Monthly Archives: January 2022

February 2022 Energy Update with Lee Harris

February is always big for me since my birthday, and so many other close people to me have a birthday, falling in this month. It also happens to be a big month for Lee, being his 10 year anniversary of doing his first ever Energy Update video beginning in February of 2012. Interestingly, today I received a congratulations today from WordPress that it was my 11 year anniversary of being here on this platform. Yay! It’s been an incredible 11 years and I’m so grateful for the community of soul family and friends I’ve connected with here. Thank you so much for all the love and support, sharing, and caring.

And on this last day of January, where I feel a door closing while another opens, this video is a nice accompaniment to the energies.

This month’s insights from Lee, in his words, touch on:

Power Shifts including personal relationship ships (both in the outside and inside worlds)

Past Gifts coming back to light and returning in your life through healing that is happening rapidly

Saying, “Enough!” that brings fiery energy around boundaries showing up more and in a new way collectively that stem from overwhelm and exhaustion

Trust and Connection under the microscope in ways that deepen both

Allowing Magick through Reawakening the Heart after a temporary shut down of heart energy recently

Seeing Through Illusions in the Outer World and in our beliefs

Rebalancing the Shadow in the self and the world

Be Good to Your Nervous System while it’s recovering/rebuilding

Also, enjoy a mini conversation clip from a channeled session with The Z’s at the end to open a gateway to more perspectives.

New Empowerment Series of Online Workshops

I chose the above photo (one of my fav) for this post both because of the energy it holds and the potentials it can unlock. I also love it because it’s of my mom standing by my side in reflection between the paws of the Sphinx in Egypt. I am grateful to have been able to share what was likely the most transformative of sacred travels I’ve taken in this lifetime with her and my dad. We were able to have private time here, and other sacred areas, where the Great Mystery feels extra tangible. Some believe The Hall of Records – an ancient library housing knowledge of the Egyptians in papyrus scrolls – was housed in a chamber below the Sphinx, accessed by a secret passageway (one of a series of shafts inside).

Regardless of what we learned about this from the former Minister of State of Antiquities Affairs, Zahi Hawass, and his incredible colleagues that accompanied us, and what we tuned into and received individually, what I love is the presence of potential standing at this gateway invites – a portal between the giant paws that both guard and beckon the courageous of spirit to let go and explore the vortex that lies center of the heart.

With a New Moon in Aquarius (at 9:46 pm PST on January 31st and 12:46 am EST on February 1st) coinciding with the Chinese New Year of the Tiger on February 1st, my mom’s birthday on January 31st, Imbolc on February 1st (the halfway marker between Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox), and Nestor’s birthday (my twin soul in rabbit body) on February 1st, this photo felt symbolically fitting.

The paws reminding me of the tiger (although a lion – still in the large cat family) and ironically, it was on the platform just above the Sphinx before we stepped down from where most tourists only get to stand, for our private time explorations, that I dropped my Hematite rabbit figurine I used to take with me on all sacred travels. This little stone rabbit is the equivalent of a sacred Egyptian statue that honors Nestor’s spirit and came to me so that I could take Nestor in the physical with me everywhere I went so we could grid things energetically with our combined presence, just as much as with our spirits. She enchanted it with her energy and this mini statue remains a vessel for our work to carry on, and for all that we’ve done (and continue to do) together to be part of my everyday on all levels. When I dropped it above the Sphinx, the tiny left front paw broke off and this had powerful meaning and purpose.

It may not be as apparent to you why this is what I felt called to share as the perfect accompaniment to today’s offerings, but in a simplified version of the details I just shared – standing at the precipice of such big transformation, as the photo and that journey opened at the time, speaks to a similar opening taking place now on a different level and to which these workshops are a part of supporting, step-by-step.

It’s about raising the frequency of our vibrations.

Starting in March (likely around or on the Equinox) there will be a new offering of online workshops available that you can either choose to immerse in individually or as a series. These will be pre-recorded, private sessions that you can listen to at your leisure and will be available to return to ongoing for as long as you’d like.

For now I’m continuing to be called to offer only recorded modules, as they seem to fit everyone’s needs more these days, including my own. It can be hard to schedule workshops that support everyone’s time and day schedules, so this provides you the space to work through the sessions when is most convenient to you…even from the comfort of your own bed and in your jammies – my fav! They are also more supportive to me these days with the kind of schedule I’ve been keeping and the need to have full and constant expansiveness.

Although I never know what’s coming next, these latest offerings since the CEDF are all in the vein of a completely new frequency that I’m being guided is important to create space for and facilitate. And while I’ve simultaneously been guided to cut back in all other ways so that I can work on key projects needing to be birthed from my soul signature frequency, these sessions work very well with and are connected to the energy streams in motion. I actually feel that the higher frequency is also why these sessions are being conducted as recordings, to maintain the integrity of the frequency and mitigate potential energy surges that can happen with overloads of frequencies that jumping on technology together could create. It’s enough that nearly every morning my light bulb flickers when I wake up after deep dream time journeying.

