Monthly Archives: December 2015

Deepen Into You ~ A New Years Prayer

I’ve shared this before, but the message seems so appropriate each year and truly, every day of our lives.

Deepen into you.

“Imagine if your New Year’s wasn’t about fixing or improving, but about deepening and transforming, about embracing the holy mystery at the heart of the world.” ~Christine Valters Paintner

I’ll be sharing a New Years video along with a more in depth newsletter soon, but for now take a moment to honor all that has passed, all that is now, and all that you are growing into.

Be with the beauty of who you are, as despite your not being able to see it sometimes, you are magnificent and so much more than you give yourself credit for.

Embrace that. And allow yourself to believe it.

Peace awaits your stepping into it.

new years prayer

Astrological Tarot Readings ~ January 2016 ~ Aquarius, Capricorn, Pisces, Aries

Hope you enjoy this astrological tarot reading post by Amythyst Raine. She offers each of the 12 astrological signs a mini generalized reading for January 2016 and the energies available that you can step into. As she points out, if you know your rising sign, you may want to explore readings for some of the other signs as well.

I found her Pisces reading to be dead on for me in terms of where I’m at and what’s going on in my energetic landscape. So much so, I felt she was speaking directly to me. Love it!

Blessings to you, as you put peaceful closure to 2015 and walk through 2016’s door of opportunity with embrace.

Thank you Amythyst Raine for providing these mini insights.

Magickal Connections

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If you would like a Personal Reading with me, follow this link:

BOOKS, by author Amythyst Raine @ Amazon ~

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Animal Spirit Guide Support ~ Enter The Enchanted Forest

I’ve posted this link (below) before, but felt guided to share it again so that you can take a moment to breathe in your intentions and discover what animal spirit guide is by your side right now with a message of support to assist you with them.

This is a great way to put closure to the current year, by focusing on the energy that will open doors for you in the new year.

Take your time to focus and be clear with one particular area of your life you would like support with, or something larger you are wanting to manifest for the year ahead.

I decided to explore The Enchanted Forest twice.

The first time was in asking a broader question to assist me with 2016 intents I have.

The second time was in asking a very “now” question to support some anxiety I’ve been working through around putting closure to this year and accomplishing projects at hand in order to do so.

My animal spirit guide wisdom was perfect.

For the first I received:

The Butterfly ~ Transformation, Acceptance, Gratitude

The ultimate symbol of transformation is now an integral part of your life.  Be glad, for you are the butterfly!

The butterfly energy will allow you to continually transform, gradually lifting your level higher and higher as you cycle through the stages of birth, crawling, cocooning and flight for each new stage of your life.

And as you go through this process, over and over, learn to accept that each stage is a necessary part of transformation.  Butterfly energy will help you not only accept, but actually enjoy the early crawling stage, as you learn new skills and new ways of being.  This energy will also help you understand that the chrysalis stage, wrapped in a cocoon with direction unclear, is a necessary state before you can emerge in your full glory.

And as you finally emerge as a butterfly, something that will happen to you many times in your lifetime, stretch out your beautiful wings and fly, enjoying life to the fullest, engrossed within this moment and this moment only, as you drink the nectar of the garden and give thanks for the many blessings of your life.

And then, of course, you will do it all over again, for you are the butterfly.

This made so much sense on a multitude of levels, especially since I continue to be in the chrysalis stage within my cocoon and will be for a while longer. And also because long, long ago butterfly had been received to me as my symbol for my life’s work.

The second I received was equally perfect in message to assist me with flow right now:

The Doe ~ Effortlessness, Awareness, Intention

You are blessed indeed to have the beautiful doe as your power animal.  She appears delicate, but she is very strong.  Her strength comes from her deep connection to all that surrounds her.  She will teach you to stand within the moment, quiet and observant, sensing all that is, feeling each leaf of the forest as a deep part of your being.

She will also teach you lightness, lightness of the spirit and of the feet.  With a deep intuitive sense of what is, you will know exactly when to take action and to do so decisively, moving quickly and gracefully in response to your knowing.  She will teach you to sense the world around you so deeply and instinctively that you are always one step ahead of the events coming your way. 

