Monthly Archives: June 2017

Hitting the Reset Button

Woo! The last 10 days have been quite the journey. As mentioned, I’ve been on a fast/cleanse since the first full day Astrid came home and right as Summer kicked in. Today is actually my 10th and final day of the process itself, but I won’t be returning to regular food until Tuesday (coincidentally the 4th of July!), as there’s a 3 day ease-in process to prepare the body and stomach for food again. So it’s really like a 13 day cleanse – or nearly 2 weeks. However, in some ways I feel I’ve been cleansing longer, as being in Austin, Texas for a week in the high heat and humidity, had me sweating out toxins too. And in general, have just felt like an energetic purge has been taking place.

I wrote before that I in fact had no intention of doing any kind of a cleanse, as I’ve really just not felt called to it anymore, having done so many in the past. However, I got the hit that it would be of benefit energetically at this time with all the new things coming, which is the only reason I followed the guidance.

Some people cleanse for health reasons, to lose weight, fast for longevity and spiritual benefits, but I simply did it for a complete energetic reset to shift my frequency and on all levels, remove any old, to start anew.

That said, of course all of the other reasons people do this for would still end up happening during the experience, but they were not my focus, nor goal.

Since it wasn’t my intention to do a cleanse, and literally was spiritual guidance, I wanted something easy in terms of not needing to buy a kit, nor buy a bunch of things and maintain a regime of preparations. I wanted low maintenance and low effort – other than commitment.

So I ended up doing the Master Cleanse (very effective especially for my personal goal), which I’d only done once before, about 6-7 years ago. However, that time I had to stop at 8 days because my hypo-glycemia was kicking in and I don’t play around with that. Always listen to your body!

This time I made it through the 10 days yay! And quite extraordinarily too.

Never do a fast or cleanse without consulting your doctor, if in fact you have other health conditions and are taking medications. I’m not a doctor, nor health expert, I just do things I feel guided to do and know only my own personal experience of them. But we are all different and need different things, precautions, and protocol.

I also don’t personally recommend this particularly cleanse for everyone, as it is really challenging. It takes a commitment, tempered with listening to your body, and will put you to the test for sure.

My experience was this.

The first 4 days were great. I loved the drink, felt good, and was active everyday doing hiking 3 of the days (3-5 miles) and kayaking 1 of the days. All of which was incredible, but I had the energy to do it.

Then the next 3 days became challenging in terms of waking in the morning feeling ultra weak, until I got going and started intaking the liquids I was supposed to, which then got me back on track and feeling fine. I also started thinking about all the food I wanted to eat when it was done and collecting recipes – living vicariously through the imagination. But while I’ve heard of people who fast getting lower back aches and pains, likely due to toxins from the kidneys and organs they’re cleansing, I instead had mild aches right above my knees, which was interesting, but uncomfortable and odd. This would happen at night before bed, making it challenging to find a comfortable position until I finally fell asleep and then it was gone when I woke. I wonder if symbolically this had to do with moving forward in life in a new direction and the increased flexibility needed for the next “leg” of the journey. I also wasn’t able to do the level of outdoor exercise/activities I was, and decreased it to just short walks and beach/swimming time to relax, but still get some good vitamin D and nature. Considering, these were pretty mild challenges since I know people can go through some crazy stuff.

But the last 3 days were back to being great. No more weak mornings, aches went away, and energy rose. I was able to do short 2 mile mild hikes and generally felt energized. I was able to work with prepping the wood for some of the Magick Crystal Wands, which took energy sanding and sealing. I wasn’t thinking about food anymore either, but instead what I also found in these last few days was that my body now was not really interested in intaking anything, yet had lots of energy. I felt more like a breatharian and light being, having a hard time consuming the amounts they say to drink, and so I listened to my body instead.

And here I am now completing the course today, feeling clear, light, and definitely in a different state of mind and being. I had made it over the hump and the detox period and got myself to the other end, or the “light at the end of the tunnel.”

I did in fact lose likely about 10 + pounds (I don’t own a scale, but I can vividly tell by the dramatic change in my body – Dave noticed too), which again was not my goal, but just happens of course if you’re not eating anything and flushing everything out during the process. You do have a special lemonade drink you intake, which is composed of water, maple syrup, lemon juice, and cayenne, but other than that you are taking a senna tea (which helps bowel movements since you’re not intaking any solid food) at night and a salt water flush in the morning (don’t leave home until that flush out is done or you’ll have accidents!), which is helping to eliminate everything and move out toxins, as well as clean out your colon and digestive system, inducing forced bowel movements.

I will likely gain all or at least some of this back, as I get back into a normal routine again, but the key is to keep on a healthy momentum, otherwise cleanses are a waste of time if you jump back into junk food and unhealthy food, in general, and the benefits will be temporary only. It’s a good opportunity to make those lifestyle and dietary changes you’ve been feeling called to do.

I don’t plan on another cleanse, unless something strikes me like this one to be essential for my evolution. But I did find this one to be perfect in timing with Astrid’s arrival, the onset of Summer, New Moon Supermoon, some things shifting in our lives, and a new path about to happen for me.

Again, I don’t recommend this for everyone and don’t even recommend it to anyone who hasn’t thoroughly been advised or looked into it themselves, as it is NOT a piece of cake. To me it’s like fasting, with the benefits of cleansing. But like with any cleanse or fast, you’ll bring up a lot of stuff on many levels, including emotional, that may be tough to handle. Not to mention, you’ll go through some physical adjustments while those toxins move out! Yet, there is opportunity to refresh and revitalize, as well as take your life to another level and feel more alive, clear, and light.

For me it’s been great, despite the middle challenge I had to go through to get to the other side, which is like anything in life worth having and experiencing.

I would never force myself, if I thought my body couldn’t handle it or was starting to show signs of deterioration and inability to move forward for its own good. I checked in and it was simply about embracing the uncomfortable for a bit because it was just part of the cleanse/detox that if flowed with and not fought, would get me to the side of ease and grace.

It also made me look at things in my life again, in review, which has been powerful, affirming, and grounding, and even my relationship with food, which has both deepened and expanded as well.

Getting to where I am now I know that I don’t “need” food, but I do love and appreciate that part and choice of being human and being able to enjoy the sensuality of life and nature’s goodness. It makes you experience both sides of the coin (our Cosmic and Earthly selves) and integrate them in a balanced way that works perfectly and harmoniously for you.

And as I’ve been telling people a lot recently before this cleanse, it has anchored in the fact that I live for now and bringing forth everything possible that passionately lives in my heart and am not concerned about the future, nor of death. Nor do I strive for longevity. For me it’s about quality of life and as long as I feel I’m doing everything I can right now and living from the joy and peace of my spirit, then that’s more than enough for me.

