Monthly Archives: June 2015

Summer Opportunities to Positively Transform Your Life

stone2ENERGY GUIDANCE 5-Week Intensive:

This is an opportunity for 2 more people ONLY, as a spot has filled since my newsletter post. This opportunity is for the time period between now and August 31st. Details below.

There are a few things people don’t know that I do or offer, as I don’t talk much or at all about them. This is one of them. And the others you may learn more about when I return from sabbatical.

You may have remembered I used to offer intuitive support emails that was a version of this, but via email.

But I have on occasion offered guidance via phone for those people who really desired and needed it. I’ve shifted my processes around with this, however, based on what I feel to be most supportive, as I realized that creating a very specific focal timeline and committed process was the most efficient use of both of our energies and time, which got things moving more quickly within that committed partnership.

This is not meant to be a psychic reading or quick-fix. I won’t entertain these kinds of expectations, as I choose not to enable people, but to empower them.

This is a  five week intensive, working with me once a week via a one hour call, except for the first week, which will be twice to kick off things and set the intents. So that’s 6 one-hour sessions in five weeks.

What I provide is energy guidance, which is not only support with the intent and goal you bring to the table, practical tools, exploration into your hidden truths, and shadow, but all the while providing you energetic support during our conversation that will help with the blocks, removing fears, move energy, move forward, help you to manifest, and provide the opportunity for integrative healing on deep levels to take place more rapidly.

It’s like receiving a Reiki super-charged session, but with added benefits, which provides an optimal environment for you to make your shifts in the way that mirrors your commitment level.

It’s a partnership of support to help motivate, activate, nurture, empower, inspire, reveal, provide healing support, and kick start things into gear that you want to create and move through in your life.

I am a mirror that reveals truths – both what you would and wouldn’t want to see – with compassionate responsbility. If that is something you are willing to embrace and take responsibility in, then this may be for you.

So if you’re willing to commit to empowering your life, to open your heart courageously and vulnerably, to be willing to explore new perspectives and let go of the old, want change in a big way, want help in seeing things more clearly and getting focused, and are willing to take immediate action and steps, then this may be the perfect opportunity for you.

Your investment into you:

$222 per individual Energy Guidance session if you pay-as-you-go

(This includes 1 hour a week, 2 hours the first week, of guidance with me via the phone while you also receive energetic support throughout the call to help move energy and provide the best possible opportunity for transformation)

If paid separately in this manner of pay-as-you-go, with payment due before your scheduled session:

6 sessions will be a personal investment of $1332

OR, do it as a one-time package and receive your first session for only $1: 

That’s only $1111 for the entire 6 session package – SAVINGS of $221 with one session for ONLY $1

If you have questions or want to set up your Energy Guidance 5 week intensive with me, please message me here: Contact Tania Marie

The 5 week session must be completed by August 31st and there are only 9 weeks remaining, plus I am only taking up to 2 more clients for this right now, so please don’t wait until the last minute, as I don’t have the ability to squeeze everything in and don’t operate that way in general, as quality is my focus.  The last possible day to schedule your 5 week intensive is July 26th.

So if you want to create an impactful shift this summer and are tired of hitting a wall, let me know.

reiki initiationREIKI:

Good news for any locals still wanting to either review their Reiki training or want to jump aboard and empower their lives. These two private workshops are now open to others joining:

Tuesday, July 28th – Reiki 3 Master Teacher Workshop

Sunday, August 16th – Reiki 1 & 2 Accelerated Workshop

Remember I’m not scheduling any more group workshops and I’m off on sabbatical beginning September 1st, so thanks goes out to these people for welcoming whom ever is called to join them.

Please message me for details.  

*** Important note about registering: I’ve always provided a partial refund, minus a non-refundable (but fully creditable) deposit to those who find themselves needing to cancel a workshop, as I know how things come up when embarking on this journey, as well as know there are many factors at work in aligning things. However, due to the amount of time I spend preparing the material, printing, creating certificates, accountability, and setting the time aside to invest in each person, I’ve had to make adjustments to this, as I have ended up teaching privates on multiple days due to these shifts, which normally incurs more time and investment. So, for this reason, your investment into you is non-refundable when you register for a Reiki workshop. If for any reason you can’t make the workshop that you’ve scheduled with me, you will be provided full credit to use toward a future Reiki workshop that we mutually schedule and/or you join. Credit must be used within 3 months of cancellation, or an agreed upon time period if this is not attainable for what ever reason.

