Monthly Archives: September 2019

Merging & Accelerating into a New Natural ~ September’s Dance Clearing Way for October’s Rhythm


View from Heavenly Mountain yesterday on the last day of Summer gondola season

September flew by just as fast as perhaps our Autumn here will. Jack Frost has already been appearing on the scene with now bringing us three snow falls way ahead of schedule. The most recent have been over the last two evenings/nights beginning on the Libra New Moon, creating a merging of seasons and putting all the forest creatures on high alert that their usual Winter preparations need to speed up.


Tomorrow will be the first day of October already and it’s created a flurry of creative energy for me to match what I’m seeing in my garden and outdoors.


There’s still a dance of blooms lingering from a later-than-usual-Summer, colors bursting from the onset of Autumn, and Winter’s kiss wanting to play with it all.


This intermingling seems to whisper the power of the in-between, integrating, percolating, and the gray area, rather than everything seen as only black and white.

I’ve seen myself literally go from tank top hiking and biking or bathing suit beach time one day, to winter boots, jackets and gloves the next.


Manzanita branch and Autumn nature finds I’ve turned into seasonal decoration


The hornet’s and bird’s nests I found that I created a natural wall hanging mobile on a Manzanita branch with


More Autumn nature finds at the base of another Manzanita holiday tree decor I made – these triple as year-round decor and jewelry trees

Meanwhile I’ve continued busily immersed in harvesting, drying herbs, bringing pots in for the season, organizing, clearing and completing, focusing energies toward important things culminating in my life, as well as diving into seasonal baking, creating new dishes, making things from nature finds, revving up a little creativity for a shop update this or next week, and more fully shifting gears into client sessions and writing.


Vegan gluten-free blackberry, cherry, dried lavender from the garden scones drizzled with vanilla icing and topped with more lavender


Air-fried vegan potato fritters with onions, peas, corn, carrots and flax meal base


Creamy vegan coconut pumpkin pie


Air-fried baked potato with chili and melted Myoko’s fresh vegan mozzarella (crispy breaded tempeh in the back to accompany it, also air-fried)


Air-fried vegan donut holes rolled in cinnamon/cacao and powdered sugar


Crispy breaded portabello mushrooms, also air-fried


Vegan chocolate cream pie with strawberry mandala on top

The latter two really reflecting potent change, as the amazing clients I’ve been working with are committing to and experiencing some huge life shifts into greater wholeness and my book is going through a major holistic transformation. Even energy sessions have gone into higher-gear of experience at both ends.

The Libra New Moon feels to have really activated that sense of balance to a deeper level and all of these rapid changes seem to speak to creating even greater alignment, less separation, and more harmony and compassion between opposites. All in effort to prepare us to experience and create greater comfort with continued change and the unknown.

Things can seem contradictory, but they in fact just are and we place a judgment upon them.


View of my garden from above

During September, a continued increase of synchronicity and manifesting has been unfolding, which I’ve heard from others too, including even more magickal finds nature has gifted and much deeper connections with the forest animals (actually one just took place while writing this with a giant gray squirrel walking up to my office door that was definitely not “just” a squirrel and whom I’ve not seen here before).


Here he is right after he left my office window – he peered in and was very human-like in his gestures. Astrid was laying on the castle tower right next to the glass door.


Here he is through the arch portal heading back from where he came. He sat still here quite a while.


Another photo of him on the tree after leaving our office door. Hard to tell, but he was huge and you can see his gorgeous bushy tail here.

Telepathy is on all-time high and I find an increase in experiences where I simply have to merge my thought with feeling and someone will answer me directly without ever contacting them.


Yard and forest after the night’s snow

These have increasingly been the norm for people living with more daily awareness, but I’m definitely sensing a new octave is being fine-tuned, as things accelerate.

And speaking of synchronicity and alignment, I’d like to share this merging of both bitter and sweet.

Here’s a story that unfolded on Saturday’s New Moon – the day snow blew in here, a surge of creative energy blew through me, and right after my wild rabbit friend, Hope showed up the evening before.

As you may recall, I’ve recently been offering some of my animal spirit paintings to best offers and donating proceeds to rescue rabbits.

The most recent painting that found its home was Visions of Atlantis, the two dolphins swimming around an ocean vortex with a small orb bubble between them subtly revealing a temple in it.

The painting was supposed to arrive last Monday, the 23rd on Autumn Equinox. It didn’t arrive until this Saturday on the New Moon to Michigan. This past Saturday also happened to be International Rabbit Day.

Its new very aligned keeper (fellow dolphin lover who has been to The ARC – Atlantis Rejuvenation Center that my friend Jenny used to own, but recently sold, where I’ve hosted some retreats and saw the print of my dolphin painting framed in a room there that I’d given to Jenny) went on to relay what happened within less than an hour of the painting arriving.

This woman went outside to take care of things on the land of her organic farm and laying oddly in the grass among fallen apples was a wild rabbit. She went closer and saw that his back legs had been injured in some way, as they weren’t functioning properly and he really couldn’t use them. So she gently picked him up and took him inside, creating a warm, safe nest for him and fed him fresh rabbit delights and water.

She saw no visible injuries, blood, contusions, or swelling and his vitals looked good. One thought she had is that perhaps a large bird of prey had picked him up, but dropped him. But who knows what other things were at play.

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Sweet injured wild rabbit

When she told me this and showed me a photo, I immediately thought of my special needs rabbit, Cosmo. I said it sounds like he has spinal injury and/or potentially broken back. The way he laid in the grass with legs out, reminded me of Cosmo and his graceful little legs that couldn’t work due to his spinal injury.

So far, he’s doing well, aside from not being able to move properly. She’s nursing him and he’s relaxed, resting, and eating – happy to be cared for. I’m not sure if he’ll end up needing to stay with her or have to go to a wild life rescue, as if he does have an incurable injury he won’t be able to return to the wild. I told her a rabbit vet can help to figure out what’s wrong. He’s under her care for now and their lives have merged for a reason.

The synchronicity to this story is multi-layered. He showed up right after my painting arrived that helped fund rescue rabbits. It happened on International Rabbit Day. All week she’s been staring at rabbit artwork for a project (one of which was a rabbit angel with wings and another looking very similar to this wild rabbit). And Cosmo has been coming through a lot for me this week too, while Hope showed up just at the onset to the New Moon.

I’m so glad the rabbit found this woman, who is a sweet animal whisperer herself – two angels merging.

