playing games of tag, and exploring my garden to discover what a new season offers them to enjoy. Chipmunk and squirrel cuteness run by the windows round the clock and of course Frith is reigning over it all like the Lord himself that he’s named after from Watership Down. Lord Frith is the Sun whom the rabbits basically see as the God of Rabbits.

And wouldn’t you know it…Frith was front row and center in our front yard bed on the morning of the Eclipse, just at the start of its cycle to totality.

We were heading out to drop Dave off to ski, while I was going to do some errands and personal things, and a feeling made me turn my head to find Frith sitting quietly, but regally as if he was awaiting us. I told Dave and we both watched him peacefully sit, munch, and sit some more – watching us.

Dave even noted that he wasn’t afraid at all with all the noise we were making loading the car and pulling out.

Of course Frith would be there for this potent event.

Later that day I found half of a bird’s eggshell on our hike out in the back forest, which spoke to me of cycles always renewing themselves and fresh ideas and possibilities were in the beginning phases of growth.

And even though our location visually experienced only 36% of the Eclipse, the animals were at 100% in terms of what they were mirroring to me of what I felt as a subtle dimensional roll although could have resulted as some being caught in between.

Our yard and garden here reflect that as well…the in between. I have so many bulbs flourishing in green brilliance with first the purple then white, and followed by yellow crocus beginning to blossom, but the ground is covered in the memories of seasons before.

I went out front to take a closer look at everything in the beds and I was greeted by two giant bumble bees enjoying the first crocus blooms.

I decided to take some photos, both of these harbingers of new beginnings and messengers between the spiritual and physical realms, while also of the merging of old and new in the beds before my Spring yard cleanup begins.

I thought I’d be starting this on Friday, but we had some thunderstorms and on and off showers that afternoon after a couple of days of warm 60’s temps.

And the forecasts also changed, yet again, so that the weekend’s predicted rain to snow visitors didn’t happen as thought. Saturday was precipitation free and the kisses of snow flurries got pushed to a short window on Sunday evening.

So, I’ll begin today after a hike, as the weather is perfect to get my clearing mode on during the partly cloudy and mild temps up ahead.

It feels really good that this process will begin and complete this week, as it’s one of the in betweens that will feel freeing to move into the next phase.

In crystal news, the afternoon of the Eclipse also highlighted some things around crystal cocreators I have with me. In particular, a Sirius Quartz known as one of The Pures that connects with Mt. Kailash and so much more, wanted to be front row, center stage and taken outside to be explored and in the energies of the day’s unfolding. I discovered rainbows I had never seen literally drenching the entire crystal in faery dust sparkles of color and light. The whole crystal just lit up and also revealed a key to me and a hidden manifestation. So, I would say that this crystal had been activated with the Eclipse energies to take me to the next step of the adventure. And since that time I spent with this being, there’s been extra sparkle and aliveness I can see, even indoors, from where it sits next to me at my desk and has called in another cocreator not long after that.

All of my crystals and crystal skulls feel and look like they’ve gone through an upgrade this week actually. There’s rearranging being called to order for refreshing grids, a lot of chatty activations going on between everyone, and a readiness approaching for tuning in on receiving messages and names that have been holding out for the right time. This all may lead to one more, final release – I’ll keep you posted if anyone tells me so, as it would make sense why they’ve stayed quiet in that regard until after the Eclipse kind of rearranging things in the subtle fields for connections.

Until then, for anyone who is looking for a first skull friend or an addition to your council, there are five special crystal skulls remaining and I am happy to assist with exploring the energies of any that may have been speaking to you. Four of them are perfect little travel companions and one is quite the powerhouse anchor. I added two videos at the top of the page link below that gives an overview of the last five, and then their individual listings, videos, photos, and info are found below that. Three are magickal children – these can be a softer access point for people to connect with deeper energies (for example the black obsidian supports a soft, playful entry into what one might deem more challenging) – one is humanoid (the amazing heart chakra emerald bridge), and the largest is a cross between galactic being and humanoid (the incredible blue apatite and orange calcite channels Arcturian energy to me).

Crystals & Crystal Skulls

Stay tuned, as there are a couple of new Talks With Crystal Skulls episodes upcoming too.

So a lot of momentum fluidly releasing and I can sense there’s going to be some interesting things developing.

But if you have felt, or still do feel perhaps, like you are in the in between and it is feeling uncomfortable, the first thing I have found to be helpful is making peace with exactly where you’re at and recognizing its perfection.

It also helps not to compare yourself to anyone else’s process and to remain present to your own experience.

In general, really focusing on your own journey, tuning in with yourself, your process, and your expression in life, I feel strengthens your sovereignty and nurtures the beauty of your own unique voice to flourish.

Some other things that could help include being curious about how you’re feeling, checking in with your body AND moving your body, shifting your perspective where possible, finding ways to feel gratitude for what you do have, tuning in to assess your core values and to identify what your heart truly wants, believing in yourself and that you deserve what you want, and taking the time to focus on self care to assist a recharge.

We are edging toward Taurus Season on the 19th, Earth Day on the 22nd, followed by a Scorpio Full Moon on the 23rd – all of which feel like a lot of deep healing at core levels to our very nature that can lead to regenerative experiences.

Makes sense, as this Moon is also the Full Moon of Primal Forces. Makes me think of the coyote packs that keep howling through my days. It’s also a Full Pink Moon and I love that tenderness leaning into the transformative process of such shadowy depths we can learn to play in, like the playful coyote as well.

That, to me, is key….to learn how to play in all fields of potential and not have judgment against one or the other being better or worse – simply a choice and also a choice as to how to experience it.

However we find ourselves to be experiencing life right now, leaning into compassion for self and others more can help to close the gaps between the differences – whether that’s contrasting spaces each person inhabits, or contrasting spaces you might feel caught between at the moment.

Everything we experience has its perfect tone within the harmonics of being.

Winter Solstice: The Light is Reborn Plus Episode 3 of Talks With Crystal Skulls, Surprise New Offerings & 5 Day Sale

This is the first Winter Solstice and Christmas without Astrid physically with us, so as you can imagine I am reminiscing about the special times we’ve spent with her over the years.

This enchanted season was a favorite of ours. Astrid loved to look out the windows at the Winter Wonderland scape before her, just as much as I did, and enjoyed all the wonders that lit both of our hearts.

So, indeed, there is a mix of feelings this year for this special time I hold dear. And in general, I do think it can bring up a variety of emotional waves for many and especially with all that is going on in the collective. As the year winds down and one reflects and reviews all that has unfolded in the months now behind us, may we release with every exhale and expand with every inhale.

With the loss of Astrid I’m riding those waves this time of year and it does stretch my heart muscles to feel even more beauty and warmth, as well as know the gifts that all of it makes available to unwrap.

I loved getting her special gifts to let her know how much she was adored and deserved the very best, but mostly we just loved snuggling up together.

It warmed my heart to see her happy, zooming about, cozying up by the fireplace to watch a movie with us, thumping her presence in a room, and making sure to let us know early in the morning that new snow had fallen across the land while we slept.

We even enjoyed some magickal photo shoots, while snow fell softly on our fur and hair.

She was a true snow bunny and I often thought of her more like a snowshoe hare, as she reminded me of these incredible, strong beings I experienced in the more northern parts of the Rockies of some of my favorite areas while we were in the Magick Bus – so mystical, wise, and illuminated with otherworldliness from within.

I’ll always remember Astrid’s first time setting her paws and thumpers on the snow after mom had just gone out barefoot in it herself. Hehe!

