Monthly Archives: May 2019

Ask Astrid Fridays ~ The Rabbit’s Corner: Being Seen & Seeing Expansively

I’ve noticed a shift in a lot of people who have been more inclined to remain behind the scenes and perhaps struggled with being more public and sharing their gifts, now stepping out in bigger ways. There seems to be a shift of welcoming more vulnerability and more connection and I’m sure it is happening both as others continue to light the way for us in this regard AND as the collective shifts into being more ready, or more in need, to receive those of us who may have felt more like the minority or outcasts.

It’s not that everyone will do this in some huge or flashy way, but even if it’s just opening to connecting more with local community, finding yourself opening to a small circle of friends or sharing more with your family than you have before, or sharing your work through different channels you may not have ventured into in the past, there does seem to be a move toward allowing yourself more space in the world, feeling more safe or courageous, and ultimately creating more connection through opening to being seen.

And as this momentum of “being seen” more unfolds, it seems to be going hand-in-hand with seeing more expansively – meaning perspective shifts are taking place and more options are presenting themselves, which boils down to a feeling of being open to entertaining greater possibilities and feeling more safe to take up space.

Astrid wanted me to share how even she is stepping “out” more, as she just yesterday debuted alongside me in a short video I posted via social media as invitation to our New Moon Gratitude Challenge Giveaway.

She’s not shy in sharing messages, but she isn’t always too keen on videos. Photos have been alright, but anytime I try to capture her on video she either just stares me down, moves away, or stops altogether whatever it is she was doing that caught my attention to capture on video in the first place.

She is ready to be seen more and accompany me as a team. So I’m allowing her that safe space to venture in as she feels and by doing it together, it seems to be a way for us both to open to more and share in a new way to others.

It is also her way of letting me know that she is going to be upping her game. And I know that means I better get ready, because if she’s expanding that means I’ll be rising to the occasion to continue matching vibrations for the work evolving for us with these shifts.

I’m not sure if everyone will be able to access the video, but here’s a link just in case.

Invitation from Astrid and I

So that’s a wonderful new development for her and for both of us together.

It all seems to speak to a movement of greater visibility within and without. People are seeing and experiencing themselves more clearly, finding more courage, and things are rising to the surface.

As this happens, our vision is shifting and we’re also more capable of welcoming and inviting in new options that we weren’t so keen on before or weren’t vibrationally a match for before.

This leads to being willing to try new things – just like Astrid is opening to being in videos with me. Even her having her weekly blog is part of this greater visibility, as she steps into a new role herself.

And each time we allow something more into our experience, greater possibilities are available. We realize we aren’t confined to just one or two ways to do something, but that there are many ways we might express the same desires and gifts we have.

Choices are more prevalent and of course that means making decisions can be more challenging. Yet, since the choices are simply varying ways you can express a similar essence and energy, then truly there isn’t a wrong choice – just choice.

When we are more willing to see ourselves and be seen, to extend ourselves in new ways, we find greater courage to make choices without feeling they limit us.

Choices take us to the next step.

They are a bridge.

And from there we can make another choice.

Astrid encourages me to share about my recent experience, so here it is.

Lately I’ve felt more inward, for various reasons having to do with life changes taking place – I may do a separate blog on that upcoming – but after having a much more public presence with my work in the past in terms of teaching and so forth, I have pulled out of that for some time now.

I still have a public presence online for sharing my new creations and anything Astrid and I feel might be helpful or inspiring, and for nurturing special connections, but I have felt drawn to be more by myself, otherwise, and especially so in the physical – preferring to stay home or do things separately, rather than attend lots of gatherings and so forth.

Wednesday night, however, I stepped out (just as Astrid did yesterday) and decided to go to a meditation group with Dave. It’s one he meets with regularly each week. I’ve not been nudged to go because I have my own “walking meditation of life,” because of feeling I needed my own space, and also having a lot of things I wanted to use the time differently for.

This evening would be different, as one of the people was inviting everyone for dinner after and it was the end of the month’s theme before a new one would be coming – I didn’t know that until I went.

I decided to re-immerse myself in a group setting, which is reminiscent to my teaching days, to see how it would feel.

It’s a wonderful group, great people, good vibes, and peace filled.

What was interesting is that normally they have about 5-7 people usually, but of course the day I decide to go they have the most – 13. No coincidence.

It involves a meditation, either in silence or guided for about a half hour, and then an open discussion around the month’s theme – mindfulness was May’s.

Other than introducing myself and why I was there, which was a round-circle intro at start, I didn’t say a peep.

But I was very present and listened and felt into how I felt being there.

At the end of the conversation one of the facilitators asked if anyone had ideas for the next month’s theme. Five or six ideas were thrown out and when everyone was done brainstorming I suddenly was nudged to speak.

It was surprising to me that I did, since I just don’t speak just to speak and mostly stay in observing mode unless I’m teaching, which puts me in a different position. But the feeling was so strong that I just honored it.

In a nut shell my theme ended up being self-love. I detailed why, taking into account everything I’d heard from everyone that evening, the questions people were exploring, answers searched for, and even the themes they came up.

Self-love, to me, was the umbrella for all of them and I explained why.

I was the last to speak and they took a poll after and they ended up unanimously choosing my topic.

I had no idea that my thought would have that impact.

Later that evening at dinner, a few people thanked me for the topic, as they felt challenged by it and knew it was important because of that. Another thanked me for the reminder, as it felt exactly what they needed with things they’ve been working on and had forgotten. Another reiterated that it was an answer to the example he’d given about how to permanently clear a glass of water that’s dirty – symbolism used during the evening’s discussion.

I was grateful I had gone that night and listened to the nudge to allow myself to be seen again more, but in a different capacity.

It reiterated to me what I find to be my strengths in groups, which one of them is my ability to hold a present and neutral energy.

And I found it interesting that the theme everyone felt was exactly what they needed, whether it felt comfortable or not, was also the one this year’s Challenge ended up being about – of which I had just hours before posted on my blog.

In self-love and nurturing, finding those depths within to appreciate and bring to light, we do indeed shine our lights more, open to being seen, and invite more expansive ways of seeing what is possible.

So, both Astrid and I had a “stepping out” this week. We stretched beyond what was currently our comfort zone, which merged both an inward growth that had an outward reach.

We embraced our gifts and made space for them to grow and see where they might lead next.

And that leads us both wanting to leave you with the reminder of our New Moon Gratitude Giveaway Challenge.

Originally we said to let us know by end of today, May 31st, if you felt called to join us, but we’re extending that to the end of this Sunday, June 2nd.

We already have a lovely group of people officially joining and a couple who are joining, but on their own, yet want to do it during the same time so that they combine their efforts and energy collectively.

