Monthly Archives: December 2019

Stepping into a New Blueprint of Life ~ Last Blog Post of 2019 as I Begin Sabbatical on the 1st of 2020


Don’t be afraid to shine your unique light in this world. Your light will help guide the way for others and align you with life itself. ✨🌟✨May your courage deepen and the creative impetus of transformation shine brightly within you. May 2020 be the year you stand up and step forward.

It’s amazing how fast 2019 has flown and now we sit at the precipice of 2020. I remember what a big deal it was when we hit 2000, now already twenty years ago! Life is rapidly evolving and it continues to be interesting to observe what we as a collective are choosing to create here on Earth. There seems to be an increase in individual experiences branching off to form new realities. But does that mean reality splits will take place, or is it simply that courageous innovators are forging new landscapes so the rest of us can journey and merge there when ready? As with all new inventions, it takes time for the collective to get on board.

My experience, ever since the Capricorn New Moon Solar Eclipse of Christmas, has been that of a completely new blueprint being formed in a very literal way. Although viscerally felt as well, we actually have spent time drafting this intentional blueprint in the physical and have physically experienced it root.

It feels as though DNA is rearranging and awakening – a true rebirth and renewal.

This will be my last blog post of 2019 and also the last for the next several months while I honor a commitment to myself and this new blueprint. The first day of 2020 will see me begin my sabbatical, which will take me offline and off-grid for at least 3 months, to be assessed at that point if I return or need longer.

If you missed my announcement of this, you can find more details of what this means and looks like in my post Winter Solstice Sheds New Light

The Magick Rabbit Etsy Shop will remain open simply to package and ship any potential orders during that time only. We’re grateful for such a sweet year of support experienced from our creations and how these last days of 2019 saw some beautiful send-offs and full circles with the very last custom creation, a big international order that came through a cosmic rabbit connection, and even one of our original paintings offering 50% proceeds to rescue rabbits – Garden of the Gods (ocelot spirit totem) – anchoring in a new home through an Egyptian synchronicity.

Many full circle things have been taking place and even the potent renewal energies of Christmas saw my ballet shoes and tutu from childhood find their way back to me.


My mom presented me with this box, after reading my blog post – Remember the Light that You Are ~ Christmas Eve & Christmas Eclipse Wishes of Hope & Manifestation

Finding these feels like merging and reclaiming parts of myself. They also feel symbolic of me “stepping” up and forward into the new energy with all of me, as the first photo of this post puts into action.


My mom went on to share with me some old photos she found that she thought I might like to see again. They included this one above and the one below.

A wee faery ballerina and winter child sprinkling magick through her self expression and totally immersed in the joy of snow for one of the first times. I didn’t grow up in snow, living in Southern California, and now it is my playground in my mountain home of Tahoe.

The middle of my sabbatical will see me celebrating my 47th winter birthday within the stillness of white wonderland landscapes here. They will be my inspiration for expansion during this quiet, but deeply active time.

2019 was a big year of creativity for me, nurturing the core essence of myself, and taking pause without rushing into what was next. Things I thought I was going to do turned into embracing and doing what was more important than my ideas. What I found is that this not only aligned me with other things I’ve been patiently waiting for, but it put to rest and amplified what was also necessary to strengthen my voice. I also made some beautiful new friendships and deepened others, which have been truly enriching.

I feel much more supported and ready to take on what’s next in 2020 – even in regard to what felt most challenging. And even in the midst of unknowns, I actually have greater clarity on all fronts. I sense that the changes will speed along faster than they would have if I had tried to do them last year and that indeed the biggest level of transformation for our little family, yet experienced on all fronts of life, will be flowing in.


During the last couple of weeks since returning home from our winter holiday abroad, Astrid has also been mirroring the changes, which is no surprise since we are deeply woven together as one.

