Monthly Archives: September 2013

Earth Angels

earth-angelYou have likely all experienced, at some time or another, the love and synchronous encounters of angelic presence in your life.

Angels come in many forms and are not just the ethereal messengers from beyond this Earthly dimensional experience. They also come through as divine encounters with mysterious strangers, service-loving human beings, helpful animals, insightful dreams, symbols and signs, music, nature, through words spoken, and whispers heard.

The common thread weaving them together is that they always radiate love to everything and everyone, spark inspiration, and emanate life-affirming hope in the moment you may need it the most, in answer to what you had been asking, or in support of the actions you had started taking in the direction of self-love.

We are constantly being supported and whether you believe in other-dimensional realities or not, or have taken to heart the small appearances of support in your life that come in varying packages, you ARE loved.

And what seems to be happening, more and more, is that the supernatural is becoming much more tangible, as each of us turns on our heart lights and dials up our frequencies a notch or two.

Heaven on Earth is what we are creating and dialing in, as more people decide to walk with a lighter, more loving and compassionate, consciously present foot.

The increase of angelic experiences is taking form in angels that live within human form – angels in disguise, if you may. And not only do these encounters become increasingly more prevalent, but what it is showing us is that we each embody divinity and the more we integrate that reality into our experience, the more Earth angels reveal themselves.

We don’t only have help from beyond the veils, but indeed have help right smack in front of us disguised as family, friends, and strangers we cross paths with.

Angelic presence is a state of grace that channels through sometimes the least of expected people and experiences and it is just that “random” quality that is unassuming, simple, and yet poetically profound, that reveals their identity.

Earth angels may be the person you walk by on the street, the person behind the checkout counter, the homeless person smiling at you on the park bench, the eighty year-old tending their garden next door, the construction-working dad living in the slums, the handicapped, the dolphin that rescues a surfer from a shark, the dog that saves a family from a burning house, the college student sitting across from you at Starbucks studying, and even the well-dressed executive woman waiting for a taxi beside you.

And an Earth angel may even be you.

The souls who are sharing joy with everyone they meet, are making the world a better place by their loving examples, and are sharing a glimpse of Heaven on Earth through the smiles, love, joy for life, and acts of genuine service that for them is like breathing itself…these are true angels.

Earth angels are sensitive souls that incarnate for the express purpose of helping the planet and humanity as a whole. They are always in the right place at the right time and for the most part, are unaware that they are these “light reflectors” and can even have gone through tremendous challenges in life themselves, because it is this that creates opportunity for most growth and deepens the heart’s compassion.

This moment is a wonderful time to share gratitude for all the beauty that IS evident in life through the beautiful expressions of love around us daily. This moment is opportune to be present and recognize the person across from you or that you next meet in your day with a reciprocating smile, hello, and warmth. This is a great opportunity right now to start really listening to what someone is sharing when they speak to you, rather than being off in your mind chatter or list of to-do’s for the day. This is also a perfect moment to honor yourself, for the constant ways you express your love even if you think it is unnoticed, for the pure expression of it “just because”, out of the sake of love itself, is all that matters.

3 People Have Opportunity to Receive a FREE Reiki Healing Attunement Each Month ~ Actively Integrating Your Experience

Don’t forget!! Today is the last day to send in your email entry shares. I will be announcing the three people who will receive the FREE Reiki Healing Attunement tomorrow, Tuesday, October 1st. All entries must be received in by midnight tonight, September 30th. Three people each month will receive a FREE Reiki Healing Attunement from me. This is a $55 value totaling $165 of services each month I’ll be sharing along with my daily posts. Read on for all the details.

Tania Marie

starfishThis morning I woke up with intuitive guidance to present a gift of service that supports integrative healing. I dedicate my life to sharing from my heart, seeds to support souls to come more into their fullness in gentle and subtle ways that create a more authentic and invigorated way of living from passionate truth. In essence, inspirations to mirror the wholeness you are and the reminder of your highest potentials from the source of love that is innately you. In so doing, this harmony and grounded balance you embody more from within, then reflects without.

