Monthly Archives: January 2023

Pulsing Stillness

Having just ignited our Aquarius New Moon on the 21st, followed by the Lunar New Year of the Black Water Rabbit on the 22nd and planets going direct recently, I have been feeling a powerful click in the energy field and noticed not only things moving differently in my world, but big time changes happening for others around me.

Some of those changes I noticed in others were bunny leaps of clarity and faith finally being taken after laying low and feeling unsure. And some of those changes being things people deeply desired yet were afraid to do, taking form supportively. So they happened to them because it was for their highest good, but came as a result of very strong intentions even if there was fear around action.

I also had some pretty cool manifestations and alignments happen in the last few days, and my own clarity around things. I imagine similar has been taking form for others too.

And in the midst of it all, I continue to feel the brilliant stillness so alive and potent, as she walks with me further yet. This, of course, continues to be both mirrored in Nature’s landscape around me and read aloud to me by the greatest storytellers, Earth and Cosmos.

This was sunset on the New Moon, which in person was SOOOOO different.

It began like soft magenta mirrored both in the sky and water, but then shifted into crimson red…so red and filling the sky and water so much that it looked apocalyptical and as if the sky was literally bleeding into the water.

It seemed perfect as an ending/beginning of worlds and realities.

The photos were taken near the start of the sunset by me (when we were at a lookout) and middle of the shifts by Dave (while I drove), since we didn’t want to keep stopping. And although the photos are beautiful, they shift the colors to more orange rather than the magenta and crimson red that literally looked like someone put on a red film deliberately across the lens of your eyes. The red eventually filled more of the sky and water as well by the end, but we just took it in as it was too hard to photograph.

It’s interesting to me that the colors didn’t want to come through on film, but it was so incredible that cars were stopped at every snowy turnout along our half hour drive home along the lake, with cameras snapping away at the sight.

Needless to say, the quiet of the scene and still waters were alive and pulsing.

You could feel the red liquid energy running through your veins.

I didn’t have much more than that, that I wanted to share today, and the video below.

It was created by the incredible Gordana “Nanshee” Heyden whom I’m grateful and honored to have connected with via Instagram, and her husband Christoph Heyden. Together they are an artist couple “heydenspace and “Nanshee Spirit” sharing their sacred connection and vision of Nature and Cosmos through their creative souls and the shamanic path they live.

In their words, “We have captured the peaceful beauty of Earth’s winter wonder near our home, and made visible what we feel, when we connect with the threads of our souls and the living spirit in all that is.”

The potency of stillness I described feeling is so tangible in this creation.

I’ll let their beautiful work of art and the key codes within each thread of it speak to you, as is your experience to have.

The Bravery of Belief

This is just a short post about the power of believing, having perseverance, and cultivating hope, as well as to share the completion of the piece I was working on.

Rather than speak a bunch on these topics, I’ll just say that I’ve been surrounded by reflections that underscore these themes and point to growth being an invitation that is much more intimate than one extended from outside of us alone. It is one that beckons from within us as quiet joy to cultivate a new frequency we can share as potential with others.

I feel strongly that we experience things based on the extent we want, or can stretch ourselves, to believe in their possibility.

When there’s something I really want, or would like to see manifest, I don’t allow the beliefs of others to hinder my own.

Astrid is also a strong proponent of the same, which is evident by her behaviors and the way she stretches herself to do what others wouldn’t think she could, or to do even what others might limit themselves from doing in situations she finds herself in.

She astonishes people with her ways, her ability to communicate, and to surpass limitations placed on not just rabbits, but animals altogether.

She also braves new frontiers and leads as a central figure even though her voice is silent unlike the rest of us – like trying to be friends, and communicate, with the cats (normally predators to rabbits), as well as making sure she’s keeping the family unit close by rounding us all up, and doing her best to raise herself to our physical level so she can communicate more equally and be seen as a soul rather than just a rabbit.

Her new thing is to run into our bedroom in the morning and hit the doorstop on the back of the door so that it loudly goes, “BOINNNGGGGG!” Her way of starting the day with deliberate intention and getting everyone up and hopping to things awaiting.

Her desire to communicate at the same level is part of why she likes to climb up on her castles and the couch – to meet us more on equal grounds. She sees no difference between us or the cats, and she’s absolutely correct.