And how she almost got the best of mom…nearly escaping through the side of the gate I hadn’t pulled in tight. She looks at the opening and then turns back to me, as if to say, “Oh, nothing here to see mom.” Then after assuring me all is well, she turns back to go for it. That’s when I shut the video off before I have a true, wild snowshoe hare on the loose!

She even gave her signature thump on queue with the music in this short little video of her exploring her first snow. You’ll need to click through to the post itself to watch, as videos don’t show up embedded in emails if in fact that’s how you’re receiving this.

A Winter faery queen and her faery queen rabbit we will always be.

Astrid loved to dawn her crown proudly and step out safely in mom’s arms to explore the wild alpine world we called home together.

It warms my heart to look back on our memories we created and to know that her spirit is in every crystalline sparkle that winks at me from the fresh fallen snow.

She has left her mark and magick in every piece of life for me to unwrap each day.

There’s no more precious gift.

She also reminds me constantly that magick is a state of being that beats within our hearts. We merely need to embrace this inherent truth of our embodiment.

Magick is the way we experience life as a result of knowing this about ourselves.

When you realize the miraculous nature of your existence, you open yourself to being more present about the miraculous nature of all things from the smallest to largest.

The observer creates the experience both by perception and reflection. You have the ability to paint each day as you would like to experience it.

The world can be your Wonderland to navigate from the vision of your heart. Your inner landscape is yours alone to live by and no matter what takes place outside of that, no one can take away your experience, feelings, visions, or hope.

We’ve been enjoying so many magickal moments that Winter’s sparkle has woven into the fabric of our experience by constantly embracing that inner child wonder and belief around every corner. Even though Winter is only now officially here, and it’s a very mild one so far this year, there’s been enough little surprises from Jack Frost to make things wonderly.

The pendulum swing of seasons continues a bit, though, as we just had two plus days of rain and wet snow where we are that melted away our white carpet, but this did bring a few inches of new snow at the mountain tops.

That didn’t stop us, as we just jump right into Nature’s current expression and enjoy what she has to share. That has included some wet forest walks out back.

And if we hadn’t embraced the moment, no matter what shows up, we wouldn’t have discovered this beautiful little bird’s nest.

How perfectly synchronous to my post on 12/5 where I mentioned seeing a vision of a nest in my mind’s eye as reflection of energetic themes. You might recall this description I wrote in sharing how the nest felt like:

“…the rhythmic pattern of love and intentions woven into the most intricate and devoted ways. A labyrinth of commitment and dedication to the seeds cultivated within. A swathing of content interlacing dreams into forms and embodying a sacred geometry of the heart’s expression. The nest as a weaving of the heart wanting never to cease spreading its energy in the exquisite way only love knows how.”

This little nest we found on our walk the 18th is a perfect reflection of this. You can’t see fully in the photo, but the inner core of it is absolutely exquisite with the tiniest of interwoven fibers so delicately and meticulously laced with love and intention. I will be preparing it, once it dries out from the fresh rain, and adding it to my ever-growing nest mobile that is a centerpiece of sacred intention and energy in our space.

And in the outdoor space, the expansive vistas and quiet terrain have been a fresh breath, since most people aren’t out enjoying Nature walks at this time of year and especially not in the in between.

Even wildlife here is mirroring this in between, as the bear theme continues strong.

The bears are not hibernating yet and even the small animals have been out and about with unusual behavior. While starting a hike with our friend and his dog where the above photo was taken, a large coyote greeted us and seemed to be wandering in the later morning and we’ve been seeing a lot of large gray squirrels dashing about, sometimes seeming disoriented. We’ve also seen deer tracks in the snow, which we don’t usually.

I mentioned in one of the videos about a crystal skull available, that I overheard our neighbors talk about a big bear that had come to their house recently. And just yesterday we found another half eaten pumpkin by our bear friend from our neighbor’s front yard.

Well, then these two sightings hit the headlines about bears crossing the ski slope at the resort we ski at.

Bear at Heavenly Ski Resort Darts Across Ski Run

Mother Bear and Two Cubs Crossing Under Ski Lift

This is the run, below, and in fact we were skiing on these days when the above bear sightings took place, although we didn’t see them firsthand. Dave was there when the first one happened and we were both there when the second did.

Playing in the in between is where the field of potentials and alchemy stir. It’s always interesting to see what things ignite in that potent space.

Our more consistent snow isn’t forecasted until just after Christmas, but we venture up and down the mountain to immerse in some of both worlds, just as right now the collective feels to be experiencing different worlds and timelines.

When we anchor ourselves within our hearts and create that as our center of peace, we can then more easily move in and out of experiences, worlds, timelines, and what ever shows up in life. This core of you is your home, your grounding, your reference point for all else. It can be your stabilizer, as well as your fluidity so that you can maneuver more easily and navigate what shows up.

And when we create that inner stability, then we open ourselves up to more love.

The way to experience more love, is to love more.

Contrary to our ego mind’s conditioning to want to protect ourselves from a survival standpoint, the higher self’s wisdom is to feel without limitation and to breathe into each expansion and contraction so that we stretch the muscles into greater realms of possibility. This part of us knows how resilient our hearts actually are and that to place a limit on the alchemy of love, is like locking away your power and potential – love leads to growth and unlimited creative potential.

Any time my heart has ached, the depth of breathing into the human beauty of feeling has led me to know greater love. It’s not always easy, but until we lean into it we won’t actually experience the truth of love’s power.

Opening my heart to all experiences, has led me to the now and I’m grateful to feel SO much, as it’s led to special moments like these that are entwined with great and small gifts in all varying shades and colors of life’s artistic expressions.

So, as we embrace this beautiful Winter Solstice, what parts of you might you extend a little more love to and a little shift of perspective on to see how magickal your illuminated existence truly is for the collective?

Where do you feel contractions to your heart’s ability to feel?

And how might you surround yourself with something that lights your heart in ways that supports some softening into love’s strength?

We don’t all have tender childhood memories to call up, but we do have the ability to love that inner child in all the ways she or he deserves, right now.

When I was growing up, I had a nutcracker that looked similar to this giant one above. I called him my boyfriend and he in fact was the nutcracker I danced with as Clara in The Nutcracker ballet.

I imagined many things when I was a child and continue that dreaming into today. Imagination is where dreams take root so it becomes important to bring that part of us into our adult years to help continue the momentum of creative visualization helping to form realities.

It took me many years and a lot of heart stretching into the greater love zones to manifest my Nutcracker alive, just like I experienced being Clara, dancing in my dreams with him as a child.

But every step is part of the manifesting process and even the unearthing and unwinding to recreate process, bringing one closer to the essence of our visions for the highest good, layer by layer…just like it takes experimenting with the ingredients to find the aligned recipe for that gold alchemy or universal elixir.

Sometimes life is like exploring a vast library with rooms connected to rooms, shelves upon shelves, spiral staircases to each floor, stretching out in all directions…and each day and moment you can pick out a different book, turn to a new page, read a new paragraph, and understand things from a different light of that moment.

You also have the ability to become the author of each day’s book and write the story for that day from morning forward, or start rewriting your “herstory” or “history” as you would like to know it to be – reworking the pages of your inner world with all the magickal ingredients of your choosing, imagination, editing, discarding, or blending.

Some of that is about seeing the journey like a “choose your own adventure” book where you get to pick the twists and turns and even the beginning and ending, over and over.

How ever you want to see and experience things, make it your own, AND….make it fun.

Wishing you warm fuzzies that kindle the light within your heart to glow more brilliantly even when the day feels short, as this inner lantern will help you navigate any storm and know your way through any form of darkness.

Warmth is a state of heart that comes through the sharing of our love, kindness, and creative magick.

