Monthly Archives: April 2014

May 2014 Energy Forecast – Lee Harris on the Extraordinary Heart Within Your Higher Mind

Lee speaks to several key aspects that are moving through energetically this month, which include:

  • The need for regular and consistent creation of sacred space and solitude, whatever that means to you – nature is one great way. These being so key to bringing you back to who you really are and to keeping you balanced and in tune with your personal frequency when so much intensity is going on all around.
  • Height of being, higher mind, and heart are at the forefront.
  • Choices are important, as to what you decide now. And you get to choose everything…from who you want to engage with and how you want to play this game of life. And none of them are wrong. They are just choices of experience. And each of us are different as to what we choose to experience this go around.
  • Heart-led communication with your higher mind, from your heart intelligence is what you’re being asked to speak more from.

These things are definitely like reading my own mind, as they are some of the same things I’ve been keying into and especially where choices are concerned and how Lee speaks about us not being responsible for how someone else feels when we speak our truth:

“So, yes, maybe you are going to upset your friend slightly because you are going to say X,Y or Z to them. But remember, the only reason you probably know you’re going to upset them is your third eye senses about this person tell you so. And your knowledge of how their patterns run tell you that they don’t like being told that they did something that upset you. But that’s their issue. That’s something they’re carrying. They need to learn to let go of that. Because all of us can learn to be ok with feedback from each other about how we’re doing. So ask yourself where you are making yourself a slave to the emotions you fear you will catalyze in others. Emotions in them that aren’t your responsibility to help them stay trapped in.”

I’ve experienced this in relating where someone doesn’t want to hear what I’m sharing as my feelings, even when they come from my heart’s truth. They remain stuck in their own story and perceptions and then create a completely different scenario to feed what they are feeling or perhaps have created in illusion to feed a need, rather than listening and truly hearing.

And guess what? That’s not my responsibility if I have spoken my truth.

And guess what? It’s not for me to try and make the person understand or to make them wrong. Nor is it for them to try and make me come to their way of believing or to make me wrong or feel bad for how they feel. Nor is it for me to feel guilt about things that I know not to be my truth, as people can try to pull you down into their well when they are feeling low – misery likes company. It DOES take a strong sense of knowing yourself, to not be affected by that and go into victim mode.

We COULD choose to do those things, or we COULD choose to go within and do our own personal work with the gifts the experience show us, and then choose to engage differently, or not at all. But one must do the work. You can’t just ignore.

I feel experiences are gifts to provide the opportunity to let go, integrate, and rise out of it ourselves. Gifts to let us choose and decide to be more of who we are authentically, or to go into another story temporarily until we DO learn who we really are and consistently are able to stand in that, or rebalance back quickly into it.

Choose your battles, as they say, but do so by standing in your truth and wholeness with an open heart that lovingly is able to fully release and unconditionally detach, not seeing the temporary story they are exuding, but the truth of who they really are too. This way the other person can make their own decisions as to how they want to proceed with things, but they aren’t riding on your energy that you give away to them and you aren’t feeding any temporary illusions.

So while I could continue to choose to voice myself in proof of who I am (ego), I can also choose to own who I know myself to be.

Stating myself clearly provides the catalyst energy that each person can choose what to do with. And after that, I may see that it’s a waste of energy to continue to feed the false energy they are projecting, if in fact they continue the same story. I can then decide to disengage until, or unless they would like to really “hear” me, or they decide to make different personal choices.

I don’t owe anyone anything, especially if they want to keep wallowing in the same energy they brought to the table upon engaging.

So I just send love and accept however that person chooses to experience things, but choose my own heart’s truth and experience, which may naturally come to mean that the two paths no longer have reason to merge.

It’s time to choose to let go, look within, and be free, or to try to continue to fight something and keep yourself trapped.

We all get to decide what we would like to experience. Heart communication is important to have with ourselves, as well as others. True heart communication doesn’t have an agenda, however, and it really hears the messages that are hidden between the words that are meant for our highest good.

These are some of the points Lee makes about the energy available to us in this month’s forecast.

