Monthly Archives: August 2015

Farewell For Now ~ I’ll Be Offline September 1st Through November 30th

GAM_9836 webI thought about how I could likely write a really long post as this last one before I head offline on my 3 month sabbatical, but am guided to make this brief and instead share a simple message to leave with you in the form of the video below that speaks a message of the heart.

While it seems like long that I’ll be gone, with the way time moves like a flash, before you know it I’ll be back again, although much will have transpired not only for myself, but I know for each of you as well.

When I return I’ll share about my process and experiences during these months away, and will look forward to catching up on yours.

A few simple reminders as I leave, along with clarity on this time away, as I’ve received a lot of messages where it seems people haven’t understood what this time means for me or some of the services I offer.

This three month personal sabbatical is about just that….it is for personal things, of which involve creative projects, personal nurturing and listening within, and now also a physical transition from house to RV living, which just so happened to coincide with this time off, but was not planned as such.

I am NOT embarking yet on the grand RV adventure, although perhaps might do small jaunts here and there for several days or a week at a time, but I’ll still be stationed in Orange County at a beach-side RV park, until further pieces unfold. It’s all a process. In the meantime, I’m so looking forward to simplified living and following my heart.

I won’t be online, so basically off-grid to everyone, and unable to answer messages, emails, and questions. I am basically creating a Tania bubble without distractions or energetic pulls.

In terms of services, they will all (at least the ones I will continue to feel called to offer) be available when I return beginning December 1st. I will be offline September 1st – November 30th.

There will be new offerings upcoming in the time I return that will continue to evolve and be presented at the times I feel guided to offer them. I’ve gotten hits on how things are evolving and so I’ll be sharing that little by little when I return. I may also be shifting gears with focuses, as I am following the energy of the collective’s needs, coupled with my own energetic shifts, so greater emphasis will be placed on specific offerings, as well as new ones that have shown up, as mentioned.

In terms of sacred tattoo designs. I’ve received an influx of messages in the last few weeks, right before heading off. So to clarify those questions being asked, please visit this link, below, for more important information on details about working with me on co-creating a design when I return. It addresses the waiting list that is now at Januray 2016, upcoming rate changes, and how you can still schedule a design with me while I’m away:

Answers About Sacred Tattoo Designs For While I’m Away

I’ve already been asked to teach a Reiki 3 Master Teacher workshop in December when I return and a Crystal Magick workshop, so I’ll keep you posted at that time on those and their dates here locally from a new location.

I’ve also been asked to offer other things and been needing to support people and the energy showing up in myself in different ways. So I’ll put that into play and/or bring them to you more upon return.

I may also know then, more about the evolving plan for the adventure. Right now it’s a day-by-day process that calls for trust, patience, and listening for the alignments.

When I do return, I’ll be sharing and working from my new abode on the RV. The new space will create its own shifts with things.

While I’ll miss connecting with you, honestly, I am very excited to have this time to myself, as it is much needed and being integrally guided.

That experience of feeling comfort with physically removing myself and being on my own more or altogether, comes from having a sense of peace within myself, and also knowing and experiencing the unity and love no matter where I am and if I’m alone.

I know that distance never separates us, regardless, as the connection is always experienced in the heart and soul no matter where one is on Earth or beyond. A good reason for, and exercise in, practicing telepathy! 😉

Telepathy is something I use constantly with my dear friends, clients, animal companions, and souls off-Earth, and especially my Faery sis, Laura. She and I are always going through mirroring things (whether exactly or in relative ways), or experiences that balance out one another at different spectrums that unite, despite our rarely ever connecting in person or even by voice on the phone. You can likely keep up with energetic things that may be evolving with me during these three months, by following along her journey at her blog. 😉

I’ll leave you with this video message, shared with me today by my Cosmic brother, Amaru, whom I’ve journeyed with in Peru and beyond. A perfect, simple, and beautiful expression of what I feel in my heart.

