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To Create Is Your Power ~ Intentional Creations to Invite Your Magick Out

When you’re feeling blocked, challenged, or frustrated, creativity has a power to shift everything. Many chronic experiences and even depression can be alleviated through creative expression and moving energy in ways that share your unique essence. Why? Because it moves that stifled and unused energy, transforming feelings of disconnection back into connection and passionate desire.

And if you don’t see things you like in the world, creating is a way to put more of what you do like out there.

If you are not creating in some way, it may feel as if you are dying and in fact you are diminishing your life force because you are inherently a creative being.

I know I go through spurts of creativity from small doses to larger ones, depending on my energetic needs and what’s going on in my life and around me. It’s kind of like the seasons of Tania, just like Nature has her seasons.

I also discovered along the way that having different outlets of creativity truly helped activate more parts of my brain, but also of my heart, and definitely more of the latent parts of my DNA to come alive and awaken from their slumber.

Even the fact that having rabbits – the ultimate abundant, fertile, creativity spirit animals – are more resonant to me and have been with me through the most important years of my life, speaks to how vital this creative energy is to my well being. So much so, that I have a constant daily reminder right there staring into my heart and leading my heart daily.

The more you engage creativity, the more life force, overall well-being, expansion, and flow is available to you.

Creativity also helps you tap into your multi-dimensional self, which opens a plethora of possibilities.

When you feel trapped or there’s no way out, creativity unlocks a new door for you that was sitting silently closed down the dark hall.

To create is your power – a superpower in fact – and no matter which way you choose to bring through your creative spirit, your body, heart, mind, and soul will thank you.

That said, I’ve been enjoying one of my bigger spurts of creativity recently and the rainy days have added to endless rabbit hole creative projects here in the Wonderland imaginarium.

Whether a mandala portal to transform and awaken…

A mini world for your faery heart to take flight in…

Avian medicine to create ritual, cleanse, purify, draw in supportive energy, or carry prayers and intentions to the Universe/Great Spirit…

Or elemental wands that unapologetically speak for the wondrous being you really are…

There’s an intentional creation awaiting that invites your magick out.

I invite you to explore some of these heart-filled creations that are available to bring home, gift to others, and even pre-order – a fun, new option you can explore at this new page link:

Pre-Order & Ready-Made Items to Invite Your Magick Out

Wishing you a magickal 11/11!

Animal Spirit Guides Looking for Their Cocreators ~ The Messengers Continue Supporting Embodied New Realities

This last Strawberry Full Supermoon was quite something. The energy was definitely strong and I heard similar from others as well, so maybe if you felt something on Thursday the 24th and had forgotten that the energy of this Moon was at hand, it might explain some of what you experienced too.

I didn’t realize until later when looking at my Sports Tracker that we had actually started our hike just one minute before the fullest point of the Full Moon at 11:40 am our time. It became no surprise that I felt a wave of exhaustion rush through that increased over the two hours we hiked to the lake from our house. This exhaustion continued on through the evening. We literally got back inside just minutes before a downpour of rain, as thunder storms loomed and growled overhead quite dramatically on our way home. It was most intense for about three to fours hours then rebalanced after I showered, ate, and cozied into the couch for a bit. Other than the evening after supporting the horse’s transition, I don’t recall exhaustion setting in like that for some time. I noted it to be my body’s way of integrating and balancing out the continued upgrades and initiatory energies.

There’s been a lot of that lately, hasn’t there?

And since then, things have felt strong, grounded, and clear again with continued reserves of energy and feeling refreshed, as well as the presence of many messengers at aligned timing. These messengers have been guiding forces in my life and as way showers they’ve been both comforting and confirming. Most of all, they inspire new landscapes and possibility when there seems none at hand. The more I connect with them, the more I connect with myself.

Guidance has been very deliberate and focused for the path ahead. I love sharing these animal spirit guides, as I know themes run through for many of us and also because I honor their presence and participation in the tapestry of life.

Most recently we had a giant dragonfly visit us on the deck with wing span of 4-5 inches wide, a continued parade of varying butterflies floating ahead down trails and all around us – a giant swallowtail equally matching the dragonfly size was amongst these, and then there was a large garter snake that slithered quickly across the trail in front of us on that Supermoon hike that knocked me out. Each pointing to significant transformational, and in some cases dramatic energy like the thunder and lightning storm.

Saturday’s hike was filled with tons of little blue damselflies that upon close inspection are extremely extraterrestrial looking.

These miniature dragonfly-like beings are delicate, but have these incredibly hybrid-like attributes that appear humanoid and otherworldly – like miniature people.

To me, their electric color and behaviors were a reflection of a merging and eclectic world of consciousness.

Then on Saturday evening, just before heading inside after tending to my garden, something caught my eye and beckoned me back. A cottontail rabbit just arrived in the yard right on queue, as twilight is their exploring time.

I ended up going back in the yard and spent twenty minutes connecting with her. I got the message this was Hope grown up when I saw those deep, soulful windows of hers.

And by the way she listened to me with those big, wondrous eyes, as if remembering my voice from our time together when she was younger.

Seeing her was a sweet gift and confirmed the messages I was hearing on other fronts of my life that I had pondered and asked about.

She also offered an air of extra “hope” to the Earth collective’s evolution at hand – and this was to be imparted to others.

There’s been continued feather treasures that included twice finding osprey feathers – the first time one and the second time two, just two days ago.

I always cherish osprey as the between worlds messenger – the only bird of prey that actually dives into the water where others just pluck from the top of the water. This makes osprey unique in not only navigating the air element, but the watery depths as well. Another beautiful bridge between worlds.

And Sunday’s parade of geese on our beach day concluded recent guidance in the vein of avian support, although I also supported the geese as their guardian once again protecting them from misguided cruelty and unconscious hands.

I have a strong kinship with them as family – but then I’ve always felt that with the souls in the animal kingdom since I was a child.

Bird wisdom has been on high and makes sense, as I see them as guides between worlds and how to merge these. And in fact, our sweet family of robins who nested outside our front door, have left for brighter horizons. That feels symbolic of a new life adventure beginning that is fresh and detached from the comforts of the old. I wish them well on their new adventure and although bitter sweet to see them go, it’s the same kind of feeling I get each time a door closes and opens – like now.

But then there was this big and beautiful crayfish discovered at the edge of the water.

Although no longer Earth bound, the life force was strong and I was instantly reminded of scarab – once again returning to Egyptian energy. Like the mysterious underworld scarab who speaks to immortality, resurrection, creation and renewal, growth, cycles of life and death, protection, healing, and transformation, crayfish is also a symbol of regeneration, underworld energies pointing us to pay attention to our intuition, dreams, and subconscious, growth – helping us shed our old skin, beliefs, and habits to move forward in life, and protection through responsible and appropriate reversal of direction.

This beauty was gorgeous shades of turquoise, aqua, and sea green and as you can see, as large as my hand – the largest I’ve seen so far here.

These jewel-colored crustaceans that graze on algae are actually an invasive species that were introduced here to Marlette Lake that feeds into Lake Tahoe in 1895. There’s an estimated 300 million of them. Their presence has impact on the lake’s clarity because they in fact also stimulate further algae growth. So, that’s an interesting irony to ponder.

And going along with beetle and scarab energy, yesterday I came home from our biking and beach picnic day feeling something crawling on my stomach. I lifted up my shirt to find a black beetle. I noted that this day also involved instant manifestation of thinking of feathers and heart stones and finding them immediately after.

So, it wasn’t a surprise that since I’d been reflecting upon scarab energy, a beetle of my own appeared on my solar plexus. How it got there and manifested is a mystery, but then the Great Mystery is a welcomed friend in my life.

But in terms of Egyptian energy themes continuing to roll through, you’ll recall I mentioned falcon’s rare and mysterious appearance in the last post. So the flash of scarab through crayfish was an echoing whisper drawing me to look again at this strong energy channeling through. Falcon is connected to Horus and I always had a very powerful affinity with him. I connect Horus to The Middle Way, as well as the fox we saw, as it was a gray fox – not black or white, but in between – that showed up.

And then barn owl also spoke recently – she comes through in very rare and deliberate ways – and has been a constant companion for many cosmic experiences over the years. I’ve only had the rare opportunity twice to see one in person, which took place to and from our nine week Winter adventure, but usually this messenger comes in the between times of dreamscapes and portal visions to summon a new era of Cosmic merging that is unfolding and a time of invitation to something more and beyond.