I know it’s challenging to look at yourself and perhaps challenging to think how you could possibly come up with 10 things a day to be grateful for and why about yourself. It’s okay if some might pop up more than once throughout the 8 days, as perhaps that theme is speaking a lot and it’s an important thing getting your attention. It’s also wonderful if you actually have unique things each day. It challenges you to shift your perspective and find the things you’d easily be able to “out there,” but now do so “in here.”

You are a creative being and that makes you limitless in how to be curious and look at yourself.

They don’t have to be profound things.

They simply need to be about you.

You are beautiful and worthy of this.

I believe fully if you embrace something like this – even if not officially by joining us – that you will feel and experience a shift and may find greater clarity to directions you’re contemplating, perhaps less doubt, more joy, a positive outlook, feel even more compassionate, and even see things shift outside of you or become clearer because of the new way you’re relating with yourself. It may just make you feel much better about you and that makes your experiences with others much better.

If you do want to join us, please let me know either in the comments or message me directly through my CONTACT PAGE.

Wishing you all a beautiful weekend as you anchor into the New Moon energy.

June Energy Update with Lee Harris

I feel this one will speak to a lot of you right now.

May has flown by, but I’ve definitely been experiencing the contraction before expansion that Lee reflects here, and the full circle moments.

Which of the themes are coming up for you?

New Moon Gratitude Giveaway With A Twist

You may remember my Summer Solstice Gratitude Giveaway from 2018, almost exactly a year ago. It was the second giveaway I hosted and was extremely well-received, as well as had far-reaching effects and benefits to all who joined. I still hear from people who have continued implementing their practice and how it supports the shifts and challenging times they go through, while helping them to expand and live more abundantly.

Well, I’ve been strongly nudged to offer this again, but with a little twist.

I’ve been feeling into the collective energy and listening to what people have been sharing, as they navigate current big changes once again cycling through.

In the midst of challenges and trying to figure things out, it’s easy to forget your practice and rituals of gratitude, but especially of self-care and creating space for you.

So this time the challenge, if you so choose to accept it, will combine a gratitude practice with self-nurturing and love.

This is only an invitation, so if you don’t like the guidelines or resonate with following the structure of it, you simply can choose not to participate or use it as inspiration to create your own practice, add to one you already have, or simply use it as a reminder of mindfulness.

If you do feel a draw to participate and feel like accountability would be helpful, then I welcome you to join.

Here are the guidelines for the Giveaway that will result in implementing changes relative to your life, experiencing more of what you want in your life, and may even see you receiving a gift from me.

New Moon Gratitude Giveaway:

1. Accountability: Please let me know by this Friday, May 31st that you have decided to commit to this challenge. You can either let me know in the comments of this blog post, or CONTACT ME ***** If you find this through my posting it on Facebook or Instagram, please STILL ONLY CONTACT ME ABOUT JOINING VIA THESE 2 OPTIONS. It helps me out a lot to have everything in one place. I know people tend to miss details due to a lot of info to take in, but hoping this helps.

2. Gratitude in Action: Starting June 3rd and for the next 8 full days until the end of June 10th please begin a daily practice of gratitude – even if you already are – in which case go further. This is where the twist comes in: Rather than creating a list of at least 10 things you are grateful for and why about just ANYTHING (which in many cases will result in being grateful for things “OUT THERE”), I am going to ask that you look for things to be grateful for that are about yourself ONLY. (things “IN HERE”) – (Please read through the end of this blog to see why this is important and for examples). At the end on June 11th, you’ll send me this list just like you did last time. You can either type them up or take a photo of your journal pages and send that to me. I know this can be vulnerable, so I understand people not wanting to participate, however that is also a hugely empowering part of this and of course anything you share with me stays between us. I’m a Reiki Master Teacher and have also coached with clients so I honor that relationship. This will give you at least 80 things and reasons you are grateful for something about yourself. The more heart connection you can create with this, the more you increase the frequency of this experience, depth of healing, and expansive magnetism it creates.

3. Giving in Action: This is an important one! For each of these 8 days I’d like you to do at least one thing in the way of giving and/or nurturing to yourself that you wouldn’t normally do. Please make note of that in your journal next to your list of things you’re grateful for and why about yourself.

4. Responsibility: Send me your Gratitude and Giving lists by the end of the day on Tuesday June 11th. I would also love to hear how this experience was for you and anything you noticed shifting in your life during and/or after the 8 days.

5. Integrity: All of this truly is between you and yourself on whether or not you actually do these things and how much you invest of yourself in them. And with that said, it would be wonderful if you can make a promise to yourself to continue this forward long after June 10th. See this New Moon energy as the portal to make a huge life shift – even if it is simply in fine-tuning what you already do. For some, this may be a new experience. Either way, I assure you that you will experience positive and enriching shifts in your life during this time period and as a result. And if you maintain this as your daily walking meditation you will experience things exponentially, but most importantly your quality of life will be enhanced, as will everyone and every experience you come in contact with. There are so many ways you can fine-tune this process and challenge yourself to rise to greater levels with it by going farther with it all and in every circumstance. You will learn creative ways that gratitude now is simply aligning you with probable realities your frequency is matching. The choosing of the realities is up to you, but they await you realizing them.

Of course adding this to a gratitude practice, in general, about ALL of the things you are grateful for would be truly powerful too, but I tend to see how self love and nurturing continues to be neglected and so this is why I’m focusing this particular challenge on YOU. 

I think it can be easier to find things about others or things around us to be grateful for, but is harder for us to look at ourselves with the same loving eyes of appreciation and love.

So, why am I focusing this on you?

Since we know the power of “what you embody within will reflect without” this alone is reason.

We also are well aware of the thought that you can’t give what you don’t already have yourself – or at least perhaps not as fully.

We’ve also heard, “if you can’t love yourself, how can you love someone else?”

And, if you’re always giving out, but never open to receiving, then you aren’t fully exercising truly living in abundance. When we give to and receive from ourselves as well, this gets an extra boost.

We get messaged in every which way about how mission and service is of utmost importance. That you need to think in this vein, “how can I be of service?” And while I agree that taking into account the highest good for all concerned is key, the word “all” remember is inclusive of you, too!

We tend to bypass ourselves because we’ve been told that is selfish. We’ve also been told about the ego and to have any of that would also be a taboo. But the “you” I’m talking about is not about some ego-trip, nor is about not caring about anyone else.

It’s seeing everything and everyone connected.

What it’s not about is being a martyr and self-sacrificing.

What is about is authenticity, showing up, living out loud, expressing your unique self and fullness, and being the best version of you within the collective tapestry. And in order to do that, there’s a level of self nurturing, love, and care that is needed. There’s a level of appreciation for the beautiful gifts you have, for your life, for the ability to shine your individual light. There’s a need for you to have space, time, and value.

Because when you are doing these things, it automatically translates as the highest good for all concerned.

When you disregard yourself, push yourself aside, diminish your light, relinquish your right to express yourself, feel bad about or hide your gifts, and believe you aren’t worthy of things, then others feel that too.

