Monthly Archives: August 2022

Sunsets & Sunflowers ~ Made Just To Be Seen By My Eyes

We’ve been experiencing some pretty amazing sunsets in the evenings. Often we will sit on our deck looking out at the ocean with a refreshment or book and take it all in. These three were some of the incredible stand-outs I wanted to share here, as the energy frequencies in them are really something.

There’s a LOT going on in these sky portals. Between the splashes of vibrant, unapologetic color expressions and the many messengers, shapes, and dynamics bursting forth, one can receive so much when you just drop into presence.

I love how rapidly there was a shift in color and shape, reflecting the power of creative energy in motion and that every moment is opportunity to create anew and shift our perspective, as well as morph into new alignment with the elements around us. The changes can even be subtle, like in the above two images of the sunset shifting from pink, mauve, and salmon undertones to a more autumn orange color scheme. Or dramatic, like the ones below shifting from softer to darker contrasts back and forth.

We also recently discovered a small, giant sunflower patch amidst the prolific garden bloom beauties we discover on walks in the neighborhood to get to our hikes. The only one I’ve seen and it was by taking a different turn that we stumbled upon it.

Just this small little corner of the garden literally had my heart dancing and lit me up like a Christmas star.

Sunflowers, as I’ve mentioned before, are my favorite flowers and they feel so much to reflect the light in my heart and the essence of who I know myself to be when all else falls away. I felt that we were guided to them and they were there just for me, as some of the perfect nourishment and reflection I could use.

I stopped to be in the wonderly of their beauty that dazzled me. Even the bees were chiming in.

These flowers of the sun are so full of radiance, delight, and bold shining. They speak to us of optimism, strength, innocence, and finding the wonder in the everyday. They also symbolize vitality, peace, devotion, longevity, good fortune, abundance, and harmony. Sunflowers are the joy bringers and laughter inducers. They remind us that everyday is an opportunity to stand in our brilliance, foster greater lightness of heart, and to approach the seasons of change with faith and trust that the light will always shine again.

For this reason, I am sharing them with you also, so that the frequencies they embody can support the blooming human that you are.

I mentioned in my previous post how one of the songs I sing while we rider our miles of beach on our bikes is Saturn by Sleeping At Last.

I’ve posted it before, but feels aligned to share it again with these images and words.

I know the song by heart and just love the layers of meaning they convey to me on many levels and as messages from those I love from beyond. In summary, I have a personal connection to it.

I’m much more of a no-word song lover, but there are certain lyrics that speak to me, like these. I’m also very sound and harmony sensitive to what can touch a chord in my being or not in terms of music – it has to be just the right instrumental notes, frequencies, and harmonies, otherwise they fly through the air past me or create discombobulation. You could definitely say I’m like the water crystals that Dr. Masaru Emoto explored and how they respond to different thoughts and feelings by shifting into gorgeous sacred geometry snowflakes or disconcerted chaos, depending on what they’re exposed to.

One of my favorite lines from the song that might sit with you too, as you take these in is:

“I’d give anything to hear you say it one more time
That the universe was made just to be seen by my eyes”

These sunsets and sunflowers feel to be just a couple of the millions of examples of the gifts constantly in motion of creation….just for us to experience.

And indeed, just as the song’s words end:

“how rare and beautiful it truly is that we exist.”

Here are the full and simple lyrics:

You taught me the courage of stars before you left
How light carries on endlessly, even after death
With shortness of breath, you explained the infinite
How rare and beautiful it is to even exist

I couldn’t help but ask you to say it all again
I tried to write it down but I could never find a pen
I’d give anything to hear you say it one more time
That the universe was made just to be seen by my eyes

I couldn’t help but ask you to say it all again
I tried to write it down but I could never find a pen
I’d give anything to hear you say it one more time
That the universe was made just to be seen by my eyes

With shortness of breath, I’ll explain the infinite
How rare and beautiful it truly is that we exist

And here is the video, although there are many you can find, including ones that include the words:

The Ocean of My Being ~ Stretching My Heart as Never Before

Today’s blog post is a detour from what I originally thought I’d be sharing. Instead, the story weaver me has kicked into a different gear and is designing that piece into a work I may self publish soon, as it’s already on that pathway. This is an inspired segue flow before returning fully to my other heart works in process, although is cultivating them. I’m grateful for the creative muse within me that has been renewed through the experiences I’ve been surrendering to here by the ocean.

Briefly I’ll share that renewal on the deepest of levels yet, continues. Although I’ve known what is energetically evolving within me, it’s better understood by others if related to something one can connect dots with. To that purpose, it’s called a Chiron return in astrological terms (you can easily do a search if interested) that kicked in recently. It became evident during our May Playa del Carmen experience, which is synchronous since the theme of the ocean was there as well. This heralds a new paradigm in one’s life (we all go through it around mid-age) of integrating greater wholeness of being while an energetic excavation unfolds. The ocean has been amplified support with what has felt like a naturally unfolding process since I’m a water sign – Pisces. The Pisces me is going through a reconfiguration and renewed version of itself, along with the rest. I’m grateful it’s been relatively mild. It helps to be aware and have anchors. I haven’t had to do any specific work around it, as allowing and flowing is the way through.

There’s been some incredible and very pivotal experiences since last I wrote. I’m going to share some of the highlights that jump out to me, while showcasing some of the inspirational beauty and energy here. A few of the threads in this tapestry will hit on some of my energy movement with the Chiron return. Although they’ve tugged on heart strings, the profound way things have aligned and shown up so vividly, while still feeling so magickal, is the reason for my sharing.

Synchronously, the earrings I’m wearing below are seed bead weavings that their creator just happened to name, I Am Enchanting, and are meant to invoke the magickal within. I’ve been wearing different “enchanted” energy pieces most days, along with a variety of flannel shirts in a rainbow of colors. The cotton flannels are a mix of what I brought with me and a few I picked up here after envisioning the color schemes I wanted – they then showed up.

Being here by the ocean in my native element has proven to amplify everything right now, open portals, create divine alignment, and produce new layers of magick, creative flow, and powerful enrichment of being. Days have been in the low to high 60’s daily, with only a couple of days hitting 70 and things shift throughout the day from sunshine to fog, still to windy, overcast to clear, and everything in between. I fall asleep to the ocean’s music as my lullaby each night and wake to the shifting tides.

Today’s share is mostly a touch-in journaling to accompany the photo collages that I chose specifically for it. So, it’s more of a feast for the eyes with my words making sense out of them from my perspective. There’s way more than what I’m writing about, but I did highlight some of the more key things.

Regardless if you read or look at it all or not, I hope you, too, will find enchantment in the everyday and experience inspiration kindled in the seed of your soul.

This first photo collage is of a magickal little experience that happened when my eyes discovered this mini figurine of a little girl faery (she has wings at her back) that had been placed in the doorway held by a tree’s roots. You can imagine my surprise and joy to find her and like with most things I find, can only speak to alignment that I am able to see them at just the right moment, as they’d otherwise be missed. It was along one of the magickal hikes in the Fae enriched forests here that we’ve done. I felt I found myself in the tree.

This photo taken shortly after caught my eye when I saw it later. Do you see how the ferns are merging into my hair at the right? My hair seems to be morphing on that left side of my head. It’s subtle, but apparent. No other photo showed the same. I had remarked how this particular path through the forest was extra enchanted and felt familiar.

The moss carpeted forests are a fun change to explore. We have a lot of lichen at home in the mountains that at times can cover areas, trees and rocks, but here the moss is like a second skin to everything in the surroundings. There are so many tree portals and mini worlds we wander through. I particularly loved this doorway.

While mystical, it can also be mysterious and even a bit hair-raising to walk through some of the dense areas like these below. There’s the feeling of being watched and definitely deep forest energies. The middle photo to the collage below is of the fern-like mini moss that covers the grounds in most areas. It’s quite something!

And of course there are mushrooms galore. Although their season is passing through, I’ve still been finding quite a bit around corners and hidden here and there. The orange ones on the top left were actually giant in size. Dave found them down the hill from the trail. They were probably nearly a foot wide across. At times I’ve found toadstools lining what to me looks like a hidden path to a mini world into the deep forest…an invitation it has felt like, but I dare not wander as I may not return.

