Monthly Archives: October 2018

Whimsical Wednesdays – The Artist’s Corner: Life As Art

tania and astrid halloween fun.jpg

Hoppy Halloween and magickal Samhain to everyone! I love that this day falls on Whimsical Wednesdays – The Artist’s Corner in my new blog series. It also happens to hold a very sacred energy for me, as my special needs rabbit, Cosmo, magickally navigated his transition on this day – the thinnest veil between worlds – two years ago. This ensured his strong presence daily with me, as he is forever reborn as a star within the deep Cosmos of my heart.

cosmo and tania

In his honor I’m having 140 bulbs of special irises and daffodils, sprinkled with a small number of tulips, despite a deer favorite, planted today for Spring blossom surprises. Auspiciously, our gardener happens to have our service day today (he comes every 3 weeks) and so it aligns so perfectly. I planted the few bulbs I had last year because there weren’t that many, but with much more this time and the ground where I want them a bit tougher to manage, it’s a true gift he’ll be able to help.

Today, I also received word that a very special creation by a fellow artisan is being worked on specifically because of this auspicious timing and energy today, which is bound to make what she’s channeling for me a truly magickal piece.

And although I’m not dressing up for Halloween, the above photo captures The Rabbit Faery me in my new rabbit onesie jammies this morning with my consort, Astrid, by my side, revealing the whimsical life I live daily.

astrid owl pumpkin

You may wonder what all of this has to do with today’s blog theme?

Well, Life as Art truly expresses the way of the artist, mindfully creating every part of life as if it were a magnificent painting, musical composition, exquisite line of prose, moving chapter, or perfectly hand-crafted vision brought to life.

And you don’t have to be an artist to create life as art. You simply have to tap into your creative energy and allow the vortex of its power to spiral and weave into all corners of your experience.

How do we do this?

With intention, with imagination, and with love.

Every little nook and cranny of life can become a masterpiece of your own creation. You can infuse your own creativity into how you craft your day, design your world, envision your goals, and express yourself.

This can be through the way you style your daily wardrobe around how you feel or what you want to say to the world about yourself.

This can be through the way you design your home or work space around what makes you most inspired, nurtured, or invigorated.

This can be through the food you make and how you infuse it with love and intention and add color and texture, as well as seasonal delights to your plate that embody specific energies you would like to infuse more into your life.

This can be through the way you plant your garden and the type of blooms and plants that will bring joy to your day and anyone who sees it.

This can be through the way you journal your to-do lists with little doodles, on special paper or whimsical notebooks, and with intention of each thing being a different color on your canvas so you’ll have a wonderful painting completed by end of the day or whenever your goals are complete.

This can be through the way you are present to every detail that shows up in your life and start to understand it as a thread in the tapestry of life, seeing how beautiful things naturally weave together.

This can be through imagination and meditation the way you allow yourself to dream a few minutes each day and envision the possibilities.

And so on….

All of these and more can be ways to experience life as art and you discover the elements of alchemy at work that can seed new blossoming potentials.

The more you do this, the more you find reflections of what you love drawn into your life.

And the more you find the journey fun and adventurous.

It’s a way to be a co-creator and to understand the power of creativity to change your life.

And from here, the sky’s not the limit, but instead opens you to limitless possibilities.

A short, but hopefully sweet share to add to the goodies some of you may enjoy on this Halloween celebration.

“I was born on the night of Samhain, when the barrier between the worlds is whisper-thin and when magic, old magic, sings its heady and sweet song to anyone who cares to hear it.” ~Carolyn MacCullough 

May you be as One with Nature’s Rhythms, in Sacred Union with Spirit, and embrace the Great Mystery.


Monday Musings – The Writer’s Corner: How to be Your Own Magickal Muse


I thought I’d kick off the first blog in my new series under the theme title of “Monday’s Musings” with a few ideas around how you can become your own magickal muse. A muse by definition is a creative influence – this can be a “person or a personified force who is the source of inspiration for a creative artist.” But this can also simply be you, which makes the process empowering to realize you have within you the ability to inspire yourself. And guess what? This doesn’t just have to be isolated to influencing yourself purely with writing, but can be a way to inspire any aspect of your life.

Here are some thoughts to help get that creative fire lit inside of your heart, but don’t stop here, as there are so many ways you can ignite inspiration:

