Monthly Archives: February 2018

45 & Alive!

I won’t be blogging on my birthday, which is this Monday 2/26, so I thought I’d share some thoughts in a post, today, on this nine year anniversary of Joy’s arrival into my life – one of the greatest birthday gifts to date! Although age is meaningless to the eternal spirit, it IS interesting to reflect on all of the judgments and ideas we have around age, which also deters people from humanly acknowledging it, as well as determines life protocol for many to try to reverse it or even speed it up. Although, I’ve never taken issue to stating my age, I have been guilty of all of these things in my past.

In fact, rather than be afraid of or feel protective of my age to the degree of feeling it is no one’s business, I was quite the opposite, where I was adamant to share my age because I could feel the judgments of others upon me and my insecurity around that to blast through their ideas about me. In part, this was my own projection, but being an intuitive, it was largely in response to knowing what people were thinking, and wanting to nip that in the bud immediately.

I recall having meaningful conversations with people in my past and knowing by my outside appearance and things they alluded to, like asking what school I was going to (when in fact I was way past high school and college age) and the way they looked at me in a protectively patronizing way, that they weren’t taking me seriously. Coming from a past of “feeling the need to prove myself” anyway, this of course was my perfect experience called up to move through that.

But, at the time, it just made me want to blurt out how old I was because I knew the connotations attached to age that obviously I was buying into, too, as a sensitive and boundary-less Pisces. So, rather than hide my age, I wore it on my sleeve. And perhaps that might run deeper than simply this, as I also knew the ancient aspects of spirit and to come back again on Earth, starting all over, might even feel demeaning.

Although I know it is a gift and meaningful choice, now, there would definitely have been unconscious anger or resentment over incarnating – an experience locked deep in our DNA, I feel, as a whole, for many reasons.

And so, there I was fighting back with announcing my age, to appease my feelings  that not only in fact what I had to say was meaningful and important, but my incarnating here had purpose I was trying to remind myself with this declaration.

I’m not sure if I’m conveying this in the depth of potency it has, but in realizing and understanding this, it made a huge shift and got more parts of myself aligned and on board, rather than having an internal fight against myself, which only adds to the depletion of self love and creates more fragmenting and less empowerment.

The greatest battle and ongoing war, is truly the one within and I believe it stems from so much subconscious anger at our humanness.

And this made sense, as I always felt more inhuman and thus laid ahead a journey of merging and a return to natural harmony.

Then there was the young me wishing I was older and wanting to race through the years as fast as I could because I not only knew my younger years would be the hardest, but I also soulfully knew it wasn’t until later, in my mid-forties, that I would find my peace and really start “living.” A cruel form of intuitive vision when you know you STILL have to go through the years to get there. Yet, I wanted to escape, as much as I knew I couldn’t.

And still yet, there was the me who bought into these ideas of physically reversing age. Mind you, not in any fanatical way, but I was aware of ways in which one could “look” their best and all of those catch phrases even in the spiritual community that are about longevity, reversing the clock, ways one “should” look or how life should look if you are “ascending,” and what you “should” be able to do and accomplish if you are in fact turning back the sands of time.

I still marvel at this messaging and collective-buy-into, today, and although I understand aging is not a spiritual attribute, we are still on a three dimensional planet, we do still have individual journeys that are not measured by a certain amount of time we need to be here, and we are still judging what something looks like and associating it with living a life that’s “less than” if in fact it doesn’t fit into what collectively we see as “ideal” and “vibrant”. Just another form of self-abuse masked as spiritual enlightenment.

Are there things you can do to reverse physical appearance? Sure, but if in fact you are healthy, happy, and aligned in your expression of you, why then does that matter here on Earth?

If I want to have silver hair or wrinkles, why does that automatically mean I’m deficient? Or that there’s something wrong? I am still part human, and that part isn’t necessarily what I’ve chosen to walk in forever. Perhaps these indicate my true eternal quality? Why is there only one way to characterize this or see it?

There isn’t just one way, and I feel that the faster we open ourselves to multiple perspectives and possibilities, the faster we will free ourselves into a more grace-filled way of being and come into our multi-dimensionality.

Why do I bring this up?