We’ve seen four banana slugs so far – a yellow one, two large green ones, and this brown one below. He was munching on a mushroom. Each time I’ve found them they’ve been on the trail and could easily be stepped on. So I move them off into the bushes.

The rugged coastline is beautiful and many of the hikes we do are on cliffs above the ocean with grand vistas along the way or that take you to a view spot. I’m soaking it all in and the layers moving through me on the wind and waves.

I just love the blossoms I find and when they’re framing the ocean it’s even better!

These next ones are of some of the vibrant splendor we’ve found on our walks through the neighborhood and little town on our way to hikes or at the end of them. I light up with the rainbow of colors and beauty I find blossoming. I particularly loved the pink and mauve plant Dave is admiring in the photo below. It looks so otherworldly or Dr. Seuss-like to me!

It happens to be blackberry season and not only can you find the wild blackberries growing along trails and roads, but we have this one spot in the neighborhood at the trailhead to a cool 6 1/2 mile hike we do from our place (we have at least 4 hikes right out our door starting from 4 1/4 miles up to this one) where there’s a huge area of amazing blackberry bushes. This trail goes through a rock path between bushes and trees, to a dense forest, and out to the ocean to circle us back along the beach home. Even though it’s behind a neighborhood, for some reason no one is picking them, so we’ve literally been picking about 3 pounds each time we go because they’re so abundant. We then enjoy them in huge fruit bowls Dave makes us in the mornings mixed with other fresh fruit and coconut, vegan yogurt, and topped with cacao powder. Mmmm! I also just recently started baking us a variety of scones with a bunch of blackberries added. Pumpkin and chocolate chip I’ve made so far, but have cinnamon streusel and cranberry orange still to make! They’re also great straight off the vine!

This next collage I’m sharing because of that crown chakra activation and rewiring I mentioned taking place during the first week that we were here. I haven’t had any more experience of the sensations I was feeling at the very top center of my crown, but I noticed these energies showing up around my crown and me in recent photos. They appear like rainbow veils, soft mists, and in some cases with these orb-like shapes that appear to me like the designs you find in butterfly wings.

There’s definitely that butterfly rebirth effect, lighting me up in a different way.

And the transformation energy has been strong! We’ve seen more snakes all at once than I ever have. On one particular day, which is captured below, there were three. This day and hike was the kick off to the first wave of deep changes that would move through me. Right after blackberry picking we crossed onto the trail and a garter snake nearly crossed over my toes, as I did. That was the first. Dave then got ahead of me and called my attention to the second one. When I caught up with him I was able to connect with the snake and these are photos I captured of him listening to me.

We continued on down the rock path and I then saw the third snake. However he had passed on. No evidence of injury – much like nearly all the animals I keep finding dead here (and there have been many and many varieties of species). They are in this perfect state, untouched, beautiful….they seem to just pass through the veils naturally in their own timing. That timing happens to align with me finding them and speaks to me of the transformational renewal I’m undergoing, as a natural process of soul evolution.

I have found it very soothing, cathartic and profoundly healing on deep levels without my needing to do anything other than intimately connect with these dearly departed ones and allow the flow to happen. I can feel their spirits so alive and their life force all around me. I come away with a little piece of each of them within me. I bury all that I am able to and do some energy stuff for each as well. This garter snake was so amazing to hold, as I moved him to an area I could create a burial at. I just love snakes and I’ve been so taken by feeling the physical of the totality of some of these beings. Somehow the miracle and mystery of how each body and intricate inner system, muscle, skin, etc. moves and feels, comes alive tangibly and awakens something in me.

Dave said I’ve become fascinated with death, as I stop, connect, and immerse with each transitioned being I always find. I see it as so much more and that I’m knowing life through death. Death is not something I fear. It’s merely a transition of our eternal spirits.

We continued on this hike after burying the snake. It was early evening, but the light lingers here for hours after. The next phase of the journey took us through dense forests and I was taken by the light portal in the sky ahead. In some ways it reminded me of a keyhole and in some ways, The Eye of Sauron. This whole hike felt like we were walking through a transitional doorway. There was a sense of things watching, deep stuff happening behind the scenes, and a message to keep moving forward, trusting ourselves, staying the course, and all will be well.

I did somehow find this perfect little dead mole hidden in the brush along this hike. Are we seeing a pattern and energy signature going on?

Everything is circling in infinite wholeness like the ouroboros.

I am simply surrendering to it all and letting it wash over and through me.

And there is a lot of fun and play alongside it all. We love this secret spot we found and I love this video of Dave swinging.

Our favorite thing to do is to ride the beaches at low tide. We have two spots that are on spits that are our go-to’s. The one right in front of where we are staying is my favorite and takes us along 12 miles roundtrip. Indigenous peoples once lived there and the energy is special, sacred, and magickal. Dave listens to beautiful music as he rides and I sing my own songs out loud on the wind – Rainbow Connection and Saturn by Sleeping at Last are my favs for this ride.

These are two of the short videos I took while we biked. They give you the feeling better than my words. As I share in the second one, I had just returned after a bald eagle sighting took place, which stopped me in my tracks of the previous video I was recording. It’s so amazing!

This third video is from one of our kayaking adventures just out front of where we’re staying. You can see how we’re surrounded by harbor seals and sealions. They love to congregate around us while they fish for dinner. Pelicans, seagulls, great blue heron, eagles, and other seabirds will fly around as well. The pelicans and seals will rest on the sand islands and beaches surrounding us in large colonies. I’ve been bonding a lot with the seals and sealions. It’s been amazing to kayak in the day, at sunset, and in the fog. I love the way the seals and sealions bob up and down between feeding and to peek at us. They look like little monks.

This collage below is river kayaking, which we’ve done twice in different spots. I love the rainbow energy in the right corner coming through and my eyes spotted all the stealth great blue herons along the shore that stood like statues so as only to be seen by those who can. I have found so many great blue heron feathers on this trip…the most ever. And of course many other feathered friends have sent gifts as well.

There is so much beauty to behold on Earth, it overwhelms me.

And the feeling is shared by my water sign copartner in it all.

We are immersing deeply into it all every single moment we can and are making each day count. Sometimes we do two or three adventures in a day to suck out all the marrow of life. Sometimes one deep dive is more than enough.

The sweetness of life emerges even more, the more we surrender to it.

Landscapes look like paintings to me.

That’s Mother Earth for you…the master painter of all time.

Just look at this work of art.

Yes, the treasures found in divine alignment, during portal openings, and underscored messaging continues.

Take a look at this mini sand dollar…the smallest to date I found. And it just so happens that on this same day I learned that my sweet soul sistar and friend Desiree, whom you may remember from our Winter Solstice gathering, found a nearly exact same size mini sand dollar while she was at a beach in Maine. She was away for the weekend there and only this one sand dollar, like the first I found, was there on the long stretch of beach. Star essence is streaming through to Earth! Desiree also found a bunch of treasures like me while in the desert of southern Nevada and Utah just recently. We’ve both been making sacred altars and tuning in to the message downloads.

And then there was this one!

Another super tiny starfish. What is it with these little ones?! I have a guess.

This one was again in a random place and is a mottled kaleidoscope of black, gray, sand and tawny colors.

And the joys of new life and birthing stars is all around.

Just look at this precious little spotted fawn with her mom. She reminds me so much of my special needs bunny, Cosmo!

Then this dear little buck appeared. He’s on his own at this age now and his sweet little antlers are just starting to sprout, covered in soft velvety newness.

And then there were three…three little rabbits, that is. I only got photos of two of them, but their brother was across the street.

I’ve heard and seen photos of the domestic, now feral rabbits that inhabit areas along the coast here. This is the first time I see it in person.

This has been the result of people abandoning their rabbits when they no longer want them, thinking it’s a good thing to do because there’s abundance for them to live in. However, they don’t take into account the conditions and predators that domestic rabbits are now exposed to. I’ll leave it at that and just flow with the energy streams in motion.

Aren’t they sweet though? They looked like triplets.

We’ve also seen actual wild rabbits zipping in and out of bushes with cottontails streaking like shooting stars. So magickal!

Snake friends continue, on, and on, and on…..

And then this snake messenger – the largest of all of them yet. They’re all different garter snakes, but this guy was a biggie!

