Monthly Archives: July 2019

August Energy Update Ignited by Leo’s New Moon

While I’m continuing with only posting sporadically right now, I felt to share what feels like a very resonant and helpful message from Lee for the month. I had to giggle so much at the synchronicity of themes he reflects to me – a perfect message for this heart-opening Leo New Moon.

As he shares, we are in the process of clearing and upgrading, so this doesn’t mean you need to act upon all the inspirations showing up. Be with the experience.

Finish Your Book

Today’s post is a version of Ask Astrid Fridays with a Faerytale twist.

Yesterday evening we found ourselves at the last minute going to the beach down by the lake. A free music performance is put on every Thursday there during the Summer for about eight weeks. We hadn’t gone the week before, but after a long week it felt like an impromptu refresh. Nature put on an incredible sunset show as gift for coming that seemed to also reflect the stirrings in my heart. She started with a small rainbow portal in the clouds and then burst gently into dramatic and ethereal colors and expanse that were breathtaking.

Some friends showed up, including one of their moms who was on her last day’s visit before returning home. She came to celebrate her birthday this past week, turning 90. I met her once before and we shared a brief, but to-the-heart conversation before she left that was impactful.

She hadn’t spoken much during the time she was there, but then she and I were on our own for about three or so minutes right before her leaving. She was challenged with her speech, which I hadn’t remembered from last year, and asked me a few questions about how long I’ve lived here, where, and what I did as my work.

I told her about being an artist and writer. She asked what kind of book I was writing and I only briefly shared the genre before her son came over to gather her up and go.

As they walked away, after saying our goodbye’s, she stopped and turned to me and said, “Finish your book.”

It was so clear – more than anything she had said in conversation that evening and so much so that another very in-tune friend asked, “did she just say finish your book?” as he was also taken by the incredulous way she said it and how it came out. We both found it interesting, as I hadn’t said much at all about it, didn’t relay how I was in the editing phase, nor that I had taken another pause with it. And yet her message kept ringing for me.

I said to our friend and Dave that it didn’t even feel like it was her speaking and that’s what got me the most. It was more like she was a conduit for this message and the Universe was speaking through her, as something changed about her in that moment of relaying it.

All night and morning I keep hearing her and smiling at the way answers and confirmations come through.

Of course it was meaningful to me because I knew this is where I was returning after having spent time in the inner realm recently.

My book must be completed. That’s all I know. What happens after that isn’t important. Only that it’s time to return and Astrid agrees.

In fact, she got me in writing mode this morning, by inspiring a quick and sweet little “faerytale” to kick-start things with her explorations she called my attention to. I shared it this morning on social media.

It went like this with accompanying photos of her adventures:

Astrid woke from a long slumber, finding herself in a magickal realm surrounded by all the creatures and treasures she had only imagined in her mind until now.


Her heart leapt with excitement, for the possibilities in this new world seemed endless.


She explored all the enchantment, tenderly nosing everything…the crystals, sacred altars, sound instruments and sweet creatures all tickled her whiskers with delight.


“This could only be the sanctuary of a Faery,” she thought to herself. She searched high and low looking for the portal that must have brought her to this place, wondering how she could have come to be here.


“Because you belong here,” a voice from the Faery of this realm whispered in her heart. “We’ve been waiting for you.”


“But how can this be?” she asked.

“Because you are the Rabbit Faery Queen. Don’t you remember?”

It was at that moment in hearing these words spoken so purely to her heart that everything she once thought she knew melted away, revealing the truth beneath it all. A single tear fell from her eye, as she felt recognition wash over her. And so the story begins. 


I would not be a bit surprised if Astrid was the voice coming through the woman last night, or one of several collective voices in my spirit guide realm that channeled through.

In any event it reaffirmed the path I’ve chosen.

No other large scale project can be entertained until it’s done. So, even though I have had ideas streaming in, as mentioned in a previous post, completion is necessary with my current heart’s calling.

And having a couple of channels for quick creative inspiration, as well as the supportive sessions are perfect compliments.

Sometimes we need to simplify our lives in order to experience the full birth and death of each idea, path, project, and goal. Otherwise we stand juggling a ton of ideas and partial starts that stay suspended in air and never see their full cycle come down to Earth.

It made me reflect on the time we have here and now and how we utilize it.

