Monthly Archives: February 2017

Tortoise & Baby Bunny Bond

This sweet article from Hilary Hanson came out in The Huffington Post on my birthday, but I didn’t have a chance to post it until now. It seems fitting that an article about a rabbit and a tortoise bonding was shared on a day connected to me, since we all know about my sweet Gaia and bunnies, but most especially the bond Gaia and Joy shared. My sweet friends have been around me so much and so when Dave shared this article with me on my birthday, I had to smile again at their messages of love and divine alignment.


I hope you enjoy this short, sweet article:

Tortoise Takes In Baby Bunny On Cold Night, Begins Beautiful Friendship

Thank You


Sharing my deepest love and gratitude with each and every one of you who so lovingly extended your wishes, beautiful memories, sweetest of reflections and messages, and simply your presence with me yesterday for my birthday, but also with yourself, each other, and our Earth Mother, as you connected in heart through the magickal New Moon Eclipse collectively shared. Perhaps it was the heightened energies of this day, or perhaps it is because of the deepened place my sensitivities have taken me in experience, but it was profoundly felt and in my private moments, brought me to tears of love that felt like alchemy to the spirit.

I read and listened to every single message, more than once in many cases, reflecting on the connections and how powerful we are when unified in our hearts. It made me reflect on how strongly challenges in the energetic field have brought people together more than ever and that is a beautiful thing to see people arise, take action, and vulnerably extend themselves to others.

Yesterday, I spent my time engaged in the things I love, in taking actions toward my dreams in order to create that extra momentum through the new doorways offered and to hold my frequency for a new reality, and made stronger commitments and promises to it all.

Some of this included writing a page in my book, creating a magick wand to full completion, doing a Reiki Healing Attunement with my crystal grid for very clear intentions with highest good in mind, spending time communing in nature snow shoeing, time reflecting on connection with others and including intents of love and highest good for everyone, time with loved ones, but also embodying a peace so deeply experienced it took me to a meditative place of beingness that created what I can only describe as a state of grace in suspension….nothing could affect or change this and I knew this was my origin of being – all of ours.

And that, in and of itself, was the greatest of gifts received.

Thank you from my heart to yours

Birthday Portals & New Moon Solar Eclipse of February 26th

Since I’ll likely not be posting a blog on my birthday or this weekend, I thought I’d share one today and to get the energetic ball rolling with the upcoming New Moon Solar Eclipse, which just so happens to fall on my birthday – February 26th. While I don’t have any grand plans this year, I’m feeling grateful for this grand gift itself of Cosmic alignment and there may also be a snow gift from Nature on my birthday and through the weekend, which all feels like a symbolic celebration in very literal ways for this Winter baby, Cosmic Pisces, Snow Faery. However this birthday unfolds, I will make it an intentional day, as I’ve learned it isn’t so much what we do, as the energy we carry forth through what we are doing.

But what a perfect timing to clear away the old, keep digging deep, making way for new beginnings, sharing your greatest hopes, and dreaming bigger than ever as a way of celebrating and honoring your journey.

I know for myself, I’ll be doing some more Reiki Healing Attunements on the 26th for my greatest intentions and biggest dreams I have yet to put forward, no matter how others may think I should be more realistic. That’s not exactly something a Pisces understands, although the Capricorn parts of me appreciate the caution. Yet for me that is interpreted more as making sure I’m aligning all parts of me with the essence of my dreams, making sure I can commit myself fully, understanding the responsibility that goes along with it, and the groundwork that will be needed with persevering and unwavering courage and strength.

I’ve been doing an amped up amount of Reiki Healing Attunements over the last few weeks – again a reminder if you have this tool in your toolbox – and have seen all of them except the long term ones come to fruition, although more clarity and steps have revealed themselves with the farther future ones too.

I have also been more willing in the last year or so to declare what I really want, no matter how big they seem or that they are truly just MY joys and desires, as I know that I matter too and I know that because I always intend everything for the highest good of all concerned, it is never selfish to ask from your heart what you want, as this inevitably will trickle to everyone we touch directly or indirectly. Plus, it is is powerful to voice your desires, without attachment or expectation, but simply as personal expression of what you feel and/or want.

