Monthly Archives: March 2015

Cherish Your Life…Cherish Your Body ~ Holistic Living From the Inside Out is Not a Luxury


Today’s lunch: spring mix of romaine, swiss chard, mustard greens, arugula, and radicchio with sweet grape and heirloom tomatoes, avocado, cucumber, sunflower seeds, coconut bacon, and Japanese miso horseradish kimchi, sprinkled with ground black pepper, collard greens powder, and a splash of shitake sesame dressing with a side of carrots with chipotle hummus – all organic…all delicious!


The more I embrace and flow, rather than resist….the more I feel grateful and embody the ideas I’ve come to personally learn, cherish, and believe…the more I find beauty, magick, and grace in the simple, but oh so potent things.

I don’t particularly lead an extraordinary life or have an extraordinary level of “things” by some people’s standards or ideals, but I feel extraordinarily blessed and I feel my life to be an extraordinary and abundant gift.

I was just thinking yesterday about the sweet simplicities in my life that move me so, when I randomly stopped in at CVS to pick up some quick pens I desperately needed and some cotton balls and randomly found some $5 jammie pants with cosmic moons and stars and owls on them – oh how that tickled my heart with a smile.

I find it is the smallest of things that move me most greatly like the smell of my pillow, a hot shower cleansing and massaging my back, the velvet kiss licks of my bunny loves and the love they reflect to me in their eyes, the way Cosmo falls asleep on my chest like a newborn baby and how Joy watches over us all like a guardian, the sparkle of my crystals when they catch the light on my desk, the fragrance of tangerine blossoms and jasmine outside my window, the smile that returns my own when I pass someone along my day, the amazing taste of a ripe avocado eaten straight from its open cradle, my morning smoothies I crave, the sound of waves at the beach, music reverberating deeply in my soul, seeing cosmic nudges of support in every day encounters, cuddles with my love, giggles turning into uncontrollable laughter that make me snort and cry, and simply the silence and expansive freedom of being by myself with any choice available to make in that moment.

These are some of the things I cherish…and there are so many more because every little thing often taken for granted by most, is magick to me, and is truly special if you believe it and experience it as so.

And then all of this always comes back to realizing that none of this magick and these simple, sensual pleasures would be possible to experience in their totality, nor possible to share with others, if not for having my health and well being, which keeps me alive and strong.

While we are expanding our conscious awareness and spirituality, we mustn’t forget our temple bodies.

They provide the integrative ability to merge the supernatural and natural into an exquisite experience of the senses, emotions, and elation of spirit, as experienced through the physical.

This is why I have come to realize that the most important thing is to take care of your body and your holistic well-being. Creating and regaining balance and being mindful of what we allow into our bodies are cornerstones for health, longevity, and vibrant living.

I hear people share how much they want to do this and that, be of service, take care of their families, and have these amazing goals and dreams…however, none of that is possible if you do not have your health. Which is why what you put in your body, not just in terms of ideas, thoughts, beliefs, emotions, but ALSO what you eat, is crucial.

This conversation came up while we were in Peru actually. The way I ate, while I was away feeding and nourishing my soul, provided the body nourishment to undertake everything I set out to do and to do it with greater ease, clarity, and vitality. Which is why I never change my eating habits no matter where I am. If I need to bring snacks, so be it. But I’ve found that it is always possible, if you desire to simply ask, to eat healthy and keep to your needs no matter where you are. I also happen to find simple, whole foods to be amazing. So, I’m never feeling deprived.

If you don’t stand up for your own health and well-being, who will?

I always say that the one thing you CAN’T have luxury to skimp on is your food and nourishment. Cutting back on other things in life in order to eat healthy and get the good organic freshness into your body is an important choice to really consider making and actually incorporating into your life. There are many ways we can make adjustments in our lives in order to be able to incorporate more organic foods into our diet. One must decide if the every day Starbuck’s coffee, dinners out every night, cable tv, or name brand, status-evoking items (for instance) are more important than organic goodness in your and your family’s meal plan, which will have an impact on the longevity of your life, as well as cut down on medical costs.

And this goes for your animal companions as well. I say, if you wouldn’t eat it yourself, why would you feed it to your animal babies? I buy my rabbits organic veggies, as well as rinse them before feeding. I also give them things like Goji juice in their water and it’s also why I go to all lengths to provide holistic care for them, and am trying what ever I can to help Cosmo with his disability.

These are the things I find important in life to spend my money on, and there are things I’m happy not to have in support of my long-term well-being versus instant gratification, because life, and the quality of it, is invaluable. I will do what it takes to embrace and provide the most out of this life experience I and my loved ones have chosen, because that’s the least I can do to honor the gift of my body I’ve been given.

And in the meantime, I know that my choices are also honoring our Earth Mother, Terra.

Two days ago it was the 12-year anniversary of when my beloved Nestor gifted me her physical presence in this life. Her life was very short and through my experiences caring for her, and what she taught me about the value of my life, I have learned the importance of doing all that I can to ensure living a balanced, conscious, healthy, and aware life, as well as how to support the same for my beloveds. She is a constant reminder of many things for me, as my greatest teacher – one of those things being to honor my temple body.

Life is fragile and so are our bodies if we don’t nourish and love them, as they deserve. We can only go so long before our resiliency will no longer bounce back. That may not mean much, if you don’t cherish your human life or find instant gratification to be more valuable. But if you do cherish life, or in fact you must since you’ve chosen this experience, then you may want to consider how you can honor and have more gratitude for the life you live, the Earth that provides you a home, and the body you reside in.

Spring is here and Spring cleaning is always a great way to renew our lives on all levels. Perhaps you may, like myself, find it beneficial to do some actual cleaning out of the old in your life, or releasing that which no longer serves you. Some also enjoy the freshness of an actual physical cleanse or detox at this time of year.

Whatever you feel called to do, I wish you renewing vitality and deepened respect for your life and all that you do have and can’t see.

As we experience the building energy of this Saturday’s total Lunar Eclipse Full Moon in Libra, which also happens to kick off the Buddhist New Year, let us be vulnerably open to a healing opportunity through honest self-exploration that can lead to greater freedom and invigorated renewal.

Your body is your greatest asset to carry you through the life, and life aspirations, you hold dear. Let these not be separate ideals, but a unified force that can bring you into more alignment and balance with all of life, and in effect, bring you greater connection to understanding and feeling the simple joys and pleasures that make life magickal on a daily basis.

Nokan Inti Kani ~ I Am the Sun: Our Sacred Journey to Peru Through My Eyes – PART 2

taniaThis is the second and concluding part to our sacred journey to Peru. If you’ve made it this far, thank you for joining the experience with us. If you’re just tuning in, you may want to check out Part 1 first to put this all into context. You can find it here:

Nokan Inti Kani ~ I Am the Sun: Our Sacred Journey to Peru Through My Eyes – PART 1

2015-03-16 06.39.10Day 6 – 3/16/15: Today we headed back for our second encounter with Machu Picchu, leaving in the morning and getting back before 1 pm. We started the day with a vigorous uphill hike on part of the Inca Trail from the city to Inti Punto (the Sun Gate or Sun Door). DSCN1388We started at 8500 elevation and worked our way up another 1500+ feet to just over 10,000 elevation. The Sun Gate connects with the Sun Temple in the city below creating a direct path the Sun’s rays align with during certain time periods in the year. The day started with some rain, but once we started the trail it stopped, supporting our climb. 2015-03-16 06.29.04But this day was a mystical contrast to yesterday’s clear skies, with a lot of mist rolling in and out and covering much of the city at times – quite magickal! 2015-03-16 06.47.19It was nice to get away from the people into an immersion of nature silence, and once again our timing was perfect having just a few people ascending with us, but of which two were connected to us. It was more jungle along the trail and we saw so many different things like large spiders, tons of butterfly varieties, birds, centipede, multitude of flowers (especially different orchids) and dense little jungle niches off the side. On the way, 2015-03-15 08.34.422015-03-16 06.48.202015-03-16 06.51.072015-03-16 07.16.312015-03-16 07.18.332015-03-16 07.47.232015-03-16 07.48.07DSCN14332015-03-16 07.51.51Aymey got a butterfly on her nose and at the top Christopher got one on his foot! All three of us were being greeted by our ancestors. The two that traveled up with us were an older Argentinian couple that didn’t really speak English, but were spiritually conscious. Along the way my camera stopped working and would continue to be as such on and off when it chose to for the rest of the journey. It felt connected with my energy amplifying and shifting. As we were getting close to the top suddenly these giant stunning butterflies appeared. They were iridescent white with iridescent blue underneath their wings…never seen anything so magickal. They would float by close, but never stopped for us to capture on film. They felt to be greeting us. And when we were able to see our destination – the Sun Gate Temple itself – a sun gatehummingbird appeared on a branch below it, sitting there peacefully as a symbol for us and in greeting – messenger of the Gods indeed and of the Cosmic and Etheric Essence. We first DSCN1447individually connected with the temple on our own. I was guided to stand center of the inner temple area facing out toward the valley below. I had so many visions, one after another come at me here, endlessly it seemed. First, a large being stood straddling both sides of the stone walls before me…very strong..huge…holding a staff and wearing a headdress. Seemed to be a guardian. Then, many beings – Gods/Goddesses, Priests/Priestesses appeared. One wore what seemed like metal armor all over including its headdress of silver and gold that made a bird, but it was alive. This live, metal bird being/God was so clear and I realized that it was not wearing armor at all, but in fact it WAS the metal bird. The Sun Star appeared at center so bright and brilliant coming into me and I remember the stones around me came alive into stone statues that moved…one as a Condor and another as a Puma/Jaguar. I was peering through me, but I was me from another time surrounded by these guardians and then the Condor was screeching and looked back at me and then I got on its back and we flew over the valley. Then I was back again to the Sun Star portal and ancient ones/beings were coming toward me from the portal that felt like a gateway. Then a large face appeared in it with outstretched hands that reached out to cradle my face in them, feeling welcoming and inviting, as well as honoring. Then I went into the Star Light and I open my eyes feeling no more visions to come. There is much more than I write in my visions, but these are what remain with me. I do remember getting the message “Shine”. After this I moved to the front ledge of the temple site to the left of Amaru. Aymey was to his right and Christopher joined in between them. The two Argentinians stood behind us. The woman behind me and the man behind Christopher. They joined us in our spiritual ceremony led by Amaru, chanting, sounding, flute…and as we did the mist that covered the city below us, parted and opened and then closed again when we were done. This happened also when I first got to the ledge and was singing with Amaru. We did a healing meditation for self, those dear to us, and the collective, and as we finished a large group of people were just arriving up on the top. Until then we had created a peaceful serenity. So, we knew the work was done, it was time to descend, and the opening had been created and supported once again for the work. On the way down Aymey and Christopher felt presences with us following us down. They channeled that it was a woman and her husband and child from long ago. She had been trapped energetically here and with our work and presence, had been released to be with her family. She was thanking us. She also shared with Aymey that they had all been waiting for the Three that arrive, led by a Shaman. I got major chills when I heard this, knowing the significance on a soul level. The large iridescent white and blue butterflies showed up on our descent down and once more right before we got on the bus to return. We all noted how no one else seemed to notice these butterflies or make mention of them at all, which was odd to us since they were so beautiful, and yet not surprising. Hearts and triangles/pyramids continued 2015-03-16 09.22.10showing up for us. We saw many heart stones and on the way down from the temple I found an amazing OM symbol naturally created from some soft twig like material on a rock in front of me. You can see it clearly here. Signs were all around for those with eyes and hearts to see. 2015-03-16 09.16.14The rain also gently started up once again as we were descending. Perfect for that cleansing freshness. We then made our way to the city to explore a few key areas Amaru had intended for us. We explored the Sun Temple with Royal rooms, Condor Temple, and cave temple areas that were very deep with energy. We also saw sacred baths used for purifying before 2015-03-16 09.43.35ceremonies. It is then that I saw the triangle portal entrance that I mentioned seeing in my vision the other day, here in physical form. Apparently it invites into another dimension and has a hidden labyrinth underground where 2 men were lost in years back that were exploring it. The others with them came out running and they never found the men and felt it better to shut up the hole so no one else would be lost to what was beneath there. The Sun Temple DSCN1472had windows directly linked to the sun beam from the Sun Gate we’d come from and inside was an inner Sun Dial that represented the inner Sun/Illumination within us rather than the outer Sun Dial/Light we’d seen the day before. I found our visiting all of the Sun Temples this time for me, at Machu Picchu, to be like a full circle integration since the last time I was there we had journeyed down to the Moon Temple. We then returned to town and had lunch, traindid a little market exploring and got on our train back to Cusco. Both ways we enjoyed the Inca Tea of eucalyptus, coca, and mint – and as you can see, our cups to hold them in gave 2015-03-14 16.08.26sentiment to our journey “A Mystic Experience.” One side note: I saw a lot of little poops all over Machu Picchu and had joked to Christopher they were from magickal rabbits. Well, in fact I was right, as Amaru said that they were in fact from Andean wild rabbits. 🙂 My bunny loves were making their mark and leaving trails in my journeys once again. They had even shown up in the form of juice names on a menu we came across near the beginning of our journey.juice menu