There have been some cool stories around the other paintings that have found new homes too and even many of the creations and gifts I’ve sent off. I’m in awe always of the beauty that unfolds and the alignments that take place when someone listens to those inner nudges.

I’m doing my best to listen as well and letting nature lead seems to be the dance to follow.

I feel like September’s surge of creativity and completion is a clearing out of energy making space, or rather, allowing me to be even more present to what is anchoring as my new.

We can have residual energy on many levels whether emotional, mental, physical, creative, psychic, etc. For me, I’ve felt a need to let go and let out ways I’ve funneled creative energy so I can get to the heart of creatively being. And this is linked to helping with my writing for sure.


Love the contrast of my snow cactus cozy indoors peeking out at the snow blanketed garden in the chilly outdoors

The merging dance where worlds can meet and mingle, reminds me of that “being” and how energy can become whatever it wants simply by allowing and not trying to box it in.

I love the Autumn/Winter show going on right now and feel October will bring graceful surrender into what all of this is revealing.


Love the Autumn-fallen pine needle frozen inside the bird bath water. So many birds and squirrels were sipping from it just the day before

For you, it may be a different kind of dance and merging taking place that is relative to your life, but in some way it likely is leading to a more natural and integrated flow.


Are you experiencing the merging of worlds right now in your life?

What does it speak to you?

Be Soft, Be Strong


A short message that Astrid and I would like to share together. It’s about strength in vulnerability. The strength in softness and the power of a gentle heart.

You have been taught to keep fighting, to stay strong, be tough, put on your game face, and power through things. This can lead to a survival mechanism that keeps you enduring the hardships. However, it can also create a wall to deeper connection, intimacy, enjoyment, and pleasure, and keep you always at the surface.

At some point a big storm can hit that hardness and rather than bend with the winds, your tree may crack and fall.

“It’s the hard things that break; soft things don’t break. It was an epiphany I had today and I just wonder why it took me so very, very long to see it! You can waste so many years of your life trying to become something hard in order not to break; but it’s the soft things that can’t break! The hard things are the ones that shatter into a million pieces!” ~C. Joybell C.

Hardness, alone, protects and shields. It avoids the pain.

But it also avoids the pleasure and seals the cracks of light to your heart.

Hardness is the armor erected because fear of pain is so great, but isn’t true strength. And this becomes a heavy weight to bear, until you can’t bear it anymore.

The fight is an ongoing circle.

Surrender brings growth.

When you instead allow pain to be a guiding source to greater compassion, you soften into a more humble and inspired way of life. If pain hurts, then use that pain as a gateway to opening your heart to others who hurt too. Open your heart to the child within who gets sealed behind a wall if hardness, alone, sets in.

Softness invites a gentler approach and invites others to step forward in life, as well as invites opportunity for enrichment. Softness safely beckons your inner child forward to play alongside you.

When softness turns to push over, this can place you as a victim.

True softness is empowered compassion. It knows the balance of strength and gentleness and that the two do not have to live separately, but instead thrive in a marriage together.

You can learn the balance of soft strength or powerful softness. You can move in and out of each rather than being one or the other. This creates healthy and fulfilling boundaries.

You learn to be loving and compassionate, committed and fiercely empowered.


The Magick That Takes Place In The Chrysalis

This post came to mind and felt particularly important to share again right now as we move into a more inner time of year. So many people are going through some pretty big transformations and even though you may not currently see what that will end up looking like, be sure that so much is percolating and rearranging on the inside. We often place importance on a tangible end result and devalue the process and all the internal shifts that make this possible. I hope you enjoy the magick of the chrysalis and find beauty and wonder in the in between.

Tania Marie

transformationYesterday, while spending the day with a sweet friend of mine at Knotts Berry Farm connecting with our inner child through laughter and screams, we also shared some great conversations. One of them led us to discuss the magick of the butterfly, and the miracle transformation the caterpillar goes through to emerge as such. It felt significant.

That conversation inspired this post, as the pure alchemy of that transmutation it undergoes is truly worthy of note, and perhaps you may not fully realize what a profound process the caterpillar goes through in order to renew itself into the enchanted winged one it becomes.

This goes in line with my post, November Thoughts ~ Becoming a Butterfly and may be of interest to all of you “cocooners” out there.

The caterpillar doesn’t merely go hide and sleep in the cocoon and then sprout wings, but nearly fully dissolves into a liquid…

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A Walk into Autumn ~ Equinox Celebrations to Reflect the Journey Within

I thought I’d share an official Equinox blog alongside today’s interview to celebrate this change of season. I’ll let this one be mostly photos, as sometimes just immersing in the energy of things can be inspiring, supportive, offer reflection, and even at times be like a  transmission of energy that activates or helps integrate something at the moment of your seeing it.

Here’s a little walk with me over the last three days, as a way to initiate the seasonal change at hand with reflections I found along the paths I wandered.

This weekend and today we’ve focused on being outdoors a lot to really anchor in this shift and it’s been fun to see Autumn’s arrival, which also came along with more gifts from nature – since my last post of treasures – that both delight and reflect wisdom.


This included an owl feather with downy barbules (these are contour feathers closest to the skin) and lots of little nature beauties like mini acorns, pine cones, and berries that are going to become part of a project I’m creating for the holidays.

Saturday we revisited three hikes – one of which we hadn’t done for a year and felt full circle because last time was with Laura when she came for the Equinox week then. You can see photos of her and I both at this tree portal in that post. But this is me from Saturday when a rainbow appeared above the Faery doorway. I note the difference in me energetically even from last year by looking at these photos.


Yesterday we went on a brand new hike I found that was 9 1/4 miles of gorgeous vistas and tons of beautiful discoveries, which included the very first signs of Autumn with beautiful changing foliage and tons of berries in a few select places. Really gets you excited for when this kind of color dance will be everywhere soon. This is when I found the owl feather above, in the forest at top right before reaching our destination of Gilmore Lake.

Here are some of the vistas and Autumn beauty.


This hike even had an official Equinox offering to celebrate the last day of Summer and transition to Autumn. Finding this tree stump with all this gorgeous abundance of nature that hikers had placed there was such a delightful bounty to behold.


This hike also included likely my favorite tree ever (so far) that I of course had to climb and explore. It was actually two trees growing as one. I may have given it a kiss too.


It had an inside hidden chamber between the two trees – too hard to photograph, but oh so magickal to experience. Check out all of the guardian faces and wise tree spirits that inhabit this tree.