  • Indulge your child at heart and engage that child-like wonder about everything with curiosity and fascination – what the heart is encouraged to explore will become a grand adventure of ideas streaming through
  • Find a process that helps you to create a well of flowing ideas that move you – journaling ideas, taking photographs of things that are interesting or beautiful, clipping out images and words in magazines to create idea boards with or folders of inspiration, collect little trinkets and treasures that spark imagination or a part of your inner child, gather and write down words, phrases, thoughts that you hear and that float through your mind – what you find fascinating in some way can act as a seed to grow ideas from
  • Go on a creative excavation about yourself and your life to discover what inspires you. Ask yourself what truly invigorates you and fuels your passion and really engages your imagination – what you uncover will be pathways to easier flow and streams of thought
  • Be inquisitive about that feeling and nudge that is bubbling inside of you and wants out. Rather than just push it aside, judging it, fearing it, or keeping it as a constant thought, write it down, speak it into a recorder, draw it…just move it out and through – what you invite to dance with you will begin to reveal where your energy wants to go and rather than stay stuck, will start you on a journey
  • Let your writing run free and perhaps allow this to be one part of your life that doesn’t have structure, if in fact all other parts do. Don’t over-think things, just write what comes up right away as a feeling no matter how weird and don’t edit – simply flow. There’s plenty of time for that later – what you surrender to will take you on an adventure
  • And if you don’t have structure in your life, perhaps creating a ritual or sacred practice around writing and creative flow will help make it a more natural part of your life – in either event, once you do have a practice in place like a specific time to do it, area to be in that inspires, a ritual to invite the process to begin and be separate from the rest of your life, then go back to the point above and let it flow without judgment – what you create consistency with will become an extension of your creative flow and life
  • In line with sacred practice and ritual is creating a sanctuary of inspiration or invent a way that supports and nurtures your writing. This can be surrounding yourself with things you love, have a particular energy, make your inner child feel safe, that inspire and cultivate thought flow and imagination, or could be noticing what kind of things or where you are that help more, like traveling, being by the ocean, tucked away in a cabin in the mountains, or in a closed room with specific music playing – what you cultivate will bring enrichment to your process
  • Always look for meaning in things – what you are curious about will reveal many potentials and creative ways to express or solve things
  • Work at it. Creativity is a process and for many isn’t flowing quite as freely as it once did when we were children. And even if it is flowing, we need to keep encouraging and nurturing it to greater heights. Making a committed effort to keep at it will bring it back to being a natural process again – what you focus on building, will come more freely
  • Become conscious about everything and embrace a real caring – what you are present and passionate about will create momentum and connection
  • Engage creativity, imagination, and ideas. Invite it, cultivate it, nurture it, and encourage it out – what you fertilize and cultivate will grow
  • Ask yourself what wants to be written and what story is aching to come forth, rather than asking what you feel like writing. They say everyone has at least one book in them…what’s yours? – what you surrender to will reveal gifts and make the journey flowing and fun even when challenges arise
  • Empty yourself of all knowing and let your inner vision and heart guide you to the truth within you – what you stop controlling will be able to fly
  • Remember yourself as the child you once were and can be again – what you retrieve will flourish where once it was constrained
  • Explore childlike fantasy and flexibility – what you open up to will make the impossible possible
  • Listen to your instincts – what you trust will open you to the most natural flow of expression
  • Feel what you feel – what you embrace will reveal the most meaningful things that will engage others to feel as well
  • Take chances and write as if you’re the first person ever writing the story and writing in the way that you are – what you risk will bring innovation as your best friend on the adventure
  • Be your own heroine/hero. Find the things you like about yourself and cultivate more gratitude around them. Create your own style and image that helps you to feel more alive, authentic, and cultivates the writer you – what you fertilize will blossom
  • Believe in yourself and what you have to say – what you believe about you, others will too
  • Allow mistakes and realize that there aren’t any – what you let go of will draw to you hidden gifts
  • Surrender to the story and lose yourself – what you immerse in will bring that reality to the heart of others through you
  • Keep writing. The thoughts will flow and your story will find its way, but won’t unless you write – what you put energy toward will take you on a journey, create a result, and a destination to begin again from

I’d love to hear from any of you on any additional thoughts and ways you engage the muse within.

Current Energies & New Blog Series

We’re right in between the energies of the Full Moon and Samhain, or Halloween as most people know it as, and there seems to be a continued split of both intensely challenging or intensely joyous experiences circling about. There’s definitely a transformative and growth-oriented theme around things where you may find discomfort and pain in that expansion taking place because of something deep within stirring to emerge. For some this can be surprising and unwelcome, or exciting and can’t-come-soon-enough. The Full Moon in Taurus wants to ground and root, but we are being asked not to plant the same ol’ seeds we’re accustomed to, but rather to reflect upon how best we can weed through our inner gardens and then dream up our most wildest visions of new possibilities we’d like to see blossom. Scorpio at the other end of the spectrum assists us with this underworld exploration and excavation so that we may both have desires to purge and cleanse, while building and acquiring – all in effort to experience something fresh.

Where ever you find yourself on the spectrum of experience, remember that now is a time when you could be easily triggered to feel inner disharmony about things and find emotions rising or tension building. As always, what seems like a crisis may present an opportunity and the first reaction isn’t always the best. Take some time to ground and be with Nature and step back for a moment so you can come back to your core and respond better from your heart.

Right before I sat down to write this, I’d just seen a coyote crossing the street in front of us and then hid in the golden leaves of the Aspen with eyes peering through. Her message seemed perfect for this post and the energy right now, and her deep magick helping us to see the truth behind illusion and bring us back to center within chaos.

I thought this would be the perfect opportunity to announce the upcoming new blog series that will begin this Monday, October 29th, right in the middle of these energies – part of my own spectrum of purging transformation and building and recreating.

What you can look forward to will be a three-part series each week that will include the following:

Monday Musings – The Writer’s Corner

  • this will include blogs with a writing theme involving anything from my own journey with this, challenges, inspirations, Top 10 Lists, support and helpful insights for writers, behind the scenes looks, and favorite books, to book reviews, other writers’ work, or even author interviews….fellow writers welcome to share their work and experiences to be featured as well

Whimsical Wednesdays – The Artist’s Corner

  • this includes artist’s of life, creative visionaries, and anyone who loves being artsy in their own way or has a creative passion…blog themes will be around “life as art” and how to live this way more mindfully, inspiration, sharing the creative journey, featuring artwork, favorite artisans, how to get in touch with this side more…

Ask Astrid Fridays – The Rabbit’s Corner

  • these will be blogs from Astrid’s point of view…any advice or wisdom she has to share for the week, a day-in-the-life of Astrid, a bunny’s perspective, getting to know rabbits more, and will be open at times to take questions Astrid will get to answer from our readers and down the rabbit hole we’ll go….

I hope you’ll enjoy the new blog focuses. I’m in the middle of updating my website, so many of the new pages are “coming soon,” but I’m excited about the journey unfolding.

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend and lots of love and creative inspiration!