She had time to process a lot while I was away and even experienced some dynamics shift with the cats that our sitter shared with us. Her ears, which are her antennas for tuning into the finest of frequencies, also went through some detoxing, cleansing, and rearranging. Thankfully, she’s a very healthy rabbit, but on occasion she gets extra build up of wax in her ears that she can’t clean herself. This is what took place again and so I brought her to the vet upon noticing her behavior, which confirmed that indeed she had wax build-up and some red inflammation inside. We’ve been administering ear drops since and she’ll go back for her check up on the 2nd – this Thursday and aligned with the new year – which will also include her full six month physical exam. It’s not been fun giving her the drops, as it’s very stressful for bunnies to have ears probed among other things, but she seems to be doing well and the scratching and shaking of her ears and head seemed to have dissipated. Crossing fingers, toes, and wings that that means the drops are working.

Astrid’s ears may be healing, but they are as beautiful and tuned in as ever. Clearing out the gunky wax and cooling the inflammation within feels very aligned with and symbolic of this energy of clearing out the old and burning through it to create new alchemy for 2020. It feels like she has been in preparation for the next part of our upcoming work together and having clear ears will help her to tune in ever-more deeply to the beyond and communicate telepathically with me as well.

She and I are always aligned.


I have a feeling many of you might be sensing and experiencing similar things that I’ve described here for myself and Astrid. I have also heard from many how 2019 was really a challenging year and how much you’re looking forward to a fresh start and release to some of the pains and struggles you felt bombarded by. I know also that an increase in life transitions from this plane of existence (along with many facets of life transitioning)  have taken place this year, which has been increasingly hard for people to go through on top of the daily challenges. I sense this is going to continue to happen because of how energy is shifting rapidly and souls are finding/choosing their place in the collective experience of this. We feel it as a loss because we’re human, when Nature experiences loss every second and knows it as the fluidity of wholeness.

I’ll leave you with Lee’s 2020 Energy Forecast where he touches on the six “headlines” he senses for our upcoming collective year that reiterate my own experiences. I think it may provide you the hope and inspiration perfect to start the year off with.

These include:

  1. Blinding Clarity
  2. The Rise of Love through Death Awareness
  3. Collaboration and Teams
  4. Grounding via Nature
  5. Creativity at High Speed
  6. Heart Healing

This photo feels energetically perfect to end with – one taken of Astrid and me in our Forest Portal backyard.

We love you and wish you every possibility available for greater peace and grace.

Although we won’t be actively present in a visual way, know that we are present with you always and that you can meet with us in your heart portal.

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Wish Upon A Star


This is my last creation for 2019 – Wish Upon A Star 🌟🐇 Magick Rabbit Keepsake Dream Chest. I think it speaks for itself and feels to embody the perfect energy and hope for our upcoming 2020 year as a collective, as well as my own journey beginning the 1st.


I just completed this sweet custom chest yesterday for a beautiful soul.✨ She was in love with The Great Conjunction Keepsake Chest and wanted something in a similar vein that inspires her to dream bigger.


This chest will be a place to put her dreams and wishes in to send out to the Universe like dandelion seeds carrying hopes and intentions to the stars.


There is a sweet white angel rabbit on the front to nurture and carry her dreams into the beyond and a graceful black rabbit of The Great Mystery on the back leaping through portals of new possibility.


The two create harmony and balance for imagination to take flight.


There are many portals and a cosmic orb tree also part of this cosmic landscape the rabbits journey through.


I added a Tigers Eye at the front clasp to support a life lived with courage while experiencing the enjoyment and celebration of it. This also aligns with experiencing abundance, as well as provides encouragement and hope. A great stone for new beginnings, growth, focus, self confidence, standing in your power, and grounding while working toward goals and dreams.


We share it as a portal of inspiration and hope to gaze upon for all of you.

I love how it turned out. ✨ And Astrid does too. She sat behind me the whole time while I worked on it and then gave it the nose nudge approval when it was completed, which infused some extra rabbit magick into it.

We’ve been experiencing some sweet synchronicities since returning from the UK, which have all been connected to rabbits and other important energies in our lives, as well as an increased depth that is anchoring intentions seeded for the upcoming year and beyond. And for these, and more, we are truly grateful.