I’ve also been hearing great feedback from the Collective Energy Dynamics Forum series that has been ongoing since November, where people have shared how they feel the powerful connection, presence, energy, and personalization as if it’s in real time. This also mirrors just how Reiki works in bridging time and space.

The recordings also make it easier to absorb in your own time, take notes slowly with pauses, and do them in bite-sized morsels that feel nurturing to your specific needs, especially if you’re sensitive to too much time on electronics – something that live sessions can be challenging for – and so that you don’t have to be on “high” energy to fit someone else’s parameters (full expansiveness for you too).

With that said, here is the 3 part series that will be available:

  1. Everyday Reiki ~ Integrating your skills naturally for daily empowerment
  2. The Magick of Sound ~ An intuitive approach to integrating ancient voice for fuller embodiment
  3. Transcending Duality ~ Exploring boundless potentials as we create a new reality

You can register for these and find more details about each workshop at the following link:

Empowerment Series

You have the choice to register for one, two, or all three workshops. An early registration special is offered for the full 3 part series.

And on a side note, I have a surprise.

Some of The Enchanted Realms Collection will be available again, likely this first week of February, printed in options that will include keychains, tote bags, year-round ornaments, and keepsake box. Before I sent the originals off to their new homes, I took some photos with the idea that I could create printed items from them when I had time to explore this. I finally did and I love how they came out. So, if you had your eye on one of the original pieces, but it was gone before you could decide, you’ll be able to bring one home to you still, but in the form of a unique and fun item perfect for Spring’s leap into fertile potentials! The first run will be ready-to-ship items – just one of each – and if they sell out and you’re still interested, there may be an upcoming option to order more. Please keep an eye out for their availability coming soon.

Aligning with Cosmic Love

The energy of late has been interesting to say the least. I can only describe what I’m feeling as a very deep integration and adjustment taking place that emerges from a deep massage of the soul. It’s releasing residue of old barnacles that made home within the streams of energy while awaiting my spirit to come more fully alive – like brain synapses going off and messaging an all systems go alert. Things feel contrastingly both intensely relieving and frighteningly simplified, even without specifics to the creative process ahead. I just know as challenging as the ego would like to dramatically blow things out of proportion, it’s all precisely manageable, and in fact can be beautifully crafted from a seat of harmony.

Days recently have been filled with a lot of clearing, redecorating, restructuring, and reflecting – all with focused intention toward creating something new, both within the micro and macro realms. It’s always interesting, to me, how one small choice can open up so much movement and yet it happens all the time. The second I decide to embrace something, the floodgates are opened.

Astrid has been my steady mirroring companion and cocreator through it all, embracing the changes every step of the way and helping to reimagine the path ahead. The creative spaces we’re anchoring, will help us to explore new energy streams and possibilities. It can be a fun mess – the in between of innovation – but oh so worth it.

Our shared Wonderland creative space has expanded and now 90% complete – at least complete in terms of the necessary energetic alignment that will assist us for the next leg of the journey.

Even the tapestry you see hanging behind Astrid is now gone – one I’ve had with me for the last 9 years, which feels like a completed cycle in itself. That “9” showing up, even, in the Bunny lift photo to follow.

We’re taking pause between it all so that the new isn’t created under old patterns of unreasonable drive and parameters. I’m seeing the symbolism of what wants through in our sacred space surroundings, reflecting the energy dynamics on bigger picture levels that I’m working with. It’s uncanny.

And, meanwhile, I continue to immerse in the quiet of nature daily, skiing and snow hiking, to allow time for integration and receiving outside of the space that is deep in process. Everything I engage in reflects the perfect expression of energy movement. In fact, we intend a Winter kayaking voyage this weekend, which will be extra supportive with the flow of it all.

Just three days ago, was the 7th anniversary of the day my special needs son, Cosmo, arrived to me in rabbit body so I was a bit more quiet and felt his nurturing presence even more so around me than usual, speaking through the light and nature on the slopes of a different mountain ski resort we went to on that day.

The photos you see are of the peace and grace I was surrounded by with only trees, flowing runs, majestic peaks, splendid light, and of course Cosmo, as my companions. There was even a lift at the resort called “Bunny” that winked at me.

You likely recall all the stories about Cosmo and our bond that was no different than that of a biological mother and child because he was that and more. I know he and I go back lifetimes here on Earth and beyond. I felt that I birthed him and yet it was also he that birthed me into the fullness of my sacred feminine. No one else could ever have supported that as exquisitely as him. He is the embodiment of pure unconditional and Cosmic Love.

