Monthly Archives: April 2018

Fall Equinox 2018 Class ~ Living a More Magickal Life with Laura Bruno & Tania Marie

Laura and I are excited to announce the official date and details of our upcoming joint class to be offered here in Lake Tahoe, Nevada this Fall. So, yes, in fact the Faery twins will be collaborating to bring you what is sure to be a potent and fun experience because that’s what Faeries do!

After some more tuning in, we came to the conclusion that a date change was in order, both in the time she and I would be sharing together and for this offering. Due to unpredictable weather in November that could make this gathering challenged, or even impossible, for out-of-towners and Laura to travel in to join, and after realizing some other potent potentials, we will now be offering this in September on the Fall Equinox.

This aligns for a full circle connection for the two of us, as two years ago we gathered at this exact time in Madison, WI, which proved to be life-shifting for us both. So, the energy of this gathering will be a powerful kick-off for the next phase and that includes collectively since all things are connected.

We should have known, as even the photo we used to inquire if you had interest about a class we might offer, was from that exact time those two years ago (the first photo below). Bingo!

It’s also the first time for co-creating together, after having talked about doing this for years, so we’re excited about this rare event.

Anyway, without further ado, here are the details and the links to register.

laura and tania


Class: Living a More Magickal Life with Laura Bruno & Tania Marie

Date:  Saturday, September 22nd, 2018 ~ Fall Equinox

Time: 12 noon – 5 pm

Place: The Forest Portal, Lake Tahoe, NV aka Tania & Dave’s home (location to be provided to everyone who registers)


Only 12 spaces available for this intimate gathering ~ First come, first served –  1 Spot left!


Final registration must be confirmed by Saturday, September 15th as we need to know how many to expect: $299


Buy Now Button with Credit Cards


Class description and what to look forward to:


This will be an exploration of varied ways and channels that can assist you in experiencing and creating a more consistently magickal life, as you experience things in greater wholeness of what is possible. In turn, this reveals a more authentic and creative way of living in alignment and manifesting more, as a result. Topics may include the Faerie Realm, crystals, connecting with animals, nature and beyond, and more, which will be revealed as the day unfolds. We will conclude with sacred nature immersion, a special joint energy blessing by both Laura and I, and an Equinox ceremony.


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How Do You Define Success?

A quick little blog repost on what success means to me. I know many are working towards new endeavors and dreams right now, so perhaps this little inspiration will help keep perspective on the process when your ego wants to run wild with should’s and self-criticism. Only you define what things mean and your belief in that definition will dictate your experience.

Tania Marie


Do you find yourself always in pursuit of striving to ascend into what society or others have conditioned you to believe success “should” look and feel like?

To me, peace and passion is the essence of success.


If I am embodying and living those qualities and they run vigorously through my veins in any given situation and moment, then my life is in harmonious flow and I feel I’m living in alignment.

Alignment is the new “success”.

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On the Wings of a Rabbit


A sign from above or simply coincidence? I’ll leave that up to you. I’ve shared many a photo of Astrid’s shape-shifting fur markings (especially on Instagram), but this is one of my favorites. Today happens to be the 10 year anniversary of my beloved twin soul rabbit, Nestor’s, transition to the stars and Astrid has quite a symbol on her back to celebrate it. Astrid, to me, embodies the energy of the cosmic rabbit collective and much of Nestor, as well as bits of Joy and Cosmo are alive within her. I often almost call her by their names because she embodies a piece of all of them.

Well, these are photos of her latest window into her soul in the form of symbols etched in her fur. You’ll likely see many things and more than I share about, but a few things stand out to me.


One, they appear like two (angel/faery) wings resting at her back and at her shoulders. Two, the section between the two wings looks like a being itself and when she stretches her back the top marking is a near heart. The stretching also creates more of the wing clarity, but also reveals something else.


From upside down the lighter design between the two dark wings appears exactly like a rabbit when looking at it from behind – cottontail included!


Wow indeed! It’s interesting that Astrid has been very meditative lately as well and this morning was so excited she was running laps all over the living room and jumped up on our bed to welcome the morning, which she hasn’t done in a very long time.

She also happened to jump on Dave’ side of the bed right near his face.

Perhaps it was all the celebration, including it being Dave’s 10 year vegan anniversary today, too. Astrid simply wanted to share her love and appreciation!

