Monthly Archives: March 2019

Ask Astrid ~ The Rabbit’s Corner: Walk in Confidence & Crystals that Care


Today Astrid wants to speak to the voice of doubt within everyone – that little voice that finds ways to hurt you, says you’re a failure and never will amount to anything, the voice that never feels good enough, and the voice that cuts you down even when you make a step forward.

“Enough is enough,” she says. “There is only one you and you would not be here if there wasn’t something special you have to share.”

This made me think of the documentary “Won’t You Be My Neighbor” we watched a couple of nights ago on Spring Equinox about Mister Rogers – you know, Fred Rogers of Mister Rogers Neighborhood. I had no idea his birthday was March 20, 1928 and here we were being drawn to watch this documentary on the eve of what would have been his birthday 91 years ago.

That felt like a rebirthing in itself, as there’s so much of how Fred Rogers is that mirrors myself. And as I walk forward on a new path, I know that feeling confident about exactly who I am at heart is what will carry me forward into unknown territory once again.

Perhaps Astrid felt how much I loved this documentary and tuned in deeper to the underlying messages around it, knowing how important they are to the heart of everyone.

I did turn to Dave several times in the movie saying “oh my gosh, he’s so like me and the things I do daily from the moment I wake up!” and he giggled back in agreement.

So often I’ve felt that people think I’m naive or too “pollyanna” about life and that my simplistic and innocent ways of viewing things, the magick and wonder I see, and the love I feel that underlies everything is just silliness and I can feel (even if they don’t say it) that they wished I’d “grow up”.

Many have wished I’d immerse myself more into the drama playing out in the world or be more like them as activists and taking stands on things like politics and such.

And it’s not that I don’t understand what is going on, but I see it all through different eyes and heart, have my own way of working with that, my own way of embodied activism, and my own way of desiring to find that bridge between all people, species, and life.

I’ve always loved Mister Rogers and remember watching it when my brother and I were growing up.

Last night I made so many connections and in hearing his story more, it deepened my belief in the way I approach life and that there’s a very valuable and much needed place for that level of sweetness, simplicity, innocence, and love, as a bridge.

Not that I haven’t always felt that, but it was a very loud message that solidified things and connects with Astrid’s message that I know she is sharing from the heart and wanting each and every one of us to really, REALLY understand and take to heart.

Many of you have probably watched the clip where Fred Rogers addresses the U.S. Senate using emotional intelligence, speaking from his child-like heart and in just six minutes convinces the Senator from Rhode Island not to cut $20 million for PBS.

If you haven’t seen this here it is:

You’d think you’d have to be some kind of genius, attorney, or whatever definition of someone you think has the power to persuade and talk a good talk, but in fact it was someone with innocence and love, who spoke a language everyone could feel, that won $20 million dollars.

“Being you from the heart is the most powerful thing you can do,” says Astrid. “Don’t ever be less than who you are. Don’t ever let anyone or those voices in your head persuade you otherwise. There is something special inside of you and when you express it vulnerably, you create a clearer and better world for everyone.”

That reminds me of the song, You are Special by Fred Rogers, 1968. Here are the simple lyrics:

You are my friend
You are special
You are my friend
You’re special to me.
You are the only one like you.
Like you, my friend, I like you.

In the daytime
In the nighttime
Any time that you feel’s the right time
For a friendship with me, you see
F-R-I-E-N-D special
You are my friend
You’re special to me.
There’s only one in this wonderful world
You are special.

Practice having more confidence and belief in yourself more everyday.

Take steps to push pass discomforts one at a time and feeling okay with it.

Stick to doing something new even when the voices emerge, and learn to trust yourself more with each time, creating a new habit.

Experiment and learn that with each attempt you are stronger and more capable than you imagine – more resilient of discomfort and are better for it.

Learn that even if something doesn’t work out as you hoped, that you can be okay with that and the feeling of going past what you thought were your limits during the process, is the success.

Astrid always knows what’s needed and where to direct me.

I hope you find a little pearl of wisdom that speaks to you in today’s share.

Astrid is encouraging me to speak a bit more about things I’m working on, including my new book.

I don’t talk much about it, but with my focus returned to it, I feel her encouragement.

I think she brings this up for this post, because she knows that the story I’ve written is very much who I am at the heart of me and it comes from a place of innocence I’m putting out in a much bigger way.

Another reason is that one part of the story ties into the offerings below.

I’ve shared that the main characters are rabbits and one of the pivotal elements in the story centers around a very special crystal and what might unfold if it were to get into the wrong hands.

I wasn’t going to post these until Easter, however, Astrid and the bunnies prompted me that people may want to bring the energies home to enjoy now and actually have to work with and ignite energies with the dawning of Spring. Plus, they know they will need the right alignment to match energies with their new guardian and friend.

They are crystals that care – here to support you into your highest truth, support the collective through your gifts, and align energies to reflect the heart of you.

So, these incredible offerings will be looking for their sacred partners later today in our Magick Rabbit Etsy Shop. UPDATE – now posted and ready for adoption.

They will include the following three items that have some of my own personal collection, amazing crystals included – these are just quick sneak peaks of the entire basket as a whole, as the listings will have close-ups of each beauty included in the baskets.

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Two Ultimate Magick Rabbit Easter Baskets:

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Cosmic Basket – includes rabbit basket, faerytale spiral moss, mushroom, Celestite open egg with rainbows, large Sunstone egg, medium Moonstone egg, and Alice in Wonderland natural vegetable soap in Vanilla Frosting scent. Two small silver stands included in case you want to display your Sunstone and Moonstone eggs separately.