This time she appeared in vision of the merging of worlds and parts of me/us that are at the forefront of importance and whenever she flies into my awareness I know nothing will be the same again. Her presence is otherworldly and if you peer into her eyes you can’t run away from the depths of who you are and of consciousness in totality. When I am in her presence, I see all of me through different eyes and that hauntingly beautiful depth she pierces is one that sticks as reminder while I forge forward.

She and Falcon both brought personal messages of integration to me recently, but also confirmed that the energy and medicine they carry was of support collectively for the evolution we are experiencing.

While I was away on silent retreat, one of the messages that came through in fact involved falcon and barn owl, but due to the emotional waters I also immersed exploration with, narwhal was included. Narwhal is another rare being I have danced with and as the unicorn of the sea, her mystical presence whispers a time of deep renewal at the DNA level that also is one of merging the worlds into embodiment. Hers comes through a watery invitation to reclaim emotional depths and shadowy crevices to bring through majestic being that can move in and out of

I find it no coincidence that as I started writing about narwhal and her invitation to watery depths within that a thunderstorm just started and rain is coming down between the last rays of evening.

I also find it interesting that I “happen” to have three cherished animal guide totems of each of these that have been helping to navigate life in these recent years after our time in the Magick Bus.

The nudge I received, while away, was to offer these most cherished treasures of friends up to the collective. And when each of these animal messengers showed up as they did when I asked for confirmation, each in their own way – through guidance and dream visions – it was done.

This coincides with inner transformation, but also literal transformation that took place in my outer world – particularly my office and shared room with Astrid that acts as a portal embodiment for the paths we navigate. We felt called to focus the energy on a particular leg of the journey we are currently venturing down and in doing so everything got a facelift to match.

In doing so, many things also had to go not just to make room for the new, but to open and close doors that had merged into being and are no longer separate from my daily experience.

That bitter and sweet again of realizing the beauty of where you are and where you journeyed from, but knowing to keep moving forward.

And this leads to the calling these animal messengers are putting out to find their new cocreators.

Falcon, barn owl, and narwhal are three enchanted beings I adore, and because of how much I love them, I asked for confirmation to appease my human heart that was sad to see them go. I always honor what comes through even if at first it seems tough to say goodbye. They always remind me that since the energies are merged, there is never a goodbye. It’s simply an unconditional release of doing what’s for the highest good and remembering that what was received will always be with me.

And since we are all connected, where ever they are called and whom ever they journey with, is a part of me too. And so I celebrate the joy of those connections and openings, just as much as if they were my own.

I’ve never been one to store things away that to me are alive and pulsing with energy. I couldn’t do that with my giant crystals (or any other enchanted beings that have been in my life) when we left in the RV, as it felt wrong. Boxing up their energy was like locking them up in darkness, unable to fulfill their life’s work. I always had to ask myself how I would feel if something stored me away for an unknown time? It would be like caging a butterfly or breaking a wild horse’s spirit.

So like then, when the message that they were ready to move on and not be stored just to “keep” or be attached to them, came to me, the same happened now. I couldn’t bear to store these vital beings and in fact each spirit expressed that’s because they’re ready to move on and support another now.

There is a story that goes with each – both my own personal story and stories shared by their visionary artist who brought them to life. Some of these I’ll share so you can listen to their energy and if they whisper something to your heart. Some of it I can share more intimately if you feel so called to them.

They are each one-of-a-kind, custom, collector’s creations that are quite valuable in more ways than one. They are all hand-crafted by two different artists with intention and love and with very intricate detailing. You’ll notice how alive they are even in photos.

I will make them available only here on my blog to the soul who feels them as their companion for this current walk into a new reality where depths of your parts can merge, heal, and anchor more fully and they can be your muse of inspiration in all that you desire to create here forth. I don’t feel called to post them on social media or in my Etsy shop, as I get the sense that laser focus of energetic alignment will unfold here via my friends who so generously devote time and energy to delve and journey deeper with me through all that I share.

If you’re feeling their call, please CONTACT ME directly – not as a comment on this post – with your intention. I can then further discuss details with you via email.


Payment plans will be available to support the perfect pairing of soul partnership and alignment. They will be offered at their original value/pricing plus shipping.

If for some reason there is more than one soul feeling called, I’ll go by first response and if for any reason something doesn’t work out with the first person, I’ll let the next person know. This happens a lot where energy shifts, so I’m used to a little energetic shuffling that takes place and always interested how that unfolds.

They will remain available until they find a cocreator. Once the connection has been confirmed, I’ll update this post with that information. So, you may continue to send interest as long as they are available.

Due to the size and delicate nature of the larger pieces, international shipping isn’t a great idea for those. It would be quite costly too, so they will only be available to souls within the U.S. The smaller piece is easier to ship anywhere. That said, if you feel strongly one is meant for you, please email me through the contact form above and we can discuss things to see if it makes sense for you.

Below you’ll find images taken by the artist and some I took myself, along with the stories they wrote in some cases, or little snippets of their essence, and a little insight and a blog I wrote in other cases.

Each will arrive with little details that were originally sent to me and some I added with them and in the case of the barn owl, I will be happy to send the beautiful lichen branch from the forest here that I’ve had with her since her arrival to me that creates a magickal realm for her.

For anyone who might be interested in more than one, please contact me with your intention and we can look at options.

For anyone not called to cocreate with them more intimately or have to have them physically in your space, I hope you enjoy their energy and messages here – perhaps aligning with just what you needed to see, hear, and feel right now. For this reason alone, it feels important to share them here with you.

Barn Owl & Faery Queen ~ NO LONGER AVAILABLE

~ She has a wing span of two feet or more depending on her wing positioning and around 14 inches from talons to faery crown. Detailing is exquisite. In person will blow you away. She is meant to be hung and has string attached to her back to do so, but you could prop her as desired and move her to different spaces in your room or home as needed. She will take your breath away – both barn owl and faery queen – two souls merged as One.

The Dream Weaver by Phoebe

She is the celestial muse, moving between worlds she carries songs of creation, magical insight, knowledge, and the old ways.

Her harp was crafted from a shell brought up to her from the depths of the ocean by Mac Lir.

She is whale song and owl song—deer song, and star song. 

Poets and painters know her well, she has moved through them since the first brush laid ochre and charcoal against stone, and the first songs flowed out into the world. 

In Ireland they called her Canola. It was she who gifted the very first harp to the people.  

Leave offerings to her in the crevice of an old tree, bits of silver, three hairs braided together with three strands of grass, moon-white shells, flower petals—and she will weave her magic, tying strands of inspiration from the otherworld through your dreams.

She is creation.

I have a beautiful branch with lichen that I’ve loved perching above her back when I would hang her from areas of the room to create the effect of descending from the heavens through the night forest canopy to enter into this realm. This can be included to be with her or not. Other details included to be discussed if interested.

Falcon and Faery Rider

~ She is just over nine inches tall and about eleven and a half inches long front tail tip to head. These beauties stand on their own and can be perched anywhere. Again exquisite detailing that will mesmerize you in person. These creations are alive in every sense of the word. Faery Rider has a pouch that she collects acorn caps of the oak tree in. These are real little branches and caps.

Orla and her Merlin by Phoebe (Merlins are small, fierce falcons)

Today I met Orla, who shared with me that her name means ‘golden princess’, which seemed rather fitting as she sat there on the back of her Merlin, shimmering with every shade of gold.

When I asked what they planned to do with all of the caps they had collected they told me that they would be sanded down and used as dishes for their big harvest feast. Orla had gathered a rooster feather as decoration as well. I smiled as they both flew off in search of more acorns, autumn is definitely here, soon the trees will start to change.

Narwhal, Unicorn of the Sea ~ NO LONGER AVAILABLE

~She is about eight and a quarter inches long and about three and a quarter inches wide from fin to fin. Very delicate and endearing, but magickal through and through with glassy beads and a tiny limpet shell upon her back. Her tooth/horn is made from clay and painted with tiny stars shining upon it. She comes with a delicate string attached to her back so she can be hung where ever magick is desired. Or she can sit on any surface as well with ease. This little Narwhal is pure enchantment with the most delicate of features and detailing. She’s a reminder that magick does roam this Earth even in the seen worlds. A sweet friend stepping out of a faery tale come true to help merge worlds into One.

Narwhal by Lucy

‘Below the thick icy drifts where polar bear tread and gull song fills the sky there is another world. You would be forgiven for thinking that nothing could possibly survive beneath but life fills even the harshest places.