I recently mentioned that I would be sharing my personal contribution to Barbara Franken’s October Challenge…A Selection of True Awakening Stories Part III and so it is that I’m sitting down and digging deep to bring forth what my heart has to say. The focus is to share where I find myself on this “Ascension” journey and any insights I’ve gleaned since writing my last reflection. It could also simply be anything that feels most authentic to impart when I look within at this now moment. Barbara will be creating a free e-book for others, upon completion of all shares from contributors this month. So if you don’t follow her blog and have missed others’ stories, you can catch them that way too.

To recap, this was the post I shared on February 25, 2016 – the day before my 43rd birthday for my sweet friend Barbara Franken of Me, My Magnificent Self:

A Selection of True Awakening Experiences Part II

It included my Awakening Experience and Where I Am Now, at the time of the post.

For that reason, I’ll only be sharing about Where I Am Now, but first let me just preface a few changes that have taken place before I get into more of the deeper stuff.

This time I find myself writing on October 22nd, 2018, which happens to be the 10th anniversary between my partner and I, just 4 months before my 46th birthday. And since that post our little family of animal companions has transformed – still the same two cats (Boojum and Sweet Pea), but with a new rabbit, Astrid, after saying goodbye to our bunny loves, Joy and Cosmo, during our Magick Bus journey. In fact, the last time I shared, we were living in the RV and had just started our one-and-a-half-year, grand adventure.

I didn’t know then how truly transformative that decision would be, but it is one of the best and most profound things I’ve done. I’ll share more on that in the Where I Am Now portion, but since the last share we’ve settled back down in Lake Tahoe, Nevada in a dream home we renovated that sits on the National Forest. We call it the Forest Portal.

And it is from the Forest Portal that I now begin again.

Where I Am Now:

I don’t speak that often about what led to our full-time living in our Magick Bus RV, but in a nutshell it has to do exactly with what Barbara’s theme of this blog series is about. Life as we’d known it was empty, or rather, had no where else to go in the vein that we were. And for me, personally, life as I’d known it until then had come to closure and truly if it weren’t for that adventure we jumped with full trust into, and for a sweet special needs bunny named, Cosmo, I wouldn’t still be here. I like to say they both saved me and choosing to see where things would lead, saw me to where I am now. This all hit me very fast during the year after we returned from an immersion in Alaska, where everything I knew about myself shattered and washed clear away. After that trip, I spent the full year before our RV adventure, in deep reflection and received many messages, dream visitations, and signs that I had the option to stay or return back to the Cosmos from which I came. This, simply through a soul release.

It may sound dark or ominous, but I assure you it was in full peace and clear confirmation of contracts complete over the ages. (I am smiling as the clock says 11:11 as I wrote that).

I reviewed and I delved, and the choice weighed heavily on my heart. In the end, I chose to explore a new possibility, to be open to potentials that might recreate things for me here on Earth, and to see if any of it called enough to my heart to make me want to stay.

And off on the Magick Bus we went.

During that time I immersed fully into Nature and loved every rich moment of it, as I sank my teeth deeper into the marrow of what life truly is about here. I came to know myself in a way that I hadn’t yet, free of definitions and all titles or roles preceding lifetimes had cast me in.

And most importantly I found my own elixir of life that was rooted in merging Earth and Cosmos and bringing these aspects of myself into harmony. I grounded and embodied more than I ever had, but I also brought through the physical, the most Cosmic part of myself that I ever had. A new dance began where each became blurred and natural alchemy was at work.

Ultimately, I melted into peace and my rabbit companions reminded me what was most important to me by expanding my heart tenfold – think the Grinch in that scene where his heart grows three sizes and he comes to know the true meaning of Christmas – in my case, I discovered my true meaning of being.

Perhaps some of you have experienced your own version of renewal, rebirth, a walk-in, or a whole new incarnation. I believe Barbara mentioned in her share feeling she would live two incarnations in her life and that a new way of living from her heart in harmony would emerge. Although I didn’t have that same thought, I resonate and mirror her feelings and now am experiencing the new embodiment of what this is like.

The me that I knew literally died one day on a river and who emerged from those waters and the thick of the wild, was someone altogether new – although the most familiar and most me.

Since then that “most me” has been emerging like a snake from its skin…a caterpillar from its cocoon…and it’s so fresh and freeing – full of any and all multi-possibilities.

In reflection, not only have I been having so many dreams of me birthing, but snake dreams and physical encounters with them have been prolific – in fact just last night a giant blue snake was gently moving all around me.

And this is where what some call “ascension” comes to mean, for me, liberation…expansion…a return to natural harmony…remembrance of my song.

It’s not a ladder of growth or a measurement of higher or better, but rather feels like multi-dimensional rooms to a Cosmic mansion folding in on itself over and over and then emerging over and over, creating a tapestry of inter-connected limitlessness, with me at the core of that tapestry.

Or simply put, it’s Cosmic love flowing through my heart’s creative expression.

What this looks and feels like for me now has involved complete dropping away of all that I’ve known, which included walking away from the work I have been doing up until now in order to follow what inspires me the most – surrendering to my heart’s greatest joy alone and knowing that is the best gift and natural extension of what I have to share with the collective (in fact I’ve dropped the word “service” as it carries for me the seeds of enslavement unconsciously within our DNA) – living from a place of harmony, balance, and surrender – trusting every step of the way without need to know anything and not looking to others for answers – and choosing every moment from love and what invigorates my heart the most.

