Monthly Archives: March 2021

Enjoy the In Between Times & Surrender to Unfolding Grace

Transformation and healing takes time. It doesn’t happen overnight, although anything is possible. Birthing anything new can take us through some growing pains and so it’s wise to honor that space with gentle encouragement and understanding.

There’s a tendency to want to rush things and emerge anew with miraculous ideas of “perfection” already anchored so that we can avoid those in between times that look to our egos like a big dirty, unorganized and empty mess.

Nature does change so well and we never stop to question her. Even when she’s transitioning there’s a state of wholeness and understanding that “this is just the cycle of life” and we recognize the beauty of that process.

Although I see muddy patches of snow, dried leaves and branches thrown about, and old pine needles, barren plants and golden-browned meadow grasses, I know that vitality lives within all of it and that everything is bubbling with fresh growth and potential. I also see that all of what’s before me is natural, with its own exquisite, artistic beauty, and I know that life has taught me how everything always renews itself no matter how it looks or feels in the moment.

Bring joy to the in between time and learn to surrender to your own unfolding grace.

Deepening into presence and receiving the value of every verse you add to the poem of your life will help you to relax more and release those conditioned pressures you place upon yourself.

Nobody said that only certain kinds of experiences are what equates to a life well lived. All experiences are part of life. All ranges of emotions are integral to your depth of receiving the richness life has to offer. And all stages of growth and experience are equally valuable.

As one of my favorite quotes by Wayne Dyer goes, “The only difference between a flower and a weed is judgment.”

Here at the Forest Portal’s Enchanted Faery Garden, everything is still in transition between Winter and Spring.

I’m unable yet to prep the garden, as we still get freezing and frosty nights, and until the last several days, we’re continuing to get surprise Spring Snow flurries. So, I wait patiently as the daytime temperatures warm up and returning plants begin to sprout all on their own – pushing through the dried and dead growth from seasons passed.

Synchronously, it all mirrors my own transitions, as I’ve been putting to closure, step-by-step, projects and commissions from Winter. So Nature’s landscape looks much like my own inner landscape and focuses, while still I feel all the new percolating behind the scenes and simultaneously experience both the joy of current projects and the joy of what’s bubbling beneath them.

Of course, it’s no surprise that things I’ve been working on always hold such perfect energy to prepare the way and support the new birthing to even be possible.

And so, I see no need to rush, nor do I detach from what’s before me.

Instead, I see how divinely woven it all is and allow the old and new to merge with each other so that the alchemy that otherwise would go unseen, is made more conscious. In this way, I deepen into the enjoyment and value of it all even more and experience greater fluidity within the transitioning process.

You might wonder why I shared these particular photos of my garden for this blog. Well, perhaps the more obvious reason is because they very clearly show the transitioning seasons. You can see the bits of frost and patches of snow laced throughout the unkept grounds that are blanketed with the old, while the new sprouts through.

But also because they reflect some new friends and additions to the garden that I’ve just recently added, even though I haven’t cleaned up the garden or prepped it in any other way yet.

There’s some sweet little pot-hanging, white rabbit twins, a couple of new solar faery houses, and of course the solar succulent momma and baby rabbit.

They merge their magick and sweetness into the mix, celebrating what “is” and what’s to “come.” I thought that rather than wait until everything’s in some kind of “order” to start interweaving some fun and new, that we should have some fun right now and create a space of joy and embrace of every moment.

When I look out at it all from my shared Wonderland office with Astrid, there’s a sense of divine perfection and surrender to all stages of life – the perfect reflection for me while I move through my daily work. It keeps me continuously connected to the awareness that inspiration comes through any experience and that even the surprises that unfold in unexpected ways do have something hidden to discover and propel us forth with.

I also added these photos from the “in between” time of day, as they also celebrate the beauty of all stages and moments being filled with enchanted possibility for us to embrace. Not to mention, they have connection to Astrid and all rabbits – more on that to come.

Even though we’re not fully anchored into any one particular season right now here in the mountains, I still find so much inspiration and vitality in what IS right before me.

The same goes for things I’m involved with on the work front. Although I’m not where I see myself going, I am in momentum of making that possible with every little thing I engage fully with right now.

And because of what I AM doing right now, is the only reason what’s to come will BE what it could BE.

Growth is not about the end result – it’s the alchemy of process. Every detail and piece enriches every other, and in totality allows us to experience it all as a work of art.

It never fails that any time I’ve been frustrated about a piece of the journey, I’ve always later seen why it was necessary. And any time I’ve felt indifference to something, my spark renews simply by “being” in the moment and letting go of projecting myself into the future, after-the-fact.

We experience anxiety or regret because we aren’t anchored in presence.

And speaking of transitions, below is a little seasonal update from Astrid and me, as Spring continues to unfold and I continue to shift gears.

But before hopping into that, I thought I’d share this piece of information, as not only does it go perfectly with today’s blog theme, but if you like to learn one new thing each day, this might be that for you. 🙂

Rabbit Fun Fact: If you didn’t know, contrary to the belief that rabbits are nocturnal, in fact they are actually what’s called “crepuscular,” meaning that they are most active during the twilight hours – just before sunrise and just after sunset. These are the moments of partial illumination before or after total darkness.

That means they are very familiar with the in between times, much like faeries….wink wink 😉

So, of course, Astrid wanted to hop on to emphasize the richness of embracing our processes, the journey, our evolution…in all of its stages…and to enjoy the in between just as much – like she does!

She also wanted to add that there’s a little Easter Sale going on in our Etsy shop on last remaining items.

We have very limited inventory – 4 items to be exact – but we do have one of our very favorites available, which are the Magick Rabbit Keepsake Chests that have multiple uses including make great Reiki boxes. Although their name includes “rabbit” in it and most of the ones I’ve created have been rabbit visions, these chests are not limited to rabbit-themed art. Anything you can imagine can be painted on them. So, keep that in mind if you have any upcoming birthdays, celebrations, holidays, or special honorary ideas.

I’m currently in strictly art mode for the remainder of March and most of April (besides the new mentoring kicking in mid-way), so these are right up my alley right now before shifting gears.