Between my Facebook pages and blog, I daily invest my heart energy into this sharing for whom ever might be listening and for whom ever may be ready to courageously step into a new way of experience.

The gift I am going to offer will be monthly through the end of this year, unless no…

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Becoming the YOU-nicorn

unicornI was talking about Unicorns on  a beach walk Thursday with my friend and since then Unicorns have been on my mind – their significance as our higher potentials and boundless possibilities.

Yesterday I had been led to a perfect expression from Penney Peirce in her book, “Frequency – The Power of Personal Vibration” and having her book in the foreground of my thoughts, I remembered her reflection about Unicorns as the mirror of purified vibration when you love and make space for your Higher Self to Be.

I loved the essence of what she stated, directly mirroring the concepts that had been stirring from Unicorn revealing herself to me the other day. And so her thoughts evoked this message from my own heart, which expound upon some of the para-phrased expressions she shared and end with the sonnet she quoted that so eloquently conveys these thoughts.

There is nobody else that is going to do the things you need to do or make the changes for you, except you. Likewise, we can’t make others change. So instead of waiting for something/someone to help, improve, or shift the experience, remember that it is YOU who needs to do it. YOU need to love yourself enough to commit responsibly to integrative action.

If you are experiencing challenges and triggers all around you, find it in yourself to be grateful for these Collective Consciousness gifts that are messaging and nudging you, out of love, to take notice of. Everything may seem like some grand devised plan to sabotage and punish you, yet I assure you it is NOT. If we feel this, it is our own beliefs that is making this so.

The Universe has no judgments. The Universe operates by Free Will and Cause and Effect, but not in terms of bad or good, right or wrong. It is all an evolutionary experience and like Nature, we will go through our seasons of change, as well as deaths and rebirths, both literally and symbolically. Yet, consciousness is eternal and all-encompassing.

That being said, there is nothing wrong with having ideals and to intend toward your highest. This is a natural flow of your highest visions vibrating through you. During the course of your life you will have many experiences to provide the depth you’ve chosen to learn for the soul purposes set out before entering this particular expression of you.

There are many other probable realities of you, and will continue to be, but for now you have chosen to focus on this version and with it there are daily experiences, tasks, and reminders you will grow through.

But no matter what you focus on at any particular moment or on any particular day, your real work is to demonstrate, expand, and be love in the highest way relative to your given focus.

Every second you are recreating yourself. As you read this, you have already journeyed through a new cycle of vibrational experience. We each help each other – the Collective – by holding and keeping our vibration at the highest frequency possible, always, and by realizing the connectedness of why this is so important not just for yourself, but for All.

We are all each a thread of the web of life and of consciousness itself. Yes, YOU are an integral and significant part of Everything, regardless of knowing or believing that. But when you do actually realize this and start living from that realization, you will actively and responsibly feel a greater inspiration and passion towards everything you think, feel, and do.

It all DOES matter. YOU matter. And as you are me, there is never anything we are doing in isolation.

We are all helping each other with every choice that we make. To say your choices don’t matter and that you are just one person whose voice and actions are meaningless, is a huge misunderstanding. Every one of you is a light in this world and the more you shine that light, the more reflections of it you will see in domino-effect within your circles of relationships AND across the globe, and this will return to you in greater experiences of actualized abundance.

Gone are the days of talking about what you DON’T want and perpetuating these old, stuck stories. NOW are the days of holding only the vibration of what you envision for yourself and maintaining that wholeness of vibration. You will find that when your emotions, thoughts, beliefs, and actions are all aligned and operating at high frequency, this will be the change you desire.

When you come to love and have gratitude for every piece of your experience and make room for the possibilities you choose to seed, a new reality within you will blossom forth that reflects this vibration and takes you into the the wild beyond.

We are each growing in exponentially amazing ways and are always recreating in ways we never could have imagined, as well as will continue to expand beyond the fears and blocks we DID once imagine – all of this manifesting into the stuff dreams are made of and yes YOU are that dream, dreaming itself alive.

