Monthly Archives: January 2024

Full Days, Dances with Coyotes & Coming Home Messages – January’s Layered Experiences Preparing the Way for Big Shifts

The first month’s portal of 2024 is nearing end, as one door closes to another that opens. And while January winds down, we find ourselves walking through our first illumination of the year with today’s Leo Full Moon – a beautiful time to shine a light on your truest desires and be open to the realization of bringing them into your life.

I feel the message of “coming home” to oneself and “re-membering” taking on a whole other level of not just a memory awakening or awareness, but consciously putting back together the pieces that have experienced isolation or separation from their core.

February is close at hand, adding another rich layer to the revolving doors – as we soon enter the Year of the Wood Dragon on the 10th and embark upon innovative transformation like never before.

Might you also have been experiencing fuller days in the last weeks or couple of months? By fuller I mean both incredibly busy days, but also incredibly busy airwaves, for lack of a better word.

I found myself immersed in a variety of things, working my way through one piece or project at a time, but feeling in constant focused mode since early December. This first month has put emphasis on completions and momentum toward new foundations, but also staying open, flexible, and resilient. So even though it’s been a packed month, I do feel that it’s all in prep for what’s appearing and providing a new template for how to handle the energies upcoming. And it’s not just outward variety, but inward variety, which is why it all feels like a LOT because while certain parts of me are occupied with things, the other parts are able to stay away from the attention of logic and play in the field of possibilities.

My days oscillate between such varied tasks, projects, and activities that my life is truly a mirror of tangible multi-dimensionality, but in the invisible realms as well with all the activity going on behind the scenes.

I smiled at some of the visual reflections in this post office run of packages that include some homed crystals, a Reiki certificate, and one of the sacred tattoo designs on their way to their people.

I’ve been experiencing how people are moving through a lot right now and really lighting up, so I’ve mirrored where I could assist in the ways that match my vibration.

I can presently count eleven different areas I work in at any given time, alongside my daily life and personal focuses – this has included more rabbit adoption trainings and happy endings too! And while that may seem confusing, it’s also currently engaging for my creative faculties and in fact helps me to focus on balance amidst chaos and strengthening of boundaries as I learn and honor my limits. It also is helping to stretch some muscles so I can move beyond what I’ve known so far.

Things won’t always be as they currently are, but for the time being it’s part of the journey and the layered colors to the painting.

As I wrote that in the dark of evening with the blinds closed, I heard the fence gate make a louder noise just outside my office and could feel that some kind of mystery forest animal had just jumped over it.

And speaking of mysterious wild animals…I have had the most unusual uptick of encounters and sightings with coyotes like never before. I didn’t fully get it at first, beyond the timing of them showing up, but it’s now making sense.

January has kicked off with coyote as my current, in the flesh, big messenger. I already mentioned two encounters at the start of the month, and since then I’ve had five more, bringing that to a whopping seven encounters in the first three weeks of 2024. And these were all either very well timed and aligned, or highly unusual.

The last five encounters have taken place within an eight-day span. Two of them happened on the 16th after a vet appointment, and the next three happened on the 19th, 22nd, and 24th.

The ones on the 16th were the highly unusual ones – one way more than the other that was a once in a lifetime kind of experience I’ve not had before. The first was a sighting of a large coyote standing on the corner of a sidewalk in the middle of everything – next to the stores and restaurants and ongoing traffic, just peering at me on the main road while we drove by. Dave missed seeing him and pretty much all of these encounters have been geared toward me, as I’ve been the one to spot all of them and then tell whom ever I might be with and they either see them or don’t, or are secondary to the experience.

The next one of that same day was the really wild and unusual experience. We met up with a couple that are our good friends here, and the guys went off to ski while the two girls went off to hike. I chose the hike I thought would be the most enjoyable and provide good mileage in easier to trek snow.

We were on our own, and only encountered one couple after our sighting that were cross-country skiing the trail. This is a trail I have done many times before on my own while Dave bikes it. Anyway, about halfway into our mileage I pointed out the consistent yipping that was going on in the very near distance. I said that they sounded like coyotes. My friend thought they might be dogs. Dave and I have heard packs of coyotes before – many behind our house, but you usually don’t see them.

The yipping, howls, and barks continued and got closer and closer as we trekked onward. I said that it sounded like they were in deep discussion with each other and there was an unusual intention to what was going on between them, especially being out before noon. My friend was getting a little concerned, as the communication seemed very near and just ahead on the trail, and wondered if we should not proceed. I didn’t get any feelings of worry and told her that if they were wolves I’d be more concerned, but coyotes in daylight and how I felt their energy to be by tuning in, were not to be feared – although always respected. Coyotes around here, and usually, stay away from humans and will run off when they see us.

I felt that they were simply communicating something between them that we had somehow been invited into and privy to. I told her we’ll just stay alert and keep an eye out. I was ahead on the trail and she was behind me, so she followed my lead in terms of pace and I was using my hawk eyes to scan the landscape and taking my time. I am always prepared and I always trust my feelings too. I felt no tinge of energy to worry about and that the coyotes were calling a place within that spoke to me.