The link to hop on is:

The Magick Rabbit Etsy Shop

The sale includes 10-15% off the last four items we have in stock.

The sale goes through Easter Sunday, April 4th.

I’m still listening for guidance on if we’ll put the shop on indefinite closure, or keep it open for those divine inspirations and/or items that want to come through.

Everything feels in flux for March and April still, so likely I’ll have clarity on that as things continue to move forward.

For now, I’m not rushing to make decisions because I know how everything I’m currently working on always has a way of moving energy and inspiring the next steps, naturally.

Wishing you greater peace, embrace, and presence with your own personal transitions you’re navigating.

Know that you’re exactly where you need to be, right here and now.

Enjoy the in between!

Can You Feel It?

I don’t know if it’s that Spring is in the air, the Moon was just full, that the Cosmos keeps an extra potent rhythm while moving across the astrological dance floor these days, if we’re catching up with our future selves and time has finally blurred, or all of these, but there’s a definitive change I keep feeling….and do even see.

It shows up in the light – vortexes, orbs, energy fields, coded grids, an array of rainbow explosions.

It shows up in accelerated time and instant manifestations.

It shows up in glowing faces and vibrant auras I see and feel in others, as well as huge leaps and expansion more are saying “yes” to.

It shows up in extra brilliance and surreal qualities to landscapes before me.

It shows up in increased amounts of incredible artistry, creativity, teamwork, rooted values, and inspired architectural plans for the inner and outer landscapes of life.

It shows up in increased synchronicities, vitality, downloads, extra prophetic or clear insights, and more abundant reservoirs of energy I’m, and others are, experiencing.

It even shows up in extra exuberance, bunny binkies, and deeper connecting I see from Astrid.

Yesterday’s Libra Full Moon peaked right in the middle of the online Crystal Healing & Reiki class I taught – a class filled with beautiful souls and energy that felt heightened.

I noticed an increased Cosmic presence channeling through, which has become more the norm for me these days. It’s not only an external sense of this, but more so of recognizing it within myself and others. While I know we are spirit in body, this has become an increasingly conscious and nearly tangible experience of both being it in wholeness and observing all the little nuances of it in its parts.

It’s hard to really put in words, as it’s more of an experience. The cool thing is, at least some of what I’m trying to explain DOES actually show up in photos like the ones you see here of the incredible energy fields at the creek behind the house that create quite a portal.

These first four photos are of a spot I love out back in the forest that I walked to on Saturday – the day before teaching the class I mentioned.

I like to get out in Nature daily, but especially so when teaching classes where I know we’ll be talking a lot about energy, experiencing it, channeling it, and stepping into an accelerated or heightened consciousness state.

And whenever crystals are involved, you’re bound to call in some Cosmic love and receive some downloads.

So, Nature called and I even explored a new little area that you can see in the next two photos that equally had its own energy vortex going on amidst the ancient rock beings.

I actually jogged up a hill to these rocks to avoid some people walking with their dogs because I was really just wanting to have a quiet preparation day with the only interaction being with dear Terra – our Mother Earth.

It was the first time I’d explored this particular outcropping, but I’m glad my support of what I was feeling directed me their way.

I ended up climbing around them for a bit, before heading to the creek, finding several doorways around each corner and another potent energy portal.

It felt activating in a very energized, not depleting, way so that class yesterday, in fact, was quite supported with what ever was downloaded and I was quite supported with a full well to draw upon.

The weather the last few days has also shifted into more of a true mountain Spring experience with temperatures in the mid to upper 50’s. Here at this high altitude the Sun is felt more directly and so it was actually perfect for soaking in some vitamin D rays on the deck – also adding to absorbing the Sun’s light codes as an upgrade.

These last two Nature photos are from the post-class 5+ mile hike down to the lake, as my way to immerse in the wild, share gratitude, and receive all of Nature’s good vibes she has to share.

I was especially taken by the brilliance dancing on and in the water. Those light codes again felt super alive and strong, inviting me closer. I knelt down, immersing my hands in the refreshing coolness, which shifted something.

Later I noticed my hands, especially the left one, getting hot when thinking or talking about something in a way that engaged all of me.

There’s an overall sense of upgrades not just in motion, but truly anchoring in more.

My sense is that although it’s an accelerated process, it will likely be noticed only by those with curiosity to explore it. Otherwise, the upgrades are overlooked.

Although it simply is the natural state of life ever-evolving, what is being experienced is an exquisite masterpiece so finely created that its evolution may not be noted until generations later.

We are shifting into a time of “being” and “knowing” – a time of transparency and wholeness, of remembering and navigating forward by the guidance of our hearts’ wisdom. A time of visionary creating and multi-dimensional awareness.

It’s a work of art in motion of being and each of us have leading roles on the collective stage of Life on Earth.

Things are shifting.

Upgrades are happening.

Transformation is in process.

Rebirth, renewal, recreation….

Can you feel it?

Make Today Magickal & End of March Update

I’m sticking my head out momentarily to share today as my last blog for this week, before returning to preparations for Sunday’s last class I have on the agenda to teach for now, and finalizing one of the three last art commissions I’m working on. I’ll return next week when my time opens up more, so that I can stay focused and balanced right now.

Today’s blog is a combination of a message I shared on Instagram while I was away on our Winter adventure that feels important to reiterate here and at this time, followed by a brief update.

Here’s the message that accompanies the photo:

You have the ability to choose different thoughts, shift perspectives, take new actions, and embrace deeper compassion and kindness toward self and others at any time. And when you do so, any of these simple things can immediately shift the course of your experience and your day – perhaps even your life.

You can infuse an extra little bit of magick in your life by engaging your imagination and giving yourself moments of possibility or joyful expressions even if just for minutes a day. Your imagination doesn’t distinguish between real and not real. It’s all real and from this expansive space is where you create new realities by aligning you with manifestations.

Journaling is one way to engage your creativity, express what you’ve been holding in, get anxiety out from all the thoughts you constantly juggle and replay over and over in your head, and a way to share your hopes and dreams so that you can see patterns in what your heart desires most. It’s also a way that you can learn to interpret repetitive signs and messages that you receive as constant guidance. It can be a map to navigate your life by and a holder for all that no longer serves you to stay attached to.