Let her light spirit fill you with the freedom and joy of being, so that you bound and leap through life effortlessly, always sure-footed, always deeply attuned, even when entering a new part of the forest.  She will help you welcome the new experiences of life, giving a joyous welcoming to new beginnings.

As the doe, you will learn to be fearless, to trust your intuition completely and know that a deep awareness and connection with the world, combined with a belief in yourself, is the best possible protection there is.

That was definitely supportive and I could feel a release and relief in reading Doe’s message reminder to me to sink deeper into right now.

So now it’s your turn!

Take your own journey into the Enchanted Forest here to receive a supportive message:

The Enchanted Forest ~ Power Animals Unleashed

And if you DO journey into the Enchanted Forest, I’d love to hear what Animal Spirit Guide was awaiting you. Please leave a short note in the comments with the friend that met you there.

Magickal blessings to you!!

End of Year Reminders

With just 12 more days remaining and my schedule now completely full until we head off on our adventure and say goodbye to the area here for now (until we pass through again along the way) I don’t have the ability to offer any more private or group workshops, whether weekend or weekday.

This coming Sunday, January 3rd is the last Reiki 3 Master Teacher workshop I’ll be teaching, which is now also currently full.

If you really feel you’re meant to be in this workshop, whether to join for free review as a return student, or to complete your training, I am open to exploring another possible option to create space for more on that day.

Please message me as soon as possible though, as it’s just 5 days away.

Otherwise, I will be offering private retreats that can encompass your training and more where ever I am, I can refer you to some of my local students who are teaching and will be teaching in the new year, or we can facilitate distant training via calls, skype, video, and email.

I’m also booked through late January with sacred tattoo designs, however if you’re still interested in getting a design in the New Year, I’m still honoring my current rate until the end of this month if you book with me in the next two days.

Beginning January 1st, I’ll have a new rate, which will be shared in my upcoming newsletter.

You can still book Intuitive Energy Guidance Sessions, which are spiritually guided coaching calls with me, however. And, there will be an announcement, as promised, about a big giveaway to my Five-Week Intensive clients for the new year. Stay tuned for that also in the next newsletter.

For now, through January 10th I’m going to be pretty focused with end of year closure of things, and completing projects, as well as energetically closing doors to open new ones.

I’ll be sharing some of the newest sacred tattoo designs soon and a book cover I’ll be working on shortly for one of my author friends.

Hope everyone had a wonderful holiday and are getting ready to kick off a new year!

If you have any questions please contact me here: Tania Marie


Peace Doesn’t Have To Wait For Death

There continues to be a lot of souls choosing to transition at this time (both in human and animal bodies) and many others experiencing recurring or new serious health challenges.

It really is beyond our solely human capacities to understand and grasp the why’s around this. Nothing makes sense to the heart that feels a sense of attachment to special souls in our lives and that wants greatly to have that physical closeness and tangible presence with us always.

And yet, we do grasp, at least in the conceptual way, that there is something beyond our understanding and that these souls, although depart physically, are truly never far from us.

It’s our emotions, attachments, and personal desires that struggle with this.

And it takes time to heal those wounds we feel and to come to a deeper place of resolve and peace that can’t happen because of what someone tells us, but happens when we begin to experience life and death in a different way – one in which Nature is lovingly reflecting to us daily.

There are seasons of the soul, just as there are seasons of Nature.

Everything is constantly renewing itself and transmuting itself.

And while death seems permanent to humans, in the Cosmic landscape it is a process of renewal, just as stars die and are reborn again.

Everything around us, on and off-planet, goes through this continuous cycle of “birth” and “death” constantly and yet we think nothing of that until it hits closer to home.

The more emotionally attached we are, and the more immediate environment of people and things we value are affected, the more challenging these natural renewals are to us.

Otherwise the “idea” of separation and distance, along with some cognitive dissonance sometimes seems to shelter us.

Although there are many of us who mourn the passing of trees and plants, as well as parts of Earth that have disappeared or been destroyed over time, for instance, it is mostly the ego attachments to who and what we hold closest that pose a threat to our emotional stability and our mental clarity when faced with that inevitable experience of someone physically leaving our lives.