I then caught sight of one just ahead on the trail, which soon turned into two. They saw me and us, but continued with their ritual. And the yipping continued between all of them and it sounded like a symphony interlacing harmonics. These two proceeded on their way, crossing over the trail and up the left side on the hill. Then two more appeared and a third from the left, making their way across the hill and down, then across the trail in front of us and down to the creek on the right. The yipping continued between what sounded like four different locations to the left and right. In all, we saw about six or seven of them, but heard a few more that never showed themselves to the farther left. There were likely up to ten in the pack and they were all communicating with each other back and forth on each side of the trail and crossing over the trail back and forth on some kind of intentional mission with the weaving of motion and sound.

We stopped several times to just watch them, listen, and see what they were up to – I only captured the few photos above. And they just seemed to be communing about something and to me there was this feeling that it was almost like a secret society meeting we stumbled upon…or perhaps were invited into. They never once walked toward us or indicated any level of concern or upset with our presence. They just went about their thing and let us be a part of it for a few minutes. We then noticed the couple and their tiny dog up ahead, approaching by cross country skis. At that point it seemed the coyotes felt to close the meeting with the oncoming people, and they all dispersed left and right back into the trees and into the silence once again.

This confirmed to me that what was taking place had been meant for us.

It was a truly special and, I felt, deeply sacred experience that even my friend who had been understandably concerned given her personal experiences, was in awe of it all and we both couldn’t wait to share it with the guys when we met back up with them.

Until this point it’s always only been one coyote at a time, but with so many and feeling like there was this cohesiveness and communing, like I/we were a part of the pack was extra beautiful and impactful. I have been experiencing and sensing massive shifts taking place and since coyotes are associated with times of transition and death and rebirth, it feels like a sacred ceremony or initiation was taking place with them in a very primal way.

And indeed there are symbolic and literal transitions in these terms taking place, including the fact that the single coyote and the pack showed up after Dave and I had just left the vet with news about our cat, Sweet Pea, having terminal bladder cancer.

So, many layers were culminating and the coyote pack were weaving their medicine back and forth physically across the path ahead of me like a dance, as well as sounding their vibrational frequencies like they were alerting me to the innate power of my own instincts, intuitive, and vibrational attuning, to navigate what’s ahead on the sacred journey unfolding. I also felt their “song” unearthing and unlocking a deep primal part within me as an integral piece of the next phase channeling through that is needed. And it indeed involves a core transference of sound codes that will support the opening of dimensional gateways and portals for the next stage of evolution.

I feel like the coyotes are storytellers and intricately savvy magicians of creative force that can and will always find a way through things, innovatively reshape things, and share their keys of wisdom through the calls sent out upon the wind for those with hearts and ears to hear it.

I’m not addressing all the things I got from this and all of the encounters, as there’s always personal layers one needs to keep and process to themselves, but if you’ve experienced any of the animals I share about – including coyotes – I do like to share some reflections, as it may put a different spin on things. Sometimes we become used to only one certain way to view animal spirit guides, or anything for that matter, when there are more possibilities we can stretch our hearts into receiving their messages to mean.

After the encounter I saw two giant ravens swoop to the ground and a couple of hours later, a giant red tailed hawk soar and land on a solar street light above us while driving home. I especially was drawn to the hawk’s tail feather that stood out so prominently and matched the tail feather I found that one day up on the mountain. It sits to the right of me at my desk and I can’t help but feel this connective thread with this hawk.

Three days later on the 19th, a coyote ran across our backyard in the forest while I was having my morning latte on the couch and three days later, again, on the 22nd, and two days after that on the 24th, the same exact scenario of morning lattes and coyote in the forest repeated with the latter two days being particularly punctuating. I had a really great photo of one of them, but inadvertently deleted it.

It was on the 22nd’s sighting that I was also receiving downloads and connections about bears, North Pole and Arctic waters, Egypt, sound, Cosmic and Earth (including Cosmic Egg) info. Really wild, potent, connect-the-dots stuff, that is still integrating on deep levels. I love it.

I keep sensing some really big openings this year for people and indeed they’ll come in varying ways, relative to the individual. And while some things may seem or feel not so good on one level or even seem explosive to the individual’s frame of reference, it’s reflective of Earth’s needs for balancing and recreating during major evolutionary momentum that we are experiencing – as within so without. Yet I believe is all leading toward incredibly rich and fertile terrain.

LOL! That just made me think of Frith and the enormous piles of wild rabbit poop he has been leaving behind by the bush outside my office. They are growing by the day and I have NEVER seen so many poops in one place by a wild rabbit. This rock garden bed is definitely going to see some flourishing and who knows what will blossom forth out of no where. I love that Frith knows this is his sanctuary and safe refuge.

That leads me to how we can create and engage that sense of sanctuary and connection to our inner voice and sense of stability in an ever-changing and unpredictable world.

It is within the quiet spaces with Nature that we come home to ourselves, unify our parts, create an invitation for deeper connection to the sacred feminine mystery, and learn to re-member the beauty of our embodiment.

This happens when we open up and engage the natural world – plants, animals, and the richly wild Earth elements – with all of our senses so that we can be with and receive those subtle energies and frequencies. It doesn’t need to be some deep immersion into the wilderness or having to drive or take a trip to get somewhere specific – as these kinds of ideas can actually hinder us from doing this very act when we think of all the reasons or ways this would not be possible in our current life circumstances.

It can be just consciously and presently being with any natural element and setting around you – be it your animal companion, a bee or snail outside your doorstep, the plants on your balcony, the soil in a garden, a rock you trip upon on your way to the playground to watch your children play, the grass or weed on your lawn, a park in the middle of the city, a stone or crystal on your desk, a small patch of flowers growing between the sidewalk, or a little group of trees or small pond on your way to work.