The strangest creatures roam the inky blue. Bright eyed seals slip by seamlessly and ghostly belugas cry mournfully for what nobody knows. Selkies and sirens we have come to know through fairytale and folklore but a unicorn? One without hoof or mane.

She is a Narwhal, unicorn of the seas. Her life has been spent adrift the tides and the ocean has kissed her with gleaming barnacles upon her back and limpets that cling tightly. She clicks and chatters amongst her pod, shy to the surface but sociable in the depths. Nobody truly knows why she has her twisted tooth but in my dreams I’ve seen her, on a starbright night she broke through the ice to pierce the stars from the dark and take them below to nurture and grow so that she may build an underwater sky of her very own.’

And here is a link to a dream message I received once where Narwhal visited me, to include some of her symbolism:

Unicorn of the Sea ~ Dream Messages from the Narwhal

Narwhal speaks to me of balance, mystery, depths and freedom.

I haven’t shared all of the medicine and messages that these animal spirit guides represent, as I’ve been steering a bit more away from that, only providing some information when I feel called. In this way, they can speak to the individual as is relevant to each. There are collective themes with messages, but we each receive the energy in different ways. So, I’d prefer you to journey with your animal spirit guides and messengers in the way that feels right to you.

I hope you’ve enjoyed these three magickal beings and another walk through the experience of messengers, as I share of the ones that are guiding the ever-changing path of evolution in my own life.

Perhaps these stories and shares are merging your own experiences with messengers around you into a more seamless and sweet one. You have many friends and much support always by your side.

The messengers seek us out. They find us. We needn’t go searching. Merely open our eyes to the gift of their presence and there they are.

Which messengers have you been working with recently, or maybe for years, that have supported you through the ebbs and flows of life?

I’m always interested to hear who is showing up for others, as it’s very telling of the shifts collectively taking place.

Bridges to the Heart of the Cosmos Within

It’s been a while since I’ve shared some artistic creations so today’s post focuses on the energy of two recent custom commissions I completed, which I feel hold collective messages for reflection. As always, I find that the projects that find their way to me end up being much farther reaching experiences than just for the person they’re created for. I believe that each of us not only taps into the messaging of our higher selves through these channelings, but is tapping into the bigger picture well of themes that are relevant and supportive at this time. In this way, each person becomes a vessel or portal for the messaging and through their courage, we all receive the gift.

The first piece is the latest Magick Keepsake Chest that I was so excited to create. The title for it came to me right away – “Harmony Is…”

These chests are creative canvases for me to either take someone’s ideas and channel them into a cohesive expression, or completely flow through an entire vision from scratch for them. They become their own mini portals that are functional for storing things like crystals, jewelry, intentions and dreams, keys, special little mementos and treasures, store the ashes of beloved animal companions with locks of fur, and make wonderful Reiki boxes or gift boxes.

This one is going to be used as a Reiki box.

I was only given a list of some things the person was drawn to, to work from: They were drawn to the night themes in some of the chests they saw from past creations, were interested in what a “night rainbow” might look like since they see rainbows a lot, have had rabbit, bear, and hexagon energy showing up, and wanted that incorporated somehow with a tiny dandelion some where.

I was so happy when they saw their creation and shared, “I absolutely love how all the random elements came together so beautifully.”

The photos you see are what channeled through as the woven story for this vessel.

What do you think?

As I relayed to the person who commissioned this, here is a little description of the vision that manifested:

“It’s SO hard to capture the accurate colors and details – but you’ll see in person that the experience of it is quite different than a photo. The colors are so rich – I made that midnight blue night sky rather than black, as it felt more aligned with the energy. In person it actually shifts from deep teal, to teal and royal blues, to darker areas mixed with a little black to create the variations. I call it “Harmony Is…” and the image of the white rabbit and young bear sitting on clouds in the heavens extending arms to one another in friendship are the focal point. You can see the stars that energetically connect their outstretched paws merge as a heart at center, while two other star hearts in the Cosmos are on either side of them. The rabbit holds a dandelion, with little puffs of seeds blowing up into the Cosmos, while a perfect rainbow emerges from it and they transmute into the four hexagon woven symbol that came to me to create for that balance at center….from there the rainbow emanates out into a rainbow nebula that fills the whole back (this is one of the things that really doesn’t show up the greatest in photos) and there are gold, white and colored stars scattered throughout. Actually the gold I used for the hexagons, stars, constellations, and energy is metallic so it shimmers in the light – again you’ll see that in person. On the sides I created an extension of the clouds from the front with more loose flowy rainbows that merge at back with the nebula. And on the left I created the Lepus and Ursa Major constellations – Hare/Rabbit and Great Bear…they appear as if running along the rainbow. The inside is painted in varying teals and blues.”

Custom Magick Keepsake Chests are available here: The Magick Rabbit

Then we move into the second custom commission – a sacred tattoo design that was an extremely challenging, yet super potent cocreation for both of us.

As I shared with my client: “There was a sense of great importance and even more surrender because of the magnitude I could feel coming through it and you. I have to admit, at first, ego was ‘hoping’ I would be able to hear/see what was intended for this…then after embracing that humanness, I listened to my higher self that wanted me to just trust and it would come. There was a feeling of words saying, ‘You do know, but you have to let go fully. Drop into essence and believe. Allow it to move through. It will then be you.’ “

Because my client had tattoos already in a particular style of powerful simplicity, boldness, and indigenous quality, I needed to stay within this energy, while not compromising the essence of this portal and also drawing upon a boundless Cosmic energy that needed to merge spirit in Earthy flesh.

Her visions and messaging from those working through her spoke loudly about how we were working with a very expansive energy that needed to come through a multi-dimensional doorway with 3-D effect and continuum of movement. So embodying the contrast of simple complexity was quite a task and surrender indeed was needed. In fact, this piece was ever-more drawn out because I really had to wait for each piece and only sit down when the doorways opened to feed through me the ingredients for the vision.

The image you see is a series of Star Wheels – a medicine wheel mandala that incorporates the Star Nation.

Without going into the full meaning of this piece, here are some of the elements you might discover while gazing upon it and can then draw your own energetic messaging from:

  • An inner medicine wheel represented with the turtle shell – so the entire center is the back of the turtle – very simple lines and the inner smaller circles are part of the shell uniqueness, but double as mini wheels and orbiting planets in the Cosmos
  • At center of the turtle shell/star wheel is the spiral/nautilus for that continuous flow and evolution energy. The spiral interconnects with the shell’s inner circle/design between each section of the shell and also the tendrils or threads that move out around the outer wheels – reflections of the golden threads my client envisioned
  • I created all of these tendrils to feel alive and like sprouting new life from the plant kingdom, but also having a cosmic nebular spiral effect. So I added a few simple leaves on some of the tendrils inside the shell on the spiral and outside around each outer wheel
  • I wanted the star wheels to have the essence and recognition as a wheel, but also to double subtly as more. There are four outside the center, fifth one, creating the four directions. I added two hawk feathers – a client connection and messengers between worlds – for a subtle hawk presence at both sides of center to give the effect of those directions without creating lines and down the center the stars rise from the medicine bowl below, along with three symbols my client wanted to have included that also are subtle in creating the center of the four directions.
  • The bottom star wheel I felt needed to be larger as it will sit on the sacrum – or sacred portal area – and I felt this is where a medicine bowl would be. A primitive healing hand or hand of the Divine Creator rises from within and holds or reaches toward the bowl. The bowl is filled with stars and another of my client’s symbols amongst those stars. Then the another of my client’s symbols is right above it with a third just above that leading to center. Then stars continue to rise from there. This portal area and star wheel feels to be the gateway and so it infuses spirit in body reflected and both Earth and Cosmos bridged together and creating alchemy. The tendrils spiral around the wheel and I created an effect of movement and emergence with the subtle circular spiral rising from bottom and integrating into the circle subtly. Later I noticed how this created the feel/look of a bee hive and I loved that symbolism and how honey is the nectar of life and the hexagons are such potent symbols.
  • The two star wheels at either side have the other two symbols my client wanted in them and each of them also surrounded by the live tendrils/nebula spirals and stars. I then felt they needed motion as well to feel like those moving or orbiting planets and so the lighter and descending wheel shadows are to reflect rotating movement in the Cosmos. Everything also feeling like rotating atoms or Cosmic matter.
  • Then the top star wheel again is tethered also like the others with the tendrils, but these wrapping around to create that feeling of motion, parts of the wheel, and rotating atom-like nature. Instead of repeating the similar movement of any of the other three, this one has rotating, open circular matter creating a link or doorway effect
  • Each star wheel is its own separate portal to other dimensions, but in totality they are part of a larger multi-dimensional grid – they have ability to give and receive through their doorways.
  • And last, you will see that on both sides near the bottom there are stars creating two designs – one a constellation and the other created to appear like one. The right is Ursa Minor – also known as the Little Bear constellation. This was included because of a Cosmic bear connection that came through the messaging we discussed. The Bear constellations are very connected to the Arcturians as well. And on the left, jaguar energy was incorporated, but rather than do any literal or abstract parts of the jaguar’s physical nature, I opted to create the jaguar paw with stars, to balance the constellation on the right, making it appear like its own constellation, but more so to reflect how the jaguar is a dimensional gateway keeper and timeline guardian. What I saw after the fact was how the overall effect of these constellation additions created the feel of a dream catcher to the overall design, which I loved as another unifying tie-in.