On this day of his appearance I happened to be wearing cosmic serpent beaded earrings and we saw two snakes that day. I noticed the tail on this one just pass before my reaching him on the trail and then looked to discover him laying in the brush. We had just passed two women on the trail and Dave said, maybe we should wait for them to show them, as they may want to see it too. I was connecting with my snake friend and right after he finished saying that, the snake slithered off.

I said, “I don’t think he came out to see them. He wanted to talk to the girl with the snake tattoo and earrings.”

So many crabs and full crab exoskeletons we’ve found from their molting. Layers upon layers being shed and life renewed in new embodiment.

Aren’t these little red spotted ones so cute?

We see many jellyfish as well and have been saving some of them too – lifting them with rocks and sticks back to the ocean. This one stood out to me, as it spoke to me of a golden sun.

Ethereal great white friends enchanted me.

And the bald eagle sightings have continued. We’ve seen about five adults now and several juveniles.

Some other stand outs have been a black bear running across the trail ahead of us to go from one part of the forest to the next, a raccoon just lounging and hanging out at the corner of the road before we hopped on our bikes, and getting to observe the sweet little snowy plovers in their nesting season. People from the Audubon Society happened to be on the beach one day with telescope camera lenses set up to watch the parents as they were running back and forth from the nesting sights on the sand to feed the little ones. They invited me to watch through the lens and told me that they are doing their best to protect them, as only three nests made it last year in the area.

Then the healer and feeler in me who has deep compassion for all beings was taken further down the transmutational path of my Chiron return.

All of the death I’ve been integrating is my passage into deepening my relationship to the divine in a unified way that doesn’t wound, but empowers, expands, and ignites – the true power of Pisces when all parts are brought together. This is part of why my “fascination for the dead,” as Dave calls it, has risen to the surface so profoundly.

It’s my journey to oneness beyond just an idea. To create it as embodiment and integrate the divine into daily life.

These next few shares are about part of that journey, which is why I’m showing/expressing part of it here even though it may tug at your own heart strings. Tools for navigating these types of things shared vulnerably from my own journey. By confronting these emotionally tough experiences and consciously partnering in the processes that speak to my heart the most, I am able to piece together the underlying patterns at work, understand the deeper reasons, and see them all as part of divine perfection in their unfolding. This fosters greater trust, renewed faith, and eternal innocence.

This was the first major converging of hearts that took place after the initiatory hike through deep, deep forest with transformational messengers – finding a dead sealion on the beach we were biking. I am not going to fully detail these particular stand-out experiences, as they are very personal, but I think you’ll get the flow of it from what I do share and what I’ve prefaced this unfolding to be about for me.

Side note, I am the one who finds all the dead animals and these three big ones went unseen by Dave completely until we passed by on our return back and I showed them to him. Coming back allowed me to continue to do more connecting I felt was important to my evolution.

They were aligned with me, but it was evident had their own impact in a different way for Dave and he was able to energetically hold space for my journey.

I was deeply moved by profoundly experiencing this sealion up close. I literally took in every detail visually, energetically, and physically. It doesn’t show in the photos, but his eyes glistened like emeralds in the sunlight at just the right angle. He was perfect without injury…just had slipped off into the next world, as so many do and are doing these days in times of Earth’s transitions. I sensed by his condition and the energy that he had passed no more than a few hours before.

We exchanged a LOT and the message was to feel him through my hands. I was overwhelmed at the thick velvet of his pelt, the power in his body, both the playfulness and majesty of his being, and the fluidity of his presence. I was remembering and integrating.

We were one and I didn’t want to forget this experience that had such a pivotal place in my evolution.

Right after I left him, this incredible starfish appeared on the beach.

I was overwhelmed again, this time taken in by the royal purple I’ve never seen before. I could tell this one was special even when I first saw her upside down on the beach with that purple aura emanating around her. The color was so penetrating and vibrant, even more than in the photos. And the mini starfish that were etched at center of her body in her skin were amazing!

Of course I saved her, placing her back in the ocean. Her presence and color spoke to the energy that had downloaded and activated through my crown from the sealion encounter. Greater divine flow and unity emerging.

The purple coral echoed the message.

And then another profound exchange took place…this time with bald eagle.

Again, it happened right after my private time with the sealion.

I noticed bald eagle up on the hill overlooking the spit from her tree perch right after sealion and starfish. I stopped to connect and receive. There was an exchange while she turned her head to peer at me from both sides, as well as face me straight on. This was the pattern of her observation while we were connecting.

Then something happened that no one will ever believe, but it did.

She dipped her head down deliberately toward her belly in a curve and then right back up. It was a fluid and yet almost time-stands-still moment that ran chills through me. It was like an animated movie come to life, but it was real life. She was bowing to me! Tears welled in my eyes and I bowed in reflected honor right back.

She had observed the exchanges right before ours and this was her message. A bow that spoke volumes.

The very next day we returned to bike the spit again and the experiences increased in energetic volume.

This time it was this sweetheart – alive, but dying.

I began to connect that not only were these sacred grounds for the indigenous peoples, but the sea life had adopted it in much the same way. I felt they came here to die because of the energy it held and the portal I feel here to the otherworld, and because of the space I am in, our worlds collided in divine alignment.

This encounter hit me hard and while this could be it’s own post, the following is all I feel to write.

I found her on my own and thought at first she was dead, but she responded to my voice and I was able to see her move very weakly and with difficulty. No injuries apparent. She was simply getting ready to pass.

We exchanged a lot and I tuned in and sent her Reiki, and at one point she sat up with great effort, then collapsed back down with exhaustion. I didn’t want to leave, but went on to find Dave. We returned and there she continued to lay, slowly dying. I was communicating with her and doing a lot of energy work around supporting her highest good, helping with pain, asking for support to be with her through the process, and sending peace to her heart for what ever journey she was readying for. She did sit up one more time showing us the fullness of her glory and then collapsed for the last time. Her eyes kept my gaze and both thanked me and called me closer. That tugged at my heart the worst, as I knew I could not be with her physically to hold her through the end as we both wanted. Obviously she’s a wild animal and that places parameters my heart didn’t understand, but Dave reminded me.

It is not death that hits me hard, as I am at peace with the process. It was the fact that I couldn’t go to her and hold her through the journey onward that was too much to bear. Being there at her time and supporting her energetically is the only solace I had and ultimately is enough, but of course she would be the transformational tendril to reach the crevices of my heart that were evolving. I completed my energy work and with our eyes locked, I told her several times she was not alone and that I loved her. Tears streamed down and I cried out loud the whole way back. We found a ranger and told him where she was. He confirmed what I knew…they were not going to do anything in cases like these. Nature runs its course.

It took me a few days to let the feelings and evolution run its natural course. I was in an in between state during this time, as my Pisces heart was stretching, and knew I wouldn’t be the same. A lot of nature time supported the process and surrendering helped it flow. Having had the previous day’s experience with the dead sealion had prepared and helped me with the energetic parts. I was able to transfer the closeness through the collective stream and come to understand the connection that took place through both experiences.

And the very next day this happened.

Once again, I find a dead being on my own and am called by the whispers of their spirit to come closer. From far and behind, I thought this might have been another dead sealion. Then I thought sea turtle. But as I approached I was astonished to find this giant sunfish.

Again, no apparent injuries. Another spirit just moving on.

I’ve never seen a sunfish up close. I think one time I caught glimpse of one swimming from the deck of a boat, but I was in awe to see one in the light of all clarity.

Again, I did my own connecting, then went off to find Dave and we both returned. You can see how she looks like a sea turtle or sealion from behind in the above photo.

I found my process to already have shifted when coming upon this third experience. I did much the same energy work and connecting with the addition of being floored at how this was all happening and amazed at this incredible fish in front of me.

Sunfish is directly linked with my Sun being in Pisces – amplified! There could be no bigger reflection of myself before me and of the rebirth I was going through. To say, “wow,” is an understatement.

And through it all the magick and mystery continues, as our explorer hearts keep wandering the diverse beauty here. The landscapes set the perfect backdrop and the shifting weather is the perfect tone to support my changes.

Guiding messengers and affirming reflections reach through the veils, as I part them more.

They keep beaming through and inviting me on.

While much is rearranging, I feel myself merging with my surroundings and coming to know unity even more without losing a drop of who I am.