The realization that we are of the One Universal Heart is becoming a more widely felt experience, and the new and true reality. You are waking to the you that always was, in what ever way relative to each. And experiences will directly reflect that relative choice.

And, like the magickal and mystical Unicorn in Rilke’s sonnet below, your ideal, Higher, unified, pure, expansive, true….Self – in the realization of All That Is and You Are – just may come to be through the open-hearted love you embody and by your allowing space for its expansive wholeness to emerge.

O, this was the animal that never was.

They did not know, but loved him anyway:

his smooth neck, graceful movements, 

and the quiet light in his eyes.

True, he never was. But since they loved him,

a pure creature came to be. They made space for him.

And in this space, so clear and free and unbounded, 

he easily lifted up his head and barely needed

what we call existence.

They nourished him, not with grain,

but always with the possibility of Being.

And this endowed the creature with such power

that a horn grew out of its forehead. One horn.

He went to a virgin, glistening white – and there,

inside a silver mirror and inside her, he was.

~ Rainer Maria Rilke, Sonnets to Orpheus 2/4

translated from the German by Rod McDaniel

Reaching the Magickal Turning Point May Not Feel So Magickal

ashes and snow

One of the stunning images from “Ashes and Snow” by Gregory Colbert

Today, after reflecting on the energy and themes of experiences circulating with people I know directly or indirectly, I had the inspiration to want to share some supportive words for anyone going through that turning point – the pivotal and transitional period in their life where things may not feel so good in the moment while the beautiful and perfect process unfolds.

Like anything, the words shared can trigger a shift, sometimes fully promote change if we are at that ready-stage, or are a stepping stone to further integrative healing to process, as we DO want to hit all the levels to the core of things, right? Not just understand mentally and regurgitate it verbally.  😉

I had the intent of what I wanted to say and yet was guided, instead, to go to my home library of books to see if anything wanted to channel through as a message. I do this now and then for myself and in general. I love to see what is perfectly reflected.

So I went to the shelves and asked to be led to the book that had some inspiring and supportive words for people on this topic and theme of finding peace within the chaos of clearing from old to new.

I then pulled out “Frequency – The Power of Personal Vibration” by Penney Peirce and just opened it to a page. What I found there was the same message I held intent to share, and in perfect expression. Gotta love synchronicity! 😉 

I felt to share what Penney has to say on this topic, for the people I know that are going through this, and for anyone else currently experiencing similar, as I fully resonate with her words here. Couldn’t have said it better, so I’ll let her words speak for themselves.

They can help shift how you are perceiving your current experience and from there, the curiosity and commitment to explore the real you can lead you to the next steps of creating anew.

The page was talking about reaching a “magical turning point” (she spells it magical rather than magickal, but given Wednesday’s post I think you know which meaning it is meant to express). 

Sending harmonious energy to your hearts.

Here is the excerpt from “Frequency”:

You’ve Reached a Magical Turning Point

You’ve been clearing your unhealthy feeling habits and learning to raise the frequency of your personal vibration. As you reach the crescendo of this clearing phase of the transformation process, life can become intense and chaotic and sometimes look hopeless. The old isn’t working; you may feel self-sacrificing, unimaginative, and unable to move forward. You’ve shifted the emphasis just enough from fear to love that your old reality has destabilized and the new reality of your soul is starting to break through. At this point, your life may malfunction and you may have to let go of goals, possessions, people, or parts of your lifestyle. You may lose whole aspects of your identity, your motivation and direction, and your comfortable habits. It’s important not to backtrack into more fight-or-flight reactions. What’s really happening is that your soul is saying, “You are not this old, limited self anymore. It’s time to discover who you really are and what you can do.” This is the point where the phoenix lights itself on fire and mysteriously turns to gold. It’s where you come face to face with the choice of who you really want to be.