I felt a big shift take place on the 22nd that asked me to anchor even more with the future potentials I’m creating and opened up greater ways to commit if in fact I want to manifest them. This provided different creative ideas and strategies I hadn’t thought of, to support my wanting to do more right now that I was feeling an unknown around how I could actually be investing into things even though it’s still off in the distance.

So, I will utilize the 26th, my renewal and rebirthing, along with the New Moon Eclipse to provide greater vision and roots with everything I definitively decide to anchor into and to “up the game” so to speak. Perhaps you might join in and do the same for your own intentions?

I do know that I have been having an increased momentum surge through me that needs precision and fine focus, which will continue to see me more immersed in creating, exercising more boundaries, and balancing my time and resources.

I love how this birthday is also my 44th, loving that double digit, master number and angelic presence surrounding the energy of this year and that I’ll be beginning a #2 personal year which speaks to peace, timing, nurturing, partnership, patience, intuition, trust, cooperation, and things not appearing on the outside while much is taking place in the internal world and foundationally.

I love what Numerologist, Christine DeLorey, shares about a 2 Year Cycle:

“The 2 year cycle is an inspiring twelve month journey in which you will find exciting connections between your past, your present, and your future. Eventually, you will be able to use this information to set an ambitious goal in motion. But make no mistake, what happens this year is going to take perseverance and, above all, great patience.

First, you must slow down and stop pushing to get results. What you want is going to take longer to achieve than expected, so tone down your high expectations of yourself and others, and pay patient and meticulous attention to the details of all situations.

You must learn to move more slowly, attentively, and with mutual interests in mind. If not, you will miss too many clues and connections to make any kind of measurable progress. Widen your lens. See a bigger picture. Discover your connection to everything that is influencing your life.

Of course, it can be difficult to slow down when you are so sure that you need to be moving faster, but until you do slow down – enough to see the finer and often overlooked details of your reality – you will have no idea of where you have come from, who you are becoming, where you are, what you’re doing, why you’re doing it, where you’re going, or the roles that others are playing in your life. Clarity is one of the principle gifts of the 2 year, just as long as you slow yourself down enough to be able to claim it.”

A perfect message for what had come to me this week and how I’ll be funneling my energies like my Tortoise, Gaia, with deliberate clarity and steadfast patience, taking into account the bigger picture and all seens and potential unforeseens, which my rabbit companion souls teach me with heightened senses, vision, and agility for transforming quickly when needed.

I love that I get to share my special day with a collective special day on this portal of possibility and potential, which seems appropriate for a collective Pisces soul.

This is a magickal and joyous energy we’ll be experiencing with opportunity to turn dreams into reality with enduring results and lasting happiness, by humbly honing in on our gifts for the greatest good of all concerned. Definitely a Solar Eclipse for making wishes come true. So we can all really go deep and ask what that wish is, or wishes are. Don’t be afraid to state it out loud, nor afraid to do what it takes to co-create it.

The Sun and Moon are also conjunct Neptune at this time which increases sensitivity, intuition, visions/premonitions, and empathy…something I’m hearing from many who are usually strong pillars of guidance and anchors for others. So be aware of nervous tension and anxiety, which can cause reactions versus responses. Keep personal integrity and responsibility at the forefront. And rise above the collective field so you can continue to do your thing and guide the way for others by standing in your personal frequency.

Rather than chaos pulling you in, let your inner peace draw others out of the chaos.

This is where boundaries come into play and conscious self-awareness to filter out what is and isn’t you.

Yet this doorway also provides very harmonious energy that can be harnessed for great benefit, not to mention access to deepest dreams, creativity, and imagination for manifesting.

There isn’t wrong choice, there’s simply choice. This can be a good time to get clarity on decisions and the momentum behind them to put them into action.

And this brings me around to responsibility. I shared this on social media today, but it feels important to add here, as more than ever this feels at the forefront of choices we make day in and day out.

Responsibility is key always and to be conscious of it consistently is necessary. Your actions, thoughts, words, shares, feelings, all have an impact on the collective in seen and unseen ways. And if you are in a role where others look to you as a guide in some way or if you are a leader or visionary as your path, responsibility is a moment-to-moment energy to temper all that you do with and choose from the place of greatest good to others while empowering/not enabling, and keeping the integrity of your message as consistent and pure as you can.