In the physical sense, it led us back to our beloved home in Lake Tahoe, which at this time in our lives feels most nurturing for all that we are birthing. It’s renewed my relationship with Nature in a deeper way than ever. It’s surrounded me with everything I love and that mirrors the child within. It’s reminded me of what is most important to me and brought me full circle to my love for rabbits and how they are my everything. It brought my new magick rabbit, Astrid, into my life. It’s inspired a story to write that began with the Magick Bus journey – the book I’m working on and feels to be my baby birthing from this new life springing forth from within. And it’s seeded a new tree of life from my core, full of creative visions yet to come.

I have no attachment to how things need to unfold. I just keep following my heart’s guidance and know it will always steer me harmoniously.

I have no fear of physical death since it has no meaning to the limitless me other than a creative process. I live as fully as possible every day and keep deepening in gratitude and invigoration of what this Earth experience has to offer. It is but a blip in our multi-dimensionality and yet it can be lived as a work of art if we choose to experience it that way.

I live from a more multi-dimensional experience and bring through all parts of me to engage life, as well as open to as many possibilities without fixating on any one thing.

I let things flow through me from all parts of experience when they come up and then I watch them dissipate back into their color on the canvas I’m painting.

I walk in a realm where potential is fertile, hope fuels my wings, belief is my fertilizer, creativity lights the way, and peace is my companion. I don’t see sides…I only see experience unfolding like Nature’s seasons and cycles within the Great Mystery.

To some I may seem naive or The Fool. I’ve always had a thing for The Fool in Tarot. Depends on your perspective, doesn’t it?

And yet this is all both very new and yet like “a remembering” all at once.

So it’s somewhat like beginning again, learning along the way with only “doing” as my guide, exploring the possibilities, and feeling mystified by every encounter and experience as if it’s the first.

I am not yet the butterfly, but rather feel like the cocoon has just opened a small hole at its end where light is gently streaming upon my stirring head, my eyes slowly opening for the first time, and I’m feeling the miracle and excitement of this new form I find myself in.

Golden embryonic fluid, warmed by that light, is beginning to drip away.

And all possibilities are open to me.

I don’t know if Barbara has updated the list of contributors yet, but last I looked I found it interesting that the first 15 days were full and the last week of October were full. But the 4 days before my day and the 2 days after, were still open. So, the next share may not be until October 25th by Michael. You can check out the first link of this post to catch all of the previous shares and upcoming ones. In any event, thank you so much Barbara and to everyone for sharing from their heart. And thank you for stopping by and listening to my story. Perhaps you might find a little bit of you in all of the shares.

Human touch

A simple, but potent message from my pure-of-heart friend Dawn. I love this share and I think it will touch many of you…touch…yes, I agree with Dawn. Human touch is healing and profound. It reminds me of an experience I witnessed many years back at a retreat I was hosting. We were up late one night and having some deep conversations that led to one person vulnerably releasing a lot of emotions that it triggered and them sharing hurts and challenges about something in their life experience. I watched things unfold, observing what would happen as the small group of people listening, decided to hold the space – something the “new age spiritual” community likes to use as the answer for many things. “Hold the space.” And they did what they felt was in alignment with that by not meeting this person in their emotions. At the end of it, this person concluded in saying, “I wished they would have hugged me. That’s what I really could have used. Not the spiritual concepts or detachment.” This opened up a dialogue that was revealing. There’s something to be said about all of this. Any thoughts? Thank you Dawn for sharing and opening this reflection.

Deer Heart Reiki Blog

I visited a dear friend that’s in a nursing home. I usually go once a week. The last few times I’ve visited her I felt such empathy for her. She was asking if I had spoken to her daughter at all recently. I told her no I hadn’t. She then went on to tell me how lonely she was.

As she did I was petting her on her arm, her hands, her shoulder, the side of her face and top of her head. Her tears flowed down her face from deep within. She told me how much it meant to her to have me pet her. She spoke of how she wished her family would do that for her and how she felt like no one loved her. I dont know if that’s true of her family, I believe they love her, she doesn’t always remember.

The pain of loneliness…

View original post 249 more words

Transformation & Birthing Anew


I imagine I’m not the only one feeling such incredible energies of fertile possibility around every corner. I find dream time wildly infused with layers of dreams after dreams that are either other timelines, foretelling, psychic touch-ins, or clearly symbolic of things playing out. And yes, definitely the identity shifts, rebirthing, and kundalini energy Lee Harris has themed for the month are hugely washing over and through me still – so much so I have deemed October the month of firmly and clearly establishing the new through developing daily scheduling, finding my flow amidst that, and deepening into essence.

I found myself purging, clearing, reorganizing, and redecorating when I thought I was done. This has involved:

  • donating or sharing with others several more bags of clothes and other items going out
  • re-imagining a 1/4 of my office including removal of the center piece to my room and a whole redo of my shelves – this won’t be fully done, as I’m awaiting some things to come in November and December, but for now is complete and oh so fresh (This included moving out the last old piece I had for 10 years, which felt important since everything else in my office is new)
  • making tons of room in my office closet to help with this
  • establishing the new style of clothing to mirror who I am now (this involves a two-part me for my active outdoor lifestyle and athletic center training and the personal lifestyle outside of that) – this always feels pivotal for full embodiment inside and out and feels much clearer than ever now
  • receiving new plants as gifts, bringing in a couple from outside for the cold months ahead, and finding new homes and decorative stands for them inside that added warmth and indoor garden delight
  • establishing our new exercise program we started on October 1st, which involves 5 days a week of training and classes that after the first couple of weeks of feeling out what we liked, is now fully established in our calendars – this will amp up with ski season added into the mix and for now involves at least 3 days of hiking as well
  • working on creating my daily schedule (just about done) to include everything on my intention list – something new since I don’t really have a schedule although manage to get things done – this feels important to be more focused and deliberate, but flowing in and out of several aspects of balanced life and work that I want to accomplish – doing this will keep me moving forward
  • dreaming up new aspects to this blog, as well as all that I’ll be involved in, which will soon have a new direction
  • planning some upcoming Winter travels
  • keeping focused on the goals we have for our life

And this big transformation has been reflected in not one, but now two rare Rubber Boas we’ve come across on our hiking paths recently.