How will you make today more magickal?

And speaking of magickal…..One of my sweetest friends, Kathleen (Kat), sent me this video a couple of days ago knowing I would just love it. Talk about engaging imagination and creativity – this feels like the Aquarian visionary and cocreative energy the world is moving more and more toward. As I shared with her, I love “how everyone contributed their amazing gifts to such an incredible, creative masterpiece! Simply wondrous!!”

I sure wouldn’t mind this as an addition to my Wonderland office! I hope you enjoy the amazingness of souls joining their talents together for creative harmony.

And here is the brief update:

I’m currently transitioning portions of my life during the month of March and April, which means closing and opening new doorways, once again, so that I can move into a new phase of essence alignment. That means a hiatus for now with some of the work I was called to open to over the last year to support others with, so I have the time needed to grow some other seeds into being.

I’ve already been slowly phasing out pages of this website now that offerings have been filled and will continue to transition my website with a little facelift once I’m completely beyond current projects. This is why you don’t see certain pages available anymore.

Only the 2021 Classes & Events page remains, but only until Sunday. I had to remove the Intuitive Energy Guide Sessions and Reiki Healing Attunements page early because I just don’t have time to schedule anymore these last days of March.

I have room for one more person if anyone’s interested in joining last minute for Sunday’s Crystal Healing & Reiki online class. Please let me know as soon as you can so I can get materials and details emailed to you in time.

Because each person is also receiving a crystal healing activation for renewal, clarity and empowerment in the class, I had to limit the space or else we tend to run over class time a lot.

You can register directly here (scroll down to the second class on the page):

2021 Classes & Events

For those of you who might have been interested in either the first class – Intuition & Reiki – or the upcoming one – Crystal Healing & Reiki – but couldn’t make it, there is opportunity to still catch the classes on your own time.

I recorded the first and will be recording the next one, so if you’re interested I can send you the private link to either or both to review at your own pace.

If this is of interest to you, please CONTACT ME for details.

The Value of Contrast & Spring’s Messengers for Instinctive Life Changes

The recent landscape of experience here for us had me reflecting on the nature of life and how we interact with the diversity in and around us. Nature always teaches and so it’s no wonder I receive so many insights or a-ha moments when I’m out within her classroom.

Seasonal shifts make for some diverse day experiences here in the high altitudes of the Sierra Nevadas and since Spring Equinox we’ve been alternating between morning ski activities and afternoon hikes. The transitioning weather makes a variety of enjoyment possible, which is an added gift.

We’ve instinctively followed the flow of weather patterns and where our bodies felt called, which has mirrored the contrast of snow, sunshine, shifting temperatures, and variances of altitude we are drawn to. And along the way some new and old animal guides have accompanied the adventures, roaming the inner and outer landscapes of experience with me.

With the shift of seasons we’ve felt energies stir and the need for more physical activity to balance out the heightened creative inspiration and output, both in motion and underway, that is happening on other fronts of life.

It felt perfect that Saturday’s Equinox portal opened this floodgate of action and it doesn’t feel like it will be stopping anytime soon, as we have an affinity to so many new ideas and experiences drawing us into alignment with them.

The first grouping of photos above are from Saturday morning skiing, followed below by our hike at lower elevations where wild mustangs roam. This first photo capturing the wide open terrain and two free-spirited wild mustangs grazing peacefully.

Dave mountain biked while I hiked, and I found myself feeling like the wild mustangs, wind in my hair, out wandering the spider web of trails I had to navigate by both instinct and trail app on my phone, since trails are unmarked.

It was fun to mirror the free, intuition-based spirit of these beautiful creatures who have always been soul connected with me since I was a little girl. And it ended up being a great catalyst for the seasonal new cycle, as well as a very unique, first time ever initiation I was honored to facilitate that evening – where I used a grid to open a cosmic portal to assist an activation for a dear soul. This was the top portion of the more elaborate layout, but the candle had a unicorn talisman (fitting with the wild mustang energy of the day and this soul’s energy signature) and a quartz amplifier burning within the silver sparkle of white current aroma.

And we’ve continued, and will continue, in this vein of oscillating between activities and varying terrain with more morning skiing and day hikes, feeling it suits our energy needs. As the weather shifts and Nature evolves a new landscape, we will mirror her reflections both inwardly and outwardly.

There’s a stronger sense of this synergy between us and I feel it will be helpful with what the year has in store.

As you can see in the photos (above from Saturday and below from Sunday’s unified adventures), there’s a lot to be grateful for in the way Nature unfolds herself to us. Every step of the journey is perfection and so are you, even when things are in process of unfolding.

Nature so beautifully teaches us a natural human evolution that lives from a greater sense of embodied wholeness, no matter where along the journey we are, no matter what we find inside or out that seems at odds – it’s all a way to live life more fully and value those differences. There is something to harness within it all and it doesn’t have to be a this or that experience.

Contrast is a gift that helps us know our essence, sacred truth, and the vast richness of micro within the macro. Contrast gives us evolution, but also is innately the wholeness of that continuum.

Much of the time we avoid and even run from differences. And sometimes we oscillate between them.

Contrast is the basis for desire and achievement, but our relationship to it keeps us in a place of moving forward as a reaction, rather than purely creating for the mere sake of experiencing our creative energy in its authentic flow.

When we get lost in ego frustrations, worry, doubt, or judgements, we find ourselves in pain on some level because we lose sight of how everything really all works together and does so quite incredibly when we shift our perspective of things. We see things separate or conflicting, yet contrast inspires a spark that otherwise we may ignore – and many times do. It’s a divine messaging system to our innate creative energy to do what it was designed to do – create. If we were to create and experience for the pure sake of creating and experiencing, we wouldn’t be so triggered by contrast.

We would surrender more into our instinctual mechanism of being, just like Nature’s children do.

Contrast would be as it is in Nature – a way of being any and all potentials in flow of ever-creating from the infinite field of experience.