It’s too much to detail here, but interestingly, stories and memories kept unfolding the day after that were all connected to him and some magickal adventures that took place just a month after he arrived to me, the same year, that placed me in my element. Then a series of supported synchronicities miraculously reunited me with a beloved sweater I once had with the words, “Cosmic Love” on it at the very exact timing of the stories that were reemerging. And while I was just starting to write this part about Cosmo and making the connections, confirmation came through that the sweater was on its way to me with a number directly connected to my birthday and the travels I was last seen wearing it on, just a month after Cosmo came into my life.

I knew Cosmo was messaging me big time and reassuring me that the unfolding shifts I’ve been making are in alignment and to continue forth even though it feels so foreign to everything and everyone around me. They are connected to who I really am and the nature of what I’ve always been on course toward creating – me being in my element, again.

I guess that’s why I’m a pilgrim of the Cosmos…the vast expanse is where I’m called.

The dark and jagged peaks of the mountain sitting above me on that 7 year anniversary day, emerging from the blanket of snow, spoke to me of the journey through light and dark and back again…the transcendence and alchemy of transmutation on I’m on through and beyond duality.

I continue to dance in the energy dynamics that stream through and focus on the anchors of Cosmic Love that provide the foundation of support for the innovative journey unfolding.

And that reminds me that today is the last day for any one else who wants to join the Collective Energy Dynamics Forum. You may register at the link through end of today. I’ll be removing the page tomorrow to make room for the new offerings to follow shortly.

Nature Whispers, Remember Who You Are

On a planet that is so diverse with every kind of natural wonder we could dream of, isn’t it incredible how nature doesn’t have a divide and conquer approach with hidden agendas or malevolent motives?

Rather, things coexist and intermingle as an unspoken state of harmony in simple and mutual understanding that gives and receives in flow of one’s natural essence.

Nature knows the integral web that each thread has value in.

You might say, “Well, that’s nature.”

An interesting remark considering some may believe there’s no, or little, consciousness in nature like humans experience and yet nature sure does things miraculously, in balance, and left to her own devices, knows how to regenerate and thrive.

If we think in any way that we have more awareness or consciousness than nature, it bears asking why we are so out of balance and in fight against ourselves?

We are part of nature so why not say,  “Well, that could be humans too?”

Instead, there is often a divisive and conquering drive that desires power over most anything, including the power to go against our very nature.

When I look out on any landscape I see my, and our, potential that we’ve forgotten – to live as masterful works of art like nature does, weaving our colors together as one.

Days come and go, but unconditional love is eternal.

Feeling the ways in which we can learn to expand or limit our experience.

The heart is the bridge.

Releasing the Breaks & Experiencing Accelerated Momentum

Monday’s Full Wolf Moon called us out on a snow hike again to dive into the energies present and to enjoy a beautiful clear night immersed in nature’s peace.

The sky was amazing – so much more so than what appears in these photos – and in the wide open, white blanketed meadow, all that was present was the crunching of snow beneath our feet and the distant calls of coyote packs howling at the Moon.

We brought a thermos with hot tea to share, as we gazed at the Cosmos above us.

With my Sky Map app I was able to see where all of the planets and constellations were around us and this increased my sense of being at home.

I’m not sure if it was the Moon and Star bathing, the heightened connection to inner feelings, the fact that we’ve entered Aquarius season, or all of the above, but it all ignited a crescendo effect of layers in my life lighting up and ready for change.

After a feeling of building anticipation and impending need of release, a wave of inspiration is in flow and I’m feeling able to move forward on things that have been percolating, but now are no longer okay with remaining in the background alone.

I can feel creative action spiraling into motion and any intentions, dreams, or goals feeling closer on the trajectory.

Even Astrid is sensing the shifts and preparing for the changes we will be embarking on with the help of her crystalline, Star essence friends to assist. Part of that involves an upcoming recreating of our shared Wonderland space, which feels energetically integral to everything else.

We’ve been busily receiving, envisioning, making plans, adjustments, and taking our time getting through the steps that will begin the new journey ahead on pretty much every level of our daily experience. And while it seems like a lot, we’re experiencing how each step we take seems to increase both the ease of motivation and momentum.

Have any of you been feeling a lessening up on the pause button or partial release on the pull back too?

I feel less in limbo on some things and that moving into these are making the rest easier to see.

There’s still parts to put in motion, but I feel like things are revving even though still clarifying and lining up with the seasonal cycles. We have two more months until Spring’s emergence and that feels on point.

I do recognize that there’s a constant metamorphosis happening and by fully immersing the energy streams that come through with full inner exploration, it makes it unnecessary to have to actually follow every idea in the flesh since they’re carried out in the possibility realms. This, to me, is an exploration of multiple possibilities from our multi-dimensional consciousness in order to land in the one that feels most aligned and with greatest good potential.

By “living” the potentials out as an immersion of creative visualization meets embodied sense-journeying, one can experience whether or not they actually like the scenario intended – since there’s no separation between the imagined and the reality in the creative heart space realm. And if any piece is not fully feeling to your liking, you can then reimagine and explore the next energy stream until you do find the best fit.