I feel just so super charged with momentum of what’s in motion and ready for any new things that come my way. I also received some insights for my wands that will challenge my creative abilities. I also had future visions and heart ties that spoke through from the other side of their doorways. And lots of synchronicity and alignments showing up as fuel to my focus.

So overall, the nudge to do this in fact has been reiterated and I’m sure I’ll find out more of the benefits, as the days go on following full completion of this journey.

Last Chance to Commission Your Magick Crystal Wand

Today is the last day I’ll be taking commission orders on Magick Crystal Wands.

I can take a couple more only, as I’ll be in creation mode with current orders and finalizing things with my book.

So if you wanted one of these here is the link below where you can order yours.

Thank you for your understanding and thank you everyone who has ordered one.

I’ll be getting them out as soon as I can.

Super excited about the new ones channeling through!

Commission Your Magick Crystal Wand

The Journey Begins with Ups & Downs, but Always Love


Astrid has been settling in while mom continues to make her feel comfy, loved, and surrounded in bunny magick fitting of this Faery bunny. She’s a powerful girl, whose power I have yet to fully know, but also has Earthly challenges I’ll be continuing to assist her with, as she helps me too. I’ve received so many sweet messages from everyone about Astrid, including how beautiful she is and how her power just jumps through the photos I share in huge ways – in some cases feeling struck by her energy with a “wow” effect. I’ve also really enjoyed the reflections of so many saying that she and I look alike and how our hair matches, all of which reiterate to me that she was meant to be here and indeed is my familiar. Thank you to everyone for your loving thoughts and messages.


I will continue to update you on her and our journey, which is the purpose of this post to share some photos of how she is adjusting to her new surroundings. I still have some sweet and magickal things on their way, which I ordered for her.


I want Astrid to feel like the Queen that she is and to know she is loved, safe, and recognized for the enchanted and cosmic soul she embodies. I love creating a Faery bunny realm for her and since our kitty babies have basically the whole house (you know cats), it’s nice to know she has her little sanctuary that is her own.


In the meantime, I continue to patiently work with her to help her day-by-day to move through the past that has created the fight mode she has. I will continue to tune in to get more of her story and background as to why she is so easily startled by everything, feels threatened and defensive, and what happened to create that attack mode.


Some of it I sense already in the scary things she’s experienced and seen happen to animals around her in one of the horrible shelters she was held in – Solona County Animal Care. I feel she holds pain and grief, as a healer/sensitive, for what the others went through and that weren’t as lucky as she was. She developed defense mechanisms and her power, magickal energy, strength, and bravery fought her way through things that others weren’t so lucky to get away from or knew how to cope with.

It pains me greatly to feel all the horrible things that she and the others have been through. I’m so grateful and lucky she was removed from there and got away from all of it, including where she originally came from and what was in store for her, as some of the way she is also is from how she was raised and what she was raised for.


But of course, some of this “sensitivity” is also about her healing abilities and gifts in being such a mirror and reflection to our own vibrations and making us aware of being present and acknowledging of our shadow aspects – she isn’t a dark colored bunny for no reason. 😉


It also served her in weeding out potential adopters because no one could “see” past her behavior initially and really “see” her. Nor did anyone want to take the time to work with her and understand the magick and power beneath it all, just waiting to be supported and recognized.


What a patient girl she was waiting nearly 2 1/2 years for that alignment to happen. I’m so grateful she chose me and that Marcy at SaveABunny had the intuition to connect us, feeling we would be perfect for each other and a good match.


We are definitely equals and so I’m devoted to assist her with the Earthly stuff she went through so that she can purely focus on shining her amazingness.


She goes through ups and downs, has spent a lot of time processing and integrating the journey to get here and her new home, has breakthroughs then set backs….but it’s part of the process of which I’m VERY aware of.


I just keep loving her through it and both giving her the space she needs, but also helping her to rise above things by not letting her push me away. I know that we must meet as equals in our power and this will assist the alchemy for her healing. So I rise to the occasion too.


She got a visit from her grandma and grandpa on Sunday – my mom and dad – which didn’t go so well and it was an off day for her, which increased into her worst day so far and kept her hiding in our second bedroom all day and night and in super attack mode. I’m glad she got to meet them and know she has an extended family here full of love for her, but also learned that she really needs extreme easing into everything and too much new, energies, and people can be compounding for her…so we’ll take things slower and not introduce her to too much all at once.


Luckily, with the love and patience provided, she came out and has had two really good days since with a complete turn around. So I think she really is learning to process and with the communication I share with her, she really understands and is trying her best to move through with my encouragement.

I just love seeing her relaxed and enjoying herself, displaying pure joy when she races around from room to room with exuberant energy and jumps and twists in the air doing her binkies, which says to me she’s one happy, grateful bunny and is loving her freedom and all the nurturing. (I do spoil her with only the best in bunny food, supplies, and healthy yums – can do a separate post on the goodness she receives). It warms my heart.

I will not give up on her, as I have never done so with any of my babies. It took me six months to bond Joy and Cosmo, but boy was that ever worth the patience and work to help Joy through her own defenses she had, as they then became inseparable and soulmates. The best thing that ever happened to both of them. And I never gave up on Cosmo with his condition either, nor did I force Nestor out of her independent mode. I learned what they each needed and desired to be who they really are and supported that.


I love these photos that show how Astrid is following in Joy’s footsteps (they both were adopted from SaveABunny) as a little portal/doorway guardian.


I’ll continue doing so with Astrid and fully believe that together we can achieve anything. I’m grateful that she chose me and grateful for Zephyr and Marcy who connected us and made our partnership and bond possible. I know we are both in for a lot of surprises along the way and a lot of adventures yet to have together. For now we take each day as it comes and I’ll continue showering her with the love she deserves so that she knows she has a forever, safe, and nurturing home that she can blossom in and where we can cultivate a new journey together.



Astrid Says its Magick Crystal Wand Time Again ~ Taking Only 5 More Commissions

Twin Seer Bridge Weaver Wand (1)It’s Magick Crystal Wand time again in more focused mode – that’s the message loud and clear from Astrid. She is merging into her role beautifully, just as thought, and alongside her magickal and Cosmic timings of entering my life on Summer Solstice and communicating her name on the New Moon Supermoon in Cancer, she’s picking right up where Nestor especially, but Joy and Cosmo too, left off in giving me directives with my work she’ll be partnering in. Yesterday I found and heard her gnawing on my magickal wood pieces that are meant to be channeled into wands, scepters, and staves, and immediately got her message she was ready to help and telling me it was time to get fully back into it.