Here’s to it really being a good day…EVERY DAY that you are alive in your body on Earth.

In love and creative magick always.

See you soon.

Answers About Sacred Tattoo Designs For While I’m Away

Eric Sacred Tattoo Design

This last design I completed feels like the perfect send off before heading out for activating and igniting new beginnings from the core essence within.

I’m sharing it along with some answers to questions that I’ve been receiving, so that hopefully things will be clear while I’m unable to assist.

I’ve been getting a lot of questions about sacred tattoo designs in these last weeks before I head off on my 3 month sabbatical, even though I’ve posted several messages on it.

So just to help clarify things for everyone, as likely timing hasn’t aligned for everyone to see the messages, I thought I’d share details again.

I will not be available for questions, emails, and messages regarding tattoos beginning tomorrow.

That said, while I am away between September 1st and November 30th you can still place a deposit for a tattoo design at my website here:

Life Changing Tattoos 

There is a waiting list that has already started for when I return, which will be December 1st.

I can maybe squeeze in one more December client, if you’d like a design done by end of the year, but we’re really looking at January of 2016 for booking.

Don’t wait until I return to schedule a design, unless you don’t have any time restraints on when you need it, as people will have continued booking on the calendar while I’m away and so you’ll be placed next on the list, from where ever I’m booked out at that time.

There is likely going to be a rate increase when I return, beginning 2016, so if you place a deposit between now and December, you’ll lock in the current rate.

If you have a budget, we can work around that to ensure supporting your needs, but just be aware that this limits the size and detailing possible. I have been able to successfully stay within budgets when that is provided.

Size and detail will determine the amount of time it takes so I can only provide guesstimates on this from my end. So if in fact you have a budget, just let me know that when you place your deposit in the comments and we will discuss details when I’m ready to begin working on your design.

I create designs. Your tattoo artist will do the inking.

I only work in pencil. Color will be chosen between you and your tattoo artist.

Consulting is part of the process so when you place your deposit, we will then discuss all details when I get to your design, as I do them in order of deposits received.

I work in flow of the energy presenting itself and sometimes even time scheduling may shift slightly, as I can’t determine how things will progress with the channeling, how long the consulting will take, and when I hear back from clients. It ALWAYS, however, and I mean ALWAYS, aligns perfectly.

Any other questions likely are answered at the link above in the comments about the process.

Please read the details so you understand how it all works, as chances are, the answers to your questions can be found there if you take the time to read through them.

Thank you so much to everyone for your interest in my design work. It is something I am very passionate about supporting people with in co-creation and I look forward to continuing that journey when I return!

The Uniqueness of Sacred Tattoo Designs ~ Reflecting the Colors of the Rainbow that We Are

Sharing a couple more recent sacred tattoo designs I’ve had honor to co-create with some incredible souls.

While again, I’m not sharing the intricacies of the symbolism, due to lack of time, but also feeling that the images speak volumes for themselves and allow people to get what is meant for them to receive in their own way when viewing them, I did want to share these two together.

I’m finding that less is more and wanting to empower people to tune into heart and intuition in partnership with mind, to find their own messages and answers, rather than focusing solely on left brain and mind alone.

And afterall, a picture paints a thousand words.

These two pieces are both powerful in their own ways, but oh so different in style, reflecting the unique souls they are created for, showing you how beautiful each spectrum of the rainbow we all are, providing richness to the whole by authentically shining the light of our uniqueness.

The first is an incredibly large, epic piece that will cover my client’s full back – he happens to be 6’6″! It represents who he beautifully is in essence and all that was, is, and is to come. Wow is all I can say!Jim Sacred Tattoo Design

The other will grace my client’s right upper arm/shoulder and curve all the way down towards her lower inner arm, where another design we created already sits. So I was working with an enhancement to that one to reflect a branching off of a new path along her journey. This one has a graceful Maori tribal influence that spoke to her essence and life path, mixed with a little personal and organic flair to symbolize specific things – magickal!Lynne Sacred Tattoo Design

I can’t express enough the honor I feel to be a part of these channeled co-creations. It is a gift that keeps on giving and has aligned me with soul family connections that are so valued.