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I put this little collage together for him today including all of his loves – our fur babies, Lake Tahoe, mountain biking, hiking, and foraging in nature, playing the guitar and ukulele, and of course vegan donuts! It’s him in his essence and this is definitely a day to remember of transitions into essence.


Astrid has also been enjoying two harvests already from the Garden Tower, which is doing great by the way. So far so good with my implementation of frost night protection when it’s reached those temperatures, and a pen to ensure critters don’t eat it all.

Speaking of critters, another very special – well at least to me – thing happened at the same time of all of this that still has me buzzing. Last evening while I was writing and Astrid was sleeping in her bed next to my desk, something caught the corner of my eye. We have tons of resident chipmunks, squirrels, every variety of bird, a wolf-sized coyote, and more, but I had yet to see a rabbit.

We haven’t seen bear or deer here at our new house yet either, nor the porcupine, beaver, bobcat, mountain lion, skunk, and other animals that live in the area and have been sighted by us or friends other places, but they are around. It’s simply about alignment and if their medicine is important to connect with when they show up.

Well, I believe that this special honoring of Nestor and Astrid’s chiming in, called the bunnies forth and what feels to be a portal has opened. Although we know there are tons of them around, as I see their footprints in the snow, they just aren’t seen hardly at all. I think I’ve only seen them maybe three times since living here, and two of those were with Dawn when she visited.

This might be changing, as yesterday the movement at the corner of my eye was indeed a sweet little bunny. To say I was excited is an understatement, but I stayed calm and didn’t move, as I didn’t want to alarm her.


She sat just outside my office door and I watched as she was feeling the air for safety. Dogs were barking down the street so she was on alert.


Then she ran over to the bushes you see in the photo by the tree and the next thing I know, two bunnies emerged! It happened so fast I couldn’t get a photo of both of them, but it was adorable because the first bunny was pushing it ahead with its nose nudging the other’s behind.

The first one felt to be the scout bunny who surveyed for safety. There is a place under the fence where all the little ones have made a trail to come in and out of the side yard. They must have come the same way and the littler one took cover in the bushes, until the other said it was safe. After the nudging, the littler one took off fast and escaped through the fence at the other end.


But the scout bunny hung back not far from the Garden Tower to make sure things were safe, no one was following her bunny friend, and/or to make sure I got time to connect with her.


The dogs were barking a lot and she stood absolutely still just feeling things out, but also presenting opportunity for her and I.


It was so special given I haven’t seen any and now at this important time period, the two of them appear. Given what I was writing, too, it was all more than perfect and wonderful signs from my dear ones.


Alignment, flow, harmony, magick, portal openings, and support seem to be all around and for that I’m grateful beyond words.

The above photo is from yesterday at my parent’s house where I sat with my meditation frog I gave to my parents, in their zen garden. I got the frog not long after Nestor’s transition and I moved into a new little apartment by myself (when I divorced) above the lake where Joy and Gaia came to be with me. It’s also when/where I met Dave. Full circles all around!


Spider Bunny ~ Astrid Weaves Some Creative Magick With Her Friend


This was too cute and special not to share here. Yesterday’s moments captured were of Astrid communing with her spider friend. She retreated to the exercise room – a favorite getaway for her that is next to our Wonderland room. She was having one of those evenings of quiet time to herself in a meditative zone and then I realized she was communicating with this spider you see to her right. They stayed like this quite a while.

Then she did a big energy stretch, yawn, and release to move and shift the energy all the way down through her toes. It was fascinating to watch. They continued to stay together after that and I left them alone, returning about five minutes later and the spider was gone.

Astrid spent a lot of time meditating in this spot before and after and was also tuning into the plants in the garden tower, as they’re right outside this door. I love when she takes time to herself away from her normal routine, as you know she’s up to something big with her own work.


There’s indeed a lot of transmutational rebirthing energy spiraling around and Astrid is helping to weave that into form with me. Spiders are abundant and more so downstairs in our realm where we do the underworkings of things. Astrid’s definitely not put off by shadow work.

Anyway, I remembered sharing a post on spider symbolism and when I found it I smiled at the synchronicities of the timing of that blog and the similar experiences then, happening now.