The first photo I shared is a very straightforward design photo and the one below is in natural outdoor light.

As I shared with my client, “What I found very interesting was, as soon as I went outside to photograph it in the natural light, the white little feather you see by it blew over to me.”

That gave me chills as confirmation and a Cosmic smile.

The third photo I took has a magickal effect of enhancing and casting more light in areas and darker in others, which creates the feeling of movement and as if the light is swirling along with the design.

Perhaps these images will speak to you, invite a deeper awareness, take you on a journey, or water a seed within you to expand even more – bridges to the heart of the Cosmos within.

On Wings of Ostara ~ Flying Through the Spring Equinox Gateway of Renewal

Although we still walk through patches of melting snow and ski upon fresh powdered sugar-laced grounds that surround us here in the high mountain altitudes of the Sierra Nevadas, the sunshine illuminates in warm vernal rays, the skies have begun to moisten the forests with cleansing rains mixed with whispers of Jack Frost’s lingering goodbyes, and the Earth is singing in green bursts of celebration.

There are still the morning dawns of ice diamonds upon branches, brisk chills in the Zephyr winds, and snow tracks from burrow to burrow of the snowshoe rabbits turned white. Yet muddy trails emerge for hopeful feet to journey upon lotus promised grounds.

“If there comes a little thaw,

Still the air is chill and raw,

Here and there a patch of snow,

Dirtier than the ground below,

Dribbles down a marshy flood;

Ankle-deep you stick in mud

In the meadows while you sing,

“This is Spring.”

~Christopher Pearce Cranch, A Spring Growl

As we step through the potent Spring Equinox Gateway, I am reminded that Nature reflects to us how to navigate the inner realms by way of surveying Her landscape as our own spiritual terrain.

Ostara is the Goddess of Spring who nurtures the innately rich land and keeps a loving eye on all the sprouting new life emerging from Winter’s blanket. This time of awakening from quiet preparation gets stirred by her fertile spell into inspired action.

She illuminates opportunity and the dawning of a new cycle, where possibility stirs in every new bud of life.

The sensual, soft, and magnetic aspects to the sacred feminine she embodies, also carry powerful creative forces like no other that can give and take away life through birth and rebirth.

This is the access point to the field of potential within the vortex of your heart.

There are many symbols that represent the generative powers of Spring – some of my favorite including the rabbit or hare, butterflies, blossoms, and The Cosmic Egg.

For Winter Solstice I was called to share with your heart, a visual spell from the essence of my spirit and once again I drop into the well of my heart’s depth to bring forth another of my spirit’s emanation. The creative energy of my signature frequency heeds the call to express herself as a form of transformative regeneration to join with the collective’s intentions to create a New Earth experience.

Through our creative energy, we each weave a thread of activation that unites the collective tapestry.

We each embody an energy signature and archetype by birth. My own, from onset of Earthly emergence this life, carries the numerology of the number three when my birthday is broken down simplistically. This is the energy signature of The Empress in Tarot ~ creative abundance and manifestation, unlimited fertile possibility, harmony, love, Earth Mother nurturing and growth, creating beauty, sensual comfort, stability, birthing of new beginnings that constantly recreate themselves, and wholeness from bigger picture Cosmos to smallest Earthly detail.

Synchronously, the qualities of Ostara are found in The Empress. And so it is no wonder I walk this Earth with a rabbit familiar and rabbits have been my soul companions for years – my first appearing when I was twelve years old. It’s also no coincidence that when I first, very consciously, began my spiritual journey and asked to receive the symbol of my life’s work, it came to me as the butterfly.

And ever since each of these first appearances in my life, both have been prolific in presence and uncanny experiences, not to mention have shown up in consistent, guiding ways.

So, when I received the message that I would be sharing another visual spell for this seasonal turn of the Wheel, it became clear I was to embody my birth essence in honor of Ostara and Spring.

My Venus in Aquarius has been speaking very loudly these days and partnered with my inner Empress, the creative expressions you see here are my answer to the Spring nudges, carrying a specific encoded message from heart to heart.

While Astrid would have lovingly danced with me, I decided to let her rest and support me from the comfort of her castle tower overlooking things from her dream state, as she’s already bravely taken on so much this Winter with our journeys. She instead helped choose the pieces to accompany me, including a golden rabbit as her stand-in.

I hope you enjoy this creative expression from my thread of the tapestry and here’s a Spring Equinox Prayer and Ostara Poem to accompany the journey as you flutter softly through our transitioning forest and garden here with me:

The dancing hare foretells the spring,
With fertility and new life this time does bring,
Gay Eostre dances on the earth,
As seeds and flowers come to birth.
Tulips and daffodils come into bloom,
And life sprouts from the Mother Earth’s womb,
Birds lay their eggs now and the light is growing,
Catkins and blossoms on the leaves are showing.
The sun reaches forth with his hand,
To the Maiden of flowers returns to the land,
Their dance brings new balance into our life,
Planting the seeds to overcome strife.
We grow with the flowers and the trees,
Winters gloom banished on a spring breeze.
The joy of new birth enters our hearts,
As we look forward to Beltane’s love.

May this portal of renewal activate your own rebirthing of creative expression, abundant potential, and harmonious, inspired action.

Opening Multi-Dimensional Doorways of Being ~ First of Its Kind Sacred Cosmic Activation Design

I was going to wait to post this design, which was completed this past Saturday the 16th of January, but felt it important to share given the collective undercurrents I have sensed in motion especially during the two days prior to finishing it.

I’ve noticed both feeling a big shift has taken place AND seeing it reflected around me in the nature landscapes I traverse here. Everything has a very vibrant, surreal look and the light and color coding it emanates is very different.

The change is a subtle experience of something profound I sense. What that is has yet to be seen, but it’s as if there’s been an opening that’s been cushioned from being something potentially much harsher.

It’s hard to explain, but recent experiences I had and that several friends have shared, all indicate something along these lines and that recreation is at hand.

I find, like many artists of all genres do, that things we work on embody both personal and collective symbolism, especially in the case of creating a deliberate and intentional portal as these sacred designs are in fact.

I never know what is going to come through, but the experience from start to finish – inspirational conception, the process, and the official birthing seal – all carry intentional seeds of activation with ripple effects.

That’s the alchemy of transformation in motion and it’s a wondrous adventure of both personal evolution and collective unfolding.

And that’s exactly what this sacred piece is – pure alchemy of personal and collective as One.

This is the first of its kind in terms of both elements that are integrated into it and how it will be merged with the soul who it was created for.

To say I was honored to channel this sacred design that feels also like a temple vessel is an understatement and because it is for such a pure light of cosmic love – a true soul star sister – made it all the more sweeter. We’ve both been in elated celebration mode since sharing the completed piece together and reflecting on all of the elements and collective connections.

I actually bullet-pointed everything in an email to her and there were sixteen bulletpoints that were each layered too!

I’ll let the intricate details of the design speak for itself to each person who views it. While symbolism is collective, how that translates for each individual is relative and I’d rather it reflect in the way meant for you. Perhaps even, you may sense and receive an activation it holds.

What I will say that I shared with the beautiful soul it was created for is that it is a “cosmic shamanic activation portal with doorways upon doorways being accessed simultaneously. So it’s like a multi-dimensional snapshot of these layers opening….and it’s so huge in energy that I know without doubt that collective is coming through personal in this, as I do feel like a multi dimensional doorway is/has opened and this is like one access point of it that is channeling through your frequency and hence an access point for you, while collectively an access point that is relative to each. If that makes sense.

So how is it the first of its kind?

Well, beyond the obvious of it likely being the most intricately layered piece I’ve created so far, it holds the very first language of light codes in it that I’ve channeled.

