Monthly Archives: May 2015

Preparation to Depart ~ Will Be Away Through the First Week of June

Just a quick note to let you know I’ll be leaving again very early tomorrow morning – getting picked up at 4 am actually, so an early start means getting to bed early this evening and shutting down early today.

As mentioned, I was supposed to be away this week, but the bunnies had other plans for me, so I’m now reconnecting with the second half of my planned trip flying into Flagstaff, AZ to spend a night and day at the Grand Canyon, and then the rest of the week in Sedona – another home away from home I’ve spent a lot of time in, including two years of my life when I lived there.

I’m happy that we have a wonderful house and animal sitter for the babies, so I feel good now that their health is balanced, that they will be well cared for.

And now mom will get in some energy work of her own in the vortexes of Sedona, while soaking in that Red Rock energy and Nature goodness hiking.

I’ll be gone through the 5th of June, but not back to work until Monday the 8th.

I’m trying to get through back-logged emails right now before I head off, but please be aware I’ll be a bit out of touch this week unless there’s something urgent to address. I apologize for my tardiness on responses these days, but I’ve had a lot to manage and needing my own time to myself. Thank you for understanding, as my work output to share with you will be the better for it.

Wishing everyone a beautiful weekend and week ahead, as we approach Summer. Yay!

When I return, I’ll likely have some announcements and a new monthly newsletter that will come out the week I return.

Wishing everyone a graceful flow with all the intense energies I know many are experiencing, alongside the Retrograde energies.

Lots of love to you.

Sacred Tattoo Designs Things to Know: The Process, Waiting List (Booking for Week of July 27th), Referral Gift Program ($100 off Plus Free Crystal) & Book




As you know there is a waiting list on sacred tattoo designs and with my current clients I’m now booked until end of July.

Sometimes the scheduling shifts a bit, as clients aren’t always ready when I get to them, in which case I let the person know that is next in line and continue forward, taking the client that needed extra time when they ARE ready, and after I’ve completed work on the current design at hand.

I try to provide a guesstimate on the timing when you commission a piece, but due to clients that have needed more time with their ideas and clarity, as well as some clients being ready when I get to them and others not, things tend to readjust on the timeline with all the shuffling. I’m open and flexible to this and when there’s an opening, I will move on to the next client on the waiting list until I find one that IS ready. And once the client who deferred their place becomes ready, they will receive priority once I’ve completed the current project at hand.

That said, if you have a rush job, due to a tattoo appointment or something else important to you, I will do my best to fit you in on off-hours, but remember that this will equate to a higher hourly rate reflectively. I can’t always guarantee being able to do rush jobs, but you can contact me with your requests and we’ll see what is possible.

Remember that in order to commission a design, I require the first hour deposit upfront, as all tattoos take at least one hour, and the balance is due upon agreement of its closure. This deposit both holds your space, AND is applied as the first hour of the design process.

The design process (the actual pencil to paper time) is $175 an hour.

I don’t charge for the consulting, my tuning in, any research, and writing up the symbolic meaning for each client. There’s a lot that goes into these designs, which is why I can’t always predict timing and have to be conscious about my need to pace myself energetically.

And sometimes I move through things quicker than anticipated, but also sometimes the energy creates the need for more time. I will contact you if the timing shifts to sooner or a little delayed.

That said, you are free to, and encouraged, to send me your thoughts, ideas, and anything pertinent to what you’d like to be creating with your design as soon as you send me your deposit. This assists in having the energy percolating before I get to the actual designing, but also helps with timeliness so that when I get to your design we are pretty much ready to go and don’t have to go through the whole process at the point I’m ready to be designing.

It’s such an intuitive and feeling process, so I’m always grateful that my clients are on the same page with me in terms of embracing the journey.


triple rabbit



Now and then I receive emails that lead me to feel there might be some confusion on some of the aspects of this process, which I’d like to help clarify.

  • Remember that if you are interested in co-creating a tattoo design with me, you will need to place a deposit at the link here: 
  • This will place you on the waiting list. At the link you will also find details on the process and likely answers to many of your questions. If you find anything not to be clear, or you would like assistance in any way, please don’t hesitate to contact me and ask.
  • I’m more than happy to answer questions about the process and to generally provide an oversight in regard to what you would like to create, but please understand that I can’t provide lengthy consulting about ideas, or help to come up with the idea, unless you have commissioned me to work on your design with you and I’m ready to begin that process, as that is part of the whole design consulting journey we embark upon. It is a very involved process on my part that goes beyond even the email exchanges that I have to tune into, research, etc. I do welcome you to send me all of your thoughts and ideas before the time we actually will be working on it, so the energy is percolating in the background and we can pinpoint some of the important aspects that give me an idea of the groundwork in terms of size, placement, and essence of what you desire. The time leading up to actual designing is for this preparation, and once I am ready to begin, I can delve more in depth.
  • My saying that I’m available to new clients at the end of July does not mean that if you contact me at the end of July that I will be able to start right away on your design, as in the interim other clients will have placed their deposits for their commissioned pieces.
  • If you absolutely need the design before the available time period, I do offer rush jobs in order to meet certain time-frames. Please contact me to discuss details and to see if I’m capable of working off-hours to assist that, which would equate to a higher rate fee, reflectively.
  • Also, ALL design consultations are done via email with my clients internationally. I find it most effective for the process and provides opportunity for the magic to take place. There is no need to meet in person, nor discuss things via telephone. It’s an energetic exchange I can access by distance, is best accessed when I have time to tune in energetically over the course of our exchanges and in between them, and which has enabled me to work with clients across the globe. The emails provide me a log of our discussions to work with and reflect upon, as well as provide each person the opportunity to get their thoughts, feelings, experiences down in writing, which seems to be very healing and valuable for most people.
  • Remember I do not do the inking. I am a tattoo “DESIGN” artist, specializing in sacred symbolism and spirituality to create “essence” templates that your tattoo artist will be working with and from.
  • The design process is much more than simply drawing something. It is very involved and usually I need a little recharge time between designs. It’s not a process I like to rush, if not necessary. I find that the flow is always perfect when we embrace that and it allows for the process to unfold naturally. Sometimes that is a very quick process and other times, due to energy I am sensing, things take a bit longer.


tattoo expressions



I continue to receive an influx of powerful commissions for sacred tattoo designs that keep me gratefully busy amidst my other work. I am always open to ways to give back and so several months back was inspired by a few clients to create a referral gift program to do just that.

