Monthly Archives: May 2013

24 Hour “Dreams Become Reality” Ticket-to-Bimini Special

dandelion-under-blue-skyAs promised in my newsletter, I’m offering a 24-hour special for anyone ready to jump on your dream, register for this Summer’s sacred retreat in Bimini, Bahamas, and fill your heart with vitality.

Creating your dream comes with embodying the vibration. If one of your dreams has been to swim with the dolphins and join us in Bimini, it can “be.”

I will be heading off on the 15th of June, as our retreat begins June 16th, and it’s feeling a bit surreal again. I’m really looking forward to all the new energy that has been opened and will be opening for our time together. And I’m excited to meet in person the lovely group I’ve been in communication with that will be joining and bringing unique energy to this retreat.

I’ve been hearing from so many that it has been a challenging time with everything you’re being asked to integrate and that things are in flux, sometimes discouraging, and down-right challenging. And that may have led to letting go of dreams for some, or to find renewal in what is most important to each.

What we choose is perfect to our journey.

And as always, I hold a space of seeing everyone in their wholeness and fullness and from this place I will always offer a bridge to support that remembrance.

So here is a bridge.

You can still register after this 24-hour special, but the offer is only if you register between the time I post this today (1pm) and tomorrow at 1pm – One of those leap of faith moments.

Register between now and 1pm tomorrow and receive these 3 gifts all focused on supporting you into your fullness and helping you to vibrationally shift into an experience of living your dreams:

*$155 off your Summer Solstice Rhythm of Renewal Bimini Retreat and the next sacred retreat you register with me (upcoming retreats to be announced) – (According to Doreen Virtue 1’s and 5’s together signify your thoughts are creating the changes in your life and messages you to keep steering your thoughts in your desired direction. If the changes that you see forthcoming are not desired, you can stop or alter them by modifying your thoughts) – seems perfectly aligned with the energy of vibrationally shifting in order to manifest your dreams.

dream-lemurian2*Be entered into a drawing to receive “Dreams Become Reality” Lemurian Dream Seed Crystal Illuminations painting as a gift ($145 value and embodies the mirroring energy of Bimini and empowering your ability to manifest your dreams)

*And receive a 1 hour personal session with me in Bimini outside of our scheduled group sessions to focus on your specific goals – this to include Reiki and any intuitive support during the session that you would like to focus on

The Bimini waters are crystalline clear, warm, and the most exquisite shades of aquas. It is so healing for the eyes, calming for the mind, and nourishing for the heart. Summer Solstice will be a powerful week for our human and dolphin pods to share a meaningful experience of play and love. Everything is a natural flow shared with heart-centered people that can support the opening to a whole new perspective and way to experience life .

You can contact me at to register and to answer any questions.

All details can be found here: Summer Solstice Rhythm of Renewal Retreat

Nature Spirits Revealing the Nature of You

The natural world brings you closer to the nature of you. ~Tania Marie

I love this enchanted, heart and portal-opening video posted by my faery sister and fellow visionary, Laura Bruno. We always seem to be on the synchronicity train and today the theme of that train was “Nature Balance,” which reveals the magic of creation itself.

I’ll just let you enjoy the images, as you allow yourself to surrender to the remembrance of who you are and All That Is.

A Little Nature “Time Out” for Inspiration and Well-Being

beach3Some days I just feel like sharing the beauty of life and Mother Earth…all the miracle joys of creation and vitality that are all around us always. I feel that nature is so important to honor, be in harmony with, and to receive guiding wisdom from. It gets us in touch with our own true nature and teaches us the value of creative energy, cycles of life, and life force energy.

I truly believe that time spent in nature or in any way surrounded with all things natural would support balance and well-being in ways inexpressible.

Because my life is about creating beauty and seeing all of life to be natural creations of art, I am constantly in awe (like a little child) of the brilliance around me and see everything as a masterpiece, being and unfolding, before our very eyes.

catalinaSo today I felt guided to simply share some of the photos (as always, click on each to enlarge for detail) from all of my time in nature over this long weekend so you can enjoy a bit of natural beauty and immerse yourself in smelling the “roses” even if just for the moments you come across this post. Images have a way of touching us in deep ways.


one of the dolphins from the 3 dolphin pod – where’s your good camera when needed?


monarch butterfly that glided through my photo as i took it

I spent enormous amounts of time Friday through Monday out with nature, feeling the need to take time off from work and explore. I saw many of Mother Earth’s children and came across some magical gifts as well, including a full shedded snake skin and a road runner’s tail feather. They will become part of some sacred shaman ceremonies indeed, to add to my collection 🙂 Some of the magical creatures included seeing a roadrunner (actually not long before the tail feather), a horned toad lizard (wow), a toad, (love amphibians!), a huge pod of like 100 dolphins and then a small pod the next day of 3, and many Monarch butterflies that were gracefully gliding into me at the garden grounds of the Mission we visited.

