Monthly Archives: February 2019

Pure Delight!

Whimsical Wednesdays ~ The Artist’s Corner: There’s Never Too Much Whimsy

I’m just getting back to things after taking the day off yesterday for my birthday. The day before was quite a wild experience navigating an 80+ mile an hour wind and storm that could have gone far worse than it did. As I told a friend, it was more like winds of transmutation ushering in a new cycle. To say we were grateful is an understatement. And it had me laying low yesterday, only to start one new creative project for The Magick Rabbit Etsy shop, as I wanted to birth something besides myself. 🙂

I’m still not on high gear of wanting to do a lot right now, but I thought for today’s Whimsical Wednesday, it might be fun to share the whimsy that I’ve had SO much fun with when sending out orders.


I like to create a whole experience with everything – “creating life as a work of art” as you know – and so this extends to wanting people to feel the joy, beauty, and inspiration from the moment they receive their packages.

Each one like a work of art and gift itself – all Astrid approved!


So, I spend a lot of time making them fun and creative, as well as intuit what feels right for each package.

Astrid and I love to add surprises, so we add little extra touches and gifts to make you feel as special as you are.


This includes nature and magickal inspired touches, bright colors, fun stickers, crystals, decorative items, and pure whimsy to add love and joy to your life and home.

We’re SO excited about some of the recent additions you see pictured below, that will be going out with the new orders, along with some of the creativity you see in the photos above from past packages.






From buttons, to magnets, to bags, to bubbles, to bunnies….there’s just so much cuteness it makes me want to keep it all. LOL!

And there’s more!

Anyway, I hope you enjoy this little bit of whimsy while I head off to wrap some fun.

Remember that the Birthday Celebration Sale continues today and tomorrow (2/27 and 2/28) to receive 20% off.

If there’s something you were drawn to or thought might make a great gift, this is a great time to bring home some enchantment.

You’ll see the discount reflected in the prices at 

The Magick Rabbit

Monday Musings ~ The Writer’s Corner: Hope, Birthing Anew & Birthday Celebration Sale

Today’s Musings are threefold. I’d like to first start off with a short reshare of part of a blog post I wrote over 3 1/2 years ago that feels important again. It speaks to fostering hope and how powerful it can be in your life. I know that many people are experiencing a wide range of things from having some pretty fantastic openings, finally getting over the threshold and starting something new, to experiencing some sudden roadblocks and unexpected changes that are perhaps confusing, frustrating, or disconcerting after feeling like things were moving along well.

While we’re still in Winter, we are in fact closing in on Spring Equinox when daylight will start to increase again and more illumination and growth will take place – basically reminding us that light always returns, new life, beginnings, and seeds of change are at hand.

It speaks to hope.

But wouldn’t it be nice to bring that light and hope with you all year round?

When things get “dark” why is it that we forget all of the experiences where the light shined again in our lives, or how good it felt when we gave ourselves the nurtured opportunity to have fun, explore, be creative, take a break, and recharge?

“Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness.” ~Desmond Tutu

I shared this once, but want to put it out there again…. I propose we each commit to taking a “Hope Holiday” on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis, as seems most beneficial to your life and personal experiences.

What does that mean?

It means allowing yourself to hope and dream, creatively engaging your imagination and bringing the music of your heart into your every day, even if just for a couple of minutes of day-dreaming, journaling, or visualizing. Doing this to the extent that you give yourself permission to immerse so fully into that minute or two that your body tingles and sings from your heart with that “becoming” that takes place, as you get lost in your hopes.

This isn’t to deny that you may be experiencing something very dark and restrictive feeling, as that is a valid feeling to allow yourself to explore. But it is a way to actively engage yourself into learning how to make a safe space for your heart’s desires to see the light.

The more you do this, the more that part of you feels supported and begins to expand with your cultivated love, much like a garden.

Your couple of committed minutes of daily “Hope Holiday” journeying may turn into any opportunity in the day you find yourself worrying and going over your usual mental chatter religiously. You’ll soon discover how much more productive you are because your energy is being engaged in a way that can create more of the things you want. And this starts a ripple effect into manifestation.

Small seeds of hope become blossoms of creation.

“Hope is a waking dream.” ~Aristotle

Hope is a place all to yourself that no one can take away from you. It’s like a self-induced “holiday” you can take at any time, and go anywhere you’d like with it….it’s only limited by your imagination.

It is where you are free to dream and activate your creative potential as a powerful multi-dimensional, creative being.

There are unlimited possibilities because you are an extension of a limitless Source gifted with evolutionary experiences at your will’s choice.


I take many a “Hope Holiday,” but tomorrow being my birthday will have me creating even more space than a few minutes of that for myself.

Tomorrow I turn 46, which in and of itself is just a number, but numerologically does carry its own energy. It will be a different day for me on many levels and I plan to engage in some things that I love and that embody the energy of how I want to walk forth into this new life cycle.

Yesterday I celebrated my rabbit, Joy, who was my birthday gift to myself and from my rabbit, Nestor, 10 years ago. It is also fascinating that parts of the Amethyst Rabbit came home to me, which was connected to both of them, in time to celebrate my birthday too. And, my sweet friend, KC (aka Bean), pointed out that one of the pieces was in a new form of rabbit that looks exactly like Astrid when she stretches out relaxing. That reveal was similar to when I first took home the Amethyst and noticed the very distinct rabbit I had not seen initially. All things confirming what our hearts lead us to.

Lots of bunny love surrounding this time for me and that will lead to the third part of this share today, upcoming shortly.

I always feel a shift with each birthday, but this increasingly is happening the older I get. Things accelerating and many things finally feeling most naturally at peace and in flow.

This year will be a big year of focused work alongside creativity for me and feels like it will be pivotal on many fronts personally, as a union with my life partner, and from a wider scope of how I weave into the collective.

I have taken a break from my book in order to return with fresh perspective, but will be going full time back now after my birthday. It seems to be my focal point this year, feeling this is the year to finalize it. And I’m so grateful I now have abundant rabbit creativity flowing alongside it – my rabbit companions sure know just what I need to support and nurture the harder work I have ahead of me with that.

I’ll likely start sharing more about my book in the coming months, once I solidify more with it.