selenite flower2CRYSTAL MAGICK:

I didn’t have it on my radar to teach another Crystal Magick Workshop before I take my personal time off, but I’ve suddenly in the lasts 2 weeks received a few separate inquiries wondering if I will be teaching one soon again. I’m still on the fence about it, since my time is filling for the next two months, but am willing to explore the potential of offering this workshop once more before September 1st. That said, if you really are interested in this workshop here locally and would like me to offer it, please let me know. I will make my decision based on the amount of serious inquiries that would be ready to register if I do so. I may be open to this, but only as a one time, group workshop – no privates – so please also let me know what days you’d be available to attend, if in fact you’re interested and we’ll see if it’s meant to be.


I’m still working away on the last designs I have scheduled before September 1st. They’ve been involving more time and process than usual, so thank you for the patience.

I am able to take only ONE more client before September 1st, as a spot has filled since my newsletter post.

Otherwise, you can schedule with me for the end of the year/beginning of 2016 when I return from sabbatical.

The link to place your deposit and schedule your design consultation can be found here: Spiritual Skin

Seasons of the Soul ~ Take a Hope Holiday!!

faery forest magick

Faery Forest Magick – from the park I returned to this weekend to explore more – the setting for a recent photo shoot


I just put out my July newsletter yesterday, a bit earlier than usual, as I’m going to be away the beginning of July and wanted to ensure time to get a message out.

Sometimes I’ll share the message here as well if guided to.

This is one of those times and so here is what I shared as July’s Summer reflection, which includes the inspiration that came through, as well as some insights on the energy of tomorrow’s 1st of the month, Full Moon in Capricorn.


“Live each season as it passes; breathe the air, drink the drink, taste the fruit, and resign yourself to the influences of each.” ~Henry David Thoreau

Changes in light and seasons can affect your mood, energy level, health, sleep, and general behavior. For some people this can be gentle and easy, as they merge with or transcend the seasons, while others experience some or all-consuming affects.

If you haven’t paid attention to your patterns with this, perhaps you might do so, as you may discover there’s a rhythm to the madness you’ve been experiencing.

Knowing your process is key to shifting it.

That said, it’s not just the seasons that we reflect, but we also go through seasons of the soul, which will be different for each, as well as at times collectively experienced.

Alongside things like solar flares and all that is shifting planetarily, having an effect on the evolution of our DNA, we also go through periods of ups and downs, needing to be more inward or outward…all in reflection to the journey we are on and what we are either consciously engaging or subconsciously avoiding, repressing, or denying.

Energy wants to flow and move. And as a result, it will take us on an adventure with many twists and turns, roadblocks and speedways, downpours and easy breeziness.

Yet, as we know, there are ways to embrace it with the example of grace that Nature provides us. And so we, too, can flow more easily and efficiently in our lives without depleting and wasting energy resisting, fighting, blocking, and whining.

So while we have ventured into Summer with the Solstice we just celebrated, the light may feel bright, joyous, and promising for many, with hope easier to harness.

This is a time where Spirits may feel more on high and many take vacations, holidays, and breaks before they settle into Fall and Winter.

But wouldn’t it be nice to bring that light and hope with you all year round?

When things get “dark” why is it that we forget all of the experiences where the light shined again in our lives, or how good it felt when we gave ourselves the nurtured opportunity to have fun, explore, be creative, take a break, and recharge?

“Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness.” ~Desmond Tutu

I propose we each commit to taking a “Hope Holiday” on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis, as seems most beneficial to your life and personal experiences.

What does that mean?

It means allowing yourself to hope and dream, creatively engaging your imagination and bringing the music of your heart into your every day, even if just for a couple of minutes of day-dreaming, journaling, or visualizing. Doing this to the extent that you give yourself permission to immerse so fully into that minute or two that your body tingles and sings from your heart with that “becoming” that takes place, as you get lost in your hopes.

This isn’t to deny that you may be experiencing something very dark and restrictive feeling, as that is a valid feeling to allow yourself to explore. But it is a way to actively engage yourself into learning how to make a safe space for your heart’s desires to see the light.

The more you do this, the more that part of you feels supported and begins to expand with your cultivated love, much like a garden.

