Monthly Archives: November 2016

Living with Conscious Intention & the Release & Embrace that Reflects Your Truth


This New Moon in Sagittarius drew out the Truth and offered us opportunity to expand into our empowerment. These crystal beings were my partners for this journey.

I listen to their essence and intuitively am drawn to which crystals would assist most greatly with current focuses and align most fluidly with the energies.

How do you harness the energies available?

Ritual, intention, going within, creating sacred space and sacred presence, inviting crystal beings, elementals, your higher self and divine forces into your daily practice, meditation, nature communing, creative self expression, greater wholeness of being…?

There are so many ways you can live life with conscious intention and work with all that is available to you to create alchemy.

Whether you utilize tools, modalities, your unique gifts, etc. the power lies within you above all else and the rest is your access to remember and stand in that truth and strength.

I’ve been blessed to have many crystal friends over the course of the years that have assisted me in knowing myself and harnessing my gifts to greater depths.


Many have moved on to assist others (including these 2 amazing herkimer diamonds above) and nearly all moved forth to new guardians both during a public and most recent private offering directly after that, leaving me with the least amount of crystals I’ve had (not counting crystal jewelry) in my presence.

I’d been guided that the last 20 (which includes 3 crystal wands) hold the frequencies of my current path and are some of my most cherished friends connected in some cases with my beloved rabbit companions who have moved on.

At some point some of these may be ready to assist others, and like now, I know that letting go is what opens new doorways and new experiences and friends to join me.

It’s amazing to observe how our lives evolve and the reflections of those changes all around us.

In many ways I’ve seen nearly all of what my life was released to the collective well to make room for the new in my own, which others have opened for me, and to allow others to step into their own versions of space I used to hold.

It’s such a beautiful process and journey we are creating together and trickling out to one another by letting go and embracing simultaneously.

I’m so excited about the new recreation of my life and life’s work and look forward to sharing it all with you, as I also look forward to witnessing and experiencing your new.

There is so much creative expression being channeled right now and new versions of everything that’s ever been, which is awesome!

Dare to create outside of the box and don’t try to be like anyone else or fit yourself into a limiting definition and paradigm that squeezes the life out of you.

Your courage to create new and more expansive versions of you creates potential for us all.

Adrenal Fatigue ~ Messenger of a Return to Natural Harmony & Balance Needed Now

Adrenal fatigue seems to have reached epidemic proportions and affects so many people, aware or not and many people I know, including myself. Many healers, sensitives, intuitives, creatives, and visionaries are just some of the people that experience its effects a lot due to being so empathic and open to feeling energies so easily. But anyone who has an overload of energy coming at them, little to no boundaries, and a predisposition to overdrive, high levels of endurance, sensitivity to others and the energetic environment, a lot of emotional stress, etc. will experience this if haven’t already. And those are just some of the things that can contribute.

Other things which can be one or a combination of many or all of these include diet (whether or not you get high quality foods in), vitamin deficiencies, toxic overload (environmental, chemicals, pollutants, energetic), inefficient quality of sleep leading to fatigue, stress (perceived or not and especially emotional stress), going through integration of major changes in life, upgrades being assimilated, trauma, chronic diseases that place demands on the adrenals, isolation, overworked, over-driven and overachieving, pushing yourself, living in the future and not the present, worrying, living outside your means or trying to support a lifestyle you think you need to have, operating on old patterns and conditioning you’re battling, confusion, unclarity, not fully loving yourself at the core, fighting your path and gifts, forcing something, running yourself ragged and all over the place without focus (too many irons in the fire), challenged with boundaries, being in martyr or victim roles, trying to change others, trying to prove something, being out of balance…..all create an inability for your adrenals to cope with the load.

And for some, our endurance levels are higher and so we can go for a long time thinking everything’s alright, but then suddenly crash. That’s the more sneaky, challenging kind of adrenal depletion because we easily mask the symptoms and messages with our abilities to overcome, sustain with our other gifts, and fuel ourselves with energy from other sources, but never really building ourselves up, but maintaining us at a coping level that is spiraling and soon to be out of control or worse.

I’m not a doctor, medical intuitive, or any practitioner of medicine whether western or naturopathic, so my share is simply from personal experience and observation, but I have suffered from adrenal fatigue and have turned my predisposition to it into a gift.