Most days my sun-kissed skin is sprinkled in sand, and the salty air tousles the silver strands in my hair.

I stand looking out at the ocean of my being and the Great Mystery keeps on flowing through my veins.

One Starfish at a Time ~ Cosmic Gateways & Earth Keepers Keying Up

I saved a starfish, or two, or twenty-six, or fifty-four.

It all started on the 8/8 Lion’s Gate, which is a yearly cosmic gateway when the brightest star, Sirius, rises into Earthly alignment during the Sun’s home return in Leo. This creates an activation portal streaming star intelligence that not only magnifies manifestation, but amplifies ascension.

Is it any coincidence, then, that I found my very first, perfect sand dollar on this auspicious day? AND saved a starfish?

I think not, but that’s just the story weaver me.

The photo above is of both of these cosmic beauties that I found in an area with strong indigenous energy and history – a place that has proven to have heart connection for me with potent intersections of soul gridding.

I have written a few blogs in the past about starfish you might remember, which I’ve included below.

I Kissed A Starfish ~ Birthday Thoughts & Beyond

Starfish Fun

Starfish Symbolism ~ Exploring the Magick of these “Star People”

The first immediately popped into mind, as I did kiss many of the starfish I’ve been saving. So now I saved AND kissed a starfish. I like also that the first link was on my birthday and I mention being on my journey to 50, as I was turning 41 and now I AM nearly there in just 6 months. Feels like an addition to the full circle symbolism I’ll be sharing a bit on shortly.

Although there’s been many encounters, messengers, and adventures since last I posted and even merging with the ones in this blog on the same day, I’m feeling called to focus on threads of the tapestry for now and sticking to the theme of star beings – starfish, sand dollars, and starlight – for today’s story.

While the external macro continues to reveal intense collective chaos, I have focused a softer gaze on my micro world to experience the type of alignment that my watery essence is native to. Even though I have a balancing of other elements powerfully placed in my chart, the Pisces me is a guiding torch that mirrors the ocean I find myself surrounded by. It’s no surprise I’m here at this time soaking in the codes coming in on each high tide flow and wave, as well as beaming out energetic ripples across the low tide retractions. The life force of our world ocean and the cosmic waters of our essence are moving through me and revealing a much different story than what originally seemed to bring us here.

Returning to this story, however, you likely remember my mentioning the hundreds of starfish we saw the first week on a hike with Lynne, but they were in the kind of habitat I normally see them…tidal pools and rocky shore areas.

On 8/8 we went on a long hike up and down the spit and that’s where I found the sand dollar and starfish. We were actually nearing the end of our adventure and had already seen a couple hundred broken sand dollars. Then there it was – the lovely gray sand dollar I mentioned in the previous post and shared above.

To say I was excited was an understatement and of course I kissed it when I picked it up. We had already walked the full length down and hadn’t seen it, so it must have just washed up right before we returned back on our path. Or, something like that.

I remarked right away how cool it was this happened on 8/8 and immediately felt that something had opened, making this manifestation alignment possible. In fact, it gave me chills, as there was both the visceral feeling of dimensional intersecting and a tangible one.

I also had this sense of the “past” and the “future” reaching through at once…the different parts of me placing this sand dollar there at that exact moment of the now.

I said to Dave once that if these were actual “dollars” we’d be rich in finding so many. Thousands of the ones I previously found and continue to, have just the star removed at top from prey eating the insides, so they are still solid sand dollars with these inner starbursts revealed at their centers.

Since this first perfect one, I/we have found 26 more. This doesn’t count the thousands of broken pieces laced across shores and the others I just mentioned. These 27 are whole sand dollars of which 18 are 100% perfect and 9 are 99% perfect, having just a tiny hole that doesn’t take away from their integrity, nor their designs. I love that each of those numbers equal 9 (2+7=9 and 1+8=9 and 9 on its own). Nine symbolizes divine completion and both the end and beginning of one cycle into another.

The energy of sand dollars feels perfect too, as they teach about transformation and how to flow with, trust, and accept life shifts since they surrender themselves to whichever way the tide takes them. They’re also great stones of creative artistry and stimulation of new ideas. Both of these being great messages and energy for the current times. I love the intricacy of design on such a simple disc shape, including the flowy petaled star at center. It feels like blossoming and eternal possibility, just like the vast Cosmos reflects.

A few other things that stood out to me while reading about them are these:

They connect both Earth and Water elements that makes the feeling essence of dreams coming true, possible. Their Root and Sacral Chakra connection also speaks to me and current energy focuses that feel both personal and collective. I learned about their being attuned to Virgo and Pisces, which reflects a lot for me as well about the energy dynamics at play. And many other symbolic connections of mythical history that are soul reflective, including that they’re believed to be coins, weathered by time and dropped by Atlanteans. Some even say they are tokens forgotten by mermaids. These latter two go along with my mention of being rich, to Dave, from finding so many. The “many” and this coin connection point to abundance as another message of reflection.

I love the star blossoms etched on these little planets. It’s as if they were cast from the night sky as kisses to Earth from stars upon clouds that turn into solid, but delicate discs when entering this atmosphere, in the reflection of their creators.

Anyway, not long after finding my first perfect sand dollar ever (within minutes actually) I then stumbled upon the lone starfish pictured with it in the above photo just sitting there in the middle of miles of sand in all directions. This was low tide and the water was very far away.

That’s how I found him, looking like a star being standing there on two legs with one arm open to greet me and the other waving, “Hello!” with great enthusiasm.

I placed my sand dollar with him, as this felt like a momentous moment and then proceeded to save the starfish.

Again, this took place on the 8/8 portal and continued to reflect to me that stargates are opening and these little ones were gatekeepers or travelers between the stars and Earth. In this case, they were messengers dropping in to let me know things were gearing up and not to lose hope. This connection was made possible because the perfect key code frequencies were reached between us. I’ve often shared that my animal encounters are the way those from beyond communicate with me the most these days. Manifestation windows are heightened at times like these and channels are getting clearer. So while tiny, these two carried potency.

I also heard celebration in their presence, which has been echoed in the sand, surroundings, and wildlife inhabiting the grounds we’re staying on and exploring the most here daily. A return, a welcome back, and a “you’ve come this far so now let’s venture a little further,” were all part of the message.

I gently picked up my starfish friend and told Dave I needed to bring it to the water. He’d been washed up with the tide, but left there vulnerable as it went back out. Many predators around and sunshine were not on his side.

So, I started my long walk out to meet the water and ventured even further once I did get to the water, as it was continuing to go out. I didn’t want to leave him stranded on the beach again. So I made sure to place him in a few feet of water so he’d be safe.

Of course I then realized I was the embodiment of the starfish story in action. You know…the story about saving one starfish at a time that shares how one person’s opinion of the pointlessness of putting one back in the ocean, since there are so many in need, contrasts another person’s opinion that it makes a difference to that one starfish. The latter opinion makes a point that no matter how small, every action and choice has impact. And I’ll add to that – the ripple effect is one we’ll never know beyond the immediate point of action.

Regardless of which opinion one feels drawn to, I felt warmth in my heart for the experience shared with this one starfish. And grateful that we each had something to give to each other.

Starfish speak to regeneration, purification, healing, and ancient, mysterious, and celestial energy. I’ve seen them as star beings and this one’s appearance in the middle of miles of sandy beach on 8/8 indeed reflected to me a drop in through a stargate.

Synchronously, starfish are connected to Sirius (there’s the 8/8 link) and Isis. These reflect personal connections, including that I wear an Isis and Osiris sacred tattoo on my back that depicts the regeneration and eternal life she bestows upon him through her love)

Avia shares this about Symbolic Starfish Meaning:

“In Egyptian legend, starfish meaning is connected to the goddess Isis. Isis is a mother goddess who had a Salvation Army motto: “Befriending the friendless”. In other words, Isis is the mother and friend to slaves, the impoverished and those in dire need. Her connection with the starfish deals with being a guardian to troubled seafarers on the Red Sea and abroad. Isis and her sacred starfish are also associated with Sirius. Sirius is sacred to Isis because it appeared annually at the rising of the Nile – which was a time of abundance and renewal for the Egyptians.”