Well, for one, I feel that vulnerability and transparency are powerful and key things to bring forth into our lives in greater frequency right now. Something I just shared yesterday on my Facebook feed with these reflections:

Everything points to going deeper into our hearts and connecting through them, with these as the guiding forces. The more we nurture these within, the more we encounter empowered embodiment, authentic experiences, connections, clarity, and alignment in our manifestations. And, the less we encounter triggers, hidden surprises, and forced change or reaction to what is revealed in the collective environment.

I feel that being vulnerable and transparent isn’t so much about allowing everything to bombard us as it pleases, but involves also a healthy balance of knowing and exercising our boundaries. This isn’t about hiding or repressing ourselves, however, but about knowing how to say “no” and not allowing certain frequencies to shift our own. Being openly expressive is not draining in this vein, but empowering and helps increase vitality. What is draining is when we fight our true expression or are having to deal with unwanted energies. Vulnerability and transparency is being willing to share the truth in our hearts and this helps others not to be afraid to do the same too. Fear around this is draining our energy, as we use so much of it to hide, worry, or create walls, which inhibit our gifts to shine through.

We can all shine, regardless of age, physical appearance, the list of accomplishments you have, or the things you own in your life.

The way I’ve discovered doing this is to live life out loud and to “create life as a work of art” – my motto.

I share the photo above, as it is the most recent photo of me (a week old) that reflects a much more peaceful, harmonious, grounded, embodied, softer, more secure, gently joyful, balanced, and creatively passionate me.

Vibrant bursts of color reflect my soul song frequency and inspire creativity to bubble through. Perhaps it’s the artist me or perhaps I’m simply inspired by Nature and how she exudes life force in every shade of beauty possible. Her blossoming myriad of expressions sing of love.

She is a woman of my heart and the only example I take to heart of how to live in the grace of being.

I love that now I have no emotional trigger or any tiny weirdness around my human expression and emanation of my spirit.

I will still always have resonance to otherworlds, but no longer need to prove that, nor anything else about my being here the way I choose to show up, as once my younger Earthly self felt she needed to do.

Merging embrace of my multi-dimensional self allows me the ability to enjoy each different aspect for what ever they are and however I am choosing to express them, without attachment.

They are ALL me and as the artist me, and using the power of creative love through me, I know their intrinsic beauty and value in the spiral of consciousness.

I now walk this reality as alive as ever, because it is my canvas to create in the reflection of my essence and my playground for exploration and total freedom of how I want to share that in any given moment.

Although chronological age is not important, the numerology factor is still interesting and revealing to explore.

45 is a combination of the energy of 4, 5 and their combined total of 9.

4 builds solidity and stability, foundations for self and others, draws forth passion and drive together for achieving success (whatever that means to you), and 5 adds personal freedom, adventure, creativity, courage to explore unknowns, letting imagination go free, versatility, major life shifts through lessons learned, while 9 brings things full circle, adds patience, intuition, soul mission, inner strength, sense of personal responsibility, humanitarianism, global focus, living and leading by example, and spiritual enlightenment.

These feel to be the energies I’m integrating at this time of my life and the foundations of where I am and where I’m headed.

I read that 45, numerologically, has a focus on putting your efforts and energy towards the things in your life that enhance and fully embody who you truly are – from the smallest of things to the largest of things – what we surround ourselves with, what we wear even, the things we focus on and are working on bringing into the world, and our lifestyle choices and overall life in general. It’s also about really putting things into full-embodied action so results manifest, keeping focused, and integrating a more pragmatic way to be a guiding force.

I’m also going to be igniting a 12/3 year come my birthday and this speaks to the creative rebirth taking place for me, an inner calling surfaced, release from all karmic ties, and everything coming together in my life story as I reach a significant stage on my journey.

So, while I may have been wanting to fast forward things in my younger years, I can understand why that visionary part of me was looking forward to now, as this truly is the most full-circle time of my time here on Earth – this life and aspect of my multi-dimensional self – and the most peace-filled.

There is peace no matter what today or tomorrow brings, as there is peace right here and now in my heart.

My new thing in recent years has been to gift myself birthday gifts to not only celebrate the new energy with supportive things that light up my heart, but to celebrate all that I’ve gone through to be here.

This year seemed to start a few months early, as truly wonderful birthday gifts were received from friends, loved ones, and family far before now, and some incredible surprises along the way that truly touched my heart.

So many of them were rabbit-focused and went along with the theme of my Wonderland office, with Alice in Wonderland fun.