When you enter a space of presence and fully and consciously open your physical senses with nature of any kind, you begin to invite a new kind of relationship into your experience that recognizes the miraculous nature of you. Each element of Nature is a portal to the Great Mystery and a sentinel of the Cosmos – able to exchange secrets of creation in ways your essence will relate to. It’s simply about creating moments of communing where you can open your heart and soul to the intelligence reflected all around you in the natural world.

Trees for example are wise guardians and elders that have much to share if you ask, with intricate networks of connection through Earth and bridging Sky and Earth as emanations of the Cosmic Tree of Life. And cetaceans as another example are sentinels, transmitters, and ambassadors of the beyond, most in touch with our core origins through sound and water of the stellar nurseries and womb of creation. And when either are engaged with presence of heart, an activation ignites and harmony has a doorway to reenter your experience.

So, yes, a simple tree moment anywhere that you are, can speak a thousand words through that open hearted connection.

Artificial or digital channels will not provide the same means of access or coding potential, as it does not match the nature of you. The farther one separates from the natural world, the more challenging it can become to engage your own humanity and the softness that inhabits the power of your heart and being. That’s not to negate technologies for their advancements, but to underscore the power of not leaving your nature behind.

This isn’t a new message, as you know I share so much about Nature and its value to us. I’m just supporting the voice within that tells me not to let up on sharing this.

As much as I do have things that can easily fill my days, I still make time for the natural world because it is there I know that I receive invaluable spirit nutrients that help me to thrive.

And thriving is what we focus on here with wellness routines and daily nature immersions, which is especially supportive when you have a lot of challenges or things to navigate in your life, including supporting others in any kind of capacity as a care giver, healer, or simply the go-to person who is so good at listening and being there to assist when needed.

We are currently a kitty hospice these days and so mom and dad need all the cup filling possible to be there for our 17-year old elder and declining fur babies. I don’t always share things immediately or in totality, as there are just some things to move through on one’s own, especially when there are personal pieces to the whole that are key to hold sacred. But indeed we are going through huge transformations to our once vibrant little family of five, to soon-to-be empty-nesters.

You already know about Boojum and his battle with kidney disease and hyper-thyroid. We’ve managed to find a protocol that thankfully keeps him the most comfortable he’s been, while continuing to decline. I also mentioned our finding out Sweet Pea has terminal bladder cancer (just before my coyote sightings), which we learned is very rare for a cat. Her condition came out of the blue like Astrid’s, although I’ve been sensing and telling Dave she may be harboring something and that she would be the one to manifest cancer. Her tumor is inoperable, chemo is not available, and both it and radiation (that is available) would make her miserable, not to mention she’d have to travel three hours every time to receive it and still it would do little to combat the tumor while giving her discomfort in the meantime. We’ve opted for meds that provide pain relief and potential shrinking of the tumor while she decides her course of transition – it’s all about quality of life as our focus. We don’t know how long she has, but we guess it could be as little as a few weeks and as much as a few months. The doctor said in some cases up to a year, but she was very wary about providing that kind of hope. We are prepared and every fur baby we’ve supported through transitions has supported that journey.

Three times a day meds for each of them, four feedings a day for both, and up to 10 times a day litter box cleanings are part of our kitty hospice care, along with lots of love, snuggles, Reiki, and intervals of biomat time.

We are not unfamiliar with change and loss indeed…and having three fur children all nearly at the same time declining is quite a lot…so yes, we recognize the need for balance, self care, and nature immersions because this is how we can be there for them, each other, and still have more to give to all the other things and people in our lives without getting depleted.

And in fact, I’ve found my clarity and openings to be happening in much more profound ways during all of this…part of that is because through the depths of feelings and experiences on all spectrums we embrace, the surrender into our highest potentials have ability to flow in, as we are not limiting ourselves to some parts…but inviting all parts to be experienced as whole and One. These layers open pathways to the essence of who we are and where the possibilities are endless.

I feel called to share one of the sacred tattoo designs I recently completed, as the frequencies within its symbolism and coding I feel may be supportive and reflective of some of what I’m sharing, but also of some of the themes that have been showing up for people – including swans.

I won’t share all of the description, since it’s personal for the client it was channeled for, but I will share some (changing the way its described a bit to be collective-focused) to help reflect the visual story.

In the design there’s an angel and a swan – both with wings open and reaching toward the heavens and with brilliant bursting halos like suns shining fully – reflecting shining one’s light in its fullness. This energy of their wings lends support to opening more to love and embracing inclusive compassion, unconditional love, and balance of giving and receiving. I created the angel to be human and swan-like, as I wanted to bridge the divine with nature…spirit and body as one and also to reflect that we each have both the presence of angelic beings and Earth angels around us in the reflection of Nature and that we are divine beings embodied as well. So, there are many layers to the symbolism. Her swan-like nature also brings some water element energy to the angel, connecting her with the emotional and feeling currents that are at the core of changing our experience when we understand them more, while speaking to the oceanic creatures of Cosmic origins as well.