While everyone has choice, that also includes the choice to live responsibly and to hold your own frequency, regardless of other’s choices.

I’ve come to see over time how important one’s commitment to responsibility affects so much in your life. Not only will it support the things you desire creating, but also trickles out to how others will relate to you and want to cocreate with you. Think about the choices and commitments you make and the value impact they have in more ways than you may realize.

This is at the forefront of my intentions, dreams, and the energy I’m putting out there, tempered with a deeper kind of love I’ve come to experience that nudges limitations into greater expansiveness.

I can’t begin to share all that has transformed in my life over the course of it, let alone in the last year or two, but this rapid change seems to take place on a weekly and daily basis now, as accelerated experiences are embraced.

I know that so many of you can relate. It’s like a whole other person/or persons and worlds, right?!

And while none of the details really matter, I would like to take a moment to publicly express gratitude from the heart and core of my soul for everything I have chosen to go through at this collective time we share on Earth – the good, bad, ugly, thick and thin…or whatever you want to call it – simply experiences.

I didn’t actually think I would make it to this year and yet here I am because I chose another way to fulfill that which was unfulfilled. I chose a symbolic death instead of a literal one. I chose to take a leap, to have faith, to reinvent myself, to let go of everything, and to continue forward despite my soul family moving on, despite the invitations before me, and despite having no guarantee for what I was about to choose except knowing it is my heart’s joy.

And while I, or any of us, don’t know how much longer we may have in this embodiment, I do know that I can say I am truly living in every sense of the word without limitations and without regrets. I feel finally that I am merging my Cosmic and Earthly self.

My only regret would have been not to do what I’m doing now, which is immersing into the greater potentials and possibilities beyond what would have been soul expected of me due to the cycles and repetitive patterns I was repeating, fulfilling, and ultimately bringing around in a healthy way to close off karmically.

It would also have been a regret not to immerse into the simple and most valuable enjoyments and enrichments in the fullest possible way, not to immerse into the pure experience without any limiting ideas or other’s beliefs ruling my enjoyment of sensual living, not to immerse into more amplification of my personal frequency and vibration without hiding behind myself or holding my energy back…not to immerse into the pure harmony of it all, period.

While some may say I’ve been doing this, I would say not to the degree and greater consistency I am now, and this does and has made a huge difference.

So while I may never go back to things I once used to do, offer as service, or engage in as a human, I will be living with deeper conviction and clarity of my thread in the collective tapestry moment to moment.

44 feels like a year of building, business, being, and balance (4 B’s!) all centered around my passions and knowing the strength and support is there if I remain focused and dedicated.

And so I embrace this new doorway on the 26th, this portal of potential, with open heart and committed soul and welcome the fresh experiences that await my alignment.

Wishing everyone a creatively potent New Moon Solar Eclipse. I hope you will stretch yourself farther than you ever have into the seed of potential you have within you as your origin of being.

(FUN NOTE: When I hit publish the clock said 4:44 – gotta love it!)

Client Openings Update

Quick update on the client openings for my 5 week/6 session intensives of Intuitive Energy Guidance/Coaching.

I completely forgot that I will be away for most, if not all, of May and so I will not be able to take any clients for that month.

As mentioned, I was reopening space for 2 clients per 5 weeks, but due to this realization, I am going to open 1 more space for the April sessions and once that is filled, I won’t be able to take anymore clients until June.

And for those of you who have booked/or will be booking for April, I will need to double up on sessions on both the front and back end in order for us to get through the work together before I head out without you having to wait until June to complete it. So the usual 5 weeks, will be condensed to 4 weeks.

Reminder – March is full and 2 of the now 3 spaces for April are full too.

If interested in booking this, or want more information, you can visit the link here:

Intuitive Energy Guidance with Tania Marie

Self-Belief ~ The Magick Key


From the Soulful Woman Tarot by Shushann Movsessian & Gemma Summers

This short and simple message of support and inspiration comes to us via a dear friend of mine who shared this lovely Tarot deck with me she’s enjoying the simplicity and clarity of messages from. She felt that readers here might enjoy this card’s message and I had to agree. Little did she know that it went along with a share I’d posted yesterday via Instagram/Facebook, so I’m adding that message in partnership with her card.