She’s a big soul in a small 6.2 pound body, but has more bravery and belief than most any of us. She’s not deterred by anyone’s thoughts on how rabbits “should” be. She’s determined to help change our perspective about all consciousness, regardless of form.

I mentioned that we took home five chestnuts that Dave found, just before New Year’s Eve to see if we could grow them. I got them in good soil in a pot and followed some guidelines I read, but most importantly kept believing.

Four of the five had tiny sprouts when we found them. The fifth was with the others and looked very healthy, but hadn’t sprouted. We had no idea what would happen, but each day I talked to them, checked in, watered, and nurtured…especially with a lot of hope and belief. I had some grow lights I attached to their pot too.

We had some guests over recently as a send-off celebration for them leaving for several months and showed the pot to them. They were curious, but didn’t share our enthusiasm of the possibility. I heard a list of doubts rattled off, but they humored what they called, “a fun experiment.”

Well, since that day two of them are now 6 inches tall, as of just minutes ago.

The fifth one that hadn’t sprouted, doesn’t appear it was meant to. Two went gangbusters and the other two I haven’t given up on, as I can see they are pushing strongly and about to burst on the scene in a big way – at least that’s what I believe.

Those two share the kind of bravery and perseverance I feel Astrid has. Perhaps even…sometimes…me.

They had originally been the fastest growers, then their ends dried, but I didn’t give up on them. While the other two shot up like mini trees with glee, I’ve been encouraging these other two to keep on, keeping on. I don’t know yet the outcome, but I won’t give up on them.

I still believe.

And as for the other two, I’ve been starting to measure them throughout the day and am astonished at how rapidly they are maturing.

I literally watched them grow over half an inch in just a couple of hours.

The photos don’t do them justice, but they are now peeking up over the top of the pot and the other two have burst open the dry stems and are pushing up with gusto! Go baby go!!

Chestnut trees, as I mentioned in an earlier post, have become a symbol of perseverance and hope.

These little ones are certainly living up to their name.

Dave has mentioned to me not to invest too much of myself into them, as they’re still so fragile and unknown. Perhaps he doesn’t want to see me disappointed, but I live for doing all that I can do today. And today, I want my sweet plant babies to know I see them in their fullness as chestnut trees.

They’ve made it this far, so perhaps they might just keep merging hope with belief to match the reflection I’m mirroring to them. And even if that belief decides to remain in my heart, alone, there it will grow into the possibilities of more nows and tomorrows to create and expand upon.

Perhaps some of all of that is what I’m matching the reflection of myself right now.

Nothing is isolated to one-sided experience.

I know that between them and Astrid, and even the brave little chickadees I keep encountering all around this one ski lift I ride, I’m feeling encouraged to do the same with my own growth.

The landscape around me softly screams the same – from the harshest conditions emerges the greatest potentials.

I find that the incredible and unbelievable are happening more and more these days and refuse to keep hidden any longer for any of us.

And that leads me to the completed creation I shared in my last post, now ready to fly home.

Yep, that’s right. I did receive the message to release it to whom its meant to support.

Perhaps that is you.

Whether to just view it, or actually experience it in person…here it is now sealed with varnish and activated with crystalline keys to enter the gateway.

And if it whispers to that brave, persevering, and hopeful part of your own invitation for growth, more details, photos, and the way to bring it home await you at this link:

Portal of Potential

Gateways of Potential

Everywhere I turn I am reminded of our potential and hear the invitation to stretch just a little bit more.

There’s almost no need to write much about the messaging that comes through, as I feel the photos reflect a lot on their own – like the above one I snapped while out skiing on a beautiful day recently.

The sky was so bright that I couldn’t see everything when looking toward the vista, but I felt the energy before me and knew to just aim and snap. Later, I discovered the hearts filling the sky and hidden between the trees and terrain – reflecting to me the feeling I had of my heart expanding, as I took in the peace and brilliance.

I’ve always felt the heart to be the gateway to so much potential.

It heals. It integrates. It transmutes. It expands. It makes so much possible that otherwise seems out of reach.

That was the inspiration for the name, Emerald Bridge, many years ago – to represent the path and offerings I flowed through me.

