Monthly Archives: February 2015

I’m Off to Iceland & Offline 2/20 – 2/27 ~ Magickal Wishes to All!

Elizabeth Gadd Self Portrait Iceland Take It In

Elizabeth Gadd Self Portrait Iceland


It’s here! And it’s still so surreal!

Tomorrow I will be heading off on my long awaited personal journey to Iceland to celebrate my birthday, as I will be there over my actual birthday on 2/26.

To say I’m excited is an understatement. To say I SO need this is more true than the sky is blue. 🙂

Everything is booked (I actually only just had the chance to finalize that this weekend while I was away) that called to my heart to do for this first journey there in this life. I always follow my guidance as to where I’m to go and what I’m to do.

I say first, as I’m sure it will be a place I’ll want to return to, and perhaps even become my favorite. Every journey I’ve taken has been special in its own way, but there are places I wouldn’t have need/desire to return to and a few that I would. Some create the activation and remembrance experience upon one return. Others, are more like home and continually nourish the mind, heart, body, and soul.

Overall, there are only a couple of places that truly stand out as having had the greatest impact on my life and holding a dear place in my heart.

And with vistas like these: Iceland and energy that has called me so powerfully, I know there is a home away from home to be found in this magickal place.

I will be unplugged during my time away. I intend to fully immerse without any distractions and to create “my” space and time out of time for this week away.

But I will share what unfolds, upon return, so that I may bring the enchantment to each of you. It is always my desire to inspire and to create waves of change through every impactful experience I undergo.

Thank you for understanding my needs to be with myself a lot lately. There is much in process of change and I’m definitely someone who energetically needs her own space for that.

I’ll be returning late 2/27, but you may not hear from me until March, at which time a monthly newsletter will be in store for those subscribed to that, and a reinvigorated me will emerge.

In the meantime, there’s still time to join us in March for our sacred journey to Peru. I’ll/we’ll be heading out for that on the 11th, just 12 days after I return. Yes, indeed it’s a very full experience lately.

This journey will take us over the Equinox/New Moon/Total Solar Eclipse in Pisces next month. So if you’re still deciding, it really is time to make those decisions.

Journeys like this are truly invaluable as to what you will take away and what will be infused into your life. Believe me, I know the value and the incredible change and potentials that are possible. Why else do you think I’m heading out on my own sacred journey that is calling my heart?

Walking the Path of the Great Central Sun ~ March Equinox Sacred Journey to Peru March 11-22

Details and registration here:

If you need help with registering, flights, or any other assistance, I will check my emails now and then to help, since we are so close to departure time. Please ONLY SERIOUS inquiries, as I will only be checking emails for Peru assistance needed that comes through, otherwise I’m offline and will not return emails until I’m back, as I’m not entertaining all else that can wait.

If you do in fact need to email me about Peru, please place in the subject line of your email: Peru Assistance Needed. I will be scanning for this subject line and only opening emails that are addressed as such.

I wish everyone a Happy Chinese New Year of the Sheep (sometimes also Goat) in the after-glow of the Super New Moon in Aquarius we just experienced! (which was at the last degree of Aquarius, transitioning us into new worlds, as we quickly moved into Pisces less than a minute later).

It feels especially potent that I will be traveling on the onset of Pisces energy, really driving home that I am in my element and essence for this trip that awaits me and igniting a new chapter.

I wish all of my fellow Pisces brothers and sisters a beautiful, flowing, and magickal birthday to kick off your new cycle, as I know quite a few of you have birthdays right around mine and I will be away to extend those wishes at that time.

And to all, keep believing, keep taking those courageous steps, keep deepening and expanding your heart, and keep nurturing the heart and soul of who you are.

I leave you with this message from Daphne Rose Kingma:

“Ultimately, self-compassion is a series of choices, a moment by moment conscious turning away from that which will harm your spirit toward that which will nourish and sustain you.

It is choosing, in any particular situation, and over and over again whether you’ll treat yourself well, or beat yourself up, whether you’ll deny yourself, or treat yourself as lovingly as you’d treat your child or your most precious friend.

Self-compassion means looking at yourself with kindness, with a conscious awareness of your sufferings, and in time, with a deep appreciation for the way you have transformed them.”

 ~Daphne Rose Kingma

Bonding, Balance & Boundaries at Rainbow Cabin, Big Bear

bbIt was a lovely long weekend away, filled with lots of blessings (both obvious and in disguise) all around. I enjoyed being unplugged and immersing in the mountain peace.

There was little snow, but the Big Bear resorts make their own, so the conditions for skiing were still pretty good and actually quite nice being so warm – like springtime – while still getting to enjoy gliding down the mountain and taking in the sights from above.bb18

Having the weather as such provided the ability to do a lot of hiking alongside some skiing, and catch a little sun-kissed glow while warming by fires at night – the best of both worlds!bb4

I had to smile at the magickal energy around, as the cabin where we stayed was named Rainbow Cabin and it resided on Rainbow Ave.