Although I love my new threefold series of blogs each week, there is chance this may evolve into only Ask Astrid Fridays, as she and I can cover a lot on those days and being that they are much more involved with tuning in, too, they do take a lot to put out there. So, we may expand that day’s blog, as a result and Monday and Wednesdays blogs either will go dormant for a while, or be more sporadic.

I’ll have to see how my schedule unfolds in the next couple of weeks, and will keep you posted.


That leads to the third part of this musing that ties us back into the “Hope Holiday” theme quite literally by sharing one of four new mini rabbit Faery gardens that will be hitting The Magick Rabbit Etsy shop tomorrow.

It’s titled, The Holiday, but in its description you’ll find much of what I shared here at start of this blog, as it embodies that message.

The Holiday.jpg

The Holiday close.jpg

In all, I will have 7 more mini themed worlds to add to the shop – these will be the last in general – but tomorrow you’ll see just 4 of them, as I will be starting on new items I’m excited to share with you soon.

Remember, however, if one of the mini gardens you love gets sold, I can replicate most of them. So, you can just let me know and I’ll see what I can do.

The other 3 new gardens will be in the shop likely by end of this week, or beginning of next. The last three will include a grand finale garden, and two micro mini gardens.

For now, here are the 3 others that will hit tomorrow. In order of photos they’re titled, Spring’s Promise: The Cosmic Egg, The Gift, and Believe.

I think you can kind of feel the theme of these new ones. 🙂

Spring's Promise.jpg

Spring's Promise close up


The Gift

The Gift close up.jpg


Believe close.jpg

If you haven’t perused The Magick Rabbit yet, I think you might find it enjoyable even if you don’t find yourself purchasing something, as each mini rabbit Faery garden is a storybook world, just like the paintings.

Just looking at the images and then reading the first paragraph of each garden’s description will infuse inspiration and nurturing reminders.

We’ve spent a lot of meaningful time not only creating them with love, but sharing each of their stories with you.

I include either their mini story and/or energy they were created to share with you as daily reminders, mini guardians, or sacred altars.

As I like to say:

There’s a storybook tale within each creation to reflect your journey, as the adventure it is – all shared through the heart of one Magick Rabbit and one Rabbit Faery.

And as a tie-in with all of this I also would like to announce that the bunnies have inspired a celebration sale that will kick off tomorrow on my birthday – 2/26.

It will be a 3 day sale only 2/26 – 2/28, taking us to the end of February, as a cycle of activation and closure all at once.

This will be a 20% off store wide sale, to include the four new gardens with every $30 minimum purchase.

I believe it will go live at 12:01 pm my time tomorrow (PST), but it might click in earlier, as technical things have a mind of their own sometimes.

Our way of celebrating this new energy cycle the bunnies and I are embarking upon, while also celebrating the same for each of you if you feel drawn to bringing one of the energies of the creations and art into your life.

Thank you for all being a part of our lives and for helping to inspire these creations too. As while they come from our hearts, they are in answer to what we tune into out there.

If interested in exploring more of the creations in the shop and tomorrow’s sale you can find it all here:

The Magick Rabbit

Wishing everyone a wondrous Hope Holiday, however you choose to enjoy it.

Ask Astrid Fridays ~ The Rabbit’s Corner: Cracking the Code


Well, just when you thought things couldn’t get any better, they sure do. You might recall this blog post from April of last year, Full Circle ~ Amethyst Rabbit Returns where I chronicled how the rabbit ears and another smaller piece of the giant Amethyst geode I once had, returned to me and Astrid. I mentioned in that post, how the Amethyst had split in several pieces, but it wasn’t until just this week (right as the Super Full Moon was in full illumination) that those other pieces were ready to move on again.

Astrid had called them in then and now she has done it again.


My dear friend, Yasmin, of The Sun Moon & Stars NY messaged me about all of the pieces ready to be with new guardians and since that day we’ve been engaging in a flurry of messages and astounding unfoldings with not only this Amethyst giant, but a Lemurian Seed Crystal giant – master crystals like no other.

I had told her if the pieces wanted to release, to please let me know, as I felt strongly that some would want to return. And that they did – in fact three large pieces have come home. That leaves me with five – my favorite, magick, and Nestor connected number.


She kept three large pieces for herself, and the rest were put out to the universe to draw in the perfect guardians to co-create with next.

It’s going to be impossible to share the depth of meaning around all of this, but Astrid does have things to impart for now to help us grasp what is happening.

Let me just back track for a brief summary about this Amethyst.


It came to me after I’d lost my twin soul in rabbit body, Nestor. I didn’t actually see that it was in the shape of a rabbit until it set foot into my home. When I first purchased it from a dear friend and crystal guardian at the Tucson Gem Show (I’d purchased many from him) we had seen it as a Gnome, not a rabbit. And I literally cracked open and bawled when I discovered it was in fact a rabbit – only seeing this once it was in my energy zone in Tahoe and with me, my tortoise Gaia, and new rabbit soulmate Joy.

It has always been a portal, timelink, and guide in our lives – a way for us to connect with Nestor and for me and my animal companions to have access to the beyond.

We parted ways when my life had reached the depths of beyond in full detachment of everything. When I released all I thought myself to be, I opened to knowing something far greater. This is where the journey began anew.


Since, I, and friends of mine have continued to report exploding crystals spontaneously taking place. A lot of transformations too. It’s no wonder why my blog post, When Crystals Have “Accidents” – What Does It Mean? is one of my two top blog posts of all times with 182 comments from people everywhere sharing and asking about their crystals falling, breaking, changing…before their eyes.

While there will definitely be direct personal reflections for these intimate experiences, I am being told it’s a collective phenomena and that the crystalline matrix is transforming along with us.


But beyond this, I clearly got loud and clear from Astrid, the bunnies, and Gaia today when the giant Lemurian Seed Crystal Master started exploding too, that it reflects our “cracking a code.”

These giants have decided it’s time for more to be part of the matrix of these codes, and therefore called, or are getting ready to call in, co-creators to assist.


I just received my three pieces of the Amethyst yesterday (just in time to activate some things for my upcoming birthday next week), along with a large jar of individual little points and mini clusters) and it was a beautiful homecoming – we have yet to unravel the work we’ll be doing, but upon their arrival I laid them out on the center rug to my shared room with Astrid, near the Master Tahoe Quartz she loves and works with, so she could have time to herself while we left for dinner, to connect with them.

