Monthly Archives: April 2021

May 2021 Energy Update with Lee Harris

While I’m still immersed here in very full days and unable to get out blogs at the rate their themes seem to be coming in for me, I just wanted to pop on and share Lee’s latest Energy Update for May, as I know many of you find them supportive. I also just received a cool surprise today that I’ll likely share next week as well about one of my pieces of artwork I mentioned last year.

But for now, I always love hearing of the synchronous tie-ins of messages from Lee and others that mirror what I receive, as it always confirms how connected we all are and riding the energy streams together. Although we don’t need any proof of support or connection, it can be a nice little wink to feeling that alignment.

The first synchronicity in his message was one that likely may sound like a broken record now – the importance of self care.

I actually started a blog post that’s half done on the theme of wellness, but won’t get it out likely until next week. So, hearing Lee’s theme “Self Care the Superpower” was a little smile nudge for why I felt called to have it up for this month.

As Lee points out, this is not a luxury and not about going to a spa, but about small daily acts of self care done throughout your life that will prevent burn out and the need to take huge down times. By making it your rhythm, he shares, this results in what helps you to feel and emanate your light for yourself and out in the world. And this includes not just looking out for yourself because of outside stress, but about your relationship to what you’ve thought was the world shifting.

Other themes you’ll find in this Energy Update include being on a new energy track, the emerging road ahead for visionaries, division energy, May into June energy, and sovereignty.

Lee says if you feel disempowered, speak your truth, be who you are, stand for what you want to stand for on Earth. Influence things differently via the energy you bring to the world.

The division we’re experiencing of people standing in the black and white narratives provides no room for gray, multi-dimensional potentials. We’re moving into the need for the gray.

And a reminder to be here as fully as you can in life with everything you engage in, as you’re not promised a certain amount of years, days, or time in general. Do what you can now to make life richer for yourself and those you touch, directly or indirectly. I’ve seen this as a repetitive message screaming out loudly since December with people leaving this world in surprising ways and close calls that are wake-up reminders – just heard of another yesterday. We only have here and now, so live it in a way that you don’t have regrets as to what you spent your time and energy focused on.

Lee shares that May’s affirmations are: 

“I allow myself to call my power back.”

“I invite the power of my soul to join with me now.”


A Midspring Night’s Dream, Angelic Eve & Cosmic Waters with Nestor

My days have been quite full recently, but since today is a special day I thought to share a quick post connected to the meaning of this day, a dream, and to share images of yesterday evening and last night that filled my heart with enchantment. I have actually been receiving downloads of themes and messages for upcoming blog posts, but haven’t the time as of yet to immerse in writing much, so I trust their timing will unfold divinely.

I am currently working a very special commissioned painting that is taking most of my extra time (and in fact does have connection with all of this), outside of the mentoring sessions, and when not creating the balance I need in life. I took some additional “me” time over this long weekend while Dave was away on a silent retreat, creating my own version of retreat while also singing my lungs out during painting hours. Moving all of that energy felt really good, especially since I find myself in deep contemplation over things the last few days – no surprise with the Scorpio Full Moon.

Today is a day I always honor, as it was this day thirteen years ago that my twin soul in rabbit body, Nestor, returned to the stars. It also happens to be Dave’s thirteen year vegan anniversary, so it was perfect for him to create the quiet space for himself too.

Nestor has been around a lot and appeared in my dream the night before the Full Moon. As I shared with a dear friend, it spoke to the emotional waters I navigate with/without her and literally did have both of us on a large square log raft of the old days traveling twice across extremely rough waters in the thick of the night with just two to three others with us. The first time was without anything but ourselves and the second time we were traveling with packages of special items that I tied and had attached around my arms for the very important ones not to get lost when the raft flipped as it did the first time throwing one person off. I was quite strongly tethered to the raft, myself, and the second time when packages were going to be crossing the waters with us too, I took extra precautions. One package – a box – had Nestor inside. I don’t know who put her in there, but she was chewing her way out and I had to get to her to make sure she didn’t get loose and that I could keep her safe. That’s all I remember and of course I’ve received layers of messages from it.

These images from yesterday evening nearing 7 pm were the beginning of feeling a lot of Nestor’s presence shining through, around and upon me in a literal way.

The light was so lovely through the sliding glass door of our bedroom and the angle of the Sun was hitting the lake just right beyond the trees, that there was a much larger area than normally you would notice, of lake sparkly like a gem through the forest.

In person you could clearly see the mountains on the other side of the lake, the shoreline there, and the sparkle on the water in this area that is larger than appears in the photo (see center below).

But photos blur it into one big glowing light between the trees – still magickal.

I took some of these photos outside on the deck and the others from inside looking out, as the light was beautiful from both perspectives.

I felt a whisper to flip the camera and include myself and here is where I feel Nestor’s presence making herself seen. This photo below is taken without flash.

I noticed the way the light looked so angelic and glowed in an even larger emanation around the Sun than the other photos, as well as a light beam streaming through to my third eye and light hitting my heart chakra.

Then last night before bed I stepped outside.

These are photos I took of the Moon magick in the secret faery garden.

It was very still last night and although the last few days brought in a cold front, it was actually quite comfortable outside in my jammies so I decided to explore the garden and check out the Moon.

In person the sky was fully clear in the opening where the Moon appeared and so was she crystal clear with mystical clouds moving around her.

Without a high quality camera it’s usually a challenge to capture the details of the Moon at night, but I love the mysterious essence that did happen, along with the glow of faery solar lights in my garden, and even the touch of pinky peach clouds that appeared around the Super Pink Moon – the first Supermoon of the year.

These photos felt like a lovely accompaniment to my previous blog You Are A Garden Worth Tending that had photos of all the enchantment and light dancing in my garden currently.

A little taste of day and night at the Forest Portal.

~ In honor of Nestor and the magick that she is.

You Are a Garden Worth Tending ~ Spring Growth, Earth Day & Scorpio Full Moon Reflections

You are the first garden you must learn to tend. There is no one else that can do this as well as you. How little or how much you care about this garden, shows. The kinds of things you nourish yourself with, how much you cultivate certain practices as important, and the things you choose to give energy to mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually will have an effect on how you show up in the world.

Life used to seem so complicated to me until I realized that I was the only one making it that way. By buying into all of these ideologies that were part of “this or that” ways of believing, I created a lot of nonsensical pressures that had absolutely nothing to do with the essence of me.