Luckily she only gnawed on the ones for me and where I’ll be wrapping with vegan leather, but she was definitely in tune with me, as the last couple of days while I’ve been getting organized and settled to open the space back again for this, I’ve been saying to myself “it’s time to create!”

She’s so in tune, as her behavior was an immediate reiterating message and that she agrees and is ready too! So cute!!

And so like Nestor who always was a part of the paintings and creations I was involved in. She would hang out with me while painting and when I was done she would sign the right corner along with me by placing her teeth marks there. 🙂 Joy also loved our painting time and even got into the paint literally to help out. Hehe!! So Astrid seems to be marking the wood with her energy signature too, along with letting me know to “hop to it!”

I’ve been away so much and in between trips only had time to begin the new commissions because of so much transitioning with the travels, personal business Dave and I have been managing, and then Astrid came and there’s been integration time with that, so I plan to now immerse fully back into completing the ones I started and can begin any new commissions as well.

That said, since I have a lot already on my plate between the current commissions and finalizing my book, I will only be able to take a very limited amount of new commissions for the Magick Crystal Wands.

Likely about 3 to perhaps 5 more at the most at this time and then I may need to take a break until I feel caught up.

Thank you all for your patience and I can’t wait to immerse in the energy of these wands and seeing them into manifestation fully now, especially having my co-creator, Astrid, with me to help out.

So, if you were interested in one of these from before, you may want to jump in here and let me know, as I’m constantly needing to make adjustments and not sure how long I’ll be able to continue offering these.

Here is the link for ordering:

Commission a Magick Crystal Wand

The numbers reflected at the link are not up-to-date, as I haven’t had time to adjust them since I received orders, but they’ll reflect in availability when ordering.

If you have any questions please contact me here: 

Contact Tania

And remember if you spoke to me before about my creating a custom piece for you, please go ahead and place your order at the link above as well for your choice of Magick Crystal Wand. This will get the ball rolling with things.

I can only imagine how potent these will be with Astrid’s help.

Divine Surprises ~ Following the White Rabbit Blew Zephyr In & Cosmically Aligned Astrid

My journey has intensified, deepened, and expanded with rabbits. And although I am, and have been my whole life, strongly empathic to all animals and identified with them the most, making it imperative I change my lifestyle choices in all ways, it became evident that my calling and path was to be a voice for rabbits and all of life through my work with them. After having assisted Joy and Cosmo to move on, I didn’t really know how things would unfold and took time to just let things evolve naturally. Then one day around 3 months ago I began feeling like something was missing, making me realize that me without a rabbit just isn’t me, and then sensed a rabbit was coming and that I was ready.

And so I heard the call and listened.

This led me to start exploring SaveABunny’s website of available rabbits for adoption. SaveABunny is a non-profit rabbit rescue organization based in Northern California and is where I was led by my rabbit/twin soul Nestor to find Joy in 2008 – taking her home two days before my birthday in 2009. It’s about 3 hours and 20 minutes from our home in Lake Tahoe, so it wasn’t like I could just go over there, so I knew things would be a process.

As I explored the bunnies on their page of rabbits for adoption I was energetically drawn to one named Big Sur. There was no information about him like most of the others, except where he came from. I did notice that his ears were half missing though. So I wanted to touch in and find out his status and background.

This was the only photo I saw of him that began this whole journey, but his soul spoke through his eyes to mine and that was it.

It took a little while to hear back, as they are a busy, volunteer-only organization but then got info he was stable and learned more about his background.

I felt he was the one and so I then talked with Dave to make sure he was on board and ok with bringing in another bunny and he told me that if I feel it’s what I want and it’s important for me and my path then he supports that.

However, I knew we had a lot of upcoming travels coming and so I knew it wasn’t a good idea to adopt him until the travels were done, as I would want to establish solidity and be there to create the feeling of home and safety – not up and leave right away, which would feel like abandonment.

After asking about my options and exploring what I could do, we all decided the best was to just wait until my travels were done and come in at that time to adopt. There was no telling what could evolve in the meantime, but the thing I was being told was to TRUST.

There was a process unfolding and it wasn’t to be rushed, as there are many working parts and variables that can always shift at any moment these day and things do in fact change overnight, not to mention my travels would shift energies as well for me, as would the rapid changes I keep making create rippling shifts. So I waited very patiently, but quite anxiously.

While in Sedona I felt more solidified with everything and asked during my labyrinth walk on the Full Moon for clarity and support with the whole process for the highest good. It was in Sedona as well that I received his name – Zephyr, which means a gentle wind or soft breeze from the west (which he was….blowing into my life from the west coast area, west of Tahoe). It also means the Greek god of the west wind.

There was connection with avian bird energy with this name and meaning that are around me so much and Zephyr Cove where we walk all the time and I would think of him.

I made a full commitment by filling out an adoption form online and this spun things further into motion and declared my readiness and commitment out loud to the Universe to welcome in a new rabbit companion, as well as continue on with my path in a larger way. A lot of synchronous things kept happening and it felt in flow.

I also had a dream of him, which was telling and something I’d been waiting to see if that would happen, as all of my bunnies communicate that way (so does Gaia my tortoise). It is indication that we are able to telepathically communicate and that there is a bond there.

And he DID come to me in dream time, which involved some communication and me being with him while we were bonding and I rubbed his third eye and the area around his sweet ears.

I later also had another dream and the connection continued daily with feeling him so strongly and communicating to him with ease.

Then on Beltane I received confirmation of my appointment and time to go in and adopt him, which ended up being on June 20th Solstice at 1:30pm. Magick was at work indeed, as Joy departed to the stars on June 21st of last year and the Solstice this year would be at 9:24 pm Pacific Time for me, so right in the transition portal of it all.

Divine perfection unfolding for sure in full circle and the closing and opening of doors.

So a little about Big Sur, who for me is Zephyr (or Baby Z, as I lovingly call him by nickname when communicating to him – all of my loves receive tons of nicknames). Both of his names seemed to perfectly align with his watery and airy nature too.

Anyway, Big Sur/Zephyr came in from Salinas Animal Services in November 2016 and came to SaveABunny soon after. He is blind in his right eye and had bite wounds beyond his ears having been bitten off. He was treated and neutered, went on antibiotics, but healed very well.

When I first inquired they said he was stable, wasn’t on medication, and his blood panel hadn’t shown anything serious.

He’s been through a lot, but remains incredibly loving and sweet (remind you of anyone? – hint Cosmo) and likely was a breeding rabbit at a meat farm, which attests for his injuries from the horrible conditions of these cruel places.

