Monthly Archives: April 2023

These Are The Times You Forgot You Were Excited For

Once again the great outdoors and our own backyards present us with metaphors for the journey and reflections for how we are navigating our own garden of life.

No matter where you live, the current weather you’re experiencing, and how the season is evolving where you are, you can see what Nature is trying to convey about cycles and process, relative to you and even as a piece of the collective unfolding.

Here, we’re seeing the continued melt-off of snow and warming Spring temperatures, as well as experiencing the beautiful resiliency of Earth’s children rise again.

While there is still quite a bit of snow on the mountains and in neighboring yards where sun exposure, altitude, and snow depth varies, our land and home is nearly Winter complete, with only three very small patches of snow remaining.

The same holds true for lake level areas, giving off Summertime feels and beckoning my toes and body to immerse in the sands, crystalline water, and sunbathing nourishment.

Kayaking, beach days, outdoor events, biking adventures, and long nature hikes here we come!!!

There is sacredness every step of the way.

Yes, even the in between is just as rich as the before and after, and perhaps even more so as it’s there where all of the layers reveal themselves and their perfectly chaotic synergy and harmony.

The unraveling of each thread shows us the value of every part no matter if the color is to our liking or not. You can’t have certain magnificent colors without mixing together others.

As the world rushes at us from all directions and the hidden, repressed, and unacknowledged equally gushes forth, we are seeing the melting snow packs filling creeks, rivers, and lakes with equal force.

All that we’ve held onto tightly with the illusion it provided comfort and security, is making itself known for what it truly is and supporting us into realigning with the truth of our authenticity and the integrity of our hearts.

In this way, what seems to be coming at us, is perhaps in fact being called up by us so that we can finally expand into our fullness and greatest potential yet.

We may still be straddling two worlds and seasons, but nothing can maintain its strength and integrity forever in a state of division without hindering new life from emerging that comes through the unification of surrender.

I finally felt called to get the ball rolling just a bit while Dave is around to help, so that I can then freely handle the rest on my own while he’s away. So we went about clearing the front yard where huge tree branches that looked like mini trees, bunches of medium sized ones, and other debris had been exposed by the melted snow.

This is only the first round of clearing, as there’s a ton of smaller branches and of course mounds of pine needles and brush that I’ll need to clean up, but removing all the larger things really made a difference.

We scoped out the front, side, back, and garden for the really big stuff and hauled them to the front where they’ll eventually be picked up by the fire department who comes and removes and chips things later in the season. The above photo is of the pile so far, which looks far larger in person and includes two giant limbs about 15-20 feet long each.

Dave lopped off the many branches to the large limbs to make them lighter so that we could move them more easily. We also lopped off all the hanging branches from trees and bushes that had been weighed down and broken by Winter’s hold. In this way, lessening their load and freeing them to renew as they see feel fit.

After all of that, we went about propping three of our large pine trees that we planted when we moved in, as the weight of the snow had pushed them on angles – one of them quite severely. With ropes, shared pulling, propping stakes, shoveling and anchoring, we managed to get them secured and straightened.

Next, I gathered debris and broken items – especially from my garden – and cleared all of that. I managed to salvage three garden friend statues with some heavy duty glue, I reanchored, straightened, and propped back up the rest. And while I did that, Dave used the blower and cleared most of the decks and pathways.

It was all reflective of the inner navigation that these days are enriched by – the old, outmoded patterns and ancestral trauma being looked at piece by piece and then cleared, refreshed, and mended with love.

Where lightning strikes, the change doesn’t have to be surprisingly traumatic and continue in the vein of the old in that version of harsh. Lightning can electrify something new into its brightest potential through the surrender and embrace of expansion.

This reminds me of my dearest twin soul in rabbit body, Nestor, who brought all of my dear soul companions in rabbit and tortoise form to me, including the incredible Astrid. And perfectly so does this memory flood through, as on the day I am writing this part it just so happens to be the day of her transition 15 years ago – April 27th. Without going into detail, when she made her transition from this world to the next it was the most impactful and altering moment of my life. She literally let out screams that cut through dimensions and worlds, and made tangible the illusion of separation by this both excruciating and exhilarating sound frequency that made sense of unity within one tone.

Through her death and transition, she taught me more than any years of study or detailed analyzation ever could.

Light carries on.

Transformation puts the illusion of chaos into perspective as brilliance dancing in precision of both a dying and birthing star.

Although our yard and garden looked like chaos struck, when we pull back we can see genius in motion of creating. The “mess” is a canvas of opportunity that deconstructs the old and supports new beauty that salvages the resilient parts into something fresh. It’s an efficient way of helping us to see the value of each piece to the whole and how each piece can be repurposed and alchemized.

Even just with this little bit of cleaning and strengthening, the canvas has room now for creating. In this way also supporting Spring to do her thing.

Fresh perspective transforms what looked like disaster had struck and left a muddy confusion and weight. Standing back, the whole picture becomes explosive opportunity.

Spring cleaning truly does help to shift things in your life…I’m doing tons of it right now, inside and out.

Next up will be some ongoing fence and dripline work. We ordered some fence posts for our smaller, simple one that runs the perimeter between our only neighbor on one side – a fence we as neighbors had newly fixed, together, before the big Winter. The weight of the snow broke about eight of the beams so we’ll redo them this weekend. We also need to fix the inner perimeter of our larger fence to the side yard where the lower pieces of wood across the bottom got yanked off their nails by the snow’s weight as well – that will come later. This is more ornamental and doesn’t affect the integrity of the fence, but still something to fix. I’ll need to check all the driplines to see if any broke and need replacing. I know for sure of one that happened at the end of Autumn and beginning of Winter – I believe a bunny friend might have done some nibbling thinking it was a plant vine (hehe!), but there could be more and that needs handling before we get Summer temperatures heating things up.

We have some time since there’s so much moisture in the ground and we actually have some more coming for a few days next week, too. There’s some rain and snow expected between the 1st and 4th of May. Nothing crazy, but they’re saying rain during the day and snow at night. We’re not expected to get more than an inch of snow accumulation each night where we are and it’s going to melt right away if we do, but that will provide more moisture and extend my ability to get out until the 5th if the forecast is correct.