I’ve written many times on my own experience with “death” that hit me closest to home for the first time with my twin soul, Nestor – the only experience that really asked of me to make peace with what I know beyond what my immediate feelings of attachment would have me otherwise believe.

And I know I will go through this process again with my precious little ones that are gracefully aging in Earth years, as well as others close in heart.

I’ve been able to feel immediate peace with other transitions around me, in large part because of what I learned through that experience with Nestor.

But I also seemed to have some rare, innate grasp of death from early on, as I remember sitting in a funeral of our most dearest family friend so very long ago (a friend who’s last name just so happens to have been “Nestor”) and leaning over to whisper to my brother, “I don’t understand why everyone is so sad. I feel we should be celebrating her.”

My nudge to post about this wasn’t to go into detail on the ways of processing this, as it really is an individual experience and when it feels unbearable, deserves your attention to work in a way that is supportive to your needs, and perhaps with someone who can help guide you through that so it doesn’t get to the point of your walking through life, lifeless, but instead you learn to thrive again as your loved one encourages, supports, and continues to do so from where they are.

My nudge was that this is happening a lot and is going to continue to amp up because of the tremendous shifts taking place on a grand scale.

And it’s going to involve people you would not even imagine it would happen to.

I’ve had more people than ever, closer to me, transitioning.

And they aren’t people you’d necessarily think would be, nor are they of any age you’d naturally link to their passing.

That is part of my reason of addressing this, to bring to light that there are reasons beyond your comprehension, as to why.

I’ve experienced several people transition recently including a grandpa, other family members and family friends, animals I knew intimately, a dear friend in his late 50’s, a man I once dated in his early 50’s, and a sweet friend only 39 who shared my birthday – 2/26.

The last two just transitioned recently in September and on December 20th.

Most of the people I know have passed via different forms of cancer – that’s the physical vehicle that assisted their soul’s transition.

And they, like many others, were living very spiritual lives.

In the case of my sweet friend who passed just nine days ago, she was the epitome of joy – a true sparkly Faery, love, embrace, gratitude, spiritual consciousness, was living her dream running a small b&b retreat center with her beloved soulmate husband in Hawaii, ate consciously, shared her gifts of art, healing, animal communication, etc. and yet despite everything, her soul was ready.

I’m happy to share she went in peace from what I heard.

From the outside people tend to judge things or have fears come up around situations seen only superficially.

How could someone be so conscious and still leave their human body?

How can such a condition have happened to them with all of their efforts?

What does this mean in terms of working towards being more conscious and growing in my own life, if there are no guarantees?

These are valid questions in terms of the ego fear within us and our conditioned ideas about things, but we fail to understand that each soul truly does have a choice.

Only that soul knows what their path is and when their time is done here.

In terms of people living consciously and embracing everything every step of the way until the end, these are people making peace with their soul essence that knows….they come to understand, or do understand something we can’t comprehend until we face the same or unless we have a connection to that knowing already.

With each of my dear friends, they all were at peace during their last months and when they passed. And they all came to personal resolutions and had opportunity to do that with others.

Does this mean every little aspect of their lives were some idea of perfect?

I’d have to answer with a question to that and ask, what does that mean exactly since life is whole in its perfect imperfection?

And secondly, you can have experiences and yet still come to a place of peace and resolve, and realize that’s all that was needed…so to let go is more than okay.

It’s natural.

It’s a part of the spiraling cycle.

It’s surrendering to that peace found within everything experienced.

So although their physical condition seemed much like a violent attack, they stood at center of that and embraced it and were okay with what unfolded, either way.

In one of the cases, I know this firsthand, as I had opportunity to have a last conversation with one of these dear souls and it was just as I shared in terms of what I heard and felt in our exchange.

Souls know when they’ve completed what they came to experience.

They may even come to know they can do more from another state of existence now.

Through their human death they will leave a great opportunity for those around them to learn and expand from and understand their collective part in the bigger picture unfolding.