Here’s a recent photo of him showing how well he’s healed.

I find rabbits to be unique in that they transcend or bridge several categories of animals.

They are domestic, farm, and wild animals and not only are seen as animal companions/pets, but also are farmed or hunted for their meat, farmed or hunted for their fur, and are one of the most commonly used and abused animals in terms of lab testing and experiments.

Not only have rabbits become synonymous with cosmetics animal testing throughout the world, enduring horrendous suffering in the name of “beauty,” but their image is the most recognized and used on cruelty-free labeling.

American Anti-Vivisection Society shares this article:

Rabbits in Science

PETA shares this article:

Rabbits in Labratories

Rabbit meat is being promoted as the new “super meat” although not as easily commercially produced on an industrial scale (thank goodness!) because of their weaker immune systems and overall die more easily, but is still being done. There are even crazy motivation and incentive articles like this trying to get people to do it more: 7 Reasons to Raise Rabbits for Meat

Just blows my mind.

Anyway, back to Zephyr/Big Sur.

After Sedona we were in Australia and upon returning from Australia I found out when checking in that he wasn’t doing so well. He’s had a couple setbacks, went into stasis and Marcy, the founder of SaveABunny just didn’t know in any definitive way what was wrong.

Either he was having medical complications solely, or he was depressed and this was causing issues.

So she asked me what I thought, as she was thinking of moving him to a different area and potentially seeing if he wanted/needed another bunny friend.

I told her to do anything she felt was in his highest good, as that was what was most important. It wasn’t about me. It was about him.

In the meantime I connected with him and communicated all of my thoughts and sent him energy, telling him I would be there soon to see him.

A little while after I learned he was doing better and had been moved to a larger area with even more light.

We then were in Austin and I checked in again two nights before going in to SaveABunny to see how he was.

I received a message that he was “OK” but that it really was hard to know.

What I didn’t mention is that when I first learned he wasn’t doing well I did some work around things for myself, as I knew I was being asked to go to another level. I allowed myself to be sad and although I had released things to the highest good from the get-go, and was open to him leading me to another bunny if in fact something didn’t work out for whatever reason, I still needed to go deeper.

And so I did.

I realized that when I was inquiring about him I was wanting there not to be any further major medical issues other than needing to take into account his blindness and ears, as well as emotional challenges he might have from everything, but I know at the core of me that my path is not about certainties and perfect scenarios and not about being afraid to take in an extremely challenged bunny, or any challenge for that matter in life, as the growth for me is in the difficult decisions and expanding my emotions and abilities beyond where I’ve gotten to so far. This is what I feel to be the balancing between love and mission I’m learning and is a huge cosmic focus too being worked out collectively, I feel.

And I did a lot of work around supporting him with what ever he needed and wanted that would be for his highest good and overall for everyone involved. I also, for the first time, opened to looking at other potential bunnies on their website, in case I really would be needing to take home another. And I asked him to lead me there, if so, and that I would have the clarity to be able to make the highest decisions. I also worked through my emotions, as I was saddened by hearing of his condition and potentially not being able to take him, or worse. I was ready for anything and asked that I’d have the strength to do what was right.

If you remember in my blog post Follow the White Rabbit I shared:

“Following the White Rabbit is where the journey begins…a reminder to take chances in life, follow your intuitive nudges and gut instincts, and let your heart and inner mind lead the way. A new way of feeling, thinking, seeing, believing, and being is just around the corner, or perhaps “down the rabbit hole,” leading you to a new opportunity and a whole whimsical “Wonderland” of unlimited possibilities and magickal experiences.”

And here I found myself following the White Rabbit – Zephyr – on a new journey of surprising twists and turns and magickal unfolding. I had no idea where this path would lead, how it would end, what was involved, but down the rabbit hole I went, following my heart and intuition, regardless. I just knew this is what I needed to do – tough as it might be.

This led me to Tuesday, 6/20, Summer Solstice, a big journey, and a surprise. Sweetly, my friend here in Lake Tahoe offered to go with me on this trip, which was such a blessing and I’m deeply grateful for. I had just planned to go on my own since Dave had to work, but having Sharon along was a gift and great support for the day. She even packed us a whole cooler of drinks and healthy snacks and food and captured some photos for me. I loved that it also enabled her to connect with and learn more about the bunnies too, which she loved.

This was my transition day of easing into my cleanse (which meant backing off of food, which I did) so everything she brought was perfect, as they were light and healthy and I ate just as much as I needed to sustain for the day’s challenges.

The drive wasn’t bad at all going and we arrived as Marcy was outside and immediately it felt like yesterday I’d been there (remembering the place, the street, her) even though it was a little over 8 years ago since I’d last visited. I’ve met Marcy in person 4 times now, but it always seems like yesterday.

Anyway, she brought us in and gave us the tour, introduced us to all of the bunnies briefly, and lastly I met Zephyr/Big Sur.

He was just as sweet as he was in our communicating and what I’d felt from him. Just a love bug and he just nuzzled into my hand. My heart melted.

I had already fallen in love with him, but that was solidified and deepened.

Well, the story takes a turn here, as we ended up being at SaveABunny for nearly 4 hours, which was totally unexpected. Part of that was in connecting with the bunnies, but a large part was due to me having to process things about the challenge I was presented.

To try and not extend this out too long, I had to decide if I should really take Zephyr or not, and which bunny I should take, if in fact I didn’t.


Well, after talking with Marcy and feeling things out with him more it was evident his condition is an unknown, potentially volatile one and his blood panel had shown kidney issues likely as well, he is still up and down in behavior and eating. He had also been moved to a larger pen area next to Amandine, who is a large, white and extremely conscious, nurturing, healer, mother bunny (pictured below).

He’d gotten better from his setbacks and stasis since moving next to her.

Marcy left it up to me, because she trusts me, but wanted me to know everything to make the best decision.

And in the meantime, she wanted me to tune into one other bunny, in particular, named De Ja Vu. But to feel out all of the bunnies, in general.

So I was introduced to De Ja Vu who was just to the right a bit of Zephyr. De Ja Vu has been at SaveABunny the longest (since 2015 – so 2 years) , other than Pee Wee whose been there since 2014.

No one has wanted to adopt her because she acts assertive right away and people, in general, unless they are feeling into things a bit more, look for the cute, snuggly, beautiful breeds, and not everyone is willing to put in the extra time and effort for “special needs”.

Although De Ja Vu does not have physical challenges, she is still a special needs bunny.

Anyway, she will grunt and charge at first, but you need to look beyond this and understand what’s going on, which isn’t all just her challenges, but what she’s reflecting, as she is sensitive to every energetic nuance. Not in a “I’m going to take this personally way” but as in noticing the shifts in frequencies immediately from your state of being, feeling, and mind, or the environment.