That feels aligned, however, with some other things that 5/5 rings in for me personally (a special day connected to two of my transitioned powerhouse soul companions – Gaia’s birthday and the day Nestor’s ashes returned home to me), but also since it’s collectively connected with The Scorpio Full Flower Moon Lunar Eclipse of that day too. There’s also a culmination taking place then of something that’s been in the works for a while and will help me to access and maneuver into the next labyrinthian chamber of the creative vortex.

Heading outside on 5/5 makes for great garden clearing and beautifying work time to begin full-on, green-light-go with weather in the low to mid 50’s ongoing for a while, which will be perfect for it. I will be able to complete everything and also add these two small packets of Sierra Wildflower seeds (below) that we were given at the local Earth Day Festival we went to. On the same day, a friend also gifted me the beautiful crystal heart suncatcher you see next to them, with real flowers embedded inside as a belated birthday present…Little did he know I had just admired these creations at the festival right beforehand.

I love how the sun caught the crystal and flashed a different color each time, reflecting the endless creative possibilities when we shift perspective and cast light into the crevices of our hearts.

The days leading up to the upcoming moisture of the beginning of May have been and will be in the mid to upper 60’s – maybe even hitting 70 (beach time!), so Nature is indeed doing the one or two steps back, and the big leaps forward.

Just like all of us.

Everything feels really vibrant, though, and there’s this fresh energy and vitality I can feel even with the garden friend statues that survived. I can “hear” a lot of chatter and the forest and garden animals are mirroring the excitement.

Between birds singing galore – the other day I used my Merlin app (thanks Lynne) that identified six varieties of birds all around me – and chipmunks and squirrels running around like children on a sugar-high, it’s a big party going down indeed. There’s times we’ll see four baby chipmunks zipping about chasing each other and teasing our cats through the glass.

“Ha ha! You can’t catch me!”

They love checking in on Astrid, too, although it’s a different dynamic that is shared of communing and curiosity. See the little one peeking in on the resting and meditative Astrid in her bed?

They are quite fascinated with all that Astrid is up to inside, as she demonstrates a different version of potential that even souls in animal bodies can choose to experience.

There are options that lie beyond the current, defined realms of known existence.

I have yet to see our bunny friends, but boy oh boy are there piles of abundant rabbit pellets (poops) everywhere! Not only is the ground moisture rich, but talk about incredible, natural fertilizer! It’s going to be quite the fertile landscape cycling through this year.

And although I haven’t yet seen the wild rabbits, other than finding that thumper, I DID come eye-to-eye with one of our tree frog friends while I was clearing an area of the side yard.

It’s amazing I even saw him, but there he was peeking out from under a dried leaf (first photo in collage below). He then emerged slowly (second photo) when I spoke to him and I saw how healthy and plump he was (third and fourth photos) before he made his way under a bush again.

Frogs have been coming through quite a bit, as you might remember my frog dream that came around the time of all the “golden” animal dreams:

I then had a dream that I came upon a pond in the snow where many large spotted frogs were swimming and hopping about. One of them hopped into my hand and filled the size of my palm. Frogs, too, symbolize hope, good fortune, renewal, transformation, new beginnings, opportunities, making leaps, and major, personal transformation and life shifts.

Not long after that, two golden citrine frogs found their way to me by wild synchronicity through my magickal friend, Lisa. One was a large one that, of course, perfectly fills the size of my palm. The other was a little one that I knew was meant for Dave and he’s become his lucky charm, bringing him good fortune already.

So, seeing this sweet tree frog in the garden was a wonderful gift and reiteration to me of all that I shared above about their symbolism, the message of the dream frog in my hand, and how that ties into the now unfolding landscape before us.

New beginnings indeed, which our family of crocus are chanting about out front with glee, as well.

Look at the others who have joined – more golden yellow, purples, and some white with purple stripes.

No wonder crocus are known as Easter reflections…they truly are coming up Easter egg colors! And they, like frogs, also symbolize new beginnings alongside luck, prosperity, innocence, joy, immortality, and rebirth.

What a field of dreams our yard is right now with the abundance of new life sprouting EVERYWHERE between the Autumn and Winter shedding!

It feels mirroring of my internal landscape and the fresh new skin the latest layers of peeling have revealed – quite literally!

It’s synchronous that Dave will be away on an extended, very deep and invaluable spiritual journey, returning when Mercury stations direct on the 14th, while I navigate my own pivotal treasure map.

What timing that aligns us both with some truly key destiny-level changes for shared enrichment.

So many layers of evolution are taking place, but all seem to point to simultaneous endings and beginnings.

We are continuing to shed and melt away the cocoons of incubation so we may get a truer sense of what expansion really feels like.

There may yet be more lopping, propping, clearing, and hauling to do before things start to take form and look different, but you can still envision the potential and know within your heart that grace is unfolding.

Art is a beautifully “messy” process, with each layer being integral.

The evolution of a crocus, tadpole, sprout, or garden is evidence of miracles in motion.

No more or less than the miracle of your being alive and reading this right now.

It may feel like sometimes you’re off path, but every step is a bridge to the next.

You can steady your rudder to try and steer things by intent aligning with flow, or you can lift your rudder and glide along and morph with each twist and turn of the wild ride.

Each approach is valid and you may oscillate between them.

You may also bounce back and forth with other processes and therefore find a new way for each experience that presents itself, as you go through your own evolutionary adjustments.

We’re in a time of huge transformation and to find our way is to create our own and write the storyline of our choosing. No more than now is the inner world where you’ll find true power.

There is a lot of power balancing playing out around us, yet when we reclaim the one and true power which is within the vortex of our hearts, we begin to experience the collapse of veils, illusions, and regain a sense of unwavering hope because we step into the miracle of our expansiveness.

Everyone has their own story to write and a different voice in the narrative of each moment because that’s the beauty of creativity.

One of the empowering things we may find helpful is to find ways to build inner strength, as this is invaluable in such volatile and unknown times – times that no one has a clear hold on knowing how it’s going to unfold, not even those who are most psychic. We only know of patterns, possibilities, influences, and potentials, but the collective is in the now, every moment, creating those opportunities for expansion or contraction.