I also love the following that Avia continues to share:

“When I think of stars in the sea, I’m reminded of that awesome phrase by alchemist and philosopher, Hermes Trismegistus. He said: “As above, so below.” This is a metaphysical concept. He’s saying that what happens on an energetic, cosmic level – that action is mimicked on a mundane/earthy level. The concept of “law of attraction” illustrates this. What happens in the mind (‘above’ or energetic realm) is manifested in the physical (‘below’ or earthly realm).”

This was the experience between me and the starfish – mundane and earthy, alongside energetic and cosmic.

I’ve had more interactions and experiences with starfish on this journey than I have in any of my past. I saved some more of the starfish images from that first day to share in this post. Their abundance reflects the stars across the Cosmos – again reflecting as above, so below.

And these stargate keeper and star traveler encounters, as well as starlight treasures and cosmic love continued.

In the unfolding days, Dave has become my star finder, as I call him. And I’ve continued to be a star saver.

The day after 8/8 he found me 3 more full sand dollars while we rode the 12 miles on the spit and again on the 15th found me a bunch more. He will often be ahead of me as we bike, because I’m exploring and singing away. So he’s like a tracker, pointing out the treasures for me to collect as I approach.

I found #5 myself, which was divine since 5 is my magickal number and I continued to find several alongside Dave. He purposefully stopped pointing all of them out, but I was telepathically tuned in and picked up on the message.

I often will create art in the sand with things we collect, or will place them in new spots after receiving their energy. I only bring back with me those that speak to wanting to work with me for the longer journey ahead.

Then on 8/11’s Full Moon, some more amazingness happened.

When we got down to the sand to enjoy a beach day out front, I found myself this dried up starfish that was missing a couple of legs.

I felt immediately that he had been caught on the sand by high tide and likely nibbled by a seagull, and even perhaps dragged up higher while becoming a meal. Then dried up without ever reaching the water again to have ability to regenerate. This was strongly impressed upon me. I tucked him onto my beach towel.

Later, while exploring during low tide along our beach, I found my second agate (the first was on the hundreds-of-starfish-day with Lynne). It seems that these gateways and star beings have ignited quite an opening for more to come through, as you’ll see.

This second agate was golden and heart-shaped, but what stood out to me about these agates was that they glowed in the water at just the right angle of setting sun.

They are starlight housed in crystalline form. They twinkle like stars just appearing in the night sky. And scattered in hidden spots across the shoreline, to find them is like the rareness of seeing a shooting star.

And within the same super shallow, very warm water pool area I found this incredible, tiny blue starfish within seconds after!

I couldn’t believe my eyes, as I’d never seen one so small and never blue! Blue has direct cosmic being/family connection for me and the fact that I even saw this little one was extraordinary. Definitely divine alignment and Full Moon portal action in motion.

It had been sitting in the very warm sun and a super shallow equally warm water pool that was about to completely dry up, as the tide continued to go out. I knew it was time for this star saver to go into action.

But first we shared our moments together. I’d never seen anything like her. She was pure wonder and divinity in my hand.

She was a reflection of a birthing star and so much more. The Cosmos was sending so many travelers through the stargates, as a reminder we have not been forgotten and they are but a heart beat away.

We must invite these parts of ourselves in and openheartedly ask for divine guidance…then be ready to receive, trust, and believe.

After our exchange, I then proceeded to walk out into the deeper, colder water so that I could find her a safe place to continue to flourish. I placed her on the bottom and covered her with seaweed and waved farewell for now.

Word got out that the Cosmic gateway through my heart was open wide (indicated by all of the heart rocks I kept finding, including the golden heart shaped 2nd agate and the perfectly etched green heart in the rock below too) and the star energy continued flowing in.

The very next day of the 12th my third agate was discovered and ANOTHER tiny starfish, but this was smaller than the first, if you can believe that! It was mini as mini comes.

If I thought that finding the first was amazing, finding this one was incredulous. It was partially concealed by sand and kelp, on top of being less than an inch in size. Being so young, its color hadn’t fully emerged, but I could see a subtle blueish purple peeking through.

This one I found laying upside down and again with missing legs like the dried up one. This one was so tiny that it appeared to be still forming from birth and then had gotten washed up on shore during low tide. So my tender heart took him in my hands and brought him to deeper cold water where I covered him to keep him safe.

Little did I know that my star saver hat was about to become permanent and large, as the days following have brought more starfish my way in challenged predicaments. First, in tiny groups of two and three and then just yesterday multiplied tenfold the amount I had saved in total until then.

This brought the total to 54 and again there’s that 9 divine completion/beginning energy, as 5+4=9.

There’s definitely more at work and now the-making-a-difference-for-one had grown to many “ones.”

I could have left them, sure, and let what may be, be. But in the case of the ones laying upside down so far from the water vulnerably exposed to heat and predators…my heart wouldn’t let me. On top of that, because we’d made an intimate connection and I was receiving a stream of communication, I wasn’t able to ignore the invitation. Since this has never happened to me, but was happening now, there was something more to it. Part of it being why I feel I was called to the ocean at this time under the guise of a different prompting at first.

With every star being I locked sights on and cradled in my hands to be returned to the ocean, I was strengthening and nourishing the cosmic streams of connection, communication, and regeneration within and without. I was merging spirit and flesh and affirming that life on Earth is worth saving and valuing, as well as recreating from the vortex of our hearts. I was also acknowledging that assistance is all around us and when we’re in flow, harmonious alignment is possible to create the perfect experience at the perfect timing.

There was one particular moment that was profound and moving to me yesterday while I was saving groups of starfish at a time. It took place with two of them. I held one in each hand and walked them out to the ocean. First I placed the larger down, as the water was moving in and out. Then I placed the second one about two feet to the right of it. I lingered to make sure they stayed upright and as I watched the water move in and out again, it pulled the starfish together. It felt like more than just the water’s flow, but a magnetic energy at work as well. The starfish came together perfectly, side-by-side, with the tip of one of their arms touching the tip of the other’s arm. They were holding hands! And the water pulled them out together, linked as one. It made me so happy.

I did actually see two seagulls pecking at two of the upside down starfish I saved yesterday. My approach sent the seagulls away and I returned the starfish safely back to the water turned right side up. After having found the dried up starfish with missing limbs my heart made a commitment to save any I found in similar situations. While it is part of the circle of life, there’s always room for other potentials besides black and white to be a part of that. Or, at least that’s how I see it. While there’s perfection in the way things play out in the circle, I also feel that the circle is changing into a new form or inviting us into creating a new form. Perhaps it’s the innocent me who envisions more and desires to try different ways to create impetus to that. 

Unbeknown to me, Dave captured these photos of me on one of my star saver missions.

I would stop my bike, get off, take my shoes and socks off and proceed to gather the starfish and take them out into the water. Eventually, I stopped taking my shoes and socks off, and just walked right through. Sometimes I did a quick and hoppy walk/half run into the water and back. It’s rare Dave takes photos and I realized later that it was the innocence within me that moved him to capture these.

But back to the part of me that envisions the possibility, I do have a story about a wild rabbit I saved from a coyote once that speaks to this feeling and idea being within me for some time, but I’ll save it for now and just say that everything can learn to adapt and change just like the 100th monkey effect. New equilibriums, new roles, and new trajectories can and are being put in motion.

There’s a Cosmic rearranging in momentum. 

On this day of saving so many upside down and stranded starfish, I also found an agate pocket and so several more drops of starlight were discovered.

Mostly golden and icy clear or snowy white in color, but one blue one just like the little blue starfish showed up.

These hybrids were also in the pocket that have a mixture of opal, sparkle, and even jasper-like blends creating beautiful planets and celestial bodies from across the Cosmos.

I’ve also found quite a few stones with amazing little druzy crystal caves, bursts, and even with tiny opal embedded.

Dave found the first of these with a big pocket of opal that began the stream of more starlight in these forms to come through.

And this incredible one in a pyramidal shape with perfect opal doorway.

Although this next stone doesn’t have starlight glowing from within, it feels like the perfect mirroring doorways that were revealed by it cracking open, as double access points in and out from beyond. One would not have known the doorways were there had the stone not been opened.

Sometimes what lies at the center of it all is not easily seen or known, but can only be felt by the heart and traversed with trust.

And if it wasn’t enough to feel the starlight frequencies pouring through these little manifestations of amazingness, take a look at these next ones.