Winter Solstice is when the light is reborn and you remember that a new beginning always stirs.

Today’s Winter Solstice felt like the perfect portal to share Episode #3 of Talks With Crystal Skulls. It explores the world of crystal skulls some more and will be the first time we hear from The Speakers.

Yep, there will be some messages and other introductions that may speak to something within you.

I hope you enjoy this little Solstice gift from our hearts to yours (mine and The Speakers that is). Again, the video won’t be visible if you’re receiving this by email, so please click through to watch or you can visit my YouTube channel taniamariemagick directly.

If you watch the full episode, you’ll also learn about the new crystal skull sessions with The Speakers. This was a surprise unfolding for me, but I continue to listen to the prompts they share and say, “yes” to what is showing up. Energy sessions and channeling sessions are now available – the energy sessions are the most powerful transmissions I’ve yet to experience. They wanted me to introduce these in the show, but greater detail about the two kinds of sessions can be found here:

The Speakers: Crystal Skull Sessions

There’s also a surprise crystal skull Winter Solstice Sale that they told me to offer for the remaining skulls in order to help get these beings to their cocreators and help support the work ahead, as well as to let you know there’s some pretty special little gifts that each is accompanied by. This special will begin today 12/21 Winter Solstice through 12/25 Christmas Day – 5 magickal portal days that Astrid and I adore.

Included in the group of four is a Brazilian hand carved, spectacular, large elestial smoky quartz crystal skull alchemist with tons of rainbows that walks and bridges both the Earth and Cosmic realms – this is one is exceptional and hard to find at this value for size and quality. This skull and the next can really support you to stretch your spiritual muscles into the next phase of your evolution, so if you’re doubting your new up-leveling, they invite you to embrace more of your personal power and trust. – This one is CLAIMED

Then there’s a powerful Himalayan quartz with black tourmaline and iron oxide star being master carved by Subhash Meena, with heart carved at the third eye, channeling Cosmic love and connecting with multi dimensional realms, while supporting and grounding high level spiritual transformation into embodiment (pricing already discounted from its original value before sale).

Then there’s an Indonesian chrysoprase (heart chakra and growth stone) gentle, but powerful skull being that supports journeying challenges with more serenity and stability, helps with all levels of emotional challenges (broken heart, anxiety, intense emotions), and helps bring more joy, optimism, and prosperity. – This one is CLAIMED

And last a Leandro master carved golden healer quartz star traveler master healer working high vibrations in a gentle way to support you reaching your highest potential, open to possibilities, live life more fully, and reach goals with love and optimism. – This one is CLAIMED

You can explore the remaining crystal skull spiritual allies, and more about each, that await their heart home here (special offerings will be reflected individually):

Crystals & Crystal Skulls

At this same page, you will also find a brand new opportunity for bringing home powerful crystal friends. I’ve just added “Personal Crystal Showings” as a way to explore crystal friends in a private experience.

As the paragraph on this describes on that page near the top: This is for very special, personal release crystals from my collection that are ready to work with new cocreators. I have a large group of potent and incredible crystals – too many to post – so if you would like to have me help you with finding one for you or would like to see what is available, please reach out. You will be sent a video of the pieces to explore. This is a way I feel I can better serve your individual needs and work more intimately with you in connecting cocreators – something I love to do! Great discounts and special bundle pricing will be available.

The contact link is at the page as well.

And last, I’ve just recently updated the page of Mody Ra’s work with a variety of smaller carvings that include Isis, Sekhmet, Horus, Bastet, Earth/Gaia Goddesses, Sphinx, Dolphins, Flower of Life, Scarab, and Moons in Ancient Egyptian Stones. There is also an incredible, large Nefertiti head carving of extremely old black basalt from Aswan Temple of Isis. All stones comes from sacred areas of Egypt.

There are just 3 skulls remaining from the initial introduction, and 1 brand new one that’s just a little teaser of more to come in January. The last skull on the page link below is carved in an extremely rare, new Ancient Egyptian Stone Tomb find – Granite – that is a one-of-a-kind. There are no other skulls carved in this stone. On Mody’s last visit to Egypt, from which he just returned on the 14th, he was working with a group of the rarest stones he has yet to see and work with, which this last skull is one of. I had the opportunity to be in on this process of securing the stones with him and seeing it all unfold from the start. We’ll be sharing an upcoming episode in the New Year about the stones. You’re in for a treat with these and he’s taken his carvings to the next level, yet again (wait until you see the images carved into the upcoming ones). I’m so excited to receive the new pieces he custom carved for me from this group and I just know those of you who are drawn to ancient stones and skulls will find these new skulls out of this world.

Egyptian Skulls & Dragons by Mody Ra

Happy Winter Solstice dear friends!

Cycles of Mourning Leading to Renewal ~ Flower Moon Blossoming Potential

Waking up to Jack Frost’s sneak appearance heralded an interlude blog post before returning to the shares lined up in my intuitive queue. 😉

I’ve continued to experience strange, but mysteriously beautiful and odd things, as well as powerful messengers, findings, and even dreamscapes – both my own and of me appearing in other people’s dreams they share with me.

Coyote continues to cross my path – she just did again two days ago – I found another Algiz Rune in the forest (below), discovered nearly half of a transitioned female mallard duck, and held space for my dear Cosmo, whose birthday it just was four days ago.

Finding the female mallard came right after seeing mallards swimming in the pond with only one duckling. The others may not have made it, but then seeing the one female dead was like a rebirth cycle right before my eyes.

Bones and transitioned animals always seem to find me amongst other discoveries. It appears to be my role as a bridge to also witness and hold space for the natural cycles. I honor every one I find in their own way, bury, do energy work, and receive the messages.

Finding the female mallard also spoke to my own shifts and rebirthing I feel underway, although the form is unknown as to what will unfold.

The enchanted and mystical sightings of late on hiking trails hold promise that whatever does, will be in divine flow. In these times, having these supportive messages has brought much needed comfort.

There’s a sacred feminine aspect transmuting across the collective. It is this depth I’ve been navigating recently as to its merging with the new.

The winds of change indeed keep blowing and in fact we have Spring snow blanketing everything today. It came in late yesterday and continues on as I write this. We’re at about five or six inches where we are and more up at the mountain tops.

So, yes, just as the blooms begin to pop along the trails here, a Spring snow storm blows in. Continuing in the theme of “expect the unexpected” these beauties you see in all the photos from yesterday, above and below, are under a little snow blanket today that tucked them in last night.

The weather shifted mid-hike yesterday and as we climbed up the trail with full lake view the whole way, we watched as the clouds started to engulf the north end of the lake and edge toward us. On our descent, the warm sunshine turned to brisk wind and clouds.

There were so many beauties starting to emerge, including the very first wild irises, and to think this is just the beginning though is incredible, as there will be so many wildflowers everywhere in all varieties from miniature for only faery eyes to see, to large and center stage for all eyes to gaze upon.

Indeed you know I stop to smell all the flowers and marvel at their beauty. Their time in the sunlight is fleeting so I embrace every moment I have to experience them when I can. You never know what’s coming next and the time you’ll have to enjoy something. “Do it now” is my way of living life fully.

A Spring snow blanket now casts its wand of enchantment everywhere and actually feels so perfect for what I’m experiencing within, as the waves of intensities and softness ebb and flow. Cocooning in reflection and transformative incubation is where I find myself still, so it doesn’t surprise me that Jack Frost is still sneaking about. In fact, I find him comforting.

That’s also mountain life for you, as if you choose to live in the mountains of any region, nature and weather patterns are ever-changing, moment-to-moment. That’s the beauty of why we live here and personally I have found every change to be consistent with my inner world. Perhaps it is for others, too, even if they choose not to embrace it.

