About Tania Marie

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Tania Marie is a visionary artist, author, and Reiki Master Teacher.

With over thirty years’ experience in creative healing arts and metaphysical studies, Tania inspires people globally to return to natural harmony, draw forth imagination to manifest dreams, embody creative empowerment, and live more magickally and abundantly from their most natural frequency – in essence, Tania helps you to remember your song.

Just as Nature changes with the seasons, she’s recreated herself over and over and is currently focused on her forthcoming novel and second book after a life-clarifying experience that revealed her truest heart’s calling.

Her love for rabbits fuels her heart, nature bathing and star gazing helps her to remember, living in constant wonder keeps her inner child alive, dancing on the farthest edges of imagination breathes life to her Faery wings, and adventure calls her to rise to any challenge.

tania and dave lake tahoe.jpg

Tania is based in Lake Tahoe, Nevada after spending a transformative year and a half immersed in nature as a full-time nomadic RVer traveling across the States and Canada with her husband, their two rabbits (who have since transitioned), two cats, and some magickal crystals.

tania and dave lake tahoe.jpgShe and author, retired lawyer, and advocate for animals and sustainable consumption, David Robinson Simon, now reside in their newly renovated dream home on the National Forest, just an easy walk to the lake, with their three rescue, fur children – adding their adopted rabbit, Astrid, to join Sweet Pea and Boojum, the cats.

astrid sweet pea boojum

“Creating life as a work of art” is Tania’s personal motto and she does this with a magick rabbit by her side.

ask astrid

Tania has shared her passions through various heart channels over the years including leading transformative retreats and workshops, providing intuitive energy guidance, cocreating life-enhancing sacred tattoo designs, sound channeling, energy sessions, visionary writings and paintings, and other creative spirit offerings.

To learn more about Tania and the journey that she is on, you can read her written interview with the founder of Journey for Earth, Annabel Ruffell, here:

Written Interview with Tania Marie, Reiki Master Teacher, Visionary Artist, Author, Sacred Tattoo Designer


“My life is about transforming and shattering the old and the idea of impossible, realizing that miracles are a reality that I create. Nothing pleases me more than inspiring greatness in everyone and being inspired by the beauty in and around us all. We each have a song to sing, but together we create a beautiful symphony.” ~Tania Marie, The Rabbit Faery ~ Creating Life as a Work of Art with a Magick Rabbit by My Side

In Love & Creative Magick

May All Possibilities Be Open To You


  1. HI… im interested in your spiritual tattoo deisgns…

  2. Hey Tania! We met one time at a Verbal Vegans gathering (it’s been awhile now). I looked up your website back then and was impressed with your art. I didn’t realize you had a blog too – this is great! You’ve got almost 5,000 followers – that’s impressive! I’m a new blogger, so if you’ve got any tips or suggestions for me I’d love to hear them. Dave wrote such a wonderful going vegan story – thanks for liking it. Maybe I’ll see you again at a vegan gathering. I haven’t been to any in awhile, but I’ve been thinking about going back soon. Take care and keep in touch!

  3. hi celeste! yes, i remember our meeting at happy family. thank you dearly for taking time to look at my work. i appreciate your sharing your feelings on this. yes! now we can stay connected via our blogs as well. it’s always great to share something on a daily basis if you can..something you are passionate about that your audience would find of value and interest and you can share these via your facebook page too, if you have one? will look forward to seeing you again! thank you so much for connecting. will keep a look out for new blogs from you. i do agree dave’s was a very inspiring story. thank you for sharing it. i’m really proud of him. xoox

  4. I appreciate your thoughtful comments – thanks so much!!

  5. thank you Tania
    I was giving Reiki distance healing to a friend and the collour of turqupise appeared and the intuition to sit with my friend in an vortex of turquoise
    and so I find your webside

    Aloha Mahalo Astrid

  6. “My cocoon tightens, colors tease, I’m feeling for the air; a dim capacity for wings degrades the dress I wear” -Dickinson

  7. if i go to sandy eggo to visit my mom this year , i shall have to lewk U up 🙂 thaks for the kewl journey through ur werld, May u an ur other half david be blessed with love an light frum all that exists….. peacefully urs.quark… aka mike in southern colorado…ex sandy eggan lol 🙂 attempting to turn vegan! 🙂 namaste’ 😎

  8. Hey Tania you are amazing I’m all about the Emerald Bridge too you know what I mean? I’m so in love with your work, so, you’re life! Every moment that goes by is one more moment I can’t enjoy enough if I can just get back to you one more time, poetically speaking.

    I’m thinking about buying a cat just so you can draw a picture of it. I love you that much. I honestly do not believe for one second that I could love anything more!

  9. Hello Tania,
    I was just looking for some tattoo designs in web and I found You… I have been looking through Your blog and FB page for hours… (?) :)) … and I am so deeply amazed by Your work and even more – by Your grace!
    You are shining from inside out and this is much more than happiness or Your beauty that shines through. Which I can see also a lot! This is inner glow You carry inside You.
    Thank You, celestial being, for doing what You are doing and being the way You are!