And yes, that included the spiritual realms I was drawn to move more into as I journeyed through life.

The bottom line that I learned, is that I never really wanted to belong or feel assured by any particular group or movement. I always had only desired to be contently me – just like Nature and the Cosmos both are.

Everyone has their own journey, but it took completely undoing myself, stripping away all the energetic debris that had brushed off of everyone onto me, in order to do that.

I still fully believe had it not been for jumping into an RV for a year and a half to immerse in nature, I would not be here still. And yet it’s also on that adventure into the unknown that literally the old story me walked out of my body in a river, and a new story walked in.

I would never be the same again, nor could I go back ever again – even if I wanted to.

Ever since then, I’ve been recalibrating what it feels like to be in this body with a fresh soul perspective. It’s taken time to feel things out, explore the possibilities to cultivate, and decide where to go from here.

Kind of like being a child all over again, but having a different level of consciousness.

It’s much like my garden after Winter’s frost and snow.

Everything is fertile, lively, and jubilant to feel the warmth of the Sun, wiggle, stretch, and unfurl every inch of life loose from the soil, see what will be possible in terms of abundant growth, wonder what will bloom or what will wait to gain greater strength for the next season or year, and what just goes all out to create the most incredible burst of life right here and now.

With less than two years until I turn 50, I see what the previous me who was just starting out in body then, had felt all along about this time period of my life. I always experienced things as if I was outside of myself watching myself go through everything and although knew better, relinquished to the feeling of purpose it all had to just go through it. I felt on some level that the real choices and freer me would begin in the latter half of my life.

That earlier life was both a mirage to keep me occupied and undo patterns and illusions, while things in the world were playing out, and also an intricate labyrinthian journey to the center of me.

I was on a complex crash course so I could re-enter the world with simplicity.

Stripping down to the bare me.

And literally unzipping my body suit so that a whole new emanation of myself could slip in upon the old one’s release.

Every time I look at my garden – each season, each day, and several times a day – I see this release taking place in every moment while new life steps in.

There’s reason my garden is just steps outside of my creative space and office. There is a mirroring that takes place every minute I make a new choice.

I find it easier and easier to let go of things and make peace my daily goal. I experience the simplicity of life unfolding as its own work of art at every stage. I finally feel comfortable in my skin in a way that both honors my human expression that I decided to have at this time on Earth AND my Cosmic connection that merges with me daily in gratitude for the opportunity to experience it all and live out the potentials I can contribute with others to create.

It’s as if both the land all around us where we live – the forests, mountains, lakes, and meadows, as well as the land I’m nurturing into a garden and yard while also supporting its wild, raw nature to do as it pleases, have become one with me.

And the more I drop into that deeper connection within, the more I seem to physically change alongside Nature, naturally.

I love to adorn myself like my flowers and join the dance, but I also love to be raw like the soil, rocks, bark, and moist sprouts. I feel whole in any expression, but only walk in expressions that are me in every moment of my wild heart’s resonance – not for anyone else and not to mirror anyone else.

We are each our own flower and plant within the garden of life – no less or more than any other. Yet, what the land, Nature, and Earth teach us, is that great care is needed to support a thriving, harmonious and abundant garden.

Yes, that’s you!

It’s amazing how much of that rainbow and portal energy keeps showing up in photos, as you’ll see below, especially when I’m out being with all of it, standing stronger in my essence, nurturing myself alongside my copartnering outdoor realm, and adding recognition of the magick that is here with little touches of enchanted beings and portals of my own.

I mentioned that I would share some photos of the yard and garden before things really start to emerge and today’s Earth Day felt like the best time to do that, along with messages of tending to our inner and outer gardens as being equally essential and worth the devotional investment.

I like to document the before and after and to see how much things evolve from onset of one season to the next.

I’ve taken these photos in this post over a period of the last two to three weeks, during which several new friends have joined the garden.

Most of them are solar lights, as I truly love the twilight and night magick they create, but some are simply sweet souls who spoke to me. Some I’ve already shared, so I’ll only introduce the new ones.

We have this cute little blossom snail who lives near one of the new solar faery houses at the pathway entrance.

Then there’s these ever-precious ones – a rabbit riding a tortoise. I just HAD to bring them home as they remind me of Joy and Gaia who were best friends and I really was feeling my Russian Tortoise, Gaia, needed to be part of the garden here along with the rabbits and magickal beings. They are so life-like, it’s truly endearing.

Incredibly, but not surprisingly, look at the energy that showed up RIGHT after I placed them by the gnome and faery portal door at the base of one of the guardian trees where there are also crystals laid in the ground as a path in front of the door.

It took me a little while to hear where they wanted to go, but I think they’re happy here, don’t you?

Then there’s this beautiful mushroom blossom solar light that sits to the right, next to the pathway.

It has a monarch and poppy – like the ones that grow in my garden – on top.

And last, this gorgeous, enchanted moon faery with solar light orb. I just love how she’s holding a star and blowing it a kiss.

And of course you already saw these two twin white bunnies who are ever-so wonderfully overseeing the growth of my yellow lilies.

It’s one happy, secret faery garden family! And still growing!

I have many ideas that are incubating like the seeds beneath the soil.

Check out all these happy wildflower babies reaching for the sunshine!

The rainbow energy and portals seem to confirm a Cosmic smile of the harmony being created here too.

And the forest animals are all expressing their happiness as well. Their fountain and bowl are filled regularly with fresh water, which brings every variety of bird in for baths and drinks, along with chipmunks and squirrels enjoying a nice refreshment too. There’s a chickadee couple that loves to visit me when I’m out watering the garden, but it was this Steller’s Jay just two days ago that was the sweetest.

Usually the Steller’s Jay are much louder and like to boldly vocalize their dominion over certain spaces or at least express their boundaries and voices. This one started off talking in similar fashion, but the tone was different and wanted my attention. Then when he knew he had it his voice softened into what would be similar to a cat’s purr. It was a little bit like a sweet cooing that doves and pigeons make, but more. It reminded me of our parakeets that would fluff out and nuzzle into us warmly with affection. This was a cuddly sweet talk that felt like he was so happy and if I’d been on the branch with him, he would have snuggled into me and expressed his joy.

A love song and dance perhaps? He was definitely quite comfy and pleased.