And the next way its unique is that it is not going to be literally tattooed/inked onto the skin, but rather is going to be etherically imbued onto her skin through a cosmic activation we’ll be doing in a sacred ritual together to transfer it on. Think of it as a telepathic transference merging spirit and flesh. A multi dimensional process to create a light code design on her etheric body that will integrate with her human body. It will be felt and experienced by both herself and anyone who she engages with even though not seen with the physical eyes. Sensitives with the gift of extra sensory sight may even “see” it.

The design itself is quite a large piece as well. I made it to the exact measurements, as if it were being literally inked on, as it is important to me that every part of the process is accurate and in place on the physical level because alchemy happens when all elements are present.

It stretches from a little up the back of the neck where the seven pointed star and light codes above are, the thicker part of the top sits near the base of the neck and then flows all the way down over her higher heart, heart, and somewhat extending to solar plexus and across her back.

She’ll also be keeping the design as a meditation portal in her sacred space as a remembrance of who she is and to help access even greater depths and expansive potentials.

I hope you enjoy this little inside look at the latest sacred design that has channeled through during my own expansive time away.

A little gift of light and possibility from the cosmic depths of essence.

And then this message I shared recently on social media to accompany the reflective journey while viewing the portal:

Don’t be afraid to light up your unique energy frequency and step through the doorways opening before you.

You’ve never been more needed than now in the truest expression of you being you.

Don’t be afraid to harness your strength and step into it more fully even if it’s different than what others are doing.

What ever your gifts are… share them.

What lights you up?

I was born to be a bridge – to embody peace within chaos and to let my heart be a hand to others.

“Inside my empty bottle I was constructing a lighthouse while all the others were making ships.” Charles Simic

Rare Halloween/Samhain Full Blue Moon Magick

A Blue Moon is the second Full Moon in one month and October 2020 illuminates just that for us, with bookending Moons at start and end. This Full Moon is in Taurus and being a Blue Moon will add an extra magickal boost and thinning of veils all falling on Halloween/Samhain.

And to add to that extra magickal boost, Astrid sat herself below center of my painting titled Once in a Blue Moon (as seen below), wearing her Moon and Star dusted Cosmic witchy/wizard hat, to anchor her own message and infuse some rabbit alchemy to the mix.

Since Full Moons showcase a rabbit in the Moon, her point is well taken – I always listen when she “speaks”.

So much is culminating as year end draws near and the energetics continue to rise in ways that point to the continued importance of self care, preparation, inner work, anchoring, and maintaining your own equilibrium.

If you can be open and ready for the unexpected, stay focused on what really matters and is of most value to you, tune into, listen, and support your body’s messages, feel and channel through the sensual aspects of life that make you human and are the gifts of spirit in body, and embrace the changes that have ability to put closure to things, you will find yourself in a much more strengthened and empowered place to navigate the waters of the journey ahead.

Since Earthy Taurus is the focal point of illumination, body and Earth speak loudly now and that might mean extra time in the great outdoors Mother Nature gifts us with, or anything nature-connected so that ultimately you’ll be immersing in some mystical communions with the nature of you.

It’s a great time for mischievous magick, intention-seeding, or your own version of mystical, love-filled spell-casting in Nature’s womb of creation, illuminated by the Full Blue Moon.

This last week we’ve been doing just that, as we created space for another Earthy immersion – this time in the Arizona sunshine and waters of Lake Havasu City to celebrate with our dear soul family we haven’t seen in a long time. I’m grateful that opportunity came to take some safe, distanced outdoor-focused excursions recently. Last time it was the ocean and faery forests of the Pacific Coast, and this time it was the red rocks, desert sands, and warm waters of the Colorado River and Lake Havasu – different, but equally nurturing, enriching, and cleansing.

And with the building of the Full Moon energies in the night sky, coupled with Arizona sunsets, the Earth and Cosmos merging has been felt strongly in the body and soul.

This was amplified by the ability to connect with my sweet nephew and godson, Nova, (whom you’ve read about in a previous blog) who helped me tune in with my dearly departed rabbit son, Cosmo.

Nova is just as sweet and perfect as I knew he was – such a tiny faery bunny who loves snuggles (he’s about 2 pounds lighter and several inches smaller than Astrid). Tuning in with him this last week was timely because Cosmo has been on my mind being that Halloween was the day he transitioned, four years ago. The Universe knows what we need and Cosmo always finds a way to communicate and send me love. This week, through the adorable Nova.

And to add to that energy, it was such a gift to see this sweet Burrowing Owl on one of our evening walks.

I haven’t seen one in years. The timing felt particularly potent. Although not the clearest photo, I’m surprised she even showed up given the evening lighting casting dark shadows in her burrow. But I love the way she did because it adds to her mystical energy and deep mystery.

Owl is one of my key spirit animal figures for my path, which I had reiterated by a favorite reader in Sedona, Arizona upon twice visiting him, but especially particular species of owl. Their feathers show up prolifically these days. They carry the power of sight, intuition, and hidden wisdom that reveals the true reality which is hard to be seen by others.

I love this interesting information about Burrowing Owl from that mirrors the time of year right now before Halloween/Samhain (time of thinnest veils) and the upcoming Full Blue Moon.

Mythology & Folklore :

The American Indian Hopi tribe called the Burrowing Owl Ko’ko, meaning ‘Watcher of the Dark’. They believed it to be associated with Masauu, their god of the dead, the guardian of fires & protector of all things underground, including germinating seeds, making it a very sacred bird. As the owl lives underground, it was believed to be able to communicate with the dead.

The American Indian Gosiute tribe (from Utah and Nevada) believed the Burrowing Owl to be a protective spirit for brave warriors. Owl feathers were worn by the warriors & rattles were covered in owl skins, to frighten off their enemies.

And the owl energy continued, as the very next day after an evening with Burrowing Owl, it was all about Great Horned Owl. With two, rare physical encounters with owls back-to-back I’d say something’s afoot.

“Every real story is a never ending story.” ~The Neverending Story

Our nine and a half mile expedition of the senses was a literal Neverending Story journey with all the major characters showing up in rock formations, including the magickal gates that guard The Southern Oracle – The Great Riddle Gate with two Sphinxes (in this case we had two sentinel rock portal gates that included one naturally carved into the Luck Dragon, Falcor, himself), a perfect Morla rock – the giant turtle known as The Ancient One, Rockbiters and Big-Headed Rock Creatures. It was incredible. There were also snippets of Lord of the Rings and the journey to take the golden One Ring to Mordor and a bit of The Secret of Nimh when Mrs. Brisby meets The Great Owl in his bone-laced lair. Wow!

The latter literally manifested a Great Horned Owl that greeted us upon entering the slot canyons. We saw her emerge from her big nest perched between the narrow slots and take to flight down the corridor, coming to rest up on a ledge of the rock walls ahead, as seen here ever-so faintly.

The rest of the time we walked down the slot canyon to the desert beyond, on our way to a secluded beach on the lake, we kept finding a variety of small to medium sized feathers amidst all the bristle brush at the bottom edges of the rock walls.

We also discovered a lot of small bones and skeletal parts of the little animals she fed on – both on the ground and contained within owl regurgitation.

We wondered if she’d be there again on the way back, and indeed she was.

She greeted us once again with a fly-over (enabling a photo capture this time), and more feathers, including a large one I found during a funny episode of me shimmying up the rocks we had to climb down into the slot canyon.

While literally suspended at the top, flat on my stomach with arms and legs flailing out as if I was swimming, since I was having trouble getting up, this put me in the perfect position to see a large feather at eye-level to where I was laying. I stopped everything between two people pulling and pushing at each end to say, “Hey! Look at that perfect large feather behind Dave!” We all laughed. Nothing stops my hawk eye from seeing magickal discoveries, nor gets between me and them. I always seem to provide comic relief for everyone and this one was caught on video.

The slot canyon felt like the Great Horned Owl’s lair Mrs. Brisby bravely enters on her journey to the Rats of Nimh, and the whole energy and finds of the day without a soul but the four of us, plus all of the things we kept discovering (ancient petroglyphs in the gorge walls of the Colorado River, Osprey twice flying above us as trains passed over while we went under the bridge on jet skis, a monarch butterfly gliding by us on the river – butterflies are said to be ancestors returning, and more) and having revealed during the rest of every adventure-filled day this week, made for the perfect lead-up to Halloween and the Full Moon.