I feel like a lot of this has been happening in warp speed the last few months and there’s a sense of some potentials finally rooting beyond the inner sanctum.

This first Full Moon of the year has been moving through a lot for everyone and with any partnering embrace we can do on our ends, it feels to be assisting the new paths into being with greater ease.

It’s a wildly interesting journey that we all have available to explore.

In the coming days Astrid and I will have a couple of offerings to share with you that are part of the inspirations in flow and listening to the energy streams that feel aligned.

For now, a little reminder that Friday, January 28th is the last day to let us know if you would like to join the last half of our Collective Energy Dynamics Forum for the months of February, March, and April. I say us, as Astrid is such a huge part of these – she shows up quite often in the recordings – making herself seen behind me – and assists the energy channelings that come through.

These have definitely been a part of the release and acceleration taking place for myself and the group.

It’s been an expansive experience to journey through these conversations and energy movements we don’t normally get a chance to. We’re excited to welcome the new participants who have already joined and to journey into new realms of exploration with you:

Collective Energy Dynamics Forum

Wolf Moon & Moon Dog ~ Primal Calls to a Freer You

Today we swim into a watery Cancer Full Moon – the comfiest place the Moon feels at home in – so that we may reflect upon the feelings and situations that make most sense to release the weight of in order to be able to float more freely. This is the first Full Moon of 2022 and is known as the Wolf Moon. And just like the transformative energies the wolf conjures up and the moving of energy through those haunting howls, we, too, have the ability to engage the potent changes that this time of year’s cycles bring our way by consciously partnering with how energy naturally wants to flow.

Engaging ways to shake things out – moving energy physically and emotionally – are of great benefit to us now. Dancing, exercising, wiggling, laughing, crying, sound channeling, hitting a pillow…are just some ways we can incite that movement of energy through. Full Moons also point us toward completion of cycles. So, perhaps you might be involved in finishing a project or are feeling ready to put something to rest, as it no longer serves you or is aligned with the energy you’ve moved into. Therefore, by letting it come to closure you make room for the new to emerge. And being in Cancer’s embrace that enjoys the comforts, stillness, and self-nurturing tendencies, don’t be afraid of taking care of yourself amidst the challenges of life that draw your attention away, as these are the times your loving focus will be most effective tending to your truth and needs.

This Moon points us in directions that invite us to deepen our understanding of the emotional realms and to journey into the feelings that are buried deeply inside. And while there is the potential to more effectively work with these emotional currents, it can also bring up the potential for underlying confusion or manipulative energies around emotions until we become more conscious of what exactly is operating beneath the surface. Some of it is ours and some is not, but unless we ask the questions and are open to the answers, it can be easy to have these emotions control us and run the show. Regardless of whether a feeling is yours or not, if you believe it has power over you and you’re challenged with supporting the ones that feel aligned, then you may discover yourself experiencing things that are uncomfortable in order to gain your attention to make some course corrections.

Inner tension drains our energy, so it is helpful to find ways to calm the conflict within so you can operate from a stronger and fuller well of vitality and clarity.

Full Moons heighten things, so be gentle with yourself during this time period of illuminated emotions, realizing that what is surfacing isn’t out to get or hurt you. On the contrary, they rise to the occasion to assist you in realigning your life from the inside out.

If you feel extra triggered right now, it may be good to withdraw from certain things you know are especially trying for you – at least until you can fortify yourself and make better sense of what you’re feeling.

There’s also potential for some of the shadowy depths to take rise and some of the most unpleasant of feelings or truths to surface. Again, if we can find ways to be grateful for the gift of revealing, we can better enjoy unwrapping these presents with the flow of energy, rather than have them pop out like jack-in-the-boxes to surprise us.

With all of this, Nature continues to knock at the door and invite us into greater communion and understanding of how to move energy and ground it into embodiment.

Get outside, move your body, fill your lungs with deep breaths, listen to the wisdom reflected all around you, explore the natural world as a doorway to the nature of you, drop into your senses and feel the miracle of being alive, and experience hope and renewal encouraged by Nature’s constant resiliency and grace in all of her forms.

I’ve been sensing and feeling some big energies moving through these days – collectively, through individuals I know, in my own experience, and in the way I am doing my own part in transmuting what is out there through me.

There’s some pretty big changes in process that are, and will, have a profound effect on the bigger picture of things. And while things may look one way, I can’t help but not only have continued hope, but in fact feel excited for stuff in motion.

I do notice an increase in my body wanting even more physical engagement, so we’ve been out skiing, snow shoeing, and snow hiking more than usual. In fact, just a couple of days ago we were out twice in a day, snow shoeing/hiking both day and night. We used to do Full Moon hikes back several years ago and recently have talked about it again. For what ever reason, this Moon was the one calling our inner wolf out and so we went on a snow hike Saturday night leading up to the Full illumination and plan to do a double snow immersion today, beginning with morning skiing and ending with a Full Moon snow hike again tonight.