How do you find your new identity? Should you be like your favorite hero or heroine? Don’t worry – you won’t need to copy anyone because your new identity will be uniquely yours, and it will fit you perfectly. But you won’t find it outside yourself. The answer is encoded in your home frequency, and if you live in your home frequency, your new identity will uncurl like a new leaf. While your outer world has been cracking and crumbling, internally you’ve been rebuilding and renewing yourself. Your invisible inner infrastructure is almost complete. The magical turning point in the transformation process happens when you stop paying attention to your old world, with all its hectic busyness and clutter, and shift your full attention to how your soul might recreate everything. The challenge here is that from your point of view within the hectic busyness, it looks like if you stop or let go, you’ll lose everything, fall into a void, and possibly fail and die. This of course, is the ego’s crazy, desperate view, not the soul’s. When it seems like you’re facing emptiness, you’re really about to find yourself again in a new and better way.

It’s Time to Relax and Let Go

Life compassionately gives you a connecting link, a phase between the old and the new. Like a ship going through the Panama Canal, you, too, will move through the “locks” of consciousness, gradually changing from a lower level to a higher one. To experience this period, all you have to do is relax. You don’t have to know everything about what your future will be or how your transformation is going to work. You can exhale, be less concerned with externals, and stop pushing. You don’t owe other people a description of your likes and dislikes, successes and failures, or plans for the future. You can be like your dog or cat: perfectly real, perfectly happy, and perfectly undefined. You’re a mysterious force peering out from two beautiful liquid eyes and radiating out from a happily vibrating body. You can be yourself without maintaining an ego. You’re not going to go Poof! and disappear if you let go.

Certainly, you’ll face moments when, as endings loom, your ego will precipitate various kinds of clever ploys to keep itself in control. The idea of pausing and “letting the fields lie fallow” for a short time begets cries of: “But I can’t stop! If I don’t do X, I’ll be alone,” or “I have bills to pay and people depend on me,” or “I’ll go off the deep end and drown.” Your ego will convince you to go back to an old job you’ve outgrown just to be secure or to become the flailing, out-of-control victim as your new identity. Your ego will always paint letting go as a black-and-white situation in which both options are about suffering: “Either I sacrifice myself by doing something that’s no longer right for me or sacrifice everything I have by falling into the void.”

Letting go is simply about a return to Being.

When done right, it’s about centering.

Letting go is not about sacrifice, nor does it breed lazy inactivity; it’s simply a return to Being. It is a shift from an assertive focus on action and results in a softer, intuitive state where you will “be with,” notice, and appreciate what’s in the moment with you. It’s about moving from noise into silence. When done right, letting go is about centering, and it always leads to your home frequency. 


3 More Days to Get in Your Email Shares to Receive a FREE Reiki Healing Attunement

Don’t forget!!

You have three more days to send in your email entry shares. I will be announcing the three people who will receive the FREE Reiki Healing Attunement on Tuesday, October 1st.

All entries must be received in by midnight on Monday, September 30th.

If you enjoy posts you read here on my blog or at my Facebook page and, as a result, have experienced shifts in your life or actively implemented change because of the way something touched you or shifted your perspective, then you may want to participate in the monthly give away I am offering. And if you’re new to my blog or page, but just have the desire to actively be accountable for taking tangible and integrative steps to create change, then you also may find this to be a way to take charge in your life.

Three people each month will receive a FREE Reiki Healing Attunement from me.

This is a $55 value totaling $165 of services each month I’ll be sharing along with my daily posts.

A Reiki Healing Attunement amplifies the energy available for healing and helps dissolve any energetic resistance and blocks, so the Reiki energy can work more quickly and more deeply to promote growth and integrative healing, as well as aid the creation and alignment for manifestations to take place.

For all details on how you can enter to receive this powerful gift, explore the link below:

FREE Reiki Healing Attunement

The Art of Magick – It Can Be Your Way Of Life

magickMagick is not an idea or ideal to me. Magick is a given, natural part of life available to us each to tap into. It tends to be overlooked, other words may be used to replace it, it hardly gets intentfully tapped into, many turn the other way when it happens, explain it away, or deny it altogether if it can’t be proven scientifically or otherwise by some other authority beyond your own heart authorization.