This all took place while I spent a day in Catalina, did a 5 mile Full Moon hike, a beach walk, an 8 mile day hike, and spent time outdoors in Camarillo on a property full of trees, gardens, koi pond, and tortoise sanctuary. Loved it!

I hope you enjoy these images and quotes of nature and that you come to experience more of the magic that is available to you always.

sj16If you truly love nature, you will find beauty everywhere. ~Vincent van Gogh

Come forth into the light of things, let nature be your teacher. ~William Wordsworth

Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better. ~Albert Einstein

Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished. ~Lao Tzu

Nature holds the key to our aesthetic, intellectual, cognitive and even spiritual satisfaction. ~E.O. Wilson

sj4Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature’s peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. The winds blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop off like autumn leaves. ~John Muir

In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks. ~John Muir

Keep close to Nature’s heart…and break clear away, once in awhile, and climb a mountain or spend a week in the woods. Wash your spirit clean. ~John Muir

The clearest way into the Universe is through a forest wilderness. ~John Muir

cat26There is that in the glance of a flower which may at times control the greatest of creation’s braggart lords. ~John Muir

beach11The mountains are calling and I must go. ~John Muir

Like John Muir I find myself most at home in the wilderness of life….the great outdoors. A place where timelessness is the blending of horizons between sea and mountain, land and sky, Earth and Cosmos, body and soul.

More and more the experience of life for me no longer feels contrasting, as much as it seamlessly is becoming a living meditation of harmony between all things.gaia20


“Reflections” Cosmic Sunset Over the Ocean Painting Now Available in Giclee Prints

ocean-reflectionsThis explosion of life on canvas in the flow of a cosmic sunset birthing over the ocean has been a favorite of many, including myself. Hence, it is the foundational piece I use for the heading of this blog and to represent the symbolism behind my personal motto – Creating Life as a Work of Art.

This piece was originally part of a commission I had created and yet I always felt that this portion of the piece was meant to be its own, stand-alone energy. I remember a dear friend of mine in Canada expressing his being taken into a cosmic vortex through the image, which then took him and I down the road of creating cosmic commissioned pieces mirroring both of our loves.

It wasn’t until people started asking me if it was for sale and inquiring about using the image for things, that I looked into making it available in giclees.

I’ve even had a few people think the image was a photograph, asking where it was taken, to which I answered,

“It lives in my imagination.”

Because so many people have been moved by the energy of this piece and me always listening to the Universal nudges, I explored the possibility of making it an option for others to have in their own sacred spaces. This was quite the task to track down the original file, but where there’s a will, there’s a way, and through my efforts I have been able to bring forth this piece, which I simply call, “Reflections,” to others.

Below you’ll find some of the sizes and options available. Smaller or larger sizes to accommodate your needs are possible, as well as payment plans. Prices do not reflect shipping, which will be on a per order basis, calculated on the destination it is going to. However, as with any of my paintings, if you are not completely satisfied, you can return your piece for a full refund, minus all shipping costs.

Giclee Print on Fine Art Paper

15 x 30 $150
19.2 x 36 $200
21.3 x 40 $250

Gallery Wrap Giclee on Canvas

15 x 30 $250
19.2 x 36 $350
21.3 x 40 $450

You can contact me at with any questions and to place orders.

You can also visit Gallery of Creations to see all available originals and giclees of pieces I currently have available.



Gaia Meets Mo – The Ancients Gather


gaia and mo walk on by each other at first

On Memorial Day we took Gaia, my amazing little Russian Tortoise, out to beautiful Camarillo where we spent the day with family and this is their pictorial and video story documented (click on photos to enlarge). I had Gaia with me on a towel in the car by my feet and she was in her normal spunky mood, excited for the day ahead.

The plan was to introduce her to Mo (short for Mojave) the Desert Tortoise who has a beautiful outdoor sanctuary she lives in on the property. Mo has never seen another tortoise, as she hatched straight from an egg on her home grounds, and Gaia only saw little ones when she was a wee one herself, but hasn’t since for the last 6 years.


buh bye….for now. gaia keeps walking on by mo

Gaia is 10 years old and Mo is 17 years old. We had no idea what would take place, but what did was such a beautiful bonding ritual that was an honor to watch.

At first when I placed Gaia in the sanctuary she marched on by Mo, not giving her a second thought or glance. Gaia is very very focused and seemed to be on a continued mission to explore these new grounds. Mo also did not give Gaia a second thought. Mo had just woken up however and Gaia, well, she simply was going to take things in her own stride.


gaia decides to rest and reflect before her next move

We left them to do as they wanted and when I returned about 20 minutes later, Gaia had found a resting spot and she was in her famous snooze position with head propped up against the wall. Mo had retreated to her shaded pot to continue her nap.