Here’s how it works – When you refer a client to me who commissions a sacred tattoo design you will receive 2 FREE Gifts:

1st: Receive a FREE Reiki-charged Crystal

2nd: Receive $100 off YOUR own sacred tattoo design (that’s nearly 60% off your 1st hour’s deposit)

If you’ve already commissioned one, this savings will be applied to your next one – Not transferable

How To Receive Your Gifts:

Make sure that the client you refer shares with me, upon contact, who they were referred by. Once they decide to commission a design, I will contact you about your gifts.






If you would like to partner in co-creating your own sacred visionary piece of artwork or tattoo design to embody the empowerment you desire, you can contact me here: Contact Tania Marie

There is currently a waiting list, but you can easily make your deposit at the link provided below to embark on this journey in partnership with me. Now scheduling for end of July.

For more information about the process and pricing please visit: Life Changing Tattoos

Some people have preferred to read my book, Spiritual Skin ~ Sacred Tattoos: More than Skin Deep, especially if they are new to sacred tattoo designs, before embarking on this journey.

If you are drawn to learn more about sacred tattoos you can order a copy of the book here: Spiritual Skin

It is also available in Kindle format here: Spiritual Skin

I always add shading and detail to the drawings so that you can get a taste of what it might look like tattooed when details come together. But usually tattoo drawings by artists are done in just the simple outline of the piece and the details come together during the inking process…but this gives a reference to assist the tattoo artist and it helps you to envision the possibilities.

And remember, there’s a Tattoo Design Referral Gift Program too!


Thank you for embracing this process with me. It truly makes a difference to be able to work with such amazing souls that understand and value the beauty of this journey.

I don’t think people have fully yet realized the layers to just how much this sacred tattoo journey is life-shifting for those who are drawn to it as their path, and how it can be a way to embody the new, embody your essence, integrate and embody the shadow/light – whole…..but now this is increasingly coming into conscious awareness.

Tattoos are these gifts that keep on giving. At least that’s been my experience and the experience of others who have shared with me their evolving journeys since creating their designs and getting them tattooed.

My Exhale ~ Breathing In AND Out the Sweetness & Preciousness of Life With My Rabbit Companions

We are constantly being told to remember our breath and to breathe, which supports greater presence, balance, well-being, peace, and integrative flow.

Yet how many times do you catch yourself holding your breath when things get tense or stressful? Or finding joy in breathing “in” all the delicious newness you are anxious to experience, yet perhaps overlook the potency of the exhale and see it merely as part of the process to create a full breath?

I know I’ve been guilty of the first one and have worked at training myself to be present when that happens so I can move the energy through.

I find exhaling to be powerful and embodying the symbolism of release, sweet surrender, satisfaction, gratitude, and joyous pleasure. It’s not just merely the by-product of inhaling, but something that is equally potent and necessary to the whole. And when done with presence and embrace, can truly be

I was able to experience that sweet exhale this week when I was presented a challenge with my rabbit companions.

After my week away in Goshen, I returned to find both of my bunny loves, Joy and Cosmo, experiencing less than the robust health I’d left them in.

I’m highly attuned to their needs and instantly recognize when things are off with them…something you really have to be good at and committed to being present with when you have a bunny, as they are very physically fragile. Any little thing can turn into something huge if not caught immediately.

Needless to say, as soon as I noticed things I rushed them off to the nearest vet I could find open on a Saturday and Holiday weekend that knew rabbits since all the ones I knew were closed. I’d just barely walked through the door and put down my luggage before I was gathering them up in their travel bags to get them looked at.

And after that appointment it was clear to me I would be cancelling this week’s trip to care for them, as they are my priority.

Without going into detail, or venturing backwards into the past that is over, I’d rather focus on the here and now and their state of being currently.

Situations like this present a challenge to me to integrate, as I can’t allow myself to wallow in worry and sadness for their sake, so I immediately have to find a way to transmute that energy into encouraging gusto of love, nurturing, and supportive optimism when talking to them, as well as emotionally projecting. This is so because they pick up everything so so subtly and it doesn’t help them for me to get worked up, as they will take that on immediately and get worse.

So, I focused on the tasks ahead, the facts I needed to convey to the vet, and the encouragement they each needed, along with energy support to help them return to balance.

joy and cosmo vet

Joy and Cosmo at the vet together on Saturday


I’m happy to report that they have both emerged with extremely good bills of health after several rounds of vet appointments and some tests between Saturday and Wednesday. Between the Saturday to Tuesday wait time until the Holiday was over, I just kept focused on providing them lots of supportive nurturing.

I do still have one more test to run on each, but I’m confident all is well, given how everything turned around immediately with my care and attention, and the prognosis of excellent health they have and the tests that came back so far.

The only thing that has resulted so far from the challenges is that my precious girl, Joy, is now blind in her left eye. But her eye is healthy, has great pressure and with maintenance I need to administer, it will remain so.

The vets and specialists I went to all commented on how amazingly they both are doing for their older ages, specifically commenting that Joy is simply aging gracefully with only having one blind eye, as her health is extremely good and strong in all other ways.

Must be all that Goji juice, food monitoring, Reiki energy, and love. I was grateful to receive the vets’ compliments as to my care, since having 9+ year old (and in Joy’s case – potentially 11 years old) rabbits that are in such good health despite their each having one physical disability is quite rare in what they experience with rabbits. They are not incapacitated in their vibrancy and motivation, regardless of their physical handicaps. If anything, they have turned those handicaps into gifts.

joy and cosmo mirroring

Joy and Cosmo recuperating after their appointments, mirroring and energetically supporting one another. Joy has trained him in Reiki 1 before all this went down. 🙂


It goes to show you that you can live a good and healthy life no matter what your condition may be, if you take care of keeping all things balanced, shifting your perspective on “limitations”, and making healthy choices in the quality of things put into the body, as well as fed emotionally, mentally, and spiritually into it.

I’m happy to share that Cosmo is back to being strong again, without the issues he had developed over the week, and Joy is embracing her new condition with grace as well.

Joy’s eye feels to be connected to things I’ve been focused on in terms of inner vision and taking that to a new level, which I’ve been talking about and looking into. I know she was being watched over, as the day I took her to the eye specialist my Hawk spirit guide was waiting on the light post to the ramp exit I needed to take to her appointment, and when I arrived back home, a Raven swooped across the front of my car as I pulled up the driveway.

