Monthly Archives: September 2023

Season of the Mushroom Illuminating the Thread of Your Powerful Existence

Every season has been a treat for the eyes and a celebration for the soul here this year, as an historical Winter set the tone for unfolding abundance from Mother Earth. Following the depths of snowy enchantment came Spring surprises and a super bloom Summer. I can only imagine how rich Autumn will be when we fall into the thick of it. I’m envisioning vibrant nebulas of leaves bursting forth around every corner.

We have a Super Harvest Full Moon in Aries today that offers potent opportunity to bring ideas into manifestation through the creative life force that lives within our very breath and being. Courage, movement, and passion are highlighted strengths at this time, while keeping an eye on fiery triggers. If you can find ways to move energy through exercise, dancing, creative projects, or any steps forward in action, these can help to keep you aligned with energy’s need to keep momentum going.

I always take prompts from the forest animals as to what’s ahead, and I’m already seeing a frenzy of preparations mixed in with the last bouts of playtime. This little one, who’s actually quite a big and chubby guy, is one of my frequent visitors who bravely goes about his business alongside me. As you can see, he’s busy gathering what looks like nesting material, which he kept coming back for in intervals.

Cold days and dark nights are around the corner. I, too, feel my inner clock in get ‘er done mode and mirroring the little ones of the Forest Portal.

For now, hints of the season’s transitions begin with golden carpets and veils that highlight, rather than hide or distort. They tell us of Earth’s ancestry, from one golden age of potential to another.

Snowberries foreshadow the dusting of snow soon to come while pine cones are dismantled by forest gatherers who take nothing for granted.

Our maple trees are already taking to the catwalk in Fall’s timeless styles, my berry bushes are looking vibrant, while my garden blossoms are focused on dawning shades of crimson to fuchsia, and coral to bronze.

With our dark cherry new decking 98% complete, we moved our plants back up from the lower deck and redid their driplines. In the process my baby frog friend joined the excitement, hopping about from the giant pots we were moving. He has SO much energy and is quite brave for a tiny one no more than an inch big. I gathered him in my hands, once again, and brought him back to the pots up top. There were no signs of mom and dad, but I’m sure they are nearby.

Walks in the forest are delightful right now…and the mushroom madness continues, although two days ago it seemed that most had fallen into Winter’s slumber already.

This season of the mushroom has felt particularly important in reflecting states of deep transformation and eternal connection.

For me, they’ve also been telling of how the nature spirits feel ever so close these days and are revealing that which has been awaiting in the underground to emerge.

What do you think of when mushrooms come to mind?

I feel mystery, otherworldly presence, am reminded of the sacred and ritual, understand collective connection from micro to macro, feel my abundance, hear songs of immortal wisdom and healing power, see gateways, and come to stand at the intersection of life and death where rebirth and regeneration are gifts of transition.

Indeed these magickal amulets of the forest floor are more than enchantment, alone, although that kind of wonderly I never experience too much of. These millions of years old mycelium jewels are the elders of the land offering ancient knowledge that can guide our soul’s journey and connect us with the Unseen energies we take for granted all around us.

Many a faery tale and folklore have spoken of them, but perhaps these repetitive mentions reveal much more than a bedtime story, alone.

Creative life force pulses through a mushroom’s veins and reminds us of how each layer of our existence is interwoven.

Even when you don’t see them, they are alive in the shadows, pulsing their vitality through every vein of existence.

This abundance of mushrooms around me amplifies that threads are illuminating across the tapestry and bringing awareness to the spaces in between that have gone unnoticed. The web of connection through all things, realms, and worlds experienced, can find direction from one tiny spore.

So, too, are each of us that powerful and yet many hardly ask the questions that could change the course of their experience.

There are no predestined circumstances unless you have agreed to it on some level consciously or unconsciously in each fertile moment.

The mushrooms all around me have become wayshowers this season for the transitions of life I choose to enter.

And either the mushrooms are growing larger, or I’m shrinking into faery size, as I’ve been blown over by not just the numbers, but also the huge contrast from giant to miniature everything I find.

And even the energy revealing itself sitting below or glowing atop the mushrooms seems to be revealing what I shared about the Unseens ready to be seen without a wall between worlds.

It’s been quite a magickal week since the Equinox. Astrid’s moving into her immortal beingness has truly heralded a gateway of rapid shifts and experiences. Some of these have been evident in the daily alignments where intention meets personal reality.

September 22nd began the Equinox here and on that day Astrid reminded me that wishes do come true.

We went on a hike with our friend – taking a different route than we have and wandering as so called. Prompted by a hidden family of large mushrooms we stumbled upon, I began telling our friend about the magick Amanita Muscaria mushroom that Astrid manifested for me the day after her transition and said, “I wished I had taken it home, as when we returned on that hike, it was gone.” I had visions of faery art creations I would love to have made from that very first magick mushroom.

Literally while I was speaking this out loud to Dave and our friend, we turned to our left and what do you think was there?

Yep! A little cluster of Amanita Muscaria mushrooms…only the second time now seeing them here.

My heart nearly popped out of my chest as I blurted with excitement, “Astrid knew I wanted to find more and there they are!” She continued to show me how the strength of belief, meeting desire, meeting unbounded love, meeting creative life force, and all the alignments in between, make things happen.

This time I made sure I didn’t leave without taking a couple of them, leaving behind butt ends of their stems, when possible, or some younger ones so they could continue on.

Not long after this manifestation fun, we stopped at the river for a snack break and for our friend’s dog to get a drink. I was standing on a rock when suddenly just below me a large garter snake caught my eye. She’d literally just appeared and had gone down to the water to get a drink.

I told the others, while I pointed down so they could see her too. She was one of the largest we’d seen and watching her sip the water was an interesting sight…also felt symbolic of consciously taking in the sacred wisdom of the underworld streams of energy available so that one can embody the the true essence of potential within.

The snake then retreated, crawling up and over the rock just below mine and stopping to just be there and impart a memory mark upon my consciousness of what this all meant that words fall short to describe.

I was feeling major magickal transformation at my fingertips….and this literally manifested, as I noticed two off-leash large dogs approaching, which concerned me for my snake friend’s safety. I told her to hide in the bushes, but she kept staring at me and didn’t move. Dave understood my concern and said, “Go touch her tail to see if you can get her to move.”  

So, I bent down and gently pet from near the end to tip of her tail with my hand that bears a sacred serpent tattoo, and yet she still wouldn’t move. I began to understand she had wanted this to happen, bringing the two of us in closer relationship to each other – alchemy in motion. After three attempts at petting her, she finally and slowly slithered off into the bushes…safe from the dogs who never had a chance to see her. My fingers tingled with the stirrings of unknown excitement.

Our hike continued on, wandering paths we hadn’t before, and what do you think happened? I found more Amanita Muscaria. And how many do you think I found and ended up taking home on this opening eve of the Equinox?

If you guessed five, you’re absolutely right. Astrid was helping to work the magick indeed on this portal. Five being my sacred number and always associated with messaging from Nestor and the rest of my five rabbit companions now in the stars.  

After our hike we did some grocery shopping and I was so excited to see a bunch of organic Autumn beauties on sale in abundance. I was feeling the season’s vibes so much, so I popped four squash, an enchanting blue pumpkin, and Dr. Seuss-like gourd into the cart.

They make me smile sitting on our kitchen island, watching them shift with the different light of day.

Colorful and cozy dishes of baked squash and squash soups have begun!

That day I also received the special little filigree bottle necklace I found to hold some of Astrid’s ashes in.

I have three already for Nestor, Joy, and Cosmo that are also colored glass bottles in filigree I keep in a special and potent place and can also wear when I want. This one felt perfect for Astrid with its royal essence and butterfly on the front.

So that night just before the official Equinox chimed in, I filled it with her ashes and then took a small pinch of them out to the garden. The little more than half Moon was exactly above the garden, providing me the light I needed to spread a little in three spots near some of the rabbit statues I have there. It was the perfect ending to a most magickal day, only made extra special by the arrival also of this gorgeous enchanted forest, hand-painted, repurposed, wooden chest, which now houses the beautiful boxes that hold the ashes of my dearest rabbit friends.

It arrived with this special rabbit over the Moon (so perfect for Astrid’s travel portal) hand painted, repurposed bowl for sacred things like crystals, that of course sits atop my mushroom table right now.

Are you seeing the mushroom theme continuing?

The next morning, September 23rd, which was the Equinox for other parts of the world – making this portal an extended enchanting experience for me – gave me a sweet spark of joy. While Dave went out for an early morning bike ride, I was getting some things done and some sad thoughts moved through me of something personal about Astrid.

Dave came home and we decided to hike down to the lake that day, so I put back some things in my Wonderland office and as I turned to leave, something caught the corner of my eye. I knew immediately it was one of my wild rabbit friends.

This excited me to no extent and I yelled up to Dave that I’d just seen a bunny. The little one had run to the right, so I went into the adjoining room to go out into the garden and see if my friend was still there.