But the element of surprising changes is also reflective of the unpredictability of these times and we can either fight or flow with – the latter being more like Mother Earth.

There’s a constant cycling of death and rebirth, mourning and renewal happening, but with everything speeding up, it all seems as though it’s intensified more than usual. I continue to hear of the loss of loved ones, including animal companions, everywhere and even if one is not experiencing these literal physical losses it may come in the form of symbolic transitions within certain areas of our lives or certain aspects of our individuality and human expression.

Many souls are not meant for the new frequencies coming in and others are able to support the new frequencies far better from off-planet. And even their transition itself aids the shifts in motion, as everything carries an energy signature and key codes that are connected to the whole continuum of what is in momentum.

A lot of transitions continue as the Earth collective recalibrates and everyone decides, on a soul level and within their divine contracts, where their role is most useful. If we only identify as human, this can all be confusing and devastating. When we begin to soften our scope into curious exploration of more than just these physical bodies, we start to understand a bigger picture at hand.

We are mourning and celebrating every moment.

Having experienced the worst loss in my life has helped prepare me for every loss that’s come after and helped me transmute them as the gifts, rather than punishments, that they in fact are. That doesn’t mean our human hearts don’t feel pain, but every feeling is a portal to The Great Mystery.

As I ride another wave of complex and contrasting energies, I see that we’re in the doorway of the next Lunar cycle and so everything I’ve been seeing around me and feeling within doesn’t feel out of sorts.

I’ve always been extra connected to Earth and her cycles – in fact since I was young, I’ve actually seen how I’m tied into her expressions including earthquakes and shifting weather patterns. Interestingly, we’ve felt quite a few earthquakes over the last month or so that have taken place on the California side. We live on the Nevada side, but these recent shakes have echoed inner shifts and my own “letting off steam” during processing. We actually had never really ever felt any rocking and rolling while living here in the years now, or previously. And suddenly 4 to 5 rumbles have rolled in closer proximity and I found it reminiscent of years ago when I would have something huge change in my life or an epiphany happen and boom!

But like the blossoms that have emerged, I have in fact felt a softening of the rough edges to collective energies I’m transmuting. I am also taking steps to amp up my energetic boundaries, do some intentional personal spell castings of my own, and getting my hands in another faery kitchen alchemy creation from yesterday’s gorgeous manzanita harvest – the last of the season.

I don’t know what it is about these blossoms, but they really touch my heart and feel like the perfect ingredients needed right now. I managed to harvest eighteen cups this time of the sweetest little faery blossoms that tickle my heart. And as the snow falls today, I’ll be cooking up batches of delight with them.

With a heart full of gratitude, I thank the Elementals of the land for their gifts and blessings. All I want to do these days is immerse in the richness of Earth all around me. Thank goodness for the bounty of nature we live in. There is nothing to complain about and everything to be thankful for.

There’s been a plethora of enchanted and mysterious little finds, including a bunch of portals and vortex areas like these:

Check out the tiny door at the bottom of the giant juniper across a mini faery field of lichen, juniper needles and berries, and yellow wild flowers.

I’ve definitely been anchoring more into my inner Forest Witch lately.

Finding this incredible giant tree root creating a witchy throne portal full of deep mystery and powerful energy, was just the perfect activation.

This coming Wednesday the 26th ignites the Sagittarius Super Blood Moon Total Lunar Eclipse – this Full Moon is also known as the Flower Moon (synchronous to all the wildflowers in bloom right now) and will undoubtedly continue to inspire a plethora of blossoming transformation in our lives.

It’s a time to be explorative and adventurous, add variety – the spice of life to our lives, communicate with clarity, be open to possibilities and options beyond your limited scope, stay open minded in general, release attachments to anything rigid and that blocks you to your wholeness, and embrace the potential for emotional cleansing that leads to renewal.

Full Moons are a time for taking stock of all you DO have to be grateful for and to be extra mindful of all that you complain about day-to-day and moment-to-moment.

How might you refocus that attitude to be more effective in actually funneling energy toward change, rather than constantly spinning a web of negativity and limited perspective? Everything that bothers you holds the alchemy needed to free you.

Look at what needs a little clean up in your life and pluck things out so you can recreate more with conscious intention.

Try to recognize the good in your life and all the blessings around you, including the people around you who despite any perceived shortcomings have their own challenges they face relative to their life path, which we have no idea about since we’re only here living out our own – and may not even really connect the dots to all of that ourselves.

This is a time to reflect and then plant literal and symbolic seeds, then water them with more true, unconditional and compassionate love.

Sweet New Moon Wishes of Softening Potential

Wishing everyone a beautiful New Moon of sweet possibilities. I’m feeling like a cool breeze has blown in carrying with it a refreshed and inspired energy around this Gemini Moon, and as if a softer layer has been revealed under any resistance that might have been present. It’s perfect support for the current book cover painting commission I’m working on that is a portal of possibility itself.

I was never hugely drawn to pink, except for when I was a little girl and now that the little girl me is so much freer within my inner world, wearing pink feels nurturing. There’s an innocent little faery giggle I hear in pink that feels like a burst of sweet strawberry icing on the tongue or puffy cotton candy clouds dancing in a baby blue sky. Perhaps the shedding of more and more layers has uncovered a magnetism for it. Pink feels soft, vulnerable, innocent, sensitive, hopeful, romantic, calm and joyfully loving.

Softness, to me, being a message on a wider scale asking of us, where can we soften our inner dialogue, rigid perspectives, angry behaviors, harsh judgments of others or self, and our hardened shells we learned to erect for perceived, self preservation?

Protection can help nurture freedom, but can also restrict evolution. It’s not about having no boundaries, but the comfort in knowing you can energetically create these when needed as balance, and not simply out of constant separation, judgment, insecurity, and isolation projections.

Themes I keep sensing and are increasingly revving up for people include anxiety and stress at an all-time high, amplification of fears while illusion and escapism don a cloak of intuition that hides the reality of them, confusion as to how to navigate the deeper, darker depths in order to open the wisdom behind the fear doors that keep you away from yourself, and barriers to self knowing, love, and care because the conditioned cycles have been circling around for so long. It’s easy to get caught up in what’s going on outside and with trying to make everyone else change, but this is a futile mission without softening your own inner world around the ways you might resist change yourself.

There aren’t only contradictions in our outer world circulating, but also within us, which can torment us endlessly and war with each other to the detriment of own exhaustion. This New Moon window aids us in illuminating the possibility to see yourself more clearly. Gemini brings new perspectives so that misunderstandings can be brought to light.

Communication and perspective are highlighted now, which includes how you see things and communicate with yourself. An invitation to truth is a way to practice opening up to real conversations and discovering what you’re holding back or holding yourself back from. This is a great time to clear out the mental chatter, inner clutter and stories that are taking up time, energy, and space in your world.

Fear can hinder your expression, creativity, growth, and overall well-being and potential. A new approach to life constantly beckons us and doorways like this New Moon can support that if you’re willing.

Connection is also valuable right now and finding ways that suit you to feel more connected with others, All That Is, Nature, and yourself. Finding avenues that resonate for you and help cultivate this more are wonderful…writing, communicating, networking, reaching out, being in Nature, sharing your gifts…are forms of connecting.

Perhaps if you do too much technological connecting, then simpler ways might be a fresh start via communicating through your talents, immersing with Nature, using energy work or meditation. Or, if you’ve felt more isolated, maybe a technology upgrade to help you tune in with others or share your gifts on a larger scale might be activating.