While in the last appointment I took both of them to, I experienced the heavy energy of transitions, which seems to be a theme right now with all the shifts going on in big ways. So many people were there walking out of the office in tears, as their animals had been put to sleep. I had an extra long wait because they were so booked with these appointments.

And since I had explored this possibility with my two loves over the days I waited to get in on appointments, I was able to do some soul searching and find my strength that Nestor had gifted me in terms of this kind of experience.

So after allowing myself to experience these emotions, I made peace with whatever was to be, or will be in the future, knowing that of course I will have my emotional release whenever the time presents itself, but that the main thing to focus on was cherishing every single precious moment I do have with them and in life in general.

This also has been heavy on my mind for quite some time and is why I have been arriving at decisions in my life I’m making that will change the course of things and also support my belief in this being the most important thing to do. Quality of life is valuable to me and that includes being able to enjoy it and share it with those I love and doing all that brings me most joy and inner harmony.

I am quite blessed to have two amazing special needs bunnies that have much to teach me and others through their physical disabilities.

Although I cancelled this week’s trip in order to be with them, I am being gifted tenfold for that not only in quality time to be with them, but integration and nurturing time that mom needed, while remaining off of work so I could focus on them and myself some more.

My bunny loves know mom as much as she knows them. They always know what to do to get my attention and to help me to make the choices out of love, I may neglect out of responsibility for myself.

Reminds me of another special soul, Nestor, who was the Queen of that. Since they receive guidance from her, I am feeling quite loved by all three of them.

And so I’ve experienced the value and amazing power of the exhale this week, as I consciously was focused on that with each conscious breath…today being the best one yet where I felt such a deep sweetness, beauty, and all-encompassing powerful release, surrender and joy when I let go with gratitude and embrace of the moment. It actually filled me with joyous tears that choked me up and felt expansive, while my lungs were in fact deflating.

New Crystal Friends: Golden Selenite Flower, Tibetan Quartz with Water Bubble & Tantric Twin Strawberry Lemurian Seed Crystal

I recently was befriended by three new crystal friends that were eager to come home with me. These included two I was already familiar with, but the addition of a third I’d not seen before.

I always like to share about crystals, as I know many of you also have a great love and reverence for them like I do.

strawberry lemurian3The first Crystal is a Tantric Twin Lemurian Seed Crystal with Rainbows and a Timelink to the past (I’m still in exploration on more this powerful beauty has to share). Such a lovely and large Lemurian of this family of crystals. I have already four of these and so this last one rounds out to my favorite number – five.

Twin energy seems to keep coming up for me. Tantric Twin seems to be a metaphysical name these Master Crystals are known by, but they are also simply Twin Crystals.

Twin Crystals help in building relationships of all kinds and can be used in meditation to receive clarity and insight on hidden challenges within relationships and the ways in which you can heal them. They can directly help you to heal things in your relationships or even the relationship with yourself, as well as support relationships build on solid foundations. They can hold space for tough conversations within your relationships, to assist in communicating more from the heart and with compassion, patience, and loving presence.

When rainbows appear in the Tantric Twin Crystals, as with mine, this is very useful to project healing energy into the relationship, infused with lightness, joy, and optimism.strawberry lemurian2

Tantric Twin Crystals are two of the same length (or nearly the same) growing together from a single root/common base and work with the energy of Soul Mates or Soul Partners (people your soul is connected to that assist with mutual soul evolution – these can be friends, romantic, family, co-workers and you can have many), Twin Souls/Flames (two parts of the same soul that split into Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine that feel like completion when they come together – not necessarily different genders but more Yin/Yang relationships that complement one another rather than being exact duplicates), and romantic relationships, but also help us attract like-minded people, and to work with that Twin energy within each of us of our Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine in wholeness. They will also bring energy to help strengthen and deepen the relationship we are already currently in and enhance connection within the special bonds we have.strawberry lemurian

There is no separation or true boundary between the Twin Crystals.

To learn more about Strawberry Lemurians please visit my article: Strawberry Lemurian Seed Crystals ~ The Scarlet Temple to the Heart and Beyond

tibetan quartz2The second Crystal to share is one I’ve also written about before – a Tibetan Quartz with Rainbows. I have one other one of these, so now they each have a friend. This particular one is a Self-Healed Crystal (meaning it will assist in healing of the self on all levels since it contains the wisdom of how to do this) and has an alive, moving water bubble inside, which you can’t see in the photos.

I have one other Crystal like this – a Herkimer Diamond. Having the millions of years old trapped water bubble makes it a special healer to work with the emotional body and your deepest essence self. It will help illuminate and stimulate the ability to see in the darker parts within self, face fears, remove emotional and energetic chords, release old emotional patterns, and understand the layers of who you are in a core way.tibetan quartz

This new Tibetan Quartz feels like a mother and child energy and so it mirrors the connection I have with my two bunny loves and even with this aspect of self-nurturing with my own inner child I’m engaging in a new way right now within my self. There is even a very tiny small growth underneath that is beginning to birth from inside the mother – you can actually see the core of it inside the mother and then the outward protrusion stemming out. And another small point that seems to not only have grown at the bottom, but at some point might break off. It’s a very birthing with creation energy crystal and full of nurturing love. All really awesome energetically for new growth, expansion, abundance, fresh opportunities, and rebirthing.

To learn more about Tibetan Quartz please visit my article: “OM” Vibration Tibetan Quartz ~ Perfect Grounding with Expansion Crystal

selenite flower2And the third and last Crystal to share about is my new find (at least new to me). It is a Golden Selenite Flower and is so amazingly Cosmic and magickal, I get chills each time I pick it up and did right away when I saw it. The first one I picked up of the ones I saw was the one that came home with me. It is also known as Golden Ray Selenite. If my memory serves me correct, which I can’t rely on these days, I think I remember the woman I purchased it from sharing that this particular kind comes from Canada.

This is a completely natural formation that will carry the energy of Selenite, but with additional metaphysical properties due to its golden essence.

Golden (Ray) Selenite are powerful, beautiful, and high vibrational Crystals that have come to light calling in the highest frequency of white light and the Golden Ray of Buddha, some say, storing Ancient Priestess teachings and can be used for a variety of metaphysical purposes – making them excellent for any healing environment.

It connects to the Solar Plexus, Third Eye, Heart, and Crown Chakras, helping to integrate, open, and activate them. This supports us in creatively manifesting what is from our heart, directing our will in a loving, joyful manner. We are then able to create our reality based on intention, trust, and joyful wisdom.