Your couple of committed minutes of daily “Hope Holiday” journeying may turn into any opportunity in the day you find yourself worrying and going over your usual mental chatter religiously. You’ll soon discover how much more productive you are because your energy is being engaged in a way that can create more of the things you want. And this starts a ripple effect into manifestation.

Small seeds of hope become blossoms of creation.

“Hope is a waking dream.” ~Aristotle

Hope is a place all to yourself that no one can take away from you. It’s like a self-induced “holiday” you can take at any time, and go anywhere you’d like with it….it’s only limited by your imagination.

It is where you are free to dream and activate your creative potential as a powerful multi-dimensional, creative being.

There are unlimited possibilities because you are an extension of a limitless Source gifted with evolutionary experiences at your will’s choice.


I’ve always loved this scene from Shawshank Redemption. There are many cool parts and lines in this movie, but this is my favorite. I’m such a water faucet when it comes to stuff like this, as while I was searching for this clip and watching it, I just kept crying with expanded excitement of possibilities, like a baby. 🙂

If you don’t know this movie, you may enjoy it. These were the best clips I could find. I only added the second one because the first cut off the full end, which I felt was important to see through fully.

“Get busy living or get busy dying.”

Enjoy and remember to hope.

“I hope…..”


I’m putting out July’s newsletter on the early end because I am going to be away the beginning of July. The last few newsletters are also longer since I’ll not be sending out any during my 3 month sabbatical.

I’ll be away July 1st – July 5th in the mountains and again July 9th – July 12th for what’s turned into a very special weekend with Hillary and the Horses in BC. So I’ll be unavailable for work during that time, although still online for emails.

Fourth of July around here is kind of crazy since our city allows fireworks. While others enjoy that, we prefer the quiet and having our animal companions feeling safe and calm. So we’re heading to the mountains of Big Bear for some peace, which is an easy trip with the animals.

I don’t plan these things, but July 1st happens to be a Full Moon and so once again I’ll be taking in that energy on the onset of this intentful recharge.

7/1’s Full Moon is in Capricorn, which I love. It’s also cool it falls on the 1st of the month. The Cancer Sun/Capricorn Moon is a powerful energy to work with and can be quite challenging for many. Cancer triggers the emotions and so one needs to be aware of this pulling that can potentially be harmful since it comes from the subconscious and from old attachments. The key is to channel that emotional energy and watery passion into being a creative force in your life with Capricorn wisely guiding it.

Full Moons provide the ability to have clarity, bring to the surface, and make aware things that are being shown to you through your experiences. This moon will illuminate your inner knowing and ancient wisdom, but provide support in solidifying and rooting with your feelings. Great time for focused energy, perseverance, and successful outcomes that come with doing the groundwork.

The other thing I find interesting from what I’ve been reading, because it has been a huge key theme for me, is there’s an emphasis on personal boundaries right now that empower you toward the things you want and have been working on. I’ve been getting that message loud and clear that it’s about saying “no” when you really mean to, and not letting guilt or any other driving force outside of your truth guide your decisions. You are being most responsibly compassionate in being authentic and saying “yes” to you. This is a mirror for others to do the same, not to enable otherse, and for energy not to be wasted.

So, do look at the places you spend your energy and time and whether it is really the most efficient use of it. Ask if it is feeding you in return or just going out one way. If you aren’t achieving your goals then you may want to change your process in a way that actually supports them, or redefine them altogether, as perhaps you’re out of alignment.

Everything not aligned with you will need to be released in order to align yourself with what you are creating, but do so with reverence and gratitude for  the role it has played in your evolution.

Are you where you want to be?

Stay focused, get back on track, and firmly ground yourself in for the challenge with trust and wise discernment – much like the mountain goats that defy gravity, as they climb sure-footedly.

Next month will be my last newsletter before I take off on sabbatical beginning September 1st. In it I’ll share more about this time for me and what has inspired it, as perhaps you may find your own soul journey reflected.

I leave you with this:

Remember to always ask if what you have around and within you, what is feeding your day, what messages you hear, read, and see, and the source, channels, and people they come through, are really helping or hurting you.

If they aren’t nurturing and nourishing, then release them from your experience, understanding their place in the bigger picture, but not in your reality you want to create.

And that doesn’t just mean the things and individuals that seem obviously out of alignment, or completely not what you’re about. That goes for the ones that are in your field of interest, that look the part, but don’t feel, or consistently act the part.