I’ll be sharing another shortly, but for now, just a quick update on sacred tattoo designs,as I approach going offline beginning September 1st – just one more full day remaining tomorrow!

I’m pretty much booked for December in terms of sacred tattoo designs. I might be able to squeeze in one more if someone really needs a design done by end of this year.

Otherwise, we’re looking at January of 2016 for scheduling designs.

Again, although I’ll be offline and unavailable for questions beginning this Tuesday, September 1st, you will still be able to place a deposit and schedule your design for when I return, which is a good idea to do rather than wait until I’m back, as the calendar will continue to book up.

For support with co-creating a sacred tattoo design please visit this link for details and how to schedule yours: Life-Changing Tattoos

If you have any questions, please inquire before September 1st, as I won’t be available for emails for 3 months starting at that time. You can contact me here: Contact Tania Marie

Afterglow Reflections of the Full Moon

Yesterday’s Full Moon carried some lovely and powerful energy.

How did you experience the energies merging into your life?

Hopefully you took the opportunity to set intentions, create sacred ritual, perhaps a Reiki Healing Attunement or two (for all of you out there who know how to do those), did something special and nurturing for yourself, allowed yourself to dream and imagine bigger than ever, or simply immersed yourself in the waves of energy and Nature all around you.

In the afterglow of yesterday’s illuminating Super Moon – which was stunning in the night sky here – golden, huge, and at one point sitting atop a mantle of clouds, as if on a pedestal amidst the otherwise clear night sky – I am sitting in reflection and gratitude, while integrating my experiences.

For myself, I was blessed to experience sweet surprises, heart-warming messages, conclusions, invitations, challenges and ease, integration, mysticism, and lots of magick indeed.

I was feeling a deepness and lots of gratitude, even when things appeared one way on the outside, but were telling of something more on the inside.

diablo brussels sprouts

Baby “Diablo” Brussels Sprouts on the way

arcadia broccoli

A second round of Arcadia Broccoli bursting forth

I made discoveries in my garden of new growth emerging.

I completed another special sacred tattoo design co-creation – each being so unique.

Nurtured myself with some beach relaxation where I finished reading a favorite book of mine for the second time that left me in tears of rich openness.

raven beach

When magick is near, Raven appears. ..the magickal forces are presenting themselves, reminding of our power to create alchemy in our lives

Had a Raven visitor stop by my beach towel bringing magick medicine with him.

spider web3spider webspider web5And later, by the moonlight of the Super Moon, stopped to watch Spider weave her web of life.

I know that others may not see the gifts in things the way I do or hear the messages as they whisper to me.

I know that I have a different approach, mind, and way of feeling that aren’t always understood.

But I do know that I love how I experience life, as it brings me great joy and sense of inner peace.

So even if that means I’m the only one experiencing it as such, that to me doesn’t take away from the value of my experience, nor will it stop me from continuing to be who I am.

As ultimately, if you are following your heart’s truth, hold intention that all things are for the highest good of all concerned, and do no one harm, then nothing else matters.

Today’s Musing

Faery Tea

Faery Tea Time

Morning Yogi Tea blessing:

May today bring you peace, tranquility and harmony

My thought:

May you always hear and embrace the voice within that supports you into embodying, and responding with, more peace, tranquility and harmony, now and always

Jamie Walters Shares on the Energies of Now: Sensitive, Inspired, Empath Moon

This is such a wonderful post from Jamie of Sophia’s Children to help you navigate the energy of today’s Full Moon in Pisces and Sun in Virgo.