My favorite gifts-to-self include the colorful, handmade shawl you see me wearing in the photo, two necklaces (including an incredibly magickal rabbit and a powerful “origins” and DNA activator), another gorgeous Faery book (I gifted myself one last year too), a custom made pen (for the writer me), a custom made wand (for the ancient me), and a “crown” chakra headpiece I’ve had intention of for years, but took until now to draw in the perfect one. Seems appropriate.

I don’t have any particular plans this year on my birthday, so we’ll see what intuitively and organically shows up, but we will be embarking on a super fun adventure March 7th – 17th, which feels to be my birthday journey of origins and more.

We’ll be heading to Arizona, first spending 3 days with Dave’s family in Tucson and then heading up to the Grand Canyon to meet up with our sweet friends you’ve heard me mention in past Summer posts – KC, aka Bean, and Clint, aka Happy. My Faery and Elf friends who returned my two giant quartz to their momma after my foot fracture and who took me on a Cirrus G6 private flight over Lake Tahoe.

From there, we head into the GC for an epic trekking and camping adventure, to introduce the energy and magick of this realm to us. Well, more me, because Dave has been inside of the GC before, but I haven’t. I’ve only explored the rim. Nor have I ever done this kind of trek, as I only camped a tiny bit when I was a little girl. Our adventures have been limited, but oh-so not limiting, to the Magick Bus RV living.

But come March, Bean and Happy (who will be working in the GC starting a week after our adventure, are GC experts, and love her inside and out) will be sharing her with us through their eyes, as we venture into her mysteries for several days. This will be an intro only, as we couldn’t do a super long trek this go-around, so more will definitely have to come once we sink our feet into the Earth here.

The reason I said this will be a journey of origins and more has to do with the ancient Earth here and the energy, which I know will be activating for me and synchronizes with my origins theme, because apparently there are hidden Egyptian temples that predate Egypt by 7000 years tucked safely away in the canyon walls for only certain eyes to see (this info coming to me all at once from several sources). Regardless of actually seeing them, the energy will be there and this connects more dots with why I felt so compelled to go on this trip, why it fell into place so seamlessly (including super challenging permits they were able to get for us for it), and ties into that Africa energy (which I’ve had more interesting dots light up with other connections too, since those posts).

A “Grand” birthday/new year/kick off indeed!

However, the greatest gift is this storybook year for me, and that my book’s completion and manifestation is close at hand and along with writing it, I’m writing a new reality into being from my heart.

I’m so grateful for every chapter of this story of life and that you have all been willing to colorfully show up and play in it with me, through the fun and challenge, and through the mystery and adventure of it all.


Fire & Ice


Yesterday we took an afternoon walk along Zephyr Cove – a favorite go-to for us on busier days. And upon this walk we discovered an enchanted realm of ice sculptures, courtesy of Mother Nature, the incredibly powerful Lake Tahoe Queen, and good ol’ Zephyr. We stumbled upon exquisite, mysterious, and magickal ice formations, which we’ve never seen before except for one time last year at Fallen Leaf Lake. How lucky we felt to find them, feeling like we were walking through Earth’s natural gallery, as we explored and encountered each different ice spirit and their unique energy. They don’t call this Zephyr Cove for nothing, as that wind sure is a shapeshifter for the waters of Tahoe.


The ones we saw last December at Fallen Leaf Lake were much more ice castle-like and lacy. Whereas the ones from yesterday were all so organic and different. Some looking like extraterrestrial beings, sea creatures, fire, mirrors of nature around them, Elementals caught in motion, fascinating portals, and also delicate, Faery ones creating an ice kingdom.


I love the variety and even the large boulder rocks covered in cascades of icing and thick blankets of bubbly ice just oozing with frosty delight.


There was an interesting juxtaposition of a large controlled fire in the background and also red and fiery energy that was showing up in some of the photos behind the ice sculptures. Sometimes the red and golden glows were part of the natural landscape, but particularly in the first photo of this post, the red just appeared atop the ice.



Anyway, I thought you’d enjoy these beautiful and otherworldly creations, as I take you along the walk we enjoyed yesterday, stopping to explore each and every one of these beautiful works of art.