Question even the spiritual new agers and all of the messages we are bombarded with from the very accessible channels we have these days.

I shared this recently with a dear friend:

“I can’t tell you how much aversion I am also experiencing to a lot of the ‘spiritual new age group,’ yet understanding it’s all part of the bigger picture…just not MY picture and reality anymore. It’s about creating your OWN healing elixir even if that completely rocks the boats of everything you once knew or at one time felt aligned with. It’s time to create new paths and forge ahead into the unknown, but personally aligned, creative adventure!”

Here’s to YOUR creative adventure!

Garden Update: Flowers and Harvesting from Fall and Early Spring Plantings

Laura is an amazing gardener faery – more like farmer faery with her knowledge and know-how 😉 While I’ve always had a love for nature, plants, trees, flowers, and organic goodness, aside from the few plants I’d purchase and nurture, it wasn’t until buying the house we live in now, which had many mature fruit trees to begin with before we added more lushness and beauty to it, along with Laura’s inspiration with her garden and telling me about the Garden Tower, that I started on my own journey.

This post of hers shows an update on her beautiful garden that I had not only the chance to see and help out with, but also enjoy the fruits of the labor, so to speak, in my tummy.

As you can see, lots of yum, beauty, and abundance from the faery garden! I also am particularly blessed and grateful that she shares some of the garden magick with me throughout the year in dried herbs, tea blends, home made jams, the best “honey”-like lavender blend, dried greens for my smoothies, and more! MMMMMMM MMMMMMM GOOD!

Everything is looking so lovely in her garden and growing quickly even since my being there. I particularly love the sedum groundcover…that’s got my name on it. 😉

I also love how we are both examples of what’s possible from easy to more extensive gardening.

As Laura shares, we don’t all have to do things the same way. It’s okay if you don’t see yourself gardening. And if you do, just know that it CAN be easy and you don’t need to know anything, like me!

We aren’t all going to be part-time farmers, although it would be cool if we were. 😉 Yet we can all in some small way find our zone with Nature that aligns with us.

But she IS right, that just planting something and having the committed partnership and responsibility to cultivating it, finding joy in each day of growth, and smiling with excitement when you see it blossom, and sharing its gifts in response to your love and care, along with a little water and sunlight….will enrich your life in ways you can’t imagine.

Today, just an hour spent outdoors planting, pruning, tending to things was invigorating for me. After having my hands in the soil and then sitting at my desk to work for a bit, I found myself feeling really fresh in a raw and natural way, that was like a cleansing and lively recharge…almost like when you jump in the ocean on a hot day. That Earthy goodness just washed all over me.

And it can for you too!

I don’t spend hardly any time on things other than checking on my plants, watering when needed, pruning, and harvesting. I only have the occasional seeding or planting that takes place if I want more veggies, need to transplant, or replace any plants. It does encourage me to spend even more time though just touching and exploring my plants, which they and I both get to receive the direct benefits from.

Thank you Laura for sharing your piece of Heaven on Earth and for inspiring others to bring their heart into partnership with Nature in any way they can.

Laura Bruno's Blog

I’m really starting to enjoy this maturing garden. Even though the yard remains far more than a part time “job,” each year, more and more plants bear fruit, perennials and bulbs take off, and I have greater success with multi-season crops.

This week has been heavy on the garlic, shallots and peas, although I’ve also harvested impressive amounts (for second year plants) of various berries, which we’ve enjoyed in smoothies and our favorite way: over vanilla coconut ice cream!

berries and coconut ice cream

About 1/4 of our garlic, which I planted all over the yard. Imagine my delight in finding the largest bulbs grew in a former black walnut area where few other things grow! About 1/4 of our garlic, which I planted all over the yard. Imagine my delight in finding the largest bulbs grew in a former black walnut area where few other things grow!

Don't forget the garlic scapes, bursting with flavor in curries, Italian dishes and stirfries. Don’t forget the garlic scapes, bursting with flavor in curries, Italian dishes and stirfries.

peas, parsley, chard and lacinato kale peas, parsley, chard and lacinato kale

Back to the garden:

Our cardoon (related to artichoke) is getting ready to put on a show for the bees and butterflies! Our cardoon (related to artichoke) is getting ready to put on a show for the…

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Flowers & Fruit ~ Lessons of Life Reflected

Thought is the blossom, language the bud, action the fruit behind it. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson


It’s all about stopping to smell the gardenias here…time in my garden and with my plant spirit friends has enriched my life.