I wrote this, at the time, about that:

Emerald Bridge, which was divinely inspired as a reflection of the Heart Chakra. The Heart Chakra is the source of powerful, creative and unconditional love energy that acts an energetic “bridge” and balancing integrator between opposites: body and spirit, male and female, persona and shadow, ego and unity, lower and upper chakras. It is symbolized by a lotus of twelve petals and the color green, with emerald as one of its associated gemstones that match its frequency. It is from this place of peaceful centeredness that love emanates as Divine power. And so Emerald Bridge (a compassionately conscious business) was born as a merging of body and spirit through the heart with visionary healing arts services that would help spread unconditional love across the globe. It’s been my hope to inspire a return to natural harmony within and without and to help cultivate authentic self-expression, bring people together in joyful co-creation, and support a remembrance and embrace of your own Divinity.

There may even be more hearts than I outlined below, but this gives you an idea of what was all around, even if I couldn’t see it with my eyes.

Love always awaits our presence. And it’s not a fluffy kind of love, but a unifying cosmic force that both hovers in a space in between and dances like crystalline snowflakes all around the energy field – potent, but untethered, grounded, but mutable, still, but boldly all-encompassing even in the tiniest of reflections.

When you try to define it, it disappears…melts away upon your desire to hold it close when its nature is simply to be.

The Heart Chakra feels to be a vortex of untapped territory, so vast that if we were to fully immerse into it we would find ourselves catapulted into a whole new realm and navigating uncharted expanse like Pilgrims of the Cosmos. But first we may need to travel through a Black Hole of unknown with the deepest trust ever fathomed.

The heart as a gateway to The Great Mystery.

We have yet, I feel, to fully understand this kind of love. And even to name it such, feels limiting. Yet, for now, our ways of connecting to it – the symbolism and reflections – the pieces of its alchemy – are keys to enter its gateway….and discover so much more.

Indeed other realms await us, and the winter landscapes I find all around me feel to echo pure, new terrain we have opportunity to explore and create from.

I love immersing in the stillness and purity of snow because it feels supportive of a reset and creating a sense of being neither here nor there – suspended in potential.

This was me on our recent Cancer Full Moon – such an opportune time for explorations within. And what greater space to explore than the vortex of your heart.

Note the heart portal block printed on my dress – actually a bone, arrow, and element print creating a meeting of spirit and flesh, and wood carved Hunab Ku earrings.

I do love to literally invoke doorways and intentional focus.

Hunab Ku Symbol is a gateway to life beyond, calling us to realign with the Cosmos and live in balance with all things. Also known as the Galactic Butterfly or One Giver of Movement and Measure, is said to represent all consciousness that has ever existed in this galaxy.

One might say it is harmonic resonance embodied and the creative impetus of potential as wholeness.

These days my focus has shifted and much of the time lingers in the spaces in between, while engaging anchors above and below, within and without.

I do not choose to only journey on the outskirts of this realm, nor in this realm alone, but to unite realms through the vortex of my heart and tweak the elements to create the alchemy of potential. To bridge all consciousness through One universal language is a frequency that beckons my heart to refine.

I use mirrors constantly to understand the depths and hidden riches contained in the secrets only whispered by outlanders to the spaces most inhabited.

The reflections we receive from each other are a beautiful mirror for us to see our wholeness when we don’t, and to realize our potential when we’re stretched.

Astrid is such a powerful mirror for me. She helps me to know myself better and to see where I am capable of more. She’s very good at the reflection process and even uses it effectively for herself.

I love her darker coat that has shades of everything in between, then lined with silver toes, tummy, and tail, as well as highlighted in her shapeshifter furry aura. She reminds me of silver linings, but also that depths are a beautiful journey when approached as an adventure.

The “courage of her/(the) heart is very rare”, but as Nicodemus from the Secret of NIMH imparts, “the stone has a power when it’s there.”

She’s also especially good at reflecting when it’s time to move forward and let go of parts of my life, especially in terms of my path and offerings. Astrid will often get restless, tug at my pant legs, nibble on my socks or slippers, chew her castle, or leave the room altogether to get my attention and let me know, “enough is enough…time to move on…hop to the adventure that’s been calling.”