So I let them be and then returned maybe a half hour to an hour later. And to my amazement, Gaia had left her resting spot to seek out Mo and the two of them were nose to nose communicating and nuzzling – Mo still in her shaded pot spot.


gaia goes straight to mo’s resting spot after she’s had enough time to reflect and the communicating begins

From that moment forward, for the rest of the time we were there, Gaia wouldn’t leave Mo’s side and persistently tried communicating (in her Russian Tortoise way) with her by bobbing and twitching her head in a vibratory dance. I kept saying it was like “Morse Code,” which made perfect sense because Gaia is so extraterrestrial and communicates in binary-like language and is very tapped into the electrical currents and sound vibrations – a very complex little one she is. I happened to be talking with my faery sister Laura Bruno at the time and she jokingly said, “Mo – rse Code.” 🙂


lots of love was shared between the two of them ❤

My sense was that Mo did not understand Gaia and Gaia, being the relentless persevering soul that she is, was eager and unwilling to give up trying. She had so much to share and was so excited to connect with Mo. Mo seemed very happy to be with Gaia too and regardless of the lapse in communication, their language of love was all that was needed to keep them connected and happy.

I even caught Mo one time, when Gaia walked away briefly, pump her own neck up and down slowly as if to try to imitate Gaia’s language and tell Gaia not to leave. It was adorable. And come back Gaia did and the two never left each other’s side for the rest of the day.


gaia starts following mo

Gaia would follow Mo where ever she went, just two steps behind. If Mo moved forward, Gaia would too. If Mo stopped, Gaia stopped. If Mo took one step forward, Gaia mirrored the same. It was like a reflection of each other in perfect synchronicity. So, so cute.

And when they would stop, they would both explore each other, but mostly spent time nose to nose in deep communion of trying to communicate, and then just giving in to love nuzzling.


and follows…and follows… 🙂

They are a good example of how unconditional love knows no boundaries, bridges hearts together, and exists without fear or judgment.

Tortoises and turtles teach us about turning within to listen to our instincts and that there is no such thing as time. We are simply experiencing the moment and to take it in stride and with patience, smelling the flowers along the way. They are ancient ones that have seen the shifts of ages and are deeply connected to Mother Earth and the cycles of life.

You may enjoy this post of mine about Turtle/Tortoise symbolism: Gaia – Earth Mother and Turtle? Ancient Wisdom For Conscious Living


best buddies

It was so amazing to see these two ancient ones come together and interact. It was as if I was taken back into a timeless space and was getting the opportunity to remotely view, like a fly on the wall, this intimate little gathering.

I hope you enjoy the photos and short videos I took, so that you can experience the energy of this beautiful bonding that took place. It was sad to part them, but they are forever connected and will see each other next time we visit for another play date.

Time to Register – You’ve Embodied the Vibration Now Check Out What’s in Store As a Result

arc dockWe are just under 3 weeks away now (19 days to be exact) to immersing in our upcoming Summer Solstice journey in Bimini, Bahamas. As always the energy is gently building and the experience feels surreal surrounding the new energy that this intimate experience holds.

You may find resonation in reading today’s post, if you haven’t already, about embodying the vibration of what you desire. It speaks to how we create what we want and how we assist others as well by being in vibrational alignment. If you really work with this concept, you can create a dream experience like this. I know many have shared frustration in feeling experiences like this are out of the question, or that it just will have to wait. I also know many who have and are creating the very same dream experiences even when once they felt challenged.

There are many new elements to this year’s trip (new focuses, fun explorations, Vortex on the Summer Solstice, always gifts from me, new shop, and additions to the center), including some amazing new team members (new yoga instructor and raw chef, as well as onsite musician) at The ARC that create a wonderful synergy I’m really looking forward to.

Each trip is so different and this retreat especially feels to hold a lot of lightness and flow, as well as surprises that come along with that shop stuffflow. And the group dynamics of each trip is always so unique as well.

I always find that the retreats attract just the people and size of group that are meant to be together and to work with the current energy. It’s all Divinely orchestrated and perfect. I just love it.

You have up until 1 week before the trip – that’s June 9th (only 12 days from now) – to register.

shopCharters are filling up, as people enjoy coming to the island for its warm summer weather and balmy nights. Although winter is considered high season, people prefer traveling in the summer because of the calmer and warmer waters – like silken baths of crystalline aqua.

So, do be sure to make decisions soon. It may be a while before I am back in Bimini to host a retreat so I do hope to see and support your experience this summer.

bimini watersI’ve written so much about the energy in Bimini, what it’s like swimming with dolphins, the ways in which the energy can transform your life and assist you with your healing, empowerment, and dreams, the magic of it all and what it means to me…that I’d rather let others speak for their experiences and let you explore your heart in these last few days to see if you are diving in to join us.

dolphinsSo I hope you enjoy these words below from the heart’s of others and photos of some of the wonderful food creations from our new chef, along with dolphins from the swims this last week in Bimini. (click on photos to enlarge – most food photos have a description in the link when you do)

If you would like to register, please contact me at And visit Summer Solstice Bimini Retreat for more information. 