I know she’s called them in and I’m looking forward to what more she will reveal beyond what she shares today.


The same day, two other people connected to me and the bunnies also received their pieces of the Amethyst.

I found it quite fascinating that four people deeply connected to me were all called to bring a piece home – including two of my Reiki students, a coaching client, and my own Reiki Master Teacher, Laura – but in essence, and above all else, all dear friends and all having worked together in “past” lives with the crystal matrix for collective good.


Some of the pieces that made it to their new home with Kat

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A piece I helped procure and is home with Laura

Then there were those friends and clients of Yasmin’s as well, and so a collective grid across this continent has been anchored, taking pieces of the Amethyst to where they are needed.

It was also very interesting that the same night all of these pieces of the Amethyst rabbit found new homes, Yasmin messaged me in shock telling me about the rabbit she was seeing in the Super Full Moon for the first time. I found that quite telling that after she embraced surrendering to assisting the rabbit energy to get where it needed to go, she then had her awareness shifted in “seeing” the rabbit that has always been there.

As Yasmin and I talked, we discovered all the vast locations they were going off to and even how she’d be taking a piece to a Costa Rica retreat she was going to, as an offering to our Earth Mother. Synchronously, I was supposed to be in Costa Rica next month, but the trip dates with family got changed, making it so that we couldn’t go. It seems Yasmin and I traded places.

It’s things like this that demonstrate the connections we have and how we are doing work together with soul family.


I wondered to myself yesterday if the Giant Lemurian Seed Crystal would be releasing more, as only a few smaller pieces had released around the base that did also move on at the same time. Yet, none of them had called to me. Not much after that, Yasmin shared how a shard literally exploded and a point cracked in two, and then today it further dismantled and a large full point released, with more on the way. You can imagine how this has been deeply emotional for her, just as it was and always is when crystals have moved on from me – bitter sweet indeed. We both feel that a part of the Lemurian will remain with her, some larger points will come to me, and the rest will move on to others.

Each one of us all going through huge transformations in our lives, again, just as I know and am hearing/seeing about from so, so many others of you out there.


So, what the heck is it all about?

I’d like to preface that this morning Astrid was amped up. She was running back and forth, up and down the stairs. She wanted to connect with me a lot, and she had a lot of energy to move. She was anxious. This, all after having had time with the Amethyst babies last night and this morning to herself.

I told her I’d be back to receive her message, needing some nature time to ground.

She was waiting for me, wide awake, when normally she’d be resting. I said hi and had to leave to go get lunch ready, but told her we’d start her blog once I was done.

She was then waiting for me under my desk when I returned, fully alert.

I snuggled her a bit, as she chattered her teeth in delight, and then put my third eye to hers to receive.

We journeyed in light speed down a dark cosmic tunnel with specks of light gliding by and revolving all around us. It was very intense…so much so that she pulled away.

I knew it was time. That was the channel she created for me to receive.


I began and she nudged my foot and ankle with her nose, then went off to lay inside her dark castle tunnel to send me what was needed.

I keep seeing images of the Cosmos and stars moving in warp speed, or perhaps it is me traveling as such through them. Explosions, cosmic flames, and almost electric nebulae all around morphing like wombs birthing stars.

Astrid is ready.


“When you heard ‘cracking a code’ this was meant in a literal way. The One  – these Crystal Masters represent – have been awaiting like time capsules. Embodied as you once saw them with much to share as was. Yet, like much of what has been seeded here on Earth, each thing you see is much more than what they appear. And also will be far more than you think even if less than your mind originally perceives. Every spiral of the cycle will bring forward more. It’s never-ending, and yet you reach a pinnacle of the spiral where a wider experience is made possible. There has been a large impact of late, fusing together the key to the next spiral. Many are ‘cracking the codes’ and this has unlocked the puzzle pieces to be accessed and revealed further. This could not have happened until enough were ready. And so it is that many more than you think, are. And so it is that things are in fact shifting under your nose, even though I hear many of you unsure, unaware, or thinking it still is yet so far. No, it’s here. It’s now,” she sends me. “Go ahead. Yes, share the word you heard.”

“Okay. Identity,” I reply.

“Yes, you heard right when that came. Identity. Please share its definition so I might point out some things,” she adds.

“According to Merriam-Webster:
1a: the distinguishing character or personality of an individual : INDIVIDUALITY
b: the relation established by psychological identification

2the condition of being the same with something described or asserted

3asameness of essential or generic character in different instances
  bsameness in all that constitutes the objective reality of a thing : ONENESS
4an equation that is satisfied for all values of the symbols

an element (such as 0 in the set of all integers under addition or 1 in the set of positive integers under multiplication) that leaves any element of the set to which it belongs unchanged when combined with it by a specified operation

I think I can feel where you’re going with this.”


“Through the search of identity – a very important part of what you call the journey – you have never left the One. Each piece of these Crystal Giants, although have left their origin, never relinquish it either. Every piece, every you, are part of the greater Whole. And yet, you are each the Whole. This you know already. So much you journey away, to, here, and there, in discovery…and rightfully with yearning to understand. But the journey has also been an illusion. Just as distinctions or connections are used to evade truths. In uncovering the individual identity, you have seen the grace of All That Is. Truths have been seeded within the crystal matrix – this is some of what you’ve learned to be things like record-keepers and other names you call the identities within each crystal. The same truths seeded within each of you. This has opened doors with what appears like the disintegration of these crystalline beings, and yet the truths they hold will always remain even when you no longer see them before you. You are disintegrating the concepts into truths. You are emerging into truths, as the shells that have held you bound, crack open. You feel it’s a journey, but it’s an acceleration of uniting once again and this acts like spontaneous combustion. When rapid essence occurs, it can no longer be contained and accelerates into something untouchable, yet extraordinarily impactful,” she adds.

“I see. So could it be that each of these crystal beings reflects a whole universe of identity returned to essence?” I ask.