More than ever the realization of impermanence is clear. We don’t know how much time we have and it makes living as present as possible right now so meaningful.

It’s not that what you decide to do with your present moment has to be something grand and with fireworks exploding, but it’s more about embracing the moment fully and living it with heart and gratitude.

This might mean appreciating everything around you and really sinking into the richness the tiniest things contain.

Or, this might mean that dreams, wish lists, things you have longed for, and incomplete projects or projects you want to start, you make priority and simplify the rest of your life in order to actually do, experience, and complete them.

You’ve heard it before about the importance of living life today, as if it might be your last.

So, if this was your last day, month, or year, what would you really want to do with it?

People often say before they transition that their deepest regrets are the things left unsaid or undone – ranging from telling a loved one how much they love them, forgiveness, more sweet moments with those they care about, taking time for the things that really mattered in life, investing in that thing that really felt pivotal, but the mind said it was impractical, a trip or goal they pushed off because other things needed to be in place first before they felt they could do it….

We always feel there is plenty of time for something and while it’s true that not forcing or rushing things is important, as well as finding the flow of alignment, there’s a fine balance and refinement to this and sometimes these can also be excuses to bypass something.

If something touches your heart and gut in a way that feels like a lingering ache in the background – subtle or profound – this is a message trying to get your attention.

Is there something you would like to do, change, experience, or step into that you can feel resistance to?

And if you do feel resistance, are you interested in exploring what that is?

Is it a fear, does it affirm your old or new beliefs, is it really about timing, does it speak to your inner author receiving inspiration for a rewrite?

The book of life is profound simply by way of being here.

It’s full of those short adventure stories where you get to keep choosing your path and endings.

When you finish one, you can start and rewrite another.

Don’t be afraid to finish.

Each ending is a new beginning.

Collective Pause to Create Alignment ~ Frequency Holders Building Momentum for the New


I was just communicating with a dear and we were sharing about recent non-motivated feelings to which I intuited as a necessary collective pause for some of us to create greater alignment. In fact, he was the inspiration for this blog post and its title. Remember that there is much at work in the undercurrents, including planetary retrogrades that support this “hold please” for effective use of energy. Not to mention, there are our individual undercurrents running the marathon alongside the collective ones. So, it really is a great opportunity to use momentum in those inner realms so that you will later propel forward with greater ease in the outer world.

In reality that means you aren’t actually doing nothing, it’s just that the brain and ego assign progress to tangible and visible things.

You’re actually doing a huge amount of stuff if you are in fact exploring core patterning that has run its course and you and the world have had enough with. These things will appear in subtle ways at first until the possible new shifts anchor in an alternate course.

In any event, it’s okay if you aren’t seeing a ton of results right now even though we’re in full Summer blossom season. The inner world is going through a new growth pattern mirroring nature, so that life on all levels will be more fertile.

You may in fact be overlooking some rich and wonderful things happening, nonetheless, because you’re more focused on the progress of projects, intents, and goals you were working on before or that you are receiving inspiration on wanting to engage in next.

I bet you have a lot of changes taking place, despite them not being the ones you thought or wanted to see.

In order for things to have long term effect, creating strong foundations will be a spring board to greater success and that comes with strengthening and embodying your personal frequency.

It feels as though many of us simply don’t want to do it the same old way anymore, nor do we just want temporary relief or satisfaction. We’re looking for something more that can grab hold of shifting the frequency on the whole playing field.

Today on social media I was guided to share about this “home frequency” energy and it seemed to resonate deeply for many. It spoke to being in that harmony of your home frequency and how vital this is more than ever now.

This is what I shared:

In times like these we need those of you who are the frequency holders to keep strong within that personal embodiment of pure energy you are here to emanate, regardless of what is going on all around, and yet transmuting it as you walk through it.

I feel purpose is about the presence you bring to anything you do, and for some within the collective that is simply, but importantly, about being present with your frequency and song that you sing, above all else, and carrying this through anything you choose to be engaged in along your path.

For these people, life is about doing everything as a sacred and seamless act – there is no separation as to what defines sacredness.

These souls are helping to anchor the new and may not live life out loud in the sense of being famous, but quietly do their most important work from behind-the-scenes and remain somewhat just under the radar.

Much is tearing apart at the seams and being tugged to extremes right now, which all has its purpose and will create a mirroring reality of individual choosing.

These frequency holders will embody new realities within the creatively unlimited potentialities of a middle way.