Day 7 – 3/17/15: Today we woke and after breakfast were off on our bus ride from Cusco to Puno and the Sacred Lake Region of the Incas, stopping along the way at sites of interest. We visited two museums, a Church like Sistine Chapel inside that was very ornate and to me, almost gaudy. But at the first museum with Ancient Lithic culture we saw an extraterrestrial 2015-03-17 06.24.38skull that had been found. It was displayed next to a human skull. We also saw the elongated human skulls, as the ancient people used to try to mimic extraterrestrials they encountered and engaged with, seeing them as Gods and that this was the ideal form to emulate. DSCN1515You know the difference between human and extraterrestrial skulls because the human skulls have seven parts and extraterrestrial one has three parts. We also saw some very cool spiral 2015-03-17 06.31.04DSCN1591DSCN1542symbols carved in rock and one that was exactly like the Tibetan Fire Serpent in Reiki. We explored Rajchi – Temple of Huiracocha – where we came upon more lovely flowers, a frog 2015-03-17 08.29.382015-03-17 08.51.11friend that had made a comfy home on a traveler we came across, and a large bumble bee on a yellow flower that foreshadowed a vision I would see DSCN1554later in symbolism from a ceremonial meditation. Then enjoyed a beautiful buffet we loaded up on overlooking amazing grounds with Alpaca in the foreground and waterfalls in the background. Then we ascended to 2015-03-17 10.16.19DSCN1575DSCN1566the highest point of our journey at the plateau of 14,222 feet in elevation. This area is between the basin of Lake Titicaca and the Amazon. Lake Titicaca is at 12,500 feet – our next 2015-03-17 11.08.062015-03-17 11.07.212015-03-17 11.08.162015-03-17 11.10.272015-03-17 11.12.40destination. We had to divert around Juliaca because of a demonstration going on that was closing off the roads and for precautions of safety was necessary to avoid. So this added an hour and a half to our full day drive, but beautiful landscapes and scenic views were abound. 2015-03-17 10.59.18The demonstration was about people refusing to pay taxes to use roads the government decided to build that they didn’t want. They were also unhappy with polution of the river by mining companies, which they had so far been able to have one shut down with their efforts. Goes to show you the power of the people when they stand together in the truth of their sovereignty. Together we used our energy again when we hit a block at a different route the bus driver took and our path was open. We managed to cross a flooded area of the road safely too with our energetic focus. Adventures! We arrived in time to see the lights glistening on Lake Titicaca and settled in before a lovely dinner. Our hotel was The Royal Inn. 😉

Day 8 – 3/18/15: Got a good 8 hour sleep – first really so far – and after breakfast we journeyed to the local Puno market to purchase food for our picnic offering lunch and ceremony. Then we were off to the Dimensional Door & Forest – Amaru Muru. Aymey’s shoes had mirrored mine from my first trip to Machu Picchu, having the sole detach. And I too experienced this again on this trip. We purchased some glue to fix it when on the island. Last time I had it fixed on Machu Picchu and this time on Lake Titicaca. 🙂 We picked up bread, fruit, avocado, coconut water, coca leaves, matches, salt, tomatoes, oregano, ginger, lemons, flowers, water. The market was amazing in all its array of colors and variety of fruits and vegetables 2015-03-14 06.58.292015-03-14 07.07.152015-03-14 07.04.532015-03-14 07.04.012015-03-18 06.48.312015-03-18 06.47.442015-03-18 06.53.272015-03-18 06.51.002015-03-18 06.35.37and everyone was so sweet. Then we were off to our sacred destination. The van seat in front of me had the image of a Dragon and Faery on it, which I thought was synchronous. When we 2015-03-18 06.13.12arrived at the site it had been raining, but we waited in the van a few minutes and sent energy to it together and the sky opened and the rain stopped for the entire time we were there. We went to the Door/Dimensional Gateway and set up for our ceremony with crystal 11076282_10152758849002196_6555401383881616924_n2015-03-18 08.39.31and sacred offering altar. On this journey I had been guided to only take my new giant Herkimer Diamond, which was part of every ceremony and acted as the central generator of the grids. It is a Record Keeper with many Rainbows and has some mirroring qualities to an Elestial, but is a powerful Herkimer. This was a very potent ceremony for me – one of my very 2015-03-18 10.13.02favorite sites in Peru. On the first day I had shown Amaru this crystal and he asked its name. I said I hadn’t gotten it yet, but very shortly after that, her name came to me – Soriah. At Amaru Muru I told Amaru its name and he said the meaning of this was Mother of the Inner Light. When I looked it up I found that it is a celestial name having an Arabic origin that means “Bright Starlight – the Pleiades”. I also found this interesting meaning by Seven Reflections: Soriah. Amaru chanted and drummed as we meditated. First thing I saw was giant beings come to life from the stones. Some were Stone Beings and others Crystal Beings. They reminded me of the Stone Being in the NeverEnding Story. The Crystal Being had a head like a Crystal Shard like the Shard in the Dark Crystal. They were like Guardians to the portal but also welcoming us/me. Then a four pointed star creating a diamond effect appeared that was a portal in silver with pale yellow at the center in an oval shape. At first seemed like a crystal or stone, but upon further glance it was actually not dense but gaseous and swirling. Then a large Tibetan Magician emerged. This portal is very connected to Tibet, as is the energy of the site, even having a rock that is clearly a Buddha. All the rocks are naturally formed into beings tibetan buddhaand symbols – similar to Sedona in this way. But the Tibetan Magician I saw was ancient and came in very clear with very long white hair, beard, mustache, and brows, wearing an icy blue robe and taller hat with silvery adornments. He kept coming toward me and lingering in gaze. Seemed other beings came too, but can’t remember. Then saw myself in a robe and headdress – ancient – with hands up to the Light coming upon me. An elephant appeared with golden trunk, saw a starlight bright coming closer and hit me in the 3rd eye gently lodging.2015-03-18 10.16.042015-03-18 10.14.35 2015-03-18 10.18.31This day I was wearing my rabbit sweatshirt that said “Never underestimate the power of a woman with a rabbit” and has a white rabbit, and at the end of my visions a white rabbit in fact appeared. And then the Gateway showed up as a triangle of light with inner dimensions. 2015-03-18 10.35.07After our meditation ceremony we each one by one went up to the three openings in the Doorway and invoked and received energies. We faced in and out, and did what ever came to us naturally to do. Interestingly, we all felt to do sound at the center main portal. This was huge for me and something deep, strong and with force came through me that felt ancient as I faced the Doorway. After, Amaru hugged us individually and I remember him being teared up when I approached him. Something activated strongly when I did this and we both felt it. So much so, when I returned to my seat supporting Christopher with his turn, I couldn’t stop shaking until he had also returned to join us. I shook uncontrollably and was breathing out with release. The only other time I can remember similar was in Egypt. Although this wasn’t as intense or long in duration, it was definitely a Kundalini activation just the same. Powerful! I 2015-03-18 11.45.39was so ready to step into this. After our ceremony we climbed to a level place with a natural stone table and chairs where we would have our lunch offering. On the way here we stopped by a few local women selling offerings they had found. I purchased two stones that were Quartz with Calcite. We had an amazingly yummy lunch that was to be as a collective offering DSCN1653DSCN1656eating mindfully of those without and sharing the abundance  with all. We then made large closed and open-faced sandwiches of fresh bread with tomato, avocado, ginger, salt, oregano, and lemon juice. YUMM! We finished off with grenadine as dessert and coconut water. Two hawks screeched overhead as we ate in reverence. We then went to another location at this site for our next closing ceremony working with all of the elements at a natural altar rock that had 10 small pools of water on it. One larger and the others smaller. The only thing I remember seeing was a large Cobra head and after we opened our eyes there were two heart clouds in the sky. One large one with a pyramid hole in the middle and the other smaller one with a spiral. At the end we offered the flowers we had picked up in the market and then we were each told to follow our guidance to take our 3 coca leaves we were holding to offer them at a sacred place any where that called to us. I was called to climb higher and so I did. I made 2015-03-18 12.50.20my way up a steeper area and stood on a rock doing my own offering and intentions to the collective that I would in turn give to receive and the wind blew strong as I stood there. At the end I was moved to say “I’m ready to go”. Directly after I stepped off the rock I hawk feathersimmediately noticed 2 Hawk feathers on the ground before me that I knew were offerings to me. And then two Hawks flew overhead. It was amazing. Another beautiful day with butterflies all around and two bright caterpillars. I held one butterfly with an injured wing to 2015-03-18 11.55.26give it extra energy and life. After this powerful experience we enjoyed a lighter experience of laughter and joy at the Temple of Fertility where there are many mushroom stone sculptures (appearing like Phalluses) and one large Phallus sculpture at the center tania aymey chris2015-03-18 14.26.182015-03-18 14.26.43tania and aymey chrisalso encapsulating the female energy as well. We laughed so hard as we took funny photos. No one leaves this little temple without being tickled giddy. As we left we took a look at the items offered by the locals and I was surprised to meet a 17 year old girl here that shared my exact name in pronunciation and spelling, which is not a common name in Peru. So we took a photo 2015-03-18 14.38.59together, and then we made our way back to town to explore the city streets/shops and enjoyed dinner before bed.