Others receive your example, as permission to do the same – what ever that is. And they act accordingly, which may look something like a lot of people yearning for self love and finding ways to fulfill that hopelessly and endlessly, or even defend or lash out about that missing piece hopelessly and endlessly.

Gratitude is a powerful thing – you can read the link from my last post, above, about this. And having gratitude for, and appreciating your uniqueness, accomplishments, and value can take things a step further.

It’s like the layers of an onion we always talk about peeling away.

We can take things deeper and the core of you is a powerful place to focus, alongside the rest of the wonderful work, practices, and gratitude that you make time for.

Here are some examples of things you might find about yourself to share with yourself:

I think this might be a tricky challenge because you might find it easier to say something like, “I’m grateful for the job that I have.”

Now, while that is a wonderful thing to have gratitude for and truly does shift things by expressing and feeling that, it still isn’t personal enough for this challenge.

Your job is something outside of you, or an extension of you.

So how can you make it more personal?

What is it about you that made you the perfect candidate for the job? What qualities do you have that make you exceptional at your job?

So, for instance, “I am grateful for my ability to understand and listen to people and for my sensitivities that enable me to be good at knowing our customers’ needs, find common threads, and be a good team builder.”

These would be more in line with self-love and nurturing. Seeing how something unique about you is a gift. And on top of it, you can see how that gift you have is “serving the higher good.”

It could even shift what you have felt about that gift. For instance, you may have been down on yourself for being an empath or being so sensitive, but in fact those gifts you think are curses, are quite a blessing.

So reach in to find and have gratitude for that gift. Not focusing on the limitations, but the possibilities it provides.

Another example could be, “I am grateful for the way I can find humor in everything, for my silliness and playfulness, and the ability to always see through the eyes of my inner child. I am grateful to be a child at heart because it creates a feeling of wonder for everything around me, helps me to appreciate the little things, and helps lighten situations, as well as gives others permission to have fun too.”

So, rather than say something like, “I am grateful for the children of the world that make me smile,” can you see how the above makes it personal, but still extends out into the world as service, once again.

This all also creates greater self awareness while also nurturing an appreciation for who you are – as you are a beloved child of the universe. 

It helps to create presence, supports you to slow down and create time and space for yourself, and helps to anchor in the new with greater empowerment to move forward with.

You’ll likely discover some resistance, icky feelings, blocks, and other feelings dredged up. I encourage you to go with the flow and try not to judge what comes up. Be gentle with yourself. Your inner child will thank you for this.

Again, we’re not in any way negating or stopping the practice of gratitude in general for anything, but we are taking it deeper and extending it to the inner landscape, as a means to create a ripple on the outer one – inside out.

Love as service.

Self-nurturing as mission.

These effect the whole.

They ARE the whole.

Imagine what a world of self-nurtured individuals might be like. Souls that have learned appreciation and value for their uniqueness now interacting in the world and able to really see and appreciate one another’s individuality and value. What possibilities might that create?

I hope this makes sense.

That brings us to the Giveaway part.

At the end, after I receive everyone’s submissions on the 11th, I’ll then be randomly choosing FOUR people to receive a free gift.

If only four or less people join, you’ll all receive a gift.

If more than four people join, then I will do a random, blind drawing of names, likely helped out by Astrid, to pick four recipients.

So, again if you decide this would be of benefit to you to join, regardless of the gifts involved or not, then you can either comment to this blog or use the Contact page to let me know that you are participating.

The four people will be receiving one of our mini magick rabbit faery gardens or magick rabbit baskets as your gift.

These are enchanted little themed worlds that carry an energy, reminder, theme, and inspiration for life.

They are truly mini portals of possibility.

I am going to be taking part in this myself, alongside anyone who wants to join, but of course I’m not part of the names to be drawn.

The Gratitude Giveaway will start this Monday, June 3rd on the New Moon and will go through the end of Monday, June 10th – that’s 8 full days this time.

New Moons are excellent times to begin anew – create new intentions, renew commitments, take action toward goals, and are great for self-awareness to align with your hopes and dreams for the future.

That energy feels perfect for this.

If you choose to participate, please make sure to read the guidelines and follow them exactly as written and don’t forget to let me know by end of this Friday, May 31st, that you’ll be joining. 

You also have the option of simply taking part in this without letting me know or receiving anything in return.

You are a limitless being and there are limitless reasons you might be reading this right now and it might be speaking to a part of you.

It’s completely up to you how or if you want to take this journey.

Yet, I assure you, by truly committing and upping your normal approach, your life will take a lovely turn.

Memorial Day Weekend Flash Sale & More Sacred Art Offerings

I mostly try to keep these posts on Instagram and Facebook, but so many of my friends are not on social media and only get updates via my blog, so I’m sharing this here too because some people see one or the other and have shared feeling sad they miss out on things.

As promised, tomorrow will kick off our Memorial Day Weekend Sale over at The Magick Rabbit, our Etsy shop. We are preparing for new inventory in the coming months so we hope this sale will help make it even easier to bring home things you’ve loved in our shop.

The sale begins tomorrow, Sunday May 26th and will go through the end of Monday May 27th – Memorial Day.

We’ve decided to surprise everyone with our biggest sale yet, which will be 30% off store-wide, creating super crazy steals on all the rabbit magick, inspiration, and whimsy.

We still have some Magick Rabbit talisman crystal necklaces, sweet rabbit mini gardens (including some vintage pieces) – some of my favorites still remaining, original paintings on canvas board, prints, the last of our notebook journals, greeting cards, and one basket.

I always add little free gifts to every package and everything arrives with free gift wrapping too.

So, don’t forget to hop on over beginning tomorrow, if you feel some rabbit love calling to your heart.

The Magick Rabbit

Next, I wanted to update you with a beautiful unfolding that took place. As you might recall, last Wednesday May 15th I shared about my process around the art I’ve created and how I discovered a deeper release I hadn’t acknowledged – Original Art Speaks Volumes & A Confession. This led to offering my five portal paintings, part of the In Lak’ech series, to best offers – feeling they needed to be out there doing the work. 

I’m so moved, humbled and grateful beyond words to say that the five of them will be staying together and have found their new incredible sacred keeper. I was so touched by the out-pour of love for these pieces and the generous offers that came in. I wish I had more of each original to send off, but I don’t and when the perfect and devoted home opened for all of them, I knew this was exactly where they needed to be next.

Their new keeper and I will be in contact about their evolution and if at any point their work with her is complete and/or we get that they are ready to move on, we’ll make that known so they can continue to share their powerful energy. Where they are going is being created as its own intimate home healing arts center so they will be seen and experienced by others, as they work with their new keeper as well.

all three.jpg

I mentioned a discovery in this last Wednesday’s share that took place and if you were on Instagram, you may have caught wind of it.