“Or identity AS essence,” she answers. “There truly is no search needed and no journey to embark upon. This you are uncovering and piecing together, as the pieces of the puzzle fall apart. As the crystals explode, and “crack” apart. The codes within them are the same within you. While the pieces grow smaller, it is simply the proximity to your combustion that has accelerated. And by this I do not mean you, too, need “explode,” but rather, truly shine,” she ends.

“It’s a lot to take in, Astrid. I feel your words as codes themselves. Thank you. I know you plan for us to continue this decoding together. And that these crystal beings spread out all over, will continue both revealing and reflecting the transmutation at hand.”

I’ll leave you with this.

I just “randomly” found this video from one of my favorites, M83, called Lower Your Eyelids to Die with the Sun because not only does it have similar visions I was seeing, but the music truly embodies the essence of this message today.

Whimsical Wednesdays ~ The Artist’s Corner: If You Don’t See What You’d Like in the World, Create it Yourself

We’re creative beings by default, regardless of whether you feel you have a creative bone in you or not. We all have creative potential to not only express through the creative forces at the root of our being, but to actively co-partner in remaking our shared world and collective experience. We each embody a unique expression of All That Is and are a part of the life cycles of birth and death transmuting into new forms over and over, just like the life and death of a star.

When we find ourselves unhappy or unsatisfied with what we see and experience around us in the outer world, we can look within at ways we can tap into our creative power to start reshaping the inner world of our experience. In this way, we start to experience shifts in domino-effect that have far-reaching benefit.

If you wish to see something “out there” try creating it “in here.”

This can be in larger ways like desiring to experience more compassion in the world, so you commit to walking in compassion as much as you can on a daily basis, starting with having compassion for yourself.

Or, it can be in smaller ways, like wishing you could find that perfect item that you envision, but no one carries, so you make it yourself.

In each case, and all of the myriad of other examples and possibilities in between these, you are using your creative energy to create something. You are taking initiative and action by harnessing the creative forces within you to find ways to bring about/birth from the impetus of an idea, inspiration, strong desire, or dream.

And this makes you powerful.

Yes, you are powerful.

You are co-creating life and the type of experience of life you want to have, regardless of what is out there or not.

I actively engage in both types of “creating,” choosing to be more of the things I want to experience in the world and creating little bits of magick my imagination and heart desire.

The latter is what I did recently with two little rabbit Faery gardens I created for me and Astrid.

And in doing so, not only did I create something I wanted, but wasn’t out there (at least that I knew of), but the energy carried within each creation has twofold reach in not only making my heart happy and creating sweet energy for Astrid and me, but in creating these mini worlds, I’m creating a space of potential – like a timeline or portal – that acts like creative visualization for manifestation. They help to draw in layers of meaning, possibilities, and integration into the “now” experience.

This is the new creation I just made yesterday for our Wonderland room.

It’s called Royal Cosmic Wedding: Union of Inner Harmony.

Just the title likely gives you a hint at the energy embodied here, speaking about that marriage of wholeness within the divine perfection that we already are. And if there is any imbalance or turmoil within these parts of ourselves, it unifies them in harmony and understanding.

Royal Cosmic Wedding Union of Inner Harmony (2)

It’s created atop a vintage white porcelain castle planter and is currently the centerpiece to our room sitting on the highest platform of Astrid’s butterfly sleigh that she sleeps under.

Royal Cosmic Wedding Union of Inner Harmony (4).jpg

To further help you understand the symbolism within it, here is what I included in the creation:

There’s a black AND a white bunny, a unicorn, a bunny in a swing at top center, two bunnies holding the Faery Queen’s white gown, a crown I found and glued atop her head, puffy white cattail on the reeds that double as nature and stars, a green dragonfly on one of them, and there’s a little book on a silver plaque holder that says “Once upon a time” with words beginning a story and an image of a castle on it. All of the figures sit atop gold sparkly stepping stones like gold coins that light and support the way.

Royal Cosmic Wedding Union of Inner Harmony (3)Royal Cosmic Wedding Union of Inner Harmony (5)Royal Cosmic Wedding Union of Inner Harmony (1).jpg

It and Once Upon A Time: The Rabbit Faery Queen are the two mini themed magick rabbit worlds I decided to create and keep for Astrid and me.

Once Upon A Time The Rabbit Faery Queen.jpg

Bringing art and love together, to me is “creating life as a work of art” – my personal motto.

Art, to me, is a manifestation of love.

When we create something from ourselves, no matter what it is, it is an extension of the love within us expressing creatively and that reaches out to another’s heart, bringing us together.

Everyone’s creativity, because it comes from the source of harmonious love, has value.

And in exploring, discovering, and bringing forth our creative energy, we are celebrating the hidden gift of being alive.


Note: Although I cannot create another of the Royal Cosmic Wedding: Union of Inner Harmony, due to the one-of-a-kind vintage castle planter, I did make a second of Once Upon A Time: The Rabbit Faery Queen for our Etsy shop, The Magick Rabbit, that sold. I can make more of that one if someone’s interested.

I’ll be sharing 3 new mini rabbit Faery gardens either this or next week – the last ones I’m making, as I’ll be focusing on new creations for the shop to share over the next weeks and months.

More mini rabbit Faery gardens can be found here, along with the original magick rabbit paintings, prints, greeting cards, and journals:

Monday Musings ~ The Writer’s Corner: Dreamer or Goal-Getter?

Dreamer or goal-getter? Do you feel one describes you more as a writer and person, in general? Or maybe you’re some of both? Many people may think of writers as introverts, dreamers, and maybe even eccentrics in some cases, but while I do feel that is true in many cases, I also feel that without the action and commitment part – that go and goal-getter side – those dreams won’t get to see the light of day.

And while you may feel you have more of one than the other, I DO feel that you can cultivate and nurture the one you feel is in less abundant flow for you.

Writers, especially fiction ones, are great at dreaming and yet the ability to set goals may be one that is lacking and therefore the dreams stay within their own experience and don’t get to be shared with the rest of the world that would benefit from those abundant dreams in story form. They may have some goal-getter in them, which helps them to write when they do, but not enough to either finish what they started, or take the steps to put it out to the world if they have.

Goal-getters, whether they feel themselves to be good writers or not, tend to bring forth things easier and get them out there. And in fact, that to me speaks to having a dream and putting it into action, regardless of whether or not the material comes from that dreamy place within you.