Wishing you all greater ease and flow with all that you are choosing and experiencing.


mountain-reflecting-in-the-lake-17965-1920x1200Like water which can clearly mirror the sky and the trees only so long as its surface is undisturbed, the mind can only reflect the true image of the Self when it is tranquil and wholly relaxed. ~Indra Devi


Painting: Silent Wisdom by Sundara Fawn

A quiet mind married to integrity of heart is the birth of wisdom. ~Adyashanti


Me in Peru at Machu Picchu with Alpacas

In the stillness of your presence, you can feel your own formless and timeless reality as the unmanifested life that animates your physical form.  You can then feel the same life deep within every other human and every other creature.  You look beyond the veil of form and separation.  This is the realization of oneness.  This is love. ~Eckhart Tolle

9290354The self must know stillness before it can discover its true song. ~Ralph Blum

bridgeThere is a presence, a silence, a stillness which is here by itself. There is no doer of it, no creator of this stillness. It is simply here in you, with you. It is the fragrance of your own self. There is nothing to do about this, it is naturally present. This fragrance of peace, this spaciousness, it is the fragrance of your own being. ~Mooji


Last 2 Days to Receive 75% or $75 Off – Reiki Workshops, Sacred Tattoo Designs & Painting

Cosmic-Tree-Heart-of-SkyCosmic Tree ~ Heart of Sky: Mayan Cosmology of Creation is the last original painting left from April’s special sale of chosen paintings for this month’s creative abundance energy. It is offered this month at 75% off through 4/30 only. This is a 30″ x 30″ Oil on Canvas – Regular price $699 – April Special $175 (plus shipping). – This painting is now SOLD

Until the end of Wednesday 4/30 you can also still receive $75 off this month when you commission a sacred tattoo design or register for a Reiki Workshop. (Please mention the special when booking one of these)

The upcoming Friday, May 9th Reiki Master Teacher Workshop still has 3 remaining spots. The last day to register for it is Monday, 5/5. Remember that if you register on or before the end of tomorrow 4/30, you can receive $75 off, as part of April’s special.

reiki2If you can’t make 5/9’s workshop, but know you’d like to further your training and would like to schedule a different date, you can still receive the $75 off if you register by 4/30. The same applies for any of the levels. If you know you would like to take attend a workshop, you can receive the discount if registered in full now, and we can discuss setting up a day/s that would work for your schedule.

Class registration must be paid in full when registering to receive the discount.

You can contact me at with questions or to register.

More details of April’s Special can be found here:

Tania’s Offering of the Month – April Showers Bring May Flowers “Spring Into Creative Abundance”

Solar Eclipse/New Moon in Taurus – Choose the Change that Reflects Your Values, then LIVE It

Art by Melissa Hui Wang

Art by Melissa Hui Wang

Let your mind and soul be at ease. Don’t grasp and grab for the magic and miracles. When you reside in that place of stillness, the joy, miracles, and magic you’re seeking will find you. ~Melodie Beattie

With tonight’s Solar Eclipse/New Moon in Taurus, the themes are around grounding and getting “real” with ourselves and each other. This involves truly seeing and dropping the illusions and fantasies in order to come into and embody what is authentically true and real, in alignment with core values.

In order to do so, you will need to ask yourself, “what do I value?” and then ask yourself, “how can I live the values that are important to me?” In other words, this energy now is about really focusing, being present, and taking what you deem important and creating it into your way of life – walk the walk, don’t just talk it or create an appearance that is shiny and flashy, but has no solid substance to sustain it or attract the values you desire.

It’s not about grasping outside of yourself or doing every kind of external/superficial manipulation like wearing the “right” clothes, using the “right” words, or hanging out in the “right” places with the “right” people in order to bring the magic to you…It’s about being real with yourself inside, and then your world will light up in mirror to that wonder within.

Self-worth is key and realizing you are a child of the Universe, loved, abundant, and eternally supported. Get still and own this.

Presence and focus on creating healthier and more balanced choices and decisions, as well as deepening your relationship and connection with Mother Earth and to each other, are highlights as well.

I was just talking about this yesterday that if you aren’t getting out and creating a relationship with nature, you are missing out on vital aspects of life that will not only enrich it, but contribute to your well being. It’s not a luxury to spend time in nature and listen to her messages. It’s your path to creating a return to harmony with yourself and in helping to cultivate the same with our beloved Earth, so as to create her in the reflection of the relationship you desire to have with yourself and your own inner child. Everything reflects that.

Taurus is about the Earth, nature, artistry, patience, consistency, and practicality. Physically and energetically, in medical astrology, Taurus is connected to the neck, throat, thyroid, larynx, ears, vocal chords….and our ability to change or get stuck in stubborn old ways or become fixated on something that doesn’t serve. Together, these create a path to transformation that is rooted and solid. If you experience challenges in these physical areas, or with how you communicate and hear things, then you can look at what might be the culprit in terms of blocks, fears, and stubbornness.