It’s also a wonderful opportunity to recreate yourself…imagining a whole new you you’d like to express in the world. Here you can ask yourself how your life, actions, speech, and feelings align with your values. What message are you embodying and transmitting to the world? Are you consistent in what you believe, say, feel, and how you behave?

A lot of people tell me that they’ve done everything – positive thinking, self-healing, growth processes, and sometimes even exhausted medical help if they have a physical challenge….and are exhausted. Understandably they want so much to learn the lessons, feel better, and be done with things. They share that they want to feel whole and sense there must be more than meets the eye, as they simply can’t shift out and break free. I understand that frustration, having been there many times myself.

They ask me if there’s anything missing?

I don’t claim to know all of the why’s of their challenges, as there can be many levels to it to explore and uncover, but what I do find that can many times fundamentally be at the core is that sometimes people aren’t fully ready to embrace being freed or “healed” as they call it, as this would call for a whole new way of life, being, and responsibility.

The challenge seems to serve them in some way and there’s a part of them that is not really ready for what it means to not have the challenge anymore. It can be something very deep we hide from ourselves. So it becomes important to root out any thoughts and impressions, deep beliefs and feelings for why you may not feel “deserving” of this integration to take place. And perhaps even why you may be afraid of the “responsibility” that comes along with it.

Perhaps the very challenge is also what fuels the beauty of who you are and what you have to impart in service to others – in essence, it provides the “gusto” behind your message and dreams.

Sometimes we can’t see our wholeness that already IS within the experience we are having. That there is a perfection in the experience when we release it from definitions of life’s should’s and should not’s. We get in our own way when we think we know it all or have tried everything.

First off, this is not possible, as the universe is unlimited and it is self-deceptive to think you have explored all possibilities. You may have gone as far as your current perspectives are open to, but I assure you that they always have more room to expand…limitlessly in fact. And simply, too.

Sometimes it can be the smallest of tweaks that makes the difference, which comes at the right time and place for that click to put things into motion. There’s no time frame or right or wrong about this. It’s a journey and an experience of spirit in motion of being human.

If you find yourself hitting a wall, learn to love this wall, as it is there for a reason, take a break and allow your feelings and mind to refresh and let your subconscious percolate with the feelings and frustration for a while. When you separate from the need to have to get a solution then you work with and align with your energy instead of against it. It’s this embracing and love that will enable you to see more than one solution and from your heart you can find your creative power to create something new.

Life really calls for a softening in our hearts on all levels and toward life itself. It’s understandable that life circumstances can create a hardening, but at some point we may need to unlearn that, as hardening tends to crack and break at some point.

Clarity and true compassion comes with softness.

Softening isn’t about weakness. It’s a strength that knows it needs no false shield to be empowered. Standing fiercely in transparency and truth comes with a softer approach. One that is willing to reveal the authenticity and trusts the power of that to speak for itself.

Quick Update:

Online Reiki Training Certification Classes are almost full. I’m only taking 6 participants per class and here is the current availability.

Reiki Level 1: FULL (However due to there being 1 available space in each of the other 2 classes & a new student may want to do all 3, I’m opening Reiki Level 1 an extra space for someone interested in registering for all of the levels. I’ll also take names for a waiting list for this as a stand-alone class)

Reiki Level 2: 1 space available

Reiki Level 3 Master Teacher: 1 space available

You can register in full or hold your space with a deposit here:


And our Magick Rabbit Etsy Shop continues to host our biggest sale through June 20th, Summer Solstice. We have a few notebook journals, greeting cards, prints, and original mini and large paintings remaining. We continue to support rescue rabbits with sales, and with the current, mirroring, deadly virus strain (RHDV2) pandemic for rabbits (killing both wild and domestic rabbits), this is especially dear to my heart to do.

Change is in the Air ~ Online Reiki Classes & Spiraling New Directions


I write this from the Forest Portal’s surprise Spring snow day, again reflecting how things shift moment-to-moment. Yesterday was special because it marked what would have been Cosmo’s (my sweet rabbit boy) fourteenth Earth birthday and on his day, as I do always with all of my dear ones’ special days, we communed through nature. Our adventure hike in Washoe Indian area was a revisit of one we only introduced ourselves to part of a couple of weeks ago for the first time with intention to complete it.


We decided on a picnic hike (above photo in a field of blooming bitterbrush was our chosen rest spot) for the nearly eight miles of exploration, which not only graced us with a solo journey without seeing a human the whole time, but proved my words before we left to be foretelling of the gifts Cosmo would bring forth for us.

I said out loud to Dave, “I wonder what Cosmo will gift us this time? What messages does he have? What animals might we see, what feather might he leave?” Well, the wildly windy day (feeling like 50 mile an hour winds at times) with a mist of faery rain drops keeping us cool, but never wet, spoke of their own purposeful, timely messages and nurturing alongside the unusual sightings.

The only companions were coyote crossing our path with a black tipped tail, raven flying overhead with a snake in its mouth, and a huge pile of the most gorgeous feathers from a Sooty Grouse with peacock tipped iridescence in gold, bronze, green, blue, purple, and pink but no body, bones or blood around – just stunning plumes. Minutes later I found a longer feather you can see pictured below with the others from a different bird – maybe hawk or osprey?


I knew each sighting was a gift and omen that I was to receive from Cosmo so I honored the bird and wrapped the ones I was called to, gently in my shirt. Being an area the Washoe Indians frequented, created extra reverence for this bird, and the gift Cosmo had brought through the Universe to me. Many Plains Indian tribes used to honor these birds with a Grouse Dance. My dance will be a sacred ritual of intention and creation this week onward, lighting each step with newly infused perspective and energy.

The photos don’t do the colors justice when the sunlight hits them, but I was told I’ll be creating something sacred with these at some point and they are a gift for imagining and manifesting that beauty.

They carry a message of personal power, protection, purpose, centering, grounding, harnessing energy for clearly defined goals, the sacred spiral for vision and enlightenment with the Great Mystery, sacred and rhythmic movement and harmonized dance within Earth’s cycles for higher awareness, creation of selfless beauty, ceasing external movement for inner life realization, and new rhythms, teachings, creations, and rituals to lead you into new dimensions.

Once abundant, grouse are now less prolific, but its feathers sure speak to abundance, beauty, and rituals that bridge Cosmos and Earth. This beautiful being somehow feels like an extended hand of clarity and connection to help me integrate the new and bring through what I’ve struggled with expressing.


And lastly, right before the hike ended three very cosmic-like deer crossed our path and just kept watching us without fear. I thought at first they were all female, but one walked out before they leaped gracefully away and it had tiny antlers growing about three inches or so – a boy! I knew right away this was Cosmo, Joy and Nestor – my rabbit soul family has often showed up in deer form when no one else is around.

In Glacier National Park, two cosmic deer had shown up after Joy’s transition – they were Nestor and Joy, as Cosmo was still with us. Yesterday Cosmo joined the girls and their showing up through the portal of unusual energies and signs felt like they were opening a new doorway for me. There may be some twists and turns as things transform, but a promise invites me – both a new one and a reminder of the old one I made. There’s that sacred spiral that grouse speaks of.

Much of the day reminded me of the adventures we had with Cosmo and Joy while in the Magick Bus for 1 1/2 years – similar vistas, memories popping up of favorite places this reminded me of, that in between-worlds energy, nobody else around, similar sightings including grouse and cosmic deer, and strange but interesting weather.


I’m still reflecting on the messages of these signs he sent, as there feels to be a story he’s sharing through them of things upcoming. A spiral dance in motion of bringing me back to center.

I also received clarification yesterday around another change. Cosmo has a very clear way of coming through since he departed on Halloween/Samhain when the veils are thinnest.