I opened the door and called out, then turned and looked to my left in the berry bush of my rock garden. And there he was hidden between the branches with ears listening to my voice!

Oh Frith! You returned! And on this potent day of the Equinox!

This was so special to me, as not only have I not seen any wild rabbits in the garden this year until now (at least not at any time I was there), but this came after my sad thoughts.

I knew that Astrid, once again, was working her magick. She wanted to make me smile and called upon our dear friend Frith to make an appearance.

The two of them were SO close and in fact, she taught him Reiki, you might remember. While he would hang out just across the way from where she laid on the other side of the sliding glass door.

Frith was grown up now, but his presence was all the same. So aware, so comfortable with me, and highly conscious.

Astrid knew this was the sweet medicine to work its alchemy…and it did. Life goes on and the magick continues.  

I was so excited and giggly, talking to Frith as I stood a few feet from him, that Dave came down to look. He poked his head through the door and both of us locked eyes with sweet little Frith. I giggled at his cute little twitching nose and those light tipped feet – just like Astrid’s. He then made a dash toward the fence door, but quickly decided to double back and head straight through the garden. I watched as his cottontail and thumpers flicked here and there.

What an Equinox gift!

We then headed out back and made our way to the lake. Still in full beaming joy that must have had me glowing from the inside out, I just knew more magick was on the way. How could it not be?

By this time, I had received full vision of what I wanted to do and create with my magick mushrooms, so we both kicked off the hike with intention of wanting to find more. And my oh my did we ever! We found a few secret pockets – including one in our backyard forest and one really big one – all just hidden away for believing eyes to find.

In all, I ended up with 15 by the end of the hike. I didn’t count them until home, but was floored again at what Astrid helped manifest. First my special 5 and now 15, connected to her birthday of 9/15.

This team was on manifestation fire!

They’re all SO beautiful, they deserved to have their portraits taken.

I had ordered some things for my projects, so I prepped the mushrooms for when they would arrive. And while they sat, we enjoyed our jacuzzi for the first time in a while, as it was moved into the forest while our deck was getting done. The Equinox two-day portal ended with a bat flying back and forth for twenty minutes over our heads. Mystery and transmutation was in fluid motion and the vibrations were resounding across the telepathic airwaves.

The days following the Equinox doorway continued in similar vein, with special Nature treasures meeting my heart’s desires and my spirit in body’s training into this next phase. I’ve been feeling like a wizard’s apprentice, and although we are capable of being the wizard at any moment of full embodied consciousness, this has been a enjoyable initiation of remembrance in more ways than I’m sharing here.

The 24th brought a sweet little owl’s feather to me and the 25th, this perfect red-tailed hawk feather.

Each time, after intentions. The hawk manifestation was another very special one, as the tail feather was a first for me (I have many from wings and body) and it is so pristine, not to mention was laid in this spot you could only see if you were called to turn that way, as if placed there just at the moment I decided I would.

I nearly had a heart attack at the tail feather find because of both my desire stated and because the night before I’d been wearing my Horus pendant I got in Egypt and was connecting deeply with that energy.

Interestingly, that night after wearing the pendant and before finding the tail feather, I had the recurring dream that I mentioned briefly in a recent post where I was 51, pregnant, in labor, and very worried about the birthing due to only one of us making it. The first time was on 9/11 and now again on 9/24.

I was then surprised by a package in the mail on 9/26 from two dear friends who sent me an incredibly thoughtful and meaningful gift. It is this beautiful large rabbit garden statue.

Their intent was for it to grace my garden and evoke precious memories of the happy times Astrid and I shared here and for our happy place. I felt Astrid’s weavings once again, working her love through the hearts of those I love.

This statue holds an immortalized essence of her that I have placed in the garden just right of my Nestor statue (not seen in the photos) in a way that I can see her from my desk and through the window, while she can peer in at me from the other side…wild and free as her heart is and for all of her forest friends to visit.

I was floored by the light energy that showed up and kept shifting all around her and her garden friends, when I placed her in her spot. I think she’s happy.

But the beauty and magick doesn’t stop there, as I took a solo Nature walk the next day on 9/27 for an hour or so while Dave had some things to tend to and decided to connect with Astrid while continuing in my training.

I noticed that the door on this prolific mushroom season was shutting and thought it would be a miracle if I found anymore of the magick mushrooms…but I kept believing, as Astrid would encourage me to do. And while many a mushroom were indeed dried up and merging back into Earth’s womb where they came from, I DID find 7 more! – A number that carries ancient mysticism, powerful universal connection, eternal life, and magickal luck.

I also found a giant porcini and two other cutie mushrooms that came home along with some fall blooms and woodpecker feather for my projects.

Most of them were nearing the end of their vibrancy, but because I let my intuition guide me off trail, I found the biggest most perfect and fresh one – which ended up being the last of the day.

Such a memorable way to say farewell for now and to merge faery tale with reality.

So why do I share all of this?

Because I believe that each and every one of us is powerful beyond measure and like each mushroom is the fruit of the mycelium web that connects and feeds everything, you are the flower of All That Is that connects and creates everything. Everything is who you are in unique glory. All knowledge is what runs through your veins and flourishes into your true expansive nature when you align with this and use it.

Faery tales may not be just for our entertainment or to teach lessons in creative ways, but to fuel imagination into believing who we really are and what is possible, once again.

On this fiery Full Moon, I plant to keep the initiating going and forge deeper into the vastness that lies within all that I am as All That Is.

I woke early this morning finding the house lit by the light of the Moon glowing directly through the windows from the forest. I went out on the deck and took a few photos. I’m not sure what that moving orb is, but it echoed all I’ve been sharing.

We’ll be heading out on one of our most magickal hikes today – one we haven’t done yet this year – an 11+ mile adventure where I can play in the field of possibilities this Moon’s Cosmic setup invites.

I wish you all an illuminating Full Moon into the thread of your very powerful existence.

And until next time, I’ll leave you with a sneak peep at the newest Magick Rabbit ornaments I created during this powerful week. This is a quick overall glance, and more individual photos will be found at the link below later this evening.

There will be five new, ready-to-ship ornaments that I fully enjoyed channeling with the help of Astrid and the family at this link:

Magick Rabbit Ornaments

Each one is very special to my heart for different reasons. I can’t wait for you to see each of them individually. So hop back on this evening, as you won’t want to miss the magick.

I am also sharing one of the customs I recently made. You’ll see more close-ups of it also this evening, but it felt perfect for today’s post with its Autumn theme.

I’ll post other examples as I’m able, so that you can see how creativity has no bounds.

There is currently just 1 crystal remaining – interesting to me that it’s a rare, raw blue agate portal beauty, reminding me of all the blue showing up these days with Astrid.

You can see it here:

Crystals and Crystal Skulls

And if you’ve been thinking about the Life Transition Support, just a reminder these are available between now and end of the year, and there are only 2 spots remaining.

Details are below and if you have questions, please contact me:

Life Transition Support

Autumn Equinox Reflections, Astrid Wisdom & New Offering for Navigating Life Transitions

As Summer’s curtain goes down, a new performance hits Nature’s stage. Brilliant actors will begin taking the spotlight, wearing enchanting costumes in shifting shades of red, orange, gold, crimson, and aubergine. For us here in the alpine realms, we will not only feel the change, but also get to see it reflected quite vividly around us.

This transformative time is ignited by the Autumn Equinox of today (for those of you also in the Northern Hemisphere and tomorrow for some of you in other time zones), and depending on where you live, you may experience a wondrous landscape or at least a mystical dance of rich shadows cast by a new light.

Balance is the word that comes to mind when thinking of the Equinox – a balance between the light and dark of the year and of our experience…as within so without.

We’ve been feeling this shift for a while here, as late Summer has been mixed with hints of Autumn. The air has felt crisper, the light is already casting golden tones, and afternoons have brought back mysterious thunderstorm skies and moisture to the land.

Everything feels extra expansive, serene, rich, and comforting, even though I’ve been navigating big life changes that Astrid’s transition heralded.

She seems to have mirrored the change of seasons herself and with her departure, Summer has also faded away.

But Autumn Equinox is a time of celebration – just as I’ve shared September would be in terms of celebrating the life and gifts of Astrid. It brings us harvest time, extra gratitude focus, presence to the abundance of creative force in and around us, and a sacred honoring for the changing seasons of life.

As I, and all of us, go through our own unique and profound transitions, so, too, does our Earth Mother. Leaving behind the warmth and dazzling bosom of blooms, she embraces the mysterious darkness and elegant cloaks of fallen wisdom, making way for frosted shawls of wintry wonder.

The light of day will fast surrender to the dark of night so that we experience more connection to the rhythms of Earth and Cosmos in harmony. This is a celestial event of spirit in flesh, where deepening sacredness overflows from the cauldron of our hearts.

The Equinox brings equanimity within and without and of all opposites that light and dark might reflect to each of us. And when things stand with conscious awareness of this reflection, the sweet intricacy of every thread becomes as valued as the whole web of All That Is.

It is a most miraculous and beautiful thing to exist indeed.