DSCN1702Day 9 – 3/19/15: This morning we traveled by Tuk Tuk – three-wheeled little mobiles that one guy powers by pedaling like a bike. We loaded our bags and ourselves and off we went to the DSCN1697DSCN17232015-03-19 06.25.00harbor to catch our boat to Amantani Island, where we were serenaded by music Amaru joined in on to kick off our lake journey. Lake Titicaca means Puma of the Stones or Gray Puma. We first stopped at the Floating Islands (or Reed Islands) of the Uros people. We spent a lot of time immersing with them on one of the islands – Santa Maria – which was really fantastic. The people are passive and peaceful, fleeing from confrontations long ago to live a life of harmony. They basically work around the clock cultivating their life and their little islands, 2015-03-19 06.50.2620150319_10273820150319_102746fixing them constantly from wear and tear of sun and the elements. Every two weeks they have to redo their homes. They relay reeds on their island anew as well. The islands float on roots of reeds bound together that act like corks. There are 87 islands total, each with up to 10 families per island. They have one president for the entire community and one president per island. The main president is elected and has a term of 3-4 years. The individual presidents have 1 year terms. So everyone gets a chance to run things. Everything is shared on the islands in responsibility and in abundance. Money is distributed equally, as well as food. 20150319_09550220150319_09125720150319_100948Children are raised by all families. There are separate islands for schools and banks. They have some small boats with motors to get to Puno for trade, but otherwise they do everything on their islands. They also now have solar energy, which was gifted to them by an Asian businessman. They eat fish, fried bread, potatoes, and even the white part of the reeds. They boil water from the lake because it is clean enough and fresh with only a very tiny portion of 20150319_101153salt in it. When we arrived, one woman took us each into their homes to share their lives. The woman who took Christopher and I in was named Marie – like me again. She also offered to 2015-03-21 18.15.0120150319_09184411072244_10152758759692196_9149894589261006930_nDSCN1804dress us up in their local clothing, which we were excited to receive. In exchange for all the hospitality we purchased some of their handmade items and also gifted them the toys we had brought. I gave all of mine to the people on this island to distribute. The slinkies from Aymey were a hit and they loved my stuffed kids20150319_092159animals – one little girl got the purple dragon 🙂 We 20150319_094353were there witnessing their normal daily routines…cooking, making their reed boats, etc. Their two sources of income are fish and tourism. The little girls were sweet – one pulling on my shirt to get my attention…another was playing with Aymey in her lap placing stickers on her skin. Amaru was overwhelmed with love and tears on the island, as he has such a DSCN180020150319_100855aymey10636320_10152758761472196_5131027883186141827_nreverence for these people and his roots and it was easy to understand, as we were all sad to leave. These people remind us of our ancient ways, who we really are at heart, and the simplicity and beauty of natural harmony at work, shared with Terra and each other. We left, sharing lots of hugs and kisses with everyone and then continued our boat ride to Amantani – 20150319_13205620150319_13255520150321_100813the Island of Love. We had a long climb up to our home for the next two nights, but arrived at our beautiful accommodations greeted by the family that would care for us. We received an amazing spread of fresh veggies (corn, giant fava beans, broccoli, carrots, potatoes, and rice), guacamole, quinoa and veggie soup, bread and teas. Wow! It was a lot, but so good! We 2015-03-19 12.41.37finished off with some papaya and then all went to our rooms to rest for a couple of hours before sunset. I was loving the high altitudes so felt invigorated. I was so grateful Amaru gifted me his usual room he gets when staying here, which was a large room overlooking the 2015-03-19 11.47.162015-03-19 11.57.2520150319_17330720150319_165126Lake with nearly 360 degree views. The room had a large front area perfect for ceremonies, which we would use the next day. I was so grateful. After our rest, Amaru, Christopher and I walked up the hill for the sunset. Aymey remained to rest, as the altitude was creating the need for adjustment for her. We watched the stars and sunset, focusing on the aura of the 20150319_175045trees and Earth. Then returned for dinner of veggie soup and garlic bread with tea and conversation. Our days were full with communing and sharing. Amaru was grateful to have like-minded souls to be able to talk about everything with. The evening was filled with clear stars abound. I provided a short Reiki session to both Aymey and Christopher this evening to help them adjust with things they were experiencing either with altitude or a food eaten, and to help balance things more. Then nighty night time.

Day 10 – 3/20/15 Our Day of Assimilation and Comprehensive Preparation in the Path of the Light for the Equinox: I was happy to hear that both Aymey and Christopher were feeling better. The night was a wild one in terms of a major thunder, lightning and rain storm coming down. It was also the first night I remembered my dream clearly while here. Interesting that in Iceland and Peru, while I was dreaming a lot and sometimes vaguely remembered something, I wasn’t remembering clearly and extensively like I normally do until this night. I had an important and symbolic dream that the four of us were doing an initiation/activation ceremony, as we’ve been doing, but it was on a much larger scale – interestingly synchronous since this day we’d be engaging in our Equinox ceremony. We had a fifth person with us, however. We each had done our part, provided our key codes, and it was then time for this fifth person to do theirs. But they were hesitant and reluctant to do so. Finally he said, “OK,” and added his “key code” to the mix. He stated out loud a sequence of 6 numbers that activated the finalization. The very instant this took place, in conscious life a very loud thunder hit and the storm started that night, fully bringing all my awareness into awake state, although the experience was all seamless. As I talked to Amaru about this the next morning we realized that this fifth person represented humanity, or the collective. In my dream he appeared Asian (or a mixture of ethnicities), but he was like the fifth element needed to put into place things. Interestingly, I’ve been on other trips, including the 12/21/12 Bimini one, where humanity/the collective was not ready for some of what we were activating/opening. So we needed to wait for more alignment that would take more time. However, in my dream, humanity/the collective WAS ready. Although somewhat hesitant, did come through and met with us in partnership. This was huge in my opinion! And the storm activating directly after was potent indeed. Big stuff! In the morning I noticed one of my windows slightly opened, after I’d been awake a while. I’d closed all of them in the night and this one wasn’t open when I first woke up. So I went over to it and on the sill inside I find a folded up piece of paper with writing on it. The paper said “This way to open” with an arrow pointing to the right and then a heart with the word “thanks”. I asked around to everyone, but no one had left it on my window. Where it came from I can only imagine, but it felt connected to my dream somehow and was a message of some sort. I saved it in my journal. Was it pointing up the hill, as that’s where it was placed – pointing to our location of our last ceremony on the island to come? Or was it something beyond this trip in general? Hmmmm….The rain continued hard that morning, but we felt it was perfect and fine, as we had already made plans to have our Equinox/New SuperMoon/Total Solar Eclipse ceremony in my room overlooking Lake Titicaca. 2015-03-20 07.25.512015-03-20 07.26.04DSCN1850DSCN1846So after breakfast of yummy pancakes and fruit with Amaru’s special green tea mixture, we set up our very powerful altar grid and we each took our places at the four corners. This ceremony lasted until lunch and as you can imagine…once it was done, the skies opened to blue sunny light! Our ceremony was nothing short of amazing again and very powerful. I mostly just felt peace and expansiveness as Amaru lead the ceremony chanting, meditations, and then we all together created music and sound – Aymey and I had purchased rattles on the Floating Island – Christopher and I had also purchased flutes in Cusco. The only visions I remember were that of what to me was Pachamama symbolized in a large, voluptuous, Inca-looking ancient woman with animals around her, and then light and Cosmic beings. One of them held a diamond of light in its hand and placed it in my 3rd eye. Then at the end of the ceremony I remember seeing a giant gold ring with a giant gold bumblebee on it that was being presented to me. Amaru then presented the platform for me to share concluding and supportive words to everyone for our journey thus far and what to take away from all of it. At the end Amaru gifted us the ceremonial head pieces (that were his) he’d placed upon us for the ceremony – very special. And after, I presented Amaru with the Herkimer Diamond and Aqua Aura Quartz pendant that was mine, as a gift to him to wear in his special ceremonies. After we cleared out of the room, Christopher offered to do an energetic clearing for my cough with me. So we did that and then enjoyed lunch before we would head off to our amantani lunchsacred site on pilgrimage with sunny blue skies! The rain stopped, as our ceremony ended. Our pilgrimage took us around half the island to find a very special altar place no one knows of 20150320_180609that isn’t local to the island. We walked through the terraced hills on the stone path and off-path when the water had covered the path. We also walked the pebbled beach, finding many 20150320_15252220150320_14381520150320_15070120150320_15133620150320_15175420150320_152706symbolic stones. We were so absorbed we passed the altar, but knew it was perfect, as we found special things along the way. So we made our way back for a very powerful ceremony at the altar overlooking the Lake and a big initiation. I first initiated Christopher and Aymey with Reiki. Christopher received his Reiki 1. Amaru and I felt this to be important to link us all in the energy, since the rest of us were Reiki attuned, but also to raise vibrations to receive his initiation from Amaru after. I gave both Amaru and Aymey Reiki 3 initiation attunements, however, I was guided lake titicaca initiationDSCN1879initiating aymeyto initiate them with a special Cosmic activation that channeled through, which was very powerful, and something I haven’t done or gifted anyone before. I did Aymey first then Amaru later. Amaru placed a colored square cloth of 7×7 squares = 49 around my shoulders for this, 20150320_175946like a little cape. After this, Amaru then initiated us with the Solar Path and taught us 3 symbols we were to memorize for now only, and receive energetically. They are imprinted within us, as the Reiki symbols are and I easily memorized them to this day. He will provide more thorough explanations to us in the days to come, but for now the activation was necessary and we have learned to use them already by what he briefly shared. The essence was most important, as always. This was all very powerful and connected us, as well as ignited something on a very large scale beyond us. As I was giving Amaru his initiation, Christopher buried a crystal grid in the ground that he had been guided to do that would link with another grid he buried in Arkansas to be part of the Earth grid. The next day I received that what we’d done and the grid he placed had all activated the Crystal that resides beneath Lake Titicaca. After our initiations, we walked back to our home, but it was sunset, so most of our walk was in the dark and starlight. It was definitely part of the initiation to use our inner light now and inner Sun to light the way and actually, the path was easier going back than coming, as a new path was created for us that we didn’t take before! We had a great dinner, and off to bed early, as we had a very early rising for our concluding island ceremony.