And so, during this liminal time of year when boundaries are at their thinnest to the Otherworlds, it feels like the Universe conspired with my/our intentions in supporting the energies and experiences of greatest benefit, and revealed the way showers for the journey ahead.

Alongside several nature treasures, I even found this sweet, little, brown faery bunny at a store to bring back for Astrid (with detachable wings) – the perfect find for my magick rabbit

If we want to create some meaningful experiences for this doorway, we have the support of many beyond the veils – the Fae, ancients, ancestors, deceased, and even right under our feet – Mother Earth, around us – animal and Elemental messengers, or in the stars – the Cosmos and our multi-dimensional selves and star families.

And speaking of all of these mystical and potent energies, Astrid and I thought we’d share some of the magick we’re conjuring up at the Forest Portal mixed with Faery rabbit enchantment and wonderfully witchy wishes from our hearts to yours.

With a blend of Earthy and Cosmic ingredients, we’re always brewing up some fun and love to bridge the gap between the shadowy depths of the heart.

The photos you see laced throughout this post capture the alchemy we create together and love spreading out into the world as cocreators.

You got a glimpse of Astrid’s new cosmic witchy/wizardy hat back on October 1st’s Harvest Full Moon, but we saved the extra enchantment for October 31st’s Full Blue Moon.

And I just had to reshare this fun from 2019’s Halloween post, which came from my newsletter I subscribe to.

It felt particularly fitting with this year’s photos of Astrid and me. I think you can see why. 🙂


  • “Traditionally, rabbits are the most prominent animal that is associated with witchcraft, but cats have since taken their place.
  • Rabbits are associated with lunar energy, luck, hidden knowledge, divination, love, creativity, success, sensitivity, agility, swiftness, spontaneity, abundance, rebirth, renewal, transformation, and fertility.
  • In some folklore, it is said that witches would transform into rabbits as a disguise due to their elusive and swift characteristics.
  • Rabbits are still considered to be a common familiar for witches.
  • Rabbits are symbols that represent various goddesses, such as Artemis, Hecate & Cerridwen,…
  • One of the classic 48 constellations as named by Ptolemy is Lepus, the hare.
  • Rabbits are associated with spring, the vernal equinox, and the sabbat Ostara due to the fact that cold weather is fading and flowers are beginning to bloom.
  • While rabbits are associated with luck, it’s not inherently good or bad luck – it can be either depending on the circumstances….
  • [Some] superstitions state that rabbits can dispel negativity, cleanse, and break spells….”

Credits: art – Collins;
article – & lunaesteria

Today’s Halloween, Samhain, and Celtic New Year is a portal to access and create realities to mirror your true multi-dimensional self.

May the key become conscious for accessing more of this each day.

And may all possibilities be open to you.

In love and creative magick,

Tania and Astrid

Letting Go, Listening, Purpose & Celebration ~ Autumn Equinox Portal Preparations

Fall is in the air and everything is falling all around, including my hair. Well, not quite like that, but I’m letting it go as easily as the trees let their leaves shift and drop. More on that shortly.

I read a short share from Avia Venefica exploring where the phrase “turning over a new leaf” came from. She writes:

“…many types of trees can detect changes in their environment. They sense a shift in weather before it happens. It’s as if they predict the weather. Trees adjust to these changes to prepare themselves for pending change. For example, deciduous trees like maples and poplars turn their leaves as a protective measure before a storm hits.

Rather than flippantly tossing about the catch-phrase of ‘turning over a new leaf’, maybe we can embrace the idea that a deeper presence within and around us is beckoning us to shift our position. Maybe a powerful, sentient energy sees a positive purpose for making a motion for our betterment – for our safety – for our future.”

She points to how the inherent awareness we have is easily distracted, whereas Nature continues to listen to the signals no matter what is going on in the outside world. There’s an innate wisdom that can guide us just like trees. Surrendering to that space of knowing how and when to change will lead us to our most optimal life experience.

Yesterday morning kicked off with an Autumn celebration of joy and change with a procession of over twenty quail, a chipmunk and a squirrl, with chattering birds to accompany, all parading in front of me with a grand show.

I shared a video of the fun on Instagram yesterday, which followed the quail from fence to fence of the perimeter of our yard, with a chipmunk and squirrel who kept zipping by to add giggles to the show. It all made me so happy!

The quail use our yard for grazing and as their path into the forest. This is the sweet family we’ve seen since the babies were tiny ones, now all grown. I was doing my usual morning feeding and cleaning routine with Astrid when I caught glimpse of the action. The quail were lined up along our fence and squirrel was enjoying his pine cone not far from them and then ran closer, as if to make sure he was in camera focus (as seen above and below).

I went outside to enjoy both their presence and purposeful journey, as they hopped down into the yard, grazed a bit and hopped back up to the forest-side fence to continue on. While watching them, a chipmunk got super excited and started to zip back and forth in front of me several times, which I caught on the video. And then squirrel (this is the same little guy who always comes to tease me when I’m in the garden) decided that looked like fun and wanted to steal the show. So he ran up closer and made sure to look straight into the camera and then over to the quail and back to me.

It was so cute watching all the activity and observing the quail, one-by-one hopping up to the fence, surveying the forest, and then jumping down onto the forest floor. One of them was so excited she overshot the fence and when leaping with flutter to the top, toppled right over instead.

This reminded me of a dream I had last night where I was flying. I have dreams of being in flight, although many of them are about the effort and concentration it takes to lift off the ground and keep rising, but I prove that flying is possible. This dream was very different. Like the little quail who overshot the fence with propulsion, I had almost too much propulsion and force behind my flight. So much so that I was able to bring two other people along with me, as we held hands in a line (reminding me of Peter Pan flying with Wendy and the kids) and I flew us up and far, doing all kinds of tricky maneuvers along the way. By the end of the dream, I was in fact learning to harness, refine, and dial back my energy a little because it was on full force and I was having to navigate us to a very specific coordinate that I couldn’t overshoot. That seemed like a significant dream to have at this change in cycles right now and with all that I’ve been experiencing.

But back to the quail – I adore them and love that our home is such a welcome place for all the forest creatures. They, along with the activity of the other little animals in Autumn prep, herald the change of seasons to me.

This traveling troupe, I read, take us on a journey of reflecting upon our life story and the symbolism around purpose and progress…to see if the details are aligning us to where we want to go and what we want to create as contribution. And synchronously, this HAS been a big focus for me recently.

They speak to any action being sacred and that even the smallest of steps in the direction of purpose will propel momentum and create opportunity. So, in this way they encourage action toward our goals and to seize what is showing up.

Quail are also very social, aware, instinctual, confident, connected, and community-oriented. So there are varying levels of how these messengers may show up in our lives. As always, only we can decipher how that translates for us.

And yesterday afternoon, Hope made a reappearance in the garden just outside of my office that I share with Astrid, my rabbit. She was enjoying yard munchies and even had a fun encounter with squirrel where they nearly ran into each other, and she bounded off in surprise. Of course, I giggled out loud. She sat under the fence a while just exposing her cute little cottontail and I enjoyed watching her explorations. I discovered later that she likely ate my comfrey plant, which is funny because it’s the first plant that finally took after about four efforts. I took it as a sign she’s blessing it for next year’s abundance. 😉

While watering, two chickadees were flying and perching next to me, chatting with curiosity and of course my squirrel friend made me laugh, as he ran right up to me on the top of the fence I was standing near, looked me in the eye, chattered and then ran off. He’s such a tease, as I said.

So, it was a big day of forest celebrations for tomorrow’s Equinox, the circle of life, sacred community, purpose and the journey, and enrichment even within the transitioning seasons of change.

I’m very much hunkering into the change of seasons, which includes inner preparations matching outer ones. I’m also loving to wear the Fall colors and matching the natural environment around me. It seems to be quite a full time recently for getting a LOT done.

Do you find yourself making any shifts too, whether consciously or instinctively? Or engaging in more things than normal?

I have a full couple of weeks of bulb planting, cutting old growth, bookkeeping, house cleaning, updating our Magick Rabbit Etsy shop (which I’m hoping I can get up for Equinox tomorrow since there’s a couple of sweet Autumn additions), Reiki 2 online training and road trip prep, alongside new focuses I’m developing. So, I feel a bit like the squirrels and chipmunks in seasonal production mode. Yet, like them, am making sure to integrate some fun along the way.

Which leads to the opening about “letting go of my hair,” as tomorrow I have my first appointment with my hairstylist that got rescheduled by divine alignment to Equinox. She only sees one person at a time now so that works well. I’m planning on the first big cut I’ve had in years, since I’ve been mostly just letting my hair grow during these transitional and deepening years.