Swans mate for life and there’s the element of these two parts of self…the spirit/higher self and the human and flesh coming into more perfect union and balance within…streaming both higher consciousness of one’s ethereal nature with the divine perfection of one’s human nature. Swans are a “symbol of wisdom and awakening the power of self, balance, grace, inner beauty, innocence, self-esteem, understanding the spiritual, evolution, finding serenity in the cycles of life, developing intuitive abilities, grace in dealing with others, and they also understand much about love, loss, and mourning. They are true light guides along the ups and downs of life, the challenges, and dark times. In this way the swan supports one through the experiences that feel challenging, helping one to return to the love in their heart and to understand these rhythms as doorways to greater love and personal evolution.

The angel’s eyes are closed and the swan’s eyes are open…aiding one to see intuitively and perceptively – they are one’s divine feminine and masculine energies in their power and in perfect partnership. The angel’s hands both reach up gracefully to receive and give and down to give and receive from above and below (Cosmos and Earth)….that balance again, and also reflecting, as do the eyes open and closed, hands = “as above so below” and eyes = “as within, so without”.

At bottom center are three lilies …. The lilies symbolize love, purity, rebirth, fresh life, and innocent beauty. Three speaks to integrative creative power, the trinity, and also symbolizes growth, magick, intuition, expression, versatility, pure joy of creativity, celebration, goddess energy connected and reflective of the Empress in Tarot, overcoming duality, manifestation, complete cycles, and flow. There are three fully bloomed lilies and four lily buds. Four is very stabilizing, grounding, balancing, and whole. The different cycles representing life as a continual process of beginning and endings and how they are all integrated and not separate. Also representing stages of growth and some things in full realization while others are developing and how all of it is perfect.

Then it came in strongly to add the hummingbird. Hummingbirds bring love, joy, and luck to our lives, as well as are inspiring signs of hope, but also they message us about playfulness, adaptability, truly enjoying life, lightness of being, being more present, lifting us up out of negativity and seeing the silver linings, having strength, resiliency, adaptability – swift responses to change, and endurance. Hummingbirds coming to us can message us that challenging times are over and healing is at hand and when they appear they may be telling us that the spirit of a loved one is near and sending us a message. And the hummingbird is drinking the nectar from the lily, which is about enjoying the “nectar of life” and taking in its fullness and richness. Drinking of that golden elixir and always finding the strength to carry on and see hope even in the darker elements and times we experience.

And last, the dragonfly at center between them symbolizing transformation, adaptability, and self-realization. This change develops emotional wisdom and understanding at the deeper levels, which is reflective of how the dragonfly flies across the water’s surface, but looks deeper at the implications of life while moving with grace through the things discovered. Their iridescence is an unveiling of one’s real self and discovering the true colors are beautiful and not to be doubted. They fly as adults for only a short period of their life so again living life to the fullest is reflected and living in the moment with great presence. Dragonflies symbolize happiness, new beginnings, hope, and love as well.

So, from the entire story and merging reflected, comes the transformational brilliance that takes one into their highest version every step of the way…every day, and holding the space for one’s wholeness to blossom, while knowing they are watched over, protected, divinely guided and loved, and that there are both ethereal and Earth angels moving in and out of life’s web and showing up through love’s embrace.

Perhaps you can see from the image and description, why I chose to add it here. It speaks to so much of current energies and things I shared, but might also lend supportive words or energy to others as well.

There’s so much, and truly beyond words in astounding ways at the moment going on (not just in my personal experience either) that need their time to incubate, but I felt guided to drop in for a bit in case something speaks to some of you or underscores what you’re experiencing, and to keep the connective channels flowing.

I feel like February is going to move energy differently and open more from all the focuses January may have had people engaged in or building toward. So in the meantime, I hope this Full Moon supports illumination of pieces or steps you’re weaving together, or even just helps you to feel more at home with who you are and the directions you feel reflect that most.

And here are a few little reminders and updates.

The Intuitive Guidance Sessions special continues through 2/11. The different package options can be found at the link.

There’s been an uptick in Reiki training certification registrations for online courses. I believe this speaks to the wave of transformations people are going through in reflection to collective shifts again. If this has called to you as well, you can find information about them at the link. And the Everyday Reiki course has also been really supportive for people recently, which is found along with the Transcending Duality course at the link for the Empowerment Series.

Both The Speakers Energy and Channeling Sessions have really been wild beyond words in the most beautiful of ways. There’s been an influx of channeling sessions, especially, and these have become a favorite of mine lately. Just a heads up that these are not dictated by me in timing, but unfold as The Speakers alert me they are ready to proceed. Information on these are at the link.

And last, I added new videos for the three remaining large and special crystal wands, with better sunlight at the link for Crystals and Crystal Skulls in response to people asking. I received quite a few inquiries and questions about these, including wanting to see better looks at them in videos, so I know they are working the energies to align with their people in divine timing. I was also guided to help with that by adding a discount on each from their original pricing (the new price is now reflected), which puts them at special offers. I feel this is part of the transformations reflected for myself and the collective, as so many changes are happening fast that are calling to our hearts to align with. I’ve been instructed by The Speakers and my other groups on how to fine-tune energies here and release and bring in the right frequencies for that. So, on top of the three discounted wands, I have received message the last months that I’m to release many crystals out to do their work where needed and that this will be done at big discounts below cost all around in order to get them where they need to be. So, when I have time, I will continue to share some of them, but again, if you feel called to special crystal cocreators, you can reach out and I’ll share video scans of the amazing pieces at major discounts ready to move forward. That’s how you’ll see more of them, as I won’t get around to listing them all.