I giggle at these next photos because I look so Faery and definitely at home. Why I chose to wear braids on this day I don’t know (something I rarely do), but somehow it seems fitting.



Today’s hike down to the lake from the house had two snakes – garter snakes – crossing our path twice within a minute of each other.


Talk about potent and transformational energy perfect for this shift in season. Snakes carry so much wisdom with their rebirthing energy and do help us navigate the shadow worlds with ultra awareness, as well as initiate new experiences, sudden changes, and deep healing transformation.

Just like Autumn calls us within and sheds off the old leaves, snake heralds a time for “shedding” the very deep-rooted old in order to release and begin anew.

I also saw hawk flying above in the meadow, and said maybe he’ll leave me a feather. Well, two minutes after, I find a small hawk feather, similar in size to the owl one from the day before. And later at the edge of where the beach meets forest I found the feather you see next to it, which I don’t know its origin. It’s so tiny that it just oozes magick.


It’s been a deepening weekend that has felt very nurturing and nourishing.

I hope that you will find this season to be similar and rather than lose yourself in the outside bustle of holidays nearing, perhaps you can create new traditions and self rituals even within your time with others that you share.

Wishing everyone gentle and restorative balancing.

Pants Down by Jean Brannon in this Edition of Monday Musings from The Writer’s Corner

Pants Down web.jpg

You may recall my interview at the end of 2018 with the inspirational author and shining light in this world, Jean Brannon, who brought us the wonderful novel, Atlantis Writhing. Well, I’m joined by Jean once again, and what a perfect time to share her latest book on this first day of Autumn that heralds a period of less “light out there” so that you can find the source of true “light in here” – within you. Jean’s latest work takes you on a journey of the lesser known chakras in order to “bring to light’ ways to make friends with your own inner world, much like this time of year nudges you to lovingly embrace and integrate your own shadows for optimal well being and empowerment.

I truly admire Jean and am grateful to have the chance to read her important work that is part of anchoring a new collective paradigm. So much is pointing to the importance of revealing what lies beneath, as I recently shared in a blog post recap, and I’m so grateful to courageous leaders like Jean who are bringing to the surface the key elements and tools that can support greater wholeness and vitality.

Although, as Jean pointed out to me in a recent conversation, we haven’t yet sat down over a cup of tea, I feel as if we already have over the course of reconnecting and these interviews always make me feel right at home with her.

I hope you enjoy our interview with your own cup of tea, while Jean helps to make the inner journey more tangible and accessible through a mythical adventure.


1. First off, congratulations on another wonderful book. I love the title – Pants Down – which is so perfect in my opinion! You sure are in a flow with your writing and I think that is very inspirational for many writers and creatives out there. While this book focuses on a lesser known chakra system, I love that the self-empowerment techniques are tied in with what your Atlantis Writhing characters use to heal and how people can bring these tools into real life. Were they the inspiration for bringing this information forth, or were you inspired by something else?

I appreciate your kind words so much, Tania! And many thanks for this opportunity to share once again with you and your readers. To answer your question, the idea for “Pants Down” first came about as a way of showing how the “Atlantis Writhing” characters are being. Since the lower body chakras represent metaphorically a descent through the Hell Realms, I felt a nonfiction book detailing that journey could become essentially an AW “How To Deal With Lesser Light” companion guide. And so “Pants Down” was written to provide, in essence, an “instruction manual” for the healing tips and tools initially revealed in “Atlantis Writhing” as key elements of the unfolding plot.

2. I love that you focus on the lower leg chakras, as so much right now really feels centered on a need to know how to ground things in life and manifest more of what we do want. You share about some of the changes you experienced in your feet and lower back challenges by experimenting with barefoot shoes. What other big life changes have you noticed by incorporating an holistic approach with the lower leg chakras for yourself and other clients that really stick out in your mind?

Coupling acupressure with a glass jar of salt water at the ankles as described in “Pants Down” has become one of my favorite ways to end a day of working with patients, as this ritual allows for opening all of the trousers-to-toes chakras so that cleansing and clearing may readily occur. I’ve been finding a lot of the empaths as well as the practitioners who come to me for acupuncture are benefitting from this routine as well, since it’s particularly effective at discharging any dense or toxic energies one may pick up from others. I really love how this technique leaves me feeling recharged and refreshed – and it only takes a little more than five minutes, so it’s quick and easy, too!

3. Why do you think that these lower chakras aren’t focused on much? Do you think this is a fear-based reason because of what they represent?

Yes, I do believe that fear-based thinking is at the heart of why these lower body chakras haven’t traditionally been focused on much. Translations of the original Hindu myths from Sanskrit to English are rare, and all of these myths I studied while researching “Pants Down” describe what could be called a fearful way of looking at these chakras. Mostly what’s detailed are the negative emotions and behaviors one may experience upon descending into these denser, darker energies within that are associated with the Hindu Hell Realms. Although the parallel I kept seeing was between these wild and beautifully detailed legends and the untamed, instinctual energies inherent in the Divine Feminine. Energies our mostly patriarchal world has taught us to fear and even shun because they’re commonly perceived as overly emotional and out of control. And so in “Pants Down”, I wanted to help people see these lower body chakras not as aspects of ourselves to be feared – but as opportunities to reclaim and reintegrate the Divine Feminine into daily life for a greater sense of balanced wholeness.

4. You tie in so many wonderful examples, ancient myths, and tangible tools throughout this book. Do you have a favorite ritual or process that you personally use in your own life that you have found especially supportive with wholeness and empowerment during challenging times.

Whenever I feel particularly challenged with remembering how all is one and everything is truly unfolding according to the Divine Plan, I look to Nature for rebalancing. Specifically, I will take an “earthing break” and spend at least half an hour with my bare feet on the ground – or with my back against a tree. I’ll set a conscious intention to let go gracefully of anything that needs to be released, and welcome with open arms anything that needs to come. I find that by combining this sacred Mother Earth communion time with deep belly breathing, I am able to refocus on all the positivity life has to offer. And that uplifted shift in perception allows me to move forward with a renewed sense of calm and ease, even in the midst of any unfolding external turmoil.

5. So little is touched on in the world around the subjects of healthy sexuality, sensuality, creative personal power, and working with the shadowy and material realms. I love that you integrate these as key to wellness. Can you share why you feel these are so important not to neglect?