I have, like many others, adrenal sensitivity which I was born with that will always need to be high on my radar or major crashes can, and have happened.

I lived with the symptoms of it, not knowing what it was, but did become aware in my early twenties of my having a very high level of nervous anxiety and stress that was both a symptom of my extreme sensitivity to energies I absorbed all around me since infant stage, and to my personal challenges around that, not to mention factors playing out around performing at a certain level, trying to appease others to create a harmonious environment, which was something I learned also very early on as a child to do while I observed how dynamics worked out and how I could “fix” them.

The thing is, that wasn’t a fix. It was only masking the issues.

I also had the high endurance and strength levels that carried me forward and kept pushing on.

But it came at the detriment to myself, always feeling acidic in my stomach, going through bouts of acne as a result throughout those years (now completely gone), fatigue, and then crashing.

The crashing came after years of it. So yes, you can go on for a while, but why would you want to? As by the time you crash, for those with high levels of endurance, this really means you’re in a very depleted place and the adrenals will need a long time to rebalance and readjust in order to fully recover again.

And adrenal depletion will result in so many symptoms and a spiraling effect of other health challenges if not tended to.

And unfortunately, for myself, and I know for others, once you feel you’ve recovered, you tend to go back to the same way of life again, unless you decide to stop the spiral once and for all and focus on how to correct things at the core.

I’m happy to say that I no longer experience the effects of adrenal fatigue and it’s been because of a lifelong journey and commitment.

I’d been told by naturopathic doctors that it would be a lifelong battle, and I would have to manage and maintain it with herbs constantly.

I came to accept that and believe what they said, which only put me further into a victim role and that I could never really be in control of my health. Used it as my “excuse” in a way, or keeping me from fully being whole. And although I accepted that and learned to love it as a gift, I felt still that I could go beyond this and not define that as part of my wholeness, but simply a part of my story to wholeness that I was rewriting.

Each time I went to a naturopathic doctor and they gave me a protocol, while also discussing underlying roots, they were surprised at how quickly I turned it around. But then I’d fall back again after a couple of years.

Until, I really got it at the core.

Everyone will be different, but for me, the difference was in the commitment to myself.

Changing my lifestyle, changing the way I thought, felt, and acted as a result.

Focusing on living only from pure expression of my essence integrity and what I “needed” as the breath of life to me to bring forth through everything I did.

Learning how to create and have stronger boundaries…saying yes and no very clearly.

Releasing myself more and more from past patterns I’d identified from past life, childhood, genetic predisposition, and DNA conditioning.

Letting go of the word service and just being me.

Not pushing myself, relaxing into divine timing, trusting that what I do is enough and is perfect despite devised ideas of what I “should” be doing or performing as.

Finding my own definition of success.

Living a balanced life and immersing fully into nature.

Taking time for me so I have a deep fortified well to give authentically and responsibly from.

My diet has always been good and clean eating 100% vegan for nearly 11 years now, but changing from even being tight and strict with it in terms of only eating the cleanest of these types of foods, but rather living more flowing and by my intuition (continuing to eat 100% vegan, but whatever I desired including fun vegan goodies). This to include eating in a more balanced way that helped decrease my sensitivities because of ONLY eating clean, plus eating more relaxed and naturally, drawing me to a balance and not living in a mindset of if I dirty up my diet that I have to make up for it. No pushing or punishment. No binge and then deprive….Just pure flow.

Fully loving myself and not just saying the words.

Following my passions and singing my song.

Flowing with life and aligning with it rather than trying to control it.

Seeing everything as a gift and turning triggers into alchemy.

Knowing what is my stuff and what is not.

Being honest with myself, learning to live more from pure observation, and more by example.

Embodying my beliefs and nurturing what strengthens that.

And so on….

I’m grateful to say I’ve been able to stop taking the adrenal herbs and am still balanced and without fatigue or any symptoms I used to have, but instead live with increased vitality and inspiration and finally have that peace inside and out – alkalinity of mind, body, heart, and soul has returned.

I tried it as an experiment, as I do believe that if we thoroughly work from the core, we CAN find our way back to balance. And it has proven my theory, at least for me.

That as long as I continue in this vein, and put balance and harmony of being at the forefront of my life, then my body will find its natural balance.