The first you may recall was when Laura was visiting and we were descending from Eagle Lake. This first one was a luminous copper baby Rubber Boa – she captivated me!

And the second was just this past weekend on Saturday when an adult Rubber Boa was laying across the path we were hiking to Lake Tahoe from our house, on our return back home. This one was large and very worm-like – her coloring a coppery green (best I can describe it as) and she was sunning herself with her little tongue zipping in and out with slithery delight. I had a feeling it was another Rubber Boa, but had it confirmed when I looked it up and saw her exact duplicate in online photos. I say rare, because we have only ever seen the Garter Snakes here on hikes, but this is the first two times to see Rubber Boas and within just weeks of each other – both non-poisonous. Both Boas just laid there and let me talk to them. So curious and sweet!

This last Sunday I also found myself hiking 6 miles on my own while the boys were mountain biking. This was incredibly invigorating and renewed another level of my connection to nature, as I wandered the wrong right paths, connected with wonders around me, and even birthed a new sound channeling I haven’t done in a while. I shared the adventure and sound video on my Instagram. The photo above is from this hike where I was tickled with joy by the grove of baby pine trees I stumbled upon and laid with.

And the rebirthing has been reflected in not just the snake, kundalini energy, but in a powerful birthing dream I had a couple of nights ago – AGAIN. I say, “again” because this is now about the 3rd or 4th time within several months that I dream of myself giving birth. And interestingly, in this dream I gave birth back-to-back twice! I was pregnant in the dream and being assisted by a woman or female energy, who assured me it would be simple and easy – like a click I would feel physically, emotionally, and mentally. And just as she said, I felt that click and instantly the labor happened in one easy release. No pushing, pain, or anything. I never actually saw the baby come out, but something did.

This feels symbolic of my book process and my editor – she has also shown up in Tarot cards and in my dreams.

So, indeed it was symbolic of me birthing anew and may not be limited to the book, although it’s the biggest focus right now. It can also speak to the newness all around.

And this repeated a second time – this time a male and female energy assisting and this time the click was taking a bit longer, so they induced it with a little tapping at my lower back and poof! Another easy release. Talk about potent.

I have a feeling on this one too. 😉

I can only imagine this means the new I’m feeling led to bring forth will in fact not be as hard or challenging as my mind could easily make it. It will just be a very involved process and a committed one at that – perhaps even 9 months worth just like it would be to bring an actual human baby into the world. A successful release of creative energy and joyous passion is the potential awaiting the channeling ahead.

And that’s all that truly matters – that we are having fun and supporting the flow of our unique creativity into the world in ways relative to each of us. No other result than expression is the power we long for. If we allow that energy to get stuck, that’s when we find ourselves blocked in other areas of our lives too.

Where are you feeling stuck in your life and how can you help to move that energy through a creative outlet, idea, way of self-expression, support of a passion, etc. that you have and feel bubbling inside?

These are ways I use dreams and nature to reflect to me messages and guidance.

We have so many things, mirrors, gifts, and tools available to us. Are you present to seeing all the support and guidance you have around too?

We can even ask for our dreams to show us things, if we think we aren’t “getting it” in other ways. The same with nature and messages in general – we can ask for reflections, but you must be present to embrace them, as they will come in ways you’re not even thinking are possible.

Presence is SO important and is another message I feel to be incredibly key for us all. It helps you respond, rather than react. It helps you to see all of the support you DO actually have. It helps you have more gratitude. It helps you to know yourself, others, and everything around you more. It helps you to trust.

Last night I did a big Reiki Healing Attunement for some intentions and wishes that included things close to home and for friends and family I know could use a little boost, and of course Astrid doesn’t skip a beat in helping. There’s a part in the process where I blow violet breath and when I blew, Astrid stretched huge and yawned and while I was finishing stuff in the heart chakra, she was licking her giant Tahoe mother quartz on the ground!

She is enjoying all of the new energy, but also excited to get a stronger move-on with the writing she’s waiting to assist with again.

I haven’t had much time yet to delve deeply in that the last couple of weeks other than ideas because it became evident I needed to get all of these things worked out and in place. There’s something important about solidity, clarity, and anchoring to really support the new in greater flow, ease, and efficiency.

So, I’ve been utilizing the time to research, finish reading the last book I have to help with my writing, have some key things to continue clarifying and journaling about, and organizing all of my notes and processes to implement.

This will also involve that new blog series I’ve now made mention of twice and I promise to share it very soon! Perhaps even this week, but it won’t officially begin until Monday, October 29th.

Astrid is especially pleased about this, as soon she’ll have her own spot on part of this new blog series upcoming. Stay tuned!!


Curiosities Answered

In Monday’s blog post titled Things You’ve Been Curious To Know I opened things up here to any questions you might have for me that you’ve been curious about. I’m going to go ahead and post the first eight that I’ve received while I have some time to write some thoughtful answers.

Thank you for the great questions. I hope they provide a little extra look into who I am and perhaps even reflect something timely for you, as they certainly come at a synchronous time for me since I’ve just accepted Barbara Franken’s October Challenge – A True Selection of Awakening Experiences Part III to share my thoughts on the next leg of my journey since my Part II contribution. This will be shared on October 22nd.

Until then, here are my thoughts to the following questions received:

Was there a particular moment or thing that felt pivotal for you or made a difference in who you are now?