A starship and little planet or star system appeared so clearly to me. I drew the lines on the first image to trace the essence I see. Each of these above two stones are encrusted with crystalline sparkle and opalescence in silver, icy white and blue. Contact indeed is being made and in many ways we’re receiving assistance with the massive evolution that Earth is cosmically a part of because it’s all interconnected.

I feel that all of these bits of starlight within these Earth drops have been coded with frequencies to assist the transformations ahead.

As I mentioned, so much has been experienced since last I wrote, but the energy frequencies and messaging of this thread felt to be the one to share for now. I’ll feel into what if any of the others comes next.

There are times I feel far, far away, while simultaneously closer than ever. So, my sharing comes on streams of starlight and through cosmic gateways. I never know when, how, or if I’ll show up. I just know that honoring the ebbs and flows of the tide is where I’m at.

One thing for sure is this…I’ve been aligning even more so with the Cosmic ocean that runs through us all and I feel the primordial waters in process of creation again.

The gateways are opening and a part of each of us is not only being activated into more remembering, but are in process of regenerating. Maybe even the Earth keeper within you may realize your version of “one starfish at a time” in the creation of a new Earth, as well as a new formula of being and creation at large.

I hope you can feel the starlight frequencies streaming through or at least can open your heart to receive it.

UPDATE: Right after I posted this blog we went on our go-to 5 1/4 mile walk down the beach. It was right before the transition from low to high tide so a good portion of the shoreline was laced in small rocks rolling in and out. However, before we got to water’s edge what do you think was right on the path I was taking? Another TINY blue starfish. This one was perfect like the first, but the size of the second. It was laying WAY up on the dry sand, some 50+ feet from the water and not even on packed wet sand that the water had retracted from, but very dry sand. There’s no doubt it wanted me to find it, as this tiny half inch starfish would be nearly impossible to be found unless we were on the same energetic trajectory. This brought the number to 55 – double my favorite, magickal messaging number and bringing the 9 pattern to 1 now (5+5=10 or 1). One being new beginnings and unity. Not long after finding and saving this sweet little one, bringing him back to the deeper water and away from seagulls scouring the beach, I went on to find a handful of more starlight Earth drops of agate. This included the largest one yet, which was the first of the group, right after my star being friend. It seems that the days I find and save starfish are the days starlight gifts beam their glow to me. And about a half an hour later I found a live muscle covered with 13 barnacles that was lying completely out of place next to a cement pathway up off of the beach. I figured it may have been dropped by a seagull, or something like that. And again we took it back to the ocean. You can see all of these in the photo collage below.

These tiny baby starfish just trying to start their life, speak to me of creative sparks lighting up from potentials being explored. So much newness is trying to birth and I, for one, want to help nurture that to happen.

The Ocean Whispers Ancient Innocence ~ Dropping into the Frequencies of Being

As the Aquarian Sturgeon Full Moon approaches – the last Supermoon of the year – energies may point you to focusing more on things you want to get done and how that supports both your uniqueness AND the way that integrates with the communal good.

This last week, which is our first away, has been more unfocused for me, so that I can honor the natural changes that are anchoring. I didn’t really have huge motivation to write a blog, but was guided to share an update along with windows, as seen through my eyes, so you can receive your own story, inspiration, igniting, and frequency shifts. I know that what I’m shown is captured not just for me, but all who wish also to receive and feel the connection.

Also, my family reads my blog and so it’s always a way for me to journal experiences to share with them, as well as deepen the movement of energies that I go through.

Yet I feel like surrendering and letting go is where I’m needing to be so that all of the ocean and coastal frequencies can do their rewiring thing without my human interference.

I haven’t the desire to jump into anything at the moment, except the ocean and plunging my feet in the sand each day.

The animals here are all whispering their messages and it’s felt like a grand celebration of my return oceanside through the unspoken experience.

I have no desire to analyze and dissect, nor try to wrap my brain around details that come to me from others, as I feel the unfolding is speaking volumes without all of that…I just want to experience and be.

And that’s just what we’re doing…being…immersing…feeling with all of our senses.

Two water signs by the ocean makes for a lot of feels and deep explorations.

Even though I have a few books with me, plus my projects, the moment says, “Not now.”

And so I continue to receive.

The only crystal friends I brought along for the journey are two potent singing skulls and one powerhouse Phantom Lemurian Root Alta Scepter. They sit bedside on an altar with all of my messenger treasures, so I imagine they may be part of the activations rewiring within throughout dream travels. I know my dreams have been full of collective stuff…so many souls and people I know showing up in them.

And so many aspects of All That Is, through me, traveling the dimensional gateways.

The ancient and innocent me continue to join in the Oneness that they are and always have been.

I feel and see the layers converging without needing to explain it.

And this is happening across the collective.

Explosions of every kind are the threads undoing and weaving at the same time…tearing open the fabric of our being and recreating a new tapestry from the Cosmic core.

And here that Cosmic core is bursting alive, as every day has been a new adventure filled with more amazingness than I could ever describe.

Plenty of green and tree portal goodness for the faery me.

Yummy blackberries just starting to pop, sweet bumble bee friends, blossoms, clover carpeted forests, moss, mushrooms, and incredible wild foxglove add to the Fae enchantment. They grow like something out of Dr Seuss, long and drapey sometimes reaching an amazing 9 feet long. I’ve never seen anything like it, and I love it!

Waterfalls, rivers, sun beams, lush canopies, mists, fog, sprawling clouds opening to portals, wildflower hillsides illuminated by sunset, sweeping views for miles…all make up the perfect ingredients to ignite inspiration and shifts from within.

Isn’t Mother Earth awe-inspiring?!

Terra is nirvana for the senses and daily immersions speak to expansion unfolding even if that hasn’t shown up fully yet in other ways. I’ve been soaking in all of the energy and just allowing things to unfold. I know the timing of things is aligning when I trust.

Our choices and growth cycles come with times of contraction, in order to create huge spurts of expansion.

Being here this past week has been a simultaneous contraction and expansion of experience asking me to go with the flow of each moment. I see and experience contrasts daily and love the seamless quality weaving itself as One.

I’m mostly summarizing so that the photos can do the rest of the storytelling while also providing the frequencies and answers that may find you at the perfect moment too.

What I will say is since onset of this trip I can tell that a crown chakra activation and rewiring has been taking place, as I’ve had this on and off residual, low-grade ache in the background at the very top center of my crown – the kind of feeling you’d experience as the after-effect of hitting your head. It comes and goes once to a few times during each day. Not surprising given things I know are in process of being woven.

It seems to have stopped since the day before 8/8.

The cycles keep coming full circle, though, with me finding many transitioned beings and deep layers interweaving and building one upon another.

This included the above most perfect, precious little chipmunk on a side trail we were drawn down on our way to finding the official trail for a hike. I have never seen anything more precious. Not a sign of trauma. This little one just slipped away peacefully and of course I buried her. I deeply felt our timely colliding and that she was still present, but on a parallel dimension – portal invitations have been strong to cross over at will.

The day before this I found the seagull wings on the beach spread out like angel or butterfly wings. Again I was moved by this vision and remarked on the uncanniness of my wearing these earrings that day.

Larimar angel wings with a tiny butterfly stud earring on my upper hole.

And yes, that’s a bunny stud in between!

The crown activation hasn’t affected my days…just makes me aware that things ARE in motion that I felt coming.

I just continue on, fully enjoying our experiences here that have included over 5 – 6 mile hikes and walks daily, early morning kayaking (evening to come), biking, beach and deck time, and lots and lots of wildlife encounters and soaking in the energies of lush forests and cliffs, rivers, waterfalls, and ocean abundance.

We brought our bikes and kayaks, so we could immerse in all the explorative possibilities.

We even got to become the “Goonies” for a day spending adventures and mystery with our sweet friend Lynne who took us on a fantastic hike – one of her favs – that had everything including walking through beach caves, climbing rocks, dodging waves across the sand to get to more beaches, hiking forests and cliffs, and seeing through her eyes all of her special, secret things.

I say “Goonies” because this took place right by the site of One-Eyed Willy’s treasure that the 1985 movie was filmed at – a favorite my brother and I have watched countless times together. So, of course, I sent him these photos so that he could immerse in them with me.

The drive to meet up with Lynne and this area was well worth it!