What my 20-plus years of holistic clinical experience has shown me – over and over again –  is that the single greatest stumbling block most people have with their health and happiness is a disconnect from personal power. And nearly always, that break occurs in childhood and within these lower body chakras. What often happens is well-meaning parents and other adults are looking to create well-mannered children who follow rules and societal norms. This form of conditioning is usually applauded by society as creating a solid foundation for a successful life. Yet once we stop thinking for ourselves – once we become afraid to color outside the lines, the way we so naturally do as toddlers before we are repeatedly told “no” – we have effectively shut ourselves off from our inner knowing, from our own personal power. From our passions and our playfulness. And we have essentially stopped the natural flow of energy and intuition that is our birthright – the very vibrations that reside within these lower body chakras. These wilder, instinctive energies that ironically still govern subconsciously our relationship to sensuality, sexuality, and our “shadow side”, despite our parents’ best efforts to spare us these experiences. And the result often is we haven’t been protected from pain or grown up to have a more successful life by not talking about or acknowledging these energies; we have instead been shackled with the task of moving forward without the full benefit of knowing what it’s like to feel powerfully and vibrantly alive. Of course, it’s important to remember everyone is doing the best he or she can at all times – and our parents were no exception to this truth when they were raising us. Yet babies don’t come with instruction manuals, and so most of our parents were winging it to some degree to figure out how to make us “behave”. And that means most of us on a spiritual path as adults will spend a lot of time relearning how to “misbehave” – which, in this sense, means remembering how to reconnect with these untamed Divine Feminine energies. That’s why I feel it’s so important to nurture these deep frequencies within, and to welcome them back as a fully functional part of our essence. Because to ignore or deny these instincts is to turn away from all we truly are. And unless we embrace these aspects of ourselves, we can never really experience the full alchemical beauty and wonder of being alive.

6. It’s interesting you mentioned that many Reiki practitioners you’ve encountered have not been as focused on the feet and lower chakra areas, as for some reason I’ve always felt an innate draw to the feet when I’ve worked with my Reiki clients in the past. Yet, I’ve also noticed that a lot of spiritual healers are still much more focused on the upper chakras or esoteric knowledge, and still have an aversion to getting really deep into the unconscious and raw emotions and primitive instincts locked in the DNA. Do you think that we are going to start seeing more of this energy come to light, as things shift in the world?

Yes, I believe we will see and hear more about these raw, untamed frequencies as current events continue to unfold. For example, all the secrecy and abuse coming to light around sexual misconduct and child trafficking have the collective consciousness beginning to ask at large how these atrocities can happen. And because traditional psychology seems mostly unable to satisfy those questions, people are opening to deeper meanings – and reasons rooted in metaphysical shadow work. Explanations that make sense when we consider all the dense, dark energies in the lower body chakras that can compel us toward unspeakable acts if we’re deeply wounded ourselves. It’s truly my hope that we can foster global healing through awareness that reintegration of all these energies is not only possible, but necessary, if we are to embrace wholeness and peaceful coexistence with all sentient life.

7. I love your share about horses as masters of energy and so deeply attuned to that feminine perspective that the lower chakras represent. I’m a rabbit person, having had several rabbit companions, and have found them to mirror horses – in fact I call them tiny horses. And all of what you shared rings true to me in relating with them and what I’ve found so powerful in their wisdom. Do you feel that there’s a gateway nature and the animals can provide for us that is missing from the very technology-based and modernized world most are focused on?

Oh, I absolutely love the idea of rabbits as “tiny horses” – bunnies are certainly another wonderful example of how wise and loving and powerful our animal friends are! And I do feel all of nature provides us with a gateway to a higher level of assistance that’s beyond anything our mostly technology-based modern existence can offer. You know, one of my most profound realizations during Chinese medicine school was recognizing I had been a practicing Taoist my whole life – I’d just never had language or conscious thought around this way of being. But for centuries, Taoism has looked to Mother Nature – and all of her plant, animal, and mineral kingdoms – for wisdom and the way to move forward along one’s path that is in harmony with all that is. And I believe with all the unrest most are experiencing in today’s world, more than ever before we need an overall return to the wise ways of old that have governed inner peace and positivity amidst mayhem for millennia. For if we can remember to listen to that still, small voice within – the one that communicates effortlessly with all of nature if we allow for that – we will have continual guidance toward what’s best for our highest good. And what’s truly best for each of us individually only serves to benefit us all.

8. Do you have any upcoming book interviews and events where people can learn more? I know you have a YouTube channel too, which provides great little tips. Can you share that link with us?

I appreciate you asking about upcoming book promotions. I’ve had the pleasure of chatting about “Pants Down” in recent podcast interviews with Laureen Card on her “Women Leading Change” show and with Ageless Blissings Radio’s Brenda Pearce. I’ve also immensely enjoyed speaking with Irena Kyd on “Married Love Success” and W4CY Radio’s Daria Anne during her “Your Book, Your Brand, Your Business” show. Interviews and my YouTube channel link can all be found on my website at .  I welcome comments and questions, too – so if any of your followers wish to drop me a line, please do so at or follow me on Facebook –

9. What’s next for you? Do you have another book you’re working on?

What’s coming up for me is completing the next chakra book in the “Ancient Ways to Wellness” series – which is the sequel to “Pants Down”. In this upcoming book, the focus will be on the hands to heart chakras, where once again I will be delving into a series of little-known chakras to help people learn how to work with them so greater clarity, empowerment, and love can unfold in their lives. I’m very much looking forward to sharing this information soon! Yet right now, I am so very, very grateful for this opportunity to chat with you and to share with your followers how “Pants Down” can help them be uplifted, inspired, and empowered…naturally! Thank you as always for your example of moving through the world in a gentle, empowered, and loving way – you inspire me daily, Tania! Much love and many blessings to you.


And thank you dear Jean for always being so gracious and generous with your time and knowledge. I really appreciate what you bring to the world and am grateful you are here at this time spreading your light and wisdom.

I know Jean shared all the important links with great info, but I thought I would highlight a few again here.

If you’re interested in ordering your own download of author Jean Brannon (Atlantis Writhing) has a brand new min-e-book out for only $3.99 at various online sources here:

Pants Down ~ Absolute Love Publishing

And here is a direct link to one of the podcast interviews Jean mentioned where she shares ways that balancing the lower body chakras can help everything from working too hard and not seeing results to the opioid crisis:

Jean Brannon Presents Wellness From the Pants Down on Ageless Blissings Radio with Host Brenda Pearce

Reflections on the Equinox Change of Seasons & How Life is Evolving

As we approach Monday’s Autumnal Equinox, here in the Northern Hemisphere, I find myself coming full circle with things that have been important in my life and am seeing how much has changed.