Every day I feel immense gratitude for the air I breathe and the beauty all around me. I don’t take for granted that there are varying experiences across the globe and that what I am able to see, feel, and immerse in is an astounding gift. It is this very reason I share these gifts, so that they might touch, inspire, or bring some level of hope and belief in some way to whom ever needs it in the moment they see these windows or read my words.

I’ve shared in the grieving many have been and are going through, and I find that the expansive vistas and Nature’s constant creative energy in motion, helps me to bridge any illusion of separation and to transmute feelings into fertile opportunities. One needn’t only do this via Nature, as the nature of you is an access point where ever you are to shift gears and connect with the rhythms of harmony in motion.

I continue to find myself in surreal landscapes of my imagination come to life. I think it’s in part because no matter what happens, my inner child refuses to ever be cast away. It has taken years of nurturing her and making sure she knows how valued she and her voice is, but it’s been so worth the effort. Now she’s a force all her own and walking with my parts equally receiving my love, ensures I can stay the course when everything else might try to steer me otherwise.

So the vistas keep expanding before me, while my heart mirrors the same. Every ache breathed into so that my breath learns a new rhythm, and in turn pumps my heart to the edge between euphoria and fright.

It is then that I know and experience the coding for expanded consciousness and get a glimpse of the eternal creating Itself.

I’ve so been enjoying our recent hikes and the feeling lingering in the air. And it’s especially sweet to know Astrid is with me all the time. I always used to invite her to jump inside my heart and eyes so she could feel and see all that I was experiencing. Now, I don’t have to do that, as she IS right there with me. My dream of having her able to leap alongside me on the trails and in the meadows unfolds every day.

And she makes herself known in beautiful ways she knows will make me smile. There’s definitely been an uptick in what I call magickal experiences, sights, and finds.

She is, after all, a magick rabbit.

There have been so many faery tree and sky portals, awe-inspiring landscapes, and even a double rainbow after quite a special hike connecting with her through ever single tiny to large marvel before my eyes.

We have a lot of secret hikes and areas we like to explore, especially so when things quiet down, as we tend to have places all to ourselves.

Recently we did this special nine mile hike that takes us through quite a mysterious forest where things go very quiet and oftentimes, the light disappears so as to cast shadows or call attention with laser focus.

We always feel watched and the air feels thick with the stuff faery tales are made of.

I had forgotten that I wore some forest faery necklaces that included a magick mushroom pendant until I started realizing the astounding amounts of mushrooms I kept discovering.

That made me reach to my neck, clasp my mini mushroom between my fingers, and then call out to Dave saying, “Oh my gosh! I’ve never seen so many mushroom varieties, but guess what? I’m wearing my magick mushroom!” And of course that ended with a bunch of faery giggles from me and a laugh from Dave.

I literally saw several hundreds from tiny to giant and all different kinds and colors. I’ve been seeing a lot in general, but this hike was covered in micro forests of them. It was so fun for me each time I found another, and another.

This is my constant state of being with everything I see in my days. They never get old and I never tire of anything others might find mundane. Each time is like the first or that Christmas morning opening a present and seeing what Santa left in your stocking.

I told Dave when we first got out of the car and headed to the trailhead that we were going to see and experience a lot of magickal things. And we did! Including this large beauty – a caterpillar type I’ve not seen, just two minutes into the hike.

It wiggled its way across the trail and I, of course helped pick it up and get it across so that nobody would step on it. But look at the vibrant chartreuse and that electric blue tail. Evidence of life transitions in motion.

And then the mushroom madness began.

Wild mushrooms emerging are one of the signs of Autumn and with our moisture-rich seasons we have been enjoying lush forests and a most prolific mushroom year.

And that’s been so fun for my faery heart to experience. Including that magick Amanita Muscaria that Astrid manifested for me.

Every single mushroom is a window into another world, with a story only each immortal child of the forest can tell.

Ancient wisdom, faery circles, expansive consciousness, deep transmutation…which book would you like to open the pages to?

This hike took us over creeks and experiencing dancing waterfalls, until reaching the stunning lake we had all to ourselves for a picnic lunch.

Butterflies floated upon the air and across my face – white ones appearing quite often and following us on the trail.

There were still a few lingering flowers here and there, although Autumn briskness has helped to put the Summer super bloom to sleep. But I did manage to find one cluster of sweet faery flowers next to the creek where two waterfalls were. They tickled my heart.

The micro magick seamlessly weaves itself into the macro mystery all around me on a daily basis.

We’ve enjoyed some of our last beach days, which have been awesomely serene since no one hardly goes at this time of year.

Even our favorite thirty-seven mile bike ride was extra fun due to the beautiful weather, quiet, and changing light of day. I found a butterfly transitioning that took a ride with me on my bike for many miles. I then lovingly released her to a safe spot overlooking the lake – I thought it the perfect place to make that shift.

And while we’re mostly having quiet days to ourselves, we have had a couple of friend outings and even a great Meetup hike where we explored a new part of a trail we haven’t before.

These kinds of follow-your-heart-in-the-moment decisions lead to beautiful and meaningful things.

And all of these extra expansive landscapes have been reflecting to me my own expansion into how I will be experiencing things from here forth. As I mentioned, Astrid is everywhere and that curtain between realities is nearly fully lifted.

What she’s telling me is that now it’s time to experience everything seamlessly and consistently. Not just at certain times, but in ALL times as the every day way of life and even without boundaries created for others who may not experience things the same. Astrid tells me to go fully into the Unseen, but to bring it back with me instead of leaving it there. She says the time for the Unseens to be seen is here and to walk always in that knowing and out loud.

Astrid knows I love the in between and that was her special time in the liminal hours too. And the more I anchor that in between, the more the concept of realities will shift and there will not just be the knowing of no separation, but the actual and literal experience of it that can be shared with others…spirit and flesh as One. This will be an opportunity for all in the coming years of change.

Until now she says I needed the physical companionship of my soul family in rabbit body…walking side by side with me in the flesh.

And now, while I could as a choice have that, there isn’t the same need. The evolution I’ve experienced with each of my rabbit partners has brought me closer and closer to the truth I was searching for and remembering about myself. And that is here now. Although I have vision of the future, there is a freshly integrated path to root that is needed in this very moment without worry of future how’s or chains to past woes.

This is also why I’ve come to be able to navigate transitions and grief in more seamless ways, as was evident in the evolution of each of my rabbits’ choice of death and how I’ve processed and integrated each time. I’ve become well-versed in transitions for all areas of life due to my time spent in between.

In fact, Astrid is the one who encouraged me, due to my strength in this and what so many are going through, saying it’s time for me to open a window right now to the house I was nurturing within.

And so, I have a new offering called Life Transition Support between now and end of the year that I’ll be opening to just 5 people, as I’m in the midst of my own transitions and this is the only amount of time and space I have available alongside my projects. So for those of you who have asked, this is a rare offering – the kind that only comes if I receive a strong message I can’t deny. And Astrid definitely is a wise messenger.

And because I do regulate my time and have balance at the forefront of my experience, I closed the Monthly Energy Support to anyone new, in place of these.

You can read about these new sessions for every area of life changes experienced, here: Life Transition Support.

Astrid says, and I agree, as I’ve been experiencing it, that dichotomies of who I am and the worlds I dip in and out of, are now fully woven together with a golden thread of harmonious union.

And THAT is the expansive consciousness I can walk in now always. It’s available to us all, in fact.

For those of you who have been moving in and out of worlds and realities, you will find that fluidity will replace light switches, making experiences merge rather than flip in and out and on and off. An invitation to the nature of reality and of you is extended. The choice is yours to rsvp yes, no, or a curious maybe.

So as I shared before about magick rabbits, “even if you don’t see them by my side, I assure you they are there – always and in all ways.”

My reality may not be what others experience – more so now than ever – but that is the beauty of our uniqueness. We each get to have our own experience of reality.

And today my reality asks for a sewing of that knowing into the heart of this Equinox portal. I plan to have a sacred little ritual of spreading some of Astrid’s ashes in the garden today, doing some energy work, and anchoring in with a good nature immersive hike. I’m also readying my bulbs for Autumn planting and organizing project plans and preparing some new releases.

AND, some of my crystals including the last two Astrid helped choose and ready, waiting for their new homes – found at Crystals and Crystal Skulls – will continue enjoying some garden Equinox time. Can’t wait to share the new stuff we’ve been cooking up for you skull lovers or curiosity seekers interested in what the heck these are all about.

Miss Rhodonite is loving the shades of blooms that match the colors of her huge heart and love energy. She’s connected to our skull collective here and that might become more of interest when the new is revealed.

And the enchanting blue agate portal is feeling the faery love alongside his garden friends and mini blue and lavender blossoms.

I’ve so enjoyed wrapping up packages sent off to our friends bringing home some of the beauties in celebratory papers for Astrid with extra special gifties tucked inside.

All of these Equinox events being shared with Astrid and my other friends BY my side and no longer on the OTHER side.