She’s no stranger to change and reminds me not to dilly dally because life doesn’t wait. Something wonderful may be just around the corner, but one who decides to stay put, doesn’t have that potential to experience. Although all experiences are perfect, I do have a soft spot for the wonderly! So, off I follow my magick rabbit down every hole she jumps in.

She is a gateway by sheer embodiment and when I drop into the space of purely being with her, there’s a sense of transcendence unfolding in the timeless moment of all-encompassing heart energy.

I’m also so grateful for all the incredible mirroring souls I’ve had the honor to work with as students and clients over the years because they’ve helped me to listen even more deeply and constantly evolve. It doesn’t matter if I’m facilitating. I’m a constant student and receiver of the invaluable gifts each moment with them provides me as opportunity.

One of the reflections I’ve been receiving is how intertwined our ever-shifting paths are to each other, as I witness so many continuing to evolve and move into new spaces themselves. It’s a synchronized puzzle that brings space and piece together at just the aligned moment. We each support the opening of spaces just as others are ready to adventure in and strengthen them.

As example, I already mentioned how I’ve continued phasing out aspects of my previous work and offerings and saying “no” regularly – something that was harder for me to do in the past, but now feels like a reciprocating gift. And as I have done that, I’ve noticed others saying “yes” to similar spaces – ready to recreate it with the addition of their uniqueness. Each of our frequencies finding their new landing spots and no longer fitting the familiar ones.

Rather than hold tight to staying put and not wanting to give up what we’ve built, it’s a gift we provide each other in letting go and embarking on a new architectural adventure that the gateways invite us to experience.

I know far well what happens when I have one foot in and one foot out…or even two feet in, but one toe left behind. A little fracture, or splitting of experiences, takes place. I choose to bring ALL of me on board now and I know this is the way to create what I feel in my heart is possible. So, that’s why I’m making things clear with what I’m leaving in order to move fully on, as I sense the gateway is here and timing is of the essence.

So many things, like the Reiki training I mentioned recently, have been an ongoing part of my life. Teaching and sessions since 2007 and in recent years has been in an on-and-off-again phase, as I listened to collective needs. And, now, as my birthday’s new cycle approaches, I’m morphing with transformations again.

I’ll honor any sign-ups that have taken place before decisions are made on this, which I sense my birthday month will clarify. I will also have referral teachers ready to pass on to you, when things evolve as I sense. The link below has details if there’s been a strong sense our cocreating the Reiki journey together is important, and also provides reflections from others about the online training, in case they mirror something for you too:

Reiki Certification Training

I’m so grateful for the ongoing mirrors all around me. It’s not always easy to listen objectively, but it gets easier.

It also increasingly gets more fun.

I used to feel, like many of you I imagine have or do, that living on the outskirts of knowing was an unstable place to be. That wasn’t my nature, but the barnacles of voices and fears around me, attached nonetheless.

As I’ve examined and removed each barnacle, one at a time, the true terrain of my inner world has been allowed to enrich itself, sprout, and blossom without constraint of the other things growing in and around my own garden.

I’m grateful for the gifts those voices imparted, as what I grow now is more fortified because of them, and more resilient from the cross-pollination of hardy elements I was able to retrieve in the cultivation process.

My Aquarian and Mars energies don’t want to conform, although my Pisces energies love to find balance between any conflicts and easily morph with the here and now. I’ve always marveled at the dichotomies within that also stir a melting pot for potentials beyond and inclusive of either/or – collective energies we’re all exploring and refining into our own strand of golden thread.

However we each show up and choose to explore the web, I strongly sense the presence of incredible gateways before us at every new twist and turn…each opening and closing between intervals of tweaks and shifts in our frequency.

I’d like to now end with the little painting side project I mentioned in my last post, as it reflects the gateway energy prominently voiced in this one and is very special to me.

The vision for it came on the Full Moon of the 6th and I completed it on the 8th. Its manifestation was fluid and revealed the threshold before us.

As I mentioned, I felt the need to move creative energy during this transition period where I’m integrating the next phase, and what better way to honor and anchor that than with an actual gateway creation. It emerged, as a result of the sound channeling meditation I shared, “Opening the Stargates.”

This plain wooden tray came to me recently and Dave actually said, “maybe you can paint something on it,” which resonated instantly like a huge heart click.