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Enchanted Forest Basket – includes rabbit basket, faerytale spiral moss, mushroom, large Ametrine (Amethyst and Citrine) Spirit/Faery Quartz plate, sparkly Amethyst cluster, Goldstone Butterfly, sweet little handmade rabbit decked out for Spring, and Alice in Wonderland natural vegetable soap in Tea for Two scent (sweet blend of freshly baked butter cookies sweetened with a dollup of tart, ripe blackberry jam)

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UPDATE SOLD : And The Rabbit Faery’s Wing/Ear – one of the large pieces of the giant Amethyst Geode Rabbit that made its way back home to me. We discovered that this one was only to be worked with for a short while and that part of that was to include Astrid being able to activate energies with her and reprogram her to be ready to find her sacred partner.

We love you!!

Just a quick note: We’ll be away on a surprise last minute vacation starting Sunday and back next Saturday, so there won’t be any posts next week. I’ll be back the week after with more from Astrid and any inspirations and messages we have to share.

Whimsical Wednesdays ~ The Artist’s Corner: Spring Renewal


Welcome Spring and welcome to my whimsical world. Since today is a day to celebrate renewal and new beginnings, I thought I might briefly write a short share on what started things rolling for me in my life that foreshadowed this new spiral of life I find myself journeying like many of you.

Although my parents were not fully aware of the totality of my name’s meaning at the time, or at least that I know of, I find it extraordinary that they chose one with the root being Titania – The Faery Queen. I know they wanted a strong name and one that could also be pronounced in French for our family in France without changing how it sounded. I know they knew it had Russian origins and I think their research, at that time, related it to “princess” or a Russian princess. I’m sure if I’m forgetting anything my mom will chime in since she reads my blogs. 😉 It was obviously meant to be.

Some of the things I did as a little girl that link to today include loving and talking to animals – having a way with them that was different and preferring their company, surrounding myself with stuffed animals that filled my bed and floor, easily entertaining myself in my imaginary world while I played on my own, drawing well at an early age and drawing animals mostly, writing creative stories especially about horses – then later in my early twenties I started writing children’s stories and a memoir that I never did anything with, taking ballet and always dancing and being on my toes, singing all the time and was in a choir, dreaming of magickal places, being musical and playing the piano, reading spiritual growth books around 14 after our mom introduced us, getting my very first furry animal companion – a rabbit, and having a lot of strange experiences and encounters I couldn’t explain.

Little by little, I stepped away from things, as the other half of the Pisces fish explored what was in the world of others’ realities. Yet, the wonderer fish half never disappeared – she simply wanted to swim up a different stream of energy, while the other pulled up another.

And eventually pieces of each were at war, or created separate worlds to live in.

After my last divorce, I started exploring more of what the little girl me had first introduced into my life, not simply as a separate or hidden world, but as the one world – recapturing the wanderlust, creative, whimsical, and spiritually inclined me that made connections to everything that moved through me.

Reiki, crystals, painting, teaching, more rabbits and a tortoise, sacred travel, integrating past lives, deeper experiences and continuation of extraterrestrial encounters, healing from the inside out, going vegan, immersing in Nature, and more, all hit around the same time of the ending of the marriage and embarking on my own.

And in experimenting with each part and different versions of how they channeled through, I honed in on what things I loved best, but also learned that it would take both of my fish halves, to create a life of peace and joy, ability to manifest, and truly live – not just survive.

Nature and the Cosmos, along with my rabbit companions, became my way-showers and immersing fully into a nomadic life on the road in an RV where I left an old me in a river up in Alberta, wiped the slate clean to return back to natural harmony.

In the end, after both fish explored, they found themselves not on separate streams, but in fact, on forks of the same stream that eventually led back together.

This is where I find myself now.

A place where painting and creating rabbit whimsy puts me in a place of joy and writing my second book with rabbits as the main characters – my tiny horses of today, challenges me to greater heights, while exposes my deepest vulnerabilities and truth.

To wander is to live in wonder and I’m definitely a wonderer.

My sweet friend, Mark, of Ravenwood Inspired asked if I could send him a photo of me and the two magickal wands he created for me, as part of “March meet the maker” on Instagram, because I was his first Instagram customer, and first Instagram friend. Mark and I have become dear friends since, or rather rekindled a sweet connection.

Anyway, this is the photo I sent him, along with two others, but we both agreed this one oozed Faery mischief. Or as Mark said, “I can feel the mischief radiating through cyberspace.”

It was taken the same day as the above photo, and both felt perfect for this post, as a full circle igniting of the new energy and bringing together those two fish parts within me to create harmony and manifest the world of whimsy and wonder, love and peace, and all things magickal that the little girl me stepped into this world dreaming of and the little girl me in woman’s body now, is beginning to make a reality.

It’s interesting how it took teal hair, creating a Wonderland room of all of my childhood dreams and loves, and going back to what I loved most as a child, to see a reflection of myself being most me. A portal to harmony.

And with the Super Full Moon in Libra, today on Spring Equinox, focusing on balance and the relationships to all things we have in life merging into focus, I feel clarity aligning for what’s to come.

Today created a reflection on everything and seeing myself in these photos spoke to a long journey ending and also just beginning.

Are you feeling the freshness of possibility in the air?

Have any of you struggled with parts of yourselves at war, only to discover they were meant to be great allies?

Wishing you a wondrous Spring, as we all sprout the seeds of our dreams and essence a little bit more each day.


And now for some fun!


If you’re on INSTAGRAM, hop on over to our newest post so that you can join Spring’s Giveaway to win this whimsical mini garden and follow the guidelines that will have it traveling to your home.


This is our second Giveaway and we hope you’ll find it to be a fun one! Celebrating Spring Equinox we thought we’d share our gratitude for the love you’ve all shown by offering this sweet rabbit mini garden inspired by Spring ($48 value).


This is meant to be a creative and fun giveaway and the recipient will be announced on Saturday the 23rd.


Happy Spring and happy creativity!


And don’t forget that today’s also the last day of the 20-25% off Spring Sale on all mini gardens at #themagickrabbit Etsy shop – direct link below.

This includes huge savings to celebrate Spring, renewal, rabbits, and nurturing the garden of your life. 🐇💚🌻🦋🍃


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I haven’t showcased this one yet, but with life’s lessons pointing to a need for more balance in our lives collectively, this one jumped out to share in all its sweetness.