Astrid and I have been like the little forest creatures outside already beginning their Winter prep. We’ve been clearing the slate, harvesting the abundant gifts, and putting into motion the next wave of inner journeying that we feel beginning over the next six months.

I’ve been harvesting due to the cold and freezing night temperatures setting in, to create some of my favorite dried herbal blends for cooking, baking, and teas during these cozy months ahead.


The weather has mirrored the need to do this now and so we tune into that inner “nature” while getting ready to walk through the doorway between Summer and Autumn.

A season of the soul beckons and everything that doesn’t serve this journey is released in order to be with what matters most to prepare for the renewing cycle to come.

We let go, just as the trees effortlessly allow their leaves to shift colors and float off in the wind.

We embrace the only permanence, which is change.

We breathe in the beauty and grace of who we really are underneath the temporal layers.

We trust in the natural cycles of balance and gently nurture the inner world of wonder and curiosity our child within whispers.

And we take grateful stock of what we do have, while preparing for a new birthing that will be incubating during the symbolic stillness.

Seasonal transitions mirror the evolution of human consciousness and the dynamic shifts of life cycles.

It’s so interesting to reflect on how just a year ago Laura was here and we were prepping for the Living a More Magickal Life mini Equinox Retreat of 11 women who showed up to anchor in a new paradigm and then continued integrating what was next for us.

A month or two ago I felt the potential of my traveling to see Laura this Autumn, but we both saw the next several months as integral to focusing on individual projects to anchor for next year and there also being a lot of transformation happening around us and to those close to us, taking the place of this.

So much has changed since that last Equinox, which had me following different twists and turns than I might have imagined.

Two years ago, to the day, I finished my first manuscript draft. Yes, two years ago! It’s so wild it’s been that long already, but as you writers know, books go through many, many edits and drafts before completion and on top of this I took a deliberate long break from it in order to allow things to percolate. It was a sweet reiteration when my editor told me she loved that I left the manuscript to go exploring, saying it was key to the creative process.

I’m glad I did let it go for a while, as upon revisiting it I can see how my original intentions with it at the start are no longer valid and I’m being open to the journey that feels to be taking me in a completely new direction with it.

During the last couple of months I had also transitioned back into offering client sessions, which had not been on my radar and that has proved to be extremely enriching and valuable to the bigger picture unfolding as well.

I even journeyed with creativity’s spark over the last year and opened a new Etsy shop to channel my joy of creating and love for rabbits to inspire others.

And I released so many of my paintings and other special pieces, finally feeling ready to let go because they were needed “out there” and they did all move on.

The latest one being The Child In Us, which is still available and feels so aligned with current energies and this transitional season.

If it speaks to you, it’s open to the best offer + shipping. This is a 24″ x 24″ original painting and can either be sent as is (more pricey), or removed from the canvas frame and rolled to send very inexpensively – to then have stretched at your end. (Payments available and $ to go to rescue rabbits). I’m grateful for all of the beautiful compliments, reflections, and interest (as I shared it first via Instagram/Facebook).


I felt protectiveness around it and wasn’t sure I’d let it go, but porcupine has shown up a lot in my life (finding a couple of them transitioned along the side of trails and road) and inner child themes are ever-prevalent in the collective.

Porcupine’s wisdom is that of innocence, renewed sense of wonder, and trust in Spirit. They speak to creating your own path, knowing and honoring your boundaries, and compassionately allowing others to walk their own path.

To me, they speak inner child.

Loving and being present to your inner child will support healing the darkest experiences by shining light on the beauty that was always there. This opens doorways that the Universe will support you with when you are willing to partner with it.

That protectiveness was indicative of porcupine’s boundary-focus and having established this finally, I feel able to surrender into my vulnerability, knowing I have the ability to move in and out of expanding and contracting my energy at my own accord.

Inner child work continues to be a huge door opener for people who have had challenge moving beyond things they’ve worked on for long periods. It’s something that I’m very intimately connected to and facilitate with clients ongoing.

In returning to her/him, we remember the wholeness of our being and start to relax more into life.

Both Astrid and I have experienced huge breakthroughs in our lives in being willing to step into that vulnerable space and reclaiming the essence of who we are. It is an unfolding journey and everything in life reflects that relationship cultivated within.

I’ve seen how deeply it’s affected the way I write, too, and it’s very noticeable when I drop into that vulnerable voice or not with each passage.

Taking the time off and becoming even more ultra-aware and softening, has changed so much with how my book is developing. Dropping into surrender is allowing a natural unfolding to the story where agendas and intentions are put aside.

It’s a process, as everything is, but with practice it becomes easier. And why shouldn’t it? After all, getting to that essence space is where flow always has been.

I feel that Autumn and Winter are going to be about hunkering down and completing my book’s editing while I continue also with a healthy balance of supporting clients, as they feel very symbiotic.

If this is something you’ve been interested in, I still am not able to be unlimited in this regard, so for October there are two spaces remaining.

For anyone who has worked with me and would like to share a testimonial, I would be grateful for any words about your journey experienced. Feels like a good time to refresh with new energy on my web page.

Aside from writing and sessions, nature of course will fill my days this Autumn and Winter, maybe just a few new items will hit my Etsy shop for the holidays if I have time, and that’s it.

(BTW, there will be an Equinox sale starting Sunday 9/22 – 9/24 on the last 11 mini rabbit gardens remaining – all of which have an Autumn and Winter theme perfect for the season/holidays) I made 50+ to begin with, which was a lot of work and am moving more toward hand-painted items by following my creative energy flow. So if you’ve loved these, this is opportunity to gift yourself or someone you love, one of the very last magickal mini themed worlds.

I even explored the potential of taking over as facilitator for a local meditation group that asked if I’d be interested recently, but my gut said not to divide my time and to stay mindful of the alignment of energies that are diverging or aiding the current trajectory.

I have exactly what I want and need on my plate and that’s that. Boundaries in place.

Maybe you, too, have been feeling the strength and clarity of your own boundaries?

Originally we were going to travel this Fall and have visitors, but all of this changed as well.