It helps you to become attuned to, and harmonized with, your soul purpose for this lifetime.

Focuses are on joy, manifestation, and creation/creative energies and are really good for digestive issues and addictions, as the dis-ease of one’s will.

I’m just so enraptured by this Crystal. There’s something very much like home about it to me. Literally every time I pick it up I’m filled with chills, as mentioned. There’s something both inner Earth and Cosmic about it and no wonder as Selenite is an embodiment of “As Above, So Below”.selenite flower

The first night I slept with it upon arrival home, I had a very interesting dream in Egypt.

I found this particularly interesting information online about Selenite connections to Alabaster that could have some connection to that in a literal way: “…one theory on the origin of the word “Alabaster” links it to the use of the stone to create ritual vessels sacred to the goddess Bast in ancient Egypt. But generally, the name “Selenite” isn’t used to refer to Alabaster, even though they are the same mineral.” ~Selenite by Oraia Helene

I hope you enjoy exploring these Crystals and that perhaps with each piece I share, you might find something that speaks to you and maybe even a Crystal friend that might be calling. I find that once you have the intent to find a particular Crystal, it will find you!

Artist Creates Unbelievable Balancing Rocks Meditation

gravity glue

By artist, Michael Grab of or on Facebook:

These are incredible!

Check out some more of Michael Grab’s creations at the link:

Artist Creates Unbelievable Balancing Rocks Meditation

And check out the artist’s work at or on Facebook:

Thank you Shay for sharing!

Last Batch of Potent Crystal Elixirs Available in Limited Quantity

As mentioned in my previous post today, I had to cancel this week’s trip due to some challenges with the bunnies I needed to support. And along with that there’s also been the cancellation of two upcoming events – the Florida Crystal Love & Healing Workshop and the Summer Solstice Magick & Manifestation Workshops in Oregon.

Due to those events shifting, I now am able to offer the Crystal Elixirs I had created for the events to anyone interested in them.

crystal elixirsI have both the Crystal Elixir #1 – which includes Herkimer Diamond, Orange Jade, and Iceland Quartz and the Crystal Elixir #2 which includes Rose Quartz and Amethyst available in both dropper and spray form.

I have two different sizes available in the Crystal Elixir #1 dropper form – either a smaller 1 oz or a larger 2 oz. The spray bottle form of both Crystal Elixir #1 and #2 are available only in 2 oz bottles. Crystal Elixir #2 is available in 1 oz smaller dropper form as well.

There are limited quantities of each and once they are gone, there are no more. You’ll be able to purchase them at the links below until they sell out. You’ll know if it’s sold out when you go to purchase. I’ve already sold nearly 50 of these two, so they do go rather quickly.

I can’t tell you how powerful these are. It’s simply an experience. Most people comment immediately feeling their high vibes the minute they hold the bottles…the energy just pulsates. And while I’ve heard many things from people about some pretty amazing experiences from using them – including incredible stuff that even made me giggle with surprise, I can only speak for myself saying that these elixirs have been supporting some major changes in my own life, as I continue to use them consistently. They can be used also for your personal/living/working/sacred space, plants, animals, and given as gifts to others.

These are for people ready to actualize a leap. If you want a little more gentle process, I’d go for the #2 Elixir: Rose Quartz and Amethyst, although it’s still a kicker.

If you’d like to go for it and really want that support to help you embody quicker shifts, I’d go for the #1 Elixir: Herkimer Diamond, Orange Jade, and Iceland Quartz.

Both are lovingly supportive, but read about their properties, so you can get an idea of the assistance they provide.

Here are the properties of each:

Crystal Elixir #1 infuses the following:

  • Herkimer Diamond (giant Record Keeper with rainbows that acted as the generator for our ceremonies in Peru and is infused with the energies activated at each sacred site) –  Herkimers are powerful high-vibrational ascension crystals that will take you to the highest spiritual vibration possible while still being in your physical body. They can really help you to move you forward in many aspects of your life. They support expansion of your being and allow almost unconscious connection to the Divine realms. They are potent high crystal energy stones and will magnify the energy of what ever crystals that they are combined with, to work more effectively and have a stronger resonance within your auric field. They support opening of a variety of psychic gifts. These are powerful stones for the higher chakras. The purity and beauty of the energy of these crystals may draw angelic beings and higher guides to it and you may find that you start connecting with angels. More info on Herkimers: Herkimer Diamonds
  • Orange Jade (an amazing Crystal that chose me at the market of Aguas Calientes – Machu Picchu town that comes from Peru – this Crystal also accompanied every ceremony and is infused with the sacred site energies) – Orange Jade conveys the gift of inner peace, joy, and happiness, it teaches the interconnectedness of all life and all Beings, boosts your energy and provides protection, it is energetic and quietly stimulating, working with the second chakra creation energy
  • Iceland Quartz (a very pure essence, sweet, and enchanting Crystal that chose me in Iceland and comes from Iceland – this Crystal accompanied me on my magickal journeys while there) – Quartz is a Master Healer, power stone that harmonizes and balances, has the ability to receive, store and send energy, powerful manifestation tool, the most versatile, multipurpose, powerful healing stone due to its unique helical spiral crystalline form, a master healer that can be used for any and all conditions, stimulates the immune system and brings the body into balance, takes energy to the most perfect state that is possible going back to before the dis-ease set in, cleanses and enhances the organs and subtle bodies and acts as a deep soul cleanser, connects the physical dimension with the mind, ultimate “anything stone,” radiates all the color vibrations within the spectrum of light, can be utilized and programmed for any use which bring light and energy into our spiritual bodies, a “stone of the mind,” quartz can be used to imprint with any energy or information and helps to focus the mind, purifies the spiritual, mental, and physical, a powerfully protective stone bringing the purified energy in, used to perform diagnostic healing, and to communicate with spirits and other worlds.