Talks With Crystal Skulls Episode 4: Interview with Lisa Davis of The Lemurian Rose Plus New Crystal Cocreator Release

Here we go with another episode of Talks With Crystal Skulls featuring my dear friend and overall amazing soul, Lisa Davis who is the creator of The Lemurian Rose crystal and mineral shop.

You’ve heard me speak about her in blogs, and now you get to meet her and come to love her too.

Lisa is a true Earth angel and if you’re lucky to know her you will be showered by some serious magick and love, not to mention you’ll also be connected with some incredible crystal beings that will knock your socks off!

In fact, this interview is launching right as she releases some new crystals called White Swan Alta in a live sale today – and you’ll see how synchronous that is since Alta played with us for this interview and now they made the timing of this video being ready to launch THEIR party! So much fun!

I love how the Universe works through us all and if we trust those nudges, they surely lead us to some beautiful experiences and people. I’m grateful to know Lisa and that she felt called to join in on this cocreation together.

As the description below the video on YouTube shares: In this fourth episode we get a chance to talk to Lisa Davis of The Lemurian Rose crystal and mineral shop. We’ll learn about her personal evolution to where she is now, how crystal skulls became a part of her life, the journey that led her to become an official Leandro De Souza distributor and collaborator, some deep dives into the world of crystal skulls, and more.

I hope you enjoy our interview below, and please remember that if you’re receiving this update via email you’ll need to click through to the actual post to watch the video since they don’t get embedded in WordPress notifications. We welcome any comments or thoughts about things we discuss, which you can leave under the video by clicking through to it on YouTube.

It also so happens that I had time to list some new crystal beings to kick off the party with, all at once. These take a lot of time to do, so I only did as much as I could right now. Since I listen to when crystals and crystal skulls want to be released, it’s fun to see them align at this time.

You can explore the new crystal beings looking for their new guardians and cocreators at this link:

Crystals & Crystal Skulls

The first part of the page explains the new release, exchange options, and info about Personal Crystal Showings, which I recommend if you are feeling to bring home a new crystal friend, as I have so many more available that I’ll never have time to post. And this way can assist you better.

I also recommend feeling into the photos and watching the videos, as well as reading the info on each to get to know them and see if they are the ones for you. I always help make connections happen, so please don’t hesitate to reach out if you know one has your heart.

There are just two skulls available in the new release (they are sweet ones!), but sounds like there’ll be some more upcoming. These ones wanted to be part of the crystal skull and Alta party today. Then there’s a few potent, smaller crystal beings and then some absolutely incredible and rare, large crystal wand personal releases that are truly special. Enjoy!

Stepping Into a New Labyrinthian Journey – New Year & New Moon Reflections & Special

We are already nearly two weeks into 2024, as I sit here writing down these thoughts. Blog posts tend to be longer when I do write, since I don’t share as often. It feels appropriate that I peek my head out on today’s Capricorn New Moon – the first of the year.

New Moons help us bring clarity to our intentions and visions, while Capricorn lends strength, commitment, and resiliency towards building those desires, step-by-step. New levels of responsible leadership might call to you in the areas of life you are gifted at – be that leading with kindness, leading with joy, leading with creativity, leading with innovative ideas – anyone can be a leader in a particular expression of energy. When life is lived aligned with your truth, you spread a valuable gift to others.

Day-to-day experiences continue to swiftly go through cycles from one extreme to another on the collective front.

While this could be unnerving or feel unstable, oddly I find it to be a comforting sign of deeply transformative evolution and a way the balancing scales are finding equilibrium through the constant creative innovation we’re collectively implementing. In fact, amidst the unclear unfoldings, I am increasingly experiencing more clarity. I’m grateful for that, as I know it’s not a given and not shared by everyone. Yet, I feel it important to share what we each are experiencing, relative to us, as it provides hope and also another storyline than what one might only potentially be hearing and thinking is out there.

In the outer realms around me, that back and forth swing has shown up in our snow level contrasts between last year and this year. While this time of year, then, was making history in record highs, we’ve been at record lows so far until recent storms. We just came through one of the warmest and driest periods for the early season that apparently tied for fourth in these categories since around 1970.

Between the 2nd and 3rd of this month we got about four or so inches and then finally Saturday we received about seven inches in an all-day storm, with more that is coming down now as I speak in our next big, all-day storm.

These are the levels at our elevation of 6600, but the mountain tops of course receive more and in fact over a foot (18 inches in some parts) fell over parts of the Sierra the first round. This was all a boost to the slow season start and this current storm may bring more than another foot of snow.

Things are later this year and still unknown as to just how much of a Winter snow pack level we’ll ultimately end up receiving, but it’s evident that Mother Earth is reflecting her own course of action amidst change.

All of this reminds me of things playing out in the world – daily unknowns, but an underlying coherence to the process of creation.

All of these ups and downs in terms of watery energy levels, are reflecting what I’m seeing people experiencing in terms of an emotional see-saw effect. There are currents running through everything that don’t have an agenda to unnerve, but unnerving they still can be when one is moving through so much all at once, might be unequipped, or trying to stay afloat amidst a sea of others feeling pulled under by the strength of these waves.

The old roots are being unearthed, so that the new seeds below them can start to breathe and flourish.

So what do you do?

How can you find a way back to your personal empowerment within it all, instead of giving that away?