Equally pleased is the yard out front that’s in a dance of yellow daffodils and wild dandelions right now with even more still on the way that are on their own blooming timelines. We have a large tree on the lawn that will be surrounded by blooms soon, which will look like a faery ring. These current daffodils followed my late Winter, pre-Spring, birthday purple irises. And there will be tulips coming soon too. I intend to plant a ton more bulbs come Autumn.

Step-by-step things evolve.

I spent time clearing the yard and garden, tidying old growth up, and planted a ton of wild flower seeds in the garden to add to all the wild growth already sprouting like crazy. Tiny clover is beginning to return on the lawn in patches. I’m looking forward to seeing it all filled in again. For now, this is a transitional time period where the brown and dried remains of Winter turn over, mirroring our own in between phases.

I’m still waiting for my favorite store to get in their herbs, veggies, and flowers, so I can add some things to my Garden Tower and garden. For now, I did find four little sweet basil plants I added to the Tower for Astrid and they smell SO good.

Well, all of what’s already growing back in the Tower does. The sweet basil is doing really well alongside all of the lovely regrowth from last year of mint, lavender, strawberry plants, wild flowers, thyme, parsley, and other herbs. The basil plants are the only new babies I’ve planted so far. Everything else you see everywhere is what’s naturally coming in on its own.

Incredibly, I even have two baby pine trees that have decided to make the Tower their incubation realm. They’ve been growing there since last Spring. I even have a couple more growing in pots. If they actually are able to stay healthy and strong, I’ll likely let them grow a bit more and then try to transplant them. They seem happy for now though with their friends.

Perhaps the tree frog that made the Tower her home last year wanted her own forest here too. 🙂 I hope she’ll return.

Here in the mountains things take a little longer since temperatures are colder longer and more variable, but there are always those plants and blooms who like to do their own thing and just go all out when ever they please – just as I mentioned before.

We actually had a little snow last night that I saw remnants of on the deck railings, rain the night before, and some snow a day or two before that. It all melts immediately, but things are not predictable here.

Every one of these plants and blooms has a little bit of me in them and vice versa. So, too, does the variety of terrain in the mountains that we have. Even the weather mirrors my own shifting waves of energy and wild unpredictability. We share a symbiotic relationship and the more increased time I spend outdoors, which is daily as it is, the more I relax into me.

And the more me I am, the easier it is to ride any energy currents that flow in and out around me.

The more me I am, the more easily I recognize what is me and what is not me.

The more in touch with myself I feel, the more I can handle things that pop up and they aren’t so surprising.

The more I tend to the garden of me, the more peace, flow, vitality, and compassion I experience.

Our Spring Scorpio Full Moon on this coming Monday night of the 26th is going to be a Super Pink Moon – the first Supermoon of the year.

This could be a more difficult and deeply emotional or triggering Moon to navigate through due to the challenging planetary aspects surrounding it that may bring to surface some unexpected things. With Sun in Taurus and Moon in Scorpio right now, we are being prompted to look at the contrasts of form and transformation, personal joy with the simple and sensual aspects of life and the intangible complexities of shared things, building and comfort and destruction and change, and how we can find balance with these.

This is a time for going deeper and exploring our values and the far-reaching effects they have. While we are in a Taurus cycle of grounding spirit in flesh, Scorpio then calls up the mysterious, secretive, and repressed so that we may need to be more vulnerable in order to understand ways of finding peace within ourselves even when the world seems upside down, or when we are being called to deconstruct, let go, and recreate what we thought was the holy grail of our lives.

The more we can tend our inner gardens, the more we understand the Nature of things and how to partner with them more effectively, if in fact we desire seeing a more thriving world and Earth.

Be bold, brave and unafraid to create those massive Cosmic ripples – this was yesterday’s message from Bald Eagle.

This last photo is from yesterday’s bike ride. The day before, while riding along the lake, I had a vision of Bald Eagle flying near, although did not see one with my eyes. This continued when I was sun bathing on the deck later, feeling Bald Eagle close and like he could land on the roof any minute. Little did I know that the next day we would actually have a visit.

When we arrived to the lake we biked to Dave, who didn’t know I had been thinking about Eagle, asked “When was the last time we saw that one Eagle at the lake here?”

At that moment Eagle flew overhead and landed in the tree across the lake. You can catch glimpse of him here with a second Eagle to the left in the shadows.

I love stuff like that.

When we’re in tune with ourselves, everything conspires in unison.

Eagle symbolizes freedom and courage to look ahead, the value of vulnerable truth and revealing honesty, liberation, electrifying inner vision clarity, embody the Spring, dawn, and new life, and to Native Americans are Earthly incarnations of the Thunderbird spirit who shoots lightning bolts from her/his eyes to invoke revitalization, rebirth, creation, and transformative healing. Eagles carry the messages of spirit and are the divine channels to receive these from.

A perfect messenger for this time of year, the upcoming Full Moon, and the unfolding energies on the planet right now.

Happy Earth Day!

Bridges to the Heart of the Cosmos Within

It’s been a while since I’ve shared some artistic creations so today’s post focuses on the energy of two recent custom commissions I completed, which I feel hold collective messages for reflection. As always, I find that the projects that find their way to me end up being much farther reaching experiences than just for the person they’re created for. I believe that each of us not only taps into the messaging of our higher selves through these channelings, but is tapping into the bigger picture well of themes that are relevant and supportive at this time. In this way, each person becomes a vessel or portal for the messaging and through their courage, we all receive the gift.

The first piece is the latest Magick Keepsake Chest that I was so excited to create. The title for it came to me right away – “Harmony Is…”

These chests are creative canvases for me to either take someone’s ideas and channel them into a cohesive expression, or completely flow through an entire vision from scratch for them. They become their own mini portals that are functional for storing things like crystals, jewelry, intentions and dreams, keys, special little mementos and treasures, store the ashes of beloved animal companions with locks of fur, and make wonderful Reiki boxes or gift boxes.

This one is going to be used as a Reiki box.

I was only given a list of some things the person was drawn to, to work from: They were drawn to the night themes in some of the chests they saw from past creations, were interested in what a “night rainbow” might look like since they see rainbows a lot, have had rabbit, bear, and hexagon energy showing up, and wanted that incorporated somehow with a tiny dandelion some where.

I was so happy when they saw their creation and shared, “I absolutely love how all the random elements came together so beautifully.”

The photos you see are what channeled through as the woven story for this vessel.

What do you think?