This post: Crossing Path With Tarantula ~ Messages of Timing & New Doorways of Opportunity is from four years ago, mirroring yesterday’s post about the synchronous things happening in my life now that were happening then. And now this little spider reminder had me finding this blog post from that time period as well.

Here are a few excerpts from that post that speak to me on my life and writing focus, but for the full explanation on spider medicine and things that were occurring then, you can visit the blog link above.

…Generally speaking, Spiders are the weavers of experience that desire to share that creativity with others. They are the assertiveness of Creative Force in communication of all forms, seeking to discover and create the reflection of your heart’s hidden desires, and to fulfill your dreams through the wisdom of what you weave…

…Spiders help you to tune into the ancient wisdoms and integrate them into your life, realizing that everything you now do is weaving what will come to be. You are remembering your role as a keeper and writer of your own destiny, and just as the center of the web is always small (representing you), the web is eternally expanding (representing your unlimited, creative potentials). You are limited only by your own view of self…

…Spider also teaches the written alphabet, runes, and symbols so they help with weaving your words, creating deep meaning, and writing with creativity and power that brings others into greater connectivity with your message…




Full Circle ~ Amethyst Rabbit Returns

This is a magickal little share on a very synchronous and auspiciously aligned return that just took place, taking things on a new leg of the spiral. Some of you may remember my giant amethyst rabbit that used to be a huge part of my and my little ones’ lives for many years – about 7 – 8, I believe. Then about a little over three years ago it became time for us to part ways, as I had a new journey and adventure that was taking me in a new direction, our time then was complete, and she needed a new crystal guardian to cherish and work with her. That took her clear across the states to the east coast, landing in New York City.

Before then, I taught a crystal workshop, where her new keeper first met her and expressed interest. This also happened to be a very pivotal and transformational time in my life where I was hitting a conclusion on this Earth plane and had an invitation to move on, which I considered heavily. It was also during this time, four years ago, that I was experiencing similar rips in timelines, parallel realities, and odd things showing up, just as I mentioned in my post yesterday that is occurring now as well. I was actually reminded of this, this morning when on Facebook, memories from this exact time, four years ago, popped up on my timeline that shared the experiences I was having that mirrored now. And after that, a huge cosmic influx of experiences and messages kept pouring through that something big was underway, offering me a choice. It wasn’t too long after that that Cosmo came into my life and so did the Magick Bus, and everything took a renewing turn and a new choice was made for a while.

My rabbit, Joy, was with me at the time, and she was very affected by these experiences that she was highly aware of like me. It freaked her out, in fact, as she was seeing things walking alongside our shared reality. I remember the night experiences of seeing someone in our house going about their living, but obviously it was in another dimension than my current one. I would smell cigarette smoke and hear things, as well as saw a portal open through my painting one night (the same one of Nestor, Joy, and the Moon that I have currently in my office) with magickal creatures coming out of it. Anyway, needless to say, it was quite an experience and recently there’s been a similar one, which hasn’t been experienced since that time four years ago.

Joy also happened to be very connected to that rabbit amethyst, which came home to me right after she came home to me. It had a lot of cosmic energy and was connected with my rabbit, Nestor. Gaia was also here when it first came home to me and the two of them would spend a lot of time with it, sitting near or in it, gridding and connecting. The crystal was a portal in and of itself.

It was a big deal when she left to go with her new guardian, (and emotional for me) but I knew it was the right thing without a doubt, and would be very instrumental and helpful to my friend she went with. And in fact, she was.

There’s too many details to recount of recent, but I’d felt the amethyst rabbit a lot now and then, over the course of her being away. I’d heard some stories from my friend she went to and so the connection was always strong and never broken.

With recent shifts, a new leg of my journey and potentials opening, as well as Astrid now in my life, and similar experiences beginning, it was not surprising to me that this crystal in some way would find her way to me again.

I believe Astrid has called it in, as well as the work I’m currently focused on, and what’s unfolding. Not to mention, her current guardian is also going through huge shifts (I see it’s 11:11 on the clock as I’m writing this) and a pivotal life change. She had mentioned to me months ago that the amethyst had expressed it would be breaking in pieces and she started seeing cracks.

Well, she did in fact break into several pieces, which was both very sad and also very beautiful to both myself and my friend, as it definitely mirrors shifts personally and collectively happening, as well as cracks in veils ready to be revealed, and expansion bursting in creative potential. She broke in mostly big pieces, but two smaller ones, too.