My Ghostwriter & Update

It seems appropriate on today’s National Love Your Pet Day to give thanks to my ever-magickal partner, Astrid for choosing me to be her guardian and co-creator. Not only does she bring so much joy and love into my life, but she’s also the bestest companion for this leg of my journey. She’s my ghostwriter and biggest cheerleader and fan, helping me to bring my book to life, speed up the process, and keep me on point. She helps me with editing everyday, sitting by my feet and even taking over mom’s editing chair if I abandon it. She has her own way of telling me to “hop to it!” and follows in the footsteps of Nestor and Joy in how they used to do a quick nibble to the right bottom corner of my paintings to infuse their signature and energy. Here you can see her nibbling in some of her own energy infusions into the story’s creation, encouraging me not to stop the momentum.


And a big momentum is what I’m in the flow of right now, as my book has come back into main focus, with the completion of all house renovations finally. Yesterday, was a huge day finalizing the third round of edits. I’m feeling one more “hop” through to really tie everything up, feel out the flow now with all the edits, and tighten it up one last go around, including final formatting.

I’ve found that editing the tough parts is so much easier when I can tangibly hold the pages and mark them up with pencil, rather than using the computer – hence the pages Astrid is able to help out with. Seems she prefers that too. 😉

I’m a very hands-on person, which is why I also prefer actual books to ebooks. There’s something that triggers my brain more and all parts of my senses to have things physical. That’s why I also keep hand written lists, a daily calendar on my desk, write notes on my hand when I’m out, and never use technology to keep me organized. Anyone else like that?

Anyway, Astrid is excited and I’m excited too. She is anxious about getting the book done and our Wonderland writing room is perfect nurturing for that. I love having her by my side, as she’s perfect inspiration for this faery. I can’t tell you how much she’s supported its manifestation and its content.

She seems to be mirroring the shifting phases of the book too, with her own shifting fur.


I don’t call her the magick rabbit for nothing!

Could this be why I heard the nickname “Bubbles” whispered in my ear recently?

Or is it that Astrid is reflecting her joy in this name, or simply the joy bubbling through in exuberance for her new life, feeling safe and loved, and for being recognized for the gifts and path she has come to experience and share?

My bunnies always get nicknames, that shift as their energy shifts. They’re not names I make up, but that just come through. Astrid expresses her joy running, jumping, hopping, and twisting that feels like a bubble of passion rising to the surface and exploding. People call this a “binky” and here it earned her the nickname “Bubbles,” which I love because it expresses her silly side in compliment to her serious one.

In any case, her shape-shifting fur continues to change and produce beautiful symbols and markings. Here you see her incredible fur gifting us circles, or bubbles, and that gold at the back of her neck is aglow. Not visible is her silver toes, feet and tummy.

Her exuberance keeps “bubbling” through and she ceases to amaze. 


Nestor is the only other rabbit of mine that has done this with her fur. Always producing uncanny symbols I would call either hieroglyphics or crop circles.

Astrid has a lot of Nestor qualities, so it’s not surprising. In many ways, it’s like a piece of Nestie is in her, which makes our connection even more special.

Thank you Astrid for your way of keeping me on point, just as Nestor used to. I definitely needed your solid presence, commitment, sense of personal responsibility, wisdom, and joyous inspiration for this book and the rest of what’s to come after that!

Celebrating you with some extra love and recognition today. Hope you love the curly meadow twist chewy treat you’ll find in your romper room bunny play land.

An extra gift of gratitude for being my ghostwriter, teacher, and best friend.


Love’s Power & Loving Yourself


Let today be a reminder of love being the most powerful force and transmutational energy that can change your life and experience of it. This isn’t isolated to one day a year, but available always. It’s so easy not to be vulnerable to love and allow a hardening around our hearts to taint us. But as easily as we can stop the flow, we can also start choosing to release that tension and allow natural harmony to wash over, in, through, and around us once again. And as you ponder love’s healing power and the many ways there might be past injuries to the heart still guiding your life, remember that the greatest healing love starts with loving yourself. It is from that place within that everything else will be a reflection of or perspective of.

Try saying “I love you!” at least ten times to yourself today, as you look yourself in the eyes through a mirror. Add a good self hug in there too. You deserve it.

Then try doing this each day until you break down the barriers around your heart, release what’s under those closed doors to heal, and the painful tears turn to joyous tears, as you come to see the beauty of your spirit truly for the first time.

If you don’t have a loved one to share today with, good news. The best friend and lover is yourself. Do something sweet and generous for you. Whatever that may be that speaks to your heart. Simple or big, it doesn’t matter. Just do it and indulge in self nurturing. Your spirit, heart, body, mind, and soul will thank you.


