Monthly Archives: October 2017

Cosmo’s Message & Mission ~ A Journey of Greatest Compassion

I want to honor the incredible soul who made his way back to the Cosmos from which he came today on Samhain one year ago – the day and night of the thinnest veils between worlds and during the energy of the New Moon in Scorpio’s Great Mystery, magick, and transformation. He’s been with me strongly ever since and increasingly recently, including meeting me in a dreamscape just a few days ago where he facilitated another layer of potent inner child healing and empowerment, as only he knows how. It was so sweet to be able to hold him again.

Truth is, not a single day goes by that I don’t feel him, talk about him, or make up fun stories about him with Dave with him as the main character. He is alive and strong in my life and perhaps his departing on this day and night of the thinnest veils between worlds aided this and his ability to be more of a bridge between Earth and Cosmos, whereas my other loves definitely spend more time off-Earth.

I’m reblogging his perfectly navigated journey again, as it all feels full circle and holds so much of the magick that has been with us this year in all we’ve been creating.

Another truth is, while life goes on, I’ve gone on, and I know the perfection of these transitions, there isn’t a moment that I don’t think of him, or any of my loves, without tears swelling in my heart and eyes.

I miss and love you very much Cosmo. Without you I would not be who I am today.

Whenever anything ever comes up that could easily throw a curve ball, all I have to do is think of you and your embodiment and message of unconditional love, and peace returns.

I can see now why you chose this day to depart and be reborn again, as your purity of love is much needed in this realm, not to mention you knew how much your presence would mean to me and assist me into the next phase of my own journey.

“I was born on the night of Samhain, when the barrier between the worlds is whisper-thin and when magic, old magic, sings its heady and sweet song to anyone who cares to hear it.” ~Carolyn MacCullough

May you be as One with Nature’s Rhythms, embrace The Great Mystery, and in Sacred Union with Spirit.

Tania Marie


Many of you have so lovingly been following along and sharing your support for our dear Cosmo over the past nearly 2 years that I wanted to take the time to share about his recent transition, but most importantly to be his voice with the message he has imparted. This is my gift to him to support the completion of his mission here on Earth and the last piece of his path he wanted as the tie-in to his departure. Although he will continue on with other missions in his eternal form, he has been a constant source of ever-giving love in a way most rare to experience from anyone, let alone a magickal rabbit.

I’ll begin by backing up a bit to share recent unfoldings that have led to this, before concluding with that message, as all pieces are relevant to grasping a deeper understanding of the message.


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Surprise Gifts from the Faeries


Every day is a gift, each moment is an adventure unfolding, and every breath is an opportunity for expansion. It’s been an incredible journey with surprises around every corner and most recently, surprises discovered in our own backyard. We haven’t yet moved into our new magickal dream house, but we visit each day to manage remodeling, care for our new trees, and when time allows, explore a bit of our enchanted forest garden. I’d made promises to the Faeries to work with the energy here and in turn they opened the doors for this house to manifest and have sprinkled hidden treasures to uncover along the way.


Back view of house


I’ve already begun to plant some seeds of new in our front yard for the Faeries, which include five daffodil and five iris bulbs that were gifted to me by Faery sis Laura. If all goes well, they’ll be blooming once the snow thaws, bringing enchantment and color to the entrance of our home, lined along the large trees and Manzanita where I felt called to place them. As mentioned, an earth worm showed up while I was doing so, which felt like an affirmation of placement and gratitude.


We’ve been starting to work on a few changes to the area just outside my new office as well, and have been dream journeying with ideas for the yard there that will become a Magick Sanctuary that will at some point include a labyrinth and more. A work in progress for sure and can’t be started until Spring. For now we are focusing on the inside of the house, as truly the yard is a Nature’s work of art already.


We knew this was a magickal space, sitting on the National Forest with only one house to the right that isn’t on top of us, but also aren’t year-round neighbors, however we continue to discover just what the Faeries had in store for us with guiding us here, as we uncover more of their surprise gifts each day.


Today marks seven weeks since my foot fracture, and I’m no longer wearing my healing boot. I’m now able to wear regular supportive shoes and am moving around well. This has enabled me to start doing some easy hikes and walks, which include the beginning of explorations in our forest backyard.


We have an endless circuit of hiking trails out back that lead all over, including connecting to the Tahoe Rim Trail. I have only walked about a mile so far, but in doing so last week, discovered some treasures!


Not only did the Faeries leave raw quartz directly behind the house and along the trail….gorgeous pieces of pink quartz….but we discovered some very cool things about where the house sits, including having views of Heavenly Mountain Ski Resort.


We are exactly smack middle of two year-round flowing creeks, literally just a quarter of a mile in either direction (we clocked it) and about 3-4 minutes walk. What incredible energy that is having flowing water and the magick of these little Water Nymph areas perfect for this Pisces.

Here’s a short clip of one. The other has a bridge over it. This one has a log bridge over it.

Throughout the trail there are beautiful granite outcroppings of large stones that create sacred areas and energy as well. Some are large and others smaller. In some cases create rings or circles, and in other cases are just deliberately placed and have distinct shapes. I didn’t capture all of these in photos, but this is one of the larger areas.


And to our surprise we have very tiny peeks of Lake Tahoe. Not the full, expansive view of our tree house, but indeed open channels and portals connecting her energy with our home, both seen from the deck and back rooms of the house, and also wider openings along the trail just yards out.

This became extra apparent as we were there at sunset and I saw what appeared like two Suns setting. Then I realized the second was actually the Sun reflecting on the water and I could actually see the waves rippling on the surface of the Lake.


They don’t show up in the photos much, but give you a tiny idea. In person, it’s quite magickal.


I love the streaming of water and light through these little doorways, which creates this incredible portal of flowing energy tying in so many elements here that it’s almost beyond words to describe the feeling of. It just feels perfect, aligned, and definitely meant to be, plus creates a lot more mystery, magick, and mischief!


The dances of light that have been present the last few visits at our home have been revealing too and excite me as to all that will continue to reveal itself when we do in fact live here and what will take place and become possible in creating.

Oh what magick we will weave with secret visitors abound!