And speaking of a way of being in flow of what I would call, essence, along with how nature always teaches….In the wee hours of the morning of Spring Equinox I had yet another bear dream. I’ve lost count now of how many bears have visited me in dream life. Amongst other things, bears symbolize the cycles of life and awakening insights and opportunities, so it felt aligned to be dreaming of bear as we were moving through this seasonal portal. Bears ask us to go deeper within exploration of our path and journey and to listen within for answers, while carrying bear medicine indicates a knowing of that purpose and direction, underscored with leadership potentials. There was a big sense of direct messaging in the dream where bear reached out for my hand – not to attack – but to mark a reminder on my hand with her claws. A full return to the path having been ignited a few years ago is “at hand.” And since bears for me have been connected to my cosmic family, this is a message of essence. I love that it came alongside my having seen evidence and made decisions in this vein, and so it feels supportive rather than conflicting.

The day after the Equinox, while out on our hike, my eyes were drawn to another dear animal teacher while I allowed myself to wander off path. A sweet meadow vole lay in her resting place, and it touched my heart. Voles speak to sensitivity and heightened awareness to your surroundings. Like bear, vole teaches us to listen to our senses and feelings, and to trust and rely on our intuition. They really show us how to engage our ideas productively, knowing that only where we focus is where things will happen. So deeply invoking creative tenacity toward making dreams real, while maintaining a level of invisibility will be most productive for dynamic changes underway. They also symbolize and instruct about destruction and rebirth, guiding us to understand what needs to change in our life and how to manifest those shifts. Again, like bear symbolizing cycles of life, vole’s appearance felt like a perfect mirror for the Spring portal.

And then of course there were the wild mustangs. Wild horses message us of limitless possibilities and how to progress into new directions with freedom of movement that will help clarify the path to take. They teach us how to face life with grace in our hearts and to live with ultra awareness as we embark on each adventure. Deep intuitive connection and increased clairvoyance are part of their medicine, again mirroring bear and vole with that inner knowing being the important guiding factor. Wild horses will urge us to break free from restrictions that hinder our authentic personal expression and integrity and give us the power to support the changes needed in order to honor that free spirit – mirroring both bear and vole in their clarity around understanding changes needed to support the direction our dreams and path point to.

I’m grateful to these messengers for amplifying my feelings and being way-showers of the next wheel of life evolution.

Yesterday, the 21st, was also another marker of evolution that shifted things greatly for me. It was the one year anniversary of our engagement – falling on Spring Equinox that year when everything in the world turned upside down. What a year it was with great contrasts for sure. A literal and metaphorical marriage of contrasts creates unification and ability to harness the value inherent in differences to make the sum total of greatest good.

I still can’t help but see it all as a creative opportunity to contribute our best to each other and life as a whole.

On Wings of Ostara ~ Flying Through the Spring Equinox Gateway of Renewal

Although we still walk through patches of melting snow and ski upon fresh powdered sugar-laced grounds that surround us here in the high mountain altitudes of the Sierra Nevadas, the sunshine illuminates in warm vernal rays, the skies have begun to moisten the forests with cleansing rains mixed with whispers of Jack Frost’s lingering goodbyes, and the Earth is singing in green bursts of celebration.

There are still the morning dawns of ice diamonds upon branches, brisk chills in the Zephyr winds, and snow tracks from burrow to burrow of the snowshoe rabbits turned white. Yet muddy trails emerge for hopeful feet to journey upon lotus promised grounds.

“If there comes a little thaw,

Still the air is chill and raw,

Here and there a patch of snow,

Dirtier than the ground below,

Dribbles down a marshy flood;

Ankle-deep you stick in mud

In the meadows while you sing,

“This is Spring.”

~Christopher Pearce Cranch, A Spring Growl

As we step through the potent Spring Equinox Gateway, I am reminded that Nature reflects to us how to navigate the inner realms by way of surveying Her landscape as our own spiritual terrain.

Ostara is the Goddess of Spring who nurtures the innately rich land and keeps a loving eye on all the sprouting new life emerging from Winter’s blanket. This time of awakening from quiet preparation gets stirred by her fertile spell into inspired action.

She illuminates opportunity and the dawning of a new cycle, where possibility stirs in every new bud of life.

The sensual, soft, and magnetic aspects to the sacred feminine she embodies, also carry powerful creative forces like no other that can give and take away life through birth and rebirth.

This is the access point to the field of potential within the vortex of your heart.

There are many symbols that represent the generative powers of Spring – some of my favorite including the rabbit or hare, butterflies, blossoms, and The Cosmic Egg.

For Winter Solstice I was called to share with your heart, a visual spell from the essence of my spirit and once again I drop into the well of my heart’s depth to bring forth another of my spirit’s emanation. The creative energy of my signature frequency heeds the call to express herself as a form of transformative regeneration to join with the collective’s intentions to create a New Earth experience.

Through our creative energy, we each weave a thread of activation that unites the collective tapestry.

We each embody an energy signature and archetype by birth. My own, from onset of Earthly emergence this life, carries the numerology of the number three when my birthday is broken down simplistically. This is the energy signature of The Empress in Tarot ~ creative abundance and manifestation, unlimited fertile possibility, harmony, love, Earth Mother nurturing and growth, creating beauty, sensual comfort, stability, birthing of new beginnings that constantly recreate themselves, and wholeness from bigger picture Cosmos to smallest Earthly detail.

Synchronously, the qualities of Ostara are found in The Empress. And so it is no wonder I walk this Earth with a rabbit familiar and rabbits have been my soul companions for years – my first appearing when I was twelve years old. It’s also no coincidence that when I first, very consciously, began my spiritual journey and asked to receive the symbol of my life’s work, it came to me as the butterfly.

And ever since each of these first appearances in my life, both have been prolific in presence and uncanny experiences, not to mention have shown up in consistent, guiding ways.

So, when I received the message that I would be sharing another visual spell for this seasonal turn of the Wheel, it became clear I was to embody my birth essence in honor of Ostara and Spring.

My Venus in Aquarius has been speaking very loudly these days and partnered with my inner Empress, the creative expressions you see here are my answer to the Spring nudges, carrying a specific encoded message from heart to heart.