So I pet her a bit and then sat down, as Marcy gave her to me to hold, showing me how she likes to be held.


And I sat with her for quite a while, as she relaxed and we connected…and she started to vibrate and hum, which is like their version of purring. Marcy said this is like the best compliment from a bunny.

And I felt into her and her heart beyond the “stuff”.

Marcy shared with me about her, but left me to be with her and to connect. She and I both do Reiki and intuitively feel things and communicate with the bunnies, so she didn’t want to get in the way of that, but did share her feelings.

And so my process began and the challenges continued to appear for me to rise to.

The rest of my time was spent in contemplation, feeling into things, had conversations for mirroring reflection with those dear to me, and continuing to touch in with the bunnies.

Several times I had to remove myself from the space and go outside, as I needed to make sure what I was feeling was my own and that I wasn’t absorbing all the energies around.

My biggest contemplation faced was in having made a commitment to Zephyr and not wanting to break that unless he wanted me to, as I was ready to take him in any condition he was in if he wanted that, even if that only meant his being with me for a short while.

But it had to be because that was for his highest good and not simply to satisfy something within me or even just to keep my word, because unconditional and universal love is doing what is in his best interests and releasing any attachment and personal stuff.

So this was very emotional for me, as I loved him so much and really had to know what HE wanted and that he wouldn’t be hurt if I didn’t take him.

I loved all the bunnies in there for different reasons and could have taken any of them, but I also needed to have with me the one that was in their best interest, mine, and the path together for the highest good we’d be sharing through our work together and the journey ahead and its potential collective reach. As I am embarking on a lot of new and big things and the bunny with me would be an important co-creator in that.

This was no light decision.

And after tuning in, I did feel like Zephyr/Big Sur and De Ja Vu were the two bunnies I connected with most. Amandine, the other very conscious bunny next to Zephyr would have been one too, but Marcy might be keeping her (so she’s not available for adoption) and currently she’s Zephyr’s anchor. So, I don’t entertain things that aren’t possibilities currently.

I did hold another bunny named Mystique who was a sweetie too, but she didn’t feel to be aligned with the path I’m on and the further work I need to evolve through and do right now, although I felt so much love for her as well.

And “coincidentally” there just happened to be a rabbit that looked just like Nestor that was directly across from Big Sur/Zephyr and a couple of bunnies that looked similar to Joy. My little ones were all around me supporting the process.

So, I weighed and weighed and would go back in to connect with both of them – Zephyr/Big Sur and De Ja Vu.

And I asked Zephyr to show me signs and let me know.

What I was getting was that even just taking him on the long trip home would be stressful for him and then I had to think of his condition and being around cats at home and how that would stress him out and/or affect his sensitive health right now.

It did not feel good.

And when I saw him inside next to Amandine, although they were not in the same pen and not right up against each other by the gate partition, they were in fact communicating A LOT. There was tons going on between them energetically and it felt to be stabilizing, balancing, and helpful in his process – what ever that was to be.

How could I remove him from that and make unsettled what was settled?

It was not about me.

And in fact, De Ja Vu is an incredibly higher conscious bunny who no one could understand, but Marcy. She was in a similar situation of potentially never being adopted, like him (since he is a white rabbit with red eyes – people don’t like that much – and physically not perfect in visual and health). She has things to work through in an unseen way and someone would need to “see” that and realize what she has to offer too.

My intuition was telling me it was her, but I had a lot to process to get my emotions on board and balanced, as all of this was emotionally challenging for me. I began my grieving, as the knowing part of me just knew.

And this was reflected in my conversations with others, as I love hearing myself out loud for mirroring.

Eventually, I had the strength to make the call and decision out loud and told Marcy.

She was elated.

I then shared with her that I felt Big Sur/Zephyr was where he needed to be right now and that Amandine was helping and to take him away from that would disturb the balance and contentment he is starting to have. I shared that he and I would still continue being connected and work together but from afar. She was so happy to hear what I shared because it confirmed for her what she felt too about the two of them and moving him with her.

We both looked over at them and could feel the energy that was palpable. Marcy said she got chills and at the same exact time, so did I, and they continued for a while extending through our entire bodies.

Everything was in divine order.

And as Marcy began the paperwork for me to adopt De Ja Vu, I looked back over at Zephyr and his cute behind started vibrating and his tail wiggled. I’d never seen this. It made me smile. And I knew in our hearts he was still my bunny, but I would be entrusting his care to Amandine to nurture in his best interests.

Meanwhile, I will be sponsoring him to help care for his needs and continue in my commitment to him.

In this way I actually have two bunnies – one by distance and one who will be with me.

Throughout the day and during adoption, I learned more about De Ja Vu including likely having been bred as a meat and fur rabbit and having been in and out of three shelters/rescues already since very young, one of which being known to be a horrible place for the animals kept there – Solono County Animal Care & Services, later to be taken in by Marin Humane Society, and then coming to be at SaveABunny.

She’s still young herself, likely no more than 3 years old (it’s always hard to tell), according to estimates on her paperwork of her age upon arrival to the other places. And in fact, would only be turning 3 come this September. Zephyr is more like 8 or 9 years old.

Physically, she’s a gorgeous bunny, which I had no idea I’d be taking home (although they’re all gorgeous to me in their own way). I never go by visual alone, but see the spirit.

And another surprise was that she has dark fur, whereas I felt a white bunny coming to me – well he did and still is with me as my angel!

Her fur is actually all these shades of almost black, charcoal, silver, and even honey golden with patterns that will continue to shift as she molts. Her fur is actually reminiscent of obsidian – especially the gold and silver obsidian valued and honored by the Mayans and also reminds me of the Cosmos.

She’s a larger bunny, very robust, sturdy, strong, and physically in great health.

However, it is her internal world that requires special needs, which is actually more challenging since you don’t know exactly what you’re dealing with and can’t see it tangibly.

She has a fight mode and this runs deep along with other emotional things. Some is a test and teaching for anyone in contact with her because of her mirroring, but also is connected to getting to the heart of her and to see if you can break through to her core – be worthy of that, plus what she’s seen and been through that she feels to be holding grief over – eventually I hope for her to come to find peace and healing here with me.

She requires a lot of patience, presence, and tuning in to really understand and work through things with her.

But SHE will also be facilitating that work and working YOU, as not only is it her stuff, but also her mirroring yours. If you shift energy just one second, she immediately reacts. Definitely keeps you on your toes and you can’t approach her with any less than yourself.