I love this video of the light in the yard and if you look closely near the railing you’ll see this magickal little white energy flying through the air and following my movement…then disappear.

Gratitude overflows and excitement builds. Yet patience is my constant partner for all that lies ahead and is unfolding step-by-step.

Life continues to be a journey of trust, loving commitment, and continued dreaming…

Miracle Wishes & Autumn Delights


Yesterday was a beautiful celebration shared with Dawn and Miracle on our last day, for now, together on her Tahoe adventure. Astrid got to meet Dawn in person, deepening their connection, I got to share my home made butternut squash soup with Dawn for lunch overlooking the lake from our tree house, and we then went on two different forest hikes filled with Faery gifts, intentions ignited together, and light galore dancing with the trees and Nature all around us.


I was able to share our forest backyard with Dawn, which was delightful and had Miracle enjoying the water for her second time.


She loves to wade in if her mom does – so cute! And upon our hike we found incredible little golden, coral, and pink sparkly quartz just laced “randomly” in the forest left behind by the Faeries for us to find. I love finding them right behind our home, feeling like a trail of gratitude from them for the promises I’ve made in caring for and activating the land here.


Before leaving, we found a single dandelion on our lawn (the only one I’ve seen anywhere), which we decided was meant for making wishes together. So we sat intentfully with what we wanted to create and then blew away. Each time we blew – which was three – Miracle would turn around and add to the intents, facing the dandelion with us.


There was one single seed left after that and Miracle turned around and removed it with her nose. It clung there for a minute, as you can see below, so that not only Miracle could put intention toward her wishes, but completed the triad of our intentions. It was the sweetest thing!


We then went on another forest and meadow walk, which took us near the lake as well, finding giant hallucinogenic mushrooms, sweet blossoms that were still hanging around (some pink and purple ones), discovered more heart shaped stumps, and were drenched in light dancing with Nature and beaming activations through.


Giggles filled the day and love was abound.


Dawn and Miracle extended their stay, being led to soak in and work with the energies here through Monday, which truly makes me happy to know they are receiving the nurturing of this beautiful area and are deepening their bond and roots to a place I love, so that they will be a part of things here long after they depart.



Although we will be busy with Birthday celebrations for Dave and his visiting mom and step dad this weekend, Dawn and Miracle will be in heart and as always, it’s only a farewell for now since the connections in spirit are forever.

I’m so grateful for my Faery family and friends, as they truly make life giggly fun! I love being able to just relax, take in the magick, see the miracles, and laugh and enjoy life’s beauty. The friends I have that enjoy the same are truly cherished, as when I want to just play that’s all that is on my mind…not work, not being of service, but truly just living and loving all the way and living as an expression of simply being! Thank you Dawn and Miracle!

Deer Heart Medicine

This morning’s gift….four deer just below our window spent the morning grazing. An older buck with full antlers, a younger one with little antlers growing, and two females. It was such beauty and grace to watch and such lovely medicine to experience and be messaged with. This same window was where a black bear gave us a show rolling in the snow this past winter. And the deck is where a hawk landed, facing in at me, and so many variety of large and small birds (including eagles) fly by and land, as well as squirrels and chipmunks come play. It’s truly wonderful to experience and I know will continue tenfold at our new home on the forest.

I’ve written before on deer symbolism, which includes so many lovely energies:

love, grace, gentleness, compassion, innocence, peace, beauty, fertility, femininity, humility, swiftness, acceptance, regrowth, renewal, creativity, spirituality, psychic power, subtlety, higher connection, awareness, abundance, benevolence, watchfulness, and is associated with the moon, the dawn, and the easterly directions.

The stag in particular symbolizes the same, but includes masculinity (which brings balance), regeneration, guidance, healing, connection to the Earth and forest, alertness, pride, independence, purification, strength, and nobility.

I thought I would share some of the photos I capture this morning, as I spent about a half hour or more just watching them.

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I also found it a beautiful synchronicity, since my dear friend Dawn is visiting and she is very connected to deer medicine as well, having a couple of sacred tattoos of them she wears on her skin, and her blog is in fact called Deer Heart Reiki

We have continued to share some magickal times and sweet moments while she has been visiting. Today she’ll get to meet Astrid and we’ll take in a lovely forest hike before she heads off tomorrow morning, which will be sad, but also just a continuation of the journey and cycles we share.


Matching Proceeds to Help Rabbits ~ Your Gift Can Help

As a reminder, now through end of year 12/31/17, I am donating 50% – 100% of sales to Save A Bunny of my animal artwork series Universal ARKitecture. I’d like to add that I will be matching the total sales at the end of the year and am grateful to everyone who has and may feel called to help out while perhaps doing your holiday shopping. Items include some original paintings and giclee prints, as well as smaller fun and unique items like keepsake boxes, mugs, bags, yoga items, tea light candles, greeting cards, and more. Everyone has their calling and while I focus on the bigger picture with personal things and work I share, a big part of my path involves the bunnies and their bigger picture gift to the world.

You can find all details about this sale and holiday donation, as well as place orders here:

Art For Rabbits ~ 10% Sale On Holiday & Any Day Gift Ideas With 50% – 100% Proceeds Donated

I’m devoted to bringing awareness to animals, Mother Nature, and the Cosmos, but rabbits are my passion and I’ve committed to being a voice particularly for them, as a way to share all of this.

As shared in the link above, I find rabbits to be unique in that they transcend or bridge just about every category of animals. They are domestic, farm, and wild animals and not only are seen as animal companions/pets, but also are farmed or hunted for their meat, farmed or hunted for their fur, and are one of the most commonly used and abused animals in terms of lab testing and experiments, as well as cruel forms of amusement. Not only have rabbits become synonymous with cosmetics animal testing throughout the world, enduring horrendous suffering in the name of “beauty,” but their image is the most recognized and used on cruelty-free labeling.

Miyoko’s Kitchen was live on Facebook yesterday interviewing the incredible Marcy Berman of Save A Bunny where I adopted both Joy and Astrid from. Save A Bunny was the recipient this month of Miyoko’s 1% of ecommerce sales.