While Astrid would have lovingly danced with me, I decided to let her rest and support me from the comfort of her castle tower overlooking things from her dream state, as she’s already bravely taken on so much this Winter with our journeys. She instead helped choose the pieces to accompany me, including a golden rabbit as her stand-in.

I hope you enjoy this creative expression from my thread of the tapestry and here’s a Spring Equinox Prayer and Ostara Poem to accompany the journey as you flutter softly through our transitioning forest and garden here with me:

The dancing hare foretells the spring,
With fertility and new life this time does bring,
Gay Eostre dances on the earth,
As seeds and flowers come to birth.
Tulips and daffodils come into bloom,
And life sprouts from the Mother Earth’s womb,
Birds lay their eggs now and the light is growing,
Catkins and blossoms on the leaves are showing.
The sun reaches forth with his hand,
To the Maiden of flowers returns to the land,
Their dance brings new balance into our life,
Planting the seeds to overcome strife.
We grow with the flowers and the trees,
Winters gloom banished on a spring breeze.
The joy of new birth enters our hearts,
As we look forward to Beltane’s love.

May this portal of renewal activate your own rebirthing of creative expression, abundant potential, and harmonious, inspired action.

Reaching for the Sunshine and a Warm Thank You

Even though we continue to experience days of snow and we are getting out to ski still, Spring is pushing through here in the high mountain altitudes. It’s so exciting to see all my iris, tulip and daffodil bulbs reaching for the sunshine across our yard. They are eager to join the dance in celebration of the Equinox here shortly.

My birthday irises being the first to blossom, as you know, but the others are not far behind. And there’s much more on the way than what I captured here to share with you.

Soon it will be garden time. I have a ton of wildflower seeds ready to join last year’s perennials I planted and I’ll of course pick up some new beauties to add to what will return. My garden and garden tower are already showing signs of returning growth. It’s always fun to see what surprises the Fae of the land have in store.

Every season has so much enchantment, mystery, and gifts to offer – each reflecting our inner landscapes and sharing with us the answers to how we can more effectively align with life.

And speaking of life alignment, I was unable to share this video thank you the last time, but forgot I could upload it to my YouTube Channel. So, I pasted it in below, as it was important to me to connect more personally with each of you here as well, to extend deep gratitude to everyone sharing interest and courage to join this space and invite me to walk with you.

The five month immersives that I refer to can be found here, along with how to move forward with applying:

The Mentor Muse ~ Guiding Inspiration for Life’s Work Alignment

The video was taken last week, right before the New Moon in Pisces and Sunday’s Intuition Class, but the message of gratitude is timeless.

Immersives begin the week of April 12th and March 20th is the last day to turn in applications – that’s now only two days away. I’m processing the last ones I’ve received so far, today and tomorrow, and it looks like two of the three spots are filled currently.

Stay tuned for a little Spring Equinox surprise.

Spring is in the Air ~ Refresh, Updates & Celebrations

Although it was a busy week, I seized some time in nature as a way to both celebrate being home and to balance out my days.

Alongside some gorgeous weather, we also received a fun welcome back snow of a few new inches that added an extension to our Winter fun we enjoyed on our trip, and made up for missing out on the snow that came while we were gone.

The three days of hikes above the lake, lakeside, and in our backyard forest creek area were perfect ways to support and tune into the energies.

You can definitely feel and see Spring in the air and a refreshing new wave of energy sweeping through.

To further amplify the new Spring energy, I got myself a refresh hair cut on the 11th, on the 12th I celebrated the 20 year anniversary of my legal name change to Tania Marie (when I made my middle name my last), welcomed in the Pisces New Moon on the 13th, and then immersed with the beautiful group we had for our online Intuition & Reiki class yesterday, on the 14th, when Daylight Savings Time began.

After class, I received a text from our friend that joined us skiing over my birthday. You might recall that I helped her with her skiing, which was a huge evolution for us both. Well, she texted me some photos of her skiing this weekend with that beaming face and smile of hers, along with hands up in celebration!

Her text read, “I came to Mammoth skiing with my friends and I went down the blue run! It was all thanks to your ski lessons that I was able to join them. Thank you again!” And concluded, “Thank you for opening up the opportunity for my enjoyment.”

AWWWWWW! So, so happy for, and proud of, her. What a perfect New Moon kick off!

And to top off celebrations, at onset of yesterday’s class we took a moment to cheer each other on with the life changes taking place for several, and honored some fellow soul family that have been part of classes in 2020, but were not present yesterday. We acknowledged the incredible upgrades and leaps they are making since going through their full round of Reiki classes – one who is embarking on opening her own hair and wellness salon where she’ll offer Reiki, and another already teaching HER first Reiki class in just nine days beginning with Reiki Level 3 instead of 1! We even had a birthday girl amongst us, whose birthday is today – a very dear soul to us all whom I’m sending out extra beams of love to with this blog. The nature photos here are for you sweet MMM because I know how much you love them! 🙂

My heart was overflowing! I love these beautiful souls so much!

It’s an incredible gift to be able to witness the powerful souls in human bodies that I am lucky enough to support and co-create with, and yesterday’s class was no exception. We are blessed to have the souls that we do on Earth at this time. It fuels much continued hope for me.

I’m feeling much gratitude for a beautiful class. Every joining of souls in these kinds of way is indeed an activation on larger levels.

Thank YOU!

To add to refreshing energies and blossoming beginnings, things are still transitioning with my focuses, work load, and personal space. It’s Spring cleaning time, after all, right?!

So, yes there’s a bit of cleaning, reorganizing, and realigning going on with my office, bedroom closet, and garage shelves, as well as completing all current projects, sessions, and classes so that I will be clear for the next wave of focuses anchoring in.

These are some March reminders to take into account, as I ready for those changes:

Last call for March sessions – I won’t be offering Intuitive Energy Guide Sessions or Reiki Healing Attunements after March. I’ll be taking a break with these to have more time to infuse elsewhere.

Custom Sacred Tattoo and Intentional Art Designs, of course, have already been put on hold – I’m still finishing my last three projects, but then taking a break with these as well.