Although I won’t regularly be teaching Reiki anymore, it came through that I can and will offer just one class per each level of Reiki this year.

It might be an ongoing, once yearly offering, but for now it’s something I’ve opened to because of the state of things in the world where energetic upgrades would be beneficial, and due to inquiries both spoken and unspoken. I get a lot of messages from people on the energetic levels, so I’m putting this out there in case it speaks to you.


I’ve created a separate page with some information and how you can register.

I’ll be opening the Reiki training to online availability only, likely via Zoom, but maybe Skype to only 6 participants for each class.

These will not be starting until August, as I need time to focus on current and new projects, as well as the new changes in my life upcoming that Cosmo is also hinting at and conveying importance in timing of.

I have a very busy few months of client sessions, book cover painting for an author, writing, wedding details, record keeping for our side business, and channeling new information coming through in an anchored way. I feel some large changes on the horizon that my current projects are stepping stones toward, which makes them integral to complete.

So, the page will not have specific dates in the months proposed. That is something I will finalize once I see who actually commits to and confirms their participation, as I will then be able to communicate with the group and customize and optimize days and times for the whole.

You’ll have the ability to register with deposit, or in full on the page below.

Please contact me with any questions, to discuss your unique path, and/or individual specific needs at the contact link on this page too, so I can know how to support you best:


FYI: If you contact me and don’t hear back from me in a day or two, please check your spam folder because I’ve had a lot of people find my emails there for some reason. You can also check back with me again in a couple of days if you don’t hear from me and I’ll message you a different way if needed. 

Ask Astrid Fridays ~ The Rabbit’s Corner: Surprises That Change Your Life in Wondrous Ways

You’ve all experienced the element of surprise – the moments that take you off-guard or provide quite the shock to your life. These jolts can take the form of unwelcome and shattering surprises, sweet and exciting ones, and a whole gamut in between. In any of these cases, surprises herald shifts in your feelings and experiences that act like defining moments in your life that provide opportunity and greater possibility.

Today’s message from Astrid is about learning to find greater peace with surprise and to know that while sometimes these surprises feel painful or challenging, they can also be eye-opening, nurturing, and reflections of you being ready for so much more.


Being that tomorrow marks the official day four years ago that I adopted Cosmo, our special needs bunny extraordinaire, Astrid is inviting him into today’s message because she knows that like her appearance in my life, he was a huge surprise to me, too. One that brought along more than I knew anything about at the time, but became the defining moment of life shifts, heart healing, and greater essence embodiment for me.

Surprises can jolt you into greater recognition of who you are.

And while some surprises you may want to fight, challenge, or feel defeated and crushed by, each provides you the opportunity to drop into more presence of the moment and see where you’ve been invited to rise to the occasion of you.

Something simple like a surprise gift, a smile, a “thank you,” or an “I love you” might drop you into the opportunity to receive, feel how special you are, flip a switch on your current emotional state, or to open and give more freely.

Something much larger like a surprise injury, illness, a move, a break-up, loss of a job, stress, or having to say “goodbye” to someone or something might drop you into slowing down, nurturing yourself more, making adjustments that are more enriching for you, realizing how much there is to be grateful for, creating more balance, aligning you with better opportunities and fulfillment, is speaking to your having more strength and resiliency than you think, and is inviting you to step out in bigger ways, as you have more now to support and inspire others with while you expand and evolve through the experience.

Yes, surprises can be jolting in what you define as good and not-so-good ways, but ultimately the Universe or All That Is doesn’t judge them as either. They are simply the next part of the web you are stretching out to weave.

There was once a time that the continual, not-so-fun surprises used to hit my life and I’d wonder what the heck I was doing so wrong to have them take place. Even injuries used to initially be a downer and questioning of my efforts gone in vain.

But I learned quickly this was no way to approach things if I actually wanted the peace and joy I desired. It would only put me in a downward spiral, creating greater difficulty and effort to rise out of.

And along came Cosmo.

He had every bit of his bunny joy cut away when an injury at his foster home left him unable to walk. He became a “down” bunny, unable to run, binky, jump, fully clean himself, or even get to his cecotropes on his own. He endured daily pain from his spinal injury and growing arthritis.

And yet his demeanor remained unconditionally loving, compassionate, and joyful. Everything was sweetness to him and he never hesitated to show you his love.

Although I’d learned that these “surprises” in life were not my fault or something to punish myself about, or to get angry and defeated by, it wasn’t until Cosmo came along that I truly learned how to embody these ideas, as his example and presence in my life revealed his consistent and constant embodiment of rising to the occasion.


“He knew the way to your heart,” Astrid says. “Only he could make the lasting impression that would linger with you forever and make the next needed shifts. And so your worlds collided because you both were ready. Even though you’d never cared for a special needs child, he knew your heart would find the way because of the love you both shared. Although all of us – the rabbits in your life – have been children to you, he was truly your baby, sharing a bond of mother and child in every sense of that relationship. And yet, he was also your teacher to help you into the next chapter.”


“He was definitely a huge surprise to me on so many levels. The circumstances bringing us together were highly unusual and came out of no where. Not to mention, at a time when so much was changing and unknown – when I didn’t even think I’d be around much longer. I didn’t even know the full circumstances of what his condition was and what would be involved to care for him. He just pushed open the door I left a crack open to in my heart and everything flooded in. I was constantly surprised how much deeper my heart grew, how bonded we became so fast, and how much joy every aspect of caring for his special needs brought to me. While I cared for him, I know I was caring for myself. He was the little broken parts of the inner child me and all of the pains I’d carried over the years and lives, now come to be seen as whole and perfect, as I saw him whole and perfect. We didn’t have anything to heal. We needed only to love. Love erased any wrongs and was the valuable residue that would always remain long after,” I answer. “Life suddenly became sweeter and consistently seen only through love.”

“Surprises come in many forms and bring along with them a string of gifts and potentials when you move with them rather than against them,” Astrid adds. “Just like your most recent injury.”

“Yes, I’ve not once been upset over my knee and it’s interesting how immediately through that moving with it, as you said, I noticed my body surrendering into what it wanted with ease. Resting, slowing down, refocusing, making changes – it all just flowed and seems seamless,” I answer. “And interestingly, my leg has been undergoing rapid healing. I was completely embracing of it potentially taking months, but things have been shifting so fast.”

“You didn’t fight the surprise, nor judge it. When you live life with greater presence and experience it as a whole – not one aspect being better or worse, but simply pieces of purpose and promise – things move quickly. You become conscious of the gifts sooner and even humor finds a sweet spot within the experience. Some thing may be harder to grasp in such a way, but each smaller surprise, and some of the larger ones you’ve already moved through, will help act as reminders. You don’t always get to see what might have been, had these surprises not happened. Sometimes they are detours to something you might deem far worse. Sometimes they are detours to something incredible you can’t imagine yet. Sometimes they’re simply growing pains. And still, perhaps they needn’t be any of these. Could not surprises be revealing an opportunity to experience something simply different or new? Could not surprises swing you back and forth through contrasting experiences to help you to release the idea of an ideal. That maybe, just maybe, surprises are calculated perfection within all that is naturally in harmony,” Astrid concludes.

Ask Astrid Fridays ~ The Rabbit’s Corner: Spiraling Through the Next Door


Today’s message from Astrid is a bit delayed, as it felt to be something that needed time to percolate and is deeper than even the two of us can express in words. So, instead of my usual morning blog time, Astrid encouraged me to go skiing while she felt into things and I cleared my head while getting some exercise before the next storm hits later today through the weekend.