She asks you to rise to your highest and to maintain that. Otherwise, you can’t meet with that part of her. She’ll grunt and charge with her front paws, or completely with her body if she feels something off, threatened, or simply wanting to test you to see if you’ll easily back off or not get the clue, or if you’ll stand in your strength like she does…then she respects you.

Marcy feels that she’s been waiting for that right person to see her and that she could work with, all of this time she’s been there and not getting adopted. It was emotional to watch the two of them say goodbye, as Marcy told her, “You did it” and also to hear the excitement from one of the regular volunteers when Marcy shared the news.

She asked her to guess who got adopted and when she said “De Ja Vu?” and Marcy confirmed, the woman literally squealed with delight and major joy, telling me how lucky we both were and that I will just adore her.

Well, I already do and I already appreciate and am grateful for the challenge she is providing me, as she feels like the perfect rabbit for me to help me to expand further and challenge and push all of me to go beyond. And I know she’s a super conscious healing bunny who has tons of magick to reveal and will be getting her Reiki training when she’s ready.

She’s also the first female rabbit I’ve had with straight ears, as my others were lops with floppy ears. Only Cosmo and her have had the straight ears. And also Zephyr.

She also REALLY epitomizes my blog I shared about rabbits being tiny ponies, as she sure is! She’s definitely a great therapy rabbit and masterful guide in terms of her mirroring abilities. Just like horses so beautifully and transparently reflect our true vibration, which aids us in taking responsibility for ourselves, this is the M.O. of De Ja Vu. She very attentively listens to the audible and inaudible and understands everything.

And she’s a little fire cracker too! Quite the bad a– bunny with both heart and power. I’d been concerned with her sensitivities that the cats could be too much, but Marcy said “Oh, she’ll beat the sh– out of them”. And she’s been right, as she showed them who’s boss the second she’s been home and they don’t mess much with her.

She’s already created her Queen’s realm. 😉

I feel her arrival with my cleanse/fast, which began fully the day after I brought her home on 6/21 (today is day 3 of 10) is perfect too and will reset the energy for everything together, as she goes through the integration process of being here with me and us.

And perfect timing of her arrival on Summer Solstice’s portal and in the wake of the New Moon tonight. New beginnings all around!

While I am still grieving not physically having Zephyr with us and allowing the emotions to do their thing, it is such a gift that couldn’t have worked out more perfectly in that I still feel he is mine and with me and like I have two rabbits instead of one.

As mentioned, I will sponsor him and intend to go back to visit for longer, as Marcy offered me coming for a weekend, and he and I will continue to stay in connection and he’ll still help with my writing as he has.

Plus! Having the two of them in my life feels so balancing with my sacred male and female energy in that he’s male and white and she’s female and dark/nearly black. So they’re like my Yin and Yang. It doesn’t get any better. 🙂

But of course De Ja Vu will not remain her name, but in fact there is meaning to that name for me personally, as she reminds me of Nestor a lot. She has a very similar essence to her and that regal and strong power. So she’s like a “de ja vu” to Nestor when I look at her and feel her.

Even her behaviors are similar with her racing around and jumping in the air in delight (doing her binkies), which makes me happy to see and know De Ja Vu is content here and feeling the joy of her freedom.

She’s been wonderful so far and immediately went right to her litter box, has been eating, and already challenging us to rise to the occasion.

And ended up being the perfect one to bring home, since I was only bringing one home at this time because we don’t have room for more and that is what felt right for me right now too. She is a one-person bunny and really doesn’t want or need other bunnies because she’s independent and territorial, so she is definitely a perfect familiar for me.

But she is the only one who has been a challenge to get the right name for, so I’ve taken my time to tune in. All my other loves I’d received the name on before they came home, including Big Sur’s as Zephyr.

Yet, she was going to take her time and like with everything about her, I’d have to work at it and be patient. But in the end, I discovered she was aligning her naming with the New Moon today.

Like other magickal things showing up between her and I, her name would be no different. I’d been tuning in the last two and a half days, but nothing was feeling right. Then suddenly this morning (interesting because I felt today I’d know), her name came.


And here’s the even more magickal part of it. I told Dave the name and he got this funny look on his face. He asked, “Did you tell me that yesterday?” I said, “No.” He then said, “Did I tell you that?” And I said, “No,” again.

I said, “Why?”

He said, “Well it’s really weird because last night while laying in bed suddenly that name came into my mind and I was thinking it would be good for her and was trying to think of where I knew it from.”

I smiled. I said, “I guess you did tell me then, but telepathically. We’re so connected! Aw, we named her together and got the same one. It is meant to be. She has spoken.”

And then I find out that it all happened on today’s New Moon SuperMoon in Cancer (which will be at its height tonight, here around 7:30 pm.)

Just like her name, she is so Cosmically and Divinely aligned, as not only did she come to me as a surprise on Summer Solstice, but now gave us her name on the New Moon. Lots more magick in store from her I’m sure!

After the name came I looked into its meaning and origin, finding it is Norse (also very connected for me) and means “divine strength,” “divine beauty,” and “beautiful goddess”. She embodies all of that for sure and reflects as a mirror to see within you too.

She already has nicknames of “Astro Girl,” “Star,” and “Astie,” – the last mirroring Nestor’s nickname of “Nestie.” And the numerology is connected to my birthday of the 26th, as her name breaks down to a 26/8, so we share that as well and continues to mirror the strength she embodies and is about balance and power and is very connected to Capricorn energy, which mom has lots of and is growing into.

Couldn’t be more perfect!

Astrid has been a surprise – a much welcome one – but not anticipated and so I’m flowing with that wonderful change.

But what a journey! And so much growth and expansion already. To think it’s only just begun.

I can’t even begin to express how rich this journey has been over the last 2 and a half months and that it just keeps getting even richer. There are so many layers to all of this, but it’s been amazing and incredulous, more than people would believe or imagine.

And now my sweet girl is with me and is the perfect familiar for this Faery.

She has an otherworldly and Cosmic essence that also blends with my own, but is very solid and balances Earthy energy too. I can feel how much we’re going to be doing together and she’s so amazingly strong and powerful already, I can’t wait to see what she brings forth as the days go on.

And, we’re like two little witchies with our matching hair colors too, which I hadn’t noted until both Marcy and Sharon pointed out, separately, and then I was like, wow….it was written in the stars once again.

I’m still waiting on some more of her fun bunny things mom ordered, to arrive and finalizing set up of her realm, but she’s been enjoying what’s here so far.

I look forward to sharing more updates about Astrid with you and how things progress.

Thank you all for the shared excitement and love.