I also caught something from the Elemental Realm in a photo where it appears as a burst of faery dusted lights emanating green sparkles, below the sun burst through the trees.

AND, there was a street named Fairy Ave. that was right where you turn before arriving at a favorite, enchanting hike through the mountain forests with stunning views.bb22

I giggled saying, “wouldn’t it be cool to live at the corner of Rainbow and Fairy Ave.” I think I’ll have to work on manifesting that for the next place of residence 😉bb15

bb2But needless to say, I could feel the magick in the air right away and that was also enhanced with Valentine’s Day love that proved to be quite the special day to remember! More on that below.

I had decided that while away, this would be the perfect time to work on bonding Joy and Cosmo, my two bunnies. Neutral zones are the best for this, and so that’s what we did. Each day we shared one to two 20 minutes sessions of bonding.

And I have to say, I am SO pleased at what took place.

There was no crazy, aggressive, or ferocious behaviors. I was mostly concerned about how Joy would be, but she had proven to be past her fears, and now was just working at creating healthy boundaries.

bb3Joy is a sensitive one and has challenges with certain male energies. This has created a fear in her that can really throw her off if she doesn’t have tools to regain balance. We’ve worked on this in the past and she has gotten through things much quicker because of the support.

Something to understand about Joy is that she is quite a powerful presence (a strong Female integrating her Sacred Male (Cosmo) and has very BIG energy, even though she is in this tiny little, peaceful bubble of fur. Yet, she can get unbalanced very easily when stressed. That’s not unfamiliar territory to mom, so it’s no wonder she is in my life and that we are able to understand and help one another.

Cosmo on the other hand is a very different male energy. He is definitely in touch with his Sacred Feminine (Joy) and simply wants to give love and has no problem supporting Joy’s needs to create boundaries and exercise her control in doing so. In fact, he will become submissive to do so.

bb5So when they were brought together for the first time, there was like a dance of energetic communication going on where Joy was laying the ground rules and Cosmo was listening and supporting them, learning to dial back his joyful exuberance.

I was there caressing both of them during all of it, as this helps keep the calm and also helps demonstrate to them that this is the behavior to be mimicking – that of nuzzling, grooming, and being gentle with one another.bb8

I could tell that they both were in fact calm…no hyper breathing or crazy heart beats amping up. Joy did not exhibit fear. I allowed her to come and go as she pleased, which she did. She would act coy at first and pretend to occupy herself with something while she was assessing her moves and preparing herself for each encounter.

bb7Then she would approach Cosmo and they would have long silent moments of nose-to-nose time, or sitting very close to each other, where a lot was being communicated even though it seemed nothing was – a testing ground in exercising boundaries and mutual respect.

And then Joy did her first dominating move to show who was in charge.

She started to hump Cosmo, but rather than from behind, she did it to his face/head. LOL! Humping is a normal behavior they can exhibit when introduced, as a way to show dominance, and as long as there is no fights, crazy biting, etc….this is okay. She did none of that, but I had to laugh so hard, and continued to do so long after, as it was so obvious Joy was literally “taking the bull by the horns” and laying it straight to Cosmo. She wanted him to know she was okay with him, but she would like to be in charge and that boundaries were needed to make her feel comfortable to then take the rest a day at a time.

And Cosmo did not fight this one bit. He laid there peacefully and submissively accepted the rules, as his only desire is to show his love for her. He seemed to understand her process and what she needed to work through and was happy to assist, as long as things didn’t get out of hand.

And after that things continued to unfold beautifully. She would come over to him and they’d smell each other, touch noses, lay by each other…and when she felt energetically she’d had enough, she then moved away until she could handle some more time connecting.

She was definitely checking in with herself and feeling out what she was comfortable with.bb6

At times she would turn her back to him, but allow him to lay right by her with his head and nose touching her side and sniffing her.

And on Valentine’s Day, they shared a very long, peaceful nose-to-nose connection, which is what you see in this photo below.cosmo and joy valentine's day love

I was very happy to say the least, with a heart bursting with warmth.

Yet to add to this happiness was another amazing thing that took place during this weekend by Cosmo. On one of the days, after I did his leg extension therapy exercises, he sat himself up all on his own and he moved around like a normal little bunny, upright and fully balanced and strong for a good 10 minutes!

This was incredible! Normally he can do it for brief moments, or I help support one side for him, as it’s mostly to help strengthen his legs and muscles. But he was up and about and moving around as if he had no injury.

It brought such joyful tears. He hasn’t done it since, but if he did it once, he WILL do it again!

There was much to celebrate indeed from the weekend.

And while away I had my own processes I was going through. In many ways I feel, just like our animal soul companions take on things for us to ease our struggles and pains, as well as to teach us about how we can move through our challenges, I, too, was going through similar mirroring experiences.

I found myself working again with my own boundaries and stress triggers…something I knew nothing about for the greater portion of my life, being so ultra no-boundaryish both as a Pisces and as a super-sensitive. But it has become incredibly important to me in my latter years and something I have to continually be on top of energetically so as to create my own balance, just like Joy.