Magick is simply the miracle of life that is embodied in Nature (from which all things come and will return) and is this experiential experience of experience itself that YOU are creating to what ever degree you choose to consciously engage your innate powers to manifest.

People who live by “magick” know this to be the art of changing consciousness in alignment with true will by using natural energies available to us all. It is self-enhancement at its best, with the highest good of all built-in.

Some ask why magick vs. magic? There may be different schools of thought on this, and its history goes back farther than will be found documented, but for practical purposes the basis is a differentiation between performed techniques and parlor tricks (done by masters of illusion) for entertainment (magic) and natural techniques for harnessing energies, both internal and external, to create change within and without (magick).

By definition, magic tries to imitate magick, which is something that utilizes the subconscious to manifest changes within your consciousness.

That being said, words are words and their meanings are only such that we attach to them. So, whether you use “magic” or “magick” isn’t going to make a difference if you hold the meaning in your own heart, but some prefer it one way over the other, feeling strongly in the differences of definition above.

It’s said that Aleister Crowley (known for The Thoth Tarot) is credited with using the “k” spelling to create the difference between the two, however the word “magick” long precedes Crowley – there are older texts, before spelling was standardized, which reference “magick” in place of “magic.” And of course Ancient Shamans, Pagans, Witches, Wiccans, Wizards, Priests and Priestesses….all tapped into “magick” – the Elemental Energies that can be harnessed as part of a creative process to manifest.

It is also known by many different names including magick, prayers, miracles, life force, juju, karma, or simply energy.

For interest sake, Catherine Beyer shares:

“Aleister Crowley started using the work “magick” and gave several reasons why. The most often mentioned reason is to differentiate what he was doing with stage magic. However, such a usage is really unnecessary. Academics discuss magic in ancient cultures all the time and no one thinks they are talking about the Celts pulling rabbits out of hats.

But Crowley gave several other reasons why he used the term “magick,” and these reasons are often ignored. The central reason was that he considered magick to be anything that moves a person closer to fulfilling their ultimate destiny, which he called one’s True Will. By this definition, magick doesn’t have to be metaphysical. Any action, mundane or magical, that helps fulfill one’s True Will is magick. Casting a spell to get a boy’s attention is most certainly not magick.

Crowley didn’t choose this spelling randomly. He expanded a five letter word to a six letter word, which has numerical significance. (Hexagrams, which are six-sided shapes, are prominent in his writings as well.) “K” is the eleventh letter in the alphabet, which also had significance to Crowley.”

Needless to say, I prefer to use the word “magick” myself, but regardless of which you use, again, it is the meaning you hold about any word (or anything for that matter) that makes the difference. And for anyone who had questions about this, as I know many of you do  – some of which have already inquired – then you can understand why you see different forms of this word and how people may have particular preferences in terms of which they use.

That all being said, magick is something I believe is in our capability to create in our lives and naturally is being created because it is the basis of existence.

Each of us have experienced “magick” in one form or another…you know those times when things all just align and are effortless synchronicities that mirror your heart’s truest desires and are collective blessings simultaneously – times when you get those chills, can’t explain what just happened (nor do you feel the need to), and the experience simply feels enchanted and almost unbelievably out-of-this-world miraculous, yet so down-to-earth natural and as you always felt it “should” be.

There are way more experiences than I can begin to share in my own life since the time I set foot in this life experience, until now, that would fall into the “magick” category. And I hear countless stories from people about their “magickal” experiences. They all fuel the inspiration and belief for the rest of us to never give up hope and to consciously choose to live with more presence and empowered command of all of our senses in tune with the elements of Nature and consciousness itself.

But, for me, one “magickal” experience in particular came to mind to share that helps to truly defy all “ideas” of what IS and ISN’T possible.