And if ever something slightly shows up, rather than wait until it gets worse and ignore it, to pay attention, be ultra present, and immediately make the adjustments where needed and this can change it around instantly. As our bodies are simply messengers with gifts to reveal to us a remembering of our true nature and of the balance required as its innate foundation.

A return to natural harmony is always available in our daily practice of choice and widening perspectives.

I don’t recommend doing anything without your own doctor’s approval, as again I’m NO doctor.

I just constantly am working with energies at the metaphysical level and finding my way back to me.

If you suffer from high levels of stress, perhaps you may want to add into your protocol, a thorough visit into your own patterns and work from the inside out to rebalance mind, body, heart, and soul as a holistic way of being.

Adrenal fatigue is your ticket to you. Remember who you really are.

And as a result, the more of us that remember and embody that, the world will reflect it in greater proportions too.

Honoring Our Interconnectedness & the Souls Who Remind Us Of Our Song


I’ve been blessed with these four magickal souls in rabbit bodies in my life and have been forever changed because of them. They’ve all reminded me of my song, helping me get to where I am today. Our love transcends time, not to mention opens gateways through it. We have so much more to create together and I welcome walking that path with them in my heart and others that will join, as we do.

“The spiritual path is not a solo endeavor…We are in it together and the company of spiritual friends helps us realize our interconnectedness.” ~Tara Brach

I’m grateful for all of my soul family who have been a part of my life and helped me to remember who I am, which includes all connections that have intertwined and of course friends, loved ones, biological family, Cosmic family, and the other amazing souls who have come to me in animal bodies including the incredible Gaia my Russian Tortoise, Tee-Ta my first turtle love, Iris the white parakeet with aqua cheeks, and Sweetie and Girl my two powder blue parakeets.

It’s always amazing to me to look at how the tapestry has been woven into such richness because of all of the threads.

A Festive & Potent Thanksgiving


Yesterday we made our way down to Reno to share the day, warmth, cheer, and decadent delights with my family. It also proved quite auspicious. It’s nice to be close to them again to visit and especially so around holidays, as my parents are known for decorating the house in festive magick throughout. They are definitely the parents of a Faery, harnessing their own creative and artist alchemy to beautify and create dreamy realms that echo the heart of one’s inner child.

The photos here are but a tiny sample of how things were decorated, as they had splashes of autumn beauty everywhere.


From moment of entering their own mini castle in their little oasis sitting between two mountain ranges next to a wash and with their own season mini creek bed amidst their Faery yard, you feel and smell the welcome of entering into a place that nurtures the heart.

We shared a lovely day, enjoyed a huge feast both mom and dad prepared, followed by dad’s gourmet baked goods all made with love. They always make us everything vegan too.


The rest of the day was filled with conversation, naps for some with full tummies before dessert, and lots of metaphysical talk, and Tarot and homemade Rune fun, as we delved into explorations in both.


And we topped it all off with dad’s apple and pumpkin pie.


I marveled over how magickal the piece on my plate lit up with sparkly Faery dust and crystalline light.


Curiously, I had brought my small laptop with me, feeling like I wanted to share just the beginning of my book I’m writing with my mom, which would be the first time anyone but myself and those helping to channel it would hear it.

But apparently it was not the time even to share a glimpse of it with anyone, as when I pulled it out to do so, my computer wouldn’t turn on. The battery was completely drained, which has never happened before that quickly. And I did not bring my charger.

I got the message. It was still not time for it’s reveal.

And this occurred on a day that was filled with potent symbolism and messages leading up to arriving to my parent’s house.

Within a short span of about 35 minutes I’d seen 27 hawks. That’s incredible! They just popped up everywhere I turned. So many variety too. Some perched in trees, at the edge of meadows, on light posts, and a few flying straight at the car. All of them very very close, so I could see the full detail of their feathers, colors, faces, and incredibly powerful bodies. Each one, as if time stood still and locked in on them with a zoom lens and pause into timelessness. Amazing!

It was like an armada of sentinels and felt to be messengers from the Cosmos and my star family.

And, in the midst of the hawks, which are one of my main spirit guides, I also saw one most beautiful barn owl, which is my favorite owl and is part of my life path from here forward.

This incredible owl had unfortunately transitioned, but with such a beautiful, peaceful expression full of grace on its face. Her head turned, facing me directly.

And once again, time stood still, zoom took place locking in on her face, and another timeless pause so that she is etched in my mind’s eye.