I was very proud of Joy, and yet I also would like to assist her in balancing her energy. I know I can do this by example, as this is more powerful than merely telling her how.

There is such a thing as going from one extreme to another, so once she/we understand where our comfort zone of personal well being and accountable responsibility truly lies, then we can learn to tweak things and dial back or increase boundary exercising so that we also allow for the giving and receiving in a natural and loving flow to take place.

So, I do share with Joy how proud I am that she is exercising boundaries without ferocious aggression, I also point out how Cosmo is listening and only wants to love her, and that he has disabilities where her loving, very powerful healing energy could be supportive to him. So, she will need to find a balance that feels comfortable where she can both give and receive, while honoring her needs.

Something mom has had come up a lot, and this weekend when I unplugged, it allowed me the space to have stresses make themselves known that had been weighing on me. And it showed me what I don’t want, won’t entertain, and am not okay with, and what I do want very clearly, but first I had to go through a day of feeling that bubble to the surface, causing me to wake in the middle of the night with anxiety.bb16

The next evening I then pulled a muscle in my lower back literally by doing nothing weird physically other than get up from squatting down, after I had made some notes in my notebook.

I knew immediately this was a manifestation of the energy I had unleashed and was working through, not to mention, it also felt partially tied to Cosmo. I always look at the underlying root of the challenge that the physical is simply a trigger and manifested message of.

The pulled muscle was literally debilitating and I was wiggling around just like my little wiggle worm Cosmo when I would lay down, as I literally couldn’t sit, lay down, or move much more than walking straight, let alone sneeze, blow my nose, or laugh without being aware of the pain. It just so happens that it was on my right side, just like his injury and I didn’t think that was coincidence either. Not to mention, the right has direct connection to the male energy I, just like Joy, am working with.

For me that is about how I’ve been working with and integrating the new male energy in my daily life experiences of how I go about things and exercise healthy assertion, boundaries, and active energy. It is this key that I’m at threshold with in my own life changes that is going to make a huge difference.

I’d never experienced this before, although have heard of people always saying how they bent over and did this or that and suddenly pulled a muscle. However, I don’t look at these things as accidents, but rather, see them for what they really are.

So, I was actually very grateful for it happening, as it meant I was moving through this stuff I’d been digging deep into with my own work, so that I could be done with it. Having the physical manifestation show up is a good thing in my book. As if it just stays in the mental arena, it isn’t going to really do the healing and transmutation needed to move beyond it fully. So, I celebrated the pain and thanked it for showing up. Up and out, as I like to say!

And it also really felt like Cosmo and I were becoming One through this experience as well. And so it took my relationship to my own challenge and myself, as well as my relationship with Cosmo, to a whole other level.

bb14That’s a beautiful thing!

It also gave me more time to relax and allow others to do things for me. I could still walk and gently hike, which was much easier than sitting or laying down (not to mention nurturing to be out in fresh nature), as long as it wasn’t a straining walk. And I got time in the jacuzzi, took a couple baths, as well as enjoyed a massage on my way back home – all really nurturing.bb12

Then yesterday, I took Cosmo to his first acupuncture appointment. He did so amazing while the doctor put needles throughout his spine, legs, and even on his crown chakra and then hooked him up to the electrodes.

I stood there for the nearly 2 hours (which was a little challenging) rubbing his little head and cheeks, as he went into zen mode. I was so touched when I had to take a break to use the restroom and upon return the doctor said, “Cosmo really loves and knows his mom, as when you left he turned his head and looked after you as if to say ‘where are you going?’ and when he heard your voice in the hall, even though there were other voices, his ears perked up and he became alert even through his zen mode.”

That warmed my heart.

And after I got home from the appointment, my back was feeling 90% healed (after basically being fully handicapped myself). Instantly. Like that! We really are SO connected.

I was then greeted by a dear friend visiting from out of town and although I had a busy schedule, I released it all to spend time to have lunch and walk on the beach with her, as I knew that was the best thing for me rather than worrying about how to get things done before I leave Friday.bb17

I was so grateful to receive a surprise birthday gift from her, and another in the mail from my sweet faery sister. I also received three really supportive and abundant manifestations directly after, which all felt to be direct blessings for my willingness to embrace the change.bb11

I continue to take it easy, and doing only that which I feel within my comfort zone to do, just like Joy, and am happy to share I am still feeling at 90%, which is awesome and amazing, as to how quickly I reversed things.

The last 10% is up to me, as to whether I quickly move through it and get back to balance fully. Or, if I were NOT to heed the message and NOT to apply what I know, hence could easily revert back to full debilitation again just as quickly.

It’s all a choice. And at any moment we can shift any experience we have through our conscious awareness and application thereof.bb21

The journey is up to us as to which way we want to go, how easy or challenging it will be, and how much peace we allow and embrace, regardless of what shows up.