Day 11 – 3/21/15: We rose at 3:30 am this morning in the dark and starlight in order to ascend to our destination by sunrise for our ceremony of Solar Initiation. Throughout the night it 20150321_05462520150321_05394020150321_05433320150321_055511ceremonyrained even harder than the previous night, and when we woke we discovered hail piles all around, like mounds of ice pebbles everywhere. The weird thing is that the hail storm started right when I was dreaming something else this night that felt significant, yet this time I didn’t remember the dream like the previous night. We bundled up in our layers and were given heavy, thick ponchos to keep us warm for our hike up to the Temple of Pachatata. We 20150321_054219climbed at least 1000 feet higher, taking us to 13,500+ feet elevation. Our intent was to connect with our inner Sun and give reverence to the Sun. We began our walk at 4:00 am after having tea to warm us. As we were reaching the temple, the Sun was rising and Amaru then DSCN193320150321_06190320150321_06044420150321_060752set up for our ceremony with fire and inner visions. The light and Sun danced with us, creating amazing illuminations all around and within each of us (seen in the individual photos of us here) – at times engulfing us (as you can see in one DSCN1906photo where I appear like a Sunlit headless DSCN1912DSCN190520150321_055552horseman). We each had sacred time with the fire, as Amaru blessed and activated along with our offerings. This was a very sacred and powerful experience, still giving me chills now to 20150321_06222520150321_06244120150321_061949 20150321_06205220150321_06210220150321_062424 120150321_062253reflect and write about it, as the feelings flow through me. And we then concluded with music we played on our instruments, while we 20150321_064325danced in celebration, which all brought out the Sun, as well as a Hawk that hovered intentfully right above and in front of us between us and the Sun as Amaru was concluding 20150321_061629ceremony. A Puma paw glowed in the water ahead of us after our ceremony and the Sun glowed each time we invoked it. After, we descended for a delicious breakfast – everything looking so vibrant, freshly new, and beautiful, which this 20150321_07040620150321_070415whole journey in fact had changed for us and how we see things. We packed up to get our boat back to Puno. We were all sad to leave our island home and sanctuary, and these gentle people. Our journey across the waters was mostly silent and inward, as we sat at the back of the boat receiving the Sun’s rays. We rested and integrated the journey thus far and I felt the Lake’s giant Crystal activated. We were tania3feeling the sun inside and out. Upon arrival, we settled into our hotel, had lunch, shopped, and then packed before our dinner and a good night’s sleep.

Day 12 – 3/22/15: Our last day together began with breakfast and then off to our last sacred site to do a closing meditation, overlooking water at the Temple of Immortality – Sillustani. 2015-03-22 06.59.402015-03-22 07.02.57pumaWe did this individually and quietly within ourselves to give gratitude and honor, as well as celebration for the journey we shared, and the journey yet to come. I only felt peace within this time and no visions except a profile of a Hawk that turned into a Condor, but I communicated a lot from within my heart and out to all in reciprocation to all I’d received. After we completed our individual time, we joined together with Amaru and he initiated us in a diamond formation to channel the Cosmic Light. We were shown how to move the energy, again only needing to remember the basic essence of what we were experiencing and would receive further what we needed when the time unfolded divinely. I felt incredible heat through my core when doing this. Upon completion and a group hug, we always shared, we descended the temple grounds back to our van. Along the way I saw my first live rabbit – a 2015-03-22 07.52.122015-03-22 07.52.30wild Andean one that descends from ancient times. I was so moved by this symbolism and physical manifestation on our very last day, concluding our very last ceremony together, as rabbits are my magickal familiars. I knew Nestor was shining down upon me with her love and support, as well as that Joy and Cosmo had been with me all along…everything was in Divine order, was being supported, and was coming to full circle closure. All I had been guided to do was complete and honored. I was grateful both to all of my soul family that had supported this, but also to myself for embracing the call. This was very magickal and special to me and I captured photos of the rabbit that showed up. The path to and from this site was also lined with yellow flowers and represented to me the yellow brick road like in The Wizard of Oz, which Aymey also reiterated. It spoke to how we always search for the power or some outside source/wizard/magick, but all along we were the power/wizard/true magicians and could have and do all we needed and wanted at any time we recognize and embody that truth fully. That is the true magick. And that is one of the things I took away from this trip. Not needing anything external, but knowing I have all that I need within me. Interestingly, upon return home two of my crystal friends (the largest I have ever had) were also going away to their new home and mom – one of which was my giant Amethyst Rabbit. Again, everything is within us/me, and so the connections and magick are always there to experience when ever we want, regardless of what we think we have or don’t. We made our way to the airport and shared our “see you soons” rather than goodbye with Amaru, which still tugged at the heart, as we parted ways to take our flight back to Lima and he would take a bus to his home in Arequipa. We spent the rest of the day driven around in Lima to bide time until our late night 2015-03-22 14.36.522015-03-22 14.43.542015-03-22 14.45.392015-03-22 15.20.09 2015-03-22 15.07.27flights back home, having lunch, exploring the beach and beach area, as well as the city center. It was Chistopher’s first Pacific ocean sunset and touching his feet in these powerful waters, so we had to capture that first moment indeed. Some card games and dinner saw us through our last hours and then it was I who left first this time (I had arrived last at onset) and I settled in on my flights for a good night’s rest until home. We know we will all be called again together for further work when the time aligns.

We had all been gifted protective, empowering bracelets with seeds from the Amazon Jungle from Oscar, our first driver who also greeted us upon arrival into Peru. These united our energy daily, as we wore them throughout our journey together and like with everything, but mostly our hearts, will deepen the continued connection.

IMG_1397It’s not goodbye. It’s simply until the next time…Not the end, but only the beginning.DSCN1412

Nokan Inti Kani ~ I Am the Sun: Our Sacred Journey to Peru Through My Eyes – PART 1

tania8Wow, ain’t gonna cut it this time to convey the magnitude of our experience in Peru. LOL! What an incredible nearly two weeks we shared. This trip definitely goes on my top fav list of journeys, including my top powerful list as well. Woah! Not to mention it was SO different energetically from my first trip in Peru. You can’t compare, but definitely doing this twice really reflects the shifts and how much has evolved, including myself.

I return feeling even more connected to multi-dimensionality and with a deepened sense of inner peace and centered strength.

From onset to closure, it was jam packed with potency, magick, harmony, and love. All I knew when I was called to put together this journey, was that I needed to be there, the timing was auspiciously aligned and not to veer off from, and who ever was truly meant to show up would.

machu picchuThe rest I released to the Universe and the beauty of Divine unfolding.

And boy oh boy did things synchronize into perfection.

2015-03-15 09.05.11I was so moved to reunite with my Cosmic brother, Amaru after 7+ years and our reconnection was sweeter and deeper than ever.DSCN1134

I was also so grateful to reconnect with my beautiful and powerful soul sister Aymey and brother Christopher, which was a soul family celebration indeed when all four of us came together, not to mention a powerful reactivation of the powerful work we were continuing together…chills writing this now even.DSCN1651

Themes of the trip were activating and integrating our Cosmic essence with our human bodies, embodying the power and light of the Great Central Sun, remembering who we REALLY are and standing in that knowing and power so we can simultaneously support others through that example, opening and expanding our hearts deeper and wider to the unconditional love and gentle nurturing within us, transmutation, and courageous embracing to return to the natural harmony essence with all.

There was also the beautiful balance of deep spirituality and very, very light humor and humanness we enjoyed and experienced each day. Laughter, tears, playfulness and focused integrity, overwhelming grace and power…just exquisite.DSCN1048

Rebirthing was indeed mirrored again for this trip, as it was in Iceland. I also, personally, saw a lot of orange show up for me – it came through in what I was drawn to over and over, which included a raw orange Jade I picked up as a new friend (which just so happened to have the mirroring outline of Machu Picchu inside of it as you can see below -I got it at Machu Picchu too), as well as orange roses that were given to myself and Aymey during our journey by one of our amazing drivers and co-facilitators in Cusco, Paullo.2015-03-15 06.15.01

roses from paullo2015-03-14 09.13.19We experienced our ability to manifest what we desired and how our individual powers can be harnessed massively when brought together with others with heart-full intention. We saw this at work over and over each day, as we literally controlled the weather together (forecasts had shown rain throughout our time away, but in fact didn’t happen or did at the opportune times), crowds of people encountered, and every detail that would perfectly support what we each would need, as well as would be in support of the highest and greatest good collectively.2015-03-13 14.28.34

Everything was orchestrated from onset, in a way that would provide the right synergy for all of this, down to even creating who would actually show up in order to have what was needed take place – which is a story in and of itself.

I personally return feeling the most empowered and whole I have yet, and lighter – literally – as I lost another 4 pounds on top of the 5 I lost from Iceland. Woah!

2015-03-15 18.44.07And it definitely wasn’t for lack of eating, as I ate much more than I normally do at home, since I only have a smoothie for breakfast and don’t snack through the day.

dinnerBut with all the fresh veggies, fruits, amazing pure fruit juice mixes each day, quinoa, and lots of potatoes (was craving these)…I was in vegan whole food, simplicity bliss.

lima pizzaI had also brought along some raw vegan snacks and goodies like kale chips, raw chocolate, raw macaroons, fig cookies, chocolate hemp seeds, raw vegan and vegan energy bars…

tania2Not sure exactly physically where it all came off – kind of just all around – although I do look and feel different to myself, but I can definitely sense it and it feels like an energetic release has taken place at another deeper core level that is cleansing and letting go of everything with ease. It is incredible to compare my photos from my journey back in 2008 with now…what a change.

But this energetic release was evident also with something physically I have been experiencing.

Since the day of my return from Iceland I had a very deep lung cough that lingered since the 28th of February until my very first full day back from Peru – incredible! I haven’t had anything like that ever, in terms of such a long experience with something lasting nearly a month. I never get sick, but know that anything that shows up is a reflection of something on another level working itself out. These trips have been huge for me and this time period in my life is significant.

A little background: my lungs have always been my weakest link in my body, which always mirror things that aren’t good for me and how my body reacts to help cleanse it out. When I was a child, I wouldn’t really ever get sick except for my deep lung coughs where my lungs would fill with stuff that had to be coughed up and out, literally gagging me (gross I know). And since, my lungs react to anything that isn’t good for my body (allergies to food and things in the air like smoke of any kind, etc.) by creating the same experience of messaging my body with a deep cough that has to come up and out of my body, lasting for anywhere from a half an hour to a couple of hours until it’s all gone and my body is rid of it – like a protective barrier my immune system has, as well as a way to alert me.

However, I’ve also come into this life with a huge amount of past life grief to transmute, which has resided in my lungs and has been working itself out with my work. I also have very small lungs in comparison to most people and a smaller rib cage, as well as much more shallow breathing than what others experience, which is normal for me. Perhaps also part of why being at high elevations for me is very natural and easy without challenge. And recently I’ve learned that shallow breaths actually have a cosmic connection. 😉

Anyway, that all to share that having this pretty major lung experience between two very important and potent trips I was called to take, really felt to be symbolizing taking/breathing in life in a whole new way, which would call for a deepening release of anything remaining of that grief. As well as, embracing the changes on a life large scale I’ve been integrating – opening to what that involves and a new way of taking in and experiencing life, freely and filling up more space by being in full essence without hindrance.tania machu picchu

So while I was coughing pretty badly since Iceland, as well as every day in Peru (although decreasing every day more and more), it all dissipated upon return. I had no other issues, nor felt bad in any way. There was just this cough that was letting go more and more, with less and less needing to come out. It was not something I didn’t need to do anything about except to embrace it and allow it to move through, supporting it energetically to do its thing…running its course while the integration/transmutation was taking place.