Yet, I feel so ready for something lighter, fresher, softer and releasing all the years of old at the ends. Normally, I’ve been trimming about four inches off, but it grows so fast, it never seems like I do.

I’m not yet sure what will evolve this time, but it makes me excited because I love change and get bored pretty easily. This may just be the first stage of cuts to come, but whatever and whenever they happen, it is a way I align myself with the new. And since it’s been years since I have done anything more drastic, it undoubtedly reflects big, apparent, upgrading change.

I thought this was interesting. My hair is currently a little past my waist, as you can see in the left photo, which was taken Friday to document the before. The lighting wasn’t direct, so it was a little more accurate to my medium brown hair (of course I have silver too, as you can see in the photo above this one). Then just a couple of days ago, Dave saw the light on my hair streaming in from outside and took the photo on the right. It completely transformed my hair to a honey gold, or slightly strawberry blonde, which made me look like a completely different person from behind and actually mirrors my hair in photos from when I was a little girl. I had both pixie hair when I was super young, and then hair down to my butt for years. The right photo reminds me of little Tania and seems fitting to have recaptured that, since a lot of focus for me has been about retrieval of my parts.

Now, it’s about reinventing something new.

The shifting light of the season casting a glow of change and reflection.

I also have an eye appointment Thursday to upgrade my prescription, as I can tell my vision is shifting. Vision changes reflect, to me, a different perspective on life. Vision and perspective feels important, as it relates to everything shifting so much in the way we are experiencing the world and collective right now. There seems to be a call to alter our perceptions overall and even a mass movement in terms of the things more people are becoming ready to see now. As layers of the veil peel back, we are being asked to see with new eyes and trust what is being shown/felt because that will be more key in creating a different reality than the one we may have thought was the only version of reality available.

As always, I am fascinated by connecting dots of the journey and share these experiences as one of the ways in which we can invite awareness and creative energy to the process.

Nature reminds us that we need to relinquish the need to hold on tightly with fear and to trust in the process – to allow ourselves to have everything we thought we knew about ourselves to be stripped away, only to discover a greater truth to our authenticity beneath the temporary structures.

And in the process you’ll discover the only thing that is eternal is the core essence of who you are beneath the temporal layers. You learn then that the rest isn’t as serious as you make it and is simply part of the journey to that core.

We let go, just as the trees effortlessly allow their leaves to shift colors and float off in the wind. We embrace the only permanence, which is change. And we take grateful stock of what we do have, while preparing for a new birthing that will be incubating during the symbolic stillness.

Seasonal transitions mirror the evolution of human consciousness and the dynamic shifts of life cycles.

If you feel so called, perhaps you might create an intentional space, moment, or ritual of your pleasure to connect within and without as a way to unify through love.

I wish you a beautiful change of seasons that represents the merging of two into one and a balance between contrasting energies, at the portal point of Autumn Equinox (for Northern hemisphere folks) and Spring Equinox (for Southern Hemisphere folks). May it illuminate your inner journey in enriching and deepening ways.

Solstice Reminders & Magick Offerings

Hoppy Summer Solstice, as Astrid says! This is a very special and magickal portal for us, not only because Astrid came to me through it last year, but Joy returned to the stars through it as well two years ago. Today so much is culminating, including the last day of the Summer Solstice Gratitude Giveaway and the last day to pre-register and still save for our “Living a More Magickal Life” Workshop. Can you say fun?! Astrid has been hopping all over this morning with excitement! Seems sweet Joy is channeling through her. 🙂

So, if you know you’d like to join us on Fall Equinox for a very special gathering with an amazing group of souls, then don’t forget to do so by end of the day to save $77.

You can still sign up until 9/15, as long as space is available, but we are officially over half full at this point with only 5 of the 12 spaces remaining. Although have an 8th commitment, so 4 spaces really.

You can register here: Living a More Magickal Life with Laura Bruno & Tania Marie

Today is also the last day of the Summer Solstice Gratitude Giveaway! For everyone who has joined these last 11 days, don’t forget to send me your journey with this by end of tomorrow, the 22nd.

I have a busy next couple of days, including preparation for teaching a Reik workshop Saturday, so I’ll be making the announcement of the 11 recipients of the drawing on Monday the 25th! Gifts will be sent out next week too! Stay tuned both on Facebook and here on my blog for that.

If you need reminders on the guidelines you can view them here: Summer Solstice Gratitude Giveaway

It’s truly been a powerful week with a lot happening fast and many changes underway. A lot of people I know have had some huge liberations and rebirthing, as well as powerful changes creating opportunity.

One of my sweet friends’ new business just launched officially today and another’s just this past week – in both cases I was floored and excited to learn that I was the very first sale to help ignite each into birthing! That truly was special and meaningful. I also have another friend who’s recently launched another channel of her work through a podcast and new branding, and yet another who has been envisioning the expansion of their business and rebirthing their brand/logo. And the list goes on. Overall it seems that everyone is blossoming and expanding! I imagine many of you are experiencing similar things in your own way, but it does seem that things are coming to light and clarity with potential looming like a lightning bolt of inspiration.

I got a lot done too, including finalizing my office closet cleaning/organizing with fresh clarity and space!), but did find myself a bit antsy with energy and excited that I’ll be done next week with my book’s editing. Today I’ll be doing a little Reiki Healing Attunement ritual with Astrid, getting my hair trimmed and the silvery streaks revitalized, as well as getting things in order for a potent forest workshop this weekend. I finalized some things and along with prepping the massage tables for Reiki teaching on Saturday, they will also then be released and sold next week to close that part of my journey too.

And that brings me to some magickal potency that just yesterday I got that both Astrid and I would be offering up today on the Solstice.

Many of you will remember the Magick Crystal Wands I channeled last year. They all found their beautiful partners and guardians, but there was one at the time I had felt to keep for myself. Several people were wanting it then, but it had work to do with me.

Yesterday, I received the message to release it and offer it on Summer Solstice.

So that is what I am doing – here is the info that I posted about it when first sharing it.

Merlin & Lady of the Lake Wand ~ $222 – SOLD

Merlin & Lady of the Lake Wand (2)

This wand called to me from the shore of Fallen Leaf Lake here and I was taken back by its appearance immediately. It was already fully carved, smoothed (as if someone had rigorously sanded it), and has a beautiful golden blonde coloring with perfectly spaced dots in a design along its shaft. I do not know the type of wood it is, but I know it is not of this world, as it was ominously placed out in the open like this for me to find it, singing to me like a wizard’s wand would.

Merlin & Lady of the Lake Wand (1)

On its own, without any added adornments, it is a powerful and complete wand, but I immediately knew that it desired elements to bring forth the harmony of its embodiment.

Merlin & Lady of the Lake Wand (3)

This to include three irridescent blue Mallard feathers and one Blue Jay feather at the center. Along with these beauties, there sits a Tibetan Quartz above them at center and a combo of silver and gold wire individually woven and ending in triple spirals.

Merlin & Lady of the Lake Wand (4)

And at the top, a very special Quartz point wrapped in an intertwined gold and silver wire ending in a spiral at each side.

Merlin & Lady of the Lake Wand (5)

The Quartz at top is a small point, but large in its presence. Since this wand was already potent on its own and had a perfectly rounded bottom and softened diagonal point, it did not want any large stone, but simply one to enhance and act as a fine-tuned channel at top.

Merlin & Lady of the Lake Wand (6)

It was evident which crystal it would be, as only this one had the exact slant to its bottom that perfectly matched flush to the top of the slant of the wand.

But as small as this Quartz point is, it is no ordinary crystal. It happens to be the one that Fiver, the mouse who I helped transition in peace and love, jumped aboard to fly off into the otherworld when he transitioned.  But to add to that, when I looked even closer I discovered perhaps why this had been the crystal chosen to be with him and why it was so powerful for journeying beyond.

Merlin & Lady of the Lake Wand (7)

It happens to be a Channeler Transmitter Quartz, or Dow or Trans-Channeler Quartz, as they are known with perfect 3-7-3 and 7-3-7 sides to its faces, front and back. You can read more about that here: Dow or Trans-Channeler Crystal. Divine balance and connection with Universal Truth being its essence.

The Mallard Duck feathers embody spiritual freedom, grace on water, self expression, emotional strength and protection, mystic and seer, combines land and water balance, integration, and manifestation, knowing what to do and how to do it, graceful self confidence, knowing, preparedness, letting go, speaking truth, intuition, gentle flow, the now, and being that they walk the Earth, swim in the waters (fresh and ocean), and roam the sky, they are links between Heaven and Earth, or this world and another, and also represent eternal life.