Being that I know the connection between all things, my personal work can be a reflection and energetic opening for both Joy and Cosmo, as theirs is for me. And it is also this reason I share with you, as we are all energetically linked.bb19



A Little Message Before I Head Off

I’m heading out in a few hours for a long weekend through Monday and will not be posting while I’m away. Taking some time off in the mountains and snow, skiing, snow-shoeing and relaxing. Taking all the little ones along for the fun and perhaps I’ll have a good story to share when I return, as being a neutral zone it may be opportune time to start face-to-face bonding with Joy and Cosmo. 🙂

In the mean time, a message I want to share comes from Cosmo in fact.

In the evenings I spend time with him doing his physical therapy with the cart, walking around while I support him, and his extension exercises. After, we lay on a towel on the floor together and just snuggle after all his hard work.

And the thing that hits me the most about him is his message of pure love and joy. He is SO happy…ALL of the time. He is not stuck in sadness of his situation, nor does he perceive there to be a situation worth dwelling over. The perceived limitation others may feel sad about in observing him, is not on his radar. He simply is grateful for what he has and the love he gets to share and receive.

I can’t tell you how much he moves me because of this. He just trucks on and doesn’t let anything stop him from seeing how much there is to be grateful for and how precious what he does have is to cherish.

And for rabbits, this is a feat in its own, as they are so sensitive and fragile and can easily go into a state of pain and sadness where they huddle in a ball and do not want to eat or do anything…They simply give up or wait out the pains and struggles.

But I’ve seen this time and time again with humans as well. It always seems that the people who have what others would consider huge disadvantages, are the ones who are teaching us the most about love, belief, gratitude, and strength. They live life with the knowing that they are whole, abundant, and perfect just as they are, and that there is nothing they can’t achieve if they keep on believing. These people are awe-inspiring and instantly make you realize that all of the challenges you are experiencing can be seen as gifts to rise to the occasion.

It’s interesting that in his medical records, a previous veterinarian had written that he has a plump heart – that it’s a bit larger than normal (and might need meds down the road because of this). I find this symbolically interesting, as perhaps it is evidence that the more you love and the more you expand and deepen your heart, the more your life will be enriched.

So, to everyone who feels down and out, I hope this is a seed to inspire you.

I know for me right now Cosmo is my personal hero. No matter what the day greets him with, he is there with open heart, joy, peace, and a lot of loving licks!

Understanding Our Divine Relationship

Here is a related article to my recent Money & Manifesting one I shared, by David Nova, also known as Deus Nexus. He touches on the importance of “being”, or as I refer to it as, “embodying”.

I’m glad he shared it with me, as it really has some powerful perspectives and observations to inspire more presence in your life all around.

I happen to think that “being” IS “doing” and once we embody our truth, we will naturally be emanating and flowing in this state of alignment.

Thank you David for this thought-provoking share!

One Month Until Peru ~ If You See Yourself There, Let’s Make it Happen

There’s still time to join us in Peru for our sacred journey next month over the Equinox/New Moon/Total Solar Eclipse convergence:

Walking the Path of the Great Central Sun ~ Sacred Journey to Peru with Shaman Amaru & Reiki Master Teacher Tania Marie March 11th – 22ndperu

It saddens me each time people message me how much they wish to do things like this, or wish to pursue other dreams and desires their souls are calling out for them to embrace, and how sad they are that it’s just a dream they hold as a hope to ONE DAY happen. I can feel that collective anguish through each individually voiced frustration.

There’s a huge shifting cycle going on right now where people are breaking through to the other side, are right at the edge, or are stuck and being hit time and time again with the same ol’ stuff. All of this indicating change (and amazing change at that!) is upon us all, whether we like it or not. And those who are embracing things are experiencing a freedom and flow that is intoxicating.

But the last few weeks I’ve been bombarded by conversations, emails, and messages that are all running the same patterns and themes, and which are kicking me to share posts like this, as I simply can’t address everything that comes through on an individual basis.

I hear how people are so down, frustrated, hopeless, discouraged, have nothing to inspire them….and some of that is a lack of meaning and purpose in their lives, not able to realize and release from the old programming, icky stuff and fears, or a lack of truly allowing themselves to embrace and experience what it’s like to do something awe-inspiring that will shake up their soul and stimulate a flow.

Many of them I know are at the brink of making changes in their lives and taking some courageous steps would be the catapulting piece to really shift things into gear. But those last steps are the most challenging and where people often get stuck in a perpetual cycle, until there’s a little willingness to embrace something more, something new, something unfamiliar and uncomfortable, and delve into what’s behind that fear.

I can see their potential, and how close they are, and yet there’s nothing I can do but hold the space of embodying things as best I can to support them. Because no matter what I’ve offered and extended in terms of physical support, it makes no difference. We each have to make the choices ourselves.

I’ve heard from more people than I can count, how much they would like to join this trip, and other trips in the past, and yet they share feeling it is an impossibility.

THAT, in and of itself, is part of the reason it isn’t happening. It seems people give up before they even try. They are surrendering to the core patterns and beliefs that are running the show underneath it all.