We will be sharing one more blog post to end 2019 with before I head off on my sabbatical that begins on the 1st of 2020. So stay tuned for that.

Remember that our shop will remain open while I’m on sabbatical, but just won’t have any new items being added: The Magick Rabbit Etsy Shop

Remember the Light that You Are ~ Christmas Eve & Christmas Eclipse Wishes of Hope & Manifestation


Christmas Eve is one of my most favorite times of the year and it doubles as my sweet rabbit’s birthday (Joy) whom is now a sparkly star in the Cosmos. She was white and silvery gray, just as the coloring of this ballet headdress I’m wearing. This was the only gift I got myself while away on our holiday travels because it was so meaningful for me.

I’ve written before that during my childhood I very much wore my essence on my sleeves until around Kindergarten, when it started to take a backseat into the shadows. I loved singing and dancing and ballet was a natural expression for me. Being uninhibited with my creative self expression came easy then and I wasn’t shy about being me or performing. I was fortunate enough to play Clara in the Nutcracker and would not only be given ballet solos and got to perform at elderly homes too, but was given singing solos in the large church we were welcomed to be a part of the choir in, despite not being church members.



So, when I saw this headdress at the Royal Opera House in London, I immediately knew it was the special thing I wanted from this trip and would be a full circle way of honoring, celebrating, and empowering that part of me even more. It would also be a reminder to continue following my dreams.

This is The Sleeping Beauty Rabbit Headdress that is part of their Animalesque bespoke collection created with fabric from the Royal Opera House costume archives. To have this from costume fabric of the classical ballet performance, is a way to honor that dream in me and a parallel timeline and reality where I believe I went on to be a classical ballerina – it’s one of the only things I often envision and wonder about how my life would have been different if that part of me had continued on.

It is a welcome centerpiece to my Wonderland office and Queen Astrid’s Faery realm – reminding me, every time I enter, to keep my dreams nurtured, alive, take action on them, and to dream even bigger. This is part of the reason I am taking my personal sabbatical, in order to fulfill a dream and promise, whereas becoming a classical ballerina I’ll have to leave to the parallel reality me.


I share it for today because it embodies the magick of this time of year for me that sparks my inner child in very big ways. It also speaks to that “rebirthing of the light” that Winter Solstice ignites and the New Year offers as potential. And with Christmas night’s New Moon Solar Eclipse in Capricorn, there is an added energy of hope and new beginnings with strong manifestation energy available. A wonderful time to be aware of messages and signs that call to your heart to invest in following.

Christmas Eve is so full of sparkly enchantment and it’s the lights that are a big source of inspiration to me. Seeing them shine amidst the dark is not only reflective of the stars in the Cosmos, but of the sparks of light we each as a collective embody amidst the abyss of experience here on Earth.

We all have the opportunity to courageously be born again like a seed of light, as we deepen into the stillness of the dark.

There is much hope and promise within remembering the heart of who I am and what was alive within me as a child. Some of what I/we may have forgotten.

There’s an integration that takes place and frees me even more when I reclaim those parts of my essence.

What this means to me is that what ever it is I do take action to bring forth in my life, the little girl within me will be dancing her heart out while doing it, as the dream is the reality I choose to live and nothing less than that.

May your courage deepen and the creative impetus of transformation shine brightly within you.

Merry Christmas Eve and Christmas! I wish you all a wondrous holiday filled with the spirit of love, hope, kindness, inspiration, and unlimited possibilities.



I leave you with this poem found and shared with me by a sweet friend one year that I’ve always loved and kept:


“Celebrate life, laugh and sing;

Dance with me in a faerie ring!

Sing for the elfin, the little folk all:

If your heart be pure they will heed the call.


If your soul be gentle and peaceful within,

You will be accepted as faerie kin.

For you the woods will glitter and shine,

And worlds of magic will always be thine.


For you every valley and mountain and moor,

Will lead to another faerie door.