“If you have the opportunity to work with Tania Marie, jump at it!  Although I had been following her online posts for some time before joining her in Bimini, Bahamas for a 12/21/12 transformation and Reiki training, I didn’t truly understand what a shining star she is prior to spending time with her in person.  I believe arc breakfastthe things Tania has to teach have to be transmitted in person, and even though she is a great writer, words don’t suffice to explain what her energy transference feels like or how it can change your life.  As a former litigator, my left brained skeptical side is awfully well developed, but Tania helps you reconnect to your heart and its deepest desires.  She works true “magick” and I feel blessed to know her.” ~Kate Ladd, Newport Beach, California –

arc-food“Tania – thank you so much! I feel an abundance of gratitude in my heart for finding you, Jenny and the wonderful people in our group. It was a profound experience and I am eternally grateful for your kind, loving guidance and wisdom. You are a rare gem indeed. You facilitated a wonderfully safe environment to learn and grow and I’m excited because I know there will be more journeys with you in the future!!” ~Yvonne Lopez, La Habra, California

“Tania Marie is a beacon of light and love inside and out, shining brightly on a moment-to-moment basis.  From my first interaction with her online, to phone conversations, to meeting her in person, I felt safe, secure, inspired, and energized.  Genuinely and naturally connecting with others with her quinoa cinnamon almond breakfast bowl with tropical fruit medley and coconut milk and banana pineapple mango smoothieaffable, personable nature, from student to client to friend, Tania is a very effective teacher, guide, and practitioner.  Though my Reiki certification was in an accelerated manner, I felt my sensitivities to learning this new practice were supported by Tania.  She relayed information at a pace that worked for everyone who was part of the training and made sure individual attention was given as needed.  I always felt like I was in good hands (pun intended) and am excited to incorporate my newfound practice into my daily life and Life Nutrition Coaching business.  Thank you, Tania!

dolphinsThe Cosmic Activation Reiki Retreat at the ARC in Bimini was exactly the life-enhancing experience I was looking for – and more, in fact.  I have to thank my Reiki Master Teacher, Tania Marie, for coming into my life when she did – to inspire, motivate, support, and provide the opportunity for me to grow and expand spiritually and energetically.  My childhood dream of swimming with dolphins in the wild came true on the very first day and set the tone for an expansive and connective week. The team at the ARC were gracious hosts and hostesses, and the ARC allowed me to live, eat, and just be in such a simple, raw, natural state; I achieved a full physical, mental, and spiritual cleanse during my time in the Bahamas and returned home with a deeper, fresh perspective and presence.  Highly recommended to anyone and everyone, whether for vacation or a trip of self-exploration, raw-vegan-sushidiscovery, and growth.  I look forward to future retreats at the ARC – who knows, maybe I’ll host my own someday!” ~Steven Todd Smith, Life Nutrition Coach,Ahimsa Life Coaching, Los Angeles, CA

“Thanks Tania for organizing and leading an unforgettable trip to Bimini.  The group dynamic was incredible and enriching for all.  Your Reiki classes were great, and I am glad to have had the attunements.  I have been doing Reiki self-healing frequently since the trip.  So it was great new friends, raw food, Reiki, yoga, wild Dolphins and watching the sunrise at the beginning of the new Mayan long count calendar.  Thanks again for making it happen. Love and light” ~Don Trapp, Orlando, FL

chickenless raw vegan salad with sweet ginger dressing and carrot onion bread“The time I spent in Bimini was one of the most magical and transformative times of my life. To be surrounded by such shining, unconditionally loving people was in itself such a gift. Each person who was called to join carries so much wisdom and light to share. One leaves knowing what it is truly like to be surrounded by like minded soul family. It is nourishing, it’s uplifting, and it will  transform you, as each person holds trigger keys to your soul’s evolution. Having Tania there to teach and support the collective journey is truly a gift. Tania has a graceful strength and quite wisdom that gently facilitate whatever intentions one may have in a way that feels so safe and loving. She is a very powerful, intuitive woman who exudes the ancient mysteries and unconditional love in service.” ~Cassie Margraf, Sonoma, CA – Crystal Eden

dolphin-arc2“It has been more than a month since I went on Tania’s Atlantis Rejuvenation Center retreat. Words can still not describe what I experienced during those 6 days on Bimini – it was truly priceless. I feel an abundance of pure love, peace and gratitude radiating from me every day as a result of the journey and I have formed nurturing friendships for life. For that alone I am forever grateful for Tania’s retreat. Her Reiki attunement has changed my life and I feel love, comfort and joy in her presence. Tania is an inspiration and leads by example and is a genuinely caring and giving spirit…I am so thankful to be walking on the path with her and when the time is right, I look forward to going on another one of her retreats!!!” ~Melissa Bradley, Laguna Beach, CA – Bradley Communications & Wellness Coach with Herbalife