It feels that things are pointing to important preparations, patience with things that are in motion, and anchoring for 2020 and Spring’s budding new potentials.

I feel very fresh and streamlined and with having the last few days to myself, I’ve been able to get everything done so that Equinox energies will take full hold with clarity.

As you reflect on the last year, do you feel you’ve also been drawn to clear and release things, create greater focus, and sense that 2020 has some surprises in store?

I’d love to hear how your life has changed or where you feel called to make changes.

If you haven’t thought about this much, then this weekend and Monday’s Equinox portal provides supportive energy to look at what you’ve been cultivating and taking grateful stock of enjoying the maturity of that work, or deciding what you’d like to shift and work toward in order to have blossom next Spring.

Yesterday my sweet wild bunny friend, Hope, showed up right outside my office while I was sitting in my reading chair reviewing my editing notes for my book.


She reminds me to keep focused, not give up, stay connected to my authentic voice and inner child, and to keep hoping, as rebirth is imminent.

Being Present to Guidance & Support

I’ve shared a lot about messages, signs, symbolism, prophetic and revealing dreams, and even Earth angels in disguise over the years. The one thing that always stands out in receiving these reflections and guidance, is presence. When we are willing to be more present in our lives, we are more open to seeing, hearing, feeling, and receiving the gifts all around us. We often are being shown answers to questions we’ve asked, are receiving guidance about things we’ve been wondering, or are being gifted little treasures and pearls of wisdom when we think we are all alone and without hope.

I find that more and more people are interested about finding meaning in things they experience in one form or another and I often get a lot of messages asking me my take on things showing up for them.

I’ve been seeing how more and more people are experiencing these synchronous and uncanny occurrences and noticing repetitive things showing up – or at least their serendipitous timing.

I also find the other side of the coin with many people being too busy or distracted to notice the gifts all around them and/or have challenge with trusting what the meaning is to something they have noticed.

Retraining yourself to be more present, not only opens up these channels more for you to experience, but overall will enrich your life and the connections you have with others, yourself, and everything around you, including Nature and beyond. It also draws your awareness more to the “now” moment and creates clarity of observation and perception.

There is so much going on all around you, but it isn’t all just happening to you or fitting into a stress category theme. There are a lot of really great things and sweet little treasures that can redirect life away from simply going through the motions and can be a way to discover your own empowerment in creating the life you want to experience.

Life can become more engaging, more enjoyable, and full of wonder when you teach yourself to be present to all the little nuances and vibrationally different occurrences that are taking place. In this way, you are able to spot the messages and signs that are guiding and supporting you.

These don’t necessarily have to be seen as something outside of yourself trying to get your attention, but rather a way you are drawing to yourself or manifesting reflective versions to get your own attention.

They may come through things that reflect recurring themes taking place in your life currently that are trying to get you to take notice and either make changes, adjustments, are aiding inspiration, or simply are reiterating you’re on the right track and being supported. In all, they mirror a flow of alignment and that your intentions toward manifestation are working. They also point to this kind of experience being accessed and naturally experienced even more with greater presence.

Then being open and willing to accept the messages you receive will take you to the next level, as if you have a pattern of denial this can be the very reason the messages or reiterating signs keep showing up.

And sometimes the messages and signs are simply little sweet gifts along the way to let you know you are loved, supported, and being thought of – these could be seen as coming from an outside source loving you, or are manifesting as your own inner self loving you.

So how do you become more present?

Here are some ways to help you live more in the now with greater conscious awareness and appreciation:

  • Check in with yourself consistently – how are you feeling? where in the body do you feel tension? are you allowing yourself to be with an emotion? what are you thinking right now?
  • Celebrate the little things in life and especially the accomplishment of steps you complete
  • Really listen to others
  • Really listen to your inner dialogue
  • Practice living with intention, patience, and presence – consistency is key to retraining yourself – perhaps you create your own mindfulness practice, start meditating a few minutes a day, join a group that focuses on mindfulness, engage something like yoga, gardening, learning a musical instrument, journaling, painting, breath work, walking a labyrinth, walking in nature, etc.
  • Create a clear space around you at all times – organizing your work space, special room, home, etc., removing distractions, minimizing life helps to stay focused
  • Savor and appreciate each moment – even the small things like the textures and tastes of the food you eat, feeling the sand on your feet, listening to the sounds in the forest, the feeling of your favorite sweater on your skin, a crackling fire, scents of your favorite things, the color of someone’s eyes, a long hug, etc.
  • Be open to flow and spontaneity
  • Create a gratitude practice
  • Create “you” time and some moments of stillness
  • Focus on detaching from outcomes and not worrying as much – knowing things are happening in perfect unfolding
  • Bring more forgiveness through for what is already done and now can be done anew

I’ve continued to experience a lot of synchronous messages, signs, and wild dreams lately although don’t always share them as I used to.

Around the Pisces Full Moon a lot was showing up including some of my most treasured bird friend feathers and a wondrous find – a hornet’s nest.

About a minute after hearing a hawk screeching overhead, my own hawk eye caught sight of this feather while I was biking by quickly. I stopped to retrieve it knowing one of my main spirit guides was messaging me. The messages of hawk that stand out, not only for myself, but others include: navigating and staying on path with deep presence and awareness, being open to and taking in wider perspectives, trusting insights as they speak your truth, taking decisive actions with strength of vision and initiative behind them after surveying all creative possibilities, knowing you have the ability to move through anything with grace and that you are being watched over by divine guardianship. You have the courage available to do anything. It’s both the time to go bigger and do the things you’ve put off. Temper action with alignment so that you can catch those air stream propulsions to soar.

An amazing hornet’s nest. I’ve never seen one up close, but it felt significant. Its honeycomb, a hexagon, symbolizes the heart chakra (reminds me of the human heart actually) and represents life’s sweetness.

Check out the hexagon chambers. Hornet Spirit is solar magick, productivity, success and sun goddess energy. This feels foretelling of what’s ahead and also now to embrace.