A tray symbolizes new offers and opportunities. A tray with golden anything on it symbolizes rich rewards and invaluable and magnificent achievements that are possible to manifest from the opportunities presented.

Golden cosmic tree nebulas merging into a gateway to another realm.

Take a look at the details of this enchanted space and inner sanctum castle made of entwined roots and golden vines, the vast vernal landscape, and the merging cosmic rabbits leaping from one world to the other. One reflects the joy, sovereignty and expanse. The other peers at us with glints of invitation and mischievous knowing, even in the in between.

What are your takeaways from viewing the creation below that channeled through?

I took various photos of it – close-ups, full scope, and angles in different lighting reflect how it shifts and the golden paint comes alive depending on perspective.

The tray is 11 1/4 inches by 18 1/2 inches by 5/8 inch. It’s not complete, as I’m awaiting varnish to arrive to seal it properly so it can be used as a lightweight serving tray, as a potent holder on an altar where sacred objects can be placed, or can be displayed in a mini decorative, tabletop easel or sit atop a shelf or mantel.

I am also feeling I will affix tiny stones and crystals around the outer edge, once the varnish is set, framing the gateway as a form of activation that will be both grounding and uplifting in energies.

It wanted to be shared now, so I am posting it for anyone meant to see it.

I wasn’t sure if I’d be keeping it or offering it, but I’ll know once it’s complete and either way, I’ll post a photo of it in its final embodiment with any information on its possible availability then. That will likely be some time next week.

In the meantime, I hope it inspires your journey onward with heightened sense of wonderment for the potentials that lie on the other side of the gateways you are navigating an invitation to.

Dreams, Snow Enchantment & a Thank You

As big snow storms continue here, my nights also remain consistent in messages blowing through. Dream visitors reflect daytime ones with recurring themes that point in the same direction of hope, opportunity, and major life changes of promising potential.

I can’t help but feel that these themes are collectively woven, and not mine alone, although I do understand directly what they point to in my own life. A most recent dream helped reiterate that feeling, which I’ll share briefly in a moment.

I waited to share this post until today’s Full Moon, as the energy felt connected.

A series of nearly back-to-back dreams have brought golden bears, rabbits, tortoise, and frogs all carrying similar energies.

I already shared my golden bear dream. Golden bears in dreams carry meaning of transitional stages in life, harmony, and joyous spirits, where as the gold can also be linked to the higher/greater self, good fortune, and hope. The gold particularly stood out as that alchemical process one refines and transmutes. Perhaps a whisper of a Golden Era or the potential expansion that hovers within reach.

Rabbits showed up as well in personal storylines, but connected me and others in dreamtime too. Astrid, Nestor, and Cosmo were prominent bridge workers for heart healing in others. Of course, we are entering the Year of the Rabbit as well, which is thought to be one of hope. There is renewal, good fortune, and abundance in rabbit’s presence. And don’t forget that “spring” in their step that carries joy and promise.

I also had a visitation dream from my tortoise Gaia. Although she’s always working hard behind the scenes with her impeccable cosmic navigation, to have her more upfront was a sweet surprise. In the dream I found a tortoise that had her essence and I knew Gaia had returned. You might recall how she disappeared into Deep Earth years back. So, this felt significant of something with her work and the core being ready for the next phase, but also that it’s here already.

I then had a dream that I came upon a pond in the snow where many large spotted frogs were swimming and hopping about. One of them hopped into my hand and filled the size of my palm. Frogs, too, symbolize hope, good fortune, renewal, transformation, new beginnings, opportunities, making leaps, and major, personal transformation and life shifts.

Waking life abundance of turkey vultures, chestnuts, and chickadees have been on the same wave length. Turkey vultures brought to me patient renewal as a message. Chestnut trees have become a symbol of perseverance and hope. And chickadees sing of hope, good fortune, contentment, and bravery.

While there indeed is work ahead and layers of recreating and rebuilding to do, it feels promising if we can stay the course and summon up the courage and trust of the heart for the journey.

This brings me to the most recent dream that punctuated a collective tapestry message. It took place in the wee hours between the 3rd and 4th of this week.