The more we are willing to, or help ourselves get strong enough to, face things, the more we realize the power has always been in our own hands as the multidimensional beings that we are. Our bodies are mirrors of the Multi-verses embodied in tangible, but miraculous forms with impetus of potential within every cell, synapse, fascia, and vibrational frequency.

I also feel that merging more with Nature and the Cosmos helps us to know ourselves and our own divinity, opening powerful doorways to the dimensional labyrinth of incredible impetus within and without.

Every moment and day is providing us pivotal points for cultivating more expansive and conscious choices. And from these choices, leaps in consciousness are happening and will continue to. I feel we underestimate the a-ha moments in place of immediate physical gratification from specific manifested results we feel we need.

In any way we can invite in more expansion, I feel we will experience significant shifts in our lives. And this includes the capacity of our hearts being stretched to love more, too. The power of perspective is potent.

Endings and closure through shedding and vulnerable reflection is what I continue to welcome. There’s a definite synergy of experience between greater love and peace taking place in conjunction with strengthening boundaries and shutting doors. They needn’t be exclusive. They demonstrate unity is a simultaneous experience.

Like many of you, there are times when I’ve felt done with it all, but then I’m reminded that thoughts like that stem from an idea I’ve been conditioned to adopt and no longer need to feed.

I get over it rather quickly when I lean into the lightness of it all and how I feel it really is one big playground for creative energy experimentation, immersive experiencing, and resilient expansion.

There are times I can feel things rising to the surface and heating up, but it’s then that I understand myself to be a metalsmith and that even the toughest metal materials/experiences can be annealed – the process of heating metal and then allowing it to cool slowly, in order to remove internal stresses so that it’s easier to shape, bend and reform that involves changing the physical and sometimes chemical properties so it’s more workable. 

Indeed we are activating realization of our inner alchemist. It’s part of every experience we have, but don’t acknowledge the incredible power we engage in what seem like the tiniest and most simple of daily actions.

One step back, two steps forward. Three steps back, one leap forward.

The Aquarian Age is seeding its habitation into our lives.

This time period is one many of us have been anticipating and excitedly entered this realm for, long before we forgot why – such a fertile realm of potential.

With Jupiter and Venus in Aquarius, I recall how my experiences and expressions didn’t fit any template and that cut both ways in terms of not being met with understanding ears or being considered oddly charming, but naïve. The way I knew in my heart never felt relevant as I was growing up and learning how to navigate life. Time (at least as we learned to experience it) and Tania were on different pages of the story. I have a feeling many of you can relate.

Coupled with other personal astrological placements, I was seen as an idealistic and dreamy soul, while in fact it was the visionary in me with a strong fiery and relentless thrust that kept sticking my heart and imagination out there and has continued chipping away at architectural plans for new channels of creation.

Raven symbolizes the void – the mystery of that which is not yet formed.

Divine perfection finding these feathers…

I feel liberated in these times…the massive influx of potent Cosmic energies streaming through and the whirlwind of changes unleashing day-to-day, all feel more reflective of the rapid way in which I experience things, and also the woven synergy of what may otherwise be deemed as dichotomies.

It may yet seem far away that our visions of what could be take form, but remember that the possibility is only there because it is already being written by another version of you in a timeless space you have yet to acknowledge.

We meet upon the void of creation when we engage the imagination of our hearts….it is then that the doorways open and the curtains fall to limitless directions.

The Great Mystery is and has always been you.

I will be in garden, creation, channeling, and unearthing mode for the next couple of weeks so who knows what may come through to share with you.

Until then, Astrid and I wanted to update you on the last seven crystals we were guided to offer.

There is just one remaining crystal skull being awaiting her heart home and she and Astrid asked that I share some additional insights and peeks because of who they feel is connecting with her.

You can find all of the additional photos and information at the link below about her, but here is a snippet of that:

Since first sharing this amazing being, both she and Astrid wanted us to add additional insights about her energy and some other window portals into her essence to help you “see” her. So we’ve added that info below and you’ve likely found the new photos above – some of her out with our beloved crocus, as she’s such a Nature weaver – some with Astrid, as she’s both strong and sweet like her and because they share a connection. You can see that in how Astrid nudges her with love, how joyous they are in each other’s presence, and you can also see that in the rabbit being that sits upon her crown.

And if you’ve been on the fence about any other crystal being cocreator, please don’t hesitate to reach out with questions. We did not add anything new to the others, but their energy is very now-relevant.

Creations & Crystals Closet

May all possibilities be open to you.

Earth Day Garden Guests

Look who popped in just in time to celebrate Earth Day.

Yep, five purple cosmic cars joined the little golden star engine who knew he could along the crocus train.

Didn’t I say that gold and purple have been ongoing color and energy themes lately?

Uh huh!

These six little ones give a high-five confirmation to that, as the belles of the ball so far.

But wait! What’s this??

To my surprise I also discovered these lettuce varieties sprouting with glee without my doing a thing. You might remember I put together four mini greenhouse plastic containers to start veggies by seed and see how they’d do. It was a slow start with a few goodies for Astrid, but then Winter hit and they were buried for months.

I later saw that the weight of the snow broke most of the tops of the containers, but this one just had a crack through it and smaller damage than the others. Somehow this must have insulated the soil and got things going.

I had pretty much thought these were goners and would have to start over, if I chose to at all. But without my doing anything, including no watering – just what ever moisture seeped in from the melting snow, here come some yummies! I’m curious if I’ll get more surprises from these containers, and everywhere for that matter.

I have yet to touch a thing anywhere outside, as I await the last bits of snow to melt. It’s nearly all gone so my May plan still feels accurate and aligned with a large span of time I will have free. There’s SO much work to do, I don’t want to start until I have consecutive days and hours to tackle all of it.

It will give me some garden-of-life nurturing to add balance to my days during the next go-around of time to myself.

So much is stirring, pushing through, popping out, and strengthening.

Happy Earth Day indeed!

However you spend today and the days to come, perhaps you might add in a little nature connecting time as part of your new, if not already, daily crafting.