Wild Rides Continue & June Energy Update: Karmic Relationships with Lee Harris

I’m going to keep this short, but it felt really important to at least touch in on, along with energetically, as there is such a dramatic contrast of energy in the world being experienced right now from really challenging to really incredible and not much in between. The challenging things are really coming from the stuff that was brushed away, what was deemed unnecessary to deal with because temporary pacifiers seemed to work to suppress it or distract you, or were thought to be beneath you as a “light worker” (for lack of a better term) if you felt you rose above it. The shadow is biting back hard and the more we deny, the worse it hurts.

We all go through this at one time or another and it’s only up to us what we are ready to embrace.

Unfortunately, some of the teachings out there that have been latched onto haven’t done us all the benefit, as people may think. As they only scratched the surface, or perhaps even diverted attention, and then people have thought that to be “it.” This to include the Law of Attraction, which has messed with people since there are more reasons than only a mirror that something happens, which in fact leaves a lot of blame (self blame included) going on when people feel they are must be doing bad to get bad.

There’s a huge amount of gusto behind everything from All That Is toward each way chosen, which makes the choosing that much more crucial to do as wisely as possible. And I can’t tell you how much I’m hearing about people experiencing all kinds of craziness and intensity that you would never expect based, on how they present to others and themselves. Equally, it’s amazing how much vision and sensitivity to these inconsistencies as a collective we are missing and allowing the wool to be pulled over our eyes.

I haven’t a word to put to it all. So I’m not going to try.

But I do feel that Lee Harris’ Energy Update for this month can perhaps be of support to people wanting it and going through his topic for this month’s energy theme.

As for me, things are really speeding up and flowing along, which I am grateful for and then some, but I’m going to be off my blog until I return from my travels. I’ll be leaving tomorrow and back on Monday the 19th. I had enough time after Australia to get settled and integrate back, had lots of good nature time, tuned in to what’s next here for me/us, write, refreshed with a new hairstyle to align with my energy, got to host my friend Lynne again for two days for some fun on her way through to Yosemite, and have had some new developments with my bunny journey (a lot to share about this, the week I return) and other things I’m focusing energy towards and Dave and I are focusing on together.

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Lots of love to everyone and wishes for a gentle and eye-opening journey.

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Spirits in Animal Bodies & A Little About Tiny Horses

animal brothers and sisters

Animals have souls too and are Spirit in physical form, choosing the body and experience that best supports their journey and the collective tapestry weaving and unfolding. I have always seen them as equals and one and the same as humans. In fact, they have been, and are, my best friends, partners, co-creators, teachers/guides and students, soul mates, and twin souls. As a little girl, they were all I felt most connected to and where I felt most comfortable being in their company.

I remember a channeler once looking at my aura and energetic field and saying how many animal spirit guides I had around me – more than he’d ever seen around someone and – and even my dear Laura sharing, long ago, that she’d never met someone who’s been an animal in past lives more than me (at least at the time that she shared this). 😉

Needless to say, I love and get these sweet souls (as I know many of you do too and would share similar feelings and experiences) and know that they have much to teach us, which is why much of my life is devoted in helping to be a voice for them and their important messages/ways of teaching us, and helping people to recognize they are just like us – helping to look beyond appearances and feel into the heart and spirit.

Yes, stop judging a book by its cover extends to all books.

While I love them all, over time I’ve discovered the ones that speak most to my journey and are constantly around me (like rabbits, horses, butterflies, hawks, whales, dolphins, geese, tortoises…and others I wear on my skin as sacred tattoos). Although new animal spirit guides will wander in and out when needed and in cycles (like many of the ones I post photos of and share about in my blog and on social media, as they flow into my life).

And some in fact are my familiars.

I came into this life with a huge love for horses, likely because of my repetitive and transformative lives as one, but discovered this has been part of my integration and healing process that then has led me forward. And while horses will always be powerfully and soulfully connected, since there is that mirror of recognition and resonance, I’ve now moved into what I like to call the “tiny horse” realm.

This, of course being rabbits.

Why do I call them “tiny horses” you ask?

Well, because in fact they are more closely related to horses than they are to a rat or mouse, contrary to belief.

Rabbits are lagomorphs, not rodents, although do share similarities, but some major differences including their teeth and the fact that lagomorphs are herbivores, whereas rodents are omnivores so they have digestive differences.

There’s also differences in male reproductive parts, whereas rodents have baculum (penis) bones and rabbits do not. Humans, horses, cetaceans (whales and dolphins), and marsupials also don’t have baculum bones.

This may be one of the reasons rabbits are considered close relatives to horses because they both seem to have retained primitive traits from the most primitive boreoeutherian mammals.

Rabbits and horses have the same digestive systems, teeth similarities, eat the same kinds of foods, have similar behaviors, sensitivities, prey instincts, and body language, not to mention they are amazing mirrors for therapy work on so many levels. Their faces and heads can literally look like a horse too, minus the long ears.

If you know about horses it definitely will help you to understand rabbits, so no surprise of my own evolution with this.

And a new “tiny horse” is on his way into my life in just 10 days! Yes, I’m doing the countdown. It’s been a long, patient journey awaiting his arrival, due to our travels, but he still hasn’t been adopted and that means our connection has been solidified through our telepathic journeys.

Just two days ago I solidified things further by ordering all of his new supplies, gifts, and special herbal and nutritional items to make him feel right at home and fortified in well being. We don’t have much room in this small treehouse up in Lake Tahoe, so I couldn’t go all out as I wanted to with Faery bunny extravaganza, but he will have the best of nutrition and loving touches of which I can integrate in here to meet his needs. Will be tight, but full of love.

And in the one photo I do have of him, which is what drew me in in the first place, I do have to say he looks like a tiny horse for sure.

Excited for the journey we will share for however long is meant to be.

I will continue to be a voice for the spirits in animal bodies, especially through my magickal rabbit friends, as our Cosmic connection aligns most with my own.

The Silver Lining

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I had no idea (at least not mindfully) when I took the only appointment open for a hair transformation this week that it would be in the energy of the approaching Full Moon today, nor did I think about the choice of clothes I wore that day other than wanting my bunny loves with me. I simply felt that this change was essential, as I’d become bored and no longer aligned with the rapid shifts taking place, not to mention was feeling out of sorts with my inside-out essence expression. This Full Moon is in the fire sign of Sagittarius, which happens to rule the Moon in my astrological chart in the house of Pisces (my Sun sign). So there is/was certain to be an intense, very transformative and expansive energy pervading, which the Full Moon would then bring to clarity in order to know which changes and adjustments would best support us in peaceful flow.