While I was opening the boxes storing the original five paintings, Fire, Earth, Air, Water and Spirit, I discovered another box with three very special treasures in it that I completely forgot I had.

I thought all of my prints were gone, but in fact I had three remaining, but they are not just prints. These three smaller prints – 9 1/2″ square – of Fire, Air and Earth are housed inside of rare custom metal frames ranging 15″, 15 1/4″ and 15 3/4″ square. The frames amplify their energy and are each hand-made to enhance their painting in a 3D effect by a friend of mine at the time who did incredible metalwork like nothing I’ve ever seen. They weigh close to 10 lbs each and are thick from the side in a layered step-effect. They are each a double work of art that adds depth to their portal presence. 

There’s a part of the frame detailing just below each image that mirrors elements within each painting. They are each also connected to different ancient civilizations, time periods and cosmic origins.


For Fire, which highlights Sumerian and Babylonian times (Hanging Gardens of Babylon and Ishtar Gate), the frame detailing at bottom mirrors the Ishtar Gate and has a palace-like essence.


For Earth, which highlights ancient Egypt, the frame detailing mirrors the pyramids and palm trees within the painting.


And for Air, which highlights ancient Druidic and Celtic times, the frame detailing mirrors the stone circle in the painting, creating a Stone Henge-like effect.

They are an “experience” to meditate with and allow them to do the work on deep levels, helping to shift your DNA and patterns into freeing transmutation.

Because of interest and my new detachment to release these to do the work they are meant to do “out there,” I decided to make these available as well. They are easier to ship and easier to find that special sacred space for – either hung or leaning against a wall or shelf, or altar space.

I posted a video on Instagram after their discovery, but unfortunately am unable to upload it here, so the pictures will have to suffice. The prints are the exact equivalent in quality, detailing, and clarity as the originals I posted, but in photos they come across less defined.


Like with any of my pieces, I’m in no rush for them to find their wedded homes, as alignment is most important to me. So I’m awaiting everyone having had chance to see and connect with them before making decisions.

I hadn’t shared them here yet, so please feel free to contact me if you’re interested in bringing one or more of these into your sacred space with your best offer. Shipping to be added.

And last – this one also took me by surprise –  I am also making available these seven original sacred animal spirit guide paintings to best offers, too, if they call to your heart. These have been beloved pieces for many and I ended up holding on to the originals, currently housed in our home.

However, there was so much response to them when I was sharing my artistic journey and evolution on social media a little while back, that I felt it was time to release these too, so they can do their work, since I no longer have prints of these either.

I can always create more art. I am more focused currently on the paintings fulfilling the purpose they were intended for, feeling that is most important right now with all that is going on in the world.

There were originally nine paintings in this series titled, Universal ARKitecture.

One original had been sold and the other one that hangs in my office of my rabbits, titled Once in a Blue Moon, does not feel to be opening at this time for others, as it truly is a more personal piece.

But these seven I have worked with recently in terms of the same release I felt was necessary with the In Lak’ech series, and so I’m now making them available as well.

Title and size included under the photos below. Photos don’t do these justice.

Temple of the Sacred Heart

Temple of the Sacred Heart ~ 24″ x 24″

Garden of the Gods

Garden of the Gods ~ 24″ x 36″

The Child In Us

The Child In Us ~ 24″ x 24″

Visions of Atlantis

Visions of Atlantis ~ 30″ x 40″

gem of the emerald forest

Gem of the Emerald Forest ~ 24″ x 30″

The Mystic

The Mystic ~ 24″ x 24″


Dance of the Twin Flames ~ 20″ x 24″

These are so much easier to ship than the 4 feet by 4 feet originals I’m currently working on getting to their new home, but again shipping will be added.

I’m not going to share what their original value was, as I don’t want to deter people. I’d rather you feel the value of the art and share that from your heart.

If you want to see all of the pieces together in one page, including the In Lak’ech pieces and even my original five magick rabbit paintings that are available in my shop, please check this page out on my blog:


Please feel free to reach out to me about any of these if they call to you. It’s more important to me they go where they will be cherished and worked with, so don’t feel any fear around offering what you are able.

You can connect with me here:

Contact Tania

Wishing you a relaxing, refreshing, and rejuvenating holiday weekend.

Thank you dearly for all of the loving support and moving words about my work. It means the world to me.

Ask Astrid Fridays ~ The Rabbit’s Corner: Nurturing, Love & Recognizing the Connection

astrid and amethyst

Astrid has been both extra loving outward AND open to and willing to ask for extra love for herself these days. And while she has been demonstrating this, I’ve noticed myself turning even more attention to self-nurturing than I already do and hearing from others who are finding circumstances and cycles making it essential that they, too, turn the love light back on to themselves as well.

The above photo shows her giving to, and receiving from her calming and powerful master amethyst rabbit friend. She spends a lot of time tuning in with, giving velvety tongue kisses to, and laying next to her crystals, to include the three giant quartz you see to her right – the golden and pinky lilac quartz from Tahoe and the smaller one in front from Montana – found right after Joy transitioned, on one of the most magickal Faery hikes ever not far from her place of departure.

Nurturing is a vital element of well-being, growth, productivity, and ability to thrive. There is much our hearts long to do and give out, but we simply can’t only be flowing energy in one direction. We know this concept, but do we put it into action?

If we don’t slow down, many times we find ourselves forced to.

If we get stuck in our heads, our hearts will cry out.

If we’re tired, but keep pushing, our bodies give out.

If something needs our attention, it’s sure to get it.

If we overextend our energy, the boundaries we haven’t exercised become strict teachers drawing the lines for us.

If we simply need a pause or extra softening to ensure well-being, our emotions may feel extra sensitive so that we nurture more tenderness to ourselves.

While Astrid and I have been re-evaluating and redirecting ourselves, I’ve noticed that both the changes that are formulating and my own body’s rhythms are needing extra attention that involves even more self-care and self-love.

As I get closer to 50, hormones are shifting, more solidity in myself is forming, and more questions come up as to the life I/we want to create for the time remaining.

This creates more reflection and sensitivity that desires a lot of love be directed within and Astrid is mirroring this with the evolution of her growth as well. This brings the two of us in even stronger bond together, as we navigate this new cycle we’re stepping into.

A new level of awareness and embodied response seems to be in motion.

I find myself implementing more self-care routines, listening to my body’s needs, and creating greater clarity of alignment.

Sleep has always been important to me on many levels, but lately I find myself so enamored with that time of day when I lay my head on my pillow. Although the day is full of enriching things, I so look forward to that time of restoration and dream work at night. It feels like it’s own elixir and healing supplement.

As I have been writing this, Astrid has been to my left suspended in a state of meditation – quite literally. I’ve never seen her do this before, but she was in a position where her head was bowed down in a curve fully toward her heart, like the neck of a graceful swan, and has held it there for minutes on end, with eyes in a tranced deep state and her not budging.