Stay strong. Your energy is much needed and your courage is much honored.

I’ve shared before how I’ve been very focused on the inner realms for a while now, abandoning a lot of what I was doing in order to create greater embodied resonance to how I proceed next.

This I knew could very well result in returning to the projects I had begun, but before progressing further, there has been a much needed inner world shift on deeper levels so that however I moved forward would then be strongly rooted.

During this time I’ve had many inspirations circulating through and I’ve allowed them to do so, simply riding their currents out in the energetic realm alone. In this way, feeling for the resonance and aligning with timing.

I discovered quite a few ideas that really inspired me by allowing myself to explore them in my imagination.

Some of what I found was that, as often is the case for me, they were future potentials and like my boundless enthusiasm always does, it feels like I can go there now.

Yet, when I feel out the energies collectively and my place in them, they in fact are ahead of current alignment.

So, I focus on grounding and of course lots of time hiking and being in nature helps me with this process of being here and now, especially when I’m climbing in elevation and can only take a determined step at a time to get to the destination at hand.

It can seem like things slow down so much from the easier downhills or even more flat terrains. At times times it can also feel like you’re temporarily falling backwards or have to readjust your center of gravity when the terrain gets so steep and the steps forward more challenging.

This helps to redirect, slow down, and rewind back to the process and individual steps of momentum that will move me forward and eventually to the visions I foresee. Sometimes you have to be open to what might seem like a detour where you’re trailblazing, but in fact is a rerouting onto an even better trail than you were hiking before.

Currently this has created “now” clarity and what was most important for me to focus on first. It has also let me see how much energy and time I have available and what interwoven parts would be the best compliments for both personal and collective alignment.

And this has led me to open sessions again, alongside working on my book.

I stepped back to focus on anchoring the new energy in my own life, which gave me the opportunity to build the foundations for my writing and to redefine the scope of my work – knowing my strengths and how best to harness them for the highest good.

While I’m still not returning to most of the other work I’ve done in the past, because of both the changes in my own personal path and their intersecting with what I am seeing reflected in collective challenges, I’ve honed in on these two meeting in alignment.

I’ve been experiencing a lot of reflections for this in the encounters and conversations with others and experiences I’ve been having recently at gatherings I don’t normally go to.

This, along with internal messaging, has guided me that I needed to open up this channel, even if just energetically and not necessarily long term.

So, with that, you’ll be able to check out the session options at the new Intuitive Energy Guide link on this web/blog.

I’m not sure how long it will be up and available, but “navigating the inner landscapes,” as I call this, to empower more frequency holders feels important right now.

These are different than what I’ve offered in the past, as now you can do these as one-time sessions or as needed, rather than the five week program I used to offer.

I am also focusing on my specialty and strengths to get to the root and help build new foundations with clarity from past hindrances, which includes what I feel to be the essential inner child work and patterning.

You can read more here:

Navigating the Inner Landscapes 

Wishing everyone a clarifying week, as we all keep moving forward together.

Manifesting from an Open Heart


Another cycling through of powerful energies is upon us with this Lunar Eclipse Full Moon in Capricorn – just one of the many astrological influences going on right now. With this Moon we are working with the energies of Capricorn and Cancer – think sensitive, open heart, and intuitive trust meets wise discernment, inner strength, and exercise of boundaries.

Emotions are raw at these Full Moons and heightened by Cancer’s energy right now. Capricorn steps in to help navigate these feelings more effectively and with a mature wisdom that helps you to harness determination and clarity to review things from a more balanced perspective. Then the intuition that is revealed doesn’t just sit idle, but now has a way of coming forth into manifestation.

This photo was taken of me on Sunday while we were on an adventurous hike. I love the merging of water, snow, and ice with mountainous terrain, rock, and greenery emerging. It speaks to me so much of this Capricorn and Cancer balancing made tangible, which was also part of the journey to get to the lakes at top – using feelings, intuition, determination, responsible action, and wise discernment to navigate the way.

I also love how my shoulders are in perfect alignment with the mountain behind me – almost creating an expansive wing-like essence, but one of solidity. My stance is grounded and anchored, and yet my energy feels open, free and flowing like the waters surrounding me.

If it’s hard to imagine what the merging of Cancer and Capricorn would feel and look like this, at least for me, helps me to envision it. And the experience helped me to embody it more.