To me, it’s not only supportive for the energy right now, but provides tools in general to help you walk that fine line of balance in your life with these energies always, as life is about understanding and working alchemy with all of these dynamics that the cosmic alignments present to us and learning how to work in natural harmony and flow with them.

You can read the full and very well expressed article here:

Energies of Now: Sensitive, Inspired, Empath Moon

Sweet Harmony of Balance ~ Give To Yourself So You Can Keep On Giving To Others

I just misted my face, aura, office, and the bunnies with some potent crystal elixir, after taking 5 different crystal elixirs orally – hehe!!

No, I don’t mess around…I take things all the way very playfully. 😉

Who needs a Super Full Moon? I may be blasting off soon.

No, but seriously, I’m feeling quite vibed up, to say the least, and have the next infusion of energy and vision for the last couple of sacred tattoo designs I’m completing before I head off into Tania-time.

After having completed quite an epic and powerfully special piece, which I’ll share soon, and being taken on a beautiful and rich journey with it, I’m feeling quite blessed and taking a breath of gratitude.

Seems Spirit was in on the celebratory events, as I received a wonderful gift in the mail yesterday upon completion and one today when I got home – one of which was the yummiest home-made vegan squash bread – more like a bundt cake – from my Faery sis..

Earlier today I took a small couple hour break after providing a rare in-person Reiki session that was scheduled for a dear friend and amazing student of mine who’s an awesome Reiki Master Teacher (providing energetic support to me too, as I receive energy when I channel it), to share lunch and a quick jaunt to the Gem Faire where two items I’ve been wanting a long time showed up – a beautiful Sunstone and Herkimer Diamond pendant. Yay!

Talk about serendipitous gifts.

I’ve also made a point to continue, during these last months, weeks, and days of prep for my 3 months off, to honor my needs and things that nurture me, even though I knew a cut-off point was coming and there was a lot to accomplish in a short period of time.

Things like garden time, spending time with my bunnies, cleaning out my closet, making a nice lunch for myself enjoyed out on the deck, treating myself to something I really wanted, playing music that I love, taking time to do things in general that I wanted to and didn’t think I had time to do, but trusting it would be in the flow of supporting everything to get done if I just did them because I was supporting my intuition and feelings.

Doing this has made everything possible and while it may seem that 3 and a half days is short for the designs I have left to do, it’s in fact perfect, as guess what?

When I follow my guidance and then sit down to work, the channeling comes quickly and magickally, whereas it would take much longer if I wasn’t in alignment energetically.

So, I’m now settled in with my Faery bunnies by my sides and getting ready to tune in to my Pisces vision to commence and put heart and soul into the next design.

Why do I share this?

Because it’s part of impressing upon the fact that nurturing yourself, taking time for things other than having your nose to the grindstone, following the flow of your energy and where it moves you, and treating yourself, all will help you to be much more abundant in all ways and aspects of your life, not to mention provide you with invigorated energy, inspire, and expand your experience.

This topic came up at lunch in fact, so it felt important to share.

Don’t turn things you like into something you dread and hate.

If you want to continue loving what you do, don’t suck the life out of it by squeezing yourself too thin or forcing things that are against the flow of energy and alignments.

Creating balance is important…finding that right blend of personal challenge and gentle flow is key.

You’ll have greater output and efficiency with your work when you follow the energy currents running through things.

It does take practice to decipher between procrastination and force, and truly listening to your intuition and needs.

But with time it will become natural, just as with anything.

You have to condition back in the natural, which was pushed aside for the unnatural.

And all of this is in the wave of the upcoming Super Full Moon, which definitely teaches us about coming to know those undercurrents, as Pisces fish swims into our lives and shines illumination on our experiences.

Personally, this is also igniting a wonderful energy of support with my creations, but also for the bubble of expressive new beginnings I’ll be entering here shortly within the next three days.

Perhaps you’ll find it supportive to the magick you are creating too.

Apparently, tomorrow’s Pisces Full Moon is the first of three Super Moons that we’ll be experiencing in a row.