In many cases they come to find that sweet spot of truly understanding the beauty of life and death wrapped up in one, of the wonder in experiencing the bitter and sweet, depths and heights, and duality all at once.

They understand that state of transcendence and bestow their emanating vibration of this to those around them.

It is not something we have to wait until our physical death to experience.

We can make peace with it right here and now…to know and walk the beautiful path of harmony amidst the darkest hours of life and the brightest, and come to embody that state of gratitude for this ability to experience this – the gift we have as spiritual embodiments of this sacred merging.

This has been my state of most recent experience, I’ve likely in less public ways have been sharing a lot more of the extent of that with those dear to me…where I’m continuing to bridge that gap of being in “spiritual skin” and coming to know that state of peace more intimately now.

This continues to deepen and increase daily.

I have absolutely no fear of physical death.

I have complete peace with anything that could happen to me today or tomorrow.

I have complete peace with when I’ll choose that.

I have embraced living as fully as possible, as if it were my last day and don’t push off things I want to do or feel are important to my path to be doing, or express what I feel important to share.

I also remind myself, when I slip into stress of any kind, how unimportant any of it is and then focus back on what truly is of value.

I’ve felt death close at hand before and how fragile and easily that veil is lifted to pass through.

I’ve teetered on the edge between life and death where the line was but a choice within my inhale and exhale.

And I know when my time draws near that it will be in the perfect way my soul chooses, despite what that appears on the outside because our lives are not lived as islands unto ourselves. The way things play out always has purpose far beyond the obvious and will take place in the way most beneficial for the highest good of all concerned.

There is no right or wrong way. There is simply the way we’ve chosen to show up as our individual Cosmic song.

I don’t have to wait until the day of my own shift in physical reality to know this.

And neither do any of us.

The secret that these people hold who have passed seemingly abruptly and in some cases “shockingly,” despite any outside judgment on how that happened, is one we can walk through life with…not waiting until what ever afterlife you believe awaits.

  • Gratitude for everything available in this gift of Earthly life you’ve come to experience.
  • Inviting the shadow of peace that always walks beside, in front, or behind you to step back into your heart in the here and now.

We can still work towards changes we would like to create and put into action new ways and systems to shift things vibrationally and tangibly, but there’s also no reason that you can’t experience peace during that entire process and amidst anything that is happening while change is taking place.

The existence of all varieties of energies are a guidepost to your own peaceful resolve.

Through that, everything transforms before your eyes and in terms of how you experience life.

I celebrate all of the beautiful souls that are lighting the way.

Black Garnet ~ Earth Magick, Mysticism, Creative Vitality & Rooted Embodiment

black garnet

While in the crystal flow here after our lovely Crystal Magick workshop yesterday, I thought I’d share a little about a newer addition to my now much smaller, but very focused crystal family here.

She’s a Black Garnet from Russia.

Small, but mighty.

And loving the feel of her energy.

Feels like she is supporting me to work with the deep mystery of things in a magickal way while also helping to strip down to the most vulnerable truth within that releases energy to move through me with greater flow.

This helps with creative inspiration for sure! Not to mention greater life force vitality.

I feel she has a portal that perfectly fits under the pad of my thumb when I hold her – a portal to the inner realm and other worlds where I can journey further and shine a light on more things needing to be revealed, as well as retrieve and reclaim parts of myself.

This all feels perfect for the energy that I am and have been working with, along with my continued desire and need for inward focus.

I felt guided to take her along on our 8 mile hike this past Saturday above the coastline across from Crystal Cove beach.

I held her in my hand throughout the hike and with the wild winds of change that accompanied the whole journey, I was feeling a powerful shamanic energy from her that is very connected to the Earth and elements.

It’s hard to tell in the photo, but she sparkles quite a bit and is much like a little black star-dusted flower.

Her size making her fit for a Faery – one who walks the edge of different worlds.

I love that she comes from Russia, as my name, Tania, has Russian origins (although I am not myself Russian – at least that I am aware of) and means Faery Queen. 🙂

black garnet russia

This particular Black Garnet is also known as Melanite, which is a type of Andradite Black Garnet.