Please click on the photo above to enlarge it for the message.

And here is the synchronous message I posted, in case you didn’t see it and are not on social media.


It was about the path I’ve been walking, especially during and since our little over a year RV adventure, before settling in Tahoe and how it took me on a rich exploration to the depths of ancient Mother Earth womb energy and catapulted me through portals of expansiveness.

This is what I shared about the journey:

I dared to go further and at times felt pulled back like an arrow in order to shoot forward with focused intent.

It wasn’t all easy, as greater levels of vulnerable courage were needed to expose myself, to reveal more pure, unabridged energy at the well of my essence, and to be okay with holding the energy of misinterpreted darkness for others to reflect and throw energetic arrows at, while I stood in my truth as the only deflection, which allows the arrows to penetrate the core so they can be alchemized before returning.

I have felt the loud silence within and without that can be deafening and also beautifully penetrating.

I’ve communed with the harsh realization of collective belief systems and conditioning residing in my own DNA and made better friends with them.

I’ve stumbled and I’ve gotten back up.

I’ve spoken the truth of my own fear of not being able to do justice to the message I’m being guided to channel through my own ever-evolving expressive embodiment.

I’ve seen the other side of blind faith, as I’ve walked through doorways, bent time and reality, and made new breakthroughs that were miraculous in nature.

I’ve unearthed grief and known both tiredness and freshness with life and how every emotion is potential alchemy.

I didn’t know what I was doing or how I was going to do it until I did.

Life is all about the eternally present NOW unfolding and being willing to experience it with faith and humbleness of learning from a clean slate where nothing applies that you once did or knew.

Power lies in having trust during challenging situations, as no level of worry will see us through. Trust in the highest good for all always unfolding, regardless of how that looks. Remember that we’re conditioned to judge the human experience, but there’s always a bigger picture at play that we can believe in beyond reasoning. Our resilient hearts will understand when our limiting thoughts step out of the control seat.

I now find myself free.

And yes, this has been due to my self-belief and willingness to stand in my own uniqueness without comparison or worry/fear of judgment. I found it fun to see how a couple exacts I wrote in my share were in the card’s meaning. 😉

And more than ever I’ve decided to stand on my own in my own truth, as I’ve been seeing how even others living more in a different version than the 3D reality, or are on similar trajectories, are seeing something completely different than I do or engage in ways that are more relative to them than me, so my solace is simply within.

Love and creative magick to each of you in deepening your own self-belief or continuing to live it in the loud silence of your own experience, so that you may access that magick key to an inspired life always.

Support for these Intense Times & Transitions

These have been intense times for everyone, including for those of you who are healers, empaths, and have a usually easier flow with things. I’m hearing, seeing, and feeling how this is throwing a curve ball for many and creating behaviors, dialogue, and challenges that aren’t the norm for you and creating stress, anxiety, health challenges, as well as confusion around your path or a halt on feeling clear with the choices you’ve been pursuing.

I believe this is why I got the loud message to review my ability to open up some time to start offering the Intuitive Energy Guidance/Coaching sessions once again.

I opened the 6 session/5 week intensives to start in March with just 2 clients per 5 weeks, as I felt that was the balanced and most effective way at this time I could provide to anyone really feeling a need to move through current energy streams, move through the undercurrents at work personally/collectively, and get more grounded and empowered with things once again while moving toward your personal goals.

The March and April spaces are full, but you can reserve May if this work and timing feels resonant.

The link below provides details about the focus of this work, what others have shared about working with me, along with options of Pay-As-You-Go (with 6 session/5 week commitment) or One-Time Package Savings:

Intuitive Energy Guidance

And if you have questions, please message me here:

Contact Tania Marie

Giving to Yourself Supports Greater Giving to Others ~ Ways I Gifted Myself for My Birthday that Create Greater Alignment & Vitality

In a world of challenging energies, heaviness, and spiraling dynamics, I like to focus (of course without denial or suppression that other realities exist) on ways of creating new realities, embodying greater personal peace, inspiring others, engaging creative energy, activating more personal empowerment, bringing a sense of solace and safe haven, or sprinkling a bit of magick, innocence, and joy where all hope feels lost.