This all felt powerfully meaningful for my life right now and what I’m involved in.

And then this morning as I was enjoying my favorite apple dumpling, my dad had made for us to bring back home, for breakfast with a homemade latte, I looked up and another incredible sighting appeared over Lake Tahoe’s portal directly in front of me where I sat at my computer.

An Arcturian symbol was etched in the sky, hovering over the Sierra Nevada Range, specifically over Mt. Tallac. This is a symbol of their main starship and one I wear in a sacred tattoo.

This is all no coincidence.

Something is afoot and it feels incredibly alchemical and much support is all around.

And so I continue forward and keep my senses on all-time high to be with what is unfolding.

There are messages everywhere and the more we open to presence and embrace, while expanding our perspectives, the more we see and receive them.

Not your completely typical Thanksgiving, but it fused Earth and Cosmos, physical and ethereal, nurturing comforts and expansive alchemy, human and star essence….my kind of celebration of life with the best of both worlds.

Gratitude Creates Alchemy


One of the ultimate spiritual lessons in life is gratitude. Gratitude for all the big AND little things…the seen AND unseen…the full gamut of experiences released from judgment and categorized value.

Focus on what there IS…not what you “think” you lack, as all things have a wider meaning with hidden gifts that reveal themselves when we release attachment and learn to understand how the highest good is always as work.

We just haven’t unwrapped the abundance yet, but the more gratitude you embrace, the more abundance you experience.

Gratitude isn’t just something to extend toward the so-called “good” things in life, but to ALL things – relinquishing the need to define, categorize, idealize, cast away, and judge them. That includes the “imperfect” that IS perfect and richly integral in our lives.

Today and always may you embrace the kind of gratitude that creates true alchemy.

Sending out deepest heart-to-heart gratitude for each and every one of you who is braving this journey together at this time in our collective experience. I know times get tough and intense, but you’re here and that speaks volumes. Thank you for your courage and love and for all of the love you’ve shared with me and others. Your light helps raise the vibration and makes more possible for us all. Keep shining and know that you are appreciated beyond measure.

Get Busy Being


A writer writes.

An artist creates.

A human loves.

A rabbit hops.

A flower blooms.

A star shines.

Get busy BEING.

And it doesn’t hurt to have a magickal Peter Rabbit to remind you of who you are.

Picture Windows Into My Soul Dreams


This morning I woke to this view from bed of snow blanketed trees and mountain and found myself in a waking dream. A wonderful and smooth transition from dream time, which can usually be a harsh transition for a Pisces, to open my eyes to another dream and feel swathed in an enchanted realm that feels like home to my soul.


After laying there immersed in the realm of my birth…I’m a Winter Water baby born in February and so the crystalline icy realm is fit for this Faery. ..I then turned to my left to catch the apricot sunshine of dawn kissing the snowy mountain tops across Lake Tahoe’s  watery portal.

I’m convinced that being here has taken me deeper into my essence again and which is why my dreams are amping up.

I always dream, but have been having so many richly symbolic, layered, and telepathic ones of recent. And a lot including sound healing.

Recently I had one of an ancient dolphin named Naru that included a friend of mine. I later learned that “Naru” here on Earth was Japanese meaning, “to change,” “sound,” and “to become.”

In the dream, the ancient dolphin being was in an area on a beach where there was little water, and she was out of the water. She didn’t seem beached, but did seem to be slowing down and getting ready to transition. My friend had a soft, moist, almost broom-like thing in her hand with a spongy soft end that she was gently rubbing over her back to soothe her and keep her moist and I was rubbing her around her face and fins with my hands. Her life force was strong. We remembered people saying not to touch them, but we were told to by the dolphin and trusted that connection because she communicated to us.

After a while I remember walking around behind her and it was almost like her body was open in the back near her tail and there were all these treasures there. We were to take the ones that spoke to us as gifts. They were ancient and beautiful. The only one I remember was this Egyptian piece like a pharaoh and it was a beautiful aqua color with crystals and diamonds in it. My friend found her own gift and it ended there.

This dolphin was soul family and while we assisted her shift back to her cosmic realm, she was supporting us with emotional healing and reminding us of our true nature and that we have gifts that are important to bring forth and focus on above all else. These reminded us of our ancient roots and interestingly the Egyptian theme returned last night in another dream with a different friend.