I think everyone’s processes are different and therefore all we can do is share our personal experiences and walk in the truth of that experience the best we each know how to. We all have a different approach, different parameters to work within and what we’re capable of and willing to do or not, and unique ways of experiencing things that are relative to our journeys so far.

For me, as I’ve mentioned before, having my own anchor and process to reframe things is very helpful. Taking a pause is especially beneficial for me, so as not to lash out with an unconscious reaction – and with Mars in the first house I DO actually understand how the thrust of fiery energy in the moment can get the better of us if a healthy framework isn’t implemented.

I step back and observe myself from an unconditionally detached space, allowing within that safe space for vulnerable communication of initial (and healthy movement of) emotion. Because I allow the feeling its voice, it doesn’t come out explosive (more practice of this moves energy naturally and organically in the moment and eventually doesn’t get backed up awaiting a trigger). This observer role helps me to understand why I might feel that way and offers myself the untethered version to why and how I could feel differently if I were purely in the now moment with wider perspective of the bigger picture.

I like to give the parts of me their voice to be heard and acknowledged, but also because that expression is part of energy’s natural course – simply to move through. This is done however, by holding space for myself and knowing how to honor each part, yet also nurture them back to wholeness.

I know this isn’t something easily done, as it is cultivated and sometimes we may need an unconditional and kind other to hold that space when we feel lost in a spiral.

In either case, I find that a willingness and surrendering to vulnerability can assist the process and allows the natural strength and resiliency within that, to rise up and play a more prominent role toward the highest good responses.

Greater presence, patience, practice, and perspective play potent parts in the process.

Phew! That was a lot of “p” words. And in the name of making things lighter, that sentence could make for a fun word game or mantra to repeat quickly, several times.

Perhaps that was one of coyote’s messages when she appeared behind our house on the 4th – playfulness. I watched from my morning spot on the couch, enjoying a vegan latte and breakfast, as I saw a large and very light colored coyote stroll up the snowy trail. Along with her clever, resilient, balanced, and fluid way of approaching sudden changes in life, she teaches us to do this all with a sense of humor and to know that we are supported with a big “yes” from the Universe.

And when we are feeling bogged down by things, we can also take a look around and within us and do a sweep of our energetic and physical space to assist movement of those more challenging or stuck areas we feel emotionally, mentally, spiritually, and/or physically.

Between the last week of 2023 and the first week of 2024, that’s what we did here…clearing and reorganizing our living space, which resulted in two carloads of donations (18 bags plus loose items) we dropped off on 12/31 and 1/4 – that all felt symbolic and potent. We both also reorganized our offices and I got all of the closets and storage cabinets in fresh and roomy order.

My office changes were directed by Astrid and my crystal skull friends – The Speakers and two other skull groups that have formed, which resulted in swift and clear movement of activated energy with the work we do together. The feedback from everyone who’s joined their sessions, so far, has been confirmation of everything I trusted and, in general, why the crystal skulls have become such prominent cocreators for people.

And indeed both energy and channeling sessions with The Speakers have been extra potent since the changes. I’m especially loving these because they are bringing the multi-dimensional realms into every day experience and creating these ultra clear channels for us to tangibly merge what was once more separate. There’s great fluidity, clarity, and rapid manifestation, which I feel is part of what we’re going to be experiencing and creating more of in the months and years to come – things don’t have to take long. The ways in which The Speakers help me to stretch is such a gift of complete trust and detached compassion.

It’s all made me see how the “Transcending Duality” online workshop I created over a year and a half ago about multi-dimensionality, is now more prevalent and was in fact a pre-requisite in a way to The Speakers coming through. In looking back, I also see the way I usually receive messages and visions ahead of time, has helped to anchor energies in so they are ready for the movements that come. However, even the Everyday Reiki workshop also reflects its relevancy more now because of the greater need people have to really walk the walk and integrate things into new, but easy and natural ways of bringing spirit and flesh together without all the rules and parameters – simply personal, creative alchemy in motion.

It’s so interesting to look back on how we and our lives have transformed and the things we’ve been led to do that at the time may not have had as much mind-grasping reason, yet become integral steps to our overall evolution.

We don’t always need to understand why, if the heart simply knows its way.

This reminds me of the labyrinthian journey, which incidentally we experienced just three days ago at the start of this week.

We had an appointment down in the valley, so as we usually do to make the most of our day, we added in some extra side trips. Dave found us a labyrinth to walk – something we’ve done a lot around and on the New Year or other potent times. This one was apparently the biggest in the area and we were excited to visit it for the first time.

With the recent snow, I wondered if the labyrinth would be covered, making it hard or not possible to walk. But when we arrived to the garden it resides in, there was just the perfect amount of snow that left subtle imprints of the stone-marked path beneath it.

This added some rich layers to the journey, making each step extra present and intentional, while also blurring the lines between seen and unseen.

We stepped forward with trust and allowed each step to guide the way.

This beautiful labyrinth was set in the middle of a quaint little town as part of the Heritage Park Gardens we will definitely come back to when Winter thaws. But being there in the silence of the snow covered fields that put the garden to rest, and a labyrinth center that looks out on the majestic Sierra Nevada Mountains we live up at, was such a gift to experience.

While walking the labyrinth I noticed that it was encircled by giant lavender bushes between other plants like sage and some I couldn’t identify. But it was the lavender that caught my faery heart and while I walked the labyrinth, I pressed a few pieces of the dried blossom ends off into my hands and was overwhelmed by the still-so-strong lavender scent that infused my intentions with extra magick.