You may recall my post from a couple of weeks back, Embodying & Emanating Essence ~ How I’m Integrating Holistic Being On Every Level, where I mentioned making literal outer changes and taking actions to align with my inner shifts, as a way to fully activate and move into that new experience and space in greater embodiment of wholeness. I mentioned some of the ways, and with my birthday approaching, I also gifted myself a few special things to reflect that as well.

My favorite birthday was two years ago when I went on my epic Iceland trip. And while I’m not going anywhere on my birthday itself this year, I decided that a few very special gifties were needed!

I find it incredibly important to support and nurture ourselves, as we often are doing that only in the “giving out to others” mode, rather than ever thinking of that giving including an outflow to us too. And when we actually do so, we are completing that circle of giving and receiving that is necessary and healthy. Not to mention, in these challenging times, taking care of yourself, loving yourself, being extra gentle with yourself, and doing special things for yourself go a long way.

This doesn’t have to be anything extravagant….it can simply be giving yourself an hour a day or each week just to yourself, making yourself a special meal, taking a bath, walking in nature, taking yourself on a date, getting yourself flowers, saving up for that thing you’ve always wanted by putting aside a little at a time just for you, telling yourself you love yourself, committing to creating boundaries that support you, or buying that special something “just because” or that you’ve longed for.

So this year I decided on three special gifts for myself, since I’ve been saving to be able to invest in my dreams, my joys, and long-term goals for my path I’m working on being able to share in the near future. Since I already devote lots of time for me now and have created a more balanced life than I ever had, which includes nature immersion on a regular basis, I felt some gifts on an alignment basis were in order.

Since I’m an artist of life and by heart, I tend to do everything creatively and to live that out loud as a form of creative power in expression, as well as a celebration and reverence for the temple body and physical life we ALSO are blessed to experience as humans.

Hence, my tattoos, which embody spiritual significance, healing integration, and potent personal expression.

This year’s gifts, however, included a new hairstyle to match the essence of me, some quartz crystal singing bowls I’d been considering for a while and got confirmation that now was the timing, and a very magickal, treasure-of-a-book collector’s item to take me into the realms of my imagination and truest being.

So, after trimming 4 inches of “old energy” off of my hair a few weeks back and to match my “highlights from the Fae” – silver gray streaks strategically growing in naturally, and to honor my desire to not color my hair in any way anymore so that it can do its thing and reveal my true and ancient “roots,” as well as support me into my own “Nature,” I decided on a non-intrusive, creative, magickal, enhancement.

This included adding extensions to match a dream I had and visions that kept coming to me over the last few months of this look from another me self, off-world, which just so happened to also mirror a long-ago brief style I had for one very Aquarian Age, Cosmic modeling shoot I did.

It just so happened that I was now back near where my old hair stylist I used to go to when I lived in Lake Tahoe and Reno many years ago, was still working at the same salon there. She also just happens to have a little girl who was born on my birthday. 😉

I discussed my desire, shared some photos, and poof! Two days ago on Valentine’s Day (that wasn’t planned, but aligned time-wise to reinvigorate a new meaning for this day than its roots), it happened.

tania marie2.jpg

Briefly, she added smoky platinum extensions that would enhance and work with my silver gray streaks at the top and have both a natural and ethereal quality to compliment the Cosmic and magickal energy I wanted to create and embody more of, while still having this ancient Earth feel.


It’s hard to capture in photos, as the color and look of the hair shifts in different lighting and with movement, but there are long streaks here and there from top to bottom and in the front, with about 4 inches of extra length along the ends to create contrast and creative flow.

The look shifts, depending on what I wear, but ultimately it is very Faery, but also mirrors my star “roots,” ancient Earth embodiments, and even some Native Indian influence that is key for me too.

Anyway, what I have discovered is immediately it shifted how I felt, including a deepening into myself and even more peace, and joy, as well as alignment with the reality I’m creating.

And because of the shifts, I also saw that another wardrobe purge would need to happen, as some of the things I have just no longer mesh with this energy. Energy is so interesting to experience with both subtle and big changes, making it clear what resonates and what doesn’t. Makes for easier choices overall!