You’ll walk with the fey folk hand in hand,

And the Earth will become an enchanted land.”


Winter Solstice Sheds New Light

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Drover’s Inn, Scotland

Magickal Winter Solstice wishes from my heart to yours! Today is one of my favorite times of the year and it felt like the perfect day to share my announcement. This day is a celebration of the longest hours of darkness, but also a rebirthing of the Sun, which mirrors the same within us – as within, so without. This creates an energetic portal for regeneration and inward focus that can lead to insightful guidance on the months and year ahead. Winter Solstice reminds you of the light that you are regardless of circumstances and that this truth of your essence will always be even in your darkest hours.

For some reason, the photo above is one of my most favorite from our trip for its symbolism and transporter effect. I took it while we were at our last stop on the day tour in Scotland at Drovers Inn, which was established in 1705. This is an 18th century original stone lodge and pub that has been welcoming travelers for over 300 years to include infamous outlaw Rob Roy MacGregor. I could literally feel the step back in time of old tales and mystique while we enjoyed refreshments by the log fire and holiday decorations. The photo feels like I am a time traveler entering into another time period and with the dark decor and early darkness outside, the illuminating candlelight felt like the flame of warmth and inner truth within being reflected without.

A perfect mirror for today’s Winter Solstice AND the perfect symbolism for the turn of events my journey is taking right now.

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Solstice and Christmas decor on our mantle – perfect illumination reflections

It couldn’t have been more perfect to be exploring castles and magickal faery lands of Scotland for the Full Moon this month, to be in such rich historical settings alongside such progressiveness (i.e. vegan being normal in the UK) during an astrologically potent month of change, and immersing in Stonehenge’s energy within days of the Solstice.

The energies experienced were perfect reflections and nurturing support to me and what I needed right now. And the essence of what I was surrounded by and walked among was telling of what is possible.

The trip came together quickly and without far-in-advance planning, so I always know that things like that are an act of flow and alignment. Having a Winter holiday was a perfect way to anchor in the change of seasons and a new turn my path is taking.

I went through very soft, subtle shifts while away, but powerful nonetheless, and they have been reflected in the interactions that have taken place with synchronous encounters, as well as dream insights, and continuous strings of confirming or guiding experiences. I love that things are more gentle and flowy these days instead of the more dramatic ways things used to happen for me.

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Outdoor Christmas tree down our street – magickal spirit of the holiday season

I knew and stated clearly on the trip what I needed to do next. My thoughts and senses building up to it became anchored. And upon returning home to our Winter Wonderland here in the mountains, the beautiful holiday lights and magickal spirit of the season continued to remind me what I needed most and would be essential for the year upcoming.

I hope you enjoy this rendition of a Christmas classic by Lee Harris and Narada Wise – one I used to sing so much as a child and performed in the church choir when I was only three years old. I so love that Lee is going deeper than ever into his musical gifts this year. I love singing and the music of the heart. There was so much caroling on our trip that we got to engage in and it reminded me how vital this aspect of myself is.

Please take a moment to be with the beauty and simplicity of this song set against the silence and wonder of a beautiful snowscape. Winter is pure, refreshing enchantment to the soul.

So, that leads me to my announcement that I am going to be taking a personal sabbatical for several months. I’ve done this once before for a three-month period when I was transitioning from life in our home in Costa Mesa to life on the Magick Bus RV traveling around.

There is a lot transitioning in our lives right now and the beginning of 2020 feels potent for life changes. I’ve also been feeling a very deep pull to go within even more and be in my own experience. And, my book is calling for me to complete it once and for all and that will be my only focus during this time outside of personal life things.

This is about taking advantage of the windows presenting themselves and following what I need to stay true to myself and what feels most important to me. Once again, I’m in a mode of needing to pull back from everything, as my contracts are done and promises I’ve made when I was given a new lease on life a few years ago need to be fulfilled that will take all of my time, effort, focus, and courage to break through any fears surrounding things. I also want to spend personal quality time in ways that I need right now only with myself, Astrid, Dave, loved ones, Nature and the Cosmos.