It’s one thing if something isn’t REALLY meant for you, but if you’re believing you are not a great manifestor, that is the place to start and this CAN be changed.

But it’s also very easy to self-sabotage and run the right spiritual lingo on ourselves too, convincing ourselves or writing things off as, “it’s just not meant to be” too. 😉 There is a difference between this and something that energetically isn’t for you.

If you feel this is the journey for you and you truly want to join, there are ways to make this happen.

If you want to start that new business, start painting, learn to play an instrument, take up dance classes, do volunteer work, leave a job or relationship, have more joy, balance, and peace in your life, then what are you willing to do to make that so?

The question to ask yourself is how much do you want it? Or how much do you want ANYTHING in life that is calling to you because of how much it would benefit your life, and in respect, other’s lives as well because of taking that empowered action?

I’ve seen people manifest things, including these kind of trips out of the blue because they were committed to believing. They came up with creative ideas, asked for assistance, used different forms of funding options that are out there, and took the actions of embodying that it was already a reality.

If you’re feeling your path being hindered by money and lack of the ability to live abundantly to do the things you know would support your well-being, here’s an article I shared a few days ago that was inspired by conversations in Sunday’s Reiki workshop and the things I hear come up constantly for people, to seed some inner exploration and perhaps spark some inspiration:

Money & Manifesting…..What are the Barriers to You Abundance? ~ Are You Ready to Get Real About What’s Really Limiting You?

If you are ready to take a step, message me and we’ll see what is possible to create this dream trip into a reality.

I will not be offering this trip again, as this one was guided by an alignment of energies to be there at this particularly powerful time to do collective Earth work and activations both personally and in service.

And, my time of offering retreats in general is coming to closure.

Of course there are many wonderful ongoing retreats out there you can enjoy and that may feel more aligned, but if you haven’t worked on the underlying issues, then it really makes no difference how many opportunities come your way.

So, please do take a look at what the barriers are to your experiencing the expansion, nurturing, well-being, and abundance you desire and deserve, as that’s what will help you get to where you want to go.

Betraying the Feminine

Powerful, deep, and thought-provoking! Thank you for sharing this Amanda.

One Step Closer…

Cosmo and Joy


Update on the little ones:

As you can see, we have graduated to removing the second pen barrier that was keeping Joy and Cosmo (aka Blizzy) unable to have direct contact.

If you remember, I had to devise a way to separate the two of them enough so they couldn’t touch each other, since Joy was very aggressive at first charging at the pen, biting, and grunting. So, I put a second pen around it, which enabled them to see and smell each other, but did not allow direct contact.

This has been for two weeks, but I removed the second barrier Sunday night and I’m happy to report, all is well!

Joy over time has become balanced and more relaxed, so I figured it was time to test things out officially. And I couldn’t be more proud of her. She remains calm and merely sniffs, as they touch noses. Although she has heightened senses of alertness at times, there is no grunting, charging, biting, or any signs of aggressive behavior.

Right now they are both sleeping as I write this, with Joy right up against the pen, much like in this photo, and Cosmo where you see him in the photo, but fast asleep.

It’s wonderful to see them right up next to each other in peace throughout the day without any issues.

Knowing all that I do about Joy and her sensitivities, as well as her fears, this is SO amazing and courageous of her.

Yes, I’m a happy mom and I’m feeling good about the next steps to come, which include some neutral zone bonding, face to face.

Btw, Cosmo is doing really well. He just had a check up today and he’s maintaining his weight, which is great, some muscle improvement was evident in his legs, the sharp points on his teeth are gone (which was due to the wrong diet he had previous to coming to me), we had all the mottled, matted, knotted hair on his side and rump shaved to start fresh (it had gotten this way from not being tended to with regular cleaning and keeping him dry and sanitary, previous to coming to me), we have some new leg therapy extension exercises to implement, we are decreasing his meds, and he will begin acupuncture next week!



Yoga Bunny by Brian Russo

yoga bunny brian russo


Of course I LOVE this!!

Thank you to Brian Russo for creating such adorable and conscious-loving bunny caricatures.

Thank you Kelly Vivace for sharing them with me!

Check out these sweet and empowering Yoga Bunny poses by Brian – Sure to make you smile!! They’re all fantastic, but I especially love Power Lunge and Boat Pose.

Yoga Bunny



Money & Manifesting….What are the Barriers to Your Abundance? ~ Are You Ready to Get Real About What’s Really Limiting You?

Being, doing, and having….

“We can think of life having three dimensions: being, doing, and having. Often we attempt to live our lives backwards. We try to have more money in order to feel we can do more of what we want, so we can be happier. The way it actually works is the reverse. We must first be who we really are, then do what we feel guided to do, in order to have what we want.”

Shakti Gawain

~ I allow myself to be; I do what feels right; I have everything I truly want. ~


In yesterday’s Reiki Master Teacher workshop, the theme of the day seemed to be about “manifestation.” It kicked off the day in a pre-discussion to our training, came up again during our training, and again later during our dinner outing.