I messaged her just a few days ago, not knowing it had broken, to just touch in with her, as I was feeling her and the shifts she was going through. We hadn’t spoken in months. It was then that she told me the amethyst had done as she said and the piece at the very top broke just as she said it would and told me she wanted to send me that piece.

It arrived yesterday, along with the other smaller piece and the timing is auspicious given everything.

This piece is very meaningful to me, as it is the very top of it that was the ears of the rabbit. It includes the ears, top of crown chakra, and extending part way to the third eye.

Ears of my rabbits have always been key in our communicating telepathically and are in general, power parts of them. So having this and the other lovely piece that was part of the outside outline of the rabbit, really is a gift and lovely surprise to have back with me.

Not only are they smaller and more easy for me to hold and engage, but are easy for Astrid to connect with – I let her sniff with her energetic nose as soon as it arrived. I’m excited to see what comes next between her and the crystal, as well as for the three of us. It also keeps an open channel between my friend and I even more so with these pieces connecting us.

And the ear piece now can sit on my desk next to my computer while I work. I have it turned on its side so that the inner ear part is receiving and flowing out to me. I think it’s also very cool that photos of Nestor, Joy, Cosmo, and my crystal bunny statues of all of them, including Astrid are right behind it. You can’t see, but Gaia’s crystal statue and photo are to the right too.

I couldn’t be more excited and grateful.

Earth Day, Bones & Other Dimensions


It was a beautifully immersive Nature weekend here and the weather aligned perfectly making Earth Day and the time surrounding it, to be one of gardening fun for me. It also continued to add to the powerful experiences happening lately in both waking and dream life – a bit more on that below. So spending most of the weekend outdoors between hiking, enjoying our new outdoor furniture we just set up, getting my hands in the soil planting, being barefoot, and even spending hours in my bathing suit, really was balancing.

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We want to keep our yard low maintenance, so we plan to just have it cleaned up, getting our sprinkler system up and running again, and basically that’s it at this time. We do still want to create a labyrinth, but I think that will evolve in aligned time, as I don’t see it being something we just quickly throw together.


In the meantime, I get to enjoy the daffodil and iris bulbs I planted in Fall AND the tons of bulbs I discovered around the perimeter of the backyard this weekend that seem to also be daffodils.


Apparently the previous owner planted these, so I’ll have lots of blooms (to add to my first you see here) without the work each year and soon all of the trees and bushes will also be blooming and producing berries, so between all of that and the forest, I feel fulfilled.

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The only time I want to devote to anything will be with my Garden Tower, but even it is an experiment, as the weather and seasons are far different from California where my other tower was a success and seeds were easy. So it will be a daily intuitive process, as even still we have frost nights and can get surprise weather. I’ve taken the steps for that already (which I utilized last night), and for the critters galore we have, but I’m just going to feel it out, learn on my own, enjoy the journey, and see what magick might happen. I’ll do my best, but don’t have intention to force anything, nor try things more than once. So we’ll see how it all goes. For now, it’s fun and easy and either way, is incredibly rewarding – especially to nurture goodness I’ll get to share with Astrid for her first home-grown experience.

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I decided to put my seedling plants in pots for now until they’re stronger and bigger, but wanted to get going in case they don’t get big enough. If they continue strong I’ll either get larger pots or transplant them in the tower if room becomes available. I have veggies and herbs growing on the tower and then in pots I have strawberries, two variety of mint, and basil (I’ll share them another time as I forgot to snap photos). Other than that, my plants are all low maintenance indoor ones (all thriving too!) with a couple versatile indoor/outdoor plants. Just enough to keep this faery happy.

And that takes me back to the powerful experiences lately including some synchronous events that have happened since receiving and wearing a new necklace from a very magickal and eco-friendly artisan in Colorado. It’s a potent turquoise, Tibetan bead, and ethically sourced python vertebrae bone (from natural cycle of life) necklace.

After receiving it I found a smaller vertebrae bone in the forest on one of our hikes.


And yesterday, I felt it was perfect to wear for Earth Day, and this day I found a shell in the forest on our hike, which was odd, and later I saw a white owl flying with my mom while my parents were visiting, just ahead of our back deck that landed in a tree a little less than a quarter of a mile ahead.