Just like with all things in our life we come up against, if we can just flow with it and not fight it, fear it, be angry at it…it WILL move through and bring you into the next experience awaiting on the other side.tania4

My cough was an example of that, as literally the first full day I was back it completely disintegrated. And the day I traveled home, it was already dissipating nearly away and now poof! Buh bye! Amazing, yes? Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

But back to the fullness of our journey. The first incredible thing that took place, after the fact that the trip actually was energetically created, was the bringing together of soul alchemy in mirror of the experience to unfold.

To make a long story short, which won’t be possible in these journey shares, we went from being a group of 16 of us down to 4. Twelve people for one wild/odd/timely reason to another, all dropped out and/or cancelled leading up to the journey. So amazing! Much of this taking place not long before I went to Iceland, during my time away there, and upon return from there. Having done this enough times in terms of retreat, journeys, workshops, etc. seeing how everything works itself out like a collective chess game, I just sit back and watch the divine perfection and cosmic fun unfold. 🙂

I know where I’m meant to be and welcome others who know the same.

Since I was going on this journey regardless, I just marveled at who was going to show up alongside me and was so so grateful for who did.

2015-03-16 14.15.27And so we were four – two male and two female souls creating a most beautiful and connective family. Each so beautiful and powerful in their own way, but the four of us together was incredible to say the least. We were so in tune with each other, on the same page, in flow, supportive, and experiencing similar in different ways in our lives. It couldn’t have been more perfect. Another beautiful alignment was our shared birthday energies between three of us. I had just had my birthday, one was going to celebrate his in the middle of our journey, and one would be celebrating hers soon after our return!

The other interesting thing is that each of us had an integration of Female and Male energy within making us both sensitive Males and strong Females…not to mention we all were so in tune that we could understand one another and knew how to support, communicate, and flow with each other intuitively.

Had it not been the four of us only, we would not have been gifted the astounding things that we received, nor created what we did. Our journey was deeply intimate and because of the soul energy synergy we shared, we were able to visit places that were intuited by our group essence (including some new places I had not been to before), and were able to spend extended time emerged in the energies, as well as received initiations we otherwise wouldn’t have due to lack of time and different energy dynamics. The intimacy provided us all the things we each needed to give and receive. Blessed we were.

2015-03-15 09.33.13To say I love these three souls in human bodies is an understatement. And before I progress further with our experiences, I just want to extend my deepest, heart-felt gratitude and honor to each of them for courageously showing up, and bringing forth the vulnerability they each shared, as well as the power they embodied. I have no words to describe the magnitude of feeling I have for them, but I know that they know just what I mean.

What we experienced individually and together, was not isolated to merely us (nor to this one moment in time), but rippled out to the collective and amplified through the Cosmos and out from this sacred energy center we were at physically.

Nothing we do is “just” about us, and yet it’s not about needing to specify this is for me and this is for you….it simply all is that, simultaneously, within the presence of experience we consciously show up to embrace and consistently walk in the path of daily with each breath of expansive awareness.2015-03-13 11.02.05

I hope you find a piece of yourself in this journey I share. I can’t express enough how these journeys in the physical truly are life-changing. People simply don’t realize, I believe, what a trip like this can support. And each person on this journey manifested their way there magickally, just as anyone can do. I never accept something as impossible…perhaps not meant for someone or perhaps not aligned, but where there is the will and intent, there is the way.

We are all magickal beings living a magickal life, if we want to realize and embrace that truth.

Here’s my vision of this magickal journey we shared through my eyes and heart, shared with each of you.

DSCN1236 Each of us had our own journey, which is not for me to share, honoring the privacy and sacredness of that. So this is my personal experience and how I saw things. It was all being experienced with all of you in mind and how what we do creates the possibility and potentials for everyone, as well as literally IS being experienced by all through us.

I wrote quite long journal entries for this journey (no surprise I’m sure lol!) – longer than usual – but given this trip was double Iceland’s time period I’m going to try to abbreviate just a bit – if that’s even possible as a Pisces with Mercury in Pisces loving to creatively express from the heart.

Another chronicle in store indeed, but it ended up about 4,000 words shorter than Iceland, so I did something different given this trip was twice as long. LOL! Hopefully the photos will help with capturing the essence, but I do want to share my visions in meditations and ceremonies, however, feeling it important this time. So this will add to the length, as well as perhaps draw you deeper into the experience with me and us.

However, being that this will be a long share with many photos (thank you to Aymey and Christopher for sharing some of theirs to add with mine), making it a very big post, I am going to share it in two parts so things upload more easily and don’t overload with the energy that’s potently packed in it. 😉

I find that writing and sharing these experiences are an integral part of the integrative process, not only cathartic in a way for me, but also brings things to full circle closure. Until I’ve put it all down and out there, it doesn’t feel fully complete.

2015-03-15 07.34.21

So from my heart to yours, I share this with the Cosmic love that resides within all that I am and all that you are.

Day 1 – 3/11/15: Today was a very full travel day from Los Angeles to Lima, Peru starting at 4 am until 4:37 am the next day. I had an hour in between my connecting flights from Miami to Lima. But my LA flight was delayed for some silly reason (perfect in the eyes of Universal plans) and literally everything blocked me from getting to my next flight in a way I have never seen. Even the people on the flight ALL completely ignored the announcement to stay seated and allow all passengers at the back of plane with tight connections off first. I’ve never experienced people not listening to that before. Every single person got up and blocked the passage so that most of us all missed our flight connections. And even when I did get off and ran/sky trained to my gate, they had just closed and although an attendant asked them through the door if they’d let me on, they said no. So, indeed I was being rerouted energetically on timing to arrive. Who knows what I avoided, or what was being aligned, but one thing that worked out is that the hours I had in the airport provided me the time to work on a sacred tattoo design and complete it in totality. I normally don’t take work with me, but something said to do so and so this all worked out quite well and created a really amazing design my client was quite pleased with. The only down side was my arrival at 4:37 am in the morning rather than 9:57 pm in Lima, which meant literally settling into my room, showering, breakfast and off to our first journey immediately at 7 am. Despite not sleeping much on the plane, I was feeling refreshed and ready to go, knowing it was all perfect.

DSCN0819Day 2 – 3/12/15: This morning we gathered (Aymey, Christopher, and I) at breakfast and ignited the energy connections for our sacred journey together. At breakfast I shared the crystal gifts with each of them that I had intuited for them (and which we used in each ceremony along with all our sacred things – our grids kept growing from onset to end of our journey) and was also surprised at a lovely crystal gift I, too, received, which was a Golden Healer personally found in Arkansas by Christopher. I also later received an amazing cosmic heart from Aymey for my birthday. We constantly were gifting each other throughout the journey with gifts from the heart, which was such a sweet surprise to each of us to experience that kind of unconditional giving and receiving with so much mutual honor that likely we’ve mostly been accustomed to giving out more. I also got to reconnect with Amaru, our amazing Shaman and my dear, dear friend, which was very beautiful to give and receive hugs once again. I also gifted him a crystal. We got more connecting time on our 4 hour drive to our first sacred site – Caral. 2015-03-12 11.07.13I had not visited Caral on my first journey to Peru, so this was a new experience for me. It was very expansive with many pyramids on the sacred grounds. Caral is the Highest Altar of the Oldest Civilization of the Americas. So it was perfect to begin the journey with this ancient energy igniting things. 2015-03-12 11.45.50We did several meditations and ceremonies here. First, we stopped on the bridge over the river on our way to the site welcoming and opening to the energy. Each time we did, the wind would pick up and soar through. It was the beginning of our experiencing the power of our being in tune with and able to work with and control the elements with our heart-full intents. It also was mirroring of how the ancients and Cosmic ones were supporting and engaging in every aspect of this journey. They had been waiting for us. 2015-03-12 11.48.012015-03-12 11.49.03On the middle of the bridge where we stopped, which represented moving from one reality and world to another we were crossing into as we welcomed this journey, as well as reintegrating ancient parts of ourselves, I had my first vision of an Inca Warrior with large headdress standing on the other side of the bridge with his arm out extending a welcome to me/us. We then did another pause and tuning in, where this time I then saw what appeared more to be like an Inca God with huge headdress/crown of gold reminding me of Huiracocha/Wiracocha (Creator God/Cosmic God), sitting tall on a very tall, lean white horse on the other side of the bridge waiting for us and welcoming us. We then walked with intention along the path to the site. DSCN0829We found many old things on the path – petrified corn, pottery, part of a skull, feathers, shells – as we retraced our ancient heritage. We explored all of the grounds, including a circular area used for ceremony and Cosmic connection, similar to a Sun dial with Obelisk, and a fire altar, and above an entrance to an underground labyrinth where the spiral symbol was hidden. 2015-03-12 12.36.31We were not allowed to do ceremony here, but Amaru was given permission to do a quick one to ignite things for us at the fire altar using our crystals we had all brought and other sacred things. While he did this, we tuned in and here I saw flames emerge and a white Dragon appear. 2015-03-12 12.49.22On our way back we did a ceremony at the top of the hill overlooking the pyramids, valley, river, and feeling all the elements of wind/Air, river/Water, Earth, Sun/Fire, and Spirit. Again, this is not usually permitted, but even when a man came to inquire on us after we’d been in ceremony, he simply waved us on when Amaru told him what we were doing, aligned with our pure heart intent. Amaru created a grid with the things we’d found and our crystals, which we sat around in a half circle, and then led us in a special Cosmic initiation he does not do usually – very special. DSCN0907During this I saw a Native American Indian Chief with headdress and later learned that Christopher had this guide show up in his meditation providing his name of Red Cloud, I believe, who was then with him throughout. So we were seeing the same, as would continue to happen through the journey DSCN0910for us all. Amaru came around to each of us and we channeled the Gold Light of the Cosmos, as well as the Blue Light of the Earth and transmuted it all through our hearts, emanating the Green Gold Light. He inititated us each while playing his flute, chanting, doing symbols and had us join in with our first chant of “Nokan Inti Kani – I am the Sun”. We BECAME the Great Central Sun, to carry this energy with us always, during and beyond this journey. After, I gave Amaru a Reiki Initiation Attunement. He is already a Reiki Master of 18+ years,DSCN0906 but he/we felt it important for him to receive this initiation for all that he would be facilitating for our journey, as well as to connect he and I with the combined energetic work we were doing and be a mutual exchange of giving and receiving. After the ceremony, Amaru gifted each of us some of the sacred pieces he used in the ceremony and told us something personal when doing so. I received a Chrysocolla Heart Stone (he said it was for the Healer that I am). During the ceremony he had also honored me with ceremonial knitted-ribbons around my neck (you can see in photo here to the right), feeling as an honoring to work alongside him. And Christopher and Aymey also received special pieces of a crystal and a crystal necklace. The Sun moved behind the clouds during ceremony and then out when we ignited the Sun within us. We then crossed back over the bridge, as a flock of sheep approached us and waited for us to let them pass. DSCN0917Right before this a huge flock of goats were making their way down to the river. Both very appropriate for this year of the Sheep/Goat that we’ve entered. 2015-03-12 14.41.50After, we headed back to our hotel on our 4 hour drive.
sunset2We caught a beautiful first sunset together to kick of the journey, including a small rainbow portal in the clouds. rainbow portalI was in bed at 1 am and up at 4 am, for another early departure. Not much rest for the Cosmic adventurers!