Crystal Elixir #2 infuses the following:

  • Rare Sacred Geometry Amethyst Sphere with multi-layered Hexagon and Heart Portals naturally infused on opposite sides – Amethysts are extremely powerful and protective, high spiritual vibration, enhances serene and higher states of consciousness and meditation, calms and stimulates the mind, improves concentration, emotional centering and contentment within self, brings peace to any challenged experience, uplifts, one of the most spiritual stones, promotes divine love for self and others, selflessness, spiritual wisdom, opens and strengthens intuition and enhances psychic gifts, works with crown chakra, third eye and heart opening, promotes peace and inspiration, represents principles of complete metamorphosis, soothes, relaxes, heals, promotes healthy sleep habits and channeling, good for prosperity, because of its transmutational energies it helps open gateways into intense and transforming spiritual experiences while protecting the wearer from black magic, a protection stone in general, breaks up old emotional thought processes, attracts justice, protects and wards off danger and violent death, increases the activity in the right brain, cuts through illusion, as well as raises thoughts and aspirations to a higher spiritual level. .
  • Unusual Sacred Geometry Rose Quartz with 26 points (#26 carries many numerological potencies, including embodying the Hebrew name for God, the essence of OM, brings life purpose and soul mission together and more sacred symbolism) – Rose Quartz  often called the “Love Stone,” emanates gentle vibration of unconditional love, mother love, caring, kindness, stone of universal love and healing, restores trust and harmony in relationships, purifies and opens the heart at all levels to promote love, self-love, friendship, romantic love, family love, deep inner healing and feelings of peace, calming and reassuring, de-stresses, soothing and happy stone, helps to comfort in times of grief, dispels negativity and protects against environmental pollution, replacing it with loving vibes, encourages self-forgiveness and acceptance invoking self-trust and self-worth, strengthens and balances the physical heart and circulatory system, releases impurities from body fluids, opens and balances the heart chakra, aids love of your fellow man (or woman), enables our heart energies to expand and embrace everything with pure, unconditional love. Rose Quartz encourages us to take a more light-hearted approach to life, not to take things so much to heart that we become unduly upset and stressed. Emotionally rose quartz brings gentleness, forgiveness, compassion, kindness and tolerance. It raises one’s self-esteem and sense of self-worth. It helps balance emotions and heal emotional wounds and traumas, even grief, bringing peace and calm. Rose quartz removes fears, resentments and anger. It can also heal and release childhood traumas, neglect, and lack of love, in part by enhancing inner awareness. It can help with reconciliation with family and others. Overwhelming or unreasonable guilt is eased by rose quartz.

You can order your choice direct here either in a dropper or spray bottle form below. Each not only has been cleansed, charged, and programmed with specific magickal intents, but also activated by the Moon and Sun, along with other Cosmic attunements: 

Usually I ship things out internationally, but it’s too challenging to do separate pricing/invoices based on individual country shipping, so these are only offered in the United States for now. $6.00 Shipping and Handling will be added to your order when you check out.

*****NOTE: Only orders that are placed today, May 28th, will be shipped out right away. Orders placed after today will go out when I return from my trip, the week of June 8th.

Crystal Elixir #1 – 1 oz Dropper Bottle – SOLD OUT

Crystal Elixir #1 – 2 oz Dropper Bottle – SOLD OUT 

Crystal Elixir #1 – 2 oz Spray Bottle – SOLD OUT

Crystal Elixir #2 – 1 oz Dropper Bottle – SOLD OUT

Crystal Elixir #2 – 2 oz Spray Bottle – SOLD OUT

Garden Tower Update

garden towerI had a little hiccup when I arrived back home from my visit with Laura, which I then made the decision to cancel this week’s trip and stay home to care for.

My two bunny loves were in need of me and since they are my priority, it was an easy choice to make. I’ll share a separate update on the babies later, but needless to say, being home with them was so valuable in many ways including integration of last week’s powerful energy to prepare me for Sedona’s vortex energy explosion next week. It also drove home decisions I had come to last week, which I’ll also share in an upcoming update too.

So, I have remained off work this week since my time has been very full with the children and I’ve been wanting to give them my full, quality attention, but yesterday I had the opportunity to spend two and a half hours gardening, after appointments with them, which was really nurturing, balancing and grounding for mom after everything.

While visiting Laura we got to share some fun gardening time together and we even got to do a little seed sharing. There were a few things I had wanted to plant still in my Garden Tower that I hadn’t found at the store, and there were some special needs our front yard had that Laura so graciously advised on. In the end, I came home with seven new types of seeds – added to one she already had sent me a while back makes eight. Five for the Garden Tower and three for out front.

garden tower 2So yesterday, after my refreshing lunch break outdoors in the peace of our lovely garden sanctuary, I spent my gardening time cleaning up my Garden Tower, removing any plants that didn’t make it and tidying up the ones that did.

lunchAs I enjoyed my yummy lunch, I thought about the joy of soon being able to have my salad fresh from the garden. In the meantime I was just grateful to be enjoying a simple, healthy pleasure – best experienced outdoors. It was an organic kale salad with tomatoes, avocado, spicy wakame ginger kimchi, sweet and spicy chili lime hemp tofu, with ground pepper and shitake sesame dressing with a side of rainbow baby carrots, hummus and gingerberry kombucha. All shared with my flourishing Peppermint plant and two curious kitty babies that were watching mom from their outdoor cat playhouse behind me. 🙂peppermint

We had a lot of rain for several days on and off, which I think combined with having just been planted and watered by me may have been a bit too much for a few of them. Out of the over 60 goodies I planted, I only lost 4, which I’d say is pretty darn good for someone who doesn’t know anything about gardening and just does things by intuition – gardening by heart I call it. 😉

Laura had also advised that the type of Sunflowers I had planted  from seed (now lovely, thriving sprouts) would probably not be best for the Tower when they got full grown and said I should transplant them. So between the four I lost and the Sunflowers I was removing to replant, I had five slots for new goodies.

And wouldn’t you know it, so synchronously, the amount of types of seeds Laura gave me that could be planted in the Garden Tower were……five!

These include Blue Scotch Kale, Georgia Collards, Arugula, Cilantro, and Elves Blend Sunflower Mix, which is a much shorter plant more suitable for the Tower than my large Heirloom Mammoth Greystripe Snack Seed Sunflowers.

caterpillarWhile I removed the plants that didn’t make it, and cleaned up, I found so many beautiful surprises, including my sweet red wiggler worm friends, a lovely little green caterpillar, and caterpillar2one that had cocooned! Yay! That means a butterfly is in the making and this so feels beautifully symbolic of the phase of things in my life right now.coccoon

But what I also discovered while caring for my plant friend beauties was that I had fruits and veggies blossoming! My Heirloom Tomatoes and Peppers are all emerging with lovelies and my Strawberry Alpine White Soul and Loran Strawberries are too! So, so exciting!!tomatoestomatoes2tomatoes3peppers and tomatoespeppers

strawberriesstrawberryAll the rest of the plants look really good too. Some are super flourishing, like my Arcadia Broccoli and Diablo Brussels Sprouts for instance, and others are still adjusting.

broccolibrussel sprouts

Potentially I might lose a few more, but I have plenty of seeds to keep reseeding.