This beautiful broccoli bouquet made it into last night’s pasta creation. It was so beautiful I didn’t want to eat it. I purposely let some of the flowers bloom before harvesting, as I learned how the flowers are the most nutrient rich parts and actually a delicacy. So we ate it as a whole. The little flowers are deliciously sweet tasting.


The plumeria are in bloom and as you can see there are a bunch of buds about to blossom. These two leaders decided to burst forth first and are like protective sentinels to the baby buds awaiting maturity.


Perfect five-pointed star center of the plumeria – reminds me of our starfish friends.

tangerine surprise

Guess what? I wrote a post about the giant, hidden, surprise tangerine that we found a week or two ago that symbolized anything being possible since it is over half a year off-season! Well…I just discovered another one that is getting ready. As you can see in the photo there are other tiny tangerines all over the tree getting ready for February, but this big momma (hard to tell in photo) is already starting to turn and will likely be ready in a few weeks. Crazy little tangerines!

oranges and plums2

Our plum tree is doing absolutely fantastic! It went from a tiny little stark branchy tree to a lush and large tree yielding tons of plums. These were just a few yesterday that literally fell off the tree. And as you can see, this is a special little plum tree that likes to produce a lot of heart-shaped plums. I also got these four big oranges from the yard too, with others soon to come. Sweetness abound!

Today’s Inspired Thought ~ The Dance of Divine Partnership

Allowing yourself to feel safe and supported so that you can be vulnerable and risk opening and expressing yourself is done by empowering your powerful male energy to trust and support your powerful female energy.

These energies reside in all of us and when we engage the beautiful and divine partnership of these energies, we become both receptive and sensitive, as well as stronger and more powerful.

Gentle strength, receptive discernment, sensitive action, vulnerable declarations, heart communication, responsible love….are just some of the wonderful dances we can have.

Gratitude & Asking for Help ~ My Dream Team Behind the Magick


One of the ultimate spiritual lessons is life is gratitude. Gratitude for all the big AND little things…the seen AND unseen…the full gamut of experiences released from judgment and categorized value.

Recently my design work has increased in the amount of time and energy that is involved, as the people I am working with are going through tremendous life-changing shifts, and have gone through a huge amount of challenges to get there.

I’ve had to take more time with each, as well as down time in between, with the occasional breaks to recharge during the process.

So, I am immensely grateful for my rabbit companions that simply ARE the best little personal assistants one could ask for.

They remind me that I DON’T have to do it all by myself and that they are there to help…I simply need to ask.

And so I have.

Each time I sit down to do any project, prepare for teaching, or have a challenging task ahead, I ask them if they would like to help, sharing that I could really use their expertise.

And each time, they are right there to do so. I can’t tell you what a difference it DOES make, as things go so much quicker, the ideas flow more, the process becomes lighter and joyous, and the results are always great.

We make a good team, and it goes to show you that alone you can do great, but with others aligned with you, you can do wonders.

There are many times I didn’t know how I’d do something and with their assistance, support, guidance, and connection, the channels became more clear and magick happened.

Joy has always been such an awesome little assistant, but Cosmo has jumped aboard the team now too and is extra equipped with his Reiki training from Joy.

He loves when I sit on the floor to do the work I’m able to do there with him by my side, which is usually my elaborate note taking, reviewing notes, channeling ideas, etc.

He lays still, loving the occasional caress in between thoughts, but supports me the whole way.

And sometimes Joy will do her work in conjunction with us, from a few feet away, elsewhere in my office, or she comes up behind him and gets in the action a bit closer.

And every time I thank them and acknowledge their gifts and contributions, I am encouraging and supporting them into their power, as well as reflecting the same resides within me.

“Appreciation is a wonderful thing. It makes what is excellent in others belong to us as well.”  ~Voltaire

I cherish them for the way they help to lighten the load for me, as I do my all to do for them too.

“No one who achieves success does so without acknowledging the help of others. The wise and confident acknowledge this help with gratitude.”  ~Author Unknown

Julian Rose ~ Third Density Embrace — Are the Gods Jealous?

This is a great article that combines humor and seriousness around important topics for reflection. It goes along with things both Laura and I have shared about the importance of balance, not forgetting our parts, shadow work value, grounding, and the physical being as key as the spiritual, so integrating lower chakra work with the upper chakras is what will bring us wholeness..not escapism and denial, which is the either/or syndrome.