It’s incredible how things happen like that.

Messages of this Moon speak to not relinquishing that inner heart and spirit knowing in place of what others or society are trying to impose as decisions for you.

Nurturing more courage and strength and surrounding yourself with more resonant spirits that align with you and help you to steer a more aligned course for yourself will likely be beneficial, especially if you feel challenged by doing it on your own.

It’s a time for discovering, embracing, and realizing your worth at the core of your being and that it’s not determined or defined by anything else but that.

Perhaps you might be feeling the desire to withdraw, but these are times to expand further.

The only true enemy you have is when you fight against yourself or give in to the perpetuation of collective struggles and patterns running the show.

There are some who may find moving on from experiences and people that feel oppressive will be supportive for this. And many others I’ve noticed are exiting in more extreme ways, as it feels timely for them to simply move on altogether.

It can be challenging and that’s why having some kind of support system – whether friends, family, like-minded kindred spirits, animal companions, loved ones, or a strong relationship to Nature or the nature within you can help.

Peace can be found through an understanding of non-duality – that there is a place where all things meet in the heart.

And speaking of hearts, I posted this share along with the photo above on my Instagram page and it felt aligned for these energies. I’m resharing it here, as I know many of you aren’t on Instagram.

Surrender to the courage of your wild heart – it has a power very rare.

Surrender to the guidance of your heart and take courageous steps to be more vulnerable and connect more intimately and deeply with yourself, others, and all of life around you. Your life will shift immensely in reflection to these commitments.

When the heart is continually being conditioned only by the mind, its voice and inspiration become stifled and confused, even when you actively try to engage it.

When you allow the mind’s influence to overpower the heart’s, you place limitations on the extraordinary source and well-spring of energy, vibrancy, guidance, intuition, and inspiration it can provide naturally. Not to mention, you hinder the joy and extraordinary experiences that could infuse your life if you had a clear path to your heart.

It’s not that we abandon the mind, but integrate a healthier union between it and the heart, with heart leading and being supported and channeled most effectively.

A wild heart is one that operates naturally, instinctively, and freely, providing direction from your authentic self and from the deepest passions and desires that stem from that truth. This is hidden between layers of “ideas” you have about yourself and the conditioned “desires” that you have come to learn.

Your wild heart will lead you back to your essence, and toward real liberation, satisfaction, harmony, and balance at the core of your being.

Be willing to face and lovingly let go of old mental and emotional patterns, and the conditioning that reins you in from experiencing your own wild, free heart – taking time to repattern yourself back to who you really are.

It’s not a simple journey at first, but it does become increasingly easy when consistently and actively engaged.

Afterall, it IS simply you returning to natural harmony. That may seem like a foreign experience right now, but it’s the most natural experience there is. You’ve simply forgotten this.

It’s interesting that in the last several days a few new animals have shown up for us here. Yesterday we had two long-tailed weasels visit our deck, which we’ve never seen. And on our bike ride, I saw a dead baby porcupine alongside the bike path. A few days ago I found a dead mouse on the forest trail behind our house. And swallowtail butterflies and large, chubby bumble bees (I like to call mini bear cubs with wings) galore have been visiting and dancing around me.

I didn’t get to see this one myself, but a friend had come to pick us up the other day and she said she saw a grown rabbit on our lawn. This made me happy because I’ve been wondering about Blueberry and his mom – the rabbit family from last year – and this made me feel that Blueberry was grown up and still making this his home.

These are just the more unusual of sightings to add to the array of daily regular ones, although I have a thing for finding all of the dead animals.

I also found five – my favorite number – Steller’s Jay feathers on Saturday…one after another. I actually “knew” I’d find five – even though they were all spread out over 7 miles.

The symbolism and energies of them are also telling and feel aligned with things.

Cycles continue and transformation is part of life. Best to flow with it, rather than fight it.

There are a lot of retrogrades also happening right now and these always lend to it being a beneficial time for reviewing and clarifying your life and life focuses.

What has been running the show for you?

What are your choices rooted in?

You have opportunity to change that story and live from a renewed connection to your inner heart’s guidance that now has the strong support system it has always craved, to do what it wants most.

This is manifesting from an open heart and it comes from the union of energies working together to strengthen each other.