You may be able to see the interview here if you’re on Facebook, as well as meet some of the rescued wild fire baby bunnies and Merle:

Miyoko’s Kitchen live with Save A Bunny’s Marcy Berman

I love that Marcy and I share so much of the same connection to and understanding of rabbits and we even both call them tiny horses.

Marcy is an amazing resource for anyone wanting to know more about the bunnies on a deeper, intuitive level, as well as in areas of awareness, activism, and daily care.

Thank you to all helping to raise awareness for and support rabbits, as well as all animals and Nature at large, as they truly are our mirrors for harmony and well being if we listen to the messages they have to share for living with greater consciousness and compassion.

Faery Fun & More Full Circles


Yesterday brought Dawn and I back together since our last visit in Sedona over the Libra Full Moon, which is quite synchronously aligned with her arriving on the Libra New Moon now in October! She’s staying in the same RV park with her Miracle Bus (love the name and connection to our Magick Bus) that we did when we first arrived back to Tahoe last October, and while here I will be able to share some of our fav spots with her, as we explore this synchronous time together. It’s incredible how much has happened in both of our lives during just 6 months since we last touched in with each other and in looking at our photos from then, too, we have each shifted tons as well. I’ve never seen her looking more sparkly, vibrant, and beautiful, not to mention really anchored into her nature ever more so than now.

It is our third time in person in the years we’ve known each other, but first time getting to meet her sweet companion, Miracle, whom I have been connected with since the day she came home to Dawn. Dawn and I have been through a lot of similarities with our animal companions we have seen transition and have both aligned with experiences relating to the new magickal girls that have both come into our lives just months apart. It’s been beautiful sharing our families together and I’m grateful for all of the support and love she’s given during those transitioning times, but also for all of the giggly fun and understanding too.

Yesterday was our first touch-in, as the first few days were days of rebalance and recharge after her long journey here, while I have been immersed in all we have going on during these transitional times. That is also when huge winds of change blew in, as well as an enchanting day of snow to welcome her back to Tahoe. I was so excited for her to experience all this magick and felt Tahoe to be a perfect and nurturing place right now for her. This was her first time back to the area since somewhere between 30-35 years ago, so it’s pretty incredible to have her here now.

And this also aligned with our 9 year anniversary yesterday, which really was full circle and lovely to share with her and Miracle.

She shared the sweetest little gifts with me too – one of which had another full circle connection. It is this incredible little succulent called a Crassula Buddha’s Temple. I’ve never seen one like it and I fell in love right away. Dawn knows how much I love succulents and this one has a special connection, as it is from a nursery where she grew up and where she and her parents used to spend tons of time at when landscaping their home. It’s been there 98 years and she said it still looked so much the same.

I love the connection to her childhood through this sweet and sacred succulent, which will always remind me of the inner child and innocence she and I cherish and have no intentions of ever losing.

The other amazingly yummy gift was an organic artisan jam made of cardamon, pear, and rose petal. It is exquisite (I had it on a toasted bagel this morning) and reminded it me of this incredible lavender “honey” (a vegan version, of course) that Faery sis Laura made for me. And that’s super cool because it is because of Laura that Dawn and I connected (our shared Reiki Master Teacher) and we were even able to share some virtual hugs and kisses between all three of us yesterday on our day of meeting. More full circles!

Anyway, our first day together was perfect…and since the snow, the weather is incredible in the high 60’s in the day and cooling to 30’s at night. No winds and warm sun-shiney days filled with Autumn smells, sights, and colors for all the senses.

It was my first day back driving, as I went to pick her up wearing a regular boot on my foot for the first time since my fracture. I’m still being cautious when out doing any kind of hiking or long walks (wearing my healing boot), although I don’t anymore in the house and am basically healed. I just want to ensure a solid strength to it and allow another 2 weeks of babying it so that I’ll be good to go for Winter snow upcoming.

On my way to pick her up a big hawk flew over my car and that was a great sign since hawks are huge for both Dawn and I and have shown up at synchronous times between us. I then got to meet Miracle and the RV/bus that is named after her, which was delightful, as she is just as sweet as her mom and the Miracle Bus so reminded me of our Magick Bus and our times in it (not to mention my sweet Joy and Cosmo who shared the journey with us).

Dawn and Miracle are both loves and I was tickled by Miracle’s kisses and affection, as well as her gentleness. But she is a force for sure and carries both energies just like her mom.

We then went over to Zephyr Cove and walked along the lake and enjoyed the beauty and warmth, as we caught up and just took in the day. I decided I wanted to capture her and Miracle, as I knew they didn’t really have any photos together and the beauty of Tahoe was truly bringing out their essence. So an impromptu photo shoot continued for the day, each time I saw these incredible back drops and the way the energy was dancing with them. I LOVE the captures that resulted…My favorites of them so far!

We ended up seeing a rabbit on the trail – I hardly ever see wild rabbits here, so that was a cool sign of the little ones off planet excited for this reunion (Dawn has met both Joy and Cosmo and knows of Nestor well). Cosmo has been around even more than usual, which Dawn has been feeling too so this felt connected to him for sure.

We also continued through the day seeing so many squirrels, chipmunks, and ducks that Miracle was enthralled with.

After, we headed to go pick up Dave, but stopped at our new home so I could share it with her and Miracle. That was really special for her to be a part of the celebration of new there and to have her share her feelings of it, while seeing it in the before stage. Such a blessing to have their energy infused into our new home.

Then we got Dave and set off for Taylor Creek to see the salmon.

We got there just after sunset and walked the Rainbow Trail, which was mystical and mysterious, reminding us of Sleepy Hollow or something out of the Lord of the Rings.

I was so happy she got to see the salmon, as that felt like great energy at this time. And while there, more ducks glided across the creek, geese honked away as they flew by, and a heron that didn’t want us to miss it, kept doing fly by’s and landed in a tree across from us. He also saw us back to our car, as we finished gazing at the moon. The second photo below captures the heron flying across the other side of the creek before it came to land in a high branch of a tree.

So much great energy and medicine.

There was even a picture-perfect sight of the sliver of moon just over Mt. Tallac that I was able to capture. It’s above Dawn and Miracle in this first photo, but didn’t show up with the lighting until I took it again with just the landscape (seen in the second photo).