It’s perfect that International Rabbit Day falls on September 23rd this year, which is also the Equinox in other parts of the world still. It will be a beautiful way to end out this month of Astrid’s rebirth celebration, which now feels to also be another layer of my own with the new transmutation of experiences. And speaking of rabbits, I’ll have a few ready-to-ship ornaments up beginning of next week at Magick Rabbit Ornaments along with another sample custom order.

October is always a rich and full month, as there are many special things associated with it, including some bunny related and some Dave and me related.

It’s also a beautiful time when the colors of leaves and land will be in high gear.

But for now, I celebrate the beauty and simplicity of this moment and day, grateful that I have experienced the things I have and the wide range of emotions available, as they enrich the reason for being here and give rise to unfolding hope.

Virgo New Moon, Magick Rabbit & Earthly Love that Knows No Bounds

With the rich, earthy Virgo New Moon’s energy that ignited last evening, we are presented a fresh and grounded approach to goals, wellness, and day-to-day management to help revitalize things. Maybe you’ve felt guided to look at where you may not be operating as productively as you can. Bringing in a creative approach can help to make things fun and fresh. If you haven’t, think about making more time for the pause so that moments for yourself can be part of your renewal. Try not to push and rush ahead. Things have their way of unfolding just right. By spending more time in nature and with animals when possible, you learn this wisdom reflected all around you and align with Virgo’s resonance. This is a great time for journaling and organizing thoughts and guidelines for what you are feeling about where you’d like to go, and how you might takes steps to get there. Be open to innovation and harness lighter, imaginative ways to get things done. An anchored foundation will support you through the continued rapid changes.

Ask yourself, “How can I optimize opportunities and be my best?”

As a Virgo herself, Astrid knows these energies well. And with today, the 15th of September, being her birthday celebration time, this post will have a lot of the things she loved in it that warmed her Virgo heart. I love that she and I were Virgo/Pisces counterparts – the perfect compliments to one another.

As we approach Autumn Equinox on the 22nd, I’m feeling all the extra feels that the seasons ahead tend to bring. Thoughts turn back to Astrid and all the fun we’ve had through each season, including our Autumn witchy fun together.

I was floored when I saw that the photos below of us were part of 2020’s Rare Halloween/Samhain Full Blue Moon Magick – oh Astrid and that Blue Moon!!

September through November is one of my favorite times in the great outdoors here.

The light of day, colors, temperatures, and quiet make for beautiful backdrops to nature immersive exercise.

I already got my new bulbs I’ll be planting as my Autumn ritual again.

This year I have 159 beauties to add that include a fancy variety of crocus, tulip, hyacinth, and allium. I LOVED the 3 giant allium (you might recall below) that grew this year as a surprise, so I hope to have a lot more!

I have already been seeing and feeling the shift of seasons in the air, evident in my garden and the landscapes both around and within me.

The flowers keep cycling through and end of Summer blooms are changing into their Autumn gowns now.

From the wildflowers of the forests…

To the blooms in my garden…

Everything has been wildly lush and vibrant as ever.

I’ve even received some more yummies, with several tomatoes still on the way.

The hummingbird moths continue to frequent the garden in abundance. I’ve become so enchanted by them and seeing them dance along with the butterflies and bumble bees.

We’re having our back deck redone in a gorgeous dark cherry trex decking, so Dave and I had to move all of my pots down to the lower garden area. I now have view of all of my plants from my Wonderland office. Astrid would love that and I know she’s enjoying it with me.

In moving the pots and deck furniture I found a family of tree frogs living in the couch. We often saw one tree frog at a time that would jump out of the couch now and then, but as we removed the cushions there was not one, but two….no, three!

First I found the momma, then I found the oh so miniature baby, and last I found the big daddy.

Each of them hopped aboard my palm and I brought them down to the potted plants so they could take refuge there while things are in process. I was overjoyed finding them…and the baby speaking of new cycles birthing in the circle of life. Their discovery came on the heels of my having found a half dozen miniature (less than an inch) dark frogs in the forest we hiked with our friend on a rainy day not long before this. Frog energy staying consistent indeed.

Speaking of birthing – that reminds me I had a very clear and impactful dream on the night of 9/11. Without going into details of the whole thing, I found myself yet again physically pregnant. My stomach was large and I was feeling labor pains. I remember my saying I was 51 in the dream and that this was scary. I was preparing for birth, and while telling a friend about this, who has two children herself in real life, I expressed that only one or the other would make it and sensed that the baby would live, but I wouldn’t. I’ve since made the connection and understand the parameters I’m working with here.

I continue loving to watch the evolution of plants and blooms in my little faery sanctuary on the edge of the forest. My garden will always remind me of Astrid because of how much she shared in a love for it.

You could always find her looking outside, basking in the sunshine that streamed through the sliding glass door through the trees, watching me when I was working out there, and waiting with patient excitement for what little nibble of a delicacy I might bring in for her.

It was a shared joy between us to have such a sacred piece of Mother Earth to experience together.

And her spirit will always live vibrantly within the blooms, plants, crystals and stones, garden and forest friends, light, and even the soil.

Having received her ashes back home, I will be adding a pinch to the garden to infuse her being with the Forest Portal she loved. I learned that she was cremated on 9/1 (so September really did ignite her rebirthing celebrations), the woman who helped us, picked her gorgeous box of ashes up on 9/6, and on 9/8 Astrid returned home to us.

It just so happened that on 9/8 I received a potent and special delivery from across the world from a favorite place of mine, of two large and heavy boxes filled with treasures I’ll share in upcoming days – one gift that was specially created to have Astrid physically with me always.

But she is indeed with me every moment…I see and feel her in everything – especially our shared room.

In her last days, I found Astrid sitting by the window looking out with her physical and inner eye at the land of her home she loved.

It made my heart swell with warm tears.

And I would sit with her and reflect on all we have shared and created here.

On one of our last days I told her I would take her out into the garden, so she could see everything close up for the last time, feel the sunshine on her fur without the filter of the glass, and smell the fresh alpine air filled with scents of the garden, forest, and the wild animal friends she made here.

Dave snapped several photos of us to have and cherish. I wore a vintage 1950s Muriel Ryan rabbit print dress, which added to the nostalgic energy and had me feeling in Beatrix Potter mode even though she passed in 1943.

It was also a bit like a modern day Alice in Wonderland feel, as Astrid and I looked at all the garden statue friends that came alive in the in between hours she was most active in herself.

We could feel the Cosmic energies strongly around us, as the sun set over the mountains, streamed through the trees, and illuminated our love.

Astrid will always be a part of this garden and home, as she came into our lives just before we purchased it.

Every bit of love we poured into this house and land included hers. I still remember the very first time I took her downstairs after setting up her new Wonderland room, and how overwhelmed she was.

She looked at it all, smelled the air and peeked in, then turned to me saying, “Is this really all for me?” To which I answered, “Yes, all of it. You deserve it.”

And she quickened her steps to rush to me and place her head in my hands, as we shared the most precious moment of joy, love, gratitude, and sweet tears.

Our Wonderland room evolved over the years – to mirror both of our desires – and she knew from that first day forward that she was truly home, loved, seen, and could peacefully reveal all of herself and her gifts without fear – the latter she always and continues to support me with.

Part of the changes were supported by the crystals we both called in that infused our daily life and work together.

I find it curious that the last two crystals she physically worked with that are awaiting homes, are both Virgo-connected ones – Rhodonite and Agate. I added a Virgo note to each on the Crystals and Crystal Skulls page for this New Moon Energy.

Here is a video of Astrid in her last days preparing herself and her crystal friends for her physical departure.

And while crystal work continues to be on high, I am experiencing a continued upgrade to my own abilities.

One of the promises I made to Astrid even before I knew she was leaving, was to turn up the volume on my energy. And when she passed I have stood in that promise, calling upon all of me to the forefront. In my past I remember shutting down some of my gifts because I saw what they were capable of doing. I even remember one of the odd players in my life that showed up mysteriously and the weight of his words deepened the turn of the key on that door to remain closed. I see now how my concerns had drawn this person in – back in the day I used to not have a lid on my energy and so it poured out in all directions and drew in all kinds of experiences. It’s no wonder I subconsciously shut many down and held others back from their potential.

The door is now open and I’ve been retraining myself to call up all of the power within and laser focus it when needed. In this way I’m consciously creating and not having things happen simply because my energy leaks without creative direction.

It’s a form of harnessing one’s inner magician, and calling up and mastering all of the elements within, as without. But then not being afraid to turn the volume up as high as I want and am capable of. It can be both magnificent and intimidating all at once to witness. But so far, no one has had to, as personal work can be a sacred and intimate process not needing to be shared.

I feel deeply this is where we’re all headed and some of you and others have already embarked upon this journey – authentic power without hindrance….and oh what wonders await once unleashed with conscious direction.

I keep seeing so much creative beauty, transformative potency, and reflection of that power streaming through more and more. Sometimes I’m in pure awe at what I witness and experience.

September 7th was one of those days and Nature made it clear that there were no more hindrances except the ones we choose to believe in.