All-in-all, however, I think I’m not doing too shabby for a first timer!

After I completed tidying up my Garden Tower, seeding the new goodies, and watering, I then took my three Sunflower sprouts to the front yard where they should be really happy, as long as they take after the replanting.sunflowers

The front gets tons of sunlight and they should be happy with the Lavender, Milkweed, and other friends, including our Solar-powered Cattails that look so lovely glowing in the evening and cattails

I then planted two of the three seeds I had left from Laura out front too, which include Yellow Calendula and Red Malabar Spinach. I planted eight Calendula – 4 in the front of the garage and 4 in the front of the house under the window – and 2 Red Malabar Spinach in the front of garage. The Red Malabar Spinach has red stems, green leaves and pink flowers and is edible. It also is a vine, so potentially it will grow up the trellised slats of the garage. We’ll see!

I then gave everyone lots of water and called it a day.

I have just one more type of seed to plant today – Moonflower! I had to soak them overnight to help germinate first, but will be planting the three seeds I have out front as well. They are nocturnal bloomers that create a huge beautiful white flower that glows all night in the Moonlight – hence the Moonflower name.

I just love some of the names of the plants I have – Elves Blend Sunflower, Cosmic Purple Carrots, Moonflower….lots of magickal fun!

Will keep you posted as things continue to unfold in the Faery garden here.

If I can do it, anyone can!

The Holiday ~ Two Faeries Reflect & Renew in Goshen, in a Faery Cottage, Activating a Faery Portal

laura and taniaIt was a long time coming for Laura and I to reconnect in the Faery flesh – what seemed like nearly 6 years – but last week saw the end to that physical separation drought, as we came together in Goshen, IN.

laura and tania (4)We share that rare kind of friendship that has no “needyness” and yet we are also so close that we never feel the distance despite hardly ever having spent much in-person time together over the years.

We are in constant connection telepathically, via text and email, and the very very random phone time, however, our connection just increases. For us both, we cherish the kind of friendships that honor our independent natures and yet support the unique oddities we each have and desire from our relationships.

That said, it was so, so nice to be in the flesh together again – the longest we’ve spent actually in person ever. Not to mention, it was definitely potent, tons of giggly fun, refreshingly healing, and deeply activating.laura and tania (1)

Originally, I had intended to share a very full account of our time together, which would have included quite the photo journal. However, Divine flow had something else in store for embrace, which to me mirrors much of the themes we reflected upon, as well as spoke to keeping some of that magick and our special times close to heart and within our own experience.

Both Laura and I are quite open with our lives in the public, and yet we both commented on how amazingly nourishing it was to be with each other solely and completely cut off from the outside world and work, to create “us” time for once, without any agenda whatsoever.

laura and tania (5)We both honor and respect one another, understanding the flow of giving and receiving and never put each other to work or take unconscious or conscious advantage of one another’s gifts. So we are actually able to have true fun and play time together, and be mutually supportive without ever feeling drained – only recharged and renewed.

And that’s a rare thing to experience for us!

Although we are pretty public with a lot of things, we do in fact keep portions of our lives sacredly personal, and so when more than half of my photos mysteriously disappeared, I felt it was a message to keep that sacredness in tact and to be able to have some small portion of our lives kept just to us.laura and tania (2)

This also mirrors what is individually happening in my own life, but I will save that for a soon-to-come, separate post, as I’d like to dedicate this one to the cherished soulship Laura and I share, and to her Birthday energy we were celebrating alongside our Faery reunion.

That said, I will share some of the highlights and a general overview, as we are both always aware of how our individual experiences are collectively connected and know that there are things that are actually supportive in a service way to share, while the rest is energetically shared, despite not literally talking about it.

So here is a glimpse into our special Faery holiday reunion together. Perhaps the photos that did decide to stick around, will provide an energetic looking glass into what was experienced.laura and tania (15)

My journey to Laura began in flawless and synchronous flow, without any retrograde fun trying to create mischief. We’ve both learned to embrace and flow with the energies so we are relatively unaffected by them, or easily shift to match them so that challenges become more like launching boards to kick major, life-affirming shifts into play.

Perhaps the magickal flow was aided by a little bit of pixie dust sparkle, raw triple quartz and moss ring, life-enhancing spells, sacred tattoos, and a lot of peace, as I just so also happened to be wearing a butterfly peace shirt that says “love this life” on the front with a long beautiful expression of what that means on the back, a crowned rabbit and runes necklaces, a “peace starts with hoodie”, and sparkle shoes. I’m all about creating your own magick!laura and tania (38)

So my travels were smooth with driver arriving early to get me to the airport, arriving to Los Angeles (LAX) airport in 30 minutes (usually takes 45 without traffic and who knows how many hours with traffic), my plane arriving 20 minutes early to my destination of Chicago, immediately finding my bus stop with ease, being asked if I was a student at Notre Dame (nice little compliment for a 42 year-old), and Laura’s partner, David, surprisingly getting off work early so that with a small delay on the freeway with traffic, our timing aligned perfectly when I arrived at my stop for them to pick me up with only 5 minutes of wait time that I used to make a phone call to my mom and dad to say I arrived safely. 🙂

Indeed this set the tone of synchronous alignment and flow for the week.

I did at first feel like Dorothy in Kansas, although I was Tania in Indiana…it felt surreal. I couldn’t quite place where I was energetically, and the odd silence without anyone at the terminal of the airport I was dropped off at, nor around outside, had me feeling like I’d stepped into Stephen King’s “The Tommyknockers” for a moment, feeling like I was in another dimension about to be gobbled up, where time was suspended and/or fleeting.

For a moment on the bus I had also felt like I was in the Twilight Zone, as I’d dozed off for a second, which felt like forever with my getting up at 3 am that morning, waking to looking behind me and not seeing anyone on the bus after we kept spiraling around these connecting ramps to other highways, one after another. Apparently everyone had sunken into their seats asleep, but it sure did give me a quick jolt into another reality for a second.

And another reality was exactly what we created together last week, as we spent most of our time at the Faery Cottage Laura and David live in, chatting away like Faeries on a flower-high.