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It’s titled, A Balanced Life is a Happy Life, and it shares the energy of harmony being key and that living life fully, keeping in mind a healthy balance, creates greater well being and enjoyment. Relaxing into a natural flow will align you with the cycles of life and create more peace as you move through experiences.

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You’ll find easy-to-browse categories and see all the savings including amazing values on rare vintage pieces and elaborate gardens at

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Ask Astrid Fridays ~ The Rabbit’s Corner: Exploring Sacred Relationships


I noticed how Astrid has deliberately placed herself in positions lately for me to take note of, as seen above and in the below photo. In both cases, reflecting something about relationship and partnership, as she stood beside the enchanted stuffed rabbit, Jellybean, and underneath the giraffe temple. I felt her wanting to expound upon some of what I shared in Whimsical Wednesdays’ blog about the upcoming Full Super Moon in Libra. But it goes beyond just this Moon’s phase, and speaks to the heart of sacred relationship.


The way things are set up here on Earth, in a land of duality and human need for connection, many of us find ourselves in search or desire of that union within a relationship. It makes sense, as all relationships are a desire to know and love ourselves and so our relating with “other” is a perfect vehicle to reflect that, as well as learn to understand and accept all of the colored parts of who we are.

And let’s face it, a relationship just feels good, right? There’s nothing wrong with this desire to connect on this kind of level, as it is very nurturing and supportive to the journey. It also makes sense, since we are all connected, that we love others because we, in essence, are love.

This is a reminder that all relationships are sacred, since All That Is is love.

And so, too, do we learn about our relationship to things and beliefs from the examples, teaching, conditioning, and patterns that we’ve learned through our relationships on all levels.

(Side note: Astrid began preparing for this post with me under my desk laying by my feet and nudging me – a way she sends her energy and messages, as well as gives the “okay”. And while I wrote this last part she had quickly hopped upstairs and all I could hear above me is her racing around like crazy in the living room doing laps! She’s quite excited and moving the energy. She just returned for a refreshing drink of goji-infused water and is settling back with me now.)

Now that she’s back, let’s see if she wants to share something directly.

Astrid: “Every relationship is sacred and the way to experience how all is sacred, is without resistance. Resistance comes through separation, and while not all relationships feel ‘good’ there is an underlying magnetism to understand it more, which may result in repulsion. You needn’t agree or condone something, but sacredness is there. Even the way you relate to a pattern or experience you have that you’d rather not anymore, is sacred, for it inherently drives and inspires you deeper into the love that you are, with or without the pattern. When you separate things, an invisible gap is created that seems insurmountable. A dance does not have to be intimate to learn to move with the rhythm. You need only to be willing to hear the music and allow it to move through you.”

Me: “That makes sense to me, as everything has a frequency that can unlock something if allowed simply to flow.”

Astrid: “Yes, it’s like fine-tuning a piano or one of those old radios.”

Me: “I’ve noticed a lot of people experiencing big relationship changes lately. Ending a long-time relationship for a new one. Walking away from friends, family, and community in their lives as a new life calls. Taking stands on issues more directly in the world because things are hitting home. Opening more courageously to a new relationship with themselves and willing to dig into the shadows. Inviting new forms of relationships in that don’t have to look like the kind of union we think of traditionally. And deciding to have a more deliberate and conscious relationship with deep patterns that may not even be personal anymore, but dig into a collective part of the DNA that is ready to be unveiled, unleashed, and released. The latter has been true for me.”

Astrid: “Yes, and what is your take-away from this my friend?”

Me: “That we are ready to walk in greater alignment of the love that we are without apologizing for things that were never wrong to begin with.”

Astrid: “The resistance is lifting because courage of the heart is awakening. What lies within is the greatest sacred journey of all, as it leads to everything. Any desire pulling you, is love’s journey to unify the discovery of what is already sacred within.”

Me: “I think that it’s challenging for some to believe that some of the really icky feeling things, frustrating, darker, or harsher things can be part of that equation.”

Astrid: “Aw, yes. But again, one needn’t condone something to create a new relationship to it. One’s way of relating can be the bridge to sacred being.”

Me: “Once again, you’ve given us a lot to ponder. Thank you my wise, sweet friend.”

I wonder if any of you have been experiencing more recently around this relationship theme lately, in any aspect of relating in your life?

Do you find yourself exploring a different version of relationship to someone or something?

Does it bring up a lot of emotions when you dig deeper into what that means for you?

And how is that being reflected in changes you’re experiencing?

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As a sweet bunny reminder, the Spring Equinox and St. Patrick’s Day mini rabbit garden sale started yesterday and will go through end of March 20th. A creative way to put into action the alchemy of recreating, re-patterning, and rewriting your own life with the energies and intentions you desire as a new reality, while you share in the co-creating.

You’ll find some incredible, one-of-a-kind gardens sharing in the whimsy that include beautiful procured vintage pieces at amazing prices.

There’s also some mini worlds that include some of my favorite themes like Peter Rabbit and his triplet sisters Flopsy, Mopsy and Cottontail, Wonderland, Watership Down, Faerytales, portals and more.

You can tell I get excited. 🙂

At the link below, you’ll find an item category at left that makes browsing the sale items easy as well as the type of mini garden you’re interested in.

Wishing you a beautiful weekend, as you explore your relationships of life.

The Magick Rabbit

Whimsical Wednesdays ~ The Artist’s Corner: Big Spring & St. Patrick’s Day Sale Celebration of the Rabbit Symbolism within Your Garden of Life

The Full Worm Super Moon of March will rise the same day as the Vernal Equinox and it is sure to create a focus of how to create more balance and harmony in your life and taking a look at every kind of relationship that affects your life, with Libra’s influence. That can even be your relationship to things, ideas, beliefs, practices, etc. that emerged through the relationship dynamics, since we’re dealing with self and others. These feel essential to harness and cultivate in order to create the reality you want to experience with greater clarity of what that means to you. This Moon has a very mirroring energy with that self and other reflection that can lead to shedding new skin after having authentic conversations around the patterns you’ve been running on.