How are you voicing your truth?

The Solar Eclipse and New Moon create an extra potent and intense time of transformation and also of opportunity. It’s always a great time with New Moons to take stock of where you are and reevaluate the choices and commitments you’ve made in all areas of your life to see how to make more supportive choices that are aligned with Spirit. It’s a time to plant new seeds and to make a stronger connection to the nature of you, within and without.

Sudden change can take place in sudden surprising or exciting ways. And yet, they have been under the surface for quite a while. They only appear or feel “out of nowhere” because you likely haven’t wanted to listen to the messages that were coming at you for quite a while, nor perhaps have you wanted to make the change unless, or until you had to.

You may now have to. 😉

You can choose the change, rather than have it happen to you.

Love That Transcends Time – 6 Years of Knowing You More Nestor

twin soulsI always honor this day with immense love, reverence, and gratitude for my amazingly beautiful and magickal twin soul, Nestor.

Six years ago, today, she transitioned from this Earthly plane and from my physical experience of her, but not without gifting me even in her passing.

She helped me to open and deepen my heart in ways that took me to the darkest and lightest of experiences and that is invaluable.

We continue to grow together and through our love I am not only knowing her more, but knowing myself more each day. And this results in greater understanding of All That Is that we are One with.

I know people wish to only feel the joy and the elevated bliss, but I assure you that is not what life is all about and it isn’t until you open to the depths of your soul, that you truly experience authenticity of love and harmony and come to truly know “you”.

Nestor is with me always, guiding, supporting, and loving me daily and our love resides not only within my heart, but within every star across the Universe, and every encounter and spark of life. It is limitless and eternal.

As I celebrate the vast love we share, I wish all of you the experience of knowing yourself through the limitlessness of your heart.

Last 4 Days of April 75% or $75 Off Special & Last Painting Left

Cosmic-Tree-Heart-of-SkyThis is the last original painting remaining from April’s special sale of chosen paintings for this month’s creative abundance energy, at 75% off through 4/30 only. That’s 4 more days. 

Cosmic Tree ~ Heart of Sky: Mayan Cosmology of Creation – 30″ x 30″ Oil on Canvas – Regular price $699 – April Special $175 (plus shipping)

And don’t forget, there’s 4 more days to also receive $75 off this month when you commission a sacred tattoo design or register for a Reiki workshop by 4/30 – ways to enhance your life with abilities to create more of what you want and to nurture creative self expression. (Please mention the special when booking one of these)

More details can be found here:

Tania’s Offering of the Month – April Showers Bring May Flowers “Spring Into Creative Abundance”

If you have any questions about any of these or feel called to an offering, you can contact me at

My Sacred Tattoo Symbolism – A Triple Rabbit, Full Moon, Ogham & Cosmic Vortex Portal

tattoo4-horzToday I was inspired to share a bit more on my last sacred tattoo (as promised) that I had created on my skin a couple of months ago. It felt like a good time, given my rabbit companion, Joy (who is one of the 3 depicted rabbits in it), has been going through some energetic stuff since yesterday and it feels connected to shifts and portal openings.

I love all of my tattoos, but this one is extra special to me for invoking the intended energy I desire to embody.

The image is of the triple rabbit symbolism, but in a more organic design with each rabbit having a unique personality and otherworldly/human quality. They are layered over a Full Moon, which they are circling round, and that is spinning out of a Cosmic Vortex, exploding with tiny magickal stars. And inside the center sits a sacred Ogham tree letter that holds layered meaning as well.

All of my tattoos are done in black and shades of gray, but this is the only tattoo that we added white to, which resonated when my tattoo artist asked what I thought of that. This is a special piece in many ways so pixie-dusting it was just the touch of enchantment it needed.

As I mentioned in my previous post when I first revealed this tattoo, the area where it now lives and breathes had also shown up in a dream sequence experience where I had received an implant underneath the skin that felt to be preparing the energy. Interestingly, the implant was a shiny silver-shaped disk, which would mirror the shape of the Full Moon that now resides there.

I won’t be able to explain all of the meaning this has for me and how I use it, however I can share about some of the elements of the design symbolism, which will give an insight to its energy. Of course the placement on the right arm also has its meaning and it wonderfully balances my left arm, Magick Dragon with Runes and Pentacle. But for now here’s an exploration of the design symbolism of my last sacred tattoo.