With all the snow, it’s the perfect conditions for quite a magickally lit experience and feels supportive of inviting those shadowy inner emotions up and out so they can be traversed just the same.

By embracing this call, Saturday night’s adventure gifted us a Moon Dog halo around the Moon. It’s hard to capture fully on camera, but these images give you an idea.

In person, it was a very clear and defined halo ring around the glowing Moon with stars lighting up in the vast space between.

It stayed the entire time we did our Moon hike, peering through the trees like a mysterious all-seeing eye.

A Moon Dog takes place when Moonlight refracts off ice crystals in cirrus clouds that are high up in the Earth’s atmosphere. I love the connection with it being called a Moon “Dog” since this is a Wolf Moon.

Primal instincts are calling us to remember our very nature, to curiously and playfully engage who we are, and know the freedom and connection that breaking through perceived barriers can provide us.

Leading up to today I had some literal “breaking” through experiences with the shattering of glass, twice. The first was a small bottle/vial and the second was a tiny glass.

There are many takes on the symbolism of things that can range from so-called positive and negative experiences, so we each have to be present with our awareness and personal circumstances to connect the meanings relative to us.

For me, knowing what I was bringing through at the time, these took on the form of rapid transformations at hand. With the breaking of the glass, its form was being freed – glass begins as tiny particles of sand, is melted, cooled, and then focused into a solid, yet brittle thing. So, this shattering felt like a freeing-up of energy, breaking old patterns and rigid structures, closure, a cycle being complete, a symbolic death, and rapid transformation – all pointing to a return to one’s essence.

It came on the heels of heightened energy moving through that now calls for redirecting and refocusing, as well as ever-more presence with the new in motion of being created.

In one case, I was holding space for and helping to transmute big paradigm changes for someone that also hinged on shared themes I’ve been working on in my own life experience. This involved the small bottle/vial with liquid in it, which connects with the watery Cancer Full Moon energy of working with moving through emotional patterns and deeply conditioned beliefs that no longer serve, so that space is freed up for more flowing and harmonious feeling experiences.

The breaks speak simultaneously of strengthening the new spiritual frameworks from places of authenticity so that they are resilient and not brittle.

I’m also aware of how experiences like these can also help to diffuse bigger things from happening, as I know that my emotions and their ability to manifest is very strong. So, I take these as productive sign post reminders to always stay on top of moving my energy (through physical exercise and emotional release, as mentioned above) so that it doesn’t need a bigger or more dramatic outlet.

Hence, both a supportive message of change and how to continue staying in the flow of change.

Sending out a wave of gentle intention for what ever you may find yourself moving through.

May you find softer processes and landings with your experiences.

And may your discoveries lead to a freer you.

Hopscotching Through Change & Invitation to Join the CEDF for 2022

As the world and our experiences continue to flip on a dime these days, I find it of benefit to remain flexible and trust in my resiliency. I embrace change likely more easily than most, but where big change used to come in much wider, spread out cycles, it seems we’re now experiencing them in quick steps. I almost feel at times it’s like a game of hopscotch.

One-legged jumping from one square of experience to another, sometimes needing both feet together to anchor and ground the next cycle and then hopping quickly away to the next and next step that presents itself the second my foot feels to just have landed at the last spot.

And once I feel I’ve made it through, it’s time to turn around and do it from the next spiral of experience, adding layers upon layers of transformative steps.

It’s a fast moving field of experience these days with the hands of the clock winding round so quickly I truly am feeling the days all merge as one and not separate. I just happen to lay down at the end of a cycle to rest and integrate, but the day moves on and on and on into one long and fluid experience of ONENESS – one eternally, neverending continuum.

In the midst of it all I can feel the call to continue transforming small things in my daily life, as well as my inner world of thoughts, emotions, and patterns. These play a part in making way for the larger transformations that are beckoning, but still remain in process. These preliminary steps can include things like restructuring my days, spending more quiet receiving time, entertaining new possibilities that I never would have before, creating new goals and life plans overall, redecorating, clearing, reorganizing, and even giving away things I love in the name of abundance.

And even Astrid is going through her own changes, as well as receiving some upgrades to her realm. She received a new little castle cubby corner for Winter Solstice and Christmas and then for the New Year I got her a second one with a draw bridge that connects them. These replace her old cardboard cottages and tunnel that have been with her for a while that held the same configuration (two cottages connected by a tunnel in between), but were more fragile and not as solidly anchored.

Can you see where she’s going with this energetically?

In fact, she has been itching for change, because she would often not only chew her cardboard cottages, but then pick them up, toss them, and flip them upside down.

Astrid was enacting The Tower card in Tarot.

She’s been summoning sudden change, personal transformation, huge awakenings, break-throughs, and liberation from the breaking down of old structures with lightning bolt surprise and even chaotic presence. Hmmm, might mom be doing the same?