Alongside hawk, osprey has a special place in my heart (2 of my favorite bird spirit guides alongside barn owl) and shows up at more rare, precise timing. Synchronously, they do symbolize just that and having keen sight for seeing through illusions to hunt in the waters of emotion, knowing when an opportunity is there and when to dive in with pinpoint accuracy to seize it. I love that they symbolize mastering the conscious and unconscious, as no other raptor/hawk family leaves its natural air element (consciousness) to dive into the water element (the unconscious/Pisces) Not even eagles enter the water and often steal fish from osprey. Osprey’s ability to travel to the Underworld of the unconscious guides you to find and unite with the lost parts of yourself. Because he is both of air and water, he provides the path, strength and power back to the conscious mind and ordinary life (air) so that you don’t get lost and endlessly descend while journeying deep into the abyss. Osprey supports fearlessness of the shadow and places most people wouldn’t willingly go because of fear or judgments. There’s opportunity to build a new foundation that enables you to ride any current of life in harmony.

I’ve also seen a lot of dead animals recently to include two raccoons, a deer, porcupine, hawk, lots of little ones like squirrels and even one rabbit, and butterflies and bees. Twice, I’ve found injured butterflies I moved to safer locations so that they could at least be at peace and not run over.

Dreams have been ongoing and so many people I know have been showing up in them. I keep feeling a profound shift anchoring and surprises upcoming.

This has also been mirrored in the vastly different weather and quickly shifting temperatures from one day to the next.

Two days ago when our first snow came leaving a slush of icy glaze on the ground of my garden

The snow stayed on the highest mountain tops, as you can see in the background, and is still there today, although melted fast here

Snow dusted garden guardian

Powdered snow owl guardians


Day after the first snow looking like Summer again

Owl and rabbit guardians shed their snow blankets

Blooms glowing in the sun

Earthy ground showcasing the vibrant blossoms, as if snow never happened

And has included a lot of people and animals transitioning, having health challenges that could lead to that or big life changes, people hitting rock bottom, but also tons of new beings birthing on the scene, amazing break-throughs happening, huge healing and opportunity taking place, things hidden coming to surface, and people stepping into their best lives yet alongside all of that.

My take-away in simple words is life goes on, cycles continue, death and rebirth is natural and part of the circle of life.

My deeper take-away would be too complex to write, but simply stated – there’s a lot of intensity right now, as new frequencies are streaming in and reconfiguring things, all pointing to something different on the horizon and it’s not isolated to just here.

The best way to be with this I feel is to anchor that presence and create your own sense of peace to anchor within. Live with gratitude, be all that you can be now, love more, and savor every moment.

When you are consciously aware of the reflections all around you, you will always be guided divinely.

Happy 5th Birthday Astrid


My sweet and powerful Virgo bunny queen, Astrid turns five years (my all-time favorite number) old today and having her birthday fall in the window of the Pisces Full Moon feels so beautifully aligned and reflective of how she and I are perfect counterparts to one another – as I am a Pisces. Full Moons bring to light both complimentary aspects of the astrological sign in focus, so this includes Virgo that shares similar qualities to Pisces that play out in different ways, completing the other side of the coin. Like the two fish, they may seem to be opposing, but create harmony together.

Happy 5th birthday to my best friend, soul companion, cocreator and wise, courageous guide who inspires and nurtures my heart and spirit.

I’m so grateful to you Astrid for choosing to show up in my life just when I needed you.

You make everything better and being here on Earth possible.

Your cosmic presence is home to my heart.

I love seeing you blossom into your wholeness and sharing your gifts with the world.

It’s my joy to support your path and I am humbled how you feel the same.

I love the journey we are on together.

I love you


What Lies Beneath

With intensities on the collective scene, tipping points continuing to take place, and a Full Moon in Pisces, I felt to reshare some of this information on shadow energies, real emotions, and spiritual masks I have often written about in the past. These are the things running the show from behind the scenes and creating what we are seeing and experiencing “out there,” as a result of not having the support and teaching on how to work with the core things that have been conditionally stuffed inside.


Because raw honesty and feelings have been deemed scary, bad, and perhaps even “unholy,” which is interesting because, in my opinion, it is the ticket to wholeness.

The avoidance takes place constantly, as ignoring or blissing-out takes precedence.

Yet, it’s actually what can take things to the next level of actualization, manifestation, and full conscious and deepened embodiment, which creates a state of harmony where triggers don’t yank you off your anchor.

Commitment to consistently really living the core of what your new beliefs are is what helps things to manifest because you embody it.

But if you haven’t yet uncovered the old conditioned beliefs and feelings that came first, then efforts can seem futile or fall apart because the new beliefs were only reconfigured on the surface and in thought alone.

These can be some of the reasons why we stay stuck in survival mode and struggles because those base chakras are holding a lot of old stuff, or are unable to fully manifest because we ran to the other end to get away, desiring more of the bliss states and spending time and focus in the upper chakras solely.

There is no right or wrong in any of this, yet this may all point to an opportunity in your evolution to another part of your experience to look at and embrace.

Life is experience for experience sake – all of the so-called icky and nice – it’s all perfect. And, what works for one is not the same for others.

But if you, yourself, behind closed doors are not happy and intending for something more, then maybe there is something being overlooked.

And that being said, I get the sense of new structures being built upon old and weak foundations and this can only go so far. It can even take up much more energy to try to maintain than simply coming back down to Earth and into the body and emotions to really move the energy through in its entirety – not just stopping at the mental level. It also is about coming into truth and not hiding from yourself anymore, nor feeling the need to defend yourself or place blame elsewhere.

The deepest truth does not require defense.

There is an energetic, nonverbal portion of experience that sends out its own frequency and it may be very different than the frequency we “think” we are emanating.

What comes hand-in-hand with this theme is not just about speaking truth to others, but in being completely honest with ourselves – and this can be done with humor and gentleness, so as to make the process more supportive rather than punishing. This opens an inner dialogue within that initiates a new journey of exploration for you.

You are loved and always will be for all of who you are. It’s now time to shine even brighter.

I honor the parts you can’t see.

The parts you’ve shared are not fulfilled.

The parts you may not want to see.

Here are some links to old posts that may help in revisiting your natural feelings in a deeper, more holistic way:

It’s Okay to Feel ~ Allowing Your Humanness to be the Reflection of Divinity it Is

This MindBodyGreen article by Aimee Dufresne I’ve shared before titled: Stop Being “Positive” and Start Getting Real (Joy) in Your Life – a favorite passage from this article shares that just being positive is

“like trying to fit into the cutest pair of shoes that you want so badly but the only size available is a half size smaller than your feet. So you push and prod and tell yourself you can do it. You can bend your big toe and walk at an odd angle. Maybe the shoes will stretch if you wear them long enough. That chaffing isn’t so bad, is it?

Yes, it is. The further you push and force yourself into something that doesn’t fit, the more struggle and angst you will feel.”