The Triple Rabbits Symbolism:

I realized how perfect the Triple Rabbit Symbol was for me, even more than just the connection and resonance I’ve had with it for some time now, when I realized I have had 3 Rabbit friends in this life. I had always loved and been drawn to the symbol and would have loved to have it tattooed on me, but didn’t know if it would actually come to be, as I follow the energetic guidance I feel when getting new tattoos. I actually thought I was done tattooing myself on my last tattoo, but I was gifted this symbolism I have held dear for a long time, as my celebratory closure. Indeed a gift! The three Rabbits I have had in this life included, Twinkie – the first and only had him for a summer when I was about 12 years old. He is the only male animal companion I’ve personally ever had. Then there was of course Nestor, and now Joy.

The Triple Rabbits (or sometimes known as the Triple Hares) are so powerful and represent the Trinity. Each of the ears are shared by two Rabbits, but only three ears are shown.

Rabbits are symbolic of rebirth, luck, prosperity, creativity, quick-thinking, self-sacrifice, high fertility of mind, body, and emotion, agility, receptiveness, and speed, to name a few things. They herald a kind of waking life resurrection and a realization of increased vitality, energy, or a new-found excitement over life. Creativity is also a form of fertility and of ripening, fresh ideas so Rabbits can bring a message of nurturing your intuitive impulses and nudges from your heart and soul.

Rabbits/Hares are powerfully profound in their transmutational energies. The Ancients found them one of the most mysterious and perplexing beings, thought to be hermaphrodites (male one month and female the next), with powers of self-impregnation. Since they reflect the idea of balance between masculine and feminine they are highly regarded as sacred, mediators of the sacred, and embodying actual creative powers of the Universe.

Rabbits are also associated with the Moon, lunar cycles, and cyclical life, are considered creatures of fire – the “Sacred Fire” that is the same regenerative fire of the Phoenix – thus destruction and recreation of the heart of all life. They are connected with the dawn, enlightenment, Spring, the Cosmic Egg from which the Cosmos is produced, and embody balance, creative potency, eternity, androgyny, genius, and inspiration.

Moon Symbolism:

And speaking of the Moon, she has her own amazing energy and symbolism that adds to this magickal piece I wear on my skin. I have the Moon also represented over my Heart Chakra on my back, depicted by the Mayan Moon Goddess, Ix Chel, with her consort the Rabbit. This design just so happened to turn out to look like me when it was created, which was great as it was to represent myself and Nestor. But it was a symbolic depiction of the Moon rather than an actual representation.

Now I have both. 🙂

The Moon is considered a luminary, although produces no light of her own. She reflects the Sun’s light, which mirrors her image to us. In this way of projecting light, she symbolizes the subtlety of how we may gain clarity and indirectly receive insight, and how we can soften our gaze to access esoteric meaning.

The Moon also symbolizes cycles, the shadow, mystery, wonder, balance, renewal, time, emotions, the subconscious, intuition, fertility, femininity, transition, passivity, perception, receptivity, the night, nocturnal creatures, illumination…She is connected to the element of Water (mother of all sea creatures as well) and is ruled by the sign of Cancer.

Alchemical teachings share that the Moon is connected to Silver, which carries the symbolism of clarity, purity and brilliance that the Moon so beautifully exudes. Since Silver is one of the 3 metals that are the foundation of the Prima Materia, this makes the Moon part of the Trinity of transformation.

She is also associated with Kuan Yin, the Virgin Mary, Thoth, Diana, Artemis, and Hecate, to name a few of her archetype associations.

Full Moon Symbolism:

Each of her Phases (which represent immortality and eternity) also have significance and being that my tattoo depicts a Full Moon, I will just concentrate on that symbolism here which includes new beginnings, our wholeness, self-realization coming full circle, bringing things to light, releasing what no longer serves you, restoration, good for receiving the fullness of your creative abundance, being at the height of your personal power, experiencing illuminated clarity, and the ability to manifest dreams and intentions.

Ogham Tree Letter Symbolism:

I was first going to have a full word written out to represent “Rabbit” in Ogham, but it wouldn’t work with the design. It was meant to invoke further, the energy incited. I then realized that it was because a more potent and multi-layered symbolism was meant to replace it, and through synchronous research, was led to how that was to unfold.