It is not something I dreamed, nor imagined. And I was old enough to have discerning capabilities. Interestingly, a dear friend of mine recently had shared a dream in which she was given all of the “how’s” to explain how what I’m going to share is possible. And I remember her posting about it, saying she woke up feeling frustrated not able to actually make what was told to her IS possible, happen. I then told her, in hopes it would support her feelings and fuel the belief, “It IS possible and in fact, HAS happened to me.”

The experience took place when I was about 10 years old.

The experience was “breathing under water”.

I remember it as clearly as the day it happened. My brother and I were swimming over at our neighbor’s house where our two best girlfriends lived. We would spend hours in the pool and this one particular day was like all others, where we played many games. This game was “who could hold their breath longest” while we all were sitting in the jacuzzi. One person would stay up on the surface and watch for the winner. The other three would hold our breaths and go down under until we could hold it no longer. Pretty normal game, but this day was not “normal” – or was it?

I was down holding my breath and while I was, I remember the experience being almost like one I was observing and as if it was in a movie. I felt very relaxed and had a full breath, but was the youngest of everyone and tended to have weaker lungs when I was young, so chances were that I wouldn’t win. I don’t know what happened to make me do it, but something in me told me to start trying to breathe. It would seem like an odd thought, and yet I felt so naturally inclined to try it. Why not? I didn’t plan on doing it, nor thought it out, or was put up to it. It was just a natural inspiration that came through as an inner voice that I was inclined to curiously follow.

Seemed pretty impossible, right? But I went ahead. For some reason I knew that the way to go about it was to take very small, shallow breaths through my nose and so I did. And nothing happened. At least nothing you thought would have, like coming up to the surface choking on inhaled water. Instead, I found that nothing was coming into my nose at all, except oxygen. And my lungs kept supplied with air and I was relaxed and felt I could stay down there forever and would most definitely win.

It felt “normal” and I just remember feeling so free and expansive, while I was watching the others under the water struggle to hold on to their breath, but I was floating like a little fish.

And of course, win I did. As the others came up while I remained below. But it wasn’t long after they did, that a hand reached down and pulled me by the shoulder to yank me up. I remember being so mad that they’d interrupted this “magickal” moment that I didn’t know if I’d be able to do again, as I wasn’t sure how I did it in the first place.

I never told any of them at the time. I think I liked having my own magickal little experience to myself, with no need to try to convince anyone that it had actually happened, knowing nobody would believe me.

This became a constant in my life…defying definitions and ideas I’d been told or taught, and having unexplainable “miracles” take place – all of which continued to fuel the constant belief I would maintain throughout life – that ANYTHING is possible.

Being very empathic and impressionable, it would be a challenged journey to stand firm in that belief while processing and experiencing the things I was taught or conditioned with, but there was always an innate hope in me that was never killed and I believe is part of what got me to where I am now.

Regardless of how bad anything got, or even if I got off track and doubted, I would return again, renewed with continued and stronger belief, knowing there simply was more than the limitation of that moment. And I could change that.

Life constantly was filled with “magick” because the core part of who I was, believed, despite being thrown off course. It wasn’t consistent, because of needing to relearn what was natural, but was there enough to keep reiterating to me, like my soul’s alarm clock that had been pre-set upon coming into this life, knowing just when and how I would need to receive its ring.

And over time, more and more, I learned how it was that I could consciously create that “magick” in a way where I could synergize my conscious self with the innate parts of me that were always operating, in order to harness that creative power in bigger and bigger ways.

Just like we all have the ability to do. And I do feel it starts with belief.

How do the magickal things happen? They happen because of those moments when you are fully “tapped in” and are riding a wave unbounded by any limiting thoughts, beliefs, and feelings and you merge fully with the Oneness of your Divinity in wholeness.

Some people do this by conscious will, but most of the time we do it unconsciously – usually in the moments when you forget “trying” and “thinking” and start “naturally” being – just as I did down under that jacuzzi water. I was connected to that inner magickal child without boundaries, who wasn’t yet fully reshaped into something different.