“I am so grateful for meeting you and for witnessing the grace, beauty and devotion to service that you embody.” ~Jenny Yemaya, Owner/Facilitator of The ARC and idetox Holidays, Interspecies Communicator & Hippocrates Health Educator, Florida & Bimini


Embodying the Vibration of What You Desire to Assist Yourself and Others

cosmic buddha

Everything you choose to feel sets a certain vibration within you and as a result, attracts a certain vibration without. The vibrations we embody bring back the effects to the source of origination – you.

None of this is a punishment being handed down to you in any way, it is simply that all vibrations offered come back to us with corresponding manifestations. No judgment. Simple energy creating energy for divine unfolding of energy experiencing energy.

There are many layers that could be addressed, as I know this hits home sometimes for people wondering why such tormenting experiences take place, but for sake of this post let’s just focus on the concept of vibration creating vibration, as some things take a little more exploring than can be done in a blog post. And some of this is a subtle shift in perspective and offers a different way to view concepts we have learned that can take things to a whole new level.

Let’s explore a bit further.

Critical thoughts and emotions towards others unfortunately end up limiting your own progress. They don’t add benefit to anything, as the other person will likely increase their behavior of the very thing you are criticizing and you will be immersed in unproductive energy drains on yourself.

Emotions and thoughts cannot contradict each other in order to clearly create what you desire. The source of your feelings stem from inside and are a choice of free will.

“I must be aware of bad things, and guarded about bad things, and I must watch out for bad things by trying to guide myself toward good things. You can’t do both at the same time. You can’t watch out for bad things, and allow good things at the same time. It is vibrationally not possible.” ~Abraham Hicks

You can check in with your vibration by being mindful and conscious about things you are feeling in each moment. Take note of how you are feeling in situations. And when you become aware of your feeling, it will provide clues to how you can change it at will. Feelings indicate vibrations that then indicate manifestations in direct result.

Finances are a huge thing people find they have unhappy and frustrated feelings about. If you are unhappy about your financial situation, does that help or hinder? While it can be challenging in the heat of things, especially when you feel discouraged or energetically spent, it will not support you to make more money, by spending more or all of your energy being angry or fretting about it, or even denying the situation. You will create less money because your vibration is not happy and this will attract more events and people and situations that you “think” are making you even more unhappy with your financial situation, and even attract others that are in the same vibrational feeling and mind-set to support you in feeling justified for your feelings.

Again, this isn’t something to blame yourself for, as for one, it’s not something that was taught to you for most of your life. We have all seen our parents, and society, over time, struggle, work hard, sacrifice, and do all the external manipulations possible. Not to mention we have things in our soul history that we are still carrying in relation to acquired beliefs. But now we have other options in this now moment. Our conditions are not independent and external causes. They are simply effects.

One of the most effective tools is to change your perspective to that of gratitude and satisfaction for your situation – in this case, your finances, and what they are sharing with you. Of course there is exploration of your core feelings surrounding money, how you were raised to believe about it, your own internal value, worthiness, self-appreciation, security, fears, responsibility, and abundance mentality that will benefit you to look into and work at integrating. But while you are doing so, you can start being mindful of your thoughts and feelings so you can shift them a bit more each day and start embodying a new vibration that reflects more favorably for you. You can start to stand in alignment with your vibrational source that is wholeness.

I know that for me, I even have gratitude and take pleasure in paying my bills, being grateful that I have the ability to do so and am part of the cycling of energy in and out. I also take leaps to support what I want to create. I don’t let myself get in my own way. I act as if I already have what I desire. I only align with vibrational matches and listen to wise discernment that is in resonance only with that vibration I am holding. I do the things I love. I extend myself in the direction of what is in alignment with who I am, even if I have no idea how it will happen, or how I will get the money or ability to do it. And then I keep believing, as I move forward, without allowing any fear or worry to step in, trusting that everything is in Divine order. Knowing that when I take care of myself in this way, I will be taken care of. I constantly trust that I am always supported, have everything I need, that my natural state is that of abundance, that everything is in consistency with being for the highest good of all concerned, and that I am in the right place, at the right time, doing the right thing. And if in the event what I was working at creating didn’t come about as I may have pictured, I know that it will come out in an even better way than I could ever have imagined.

The Universe doesn’t care or pose questions as to why you vibrate a certain way. It is non-judgmental and an unconditional observer. It merely reflects with experiences to match your vibration that fits your chosen evolutionary needs.