Synchronously of course, it is in Egypt, this life, where I accessed my sound channeling gift and opened my throat chakra.

Anyway, that same night I had a dream of a rhino that kept following me and wouldn’t let me out of her sight.

She kept nudging me with her horn.

Rhinos also connect us to the ancient wisdom of our soul. They represent a solitary person who creates self-made success and remind us to use our spiritual eyes to see within, which expands our inner knowledge to new levels. They also remind us to stay grounded in our spiritual work and to take things one step at a time with confident sure-footedness and richly deep Earth connection.

The symbolism of their horn is magickal and powerful, reminding me of unicorns or narwhals and feels like a horn of illumination and personal empowerment to strengthen what is within us and turn our eyes to see with greater clarity beyond the veils and come to more conscious enlightenment from a deeper core soul place.

And then last night was one of those nights where several people I know all were in different dreams where I received messages and visions of things in their lives (confirmed later), but I also had some cool ones for myself. And as mentioned one dream continued with an Egyptian connection.

But the coolest dream for me involved this unusual and very magickal “piano”. It was like no other I’ve seen. Maybe about 3 feet wide and 4 or 5 feet tall, with about 3 inch wide keys on it that all had beautiful nature or cosmic inspired images on them. They were recognized by essence, rather than a note, word, or letter.

Interestingly there was a purchase price of $1052. I always get these very specific numbers. 🙂 But numerologically that would equate to the number 8, which has its own significance, including abundance, power, infinity, harmony, and balance.

Anyway, this piano was like harmony itself and I was able to play the keys in different sequences, which would create an organic symphony of nature and cosmos notes/tones/essences I could blend together through inspiration and listening to the frequencies and vibrations and how they aligned together to create specific “keys” to open portals of experience.

It was like a gift that accessed creation itself.

Mmmmmm….yes, I’m feeling the energy here up high in my treehouse in the sky and these picture windows are helping me to peer deeply into my soul and soul awareness, to access another kind of vision, and surrounding me with constantly shifting reflections mirroring the inner landscape of my experiences and evolutionary growth – not simply as an individual, but as a unique part of the whole.

Grateful for these blessings and insights to how I may be able to bring what is within forth to share with others in a way that honors that return to natural harmony.

Sacred Tattoos – Personal Portals to Genetic Rewiring

Although I no longer offer sacred tattoo design services, the requests have continued to pour in, my book continues to receive a welcome reception, and the topic of spiritual tattoos continues spreading far and wide. It’s been an incredible journey with my own “Spiritual Skin” and observing the process unfold for so many in empowering ways. Currently I’m working on providing information for an upcoming article on this topic, which I’ve been asked to collaborate on as the “featured expert”. This is a great honor I feel humbled to be referred to as, but I mostly just feel like I’ve been one of the voices/channels to help bring this ancient artistry to the forefront in more expansive and awakening ways, as it was once meant to be. For that, I’m grateful and equally grateful for all the amazing artists, tattoo enthusiasts, and souls who have embraced this as their own spiritually transformative, integratively healing, and empowering journey. I look forward to sharing the article when it comes out, but for now I felt guided to reshare this blog article I wrote back in 2011.

Tania Marie

The more I experience the effects of what I find to be life-changing information, the more I feel driven to share those discoveries with others. This is what took place after over 13 years and 100 plus hours of tattoo work, leading me to write “Spiritual Skin” and make available what I found to be profoundly empowering and healing. The more I saw the valuable gifts as integrated pieces to the bigger picture support of the new collective shifts, it became clear there was something powerful being revealed that others could also benefit greatly from. Personally learning how sacred tattoos were potent transformational tools made me realize the significance of what this information held and it was something that felt like a disservice to keep to myself.

And so “Spiritual Skin” came into creation and has been well received in ways I hadn’t even imagined – aiding a new paradigm…

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Fears, Mourning & Leaps Into the New

I’m noticing how so many conscious souls are finding themselves in this “recreating self” mode of visioning and embodying new expressions that are most soulfully and heartfully aligned with essence. And this seems to involve a huge rush of expansive possibilities excitingly knocking on the door. So many potentials, so many doors….the question being which to open, and in direct connection, which to close? There are so many potentials to choose from and the beauty is, you can create any reality you want, as the energetic environment is fertile for sure! The key is to make that first choice to take a step forward, which is usually the largest hurdle and may be the one causing the most challenge or fear.