Yet, imagine, if we can marry both dreaming and goal-achieving in a healthier, more balanced way?

I think on some level all writers, and creatives, dream of being able to share their stories, visions, explorations, and the things they uncover along the journey. There’s that inner passion and/or compassionate part of them that would love to help touch and inspire people in some way, support the journey, or simply share their unique expressions that bring them joy.

Some goal-getters may be driven by achieving alone, but I’d like to believe that if you feel a strong drive for something it definitely speaks to something deeper.

If you find yourself more of a goal-getter and want to infuse it more with the dreamer, then things like allowing yourself the space to imagine, entering the world of wonder and curiosity more, receiving from time in nature, taking more time to meditate – perhaps with a dream-enhancing crystal or simply being still and inviting in your inner child, dancing, reading more fiction or watching fantasy movies, placing a little more whimsy around your writing space and home, free writing, doing creative visualization, etc. can all help to activate more of that part of you. And doing it on a regular basis will make it become more natural – or rather – invite in more of the nature of your essence as a creative being. It will also add that extra spark to the work you bring forth that will touch people on multiple levels.

If you find yourself dreaming only and having a hard time achieving goals and bringing forth your beautiful work to the world then your daily routine can benefit by setting goals – start with smaller more attainable ones and work your way up, keeping your space organized to focus energy, acknowledging yourself and giving gratitude for every step you do take, creating a schedule that makes time for all the things you want/need to accomplish in a day and stick to it – making it fun so you’ll enjoy this repatterning process, meditating on inviting more action-oriented energy into your life perhaps with a crystal of grounding, fiery and manifesting energy – focusing on bringing more drive, courage, focus, willingness to look at details, and even invoking more self-love (as this may aid having valuing your work and being more willing to put it out there) into your life, reading books with advice for writers from other published writers, working with an editor or writing mentor to help motivate each step, spending grounding time in nature, etc. all can help to cultivate and nurture more of the manifesting part of your essence to fully bring forth your stories into the light.

Balance is key and having both will go a long way, whether you’re a writer or not.

So, which do you feel you’re more of?

Do you think you might entertain inviting some more of the other into your world this year?

I feel I have both within me, but I tend to choose which to use more in some cases than others – creating a see-saw effect.

Slowly over the years, and more so recently, I’ve been lessening the severity of that up and down to marry them more together. Especially where the things of greatest importance to me are concerned.

So while my creativity used to be more behind-the-scenes or not as goal-oriented and my achieving side was all focused in non-creative ventures, these are now starting to walk more hand-in-hand. I am also focusing on any under the surface collective/family history patterns, as I’ve spoken about in recent posts, that are running through my veins and DNA. That’s the trickier part, but worth the effort.

Ask Astrid Fridays ~ The Rabbit’s Corner: In Opening Wider, We Remembered

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Astrid’s back after a busy week internally and externally for us both to share more about what took place during and after channeling last Friday’s message in her blog, Spiraling Through the Next Door. She’s had time since Friday to sit with everything and although won’t be able to share the depth of it all, will try her best to share what she can. And I’ll do my best to help her voice it here for you.

Something you likely have noticed, like us, is how things manifest instantly and some of the exact words and phrases in her last post did just that on Friday.

A storm was in fact preparing to hit and last through the weekend, just as Astrid spoke about how things might feel “relentless with one storm after another hitting” … “out of the blue.”

(I have to pause, as Astrid is vigorously chewing on cardboard right now, which is a sign she is moving energy again.)

She also spoke about the unique energies she has that can also “create road blocks, as a means of forging massive reminders and breakthroughs when she unwraps their gifts” and then a blockage of energy manifested in her body physically within seconds of sharing this.

She went on to say you might not “understand why they aren’t moving, or moving as fast as you’d like” and demonstrated that evening how she was able to move through the physical challenge and the energy that was manifesting as such, within just a few hours. Something that for bunnies isn’t always the case, as they can have difficulty when it comes to their digestive systems.

I prefaced all of that before we delve in a bit, to put it all in context.

As you might then recall, she went on to share how there are things under the surface that run the show and may be locked within the recesses of your deepest emotions placed there by a collective and likely unconscious belief system and that she carries a whole bloodline of rabbit history running through her and patterns of prey-like mentality within her DNA. So she, too, experiences triggers and has diligently worked on reversing this for not only herself, but for the rabbit collective and their relationship with humans.

We each have our own stuff and when the pain hits, there is potential to forget or lose sight of the bigger picture.

Well, while channeling this on Friday, Astrid went through an immediate physical manifestation of what she was speaking about, which I feel was threefold in 1) immediately reflecting pieces she was working on releasing at the time 2) reflecting to me how connected we (she and I) are as I have been working on things alongside her, and 3) was reflecting things for the collective and anyone who might be following along and experiencing your own version of this.

She went from bouncing bunny to slowing down and coming to lay right behind me while I was channeling her message. She literally was directly behind my chair on the carpet and started to become agitated, uncomfortable, and fidgety. I heard and watched her move every 30 seconds or so from position to another, while her face became pained, her eyes lost their spark, and her breathing labored as well as quickened. She would then contort her body and press her stomach to the ground with butt and legs pushing upward. And reposition again.

She was not her happy self and I could feel the pain inside she was going through.

I felt her temperature drop, as I pet her, with her ears getting cold, and so I covered her with her blanket and laid next to her, giving her Reiki and massaging her lower body to help move things. She let me touch her in ways she normally wouldn’t approve of, which indicated she not only felt relief from it, but knew and accepted my help.

Of course I talked with her the whole time and talked her through things. Let her know I understood and that she was not alone.

After a while I felt I she wanted me to finish her message to help with this, as it was nearly complete, so I did so within minutes, but didn’t send it off, as I felt energetically it wasn’t the time.

I then went back to her and continued with caring for her on all levels.

Although I knew this was energetically created, the physical manifestation is not one to play around with, especially with bunnies. Things only have one way to move through them, as they don’t purge through the mouth as we and other animals do. They are much like horses in this way and in fact share a lot in terms of the physical and even in their prey instincts, as well as sensitivities.

Digestive things are serious stuff and can be fatal. And although I felt it was likely a gas block she was experiencing, even that has fatal consequences if not taken care of, or the bunny isn’t able to move it through.