Everything has a vibrational frequency. This is why working with sound and energy can be so powerful, as they cut through to the core essence of things where your mind has the opportunity to step out of the way. Your body, brain waves, DNA, words, feelings, colors, food….all have a vibrational frequency.

I know for myself, that if I want to shift how I feel, aid what I am focusing on creating, heal something, or take things to a new level, I work at shifting my vibrational frequency to come into alignment with more of who I am in natural wholeness, in a way that will match that which I am wanting, as well as will assist, rather than hinder.

This involves many different aspects, to include even the food that I am intuitively guided to eat, activities I engage in, the language I use and how I communicate more in alignment with who I am. But taking food as an example, I have found that when I shift vibrationally, or when I am in process of shifting, my dietary needs shift as well to crave or want only certain foods to match that vibration. Food has been a big source of support for me in lightening or creating more density when I need it.

For example, I am currently in another phase of major expansion and shifting at a new vibration and this has increased my sensitivities to foods, which in effect is simply my body knowing how best to support where I am headed and what foods will and will not help that.

I don’t have severe, life-threatening allergies, but I do have allergies or, better yet, physical “reactional messages” that have been speaking what is a vibrational match for me always. The difference between then and now, is that I am conscious of the message and I listen, whereas it took me time in the past to understand. I never set out to change my food, it just naturally starts happening because of the vibrational shifts I make. I don’t even like calling things “allergies,” as I feel it more aligned to just say my body is messaging me as to something going on that is vibrationally imbalanced. No bad or good about it. No right or wrong. Simply, a vibrational adjustment is in order.

I’ve gone through these shifts a lot, in subtle or very profound ways. Several years ago between 2007 and beginning of 2010 I was led to be 100% raw. This assisted the major life changes, including divorce, I was going through, amping up my energy and making a huge leap in new ways and with my business. Then I began incorporating more cooked and grounding food energy that little by little increased until taking over perhaps 80% of my intake. This assisted me in reintegrating back into body more fully and grounding, and also helped in manifestation. Then as I began spending tons of time in nature, the need for the grounding foods no longer was necessary and along with another huge leap, expansion and major shifts taking place now, having so much grounding food plus nature was creating a heaviness and density to a degree unnecessary and felt like an anchor I was towing, plus created physical messaging to take note of. So hence, a shift came to be again just recently.

We are always in process of finding our balance. And for me, being ultra-sensitive, I immediately make modifications to all things in my life to assist that, rather than proceeding so I blow my energy out, as in the past, or start getting stressed, frustrated, or anxious. All of this in effort to vibrationally align myself within and without and to operate in consistency to my beingness, rather than be in conflict with or create inner turmoil that will only deplete my energy rather than fuel it.

My personal vibrational balance now has me back to being extremely high (90%) raw vegan, gluten-free, mostly nut-free, sugar-free except from natural sources like dates and fruits and eating VERY SIMPLE, whole foods in their natural state (tons of veggies and fruit mostly) added with only a few cooked grounding things like yams, quinoa, and legumes and warmed soups of veggies and legumes that are perfectly vibrationally matched. Nothing processed (even if all natural), so not even things like tempeh or tofu. Likely not very creative or tasty to other people, but for me is total yum and creates high vitality.

This is just one of the ways I work with my vibrational alignment to support my needs and to keep balanced and naturally in tune with Source within. I immediately feel the results and my physical body also shifts in response to the vibrational match taking place. And this all assists the new I am creating and the changes I am making, as well as aligns me with my personal nature. The more ways we integrate that resonance on all levels, the more we are able to experience vitality and empowerment, and draw to us the things we desire with more ease and grace – pure alchemy at work.

We each need to find that vibrational balance and resonance for ourselves, keeping mindful of how you are feeling in all moments so you can listen to the messages and make the corresponding adjustments.

Unconditional love, harmony, joy, gratitude, appreciation, seeing yourself whole, healthy, and abundant…all raise your vibration and get you in touch with your unlimited energy Source. Fear, denial, resentment, anger, worry, focusing on the things you want not to have in your life… will lower your vibration and produce experiences of limitation, lack and further creation of the things you do not desire. Fear isn’t always clearly outlined for you. It can hide ingeniously behind other masks and ego will devise ways for you not to find it.

Another aspect to vibration, is how when you align with your own vibrational Source, you will be of most benefit to others in helping them align with their own. Not much different than the “be the change” message, but taken to another degree.

This concept I was anchoring in and exploring this morning was perfectly expressed through a video coming from Abraham Hicks – one that holds a very similar message I have shared in my workshops where I utilize a bridge example of supporting someone into their wholeness when they are in the challenge of a current vibrational story. So, for me, I resonate deeply with this concept since it reflects my own beliefs.