Yesterday, I took time out to have a raw conversation with myself that led to what I described to a friend as a big purge, declaration, and release, and ended with a powerful Reiki Healing Attunement with a few of my power crystals and Astrid. I very deliberately and deeply voiced things I haven’t in such a crisp, vulnerable, and embodied way and during the hour or so of this, Astrid sat very still and held space across from me, then moved over to me and nudged my foot with activation, and went to lay next to me, as she called in support and sent energy in union with my declarations.

I felt a sense of relief and clearing to continue the momentum forward.

As an artist of life, I feel very much that life is a garden I am cultivating and having rabbits as my familiars is such a gift to wander that garden with their powerful transmutational energies.

They are my best friends, cocreators, and creative muses.

I’ve shared about rabbit symbolism before, but as we approach Spring Equinox and the Libra Full Moon, their symbolism really becomes extra potent to tap into, as you understand the connections with their medicine.

Rabbits and hares are about rebirth, balance, a kind of waking life resurrection, increased vitality, new found excitement, creative potency, regeneration, fertility of mind, body, and emotion, inspiration, prosperity, agility, receptiveness, and eternity. This symbolism manifests in associations with Springtime, the Dawn, the Moon and Sacred Fire, the Cosmic Egg from which the Cosmos is produced, the Circle and Infinity symbol, Marriage, Androgyny and Hermaphroditism, as well as Madness, Genius and Inspiration (which seem to go hand in hand). Rabbits can bring a message of nurturing your intuitive impulses and nudges from your heart and soul.

The Ancients saw them as one of the most mysterious and perplexing beings, thought to be hermaphrodites (male one month and female the next), with powers of self-impregnation. Since they reflect the idea of balance between masculine and feminine they are highly regarded as sacred, mediators of the sacred, and embodying actual creative powers of the Universe.

As we approach Spring and this repatterning Full Moon, renewal awaits you.

Everything may feel like you’re planting your own spirit garden and it’s incredibly liberating and enjoyable to choose the seeds you want to see blossom and learn what each needs to be cultivated and nurtured into fruition. All the while knowing you are Spirit in motion of being, and everything you do is a merging of this.

And if you don’t yet know what you want to be growing in your garden, this is a wonderful and revealing time to receive revelations and inspiration that uncover the seeds of your spirit’s truest calling.

Words that come to mind are surrender, balance, harmony, integrity, trust, and renewal.

We are just like energetic coils, spiraling through the cycles of our life and able to “spring” back and regenerate ourselves.

You are more resilient than you think.

What you believe and the actions you take in support of those beliefs are shaping your experience and either bucking the natural harmony of your coiled embodiment or flowing gracefully with that spiraling essence.

My rabbit spirit guides and Astrid not only share their support with me, but constantly share their support with others. I hear often how my bunny loves show up in people’s dreams and meditations and I know they actively work to support the collective – rabbit, animal, nature, and human alike – here on Earth along with many others who join them.

They have inspired me through a series of links and connections in my own life they showed me, to create this offering (below) for the special time around St. Patrick’s Day and Spring Equinox/Full Moon.

In 2008 I made a pilgrimage back to Ireland on my own to heal wounds, but also recapture the magick. Ireland held much deep grief and mourning, but also so much joy and peace of essence for my soul’s history. I happened to visit there during St. Patrick’s Day at the time and was able to revisit the exact sacred stone circles I’d been to “before.” I met many people who actively played part in my experiences back then, and in many ways, although very different, the shifts taking place now are connected to who I was in those lives. The solitude and loss reminding me I hold the power to write a different story, as I did with that sacred trip. An ending becoming a beginning.

And so much of the alchemy you create as your life can be assisted by connecting with the elemental realm.

So, between tomorrow – Thursday, March 14th and Wednesday March 20th, The Magick Rabbit will be having a one week sale focused on all mini rabbit Faery gardens to celebrate Spring Equinox and St. Patrick’s Day. 

All mini rabbit gardens will go on 20% Sale for the Spring Equinox Full Moon energies with the magickal number of 11 individual wearing of the green gardens having an extra 5% Leprechaun “Luck of the Irish” Sale added to that – these are gardens that have that extra green vibe of heart chakra, nature, abundance, and springtime emerald glow.

The 11 chosen gardens below will be 25% off for the week, while the rest will be 20%.

And remember all include FREE shipping within the U.S. For international orders, please contact me for assistance to help you with getting the right shipping costs added to your order.

Alongside rabbit alchemy, they also may contain things like sparkly shamrocks, magick mushrooms, Faery houses, different kinds of Faeries, and all gardens have a special crystal too.

I know many of you have shared feeling drawn to specific gardens, feeling they’ve touched a place in your heart for where you are on your journey, so perhaps one of these magickal portals will more easily find their way into your home to support the desired energies.

And as gardens you will have a hand in creating, you will be putting into action the alchemy of recreating, re-patterning, and rewriting your own life with the energies and intentions you desire as a new reality.

The bunnies have a way of helping out. 😉 And they always have a way of connecting dots and supporting creative healing and change.

Here are peeks at the 11 with their stories and energy portals, but for close up details, more photos, and all the specifics each mini world has included, please visit:

The Magick Rabbit

All other gardens not featured here, but still included in the sale, also each have their own story and energy that you can visit at the link above and by clicking the listing of choice.

The creative alchemy starts tomorrow. Just one way of opening new doors.