In summary, the dream had me involved with others in what seemed like a significant tipping point potential, but not without concerns and uncertainty. I found myself in a large, dark community-like room that felt to be half inside and outside, with a group of people. There was the sense of something looming, a presence, or energy that was closing in, after a period of continuing to be held off by the people in the room. I found myself observing this energy and the people around me, as if I was assessing and trying to understand the relationship between them and what could be done to change things. In short, people were frustrated not knowing what more they could do and felt on the edge of hopelessness. Then something came to me. I shared what I was feeling…”If we bring the power of our gift together at the same time, this will change everything. We only need 35 people to do this together at once. But it must be done together. And what is meant by the gift that has power, is not the gift you think of easily about yourself or that you’ve been expressing more prominently in your life. It’s the gift you’re most humble about. The one you dismiss easily or don’t think it yet to be a power of yours.” I knew in the dream that I had no evidence or proof to provide the people of what was coming through and they did ask how I knew this…I couldn’t answer more than it just is a sense and that we didn’t have anything to lose in trying it. However, it was still not felt to be an easy task, as some people didn’t know what their power gift was, couldn’t see or acknowledge it, or were afraid to step into it. I could tell it partially gave them relief in theory, but there was still doubt and fear flowing strong in the emotional and subconscious realms. After that point, I remember people running about, trying to evade this looming thing or energy. The more they ran, the more it came. A elder man saw me and grabbed my hand, pulling me with him, and without words I knew he wanted to keep me safe. He took me through back hidden doors to this other room that went down secret passageways and into a hidden area behind the large kitchen. Back there, as we stayed in a separated reality, there was a sense of him nurturing me and the creative alchemy within me that was growing while things continued on “out there”. End of dream.

I always receive very specific numbers, words, places, snippets of exact flashes like remote viewing in dreams. The number 35 stood out. It points to significant and beneficial life changes that come with a transition and re-evaluation period, but the changes will receive divine support to help with the challenges that may come on that path.

The number 3 is about development, creativity, joy, optimism, spiritual expansion, and growth.

The number 5 is about significant changes, freedom, curiosity, adaptability, resourcefulness, and a bright future.

The number 8 – the sum of 3 + 5 – is about victory, overcoming challenges, prosperity, infinity, completeness, harmony, and also strength, material/financial abundance, and even professional success.

So when you put 3 and 5 together you have the support, spiritual guidance, and energy to help you to achieve dreams and be successful with endeavors.

Again, felt both collective and personal so I’m sharing, as I do with other things where one can draw upon more than meets the eye from the surface of stories told.

A word that’s come to me recently is refinement. One that also feels to carry weight for me this year and the course I’m navigating. Refining things as a form of purification as well.

And nothing could feel more purified than fresh, crystalline snow.

I mentioned in my last post that our recent snow shoe in the forest when we broke first tracks had us journeying through areas where many a gnome, creature, and being could be seen in the trees, but also the presence of unseen realms was strong. I shared a couple of those photos so that you could see for yourself if anything showed up while viewing them, but now I am sharing more and how my eyes see things.

I made these fun, quick images on Instagram, using these photos from that day to visually bring to life what I saw in the forms around me and the space between things.

I thought you might enjoy them and perhaps they will spark your imagination – putting you in the realm of curiosity and potential – a space we can invite in at any point in our day.

I know it’s tough out there these days…just as it is inside your heart sometimes to feel it all. We want answers, but sometimes we have to find that kind of resolve within ourselves alone. Sometimes the simplest of things can be the answer. Sometimes we may be asked to step into trust one more time and then we’ll see the next step, but not before then.

Is there something about yourself you’ve been afraid to acknowledge or that felt insignificant because it was more of a secret hope or wish that you wouldn’t dare allow yourself to state out loud?

Is there something others, society, or circumstances didn’t support about you, but it was once – even if just for a second that you dreamed – a passionate beat of your heart?

Like the snowy enchantment images I just shared from my own imagination or experienced reality – depending on perspective, is there something within you that rustles like a seed deep under the snow, mud, rock, and earth with desire to see the light no matter how silly, uncomfortable, or strange it might seem?

When we are willing to curiously and light-heartedly acknowledge these things, no matter how bizarre they may feel or appear, we find a new reality aligning to conspire with us, step-by-step.

I am willing to face the voices and fears with you to bring forth my power gift.