In short, I’ve summarized the video’s message, but please do see where it takes you and what it brings up for you. It may be a concept challenging to grasp, as it takes things we have come to learn to another level in regard to our concept about compassion that can make the next difference in experience potentially. There are some key aspects in the message that may take time to fully understand or embody, if you feel so inclined to do so. I find that it’s always the subtle perspectives that create the next shifts. Some of them really challenging our current accepted concepts.

As always, do with it as feels vibrationally supportive and matching to your resonance.

Here is the video message summary:

Be a vibrational match to others so you can be of best assistance to them. Bring others into fullness of who they are by standing in the vortex and only bridging the vibrational pathway rather than leaving the vortex to join them in what they are feeling. If you don’t tend to your alignment with your vibrational Source, you have nothing to give to others. Everyone has Source energy flowing in abundance to them and if they are not receiving it easily they have made their claim. Never sacrifice your vibrational alignment with some misguided understanding about what true compassion is. One who is connected to a stream of well-being is more powerful than a million who are not.  True compassion is pure resonance with who someone really is in their wholeness. When you stand in your utter knowing of who someone is, you can call them to you/Source. Focus on wellness. Stand as the focal point of well-being and others are drawn right into that. See people for how they really are, not as they believe themselves to be. You can’t focus on where someone is at now and who they really are at the same time. You are always making that choice. You guide people to the knowledge of the solution rather than compassion for the problem. Vibrationally being who they are and beaming a vibration that is indescribable and you beam like a satellite dish, this vibration closer so they have access. Be a vibrational match to who people really are so in your assistance to others you don’t leave the vortex. Everything you say and share is about bringing others into fullness. Jesus never focused on people’s illnesses. He connected only with the person’s wholeness, health and well-being and people then experienced the fullness of well-being.

This applies to self and collective simultaneously. Stand in your vibrational Source for the experience you desire. Stand in your vibrational Source to assist others to do the same.

We’re all on different journeys and a variety of approaches are therefore inevitable and valid. There are people holding space for more ways and other potentials and possibilities. I think the key is in being mindful of the energy and vibration you are holding when engaged in something and gauging how it affects you, your experiences in life as a result, as well as the actual effects collectively, and then proceed with adjustments where needed in terms of effects desired. That may mean making adjustments in all areas of beliefs, thoughts, words spoken, feelings, perspectives, actions, and even food you eat…all being assistive to helping you embody, and therefore manifest, the vibration you desire.

We are in constant evolution. This is the beauty of free will and life. Life is an evolution of experiential growth.

Celebrating the Full Moon – Lunar Eclipse Super Moon in Sagitarrius


Avalon, Catalina Island

I had a really beautiful day yesterday in the port city of Avalon, Catalina Island. It was a great way to kick off the Sagitarrius Full Moon Energy (I happen to have my Moon in Sagitarrius) and tonight we’re planning dinner and a Full Moon hike with a group we put together (to continue with the energy) and today, heading down to the Mission at San Juan Capistrano for outdoor explorations. Can’t think of better ways right now that feel energetically enlivening to me.

Yesterday was so perfect, as the weather couldn’t have been more made-to-order. The boat ride to and from was full of young kids who were full of laughter, fun, and high energy, which mirrored the exuberant, inner child energy of this Sagittarius Moon and a good approach to seeing things lightly, humorously, and through the eyes of unlimited, imaginative possiblities.

cat32We decided to roam and relax, take in the city, check out some cool shops – our favorite was Bay of Seven Moons that had beautiful crystal and stone jewelry, teak Buddha statues, and more eclectic sacred fun. We walked and sat by the water. We even discovered Cafe Metropole, which was a wonderful vegan gem find where we enjoyed homemade creations – the soup being our favorite – Curried Lentil with Lemon Zest. Wow! And a woman in the courtyard saw us admiring and unable to take our hands off this velvety plant (which we’re still trying to figure out the name of) told us we could go ahead and take one home to plant, which we did. And the day ended with a greeting from a huge pod of about a hundred dolphins on the way back home.

catalinaNeedless to say, I’m feeling refreshed and is exactly what felt supportive to the work I’m engaged in right now.

Briefly, as promised, wanted to just highlight a few things with the Full Moon energy for you. It is a Lunar Eclipse Super Moon in Sagitarrius, as astrologers call it. Sagitarrius is a fire sign and is a mutable way of expression, represents to us the things that motivate and passionately drive us to meaning in our life – the fuel to our fire. And is an expansive, integrative, higher mind and wisdom, belief, vision and optimistic energy to our consciousness that brings these things to light and the forefront of our attention.