Lavender is a favorite to this faery’s heart, so it’s no wonder I have a couple of shelves of jarred dried garden lavender always in my kitchen. There’s a sense of spacious elegance, grace, purity and innocence of heart, and serenity that lavender infuses. These were perfect qualities to be surrounded by and to breathe in while I followed Dave’s foot prints left behind in the labyrinth’s snow pathway. I took five dried blossom stems home with me from this day…they smell SO good!

We explored the garden after our walk and I snapped several photos to bring the beauty and stillness of this fertile space of potential lying beneath the snow to you.

I loved some of the signs and just the sweetness of this little creative vortex. I hope you do too.

The sweet lavender fragrance brings up visions and codes, reminding me of what I wrote about labyrinths in the past:

Every step of the journey is integral to the path of wholeness that you are on.

It is ever-changing and ever-perfect, taking you to your own sacred center and back out into the expansive reflection found there.

At times you may need to call upon your intuition and creativity, engaging receptivity and courage when deciding to enter the journey to center or not – the way in is the way out.

I enjoy the “way in,” as I’ve been continually journeying deeper and deeper to my sacred center. I’m not too concerned as to how that will look on the way out, as right now I’m just immersed in the inner, knowing the outer will take care of itself by embracing that.

The Labyrinth was a common Native American Indian symbol that they used to represent life as a journey and our infinite, eternal nature. It is a way to understand that life is what you make it and the way we choose to live it, determines the degree of freedom and expansiveness we experience.

It is a portal of life evolution.

And in a post I shared over four years ago, I found this:

We each carry the power within us to create our own version of reality. And although it doesn’t always immediately show up in the outer world, you can still travel through life under the spell of your own intention simply by changing your relationship to everything. Yet, sometimes and often more times than not, you will in fact experience that reality in the form of reflective things that pop up out of nowhere or message you with sweet whispers of confirming support. The trick is to listen and trust what shows up and how you feel led in each moment.

Change is a constant and yet there are times that feel increasingly potent with transformational momentum – like recently and upcoming. I feel it revving behind the scenes and I sense it is happening for many. It may feel like a lightning strike when the manifestation of the change takes place, but truly has been in the making with every forward step.

Being is seeing and knowing.

It’s an experience of energy within the labyrinth of myself – that centering and balance labyrinths help your focus with while you go on a mini pilgrimage of higher self connecting.

That last part about a mini pilgrimage of higher self connecting is a constant invitation I feel extended to all of us, as we navigate these liquid lightning flashes of heart sanctum activations. There’s such huge acceleration taking place that I don’t think we always realize is happening when we’re in the middle of things.

So many discussions and reflections have centered around softening processes to the old versions of ourselves that were erected from outmoded paradigms of protection, survival, and power over. These are moving into new paradigms of trust, thriving, and shared empowerment that are rooted in unconditional compassion for the highest good of all concerned.

As I shared with a dear friend, in many ways the work many have done for years seemed without an end result, but now is becoming clear why it was integral. We’ll be needing all of what we anchored to help us stabilize during continued, rapid transformation and be of support to the growing number of people who will flourish from loving heart bridges of true empathy and compassion.

What if all of the ways we’ve been used to defining things as, went through a transformation too?

It’s my personal feeling that it’s not only some areas that we’ll creatively weave change through, but all areas.

For example, what if being an activist turned into being an activator?

This word came to me as a potential evolution and new version for what it means to be an activist.

In my personal experience, the word “activist” carries an old paradigm way of describing a process that fit a matching framework and timeline. And “activator,” to me carries a fresh paradigm process. That’s not to mean that everyone’s evolution looks the same, as for some, moving into being an “activist” may very well be their personal evolution. We’ll always have a wide spectrum of all things playing out at once because they balance the wholeness of polarities, yet I am seeing this as part of the new wave in creation – that visionary change will sweep through all areas of life.

But let’s just take this one example and break it down.

Activist usually describes a physical action taken or method taken by someone to create change.

Activator describes a chemical and molecular process that stimulates and initiates change through someone.

Equally powerful, but different in their approaches and reflective of their times and an individual’s frequency transformation.

An activator embodies a frequency, molecularly and energetically, that by way of being, creates a chain reaction that exponentially multiplies and ripples outward at the molecular level to create change. And therefore, someone who wants to facilitate transformational progression doesn’t need to be boxed into one way this looks or is labeled as. We create more expansive ways of inclusiveness and potential by expanding our perspective and vocabulary.

Cosmic Love Activator was a phrase that flashed in my mind that felt fitting to me. And we each may become different versions of “activators” with varying areas of focus or expertise, based on our individual expression of the Whole.

Anyway, sometimes I just have these multi-dimensional conversations with myself and like to share them out loud. They always make me feel more expansive when I discover a different way of expressing and creating. And after all, we are unlimited in our creativity. We merely need to exercise that conscious power for the highest good of all change.

It’s definitely like we’re developing the groundwork for new creative birthings, so perhaps the redecorating of my birthing room/womb – the Wonderland office – is just that.

And while I was rearranging and creating grids all over it, I was reacquainting myself with so many of my special crystal friends and seeing them all in a new light. That included this very special giant, raw blue chalcedony – one of my most rare and amazing finds I unearthed myself.