Metaphysically speaking, Melanite is known to have a very strong Earth star chakra connection, which helps with actualizing and manifesting dreams into reality – making the intangible, tangible.

It helps to clear and remove blocks that can free the flow and revitalize both the root and sacral chakras. In this way it is connected to the kundalini energy and has the ability to stimulate and awaken it.

This lovely Black Garnet encourages positive feelings and boosts self-confidence, stabilizes and balances, enhances sense of security, as well as yes! heightening, strengthening, and providing an infinite source of creativity because of that energy stimulation and flow – which also translates physically into increased blood circulation and flow.

Great also for bronchial disorders, calcium absorption – strengthens bones, magnesium and iron, good for eyesight, helps treat cancer, strokes, rheumatism, and arthritis.

It’s a great grounding stone, connects your life force to the fiery Earth’s core, great for the personal journey of self-discovery with integrity, helps work through anger and mistrust challenges, emanates an empowering energy that supports greater commitment, will power, and courage to stay on your spiritual path, strengthens and protects your aura to deflect unwanted and negative energy, calming if you have nightmares, supports good beginnings, solidity in significant relationships, and helps you learn both self-love and loving others in a healthy way as that refection.

In addition, honesty is strengthened and heart and throat chakras are supported to release blocks in energy there – all helping with the expression of your truth.

In continuing to research more about them, I continued to see the support and reiteration for all that I was sensing from this little, powerful stone.

This to include their being an Earth magick stone that connects you with the elemental forces and mysticism to support your work, harness the energies to bring forth goals, and work that magician alchemy.

While feeling a deeper connection to Earth, it will help cultivate your own personal power that is held within your depths of being and perhaps have you realizing your essence more fully. Rooting your energy brings about greater embodiment of who you really are. And the grounding effect it has will be supportive in rebalancing you if you work a lot with high vibration crystals and do a lot of energy work in general.

Apparently Black Garnet/Melanite can be found in several different areas and carries different energy, as well as works differently, depending on its origin.

Some come from Mexico, California, and Russia.

According to some sources the Russian Black Garnet is “absolutely” the most powerful, as it combines both the energies of the Mexican AND Californian Black Garnet.

The ones from Mexico assist greatly for the physical body with their earthy gentle and slow current.

California Black Garnet has a very strong, pure, high vibrational energy that goes straight to working in the ethereal level as it penetrates in the head and crown. It is because of their strong Titanium energy that they support emotional and mental healing more than physical.

So, as you can see, since the Russian Black Garnet integrates both types, it is all-encompassing with how it energetically assists on all of these levels.

All I know, since I haven’t worked with the ones from Mexico and California, is that this little Russian black jewel is definitely potent. I am looking forward to continued work with my new friend and seeing what else I discover.

Holiday Nourishment Inside & Out

christmas flowersIt’s been a cozy, nourishing, simple, yet potent Christmas Full Moon and Winter Solstice. And with it being a Cancer Full Moon, it was no wonder that we felt called to share this time quietly at home mostly to ourselves with some time mixed in that was celebrated with family.

It was all about being cozy, nurturing, and nourishing from the inside out, which includes both tummy and inner world.

I spent time on Winter Solstice in my own ritual of complete solitude, which included working with my crystals and sacred shamanic gifts the Earth, animals, and Peruvian shaman had given me.

Yes, I dug deeper and continue to, getting honest with some of my deepest desires and how to be even truer to them.

But alongside that, nurturing in general just has felt to be most important since I decided to take my sabbatical and continue to be focused inward, although am back.

And that nurturing definitely includes good, comfort, nourishing food!!

I was wondering what to make for our Christmas Eve dinner on our own, and of course Miss Laura chimed in with sharing her vegan meatloaf recipe that unfolded a long texting between us about food, recipes, yummy ideas….and ending in us sharing a virtual meal from across the states.