    Your tattoo designs are so profound… I can feel the deep connection with the shamanic, spiritual world and the inner world of the person You are designing the tattoo. This is remarkable!
    I hope so much that I can order my first tattoo design from You. P.S. How many hours can that take? Roughly said? So I can calculate by budget 🙂
    I read that You are at your sabbatical, so I wish it is fulfilling and wonderful! I am sure it is even more than that! 🙂
    Blessings to Your way, sweet soul!

  10. Tania this going sound crazy but couple months ago i did spirit guide meditiation. I thought it was all in my head so just continue my spiritual journey without spirit guide. You told me bring something but i dont know what it was. We met. Your my spirit guide when i saw you. You growing long hair but pure light and body. My names Antonio.

  11. Hi Tania!! Where are you from?? or Where are you working at the moment? Best Wishes from Spain.

  12. Hi! Sun Rabbit here. I got to your page looking up rabbit symbolism because I’ve had many dreams with rabbits, and many encounters with wild ones, including a friendship I had with a whole family of them who lived in the woods behind my old house. I’ve always had a rabbit friend in my life, just not right now due to my small living quarters.
    Your symbolism makes sense, and I would add to it by saying that usually when a rabbit appears in your dream and it’s your real-life friend, it has more meaning than just a symbolic dream, but usually that meaning can be quite prosaic because the rabbit is communicationg with you in their own modality. When I got my last rabbit on 3.4.2005 I started calling him Paws, until one night I had a hyperrealistic dream where I had accidentally locked him in the downstairs hallway. I went there, and as I’m opening the door to the living room (where his food and water bowls were) he started speaking to me in a childlike voice and addressed me by my own name, told me he is my friend, and that his name is not Paws, but Kookyshek, and he kept repeating that. I awakened with a jolt, and went downstairs just to make sure he was OK. He was in the living room, sitting directly in the middle of the big couch and extremely tensed up. I sat on the floor in front of him a stroked him, and said “so, did you just have the same dream that I did?” stlll tense “Kookyshek?” The instant I said that he relaxed and snuggled his head into the palm of my hand.
    He had just named himself, and I’d never experienced anything like that with any animal friend. We had many, many fun times together and many adventures. He loved everybody and everybody loved him. Sadly, he died on 22.10.2010. Since his passing I had at times felt he was nearby, observing me. Keeping an eye out for me. On 22.10.2016 I had another hyperrealistic dream with Kookyshek where he told me he loved me and thanked me for taking care of him, and that he was being reincarnated as a baby hippo, and showed me where on what looked like Google maps when you zoom out. It was in eastern central Africa. He said he wanted to have a mother, and that he had missed having one when he had been a rabbit. I had felt this keenly and bought him a stuffed rabbit that he would always sleep next to. He kept repeating that he would be a baby hippo. The last thing he said to me was that we will one day meet again.
    I knew nothing about hippos, but when I looked them up I found out that they too, like rabbits, are vegetarians, and that they live in familial clans in that place in Africa where he showed me.
    As soon as I am able to I will once again have a rabbit friend in my life. As our lives become more and more “virtual” and connected with other humans globally, we’re losing touch with nature. That’s why I at least have an apartment full of plants and love going into the woods.

    Love & Peace from an American guy in Germany.

    • hi sun rabbit!! so lovely for you to connect! i definitely agree with the fact that the dreams of rabbits, especially when our own little ones, is about them communicating with us, since they are very telepathic and reach out in dream time. at least that has also been my experience as well with my sweet bunny loves. i very much resonate with your share about kookyshek naming himself…it happened with my current bunny and the others as well, but very clearly with astrid. what a lovely share about him and his sharing his journey into his time as a hippo. i love that you honor him with such love and respect. and i love this story and share. thank you! i so agree, that while virtual connection has brought us closer to others, it also separates us from our “nature” and like you i feel that is so important. so i spend tons of time in nature and having plants and animal companions to immerse into that energy with. much love to you in germany!! ❤

    • Thank you, Sun Rabbit, for such a sweet and inspiring share!

  13. Thank you…the goodness, your spirit…I am in a state of mind, radically & transformationally…seeking change…healing from living without shields on my vulnerabilities…Just a quick flow note from a heart that seeks exploration, shares gratitude…your words…a gift…your spirit so gentle, so peaceful.

  14. I’ve just stumbled upon you and am so wishing we could be friends, your writing is exquisite and my love of stones and crystals make me want to know so much more. Thanks for being you and sharing your love.

  15. Hi Tania,

    Please add me to your blog/email list for future writings. As a fellow terra psychology /animist, I listen to my daily clues from Nature, non-human life forms, essences. I truly appreciate hearing your voice in your writings.

    • Hi Brenda, it’s wonderful to connect and share such a beautiful resonance. Thank you so much for your message and reaching out. It looks like you found the subscribing link. I hope you enjoy the journey. Much love and gratitude 🙏 💖🌸🌿

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