We’re off to a sunshiny Earth Day festival and vegan lunch Meetup here today, but not without first getting in a lot of fur baby snuggles! That counts too, as does plant and crystal time, culinary creating, grounding of any kind, walks or sits outdoors, and engaging your five senses – just to name a few.

Make your Earth connecting fun, as Mother Nature would love to play with you.

New Moon Solar Eclipse Wishes & Little Surprises

This is just a brief touch-in to connect and send you some extra sparkly energies, at this powerful time, to add to what ever you’re reflecting on wanting to create in the days, months, and years ahead. We’re in this together, even though we’re each doing our parts, so know that you’re not alone in the creation of new realities.

I actually prepped this share ahead, as I’m tuning inward today after doing a special Reiki Healing Attunement with Astrid last night to support things in my own world I’m focusing on, to which we added some collective-directed energy to as well.

I’ve been busy with total Spring cleaning, listening, intentions, and self nurturing during this continued in between state and have had some time to myself with Dave away for a few days to deepen it all.

We actually got a surprise storm that brought three inches of snow very early Tuesday morning when he left, which covered the yard and garden again, although melted by end of the day.

That felt like another reset, regroup before leaping ahead and perfectly aligned to the window of this New Moon.

It may feel like one step forward and three steps back, but things are propelling quickly and in big ways with the forward movements when they do.

Keep finding the things that light up your heart. It may take effort to see the hope, but it’s worth it.

I received a few surprise arrivals for the New Moon that couldn’t have been timed more beautifully. So off I go to see where they lead.

Oh, and a surprise crystal friend just dropped into our Creations & Crystals Closet. We waited for this New Moon Solar Eclipse to share her. Sneaky faeries and faery bunnies indeed…..She joins the others that await to be seen.

It’s not easy to let go of such amazing beings, but Astrid and I follow guidance even if it’s hard. Astrid actually helps me with that, as I could easily keep them – especially this group. They know they’ll always have a home with us until they journey forward.

Until next time, may your wings feel the tingle of dewy fresh air and first light of dawn. You will fly…again.

First Bloom ~ The Hope & Creative Potential Rises

To say I was excited to see our first blossom arrive, is an understatement. We were headed out on what felt like our first true Spring adventure here on Friday when this vibrant, little one caught my eye. Yay!

A happy little crocus.

You could feel her joy to be alive. She wasn’t afraid to be the first and try her hand at being her best version of authenticity.

Sometimes you may find yourself in a leadership role and when you do, try not to forget that you came here for just exactly who you are – a rising star of unique vibrational frequency.

It may just be that we came here with different paths and yours could be simply to embody the best version of you. It’s just possible that we make things more complicated than they are.

This little crocus demonstrates grace and ease of being.

Happy birthday little one! Welcome!

I love that it was a yellow one that burst through first this year, as previous years it’s been my purple birthday irises.

Yellow/gold and purple have been ongoing color and energy themes lately – including in the form of crystal beings – citrines, smoky citrines, golden healers, pyrite, and amethyst to name a few – that surround Astrid and me (and even many of our crystal offerings, which were updated with info recently that I forgot).

These color themes also happen to be part of our indoor landscape inspiration while the outdoor landscape continues to transform into the new season, as you can see by my purple passion vine and store-bought bouquet of sunflowers and daffodils.

I LOVE my golden vitality bouquet so much, I hope you don’t mind my sharing more of their beauty, to include a couple of the enchanted sunflower lights my parents gave me for Easter. I just can’t get enough of them!

Then I noticed how SO many of my bulbs were pushing through the in between disarray and there were happy little green shoots everywhere across the now-exposed front yard!

You may recall that last Autumn I planted nearly 200 more bulbs, adding to what I already had of daffodil, tulip and iris, along with new additions that added varieties to those groups, as well as hyacinth and crocus for the first time…and then threw around, to my heart’s content, two wildflower variety bags and one bag of just various lupine. So it’s cool that the first bloom to appear was one of the new babies – the crocus!

My faery heart can’t wait!

I haven’t had the heart, though, to fully explore my garden up close, but I can tell that many of my statues didn’t make it and so, alongside all the upcoming cleanup there will be some sweet mourning of friends moving on to make way for the new – mirroring all the life cycle experiences we’re going through on all fronts.

I’m feeling that yard and garden work will commence come beginning of May and that’s when I’ll merge my love with the excitement of new life bursting underground, to cultivate a new garden experience.

Right after welcoming my baby crocus, we headed down to the valley about a half an hour drive away, as we were drawn to do some hiking and the terrain there is snow-free. The high desert and warm sun was welcoming and felt really grounding during this shifting period. Tank top, sunbathing, and miles-of-exploring days are here and already feeling good!

You can see the contrast of the high desert valley floor where we ventured off to and the snow capped mountains where we live in the distance. The hike we do takes you from the valley floor to the foothills and does actually go up into the mountains merging Spring and Winter conditions, but we only did 5 miles of it so as to stay within the Spring quadrant and still have time for some errands that included bringing home those sunflower and daffodil beauties!

You can also see the in between shift of seasons here from our 5 mile walk yesterday along the lake where the beaches are mostly clear of snow except for small patches like you see behind us. The sunshine is warm at high altitude, though, so I’ve already enjoyed my first back deck sunbathing experience.

The water is looking beautiful and we decided to pick up the first of our beach and park passes this weekend too, so Spring feels official.

But back to Friday…we stopped in the outcropping of stones that I love so much – many with unusual shapes. And while Dave climbed up for a snack, my eyes were drawn to this hidden cutie wedged between the cracks of the giant boulders.

Someone had placed a perfect little white gnome holding a bird, into the hands of these stones and of course my faery eyes found him right away.

What a sweet little sign of purity, innocence, and joyous rebirth emerging from the cracks within Earth’s womb. The little bird being such a lovely Spring welcome that mirrors the songs I am increasingly hearing from the tree tops above all that is coming back to life and in fact, a new sound channeling inspiration flowed through me on this morning – perhaps I’ll share it soon.

The bird also highlights, to me, the value of singing my own song.

Claiming my authentic embodiment and path is one of those simple, but potent things my heart gravitates toward and has guided my days.