As I relayed to the person who commissioned this, here is a little description of the vision that manifested:

“It’s SO hard to capture the accurate colors and details – but you’ll see in person that the experience of it is quite different than a photo. The colors are so rich – I made that midnight blue night sky rather than black, as it felt more aligned with the energy. In person it actually shifts from deep teal, to teal and royal blues, to darker areas mixed with a little black to create the variations. I call it “Harmony Is…” and the image of the white rabbit and young bear sitting on clouds in the heavens extending arms to one another in friendship are the focal point. You can see the stars that energetically connect their outstretched paws merge as a heart at center, while two other star hearts in the Cosmos are on either side of them. The rabbit holds a dandelion, with little puffs of seeds blowing up into the Cosmos, while a perfect rainbow emerges from it and they transmute into the four hexagon woven symbol that came to me to create for that balance at center….from there the rainbow emanates out into a rainbow nebula that fills the whole back (this is one of the things that really doesn’t show up the greatest in photos) and there are gold, white and colored stars scattered throughout. Actually the gold I used for the hexagons, stars, constellations, and energy is metallic so it shimmers in the light – again you’ll see that in person. On the sides I created an extension of the clouds from the front with more loose flowy rainbows that merge at back with the nebula. And on the left I created the Lepus and Ursa Major constellations – Hare/Rabbit and Great Bear…they appear as if running along the rainbow. The inside is painted in varying teals and blues.”

Custom Magick Keepsake Chests are available here: The Magick Rabbit

Then we move into the second custom commission – a sacred tattoo design that was an extremely challenging, yet super potent cocreation for both of us.

As I shared with my client: “There was a sense of great importance and even more surrender because of the magnitude I could feel coming through it and you. I have to admit, at first, ego was ‘hoping’ I would be able to hear/see what was intended for this…then after embracing that humanness, I listened to my higher self that wanted me to just trust and it would come. There was a feeling of words saying, ‘You do know, but you have to let go fully. Drop into essence and believe. Allow it to move through. It will then be you.’ “

Because my client had tattoos already in a particular style of powerful simplicity, boldness, and indigenous quality, I needed to stay within this energy, while not compromising the essence of this portal and also drawing upon a boundless Cosmic energy that needed to merge spirit in Earthy flesh.

Her visions and messaging from those working through her spoke loudly about how we were working with a very expansive energy that needed to come through a multi-dimensional doorway with 3-D effect and continuum of movement. So embodying the contrast of simple complexity was quite a task and surrender indeed was needed. In fact, this piece was ever-more drawn out because I really had to wait for each piece and only sit down when the doorways opened to feed through me the ingredients for the vision.

The image you see is a series of Star Wheels – a medicine wheel mandala that incorporates the Star Nation.

Without going into the full meaning of this piece, here are some of the elements you might discover while gazing upon it and can then draw your own energetic messaging from:

  • An inner medicine wheel represented with the turtle shell – so the entire center is the back of the turtle – very simple lines and the inner smaller circles are part of the shell uniqueness, but double as mini wheels and orbiting planets in the Cosmos
  • At center of the turtle shell/star wheel is the spiral/nautilus for that continuous flow and evolution energy. The spiral interconnects with the shell’s inner circle/design between each section of the shell and also the tendrils or threads that move out around the outer wheels – reflections of the golden threads my client envisioned
  • I created all of these tendrils to feel alive and like sprouting new life from the plant kingdom, but also having a cosmic nebular spiral effect. So I added a few simple leaves on some of the tendrils inside the shell on the spiral and outside around each outer wheel
  • I wanted the star wheels to have the essence and recognition as a wheel, but also to double subtly as more. There are four outside the center, fifth one, creating the four directions. I added two hawk feathers – a client connection and messengers between worlds – for a subtle hawk presence at both sides of center to give the effect of those directions without creating lines and down the center the stars rise from the medicine bowl below, along with three symbols my client wanted to have included that also are subtle in creating the center of the four directions.
  • The bottom star wheel I felt needed to be larger as it will sit on the sacrum – or sacred portal area – and I felt this is where a medicine bowl would be. A primitive healing hand or hand of the Divine Creator rises from within and holds or reaches toward the bowl. The bowl is filled with stars and another of my client’s symbols amongst those stars. Then the another of my client’s symbols is right above it with a third just above that leading to center. Then stars continue to rise from there. This portal area and star wheel feels to be the gateway and so it infuses spirit in body reflected and both Earth and Cosmos bridged together and creating alchemy. The tendrils spiral around the wheel and I created an effect of movement and emergence with the subtle circular spiral rising from bottom and integrating into the circle subtly. Later I noticed how this created the feel/look of a bee hive and I loved that symbolism and how honey is the nectar of life and the hexagons are such potent symbols.
  • The two star wheels at either side have the other two symbols my client wanted in them and each of them also surrounded by the live tendrils/nebula spirals and stars. I then felt they needed motion as well to feel like those moving or orbiting planets and so the lighter and descending wheel shadows are to reflect rotating movement in the Cosmos. Everything also feeling like rotating atoms or Cosmic matter.
  • Then the top star wheel again is tethered also like the others with the tendrils, but these wrapping around to create that feeling of motion, parts of the wheel, and rotating atom-like nature. Instead of repeating the similar movement of any of the other three, this one has rotating, open circular matter creating a link or doorway effect
  • Each star wheel is its own separate portal to other dimensions, but in totality they are part of a larger multi-dimensional grid – they have ability to give and receive through their doorways.
  • And last, you will see that on both sides near the bottom there are stars creating two designs – one a constellation and the other created to appear like one. The right is Ursa Minor – also known as the Little Bear constellation. This was included because of a Cosmic bear connection that came through the messaging we discussed. The Bear constellations are very connected to the Arcturians as well. And on the left, jaguar energy was incorporated, but rather than do any literal or abstract parts of the jaguar’s physical nature, I opted to create the jaguar paw with stars, to balance the constellation on the right, making it appear like its own constellation, but more so to reflect how the jaguar is a dimensional gateway keeper and timeline guardian. What I saw after the fact was how the overall effect of these constellation additions created the feel of a dream catcher to the overall design, which I loved as another unifying tie-in.

The first photo I shared is a very straightforward design photo and the one below is in natural outdoor light.

As I shared with my client, “What I found very interesting was, as soon as I went outside to photograph it in the natural light, the white little feather you see by it blew over to me.”

That gave me chills as confirmation and a Cosmic smile.