2015-03-13 11.38.59Day 3 – 3/13/15: Today we were off to Cusco, hence our early morning to catch flights out – we were on 3 separate flights, although Aymey and I were together and manifested sitting next to each other through a whole fun exchange. Upon arrival to Cusco we all felt an 2015-03-13 11.41.16immediate shift in energy – lightness, opening, uplifting. After settling into our beautiful hotel with amazing views and beautiful baths, we headed off to our first destination – Qoricancha Temple (Temple of the Golden Consciousness), which is a mission on old Inca ruins where now stands Santo Domingo Catholic Church. We2015-03-13 11.07.25 explored the history and ancient energy here, receiving more insight to the evolvement of things. We then took a walk 2015-03-13 12.30.39and had lunch at an amazing little place with a stunning view in the city square. After lunch we set off for Sacsayhuaman where we used our energy in synergy with each other and held 2015-03-13 13.12.522015-03-13 14.38.032015-03-13 15.23.17off the impending dark clouds and rain, diverting them around and away from us. After our time here, the locals at the parking lot thanked Amaru, as they knew that we had moved the clouds and rain, knowing he is a Shaman and the work we were doing. This assists them 2015-03-13 11.11.48little girlsabundance bullwomenbecause with rain they cannot sell their hand-made items. We explored here and then drove to another near location where there was a cool cave we all really connected with and spent a little time sitting in, tuning in. Back to hotel and before dinner I felt this evening was time for some special healing intentions and setting the tone of the journey for Christopher and Aymey’s intents, as well as my own. So we gathered in Aymey’s room that had a half circle/Moon large window space and table at it, perfect for our altar we created with all of our crystals and sacred things. We sat and talked for about an hour and a half about their intents, challenges, blocks, and deeper discussion of where things are energetically to really connect with it all before I did Reiki Healing Attunements for each of them. We also discussed that now is the time to release, transmute, and ignite as the powerful co-creating beings that we are. It was a very special, intimate, connective gathering that set the tone of our Magickal Triad that we were – creating a pyramid energy between us. At times it was the two females holding the base of the pyramid with the male energy at the point. And at other times, I felt our energies would shift into positioning each of us at the integrative point for what was needed, holding the energy of that space. Every piece integral to the other and supporting and receiving to and from each other. After our session we had a very nice dinner overlooking 2015-03-13 16.25.41the city of Cusco and relaxed in our rooms for an early night of good sleep – my first! Triangles showed up much on this day as symbols everywhere and this would continue throughout the journey, mirroring the three of us and the energy of the three/pyramid that I discussed during our session. A great day really shifting energy in a lighter, opening way. This day was Friday the 13th. 🙂

2015-03-14 08.41.59Day 4 – 3/14/15: Today we made our way after breakfast to a very special site we all really connected with, and which I hadn’t been to on my first trip either, where we did an incredible long ceremony (ceremonies and meditations every day! weeee!). This site is in the 2015-03-14 08.37.382015-03-14 08.31.012015-03-14 08.34.26Chinchero Region and went by several interchangeable names – the Magic Altar or “Willko Umo”, the Sacred Head, and then its secret name: “Qori Uma” meaning Golden Head. This place had such an ancient, alive, nurturing essence where all of the rocks were rich in life and the energy was infused with Faery essence especially amidst the waters trickling through and 2015-03-14 08.59.33the mossy magick. Aymey and I both went off for a little nature bathroom break and saw a black butterfly together and then we returned for our first meditative exercise of seeing ourselves and aura through Amaru, as our mirror. This took us deep within. During this I had a vision of a figure wearing a huge golden headpiece and then realized it was a very large golden head of a dragon with spokes that made up the headpiece. The face of the figure became my own, wearing this golden dragon. Simultaneously a vision of a woman all in white floated through the valley in front of us with an ethereal, transparent robe flowing behind and the then the two images merged into a white ethereal, transparent Dragon flying through the valley. I learned after that Aymey saw a white Dragon too during this. I also saw many visions of what the area may have looked like in the past, including a triangle cave 2015-03-14 10.43.24opening or portal with dimensions that was before me to enter (I later saw this opening at Machu Picchu and recognized what I’d seen). After this and tuning in a bit more…a very powerful place for Aymey here, we went on top of the Mother rock and did an incredible long ceremony with fire, drumming, flute, chanting, singing, and our own meditation supported by all of this. We had created a crystal and sacred altar grid again around the fire. I felt called for this one to place the ring I was wearing – my silver ring that says in Mayan “To Be Reborn”, which felt perfect for this, not realizing consciously what were going to activate. (If you remember, this was the only jewelry I took with me to Iceland, and once again here to Peru, along with 2 necklaces of Orange Kyanite/Flower of Life and Herkimer Diamond/Aqua Aura Quartz). The smoke at first came all at me and when I breathed in, it burned in my nasal passage and throat, which felt to be like transmutational fire that was assisting me, including the energy to move in my cough – cleansing, purifying…and ended up helping my cough to stop for the entire ceremony and for quite some time after. As always, 2015-03-14 10.46.46we cleansed our aura with sacred oil and would hold 3 coca leaves in our left hand, as well as placed some of these on the left side of our mouth during the process. During this ceremony I saw what all seemed to be a place and time elsewhere – not Earth – or perhaps a New Earth. Many visions of light portals and light stars as gateways I would enter and become the light of each one after another. Light infused landscapes, not Earthly, for me to enter and embody. 2015-03-14 10.52.09After our meditation we went to the upper top portion of the rock where Aymey, Christopher and myself all took turns  holding the clay pot that held our fire – now smoke – in our left hand and Condor feathers in our right. I started off and we were each to embody the essence of the Magician, Master, Goddess/God, Leader, Light that we each were and to invoke and activate that in any way that we were moved to, acting from our inner guidance as who we were in totality and once were and always are, rather than the us we identify with only in this life. An 2015-03-14 10.42.47experience of being in our true power to continue to walk in forever. “Being Reborn” was indeed a theme for today and this journey. After our beautiful ceremony we ate some amazing fruit Amaru had picked up at the market for us. We then visited Ollantaytambo – site with its ancestral Temple of the Sun, Temple of the Condor, and Altar of the Cosmic Waters DSCN1114where rain came for the first time, however, here it was perfect and like a purifying cleanse for what we had just experienced, as well as a nourishing and nurturing gift of renewal. We climbed the many steps up to receive activation and then descended to catch our train to Machu Picchu town – Aguas Calientes where we settled in, explored the market and had trainaymey and me train






Day 5 – 3/15/15: Today was Christopher’s birthday and what a way to celebrate by visiting Machu Picchu – the Crystal City – for the first time! Yay! Was so excited for him to experience this powerful time for his special day. We had perfect weather and no rain, with beautiful clear views of the sacred city and grounds all around. There were crowds of people, which is normal for here, but much, much less than when I had been here last time. This is because it was not a high season 2015-03-15 05.10.23tourist time. I noted that much had changed since I was here back in over 7 years ago. Roped off areas, more rules and areas we were able to hike to on the mountain were now only accessible with in-advance specially purchased tickets months ahead. How things shift indeed. But, we always created our own sacred space, moving crowds energetically by will 2015-03-15 05.16.142015-03-15 06.47.232015-03-15 06.46.082015-03-15 06.53.06and it never being an issue. Upon our arrival a butterfly flew to us and directly came at me, literally kissing my lips with its fluttering wings, lingering there a bit. That was such a gift and blessing. And right after that, another butterfly came at me and circled around me. The night before I had been guided to purchase a very large butterfly pendant at the market with stones in all of the Chakra colors/energies. 😉 The butterfly was my first symbol that came to me in this life and represented my path when I began my conscious spiritual journey. This was amazing and butterflies continued to grace us with their presence, one by one later welcoming the rest of the group as well. This day I was also wearing my infinite love t-shirt (a 2015-03-15 05.26.59heart with infinity symbol and wings) that has a Hunab Ku symbol on the back as well, along with my Cosmic Love sweatshirt. Amaru discussed how the butterfly kiss was an honor and recognition. I have also learned that butterflies represent ancestors that are returning. So this was very powerful. 2015-03-15 07.57.142015-03-15 08.08.072015-03-15 08.22.00We hiked up to our first scenic overview where we did a meditation looking out over the sacred city. During this I saw a figure appear wearing a large bird headdress, but the bird was actually alive – seemed to be a small Phoenix. Then there was a procession of headdressed beings when a large Condor appeared over the entire city of Machu Picchu with wings spread and then seemed to turn into a Phoenix energetically with light and fire. A lot of light and 2015-03-15 05.25.09bright star energy lit up the city from it and I took this in and embodied it once again, projecting it across the city and out to the Earth. Then a High Priestess/Magician showed up and I knew it was me, as I saw out from her, wearing a large headdress that was all light and gold. I/she turned into light that projected out and then ascended to the Cosmos. Then I 2015-03-15 05.22.48sent out Golden Green Healing Light from my heart through the center of the city, beaming it out like a beacon across the globe, illuminating the Earth in healing Golden Green Light. During the meditation I also was holding my orange Jade I had also picked up the night before in the market. And when I came out of it, Christopher and Amaru said to sit still, as they were gently removing something from my hair. Apparently a tiny orange insect, that looked somewhat similar to a ladybug, but all orange, had been sitting on the crown of my hair/head. Amaru again said that when they land on you it means you are very blessed and honored. I was, as I know all of us were, feeling very blessed indeed. After our meditation we visited areas 2015-03-15 09.01.30of the city, including the Pachamama stone altar and Sun Dial that Shirley Maclaine touches on in her book “Out on a Limb” – one of my first spiritual introductions along my path when I was 15/16 or so.  Together, we moved the crowd of people at Pachamama altar so that we 2015-03-15 09.27.44could get unobstructed views/photos, as you can see. It then started to rain, as we were leaving. After our descent from the mountain we had lunch outdoors (but under cover) in 2015-03-15 11.21.04town serenaded by beautiful, live Peruvian music, as it rained. Then we shopped the market2015-03-15 14.36.19aguas calientes2015-03-15 14.49.18 – the skies clearing of rain once again to support a beautiful rest of the day. After, we changed into our swimsuits and went to the hot springs for a couple hours before dinner, 2015-03-15 17.31.53which was relaxing. Along the walk to the hot springs I captured many orbs in the night sky 2015-03-15 16.25.152015-03-15 17.36.462015-03-15 17.37.522015-03-15 17.40.45along the river. Then we enjoyed a very lovely dinner at a really nice restaurant to celebrate Christopher’s birthday. Our little family was deepening in connection, as our hearts expanded more and more each day. Oh how I love these souls.