So magickal and full of yes, “miracles”.

We then headed to this newer restaurant, Aleworx in South Lake Tahoe for vegan pizza and to catch the end of the Autumn Carnival. It was perfect because a quieter, side table opened just for us and we arrived just in time to watch the fire dancers. That seemed like great energy to balance things out, especially with a lot of Water energy that had been around for Dawn and with lots of Earthing and Air energy also having been experienced in the days, and today, leading up to this.

A perfect full day of blessings all around.

So grateful for this time that has aligned to be with Dawn and Miracle and I look forward to more over the next few days while she’s here soaking in the Tahoe vibes, as well as her meeting Astrid for the first time in person (although they are connected already just as I’ve been with Miracle).

Lake Tahoe looks good on both of them!! Love seeing them glow and love having some Faery fun in the midst of all the managing, remodeling, hands-on labor I’ve been doing at the condo, foot healing, and editing here and there while I can. It truly helps bring balance to life, which is what Libra energy is all about.

Thank you Dawn and Miracle for bringing your joy and love to Tahoe and helping to create extra nourishing and balancing nature immersions in the mix! It’s so much fun to giggle away with you both while also walking in honor of the sacredness around us.

I look forward to the adventures of the week and what reflections will be revealed along the way.

Celebrating a 9 Year Cycle

The month of October is a big month for us for celebrations and honoring, including our anniversary, Dave’s birthday, Cosmo’s transition, when we moved into the Magick Bus and began our RV adventure leaving behind everything, when I sold my amazing Hunab Ku Toyota Highlander Hybrid that took me on many an adventure safely, a month of cherished friends’ birthdays and transitions, and our moving back to our home in Lake Tahoe. I’ll be sharing a bit more of some of these as the days go on, but today is a day I want to give some words to, as it marks a 9 year cycle for us together that closes a chapter on our lives and opens a new one.

Today is our anniversary of coming together and although we experienced years of mixed challenge that likely could have taken us a different direction many times, we find ourselves continuing together, stronger than ever.

I know that many fantasize and hope or intend for their version of ideal in a relationship….the movie screen romance….that state of constant bliss…..or some idea of “spiritual” perfection….Why? Because I’ve heard it from many, I see it in things people share online, and because I have been there.

But I’ve found that it is the relationships that take you through every nook and cranny of your heart and soul, to the depths of challenge and to the shadows of personal reflection at the core, which truly create richness, fulfillment, and solidity, individually and as a partnership.

You don’t have to live this “spiritual ideal” of a life to have and share a beautiful relationship. In fact, I know of many and see many “spiritual” people who move through more partners than the world of celebrities do. Nothing wrong with that, of course, as we do change and so change can constitute moving on when that becomes necessary to one’s personal growth and well being. And there is no one way relationships need to look or be and yet, it is curious to me in the stories I’ve heard and in my own years of experience with this, how spiritual ego can sometimes overlook the beauty and gift the challenges are reflecting that may in fact bring us closer to our relationship to ourselves and All That Is, if we are willing to go as far and as deep as the relationship is asking of us. Sometimes we stop before we get there, much as we give up on dreams or intentions we’ve been working on right when we needed to just go that extra mile and it would happen.

That’s not to say that every relationship is meant to last, nor should it, but each one is opportunity for utmost vulnerability and transparency so that we may journey to ever-greater personal integrity and grace of being.

Some connections can be past life or beyond intensified to help us to move through things, clear and heal soul patterns, or are there to simply recognize for what they are, but aren’t necessarily ones for the “now” to move forward with.

Some souls simply can’t meet us at that level of commitment and responsibility that it will take to get there, but there are many that can, will, and do rise to the occasion, if we are doing our work just as much as we desire them to do theirs. The key being, doing OUR work and not trying to change the other person or force them to do what we ourselves cannot. Walking the walk will produce the most authentic experiences of either them meeting us at that bridge, or making the choice that it’s just too much and not for them.

And this is where I’ve found myself in gratitude of this relationship I share with Dave. We’ve been at many crossroads during our times together and yet each time it asked of me/us to go deeper and further, we eventually did. It didn’t happen easily or overnight, especially in the beginning, as we both came together at times of huge personal transformation we met each other with, which yanked us hard in many directions and had us exploring everything to its depths individually and together.

What I found, however, is that when I was willing to look most vulnerably and responsibly at myself and walk the walk in every way, that was the ultimate game-changer.

I share this, as I feel it is important for us to understand that everything in life now asks of these things from us consistently across the board. If we want a particular “anything” then we must be willing to go to the depths of our core most honestly and with the greatest level of conscious responsibility we can muster up in every new moment.

I want to honor and celebrate what has been an incredible 9 year journey with Dave and it feels like we are at another precipice of possibility taking place right now.

We’ve been through The Tower, The Devil, The Hanged Man, The Death, The Fool cards….you name it and I feel as if The Star and The World cards are coming into being now. The last couple of years really shifted things into several octaves higher for sure when together we took leaps into the unknown of individual and shared journeys of the heart.

Next Friday, the 27th will celebrate Dave’s first breath on Earth, this go around, but it is every day and every timeless moment he’s cherished and celebrated.

Equally so is today, the 22nd, cherished and celebrated as the moment we decided in spirit upon changing our lives forever and ending the repetitive patterns we both had experienced. The moment somewhere in our heart and soul did a part of us know this would be our chance to go beyond….our chance to change everything….and our knowingness on a spirit level that if it wasn’t now and with this opportunity within each of us, it might never be. It wouldn’t be easy and it wouldn’t be bliss, but it would be possible depending upon how much our souls had had enough.

We’ve been through it all, the worst and the best, the challenge and the flow, yet we never gave up, embraced the mirror we reflected to each other to transmute within ourselves, didn’t listen to what others thought, and instead paved our own way through life and with each other – our efforts showering us with gifts in abundance.

But no other adventure has been grander than these last two years, as we jumped together into the great outdoors to discover the depths of ourselves and our bond by turning things inside out and upside down, revealing the root of love’s true power to create miracles.