I’d already, that day, experienced some amazing instant manifestations from things I put myself fully into, and then we took a long hike that pumped up the volume on the magick.

On our way to one of the alpine lakes here we – Dave, myself, and a friend – were about to cross a creek. They were ahead of me and I stopped, immediately noticing a garter snake in the middle of the path neither of them had seen.

I paused to watch her, standing solid with my feet about two inches apart, and called to the guys so they could see her too. They approached and we watched as she slithered toward me. I figured she’d go off into the grass, likely wanting to get to safety since the others were right behind her, but instead she continued toward me, slithered around my feet and then passed directly through both of them and under me, then made her way under a rock and disappeared.

About a half an hour later we found a dead chipmunk on the side of the trail. I told them they could go ahead, as I needed to bury her. But they waited and I did my thing, taking care to give her a proper burial.

When we got to the lake I then noticed an osprey right away…but wait! There were three! I’ve never seen more than one together before. These felt like a family, just like the frogs…mom, dad, and young adult learning with parents. We watched with awe as they circled over and over and plunged into the lake to catch lunch, which two of them did.

We then came upon a bank where swarms of minnows swam in a protected little area of the water accented by a gorgeous backdrop of majestic mountain beauty.

They reminded me of the tadpole swarms and I loved watching them move together in unison. This area was also swarming with so many dragonflies all over the grassy and bloom filled banks. We all remarked on how many there were and how magickal everything had been so far with all of these sightings.

On our way back, we had to recross a big meadow. The guys were ahead again and I was thinking about and talking to Astrid. I reflected on all I’d seen and experienced so far, feeling the depths, and told her how much I loved her and missed not having her physically there.

Then something caught my eye in the grass to my left. It was a giant dragonfly.

I bent over and saw that it wasn’t moving. I reached my hand down to gently touch it, and realized it had passed peacefully in this beautiful meadow…frozen in time and captured in its grace eternally.

Of course the dragonfly was blue.

I can’t tell you how many “blue” things have been happening for me and others since Astrid’s transition.

And now, after communicating with her, this dreamy dragonfly, blue as the Moon Astrid road upon to the stars, with wings of enchantment glistening in rainbow delight.

Indeed light carries on endlessly.

I’m going to end this post with a song. It was the song I sang so often when Astrid was with me and it became our song. It’s called Saturn, by Sleeping at Last.

Whenever I sang it, she would always get very still and go deep within, and our hearts were like an open portal flooded with our love swirling together through my voice. In those moments we could fly on the wings of that love.

This was often the case when we shared our love.

It’s not often that I like songs with words. Of course I enjoy songs of my past for the nostalgia and sing them by heart…but mostly I enjoy the wordless so that music can just move through me and paint a story each time, unencumbered.

This song is short in words, but the words spoke a lot to me. I always knew what it meant and foretold. The future in the present, felt as the past.

It’s a vulnerable thing to share our voice and love with others, but I sang this song on the eve before she passed (we recorded several things in fact) and Astrid encourages me to share it so that others can feel the doors open through the vortex of the heart – the place your power resides and can never be diminished by another…it merely grows like a garden when shared.

I love you dear Astrid.

With every fiber of my being.

Happy rebirth my most cherished treasure.

Celebrating a Master in Disguise of a Magick Rabbit

September’s month of celebrating begins with highlights about Astrid and her magickal powers and friends.

Astrid has always been in tune with energy and crystals since day one. I never had to teach her a thing, although she loved when I did teach – always supporting me and infusing her wisdom in the moment of my channeling words to share with others.

As a Reiki Master Teacher, herself, she taught other forest animals Reiki that would come by our Wonderland room – you may recall wild bunnies, Blueberry, Hope and Frith to name a few – and she would work her magickal healing powers with friends and family that visited in person, via distant sessions she and I would do together, and through dream time or meditations so that she could reach others all over the world.

She always knew just what to do and when. She’d even come and nudge or nip at my feet and ankles while in process of Reiki Healing or Initiation Attunements or any energy session I was involved in. Like Nestor, she had a miraculous healing touch usually administered through her nose and also like Nestor, she’s given my mom instant healings with things she really needed, which has been amazing to witness.

All of my rabbit companions were master healers and teachers. Joy as you might recall taught Cosmo Reiki right in front of me. That was astounding to watch. And I often saw the healing magick unfold between others and the bunnies and that included all of the wild animals that were drawn to them and the rooms they were in.

I was always in awe to see the animals come to the window, tap at it, and even jump and hang on the screen so hoping to get in or get a glimpse of the magick rabbit and queen herself. I remember when I saved Strawberry the chipmunk and took her inside for a night, nurturing and feeding her to health. Astrid assisted and communicated that she could trust me. After I released her the next morning, animals started coming around more. It was as if Strawberry had told the story of the magick rabbit and faery inside the Wonderland room and others wanted to see them with their own eyes – and perhaps, even, receive some of that yummy goodness Strawberry was given in both food and energy infusions.

Astrid’s healing powers were not limited to Reiki, as she knows forms of healing that I’ve both learned in her presence and have been newly integrating. This includes working with her crystal friends like no other I’ve ever seen.

She was always with her crystals and would specifically tell me which ones to bring home for her and I. She showed me things in dreams and would even tell me exactly what to look for. Once she told me about a type of crystal I was to ask my friend Lisa of Lemurian Rose for, and said, “tell her the one with blue.” We did indeed end up finding what she asked for and it also linked to what someone else had received as a message as well about these crystals, but in a different word that meant blue.

Other times she told me to get crystals I didn’t know how I could manage bringing home at the time, but she assured me to do it anyway and it would all work out. And it always did in incredulous ways.

She’s told me which crystals to get for others, and which to keep and release. She’s helped prepare and activate each in unique ways, meant for the individual they were to go home with.

I would often find giant crystals that I’d hike out miles in my arms or on my back – just for her.

These became the ones you see surrounding her in what I liked to call her Stonehenge sacred circle.

She would lay with them, lay her head on them, lick them with energy infusement, put her front paws on them to flow energy out and in, and lay with her back feet up against them to run energy circuits through her body and also out through those powerful thumpers of hers.

And her last days were no different.

She was gathering all the energy she would need to get through the huge journey she’d be going on, as well as making sure to do the last bits of “paws-on” work with her crystal friends, to prepare them for me and the upcoming days of work I’d need them for.

She was also making sure that there would be open portals for her to continue channeling through and communicating and working with the crystals, our home, and me and Dave from the beyond.

I will never be able to express what this experience was like to witness and be in presence of. And I know not everyone will or would believe it. No matter.

Astrid knew who she was and I will always see her as who that is.

I have so many personal stories we’ve shared and incredible experiences that have unfolded because of this powerful being in a strong rabbit body. And even now, I continue to hear her in our room and she’s beginning to show up again in dream time.

Since her transition, I’ve already heard several stories of how she’s working her magick when others needed it the most. In one case, she worked with someone else’s just departed animal companion to bring a message of comfort in their darkest hour that was divinely orchestrated.

Her timing is impeccable…but then she’s always navigated with pristine precision.

Although I write in the past tense for purposes of recounting her story in the flesh, all of what I just shared continues on in even bigger ways, now that she is in spirit.

She was, is, and always will be a masterful healer.

A magick rabbit on Earth and in the stars…although she is so much more.

Astrid and I would like to thank you truly and deeply for all of the outpouring of love, supportive energy, and messages during this time. I am overwhelmed and haven’t the words to fully share the immense gratitude I feel. It moves me to the Moon and beyond to the many Moons throughout the Cosmos.

Your messages and warmth have been a beautiful gift that keeps giving.

I love you and Astrid loves you all too.

I did promise that today we’d be sharing both a special on the remaining crystals and crystal skulls, as well as a sweet, new offering…and so here they are.

Enjoy a “Once in a Blue Moon” Special of 30% off

This special comes from Astrid and me, as she departed on 8/30’s Pisces Full Blue Moon, and we wanted to celebrate by sharing these crystal partners with all who have been a part of our journey so far. This is a rare offering of below cost pricing to help make it easier to bring home a special friend during these shifting times. Crystals have been supportive for both Astrid and myself, including during her last days, and these crystals have the special gift of her physically infusing her love and activation within. Thank you for being a part of our lives and helping to write the story that will indeed continue.

You can find the last nine crystal friends here:

Crystals & Crystal Skulls

All-Season Custom Wooden Magick Rabbit Ornaments Now Available for Pre-Order

These are custom painted ornaments you can pre-order in what ever design, for what ever season, or occasion. All details are at the link below, including one ready-to-ship ornament that was created while Astrid was still with me, as an example. It’s titled “Summer’s End.”

Magick Rabbit Ornaments

Losing Myself to Find Myself ~ Once in a Blue Moon a Powerful Merging Takes Form

This is an important post for me, and since I haven’t written in a while I hope you’ll bear with me for a longer share today that is very dear to my heart.

August slipped away on a Full Blue Moon and we find ourselves deep in Summer’s end with rapid whispers of Autumn rolling in on the transformational breeze.