Well, that’s a tough one to answer in one swoop, as there are several things that come to mind. In some cases they were sudden click-ins of realizations, in others they were pivotal choice-points, and yet others were specific experiences that affected me in more profound ways than others. But if I’m honest with all of it, although each of the things that come to mind helped make a shift, in many ways they weren’t strong enough to take full hold at the time. And so, I had to keep experiencing several similar types of things to hit all levels within me for greater leaps. That said, I would then have to say the stand-outs really are when I made the decision to stop searching for some miracle answer, stop working with others to give me answers I wasn’t recognizing I already had, stop searching for wholeness through relationships, and embraced my individuality. In terms of people, my brother was pivotal in helping to refocus what was most important and kept me on track in my earlier years. In terms of places, Egypt was the greatest trigger power spot that helped activate the greatest remembrance and empowerment on my two sacred journeys-of-return there. In terms of love, my twin soul in rabbit body, Nestor, reminded me of what was most important, who I am, and helped me see the truth. And in terms of game-changers, deciding to leave everything behind to explore my options when I was offered a choice to return to the stars for good, go off and live in an RV for a year and a half immersed in Nature, and letting go of all that I knew for what is most reflective of my heart now, was the greatest choice I made and provided a new lease on life to merge my Earth and Cosmic self in a new, more authentic and freeing experience.

What fears do you have or still struggle with?

The fear I work with the most is my fear of heights. I continue to implement processes that help me move through it. It is not an all-encompassing fear of heights, as I have no fear of flying, para-gliding, etc. It is a fear of standing, walking, or climbing on edges of drop-offs. It speaks to me about my having always felt more comfortable “out there” and of not being grounded, but flying freely and feeling most at home in my imagination. I have been able to work through this fear the most in recent years because of my willingness to be more in my body now, whereas I was always not fully here. My coming into more anchoring in my life, feeling at home and secure in my body, loving myself, and understanding the importance of merging spiritual and physical in order to live fully and manifest on this plane of existence are the factors that are helping to integrate this now. It does no good to have dreams if we aren’t actualizing them…that’s what it boils down to for me. So, spending tons of time in Nature and embracing the reflections as the nature of me, and being willing to challenge myself to greater heights of experience that don’t follow in the vein of what I’ve always done and comes easy, is also aiding this process. I now put myself in situations like hiking mountains and the Grand Canyon, skiing, and embracing new mountains of experience to climb in my life. I am now able to support myself through this and the fear no longer controls me. With patience and love, I am my own support system.

I always had the fear of speaking in public since Kindergarten. It was not there before that, so was triggered by changes that took place in my life. It took most of my life to get to the point where I could do this and teach and lead classes and retreats. But I did it and it also was one of those things I nurtured my way through and in that case listened to trusting myself and letting go of judgments in order to find my natural flow with it as well. I can’t say this fear is fully gone, as I don’t know that things ever fully leave us, but instead we learn to manage, process, and make friends with them so that we are not taken over and controlled by fear. Instead, we become masters of our fears and learn how to utilize them most effectively for the gifts they have to teach us.

You always seem so happy. Is this how you are all the time?

Thank you for that reflection! Well, the truth is, rather than “happy” I would likely say “at peace”. That said, yes I’m the happiest I’ve been at this time in my life, but it stems from a sense of peace and inner harmony that has settled after many many years of struggle and inner turmoil. If you see me smile and enjoying myself now, I truly am feeling that from deep within me, whereas for the earlier years of my life it would have been a mask I wore so as not to reveal what was underneath. However, if you were to see photos of me from my past compared to now, you would intuitively see that turmoil and how the joy wasn’t fully embodied back then. I do feel peaceful and happy nearly always these days. Does that mean I don’t experience any other kinds of emotions? Of course not, but I will say that if anger or sadness about something comes up, it honestly just moves right through me and doesn’t come to settle or last more than moments. I don’t judge feelings, but rather observe them, recognize them, and allow them their space to be. Because I’ve built over many years, a strong sense of peace and self, I’m not thrown by emotions, they don’t overcome me or control me, and they don’t surprise me. I’m so grateful for the solid sense of peace I’ve worked hard at, which isn’t easy when you haven’t felt at home most of your life on Earth or in your body. I’m sure you can relate.

I love your stories about Astrid and the bunnies you’ve had close relationships with. Well, all of your animal stories are special, but why do you think rabbits are around you so much?

Aw, thank you! My bunnies are my best friends, so that means a lot to me that sharing their stories and our relationship reflects something meaningful to you. Good question, though. I’ve always been strongly connected with animals since I was a little one – more so than with people for sure. My very first furry animal companion (as I mostly only had parakeets when growing up) was a rabbit and later in my late twenties my rabbit, Nestor found me and since then I’ve realized they are my true familiars – although miss Gaia (my Russian Tortoise) and rabbit counterpart made it into my life as well. But as to rabbits, they truly feel to mirror me the most and although I’m moved by animals in general – rabbits stir something in my heart and soul that no other can. They are pure magick to me and complex beings. They take another level of commitment to understand and really need presence, intuition, centered peace, integrity, and purity to interact with. Perhaps I see myself in them and understand them because they are so like me. Perhaps it is their wisdom of working through fears and timidity that I have had in my life, as shared previously, that supports me and vice versa them including with things like social situations and an overload of people’s energies we’re both sensitive to. Perhaps it is their connection with creativity, abundance, and that fertile Spring energy of joyous blossoming that my birth placement as the Empress and a #3 life path reflects. Perhaps it’s their innocent exuberance and playfulness that I adore. Perhaps it’s the dichotomy of their gentle and delicate nature combined with an inner ferociousness available to them if needed that I love. Perhaps it’s their cleverness and spontaneity that I love as a free spirit always thinking of new, creative ways to do things. Perhaps it’s their connection to the Moon and Cosmos, as well as their deep Earth love in perfect harmony. Perhaps it’s because like Faeries, they are creatures of the twilight and so most certainly are best friends to Faeries like me. Yes, it’s all of these reasons and in every way they feel the most mirroring of how I feel myself to be. And for this reason they are the most profound animal spirit guides for me, although I have many other animals around. The spirits that I have strongest connections to that assist me with things this life, come into rabbit bodies for that reason.