This piece was around when Astrid was and she loved it. It came just before the time period when she started pointing toward “blue” stones and crystals being of importance.

She actually told me in a dream to tell my friend Lisa of The Lemurian Rose to find me the crystal with “blue” in it. And since then, the crystal skulls and crystals have continued with “blue” as one of their messaging prompts amongst others. I’m still awaiting disclosure of the meaning behind all of this, but continue trusting nonetheless.

Anyway, this blue chalcedony is super special to me and being activated by her makes it ever more so. It now has center, anchoring prominence in one of my skull grids.

Chickadees and mushrooms have also been on the scene.

A different friend from the stories I shared about in my last post about mushrooms, found more fly agaric/amanita muscaria beauties in the Bay Area on the second of this month – three hours from here – and sent me these photos of them in their own evolution between a week’s time.

It’s fun that people have come to think of me with these, as it reminds me of how Astrid manifested the very first and all of them there after. So each message of more, feels like her winking at me again and again.

And while on our first real snow shoe adventure just this Sunday, the day after the storm, the chickadees were in abundance and very chatty – continuing to follow us up the mountain.

Not only were they sweetly singing away on that beautiful sunny day, but over and over kept landing on my hand, shoulder, and even the top of my snuggly snow cap.

I just melt every time I feel their delicate, but strong grip on my finger and see their precious, tiny bodies, spirited eyes, and sweet little feathers up close.

There was never time to catch a photo of them on my crown, but they did continue to land on it, Dave’s, and each of our friends’ crowns too.

I did catch this one, though, on our friend’s hat, the above few photos of these cuties in the surrounding trees, and on my hand.

These were taken by my friend of me.

There were more than a dozen at a time that were coming at me even though I wasn’t feeding them.

I’ve shared before how mountain chickadees have become so special to me. I love their bold, spunky and sweet, innocent essence. They are very social and playful, filled with joy, and although tiny and fragile in appearance, they are tough and adaptable to the harshest of cold winter elements. Many believe them to bring good fortune and to be keepers of wisdom. I love their sweet songs that remind us that beauty and riches are found in the simplest of things and that hope and love is worthy of always nurturing and believing in.

There are many reflections that nurture the heart to believe and encourage continued hope. We just have to open our hearts to see them and focus more energy there instead of elsewhere.

And while I haven’t physically seen Frith since the last time I posted photos of him, he has been around A LOT. I find his tracks imprinted in the snow in his usual places. He runs from the garden, over to my office, along the wall between my office and the connecting room, and then off to his area by the bush where he used to commune with Astrid.

In fact, he’s been hanging out a lot by the wall between the rooms, as I found a ton of bunny poops in the snow where he must have been resting for a while, and even a little golden bunny puddle. Hehe!

Having Frith and the rabbit energy around me does make for sweet softness to land in while I continue adjusting to my life without physical Astrid with me. In fact, I’ve had three adoption/foster trainings and interviews with the organization over the end and beginning of the years that I now volunteer with as their adoption counselor. They’ve all had happy endings. And during the time I’ve come to be with them, the organization (which started in 2019) has experienced a lot of growth, which is really awesome to see and be a part of.

Life goes on, growth continues, and cycles will start and end, over and over.

Nature is always a beautiful and wise mirror for all of this. She always helps me through anything I’m going through to understand in ways words aren’t needed.

I’m happy to see the snow again.

Snow is magickal.

Everything draped in white is a sure sign Jack Frost has whistled his song of Winter wonderly through the now slumbered land.

I cherish spacious breaths, immersing in the beautiful stillness and grace of wandering powdered forests on snow shoes.

No one around. Only the sparkly winks of fresh crystalline snow to assure you everything is alive with consciousness even when you think you’re alone.

Mountain top vistas are full of mystery and shifting light, and the dense forests drape around you with snowy arms that kiss the skin. The silence is so fertile with only the song of mountain chickadees and the tiny tussle of snow from the Unseens to commune with. 

Wandering a snow-covered mountain through forests and meadows is enough to make you believe that magick is real.

And watching the Sun both rise and set in Winter’s sky, as he unapologetically paints his creative strokes across the canvas before you, enlivens the artist within to rise and sing. 

Enjoy these windows of wonder and may they spark new creative expression to emerge again and again.

In the coming days I plan to list some special cocreator crystals, perhaps a couple of crystal skulls too, and maybe even some raw Tahoe quartz grid sets. I will have a few more skulls later, but I only release them as they tell me too. I am still offering the Personal Crystal Showings, but some people reached out to ask if I would post a few too. So, while I don’t have ability to list them all, I will share several as I do have time. I’ll try to announce that when they are up in the next few days, or check back by this weekend.

And because of how challenging things have been for people lately, I was intuitively guided to offer a big special on one-on-one intuitive guidance 1 hour phone sessions between now 1/11 and 2/11. These are general sessions that can be used for any kind of support. There will be one session and package session options as opportunities, including larger packages to take advantage of. Please see the link above for details and options.

I’m not sure how much longer I’ll offer phone sessions, as this is something I only do intuitively these days and I’m feeling more called to the channeling sessions with The Speakers. This could be the last round for now, but will be available to schedule at this special exchange rate through 2/11.

And speaking of skulls, today is the last day to take advantage of Mody Ra’s generous discount on the amazing and rare new ancient stone skulls he has available.

If you have any questions about any of these, please reach out.

Until next time, Happy New Moon my friends!