I felt compelled to go see if I could find it and set course on my own for the tree I saw it land in. As I approached, the energy shifted greatly and felt very other-dimensional. I did not find the owl that now seemed to disappear, but I did find a strange and much larger bone that was older and porous, right near where the owl should have been.


It might be another vertebrae, although it would be from a very large animal. I’m not sure, but this along with strange events lately, all point to a shift and cosmic activity.

Owls are usually connected with extraterrestrial energy, sightings, experiences, etc. and white owls especially. Actually, come to think of it….these sightings, findings, and experiences all point to dreams I’ve shared as blog posts before that included one on White Owl, White Conch, and perhaps even the White Jaguar one plus encounters and death energy experiences on our RV adventure. Recent discussions have even pointed to everything I experienced two+ years ago where things were headed on a different trajectory at the time that would have placed me elsewhere.


Anyway, this more recent stuff, added to the night stuff I’ve been experiencing, all points to heightened activity again and a splitting of veils to alternate realities.

Dreams have been prophetic and high in telepathic/psychic energy, as well as providing access to parallel realities and inter-dimensional activity happening all around me where what is thought to be reality is merging with all the usually unseen ones that are becoming easily accessible now. I wake from feeling awake and experiencing a lot of activity in our home and around us that is wild. Both realities feeling as real as the other and not able to discern sometimes.

This happens on my hikes at times too, where my mind is going to very expansive and transcendent thoughts that suddenly feel like a rip in the matrix and where I’m suspended and almost floating because I crack the code.

Many of you are likely experiencing these time-line merges and openings, alongside your own version of awakenings and significant insights that point to a pivotal transformation underway. Even my tailbone speaks to some energy activation underway.

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In any case, Earth Day was immersive in more than one way and a new week points to new directions unfolding.


Things You Don’t Know About Me ~ Finding Purpose in Being

I mentioned to my Facebook friends who were interested that I would share a bit about my journey around purpose and the way that’s evolved through the various forms of work I’ve explored. Like many of you who feel confused or even tormented by this idea of purpose and life path, or who have been searching endlessly to find that cosmic answer that hits you over the head with clarity, I’ve been right there with you in what seemed like endless cycles of searching. But searching keeps us wanting more, whereas presence and listening will bring us home.

The concept of life purpose is a tricky one, as I do believe we each have something unique and perhaps key to our evolution that we choose to come into form to express and further our creative evolution. However, I feel that this dimension can tweak things in a way that makes us want to finite how that expression could be experienced, since we live in a way that wants definitive answers and ultimate results. Beyond this realm we simply have an essence that propels us and here that turns into a drive.

Perhaps that drive plays into some of why we feel confusion, as we try to squeeze our uniqueness into categories, funnel what could be flowing and amorphous, and then condition one another to do the same once that becomes a collective agreement as to the way things should be done. We buy into what success means and ultimately what that needs to look like. We even buy into what happiness is and disregard what makes US feel good.

The concept of life purpose and all the hype around it is a culprit to this in saying that you have this one absolute mission and you must hone in on that now, although I’m not knocking any of the support out there in wanting to help with this. I think explorations into your feelings, passions, unhealthy patterns, and things that make you tick are very helpful, but to limit all of that into a specific feels counterproductive to creative life force energy that looks for any channel of expression. It simply wants out. Doesn’t care how, but if it doesn’t get out that’s where we create challenges.

There doesn’t feel to be one answer in how you live who you are. How incredibly limiting to a limitless being that would be if you had only one choice and then were made to feel wrong or guilty if you don’t do it right. Where’s the purpose in that? We forget our song when we come into birth, so each little tickle to your heart is a way of remembering.

Purpose feels to be about what moves you and what you do that gives your life meaning, value, and enrichment to yourself and others. It’s about how you spend your time well, what feeds you, and feels important. And this can take varying forms of applying the unique gifts and qualities you have in perhaps one, but likely several varying ways that provide these things. And these can evolve over time along with you. It can be through an actual job/work, in your family and personal life, through volunteer work, passions and side projects, or all of these.

It can be how you do you as well as you can in every waking moment of life and in every encounter, experience, choice, action, expression, and connection you make.