Days here have been a revealing mix of inner and outer reflections, always mirrored in the natural world around me and Nature’s children that are closest to my heart.

Afternoons returned to flashbacks of June’s every day thunderstorms and rain clouds, as we received our watered down version of Storm Hilary merged with Summer’s end. Late August days have always brought us moisture and clouds, but we saw it come earlier this year and in higher levels.

It’s all been in line with much more moisture-rich seasons, which we’re grateful for here, as well as mirroring the emotional realms vastly flowing these days.

We’re also grateful for the spectacular skies, sunsets and frequent rainbow appearances that these mountain storms have been painting across the canvas from our forest portal.

And the week following the storm, after the clouds over our mountains chimed in with a release of bitter sweet goodbyes, Summer’s last hurrah of perfect temps and long, sunshiny days returned to the stage, before the season’s curtain goes down.

In any event, days feel like being lost in a meadow – and quite literally I am.

Perhaps I’m living a version of my dream – to lay in a field full of rabbits on a planet far, far away.

You may not see the rabbits, but I feel them all around me – always and forever.

Surrounded by lingering and late blooms, newly emerging wild mushrooms, and tall, harvest-like grasses tinted with the glow of a new season making an early appearance, I feel cradled in a nurturing womb where I can imagine-into-life my dream.

I also feel swaddled in Earth’s love and understanding, as the sacred mother that she is always cares for me.

The giant elder trees have been constant companions these days for us, sharing their love and wisdom along the long and winding road.

And the goldenrods have blazoned the land with fields of golden dreams.

They mirror the essence of promises made from the richest of treasures to my heart.

It’s been a season of unusual experiences and sightings, including an abundance of hummingbird moths we’ve never seen until this year, frogs galore (including miniature frogs, less than an inch), very communicative forest friends, two sightings of the same ptarmigan family of four on a hike we frequent, and more.

This has also been the year of the most abundant pollinators we’ve seen – sometimes we’re surrounded by swarms of every variety filling the valleys and fields.

The moisture has brought in renewing energy indeed.

That “Once in a Blue Moon” kind of feeling pervades, as I find myself embracing new processes that break my own patterning, taking HUGE leaps of faith, facing hurdles with greater empowerment, and overall experiencing these incredulous alignments more often, which only happen at rare moments – to include riding the lunar waves of a story I wrote with my paintbrush years ago.

Once in a Blue Moon has become much more than the title of a painting I once created in 2012. It’s been the doorway to profound changes with greatest impact, concluding 11 years later.

But endings are always beginnings.

I still recall when I first hung the painting in my Costa Mesa office, how I woke in the middle of the night to its portal opening and my seeing the Elementals jumping out of it and running across the floor. Where I slept had a clear view of the painting hanging on the wall to my office across the way. I knew then, its magick.

And the painting has since been hanging over Astrid’s main castle, overseeing Wonderland. She’s often climbed on top to reach the Moon and her friends on the other side.

As I mentioned in my last post about ancient energies, this Blue Pisces Moon of the 30th we just experienced, “has a special connection for me.” I had a whisper of foretelling that’s been vibrating in the background like the wings of a hummingbird moth for a little while, especially with some other timings that have been approaching. And like most of us, I held that in its own little side pocket for a while, waiting to see how it would unfold, because the human ego part of me hadn’t yet integrated the reality of it yet. The two still had to merge.

Today’s share is one that brings bitter sweet to the forefront, just as watching Summer pass also carries its own contrast of emotions it stirs up. But in comparison to past experiences that I’ve shared in greater detail, this one will in large part remain an experience for myself alone.

The reason I am sharing some highlights however, is because of how it ties into collective experiences and shifts in motion, and also because you all have been such a huge part of our lives and story – Astrid and mine, that is. I also share to help others who are going through grief at this time, as I know there are many.

The August skies seem to have been preparing the way, as all of those rainbows indeed support the bridge between worlds and mirror the heart of one so dear.

It is with great sadness and immense love that I share with you, my dear friends, that Astrid has returned to the stars and is with our soul family (once in rabbit and tortoise bodies) traveling the Cosmos once again. I know this will hit as a surprise and so I do want to help bridge an understanding and offer some of our story.

But this is not meant to be an announcement bearing only the wave of emotions that may strike a chord of tears, but also a celebration of life and eternal light and love that seeming endings spark into boundless beginnings. Astrid wanted it as such, and so it will be.

Just like ancient parts of me have lit up and are integrating since my 50th year ignited, so too Astrid’s ancientness is a part of that and me – now and always.

Synchronously, the 5th (there’s my 5 again that I’ll be mentioning) theme in Lee’s new September 2023 Energy Update at the 12:33 mark of the video I’m including below is: Ancient Sensory Wisdom returning – experienced through the psychic senses and the body (Oh yes!)

I also resonate with theme 6, as it underscores my experience in personal, especially, and collective interactions of receiving clearer and cleaner vibrations that clarify the truth behind and between words spoken. It is revealing where things don’t match up that others say and do that ultimately invite courageous conversations for change.

But back to the Ancient Openings I was referring to, you may recall our May 2022 Playa del Carmen and March 2023 Hawaii trip had been instrumental, ancient-awakening bookends to my 50th birthday along with all the rest in between that I integrated in Oregon and through our historical Winter, and then the recent 8/8 opening I mentioned in my last post. A LOT has gone into the creating of the now, including years of preparation by the very wise Astrid.

This includes the wildest most potent crystal adventures and friends that came to join us just as we would need them. They’ve been here assisting Astrid, me, and arrived in just enough time for us to begin the preparations for what’s to come while she could ignite that work physically and then continue it from the other side. Amongst them was a very rare crystal that arrived on 8/23 – a date you’ll see works in prominently with the unfoldings. This one is a Blue Tara Lemurian with a huge, prominent lightning strike on its main face, rainbows and much more. It was the only one like it within a pocket found. My timing in seeing it the second it was released is no coincidence. Her energy merges beautifully with everything experienced. Synchronously some other major things arrived that I’ll share about another time, on that day, and even two velvety-soft-like-a-bunny, Lamb’s Ear plants – my favorite – that I planted together. They became my official Astrid and me plants – everything is official Astrid – and she even signed it as so with one bite to a leaf.

I haven’t spoken about things that much, or at all, about our current animal companions’ physical journeys, as I have felt these are mine and ours to process at this time. Therefore, I created a protective bubble with Astrid and removed all distractions or influences. I have very much received guidance to honor and handle the sacred space with Astrid, and to trust myself fully – knowing my own capability to move through it AND that it is in fact part of my path to do this alone. In the past I have been in different places and needing more leaning because of doubting my own emotional state that can understandably create confusion.

I do not have that now.

Since 2008, Dave and I have jointly and separately (but connected) gone through six animal companion transitions that have been the most powerful, life-changing experiences for us both. And we will have a seventh upcoming, as our nearly 17 year old cat Boojum is on his own trajectory – although slower than Astrid’s at this time. I know this space very well and have become versed in the ways of sacred experience that calls upon the deepest trust and faith. It’s not an easy space to navigate, but it IS navigable.

And while I am aware of the timing in terms of my own life shifts, progressions of personal and collective unfolding, astrological evolution, and planetary alignments, I understand the process even without that. These simply underscore what the heart and soul know and can be in tune with when we listen.

For those of you who like to connect those dots, for instance, the 8/23 Mercury Retrograde in Virgo was directly connected to one of the defining events with Astrid – a Virgo herself, I have placements in my 6th house (ruled by Virgo) that connect major healing, evolution and learning through life with animals for me…her 9th (9 is an ending before beginning a new cycle) birthday upcoming (her rescue papers listed 9/11 as her birthday although, at her request, we celebrated it the 15th), her passing just a couple of days after my Virgo dad’s birthday…and yes, this Super Pisces Blue Moon that directly struck my natal Pisces Sun. Not to mention my turning 50 this year within my Chiron Return window, her being my 5th bunny, and all the 55 and 5:55 messaging that came through during what was unfolding, as this mega change, adventure, and freedom 5 is my favorite number and the way Nestor started messaging me when she departed in 2008, which has continued as a messaging system from all of my soul family in the stars now. Phew!

In this year’s potent month of August we also received our last new cedar tree. You may recall we had four new ones put in, but we realized another was needed to complete our privacy screen.

It took a while, but it went in on August 14th – just two days before the New Moon. I found it interesting that the fifth went in just a couple of weeks before my fifth rabbit companion moved on. Each tree now feels representative of each bunny.

These are some of the brief underscores to the vibrational frequencies telling their story from within our hearts.

Just as the outer world has been revealing the vibrational glow of new ways to experience life with more of the truth unleashed.

The short story on a physical level is, through a series of events we discovered out of the blue, Astrid experienced a rapid onset of advanced lymphoma that had spread throughout her body – especially evident in her spleen and bone marrow which created severe anemia (red blood cells were at 22% and platelets had dropped from 300,000 a year ago, to just 22,000) – all literally happening in what seemed like a rare, overnight unfolding that took her from bouncy youth to elder rabbit in the beat of a thumper. Of course, things like this don’t “just” happen. At least not in my book.