And that’s just what Astrid seems to be picking up on and wanting to share about… your journey may at times seem relentless with one storm after another hitting, either in cycles or out of the blue.

She knows how things can seem hopeless or like you’re running in circles sometimes (and not the fun zipping around in binky-infused circles that rabbits do), but a lot of this can be compounded by the fact that you may be attached to ideas about how things “should” look or you give up just before the breakthrough.

And then there are things to be aware of that may be running the show, like what natal energies and propulsion you were born with – in essence the gifts of this life’s expression.

This is where the journey becomes very individual, as while we share collective themes, each person has their own deck of cards they’ve been dealt in terms of expressions chosen to experience, genetics running through your veins and DNA, and deep-seeded belief systems that have followed your family history – both birth family and collective family.

It can get tricky and sticky when focused on repatterning and breaking forth to blaze a new trail.

And while doing so, you will likely lose sight of the journey because the goal or the pain becomes the focus.

Astrid feels like although this isn’t a new message, it is one so many continue to struggle with and so she wants to come at it from as many angles as possible to assist the process.

Some things just feel really hard and almost like you can’t get a handle on them or understand why they aren’t moving, or moving as fast as you’d like.

These are the core challenges that run the show and ask of us to look so much further than mentalizing, or shuffling things around on the surface.

Once again, you will find the most challenging pieces to be locked within the recesses of your deepest emotions, placed there by a belief system you may only have recently become aware of running the show.

Astrid carries the same within her. Although she has made leaps and bounds, and is much more than who she appears to be, she knows that a whole bloodline of rabbit history is running through her bunny veins and patterns of prey-like mentality is deeply rooted in her DNA.

So, although she is breaking free of much of the triggers she experienced since birth in this life, she has devoted her life to transforming the collective rabbit experience and especially their relationship with humans.

She tells me that, like me, she has a unique set of energies that will aid this process, but that also create road blocks, as a means of forging massive reminders and breakthroughs when she unwraps their gifts.

Astrid gives me a wink, as I put two-and-two together.

I’m beginning to see where she’s going with this, as I’ve recently been very focused on one of my own natal placements that runs a lot of the show for me – in essence is a missing link.

The energies of having Mars in my First House is enough to handle, but having so much Capricorn energy there and accompanying it has been an interesting journey.

One energy wants at it, and the other would like to restrict it.

It boils down to action with purpose, as the productive use of it.

Sounds simple, and yet, you can imagine there would be a whole gamut of pendulum swings in one way or another, to get there.

Not to mention, having Mars in the First House as a woman, let alone a woman in my family, is simply a whole other thing.

I haven’t had any role model for what this looks like and so I have had a lifelong journey to figure it out, which includes unraveling what’s at the heart of restrictions before even being able to utilize it and thrive, as it’s set up to be.

“You and I are so much alike,” Astrid shares. “We both innately have a lot of energy within us to express, but through our sensitivities and paths, we both lived very restrictively because life, our families, the world…haven’t been ready yet. We learned to survive before we could know how to thrive. It is like this for so many. Collective shifts are just that….collective. We can do our parts, but we mustn’t be too hard on ourselves, as we do not act alone. Every piece is a thread of the whole tapestry and while we may appear to be painstakingly working on one little area of it for ages, it is undoubtedly weaving the full image together. Yet, we need the other threads. Some of them belong to others, and some of them are the interwoven parts of our own thread. It really is a masterpiece when you look at it this way, but feels like the stuff you throw out in the litter box when you’re in the middle of it.”

“That it does,” I reply with a giggle. “And is why I have worked at creating peace and greater joy around all aspects of my life, as best I can, so that the pieces that might take longer and involve deeper exploring, do not get the best of me.”

“I’ve noticed how you do that and how each time you’ve spiraled back around to get at another layer, you create a new version and path to greater assist the process. It may seem like you run circles, but you’re actually on a different level of the spiral with each new invention,” Astrid adds.

“I hadn’t thought about that, but now that you say it, I can see exactly what you’ve described. It does seem that with each piece I understand more, I find a better approach…”

“Or more currently aligned place,” Astrid interjects.

“Yes, you’re right,” I answer.

“The process seems to be that you try out different doors each time, but only if you have the right key can one open. And if the guardian of the door knows you’re coming and what you’re about to use to attempt opening it, they will find a stronger lock to keep it shut. So, by trying different versions, or going about it at different angles – softening here, innovating there…you can be in more harmony with them and find doors open more easily,” Astrid adds.

“We’re creative beings after all, so it seems part of our time here seems to be about imagining all the different possibilities and potentials, being curious, and finding the alchemy of each puzzle,” I say.

“Exactly my thoughts, dear friend,” Astrid says, “And this is why you and I are so good together. We are birds of a feather, as they say. Always exploring what has yet to be discovered and although it might hurt when a door closes, we brush ourselves off and try the next.”

~ Today has been full and so I was only able to sit for moments here and there to write this message. After several hours away from it I’m returning to end it here and send as is since we want the message to go out. Astrid and I are moving through something right now that came up before I was able to finish this post of hers. I’ll update you with things in the days to come. Her words and message have had deep impact.

Whimsical Wednesdays ~ The Artist’s Corner: The Art of Living

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From the red rocks of Sedona to the white wonderland of Tahoe, I sit here surrounded by winter blankets of snow swathing the Forest Portal of our home.

forest portal lake tahoe.jpg

We arrived back Monday evening, still vibrating in the energy of the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse – also a Super Blood Wolf Moon – and I’m just now fully integrating back in time for today’s Whimsical Wednesdays share from the Artist’s Corner.

We were away between Friday 1/11 and Monday 1/21, enjoying quite a full vacation and igniting of the new for 2019. Since we were driving, we decided on a stop-over in Las Vegas the first night to break up the drive – only exploring out for delicious comfort vegan food at The Modern Vegan for both dinner and early brunch, but the rest of our time was spent in the magick of Sedona’s high vibes.

7 Sacred Pools Sedona.jpg

We spent several days on our own anchoring in the energies, as Sedona welcomed us back, and then the rest of the time was with dear friends who all journeyed there from both the Grand Canyon and Tahoe to reunite.


I also had the chance to connect with two sweet friends that live in the area, we set intentions and sent out prayers from the Peace Garden two separate mornings, and of course we sampled all the great vegan eats and some new finds!


Every day was filled with tons of outdoor fun and exercise that tallied up to 60+ trail miles we ventured on foot and bike in 8 days – although I only went mountain biking once and Dave went three times making his mileage come to 74.


We thought it would be fun to see just how much adventure our feet take us on. 🙂


Unlike past blogs, I won’t be recounting our entire trip, but instead will be focusing on how Sedona was actually the birthing of my art and the “art of living” for me.

If you’d like to see a full photo journaling of the adventure, you can find all the beauty and adventure at my Instagram page here, even if you’re not on Instagram:

TaniaMarieArtist – (If you see two overlapping white squares in the right hand corner of a photo it means there are several photos to each post. You can click on them and then click the arrows to venture through)


It was interesting that our friends asked me about my time in Sedona, having me recount the evolution of my experiences with her energy since the beginning.

Although I now experience flow, joy, and tons of nature immersion, it wasn’t that way at start. Her powerful vortexes asked of me to dig deep, purge, cleanse, heal, and strip away everything I knew how to on a daily intensive that lasted for nearly two years. My journeys then were journeys into the inner sanctum of my heart and I only ventured out on small occasion to walk or drive somewhere where I could meditate, anchor in the work I’d done, set intentions, and receive insight for what was next. Other than that, I had no contact with anyone and in fact, had made a clean break from the life I had before.