So, I did call her vet, who is a wonderful rabbit doctor, to get advice.

She was in an appointment, but did call me back and talked to me, like she has in the past. She’s such a great doctor and soul.

I’d already gotten out the Metacam I keep on hand for emergencies. The doctor walked me through feeling for things on Astrid and telling me things to do to assist her if it is in fact gas – one of which is to keep her moving – and things to do and not to do if it was a different kind of obstruction, which included not force feeding her. (Astrid didn’t want any food during this time.)

That makes sense if you think about it, as when you have pain, you want to curl up in a ball, right? But pain as such is a blockage, so it makes sense to keep movement going in all ways possible because energy innately does that – it moves. So if there is a block, that means there’s something not allowing it the natural release and flow it would otherwise have.

This indicated to me that Astrid had found a deep core challenge and had brought it to the surface, now manifesting. And she then had a choice of how to handle it. It was triggering her with pain to make her aware of what she was dealing with, but now she could either resist letting it go or breathe into that pain, acknowledge it, but let it move out as no longer necessary to be running the show anymore.

And in my Reiki and energetic work I was doing with her, I visualized that movement and gentle release with her, while massaging and helping to move things since it was painful for her. But her readjustments indicated she was also wanting to move it out. She wasn’t going to just lay there idle. She was bravely facing this and I would support that courage.

Anyway, the vet explained it either was gas or a blockage, which might be worse as in a hairball or something ingested that was having difficulty leaving. And unfortunately, this took place at 5pm and the her office closes at 5:30pm, as well as is an hour away.

There was a lot of snow with more coming and she’d already checked a few other places she knew of to help that were all closed as well.

My only options were to manage things myself and/or if things progressed worse, to drive to UC Davis where the best doctors and surgeons are, which is 3 hours away – more with the snow.

The weather and timing was making it so that she and I would have to work through these energies together and on our own. Both a scary, but empowering thing, if we took that challenge.

And it appears we/she set it up as so, since all things were creating a bubble around us to only be able to focus together and inward to work through it.

Of course, I’d jump in that car without hesitation if I felt she needed me to and drive through any storm and any amount of driving time for her. I’d also give anything, including myself, to support her and stated that when working with our support guides. She is, after all, an extension of me, my best friend, and soul companion. There’s nothing more important than love.

But, after feeling her abdomen and tuning in, I felt it was likely gas and not an obstruction of physical nature.

It was hard to give her Metacam, as she is very sensitive with being touched around her mouth, jaw, and sides of her face. She struggled and grunted, and smacked it away, and went to hide in her castle tunnel. So I couldn’t do it alone.

Dave had been out, but when I called to ask for help, he made his way home to do so.

In the meantime, after laying with Astrid for some time and Reiki massaging her, I decided to pick her up and lay her close to my heart.

I held her that way for at least a half hour, close to me, while I continued to do Reiki massage, kiss and snuggle her, and we breathed together as one. I helped her envision things moving through her gently and easily and that there was no longer a need for that energy to be a part of us – yes I said “us” as we’re connected and I was going to release my own stuff right along with her. She was not going to do this alone. I would be brave like her and do it too.

I could feel her soften in my arms, her face becoming more alert, and she opened to this process of receiving and working together to move out what we both no longer needed to have working behind the scenes, even if it wasn’t just our stuff. That collective stuff in our DNA patterns and subconscious was important work to do and as a team we could do far more efficiently.

I could feel her energy shift and already sensed things were turning around.

Dave arrived home and came down to see us. He also felt her abdomen and concluded what I had that it felt like gas. I then had him help with the Metacam, as I held her lovingly and told her he was here to help. She accepted it and I continued holding her a few more minutes, then let her down.

She, of course, gave out a huge thump.

It wasn’t more than minutes that she ran off to the other room. The most she’d moved since it started.

I decided to test placing her pellets in front of her (which she loves) and she took one, indicating she was feeling better, but knew to take it slow, as well as to indicate to me things were shifting.

I decided to let her be for a little bit and went up to get dinner ready, checking on her in between.

She continued moving around the other room and headed back into our shared room, where she began to eat again normally on her own.

After a couple of hours she’d eaten everything, including some apple sauce I’d put out next to her regular food dish, in case she preferred something softer and soothing.

She eventually ate them both 🙂

And she continued well after that – the whole thing lasting about 3 hours – and was back to racing around and binkies in the morning!

Meanwhile, upon her indicating to me, I’d sent off her Friday message at one of the intervals of my caring for her, as she felt it would assist things to make it complete and put it out there. So, I did, and heard from others how her post had been helpful and timely for them.

We’re hoping this one will be too.

The solar plexus, where Astrid was having the energy block in the form of gas, deals with your personal power, where you do and don’t have boundaries, how you take responsibility for your life and/or take back control or power if given away, how beliefs create patterns in beneficial or challenged ways, confidence levels, emotional manifestations around beliefs, patterns, conditioning, judgments, that may be yours or taken on because of your extreme sensitivities that are flowing or creating charged blocks….etc.

So, it all made sense physically, what was going on emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.

This is why I treat holistically, as you still have something physical happening that needs attention, as a result of other things working behind the scenes.

And with a sensitive bunny, even as strong and brave as Astrid is, that body is set up as more fragile and complex, needing a level of attention that simply asks that you can’t brush aside things. You must deal with it now – not later. A great message, in general, I feel.

Another reason that rabbits aren’t ideal as solely a child’s companion, besides the fact that they can run up vet bills when going through things that need immediate attention.

Just food for thought.

But back to Astrid, I couldn’t be more proud of her and how she moved through this piece of her work with courage of the heart and willingness to face it for her and the rabbit collective.

Astrid has wanted me to recount this in today’s share to impart different levels of messages as you read it, that you’ll be able to find bits of value from where they touch a place within.

Our work will continue, but we’ll be doing it together. The timing was so synchronized with what I had also just started working on for the collective and family stuff deep in my own DNA, that it’s more than beautiful to experience how close Astrid and I have become in such a short time.

We really are breathing in life together as one and everything we do is shared, as well as instantly manifests when we decide to take it on.