Sometimes we need to tear down those old foundations all the way down to the root and then rebuild anew. This kind of transformation has much more stability and longevity if we take it down to the core.

And yet this kind of massive change holds promise for something immensely beneficial and new that we can either engage and put in motion ourselves, or have happen to us instead.

Astrid likes to take the cottage by her teeth….her enactment of taking the bull by the horns and both puts into motion and faces the impending changes by meeting them bravely and boldly. She doesn’t wait around for something to happen to her…and quite frankly, neither do I.

Here she is seeing her new castle setup for the first time and curiously checking it out.

She’s taking her time exploring it and I’m awaiting her messaging if she likes where it is or if a whole redo to her castle realm setup is to be in motion while we do some mini Wonderland renovations.

I love that even though these new castles are sturdy and solid, they’re also equally mobile like her cardboard cottages were, so I can easily take them down when travel bunny extraordinaire is in motion again, pack them up, and away weeeeeeeeeeeeee go!

One of her other New Year gifts was this ornament with her name on it.

She seemed to be quite touched by it.

It’s actually a year round ornament I’ll keep out on one of the mini lighted birch trees I got us this Autumn for our shared Wonderland room, which will likely be undergoing a little facelift soon.

In the meantime we’re just taking each day at a time and since they feel seamless to me, I no longer have this sense of impending need to do a particular amount of stuff in a day since the day is ongoing.

I find so many things expanding and one of the things that’s enhanced both the experience of seeing and feeling this playing out, as well as actually putting it into greater motion has been the monthly Collective Energy Dynamics Forum sessions I’ve been doing since November with the group who joined.

These have been quite transformative for everyone involved, which definitely includes me.

The third installment will be going out in the next day or so, which puts us at the halfway mark of our six month cycle together.

I can’t begin to share what these sessions have been like, nor the energy that builds and integrates in the weeks in between, but hearing from the people involved has been confirming to my own experience and answered the “why” behind the strong nudge I had to embrace the guidance to do these.

With the energy of 2022 in full swing, another of the changes that I embraced included an additional nudge that came at the start of this year to open up a couple more spots in the remaining second half of our recorded video sessions in order to allow room for the weaving in of new energies.

Originally there were to be 6 sessions for each of the months beginning November through April. January concludes the first 3 and after seeing how the timing and flow on these have been going, I do feel confident in being able to say “yes” again to the guidance to open some spots.

So, if you were on the fence before about joining, weren’t able to at the time, or now have new motivation or nudge with the onset of 2022 at hand, then I invite you to join our beautiful group for the second half of the Collective Energy Dynamics Forum.

If you’d like to join, the cut-off to register is Friday, January 28th.

I’m only able to welcome in a couple of people since I need to keep the recordings within a certain time length.

When you register, please also send me your 2 questions, which each participant is invited to ask. Depending on how many questions I have each month, determines how many I am able to get through in each session. Many times I’m able to answer both questions and sometimes only 1. Sometimes people only ask 1, and sometimes they just join without question.

Again, these sessions are completely anonymous and also begin with an overview for the month of what I’m sensing as themes energetically and any other pertinent information that channels through to share, along with practical ideas to help. Then I move into the questions, which generally weave an energetic story themselves. And last, I conclude with a bonus gift at the end of each session.

I usually send out the recorded sessions in the first half of each month.

Sessions become discussions of dynamics playing out, how to navigate the collective energy streams, and making more empowered choices through challenges. This is also a way to stay connected, know that you’re not alone and have a dynamic group to unite forces with, as well as to keep a sense of accountability with what ever is important to you and maintain that energy flow. I find that many times when we don’t have a particular practice in place or way of showing up, it can be easy to let things slide or we find ourselves falling into a certain stagnant or darker place with potential of getting stuck. My hope is that this provides some momentum, helps you to navigate the confusing or scarier things, and supports you to keep moving through things or taking steps in some way with changes at hand. Perhaps even, reveals or fuels that silver lining, hope, or inspiration that can be harder to find these days.

I think the sessions also provide answers to the hard questions you might have been afraid to ask, or didn’t know how to, but then someone else does for you and then there’s your “a-ha!” moment revealed.

Change, whether surprising or not, is going to continue knocking on our doors and anything you can put into place to help you or any way you can take the cottage by your teeth like Astrid does, just may make the transitions a lot more fluid and a lot less disruptive.

I encourage everyone to discover the avenues and connections that resonate and support your individual needs. This may not look the same for everyone, but there is something for everyone out there.