It was on this hike that the most starfish I’ve ever seen (we estimated at least a couple hundred and that didn’t include the ones we couldn’t see) appeared with the low tide and live crabs were surfing the waves.


The sea anemones were vibrantly saying “hi!” too.

It was all so incredible and she and I were little kids on Christmas morning, wide-eyed and excited with every single seastar and treasure friend we found.

There will be a solo, upcoming star beings blog, as I have so many photos and so much they bring up within me. But I also have a sweet and sacred story to share as well about 8/8.

Their rainbow of colors were spectacular and from tiny to massive, it was candy land for us two banana sisters.

I love sharing adventures with kindred souls who experience the same kind of wonderly along with me.

And in fun, I ended up winning the “Who can find the starfish first?” and received a hug from Lynne as the prize. Win-Win!

Friends of a feather bring out the best in us.

This day is also when I found an incredible little Oregon agate gift.

Looking forward to more adventures with miss Lynne while we’re here.

But yeah, the explorers of life that we are have been enjoying the daily excavations of experience…and I’m simultaneously welcoming in the gifts and energies.

So far we’ve seen a banana slug (I moved him off trail so no one would step on him), western terrestrial garter snake (tan color), garter snake (black with green stripes that we usually see), a deer, sea urchins, crabs (small and large), starfish galore, jellyfish (one in particular that I swore felt and looked like a water immersive spacecraft with control chamber at center that even had a star being inside!), bald eagles – adult and juvenile, golden eagle, pelicans, great blue herons, egrets, cranes, seagulls, cormorants, black oystercatcher, sand dollars, and more.

Just from our place we can see many of these – all the sea birds I just mentioned flying by, as well as harbor seals popping up in the water each day. These same seals swam by us on the kayak and it was so sweet to see their curious little heads checking us out.

There’s an area straight out from us I call Pelican Point because a couple hundred pelicans all gather there each evening.

And another area to the left where a large group of another couple hundred harbor seals gather that I call Seal Spit.

We also have some of everything right out the back door including this little waterfall oasis.

We are also graced with stunning sunsets like these.

One evening, from our deck, we watched a bald eagle across the way, feasting on his ocean catch. We’ve seen this same one flying above a couple of times, including while we kayaked. That same morning out on the water we also saw a juvenile bald eagle on the spit with ravens not happy about his being there.

It’s a gift to be a part of nature in action…I love living seamlessly alongside all of it where ever I am – here or at home…and everywhere in between.

I can’t begin to share all the treasures I’ve found of shell varieties and sand dollars (all of which have a single hole punched out at top likely from feasting seabirds), including beautiful large oyster shells, sweet transitioned moths (another I held until she passed), feathers galore – Steller’s jay, great blue heron, raven, pelican, seagull, wood pecker, and the Oregon agate I mentioned, as well as what appears to be jasper. The photos below share only a fraction of these gifts.

I love the open topped sand dollars revealing the sacred geometry within and the great blue heron feathers were another full circle gift…since that one visited us just a couple of days before we left on this journey, in a place that we haven’t seen one for quite some time. He felt like the gatekeeper tying in our experiences.

Most of the crab shells are all very colorful and one I found reminds me of a galaxy with barnacle planets and swirling colors. But then there was this bleached out one from long sunshine hours, creating a ghost crab shell.

Except for maybe when I was a little girl, although I don’t have memory of it, I have never found a full, perfect sand dollar. There have been literally thousands here I’ve seen the past week, but all broken in some way…not whole, but beautiful and perfect nonetheless.

Until the Lion’s Gate 8/8 Portal when this one below found me.

There’s a whole story that goes along with this that includes a starfish. But for now, here’s my very first sand dollar…I love that it was gray in color – my favorite Middle Way.

I can feel the shift of energy and I’m sure from the photo stories you’ll be able to see that both in the environment around me, but also the inner landscape within me.

The ocean adds depths and layers, but also softens with vulnerable strength.

Both the little girl within and the inner priestess, water sylph, and oracle feel alive.

These are activations unfolding for us all…to be in the fullness of our depths and to reveal the layers of All that we Are.

Astrid and the kitty babies are having their own refreshing experiences too.

Check out Boojum on the couch behind Astrid in the first collage. Sweet Pea spreading out her princessness. And Astrid exploring away. She loves that I brought her Maze Haven, as it gives her the perfect place to explore and rest. In the afternoons the sun shines upon it and she loves hanging her little head through the hole, soaking up the rays.

Ocean sounds and sights are filling everyone with peace and providing the backdrop for soul-deep relaxation.

Check out that light, orbs, and rainbow whiskers around and on the Queen.

Activations galore indeed.

These days we’re all transforming so quickly.

The changes go unnoticed because of the speed to which they happen, but when we stop to be present and breathe in the moment, it’s more than apparent.

We don’t need to know how.

It’s a matter of being and nature truly is and will always be the best mirror for reflection on the rest.

For now, perhaps you can let these images wash over and through you.

Feel the cleansing refresh and abundant potential…encouraging, supporting, and nudging you back to the nature of you.

The harmony within is singing.

See, experience, and honor the journey you are on at this time in the world without attaching to outcomes.

The mere fact that you’re here, indicates how integral your uniqueness is simply by breathing.

The Great Central Sun lives within you.

When you view it, any other, or any thing it is made possible because it is you.

The vastness of potentials is at each of our hands to create.

So what will you mold from your Cosmic heart?

It needn’t matter what others are doing…the story has always been your book to write.

The dream life will one day no longer be in the shadows.

It will merge forth into the light of conscious being once again.

August Energy Update with Lee

We landed safely at our coastal spot for the next two months. There have been many messengers and markers along the way, speaking the frequencies of a new story. We’re all resting, relaxing and receiving after the two day journey. The fur babies – Astrid, Boojum, and Sweet Pea were troopers. They are feeling refreshed in their new surroundings and receiving the nourishment of the ocean energies along with us.

After some easy bunny and kitty proofing, we’re all peaceful and the protective blankets from our house help bring the smells and comforts of home to here.

I’ll be recalibrating and letting the energies wash through me this week, but I wanted to share this video because I know many of you look forward to these.

This Energy Update from Lee for August couldn’t be more resonant to me. I imagine it will be for some of you too.

Of course, the energetic fog he shares about is a literal one here, being on the coast.

Our place is right on the water and these expansive vistas we both get to see (views from our windows) and explore daily I know will reveal much with great clarity.

For now, here are the insights from Lee.

Spreading My Wings in the Field of Potentials

And so like that I turn over a new pair of wings.

How many of you feel life is becoming a whole new world of potential that you previously had not imagined it could become?

While there’s definitely the intensities and frustrations circling about, there’s never just one experience playing out at any given time since one form gives rise to another. Contrasts live together and from these spring a well of possibility beyond both.

Collectively we’re all sharing a transformational experience and this may look different for how it weaves for each of us and what frequencies we choose to play out. Especially since our creative expressions are unique and at this point, more than ever, are the ticket to unexplored realms where we have yet to experience.

All I know is that the fresh terrain feels inviting and liberating because it’s where the tethers have dropped, making it easier to fly to new adventures without being weighed down. Hence, creativity becomes more fluid and we realize its vital role even more.

It’s an invitation to bring all of our parts with us, but to do so by sharing a new relationship to them and supporting an evolution rather than eradication. In this way threading together strengths, nurturing new ones, and transmuting the rest to blend the aligned alchemy for a refreshed and equally more fluid embodiment mirroring the ocean of creativity.

Some key shifts that come to mind in my personal experience, but may speak to what others are moving through as well, include:

  • A new experiential immersion, like an identity shift or frequency activation that draws from the larger well of multi-dimensionality
  • Having new dreams – both as experiences in dream life and in terms of magnetization and passions
  • Reckoning relationship imbalances – letting BE those not reciprocal or reflective of the vibration I am moving into with least resistance possible at any given moment
  • Extra unconditional detaching, observing, listening, and receiving
  • Releasing of past feelings in regard to responsibilities, roles, and sacrifices, as well as accepted definitions, collective belief systems and judgments
  • Giving AND NOT FORGETTING receiving, as the marriage of both EQUALS ABUNDANCE in the field of All That Is that we are
  • Now enhancements (some may call upgrades) taking place sooner than later, placing implementation at the forefront because they’re connected to liberation

And I’m sure I could have the list go on.