Look at what you’re willing to put in as effort, as everything will take effort of some sort no matter if you love it or not. To say your purpose just happens is false. You have to make the choice and follow through. Although when you align yourself with what naturally feels good, it is easier since you aren’t using energy to balance out things. Yet, every day and moment is a choice and while alignment does create greater flow and opportunities, you still have to take action or do the work. Purpose doesn’t hand things on a silver platter. It’s rising to the occasion of what calls to you.

If painting calls to you, you still have to paint.

If making music calls, you still have to practice your instrument, write the music, and perform.

If it’s writing, well you have to write.

If it’s being a doctor, you’ll still have to get your degree and show up every day at your best.

If it’s being a receptionist, you’ll have to take that job interview and express your personality and social skills with every person you interface with.

If it’s being a mom or dad, you still have to show up and be ready to challenge yourself to love more unconditionally each day.

And guess what? You might do all of these, but you’ll still have to create the time, commit to each expression, and choose to be present with how they all want to channel through you in your own unique way. That’s the beauty of it. You can find your own way of satisfying how you spend your time well – your purpose.

If you look at the things that come naturally to you, that make you smile in your heart, feel good, and are what you loved as a child, let that be your gauge and guiding force without trying to figure out how that needs to look or compare it to what everyone else around you is doing or how they are labeling things, not pressure yourself to hurry up or belittle yourself that you’re so far behind and should be further by now. According to what? That’s an answer you give yourself if you aren’t being present with each moment.

You have to be willing to be more vulnerable and not care what others think, pay attention to the times you get lost in something and lose track of time – which indicates being in the zone, ask yourself what you’re passionate about and how in any way that is part of your life or can be incorporated – not only as a “job” – and then understand that action creates momentum and fuels passion.

That all said, it’s not necessarily that the job you’re doing is wrong, but perhaps it’s an unhealthy work environment, or your approach, judgments, and process of handling it aren’t healthy, you’re out of alignment with your perspective and response to things, your life isn’t balanced so triggers are being created, you aren’t embracing and being grateful for the aspects of the work you do that you shine in and enjoy, you aren’t engaging your passions in some way, which would then make your life more meaningful and fulfilling no matter where you find yourself.

Chances are, what ever work you’re currently doing, you do have a propensity for it and skills, or there are elements to it that you truly do enjoy and shine in. Perhaps it’s the part of you that knows how to motivate a team towards goals, your ability to listen and problem solve, a joy for numbers and details, you’re a great organizer, an awesome leader, have exceptional customer service skills, love interfacing with people, really enjoy the innovative aspects you get to incorporate in idea exploration, you’re incredible with your hands, love building things, are amazing at comforting others, etc.

So, yes, not all of your job might be fun, but those parts are where you excel and get lost. Focus there. And if you need to express other gifts and passions, see how either you can incorporate them or are overlooking them, or can do them in another way in your life. I guarantee when you do these things you will be in the flow and more choices will show up and you’ll know exactly what to choose or do next because you aren’t waiting to have that one thing happen to you. You are engaging your essence now and that creates alignment in any situation you’re in or for new ones to present themselves in form or idea to take action on next. It’s a step-by-step process, but can be fulfilling in each moment if you are being present and creating a balanced way of approaching and expressing your life.

Be mindful if you’re in an unhealthy situation, but weed out everything before saying you’re simply not doing your purpose. There’s likely a lot you’re overlooking because you’e caught up in an idea and also being bombarded by confusing signals you haven’t taken reign of yet. There may be skills you can utilize to make it better or right. You may need to just respect yourself more or stand up to something. You maybe just need to switch companies, rather than the job itself. In some cases you might want to shift gears of how you express that gift and go a completely different direction, but in the meantime, make the most of what you have, as you don’t have to suffer while making that shift. And if you take the actions within your job now, you’ll find how that creates opportunities and openings, not to mention greater peace and fulfillment immediately.

Recently I was triggered to review all the different things I’ve done and explored on my journey of work/life path that a lot of people don’t realize I’ve done, as they only see me now. This is likely the case for many of you and this is what prompted sharing a more revealing insight on my journey, including that spectrum I went through and what I’ve discovered about purpose and alignment for myself, which could be helpful in some way for you.