I was so delighted to find the tapestry spread I had gifted Laura years back, covering the bed I’d be Faery dreaming away in for the week. This tapestry is very special to us, as it embodies the two of us so perfectly, entwined in winged magick. The left Faery is black-haired and tattooed, while the right Faery is red-haired and tattoo-free. Seem like anyone you might know?laura and tania (39)

It was so much fun to be able to catch up, share, giggle, joke, talk about some of our favorite things like food, gardens, rabbits, and magick, chuckle at the overlapping synchronicities in our lives that are more than uncanny, and adventure into the new together, which all created a potent, percolating energy that naturally was processing and activating simply by our engaging our energies together.

It’s like alchemy when certain souls unite at specific times and in specific ways, with intentful power behind each word, and even behind each giggle. 😉laura and tania (16)

We got to share the rare time of late mornings and even afternoons in our jammies, late nights up talking away, tons of super yummy and nourishing raw vegan and vegan food daily (I was so spoiled by both Laura and David preparing everything and by the garden fresh additions to each meal and smoothie just newly harvested by Laura each day), and Faery tea time with delish Reishi tea.

I also got to meet Laura’s David (we both have David/Dave partners in our lives who each incidentally used to go by the other’s version of their name) for the first time, which was so lovely. We just picked up as if we’d known each other for years (which in fact we do 😉 ) and we were all giddy to learn just how much overlap of shared, synchronous things we all four have. I was especially grateful and happy that I now have a brother whom I love dearly!

I was also lucky enough to receive a tour of Goshen highlights from their friend Jerry who had access to show Laura and I all of the cool new artsy things going on in town including an amazing old theater renovation, a live music venue and old vinyl store, Goshen Art House, a new Brewery (not that I drink, but one of the ways Goshen is cultivating into more of a destination spot that already is considered one of the top 10 places for music bands loving to perform at), and all the cutting-edge things being created to draw in the artsy and eclectic crowds.

I also got to visit the indoor Farmer’s Market where we picked up a few things including some gifts for me to bring back to Dave – Indiana Maple syrup (courtesy of Laura for Dave) and a very interesting Espresso Pumpkin Ketchup I got him. There’s a funny story behind that one, but needless to say I took a chance at getting it and I have to say, he WAS right. It is actually really good!

There was a couple of visits to the local Co-Op – Maple City Market – which has a ton of great stuff. I was pleasantly surprised at the array of vegan items, which of course we enjoyed several of.

More than once we shared some Hail Merry Miracle Tarts, which are these amazing raw vegan mini pies in an assortment of flavors. We have them here too, but I hadn’t tried all of them. However, between the ones we had while I visited, and the ones I bought when I got back home because I was still wanting to drag out our amazing time together with a little pie nostalgia, I have now tasted them all. LOL!!

laura and tania (40)I also got to experience Hemp Tofu for the first time, which is super yum! I love this because I’m allergic to soy, and I found the texture really “meaty”. I don’t know if I just hadn’t seen them at our market here, but of course you know when I was picking up Hail Merry’s I also got all three of the different flavored hemp tofu’s too when I got back! Hehe.laura and tania (30)

And, I suggested to try my favorite Mint Chip coconut vegan ice cream, which I’m happy to say was a hit for all of us. So much so we devoured two containers over the course of two different evenings, which was mmm mmm good.

laura and tania (36)Needless to say, I was well-fed and had a very happy tummy that didn’t shy at seconds of everything there was the opportunity to have seconds on. 🙂 I was on vacation afterall! And when you’re moving energy like Laura and I do, you don’t pack on anything. But that also happens when you’re eating healthy food and not fussing over worries like that. We both dropped some energetic weight despite all the goodness going in.

One thing about Faeries is that we LOVE good food! All of the times Laura and I have come together have always been both feasts for the bodies, as well as feasts for the heart and soul.laura and tania (33)

And that definitely continued as the theme throughout our week together, as we engaged in increasingly potent talks about everything under the sun from Elves to ET’s, that built up to doing extended 9-card Sacred Spiral Tarot readings for one another with a unique Sacred Body Wisdom deck, a two-round Reiki Healing Attunement session for the four of us (us and our guys), and ending with a wowzers, magickal ceremony complete with Faery altar activated with a potent crystal wand.

We knew we were moving the energy, not just because we felt it, but immediate things happened around us and with our loved ones, things manifested for each of us despite our disconnect from the outside world momentarily, magickal things appeared when we stepped outside, we had interesting dreams, and I even activated my kundalini energy in my tailbone (temporarily painful before freeing release), while we both got head/third eye aches.

All dissipating overnight and opening into a new lightness.

We even got a visit from a lovely friend of theirs and her newborn, which was truly a delight. We both felt like the two Faery Godmothers of the Faery Cottage sitting side by side on the couch, as we energetically supported this lovely new Faery into the world and her very sweet mother.

And I DID get a little Gardening 101 from Laura! Yay!

We spent one afternoon planting new goodies, overseen by a Robin, black Squirrel, giant Bumble Bee, and a tiny baby Bunny.

I did the watering (being a water Faery), while Laura did the planting (being a triple Earth Faery), while we talked and giggled in between Laura’s master-minding the garden plan all in that fantastic brain of hers that envisions realities yet seen, but that ARE. 😉

We were both decked out in gardening grubs. I was looking quite tomfaeryish I think.laura and tania (1)

And speaking of bunnies, I had so hoped to see a bunny in the garden while visiting Laura, as she had mentioned them before. Not only was I gifted the little one on our gardening day, but later in the week we drove up to find a momma rabbit nursing her 8 – 9 little babies!laura and tania (8)

THAT was incredibly potent in symbolism and quite the magickal gift. I had never seen a mother rabbit and her babies in the wild, let alone nursing them! I had had such a sweet connection talking with the baby bunny the other day and now this just topped it off.

laura and tania (10)After the mother and some of the babies dispersed, one of the babies ran toward us, rather than away, and Laura mentioned it must remember me and my voice and knew not to be afraid.laura and tania (9)

Later Laura went back outside to gather some fresh greens for our meal and to water and she said the little one came running to her again, but then ran off, she said, when it realized she wasn’t me. LOL!