The key is to learn to access this “magick” always and to tap back into that child within that is pure of heart and Source-innocent. And then, to become conscious of the processes of mastering elements and yourself, in ways that can produce consistent experiences by will.

Magick begins with believing in yourself and the possibilities of anything. It pushes you to go out of your conditioned comfort zones and to tap into the innate Universal gifts that are available by sharpening and purifying all of your senses. You are capable of creating anything and to do so intentfully.

You must be willing to step out of who you “think” you are and into who you “really” are.

With this kind of power, comes responsibility. So, if you aren’t willing to commit to responsible living, then you may not be ready to fully access these powers. Everything happens in synchronous timing, but the more you embrace your connectedness to all things, the more the hidden presence of magick will make itself clearly known in your life.

Magick can be the “norm” (and in reality IS and always WAS) but we are so used to operating outside of this innate way that the Universe/We is/are by default, that we think the less than “magickal” ways of life are what is considered natural and whatever “normal” means, while the “magick” is something supernatural and happens by chance, but hopefully with an explanation to “humanize” it. 😉

I believe in magick and I believe that anything we can imagine is possible. I choose to live as though magick is my experience of being human.

How about you?

Magick or magic, you can make it the experience of your life if you truly are ready for all that comes along with it and all you must leave behind in order to create it.

Letting Go Is Natural – We Make It Hard

Me at Crystal Cove BeachMake “letting go” as natural as the ocean washing over your footprints in the sand.

While what you once did left an imprint, as soon as it was done, it was gone….only to return back to the wholeness from which its finiteness momentarily emerged.

EVERYTHING is simply the passage of experience, ever-recreating itself from the fresh Unity of each moment.

Even though something stands out as significant now, we are shown how brief its true existence is when the Universe instantly and loving embraces it back to its Source.

Presence of the moment provides opportunity for renewal, over and over again. Nature reminds us of this constantly.

You are just a changing thought and feeling creating a now experience.

Last Day to Receive 22% Off All Crystals & FREE Reiki Reminder!

yellow andaraQuick Reminders Not to Miss:

Don’t forget that today is the last day of the Autumn Equinox Storewide Sale where you can enjoy 22% OFF of all crystals and Crystal Illuminations sacred paintings in my Etsy shop.

Use Coupon Code: AUTUMN22 when checking out.

See which ones call to you here: Crystal Illumination

givingAnd Don’t Forget:

If you enjoy posts you read here on my blog or at my Facebook page and, as a result, have experienced shifts in your life or actively implemented change because of the way something touched you or shifted your perspective, then you may want to participate in the monthly give away I am offering. And if you’re new to my blog or page, but just have the desire to actively be accountable for taking tangible and integrative steps to create change, then you also may find this to be a way to take charge in your life.

Three people each month will receive a FREE Reiki Healing Attunement from me. This is a $55 value totaling $165 of services each month I’ll be sharing along with my daily posts. A Reiki Healing Attunement amplifies the energy available for healing and helps dissolve any energetic resistance and blocks, so the Reiki energy can work more quickly and more deeply to promote growth and integrative healing, as well as aid the creation and alignment for manifestations to take place.

For all details on how you can enter to receive this powerful gift, explore the link below:

FREE Reiki Healing Attunement

The Relationship Between Sensitive People and Narcissists



How many of you, due to your ultra-sensitivities and ability to only see the good in others, have gotten into some pretty challenged friendships and relationships where you have felt the complete opposite of the love and generosity you started out feeling, and were left with anger, resentment, depletion, defeat, and hopelessness instead?

It’s hard for those of you who love so much to watch people go through things they do and not want to help and nurture them. But we know, at least mentally, that we need to look instead at where WE may not be loving and nurturing ourselves, as well as realize we have no responsibility for another person not doing the same for themselves.

If we redirect that energy into standing in our wholeness, this is the greatest gift we can give to another. And by fueling that love into productive channels of expression and service, where our energy and love is not in vain, we will be supporting the greater good.