Out with the old and in with the new!

But on to birthday gift number two to self. This was in support of how sound has become a pervading element and integral thread to my life through my voice, song, sound channeling, music, sound healing, and more.

And so I was drawn to the perfect quartz crystal singing bowls for me. I’d felt some may come for a while now, although before hadn’t been drawn to them, but was never the right time. Then a few months ago these showed up and they became one of my early birthday gifts to myself.

I originally thought I’d only be getting one, but it became perfectly clear that a pair was the aligned perfection for my desires, intents, and frequencies I wanted to create, support, and emanate with them.

This led me to a 432hz binaural beat theta wave pair of A-note 9 inch bowls – talk about potent balancing and invoking conscious dream, receptivity and opening a gateway to all things watery.


Some info about these:

“Alpha brain waves are present in deep relaxation with the eyes usually closed and while day-dreaming. The relaxed detached awareness achieved during light meditation is characteristic of Alpha and is optimal for programming your mind for success. Alpha heightens your imagination, visualization, memory, learning and concentration. It lies at the base of your conscious awareness and is the gateway to your subconscious mind. The voice of Alpha is your intuition, which becomes clearer and more profound the closer you get to 7.5Hz. Alpha Brain Waves (8 to 12 cycles per second) This brain wave indicates a relaxed state of mind, a state of relaxed alertness, good for inspiration and learning facts fast. In this meditative mind state we tap into internal “antenna” like qualities, visions, powerful ideas, mindless creation of the incredible, internal feeling & sensations. Studies have shown that learning in Alpha State enhances the performance of students. It also develops the interest of studies in students more than they have ever learned in tense environment. Frequent gaps of 2 to 3 minutes after every 30-minute study period relaxes their minds and the alpha state will prove its efficiency with great ease and fun. But learning is more than just absorbing information, so changing the state of mind to operate Beta, Alpha and Theta is most likely to produce the best learning, cognition and creativity, while also staying in a relaxed state. Alpha is the brain wave associated with relaxed, daydreaming states of mind; it’s a state of relaxed, detached awareness. Many people are “in alpha” while watching TV. Alpha is often called a “hypnogogic” state because you may experience spontaneous mental imagery.”

I love them and they are perfect for creating that balance and return to natural harmony. I’m enjoying exploring more and more and combining them with my own sound, tibetan bowl, and my chakra drum, which was a gift to myself almost two years ago, to see what I can tap into and activate!

Then we come to my third gift to self, which was cool on timing of when it got into my hands, as it couldn’t be sent to a P.O. Box, which is what we have, so I had it sent to my parent’s house and it just so happened to arrive right before we visited them two days ago. So, right after my hair appointment we went to my parent’s for a pre-birthday dinner celebration and I was able to see it for the first time and then take it home.


A little about this book, which I posted on my social media shares:

This incredible body of work wrapped up in an equally exquisite masterpiece of highest quality and creatively passionate delivery is the most magickal book I now own. I’ve been so excited to receive it, as it is one of my birthday gifts to myself by this multi-faceted, award winning British fine art photographer, Kirsty Mitchell who also has a background in fashion design and costume making. The story behind the book and each image is so beautiful and poignant… Dedicated to her mother who passed from cancer in 2008, the project took 7 years to come to fruition through her dedication and love and some costumes and props for just one shot taking up to 6 months to create. The name of the book speaks for itself, taking you through dream worlds that reflect memories of the stories her mother used to read to her as a child, now brought to life – a way to make fantasy real and to step into it completely. The book is a personal journey and includes each image’s story and behind the scenes. This book is huge and beautifully embossed! – 4.5 pounds and almost 15″ x 11 1/2″ x 2 1/4″ with several shots of each scene – some with fold out pages. I’m in love!

This book felt like the perfect companion to my new hair that helped me step into those otherworlds I now felt more in aligned frequency with. And perfect as to the reality I want and am creating – life created as art, the magickal made practical, Earth and Cosmos merged, dreams manifested…..

I know I live life by the beat of my own drum, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. And like I always say, if I’m happy and not hurting anyone, and potentially spreading a little inspiration, joy, creative support, or magickal pixie dust fun along the way, then I think that’s an enhancement I can contribute to the collective and not a detrimental one.

