Monthly Archives: August 2011

Understanding Crystals and Their Role in Our Lives – A Lesson of Honor

I recently was asked my feelings about where the metaphysical properties of crystals come from and how they affect our realities.  I often get questions like this and others, including: How one can tune in with crystals? How to choose crystals? Which may be most supportive for specific things desired including support of the New Earth energy? How to work with pendulums? Etc… I’m always excited to feel and hear people becoming increasingly more interested in knowing about and working with crystals, as they truly are a wonderful gift and can become great supportive friends in our lives that I feel, are specifically here to aid us in responsibly harnessing our innate Essence and power to be in harmony with the Earth and Cosmos.

But back to the original question, which prompted this post…Where do I feel the metaphysical properties of crystals come from and how do they affect us? – That is a complex question that I can only answer through my heart and feelings. The energies come from Universal Consciousness itself, from All That Is, from their resonation with the purity of Essence and natural attunement evolved through the Earth’s consciousness, infused with Cosmic energy. Many have also been infused with information from ancient civilizations including Lemuria, Atlantis, Sumeria, and so on, throughout what we think of as “time” and also embody extraterrestrial energies, holding record keeping information, knowledge and understanding that is multi-dimensional, unconditional and boundless.

First off, crystals are living beings, alive and full of Universal Life Force Energy, just like everything that exists. They each possess unique “personality” signatures that develop through the process of their evolution. Some come from within the Earth, others from the Cosmos, or blendings of each (as in the case of moldavite and tektites that are created from Extraterrestrial/Cosmic Essence by means of things like meteors that fuse with the Earth’s crust).

Crystals resonate their Universal energy at quantum levels in harmony with human energy. Their internal atom structures that create sound, color, light, etc., vibrate at different speeds like satellites, radars, computers…and humans are like receivers that tune into the vibrations. Crystals vibrate on frequencies in harmony with all levels of our consciousness, as if playing unique notes that can affect each person relative to their make-up and resonance with those notes. Crystals are naturally in harmony with the life force even in their raw, unformed state. They have precise internal make-ups that keep them constantly and consistently in tune and in harmony. They don’t actually hold electrical charges, but can produce them. They can keep you in tune through their own harmonic synchronization with the primal energy of life, which then in turn keeps you more in harmony with life itself. Each one is a unique and distinct individual, as are we, with its own harmonic frequency rhythms.

When we are willing to receive this energy and exercise our Essence, we can contact the energies from which the entire Universe is comprised and crystals aid us to do so, being such clear channels of this energy. This is why crystals and other minerals are so powerful and must be used through the highest consciousness of the individual for the highest good. This is imperative. The Universal energies contained within each is activated and directed by interaction with the same. Misuse and abuse of crystals has taken place over “time” and they are in need of our helping them to balance and reattune, which is why they call to our hearts and need specific partners and keepers to work with and to assist. Sometimes the connections are life long, or “lives long,” and sometimes we are channels to move them to where they need to go or to assist along part of their journey, just as they assist us – all with the bigger picture intent to assist the Collective Earth.

Giant Lemurian Seed Crystal Sphere

They each vibrate a different energy frequency depending on their make-up – for example, their  colors resonate with corresponding Chakra energies, and specific types hold varying vibrational resonance. They ARE Universal Life Force Energy within crystalline and mineral structures that embody codes of collective existence that are timeless. They are here to aid us in tuning our own vibrations to that frequency and supporting us to remember who and where we come from and to harmonize with the Earth and Cosmos. They can help support specific energies, act as healing guides, support inner growth, amplify things, bring things to light, help with clarity, strengthen, etc..but overall they help us to stay in tune, clear and balance all levels emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually. They are representative of wholeness and can help us to remember our own.

I hope this helps a bit in sharing my feelings and personal insights. It’s very complicated to explain in words, as for me the experience of crystals is all very feeling based and about intuition and learning to just “be” with whatever you sense while in their presence. To scientifically explain is not my forte. I have just always been connected with them, like with animals, and they are definitely my dear friends.

This question came at a wonderfully synchronous time, as currently a whole family of new crystalline friends have found their way into my experience and are birthing into being. They are very unique amulet Lemurian Seed Crystal spheres that will be available for those wanting to actively assist in supporting the New Earth energy. It’s so beautiful to experience the unconditional love these crystals have to share and teach us.

To accept and welcome a crystal into your life is an honor, which they as well mirror, and is not one to take lightly. It is a responsibility and commitment not to abuse. This is the way that all relationships should be viewed…our relationship to crystals, animals, plants, the Earth, the Cosmos, to each other, and to ourselves.

Spiritual Skin for a Spiritual Life – Transforming Your Life One Tattoo at a Time!

“I feel so much peace from your tattoos when I look at them….I can feel the energy coming off of your tattoos. Wow, it’s powerful!….I have never liked tattoos, but I feel drawn to yours and find them to be so beautiful….they are like nothing I’ve ever seen or felt.”

The tattoos I wear are a continually profound, transformational experience that affects not only my own life, but the lives of others who experience the energy intention imbued within each creation. I hear and see it time and time again (was just reminded today by a businesswoman who stopped me in a store to express her feelings) and it moves me deeply to be able to create a mobile, living work of art, that simultaneously has personal and collective healing to share, as well as to be able to support others to do the same for themselves.

A new paradigm of transformative body art has evolved and is being revealed like never before. Ancient meets modern day potent integration! Sacred tattooing is so deeply a passion for me, which I find to be extremely and positively transformative on all levels, that the knowledge I’ve acquired would be a disservice not to share. I can’t help but do what I do and share what lovingly channels through.

Spiritual Skin is a book that has been a deeply mystical journey to bring forth – an unveiling of many rich layers intended to support many on their own empowering explorations into artistic self-expression, deeper awareness, ancient understanding and integration, spiritual healing and conscious compassion for the now. And, in the words of Tattoo Artist, Siva – “A book whose time has come!” It’s truly about creating personal portals of positive and inspirational impact.

“…The specific images and symbols you choose in a tattoo can help enhance specific things in your life, strengthen energy that is operating at less than its potential, open points that feel blocked, enhance and create potency to specific chakras, convey healing energy to specific regions, reveal your essence to others, heal karmic energy, connect with past lives, and tap into your subconscious and latent gifts. All of this can be done through the ancient art of tattooing, a means of rewriting your soul’s history, empowering your experience through “spiritual skin,” and creating an auric resonance to the energy of your choosing.” – excerpt from Spiritual Skin.

If you haven’t already heard, I am honored to announce that my book, “Spiritual Skin – Sacred Tattoos: More than Skin Deep,” is available in print on Amazon. You can now have this one-of-a-kind book at your finger tips.

“This is the BEST book about tattoos I have yet to come across!…A must read…I HIGHLY recommend this for any spiritually inclined tattoo collector and/or enthusiast!” Siva, Sedona-based Tattoo Artist. For more reviews and information please see this link:

You can now purchase Spiritual Skin directly on Amazon here: or simply visit or contact me at with any questions or to commission tattoo design services or consultations.

With Love and Creative Magic!