I have had two different urges pulling at me and this satisfies both so that I can see where the next part of my journey and life feels most nurturing to continue as.

What this personal sabbatical means and looks like on the outside is that I will basically be going underground (or underwater since I’m a Pisces) for a while – to start that looks like three months and I’ll assess how things are going at that time if I extend that or feel ready to surface again. That entails no blogging, being off of social media, not answering questions through my contact page or messages in general, etc. It also entails my not being engaged in anything other than what I mentioned above – so no more Intuitive Guidance sessions, etc.

I will still keep The Magick Rabbit Etsy Shop up for now. Since the holidays are concluding soon, orders will slow down and just shipping out packages seems manageable to me right now to have in the background since it will be sporadic and not excessive. However, if I feel something shift with that, I will close the shop and place an announcement on the shop page of temporarily being away on sabbatical.

Right now I’m feeling that this sabbatical will begin on 1/1/2020, but if something shifts I may start it sooner. In the latter case, I will make that announcement here so that my friends and readers know.

Originally I felt the potential that I would start it today, but felt that it would be better to ease into that and since I hadn’t given notice, it would allow for time to respond to any last minute messages from anyone.

But today’s Winter Solstice feels like the perfect potent portal to anchor and declare this next stage for me – a time of going within and shining my inner light to guide me through the unknown and the vast new possibilities.

I’d like to conclude with this other favorite photo of mine from our trip. It’s of enchanting Inveraray Castle of Argyll, Scotland. It is the ancestral home of the Duke of Argyll, Chief of the Clan Campbell.

This image, for me, encapsulates so much of what I’m feeling from where I stand now and what I see and feel as potentials ahead – the kingdom where faerytale stories come to life, magickal journeys are possible, mystery and romance are everyday muses, adventures of chivalry into soul courage take place, and the unknown path opens into delightful surprises…


Inveraray Castle, Scotland – Faerytale portal where time has stopped

Time Travels Rich with Grounding Goodness


Home again and haven’t had much time to really integrate everything yet, as the last two days upon return have been extremely full. So this is just a brief way of touching in and anchoring back, while seeing how everyone is doing so far this month. I know 2019 has been a doozy for a lot of people and this is an extremely packed energetic month with Solstice approaching and the New Moon Solar Eclipse of Christmas on the way still. You can read more about the energies in Laura’s post from yesterday at the link included. We also went through quite a powerful Full Moon. I was in Scotland for that, which felt particularly key, especially since being there was literally last minute with only days of notice.

Our trip was originally supposed to include London and Paris, but interestingly huge strikes hit Paris on the 5th and did not dissipate. The strike affected transportation and so in fact our Eurostar train tickets were cancelled and there was no way even to fly in. All things are always in divine order, so we just decided to change destination to Scotland – somewhere neither Dave nor I have been.

We’d both been to Paris and London, although many years ago. For me it had been thirty years for Paris and London and a second trip twelve years ago to London and other parts of England including Glastonbury, Avebury, and a couple of other areas including Brighton, as well as a sacred trip to Ireland.

Although Scotland was definitely a place I wanted to visit, it was meant for a brief touch-in now. We only had three days there, but it was enough to know I loved it and would love to return again.

It was interesting that not only were we there for the Full Moon, but also during the big elections taking place in the UK that really are putting into motion a big shift there.


This was a very different trip for me, as the past has seen me always on spiritual trips to sacred areas or very nature-focused journeys. I’ve done city stuff as well, but the majority has not been that and definitely not recently. So this was a really great experience and felt very balancing and grounding.

I still always bring the deeper presence and senses with me, so everything becomes much more than meets the eye, but our main focuses were indulging in incredible vegan food explorations (of which there was tons and made the U.S. look light years behind), enjoying the culture of the cities (we took in several symphonies and orchestra performances in both destinations and enjoyed opera singing at a restaurant where the servers perform in between waiting tables), immersing in the holiday cheer (a favorite for me with everything lit up in splendor and Christmas Markets and festivities at every square), and seeing the main sights of interest to us, which included touristy kinds of things rich in history.