And together, I know that we can build and move realms, let alone mountains.

I know my way and childlike heart isn’t everyone’s way or resonance, but I’m still enlivened by the possibilities I sense.

On a side note, I wanted to send gratitude to those of you who reached out and shared such lovely messages about the sound channeling meditation I posted at the end of the year. I’m so touched to hear how it moved so many of you and helped release and open areas of your life you’ve been working through. It’s one of those things that works behind-the-scenes and can be revisited – each time peeling layers away. It was a way for me to share a piece of my multi-dimensional self with you and streams of the beyond that we are each connected to when we surrender.

Also, I completed many things in the last couple of weeks of 2022 and thought it was powerful closure to the year initiating a dear soul to the third level of Reiki in a Master Teacher attunement just 3 days before the New Year. I share this because although I’ve made these trainings available online except for the sessions together at completion of each course that are live, I’m not sure yet how long I’ll continue offering them. I may even remove them by my birthday – permanently or temporarily. Just something to keep in mind as I continue saying “no” to requests for past offerings coming in and I’m feeling into this one as far as if it still works with the new ahead for me.

I will keep up the Empowerment Series, which includes the Everyday Reiki workshop (great for people who’ve gone through all levels) for longer since they do not require any extra time on my part.

I’m currently working on a little painting, side project as a transition into the next phase that may actually become available as an offering upon completion. I love to move energy in the in between instead of just jumping from one thing to the next. There’s a huge energy shift I need to prepare for with the changes, so channeling creative energy feels supportive as a conduit of the new and making the move more fluid.

I have loved all that my life has been filled with up until now and how it’s connected me with so many incredible souls. I’m also loving the ability to recreate a new one.

Walking into a New Year with Fresh Perspective, Patience & Sunshine in My Heart & Feet

A new month and a new year begins. For us here in the Sierra Nevada it was a pretty dramatic shift, as a big storm came the morning of New Year’s Eve and didn’t stop until very early morning of New Year’s Day. It brought us three feet of fresh snow at our elevation and made for a quiet, cozy, and relaxing last day of 2022.

Up until that day we were receiving a lot of rain, on and off, for several days and a full downpour day just before things turned to snow. We’ve been grateful for a mild Summer of very little smoke, no closely threatening fires, and now a really good Autumn into Winter of rising moisture and snow pack levels.

In fact, we created a different kind of last week of the year for ourselves since the rain wasn’t optimal for certain adventures and our ski passes were blacked out anyway for the busiest week of the year. And on Thursday we actually traveled to Sacramento for a change of scenery and energy. We spent the late morning on a 5 mile walk along the river, followed by catching one of the last days of the Van Gogh immersive exhibit (it was ending on the 31st), and enjoying a yummy vegan lunch before driving back home.

This had us surrounded in mossy, mushroom, river rock, and tree landscapes, a lot of different kinds of birds, giant salmon, and misty air. We also found a lot of chestnuts on the ground, including many beginning to sprout. Dave picked up five of them with hopes we can grow them at home and later plant our little trees.

On New Year’s Eve we got them into a pot with good soil, tied it up with a bag, and away they sprout! Perfect symbolism for the end/start of years.

The stand-out to me from our river walk was the large groups of turkey vultures lining the trees at the edge of the river. Many of them airing their wet wings and just calmly watching us. There was even a group surrounding a Great Blue Heron and one in particular that I connected with. This is him.

Their message of patient rebirth is what stood out to me (personally and collectively) and that things would be morphing in mysterious ways.

The Van Gogh exhibit was interesting. The energy I received in processing his life experiences and art went along with the day for sure, and even the year. I didn’t recall most of the stories about him, as it has been 30 years since my Art History classes at FIDM. So it all felt fresh and looking upon his work was equally so, as well as brought up some poignant, but resolute feelings. So much of his story felt tied in with the collective’s process and how things are now releasing and moving into a different narrative potential.

Dave asked me to sit in the bedroom exhibit so he could take a photo, which is fashioned after Van Gogh’s bedroom at 2, Place Lamartine in Arles, Bouches-du-Rhône, France, known as the Yellow House, and so I did, as you can see below. I just so happened to feel like being incognito that day and other than the sequined bunny on my chest, I seemed to fade into the surroundings. I also felt like I was integrating and processing much of Van Gogh’s experiences.