Her shape also creates the effect of one half of a heart.

Synchronously, I was feeling how she and I seem to have been expressly made for each other as a reflection and other half, while I then noticed her in this suspended position.

She always knows what I’m thinking – or rather, she simultaneously sends me the message that becomes my own thought.

We are definitely two halves of a shared heart.

And that seems to be her message to me.

We are mirroring the needs and awareness our hearts speak.

And all of the love and special nurturing and understanding I extend to her, ultimately is about touching my own heart that she reflects.

I believe her message is simple.

We may think we are only feeling strongly compelled to give to and nurture others and what touches our hearts out there, but even if we don’t ever want to look further into what anything means, ultimately the connection we share to everything is glowing brightly from our heart within.

Perhaps that’s why so many healers, therapists, counselors, teachers, creatives, visionaries, activists, etc. are compelled by helping others or a cause.

Some call it the wounded healer, but it’s simply a desire to love ourselves as the reflection we love out there.

And when we love out there, to realize how much we love what’s in here.

It’s walking through life with full open heart, flowing in and out.

It shifts how we respond to life simply carrying the awareness of connection.

Whimsical Wednesdays ~ The Artist’s Corner: The Inner Artist & Upcoming Flash Sale


Although we’re heading toward Memorial weekend, it has been a flashback to Winter here the last week and a half. It’s interesting to reflect on how Mother’s Day weekend was like Summer here and we were spending every day at the beach then, and the week leading up to it. Directly the next day temperatures dropped and we’ve experienced sporadic snow flurries, rain, and intermittent or full-on cloudy days. This morning we woke to six plus inches of new snow, as you can see in the photos, although it’s half melted already. It all disappears quite quickly, but I’ve even had to cover my Garden Tower for the last week because of below freezing temperatures at night.


We still have another week upcoming of colder weather with rain and clouds, but most of the snow may be halting after today other than some mixed flurries with some of the rain.

It’s all felt very mirroring of the inner landscapes – a time of pause, release, refresh, and percolating new that I’ve been feeling deeply. There’s been an odd, but good sense of things changing even though I can’t see what that looks like yet. It still feels to be headed in a positive direction, so currently it’s just about slowing down and taking care of the little things, paying attention to what’s popping up, investing deeper into intentions, and creating ever-more clarity.

Supposedly there’s one more week of this vortex-like bubble before we’re back to Spring vibes, but who knows as mountain life is so unpredictable, just like life!

I’ve been making use of this reset time and seeing how it is nurturing the inner artist.

The inner artist is the part of me/you that is also connected to your inner child. The inner artist might speak directly to your artistic talents and how they channel through in terms of a creative project, but the inner artist might also speak to the creative energy woven into the very fabric of life and how you harness that for living in general.

It’s that part of you that creates for the pure joy of creating.

It’s the part of you that finds peace in those moments of creative impetus flowing through.

It’s the part of your heart that knows what is most healing, transformational, and aligned with your spirit self.

It’s the part of you that longs to express itself, be honored, trusted, heard, reclaimed, nurtured, and supported.

It’s the part of you that knows.

So perhaps, while you may not be experiencing a literal Winter-in-Spring cycle, you might find that something is calling you inward nonetheless.

This might be a calling to acknowledge your strengths and gifts, create healthy and balanced boundaries that honor your needs, and time and space for what you desire. That includes releasing toxic people, things, ideas, and beliefs so that you can open to more expansiveness.

You may need to reacquaint yourself with the priorities and commitments that feel essential to you and then eliminate the things that take you away from that, don’t make good use of your time, and fundamentally avoid doing what clearly is your joy.

And if it’s not quite clear, then slow down and refresh, so you can hear that voice and create a restorative cocoon to nurture what stirs within.

Keeping your space organized and clear helps you to be more clear and focused.

They don’t call it Spring cleaning for nothin’!

I feel that only new things are wanting to be around and am making room for that new to come in, but also in general to create space for the new I’ve already embraced, to anchor. It feels good!

The inner artist of life seems to be inviting me to create from an ever-clearer energy and I’m feeling that redirection of alignment during these Wintery weeks.

How about you?


Although we may still have a wet and cold Memorial Day in our future, part of this refresh celebration is extending to our Etsy shop for an upcoming Flash Sale. YAY!

New inventory feels to be percolating to share over the coming months and so we’re making it easier to bring home things you love in our shop, in order to create space, by offering a 25% Off Flash Sale shop-wide that will begin this Sunday and conclude at the end of Monday’s Memorial Day.

This added to already slashed prices creates bringing sweetness home at steals.

More than anything we love making you smile and the reason for creating this shop was purely a heart-to-heart connection.

So keep an eye out in the shop for that here:

The Magick Rabbit 

We’re so grateful to everyone who has brought home the inspiration and whimsy Astrid and I have been called to create and share with you to support your inner child and artist of life.

It’s moved us greatly to read all the sweet and touching reviews from those of you who have so generously shared those with us.

We so love and welcome any reviews from our friends, as it helps us to know what you love about our creations and your experience, so that we may continue to create in that vein.

I sense that we’re going to have another release upcoming of some sacred art – some of your most beloved – so stay tuned for that too.

In the meantime, if you’re on Instagram, head on over to my page to see the latest discovery released – perhaps one might call to your heart.

Here’s to your inner artist child!



The Novel-Writing Process: Throwing the Door Open and Facing your Writer Fears

I thought this would be a great post for today’s Monday Musings from The Writer’s Corner. K. J. Aiello shares about her novel writing process and what she learned along the way. Writing is a journey that goes through many many stages and can be daunting along the way. For me it’s been about keeping the door closed in the beginning, while I put together my first draft and then decided to jump right in by exposing myself to an incredible developmental editor directly after that. While I did go through my own editing before that, I felt that no one would be able to help me more than someone with the professional eye for every hole I or peers wouldn’t be able to see. I couldn’t be happier with my decision to take that vulnerable leap and although I am far from the light at the end of the tunnel, I am so grateful I jumped. There are times I want to relinquish it altogether, times I wonder what I got myself into, times I’m not sure when this novel will see the light of day, but I’ve committed to seeing it through, however long it takes and whatever the outcome. I can also say that taking a long step away from it to come back to it with fresh perspective, was also another valuable thing I did because now reading the notes from my editor from a different place I’ve come to, I can see how things are going to change and evolve in new and greater ways, which would not have been the case before. I likely would have been more attached to the direction it first was taking, where as now I’m fully open to the journey the story’s purity will take me instead. If you feel you have a story to share, I think the story deserves being told in the best possible way. Writing is a deep journey for sure and everyone has different paths with it that will speak to them. I think it’s helpful to know your options and find what fits your intentions with your project, as some people may opt for self-publishing versus traditional publishing. What ever you choose, taking the plunge with a great editor I believe is invaluable. Thank you K.J. for sharing your experiences.