What you’ve read so far concludes Part 1 and to bring the journey full circle you can visit Part 2 here:

Nokan Inti Kani ~ I Am the Sun: Our Sacred Journey to Peru Through My Eyes – PART 2

2015-03-15 18.41.12


Endings are Beginnings

crystalsNot only have I concluded another sacred journey, but a cycle in my life has also come to closure, as well as this year in general for me is a #9 culmination time period for me.

All of this pointing to a new, fresh beginning…or rebirth – something we can always embrace in every moment we are willing to embody the renewing truth of this potential offered to us.

I bring this up, as yesterday was a big energetic shift while I parted ways with two dear and powerful friends – my giant Crystal beings. They have been with me since 2008 and yesterday they were picked up to prepare for their journey to their new mom and Crystal Guardian to begin a new journey along the path of service they will all be sharing.

Our work had come to closure and this also represented a huge release of things in my life, including the full embodiment and realization that there is nothing I need outside of myself to be empowered. While things assist us and are wonderful to cherish and honor as the natural and invaluable beauty they are and what they have to share, ultimately, we are all that we need.

This was huge because the two of these Crystals – a giant Lemurian Seed Crystal and a giant Amethyst Geode Rabbit (both 150 lbs+ each) – came into my life at a major transformational time period in my life, supporting me all these years since with the work I was facilitating personally and collectively.

amethyst rabbitThe giant Amethyst Rabbit channeled Nestor and at the time was very comforting having physically lost her.

I got both from a dear Crystal Keeper based in Northern California and I giggle remembering how Laura, myself and Seann somehow transported and got the Lemurian in my SUV – 3 wee Fae ones.lemurian

It was a time period when I had just moved out on my own, was in process of a divorce, had just seen my beloved rabbit, Nestor, pass into her eternal essence, was going through major spiritual recalibration and expansion, and was beginning the foundational work that has brought me to where I am now.

I used to live in literally a Crystal Cave when I first created my new little sacred sanctuary above and looking out on to Lake Tahoe – my little home filled with Crystals and love, which I shared with my tortoise, Gaia, and my new bunny love, Joy.

These crystals have held the space of all that I’d been creating, were part of the grid here, and my little ones also adored them.

So seeing them off yesterday was nostalgic, as I honored each, energetically prepared them for the journey, gave them a bath of Crystal Elixir spray and a deep, soul and heart kiss.

It was also a very empowering moment, continuing in the vein of what I’ve been deepening into recently. I told them that we will continue our connection and work, but no longer would we need to do that within physical proximity. Our connection is timeless and boundless.

It feels different here at home without them, but it is not an emptiness. It is an expansion and lightness. The energetic footprint they have made in my life remains, but now we are free.

I am so pleased they are going to such a loving home where they will be honored by someone I hold dear. I look forward to seeing them again in May when I co-teach a Crystal workshop with their new mom and Guardian in Florida, as they will be holding the space for this.

It is only the beginning.

Magick Rabbit!

magick rabbit


I couldn’t NOT share this of course 😉

With my love for rabbits and the magick they possess, who could resist posting about a “Magic Rabbit”??!! Always grateful for the friends who know me so well to share things like this with me.

Here’s an article and some photos on a rare magickal rabbit that lives at high elevations (my favorite!) in the Tianshan mountain range in northwestern China.

It just so happens that my own magickal rabbit showed up on our journey to Peru.

These rare rabbits (one of the rarest and most endangered creatures of the world) are in danger of becoming extinct due to global warming. 😦

Sending out love and supportive energy to these dear little ones and to all creatures great and small that are courageously fighting and adapting to embrace the life gift they have chosen to embody at this time.

Here’s the article:

This Rare Magic Rabbit Was Spotted For The First Time In 20 Years And It May Soon Be Lost Forever



Transmutational Empowerment ~ Ancient Symbolism Weaving a Sacred Tattoo Design

Edward Sacred Tattoo Design


With such a full schedule in the last few months, I’ve been quite back-logged on work and even posting work. So much so, the Universe even supported me in providing time while on my way to Peru to work on a design when it had me missing my flight (more on that with my upcoming trip share). I somehow knew on some level, as I had brought my work along with me – something I never do. 😉

As I settle back in, I’m getting caught up on things now and able to share some of the pieces. I’m so grateful to all of my clients who have been in flow with timing on things and for your patience. It truly always IS in Divine order and without the rushing, makes for some really lovely aligned channeling.

Today’s share, a piece I did a while back, is for one of my male clients where we were creating a piece to sit at the top, back portion of lower neck and upper back. Egyptian energy was abound, infused with a little stylized Native American Indian symbolism and Sacred Geometry.

What came through was more of a powerful emanation, if that makes sense. He has a strong energy and that is definitely the essence in the symbolism involved, but I felt that we could radiate the energy so that it softens a bit…since he mentioned how people seem threatened by his rougher appearance and was wanting to shift that

So while this symbolism is powerful, it is also feels like a balance of Divine and Sacred Male and Female with some harder lines and sharper edges, including sacred geometry, mixed also with circular flow and pulsating from within energy.

I also got that “less is more” for him, as it didn’t feel right to keep layering a bunch of things and symbolism in excess. He/the design sort of speak for themselves and create a portal that draws you in, as well as is a portal for creation, transformation, focus, clarity, balance, creativity, awakening, flow…

The design is 9 ½” length and 6” at the widest point. The way it’s created, it leaves room and ability to add on to more back pieces that can integrate with it easily with the softer edges.

The design includes a giant Ankh at center that everything stems from and is integrated into, but it is stylized and at top the Flower of Life, with Scarab holding the Flower of Life energy, just like it usually holds the Sun disk (and there is still that hint of design that doubles in the Flower of Life/Sun energy here. The Scarab’s wings are in full expansion, creating a flame-like quality that is lighting the Cosmic essence within, integrated with the flesh and body.

It then emanates out and creates the Web of Life holding everything within the two arms of the Ankh that merge into a Dream Catcher.

The idea is that the top would sit at the top center of his upper back, with the point/top of Ankh and Flower of Life stretching slightly/flowing up into the very bottom portion of the neck/throat chakra. The rest would flow down over the higher heart and drawing energy to the heart.

Energy is also moving both up and down, left and right.

Here is some information on some of the universal symbolism, which I’ve shared before:

Scarab:  Beetles symbolize progress, simplicity, persistence, stability, methodical, contemplative, practical, grounded, potential, security, protection, solidarity energy. They move with bellies always close to the earth, and so their wisdom is sacred and deep. They are connected to the core of earth, and so they are rooted in their knowledge about the way of life and nature. Beetles also talk to us about steady, gradual progress.  Observing them, they do nothing without pragmatic, methodical movement. Beetles also remind us of the simple things in life, and point our attention to the magic in the small.  Beetles can tame us because of their simple, unassuming presence. The symbolic meaning of beetles in countless cultures, also offers protection.  Their own hard shells do more than just convey glimmering beauty – they protect.

Beetles impart messages such as:

“Get to the root of your desire”

“Be practical in your expectations of progress”

“Find stability in simplicity”

“Anchor yourself in honest, true, natural ways”

“Allow yourself to be tamed by the small and gentle.”

“Scarabs are a symbol of resurrection/rebirth, transformation and protection. This is especially true in Egypt, where symbols were much more than simple drawings, they were reminders of men’s true nature – the spiritual life.

It is clear that the symbolism of the scarab refers to transformation – the transformation of the soul from physical to non-physical, from ignorant of its nature to wise. Egyptian represented the concept of immortality and resurrection (resurrection of the soul, not the flesh) through the image of the scarab beetle, and therefore, they created seals, amulets and talismans, which served as tools to inform those who carried them about these concepts.

It is important to point out that the real “power” of the talismans and amulets was never the object itself, but rather, the knowledge it contained. A person who is imbued with the spirit of immortality and transformation does not fear death (or fear itself). Since fear is one of things that prevent people from achieving their ideals, those who do not fear are the ones who make history, so it is the knowledge that protects, the amulets and talismans are mere instruments through which the knowledge is revealed.

Egyptians observed how the young scarabs emerge from a ball of dung until mysteriously, the scarab becomes aware of a pair of wings which had always been there, and they courageously fly away to explore life outside the dung. When they discover they have wings they then fly away towards their true nature… The Egyptian tradition taught that everything that happens in nature is a microcosm of universal truths, like imprints of the divine reflected in the physical world; therefore, they used the natural phenomena to understand spiritual phenomena.

The brief life of the scarab, then, reveals a beautiful message – just like the scarab beetle lives among the feces until it discovers its hidden wings. The human soul is also trapped in the physical world (symbolized by the dung ball) until it discovers its ability to fly.

Rebirth is symbolized in this moment in which the scarab finally abandons the dung ball to be born in another reality and into its true essence. Egyptian scarabs are all about building our best, most incredible opportunities from the “poop” around us. The sun was a big deal to ancient Egyptians, with the ability to yield bumper crops, or bear down so brightly as to blight growth entirely. Scarabs utilize the power of the sun by rolling up their eggs in mud or dung. The hot sun bakes the little mud balls – essentially incubating their eggs. Pretty resourceful way to hatch babies. The Egyptian scarab also specifically represents luck in the form of solar power. And so, not only is the scarab lucky because of its own ingenuity, it’s also symbolic of rebirthing into a new dawn of life.

The scarab beetle was also associated to god Khepri, who was regarded as an aspect of the sun god Ra. Sun gods embody the role of the sun in a solar system; like the sun, which makes all the flowers in the planet blossom, sun gods make all wisdom emerge among humans in periods of intellectual darkness (they are considered humans who have reached the human ideal through many incarnations).” – Excerpts from The Symbolic Meaning of the Scarab Beetle – Egyptian Symbolism by Thais Campos

And ANKH: The deeper we look into Nature, the more we come to the realization that there is an invisible life force which permeates all realms of creation. This mysterious life force, or Key of Life, was acknowledged, honored and respected by the Ancient Egyptians and was depicted in their artwork and hieroglyphs by way of the Symbol of the Ankh.

The Ankh, which  represents the eternal process of creating, consists of a T-Shaped Cross surmounted by a Loop.

The T-Shaped Cross Symbolizes the masculine active Seed. The Loop Symbolizes the feminine receptive Womb.

These two principles, when united, bring forth creation, birth and Events throughout all of the seen and unseen realms of the universe.

The “T”, as the the masculine aspect of creation, is similar to the Symbolism of the Tau cross, the double-headed Axe and the hammer of Thor. All of these Symbols contain Three extremities. Three is the first masculine number. Three also represents the Trinity of Creation.

The Loop, as the feminine aspect of creation, is Symbolic of the birth passageway from which all created, or manifested, life emerges.

When the Tau Cross and the Loop are combined they form the image of a key; a key which the Egyptian Neters, the Divine Principles of Nature, hold in their hands.