When I am uniquely being myself in the most naturally authentic way as possible, I naturally feel the wholeness and vitality within, fill me up. And the more this fulfillment manifests, the less I feel triggered by others and outside events, and the less I feel the need to change, or even “save” others.

There aren’t spaces within that are fighting to get my attention or struggling to shift an insecurity into strength. Alchemy takes form from the inside out and then harmony and peace anchor.

It’s all about perspective and our perspectives shape our experiences indeed.

Another incredible find of alignment on that hike came when nature called – literally. 🤭

As we stopped off-trail behind some boulders, I was amazed at what sat directly in front of where I was led.

This perfect wild rabbit, long leg and thumper! Wow!

I believe it belongs to the White-Tailed Jackrabbit, which is actually a hare and not a rabbit. They are of the largest species of hare and become nearly entirely white during the Wintertime. Dave saw one of these while skiing once with his white fur blending into the snow – it was amazing that he even saw him and quite rare.

But talk about potent energies – I’ll leave details around that up to you to explore if you feel so led, as I have received my own messages from this. There was no blood or anything else around. Just the perfect and powerful hind, left leg of the White-Tailed Jackrabbit.

I knew this was no random find and it just so happened that we had finished a snack Dave was carrying in the exact size baggy the leg would fit in. I understood that I was to bring it home to honor it in the way it reveals to me. It may find its way into our garden where I’ve buried many dear forest animals and parts that have come to me, when I bury the little mouse I saved from earlier in Winter until the ground thawed.

This harbinger of rebirth, creative inspiration for facilitation and manifestation, continuous abundance, good fortune, bounty, blessing, protection, generative energy, strength, navigation of the liminal space, swiftness, cleverness, and powerful transformation is very special to me to receive at this time.

Astrid gave me the eye, ear, and silver-tipped thumper confirmation.

“Hop to it.”

And to add to that incredible find, there was this rare, giant white feather (some of the top and part of the right is missing and the quill is long and thick) Can you guess who it’s from?

Great Spirit blessings indeed.

And that’s it for now.

We didn’t intend to have an update, but the reflections of things showing up guided us to share given the New Moon up ahead, so we popped in.

“Keep your senses alert and your feet grounded,” Astrid says and demonstrates, as she holds onto her giant golden healer Tahoe quartz mothership…”then hold onto your hats, glasses, cotton tails, and thumpers folks, as we’re heading on a blast-off of creative potential!”


Pre-Aries New Moon and Solar Eclipse wishes for goal breakthroughs, expansion, and embodiment.

A Slow Start to Spring, but a Rich Landscape of Reflections

While the outdoor landscape here is taking a while to transform into the new season, the indoor landscapes provide an imaginarium for the senses and a base to dream from and envision what’s ahead. The warming temperatures are now more rapidly melting away the snow around our house, but it will still be a little while before I can get in the yard and garden to start doing things – I’m thinking May. It is quite a mess though, as the in between always seems. All part of the journey and an illustration of the illusion we see. There is peace within chaos.

I’m loving seeing the forest animals all come around again. The warmer temperatures also beckoned them out and over the last several days there’s been a lot of little chipmunks, squirrels, and birds running about. The cats are enjoying seeing them zip by the windows and tease them. And Astrid is happy her friends are awake again to commune with. We’re looking forward to the first wild rabbit sightings.

I always watch the animals as signs of seasonal changes and weather shifts. Their behavior has always been foretelling to me and help me accurately predict what’s upcoming. Tuning in with Nature really can be a compass to help navigate and understand the movement of energy and cycles of life.

As the temperatures rise, the sweet spot for skiing narrows. Dave has been hitting the slopes super early to catch that. I’ve been less inclined to do that daily, and only go when I feel it. That said, I sense my ski days for this season are coming to a close. I’m finding myself pulled in other directions and not needing to milk every bit I can from the snow. With 51 skiing days under my belt so far this year, I am grateful for all that this season brought, which included leaps and bounds in my skiing evolution and overall courage in the face of fears. What a Winter of transformation it’s been! I am ready to embrace the next phase.

Some of the literal indoor landscapes that have been providing a rich playground for the senses and ways to envision what the outdoor landscape will be like when things root and blossom there, include my ever-evolving sacred space and our Easter celebrations at my parent’s house this past Sunday.

You know how they love their seasonal decorations and this is definitely a season that Astrid and I give all thumbs and thumpers up to indeed!

The house was decked out in Spring splendor and more budding joy and sweetness than I even captured in these window peeks.

It was lovely by the light of day and equally enchanted and lit as evening approached.

I love those little lighted blossoms and was excited my parents gifted me my own set of my favorite – sunflowers!

And mom and dad both added their culinary gifts for all of our tummies to enjoy! I forgot to snap photos of mom’s creations, but she spoiled us with a dee-lish spread of stuffed Italian squash and a zesty bean, spinach pasta dish, with olive focaccia.

Dad went all out too, and made a four layer marshmallow pineapple cake! Look how cute he decorated the top with little bunnies, chicks, chickens and eggs!

All vegan, of course, and we were happy to receive containers full of leftovers to continue to enjoy at home.

After our shared meals we like to take walks, so Dave, my dad, and I did so in their neighborhood, which was a nice way to infuse that sunshine vitality into the mix since it was in the 70’s that day. I loved how the three of us were in the blue zone together, so we snapped some outdoor photos on our way back.

Any time we spend together is very special and I love how my parents love to make things memorable, as these sweet things will stay in our hearts as cherished time we made the most of life together.

With so many continuous stories I am hearing from people very close to me of illness, loss, transitions, and challenge – both in family and our friend circle – it makes each moment more important to Dave and I to live and embrace as fully as possible.

We truly don’t know what tomorrow brings, so breathing in this moment and deepening into our gratitude practice is key to us.

I’m grateful for parents who love us very much and share their hearts the best way they each know how. I’m also grateful that the best of each of them lives within me.

As we approach the second Aries New Moon of the year and Solar Eclipse of April 19th for us here on PST – 20th for you EST folks, this may be a great time for assessing the parts of ourselves we would like to strengthen and carry forth into the next phase of things. Looking at where that balance between independent and shared time and experiences plays out in your life and ways to strengthen your inner guide to create your own life map may be prominent themes. How to harmonize your inner fire in ways that honor the new you need, but also considers the heart voice of compassion could also be key energies.