This one is all about opening to your imagination and intuitive nature and giving them permission, with embrace, to share with you the guidance you can can then apply to your life to make the changes you desire.

So be on the look out for dreams during this time, as you will find answers in messages there to support you. You can ask for answers or signs before heading to bed…place a crystal under your pillow perhaps even, or simply intend to remember your dreams after you place an inquiry to your Higher Self and/or Guides.

Let’s embrace more of our energetic purity and true self, and release the victim-mode, as Pisces will help us with that during this Full Moon.

You have the ability to really access the watery depths of your creativity, intuitive and mystical vision, and connective unity to all.

And don’t forget to cultivate and nourish your life with the sweet harmony of balance.

Pisces ain’t the two fish swimming in opposite directions for nothin’. 😉

You will find surprising gifts along the way when you honor that sacred relationship with yourself and to all of life.

Ancient Trees

ancient trees by beth moonThese photographs by photographer, Beth Moon, taken over the course of 14 years of some of the  most magnificent trees from around the world are absolutely stunning, mystical, magickal, deeply symbolic, and meaningful.

They reflect to us quite the story when listened to and breathed in.

ancient trees by beth moon2

A sneak preview of some of the photos from her book “Ancient Trees: Portraits Of Time” can be found here:

Ancient Trees: Woman Spends 14 Years Photographing World’s Oldest Trees

5 Steps To Attracting The One – Any Relationship You Desire Is Reflective Of The Relationship With Yourself

Another awesome video from Preston Smiles that will also hit home for many of you I feel.

I couldn’t NOT share this one, as this topic is so prevalent for everyone and comes up so much in my sessions with clients or conversations with friends where they are wanting support with relationships and being able to draw in that special someone.

Many go about things in backwards ways, don’t realize the undercurrents of their quest that are running the show, or don’t understand why they can’t be with someone they feel is the reflection of the “One” they would like to be with.

You must be your own “One” to be with another “One”.

Preston shares what being that means.

And, as he points out, it’s not just about romantic relationships, but you can utilize and tweak these steps to work for any relationship – business partners, friends, clients, etc. that you want to align yourself with.

And for some people, the “One” may mean different things…or you may have several of them throughout your life.

No matter how that is relative to you, make sure your “One” is foremost yourself.

The rest will fall into place after.

Although you may have heard these things, it takes several times to really get it sometimes. And then more time to actually put it into practice.

Remember practicing what you know is far more valuable than just saying you know it.

So here are some of those reminders again and Preston shares them so beautifully and makes it easy to understand.

Magick Tangerines Reflecting the Impossible Made Possible

magick orangesYou’ll SEE it when you BELIEVE it! Not the other way around.

Most people like to say they’ll believe it when they see it, which hinders their ability to experience the magick, let alone manifest it.

These are my three magick tangerines I harvested last evening from the tangerine tree in the back yard. I was taking a break in between design work and making dinner.

No surprise they mirrored something to me that I’d just finished energetically infusing into the design. 😉 At least I saw the correlation, as I see a lot of things that not everyone may take notice of.

I’ve mentioned these sweet little tangerines before in posts, sharing how they were starting to develop completely out of season – they aren’t supposed to arrive until February for harvest.

At first there was just one. That one came much earlier than these three and was already enjoyed in a smoothie like a month or more ago.

Then, I found another one.

Then two.

Then a third up high.

Hidden gifts blossoming one by one.

The little tangerine tree, which has been such an amazingly abundant tree in and of itself, has yielded hundreds of tangerines at a time in its season. I’ve had tangerines coming out of my ears and loved that they arrived in February – my birthday month!

Now, this little tangerine tree is creating miracles…mirroring much of what I’m experiencing in my life currently, simply from belief, trust, and courageous creating.

Indeed, you’ll see it when you believe it.

Anything IS possible….dreams DO come true….miracles CAN happen….BELIEVE!