I share these to put some context to things if you were feeling similar.

Something I had no idea how it would ever come to be, is emerging….and other things I hadn’t yet in my soul history experienced full circle during one cycle, are in motion of coming to fruition.

It’s no surprise that on the New Moon great blue heron appeared, underscoring much of this and also pointing to the immediate journey ahead of the next two months.

We saw him on a hike where many ducks and geese are always prevalent…but not on this day. Not one of these other avian friends were there. Just the lone great blue heron. We rarely see heron up here and the last one at this lake was a few years ago. Mostly I see them down in the valley.

Just before our journey, I was feeling an initiation take place – that’s the only thing I can describe it as. I could feel myself in between worlds and not wanting to speak much. I was also in a high state of observation like I’d just landed from another planet and was curiously watching with a different layer of myself.

But of course I continue to find many messenger gifts, as you can see in the following photos, all culminating around the New Moon as well. I’ve mentioned before that for me, Nature’s messengers are the way that Cosmic messages are streaming through these days.

Steller’s Jay is speaking quite loudly, hawk including red tailed hawk, Northern Flicker (woodpecker), Western Tanager (songbird) and then the wild find of what appears to be part of a deer’s jaw with molars in tact.

The timing of the latter was uncanny and deeply telling, as teeth speak to the root and interconnected influences of things. They are a gateway to deeply transformative inner work and spiritual development that reveal the complexity of emotional energy that we’ve been holding onto in distorted and suppressed ways. Teeth are part of a structure system and alert us where changes in our life are becoming necessary to our well being.

I also found this incredibly tiny, but ever-so magickal little rainbow infused raw citrine on the beach – so telling of the creative potentials we may overlook and the gifts that go unnoticed all around us.

After our first day of travels, I had to come back to add the potent sightings along the way of transitioned animals by roadside that included some unusual ones – bobcat, two foxes, and again raccoon were among these. And in fact, upon touchdown I opened the car door to get Astrid out and a Steller’s Jay feather was right at my feet and then we had a raccoon visitor hanging out on the side of our cabin while we sat outside to unwind from the road trip.

To say that the interweavings of late have been rich is an understatement, but they are being made possible by our willingness and readiness to consciously coweave the connections and dive deeper into the creative vortex.

We are artisans of vibration creating a frequency elixir for a new way of being. A theme I keep reiterating because the depth can’t be expressed enough for its inviting implications.

And speaking of artisans…I was ecstatic to find this naturally carved piece of wood on one of our hikes recently to a new vista point.

I have several creative side projects upcoming in Autumn, but this is definitely one of them.

Can you guess what this piece of wood has spoken to me about its energy signature I will assist it into being?

I was floored when I received the message so clearly and how it points to the renewed opening of my path.

Moment upon moment it’s wild how much is coming to light for us all and how much we are tapping into one another in seamless ways – once again. I can’t tell you how many stories of synchronicity happen with people I know to the “t”.

The wisdom is embodied within everything around us and especially made clear through Nature as divine messenger of our Cosmic origins and sacred depth of layered connection and harmonic brilliance.

A recent reflection I captured one evening spoke to this explosion of life on nature’s canvas in the flow of a cosmic sunset birthing over Lake Tahoe.

This display felt like a reflection of my inner landscape, but also of the collective pool’s ability to paint new expressions of art over and over.

The dramatic bursts of color over the lake on one side of the sky and very soft cotton candy pink puffs rising from the mountain tops on the other side spoke to beauty in all expressions, unlimited potential, and ability for contrasts to live as One.

Recent outdoor immersions have been filled with incredible beauty. I find it fascinating that this year is drenched in ever-more enchantment and abundant surprises, alongside the contrasts in the world and even in contrast to what was experienced with the dramatic fire season of last year…and yet they live as One and speak to perpetual, creative renewal inherent within.

Take a look at the following landscapes where hope blooms and imagination graces each step with whispers of memories you might miss if you tread too loud.

Lush faery realms draw me in, as my heart flutters with delight. The ground is filled with cotton clouds that turn the world upside down, or perhaps right side up. One can feel themselves take flight into the green sky fields lining the creek. No matter what the world throws at me, I am content with unwrapping the quiet wonders that don’t need bells and whistles to earn my attention.

I am content immersing in Nature’s nurturing – filling my body with nourishment for thriving and my spirit with frequencies of essence.

Yellow bursts of mmmmmeadows infuse sunshiny vitality as golden streams of invigoration through my veins.

Lilac fields of lupine dreams and iris potentials are where my spirit finds harmonic resonance.

Their auric fields and fragrant alchemy are welcome friends, as I explore the opening of new neuron pathways and stretch into what’s possible.

Each year there’s a place where the wild irises grow that is a favorite enchanted realm of mine.

You must hit the timing just right to catch them in their glory, as the opening is so brief. This window shifts by weeks and days and we’ve caught it in several points of the process.

This year, alignment was perfection in my day of choosing to journey there.

And I fully saturated my entire being with it.

This kind of in-tune interfacing is becoming the more prevalent norm.

And the reflections are connecting us heart-to-heart.

Astrid continues to experience her own shade of lilac interfacing in deepening violet hues of amethyst inspiration.

See how she lovingly cradles her amethyst friend with her entire body, heart and soul.

I love her little silver tipped paws atop the royal amethyst points…receiving and giving…creating and weaving…together.

So much is taking place within the very fabric of our being.

And together with our little family, we are taking our current promptings on an adventure that was put into motion last year, but happens to align in supporting Orca’s call and the recalibrating of necessary ingredients to walk forth with.

As you read this, we are traveling and settling in, so our next touch-in will be from a different vibrational space we were called to.

I’m grateful that before departing, my garden gifted me a hint of new blossoms I was awaiting (and perhaps hints of what’s opening in my life) – knowing I would be sad to miss them in all their glory and also happy to add their frequencies to the igniting of new. I feel they reflect what’s unfurling within.

This included my first red and yellow lilies of the season, alongside a few more of my smaller daylilies, my first pansies and hollyhocks, and a lot of delphinium floating in the air like little blue stars. .

Loving the colors of red, yellow, purple, and blue that stand out in frequency.

I was also excited to see my very first Lamb’s Ear flower just begin to bloom before we left and of course I harvested my Garden Tower for Astrid’s breakfasts while traveling, along with lavender, rose petals and other beauties that will be drying for our return to use in baking and more.

I left half of the lavender because the bumble bees have been loving on them, as well as the hummingbirds who keep frequenting the garden along with the rest of the pollinators to sip from all of the blossoms.

Astrid and I got the message to move our “Hope” and “Dream” mushrooms from our Wonderland room (right before leaving) into the garden to plant these energies where abundance grows.

We already had a “Grow” mushroom in the rock garden, so adding these two behind the faery and rabbit that mirror Astrid and me, felt aligned in connecting our vibrations and journey as an interlacing with the garden of life, no matter where we are.

I was able to put to closure everything I wanted to before heading out for this little away time, and plan not to immerse in the same ways of the past upon returning. I’m even recoding my “pasts” through some soul explorations along with new daily rituals and commitments I’ll be incorporating into my life in order to navigate by a new vibrational map.

I thought it was quite a send off to have a dream the night before we left about my having five little baby birds that seemed similar to parakeets that kept releasing themselves from some cage someone had put them in. I went to round them up, much like the little Robin in our garage, to make sure they were safe since they were still young and vulnerable. They were exuberant with curiosity to explore the world and very ingenious to outwit the cage. I was able to gently pick them all up, but one of them flew right into my mouth, preferring it there to my hand and feeling safe to sit cradled in it. Potent stuff indeed!

And while dream life often includes nature messengers, along with Astrid in two recent dreams, waking life continues like a dream I’m dreaming alive in my garden and on every adventure excursion.

This book gnome with rabbit and hedgehog friend were the last new additions to the garden here that face our room.

Their presence is especially meaningful as an immersion into weaving and rewriting a new story – one that knows no boundaries between realms and species, heart and mind, body and spirit.

I love imagining that they’re in process of reading what that story is and my imagination is the storyteller unfolding the words, moment by moment for them.

Day into night and night into day.

We write and weave and weave and write.

We are all creative storytellers doing much the same with the fabric of consciousness in the field of potentials.