Astrid also knew she wanted to help me with a lot of the things we were preparing with our new Etsy shop creations and that releasing our stuff before the week of focus on that, would allow us to be clear and flowing for the joy of all of it – also freeing up space and energy so that we can do things less tethered by a hidden weight behind the scenes.

Will this be the only challenge she/we will face?

Of course not, but it demonstrated that the more we embrace the journey and desire to move through it, the more gently we can weather the storm and find the way within us to move into greater peace, however the result manifests for the highest good.

So, I’ll let Astrid share anything she wants directly now, although all of this is the experience, as she and I both went through it.

“Thank you dear friend and life partner. I am at loss on how to express my gratitude, but I know you can feel it since we have become as one – something I believed could be possible with another soul, but until now had no hint of it being in sight to take place this Earth cycle. Everything you shared was as it was. I was scared to go there and how it might affect my body, but also scared for how it might affect you given your history with the souls in rabbit bodies we both know and love, as well as how it might affect my rabbit family if I had not gone there. And yet, you demonstrated equally, your bravery, but more so the enormous amount of love within you. And I sense there is movement out there taking place in ways we both can’t see yet, but is evident in the way this “went down,” as I know humans say. It’s true, it pained me greatly what was coming up. I felt the enormous weight pulse through my body and then hit an invisible, but impenetrable wall. The wall, of course, did not exist except for the pain that veiled it as so. I remembered things you’ve said recently about the existence of such things not making any sense to be running the show. And having felt the same, and both of our frustrations, I just couldn’t let that pain sit there. You knew this and stayed right there with me. I read your thoughts that you would not have left my side all night and however much I needed you. I made a decision that I could open wider my heart, as you were, despite the anguish you’ve been through with your rabbit loves and past, and allow myself to receive from you – a soul in human body – what you purely had to share, rather than allow my rabbit instincts to fear what has come through other humans who simply have had pain of their own they’ve not understood. In that moment of opening the channels of receiving, I know that I was giving to you as well, and we both were transforming a little piece of that human/rabbit/animal relating. This additionally opened a passageway within that invisible wall to release and the flow began to return, and balance was slowly restoring. It may not make sense or appear as of yet out “there,” but in that moment you and I were one….we remembered, as it has always been….but we forgot.”

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Hoppy Valentine’s Day!

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Hoppy Valentine’s Day! This is just a quick peak in, as I’m taking the day off after all the creative flurry here getting our (Astrid and me) Etsy launch ready for today’s Love Day. Everything is live in The Magick Rabbit shop now for you to explore all the whimsy and magick we’ve been up to, to share from our hearts to yours. That link can be found here if you feel inspired to hop over and check it out:

And behind all this magick and creative love has been my bunny loves, so today couldn’t go by without sharing these most memorable photos of the two sweet angels that embodied the meaning of this day and LOVE all around for me.

I shared these this morning on my Instagram, but just had to reshare here for my blog friends and family.

These two – Cosmo and Joy – will always bring to mind true love for me. And Cosmo, my special needs son, was and always will be the epitome of unconditional love.

Not only was he a guiding light in our lives and everyone who met or heard about him, but his message helped the collective through his service as an ambassador for cruelty-free cosmetics in campaigns for The Humane Society where he was dropped at the doorsteps in poor health.

He was taken in by a different and wonderful rabbit rescue – Bunny World Foundation – and after an accident years later, while in the care of his foster family, that left him unable to walk, I heard his call and my life changed forever.

These angels – rabbits – have taught me true love and opened my heart to greater expanse forever.

Love Day is every day for me, especially because of the souls in rabbit bodies who have been my best friends, and the images impressed in my heart of love are these I share again today.

I wish everyone SO, SO MUCH love. I’m grateful to have you in our lives and part of this journey.

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Whimsical Wednesdays ~ The Artist’s Corner: My Creative Muse



As we’re immersed in the beginning of another snow storm here in Lake Tahoe, Astrid and I have been deeply immersed in finalizing everything for tomorrow’s grand launch of a new and fun creative venture – The Magick Rabbit Etsy shop packed full of whimsical expressions from our hearts.

I thought that while I took a break right now between readying everything, I’d share briefly about what my muse for all the new I’m creating is and how I believe that finding what your muse in life is – that stimulus, creative influence, or source of inspiration – can make a huge difference in fueling your passion, motivating, inspiring, and stimulating you to greet each day with wonder and curiosity.

It’s no huge surprise you’ll learn that rabbits are my muse. I make no attempt at hiding that and pretty much wear it on my sleeve, however, I didn’t always connect them in this role, nor have I even regarded myself as having a muse until the last few years.

A few years ago, through a series of life-changing events, I uncovered the deep truth in my heart that I wasn’t me without a rabbit.

I know I am whole on my own without anything or anyone, but I realized rabbits have the perfect alchemy that kindles the magick within me like nothing else can and help me to hear my song.

So at a time when I had come full circle with this lifetime and not only had the choice to leave, but nearly did, I found that the only thing that made me want to stay was the love I shared with rabbits. It became clear that they are the way to the heart of life here for me and to everything I hold dear. They are my bridge between Earth and Cosmos.

Rabbits are my key and when I acknowledged and embraced that everything valuable I’d learned and opened up to was because of my connection with them and that the love I feel for them literally explodes my heart, I suddenly received a downpour of clarity in how I could find joy again and recreate my life anew.

These complex and mystical beings stir something within that opens my heart wider, tears me inside out, lights the deepest recesses of inspiration and imagination, and makes sense of what can’t be explained.

Rabbits have played the biggest role in 16 years of my life with 5 souls in rabbit bodies helping me to know myself even more. They have helped me to create a life that reflects the dreams and visions of the child within. We share a bond of watching over one another and encouraging the best in each of us to step forward courageously.

Their connection with creativity, abundance, and that fertile Spring energy of joyous blossoming reflects the importance of cultivating this renewing energy and innocence.

And so the love and joy that they have fostered so deeply for me, has become the muse to all of the creativity I’ve had flowing recently and all of the ideas that have flooded my imagination through the channel of visions we share between us.

My creativity and motivation had gone gray about 3 1/2 years back and without something to kindle the dying flame, I would not be where I am now.