Sure, there is timing, alignment, and flow to be mindful of and definitely honoring that fluidity of energy right now that can shift at the drop of a gnome’s hat, so everything is really about an organic process that reveals itself moment to moment by being in natural harmony with all things.

But there is also that fear hurdle – fear of making the wrong choice, fear of the new, fear of stepping into your most authentic footprints yet, fear of not succeeding, fear of vulnerability in bringing forth the most truest heart parts of yourself into the world in big ways, fear of letting go of what has been comfortable and you’ve become expert at, fear of saying no to opportunities that “seem” different or play on your “service mentality” making you think “what if” this is an exception you can still be involved in, fear of not knowing if what you’re choosing is the end result you want…..and the list goes on.

I know for myself in terms of fears this also equates to my boundaries. I’ve always been one to give and want to help, not had any boundaries as a Pisces, and have spent lifetimes in service roles, and yet now I’m rewriting the idea of “to serve” into something more like “showing up authentically and living from the highest frequency of my soul signature” which automatically is for the highest good of all concerned without having to differentiate and without giving up personal power by placing one, if even by definition, in a subservient or martyr role.

I say “no” to everything that doesn’t feel to feed my creative freedom and joy right now. I stay consistent with that no matter how much something pulls on my heart strings, as I know that when I make the move forward into the new, the old will come at me in many forms and disguises simply because it’s the natural process of cleansing and bringing it up.

If I let one thing in, then the old gets in in slippery ways.

Has that brought up stuff for me? Of course!

Has it challenged me? Definitely!

Have I felt the fears of walking away from successful things? Sure!

But what I found is the more I consistently committed to saying “no” and honoring my boundaries in a truly compassionate way which accounts for true responsibility for the highest good of all concerned, the easier it has been and it becomes crystal clear what is the new and the old, what is the me now and the me then.

So I keep moving forward and the old’s power diminishes, while the strong becomes fortified and my courage and conviction for what I know to be of truest expression to myself grows.

I’ve risked walking away from successful things and even likely having people think I’m crazy, but I’d rather be me than doing something that drains me or that appeases others ideas.

I keep saying no to so many requests from potential clients, because I know in my heart that my heart is not there anymore.

And like many of you, I’ve had that quandary of not knowing where to begin…having so many irons in the fire of ideas and potentials. But as I explored each of them, I discovered where the energy was most speaking to the now, which would likely lead and open doors to more, including the rest, and which currently was the most passion-fulfilling and heart connected in this moment of joyful expression and what was aligned with the collective new reality I’m helping to cocreate.

And so I started there, knowing there is no ONE end result, but it is all an unfolding process that I listen to the energy of in each moment.

I/we need to take a step and the rest unfolds from there….there isn’t a wrong choice. There’s just choice.

If you can’t figure out which speaks most to you, just try one and see if the energy flows, or if it gets blocked and then you’ll be led to the next step.

Or, you’ll discover yourself totally immersed in flow and passionate expression and know you’re in the perfect place for now.

But the Universe waits for you to make a choice and then aligns with you, and that choice will also be evident by the energetic environment and what seems to be showing up, flowing most easily, and likely has had signs thrown at you that you might be ignoring since you are waiting for how all of the things you see will come together now.

That is a process. It all IS happening now, but in a different way than you think.

So the first fear hurdle is making a choice. Once you do that, you will see how things flow and open and become easier to navigate, to feel/see more clearly, and understand.

And yes, I have my own personal vulnerabilities and fears of the new, or rather the self-doubts that creep up. But I’m happy to say that they are outweighed and outlived by my trust in the energy I feel that surpasses the doubts now.

So while they can come into my experience now and then, I am easily able to walk myself through them within minutes and understand them as indication of my willingness to see them and move through them, while also indicating a new found strength, courage, and commitment that is running the show now, rather than the doubts or insecurities.

It’s truly a beautiful process when we partner with ourselves and our subconscious and inner child. We can have honoring and compassionate conversations that result in pure alchemy.

So while in essence the new I’m focusing on is within the umbrella of the creative me I’ve always been expressing, they are new ventures and perhaps in some ways not exactly how people imagined I’d bring it forth. Although, once I do, my guess is that because it is so aligned with my essence, people will likely say, “oh yeah, of course that’s Tania!”.