The third photo I took has a magickal effect of enhancing and casting more light in areas and darker in others, which creates the feeling of movement and as if the light is swirling along with the design.

Perhaps these images will speak to you, invite a deeper awareness, take you on a journey, or water a seed within you to expand even more – bridges to the heart of the Cosmos within.

What If …?

What if the dialogue we ran in our heads changed from “What if the worst happens?” to “What if the best happens?”

Do you notice how easy it is to go from feeling good about something to immediately feeling a tightening and intensity of damaging emotions in place of that?

The way we look at things and affirm them on a daily basis, will set the tone of our experiences and what we continue to attract in confirmation of these stories we run.

We all receive an intuitional, higher self, first response to things, but because of its subtle voice and our being conditioned out of believing and trusting it, we quickly turn on the robotic inner exchange of running harsh dialogue through our minds that challenges and negates everything else.

Our minds begin to tell stories to us….

“What if _________ happens and I lose everything?”

“What if I’m wrong?”

“What if I fail?”

“What if I get hurt/hurt again?”

“What if I’m fooling myself?”

“What if everyone is out to get me?”

“What if everything falls apart?”

“What if I never find a/another partner, friend, animal companion?”

“What if no one else ever understands me?”

“What if the world falls apart?”

“What if everyone really is heartless and out to destroy everything?”

“What if no one likes my work?”

“What if I’m unable to attract clients?”

“What if I’m not good enough?”

“What if I never get better or never get myself out of this situation?”

“What if ………?”

Our nature isn’t to believe the worst, but our fear has over-written the program of our essence. And any time we receive any confirmation to our fear, that voice gets stronger.

Isn’t it funny that any time we receive confirmation to our intuition, we still ignore it in place of fear confirmations?

The more we run the fear programs, the more reflections of it we call to our attention. The more we also feed anxiety, depression, and anger, the more we indulge a cesspool of spiraling sludge that pulls us down and gets thicker, darker, and harder to get out of.

We have the tendency to keep ourselves small and have become accustomed to that feeling – it’s in our DNA and it’s part of the transformation we’re working toward releasing ourselves from collectively.

The moment I feel a charge and trigger around a stance I’m taking, this speaks to me of being at a transitional place and not one to land in. The moment I feel a charge, I know I’m walking in duality and that’s not my nature to be there. That’s where I’ve been taught I should be, but not where essence lives.

And so, I choose to run a different program – one that focuses on the silver linings or best possible case scenarios, rather than defaulting into the fear voice.

I also do this with my gratitude practice, where I not only voice gratitude for what I do have, but I voice gratitude for things I would like to see happen, as if they already have.

“What if everything works out?”

“What if my feelings are right?”

“What if I succeed?”

“What if I experience even greater joy, love, fulfillment than I ever have?”

“What if my intuition has been right all along?”

“What if everyone and the Universe is conspiring to help me?”

“What if everything works out even better than I imagined possible?”

“What if there are thousands of possible next partners, friends, animal companions waiting for me to open my heart and the next one takes me on the best adventure yet?”

“What if like-minded people are easy to attract and I was more at peace with myself?”

“What if things are unfolding in divine perfection and a beautiful new world is being birthed?”

“What if everyone really has the capacity for kindness and just needs my love to help unlock their essence?”

“What if there’s a perfect audience for my work that is waiting for me to love my own work enough?”

“What if there is an abundance of everything and I’ll always attract the perfect clients?”

“What if I’ve been worthy all along, but just needed to realize it?”

“What if anything is possible, peace surrounds my experience, and there’s a gift to be embraced from this moment that will free me?”

“What if ………?”

Things can change on a dime. Every moment is fleeting and surprises can happen when we least expect it.

But perhaps we can start opening to amazing things or miracles more, rather than expecting the worst always? And perhaps we can shift our perspective when things show up that surprise us in a way we hadn’t really thought of wanting as a possibility, and then embrace the gift within it.

Here the mountain weather is such a perfect example of the surprising ways things can change moment to moment and day to day.

We went from warm, lower 60’s temperatures, hiking, biking, sun bathing, and garden prep time one day to a six inch blanket of Spring snow surprise all around us the next day – even more at the top of the mountains. It was so enchanting and supportive for the day’s focuses of painting, work with clients, tax prep, and life planning. It also prolonged and enhanced more ski chances before the year fully shuts down in that regard.

The first photos are from Tuesday’s hike. These next photos are from yesterday, the day following the hike, but even this morning we had an added almost inch of additional frosty fun even though the snow has completely melted away as if it never was.

I can imagine some people may have run some inner dialogue of one perspective around this surprise – wishing the snow would go away or something of this nature.

And yet there are always other perspectives that could be more inviting to a more pleasant experience or energy to carry for the day – one of which could be as simple as gratitude for the moisture that can help nourish the land in another year that it looks like drought and fires could be on the scene in a big way again.

Another could be surrendering to Nature’s knowing way that we ourselves haven’t gotten back on board fully yet with “being” and that she knows what’s best. Perhaps even reflecting to us our own inner oscillation of balancing inner and outer and encouraging more merging rather than a “this or that” energy signature.

Today, we’re back to sunshine warmth and Spring promise, but it all reminds me to be present to the way in which I invoke each day’s energy with the perspective I’m taking, the energy I’m holding and embodying, and the kind of dialogue I’m allowing to shape my experiences.

True, it isn’t always easy to shift out of certain mind sets or feelings when a lot seems to be working counter to where you’d rather be focused. However, things don’t change by succumbing to what seems prevalent. They only change by choosing to change them, one person at a time, one thought, feeling, action, and belief at a time. We can only start somewhere and I choose to start with me and any little step I can take to make each moment more enriching, even in the face of what I could easily allow to make me feel like its deficient in.

The winds of change will always blow through. Surprises are going to continue happening every single day. I choose to conspire with the energies that see and know something more than meets the eye. I choose to believe the Universe is conspiring along with each of us when we decide to step out of our comfort zones and reach for the stars we truly are.

New Moon Rainbow Connection

I’m loving the scent of fresh pine lingering in the air. It fills my lungs with immune-system building goodness from deep-breathing during outdoor activities. Mix that with remnants of mesquite hints when passing by homes on the forest and there’s a beautiful synergy of seasonal gifts working their wonders on the senses and merging parts of myself in unison.

They are also stirring the impetus of potential within – calling me to remember promises and make that rainbow connection come true.