Only one odd thing showed up about a month and a half ago, when she stopped coming upstairs but continued all other normal behaviors. Then, more of the dots in the story started to unfold and Astrid began her messaging a couple of weeks ago, which all came to a head on 8/23 and 24.

We learned quite a bit, including something I’ve sensed, but the local rabbit vet never saw – it took going to the best specialists at UC Davis for a full day to unwrap Astrid’s story. I’d always heard about this place, and unfortunately got to experience firsthand how amazing it actually is. I’ve always been disheartened by the lack of veterinarians specializing in rabbits and other small animals, or any animals for that matter other than cats and dogs. So much so, it’s one of the only things I would turn the clock back on and follow through with my childhood desire to be a veterinarian and do just that. UC Davis quality of care and expertise was unparalleled. I couldn’t have been more grateful Astrid received the very best in the end and it gave me hope for the future.

Anyway, there’s a lot to the pages of that book, but it’s always supported and in divine alignment, including (and I just had to mention this, as it speaks to that)…even Astrid’s UC Davis bill was written and supported long ago in the stars, as the next morning after we brought her home we received a check in the exact amount of the bill plus $1 that was from something a few years back Dave had done to support animals.

And the long nearly three hour drive home from UC Davis gifted us this beautiful sky with Moon highlighted by pink, peach and violet clouds – Astrid is loved indeed.

We also got home to unpredicted rain that night. A hawk had greeted us on the way there and my mom said a large hawk was sitting in the marsh next to their house when we were driving home. And three days after her departure we had a large hawk swoop above our heads across the trail we hiked in the rain. Even Dave stopped to say that was a deliberate message.

Hawks, ironically, have always supported and assisted my rabbit friends between challenges and between worlds. Horus has been a prominent figure in my lives and special things came through from him that were incredulous as well, right at the same time of all of this.

Our last days together were filled with precious moments, as I never left her side except to eat and shower. I hunkered down on the floor and slept with her all night or just winks, waking to check on her, clean up if she couldn’t make it to the litter box, clear her nose, feed and give her water if needed, comfort and support her – especially in the first couple of days as she adjusted back from being heavily sedated. The UC Davis doctor had given us steroids that would help make her comfortable during her last days, while suppressing inflammation and advancing of symptoms. These are not meant to be long term, but did help her to regain strength enough to come upstairs one last time on her own and make her rounds to every room and favorite corner to infuse energy everywhere and to say her goodbyes to her beloved home. It also gave her the energy to hold on until the day she chose to leave.

Astrid passed on 8/30 – the Blue Pisces Full Moon.

My simple, but potent painting, Once in a Blue Moon, features a giant Blue Full Moon, the essence of my rabbits Nestor and Joy rebirthing from the waves of fertile creation within the In Between of Earth and Cosmos, and a Cosmic Butterfly soaring through the stars. I’ve always had intent of adding Cosmo, Gaia, and my first rabbit, Twinkie, to the painting where the open space is, and now Astrid will also join. I’ll be doing this between now and end of 2023. I’m curious as to what that will ignite.

Although the connection between me and my dear ones is very personal, they have always had collective connection and reflection. Not only showing up in many people’s dreams over the years, meditations, healing sessions, and hearts, but also helping people I know with miraculous and spontaneous healings, assisting my own healing work with others, and doing collective work round-the-clock. In part, this is why they have had to leave, as their more fragile rabbit bodies were no longer supportive vehicles for their tremendous power, energy, and the next stages of work they were on path to do. Many souls these days depart as they feel they can help with the shifts in greater ways, from a more expansive place. And recently, Astrid had done a LOT of work for others. It was time.

And since I am a Pisces (and Pisces has extra clear access to the collective unconscious) and this is a Pisces Full Moon we’ve experienced, the choosing by Astrid of this potent portal indeed is twofold personal and collective, as One. Not to mention, seems painted as the coded story, the rabbits channeled to me in 2012.

This painting is much more than a visual fantasy indeed. And this “death” is a reset transformation from one side of a door to another.

In my own evolution, I’m so grateful that I’ve been able to hold a collective bridge space of anchored strength for those around me during challenges and soul transformations. In this case, maintaining equilibrium for Astrid, Dave, and the cats during the toughest leg of the journey. I was supporting her needs without ego emotional attachment – only true unconditional Cosmic love. In this way, it assisted Astrid, me, and Dave to have beautiful last days together, receive direct, clear messages and confirmations both through telepathy and her picking Tarot cards as my bunny friends do best, to see her do her magick as she made her last rounds since that’s what magick rabbits do, and supported her not having to do any extra work on my part.

She could lean on me during this important evolution for her, and I could be her bridge to the stars. We had the chance to say and do everything we wanted with her in these last days. It was important to make beautiful memories as celebrations of life.

Of course I’ve been having my healthy human release that comes in waves, once I knew she was free and then could lean on Dave. I find grieving to be so rich and healing. In letting myself go into the depths of emotions I’m able to crack open new layers of possibilities. I found myself mirroring Astrid’s breath and heart of her last minutes in movement of my grief.

The love tears are never something that go away altogether…they are constant droplets of alchemy that stir the molten gold of our hearts to rise in every moment. I also had a release when the doctor first told us of her condition before going in to see Astrid. But then moved into my higher self for the sacred process to come. I am grateful for all that I’ve already gone through and the personal truths I’ve processed over the years through grief, as it’s really helped. Grieving is natural, but without the rest of my personal beliefs and experiences, I can understand how people can’t get through it. One needs an anchor after they deep dive, to help one not to drift endlessly. However you find your center, that process becomes invaluable during challenges.

I am so grateful for the way things unfolded – pure divine grace like a chorus of angels…each of the experiences with our fur babies and best friends have each been so different, but this one concludes with the cumulation of all that I’ve learned and all I could have hoped for. Her departure couldn’t have been more beautiful and perfect. We were able to do and say everything we wanted to and to prepare the most sacred space and process for her. She was completely conscious every step of the way, masterfully orchestrating and navigating, and we were her cocreators for the way in which she wanted.

She knew that having this come fast and out of the blue was best for me. No long suffering and no months or years of watching her decline and have to go through rigorous treatments. She was such a strong rabbit that she’d been able to even keep one of her conditions hidden fully for two years and then only depleted from lymphoma in her last weeks – yet still like a warrior until the end.

She’s unbelievable.

I will always be in awe of her and everything we shared over the years and her last week is eternally etched in my memory and heart, just like the rest of every single moment and day of these past six years and two and a half months.

Every single moment cherished and written together with Astrid, and me honoring her journey, as my own.

We are One.

We’ve always been One, and now more than ever so, as she dispersed her vastness not only into the Cosmos, but into my own body and soul as she left.

A powerful merging takes form as she rises from the ashes into the expanse of my heart.

I already knew that I would be walking in a newly integrated form, but this was the wings on the rabbit’s back. That will make more sense in an upcoming share.

A few days before learning about Astrid, we’d done a hike up the mountain above our house and I came upon an area in the forest filled with these beautiful feathers feeling like painted angel wings of white, black and every shade of gray in between, and found a transitioned butterfly right before and right after them.

I could only surmise, even without seeing a body, that an avian friend had passed. This was a precursor to the days ahead. And I continued to find pairs of butterflies that now looking back mirrored a transformative merging of two souls.

And the day after Astrid returned to the stars, I found this dead mouse on our hike down to the beach.

It was on this hike that we found a gnome hanging in a tree, continued evidence of Autumn’s glow beginning to emerge, and giant mushrooms popping up everywhere.

This included my very first ever finding in Tahoe of this magick mushroom – Amanita Muscaria.

The enchanting mushroom I often paint and have scattered about our Wonderland room here.

I have always wanted to find one here, and in general, but didn’t know if they were even around. Other than finding a yellow one in Australia’s Crystal Castle, this was the only other encounter ever for me. It was no surprise, as Astrid promised to show up in magickal, clear ways.

To find this enchanted large mushroom on a path I was guided to take us down on the day after her passing was no coincidence.

She made the impossible possible, let me know the magick would continue, and to believe in my hopes and dreams.

Wishes DO come true.

That included also finding our very first pocket of surprise thimbleberries and currants in abundance, three days after her departure that we’ve never seen before along a hike we frequent near our home.

We enjoyed munching on the sweetness of these wild delicacies fit for a bunny.

All of the moisture has created such unique growth and lush landscapes, so faery wonders can emerge with the help of a faery rabbit.

Astrid is adjusting in her expansive space and preparing many things behind the scenes. So, she is a little quiet while slowly sending messages and magick each day – just enough to let me know our journey continues and only gets better from here.

After her passing, we decided that day to just be with the energy of her and continue the peace and beauty, so we headed to our favorite giant elder juniper by a park lake and enjoyed a picnic.

I took a solo walk and found a Steller’s Jay feather then had an unusual encounter with one. They are normally chatty and assertive. This one was so inquisitive, soft and deep. She looked at me with bravely cocked head that kept shifting back and forth to go deeper with me and stayed holding my gaze for a few minutes, very much engaging me in silence. I felt Astrid in her presence.