I can share more another time, but it was very intense and hard work.

It also opened the door to my artistic journey I’m on now.

Although I drew nearly all of my life up until that moment, for joy and only once for actual pay, it wasn’t until I started uncovering layers within myself that I decided to purchase some oil paints, canvas, and start truly painting for the very first time in my life while on this inner journey living in Sedona.


It didn’t happen right away, but the more I released and healed, the more I felt the call to express myself on canvas.

The first painting I created was for my parents – it was an oil painting of Venice they have in their living room today – an image I replicated from their travels there. I just jumped right in, as if I’d been painting all of my life, but in actuality I was simply moving the energy that I had released from within that echoed of my lives on this earth and the artist within me that had always been there.

Upon completion of this painting, I then created some symbolic paintings that seemed to echo not only the healing and insights I’d received, but the messages of empowerment and transformation that were taking place.

I also created a few charcoal pencil portraits of my grandparents and others.

In essence I was tapping into the well of creative energy as a form of communicating what was within me and channeling through me, while also adding layers of healing that aided the work I was doing – giving myself therapy on every level imaginable and with every tool available that I knew of and was learning along the way.

My art became a form of self expression, much as this Super Full Moon in Leo has beckoned forth from us all – to shine like the light that you are and to birth new creative things from the power within that you embody innately.

It was in Sedona when this creative birthing took place, that I knew art or creative expression was an important part of who I am and what I needed as the breath of life to bring through.

And since, I’ve continued to channel creativity, as it flows through me in its many forms of expression that shift as I do.

It is also then that I realized life could be lived as a form of art and how the “art of living” started to manifest as my way of life – everything seen as a way to create beauty and inspiration, as well as to paint my way through experiences and weave the story I wanted to tell with different strokes of colors and feelings that reflected my essence.

From then on, even though I would still have more layers to journey through, I lived much more presently and with intention.

Sedona helped bring me back to the core of who I am and it was up to me how I wanted to paint the rest of my journey from the heart.


So while my first encounter with Sedona was intense, there has always been a love affair with her energies, knowing she supported exactly what I needed. Since that time, every trip thereafter has been softer and more joyous, flowing, and activating, igniting major shifts and leaps at just the precisely aligned moments.

I was always a willing partner to her dance, but I’m no longer struggling to keep up.

Creativity continues to ooze from each encounter with her and greater inspiration comes forth, providing me choices and new possibilities.

This trip was no exception, as I found myself not only receiving inspiration on the new, fun images I’ll be creating next, but also found myself dancing with yet another potential timeline I hadn’t entertained before.

I didn’t know until the trip was approaching that we’d be there for this powerful Full Moon Eclipse.

Perhaps many of you also felt its potency and like something has shifted and/or released. It seems as though things are moving forward and receiving a green light, after a thoughtful pause for a bit.

I shared this with a dear friend about my experience with it:

The eclipse was a powerful experience, although gentle too. We actually had opportunity to watch half of it with an astronomer and telescope, which was very cool to see it so clear and close. It was very clear in the evening and then a thin veil of clouds emerged, which made it symbolic, to me. It did not affect viewing, but I could tell there was still a very thin veil – so as if those layers are very close to full reveal collectively soon. The astronomer had about 4 telescopes set up and we could see star clusters as well, like the Pleiades. We left to go back to our Airbnb home because we had to pack and leave very early the next day for the long drive home, so I watched the second half there. The house was perfectly situated with the moon right in front of the main sliding door and windows and patio, so I watched the whole thing. It was very moving because at the same time I got word that a favorite bunny of mine (that I’ve followed on Instagram for a while) had passed right as the eclipse was darkening. I saw that he’d become ill earlier that day and I had a feeling something might happen. It was very potent to say the least, and being that he reminds me of my male bunny, Cosmo, because they had the same exact special needs and the same unconditionally loving demeanor and expressions, it hit me hard. It was quite something that this bunny, Flynn, had chosen such a powerful portal just like my bunnies Cosmo and Joy had, to depart – one on Samhain and the other on Summer Solstice Full Moon. It wasn’t random and it just clicked in a bunch of things, as well as felt like a big shift. Very heart opening and moving. So, it did ignite some memories, but also a seed of new. A lot through the bunnies, but deeper levels. I’m not sure as of yet what the new entails, but that it is a seedling awaiting choices that can ignite new timelines.

Something very profound hit me while watching the eclipse, which I haven’t felt in the past with other ones. It was special and sacred to come through rabbits, whom I hold most dear and reflective for me and my life. They, too, symbolize creative abundance and fertile impetus for the new. The Moon, of course, has a large rabbit on it. 😉

I received a big hit to my heart and core of what is a must for me to do right now.

The rest is a story yet to unfold, but will do so as I support this creative expression to live as the art of me – my creative contribution to the new beauty we’re weaving together as a collective.


New Etsy Shop Update:

Originally there was intention to start a Giveaway this past Monday 1/21, but with travels and such things shifted and Astrid has chosen this Friday 1/25 to begin the Giveaway instead. This will take place on Instagram.

There’s potential of things shifting with the shop launch date, which is set for Friday 2/1, but for now it’s still that date. I will be checking in with Astrid and my other star bunnies, as the days unfold here. I have a lot to prepare for the launch, and two items have been delayed until the 8th or sooner due to an office move my printer is undergoing.

I always trust my rabbit familiars with their impeccable and keen navigation, so I’ll defer to them if they want us to go ahead and launch on 2/1 with most of the items, adding the two later that first week of February. (Laura mentioned that the Lunar New Year is not until the 5th and the 8th the Moon enters Aries, so who knows what the bunnies have up their thumpers!)

Or, if we’ll just launch everything together when I know they will all be ready.

Either way, it’s coming up very soon and I have lots to prepare. So I’m off!

It was a wonderful trip away and I’m also happy to be back. I hope you all had a great week and that the energy of this Full Moon Eclipse has ignited a creative transformation within you too.

November Energy Update 2018 with Lee Harris: MAGIC, FEMININE ENERGY RISING AND REVIEW TIMES

A little mid-blog series break to share Lee’s November Energy Update with you all because I know how much many of you also resonate with his messages and find them confirming, comforting, enlightening, and inspiring. We’ll back to the end-of-the-week third part of the series tomorrow with Ask Astrid Fridays – The Rabbit’s Corner.

Do you find yourself reviewing, revisiting, and remembering “past” things a lot and quickly these days?

Lee shares that this is happening because we’re engaging the process of changing our patterns and clearing things out so much. November is elevating the energy, which can quickly lift us into a new alignment and flow, but can also create more challenges in the stuck areas of life to bring greater awareness because they don’t serve you anymore.

The giving and receiving balance is high on the radar this month, as well, to even out which end you may have been doing more or had challenge with more. Boundaries around this may be showing up on either end of where you do too much and not enough of the other.

It’s a time of taking in the moment and being present with the gifts we may be overlooking.

Yes, feminine energy is rising and coming more alive in value, which points to speaking your truth with a warming fire of fierce nurturing and courage you haven’t had before. This makes for better communication on the receiving and expressing end.

And yay, magic on a high! And it’s grounded magic now that is manifesting because of the balancing dance we’re engaging.

Here’s Lee to expound on all of these points some more.

The One Thing I Know


The one thing I know is that if ever I’ve felt alone, Nature assured me I had more friends than I could count.

Every bit of magick I believed in and experienced, She whispered reiteration of to me.

Every question I couldn’t understand, She unraveled the simple mystery of before me.

Every Cosmic connection I referenced that met with rolled eyes elsewhere, She clarified with no need to defend.

If lost, Nature reflects the Harmony that always Is.