There are new opportunities, paths, and doors opening that might look surprising to others from the outside, but are merely manifestations of all that you’ve been working toward on the inside.

So many of us have been in process of shifting into something so new, but integrated. So even when we start looking different, the layers are all and always have been there.

I’ve been stepping out into this new season with fresh perspective, hope, and newfound inspiration. Since my birthday I’ve felt this immense peace and relief anchor, as well as an incredible creative force and strength root.

Having spent years focused on creating inner shifts, it’s evident that that work was not in vein even if it felt like it was dragging at times. We don’t always realize how far we’ve come with things immediately, but when you stop to explore where you are now and what you got through, it can be almost shocking.

Taking those moments to honor yourself and every step you take, gently encouraging and speaking in loving, non-judgmental words toward yourself, and deepening into gratitude for the things in front of you that you missed because of attachments elsewhere, which includes your beautiful reflection in the mirror…all make a difference. No matter if you’re where you want to be yet or not, you’ve come a long way already.

Slow this moment down to breathe it all in.

That’s something I increasingly do…slow down. Sometimes I just sit in my chair at my desk and look out the window watching my wind spinner slowly turn. I can do that now because the snow around it has completely melted and even though she needs straightening, as the storms did a doozy on everyone out there, she peacefully holds anchor and moves in alignment to the wind’s guidance.

Sometimes I just sit and hold my crystals, one at a time, and get lost in the beauty and energy of all of these friends who surround me and Astrid. There are times we work together on things intentionally and there are times we just enjoy each other’s company and allow the silence to speak volumes about the exchanges happening nonetheless.

As I mentioned in a previous post, crafting my days is evolving into a truly special experience for me and the more I refine that and tweak things to support my vibrational needs, the more rich and peace filled my days become. And this is very valuable to me in a world that often places focus on details that don’t make sense to my heart.

I find things fundamentally simple…it’s all about deep diving into the elemental forces and harmony for me. It’s all about loving everyone no matter what we see and understanding at the root we all suffer when we don’t and in fact don’t because we are internally suffering. I don’t need details or defining, but then that’s my Pisces heart that has no boundaries, despite my personally having to learn boundaries in order to cultivate my vibrational integrity.

I have a lot of personal crafting time upcoming as Dave will be away quite a bit for both family and his own rich, spiritual evolution time and I sense some really profound things to take place for us both and together! It’s wonderful, and I’m grateful for, how we’ve developed such a balanced relationship of sharing so much and also supporting cultivation of individuality within the partnership. Our time living in an RV really accentuated things for us where we realized how much we do enjoy being together every moment in such close space, where others might have driven each other nuts. And we also love our own time too. With him retired we are always together, so it’s healthy we carve time that feels balanced.

It’s kind of like our skiing…we go together and hit the first lift together, but then part ways until we meet up again at the car. Since we’re so connected though, we will often cross paths like waving from a lift as the other is skiing down a run, or end up at the same place, catch up with one another, etc. Once in a while Dave has taken me down a new, challenging run and other times I explore myself. And there’s times we don’t see each other until we come back together at the end, but we each love crafting our time on the mountain and that we are sharing something we both enjoy in our own way.

We all have a natural zone that works for us and will look different than what I just shared. Knowing ourselves helps to understand this.

And speaking of “zones,” the dreamland zone has continued to be interesting. My nights have been an equal mix of very deep sleep where I know stuff is happening that I’m just not needing to bring back consciously and specific dreams I do remember that are layered with insights for myself and about others. Being a Pisces dreamland is where a lot happens and where I journey with many in uncanny ways I learn about later. But many times I don’t share all of them with others, as I’m guided not to interfere with the energy in motion.

Another place I’m not wanting to interfere, and am not allowed to anyway, lol, is with the crystal skull council here. They have given me specific instructions and for now, they are mostly doing their thing, which has included a lot of preparation work. Perhaps they will let me share things down the road, as things develop, but for now I’m on an “as need to know basis” with them and they direct me as to who they need to join and sometimes who is complete with helping them and then may be released. This is what happened with the recent two crystal skulls you may have seen in our offerings, and another one has just been added.

What I HAVE learned is that some are interpreters, guides, and almost like mid-wives for the group to assist certain tasks, communications, and integration of energies or bridge work to birth. Once things anchor, then they restructure as need be. The number of how many was needed has also shifted and I’ll share that down the road if they direct me to and then I learned recently of a new piece of the puzzle that the number was reflecting. The council is almost complete.

But they did want me to share this, about the crystal skull offerings – that they hold a connection to the bigger picture energy they’re putting into place and that means that anyone who does feel their call will share in some of that, which is very special to us. Also, alongside the beautiful new crystal skull, there are two more new “magickal” offerings. I’ll let you explore what they are on your own, if you feel so called: Creations & Crystals Closet

Anyway, I will be playing the next month or so by ear as to when I post next. There’s some things in the works and I’m taking advantage of the potent energies I feel coming through. As always, what we each vibrationally experience, sends a wave through the collective. It’s a beautiful thing!

I want to leave you with this reminder again, that no matter where you find yourself along your journey right now, I hope that you can honor yourself for being here and for how much you’ve made it through already.

And even if you can only find these next words to be all you can see to feel good in this moment, let that feeling sink in.

I love you!

Some Easter Wishes & In Between Tidbits

Hoppy Easter friends!

Today is just a fun share, but there’s always layers and reflective tidbits to things – even fun!

While snow melts and day time temperatures rise here, it’s still going to be quite a while before we see Spring in full gear. That’s okay, as we have Spring in our hearts and definitely a spring in our steps embracing with full gratitude every single day we are alive.

I’d gotten used to receiving birthday irises in February the last few years, as they would pop through the bits of snow to gift me. This year is much different, but potentially may be quite a prolific year for blossoms with all the moisture. So, there’s always hidden surprise gifts around every shift and turn.