I thought I would list out everything that I could remember having explored, placing them in categories so that not only would you see what I actually did, but seriously took steps toward and spent time feeling out. All of this was in effort to “find myself” and my “purpose.” I likely at the time appeared to be scattered, fickle, non-committal, foolish, or even crazy. Yet, it’s in the journey of all of this that I’ve been able to finally find peace and see it from a bigger picture perspective I couldn’t see then while caught up in it all.

And while some of these things will seem so opposite or odd in terms of what I do now, I can say with all honesty that any of these things could easily have been continued, if I knew then, what I know now, as each of them DID in fact express some of the gifts and things I enjoyed and excelled in. Some, even, were already tapping into my North Node in Capricorn, which is a focus now for me, as our North Nodes do speak to that infamous “life purpose.” In fact, I was on that path immediately when I was a junior in high school getting accepted already into FIDM with this drive of wanting to get on with life already and out of school because I had a vision of my career. Choices, however, created a detour to unfold each petal for greater understanding of this whole picture playing out.

It was all a journey of learning, but truly the reasons at the heart of why I left these positions or didn’t pursue them was because of my unhealthy approach to the jobs – as in I didn’t have balance in my life and was an extremist at the time so I overworked myself to the point of burn out and didn’t have boundaries resulting in affecting my health and well being. I didn’t know how to speak up for myself, I was afraid to make the wrong decision in terms of choosing the wrong life path (not understanding how a choice simply would lead to more choices just on a different trajectory), I was put off by the processes and commitment I had to make to it, I hadn’t worked through some of my fears and didn’t see these as opportunities at the time like I did later, and the list goes on.

Yet ALL of these things I DID enjoy on some level when I allowed myself to just be in that moment of the aspects that I got lost in and made me shine.

Here is the list I came up with.

Jobs I Had:

  • Hostess at a Restaurant – twice (First at Olive Garden when I was 16 and later at Il Fornaio becoming a lead hostess)
  • Claims Processor & Promoted to Small Claims Medical Examiner – Worker’s Compensation Insurance
  • Loss Control Secretary – Overseeing 5 Field Reps in Worker’s Compensation Insurance (Different company than above jobs)
  • Makeup Artist – Department store makeup lines
  • Receptionist/Secretary/Personal Assistant/Asst. Office Manager – Investment Firm
  • Custom Art Business – Paintings/Murals/Logos/Faux Painting/Art & Writing for a start-up Children’s Show (my first entrepreneurial business)
  • Modeling/Extra Work – Fashion shows/Promo Modeling/Ads/Videos/Dance Shows – here’s my blog post on that: Discovering My “Harmony Zone” of Health & Vitality
  • Photographer’s Assistant – Worked with a school photographer setting up equipment, the space & handling/organizing kids Kindergarten – High School
  • Reiki Master Teacher – Offered sessions & training
  • Tarot & Animal Readings
  • Author – Wrote & self-published a book – working on a second
  • Sacred Tattoo Designer
  • Artist – Custom and original work
  • Crystal Jewelry & Healing Tools Creator
  • Retreat Leader
  • Workshop Teacher
  • Sound Healer
  • Procured & Sold Crystals
  • Intuitive Guidance Coach
  • Currently manage rental properties

Degrees/Training/Certifications I Got:

  • AA in Merchandise Marketing
  • Medical Billing Certification
  • Makeup Artist Certification
  • Acting Classes
  • Reiki Master Teacher Certification
  • Metaphysical Training

Promotions/Job Offers/Opportunities I Rejected After Interviewing For:

  • Claims Examiner – Worker’s Compensation Insurance
  • Jewelry Designer for a Jewelry Shop
  • Flight Attendant School
  • Jobs in Women’s Retail Clothing
  • Art Teacher through an Art School

Paths I Seriously Considered/Took Steps Toward/Spent Time Exploring & Feeling Into:

  • Fashion Designer – was my first passion before I settled on Merchandise Marketing
  • Buyer for Department Store/Fashion Coordinator
  • Personal Trainer
  • Horse Assistant at Ranch
  • Custom Meal Service/Catering
  • Cleaning Business
  • Personal Assistant
  • Retreat Center – Almost bought land & started
  • Animal Acupuncturist – Specializing in rabbits

Volunteer Work:

  • Rabbit Rescue

I’m not sure if I’m missing anything else, but I think this gives you enough of an idea of how varied and extensive my explorations were and how much I was searching for things right under my nose. In some way, I utilize all of these skills and gifts still to this day in my work and personal life. They just have translated differently based on the new choices I’m making and aligning with in each moment.