We packed in A LOT in the nine days we were there and we learned which things we like the most and what we would do more of and leave out for future trips. I shared a photo montage of all of the journey via Instagram and Facebook, which included incredible captures of everything we saw and put in our tummies as well. It’s very easy to pop photos up there in my off time, but doing so in blogs is much too time consuming. I hope that if you’re on those platforms you can get a chance to see the photos, as I love sharing the inspiration and energy.

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What I do feel inspired to share are some of the photo captures of me at some of my favorite areas that seem to reveal how I felt like a time-traveler and literally did feel as if I was stepping into a different part of myself, as well as had new layers of myself activated simply by being there. I also felt like time stepped outside of time and a parallel reality ripped open that I was walking in the entire trip. I was me, but not me.

It was interesting to me that the minute we stepped from airport to taxi in Scotland, I smacked my skull hard on the roof of the car while getting in. Luckily I didn’t have any issues, although temporarily for a couple of minutes was a painful crack that even knocked my jaw closed bringing teeth to teeth. I didn’t react because I knew I was getting my welcome activation with a crown chakra opening by stepping back here again for the first time this life.

I really love Scotland even though we were mostly only in Glastonbury and one day took a full day countryside tour to get a feel for the outlying magickal areas.


I was definitely swept back into times I’ve experienced there before. The castles and the land are pure magick and the Christmas Market there was just so sweet and made me so happy.

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All that we experienced both there and in London was amazing and our last day touring Stonehenge for two hours was a perfect closing day that ended with my getting to be with the bronze statue of Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens. The statue warmly greeted me with rabbits and faeries all around the base. Weeeeeee!

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Between the two – Stonehenge and Peter Pan – I was transported into a gentle and soft deepening of my essence. A perfect way to bring closure to the journey and start anew.

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I sat at Stonehenge and received visions of the area as a Stargate and felt the subtle continuation of inner awakenings that seemed to be reflected in interesting exchanges with people that took place.

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Originally we were going to be seeing a show at the Moulin Rouge in Paris that this year just happened to be titled Féerie (Faery in English), but this was apparently still the plan for me, as unbeknownst to me Dave got us tickets for a symphony in Glastonbury where I learned we’d be listening to The Faery Queen Suite by Purcell. What are the chances of this all going on while I was there? 😉

I have so many friends in England, Ireland and Scotland, but unfortunately this trip I could not connect with anyone as we were very much in need of our own immersion and personal space to experience what was there for us on this much needed vacation, as well as celebratory and exploratory trip. I know I’ll be back, so future trips will definitely have room for connections.

Overall, the trip reiterated to me that a new time is upon me and us as a collective. I hope to post something on the Solstice and it may include an announcement that was part of the confirmation and clarity the trip gave to me.

Until then, I do hope that everyone is doing well and embracing the opportunity of these energies to look within for the true light that is you, despite what is going on around you.


Farewell for Now

astrid.jpgIt’s always bitter sweet to be leaving on vacation, as the mix of excitement for the journey ahead merges with the sadness of leaving behind my best friend. Thankfully, Astrid and her sibling kitties Boojum and Sweet Pea have the best playmate and sitter one could ask for and thankfully she and I connect telepathically and in dreams. Still, it’s hard to say even a temporary farewell, especially when Astrid and I have been growing even closer these last few weeks through a lot of the changes we’re sharing.

Nonetheless, tomorrow is take-off day as we depart overseas for some international travel in Europe – the first time since Australia in 2017 that I leave the country with my newly renewed passport.

It’s been quite some time since I’ve been in Europe – 12 years to be exact – but it’s been on our radar a lot lately and things lined up to make this trip happen.