And yet there is that risk of greater and greater vulnerability to put out there the more we dig deep into the well of our souls and bring it forth publicly.

That can be scary, but it is inevitably freeing and liberating, as you release the self-bondage that’s been heavily carried all these years, or perhaps lifetimes and draining your energy to truly shine and share with the world.

Do I know if what I will create will be what is known in the world as “successful” or equal what I’ve done that was “successful”?

No, but I know it is a success if I’m doing exactly what I know in my heart I’m wanting and needing to do and doing it simply for the sake of it’s being the breath of life for me and not spending and wasting time on trying to figure out how that equates in any other way, as to me that takes care of itself when we are authentically being.

That is MY idea of success….when I’m living a life from my heart and every day is a joy to be expressing myself and experiencing my version of reality.

So that brings us to mourning.

When we’re creating the new we may go through a process of mourning the old….whether an old way of life, a relationship, any kind of experience of loss, a job, a home, or a part of ourselves.

This is natural and goes along with the fear process, as when we mourn, we may also have fears brought up that go hand-in-hand with it of thinking we will never again experience something like that again or that it never gets any better, that you’ll never experience what you want, etc.

And the truth is, you won’t experience something like that again.

But you’ll experience something better, which you can’t imagine right now from the place of your current, natural mourning, cleansing, and releasing of the old process.

Everything is relative to where we are currently.

The new is only possible to experience in the essence of our imagination, but will be even better than what you envision.

I always intend things to be “this or something better,” as I never limit myself to what I am only capable of seeing/thinking/imagining at the moment, as possibilities are unlimited.

But yes, we will mourn and that is something to honor for sure, while having gratitude for all that we’ve experienced and have been blessed with whether seen as gifts or not – because they all are and have helped us get to this point – and we will go through that human heart process of temporary growing pains for sure.

Let it flow….and it will flow through.

I have this going on in very literal ways with processing my own mourning of Cosmo, not long after mourning Joy – my two rabbit best friends and wise teachers who recently transitioned within four months of each other.

And they, to me, represent the passage of an old era of me, and mourning so much more than the beautiful physical companionship we shared.

Joy especially ended a time period of my life since she came into my life over 7 years ago when so much was shifting for me.

And Cosmo ended another huge shift in my life that came to closure with the new self-discovery journey and the Magick Bus explorative adventure to move energy into the new.

And yet they both knew exactly when to leave this Earth plane, as I’m embarking on the new and they’ve ingrained the knowing of my soul path most deeply to prepare for what’s coming. They know how best to support me from the other realms for magickal assistance and channeling.

With each passing of my beloved soul companions – Nestor, Joy, Cosmo and Gaia the tortoise, I’ve always thought I’d never have that connection again, and yet each time I did and it deepened.

Yes, I’ve been challenged in my heart, even though I know with all my heart and soul they are with me so strongly and not gone at all. I’ve had a lot of mourning with Cosmo especially due to our daily intimate connecting on a constant basis that was very physical as well as spiritual.

But the sadness is true alchemy for me, as I channel it all in greater depth of creative self expression and even deeper knowing of myself and my path and this shows up in what I bring through me, as it does for us all.

It is through the beauty of mourning, which reminds me of Gaelic “keening” that one’s exquisite soul expression comes to graceful surface. Keening is a deep soulful, eerily beautiful lamenting song that is expressed by women in Ireland and Scotland at funerals and in honor of the “dead”.

And so, I keen a song of honor of all that was and is, as a beautiful and divine tapestry that brings us to the culmination of all that IS in the now.

Through acknowledgment and embrace of our fears, through the natural process of grieving, through loving ourselves and honoring what is in our hearts, through courageous steps, we make leaps into the new.

You do not have to see the end result.

You do not have to know how this story will unfold.

You simply need to get writing it.

As they say, a writer writes…..If you want the new to take form, then get writing it, one word, paragraph, and page at a time.

It gets easier as you let the “stuff” gently glide off your shoulders. You don’t need to carry it with you forward. If you hold onto the weight, your wings can’t open and take to flight.

I’d like to see you fly. I’d like to see us all fly.

And so the best way I can do that is to open my own wings.