Unconditional love is loving people exactly where they are on their path and allowing them the responsibility and freedom to choose their own journey. And we, too, have the ability to responsibly and freely choose ours as well.

We think, as loving and compassionate souls, that boundaries seem contradictory to the spiritual teachings and unity consciousness we have come to embrace. And yet, healthy boundaries are necessary to cultivate our wholeness in the name of unconditional love and compassion. This teaches the greatest lessons of walking in the light of our purity so that we can be true beacons of light for others, simply by example.

This is a great article by Deborah Ward about highly sensitive people and the unhealthy relationship co-dependency that frequently develops from that sensitivity. Deborah helps to shed light on the energetic dynamics that create these entanglements.

I know that I’ve gone through this pattern in my past, and what she says is what I came to learn over time, as I looked at the “root” of this pattern and the underlying message the imbalanced connections were teaching me.

I see this pattern a lot in others too, as a recurring theme that crops up. And it isn’t just in romantic relationships, but also within family dynamics, friendships, and people you meet during your day. There’s the misguided feeling that YOU are the one who must change them or help someone to “see the light”. And, there can also be feelings of entitlement coming from the people we engage with, who will feed on our weakened sense of what true compassion is.

If this speaks to your experience, then maybe taking time to really explore your feelings around these patterns and taking active steps to shift your approach may start to transform your experience around these kinds of unhealthy relationships. It all always begins with your relationship with yourself.

“Many highly sensitive people have asked me why they so often end up in relationships with narcissists or other negative types of people, who take advantage of us, drain our energy and take our kindness without giving anything in return. Whether these people are co-dependents, addicts, abusive, or narcissists, they disrespect our boundaries, blame, criticize and make us feel so bad about ourselves that we don’t have the energy to leave. So what is it about sensitive people and narcissists that creates such an attraction and leaves such a trail of destruction?” …..

Continue reading Deborah Ward’s entire article here: 

The Relationship Between Sensitive People and Narcissists

Celebrating Autumn’s Arrival on the 22nd with a 22% Off Storewide Special & More!

seasonal_fallleavesIf you aren’t signed up to receive my newsletter, I’m posting it here, as there were a couple of new offers in it, along with some reflections on the Autumn Equinox Energies we are transitioning into, that I hadn’t shared on my blog:

Time flows like sands through the hourglass…fluid and subtle. And so we find ourselves upon the changing seasons again, so mirroring of our own cycles of life and the energetic fluctuations that we are integrating.

September 22nd at exactly 4:44 the Autumn Equinox, for those of us in the Northern Hemisphere, will transition us into a new phase of restorative balance and abundant receiving from the foundations we have been building. We not only can honor the life-giving source (Sun), but can honor the life we’ve been given, taking stock of what is most beneficial to keep moving forward with, and what would be best left behind.

The symbolic animal of Autumn is the hare and it is also symbolized as a woman carrying bunches of grapes and a basket full of fruit. Each of these carrying their own reflections for us as we wander through the shorter growing days and longer nights, experiencing the briskness in the air that tantalizes new sensations to be conscious of….

You can continue reading here:

Autumn Equinox Specials & Free Give Aways

And if you wish to receive upcoming newsletters you can join my mailing list here:

Tania Marie


In this newsletter I shared the FREE Reiki Healing Attunement Give Away, which I posted about yesterday, as well as the “22 Special” to celebrate the Autumn Equinox tomorrow on the 22nd.

This special is an offer of 22% Off Storewide Sale of ALL items in my Etsy Shop, Crystal Illumination. You simply use Coupon Code: Autumn22 when checking out to receive this gift from me to you and enjoy the energy and support that the Crystal Illuminations sacred paintings and crystals have to offer.

This offer is only good until Monday the 23rd!

To check out the crystal offerings, please visit: Crystal Illumination

And check out the newsletter for the other 22 offer that involves many people’s favorite painting of mine, Eternal Harmony ~ The Journey Home.

Have a beautifully restorative and reflective weekend!