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2017 is a year of new beginnings for us all collectively and this shift will entail aligning more than ever with our highest path at this time. This may involve moving through some heavy stuff and “karmic” growth, but will provide deep healing as long as you can continue to see the “silver lining,” keep an open mind, invite new perspectives, and find the joy from the innocence of your inner child’s heart. Truth and freedom play big right now and finding ways to nurture yourself while also committing to more personal responsibility is key. This is a time for really tuning into a mission, dream goal, or heart-focused purpose that truly calls to you while tempering a narrow, but flowing focus to manifest it, so as not to dilute your energy.

With things transforming for me right now, the energy activated in Australia, and new doors about to open, I outgrew any of the changes I had already made, which then had me feeling like I was wearing clothes that didn’t fit, in a metaphorical, but also literal way.

So I have been clearing out and donating clothes, got a few new things, and really, really needed to change my hair even though I just did a little over 4 months ago. I get antsy about stuff if even a little bit feels energetically off and not lining up.

This led me to be even more vulnerable outwardly, which I’m finding no end to, and revealing more of myself without care of what that may seem to others (I have had many looks since the change, when out and about). And so I decided to intensify what has already been happening with my hair much more dramatically and much more “me” feeling with an enhancement to my silver.

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I had tons of silver growing naturally, especially in two stripes near the front that were growing long, areas underneath, and then scattered and glistening throughout. I decided why not just go full on, or “Full Moon,” which got written to a friend by auto correct and felt right on, I guess, since I later received multiple reflections of “Moon essence,” “Moon child,” “Moon shine,” “Moon beam”….

And that then aligned with the Full Moon hot air balloon tank I was wearing with three white Cosmic rabbits flying in it across the Cosmos – representing my dear Nestor, Joy, and Cosmo who have moved on to the Otherworld.

My sweet friend Dawn mentioned something else I hadn’t thought of, that I was aligning with the new bunny (coming in 11 days) love’s Cosmic whiteness, as the magickal White Rabbit embodied. I loved that!

Not to mention prepares for a 10 day energetic cleanse I’m physically doing on Solstice, bunny love’s arrival, and what that portal offers.

Anyway, there’s something more than I can express happening (and it’s collective although I’m experiencing my own version of it) and it seems to be reflecting outside as well, as both yesterday and today have manifested magickal rainbow portals (3 of them!) over Lake Tahoe since I got my hair done Wednesday afternoon. And the weather shifted to this mystical energy from being at the beach just Tuesday (the day before) and sun bathing then and the days before in 70’s very warm weather, to now this mysterious, brisk, winds-of-change, stormy look and feel and dropping to the 50’s overnight.


Yesterday’s rainbow was a full one directly in front over the lake, which then intensified and started to split at center…..creating almost like two worlds converging. Perhaps another sign of this literally happening with multiple realities and worlds simultaneously existing, yet diverging.

rainbow split

And this morning’s first rainbow was a partial one, however, it lasted for an hour and a half, dissipating, intensifying, dissipating, intensifying….

small rainbow

After about a half an hour a full one appeared directly in front again (actually, while I was writing this) and just skimming where lake and bottom of mountains meet, but this one glided across the lake from left to right. Incredible!

rainbow gliding

I have been realizing the increased vulnerability I have been cracking open from depths within and how things are just melting away and also melding in that molten love. It’s amazing how deep things run, but not surprising giving the limitlessness of All That Is.

And to me, this silver feels to increase my feelings of fuller, expansive embodiment of me, as well as no longer blending into the world, but fully creating my own Cosmos on Earth – so to speak – increasing my joy and comfortability within my skin here, which has increased over time with changes I’ve been making and things brought to light.

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We all have different ways in which we integrate transformation. I happen to choose and initiate as many as possible lol!

And interestingly, shifting my hair in this way is a process, which has small parts of my hair gold as well – all blending together – cool and warm colors, metallic energies of Sun and Moon. Feels like alchemy to me.

Many Native Americans believe that hair is spirit’s physical manifestation of growth that opens/enhances extrasensory perception and symbolizes connection to all things, as if like tentacles reaching out to the world around us. Cutting hair represents doors closing and heralds new life and doorways, honoring the past while making way for the future.

And that’s always how I approach life….seeing the “silver lining” and believing when no one else does. This is increasing, which is timely with what I’m working on manifesting short and long term for the journey ahead and my heart’s mission. Gonna take everything I have!

So while my threads of silver hair reflect much more than this, too hard to explain all of here, they also seem to bring this into literal light and hence, the “silver lining” mentioned above as an approach that may be helpful for us all, coming full circle.

How might you open more to the possibilities before you? You really do have opportunity to experience life differently, if you really commit to that, no matter what challenges are present. Each pain is a seed wanting to sprout freely without your restraining its growth.

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Preparing the Way

This sound channeling has been in my heart and resounding through my spirit lately, as I reflect on the upcoming 1 year anniversary of my precious rabbit, Joy’s departure to the Otherworld and the arrival of the dear spirit in bunny body who will be entering my life because of her – all culminating at Summer Solstice magickally. In 13 days a new era of my life partnering will unfold and I’ll share more of this story at that time, but for now I felt called to reblog this sound channeling dedicated to Joy, as I, once again, prepare the way. Perhaps it will speak to the journey you’re on currently as well.

Tania Marie

This sound channeling came through on a very sacred day of supporting and guiding a precious soul in my life into the afterlife on the first day of Summer after the Solstice Full Moon. I went for a walk as a way to center and balance and checked in on my friend’s dog since everyone had gone hiking while I stayed with my beloved. I was sitting in a waterfront cabin on Lake Hebgen in West Yellowstone, facing the water as this moved through me. It was also a nurturing way to bring peace and healing to myself during a challenging time. It is dedicated to Joy.

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Top 100 Most Influential Vegans of 2017 Part 2

After receiving input from viewers across the globe, Plant Based News has released their second installment of their hugely popular Top 100 Influential Vegans series that highlights the most inspiring vegans currently out their promoting the movement. I’m excited to share that our very own David Robinson Simon (my partner and the author of Meatonomics) came in at #65, right behind T. Colin Campbell. I’m so proud of you and everyone out there courageously speaking your truths and enlightening us all. What an honor, but most importantly a huge thank you to you Dave, all of the leaders and visionaries spreading awareness and compassion in expansive ways, and to everyone out there who is creating their own transformative waves through their own embodiment and daily practice of more conscious living and inspiring others to do the same.

You can also view it at Plant Based News’ website here:

Top 100 Most Influential Vegans Part 2

Plant Based News is a free service that shares the latest news about animal rights, ethical consumerism, plant-based food trends and more to 3-5 million people each week through their website and social media platforms.