Do You Wear a Spiritual Disguise? ~ Losing the Mask and Finding Your Truth

Shadow energies and feelings are crucial and cannot be bypassed. As much as we try to avoid them, they will inevitably stalk us until we face them.

What ever shows up is exactly what is needed.

Change will happen, one way or another, with us on board or not. The reflections and triggers we experience “out there” will only increase so if we want the changes then we need to do something about it.

Complaining or utilizing energy to point fingers and accusations is a waste of that energy and time.

Let’s fuel it into productive ways to embody and create that which we want and to empower ourselves. Let’s take wise action in place of verbal and physical attack.

It’s time to look at what our fears share with us and what our anger is truly about.

It’s also time to look past the surface. We can’t avoid diving deep anymore.

It’s not a bad thing when shadow hits us over the head or smacks us in the face.

It may feel really icky and uncomfortable, but heck, if we won’t listen any other way, maybe that deep discomfort or fear is the way we will?

Perhaps it beckons us simply because it wants our love, much like the inner child we’ve left behind.

Acknowledgment is powerful.

The tipping point is up to us as a collective, which places individual responsibility at the forefront.

We each affect the whole.

The key being, again, focus on the self and what things are reflecting.

Where are we hiding and playing charades from the truth within?

“Nothing ever goes away until it has taught us what we need to know.” ~Pema Chodron

Wishing everyone peaceful balance and harmony within to help create that balance without.

The Pisces Full Moon approaching tomorrow, the night of Friday the 13th/14th depending on your time zone will continue to bring a lot of emotions, feelings, and illusions/delusions to surface.

I hope this helps shed a little light on ways to navigate the undercurrents so you can realize the synergy of the two fish that swim in opposite directions, rather than feel it as a tug-of-war within.

Session Bundles, October Spaces & Kunzite Love

This week may be a fuller week than recently for blog shares, as I’ve felt guided to put out more inspiration with all that I feel people are going through collectively and with what is showing up with clients I’m working with. Today is just a brief update in between blog musings because people have been asking about the client sessions I offer, and if there were packages and options besides the ones originally posted on my Intuitive Energy Guide page.

I did mention packages to fit client needs are an option, but I felt I would make some of those easily available on the page, so you can explore what fits your needs. Of course, you may contact me to discuss things and what feels to be most supportive for you right now or if you need any clarification on the options.

Alongside the three phone session options, I’ve now included phone session bundles, email sessions and bundles, and phone/email combo bundles. Bundles provide savings, which I include in the info. Please read the details involved with each.

Phone sessions are the most comprehensive, but both phone and email sessions have their advantages. If you have really wanted a session, emails can be a more affordable option to make that a reality sooner. Details about what’s included in each session type can be found on the page below.

The email sessions are being offered at an introductory price for now, in order to support these challenging times.

All info can be found here: Intuitive Energy Guide

September has been very full for me on all fronts and so I limited my ability to take in more clients for the month.

I’m starting to move through things and opening up more time in my schedule now by finishing projects, so I’ll be able to start taking on a few new clients beginning next week of September 16th.

If you were on the waiting list for October, feel free to contact me, or I’ll reach out and see if you would like to begin in the last two weeks of September. Otherwise, you can still have a place for October.

I’m still maintaining a healthy schedule to allow me time for my writing and balance in life, but have a little more flexibility right now while I feel there’s need out there for support to help others with those big transitions in life, challenges that are cropping up on the scene, or getting you over those tipping points into the new.


And last, due to the huge theme of self-love and self-worth that keeps coming to the forefront, this Kunzite pendant literally jumped out at me to offer up as a tool of support.

I love the photo above, as this piece so much reminds me of Foxglove blossoms – the Faery lanterns lighting the way – and, to me, even shares some of their symbolism.

This has been a special piece in my personal collection, but in all honesty, it’s just been sitting in my jewelry box for quite some time after initially being a go-to piece. I prefer that it be out there supporting the energy it was created for.

Just yesterday I was looking for something else and when I lifted the top of the jewelry box, the sun through the window hit this pendant and just like my sweet bunny friend, Hope, has “lit” up my life with messages, this pendant beamed a message of wanting to light up someone else’s life.

I knew it wasn’t about my need to have it still, but that the light beam was like a stream or channel to the collective and I was being told someone may find it supportive, as I did when first it came into my life at a pivotal transitioning period for me.

It’s definitely a stone for deepening into self love and enhances romantic love, but truly works on a different level than Rose Quartz. Each beautifully powerful and supportive, but I find another octave, so to speak, available when working with Kunzite that fine tunes things.

It is just over 2 1/2 inches long, 1 inch at its widest, and 1/4 of an inch to 3/4 of an inch thick, depending on the depth of the stones at any given point. A substantial, but elegant pendant with full, thick and heavy 925 stamped silver. Incredibly, I never noticed that above the 925 stamp it is actually stamped “Starborn”. This isn’t the artist who I got it from, nor the store from which it came through him, so I’m not really sure about this, although of course find it magickal.

It has two Kunzite stones – one that is very pink (almost slightly violet at times depending on the light) and one that is clear like quartz. Both stones are of great clarity with the top one very softly polished and the bottom one being diamond faceted.

When I first discovered Kunzite years ago, I fell in love. It is a very high vibration stone that, like Rose Quartz, emanates unconditional love and activates the Heart Chakra, but it also connects and aligns it to the Third Eye and Throat Chakras to bring through clarity of loving communication, compassionate and enlightened insight, and enhanced creative self-expression.

There’s an innocence and purity about the pink stone that will support more inner peace, self trust, a healthy synergy between heart and mind for loving thought and action, draw in more fortunate experiences, build confidence toward career endeavors and dreams, encourage emotional freedom, healthy relationships with self and others, support removal of blockages and emotional baggage, and help strengthen and clear one’s personal aura, as well as the energy of your space. It’s also supportive for healing heartbreak, releasing resentment, sadness, and anger, while restoring emotional balance.

Humility is a word that comes to mind with Kunzite, as well as depth – depth of peace, depth of insight, depth of compassion.

Clear Kunzite has been known to add to the above qualities, support for soul retrieval and reintegration. While lilac hues add the ability to draw upon timelessness and bridging past and future in the now, while creating doorways during all forms of transitioning.

If this pendant calls to work with you it is available in my Etsy Shop here with more photos:

The Magick Rabbit