Author Ari Meghlen Official Website

NB: I am currentlyon hiatusthroughout May so will not be responding to comments until June.

Today I welcome the lovely K. J. Aiello onto my blog, who shares with us her novel-writing process.

The Novel Writing Process: Throwing the door open and facing your writer fears. Image from Pixabay

View original post 1,322 more words

Ask Astrid Fridays ~ The Rabbit’s Corner: What Are You Waiting For? Just Let Go


Both Astrid and I have been feeling this Scorpio Full Moon in the days leading up to it quite strongly. I wasn’t paying attention specifically to it, but Astrid just like all rabbits, was hugely attuned to the Moon and the Cosmic frequencies pulsing through Earth. She gave me her wise and endearing look when I had that a-ha moment of connecting dots to recent experiences with the energies abound. She knows I don’t need confirmations of things, but that it does put reason to the rhyme of cycles that take place seemingly out of the blue.

There is definitely a collective release taking place and a ton is shifting on the subtle inner landscapes, which I feel is what is happening to so many people I’ve heard from where there’s a mix of intensity surging through alongside breakthroughs. It’s also what’s playing out on the world-wide level.

I recently explained it like this to a dear friend after my post about releasing the In Lak’ech series of Five paintings:

After posting that yesterday, I found myself done for the day. It was kind of a collapse or surrender. I am feeling the collective release it involves, which I feel is taking place right now across the globe, as we enter greater depths of these shadow parts finally. They are awakening to the conscious level more, or at least starting to surface or break away… this reminds me of cleaning a caked-on greasy pan in sink water. The more you scrub, the dirtier and murkier the water gets, and it might take a while to scratch away at it, but small particles release and eventually surface before everything is wiped away. It feel like the collective is at these stages of scrubbing and releasing stuff into the consciousness pool and now we’re all figuring out what to do with them and what kind of clarity we would like to see come from it. And individually, we’re doing this too for the collective…Although I know we are constantly cracking these codes to free us of conditioned enslavement, the impact on these subtle levels is so tricky. We may see it, or not, but then to actually do something with it is a whole other thing.

We are left with a dilemma, when once we tap into more of our true power, as to what we want to create from here on forth.

Astrid and I have both been going through a huge purging on the outer landscape, to reflect what we’re shifting on the inner landscape.

I shared about it on my Instagram and that’s what the photo above is about, which felt so fitting for Astrid’s post message today about letting go.

This was the caption I used for it:

After a year and a half of enjoying her royal throne, with only small redecorating touches recently, she decided to follow in mom’s footsteps and completely go wild with change. She’s been watching me with wide eyes, as first I did tiny changes (and so she mirrored that) and then I undid both our shared office space and my bedroom closet, throwing things on the floor and bed big time (and so she did the same), as I completely revamped everything with the biggest Spring purge and reorganizing I’ve done to date. Immediately in response, Astrid decided to go crazy on her chair and not only broke through the pretty adornments I’d added for her from her last redecorating choice, but took out the foam insides into bunches of pieces! I couldn’t do anything but laugh when I saw her laying like this so proud with evidence of her work all around her, as if to say to me, “look at the work I’ve done too so I can embrace the new!” So, I’ve since redecorated her center rug without chair, which she’s feeling out and enjoying so far. I did find another chair, in case she decides she wants one again, that I think may work very well for her without need for “redecorating” but am holding off to see how she likes the new set up first and will go from there. Gotta love her! We’re so much alike!

We are both enjoying the fresh openness created by these changes, which allows for the new to flow in more freely and easily. It’s also enabled us to draw in what is frequency-aligned because of our shifts, while also holding an open free space for the unknowns we can’t see yet to find their way to us.

Sometimes we don’t know what is to come or what something looks like that we want, but in letting go, we clear our energy fields so the clarity of that authentic-now inner voice can bring to us the perfect things we had no idea with our minds would be for our highest.

A clear heart draws in clarity.

We become the abundant beings that we are and the way to draw in something aligns all on its own because of taking that action of trust.

Every time we trust and release, abundant energies continue as they are meant to, by flowing in and out.

This Scorpio Moon highlights letting go, regenerating, deepening, intensifying, creating more intimacy with all of our parts, reclaiming our essence and inner wisdom, delving into the mystique and magick of the inner labyrinth, invoking greater courage, clarifying more understanding, making way for the new, and reviewing or perhaps even renewing any intentions you may have.

A flooding of emotions can definitely be part of this, as fears, deep unconscious and shadowy stuff releases into light.

I’ve noticed that since Astrid’s chair was removed, she’s spent a lot of time on the center of her round sparkly green, grass-looking rug under her favorite black iron butterfly sleigh where magickal things sit atop the three platforms that float above her.

It feels to be like an etheric rabbit tunnel of that deep mystery, magick, and Cosmic abyss she is harnessing for transmutation.

I get that she wanted some more open space right now as a clear slate she and I can create from.

Astrid shares, “As you write your new story, so am I. And yet, we are writing it together. One that tells of many journeys yet to share in ways creativity has yet to birth. We are engaging a Cosmic excavation accessed deep within our hearts and it connects us both to the heart of ourselves, and to one another – to include all consciousness. Most importantly it connects us to the heart of creation that is ours to weave anew. So what holds you back? Although time is an idea, there is no greater moment than now to begin. It doesn’t matter what has gone before. With every discomfort and stretch you dismantle the hold of roots awaiting the elixir of your love. What blossoms is of your making.”

I don’t know about any of you, but I for one have enough of anyone writing my story for me. And that includes the stuff I carry as both past fears, perceived limitations, and shared ancestral and collective conditioning.

Astrid is a protector of the sacred, embodied in a strong, courageous, and enduring rabbit body. She walks the worlds of both light and dark. She is both warrior and harmony keeper. She is a bridge of understanding and compassion because she has walked in each reality and can move in and out when necessary. She is action-oriented and also eternally patient.

She is a warrior of unconditional love in its highest form.

Today happens to be Cosmo’s birthday – my sweet rabbit son in the stars. He would have been 13.

He is an ambassador of love and compassion in pure essence.

Astrid is like the great guardian or protector of what he stands for both because she is the same AND because she has extra layers that enable her to merge into worlds he needn’t step into. He is the energy and she both is that energy as well as protects it with the ability to engage on levels that invoke the seed of potential to stir.

We all have different gifts and to embrace with clarity what they are is part of this letting-go energy through self-reflection that permeates.

If we are willing to see the hidden, which can be engaged with curiosity and a willingness to simply observe it without judgment, we can begin to bridge a new and more clear understanding of what stories have been our motivations in life.

We can see what has been working overtime in the background simply because we didn’t acknowledge it.

To have that willingness to see something creates a click within.

Just because we see it, doesn’t mean it can hurt us.

It only hurts us when we don’t want to see it, so it sabotages our lives because it can.