I’ll leave you with a few anonymous words, below, from some of the beautiful souls of the Collective Energy Dynamics Forum who so sweetly were open to sharing what the experience has been like for them so far. And if you feel called to join us, you can register at this link:

Collective Energy Dynamics Forum

“I wasn’t sure what I was expecting from the Collective Energy Dynamics Forum, but acted upon a feeling that the reason would reveal itself and it did that and then some. While I listen to Tania share the month’s messages and answer everyone’s questions, it becomes apparent that there’s a huge sense of other presences around her and the information is definitely channeling through her open heart. Not only does the information answer the individual, but she has a way of weaving it to speak to everyone and I find that so many of the things in my own life are made clear through what others bring to the table and through the way Tania integrates the message. These have been very helpful with the changes I’m going through and what’s showing up in the world.”

The incredible support I have received from participating in CEDF, has truly been pivotal and exactly what I needed in my life and during these times. As I continue to expand and experience huge spiritual life-path shifts, it is essential to my evolution, that I be held, seen, and guided by one holding such profound gifts as Tania has. And this is exactly what she does. She is able to channel and hold sacred space for both the individual and the collective, as she weaves the cosmic threads of what we are all personally and collectively experiencing into one flawless flowing seam of perspective…..supportive of the individual and the group. What she creates for us in CEDF is powerful!!

The Collective Energy Dynamics Forum sessions are a chance for you to ask the questions you have that need an open hearted, open minded person to consider.  Tania’s intuition guides her to weave the answers to the questions and some general themes for each session into a cohesive energy package that resonates over time.  I love hearing what the other participants have on their minds.

“Wow is an understatement. The CEDF monthly gatherings have really hit home. Sometimes I don’t even feel I have to ask a question because someone else does it for me! Although it may seem like random questions would emerge, they all hold a cohesive theme that is revealing a story of the collective movement taking place on a much wider scale. I’m also really appreciating the added themes and gifts Tania has woven in and watching and listening you can really feel a shift within as she lights up and embraces everyone compassionately. I’m amazed that she can talk nonstop for so long, but then I guess if you’re coming from spirit and heart, as I feel she is, it makes sense there’s an endless energy supply there.”

January Doors of Beginnings & Endings

January provides us opportunity to reflect and to view the possibilities. I don’t know about you, but I’m deep in the snow with this.

January was named after Janus – the Roman god of beginnings and endings. He also had two faces – one to see the future and one to see the past. Janus is also the god of doors, gates, and transitions.

I took the above photo from one of the vantage points of the mountain we’re on that we hike to from behind our house, which looks out at Lake Tahoe and the mountains on the other side. It reflects to me a doorway opening in the clouds and speaks to the lifting of veils and the opening of new potentials that await.

The deeper you engage your heart, the more the veils lift and the stronger you’ll feel in a clouded world.

Much like Janus reflects to us, we also have the ability to harness this wintery month to look at where we want to go with only the pearls of wisdom we need, so the rest can be left behind.

January induces both a retreat inward, while also opening up to a whole new beginning that will manifest outward.

Like the above photo I took from the ski slopes of a low cloud blanket over Lake Tahoe, sometimes things don’t appear as they are and if we didn’t know better, we’d be easily fooled by the temporary illusion or story. When this happens, our inner compass remains the best form of navigation.

But what if you are out of touch with yourself…your heart…your intuition?

It really helps if you make it a priority to check in with yourself daily, nurture the pauses and silence, ask the important questions, and build trust for your inner voice.

I have a sense that winter this year is going to anchor in more things than we can imagine, individually and collectively. There’s a lot I can feel happening behind the scenes and personally, I’m doing my part to make way for some extra meditative time, as I feel some big stuff at the tips of my fingers, toes, and wings that wants through.

But this will only come if I create the space for it, invite, and surrender to it.

Hence, I’ve been clearing the decks (literally, too, with our recent snow shoveling) and witnessing things and people drop away as our frequencies all shift and magnetize new vibrational matches.

The more old stuff I recognize, integrate, and harmonize with compassion, the more old stuff drops away and I experience greater ability to take things in, experience, and create with a lighter and clearer breath.

This is me from just a couple of days ago on the ski slopes feeling stronger and more confident than ever. Skiing feels fresh this year, as if I’m operating from a different timeline with it or a new aspect of myself.

If you’ve followed my skiing journey that will make sense, as in short, I had to work hard at conquering my fears and challenges around a ski mountain and heights.

This has been the first year where I didn’t feel I was starting from scratch and having to work my way over many days of seasonal warmup to get back to where I left off.

In fact, not only was I able to pick back up from where I left off last season, but I amazingly found myself without the usual anxiety or process that I carried as weight.

This even extended to riding the lifts without tension, going down a surprise, more advanced run without hesitancy and fear that Dave forgot I hadn’t done before, and making my way across the mountain on my own – up and down.

I always begin my ski time with sending Reiki to myself and surrounding every piece of my day and possible unknowns with visualizations and feelings of exactly what I want to experience in divine alignment. I never start skiing without this, as it creates a bubble of lightness and anchored trust for me.