I’ve learned that whether simple or more extravagant (it doesn’t matter), self-nurturing and investing time, energy, and/or resources in yourself, your healing, your growth, your business, and your dreams and passions, really make a difference in having more vitality, clarity, potency, and drive to fulfill your path and have more to give to others from a richly authentic place of who you really are.

I no longer feel depleted, resentful, or in lack because of the things I’ve implemented to take care of myself and have more balance and equality in my life with input and output. I don’t rely on others for things I want or that make me happy and healthy. And I don’t feel any lack because success and joy isn’t measured by needing certain returns, but knowing I’m doing everything I can right now to support my well being and in turn, highest good by the way I then can connect with others without attachments of any kind.


Another great message from Lee Harris for current energies being experienced.

A few key things Lee hits on are:

Look at your relationship to heaviness in your life and your way of treating it, as aggressive support of it is important now to take you to higher planes of experiences and existence.

There are windows of opportunity presenting themselves this year for everyone, but there is great stillness to tap into right now to align with what is next.

If you’re feeling triggered by things in the world, take breaks and step out and back to replenish your energy.

And here’s Lee:

Romancing Your Soul’s Essence in a New Dance of Life

Sending love from my heart to yours today, and always, and reblogging this post that is so dear to my heart. As you express and reflect on love today, don’t forget to share it not only with your loved ones, family, and friends, but with strangers and those who seem different, but share the same desires for love, with all of Earth’s children, Nature herself who gifts us in abundance daily, the Cosmos at large from which our stardust selves originate, and yourself where all love begins.

Tania Marie

I realized yesterday how potent today – Valentine’s Day – and the energy surrounding this day has been over the last couple of years for me and my little ones with big souls.

And while I shared February’s Newsletter last evening, which focused on the importance and value of self love and individual expression, I know that my beautiful animal companion partners have been instrumental in helping me to discover the layers of myself to love.

As I shared in my newsletter, “it just so happens that things have aligned to create Valentine’s Day as my day of falling in love with myself in a renewed way….celebrating a rekindling of my relationship to myself on a whole new level, as well as beginning a transition into another leg of my journey with shifts of focus and romancing my soul’s essence in a new dance of life.”

That dance of life couldn’t…

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Sacred Bone, Tattoos and Stones: Mayan Portal Mysteries Unraveling

I find it fascinating I’ve tried to reblog this post multiple times without success, so I’m posting it in doses since it seems to be too much for my blog to handle energetically. So, if you receive this link, you may want to click into it, as I will update the rest of what I shared after it posts, in order for it to all get on there.

This post came to me immediately this morning to reblog, right after experiencing another of my major tailbone/coccyx activations – I’ll share more on that in a moment. A lot of things have been shifting and culminating around this latest Full Moon Lunar Eclipse here, including major storms with flooding everywhere around Tahoe, then a snow storm with several feet more snow, and all clearing right before the Moon rose in the sky to a crystal clear and still night where a lunar ring appeared crisp around the Moon, stars shone brightly, and our power had gone out for a little over 24 hours.

Our cat, Boojum also had major dental surgery performed yesterday because of an inherited virus that affects the teeth and 6 teeth and teeth fragments in his gum from some that had already come out, had to be removed. He’s completely fine now and actually super happy and doing wonderfully – a huge shift for him, as he must have been in terrible pain for a long time, poor guy, previous to us knowing he had this.

And other heightened things had been taking place around us along with receiving transformational clarity on things for ourselves. Nothing “negative”, overwhelming, or hindering, but definitely interesting to witness and hold space for, even though for us a lot of it meant better things unfolding all around.

But to get to the main point that called up the reblog of this post, right before – literally 30 seconds to a minute – the power went back on here, I had one of my major coccyx attacks. Sometimes it’s mediocre in level, but this was one of my major ones that renders me to the point of almost fainting, turning white, and feeling like my body will split at the tailbone. This doesn’t happen often and has decreased significantly since I first started experiencing it.

I’ve also learned (and this is good to note for anyone else who experiences similar) that having a palm sized, raw black tourmaline is my best friend in these times. It literally, when I place it directly over my tailbone and sacrum (to the skin) will immediately start to balance things out and gets me grounded again, removing the pain associated with the process.