Astrid and I send our deepest love to you during these reflective and intense energies. You are not alone.

Whimsical Wednesdays ~ The Artist’s Corner: Original Art Speaks Volumes & A Confession

This was going to just be a blog touching on the importance and value of art – something I often write about especially when I hear and see struggling artists, people unable to find a way to make a living with their artistic expression, people feeling their “art” not being taken seriously and just thrown aside as a hobby, or having a hard time to take leaps of faith with their creations because of such strong collective beliefs that have shaped their own.

This was percolating again when I was reading reviews of art that had been purchased in my Etsy shop and realizing how unless people come face-to-face with the experience of someone’s gift they have to share, that there can be a disconnect or devaluing that takes place. Of course, this can be connected to the feelings we have come to believe about ourselves, that are innocently conditioned.

Here is an example of just one review:

“Hi! Just wanted to let you know that I received your creations. I was a bit taken aback how stunningly beautiful they are in real life! The photos just don’t do them justice. In real life they are on a whole new level!!! I guess original art really has something so special that can’t be reproduced….”

That’s not to say that even when the art IS experienced, that someone appreciates its true value, but there’s definitely more understanding when something becomes tangible, they hear an artist share about their work in person, or when a person truly takes the time to “sit” with the work of art and receive from it.

It’s invaluable, to say the least. And this is why I support so many artisans over purchasing a lot of commercial items because there truly is a depth and richness to things made from the heart.

There tends to be a disconnect with the amount of energy, time, love, thoughtfulness, vulnerable soul-processing, and skill that creators imbue into everything they make. It’s why I love those one-of-a-kind and original pieces that bring me closer to the artist’s intentions.

That’s not to say you can’t receive from duplicates, prints, etc., as there is always an energy signature that will resound, but I love being that close to the seedling of creative impetus infused within the first birthing.

True, it will be more costly, so it’s not something I/we can always bring home, but when something really speaks to me, I don’t question the value placed on an item, as I know as an artist how much is poured into every creation that can never be measured in these terms.

I desire so much that more and more artists will get to flourish and share their gifts with the world.

I hope for the collective to tip the scales back in balance, so we honor, appreciate, and value the arts as we once did – the storytellers, mystics, artisans, visionaries, medicine people, astrologers, musicians, dancers, healers….were all revered.

I’m seeing a shift happen and people starting to thrive again in these regards, but there are still so many struggling and so much energy holding in opposition to these shifts that artists are working overtime to change.

And that brings me to what I uncovered, as I was sitting with all of this and some of my own past works-of-art.

It wasn’t about value per say, but it was about attachment and feeling another layer of etheric tethers (as I put it to a dear friend) releasing.

Although I do remember how many times in my past I had to explain myself and the pricing of my art – especially when it came to some of my first commissioned pieces.

Two incidents in particular come to mind: I literally had to write a long proposal finely detailing hours and work involved to an attorney once and also had to prepare information to the president of a company I was doing a mural for to back up my proposed fee. The first grueling effort succeeded and the latter got knocked down in half, but was still courageous of me to put it out there, especially since one of my greatest fears was verbally expressing myself and public speaking.

But what came to me recently has to do particularly with the In Lak’ech “Five” series I brought to life between 2006 and 2009. I chronicle some of it in this post: In the Spirit of In Lak’ech 



When first I timidly put them out on my website, feeling very vulnerable in sharing such depth, I listed them at $11,000 each. Not a strange price at all in the art world given their size, time invested, and being four feet by four feet originals.

I also made prints available, figuring that the originals would likely not be going anywhere anytime soon and wanting people to receive from them still.

But what I notice now in looking back is that I don’t believe at my core that I wanted to let these originals go.

Even though my highest vision and intention was that perhaps they’d find a home in a healing center or someone’s personal sacred home space, they spoke to something very sacred within me that perhaps felt like a violation to give away, at the time.

I can’t really put a word to it.



They were indeed like babies I’d birthed, but had truly never been created for me, as the channeling aspect going into them removes me from personal ego.

Yet, it was when out of that channeling space that personal was being tethered.

I may be one to look far deeper into things than most like, want to, or perhaps are over with doing anymore – I get it because overall I’m in that space of peaceful “being” more so now – but within one there is still the other and while I prefer the simple, my innocent curiosity simultaneously can feel the bigger encompassed within that – both sides of the coin exist even if focused elsewhere. And sometimes even if I’m not in that space myself, I will explain things out for others to better understand the process that may be more seamless in experience for me now. I find that helps people to relate and find connective threads for themselves.



So, how did this play out for me?

Well, it was a mix of that value of art I spoke of before AND personal attachment.

I remember once that someone very well-off (a millionaire in fact) where I was showing my work in their gallery space asked me about one of the Five and wanting to purchase it. I told him the price and he looked at me in a strange way. Not that he felt it wasn’t worth this, but my sense was he felt entitled as someone perhaps more worldly to take advantage of someone he deemed less than that. (Interestingly, a small theme included in some or one of these paintings.)

He proposed $1500 instead of the $11,000.

I, immediately said no, but did feel that weird grating inside mixed with everything around it all that I’m sure a lot of artists feel, including that flash of all the artists that have in fact accepted what ever they could get because they felt they had no choice, but there was something more too.

There were other incidents similar or went further to even just wanting me to give them to people starting up places they thought they’d add value to.

And then there were a few months where my art hung in a hair salon studio that brought together art events, where they told me that business boomed while my paintings were there and brought much intrigue and interest.



So, yes, I dealt with the value thing and seeing how these paintings were being experienced, but as mentioned, more importantly these pieces in particular hold such a sacredness to me and depth that truly it wasn’t about the money, but I was feeling protective of something within myself.

I realize now that I had mixed feelings that were tethering me to the experiences held within the portal paintings on a super-subconscious level.

While I’ve worked so much in the past to free myself and integrate the healing of these times within my and the collective’s soul history, there is an underlying comfort resonance in holding them, or identifying with them – basically allowing them to define me in behind-the-scenes way. Perhaps even fueling a sense of purpose I felt that recently I’ve been letting go of. AND, perhaps even still holding onto a self-imposed collective burden I felt to bear in that old martyr role.

It’s that super-shadow work often spoken of where you can’t make mental sense of it and there are many layers to the onion of feelings to unmask and get to the seed of it all. Some of which is purely your own and some that is collectively conditioned.

And in so much clearing out and truest desire to move beyond the unseen tethers that may not even by own, this suddenly hit me that I need to release these paintings rather than store them away in the dark recesses – literally they’re stored in a dark area of the garage to keep them safe from the elements and such right now, as we didn’t have any place to put them in the house, with all of the other paintings on the walls.

That’s interesting to me to have such powerful creations “hanging around” in the background.

So, my original “detached and collective reasons” for creating them returned to me, which was for them to be “out there” doing their work, especially at such pivotal times as now.