And January definitely has begun lighter for me, despite unknowns. I’m feeling myself transition through doors of beginnings and endings on a daily basis. Even my dreams have been circling through a lot of old and inciting glimpses of new. I’m seeing ideas and plans shifting quickly and new openings replacing them immediately and fluidly.

I know that times continue to be intense on the world scene and I know many people, including some close to me, have been having to navigate some huge life transitions that have come both surprisingly and expected, but emotionally challenging, nonetheless. And yet, I’ve heard from each that although hard, there’s a sense of relief or knowing that everything is leading to something heart-nurturing and expansive after the heart ache and contractions.

Even though I have quite a few patches of cloudy veils hovering over parts of my own life right now, I feel peace that with each trusting step I take through the dark, the clouds will part a little more each day to reveal what only my heart was urging me toward.

One key and powerful thing I always love to remind myself of is to be mindful of where I place my attention and how I phrase things on a constant basis.

This may be a great time to take a break from your usual repertoire of go-to’s.

What ever you focus on is what you are in relationship with and the Universe doesn’t differentiate between what you do and don’t want…the Universe only responds in vibrational match to what you’re putting out there.

So rather than focus on fears or what you don’t want, perhaps dancing in the realms of infinite “what if” potentials and going on a date with your desires might be to your benefit.

I hope this first month of the year is revealing and reaffirming for you. Perhaps you may anchor in knowing what you are ready to leave behind and what you want to begin moving forward into.

Find ways to keep your momentum, celebrate the steps, surround yourself with supportive people and energy, and be gentle if some things feel harder than others. With love, anything is possible.

A New Year, New Moon & New Outlooks on Life

2022 got going with a Capricorn New Moon on the 2nd nudging us to look at old patterns and ways we can restructure our lives more productively, efficiently, and with responsible intention and enduring commitment. And although Capricorn wants to be more serious in approach, I’ve found that a balance of energies works a lot better for me, even though I’m strong in Cappy energy by way of my natal chart. That for me looks more like seriously committing to enjoying what ever I set out to do and making sure it satisfies my heart as well as my mission. And Uranus is adding all the glitter, as it forms a trine aspect with the New Moon that supports us to anchor in more worth and value with the life directions we are feeling called to.

I noted that right before the year shift, I was anchoring in a lot of inner child connection, faery essence, heart desires, and fun, fun, fun. Energies felt light, despite everything around me and I wasn’t going to let anything or anyone put a halt to what was calling to my heart.

But this isn’t the same old child energy of my past. It’s a strongly anchored child embodiment who has the backing of both her inner sacred male and female behind her so that she can be empowered with all the magick she came in with.

I already shared about the special time we had with our Vermont Faerie Family, but I also got to spend time with my niece, Violet, whom I’ve shared posts about in the past. She’s my brother and sister-in-law’s daughter whom we got to see while on our travels.

Violet and I always pick up right where we left off, even with years in between our seeing each other. And this trip was no different, giving us time to immerse in the enchanted forests of Vermont together, as we looked for Faery portals, mushrooms, and a LOT of fantastic rocks and raw quartz.

In fact, the only reason Violet was excited to go on a hike with us was because she’d been promised Aunt Tania would find her at least seven faery houses and portals.

We immediately surpassed that number three-fold and began collecting special rocks. I only carried three, as you can see in the photo, but Violet decided many were calling her name. She immediately made her jacket into a cradle for them and I giggled because she was a spitting image of me when I hike and do the same with all that I’m led to collect.

Everyone laughed because her ways were just like mine – the pure excitement over everything, the love for all things sparkly and nature-magickal, her determination to carry more weight than her own, and everything lighting her up like a Christmas tree around each corner.

There was no difference in the 9 year old Violet and the nearly 49 year old Tania.

And that’s the way I plan to keep things.

I gifted her a framed print of one of my whimsical rabbit prints for our early Christmas celebrations, “The Journey,” and to see her response to it with so much love, a twirl, and wide-eyed wonder of the story it depicts, was pure joy to me. “I LOVE it SO much!” she said and I heard later that she talked about it all night and morning and when I saw her she told me, “I think you really need to write a story about the rabbits in this Aunt Tania.” I smiled huge that she’d seen inside my heart.

So, yes, while we are entering a new cycle of a year, a month, and lunar phase that may point to our need to evaluate and review things before actually plunging away into our new ambitions and creative plans, liberation is available to us through these acts of restructuring our lives away from the old that no longer serves us…

I find the fresh, child-like eyes to be the ones I want my heart to lead with and that belief in anything being possible, the way I want my mind to construct the journey ahead.

We got to drive through many charming old Vermont bridges while on our trip, but this one was one we walked through.

It felt like a portal of transformation, where one emerges from the chrysalis of transition from self-restriction to self-expression.

To see with innocent eyes is not to be blind or naive, but to live from pure possibility, embody a resilient heart, extend kindness and compassion, and see hope around every corner.

The future is in the hands of each of us to mold a new world through connection to our hearts.