Luckily, because we get such great sun exposure at our house, the snow is melting much quicker than most of our neighbors’ yards so that I can see my garden friends peeking through and the mounds shrinking by the day. That said, it’s also that in between stage right now where things start to look pretty messy (especially this year from the storms) and there will in fact be quite a bit of clean up to do once the snow melts away into a memory. I’ll have my exercise cut out for me indeed, on top of the usual daily routines we have. I’m sad that many smaller trees got hit hard with broken branches all around, but I know they are resilient and will renew themselves once again. This seems to have happened everywhere around town.

We are getting a beautiful Easter today, though, with 60 degree weather that will roll over into Monday too, and then it’s looking like 50’s temps there on out for a while with our signature all-season sunshine here in our alpine home. We’re headed off to my family’s home for some Easter celebrations where of course we’ll be immersed in a faery house filled with Spring decorations and bunnies galore!

Speaking of bunnies, Astrid has been crafting her own days alongside mom – each of us creating new daily rituals for the seasons ahead. She’s been enjoying sunshine afternoons watching her garden melt, which will soon bring back her forest friends.

Astrid’s also been enjoying her maze a lot the last few weeks, immersing in the energies of our crystal realm, hanging out in the light of the night’s moon streaming through the windows, and downloading what’s to come.

We’ll both be keeping an eye out for Frith and who ever else might show up, once Spring gets in full swing here. It may be a short season though, as snow at even higher altitudes than our 6600 home will be hanging out quite a while – likely well into Summer.

In any case, we’re embracing what is here and now and that has included a lot of Spring skiing for mom and dad since the ski resorts have extended their season due to all the great snow we had this Winter, as you can see.

Check out the name of the chair lifts I just had to stop and snap as I traversed through.

The bunny one being perfect for Easter today (and me) and even the TC one syncing with it is cool, since those are my birth initials, with C standing for my family name.

Anyway, this means that mom’s been able to continue being a snow bunny, dawning her now-full-of-stickers helmet that of course has many a bunny on it and other potent symbolism.

I even have a lot of constellations, cosmic stuff, astrological compass, mushrooms, mountains, dreamcatcher, Wonderland tea time, Capricorn, Pisces, and mermaid power that sits on my crown. Weeeee!

Dave likes to tease that I’m a 12 year old 50 year old, and I like that quite a LOT! I love that people can’t tell who’s skiing next to them out there, as they don’t need to know. It’s simply wonderly!

Can you hear me giggling?

But back to our home base, our Wonderland realm has been pulsing like crazy with all the energy movement going on. For sensitive ears you’d hear a lot of crystal chatter happening indeed and the pitter patter of faery feet running all over.

I’m amazed our house hasn’t blasted off with everything going on energetically, but then there’s a reason I focus on bringing all that energy down and through – ground, integrate, harmonize, and embody I say!

Dave and I do a lot of physical exercise, nature immersing, and good ol’ grounded eating! We may or may not have eaten both of these vegan pizzas after a day of skiing…what do you think?

If you guessed yes, you’re right! T was hungry!

We even added a rowing machine to our daily repertoire here recently, which we’ve both been wanting and is my favorite piece of equipment for indoors. Astrid loves to watch and then gets in her own exercise with runs up and down the stairs and zoomies around the rooms.

Astrid agrees with body integration and grounding, as she knows the importance, as a big presence within a more fragile rabbit body, of balance. She especially needs to with all the crystal and ethereal work she does so that she doesn’t blow out her physical vehicle.

You can see her here with her giant Herkimer friend, doing what she does best.

Dreamtime has been an interesting mix of things, as I’m sure others continue to experience. I sometimes like to share them, as I know many like dreamwork and even though some are just personal they can also sometimes be collective. They can also just be creative ways we weave energy integration during sleep.

There’s recently been some new animals spirit messengers to visit in the land of no boundaries, as well as an interesting Egyptian connection.

One involved a goose, but not a Canadian goose like we have here. It looked more like a Greylag goose. In brief, this goose came to me and was just so deeply connected to me. She snuggled her head and neck over my arm and cuddled right into my side so that there was no space between us. There was a lot that transmitted during that and she didn’t want to leave me. So when she did have to part, she separated from her body into two versions of herself. She left one behind and the ethereal one went off. The word “electromagnetic” came through. The experience was so important that a second dream right after it, recounted it. In that one, at one point I was talking to a man as part of the very involved dream and I was telling him about the dream I had just had with the goose.

The next night I was with another man named Pippin. He was taking me through a sacred outdoor space that felt connected to ancient indigenous people where at each corner there was a pile of large, exquisite feathers I did not recognize, that were placed in a fan shape to grid the area. As I passed one, I noticed two feathers had fallen, so I fixed them. The man led me into a tented area to commence what he’d taken me there for. Not long after these gazelle-like animals ran around us. They were not gazelle, but similar and larger and they had these horns that were like those giant big horn bulls where they extend out several feet to each side and then curve up.

A lot of interesting take-aways from these potent dreams.

And the most recent was the interesting Egyptian connection dream. It happened two nights ago and involved me being at a huge parking lot where a giant bus or RV-type of vehicle with two levels, was being loaded. Four new sarcophagus had just been found and were being transported secretly on this vehicle that I was to go on. There was a crew of people protecting them and while we drove, we hit a bump in the road or something fairly large happened or hit the vehicle and it was so strong that all four sarcophagus popped open and the mummies and artifacts inside, all came falling out. The crew was scrambling around and about to try to pick things up when I and the head man firmly told them to stop and not touch anything, as they’d contaminate them.

I love dreams, as they reflect so many things for us, and are glimpses into all that is happening that we aren’t conscious of when we’re awake.

These days life feels extra sweet and flowing. I know it’s not that way for everyone, so I am grateful for this and that we each can be anchors collectively in the ways our vibrations add to the whole. At every spectrum, there is value and each variant provides opportunity and potential.

So much is streaming through and even if one doesn’t know the details, the presence of being in each moment helps one to embrace the most of it. Sometimes it’s as simple as stopping to smell the flowers.

And if you don’t have flowers yet like us, why not feel the inner bloom of your own petals?

While I immerse in what I DO have in front of me, I’m also reminiscing on all the richness I experienced on our trip that I’ve merged within and taken home with me.