These originals are so potent that to have them stored away feels like an injustice, just as I don’t store crystals when I’ve moved – either taking them with me or moving them on to other guardians.

But I did end up having to store them when we lived in the Magick Bus RV for a year and a half. I remember setting them all up in the living room together before they were taken away. A friend came over who was picking up some things from me and ended up sitting with them for an hour taking them in and receiving rushes of energy, emotions, and visions. It was the first time they were all together like this in their original form and not prints, so it was profound for me to watch someone experience them as intended, but I obviously was still not realizing the attachment.

And to feel that subconscious tethering now reminds me to release fully from inner identifications to soul wounds/feelings over lifetimes. Not simply on mental or easy to find emotional levels.

That is the gift of these Five portals is to move energy and keep it moving – that’s why they are so alive. Working with them invokes an inner igniting to happen and can continue to work layers of their imprints in unearthing and beautiful ways.

Yet, the trick, as with anything is to flow and not get stuck in identification as defining and encapsulating.

It’s taken me all of these years to uncover the true gift within them.

And I am now able to truly release the paintings so they can be that experience for someone else.

I could keep them now, fully living in that freeing energy I’ve now discovered and harnessing it for endless renewal, but they were always meant for others.

The only way I would truly know their gifts is to have journeyed with them all of these years, so I’m grateful for the discovery – one that is very hard to put into words. I’m not sure I’ve explained it well here, but it was a huge shift that happened yesterday when I cracked the code within.

As the link I shared above about their process expresses, these paintings remind me of hieroglyphics mixed with sound coding and telepathy. A journey backwards and forwards in time and encompassing both my personal and a collective “history” spanning what I believe to be very pivotal timelinks carried within our very DNA.

While I process things differently these days and my life is more simplified, like these images that appear as snapshots, they are also encompassing of so much more.

These five pieces, except the last two that were combined in one year, took each a year to create on their 4 feet by 4 feet very detailed canvases. This in part due to my own processing, research, and discoveries, the collective timing, and travels I did to work with the energies at sacred sites across the globe.

I actually have a journal notebook I kept with all of the detailed research and coding I was discovering along the way and working out like a treasure map before starting to paint each of them.

They include encoded messages that are sound-woven and frequency-embedded for that transmutation.

These paintings were my interpretations and new perspectives of each element as seen through different astrological signs in their highest potential (Divine Male and Female aspects). They incorporate Mayan glyphs and act as integrative portals that bridge time and come through an ancient story that weaves Sumerian and Babylonian, Ancient Egyptian, Ancient Druid and Celtic Ireland, Atlantis and Lemuria, and the Cosmic Earth.

They are layered with energetic symbolism that can help shift things on a DNA level by simply viewing them – something I witnessed when I showed them a few times separately and some individuals would find themselves moved to sit and meditate with them. One time in particular stands out, seeing a young man with tears streaming down his face while sitting in front of Air.

And like Lee Harris spoke of in his last Energy Forecast for May about a new wave of people awakening to greater awareness than they have before in different ways and being more ready for conversations they weren’t open to in the past, I’m seeing how the original seed of intention in these paintings is more relevant now than when first created.

This has led me to truly release them to the world this time and whomever might feel called to them.

While that “value of art” thing is still very important I feel in helping to shift things collectively and bringing awareness and honor to the creative arts and even our relationship to nature because the arts connect us with the “nature within,” I am ready to let them go at huge discount simply because I feel the importance of their living out their purpose.

Like the mother must release their child at some point to  live their life, I do the same and know I am no less or more because of their physical presence in my life.

I had thought about offering them each at $2000 instead of their original $11,000, and all five for $10,000 – less than one’s value, but I’m now going to open it to best offers so that they can truly go where they can do the work they were meant to and fulfill the vision I had of them as meditation pieces, either individually or as a collective story for integrative healing on deepest levels.

So, if one or all of them speak to any of you, please let me know of your desires and we’ll go from there.

I do have to reiterate that these are 4 feet by 4 feet, so I will have to ask that shipping be covered as well because they will take special packaging and shipping costs.

The five are shared throughout this post in the order they were created. I hope you enjoy viewing them again, as much as I’ve enjoyed resurrecting them in a new way.

And if they don’t find new homes, this whole process is still rich in the discoveries I’ve made that I know will domino-effect out through our collective connection.

UPDATE: The five paintings have found their new home with an amazing new guardian and keeper who is keeping all of them together and will be working with them as the sacred portals they were intended as. I’m so happy that they can stay as a unit, even though I was open to them finding homes where ever they were meant to be. 

Enjoy Incredible Discounts in the Last 2 Days of Our Mother’s Day Sale

Yesterday Astrid and Cosmo brought through a message for Mother’s Day in Remembering the Sacred Mother Within and today the bunnies are thumping reminders for all of our friends about the rabbit love and whimsy available during our sale this Mother’s Day weekend in our shop here:

The Magick Rabbit

The sale goes through the end of tomorrow, Sunday May 12th.

The Rabbit & the Dragon A Faerytale.jpg

The Rabbit & the Dragon: A Faery Tale

Happily Ever After close up 2.jpg

Happily Ever After

Song of Harmony front.jpg

Song of Harmony

Whispers in the Woods

Whispers in the Woods

Portal to the Otherworld.jpg

Portal to the Otherworld

Alongside our 15% off you’ll find rock bottom prices on all of our remaining mini rabbit gardens – we’ve sold out of over half of them, but still have some truly magickal ones looking for the perfect home to inspire your life and new directions. Please read their descriptions when browsing, as they each have an energy infused into their mini themed worlds that will support your intentions.


Mer-Rabbit Magick Talisman


Rose Magick Rabbit Talisman


Atlantis Magick Rabbit Talisman

We have 8 remaining Magick Rabbit Talismans on crystal necklaces with embedded stones. We’ve received super sweet feedback and reviews on these necklaces that has been amazing in how they feel and how photos don’t do them justice. I even decided to keep one for myself 🙂

And of course our greeting cards, prints, notebook journals (we’ve sold out of 2 options, but have 3 choices to choose from with 1-3 of each left), one small Magick Rabbit basket left, original paintings – an opportunity to have an original portal at affordable prices, and one Cosmic Butterfly pendant, which has had quite the journey and bizarre story of nearly going to new homes 4 times now, but still awaits her aligned partner (it can be purchased in payments if needed and is currently priced at nearly 40% off its original value).

We’ve replenished the shop a few times already, keeping it at a steady inventory and likely won’t be updating with new items for a little while, as I’ve returned steady focus to my writing.

Once I feel a momentum with my book again, I’ll work in some painting time so I can bring you more rabbit whimsy this Summer.

All of our packages go out with special gift wrapping and free gifts, as we love making you smile from start to finish.

If you have any questions about items, please let me know.

The Magick Rabbit