Merlin & Lady of the Lake Wand (8)

Blue Jay brings the energies of clarity (in this case double clarity/vision to express purity and truth of heart and soul with great clarity of thought in bringing these through to share), communication, presence, wise and balanced use of personal power, resourceful adaptability for ease, creative self-expression and assertion, sound and song, authenticity, and bringing higher thoughts into action.  Their crest that reaches into the heavens, directly links both Earth and Universal/Cosmic energies, bridging them for integration and active expression of divinity brought into embodiment.

Merlin & Lady of the Lake Wand (10)

So both bird spirits linking and bridging here and beyond, personal and collective, immediate and bigger picture.

Merlin & Lady of the Lake Wand (9)

And next we have Astrid’s offering.

Dendritic Opal ~ $111 – SOLD

dendritic opal.jpg

It stands 6 inches tall and is 2 inches wide at base.

You’ll remember I shared this crystal back when Astrid came home to me. She was given a couple of crystal friends, but this is the one she would like to offer on today’s Solstice.

It is a lovely raw crystal that is pale silvery blue in person with some darker areas and wonderful portals.

Here’s some info on the stone: Dendritic Opal and here: Dendritic Opal

Here are photos of Astrid activating it.


Wishing everyone an invigorating Summer Solstice!

Sending love and creative magick to all!

Full Moon Shifts & Potent Portal Possibility

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If you haven’t already noticed, I’m a bit bunny crazy and the bunny energy just keeps multiplying, as rabbits do! My birthday gifts were full of bunnies (including a sweet donation to Save A Bunny in my honor and the White Rabbit ensemble pictured here), but I spent a low-key hoppy birthday week mixed with nurturing and reflection. I also experienced a big energy hop where things intensified on my birthday and then released a couple of days after, in alignment with the Virgo Full Moon. Since Astrid is a Virgo, there is definitely bunny synchronicity going on there too and I noticed some different behaviors in her as well.

As I mentioned in my last post sharing Lee’s Energy Update for March, I’ve been profusely immersed in the themes he speaks of – innovation and creativity – constantly feeling this impulse to create whether it’s baking up a storm (perhaps quite literally as we are in the midst of a 3-day snow blizzard), rearranging and decorating my office some more (will share that fun stuff in an upcoming post), transplanting and planting succulent fun, shifting my wardrobe, getting more clarity on the new directions I’m going and things I’m feeling called to implement, and finalizing the editing of my book (this last go around really shifting it the most yet).


The snow levels when I woke up this morning in our backyard forest


The snow levels from my office that have continued as I write this blog

It’s like my wellspring of creative energy is wanting any outlet possible, so I’m both going with that flow, but also being mindful of directing my energies so they don’t get too diluted. I know I have that tendency and am nipping it in the bud so that I can remain efficient with my intents and that Cappy energy wanting focus.

Virgo’s Full Moon yesterday kicked in a snow storm here and we’re already at, now, 2-3 feet at our 6600 elevation with more on the way today and tomorrow. We’re finally getting a true Tahoe winter and a late winter, as I predicted. A perfect send-off for fun snow shoeing out our backyard forest and skiing before we head to Arizona next week and our camping/trekking adventure in the Grand Canyon. Incidentally, I learned from KC, aka Bean, that the Grand Canyon’s 99th birthday as a National Park was on my birthday. Isn’t that a coinky dink?

But back to that energy shift briefly, I definitely think the Virgo energy was triggering the perfect alchemy in my Pisces counterpart, as I felt an influx of anxiety that was a mix of excitement and scary. I feel it was the realization of having tipped the scales and now am off the edge of the cliff with no turning back and it’s all about trusting what I’m feeling to do despite having no reference for it and no knowledge of outcome.

Incidentally, I was out driving two days ago, before the storm, to pick up some packages at our P.O. Box and the car in front of me had the licence plate, “TRUST.”

I wanted to snap a photo, but kept my hands safely on the wheel and instead voiced a thank you for the supportive message at the perfect time.

I was prompted to go even deeper into more levels and knowing that my Pisces self needs to implement full devoted Virgo well-being of self through fulfillment of my personal expression of “mission” for lack of a better word that I feel compelled to manifest. Although I knew this and have been on this path, all of my parts are helping me to ground deeper since I’ll be needing all the backbone strengthening possible for a spineless fish to move into the platforms I feel called to and the amount of empathic exposure and scrutiny I may be exposed to…a pretty big feat when you have to build and manifest what was never there, but not impossible! I’ve been working on that my whole life and this energy simply called for extra attention, which Astrid is so wonderfully assisting with for the bigger work I’m about to commit to. This was why the anxious feelings popped through, as Virgo energy can bring up these “what if’s?” about the future. It was a check-in and a review of “is this really what I want?”

In the end, I found my answer could only be “yes,” otherwise I have no reason to continue on here.

This Virgo Full Moon definitely turns our attention to how we manage our lives and to let go of that need to control everything, so that instead we can surrender to the fostering of our dreams through heart magick. This includes letting go of how and when those dreams manifest so that they do in a way that is for the highest good of all concerned.

The Virgo Full Moon also calls up our sensitivities and we may be easily triggered emotionally. As long as we understand what this truly is about, we can then take a breath and a pause to sink deeper into responding instead of reacting.

The Virgo Full Moon also helps us align with things most authentically in resonance so that we see what no longer serves us and our highest purpose and potentials. We can then let these go with love, knowing that anything less than supportive is simply harmful. If we allow others to drag us into chaotic dramas, this will only lower our vibration and create a feeding ground for more. Maintain your vibration above all else…I experienced this for an hour or two and was so proud of myself in turning what in the past would have taken me weeks or months, into a more profound barrier of “not on my watch.” Be grateful for these opportunities, rather than seeing them as weaknesses. You have the power to create alchemy at any moment through realization.

The Virgo Full Moon can draw up critical self examination and yet wants us to constructively love our parts as perfection in the puzzle of our personal tapestry of life.

So, it has been a profound and powerful birthday week here and I’m experiencing a further deepening into what it is I’m really doing here with the creative heart work I’m feeling called to.

And that leads to a fun and magickal announcement of potential, perfectly aligned with Virgo energy of service grounded in well-being for all.

laura and tania.jpg

Laura posted her workshops for March, which includes a possible workshop with me.

Yes, I may be coming out of my temporary teaching retirement for a co-creative and potent event.

And yes, it seems we’re feeling called for another in-person activation together, which is a rare event in and of itself…so a workshop will be quite something.

As Laura mentions, we are planning a visit for this Fall and seeing how there’s a potent alignment happening at the time we’re feeling, this could bring our long-felt brewing and percolating thoughts about co-hosting a workshop finally into manifestation.

We’re still feeling this out and what will be offered, but are putting it out there so you can share your feelings and thoughts as well.

Possible topics percolating, but not limited to, are “Faeries, Manifestation, Manifesting with the Faeries, Tuning into Nature, Everyday Magick, or some other inspiration TBA.” I have some other ideas evolving as well.

It would be held on 11/11/11, as 2018 is an 11/2 year at our magickal Forest Portal here in Lake Tahoe at an address that numerologically equals an 11 as well. Talk about potent.

This visit and workshop will be full circle for us, as this is where we first met – the Tahoe/Reno area – and everything we’ve gone through together first began, including my receiving Reiki Master Teacher training from her and many an adventure – oh my! Quite the energy activation in store we sense.

If this interests you, please let us know. Simply send a message via the link here.

Either way, we’re excited for this visit and look forward to the adventure of rewriting a new reality from this potent portal.

In a paraphrased version of my favorite Willy Wonka quote:

The suspenseful possibilities of what might open are terrible 😉 I hope it lasts.

The Magick of Cosmo


Near or far never changes your presence in my heart and the magick you shower my life with. I love you more today and although you were only with us for a short while, your love is etched in my spirit eternally.

Three years ago, today, this sweet boy came home with me, forever stole my heart, and both changed and saved my life forever.


Today, I woke to the most snow we’ve had yet this season here at the Forest Portal.

No coincidence this fell on our anniversary.

It felt like a sprinkling of your magick, sweet Cosmo, coming through the portal here.

Thank you.

I love, adore, and miss you.

Not a day goes by that you aren’t felt or spoken of.

Your love and spirit are as pure as the powdered snow in this Winter Wonderland.