Van Gogh painted three versions of the bedroom. It is one of his most esteemed paintings and a painting he wrote to his brother with great personal enthusiasm about, saying “I think this bedroom is my best work.” It is a reminder of the calm before the storm, as what followed is considered one of the most explosive periods in art history.

My favorite part of the exhibit was the immersive room where Dave and I laid in reclining chairs to take in the images and narratives that were all around us. This is a look at the room upon entering, before we tucked ourselves in to experience it.

I, of course, loved the sunflower rooms and Starry Night. Tree Roots, his last painting, was also quite moving.

We then woke up to a stunning morning on the 1st of 2023. At first everything was cast in hues of blue with peach clouds that increasingly lit up from the morning light, and then a brightly lit day showcased the land of white sparkling under a baby blue sky.

Our neighbor sent us this photo, wishing us a Happy New Year. It’s the view of our house through their cool little octagon window that has always caught my eye.

It was fun to see our home framed in a different perspective – octagons symbolize rebirth, renewal, regeneration, eternal life, and infinity.

To add a fresh jump start and outlook to this first day of the year, we were also the first to break tracks in our forest out back. Even with snow shoes, this made for quite the workout and took us triple the time it does to just do one mile since we were up to our knees, and sometimes thighs, the whole way.

As you can see, it was an incredibly beautiful day and the Sun was radiant with hope and brilliance, as we journeyed through the incredible landscape with many a gnome and creature shaped tree around us while we crossed bridges and creeks and meandered through the forest.

Many times the snow would fall from tree branches right behind us after we passed.

But one time it got us both from a big explosion of snow from up above and kissed my face and hair with powder, as Dave managed to get his hood on in time.

And speaking of the timing of clothing, I just had to share these two things that came to me in what feels like beautiful alignment too.

The first is a gorgeous, giant iron-on patch that I received for Christmas from a sweet little faery who knows my love for sunflowers. I knew immediately that it would go on the back of my fun, portal activation, denim jacket that I recently had adorned the large three front pockets with all of my favorite pins – kind of a blast from the 80’s past, as I used to wear pins on my jacket then of favorite musical artists. The message on the patch goes perfectly with my own path resonance and Sagittarius Moon, and matched Lee’s words I shared in my last post, ““Be a protector of joy and love on the planet, by being a creator of it.”

No matter if the Sun doesn’t shine, or if you can’t find anything to brighten up your day and life amidst the energies circulating out there, I will keep the Sun’s presence shining through my heart, come what may. It’s one of the things I was born to do.

The second item is a pair of shoes to dance through this new year of the Rabbit in and beyond. I stumbled upon these in a magickal way and brought them home at a third of the cost. I think the image and phrase speak for themselves:

“Run free little bunny, Run…Jump high little bunny, Jump…Spring will soon be here, So be happy little bunny, be happy!”

As we approach the watery, intuitive Full Moon in Cancer on the 6th there’s an energy around how you feel moved to protect all that you love and feel passionate about.

Thoughts may take you to reflect upon what’s important to you, why, and what you’re willing to do for it. This could be a great time for journaling or flowing ideas in some way. Drop into more of yourself and lean into knowing who you are and what your energy signature is here for. It needn’t fit some profound ideal. It need only be purely you.

And with the lineup of Retrogrades still going, this is an exceptionally good time for reflection and revision of goals and motivations.

Allow yourself to surrender and be with the feelings and thoughts that flow through without controlling things. Clarity will come in divine timing if you just let things be and allow yourself to connect with forgotten parts of yourself. Be gentle with yourself and others.

I’ll end this little step-into-the-year with Lee’s January Energy Update for those of you who enjoy his reflections.

Lee’s themes include:

*build your inner reserves as you rewire/recalibrate yourself

*ride the emotional release energy of the holiday season to consciously shed and create

*noticing where you are in terms of protection versus connection and which you need/want to focus on

*trauma layers are releasing more easily now, be part of your future in terms of allowing yourself to cocreate with the universe in the upcoming months or year ahead

*allow yourself to receive as well as give

*deepening heart intuition and how that looks

*envision a wise and embodied humanity – wisdom will be key in the years upcoming