The Holiday

The Holiday – a magickal moment reminding you that taking time to recharge, nurture your needs, cultivate some sacred space, and take time off to do things you love is important. When things get “dark” why is it that we forget all of the experiences where the light shined again in our lives, or how good it felt when we gave ourselves the nurtured opportunity to have fun, explore, be creative, take a break, and recharge? If you can’t take an actual holiday, then I propose we each commit to taking a “Hope Holiday” on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis, as seems most beneficial to your life and personal experiences. What does that mean? It means allowing yourself to hope and dream, creatively engaging your imagination and bringing the music of your heart into your every day, even if just for a couple of minutes of day-dreaming, journaling, or visualizing. Doing this to the extent that you give yourself permission to immerse so fully into that minute or two that your body tingles and sings from your heart with that “becoming” that takes place, as you get lost in your hopes. This isn’t to deny that you may be experiencing something very dark and restrictive feeling, as that is a valid feeling to allow yourself to explore. But it is a way to actively engage yourself into learning how to make a safe space for your heart’s desires to see the light. The more you do this, the more that part of you feels supported and begins to expand with your cultivated love, much like a garden.


Believe – a mini world of wonder that fosters an inner nurturing for keeping dreams and hopes alive. If you feel like giving up or as if you’re alone, this little rabbit will be your daily cheerleader, motivating and supporting you to keep envisioning what you desire and to know that he has your back. It’s best when we have dreams, to release them to the Universe without attachment. This can be your little sacred altar for sending your dreams and inner wishes to your rabbit guardian without attachment to outcome for the highest good. This rabbit inspires you everyday to send out a vision of what you want and to take steps toward them. He lives in a lush little world of abundance that surrounds his “Believe” house with every possibility. In front of him lies an incredible little Tangerine Lemurian Seed Crystal that assists his vision work, but just like him, do not judge their size, as they both are powerful little beings. The crystal has amazing clarity, mini rainbows, and a window (a diamond portal/timelink) that makes it excellent for personal self growth and introspection.

The Apple Of My Eye

The Apple of My Eye – speaks to that love you feel and share with a friend, loved one, child, animal companion, family member, or even the twin aspect within yourself. It celebrates divine connection and is a way of expressing how much you cherish that special one above all else. The sweet moment between bunnies captured here, reminds us to capture those sweet moments in our lives with presence, communication, expression, and demonstration. Nurturing love is what Nature does for us daily in her display of gifts she gives so freely. So can we share freely the love we feel and it is the recipe for happiness and harmony. This sweet and magickal glass apple orb mini world where rabbits, crystals and nature merge is the perfect addition to your home, office, altar, indoor garden, window sill, or hanging as a sparkly bubble of joy and inspiration for any special space and will infuse the healing properties of aquamarine into your life.

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Where There’s Love There’s Hope – I think speaks for itself, but this mini world was also inspired by the relationship I have with my rabbit companions and knowing how a deep shared love with them has opened my heart wider and rekindled a new spark for life. Never give up. As long as there is even just one seed stirring out there somewhere in the world, there is hope. As long as one heart is open, there is potential. As long as one miracle happens, there are more awaiting. I carry this belief with me about everything including things like my book I’m writing, seeing the best in others, having hope for humanity, believing animals will be treated equally, and my rabbit family will be understood. What do you hope for? This sweet little world helps foster a deepening of love and that hope creates miracles. The shamrocks sprinkle faith, love, hope, luck, and well being that comes through the heart chakra and nature’s gifts. (There’s a seated Faery with two rabbit friends engaged in connecting)


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Whispers in the Woods – is a sneak peak into the enchanted forest realms where Faeries and animals commune. It reminds you that magick is just around the corner, animals are souls too, and there is no separation of the heart. Whether you’re a friend of animals already or curious to learn how to communicate more with them and nature, this magickal little world will be a daily reminder to be more present and listen to the messages being given to you daily from all of Earth’s wise children.

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Portal to the Otherworld – is a doorway to the magickal. Let yourself be whisked away into this enchanted forest realm where the faerytales of your mind and heart become a reality. There is another world awaiting you when you open your heart wider – a place where magickal creatures dwell and all potentials are available to you. If you are a dreamer and want to manifest more, if you feel alone and want to feel that you’re not, if you see things others cant, if you feel like you walk in a different world than most, or even if you want to open more to the possibilities, this little world will support all of this and more. A sweet reminder that it’s alright to wander the pathways of the heart, and it’s okay if you feel in this world, but not of it. (The Faery etched hatch is the top of a tree stump portal with golden glittered stairs to descend – a rabbit hole to the Otherworld. There’s a rabbit and tangerine Lemurian Seed Crystal sitting atop the first step and a seated Faery embracing a rabbit in front)

You and Me Makes Weeeee

You and Me Makes Weeeee – speaks to friendship and that sharing life with a friend, whether that’s another person or animal, is enriching. Friendship and love has no boundaries and sometimes the most unlikely of places is where we can find a kindred spirit and lifelong companion. This inspires us to open our hearts wide to possibilities, and to welcome in support from where ever it’s wanting to come through. It also reminds us that having fun is valuable and anyone who helps you to laugh and smile more is priceless.

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Daydreaming – micro rabbit garden mini world where rabbits, crystals and nature merge to remind you how important it is to create time for self-nurturing, rest, and dreaming. Don’t quit your daydream! This sweet little rabbit supports those time outs and reminds you that visualizing from the heart is an essential part of manifesting what you desire. Action upon your dreams is the other part of the equation, but you must dream first and allow yourself the space to imagine all the wonderful possibilities.

Garden of Life

Garden of Life – expresses gardening as a good metaphor for life and the cultivation of your dreams. As you plant your seeds, realize that they mirror the intentional seeds you plant in your own life and how you nurture, cultivate, and care for them will determine what blossoms into manifestation. I have found the same to be true of the caring for my animal companions and the cultivation of our relationship. Your connection with Nature in all her glorious forms will enrich, enhance, and deepen the relationship you have with yourself and what you share with the world. Garden of Life is a daily reminder to be mindful of what seeds your planting and where you’re expending your energy and time.

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Gaia’s Children – reminds us that all of Earth’s children are precious and to respect and honor all of life. When we walk in harmony with nature, we align with the origins of our song and the Cosmos.