Again, truly any of these things, if approached with a healthy perspective, could have been more than what they turned out to be. And yet, they still all DID help me to learn about myself and the things I enjoyed and excelled in.

It’s only now that I have learned about and created balance in my life, that I can see it all for what it is and understand how each piece spoke to a part of me and can even be traced to my Astrological placements and the skills I came into this life with that can be utilized in productive or nonproductive ways depending on my perspective.

There is opportunity in every moment to be living your “purpose.” It’s up to you how you choose to express that, but know that in fact there is no one right way.

At the end of the day or the end of your life, the question to ask yourself is, did I live my life well?

Addressing Some Misunderstandings About Rabbits

Although it’s not Easter, this is an informative, short article from National Geographic that touches on some of the misunderstandings around rabbits that are not isolated to just one time of the year.

“It takes a patient person to become friends with these silent and subtle animals,” says Margo DeMello, president of the House Rabbit Society.

Here’s the article link:

Here’s Why Easter Is Bad For Bunnies

To Live


We often take for granted the things right before our eyes and even the things we’ve experienced in feeling because we are focused on achieving or racing against time. And quickly the incredible moments, people, and experiences disappear without our acknowledgement and without truly receiving what they have to share that can enrich our lives.

When you wake in the morning or before you go to bed perhaps you can reflect on those things and leave the rest for a few minutes, as it will still be there when you’re done, however the rest may not.

And along your day try raising your eyes to the sky, turning to your left or right to really see who and what’s besides you, or pay attention to your footsteps and how you are walking through life on your way to the next to-do on your list.

What are you missing today?

Your child’s desire for a hug or to know you more?

Your partner’s need for you to see or hear them?

Your animal companion’s pain they’ve taken on to help relieve your stress and get you to pay attention to what you’re neglecting?

How beautifully unassuming someone or something looks because they are unaware of their light shining through?

How nature has miracles to give you each day to help inspire and guide?

How incredible you are but never noticed the richness of what makes you you?

How amazing it is that you are breathing and have a choice every moment as to how you want to experience it and what you can do right now to make a difference?

Please don’t walk through life without ever knowing what it means to be living.

2018 Workshop Reminders

Just a brief update, as my day is full. For anyone continuing to have interest in the Reiki workshop opportunities this Summer, this is a reminder that I won’t be offering this every year and this is the only chance right now. I’m very much moved in other directions, but due to an alignment of inspired nudge and the interest you’ve shared I created two opportunities. So far only the Reiki 1 & 2 Workshop will be happening, as I have the needed amount of students to make it a go. If you do in fact have intention to join, please let me know and don’t forget that the way to confirm that will be to register at the link below.

The discounts are offered until May 5th for Reiki 1 & 2 and July 4th for Reiki 3 Master Teacher. There are also deadlines on the final registration as well, which can be found in the link.

As of currently, Reiki 3 won’t be happening unless you let me know.

Also, if you’re coming from out of town, Summer is very busy, so if you need lodging you may want to look into that. This has been confirmed by one of the students who is coming in, that the options are getting limited.

A couple more updates:

I’ve revisited the max amount of students and am now limiting it to a max of 6, including any review students. If you have taken Reiki 1 & 2 with another teacher and want to review, get a refresh, or learn another teacher’s perspective, you can also contact me to see how we can meet your needs. This is the time to take advantage, if you have in fact felt drawn to a class with me, as my teaching window in this format is closing.

Weather permitting, we may hold the workshops outside on our deck, or at least some portion of it. If I have time, I may be able to offer a vegan snack or dessert to accompany the workshop.

Normally, I’m happy to hang out more after workshops, but I do have something scheduled the evening after June’s workshop that I wasn’t aware of, so we will need to start prompt and conclude timely. We’ll, of course, still have plenty of time to enjoy the flow of the energy that always uniquely channels for each workshop.

Here is the link again, to register:

Summer 2018 Reiki Workshops

And lastly, the November 11/11 workshop co-facilitated with Laura Bruno looks to be definitely on. We are finalizing all the juicy details for a very special gathering and will be announcing that shortly – perhaps in May – and you’ll be able to pre-register and figure out plans with enough time beforehand.