Some other things have lined up to also alter a small portion of the trip, clearly aligning us with what’s for the highest good, as we had to change part of our plans at the last minute this morning due to things going on overseas. The Universe always has a very deliberate way of redirecting me, as energies shift. The same thing happened the last time we tried to leave for a trip at the start of this year. I always know that there are good reasons for the changes.

Anyway, I just wanted to send my warmest wishes to everyone and let my friends and readers know that I will be away from blogging while away. I’ll be returning to the states on the 17th, but then have some important things happening in the days upon coming home that may keep me from blogging for a while – perhaps not until the 20th or so. I will be on before Christmas though and especially before the New Year with announcements.

If you’re on Instagram or Facebook I may share some bits of our journey while I’m away on those platforms – although not sure how much I’ll be online or not since I’m not getting a phone plan and will only have wifi access mostly in the hotel.

So until then, lots of love. I know there are a lot of potent astrological transits this month, including a big Full Moon while I’m away. I wish you an illuminating couple of weeks and a transformational month!

Revisiting “Preparing the Way”

Some of you may not know I have a YouTube Channel although I haven’t posted any new videos for a few years. I started it while living in the RV to share inspired messages and sound channelings that came through along the journey. I first shared this video in June of 2016. It’s called, Preparing the Way and it has been in my heart a lot lately, as I reflect on the upcoming year.

It came through on a very sacred day of supporting and guiding a precious soul in my life into the afterlife on the first day of Summer after the Solstice Full Moon. I went for a walk as a way to center and balance and checked in on my friend’s dog since everyone had gone hiking while I stayed with my beloved. I was sitting in a waterfront cabin on Lake Hebgen in West Yellowstone, facing the water as this moved through me. It was also a nurturing way to bring peace and healing to myself during a challenging time. It is dedicated to Joy.

What flowed through I feel speaks to the transitional energy right now of one thing becoming something altogether new, and so I felt guided to post it in case it is supportive to someone, as it is for me then AND now. This is the reason for this surprise blog amidst a busy week.

I’ve been revisiting the channelings and find that they feel even more relevant now. Perhaps when we do things from our heart and essence it stamps that eternal timelessness on it.

I am also literally currently “preparing the way,” as I prep for leaving this Saturday on a meaningful trip. However, this speaks to much more than the travels ahead, but to the fullness of the journey awaiting then and beyond.

And speaking of “preparing the way.” Tomorrow will end our Magick Rabbit Mega Holiday Sale – it will go through midnight on the 5th of December.

It’s not just the last day of the sale, but the last day to get orders in before I leave on vacation to ensure your gifts arrive for Christmas.

A lot has moved on to loving homes, but we still have some sweet stocking stuffer ideas and unique items that are all handmade and start as low as only $16.96. We also have only 3 Magick Rabbit ornaments left that are $6.99 each if interested (they’re not in the shop). Everything is 10-50% off, which includes incredible deals on original art with 50% proceeds going to rescue rabbits.

Hop and shop here: The Magick Rabbit Etsy Shop


December 2019 Energy Update with Lee Harris

I’m immersed in a busy week here preparing to leave on the 7th, but I took a break to listen to Lee’s Energy Update for the month and once again felt guided to share it here with my friends and readers, as I know many of you really get a lot from them.

In hearing from people, I think it will hit a chord for you. I know it chimes in with my feelings especially around 2020 having “strong energy,” as Lee says and perhaps really feeling to kick in gear more of your purpose if you’ve felt disconnected.

I love his description of “Hollow Energetics.” I’ve definitely felt this for nearly the whole of 2019. Although it looked like I was doing a lot, I have really been in that cocooning phase that feels to be the precursor to major transformation, as Lee describes it. I know others of you have expressed similar. I have felt it to mirror other times when huge change was about to happen in leaps and bounds.

I’m feeling into some things this week and while I’m away I will continue to let it ruminate, but when I return I’ll likely have some announcements to close out the year with.

I’ll likely also have at least one more blog before I go, but for now I wish you a peaceful first week of December.

Here’s Lee with the overview for the month.