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Cherish Your Life…Cherish Your Body ~ Holistic Living From the Inside Out is Not a Luxury


Today’s lunch: spring mix of romaine, swiss chard, mustard greens, arugula, and radicchio with sweet grape and heirloom tomatoes, avocado, cucumber, sunflower seeds, coconut bacon, and Japanese miso horseradish kimchi, sprinkled with ground black pepper, collard greens powder, and a splash of shitake sesame dressing with a side of carrots with chipotle hummus – all organic…all delicious!


The more I embrace and flow, rather than resist….the more I feel grateful and embody the ideas I’ve come to personally learn, cherish, and believe…the more I find beauty, magick, and grace in the simple, but oh so potent things.

I don’t particularly lead an extraordinary life or have an extraordinary level of “things” by some people’s standards or ideals, but I feel extraordinarily blessed and I feel my life to be an extraordinary and abundant gift.

I was just thinking yesterday about the sweet simplicities in my life that move me so, when I randomly stopped in at CVS to pick up some quick pens I desperately needed and some cotton balls and randomly found some $5 jammie pants with cosmic moons and stars and owls on them – oh how that tickled my heart with a smile.

I find it is the smallest of things that move me most greatly like the smell of my pillow, a hot shower cleansing and massaging my back, the velvet kiss licks of my bunny loves and the love they reflect to me in their eyes, the way Cosmo falls asleep on my chest like a newborn baby and how Joy watches over us all like a guardian, the sparkle of my crystals when they catch the light on my desk, the fragrance of tangerine blossoms and jasmine outside my window, the smile that returns my own when I pass someone along my day, the amazing taste of a ripe avocado eaten straight from its open cradle, my morning smoothies I crave, the sound of waves at the beach, music reverberating deeply in my soul, seeing cosmic nudges of support in every day encounters, cuddles with my love, giggles turning into uncontrollable laughter that make me snort and cry, and simply the silence and expansive freedom of being by myself with any choice available to make in that moment.

These are some of the things I cherish…and there are so many more because every little thing often taken for granted by most, is magick to me, and is truly special if you believe it and experience it as so.

And then all of this always comes back to realizing that none of this magick and these simple, sensual pleasures would be possible to experience in their totality, nor possible to share with others, if not for having my health and well being, which keeps me alive and strong.

While we are expanding our conscious awareness and spirituality, we mustn’t forget our temple bodies.

They provide the integrative ability to merge the supernatural and natural into an exquisite experience of the senses, emotions, and elation of spirit, as experienced through the physical.

This is why I have come to realize that the most important thing is to take care of your body and your holistic well-being. Creating and regaining balance and being mindful of what we allow into our bodies are cornerstones for health, longevity, and vibrant living.

I hear people share how much they want to do this and that, be of service, take care of their families, and have these amazing goals and dreams…however, none of that is possible if you do not have your health. Which is why what you put in your body, not just in terms of ideas, thoughts, beliefs, emotions, but ALSO what you eat, is crucial.

This conversation came up while we were in Peru actually. The way I ate, while I was away feeding and nourishing my soul, provided the body nourishment to undertake everything I set out to do and to do it with greater ease, clarity, and vitality. Which is why I never change my eating habits no matter where I am. If I need to bring snacks, so be it. But I’ve found that it is always possible, if you desire to simply ask, to eat healthy and keep to your needs no matter where you are. I also happen to find simple, whole foods to be amazing. So, I’m never feeling deprived.

If you don’t stand up for your own health and well-being, who will?

I always say that the one thing you CAN’T have luxury to skimp on is your food and nourishment. Cutting back on other things in life in order to eat healthy and get the good organic freshness into your body is an important choice to really consider making and actually incorporating into your life. There are many ways we can make adjustments in our lives in order to be able to incorporate more organic foods into our diet. One must decide if the every day Starbuck’s coffee, dinners out every night, cable tv, or name brand, status-evoking items (for instance) are more important than organic goodness in your and your family’s meal plan, which will have an impact on the longevity of your life, as well as cut down on medical costs.

And this goes for your animal companions as well. I say, if you wouldn’t eat it yourself, why would you feed it to your animal babies? I buy my rabbits organic veggies, as well as rinse them before feeding. I also give them things like Goji juice in their water and it’s also why I go to all lengths to provide holistic care for them, and am trying what ever I can to help Cosmo with his disability.

These are the things I find important in life to spend my money on, and there are things I’m happy not to have in support of my long-term well-being versus instant gratification, because life, and the quality of it, is invaluable. I will do what it takes to embrace and provide the most out of this life experience I and my loved ones have chosen, because that’s the least I can do to honor the gift of my body I’ve been given.

And in the meantime, I know that my choices are also honoring our Earth Mother, Terra.

Two days ago it was the 12-year anniversary of when my beloved Nestor gifted me her physical presence in this life. Her life was very short and through my experiences caring for her, and what she taught me about the value of my life, I have learned the importance of doing all that I can to ensure living a balanced, conscious, healthy, and aware life, as well as how to support the same for my beloveds. She is a constant reminder of many things for me, as my greatest teacher – one of those things being to honor my temple body.

Life is fragile and so are our bodies if we don’t nourish and love them, as they deserve. We can only go so long before our resiliency will no longer bounce back. That may not mean much, if you don’t cherish your human life or find instant gratification to be more valuable. But if you do cherish life, or in fact you must since you’ve chosen this experience, then you may want to consider how you can honor and have more gratitude for the life you live, the Earth that provides you a home, and the body you reside in.

Spring is here and Spring cleaning is always a great way to renew our lives on all levels. Perhaps you may, like myself, find it beneficial to do some actual cleaning out of the old in your life, or releasing that which no longer serves you. Some also enjoy the freshness of an actual physical cleanse or detox at this time of year.

Whatever you feel called to do, I wish you renewing vitality and deepened respect for your life and all that you do have and can’t see.

As we experience the building energy of this Saturday’s total Lunar Eclipse Full Moon in Libra, which also happens to kick off the Buddhist New Year, let us be vulnerably open to a healing opportunity through honest self-exploration that can lead to greater freedom and invigorated renewal.

Your body is your greatest asset to carry you through the life, and life aspirations, you hold dear. Let these not be separate ideals, but a unified force that can bring you into more alignment and balance with all of life, and in effect, bring you greater connection to understanding and feeling the simple joys and pleasures that make life magickal on a daily basis.