To look around me and to see the lush creative realm full of rabbits around every corner that I work in, an enchanted forest with rabbits who live outside my office, and my dear magick rabbit Faery queen, Astrid, who showed up when I recognized my truth, is such a difference from where I was, having released everything physical and nonphysical.

I was a blank slate and rabbits helped me begin a new spiral of creation.

And now here I am, on the afternoon before my new Etsy shop launch, reflecting on how quickly all of this has come to be literally out of no where.

My creative ideas have been multiplying like bunnies and it’s all I can do to just manifest what I’m feeling and seeing.

There is no other reason for all of this than pure joy and love.

I feel that the rabbits were my missing link and without them I would not have been able to reach further than I’ve ever gone before.

Rabbit Faery Queen Astrid

Well, break time is over and I’ll have to get back to things, as the bunnies and I are celebrating that pure joy and love tomorrow with our shop launch on Valentine’s Day 2/14 at 11 am PST.

If you’re interested in seeing all that we’ve been up to so far, I would love for you to check out our creations at this link, which will go live tomorrow at that time:

The Magick Rabbit

Items featured will include a combination of original storybook rabbit art, prints, items featuring my artwork to first include greeting cards and blank journals, as well as some really fun and magickal DIY mini rabbit Faery garden kits.

This first update will include a small collection of five paintings and their images on the items described above, along with 33 mini rabbit Faery garden kits.

Originally there was going to be 36, but interestingly, items have been delayed on the last three making for a magickally potent number in this first shop launch – 33!

I’ll add the last 3 rabbit Faery garden kits in the next shop update.

There’s already a lot in the works for that next update including a new collection of rabbit artwork on unique medias, rabbit pendants on crystal necklaces, rabbit keepsake boxes and later may also include potentials like coloring books, tote bags, and mugs as more item options featuring my artwork.

Astrid is just as excited as I am and has been working hard alongside me. She’s such an incredible co-creator. And she’ll be back on Friday with her message, after our shop launch tomorrow, where we’ll share in more detail about what unfolded last Friday.

Until then, I’d love to hear from any of you.

I’m curious if any of you have a muse?

Have you discovered that alchemical key that lights your heart and inspires you creatively?

Monday Musings ~ The Writer’s Corner: Things That Help My Writing & Day Be More Successful

This is a very busy week for me, but I still want to make sure to get out a blog for today’s Monday Musings series from The Writer’s Corner. While I did have thoughts about a couple of other themes that came to mind to share (I’ll save them for the next times), I felt like providing a list of things that help me to be more successful with my writing each day, which also extends to anything else I have going on in my life – be it other creative projects or simply my day-to-day business and personal life.

So here’s a list of ten things that help me to be more productive, clear the energy, and jump start those creative juices. Many of them are my morning kick-offs, but overall are things that support my day and writing goals.

  1. Go to bed early and get up early – I used to be a night owl back in the day, but life changed and now I find that getting good sleep and getting up early support being more fresh and help me to get more done. I dream a lot and in sleep we go into the subconscious, so writing in the morning is a way to be closer to those creative thoughts and flow more before a more distinct separation between night and day happens. Writing in the morning is a way to ensure I get that time in before the day gets away from me.
  2. Find all the things I have to be grateful for and acknowledge and thank them – having a gratitude practice before bed and when I wake in the morning helps to not only infuse the day with positive energy, but puts me in a happier space, as well as helps set me up for manifesting more.
  3. Enjoy cozy breakfast time – I love having hot tea or a vegan latte in the morning with a yummy breakfast (small or large depending on my desire that day) to gently nurture me back to waking life from deep sleep. This warms me from the inside out and allows me time to go over my plans for the day. I’ll follow it up with a smoothie that accompanies my writing time.
  4. Clarify my priorities and my to-do’s for the day – Even though I am spontaneous and flow, I have found that having more structure actually helps me to get more done, so this includes making daily to-do lists and prioritizing what is most important to get done. I also have recently created a time-table schedule in which I allot time blocks for the things I need and want to do each day. This ensures I get a balance of everything in as well.
  5. Unplug from phones, emails, etc. – Once I get past the time allowed for relaxing with my morning beverage and snack, it’s unplug time. When writing, I don’t reply to anything else and shut down or ignore my phone. In order to be fully in the world of writing, I must be out of the outer world. I also know that for me, it can take time to get into a flow, so if I were to stop in between my writing for every little thing that comes up, this would break that flow and take me more time to get back into the groove. I find it crucial to disengage.
  6. Carve out a block of time – This goes with #4, but I find it important to emphasize separately. It’s important that I carve out what block or blocks of time are my writing times and that I stick to that – both not allowing other things to get in the way, and not becoming lazy that day. That’s not to say that I will force myself, but I find that the more I get into a groove with something that seems foreign to me, the more it becomes natural. Discipline and commitment are my friends and not the enemies.
  7. Moving – Carving out time for exercise is important for me. This includes being out in nature as I do so – double the benefit! Moving moves energy and when I move energy, I’m not only releasing any potential blockages, but I’m getting a healthy flow of ideas and feelings going, as well as boosting my energy, well being, and helping me to get better sleep at night too. Moving energy helps move creativity.
  8. Music – I love having music accompany my day and/or special projects/my writing. Having just the right sound frequencies going really helps synchronize things for me and supports that flow even more. Music is a necessary component for me and my life.
  9. Being present – For me this is mindfulness and “life as a walking meditation.” The more present I am with myself, my feelings, thoughts, and my environment, the more aware I am of what’s me and what’s not me, as well as the more observant and receptive I am to all the inspiration around me and ideas messaging me constantly. Presence also creates more gratitude, peace, grace, and alignment.
  10. Surrounding myself with all that I love –  I find it crucial to infuse my life and surroundings with everything that brings me joy and moves my heart the most. This includes creating an inspiring and imaginative space and home, having plants, crystals, all things magickal, and nature close by and within sight of my desk, sharing a home with my partner and fur babies, and having my best bunny friend, Astrid by my side. When I see reflections of my heart all around me, it inspires me more, infuses my heart with greater peace and joy, and makes writing so much more fun and flowing.

Please let me know some of the things that you do to help with your writing, or your day in general, in terms of making it the best it can be.

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View from our Forest Portal backyard from a recent sunset snow shoe – #7 on the list above