Empaths, Malaise, and Downward Spirals: How to Shift the Energy Now

Some good insights and support from Laura on how to shift yourself out of the downward spiral you might be feeling at this time. I’m a Pisces so I can understand SO MUCH why this is happening in excess with the others she mentioned who are Pisces or water signs, as one of our lessons is learning boundaries where we have none. Although I have been unaffected by this since learning what is me and what is not and how to manage my own energy, due to my sensitivities I can feel the energy swirling around right outside my boundary and know it is very easy right now for nearly anyone to take this on, as after all, we ARE connected.

I’ve not only noticed the effects on everyone’s moods, personalities, energy, and fears, but have also noticed a desperation energy of healers ramping up their marketing in energetically unempowered ways. Perhaps this is in direct reaction to the dynamics that temporarily seem to have shifted with the Shadow coming forth in full force, and about unconsciously feeling the squeeze on what they have been working to bring forth, as if it will be lost. Perhaps it is the unconscious fear working on them, or a sense of wanting to assist everyone having challenge right now to raise the vibration, but the challenge I see is in the guidelines Laura posted in her blog share, as in one must fill their own well first and give only from that overflow you have AND not try to save and rescue others who either don’t want this or that in fact it would be disabling to their own healing journey. Trying to dictate what everyone’s path is and project our ideals upon them with judgment is not the answer.

It is tough to observe things and feel helpless to assist, and yet that’s the challenge, especially with Pisces, water signs, and empaths who have a natural inclination to truly understand and feel what others are feeling and wanting to help – hence the lesson.

You CAN assist by cultivating your own well being, which has its own direct effect, not to mention, THEN allows you to assist from an authentic and grounded place, that is healthy and balanced.

Besides the great techniques and energy filters Laura offered to help with this, I’d like to add what has also assisted me. Truly immersing myself in my creative passions and in creating the life I love despite the energetic environment around me. If you spend your time focused on cultivating your dreams, being involved in what you love, spending quality time with yourself and loved ones, and funneling your energy from your heart into creating the reality and taking the actions that reflect your beliefs and values, then this acts as its own deflector and builds your life force, aura, and strengthens your ability to discern between you and what’s not you, plus creates it’s own natural boundary.

Of course it’s key to understand how the energetic environment affecting you is providing you gifts to unlock your own Shadow and empower you into authentic being, to be aware of what’s going on to the level of need that is relative to your own path, but I would also recommend removing yourself from constantly feeding the energy once you’ve become aware of it. Focus on moving it through you, understanding what it means for your own life so you can put it to healing rest, and then fueling the power of that enlightening awakening into creating actual change in how you live your life.

Another thing that could be helpful for Pisces to learn, is to harness your ability to be boundless and collective focused, in a more productive way. Virgo is our opposite sign and learning how to harness the Earthy self-awareness Virgo has to offer us is part of our lesson to integrate as Pisces. So utilize that to KNOW THYSELF, as we say. But in times like the election stuff, rather than be specific focused on the environment OUT THERE and let all the details work on your Pisces sensitivity, this is where you can focus on the Bigger Picture instead. Pisces knows the collective dynamics at work and how it is all divinely unfolding regardless of the details that show up. So this is one of those times where your Pisces tendencies can assist, in embracing that All That Is and the divine intelligence within you KNOWS exactly what it is doing and will work itself out without judging it, just as All That Is does not judge.

So surrender and lean into that, while letting go of the nit-picking daily grind of details coming at you every day – unproductive/unhealthy Virgo tendency. Then harness that practical, go-getter, productive/healthy energy of Virgo, instead, to channel into your passions and life’s work. You will find yourself then tempering the best of your aspects to create balance, grounding, and healthy management of your greatest gifts innately available to you.

Laura Bruno's Blog

I can’t tell you how many sessions I’ve had with people this past week for whom the election and its aftermath — regardless of their politics or disinterest in politics — has triggered massive grief, anger, shock, disbelief, confusion, feelings of fear, cognitive dissonance, betrayal, and/or the desire to give up. Most of these clients are people “who know better” than to go down such spirals, but for whatever reason, they can’t seem to pull themselves out of the whirlpool.

In most cases, their usual coping tools aren’t working, because the things bothering them aren’t really “theirs” to fix.

I’ve had an unusually high volume of calls from Water Signs this past week, especially Pisces, well known for their fluid boundaries and subconscious empathing of surrounding emotions and energies. Even if you’re not a Pisces, if you feel less than optimal right now, please consider the possibility that you might…

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