What was the worst experience you’ve had and how did you overcome it?

Hmmm, another good question. Gosh, I’ve had a lot of challenging and tormenting experiences in my past – contrary to what it may seem like now. To pick one is hard, but I guess I’d have to turn focus on when Nestor, my twin soul in rabbit body, left Earth. It was the most heart and soul wrenching experience that tore me in half along with her when she separated from her body back to the stars. It was hard for me to grasp the idea I needed to ground myself more and be more of this Earth, when the one I loved most dearly had gone back to where I truly called home. I went into a depression and felt my world crash down upon me. Her leaving also catapulted a huge life shift, divorce, and needing to figure out how to really get on board with the path I’d laid before me and step up bigger. I can’t say that you truly ever get over something like this, as I can always find tears swelling if I think about my bunny loves who have departed. But you can find strength through that pain and a new reason for living from a deeper place of authenticity and love. My heart break both tore me apart, but also cracked me open. And in cracking open, I keep finding new depths of love I didn’t know possible and that comes through acceptance of other emotions like sadness and pain. I remembered that she wanted me to embody wholeness without projecting that onto her. I remembered that I came here for a reason and that there is no real separation. She reminded me she’ll be with me, within me, and by my side all the way and to give up would also give up on what we had together promised to share. I remembered that living fully as the expression of who I am was her greatest desire for me and it became my own. And so, it was through my creative passions and focusing on living the best version of myself that I could, that I found my way out of the depression and the more I did, the more she showered me with gifts from the stars.

Is there anything you learned that you wish you could tell your younger self or share with others as wisdom you gleaned?

Probably the key thing that comes to me is to trust myself. It’s what I always did as a very young child and what I lost once conditioning set in. Everything we need to know and all answers truly are within. NO ONE can give that to you. It’s why I shifted my focus from being what felt like people’s crutches or temporary fix to wanting to purely empower people – I don’t want people feeling they need me and so I started drawing lines for them in the work I used to do. I know we’re each at different places with this and some nurturing, reflection, and support is helpful and can guide you, but truly until I loved, supported, and removed myself from tethered crutches, I wasn’t living fully as my potential, nor in my true power. Nurturing and remembering the song within me has made all the difference, and singing it regardless of what others are doing, is what anchors in peace.

I struggle in the relationship department and with self-love. I’m curious if there’s anything in your experience with relationships that stands out as helpful to share?

Well, this is a tough one, as we all know that self-love IS key and until we feel a strong sense of that we will continue looking for love in all areas of our lives – whether through relationships, addictions, or any next-fix. So for me, I noticed that every single challenge I had in life I kept attracting relationships that would play that out for me if I wasn’t getting the picture. And while that eventually made sense and I was able to start seeing it for what it was, I also realized I didn’t have to keep projecting these things into my relationships and rather, could reflect back on myself and my relationship with the challenges at hand. I also used to tell people I was in relationship with, what they needed to fix and work on, or hoped for change via them. AND, when the going went tough, I’d either continue staying far too long, or made a bee-line for the first open door. It wasn’t until I decided to accept people for who they were (knowing that letting things be will work themselves out naturally as to the truth of a situation made by each person’s choice), practice what I preached and decided to be an example of the change I wanted to see, focused on my own passions and what I needed and wanted to do for myself, and made commitments to work on things fully and see them through, rather than find the easiest escape route, did I experience peace and the ability to function in a healthy relationship – all because I was ultimately having the kind of relationship I wanted with myself.

And last, although this one wasn’t specifically a question sent via my Contact page and was a bit more general, I still wanted to answer it in a way that does feel more personal, so I’m rewording the question to fit more of the theme.

The original question was: Do you have any Magickal Beach Spells you would like to pass along? (It came from someone who lives a block from the Atlantic Ocean and had recently visited the long deep beach due to the New Moon low tide, discovering some treasures and was curious about magickal suggestions)

I’m rewording the question to: Are there any magickal beach rituals or spells you’ve found particularly useful and supportive in your life?

Well, being a Pisces, this is a great question and one that feels close at home since the ocean, or any body of water in general, is my native love. I find the ocean very cleansing, expansive, and rich with creative possibility. She teaches me about unpredictability, resiliency, flow, and the Great Mystery available at her depths. Here are a few things I’ve done over the years at the beach or with the beach/ocean energies that have been helpful and powerful. When wanting to let something go I’ve sometimes placed a small object of meaning or symbolizing something in my life at water’s edge or written a word or phrase in the sand at water’s edge. My intention is strong when doing this and in letting the tide wash it away or take it away, I intend I’m letting go fully and being cleansed of the thing in my life. I hold the vision of the pattern or thing lovingly returning to its origin and me to my own. I have also done powerful rituals of throwing something into the ocean that I’m done with. For instance, while in Bimini on the last retreat I hosted there, I let go of a necklace with three very important pendants on it to me that represented my soul contracts I had that were complete and in doing so I was stepping away from that way of life and service I no longer was willing to perpetuate and ultimately had completed. This helped begin to pave the way for the new to catapult into where I am now. I’ve also done similar with a dream or wish where I meditate at water’s edge and write something in the sand or put a symbol of something about that dream or wish there and let it be carried by the tide to the powers of the sea with intention of being cleansed, old washed away, and the new coming in with a new tide’s cycle – particularly good at New Moon.