Discussions about Reiki will often lead into discussions on how to live a magickal, empowered, and abundant life, since the practice of embodying the essence of Reiki and consistently practicing it will naturally create more of this in our lives.

But this is not just a topic from yesterday, but one that so very often comes up (more and more) every time I hear people voicing frustration about things like money, not living the life they want, and not being able to do things they want to do because of lack of abundance, etc.

People have shared over and over that they are challenged with manifesting things, especially when it comes to money and fully being abundant.

Some of this I believe stems from our having gone so far mentally and spiritually, that we forgot to integrate things and bring things back into the body for EMBODIMENT rather than ascending into the ethers and floating off on a cloud. After all, remember we are humans with physical bodies. If you want to manifest things, they can’t just stay in your mind or as a concept you talk about. You’ll need to actually integrate that knowledge and conscious awareness into actualization. Work with your feelings, core beliefs, and what’s trapped in the body.

Abundant doesn’t mean you have to be a millionaire, but it does mean that you are living in a giving AND receiving flow of abundance that always supports your needs and the desires that will benefit your well being for the highest good.

This often comes up when people tell me how much they truly desire and know they need to go on one of the sacred journeys/retreats I and others offer, and yet year after year it will not happen because of not having the “money” for it.

Or, they won’t take that course, won’t go talk to someone like a life coach to get them through the blocks, won’t make time to read an important book, can’t find the time to be in nature or do something nurturing for themselves because they are too busy working hard at attaining money, stressing about it, and filling their lives up with a vicious cycle of things that aren’t balancing them and adding supportive benefit…etc.

I have done as much possible to support people, especially when I see their potential and deep desire, and assist with these kinds of things. I’ve offered huge discounts, payment plans, even in special cirumstances – personal loans to repay.

But as they say, you can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink.

Unless you hand something over to someone for free (and even then it STILL doesn’t always happen due to fear in general) it is easier for most to live with the familiar discomfort than to branch out into the unknown discomfort that will free them.

On some level, the challenges we experience serve us, even if it doesn’t consciously make sense. And the answer isn’t in enabling people, but in empowering them, as EVERY single person innately is abundant. In order to access that abundance, we each need to make personal, accountable, responsible choices to consciously embody that.

I’ve seen people on both ends of the spectrum. Those that let fear take over, or allow their beliefs to dictate their every action with excuse after excuse. And I’ve seen people who have looked the “impossible” in the eye, didn’t have a clue how it would take place, replaced fear with committed drive, and created the possible out of nowhere. But these people acted “as if” what they wanted was happening and took the steps with trust.

This really becomes clear to observe in terms of things like retreats where larger sums of money are concerned, and self nurturing, self value, and life-changing potentials are part of the equation.

These are bigger risks and greater challenges that really bring out our deepest and core beliefs and fears.

And yet, over and over I’ve seen magick take place with people who have come on retreats that had no means to do it and suddenly created it because of following that inner calling and now they are on their path in ways they had always hoped. They wouldn’t be where they are now, had they not taken those huge leaps.

This is just one type of example, but comes up over and over in emails, messages, and exchanges I receive sometimes daily. And while I feel for these people, truly understanding what they are experiencing from personal experience, I also ask them the question, “why can’t you do such and such?” This is met most times without a response (silence) or the list of patterned declarations that still aren’t touching the real reason at hand start rolling out robotically.

Yesterday, one of my students shared with us his magickal story of how he manifested a trip he knew he needed to take spiritually, and then went on to share all the little synchronous things that made it possible when there was no way in sight for him to do it.

I shared similar stories of others I know, including myself.

There are just some things that hold a value far past what you can comprehend. We talked later that evening on how some things, like “experiences” are simply invaluable and are much more powerful than any single item you can buy yourself. The intrinsic value of trips, for example, contributes to a higher quality of life, along with providing benefits that will long continue after you’ve returned home in terms of memories, energetic shifts and activations, inspiration and self nurturing, connecting you with parts of yourself and with others you wouldn’t otherwise, invites more new and expansive experiences, etc.

Personally, I’m far from rich, by any societal standard, but I believe myself to be abundant. To me abundant means there is a flow in and out of energy on all levels. I know that my needs are always met, and I know that the things that are really important for me, will always be supported. But I then live my life with the knowing this is true, as if it already is, despite it not being at the moment in my outer environment. My internal environment is living otherwise.

That’s not to mean I don’t run up against stress now and then, but it only lasts briefly once I remind myself of all of the similar circumstances where I have always created a way and it all always worked out for the highest good.

We may all have different ideas and definitions on what abundance means…but to me it is this and it is living a magickal life where all these little and large synchronous alignments just come together at each turn. That even when challenges arise, this is simply opportunity to rise to the occasion and stretch our abilities a little bit more.