I started researching the connection of “Rabbits” with Ogham and Celtic symbolism, which is what felt to resonate for this arm, also given I wear Gaelic and Ogham on my right forearm (the same arm) connected with Nestor (my beloved and departed Rabbit companion before Joy). It led me to the information explaining its roots and symbolic “wisdom of the trees”. Then I read that there are animals closely related to each tree of the Ogham.

And then it hit me that the actual tree/letter would be more magickal, and not only that….it would perfectly fit into the design at center! I love how that works. 😉

So the symbol in the middle of the Rabbits and at center of the Full Moon of my design is the Ogham for the tree Gorse/Ohn/Onn – or “O” which resides there. Gorse is connected to the planet Venus and the element of Earth.

I found that Rabbits are connected to Gorse (sometimes called Furze) or Ohn/Onn – the letter “O”. The Gorse bush interestingly is associated with the Sun, because of its yellow flowers full of nectar and pollen that open in March around the time of Spring Equinox with a very long flowering season) and is associated with the color yellow gold. I found its association with the Sun interesting, almost like that wholeness and integration of duality, since Rabbits are connected with the Moon, and yet are also connected to Gorse/Sun.

This, to me, feels like coming full circle, just as Rabbits run full circle with the Moon’s cycle (and running around the Moon literally on my arm lol). And it’s also like how they are hermaphrodites and birth the cosmic egg – both male and female. It also represents that coming to self-realized wholeness, which the Full Moon also symbolizes – a perfect closing tattoo to my “Spiritual Skin” indeed.

And here’s a bit more on the symbolism of Gorse:

Light, vibrancy, protection (Gorse has thorns), intelligence, independence, industry.. are just some of the words for it. Gorse is considered a “light seeker” of the higher road by the Druids and is opportunistic (associated with the Bee) as well as creates distance in order to begin a new colony that is free to have more sun without crowding – hence independent and that leaping out (like Rabbits do) on our own to create/blaze our own trail away from conformity.

This “Bee” association is particularly of interest, as a few weeks I had come home to find a swarm of Bees inside the house all congregating at the windows and sliding glass doors. Later to find that a hive was in the chimney and these Bees were likely relocating their colony, but somehow decided to swarm inside the house rather than leave the way they had come in. Yes, a powerful symbolism to have them in my personal space and experience, and quite symbolic of creating a “new, freer, and more illuminated” life. It also speaks to making sure our inner energy is blooming even when the external environment is bleak.

Gorse is a determined plant that always comes back – which represents perseverance and hope – two things I have tons of and am always happy to be empowered with more of. It also has been used as a protective barrier and can be shaped into a broom to sweep negative influences away.

Gorse represents what you’ve been looking for is right around the corner, to keep pursuing goals because they are within your reach, and helps to figure out the direction of your journey to the destinations intended. Magickally it speaks to your spiritual journey, especially if asked to take the role of a leader, providing you with an abundance of gifts to share with others.

It says to you, “the time is now”.

Sometimes called Furze: Onn (Uhn) symbolizes knowledge of poetry and wisdom/foolishness. Ohn/Eloquence. Furze is popular in pagan fertility rites, blooms throughout year, is plentiful in pollen and nectar, and smells of honey. The flowers are visited by the first Bees of the season and the bruised shoots provide food for the horses. Rabbits eat Gorse/Furze and are protected by the thorns. In spring, Furze is set afire to burn away the gold growth and make room for the new. Furze symbolizes a gathering together and a skill at collecting elements needed for a goal. Also signifies information that could change your life.

So Furze is the gathering together of sweetness in your life.  The things you value. A time to get busy like the Bees. There’s those Bees again. 🙂

Physical symbolism: Your search is over. You will find what you are seeking. Continue towards your goal.

Mental symbolism: Share your knowledge, as the Bee shares pollen and nectar gathered from the Furze.

Spiritual symbolism: There is an abundance of blessings in your spiritual voyage, so do not hoard them all to yourself. Share with others, you will be rewarded.

I SO LOVE the symbolism that is embodied in this sacred design and it’s all created within a swirling vortex of Cosmic Stars – the totality of which is one magickal portal. And since integrating this creation into my life, I have very much been experiencing all that it was meant to bring more of into my life and I definitely can also see how I’ve but scratched the surface to where this portal leads. I’m in gratitude and honor of it and am welcoming the journey, where ever it takes me.