You can read about her meals and get some of the recipes at that link, along with others here: Vegan and Vegetarian Holiday Options

I ended up making these all vegan dishes:

  • chickpea vegan meatloaf with maple glaze and creamy thick coconut mushroom gravy
  • roasted brussels sprouts
  • coconut milk/rosemary mashed potatoes made with yukon gold and sweet potatoes with chives and “bacon” bits
  • almond snowballs that taste just like marzipan
  • little strawberry elves
  • turmeric lemonade

meatloafmeatloaf4snowballsstrawberry elvesturmeric lemonadeWe also, like Laura and her David, then shared a vegan, Whole Foods bought Christmas meal Dave’s family got for us at their house, which included a Celebration Field Roast, mixed grilled brussels sprouts and potatoes, cranberry sauce, and grilled mangoes, followed by a vegan chocolate birthday cake for Dave’s brother’s wife along with some of my snowballs I brought over that were hits. It was here we also took the only Christmas photo I have of us.xmas

Even the photo seems to reflect the nurturing and comforting energy that has surrounded and supported us, inside and out.

And Christmas night we wanted something light when we returned home, so I created my version of the tempeh cobb salad Laura also had shared with me.

I made mine with  Arugula from my mini garden, chopped carrots, cherry tomatoes, chives, cucumbers, vegan bacon bits, ground pepper, “fried chicken” tempeh – tempeh marinated in tamari, lemon juice, olive oil, and dried rosemary covered in bread crumbs on the skillet and tossed together with a home made mustard dressing with apple cider vinegar base.vegan cobb saladcobb salad

We were given a gift certificate to a local, cozy, eclectic restaurant – The Gypsy Den – and so we enjoyed that last night with warming comfort foods like vegan stew, chili, rye bread, veggie wraps, and a piece of coconut cake. I especially enjoyed the Mayan cocoa with almond milk in a giant warm mug.

And now, after the last Crystal Magick workshop I’ll be teaching here, which Nature conspired to make a perfect day of sunny warmth to teach it outdoors on the beach, my mouth is watering to have Christmas Eve leftovers and just-baked organic Italian bread whose aroma is calling to me right as I finish this off!

Today’s workshop also touched on how to uncover and work with deep, hidden, and repressed emotions, and so the Full Moon’s Cancer energy continues to nurture deeply and anchor in the heart of all matters.

Sometimes the heart of things for us Faeries, is simply the nourishing meals of hearth and home.

At the least they sure do balance all the energy being channeled. And that helps us keep our feet on the ground when our wings would be taking to flight rather easily. 🙂



Standing Heart to Heart and Hand in Hand ~ The True Meaning of Christmas…and Life

I’ve been singing this song a lot recently so a repost of this one is going up today to bring the spirit of the season and life closer to heart and mind.

Have a beautiful, love and peace filled day, however you celebrate – whether that’s with family, friends, animal companions, in solitude, or with Nature. And a magickal Full Moon! Sink into the expanse of your heart and the depth of the dreams that are within it to follow.

Tania Marie

He puzzled and puzzed till his puzzler was sore. Then the Grinch thought of something he hadn’t before. Maybe Christmas, he thought… doesn’t come from a store. Maybe Christmas, perhaps… means a little bit more!

And what happened, then? Well, in Whoville they say – that the Grinch’s small heart grew three sizes that day. And then – the true meaning of Christmas came through, and the Grinch found the strength of *ten* Grinches, plus two!

Welcome, Christmas, bring your cheer. Cheer to all Whos far and near. Christmas Day is in our grasp, so long as we have hands to clasp. Christmas Day will always be just as long as we have we. Welcome Christmas while we stand, heart to heart, and hand in hand.

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Christmas Eve with Tiny & Tiny Tim

cosmo and joy heart

I just wanted to share a quick little bit of “Joy” on this special day, which coincides with Christmas Eve.

Today is my gracefully aging bunny, Joy’s, birthday.

It is also the first Christmas Eve and Christmas that Cosmo is sharing with us.

Both of these are a huge cause for celebration here.

We have nicknames for both of them.

Joy’s nickname is “Tiny” and Cosmo’s nickname is “Tiny Tim”.

The nicknames just happen. We don’t think them up.

But Cosmo’s is so perfect being that he is a sweet and pure little soul with special needs that happen to be a hind leg disability. And yet he is the most loving little soul and full of light and strength of spirit.