Everything is awakening in divine timing and it all contributes to an overall energetic momentum we can hop aboard and align with.

On the physical front I’m seeing evolution in motion.

Here in the mountain high altitudes we continue to experience transitioning seasons, although the weather is holding at mild temperatures in the mid to high 50’s on up to the low 60’s. That may seem cold, but at this elevation the sun shines more directly, so in fact it’s been beautiful sun bathing weather even though my days are still mixed with contrasting experiences.

The photo above is such a great example of this contrast where you can see some snow still lining the south end of the lake’s beach where sun is limited in reach by the trees there. And yet, it’s a wonderful time for beach and water activities while we remain off-season here.

We have plans for kayaking soon to enjoy the placid lake conditions. You can see in the above photo, here, just how gorgeous it’s been lately at lake level. The Caribbean-like waters of the lake are very inviting. We enjoyed views like this one from the trail above the lake for our first bike adventure of the season a few days ago, which inspired us to get jumping aboard our kayak for a complete experience of above and below – or on, as it may be. 😉

So, yes, as ski season winds down, biking, kayaking, and hiking season revs up.

Yesterday morning was day 51 of skiing this season and my last day at Heavenly Mountain. I’ll likely ski another day or two more at different resorts around the lake we haven’t been to yet, but I thought to document this momentous and oh so “heavenly” occasion of Spring skiing at its finest.

It’s been very warm during skiing so although I have a jacket on, it’s zipped open to only a tank top beneath and my remaining days will likely be jacket-less. Many people ski in a variety of attire at this time of year. I saw everything from tank tops, crop tops, shorts, underwear, and fun costumes on Friday.

But the day before had us hopping aboard our bikes for day 2 of Spring and Summer activities. Some days we ski in the morning and bike in the afternoon.

The photo below was our starting point down in the Tahoe Keys.

And this next one was a view from today’s bike ride – both reflecting Spring in the foreground and Winter remnants on the background mountains.

It’s incredible to experience the diversity all woven together within varying degrees of elevation.

There’s always one cycle finishing while one begins. That’s life on all levels of experience. It’s a continuum of flow without judgment.

It’s really a unique experience to live in a place where the seasonal shifts are very transparent. It supports understanding of the nature of things.

And with continued warming trends, this weekend begins yard and garden prepping time, finally. Although we could still get a random surprise snow fall, the temperatures are steadying and the garden is calling. So, I plan to get all the dead pine needles, pine cones, and fallen branches from Winter’s spell raked up and removed, and start trimming and sprucing up plants, removing old growth, planting some seeds, and watering.

All of this in preparation for any new plant babies that might find there way home to join the rest of the returning perennial gang.

It feels like the perfect time for this with Sunday the 11th’s Aries New Moon, which offers a fresh start – that’s tomorrow.

We already have bunches of joyous yellow daffodils dancing out in the yard with many more varieties of blooms on the way there and in the garden, but I’ll save the rest of the photos of them for an upcoming post – perhaps even a before and after cleanup.

I’m just sharing the above one because of the subtle rainbow light pouring in from the top left of this capture and the rainbow veil between the tree and the golden light on the ground since it goes with the theme of more on this rainbow energy below.

Equally aligned with outdoor preparations upcoming, I’ve been finalizing the clearing and organizing of indoors and one-by-one completing projects. I just finished a new sacred tattoo design I’ll share soon, which is no surprise to me that it feels aligned with the transformational times we are in currently and all that is opening to our potential as spirit in body.

I’ve been immersed in the beginning phases of a new painting commission that also holds such potent rebirthing and Spring-like essence, as you’ll see upon completion, but also speaks to connection and bonds of love that transcend time. And each one always takes me on a personal journey even though they are created for someone else, which is an illuminating process.

On the inner front I’m feeling evolution deepening.

So yes, I’m tending my inner and outer gardens right now, both literally and symbolically.

I have also been creating some new intentional spaces both in my office and garden by calling forth extra magick, inviting in support from the Elemental and Cosmic realms, and creating mini portals to welcome in the new. A vision has come to me for something in the garden, but I am allowing natural unfolding to work its wonders, as sometimes things come to be just as I envision – and sometimes they come to be differently, but even better than I envisioned.

I find myself having new intentions, in general, and have been enjoying holding them in heart, but now getting ready to voice them to the Universe more boldly. New Moons are wonderful for this.

What intentions do you have for the year, or even just right now in the short term?

What would you like to create in your life on any and all levels?

What challenges would you like to face or put to rest this year?

These are some of the powerful questions you can ask yourself while walking through the Aries New Moon doorway.

And speaking of “doorways”, there continues to be a transparent display of portal energy showing up. Something I think I’ve mentioned, or at least have been showing you in photos, is how rainbow energy keeps appearing, more and more.

It shows up as literal rainbows – some seen by others and some like the one I mentioned in a recent post, was only seen by me at a mirrored angle to myself – it shows up as rainbow orbs, rainbow light, rainbow sparkles that flicker, and even rainbow veils – the latter being a new constant for me, as I’ve shown you in the recent blog post, Can You Feel It.

Well, a few days after the rainbow veils at the portal sites on my walk that day I share about in the blog, I found another nearly exact portal at the other creek out back in the forest that forks that one.

You can see it here in the above photo where the bridge crosses over the creek.

It’s the same exact shape. So incredible!

And then on our bike ride of two days ago we rode past a historical lakeside site with old homesteads and this rainbow veil appeared across my favorite little cabin I stopped to admire.

Then there was the more subtle rainbow veil near the tree and my new blossoms, I already shared.

And today’s Day 3 bike ride of the season revealed this:

It appeared when I took a photo of the upper limbs of one of my favorite trees in the area – a giant, very old Juniper.

Rainbows are bridges themselves, doorways or portals, reflections of heightened awareness and other realms, message of miracles from the Universe, symbols of hope, beauty, harmonic frequencies, and promises of blessings to come. I find it fascinating that they are showing up increasingly, as I’ve seen friends post photos of actual rainbows quite a bit, rainbow light dancing in through windows or showing up inside crystals where they weren’t before, and even faery sis Laura mentioned to me that on the same day I saw the rainbow veil at the historical cabin, she saw a most amazing rainbow like none she’d ever seen.

There is so much flowing through from other realms right now, as the doors and veils open wider and thin even more. I find that the more open your heart, the more things reveal themselves in varying ways relative to each.