Yes, people do mix up our energies indeed. When we’re together people comment on our being sisters, which did happen at the Farmer’s Market by one of the vendors Laura knew. It’s always uncanny how we show up out of our rooms wearing the same colors or nearly the same kind of things without telling one another.laura and tania (34)

Another thing we share is our love for Nature and our need to be out immersed with her energy, as we both know how recharging it is for us.

laura and tania (18)So we did get some good little Nature hikes in on two of the days.

laura and tania (3) One at a lovely park locally in Goshen, and then at the amazing Fernwood Botanical Gardens in Michigan on Laura’s birthday.laura and tania (7)

It was a spectacular birthday celebration indeed that got kicked off in bindi-style, as I always bring some fun bindis for us to wear, and included a picnic lunch made in Laura’s Sun and laura and tania (31)Wonder Ovens (both of which I also got the 101 on and am now ordering my Sun Oven to add to the Wonder Oven Laura sent me as a gift), tons of amazing gardens fit for a Faery indeed, a laura and tania (23)laura and tania (20)laura and tania (14)laura and tania (24)laura and tania (22)laura and tania (25)laura and tania (21)laura and tania (26)BEAUTIFUL flute birthday serenade by someone who just so happened to be playing by the water (I actually got it on audio/video that Divinely is 3:33 in length from the moment we got to him to when he stopped playing!), finds we gifted each other including some cherry artisan mustard I finally found to bring back to Dave too (as he loves his unique mustards), a walk on laura and tania (19)laura and tania (11)the beach at the Sand Dunes of Lake Michigan, a birthday Hail Merry threefold birthday pie laura and tania (32)assortment shared on the beach of Persian Lime, Chocolate Mint, and Chocolate Raw Almond Butter, and an amazingly yummy dinner at Sunny’s Korean Restaurant in Mishawaka – mmmmmm!laura and tania (28)laura and tania (37)laura and tania (29)

I intend to purchase her kimchee seasoning online (I actually got side-tracked looking them up to order while writing this) because it is delicious, healthy – (all-natural, no preservatives or MSG, vegan, gluten-free and made with love), and makes it “easy and simple for you to make fast, fresh, kimchee at home and add the flavor of kimchee to any of your favorite dishes!”

We were all so reinvigorated and full of gratitude for such an amazing day that brought our week of faery fun to perfect, climaxed closure most satisfyingly.laura and tania (12)

It was hard to part ways, and to be sure there were big hugs and love exchanges indeed.

While there is such a contrast of energies in little Goshen, it was the very thing that makes for irony, intrigue, and mischievous magick – the kind that creates mega ripple shifts and activates instantly potent action into manifestation.

Not to mention, just so might happen to activate a wee Faery Portal.laura and tania (13)

None of which we might have been up to together there. 😉laura and tania (6)

I loved our time together and I love how each time is so different that we share, reflecting the evolution of our journeys.laura and tania (17)

We know that we’ll be seeing each other again very soon, and there are some extremely interesting things awaiting us individually, and together, that are in the unfolding.

A big heartfelt thank you to my sister Laura and brother David for such a beautiful week. I can’t remember having so much fun, goodness, and love poured over me with a Faery cherry on top!

Love you both so much! Here’s to endless magick and mischief in all that we’re creating!laura and tania (35)

Using Ayahuasca – Ultra Spiritual Life episode 5 – with JP Sears

If you saw my post, “How to Be Ultra Spiritual with JP Sears“, which includes in it another article I also shared titled, “Do You Wear a Spiritual Disguise? ~ Losing the Mask and Finding Your Truth” then you’ll understand this one too and have yourself a good belly laugh, and/or maybe even some interesting reflection.

I’d like to also include JP Sears’ comment with the video, as it may ruffle some feathers and cause some triggers in some people.

Here’s his comment, followed by the very funny video:

“Hi Friends! In response to my recent “Using Ayahuasca” video I’ve had a lot of requests for further comments about “why are you so against using Ayahuasca?” I appreciate some of you valuing my opinion enough that you want to hear more of my perspective, I’m honored by that (admittedly, that also makes me co-dependent 🙂 Here’s some more opinion from this red head…

I believe Ayahuasca is a sacred substance. The video was not about Ayahuasca or calling into question its place as a potential route of healing and spiritual connection. From my perspective the intended meaning of the video was to bring awareness to how it is becoming more common for people to use something that is very sacred in a very non-sacred way.

From my point of view, there is easily an unconscious seduction that is going un-noticed where one automatically assumes, “I’m using something sacred, therefore how I’m using it is sacred.” I believe that being aware of both the light (using something sacred in a sacred way) and shadow (using something sacred in a non-sacred way) possibilities allows a person to be much more healthfully aware of why they are doing what they are doing.

On this topic, the only thing that I’m “against” is using something sacred without being aware that one’s ego may have non-sacred motives while using justifications laced with sacred terminology in order to hide the non-sacred motives from one’s own self.

I see the biggest problem happening in North America where it’s becoming easier for people to get their hands on Ayahuasca.

Some (not all) of these folks leading Ayahuasca ceremonies take sexual advantage of others while they’re incapacitated (that’s a felony for good reason). Some are motivated to administer Ayahuasca because they feel a sense of ego value and power by “being the one” to give others a significantly mind altering substance. Some participate based on the motivation of escaping their human aches and pains. Others participate based out of the need to belong to a group of people rather than having a genuine desire heal and grow spiritually. Some use Ayahuasca at frequencies and times of the day that traditional Shaman wouldn’t even consider. My voice was very inspired to talk about what no one seems to be talking about.

I believe that until we can see the possibility that how a path we’re taking to find ourselves can also become a path we lose ourselves on, we’ll be losing ourselves without knowing it a bit more often than what we’d like to see.

With that said… I’ve received a lot of feedback sharing laughs and praise about the video and its message. I’ve also, quite honestly, received some very angry emotionally charged comments. Those are always welcome too. My commitment to myself and you is to speak my honest voice, no matter how many spears are thrown at me.

There is some red headed opinion for you 🙂 “

First Vegan and Sustainable Grade School Here in SoCal

Two cool articles about the awesome things James Cameron and his wife Suzy Amis Cameron are doing with their MUSE School CA – the first vegan school in the United States, right here in Calabasas, SoCal.

Here’s the first one that talks a bit about the school with related links you can explore:

James Cameron & wife are at the helm of the first vegan grade school in the United States

And here’s the latest article that shares what James got his wife for her birthday – five great big photovoltaic Sun Flowers on the grounds of the MUSE School:

James Cameron gifts his wife five giant solar Sun Flowers to power her sustainable SoCal school

Thanks Kelly for sharing! So fantastic to see the manifestation of change in action.