I have also brought home seashell gifts and used them atop the soil of my garden tower, around the perimeter of our home, and in my office for protection (since these shells are like safe homes for sea creatures just like that of a tortoise and carry a strength and resiliency with them as well. I will place these with intention and could also be done at particular time periods like Solstices and Equinoxes, Moon cycles that feel connected, etc.

I also have gathered sand, a little ocean water, or treasures to use as element holders in ritual intentions I may cast, in a sacred altar space, for a ceremony, or as ritual I may do in the forest as offerings. Sand is great to cast a circle with as well!

I’m so grateful for these very thoughtful questions and I hope they share a little more insight that helps you get to know me more. It’s a great challenge to review things like this in my life and also a great way to reflect and honor the growth I’ve experienced.

I feel that it’s a powerful and healthy thing for each of us to realize how much we have changed and recognize the work we’ve done. 

I hope you can find gratitude for yourself and the ways in which you’ve shifted your own life, as I know you have even more than you think. Just take a glimpse back and I’m sure you’ll see that too. Then please do give yourself a big hug…and one from me….for being you and doing your best.

Stay tuned, as I’ll be announcing the new blog series in the next couple of weeks.

Thank you so much for your constant love and support!

Sending so much love out to everyone during this swiftly shifting and potentially intense time.

Lee’s Energy Update Extra ~Working with New Opportunities

I think this extra expanded insight on Lee’s October update around identity shifts will speak to many of you on how to feel out the new opportunities on every level that are coming toward you.

In summary, Lee shares the following, but do listen to the video if this speaks to you:

Sit with the possibilities to feel them out before saying “yes.”  Don’t just take the first upgrades that come along. Truly check in if your body is settled and at peace with it or if your mind is the one buzzing about it with excitement.

I know quite a few people going through these opportunities right now a-knocking that are really exciting in new ways they didn’t know was possible….and while you can’t do anything wrong, you may also be able to choose more from the deeper wisdom within.

There’s stuff coming at us really fast and turning over new things constantly…if you feel overwhelmed, take time before deciding things quickly to ensure old patterns aren’t still operating in the decision-making process.

You can choose tiny steps based on old patterned fears or choose based on the sensory body telling you it’s a huge upgrade.

No wrong in either. Simply choice and awareness around how and why you are choosing what you do.

One of the things Lee shares about on a potential way this sensory experience might translate for some of us has indeed kicked in since October 2nd when I began my new exercise routine implementing a much more involved experience of 5-day commitment to working with my body at the athletic center with coaches for training and classes. Something I thought I’d not be interested in, but makes complete sense as to why I listened to my body during this identity shift of my own I’m anchoring.

How are things in this vein translating for you?

The One Thing I Know


The one thing I know is that if ever I’ve felt alone, Nature assured me I had more friends than I could count.

Every bit of magick I believed in and experienced, She whispered reiteration of to me.

Every question I couldn’t understand, She unraveled the simple mystery of before me.

Every Cosmic connection I referenced that met with rolled eyes elsewhere, She clarified with no need to defend.

If lost, Nature reflects the Harmony that always Is.


Things You’ve Been Curious to Know

I’m going to be introducing a new, small series of blog posts that will become regular ones on either a weekly or monthly basis. I’ll announce that in the next couple of weeks. This is part of the new changes that are forthcoming and will continue to morph as I feel into everything. For now, I thought I would kick things off with opening the floor to questions from you – my friends, readers, supporters, and collective family. This may also help with creating the new series’ focuses.

I recently posted something similar as my Instagram Story’s status, realizing that while I have shared quite a bit over the years, there are still questions people have been curious about asking and message me about.

Many times we only see the person before us now, and don’t realize they’ve been through much the same that we or others have and so hearing about those pivotal shifts, choices, and processes can be supportive, reiterative, or even comforting.

Sometimes it’s just nice and fun to know those quirky things, that makes each of us human, and bridge the gap of distance in knowing each of us a little bit more since we may never meet in person, this go-around.

I’ve shared some of the twists and turns, wild rides, things and experiences people didn’t know about me, but there may be something in particular that has peeked your interest over time to ask.

While I don’t have the ability to answer all of the messages I receive in depth, I thought it might be fun to open things here to questions from you, where I can address a few of those things during my designated creative and writing time.

With that said, if there is a particular question or thing you’re curious about, I felt the nudge to open a blog post focused on answering some of those.

So, if you have something in mind that you’re curious to know more about, I’m going to open this to up to 11 questions – at least for now.

Each person can ask one question and my only request is that it isn’t in the form of wanting me to do a reading, coaching, psychic prediction of any sort, nor is a general how-to question.

This is specifically a get-to-know and/or understand me better forum, where you might be curious about how I came to something in my life through my own personal experience and that may reflect something for you since we are all connected.

A couple of examples that came through on Instagram included things like:

“How have you gotten over a broken heart or how have you been able to let go of a partner?”

“You live a very spiritual life – if that’s the right word to describe it as – how or what helped you to embrace this?”

Please submit questions via my contact page at this link: 

Contact Tania

Please do not write your questions as comments to this post.

I will only answer questions sent via the Contact format and only up to 11 at most.

If I see that the questions are more involved, I may break them up into more than one blog post when I answer them.

All questions will remain anonymous.

I look forward to hearing any curiosities from you.

Wishing you a positive start to your week and a gentle shift during this beautiful Autumn season of change.