Dave literally saved my life last year and believed and nurtured me to follow my dreams and step into the most empowered embodiment of my essence I have ever been.

I’ve loved watching him blossom and reveal more of who he really is….the deep thinker, the adventurer, the silly playful child, the lover of nature and protector of animals, the poet, the creative, the sensitive, the passionate, the intellectual, the generous giver, the tender, the strong, the one who has been able to help me grow the most by challenging me with everything I need and helping me to finally find that peaceful balance.

That’s what a true, loving partner is.

It is pretty amazing, but no wonder that we are celebrating this ending and beginning of a cycle with our new dream home coming into manifestation, which we closed on two days before October – bringing another thing into celebration for this month, as we also just began our remodeling in the last couple of weeks.

It’s an incredible journey for sure, and I know the best times are now and yet to come, as we have both individually and together, worked through the biggest hurdles of this lifetime and are now ready to embark on a completely new reset of creations and experiences that only hinge on the now and focus on a whole new and unknown future.

Here’s to making more exciting memories on the next adventure we’re embarking on.

I’m grateful for this day when we both decided to show up, stand up, rise to the occasion, and say no more, I’m ready to go the length and do what ever it takes, I’m ready to be all that I can be, I’m ready to create a new reality, and I’m in, all the way.

dave and tania.jpg

New Moon Winds of Change

Yesterday’s Libra New Moon brought winds of change here to stir things up, clear, refresh, and provide new perspectives supporting the potential of creating greater balance in our lives especially in terms of the relationships we have with everything – each other, things, Nature, ourselves, the sacred feminine and masculine within all, and the world and Cosmos at large. There’s a continual offering presented where we can learn to cultivate bridges of deeper compassion and connection that will lead to new doorways of experience.

We experienced high high winds throughout all of yesterday and last night, which I loved hearing as I fell asleep, cozy in our bed with gratitude for the warmth to cocoon in. I had a lot of energy this morning for some reason, which woke me at 4 am and had me awake for the next two hours in bed listening to the snow blowing outside, until I fell back asleep for a brief snooze again.

I’d taken a peek outside and knew the morning would be beautiful since I could see the snow all around in the dark amidst the dense sky swirling with energy. And when I did wake again, the sun opened everything to beautiful clarity revealing a lovely dusting of snow creating this enchantment.


Snow just for a day in between Autumn’s splendor.


Yesterday was another busy day here, but I also had a hair appointment in the midst of everything, which was perfectly aligned without my doing, on the New Moon. I’d made the appointment a couple of months ago and it just happened to fall on this day, which seemed perfect for a refresh.

On the way there I saw a beautiful coyote out in the golden fields within the farmlands of Minden. The coyote was plush and nearly golden herself – almost undetectable except that I happen to have a hawk eye of my own. She was very focused and seemed to be stalking something. Not long after, a very large hawk appeared upon a fence railing, eyeing me, as I eyed the coyote. Coyote and hawk medicine seemed perfect for the energies around.

Anyway, I’d felt called for a bit of change and so I cut another nearly 4 inches off to recharge and we added more of my natural dark brown back into my hair for extra dramatic contrast with the silver that felt good for the current energies and Autumn/Winter seasons, not to mention got me back to my “roots”. 😉

In the Summer my hair had gotten so light all around, as you might remember, and that supported the shifting I was needing. And now I anchor back into a contrast of dark and light, embodying the merging of both, and reminding me that all is sacred.

I guess my hair was much longer than I thought, as even after the 4 inches off, it is still so long. Somehow the New Moon feels to have plumped and lengthened my hair, as it is healthier than ever.

Astrid and I are even more mirrors of each other physically now, which I love. I can’t get over it sometimes how perfect she is for me, and vice versa. We feel one and the same on many levels.

I also love how every step of the journey always feels so right these days because of following the guidance and flow of energy in every moment.

And so the winds of change blow through in many ways, including creating a bit of chaos in the midst of it all with everything in transition for us here. Our new home is in complete disarray, as it’s been virtually all internally demolished for the contractors to implement our remodeling visions. And even our current tree house is going through a bit of a face-lift preparing it, at the same time, for its new tenants. While we live with inflatable furniture, folding chairs and tables, and boxes temporarily these last months.

Add on my crazy editing mode I am doing as I can amidst it all (feeling to complete by end of year) and other aspects of our lives I’m co-managing that are all creating full time jobs for me right now (good thing I’ve switched gears), it’s definitely a process unfolding and there’s nothing to do but take it patiently, a day at a time.

I could easily get swept up into panic, anxiety, stress, worry, discouragement, and even dismay if I let current conditions and all of the collective things going on affect me, but instead my experiences paint me a different story. They teach me that all things have a season and reason, and that keeping focus, balance, and being grateful and not neglecting nurturing of needs along the way, will see me through…always.

It can be challenging when nothing seems to have a result currently, but that’s when we need to pull from our inner core like the tree and her roots that always keep her stabilized despite how the elements and seasons shift her outer appearance.

I could easily start judging it all, second-guessing, or even wondering what the heck I’m doing with my book that perhaps only I will ever love. But that, in and of itself, is enough for me – to be true to what my heart wants to share and express. That wouldn’t have been in the past when I was affected by other’s opinions of me or had a lesser version of self love, or what love in general really means.

I am grateful for my vision that can see beyond the current swirling of energy, as that is what anchors my peaceful embrace of it all and reminds me at any moment how it’s all necessary and key to keep riding those air currents flowing through.

Just as everything was dark in the wee hours today and I couldn’t see anything but swirling snow and wind, while a fog set in and covered the lake and everything around us, the light of day did come and the clouds parted, to reveal the splendor it was stirring into creation.

Interestingly, the same happened with my hair yesterday, as somehow an odd thing happened where for a moment my hair was deep lilac. I WAS wearing a big amethyst ring and a purple and pink top with spirals on it, so it was curiously peculiar my hair was reflecting this energy. My hair stylist was not worried though, as she said my hair follicles were really open and absorbing, so they just absorbed more pigments than normal and she knew that shampooing with a clarifying shampoo would immediately balance it back. And that’s exactly what happened without any cause for alarm, creating exactly what I’d envisioned and naturally balanced me out.