When I returned for our picnic I snapped a few shots of our tree friend and saw these orbs in the tree.

And the Steller’s Jay and Dove feather finds have continued – these two seem to be the prominent ones connected with Astrid’s passing, which makes sense. Each of them holds her energy. The crest of Steller’s Jay holding a wise consciousness and clear vision connecting to the Cosmos, a bold and beautiful assertiveness with no fear to voice boundaries and personal expression, courage to fulfill your calling, and resiliency. And dove’s softness, grace, peace, faith, free spirit, and love. The beautiful sides of Astrid’s vulnerable strength.

Her day of passing and the day after were perfect late summer days with warm breezes, and then the first of September brought a downpour of rain with a colder front for a few days before returning again to sunshine. This all feels reflective of my waves of emotions. Flows that will continue to do their thing as I go through my own unique and healthy grieving process.

Her moving on is much more than someone I love departing…she is me and I am her. She leaves, as I drop an old me away, and we merge as we both take on new, more expansive forms. So this is a lightning bolt of rapid transformation manifesting…nothing slow about it has taken place. It feels literally overnight, although we know everything is always in process in the background.

Facing each day with new eyes takes a little adjustment, since my routine with her for over six years is no longer. I helped that out by removing her things immediately from our Wonderland room and redecorating, at her request, so that we could move into the next phase of our work together. Wonderland has become a powerful portal for moving creative and Cosmic energy through the purity and innocence of the wise child heart. The extremely intentional space is enhanced with Astrid’s spirit that passed in the center of this very room. Will share more in the days to come.

Through this transition I connected with Reno Rabbit Rescue where I’ll be donating time in support of the rabbits there, as well as donating Astrid’s supplies, but her castles I am keeping for now because she loved them so much and they carry an enchanted energy. We moved them into different places so that the cats could enjoy them.

So far they been a hit with both Prince Boojum and Princess Sweet Pea who are loving to sleep on top of their new castle tower creations and exploring the castle tunnel mazes compliments of their sister, Queen Astrid.

I’ve lived with rabbits for the past twenty years (plus one when I was 12), so it’s a big shift to not physically have one by my side. And yet, they are still so strongly in every part of my life and days. You just can’t see them with your physical eyes.

This next part of the journey is simply taking a new form where realities and other worlds merge more than ever and no longer have need for any separation…the doors are wide open to experience…we are more actively engaging spirit and flesh simultaneously and having conscious and seamless experiences that no longer need to be defined as one thing or another…they are all One and only different, or not experienced, based on our way of choosing, believing, and being…the bridge being the heart vortex for joining the dance.

Astrid wants me to celebrate her life, all of life, and to trust in this space that merges and knows no loss or difference.

Light is eternal and something innovative is about to be illuminated.

She told me that a time of suffering is over and she didn’t just mean about anything she physically experienced, but for all of us. Suffering is an illusion and we can walk through it and around it, briefly experiencing or observing it, but don’t need to be chained to it. There are always greater ways available to choose.

September will be a month of celebrating since it’s Astrid’s birthday month, and indeed she has been reborn. Since this post is already so long, we’ll be sharing more highlights and photos in the upcoming days as a way to honor the celebration of life and ultimately to Celebrate What’s Right with the World, as Dewitt Jones shares in this 2018 post.

So stay tuned for some special moments and memories with Astrid, a sweet little rabbit offering collaboration of ours that you’ll be able to pre-order, and a special sale on remaining crystal cocreators coming on 9/6 – all at her request and in celebration of the potential life offers us.

Small pebbles have large ripples.

I’m curious to see what unfolds now that Astrid has returned to the stars and that stardust is flowing through my veins.

To get to the new, sometimes it takes breaking open deeper. Things that crack open my heart wider have always held the richest alchemy of my existence.

We are in process of major breakthroughs collectively, and each of us will experience this relative to us – what appears one way when viewed by ego, is quite another when seen with the heart and soul of All That Is. We are being asked to stretch further than ever before through the breaks we are experiencing in any or all areas of life – it’s the alchemy of creation in motion that we can fight or surrender to trusting that it has a divine recipe being cooked up in the Cosmic kitchen.

A new way to experience and create life without playing it small is in order.

Vulnerable surrender, innocent curiosity, innovation in place of expectation…love filling in every nook and cranny as the thread that connects everything.

In many ways changes take place in our lives to water the seeds of truth we forgot within our origins of being.

I can’t tell you how many people I know who have ended jobs, began their passions, are focusing on their health and joy that their job diminished, are renewing an active partnership with personal well being, are starting long-desired relationships, losing long and defining ones too, and going through many transitions and illnesses, but also amazing expansion and opportunities.

For me, these kinds of things usually come through my animal companions, although in the past was also through significant relationships, and so I join the major shifts in sharing the passing of my heart, love, best friend, cocreator, and most precious treasure – Astrid.

I know there will be many more transitions and heart-cracking experiences upcoming, and my heart goes out to everyone trying to navigate these difficult times, but I do also know the resiliency of the heart to keep expanding through the temporary contractions it needs to exercise growth.

Everything that seems one way now, will appear another later. Hidden gifts for only the heart to know when we are ready to see it.

In the days leading up to Astrid’s departure and ongoing, I continue filling my cup with the things my heart desires most.

My soul feels most nourished these days with extra peaceful immersions and as much silence and solitude I can add to my experience.

We’ve been enjoying a lot of quiet, lazy Summer days after a full first part of the Summer. It’s been extra sweet and supportive.

And as always Nature is the perfect partner for anything I want to create more of in my life and for receiving all the perfect wisdom and reflections I may be curious about.

This has been an interesting year with each season behaving very uniquely and unpredictably than we’ve experienced. We’re just completing another three day rainy period before returning back to late Summer temps. It dropped so much in temperature swings that the first day of September saw dustings of snow at the tops of the mountains. I imagine Autumn will be no different and have much beauty to unwrap. The suspense is always exciting.

I don’t know what’s up, but curiously the President seems to follow us during heightened periods. You may recall that on our way out to Hawaii we were held in our plane because Air Force One had just arrived before us at the LAX airport. And this last crossing of paths hit closer to home, when he arrived on 8/18 to stay a week just a few miles from our house with his family. He used Lake Tahoe as his base from which he headed to Maui for a day from, during their time of need from the fires. So yeah, collective ties run through everything.

And alongside the curvy ride, yet calm of adventures Dave and I take together, I also add in my own version of solo ones alongside these while he enjoys something he loves too. Often that can be in the same place, but we take time for our own thing and then join back up again. It’s a beautiful synergy.

For instance, I took a solo walk on the light thunderstorm and New Moon afternoon while he was in a meditation group on the beach, and it was just what my soul needed, as this was a precursor period of going through initial things with Astrid that would lead down the rabbit hole of discovery.

It took me along the secluded beach, into the forest, meandering paths I’ve not taken, and nestling into the nurturing welcome of ancient stones you see in these windows captured, which included finding a pyramidal throne in the center where I felt more ancient activations and moved energy with intention.

In fact, on this day I was sensing the elder me rooting like the giant trees we’ve been communing with, and feeling the weight of things looming in the air. I snapped a few shots for later reflection.

And upon my return to meet up with Dave and the others, the sky parted and rays of sunshine illuminated a wondrous landscape of promise upcoming.

And around the first Full Moon of August, I also did a longer solo hike while Dave biked with a friend and it took me through fields of Summer flowers that, once again, had me lost in a meadow of my blooming heart’s dream.

I continue finding myself relishing in peaceful “me” time, especially with all of the changes taking shape and new energies pouring in. I imagine I’m not alone in feeling that.

I’m very protective of my energy these days to keep it pure and my well full. These are constant themes I reiterate to myself and share, as they feel important while we walk these new potentials and create innovation each moment consciousness pulses.

Balance is always my focus since my past has been a see-saw ride. I experience extra magickal things when I walk in my own footsteps.

Everything feels so clear, calm, seamless, aligned, and filled with grace.

As things keep evolving, the quiet spaces are where I feel most clarity, trust of the unknown, and understanding of the twists and turns that the swish of All That Is creates with brushstrokes across my heart.

And these quiet spaces are also where I surrender to losing myself, so that I may find myself.

There are indeed times I feel like a blank slate and The Nothing pervades.

This can be scary and exciting for sure, but I do not fight it.

Even now with a part of me that has passed, I am engaging each moment of the Great Mystery with awe.

The more I can gently lean back into the mother of all black holes, the more I reveal how nurturing this free-fall can be with all of the floats, spins, twists, drops, and accelerated lifts that swaddle in their mysterious embrace.

The vortex of release becomes the birthing of a new world through me, you, and everyone.

I oscillate between knowing nothing and feeling everything.

And this is where creative magick begins.

As Summer nears end so, too, does a season of life come to end and a new chapter awaits.

Many don’t know me without a magick rabbit, and even if you don’t see them by my side, I assure you they are there – always and in all ways.