Ask Astrid Fridays ~ The Rabbit’s Corner: Self Care for Optimal Living


Yesterday Astrid had her regular, full six month checkup at our favorite rabbit vet down at the bottom of Mt. Rose in Reno (photos at the vet below where she waited patiently). It’s an hour’s drive each way, so it’s a big event for a bunny to go through on top of the probing they don’t like. Well, I can’t blame her, as I do everything possible to avoid the same myself and doctors in general. I’m grateful to not have reason to seek medical attention, that I never catch colds or flus, and unless absolutely necessary, will always opt for holistic ways to treat and heal things in my life.

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Where rabbits are concerned, you just can’t take anything for granted, as they can suddenly have challenges out of no where that are very serious and scary in most cases, so it’s best to catch things early. Since they tend to hide things well for a while too, you really have to be diligent about presence with your bunny companion so you can spot the tiniest nuances in behavior and regularly be looking them over and catching anything odd looking or feeling that is developing.

We go to regular visits every six months and in the past when we’ve had something we’ve kept an eye on like her ear wax build up, we’ve done every three months until given the full green light.

At almost 5 years old, this September, she’s doing amazing and living her best bunny life ever. We count our blessings every day, as other than one bout of gas for about 3 hours that was connected to some deep past energy she was working on along with me once and some ear wax build up that once got her ear a little inflamed, she’s a really healthy, strong bunny. While at the vet she got a pedicure and the unloved ear flush to ensure her wax doesn’t create issues. I also picked up some extra stuff for our bunny ER stash just in case. 

Regular rabbit care routines and exams are a must and a good message to all of us though, to make sure we’re regularly taking care of ourselves from the inside out too.

Self care is much more than simply going to the doctor when there’s something challenging you, but also about doing the daily self care protocol that will help you not have to make those extra visits and ultimately, will provide you more vitality and energy overall.

I directly see the correlation between how I care for Astrid and myself and when I lack in the category of doing those extra little things, having her there reminds me.

I go above and beyond for her with making sure she has the best quality everything and that she gets all the little things that matter too, like lots of love and snuggle time, play time, encouragement, check-ins, and sticking to a well-established routine to meet her needs and beyond.

And since she is an extension of me, I know that since these enriching experiences keep her happy and health, then guess what? The same works for me if I continually practice enriching rituals, self care, and encouraging and loving check-ins with myself.

If I am tending to my needs, Astrid also thrives.

There’s no separation, since we reflect one another.

I know recently a lot of people have experienced some health challenges, have needed medical support for physical manifestations of things, and are even transitioning at this time. These things seem to go in cycles.

And at the same time, there’s also a record number of pregnancies and births taking place in surprising ways.

Life does balance itself out and so can we balance our energies when feeling depleted.

Channeling your creative spirit is another form of self care that is vital alongside the physical things like resting, getting enough good sleep, eating and exercising well, having some “you” time, getting outdoors to absorb good nature and vitamin D energies, practicing gratitude, having a healthy, loving, and encouraging dialogue with yourself, and doing little luxuriating things you really want and deserve to do.

I can’t emphasize it enough how committing to a little something everyday for yourself, can make a difference and start carving out a new life for yourself.

And if you truly feel you can’t commit to something right now, or today, then making a commitment to do it at some point during the week and sticking to that promise, will start to shift energy in your life and you’ll find your spirits lifting.

And when your spirits and heart feel uplifted, your physical vitality will shine.

Astrid wants to add her two cents here in sharing that vitality is a state of being. It’s not about the things you have, as these could just add more stress with bills or more things to manage and take care of. It’s about what you give intrinsically to yourself.

It could be little things you gift yourself or stretch to splurge because these acts then create the foundations of flowing abundance, but it can also just be the sweet, gentle, fun, nurturing and loving things you give yourself like two minutes of pep talk and encouragement, five minutes of meditation or sitting on a bench in the park, singing at the top of your lungs in the car or shower, putting on your favorite song and dancing, wearing a special outfit that makes you feel good, getting up a little earlier to make yourself a nice breakfast, using products on your body, hair, and skin that make you feel like you’ve been to the spa, or simply checking in to see how you’re feeling right here and now.

Astrid also wants to impart that checking in with those tiny nuances within yourself, just as I do for her, will help reveal things before they get bigger and more challenging than they need to be.

There’s a whole physical and energetic body communication that takes place moment to moment and you can be privy to it, rather than feel like a complete stranger to yourself.