I did temporarily reopen The Magick Rabbit Etsy Shop, when I returned, for the upcoming Spring and Easter season, but there are no new items currently in it.

I’ll be teaching the last new class of 2021 on March 28th – in just two weeks! There’s 3 spots left if anyone still is interested in joining: Crystal Healing & Reiki ~ Deepening through Integrative Healing Sessions

And last, March 20th – just five days away – is the last day to get applications in for the Mentor Muse 1:1 Immersives. I’m finalizing current ones and scheduling free phone consults so we can align the perfect fit for three people I’ll be working with over the next five months. So, far one spot is full, with two remaining, as I continue processing. I made a personal video thank you on social media to everyone who has been interested. I wanted to share it here, but was unable, so I am extending my personal gratitude to those of you who you who have felt called to step into this new space and who have chosen me to walk this path with you. It’s a huge honor I don’t take lightly and which is why I’m also taking this through layers of initiation so that everything is aligned.

Wishing you all a beautiful start to the week, as we ready for Spring Equinox!

New Moon in Pisces: March 13, 2021

This post about the upcoming New Moon Pisces energy got my attention to share, even if just to honor a dear soul in my life. I don’t speak a lot about the animal companions I had in my earlier adult years and childhood, but they each had great impact on my life. I had three parakeets, Sweetie, Baby, and Iris, as well as a turtle named Tee-Ta, and my first rabbit, Twinkie. All females, except for Twinkie – my first rabbit son before Cosmo. They are a part of my transformative years I hold close to heart. But it is Iris that jumped to the forefront today after reading this post from my dear Laura. Iris was my sweet soul companion parakeet while living in Sedona. She was pure white with gorgeous aqua cheeks. The name guided to me for her was, Iris, for it carried her essence – messenger of the gods, goddess of the rainbow, and bridge between worlds. She didn’t live very long, but she was a pure soul who came to me at one of the most pivotal and hugely transformative times in my life. I felt her speaking through, as I read the insights on the astrological energies we’re moving into.

And actually, it wasn’t until this moment of writing about her and feeling her energy that I realize she is in fact behind my “birthday irises” that have been appearing as gifts for my new solar cycles the last two years.

Having the Moon and Sun in Pisces – my native sign – feels like home to me and with the upcoming Intuition & Reiki online class this Sunday, directly following the New Moon portal, feels very supportive for intuition and supporting the wisdom of our inner voice we’ll be navigating. It’s a very dreamy, inspirational energy to imagine better realities too.

There’s opportunity to see through all illusions and embrace greater clarity of your heart. I know, for myself, I continue to feel refreshed by seeing through the subtle and not so subtle illusions near and far around me. It’s liberating to no longer be bound by my boundless Pisces nature that at times has easily been manipulated in the undercurrents. We have the ability to turn our sensitivities into discernment and see things and people for who they really are so that we can make more aligned choices to the nature of who we really are. Sometimes even those closest to us who have what they feel are the best intentions, don’t actually have our best intentions in mind, but an agenda of their own. It’s wise to keep a spidey-eye on how you feel, separate to what others are feeling or relaying to you. It’s interesting because I never really understood the meaning of “keep your friends close and your enemies closer,” until later in my life. I wouldn’t personally use the word, “enemy,” as I don’t carry that kind of energy in me, but there are definitely those who consciously or unconsciously have agendas that aren’t for our highest good and it’s good to keep a keen eye on them while holding the transformative vibration of love. That’s a little Pisces-101 from a Pisces who’s gone through quite a journey with boundaries and illusions.

Laura Bruno's Blog

March 13 brings a New Moon in Pisces at 5:21 a.m. Eastern US time. My March Forecast noted:

Pisces is the sign of the mystic. We can use this month’s reset to reaffirm our individual place within the bigger picture. As the poet Kabir said, “All know that the drop merges into the ocean, but few know that the ocean merges into the drop.” This New Moon conjuncts the Sun, Venus and Neptune, a heartfelt portal to bring dreams and fantasies to life.

In addition, the New Moon at 23 Pisces also conjuncts asteroid Iris at 20 Pisces and the Trans-Neptunian Object (TNO) Borasisi at 25 Pisces. In conjunction with Neptune at 20 Pisces, this cluster suggests a potential for revelations about deception. Of the major planets, Neptune rules the collective unconscious, dreams and higher spirituality, but also addictions, delusions and deception. Iris and Borasisi also deal with illusions and…

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A Celebratory Homecoming Inside and Out

I wasn’t going to post a blog today, but I was so excited upon returning home to discover these welcome back gifts that I thought I’d share them so I can pass on some signs of renewal already underway. You might recall that last February, for my birthday, some surprise purple irises bloomed out of no where as a message of hope – irises I don’t remember planting there and at high mountain altitude, were an early amazement. I wondered if the same would happen this year and was sad of the potential that I might miss them, since we were away for my birthday. But the moment we pulled up to the house I caught sight of two purple beauties peeking out as you can see!

They are the very first ones, with another about to bloom. I understood that they waited just for me, continuing in the vein of birthday celebrations and also reflecting another hopeful outlook on the year ahead.

I know this past Winter has continued trying for many and there’s been a lot of challenging energies to integrate, but as Spring is just around the corner so, too, does it feel that there is promise to believe in and inspired action to put into motion.

After saying hello to my “birthday irises,” as I’m now calling them, I discovered that some of my other bulbs were also pushing through.

I shared in September how I planted 150 new tulip and daffodil bulbs and the ones I discovered upon returning home were in fact the very ones I planted this past fall! Another beautiful reflection of seeded intentions that were woven, in fact are starting to sprout. They feel to foretell of nurtured goals and dreams not only having potential, but are in fact a reality beginning to manifest – step-by-step.

Another interesting reflection came through random photos I took of myself on Friday after our last day skiing before we headed out the next day. I noticed when I took off my helmet, how the silver was really showing up all over both woven throughout and in the stripes along the front. It was even more noticeable in person, but I snapped shots anyway because my hair had a wild, witchy look to it I wanted to document for how it also felt reflective.