I also believe, however, that these are ways our higher selves and spirit guides speak to us of things we may have pushed aside, ignored, or deemed unimportant at the time. They get our attention and voice our deepest desires.

But rainbows and rainbow energy is not about “fluff.” They symbolize transformation and initiation, as well as creation, goodluck/or divine synchronicity, liminal spaces, and even what people refer to as ascension or oneness as rainbow embodiment – the light body.

I find it interesting that Rainbow Serpent Teacher was one of the very first spirit guides I became aware of that works with me. So, it feels to me like these continuous rainbow energy fields that keep showing up are also being experienced as a much more direct messaging that is opening along my journey.

With all that is unfolding across Earth, these rainbow appearances feel like comforting presences containing light codes that reflect an awakened remembrance.

They also feel very affirming of the “now” moment bridging past and future into the eternal, while also acting as transmutational bridges between storms and hopeful new landscapes.

A reflection of rebirth and potential.

Rainbows are metaphors for dreams and wishes that contain the alchemy for great joy and fulfillment. They’re a connection that resides in our hearts.

If you’ve been hearing whispers within, perhaps these rainbows indicate your deepest dreams are calling you to believe, listen, and act upon the nudges that have long held your deepest truth. Perhaps this is your time, your moment to seize the realization of spirit in flesh.

I found myself singing this song today when I woke up and along our bike ride, as it speaks to following that rainbow connection – the bridge in your heart that merges soul purpose into manifestation. I hope it touches your heart and sparks just what you might need in this moment to believe in yourself and what energetically moves through your veins as inspiration.

Tomorrow’s Aries New Moon is a wonderful opportunity to make that rainbow connection and feel inspiration toward how you can bring through body what your soul signature wants to create.

There’s a fresh canvas awaiting each of us in the liminal space of the New Moon void where something stirs the colors for a new creation to unfold. But rather than simply appease that itch with less effective uses of our time and energy just to fill a “need” or “urge” we feel unfulfilled, perhaps sitting with the energy right now and listening, will prompt us into greater alignment.

Surrendering to the blank canvas and being with the swamp of potential like Kermit, can help you hear the rainbow connection that calls. And from there your wise self will know what to do and when to do it.

A new dimension of living is possible.

Promises are knocking on our doors to remember to honor.

Perhaps it’s time to write the next chapter of your life story.

On the unified front we’re being given the chance to embody harmonic evolution more and more each day.

Bursting with Spring Potential Every Sweet Moment to Moment

From rabbits to eggs, lilies, tulips, and daffodils, to irises, and newborn animals to baskets, these are just some of the symbols of Easter and Spring renewal. Whether things are still in seasonal transition where you live or not, you can feel Spring in the air, bubbling in your heart, and tickling you from the inside out with the itch to embark on something new.

I don’t know about you, but I’m feeling ready to step out in a whole new way and so I literally adorned my feet yesterday in the most delicious spray of all things dear to my heart and reflective of this season of creative inspiration and explosion.

Although I feel the urge to keep what’s brewing close to heart, I don’t feel shy to wear the energy out loud. It also feels like a way to call all the fun and expansion in, by emanating the essence as a way of magnetizing its reflection to it.

Yesterday was an Easter celebration of sweetness and joy – with overflow enough to warm anyone’s heart, I think.

Bringing the spirit of the season fully alive, feels like a way to embody that same spark of light and new growth into our lives.

These are some of the creative touches that enveloped our warm celebration yesterday.

We’re grateful to have been able to share a small gathering with the family and ignite the new with childhood wonder.

All the little ways we can make every moment memorable and lived fully are how we embrace life and the gift of now.

Whether you have small or large dreams, hopes, and intentions, there’s no better time than to start with any step forward towards it, today.

New opportunities await us to partner in their manifestation. How we choose to spend our time, focus, thoughts, and energy speaks a lot to what we deem most important.

Beauty and potential is something you have to want to see, as it isn’t always found in the obvious.

They just might be illuminated from within and await your recognition and embrace of the gift to emerge.

I choose to fill my basket with ever-more courage, trust, hope, love, kindness, presence and inspired action, as we step into this new cycle. I also feel compelled to live the wonder out loud, even if that simply means wearing my heart on my sleeve.

There’s a butterfly within each of us that longs to unfurl their wings. There’s also a caterpillar who loves the journey because it trusts in divine unfolding and somewhere down deep has this knowing that something incredible may happen through surrender.

Do you feel that knowing too?

What might you do to embrace where you are, while motivating yourself to keep giving your best another step…another day…?

Like many of you, I can feel both overwhelmed at times and excited, but I know that moving forward is only about the next thing – not trying to jump into the end result.

Yes, I feel the Spring essence of blossoming inspiration and I don’t plan to diffuse that because I know it’s the natural fuel to propel me.

But I will find ways to anchor it in each moment with action steps so that when things do fully rebirth, it will sprout with nurtured cultivation to support perennial potential.

Grounding Through the Upgrades & April Energy Update

As we continue to experience very deep transformations, from the inside out, grounding becomes increasingly important so that you can stabilize, anchor, and manifest, as well as maintain wellness and vitality to do all the new things bursting forth from your heart’s desires.

One of the things we focused a lot on in both of the last online classes I taught, was simple grounding techniques because as healers and empaths our well being is crucial to the way we show up in the world and for others. But this is so for anyone who is sensitive, empathic, and works in service-related occupations or has a full life and business schedule. Grounding was part of a collective theme we discussed, which was accompanied by other topics that included things like energy protection, clearing, aura strengthening, replenishing energy, self trust, self care, and the overall importance of living as an example of what you believe and deem important.

But grounding truly is a way for us to deepen into embodiment more and in turn, be able to manifest more abundantly and feel more empowered.

The more grounded and present in your heart you can be, the more aware you’ll be of empathic exchanges taking place – what’s yours and not yours, you’ll be able to transmute things easier, and people or clients will feel more supported and safer to go deeper in their own healing process with you, or as a result of your reflecting this embodiment.

Interesting, right after the last class I taught this past Sunday, I went to my room to change into some hiking clothes and a bird chatting outside the sliding glass door got my attention. I hadn’t seen a Steller’s Jay since pre-Winter, but here was the first one of the new season, very eager to get my attention.

I thought that very fitting, given their symbolism. I’ve written before about Steller’s Jay and their messaging:

They symbolize bold, fearless energy, and the power of presence and how to use personal power effectively.