The Gift

The Gift – takes us on an enchanted journey to an intimate gathering taking place in the Otherworld. Two dear, old friends – a Woodland Faery and a Rabbit Faery – have gathered beneath the cattails among the great crystal guardians in sacred sharing. Each gives of their heart and opens their heart to receive. They are in tune with the natural cycle of abundance and know that it must flow both ways. The Rabbit Faery presents her friend with a bouquet of flowers sprinkled with her love and fragrant in deep respect, while the Woodland Faery is moved deeply and opens the channels of her heart and solar plexus with Reiki to meet her friend in that space of flow. When we are both giving and receiving from our hearts, we are engaging in the greatest gift there is. This sweet little mini garden will remind you of the things that are truly important, that giving AND receiving are both part of abundance and love, and that it’s crucial to share things today, rather than some “tomorrow” that may never come.




Monday Musings ~ The Writer’s Corner: Feeling the Point of No Return

I’m sharing a short blog today because I felt it might be helpful or resonant in some way for other writers, creatives, and people, in general, facing something challenging. After the last few days of having Cosmo and the bunnies stream into my experience so much, I found a lot of emotions flowing and then thoughts turning to my writing.

Much of which I can’t fully form into words.

Several days ago I did a reveal and reintroduction of myself on Instagram, sharing more transparency with facts about myself people may or may not know. I felt called to do so to help others who have experienced similar, to feel connection – as well as to support more courage in putting who you are out there more, by doing it myself.

All of it bringing me to an even more vulnerable, but enriching place of clarity even within the unknown.

In my revealing facts I shared that I am currently writing my second book that features rabbits as the main characters.

I don’t talk much about my book, as I’ve felt it to be very much a sacred experience and that has involved it also being a very emotional one as well.

Putting both together, this past weekend’s emotions flowing over things that came up around Cosmo and the bunnies, and my delving back into that sacred space of writing this story, I realized that I have a huge well of powerful emotions at the core of it all.

Not only are emotions one of the hardest things to write, because you don’t tell your readers about emotions by describing them or naming them. You convey and induce them by showing them and then allowing them to arrive to their own emotional responses and experiences of the worlds you create – to feel something beyond their normal feelings.

But I also find myself feeling extra sensitive about returning to these emotional places I remember in writing them in the first place and how powerfully they consumed me.

There is no separation between the writing world and real life for me.

Going back into that world feels exciting in terms of bleed-through in experiencing the realities merge, but also feels like the huge precipice of actual shift into a reality that will not be the same again, which I must be fully willing to step inside of.

There’s no return from this rabbit hole.

And there’s an ocean of emotions that are beyond the scope of this reality I feel awaiting me.

I’m not one to fear emotions and feelings.

No, this is more of a pause – a slow deliberation.

Kind of like my knee injury has forced me into slow and deliberate steps and lots of rest while healing and processing happens.

Writing the story was very emotional for me and now knowing I am needing to return back to it has my heart on edge, but not simply due to feeling these things, but what the feelings will create through completion.

I’ve poured myself into this creation, so far, even though it’s far from being complete. And having been able to step away from it has given me space from the feelings lying between the pages, as well as to reassess a lot.

And now, not only to return to them, but to dig even deeper, while making a decision that carries more weight than I may have realized, I feel is my next big challenge inviting me in.

The well of emotions is ready to pour out again.

And while that’s not a bad thing, I’m feeling the immensity of this project at a whole new level, which includes sharing another level of transparency and vulnerability past the onion layers I’ve constantly put out there, revisiting the feelings, and feeling both the scary and free of what the rabbits impregnated this story with that ignites the unknown.

Tomorrow, March 12th, marks the 18 year anniversary of my legally changing my middle name to become my official last name for life:

Tania Marie

It seems appropriate I am sharing and feeling this on the day before such a birthing into who I feel myself to be as spirit in human form this life, as a person, as a being, as a woman, as an artist, as a writer.

I’m curious what is entailed in the immensity I’m feeling around all of this, but the only way I’ll know is to leap in fully.

I’m happy I have Astrid and my rabbit friends by my side to journey deeper into the labyrinth underworld of the Cosmos.

Are any of you also feeling the immensity of something currently?

As if there’s very potent alchemy about to unfold from the next step you take?

Ask Astrid Fridays ~ The Rabbit’s Corner: Surprises That Change Your Life in Wondrous Ways

You’ve all experienced the element of surprise – the moments that take you off-guard or provide quite the shock to your life. These jolts can take the form of unwelcome and shattering surprises, sweet and exciting ones, and a whole gamut in between. In any of these cases, surprises herald shifts in your feelings and experiences that act like defining moments in your life that provide opportunity and greater possibility.

Today’s message from Astrid is about learning to find greater peace with surprise and to know that while sometimes these surprises feel painful or challenging, they can also be eye-opening, nurturing, and reflections of you being ready for so much more.


Being that tomorrow marks the official day four years ago that I adopted Cosmo, our special needs bunny extraordinaire, Astrid is inviting him into today’s message because she knows that like her appearance in my life, he was a huge surprise to me, too. One that brought along more than I knew anything about at the time, but became the defining moment of life shifts, heart healing, and greater essence embodiment for me.

Surprises can jolt you into greater recognition of who you are.

And while some surprises you may want to fight, challenge, or feel defeated and crushed by, each provides you the opportunity to drop into more presence of the moment and see where you’ve been invited to rise to the occasion of you.

Something simple like a surprise gift, a smile, a “thank you,” or an “I love you” might drop you into the opportunity to receive, feel how special you are, flip a switch on your current emotional state, or to open and give more freely.

Something much larger like a surprise injury, illness, a move, a break-up, loss of a job, stress, or having to say “goodbye” to someone or something might drop you into slowing down, nurturing yourself more, making adjustments that are more enriching for you, realizing how much there is to be grateful for, creating more balance, aligning you with better opportunities and fulfillment, is speaking to your having more strength and resiliency than you think, and is inviting you to step out in bigger ways, as you have more now to support and inspire others with while you expand and evolve through the experience.