The Ankh, or Key of Life, therefore Symbolizes the eternal process of continual creation and perpetual manifestation by way of the union of masculine and feminine aspects of Divinity.

In this respect the Ankh is the Breath of Life, the Hermetic Logos and the Aether of the Alchemists which instills life (the soul), into all living matter. Therefore it also represents the Spiritual DNA which stands forever ready to manifest life  throughout all of the visible and invisible realms of the cosmos.

This ever-present and ever-active life force, Symbolized by the Ankh, is eternally and perpetually alive and available throughout all realms of the cosmos. It is a Power which exists whether or not mental or physical “life” is currently being manifested at any specific point in the universe.

In Egyptian artwork we often see one of the Neters holding the Ankh to the nostrils of a person. This gesture, on behalf of a specific Neter, is the bestowing of the “breath of life” to that particular person. This is Symbolic of the “breath of life”, or soul, which enters into our body at birth and which will eventually leave our body when our Current Incarnation comes to its end.

We also see artwork of Neters gazing into Mirrors which are in the shape of the Ankh through which they can view the reflections, results and Consequences of the persons, places, things and Events into which they have temporarily instilled the “breath of life”.

Egyptian men and women wore amulets in the shape of the Ankh in honor of this Divine Creative Process and also to serve as a reminder to be cautious of the Consequences which can result from Thoughts, deeds, Words and Actions which they are responsible for “giving life to”.

Dream Catcher: The dream catcher can also be a medicine wheel and with specific intention, with all the parts of the dream catcher having meaning.  To begin, the web represent the spider forever repairing the eternal web of life.  Thus weaving your life dreams and energy in the universe when you dream.  The ring represents the earth mother and the humble walk we do upon her. As we believe that we are related to all things and that all things are part of us then the Dream Catcher and medicine wheel is a representation of such sacred belief. The ring and the woven web represent love, honesty and purity.  All of the elements of the dream catcher together represent the earth, fire and water. Things we need to live. It represents the ability to be love and to love, to take the risk and get out of the nest and fly on your own, the ability to live beyond your shadows. The web is from the spider whose web represents the cycles of life – in each time of life there are many forces that can help or can interfere with the harmony of Nature. The web is a perfect circle with a hole in the center, to be used to help yourself and others reach their goals, making good use of their ideas, dreams and visions. If you believe in the Great Spirit, the web will filter your good ideas and the bad ones will be trapped and will not pass. The legend of the Dream Catcher is that it captures the bad Spirits and filters them. Protecting us from evil and letting through only the good dreams.  It is believed that each carefully woven web will catch bad spirit dreams in the web and disappear by perishing with the first light of the morning sun. The good spirit dreams will find their way to the center and float down the sacred feather. Dream Catchers are believed to bless the “sleeping ones” with pleasant dreams, good luck, and harmony throughout their lives. It is how lessons  were remembered and where visions were received. It is said that when you get a good night sleep you can remember when the spirit has talked to you.

Flower of Life: a sacred geometry symbol embodying ancient fundamental essences of space and time, the life connection woven through all sentient beings, and the foundations of all living things – a template from which all life springs.


If you would like to partner in co-creating your own sacred visionary piece of artwork or tattoo design to embody the empowerment you desire, you can contact me at

There is currently a waiting list, but you can easily make your deposit at the link provided below to embark on this journey in partnership with me. I’m currently booked out until June.

For more information about the process and pricing please visit: Life Changing Tattoos

Some people have preferred to read my book, Spiritual Skin ~ Sacred Tattoos: More than Skin Deep, especially if they are new to sacred tattoo designs, before embarking on this journey.

If you are drawn to learn more about sacred tattoos you can order a copy of the book here: Spiritual Skin

It is also available in Kindle format here: Spiritual Skin


It’s Time

It's Time


This message and image so perfectly capture and mirror the essence of our journey in Peru. Wow!

Thank you to Christopher, who shared the journey with us, for sharing this image and quote with me.

Feeling really invigorated and hugely empowered upon returning home. I will be sharing the experiences we had with you this week. So stay tuned. Just getting myself integrated back.

Much love to all. I hope everyone had a beautiful Equinox and is feeling the power of this now moment to create anew from your wholeness that you are.

Thoughts & Updates As I Head Out to Peru ~ I’ll Be Offline March 11 – 23

I haven’t been back very long from Iceland, but I’m off again. Seems my soul’s plan is to be in a lot of powerful activation and integration modes this year.

It may seem like this doesn’t coincide with being in a #9 Hermit Year, but it in fact does, as for me these experiences are a very personal and inward thing that are taking place. So, even though I may be actively out there and traveling at times, I am in a very centered, inner mode that is still and peaceful, doing a lot of processing and internal rewiring and recalibrating.

It feels much like being in a cosmic capsule that is journeying around and taking in all and only that which nurtures my beingness.

This reminds me of the movie, The Fountain, which just so happens to have a lot of synchronous alignments to my life right now, including the Mayan soul connection I have and that I spoke of in wearing my Mayan ká a yaán tah etched ring, meaning “to be reborn” in Iceland.

If you know this movie, you will understand:

For some, Hermit mode may literally mean withdrawal. And for others, it is an essence/energy you embody where ever you are. However, I can tell you that when I’m on my own (anywhere) and at home, I am VERY much in my own world and wanting my own personal time without a lot of interaction.

It’s been a whirlwind these days, but richly packed. It feels as if lifetimes of experiences and activations are taking place in a very short time.

I think many of you would agree it’s a very potent experience of late, and what I’m seeing is an increased amount of people claiming and embodying their gifts and courageously stepping into their empowerment more and more these days. It’s really fantastic and I’m so in awe of the courage being embodied.

Some of what I’ll be engaged in while away in Peru will be some pretty major downloads and activations that while taking place individually, are being focused collectively to support the greater good.

Our group will be experiencing some powerful initiations, including learning how to channel Cosmic energy through our Cosmic Being, as we receive the Solar Path of the Ancestral Andean World and Master Path of the Masters of the Incas: Pre-Inca Path from our Shaman, Amaru. All this to empower the real Cosmic Magician awaiting within.

I’m excited to both receive and support this process. I will be attuning Amaru as a Reiki Master Teacher before we begin these other initiations. He is already a Reiki Master Teacher, but is wanting to receive this energetic exchange from me at our first ceremony at the sacred site of Caral – the highest altar of the oldest civilization of the Americas – to activate the initiation proceedings he will then administer.

Will share more when I return, but while away I will again be offline and unavailable until I return on the 23rd of March. I will be leaving tomorrow, the 11th.

I leave with a full heart, as yesterday was the official adoption day of Cosmo, which seems perfect to ignite this “Cosmic” journey. He has a forever safe and loving home for life and I’m committed to getting him all the support he needs to see him walking again. Yesterday was a good day at the vet while I got him his third round of acupuncture and new x-rays. He’d gained some more weight, which we’ve been trying to help him do since he arrived. So we’re on our way to his weight goal, which shouldn’t be hard since he is so happy and has his appetite in full gear now – always wanting to eat. He also was standing a lot on his own and moving around upright a lot. I’ve also made appointments for new forms of therapy for when I return, which I’ll share more about when I get back, but I’m optimistic about it.

I also have some cool things lined up for myself when I get back, including getting my Garden Tower in gear, and some other meaningful embodiments to put in place that feel right at this time. Everything feels like it all has its sequence I am guided to follow as activations, one by one. Wonder if I’ll light up like a Christmas tree soon LOL! I’m not sure what’s the plan. I just know to follow it.

I’m feeling like this journey to Peru is both an opening and closure to a lot of things, so I’m curious as to what awaits me there and will unfold after.

In the meantime, here are things to keep in mind while I’m away. These are the scheduled events (I’ve just updated them again) that are going on, as well as dates I will be away this year, which I have scheduled so far, and will be unavailable for services during these times: 

  • Friday, April 3rd ~ Crystal Magick Workshop in Costa Mesa, CA 9am – 6pm 
  • Sunday, April 12th ~ Reiki 1 & 2 Accelerated Workshop in Costa Mesa, CA 9am – 6pm – only 1 spot left (new and review students welcome) 
  • Mid – End of April I will be hosted back at Chapman University in Orange, CA by the Chapman Health and Healing Club this semester speaking on Crystals & facilitating some hands-on work (dates to be announced, but may turn into a series of 1 hour talks/workshops on one or a combination of these dates: 4/14, 4/15, 4/21 and/or 4/22 in the evenings starting at either 5:30 pm or 7 pm – I can bring a couple of guests, so if you’re interested in these free, short 1 hour talks/experiences let me know
  • I’ll be away May 18th – 23rd in Goshen, Indiana
  • I’ll be away May 26th – 31st in Orlando, Florida
  • Saturday, May 30th ~ Crystal Love & Healing Workshop with Reiki Master Teachers Yasmin Lageyre and Tania Marie in Tampa, Florida 10am – 12pm 
  • Sacred Tattoo Designs ~ Bookings available for June
  • I’ll be away in the Dominican Republic October 17th – 25th 


If you need any assistance, have questions, want more details about any of the events, or would like to register for any of the above you can message me here: Contact Tania and I’ll get back to you as soon as I’m able to. 

Spring Equinox Supermoon Solar Eclipse ~ March 20th, 2015

This is what’s going down for the upcoming Spring Equinox – see link below.

I’ll be on the island of Amantani on Lake Titicaca in Peru engaged in a sacred initiation ceremony on March 20th. From the moment I found out about this auspicious time, I knew I was meant to be in Peru on this spiritual journey, come what may. Who ever was soul-fully meant to join would be there, or not. And so it is.

We are each called to do certain things and be where ever is meant for us individually, in this chosen life.

I follow the rhythm of my cosmic heart and soul whether that means being alone in silent intention in my room, or off in an exotic country engaged in sacred ceremony. Both are equally potent, as intent is what guides the quality of what is being engaged that will both personally and collectively be experienced, simultaneously.

You can read about the Spring Equinox Supermoon Solar Eclipse on March 20th here:

Spring Equinox 2015


Magickal Toys for the Children of Peru

giving gifts on Amantani Island on Lake Titicaca

Giving gifts to the children on Amantani Island on Lake Titicaca, Peru 2008


I thought this was just too fun not to post. I was giggling as I poured out all of the gifts I picked up today at my first stop to get some things for the children in Peru.

We bring toys to give out to the children along our journey. It was one of the things that was really heart-warming on my last trip there, and this time I found a bunch of really magickal things to share.

As you can see in the photo we have a theme weighed heavy on the magickal and creative, not to mention, some of my favorite things 😉

toys for children in peruThese include four rabbit stuffed animals, a purple dragon with wings stuffed animal, a stuffed rainbow caterpillar, stuffed gorilla, sparkly and light-up magick rings, a glow in the dark faery, lizard, and seahorse that also grow when wet, fun learning cards, harmonica, princess themed yo-yo, themed double-sided jumbo Crayolas, and peace, love, and flower power pencils.

Wonder what else I’ll find?!

Will be infusing them all with a little enchantment and love before gifting them! Fun!!