I found it interesting the timing with this Full Moon Lunar Eclipse AND the power outage flipping back on. I’ve noted that this tailbone pain is connected to activations taking place, as this area, as you’ll read in the post I’m reblogging, has sacred symbolism as a cosmic portal of the human body and doorway to the Otherworld. It also, of course, is connected to the activation of kundalini energy. I have noticed that this will take place for me when major things are shifting in my life and collectively, I’m integrating new energy, and is many times directly connected to cosmic unfoldings. I’ve now noted that I’ve had this take place in extreme with alignments to the Moon.

I haven’t written on all of them, but I was able to search on my blog and found how December’s Full Supermoon had also activated my tailbone in the middle of the night and now this Moon too. So there is a definite connection – too great to go into about what I get from all of this – but needless to say, as I’m sure I’m not the only one experiencing these kinds of things, which is why I thought to share this and reshare this blog.

To recap, I didn’t always have these tailbone experiences like this. They seemed to start 11 years after I fractured it – again no coincidence and even that incident being timely. And I’ve connected the experience of the integration pains to things I’m processing and embodying, along with all the shifts and energies taking place that are recalibrating and affecting our bodies as a whole. The pain and the “condition” is simply a physical trigger, as all things I believe are, which stems from what seems to be compression or healing differently than originally was – on the physical level. This is actually called coccydynia, which can create excruciating pains and problems from sitting down, getting up, any sitting/laying maneuvers that put pressures on the coccyx area, and more). And yet to me, this “crack” was a way of opening a doorway I feel and has been the “seat of my soul” so to speak in terms of allowing modified streams of energy to come through in doses that I can handle.

And yet, for me it has been a reminder of energies to focus on, the constant integration of human and cosmic self taking place, and the need to keep grounded and balanced while so much energy is moving through me. In fact, since I can handle a lot without feeling effects, if not for something like this, I may not actually be aware of just how much is channeling through, so it does keep me in check and creates also a way to monitor progress and deepen physical awareness to all the cosmic work I’m always engaged in.

Anyway, that was a longer share than intended, but felt like I wanted to share that to support anyone else out there if you experience similar. All of this supports why I spend so much time in nature, self nurturing, grounding, focusing on balance, creating boundaries and withdrawing my energy “out there” to “in here”, and also have shifted my eating to encompass the same balance (no longer 100% raw vegan, but eating what ever I want within the 100% vegan spectrum – btw, which has also completely done away with the allergies/coughing I was getting now for good too – that for another story maybe) because if I weren’t grounded enough I’m not sure my body could handle the extreme amounts of energy that are channeling through and that feeling of exploding at my sacred sacrum may actually happen and poof! me to the Otherworld all together.

I hope you find the reblog of interest and I’ll post the photos of the Moon last night once I share this (as reblogging doesn’t let you integrate photos in the post until after it posts, so check back if you read this via email or on your reader).


Last night the storm stopped and at 10:30 pm all was still, not a breeze or sound, and the sky was absolutely clear revealing the bright moon and stars. I didn’t have my good camera, just my cell, to capture the brilliance and clarity, including the beautiful lunar ring around the moon that is caused by the refraction of moonlight from ice crystals in the upper atmosphere. But I did get these – the top one shows just a hint of what was a very distinct ring in person and my flash suddenly went off at one point capturing magick in the bottom right somehow.


Tania Marie

My sacred tattoos, including Hunab Ku (Galactic Butterfly) on my sacrum at bottom

I’ve been receiving a lot of intuitive nudges on the sacrum and coccyx, both literally and energetically. With my own experiences in having sudden pains over the last several months in that area (physically due to a fracture of the tailbone I had about 11 years ago, but energetically linked to much more), hearing from a few others on issues or focus on this area, and even clients and friends getting sacred tattoos on their sacrum, it all started to hit me again, as to the significance of this region. I then was reminded about the connections that had taken place for me about 8 years ago and how it all is energetically linked with the now.

March 5, 2004 I got my second sacred tattoo. It was the Hunab Ku symbol (or Galactic Butterfly, as it’s…

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