Yes, surprises can be jolting in what you define as good and not-so-good ways, but ultimately the Universe or All That Is doesn’t judge them as either. They are simply the next part of the web you are stretching out to weave.

There was once a time that the continual, not-so-fun surprises used to hit my life and I’d wonder what the heck I was doing so wrong to have them take place. Even injuries used to initially be a downer and questioning of my efforts gone in vain.

But I learned quickly this was no way to approach things if I actually wanted the peace and joy I desired. It would only put me in a downward spiral, creating greater difficulty and effort to rise out of.

And along came Cosmo.

He had every bit of his bunny joy cut away when an injury at his foster home left him unable to walk. He became a “down” bunny, unable to run, binky, jump, fully clean himself, or even get to his cecotropes on his own. He endured daily pain from his spinal injury and growing arthritis.

And yet his demeanor remained unconditionally loving, compassionate, and joyful. Everything was sweetness to him and he never hesitated to show you his love.

Although I’d learned that these “surprises” in life were not my fault or something to punish myself about, or to get angry and defeated by, it wasn’t until Cosmo came along that I truly learned how to embody these ideas, as his example and presence in my life revealed his consistent and constant embodiment of rising to the occasion.


“He knew the way to your heart,” Astrid says. “Only he could make the lasting impression that would linger with you forever and make the next needed shifts. And so your worlds collided because you both were ready. Even though you’d never cared for a special needs child, he knew your heart would find the way because of the love you both shared. Although all of us – the rabbits in your life – have been children to you, he was truly your baby, sharing a bond of mother and child in every sense of that relationship. And yet, he was also your teacher to help you into the next chapter.”


“He was definitely a huge surprise to me on so many levels. The circumstances bringing us together were highly unusual and came out of no where. Not to mention, at a time when so much was changing and unknown – when I didn’t even think I’d be around much longer. I didn’t even know the full circumstances of what his condition was and what would be involved to care for him. He just pushed open the door I left a crack open to in my heart and everything flooded in. I was constantly surprised how much deeper my heart grew, how bonded we became so fast, and how much joy every aspect of caring for his special needs brought to me. While I cared for him, I know I was caring for myself. He was the little broken parts of the inner child me and all of the pains I’d carried over the years and lives, now come to be seen as whole and perfect, as I saw him whole and perfect. We didn’t have anything to heal. We needed only to love. Love erased any wrongs and was the valuable residue that would always remain long after,” I answer. “Life suddenly became sweeter and consistently seen only through love.”

“Surprises come in many forms and bring along with them a string of gifts and potentials when you move with them rather than against them,” Astrid adds. “Just like your most recent injury.”

“Yes, I’ve not once been upset over my knee and it’s interesting how immediately through that moving with it, as you said, I noticed my body surrendering into what it wanted with ease. Resting, slowing down, refocusing, making changes – it all just flowed and seems seamless,” I answer. “And interestingly, my leg has been undergoing rapid healing. I was completely embracing of it potentially taking months, but things have been shifting so fast.”

“You didn’t fight the surprise, nor judge it. When you live life with greater presence and experience it as a whole – not one aspect being better or worse, but simply pieces of purpose and promise – things move quickly. You become conscious of the gifts sooner and even humor finds a sweet spot within the experience. Some thing may be harder to grasp in such a way, but each smaller surprise, and some of the larger ones you’ve already moved through, will help act as reminders. You don’t always get to see what might have been, had these surprises not happened. Sometimes they are detours to something you might deem far worse. Sometimes they are detours to something incredible you can’t imagine yet. Sometimes they’re simply growing pains. And still, perhaps they needn’t be any of these. Could not surprises be revealing an opportunity to experience something simply different or new? Could not surprises swing you back and forth through contrasting experiences to help you to release the idea of an ideal. That maybe, just maybe, surprises are calculated perfection within all that is naturally in harmony,” Astrid concludes.

Whimsical Wednesdays ~ The Artist’s Corner: Last Mini Rabbit Gardens & Finale

Although I’m not posting regularly with the full three blog series anymore due to focusing back on my book and healing from my recent knee injury, since I finally got around to posting the last mini rabbit gardens today in my Etsy shop, it seemed a perfect and simple share for Whimsical Wednesdays. I’ve been taking it easy every day since my injury and only doing one task a day combined with rest, so today’s task complete I thought it would be fun to share some creative inspiration that makes me so happy.

Every single mini rabbit garden reflects a piece of our hearts – Astrid and me that is.

Today I have two new creations I call micro gardens, a whimsical mini garden magnet, and a extravagant finale piece.

I hesitated posting the finale piece because a part of me REALLY wants to keep it, but I haven’t found a place for it. I already made myself two mini rabbit gardens I barely had room for. Who knows….if something shifts it might just have to stay, but until then I’m sharing it with you and if by some chance it also speaks to someone else, I’ll know it’s meant to be and will be heart and soul happy someone loves it just as much as I do.

I love all of them and have often said I need a special room just to display them in, but it has given me great joy in hearing how these enchanted mini worlds and my art have been touching people’s lives and hearts – and THAT is truly the best gift.

Each mini garden has its own signature energy and awaits the alignment of right person and right timing. I love watching that take place.

These are the last new gardens I’ll be making, as I’ve already moved into a new realm of creations to share when I have time to complete the first pieces.

Things are in slower motion these days, as I take things slowly and make room for lots of rest. I’ve been extra tired since the injury, so I know my body is healing and recalibrating the changes.

So here are a few photos of the latest creations we’ve been dreaming into life, but you can explore more about all of them with photos and info at:

The Magick Rabbit

Every creation in my Etsy shop has a story and energy to read about. I hope you enjoy the journey.