The New Moon really opened things wide, but we have to be willing to go through some moments of oddness, confusion, disarray, unknowns, periods of chaos and potential upheaval, before things settle into clarity and balance again.

This morning I was excited to see our new home and land with its first dusting of snow and this is what greeted us by the light of day.


I know so many are going through relationship shifts, job changes, moving to new homes, health crises, experiencing departures of loved ones, going through huge loss, and are at the precipice of making or needing to make huge leaps….Wishing everyone grace and ease with all the changes in life’s seasons you are experiencing and the ability to find peace within the chaos, and vision within the temporary fog.

Art for Rabbits ~ 10% Sale on Holiday & Any Day Gift Ideas with 50% -100% Proceeds Donated

So I know it’s a little early for some to think about holiday gift-giving, but then the stores have already been showcasing both Thanksgiving and Christmas stuff for a while now, so this may already be on some of your radars. Regardless, last night I was hit with the inspiration to offer my art, as a way to potentially help raise some money for Save A Bunny because of their tireless efforts and the influx of rabbits in their care due to the wildfires. This is a rabbit rescue in Mill Valley, CA where I adopted both Joy and Astrid from.

I try to give when I can to both Save A Bunny and Bunny World Foundation (where I adopted Cosmo from) when I can because these two organizations work tirelessly for the bunnies and conscious awareness all around.

When I heard about the potential threat Save A Bunny was under, two days ago, due to three fires that were burning on the hillside along highway 101 in Sausalito, this likely added fuel to that flame of inner guidance to see if I could lend a hand. I’m happy to report that Save A Bunny and all the bunnies there are safe and the fires were put out, but support would still be a wonderful thing to gift them as surprise with. My holiday gift to them.

Even if you’re not in holiday shopping mode, but want to help and/or have been drawn to one of my paintings, perhaps this is the time they may call to you. And if you ARE thinking of holiday gifts or self-nurturing celebrations for your sanctuary space, then below you’ll find ideas for all budgets.

Since the artwork is on a per-order basis, it also makes sense to share this now, as it takes time to print, prepare, and ship each large item (sometimes up to 3-4 weeks). Please make sure to read about shipping below in bold, pink highlighted print. Shipping is additional.

But there are also fun smaller items that ship out quickly. Keep reading for my Cafe Press Shop link below for those.

A little about this series:

Sacred vessel, animal spirit paintings that hold antidotes for a new “ARKitectural” plan and code of life for creating the New Earth experience.

An “ark” by definition and historical understanding was a vessel built by Noah to house and keep safe his family and pairs of every animal of the Earth. It is also known as a sacred chest where the ancient Hebrews kept the two tablets containing the Ten Commandments. In either form, it is seen as a sacred and protective structure that contained the promise of a new life where a new architectural system of life codes would be embraced and instituted to start anew.

These power animals act as guides or angels, imbuing their individual energy, power and wisdom to support, heal and protect you. Shamanic practice honors with awareness the wisdom and power in all things on Earth, understanding and believing that everything is alive and has something to teach. Allow the animals to speak in the way meant for you.

I’ll continue to reshare this post through the end of the year, as people always share that they miss things since they aren’t online regularly, may not be subscribed, or only catch my blogs when I share them, but for now, here’s the scoop!

I would like to offer my Universal ARKitecture animal series from now through end of year 12/31/17 at 10% discount with 50% – 100% of all sales going to Save A Bunny.

What that looks like:

I have a 9 piece art series of animal spirit paintings called Universal ARKitecture that I’m offering for this holiday season to give back to the rabbits who have changed my life. Everyone has their calling and while I focus on the bigger picture with personal things and work I share, a big part of my path involves the bunnies and their bigger picture gift to the world.

10% Off All Original and Giclees of the 9 Piece Series:

Originals and Original sized Giclees will be available for this sale. Since my website has not been updated in ages, and due to needing to add the 10% discount to prices, it will be easier for me to create separate ordering via this post, which you can find below. 3 of the 9 Originals are not available, but Original-sized Giclees (which are fine art prints stretched on canvas to look like originals) are available for all of them including those three.

50% Proceeds Donated to Save A Bunny

From all sales of original and giclee artwork, I will directly donate 50% of profits to Save A Bunny to help support the rabbits in their care. The other 50% will go toward funding another project to help rabbits that I’m putting into motion – to be announced. So basically all proceeds are for the rabbits.

Something to Fit Everyone’s Budget – 100% Proceeds Donated to Save A Bunny

If you love the art and want to help, but have your own needs to meet too, then perhaps you might feel called to one of the gift items in my Cafe Press Shop, which showcases these paintings on unique and fun items – my favorite are the beautiful keepsake boxes! 100% of proceeds will be donated to Save A Bunny. You can find those at the link below and examples of the keepsake boxes too:

Heart Creations by Tania Marie

Universal ARKitecture Series Sale & Opportunity to Support the Rabbits

Please allow up to 3-4 weeks for delivery, as these are on a per-order basis. You will be contacted when your item is ready for shipping and an estimate on when you may expect to receive your order. International orders (outside of the USA) will require more shipping time than orders within the USA. Only unstretched giclees are available for international orders.

Shipping and handling is included for unstretched canvas giclees only.

For stretched canvas giclees or original paintings, a separate invoice will be sent once the shipping charges are assessed for the shipping address you provide. When placing order please make sure to provide any shipping details and the physical address you would like your order shipped to, along with any details including instructions if purchase is meant as a gift.


The beautiful endangered Ocelot in its Rain Forest Garden of Eden. Ocelots are a symbol of regeneration of spirit through solitude and quiet meditation, as well as are a connection between the physical and spiritual realms.

Garden Of The Gods

24″ x 36″ Original (not available for international shipping) – Regular $2000 NOW $1800

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24″ x 36″ Gallery Wrap Giclee on Canvas (stetched – not available for international shipping) – Regular $700 NOW $630

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24″ x 36″ Gallery Wrap Giclee on Canvas (rolled/unstretched – good for international shipping or to avoid shipping costs in the U.S. and then have it stretched on frame yourself) – Regular $500 NOW $450

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Tender Divinity shared between mother and child, endangered Asian Elephants representing strength, honor, stability, patience, good luck, ancient wisdom, confidence, removal of obstacles.