I didn’t realize until it was pointed out, that somehow parts of my hair showed up as vibrant teal when in fact I have no teal in my hair what so ever and there was no teal light shining on me.

Check out the left side of my hair especially in the above two photos, and then the overall aura glow on the one below that almost has a touch of violet in the teal emanating.

I did at one time have teal put into my hair for Spring two years ago, as you may also remember, but this was odd. It reminded me of those cameras that catch auras on film and it felt like the teal was being revealed as my aura color, which makes sense if you know me and my energy and that aqua/teal has always been my favorite color.

Essence reflections, perhaps?

Does it speak to the evolution and integration I underwent this past Winter into a greater embodiment of the nature of me?

Bare-faced and silver woven, I feel a great sense of peace that cannot be swayed by anything outside of me – enhanced by experiences this Winter where I learned I could navigate any terrain with calm.

I went out this morning to say hello to our land and check everyone out, as well as introduce this new addition to the Enchanted Garden Portal.

These two sweeties are another solar light decked out in succulents to match the one my parents gave to me. They are actually going to be in the garden soil itself, but I took the photo below to show how sweetly they go together.

I couldn’t resist and felt they’d be a perfect addition, home coming, and a great way to welcome Spring with a big Hoppy Ostara/Oestara!

Ironically, although it appears like Spring is on the way, we actually have a storm that is making itself known a little earlier than expected. We’ll have snow the next few days, but on and off snow flurries already just started a couple of hours ago. There is still a lot of snowy patches all around and the mountains are covered, but I’ve noticed green sprouts peeking through here and there.

Feels like we still have some incubating to do while growth is underway.

I know we’ve only just landed to our Forest Portal yesterday, but it feels oh so good. No matter the adventures and beauty we go off to enjoy, we always feel most gratitude for our home right here. Oh how we missed our tree guardians that encircle the house, the Fae of the land, our forest, Sierra Nevada mountains, and the incredible mystery jewel – Lake Tahoe – which is beyond compare for us.

The comfort of a sanctuary you’ve created in a land that you love is priceless.

The fur babies are all enjoying being back, each in their happy places. Astrid knew mom promised we’d return and while she had quite the evolution this Winter, she’s super pleased and at peace being in her royal faery realm.

What a trooper they all have been, but Astrid is truly the Rabbit Traveler Extraordinaire! I’m amazed by her, as anyone who knows rabbits would likely tell you what she accomplished through road trips alone was nothing but incredible.

We’re grateful to our friends who have sent so much loving support and good energy.

As Astrid and I entered our Wonderland room we nearly lost our breath because we’d forgotten how much we adore it. Everything has a freshness to it and feels as if the Fae sprinkled extra magick into everything while we were away, to prepare it for us as a welcome home.

To say she and I are in bliss, is an understatement.

(UPDATE: I forgot to mention that on our travels back home we saw pronghorn again and an owl flying in plain sight of daylight. The owl was in the exact area we saw her at the start of the trip so that felt potent and full circle, including how I saw on the clock every consecutive repetitive time: 1:11, 2:22, 3:33 (owl showed up right after this), 4:44 and 5:55! Also the night we returned I woke in the middle of it with tailbone aches. I haven’t had that in a while and usually it happens at very shifting times. Being that this area of the coccyx and sacrum are a portal, it seems powerful to note.)

Nine Weeks ~ A Full Cycle of Transformation, Alignment & Gleaning

Nine represents completion, but not finality. It’s about a cyclical transition that is journeyed as an evolutionary rebirthing. The valuable things we learn through the entire process become the activators of the new cycle – one after another. An infinite potential of wisdom gleaned and/or transformation experienced.

It’s amazing to be coming to the end of our nine week journey, which all began with one fully loaded car as you can see, and sitting with the incredible way time both flies and feels like eternity. Dave named it “The Ski Safari,” but little did he know how the conclusion would reflect that quite literally. You’ll see what I mean shortly.

Looking back at photos of us from both the start (below taken a couple weeks in) and finish (last photo taken yesterday), I can see the big shift that has taken place inwardly.

And here we are, today, heading out on our very last ski of the safari before we start making our way home tomorrow. We’ve had some really gorgeous weather the last two weeks (beginning my birthday week actually) with sparkly sunshine, baby blue skies, powdery white snow and warmth kissing our skin.

The entire trip has given us much to be grateful for and we’ll be reflecting on it all as we break up travels back to Lake Tahoe into two days over this weekend to make it easier on everyone, but especially the fur babies.

We finished out our time in Colorado with a simple, low-key birthday, which was perfect for highlighting what is most important in life. I choose to place my focus on the blessings and to find the hidden gifts. We don’t know what tomorrow will bring or even if the sun will shine for us come morning, but breathing into the spaciousness of this moment helps us to experience the impetus of potential innate within us. Then, cradled by the Full Moon of my birthday night, all things deserving of gratitude were illuminated in my reflections, while I also whispered many a wish into the light streaming through the window onto me. 

This last week has seen us back in Utah, staying in the Salt Lake City area, where birthday celebrations have continued. We traveled the day after my birthday and along the 7 1/2 hour drive the amazing landscapes and sightings were continued gifts. These included an incredible sighting of a herd of pronghorn with babies (we haven’t seen pronghorn since our Magick Bus RV adventure – so that felt potent), several herds of mule deer, and a mysterious, dark, medium-sized creature along the river’s edge I could not place.

Between the weather, pronghorn, deer, and babies it all feels so reflective of Winter transitioning to Spring.

Touchdown at our Airbnb for the week was quite welcome to lay our weary heads down for a long night’s rest, but that didn’t come until we’d finished exploring our new home-away-from-home that had so many surprises in store.

Nestled into a very quiet neighborhood with sweeping vistas of the snow covered mountains, we found ourselves in quite an eclectic, large yet cozy, and seemed-to-be-made-just-for-me home. The birthday faeries pulled out all the stops to make sure birthday celebrations would continue all week.