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Sweet Surprises mini garden magnet – reminds you of how living in wonder will always provide gifts along the way. A sweet little white rabbit beckons the journey with a bouquet of life’s blossoms to inspire you with hope. A magickal mushroom peeks out of the real wood tree stump reflecting how things can show up in unusual ways and places. The Quartz point provides clarity, vision, and protection as you accept the adventure. And a little succulent sprouts forth in healing green energy of love, anchoring everything to your heart. To wander is to live in wonder and Sweet Surprises can be a joyful inner child spark to add a special note, reminder, or affirmation to your refrigerator or office.

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Never Give Up micro rabbit garden mini world where rabbits, crystals and nature merge to remind you to hold on to your hopes and dreams, keep going, and don’t quit right before the journey’s about to shift. The sweet little bunnies appear as if they are both struggling to try and push the acorn that’s twice their size AND playing on the acorn – perhaps they are, as there needn’t be a division between work and play. Is the highest mountain a welcome challenge to you? Do you wish you had more courage and strength? Do you feel you are all about work and no play? These little ones will be your sweetest cheerleaders, while also reminding you to make the journey fun, no matter how hard it seems.

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Daydreaming micro rabbit garden mini world where rabbits, crystals and nature merge to remind you how important it is to create time for self-nurturing, rest, and dreaming. Don’t quit your daydream! This sweet little rabbit supports those time outs and reminds you that visualizing from the heart is an essential part of manifesting what you desire. Action upon your dreams is the other part of the equation, but you must dream first and allow yourself the space to imagine all the wonderful possibilities.

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write your own story amethyst

UPDATE SOLD: Write Your Own Story is my finale piece and most extravagant mini world vision come to life. This magickal world reminds you that the kingdom within your heart lives and breathes. It’s a peace garden realm of potential tucked away between dimensions you can pull out any time you want to step into the world of possibility. Narnia had the wardrobe and now you have a magick drawer! A new world awaits you where anything is possible. Here, you are reminded that every moment is yours to create as you desire. It’s your book. Write Your Own Story and watch it unfold before your eyes.


Ask Astrid Friday’s ~ The Rabbit’s Corner: Yield in the Face of Change


Ever since our Amethyst babies have returned home, the energy has been shaking up and redirecting here. Not in a new direction, per say, but into alignment with what I’d been sensing. The Universe, or All That Is, likes to reiterate things in reflection and with the types of astrological placements I have, much of the time my messages come in clear through an injury or fracture. This took place today.

I slipped on some ice, even after being told twice by Dave to be careful of it AND being cautious. My heel just hit the perfect angle sending me out of balance and falling in a way that overextended my knee. And this leaves me either with a strain or tear to my MCL. At least not a bone fracture, as my usual M.O., but ligament injuries are no fun thing and it will take time to heal.

And where does that leave me?

Only able to focus on my writing again. Go figure!

It was no surprise by me and it just seems that the Universe, or Uni, as I like to call IT has my back and knows me well – that to get into alignment with the momentum needed, there would need to be something put into place.

I’ve also sensed a lot of energy out there and my desire not to engage in it. There may be a part of that in this too, but also reflecting how I’m really ready to move forward with new momentum.

And, just like Astrid went through her little experience of moving energy through her solar plexus recently, I am moving energy through my knee – the place of flexibility, movement, and considered where we assimilate knowledge and learning on a spiritual and energetic level (think kneeling and praying – even being knighted back in the day). When you take into account that knees can also represent fears and humility, it makes a lot of sense.

It’s interesting that Astrid has changed her position of where she lays the last few days for her daytime naps. Normally she’s enjoyed being under the sleigh at center of our room or under the low meditation table in the exercise room adjacent to ours.

But I’ve found her now in the top level of her castle tower and with her body curved in positions where her bunny butt hangs out the window on one side or her legs do.


She seems to say with this that the peace in our hearts can keep us anchored and safe, even when we stretch parts of ourselves through unknown doorways.

That it’s about moving forward with a new approach to change, which is basically the unknown.

“You know, the unknown you’ve felt around your book,” she adds.

She likes to cut to the chase.

“Yes, you’re absolutely right,” I reply. “And you know that I’ve said I was going to get back to it full time after my birthday even though I’ve felt some fear around it.”

“Yes, and I’ve seen you clearing the slate and making room for it,” she says. “You’ve been feeling the tug at your heart for a few weeks now, while being presented with life options, and we’ve been waiting to see what you’d choose.”

She’s right. I have been feeling it in the background very profoundly and started getting the sense to jump full on in again, which is why on Monday I’d announced that Monday and Wednesday’s blogs would likely go dormant while I switch back gears to writing full time.

“Yes, and you know how powerful your words and feelings are. You then created the scenario to ensure it!” she says with a wink.

“I did indeed, because now I will need to rest my knee and lay low, which will keep me where I feel I want and need to be. It also ensures I listen to the messages so as not to create anything really terrible. I think the wind and storm, and now the knee, all point to new directions and their timeliness I’ve felt in my soul. Funny that I also was heading into a new form of painting with my side creative time to accompany writing, which all keeps me able to sit or lay on the bed while doing them.”

“You do follow your feelings well,” she says. “There are times you may feel vulnerable or even unsure about something, but you have never been one to resist the winds of change. That’s why you braved those 80 mile an hour winds without hesitation and stepped into them with determination to retrieve your things. Your knee is not a punishment or bad thing, but simply a reset and an opportunity to surrender even more and open to yet wider, even more flexible possibilities you have yet to imagine with your writing. Anything that feels overwhelming can be embraced through humility. I know that the next phase will likely be your hardest one yet with the book, but the wisdom of your knee is to yield in the face of change. Something I know you can do well, my friend. Remember where you’ve been and how far you’ve come. Now repeat that process. The parts and players may be different, but the game is still the same.” she says.


I wonder if any of you are approaching similar resets in your life that seem both exciting and overwhelming?

Do Astrid’s words touch a chord?