Laura Bruno's Blog

Thank you, Julian, for articulating these very important topics and considerations! A note from Julian’s reply to a commenter on

OK – I’ll admit – this article combines tongue in cheek humour and serious reflection..
‘To posit’ (see beginning) is not ‘to know’ – it means to put forward a suggestion. I do not know.

So I am stimulating our thinking process here – getting it to look around at elements that it may not have engaged with before – and digging at the ‘purist spiritual’ outlook that seems not to be able to integrate sexuality into spirituality because they think it degrades it.. Likewise – those of this opinion also refrain from taking actions to do something practical to improve life on this planet..

Third Density Embrace — Are the Gods Jealous?

by  Julian Rose

‘Is sexuality to be dispensed with – as the price…

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Homegrown Yum for Me and the Buns

yesterday's harvest

Yesterday’s heaping harvest bowl

It’s been so much fun and so rewarding to be able to grow and eat our own food. While I may not have some huge garden, I do have one that is perfect for my level of time and commitment, as well as our needs.

Thank you Laura for your inspiration. I so honor the commitment you have to creating your piece of Heaven on Earth with your amazing garden.

For us, between the low maintenance fruit trees and bushes, herbs, flowers, lush greenery, and now my Garden Tower, the garden supplies us with a perfect little supply of goodness that the whole family can enjoy. And I only take as much as I need daily and there seems to be exactly that amount ready so far, as in 2 strawberries at a time that are ripe – one each for the bunnies and at start a couple more for us.


This morning’s strawberries for Joy and Cosmo

This will of course increase over time, but it’s perfect for our needs, while also providing a channel for Nature nurturing and reverence time that tends to both Mother Earth and ourselves through that loving engagement.


Cosmo enjoying his fresh veggies – parsley and carrot tops from the garden with some cilantro (mine is still sprouting) and dandelion greens from Mother’s Market. Soon I’ll have more for them, as I’m going to plant some extras.

One of my specific intents for the Garden Tower, which I told the bunnies when I first got it, was to grow fresh veggies for them – all their favorites like parsley, cilantro, carrot greens, strawberries…. And I’m doing just that!


Joy munching away on her garden parsley

Just yesterday, the Garden Tower yielded a big bunch of parsley and carrot tops for them.

I haven’t had the Garden Tower for very long and within about 2 months, and in some cases less, I’ve already been harvesting a bunch of good stuff.

lettuce and rosemary

Fresh mix of lettuces including Petite Rouge along with fresh Rosemary for our salads

I’ve been enjoying the afternoon breaks saying hi to my plants, watering, pruning, planting new seeds…

I love the smell of the fresh plants, especially the tomato plants that remind me of our garden when I was a little girl. We used to have tons of giant tomato plants, eggplants, you name it! And I remember my grandparents from France coming to visit for the Summers and working our front and backyard, as well as the garden and then mom and meme (my grandmother) cooking up my favorite eggplant dish. Mmmmmmm! I do remember the frightful giant tomato worms though. They were a bit scary 🙂


My first Heirloom Anaheim Pepper, which will find its way into tonight’s dinner – there are a bunch more getting ready soon

Luckily all is well with the Garden Tower and although I have the occasional raccoon or opossum critter coming to share some of the strawberries, and a family of birds that like to sit on the very tall branches of the Mesculun Mix Lettuce and bend them, it’s a harmonious circle of life. Even the bees and butterflies are around, as well as the worms, caterpillars, and spiders.

homegrown veggies

Another harvest of lettuce including Mesculun mix, more chives (I got some for my cheezy quinoa kale burger patties on Summer Solstice too), basil, sweet little Paris Market Carrots (I love these bite size morsels perfect for salads or casserole or curry additions, plus the stem greens are then food for the bunnies), and a big bunch of parsley that went to rabbit tummies.

And I’m excited about the surprises growing out front. I went a little seed crazy after my first round didn’t take so well, throwing a bunch of seeds around. Then suddenly late bloomers came out from the first round and now a bunch of new sprouts are popping out. I have at least 15 flowering plants beginning to grow in the front by the garage, which includes Sunflowers, Moonflowers, Red Malabar Spinach, and a variety of perhaps Orange California Poppies, and garden and butterfly flower mixes. Super fun!