I love that I finished writing this post at 12:12 pm. 🙂

If you would like to partner in co-creating your own sacred visionary piece of artwork or tattoo design to embody the empowerment you desire, you can contact me at

There is currently a waiting list. You can easily make your deposit at the link provided to embark on this journey in partnership with me.

For more information about the process and pricing please visit: What is a Tattoo Design Consultation

To enjoy a visual journey of some of the sacred tattoo designs I’ve had the honor and privilege of co-creating, please visit: Spiritual Skin for my YouTube video.

Some people have preferred to read my book, Spiritual Skin ~ Sacred Tattoos: More than Skin Deep, especially if they are new to sacred tattoo designs, before embarking on this journey.

If you are drawn to learn more about sacred tattoos you can order a copy of the book here: Spiritual Skin

It is also available in Kindle format here: Spiritual Skin

You can also order your personal copy here: Signed and Inscribed Copy of Spiritual Skin 


serenity fallsSerenity is found when you stop looking, surrender, and let go, as the waters of life flow.

It is the softness that is always present at your core essence, just like the fluffy, tender down feathers that are present under the protective outer layer of feathers.

Remove the resistance and access the serenity.

A New Art Exhibit Kicks Off May 3rd – Universal ARKitecture at the Animal Advocacy Museum, Woodland Hills, CA

Universal ARKitecture

4 of the 7 paintings that will be exhibited from the last gallery 1-month exhibit, “Ménage MIXED” at Long Beach’s “The Liberty Art Gallery”


It’s been a while since the last art event, especially since I’ve taken an indefinite painting sabbatical, but I’m happy to announce an upcoming exhibit where you’ll be able to see some of my work, as well as purchase them through first-hand viewing.

The last art event I, and my artwork attended, was September’s “A Night of Creative Compassion” held at the original Pasadena, CA location of The Animal Advocacy Museum. I donated 5 original-sized canvas giclees of my series, “In Lak’ech” to the silent auction of this event to help raise funds for Farm Sanctuary.

And now, to be hosted at the brand new, much larger Animal Advocacy Museum space in Woodland Hills, CA (which just recently opened), will be my newest and beloved series, “Universal ARKitecture“.

Seven of the 9 pieces will be exhibiting there beginning April 30th and will be available for viewing and purchase through July 5th.

All seven paintings are the ORIGINALS and not prints or giclees. The reason only 7 of the 9 pieces will be exhibited is that one of the pieces was already purchased and one is housed in my personal home office.

You can still purchase any of these seven originals, or giclees on canvas or fine art paper of any of the 9, at my website, until or unless they are sold while exhibiting at the AAM.

Saturday, May 3rd will be the official launch of the Universal ARKitecture exhibit, which will coincide with the fun event – “A Night @ The Animal Advocacy Museum” hosted by L.A. Vegan Drinks and the Animal Advocacy Museum. This is a vegan cheese and wine event at the spacious new Museum location located in a beautiful building in Woodland Hills. Everyone who attends will get to sample the vegan cheeses and wines and vote on the cheese that is their favorite.

“We Make a Difference” photos taken at North Central Animal Shelter by Debbie Zeitman will launch on May 10th, sharing the space with my exhibit, and on July 5th “The Work of Scotlund Haisley” will launch, at which time my exhibit may end, but will keep you posted on that.


Saturday, May 3rd 7pm – 11pm

A Night @ The Animal Advocacy Museum

Animal Advocacy Museum

19855 Ventura Blvd.

Woodland Hills, CA 91364

Cheeses to taste and vote on include: Treeline, Heidi Ho, Teese, Organic Gourmet, Tree Nut Dr. Cow, Vtopian Artisan Cheese, Daiya, Tofuti, Follow Your Heart, Parmella Creamery, Nut Milk Cheese, Punk Rock Labs

Miss Kitchen Witch will be catering this event.

Musicians will be serenading us with a piano concert.

This event will coincide with the launch of Tania Marie’s exhibit, so bring your checkbooks and be ready to buy some beautiful art.


Tickets are $25 per person and must be purchased by April 30th.

You can purchase your tickets here:

A Night @ The Animal Advocacy Museum


For more information on upcoming museum events go to

The Animal Advocacy Museum hosts local vegan artists and sales support both the artists and the museum with 50% of art sales going to the Animal Advocacy Museum.


If you can’t make it to The Animal Advocacy Museum, but would like to view or purchase any of the originals or giclees of Universal ARKitecture please visit:

Universal ARKitecture


You can contact me at with any questions.

Love Alchemy

alchemy of love