Any false or limiting beliefs, old ideas and visions, anything no longer serving your greatest growth and path, are being brought into focus during this Full Moon. Transformation is necessary to achieve those passions. Things may seem distorted and exaggerated, so you will have to utilize your ability to see through to the core of things so as not to get caught up in the chatter. All unresolved emotional issues and things not yet integratively healed get illuminated.

cat3The Sun is also in Gemini and Neptune is in Pisces (interestingly again, I have Neptune in Pisces). This all lets us know to slow down and take heed of things so you can become clear in what you are actually feeling and thinking before taking action, making decisions, and even allowing triggers to incite you. Neptune in Pisces has the ability to distort your way of seeing things because it is such a mutable, flowy, imaginary energy..however it is also the energy of a visionary and so you can “see” your way through, if you embrace the energy and not fight it. That may mean to just be patient and relax, and wait for clarity and things to settle.

Take some conscious time off to just receive, like I am, and you will regain more connective focus.

Try not to take things personally, as this is a sensitive time period as well and conflicts can erupt if you aren’t staying present and mindful of the energy that is just moving through.

cat30The Sun in Gemini asks us to look at both sides and to now integrate things with our higher mind from that place of detached, unconditional love and compassion for self and others. It is an air element, so the mind comes into play a lot here and the tendency to over-analyze. Don’t get lost in the mind chatter and the word games or tit for tat . Listen well with your heart before you reply and respond.

Take note of things coming into closure and cycles of completion. Celebrate the symbolic doors opening and closing and doing so in harmony. Be ready to let go and to be ready for new, expansive opportunities in the process. Dream big and don’t lose sight of who you are at heart. Keep on your path, as things are shifting, and take care of yourself inside and out to keep enlivened through the process. Be open for change in all forms!

Mystic Mamma always has some great thoughts from astrologers that are highlighted. You can find more insightful information on the Full Moon energy here:

Lunar Eclipse SuperMoon in Sagitarrius May 24th-25th, 2013 from Mystic Mamma

Off to Avalon


Avalon by *Iribel

I have a roundtrip ticket to Avalon today…Avalon, Catalina Island that is 🙂

Avalon is a mystical and magickal Isle in the “other world” of the Faery realm. It is an island that is said to have been the resting spot of great warriors, a calm and peaceful sanctuary and place of healing. It is said the island is where Caliburn (sword of the stone) and Excalibur (sword of the lake) were forged. And where Lancelot, was raised by the Lady of the Lake and where the Holy Grail first stood.

As Miranda Sophia Solace of Avalon Beyond shares:

“This Island is a realm between the worlds, an entrance in to the underworld and has been for centuries and indeed millennia a site of initiation and worship. Featuring strongly in Arthurian Legend, the Isle has captured the imagination of many who have visited there experiencing the peace and rebirth of this ancient mysterious gateway to the Goddess.”

And today, Avalon is where this wee faery will be.

As I live a symbolic life and this morning appears to have misted, clouded gray skies (reminding me of my painting, Mists of Avalon) that I’ll be journeying across the waters on the boat over through, why not it be that this “Avalon” may be my “realm between worlds” for the day. It certainly feels so, and being that it is on the threshold of the Lunar Eclipse Super Moon in Sagitarrius of 5/24-25, it is once again an interesting and powerful symbolism I did not know I was creating when I first made these reservations over a month ago.

Seems to hold a poignant meaning for me today and I’m sure I’ll soon find out what that is.

So I’m off like a faery to my magickal sanctuary just directly across the water from where I live to take a day off to refresh, renew, receive inspiration for the large projects I’m working on, and to kick off this fun weekend ahead.

I’ll write more about the Full Moon energies, some shifts, and other fun stuff over the long Memorial weekend.

Every day is a chance to create a little magick. I hope you are creating your own. It’s always there to embrace.

Timothy Glenn ~ Uranus Square Pluto Part Three

This is an interesting share with insights on what many of you I know are feeling along with helpful hints on how to more gracefully move through things from the amazingly talented, man-of-many-hats Tim Glenn – astrologer, numerologist, spiritual reader and teacher, sound healer, channeler, lecturer, past life regression therapist, and more! Tim is a dear soul friend of both Laura and me. Thank you both for sharing a message that reciprocates so much of what I have been receiving.

Laura Bruno's Blog

This post felt like a nice little birthday gift yesterday from my friend, Tim Glenn. If you’ve been feeling the surging sadness that seems way beyond your own grief (encompassing instead the oppression of our entire planet), or if you’ve felt a boiling irritation that threatens to explode in large bursts of uncontrollable truth, praying that the sleepers wake up now before things get even more intense and screaming-in-your-face obvious … well, let’s just say, you’re not alone. 😉 Tim explains the astrological energies beyond an increasingly difficult-to-suppress urge to shout from the mountain tops: “Let freedom ring….”

Uranus Square Pluto Part Three:

Revolution Number Nine

Here in May of 2013, we have reached the third of seven exact squares of Uranus to Pluto, as the planets of evolution and revolution square off in their series of worldchanging influences. The conjunction of these planets in the Sixties kicked off…

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