My first little Heirloom Sun Gold Tomatoes – cherry sized! So sweet and love their little 5-pointed star tops. A bunch of tomatoes are still to come, as they’re all getting close!

I’m going to pick up a few more things or the Garden Tower this week, as I want to replace some things and add.

Again, it’s not hard to do this, as I know absolutely nothing about it and it doesn’t take a lot of time either. Although I promise you that the time you do spend will be rewarding and you will look forward to every day and loving your plants into blossom.

heart plum

A perfect heart-shaped plum from our tree. Love being mirrored from Nature. ❤

There is a Faery gardener, farmer, Earth lover, and life nurturer in all of us. You can choose what supports your needs best, but don’t neglect your time deepening your relationship with Mother Nature.

The Plants, Trees, Earth, Water, Air, Sun, Moon, Animals, Minerals, Stones, Crystals….all reflect the Nature of You. I can’t tell you how your time spent with any or all of these will enhance your life and bring us collectively back to natural harmony.


My perfect little Gardenia that has front row honor on my desk right next to me and my Crystal friends. Oh the fragrance!! Totally intoxicating. Totally something to be grateful for.

When ever I need an unplug and recharge, I know what supports that the most. Nature time. One of my favorites being snuggling and playing with the bunnies, but also just sitting on the deck listening to the birds and smelling the flowers, or having a check-in with the new growth each day that mirrors my own.

Infinitely Creating Me

Cello in dream like landscape

Cello in dream like landscape – Image source:

Every day I listen for the music of my soul and I compose a new melody that harmonizes with that flow.

I am endlessly creating myself…..

Lizard Medicine ~ Trust, Detach, Let Go & Move Into Immediate Change With Confidence


Sedona Lizard friend

Lizards have been around a lot recently, especially since Sedona, and when I explored their symbolism in more depth I realized just why. Just yesterday four showed up very prominently and in one case was walking alongside us for a while.

With everything in my life changing, reminding me of the conscious life transition I made when I lived in Sedona some 18+ years ago, it is no wonder they are supporting the journey with their medicine.

I love what Ina Woolcott shares in her article:

Lizard Power Animal Symbol Of Dreaming And Conservation

The reason being is that it is SO on-point and reflects EXACTLY what I/we’re experiencing that it is a fantastic reflection and made me just that much more absorbed with these little lizard friends. She basically reiterated the same words I’d just finished sharing right before I saw her article. Love it!

Here’s what Ina shares in case you are also finding Lizard showing up in your life, or have Lizard as your power animal, have been dreaming about them recently, or are going through similar life shifts that calling upon Lizard can assist you with:

“…Lizard medicine is the companion of every day waking reality, where our dreams are studied before they are manifested physically…

If Lizard is your power animal, heed your own intuition before anyone else’s. Lizard will aid you in becoming more detached from situations in your life. Now and again it is required to be detached, to separate yourself from others, to succeed in what is necessary. Lizard will also show you how to leave the past in the past! To move on and quit being attached to what has been. Lizard is proposing immediate change in one or more areas of your life. You may need to let go of old ideas, patterns, belief systems, habits, actions or lifestyle because the old may threaten you in some way now. It is time to let go. Lizard prompts the need to go within and examine your present reality and then, move with confidence and utmost assuredness into a new chapter of your life.

One of the most interesting traits of the lizard is the ability to break off their tails to escape predators. The tail is left behind writhing, to take the predators attention off them, in order to flee. However, they are only able to perform this feat once, as the new tail which grows to replace the old one consists of cartilage instead of vertebrae. Lizards power lies in the quality of being able to rescue himself from danger by leaving a part of himself behind. As lizard only has the ability to lose his tail once, you need to make any choices wisely as the consequences may be experienced for a very long time hereafter!

Lizards are very sensitive to vibrations from the ground, they are adept at subtle perception. They have amazing hearing capacity, and with their sharp eyes they are able to sense the most minute of movements. If lizard is your power animal, you have the ability to utilize all aspects of psychic perception.

The psychic characteristics to be found in the lizard teaches us how to awaken our abilities by choosing one path over another that honour every part of our lives. Lizard is a powerful power animal to have, revealing your weaknesses, your strengths and prompting the energy of change.”

Thank you Lizard for your supportive wisdom and guidance with the immediate and major life changes I am embracing.