I live an abundant life and believe in myself as an abundant being. I never see something as impossible even if I haven’t a clue how it could happen based on what I have or don’t have now – this is all just external illusions, as I have everything I need within me awaiting my choice to unleash that powerful realization. I simply know that if something is important for me, there will always be a way and doors will open, as I move forward with trust.

It’s the same way I manifested my upcoming trip to Iceland and any other personal trips I have taken for my own well being (which ultimately trickles to how I can be of benefit to the collective) and path. I knew I needed to go on a deep level, and the way presented itself magickally.

Stresses over money are usually a lot of the reasoning why people feel they can’t do something, but what is the true culprit to this challenge?

Every time someone tells me they don’t have the money, I’m not hearing that….what I actually DO hear is many other things/beliefs that are running the show at the root of it all, which may include one or more of the following:

  • It’s really not that important to me, as I say it is
  • My needs can wait or such and such needs to be in place and happen before I can do that (creating controls and unrealistic conditions/ideas of perfection that will never be met until the person shifts their values)
  • I really don’t want the responsibility that comes along with the life-enhancements, empowerment and changes I will experience
  • I am scared to embrace my personal power and gifts
  • I’m afraid to overextend myself momentarily, for what I can’t SEE possible and even though the abundance is just on the other side of that fear ready to flow when I make the decision to move forward and choose what I want
  • I don’t value myself enough/I’m not deserving and others will think I’m being selfish if I invest in my own well-being
  • There’s no way I can manifest that amount of money. I am not that powerful. I’ve always been told how incapable I am of anything
  • Money doesn’t grow on trees, is something you have to work hard for, is the root of all evil, should not be used on so-called “frivolous” things (someone else’s definition of what that is)
  • If I spend the money for what’s important to me, what then? Money won’t keep on flowing in my life even if I am able to manifest it this time
  • I fear the unknown and what comes next when I realize truths about myself after the opening experience
  • I’d rather spend money on “things” that satisfy my immediate needs rather than focusing on long-term benefit
  • And the list goes on….we all have at one time or another had one or more of these belief voices running our show, and then some

There’s nothing wrong with this, as it all has its purpose in our personal growth. But if we want to express the REAL truth about why we feel we can’t do something, it will be much more productive and empowering to get to the heart of the matter and be willing to look deeper at what’s behind our beliefs. Once we do this, we may just find the culprit/s holding us back from our natural abundance.

So yesterday I shared that if you have a challenge with money, it’s important to look at your relationship to it. And this goes for anything.

Your relationship to something involves your beliefs, which include all of the conditioned beliefs both from childhood, parent figures, society, collective patterning and conditioning, which are operating even if in your mind you don’t think that way.

These core beliefs will show you exactly where the challenge is.

It doesn’t matter what we think…it matters what we feel, believe, and are holding in our bodies, as core acquired truths.

Your inability to manifest stems from fears, beliefs, personal limitations, and blocked energy flows.

If you truly want to do something, I believe you CAN do it. The question is, how much do you really want it, and what are you willing to do to support that desire? The Universe will support you only if YOU take the actions in partnership with it. You will need to show how serious you are by doing something to demonstrate your wanting/believing/trusting. THEN you will start to see things shift. And in the meantime, you can work on your core beliefs and relationship to them to support swifter changes and larger and more frequent manifestations.

But these days there are SOOOO many ways to support you with what you want like in the example of needing to manifest money for something you want to do – be it a trip, starting a business, taking a class, seminar, workshop, course, buying equipment needed for your project or business idea, taking college courses to help with your path, funding a dream, etc. The more willing and open you are to think, feel, imagine, and act creatively, the more possibilities will come to you on ways to do it. I’ve seen and heard from many on how they have manifested what they wanted by being vulnerable and asking for help, along with shifting their beliefs and actions.

Some have turned to family and friends that believed in and supported them, providing loans, partial or full financial support, sharing of airline mileage, etc. Some have been willing to ask or take others up on offers of payment plans, asking if there are partial or full trade opportunities, discounts, etc.

And others have found collective ways to find that support through different funding options that are now out there like these:

Peer to Peer Lending‏:



There are so many possibilities. If you truly want something, you CAN make it happen. Some have gotten really creative and come up with some imaginative ways, as these aren’t all the possibilities out there. You’re a creative being…explore the possibilities your imagination can provide. If you can imagine it, you can create it.

And this is just hitting on the topic of money, as it always seems to be a core challenge for many and I can’t tell you how often I’m having to talk about it in my workshops because there are such strong old patterns that people are challenged by.

As with anything, there are many layers to our challenges that I couldn’t possibly address in a blog article, but hopefully this jogs some impetus for change and provides you a few seedling ideas to cultivate your own.

The conditioned beliefs around money are a funny thing, yet so strong and prevalent for many. Along with soul patterning from beyond this life, these beliefs are powerfully embedded within us.

The judgment of money as evil, negative, bad, something used as control, or even the judgments of it being something you have to work hard for, isn’t spiritual, doesn’t come easy, or isn’t something that you create from doing what you love, as those are meant to be hobbies and not real jobs or meant to be given away free…these are all some of the core reasons preventing abundance for many “light workers” beyond just the personal value and personal empowerment challenges.