After all, it IS YOUR body. No one will know it better than you, although like bunnies can hide things, so too do you hide from yourself.

You don’t need to internalize the suffering. You don’t need to internalize and forge ahead when there’s discomfort or pain.

Committing to self care – even if just a check-in with yourself and how you’re feeling, is powerful, revealing, and instantly creates opportunity for change.

I am usually pretty good at self care, but with life getting fuller over the years, I’ve definitely been more lax on some of my usual routines, replacing them with doing.

But I’ve made an extra effort to get back to these things and create more down time to tune in and just be and feel without doing.

Hence why we’ve stepped away from regular blogging and I’ve put a pause to projects to receive the guidance speaking through the wisdom of my body, heart, and soul vibrations.

I’ve created the time and space for extra listening that was needed and I’m happy to share that this has been extremely beneficial and clarifying.

I used to be outweighed in “me” time, with less doing.

Then there’s been more “doing” than “me” time.

But life has balance now and the two are merging more seamlessly.

It is making a difference and Astrid is my best teacher reflecting the wisdom within.

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July Energy, Celebration Sale & Mini Update


Happy July everyone! We have a Total Solar Eclipse and New Moon in Cancer tomorrow, so there’s a lot of potent energy working behind the scenes alongside the shifts you, like myself (and Astrid), might be navigating through. You can learn more about this month’s energy via Lee and his energy forecast below.

To celebrate and renew, beginning tomorrow the 2nd through the 7th to include 4th of July Freedom Day, The Magick Rabbit will be having a store-wide 30% off clearance sale, which puts many items at crazy below cost prices.

Click through link below to explore and shop what calls to your heart:

The Magick Rabbit Etsy Shop

Could even be a great time to get in any pre-holiday shopping too, since we’re already more than half through the year. Sounds wild, but it’s right around the corner! Time is flying like Faeries! 😉

Also the perfect time to snatch your favorites up – like the magickal little themed worlds that have been inspirational for so many.

We only have 15 mini rabbit gardens remaining from around 50 first created. We likely won’t be creating more at this time, as we have a lot of new items to keep us busy for quite a while in our spare time.

We sold out of our first batch of Magick Rabbit Talisman crystal necklaces, but there’ll be more down the road.

Alongside mini gardens, there are five original Magick Rabbit paintings, prints, three notebook journal options remaining, and greeting cards also to choose from.

I’m not sure when new items will get into the shop, as from here on out I can only create in my spare time since I’m switching focuses right now in my life. I’ll be sure to let you know when anything new hits the shop though – likely they’ll be one at a time, or in small batches, as I won’t be able to do full shop updates like I have before.


I continue to take time for myself, am getting a lot of nature, physical outdoor activity, garden and Astrid time, and inner work in, while I reconfigure my life. I’m exploring how my new schedule will look and what is going to be on the agenda, but want to finish anchoring in things and feeling alignment with where I go from here. I know what some of it looks like, but am waiting to see the last pieces that could even involve a service of sorts being available.

If you’re on Instagram, I’m also going to be be opening up some art auctions for some of my animal paintings so keep an eye out there – maybe even starting today – with 50% proceeds going to rescue rabbits.


We are still taking some what of a break from regular blogging, with just some updates now and then like we have this and last week. There’s just so much percolating and a lot of energy and feelings to navigate, that it doesn’t feel right yet. Plus, there’s just not enough time in our days right now.

I’ll leave you with Lee’s energy forecast for this month, as I know these resonate a lot with many of you and are helpful and inspiring.

Once again, this month’s theme is so synchronous for me, as just yesterday during our Tahoe Herbivore’s Meetup hike, I was talking about extremes with a fellow hiker, how I used to be an extremist, and even posted briefly about this reflection on my Instagram. And of course, up pops Lee discussing this. 🙂 Even the very specific three topics he gets into were exactly what we discussed.

I sure am doing a lot of reflection, grounding, and while moving energy through my body a lot, am also being very present and still in terms of not making moves and decisions in my inner and work realm, as things are moving so fast that it doesn’t feel right to jump aboard the first things that pop up just yet.

Definitely giving things “time to land” as Lee shares.

In his video below he explores Surfing the Extremes through these three dualities:

Alignment and Rejection

Elevation and Depletion

Realization and Reflection

Wishing everyone solidity with your journey.