Temple Of The Sacred Heart 

24″ x 24″ Original (not available for international shipping) – Regular $1500 NOW $1350

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24″ x 24″ Gallery Wrap Giclee on Canvas (stetched – not available for international shipping) – Regular $500 NOW $450

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24″ x 24″ Gallery Wrap Giclee on Canvas (rolled/unstretched – good for international shipping or to avoid shipping costs in the U.S. and then have it stretched on frame yourself) – Regular $300 NOW $270

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Shares Dolphin’s wisdom of balance, harmony, change, freedom, trust, understanding the power of rhythms in your life, represents water element magic, and heals with Atlantean energy.

Visions Of Atlantis

30″ x 40″ Original (not available for international shipping) – Regular $3000 NOW $2700

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30″ x 40″ Gallery Wrap Giclee on Canvas (stetched – not available for international shipping) – Regular $1000 NOW $900

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30″ x 40″ Gallery Wrap Giclee on Canvas (rolled/unstretched – good for international shipping or to avoid shipping costs in the U.S. and then have it stretched on frame yourself) – Regular $800 NOW $720

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Shares Porcupine’s wisdom of innocence, renewed sense of wonder, and trust in Spirit.

The Child In Us

24″ x 24″ Original (not available for international shipping) – Regular $1500 NOW $1350

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24″ x 24″ Gallery Wrap Giclee on Canvas (stetched – not available for international shipping) – Regular $500 NOW $450

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24″ x 24″ Gallery Wrap Giclee on Canvas (rolled/unstretched – good for international shipping or to avoid shipping costs in the U.S. and then have it stretched on frame yourself) – Regular $300 NOW $270

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Speaks to that rare experience that is a blessing to have, celebrates the rare connection with your Twin Soul/Flame some are blessed to experience, and the celebration of wholeness within yourself as you embody both your Divine Feminine and Masculine. Rabbits are connected with the moon and lunar energy, the balance between male and female energies, enlightenment, cosmic origins, magic, balance, life, creative potency, regeneration, eternity.

Once In A Blue Moon

48″ x 48″ Original – NOT AVAILABLE

48″ x 48″ Gallery Wrap Giclee on Canvas (stetched – not available for international shipping) – Regular $2000 NOW $1800

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48″ x 48″ Gallery Wrap Giclee on Canvas (rolled/unstretched – good for international shipping or to avoid shipping costs in the U.S. and then have it stretched on frame yourself) – Regular $1800 NOW $1620

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Honors our sacred and endangered Panda brothers and sisters that teach us the importance of solitude, help us tap into higher knowledge and teach us soul development, remind us to nurture self-encouragement, teach balance, harmony and integration of opposites, and teach us to break barriers in order to become a global community.

Gem Of The Emerald Forest

24″ x 30″ Original (not available for international shipping) – Regular $1750 NOW $1575

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24″ x 30″ Gallery Wrap Giclee on Canvas (stetched – not available for international shipping) – Regular $600 NOW $540

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24″ x 30″ Gallery Wrap Giclee on Canvas (rolled/unstretched – good for international shipping or to avoid shipping costs in the U.S. and then have it stretched on frame yourself) – Regular $400 NOW $360

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Depicts the endangered Galapagos Tortoise kneeling on the mystical Earth while communing with a Tree of Life that has a Buddha face carved into it. Between the two, a small illuminated star sparks enlightenment of new energy emerging that will transform the Earth. Tortoises teach us patience, balance with the rhythms of life, steadfast deliberate strength, and are symbolic of the Earth’s origins and energy itself, representing our Earth Mother/Gaia.

The Mystic

24″ x 24″ Original (not available for international shipping) – Regular $1500 NOW $1350

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24″ x 24″ Gallery Wrap Giclee on Canvas (stetched – not available for international shipping) – Regular $500 NOW $450

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24″ x 24″ Gallery Wrap Giclee on Canvas (rolled/unstretched – good for international shipping or to avoid shipping costs in the U.S. and then have it stretched on frame yourself) – Regular $300 NOW $270

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Honors the beautiful seahorses (hummingbirds of the sea) in a magical and ethereal underwater cosmos of angelic sea anemones, symbolizing the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine in harmony as they unite with their Twin Flame. Seahorse wisdom shares joy, understanding the importance of the courtship dance, stability in emotional waters, ceremony, keen vision, psychic energy, independence, etiquette, sharing and mixing up of gender roles, the water element, and connection with Poseidon.

Dance Of The Twin Flames

20″ x 24″ Original – NOT AVAILABLE

20″ x 24″ Gallery Wrap Giclee on Canvas (stetched – not available for international shipping) – Regular $450 NOW $405

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20″ x 24″ Gallery Wrap Giclee on Canvas (rolled/unstretched – good for international shipping or to avoid shipping costs in the U.S. and then have it stretched on frame yourself) – Regular $250 NOW $225

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Honors the stunning and rare Snow Leopards that are under protection as endangered species. These solitary creatures reside in the same high altitudes as the Tibetan Buddhist monks of Asia’s Himalayan Mountains – home to Mt. Everest, the highest mountain in the world. Living in rocky cavern dens and crevices, these hermits of the mountain symbolize spiritual enlightenment, ascension, carry the message of true strength and power, gracefulness, independence, awareness and presence, and whisper to us the “power of silence”. They understand good use of purposeful retreat in order to prepare for the new with gained wisdom.

The Power Of Silence

16″ x 20″ Original  – SOLD/NOT AVAILABLE

16″ x 20″ Gallery Wrap Giclee on Canvas (stetched – not available for international shipping) – Regular $425 NOW $382.50

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16″ x 20″ Gallery Wrap Giclee on Canvas (rolled/unstretched – good for international shipping or to avoid shipping costs in the U.S. and then have it stretched on frame yourself) – Regular $225 NOW $202.50

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Me, Astrid and the bunnies thank you!!!