Everywhere I turned, there were little touches that spoke to me – from decorative affirmational art with sweet messages, to tiny faery surprises as the brand name inside the sink I washed my face, a hidden magick tree cubby hole, and even Egyptian decor, plus more! I was texting with a friend when we arrived, as I was discovering everything, and we were both kind of getting a little “scared” in a good way, as the little touches seemed like someone had done research on me or something and then placed things inconspicuously for me to find.

Thank you Uni! (My endearing name for The Universe).

I’ve spoken briefly about my Egyptian connection in the past, but of all the journeys I’ve made it has been the two to Egypt that were the most powerfully transformative for me due to that connection. And here we found ourselves in this magickal space that had one designated room that felt like a dimensional doorway to there.

What a surprise it was to discover a home movie room with giant Egyptian statues all throughout. I’ve never been in a home like this, which actually was a separate level to the main house above. This Egyptian room was just one of five different rooms, but of course was my favorite. You could actually feel the different energy just stepping into it.

You can bet I’ve dimmed and turned out the lights a few times while sitting quietly inside and it right away brought me back to my time in the King and Queen’s chamber of the Great Pyramid where we meditated in complete privacy and darkness during my visits there.

I don’t know if you can see the details in this next photo enough, but on our second day after landing here we went hiking in the snow and the vistas were incredible…This one in particular was “wow,” as to me the snowy mountains ahead looked like pyramids, including some step pyramids (look to the left) and temples – just like I’ve seen and visited in Egypt. It all reminded me of this sacred land covered in a mysterious white enchantment. Like a portal to another world and time.

And if these things weren’t enough, right outside the door is a large yard and garden area with hidden magick to include fun rabbits, faery, gnome, owl, magick mushrooms, reading squirrels and so much more.

The icing on the cake was discovering that right over the other side of the fence the next door neighbors had quite the eclectic family of their own fur babies to include goats (perfect literal Capricorn friends to celebrate sea goat growth for me), Australian emus, and an African zebra.

Didn’t Dave anoint this “The Ski Safari”? Hehe!!

I definitely have felt like a lot of timelines and exotic destinations from my past and soul history were all intersecting here and brought together as little nuggets of alchemy to light the way.

To continue in the vein of this energy, on Monday night I had quite a magickal dream that likely was ignited from all of this mysterious enchantment. The dream involved an incredible large and ancient horse that merged the energies of prehistoric (there we go again), Sumerian, and Egyptian. The horse came at me very deliberately, but only to connect. There was no threat. And then the horse morphed into a more modern day horse, carrying all of the magickal energy still but no longer appearing as it did before. This female horse gave birth to four foals by a male horse that also now appeared in the dream. They were all magick horses and began to levitate, then fly, in front of me. They did so without wings. It was quite something and meaningful.

I then went on to have another dream that had me finding video snippets of me that were so familiar and yet I felt like my memory had been wiped of them even though I knew they were so real. They were of me just with different hairstyles, as an actress in different scenes and roles at various international locations. It was more involved than this, but basically spoke to me of parallel timelines seeping through. In this life I had almost gone that route when in my late 20’s, but chose a different route and closed a hard door there after meeting a not-so-pleasant person from a past life.

All so interesting to say the least.

But on to more fun things about this week, we also found ourselves minutes from an all vegan bakery that carries incredible yummies with half of them even being gluten free as well, with a variety of ready-made meals from their mini cafe section to take and go. Yes, we made several trips there to indulge on this last week of our trip and also have explored several vegan restaurants in the Salt Lake City area – all extending out birthday celebrations in a grand way.

I’m feeling very nurtured by it all and grateful for all of the alignments being reflected. It feels like this last week has been the perfect way to end the adventure. We’ve returned to some of the ski resorts we started the trip off with and visited a new one we hadn’t yet, while making sure our last day – today – is at our fav of the area – perfectly named Deer Valley for all the sweet deer family “springing” up along these days.

What also has sprung is quite the transformation – each of us in our own way.

And that leads me to share a few things I gleaned on this journey.

I experienced the truth of how you can learn anything at any age, that skiing IS actually fun if I make it my own experience, how you can make fear your friend, that most anything is possible if you’re willing to commit yourself and love yourself through it, gentle approaches encourage growth more than force, you don’t have to be an expert at something to teach someone, experience and relatability is the keystone bridge for connection and understanding, you can transform old patterns with love, you have the power to change anything, applying your gifts and tools to everything you do helps to make magick an every day experience of empowerment, trusting yourself, above all, makes all the difference, taking time to listen within will align you with clarity and direction, there’s no mountain too high to climb if you want to and no mountain too steep to get down with full control – you don’t have to fall, but if you do, there’s no failure in getting back up again.

Ironically, “knock-on-wood,” I didn’t actually fall once in the 43 days of skiing so far this season. In comparison to a lot of falls in the past, that’s quite something. There’s nothing wrong with falling, as sometimes things just happen and you simply return to your feet and find the gift in loving yourself anyway, but I learned a lot of self-taught techniques and implemented deliberate presence and care every step of the way to ensure a safe and fun adventure. And Dave, by the way, skied and snow boarded all season on a torn meniscus.

Yes, anything is possible.

You are an intuitive being whether you think you are, or not. When you reteach yourself to trust what you’re feeling and relax into a more peaceful state of presence, then you can be more mindful, discerning, and understanding of how to navigate the energy streams in healthy partnership of heart and mind where unnecessary risks, but invigorating challenge will meet in your always being exactly where your spirit desires.

This last week has felt like an integrative transition from the inner to outer world and so listening to intuition has been on high for me to help guide the way.

It’s incredible how we’ve been away all Winter and will return just as Spring gets ready to sprout. I’m curious to see what I’ll discover since being away and what new magick is on the way.

The journey is an experience that unfolds one blossoming petal at a time and yet at every turn it always is a flower of life.

May the light of your essence speak more loudly than the whispers of doubt. You are more powerful than you think and more capable than you allow yourself to believe. Every day the sun shines on your face is a reminder that you shine when you allow a new dawn to rise.

Next week is going to be quite full upon returning home and hunkering down with things, so I’m not sure when I’ll blog next. Perhaps after the 14th, which will be our first class of 2021. Until then, keep the faith, nurture your dreams, and go for what your heart is whispering to you.