The crest on their heads connect them to the sky and above, drawing energy and wisdom through the crown and reminding us that our true power needs to be applied in a balanced way that integrates both spirit and body, mind and heart.

Since they are very resourceful, they too symbolize adaptability and how to do so more efficiently.

They also symbolize a great amount of talent, but a talent that needs to be developed and used wisely. In this way they mirror to us that this is a time in your life where you can begin to support the inherent wisdom within you to mature and come forth in a bigger way.

Steller’s Jay also alerts us that anything of value, spiritual growth, and relationships takes work and they show us how to activate our internal resources to do this. Communication abilities are strong, access to memories and assimilation of them come to awareness, risk taking, seizing opportunities, discovering new things to explore, balancing intelligence with silence and patience to align with divine timing all come through Steller’s Jay in message.

Their crest that reaches up also places attention at the energy centers of the head/crown, indicating an increase in new spiritual knowledge and wisdom that may become activated.

Appearing after a very activating class that felt to take things to a new level for everyone, but also in line with talking a lot about the upgrades taking place collectively, felt like divine confirmation. Their crest and all the energy focus on psychic channeling through the crown being integrated into body is so reflective of what is happening.

Nature has me soaring, yet in a grounded way that feels more like embodied spirit that is down to Earth.

The next day, a pair of Steller’s Jay appeared. Wink, wink.

One of my favorite grounding ritual spots to walk to – photos of this area laced through post

I didn’t always used to be very grounded. In fact, I wasn’t grounded at all. 🙂 I was floating about whether in the ethers, cosmically, or simply in my imagination, and was a tiny waif of a faery who had no boundaries, nor knew how to manage my energy.

So glad that all changed, but it came through balancing my life and saying “yes” to it – life that is. Embracing that I was here in body for a reason, and in order to do and be fully what I birthed in for, it was time to dance with more than just the familiar energies I remembered from off-Earth times.

There are many ways to help yourself ground and really “be” in body, but these are my 8 personal favorites (in no particular order) and easy, daily go-to’s that are integrated parts of my life rituals:

  1. walking barefoot out on the ground around the house and in my garden
  2. daily physical exercise in nature – depending on the season: hiking, walks, gardening, biking, kayaking, beach time, snow shoeing, skiing
  3. spending time with animals and plants – Astrid is my favorite choice here
  4. creating very nurturing and nourishing meals, fun snacks, or luxurious drinks that are both grounding and truly pleasurable to the taste buds – also creating anything with my hands, in general
  5. working in a space where I’m surrounded by actual elements of nature – raw crystals and stones I’ve found outdoors, pine cones, bark, lichen, a giant dried bundle of forest florals and plants in a saging wand I save, dried flower arrangements and lots of lavender, feathers, etc. I also have grounding and clearing crystals near my computer
  6. body care and spa time – I enjoy having a couple of days a week of things like masks, dry brushing, and extra hair care, but on a daily basis I luxuriate in natural and vegan products for my skin from head to toe
  7. nature-based adornments – over the last few years I’ve transitioned my wardrobe (down to my undies) over to completely natural and organic fibers like cotton, hemp, bamboo, linen…but also to slow eco fashion created by artisans who focus on sustainability and using plant, botanical, and low impact dyes. I can’t tell you the difference it makes me feel to have these on my skin – made for a faery indeed!
  8. sun bathing – I thrive on sunshine and don’t feel myself if not soaking in some rays – I’m very much a lizard or snake in this way. I especially love laying flat on the ground completely relaxed and surrendered in savasana pose – this puts me in a meditative space receiving Earth’s energy and Sun light codes all at once. (Since Saturday’s warming temperatures, I’ve been able to soak in a lot of forest sunshine daily, as you can see in the above photo from last weekend. I was already sporting a healthy flush from my hike out back that day and then received my first sun-kissing yum of the season).

Lee actually touches on the increased importance of grounding in his new April Energy Update I’ve included below, since so many of you enjoy them too.

Although he mentions how April will feel like the “lightest and brightest” month so far of 2021 with a lot of energy and opportunities flowing in, staying grounded, he says, will help you not feel chaotic and pulled all over the place, or unable to focus or make decisions. He calls the upswing of energies we’re feeling, “electrical energy upgrades.” If you think about electricity, it makes sense that we need our grounding cords right? 😉

Another theme of the month Lee hits on is the continuation of ancestral healing. I’ve continued to see that pop up in clients, friends, family, and even commissioned designs, where the focus has been on releasing the weight of ancestral lines we’ve all been carrying, in order to move forth into liberated being – and that this is indeed honoring them through living our best.

Synchronously, yesterday, April 1st and Fools’ Day was my paternal grandmother’s birthday – she would have been 101 had she lived until now. She actually transitioned on my birthday when I was in high school and I’ve always felt like there was a literal handing over of energy balancing she gave to me from that. A way to integrate the effective use of energies she embodied, and transmuting the ineffective ones. This, as a way to shift the lineage, especially for women in the family, but also collectively. And once I recognized that around age 21 – her gift in doing this – I’ve also began to liberate myself from the weight of it all, little by little. Today, coming to a greater space of “my own” while knowing that this is what she intended for true freedom for all. Not to look back, but to keep moving forward.

And along the theme of moving forward, Lee mentions how creating boldly between now and October will be big on the scene for everyone in their own ways. I can feel that, as I’ve already anchored into purely art creating mode right now and have kept feeling like April is a transitioning month where this creative mode I’m in will be the gateway to the much larger creative projects for the rest of the year – kicking in end of month or May.

If you do end up listening to Lee’s video, you might get a giggle like I did (Lee too) from how the donkeys in the background chime in right when Lee talks about “staying present to the magick and love” because they’ll be important alchemical components for upcoming creation.

The donkeys reminded me of a dear and magickal friend of mine in northern California who has two adorable donkeys and a bunny. And that immediately brought magick and love to the forefront of my heart.

Any little thing that invites us to be more present to the enchanting and endearing parts and qualities of life, truly do have an upshift effect on us immediately and this is the kind of energy we’ll need to fuel what we desire to create. As Lee says, “creating is healing” and as you blossom into a new you, you will simultaneously feel supported with all the new you want to create externally.

I know many of you have dreams and you can support them by immersing yourself in these elements of life. This also helps you to drop more into who you really are and not who you’ve been conditioned to be.

“I allow myself to become more fully me” – Lee’s April affirmation.