Tiny Tim, as you know is a character from A Christmas Carol, which of course is the story of Scrooge. He is a little sickly boy who walks with a crutch and yet his spirit is always positive and filled with love.

And Joy, aka Tiny, well is just a little round fluffy ball of pure “joy” and is a also a figure of strength, wisdom, and childlike innocence all wrapped in one.

They are both perfect reflections of the spirit of the season for me – always reminding me the love, joy, wonder, and innocence in my heart are the guiding forces that will light my way.

I’m so grateful to be able to share this special time with them and to give both of these once “shelter-abandoned” bunnies a warm, love filled life.

I wish I could do that for all left alone in shelters and one day perhaps will.

So it will be a day of decadent celebrating and love abound for these little ones and for us, as I’ll be in the kitchen cooking up a Faery feast for our quiet Christmas Eve and giving the little ones some extra goodies of their favs.

Our feast will be shared virtually with my Faery sis, Laura, who provided some of the ideas I’ll be making today and that she is too! We’ll likely share our holiday vegan feasts after the feasting!

I’m being a bit ambitious with my meal plan agenda, so I better hop to it!!

Happy Birthday Joy! Happy First Christmas Cosmo!

The two of you embody all that is important to me and I thank you for surrounding my life with love. I promise to always do the same for you.

You both embody the magick of this Eve and the essence of enchantment and purity within the snowflakes that grace Winter.

As I connect with my own inner child, I’m reminded to dream and believe, to see through eyes and heart of wonder, to share my love with everyone in peace and harmony, to create from my heart, and to recognize and share the beauty in and around us.

Christmas Eve was a night of song that wrapped itself about you like a shawl. But it warmed more than your body. It warmed your heart… filled it, too, with melody that would last forever. ~Bess Steeter Aldrich

May the loving melody of today resound eternally in your heart.

May you always believe, have the courage to dream, and may the Christmas Eve magick and child-like wonder be with you all year round.GAM_9578 web

End of Year Reminders As You Breathe Into Closure of 2015 & Welcome in 2016

I’m sure that everyone has their days full right now with holiday festivities and end of the year closure to things.

I’m in the midst of my own long list of to-do’s too, but making it as fun and peaceful as possible. I have my music playing, as I dance in my chair and sing while I work and go about things. 🙂

Since the rest of this week and weekend is quite full here – finishing up lots of work, tons of errands, lots of Christmas food prep for our quiet, but decadent Christmas Eve dinner, a Christmas day family gathering, quiet Full Moon Christmas evening ritual to ourselves, and workshop prep for Sunday’s full day of Crystal Magick – I’m putting out these last reminders on a few things winding down here and coming up!

Remember that I’m only here another 18 more days! That’s less than 3 weeks!

So while you’re breathing your way through your own end-of-year festivities and to-do’s, here are some things that might be an empowering and inspiring part of the new energy you’re intending to embody and activate for the year ahead!


  • If you’re local or in the area and still want to join the Crystal Magick Workshop on Sunday the 27th you can still do so. This is a full day workshop and includes manual, pendulum, and crystal with registration. Any past students who want to come for free review I’m also opening this day to, since it’s the last in the area. Please message and register with me before Christmas. Still hoping the weather is nice for an outdoor experience. But come rain or shine this will still be held in my new sacred space.



  • I am going to be offering a BIG gift giveaway in 2016 to my courageous and committed clients who have partnered with me, and do partner with me, on a Five-Week Intensive of Intuitive Energy Guidance – spiritual coaching sessions. This also to be announced in my next newsletter. Very exciting! For now, remember that if you book this commitment to yourself (perhaps a way to honor the intents you have for the New Year) by 12/31 you’ll receive a free 1/2 hour session. Plus, you’ll automatically be in on the giveaway to be announced.


  • And lastly, Sunday, January 3rd will be the last Reiki workshop before I leave. This is a Reiki 3 Master Teacher Workshop and can be attended by both past students (for free) and new students. I have room for only one more person however.


Happy Winter and “wintering” to everyone!