Creating Space for the New & Reflections of the Process

As I shared, in the coming couple of months we’ll be moving into our new home and this will herald another leap of change in our lives. Of course these involve energetic shifts and openings, but I can literally see how these shifts have evolved and why, even just in terms of the homes we’ve been, and will be, living in. The journey is constantly humbling, as I review the course of my life and experiences that haven’t always been so clear to me, let alone clean and easy. Things are drastically different these days, but that has only been because of a continued commitment to delve deeper and not become complacent. To keep rising out of the ashes and do it another way. These days are times of unveiling and constant stripping away of comfort zones and veils that even the more conscious can easily pull, or have pulled, over themselves.

Everyone is going through a rewiring process and in some cases that leads to a richer and fuller embodiment than ever known, when embraced and implemented. And in some cases this can lead to a “shift or leave” syndrome we keep experiencing with so many departing this Earthly plane of existence.

There’s no right or wrong in this, but simply a choice. We are constantly presented choices, as this is a free will zone.

I definitely don’t do things in any perfected way and definitely have gone through some crazy stuff because I, too, understand the confusing, painful, challenging, and sometimes tormenting energy we have here to deal with.

It is through finding solace within my own voice that I experience peace and find the clarity that guides my way.

And recently that led us back to Lake Tahoe and we found ourselves in this “tree house” or “castle in the sky” at the highest point here being 7500 elevation that overlooks the lake.

It’s as if we physically manifested a realm to literally help us rise above things, to elevate us in this state of being in things, but not of them, so that we could suspend all the “noise” around us and receive clarity on our path….and peace within chaos.

From this place so much has streamed in, inspiration has channeled through, and creative manifestation has been able to take form in an all-encompassing and multi-dimensional way.

After being on the road and deeply immersed in Nature for over a year in the Magick bus, this state of suspension atop the air streams that blew in and all around us, supported an opening to take place that helped sift through all of our thoughts and ideas, so that we could hone in on the most effective and all-fulfilling path for us. It was no surprise to me that this has been during such huge times of shifting and upheaval the collective and Earth is experiencing.

It’s as if the winds that blew through here carried with them the whispers of collective thoughts and beliefs and I was experiencing it all swirl around me, but could then understand from this perspective how they were my choice to either grab from the air and attach to, or continue to allow them to stream by with gratitude for their reflection.

It is here that I completed the story that my book shares.

It is during our remodeling and transition phase that I edit it now.

And it will be in the new home where completion anchors and expands into the next phase.

We will be going from this elevated point that enabled expansive vision of sky and water (and review of multi-perspectives and potentials) to support our process….to a 900 feet drop in elevation to 6600 feet that will be rooting us into the abundant and mysterious forest for the next phase.

We’ll still be remaining at very high altitude, as this is where I thrive and feel most me, but with a new support system that will integrate the energy more (Earth and Cosmos as One), as well as deepen the creative inspiration into manifestation.

We’re dropping down a bit to merge with Nature more, rather than hover in the air above it. This also merges us back into things at large more too. And, it will bring us within closer proximity to getting to the lake for our water connecting – could even bike or walk there if we really wanted, or drive within minutes. Feels like the perfect happy medium for us at this stage and the seclusion and magick of the forest feels to nurture with the sense of sanctuary now desired.

I’ve also seen this shift take place with the plant friends I’ve surrounded myself with, which has grown since living here. I went from having only one plant on the Magick Bus (after I gifted away my mini garden I had at first to my friend in Montana), to now having seven little lush worlds with tons of plant beings in these magickal Faery gardens I’ve created to infuse my life with expansive energy.

The same has happened with crystal friends too. I had so very little crystals, after nearly all moving on in the time before leaping onto the Magick Bus, which continued when arriving here, but then had a small influx of new crystal beings coming in to support the creation of this new space and infuse our environment with the perfect energy needed. Some I felt were working in the now and others working in the new space that only existed in the ethers and would become anchors there once that timeline came into being.

I still have very very few crystals, especially considering I once lived in a crystal cave when I first moved out on my own to my space at the north end of Tahoe. But the few with me now are very deliberate and are shared between Astrid and myself, as well as support our family as a whole. And since we’re preparing to move, most are boxed right now except for a few in the space to support the change.

You’ve already seen Astrid’s Dendritic Opal and Rose Quartz Towers, so I’m only sharing the ones I haven’t yet. I haven’t posted much on crystals lately, but know that so many of you love them and enjoy shares on them. I have mentioned how many crystals I never had a huge draw to have come into my experience now, and so you’ll see some of those here.

The ones I’ve kept out for now are what you see in the photos here, which include my male and female Labradorite unicorns, a Lapis Lazuli fish, a Goldstone rabbit, an incredible Ocean Jasper sphere with portals and amazing naturally infused sacred circles in perfect geometric synergy throughout (hard to capture, but you can kind of see one of these in the photo), and this incredible Fluorite.

The Fluorite is like nothing I’ve seen and truly embodies the essence of my focus – merging Earth and Cosmos – as the bottom half is this exquisite layered journey through Earth’s womb in the brown and the top half is this ethereal experience of violet and white. Within each there are remnants of both interlaced, creating balance. And then we find sparks of rainbow and one larger one at top.

I just love it and knew immediately it was to come home and mirrored the journey I have been, and will continue, on.

Harmony within and without. 11:11 when I write that.

I love reflecting on and deepening into the processes and share them as a way for others to also see how we can utilize them to understand the why’s and to have gratitude for each piece and step of the way.

Even the not so fun, uncomfortable, challenging, and painful parts still apply to “life as an experience”and process we can teach ourselves to become more present to and receive the reflections of.

If I’d continued to circle round and round with my attachment to those times in my life, I would have remained stuck and could not have created something different, or perhaps would no longer be here even. Through trials and tribulations, trial and error, and experimentation, we reach a little further each time.

I don’t think it’s easy, but I do know anything is possible.

I now have new hurdles to jump if I want to continue to create more and what I feel called to bring forth, but with the experiences behind me, I have built strength and resilience to face them with a lighter approach.

Literally “dropping into” this new space, I invite a merging to take place that creates the space for more.