Yet, like in the list above, these worthiness challenges are also running the show, to include not valuing yourself, not valuing that your work is important and equal to any other kind of work, fears of being all that you are, guilt around having more than others, fear that the money will make you into others that use it as power over, and non-trust in yourself as to being able to utilize the abundance in productive and beneficial ways…all come into play and then some in hindering the ability to have the abundance the Universe offers us (which isn’t limited to any definition of what abundance includes). We are not meant to live with scarcity programming in any way. That was something learned, to unlearn.

Money is simply a tool for exchange. And yet people often complain about money in any form, even complaining about having to use it to pay for creative and healing services. It takes energy to create and money is ONE form of exchange of energy. It is not the end with all, but it is also NOT the enemy.

True we were once all involved in a beautiful time period of being our true selves and exchanged our gifts freely with each other. It wasn’t viewed as our “work” but simply an extension of who we are and freely giving and receiving with each other and there was no mind to payment – just simply being you and having everything you needed because of that way of living collectively.

And potentially we will, and are returning to that, but in the meantime, the current form of money is simply that…an exchange of abundant energy between us, that may shift its form again, as we shift, but will do so when we shift our relationship to it and our perspectives to match the rest of the ways we have been shifting.

Money isn’t the only form of exchange to energetically balance goods and services shared. Yet, there is nothing wrong with money. I have always found it very curious that some believe that being an abundant being means to have abundance in every way, BUT financially. Where was it written that money was not part of that equation?

At least as long as that is our collectively chosen form to operate within for now.

We are on this Earth to learn to live as the abundant beings we are in every sense of that word, whatever way abundant translates in your life. It’s the attachment we have on things, the way we let things control us, or our misuse, judgment or scarcity programming that can get in the way.

Just because others abuse things doesn’t mean that you will. That is a conscious choice you can create for yourself. It’s something many have bought into, that money is wrong.

It’s how people have abused it that is the issue, not the money itself. And yes, at some point money may not come into play again and trade services will be the focus, but until then, a shift in perspective on money and the value we place on ourselves is important and will help get us to a new experience.

As more visionaries, creative and spiritual innovators step forward, this is increasingly PART of the embracing needed and integration with that movement back towards center, along with our physicality. We are not to give up anything in our journey to center, but to incorporate all things in a new way, in order to be one with all and to experience all. This involves realizing your worth and equality and that what you have to offer is valuable in every sense of the word and by realizing that, others will mirror it.

Don’t let others invalidate you or allow those viewpoints to further disintegrate your feelings towards yourself. Don’t allow the misinformed beliefs of others to shape your beliefs and life.

If something isn’t operating at its potential in your life, there is something there to look at and shift in order to create the balance and fullness of experience we are born with access to. Diving deep into your core beliefs…into the darker recesses within and the shadow aspects you hide from… will reveal the beliefs and fears that are truly running the show.

The issue is not to chase after money, or anything for that matter, but to allow things to flow in and out of our lives without judgment, attachment or need for control. Things will reflect our abundant full potentials in natural ways however that is meant to be mirrored in your life, whether monetarily or otherwise. But it will benefit you to believe that you are always taken care of and that everything is in divine order.

What is the definition of abundance? Something that is plentiful and flowing in large quantities.

The way our abundance works in this now moment is with consciousness of the flow in and out of anything and everything for a higher good in a loving, compassionate way. Nowhere does it talk about having a limit as to what can be part of that abundance.

It doesn’t ONLY, but CAN, INCLUDE money or not. The key is not to have a negative charge and judgment towards it or anything else for that matter, as it’s WE who foster the energy of something by how we perceive it and how we attach reflection to it. And anything we have learned or had subconsciously programmed into us, CAN be undone. Especially now with all of the tools and support available, not to mention the clearer paths that are opening due to others who have paved the way for us.

We have available to us SO much support, so many WAYS, and limitless energy to shift things instantly. It is always helpful to be willing to be a little more vulnerable, ask for assistance in any form that you are drawn to, and to start “being” the new – taking action that reflects your conscious feelings, thoughts, and beliefs.

Scarcity consciousness limits the universal flow of abundance, and is rooted in fear. The Universe provides ALL that YOU will allow into your flow of experience. You will always be provided for unless your energy is being blocked by limiting core patterns.

Remember, there’s not “good money” that puts food in your mouth and clothes on your back, and “bad money” that poisons your body and environment with what it can buy. It’s all just money/energy and it’s all in the use and value we place upon it that makes the difference.

Whether it’s money or something else, take a look at your relationship to what you are feeling challenged by and see what your beliefs have to share with you.

And then, remember to be who YOU really are, and do what is in your heart, in order to have all the abundance that is available for you to embrace.

We are the innovators of a new template in creation! So let’s start manifesting what we envision through more consciously integrated embodiment.

May There Be No Walls Around Your Heart

love flow freely