Two very different kinds of environments, but I’m equally cradled in Earth’s nourishment as I embrace the “nature” of me.

May the spirit of this season move through you in bountiful ways! There IS so much hope inviting us to embrace.


Update: We have 7 crystal beings and 3 crystal and animal spirit guide pendants remaining. We may have a special offering upcoming so keep a look out here: Creations & Crystals Closet

Crafting My Days to Be What I Hold Sacred ~ Reframing Relationships Plus New Crystal Release

With the Libra Full Moon illuminating relationships right now on the 5th here PST and 6th for EST folks, today I was guided to share briefly about the sacred relationship you have with yourself, as the doorway to all other relationships. This is not a new concept at all, but like with “self care not being a luxury anymore” it’s increasingly being highlighted in these high energy-shifting times.

I can’t tell you the amount of time in my early years that I used to spend on trying to change others, wishing others could see things as I do, or even feeling sad for others because they didn’t see things the same way. It’s something I’m sure a lot of us have experienced, at some point or another, or maybe still since we’re all works-in-progress. And it makes no difference how much we know in our minds that ultimately we need only to feel, believe, do, or think in certain ways ourselves in order to feel peace – we still can easily get triggered back into that way of framing things toward others, and placing the power of how we feel into their hands, until that “knowing” becomes “being.”

My life shifted dramatically when I took that power back and allowed others to do the same. It doesn’t mean that I come to a place of condoning, but rather, I simply execute personal responsibility and living what I feel, believe, and think to the best ability I can so that the vibration I choose to anchor is a far clearer and more powerful creative force.

“Be the change,” as they say, but I’d go further and say maybe something like “be what you hold sacred or dear,” as even to say “be the change” does in fact imply a judgment and charge toward something we feel we need to change.

Recently I observed a great discussion where people shared about wanting to be more mindful around others different from them so that they respond rather than react. The conversations pointed at what they found wrong about others or triggering and although were originally focused on wanting to figure out a way not to react, the takeaway that jumped out to me is how much time was spent trying to figure out ways to diffuse anger or disappointment with others while still holding onto the judgment – and how much less or no time was spent wondering about the inward reflections where the same mindful and less reactive judgments toward self could be of benefit to support the kind of balanced relationships they said they wanted. I noticed how much those inward struggles were, in some cases, tormenting people.

This is part of the ongoing evolution we are processing and seeing play out on a grand scale, as we explore our relationship to so many themes and to others across the spectrum of being different from us.

And while it’s not necessarily on everyone’s radar, nor are we all in the same place with how this plays out for each of us, a return to knowing thyself can be a sweet spot for better thriving.

Personally, this has increasingly taken me to not only understanding my own inner workings, but learning how to carve out my days in ways that align with and nurture more of that “what I hold sacred and dear.” I find that the more I give myself the things I want to see and experience at large, the less I see any division between micro and macro and the less I wish for change because I’m feeling the wholeness take form from the inside out. An organic unfolding happens that carves out a different experience of things and the fight dissipates into nonexistence.

Our relationship within will directly affect our relationship without. And that also includes how we relate within friendships, business partnerships, family relationships, romantic relationships, and any relating in general.

I’ve seen this work wonders with all layers of my personal relationships and overall has truly created greater alignment with people I find in my life now. Grace replaces force. Being replaces trying.

More and more, this best-friending of myself has increased my desire to craft my days and make them special to me. This has been evolving and is really coming to a personally beautiful place where daily rituals and even routine things I carve into my life become a way to enrich the way I relate to all things, via how I relate to myself.

The more I fill my cup, the less I feel I have to fight for something I think is missing. I learn how to carve out greater vitality because I have more energy from ceasing to leak it out where it isn’t welcome.

Carving out mindful days starts with me and every act I engage in and every way I relate to my feelings about things can be a way of viewing my relationship to life in general. It’s an ever-evolving process, but happens more organically the more we engage it. People, to me, are simply dynamics expressing themselves out that I have access to within, and how I relate to them can be a crafting of my own choosing and ultimately a weaving of life as art. The more I create small moments of intention and presence for me to engage in, the more larger moments and experiences receive the benefit.

And in this way I learn how to reframe relationships so that I understand the heart of where it all begins.

How are you crafting your days?

Are there ways you judge yourself that could use a bit more of your love in place of harsh words?

What special little things could you do right now to make yourself smile?

As promised, I’ve just added a new grouping of 11 incredible crystal beings as offerings that strong guidance spoke to me to release to new heart homes from my own personal collection where they can be of assistance. Included are two amazing skulls that have been an integrated part of my skull collective and other powerhouse beings. These magickal friends I know will speak to their new guardians and cocreators in divine alignment, as the support for things they’re moving through and in process of creating. This is my way of being a bridge at timely windows to help connect people with crystal partners for the next leg of the journey here on Earth. You’ll also find the very last 4 wearable adornments for your energy body from the original 2/22 Crystal Offering that are on a Spring 20% off sale. All of that can be explored here:

Creations & Crystals Closet

Payment plans are available, little surprise gifts are included in each package, and yes I can reserve something for you as well – simply reach out so that I know your intentions here: CONTACT

April 2023 Energy Insights

While I’m involved in things behind the scenes, here’s Lee to bring forth messages for this new month.

Yesterday we did a beautiful five mile hike along the lake and these messengers showed up. They continue in the vein of volcanic, root and transmutation energy to me so I’m sharing them here, as I ride the flow.

April’s update from Lee is such a resonant message. If you choose to watch it, perhaps you may find messages touching on what feels highlighted for you. Themes and time stamps include:

  • Influx of Light – illuminating joy and shadow in equal measure (00:53)
  • The active power of hope (and its rising presence on Earth) (05:28)
  • Force vs. grace – a choice we are making collectively and individually (08:59)
  • The danger (and slow death) of judgmental energy (12:15)
  • Allowing the messages we need to hear and see to arrive in us AND around us (16:40)
  • Boundaries, boundaries, boundaries (in a stormy collective) (21:03)
  • Awakening the visibility of next level human consciousness (23:54)
  • Visionaries and ChangeMakers on supercharge mode (26:09)