Origins Revisited ~ Crystals & Succulents of Africa

It’s been a while since I posted a bunch of crystal fun, but since I know many of my friends and readers share a love for them, I thought I’d do so. These happen to go along with the theme I wrote about in my blog, Giraffes, Africa, Origins & Our Animal Sanctuary that touches on origins and how so much keeps coming up Africa again for me. These crystals hold very unique and in some cases, contrasting energy, although all come from Africa. I also had a fun discovery about one of my newest succulent plant friend additions to the large succulent family here. You’ll see what I mean below.

Needless to say, the Africa theme continues with some interesting twists still unfolding, as well as origins “cracking” wide open and coming full circle. More on that below too.

It was fun to hear how this theme is showing up for others too, including faery Laura, who shared about her own journey today in her blog, Reclaiming Roots and a Writing Update. In her post she speaks to how “roots” seems to be her 2018 word and her personal journey of this taking her on a Celtic journey through Welsh lessons – a journey helping “root” out things in many key areas of her life. Her blog post is a fun exploration of this and how these roots and origins are running deep for many. She includes a tie-in of discovery that linked to my own journey.

Okay, so before I get into crystal and succulent fun, something synchronous that took place last night, right before heading to bed, included a very special fossil and crystal piece I have. I shared this on Laura’s blog as a comment, but will include more detail here.

I mentioned to her, “speaking of roots,” this incredible and rare power piece I have, which is a very substantial and potent wand or smaller scepter, that found me back in 2008 while living at the north end of Lake Tahoe, got my attention.

The “wand” part is actually a rare, fully intact coral fossil from the Paleozoic Era/Devonian period (approx. 400 million years old). The shape of this extremely rare fossil indicates that it stood upright on the ocean floor and was inhabited by an animal with tentacles pointing upward.

It’s wild looking, like a horn, huge claw, or mega fossilized root. It is wrapped in copper wire with an incredible Arkansas quartz crystal at top – bringing together elements of earth, air, fire, and water. Along the front there are nine sharks teeth from the Miocene Era (approx. 25 million years old), which are said to protect against evil and poisoning. There is also an ammonite at center (approx. 400,000,000 years old) too. Fossils have a strong life force preserved in them and they can be upliftin and promote bonding with the animal kingdom.

Anyway, last night I went into my office, as I always do to say goodnight to Astrid, and I found this power piece on the floor. It sits center/front of the altar table at center of my room with all of sound instruments and some other crystals. A place Astrid loves to lay under every day, especially alongside the golden mother quartz on the ground.

I can only imagine that Astrid brought it down off the table. It happens to sit between another incredible pink quartz I found with the golden mother quartz. These were the two, you might remember, that I carried down the day of my foot fracture, later being returned to me by my friends. An incident that supported my completing the story of my new book – more origins involved here, symbolically.

Well at the right of this wand sits three crystals from Africa. My guess is that when it fell, it struck the giant mother quartz just below it, as there would be no other reason for it cracking, if it had just hit the carpet.

Interestingly, it wasn’t a crazy blow, as the only thing that happened is the bottom third of it, where the point of the tentacle is, cracked or separated from the other two thirds. However, you couldn’t tell visually because it is so well bound with copper wiring, at five different points – one of which is exactly where this separated. The copper wiring held it in place, but it was evident a full separation had happened here when I examined it further.

I don’t get upset about such things, as I feel these incidents have purpose and meaning, and I KNOW Astrid doesn’t do anything by accident.

She hasn’t touched anything on the table since we live here, so this was definitely not random, nor an easy feat being that it is quite a very heavy and dense piece.

It is very connected to Atlantis and my time there, but there are several other connections I can make and as Laura pointed out, “Celts and the Egyptians have much to do with Atlantis.” – both connections of our roots and origins.

But one thing that became strongly evident, brought me back to Africa.

I started getting a sense that this fossil had origins from that area of the Earth and upon further investigation with my pendulum, it resounded with huge, crazy circling yes’s in affirmation.

As Laura also said, “I wonder what Astrid unlocked.”

Indeed, I imagine I’ll find out more, as the journey spirals onward.

For one, it brought to my attention, this piece is integral things and it wasn’t random, either, that I’d place it center of everything in my room.

There are keys awaiting to be used.

And more of this will likely come now BECAUSE of these new African crystals that have joined the collective here.

Bringing them together feels like a journey in the making that has aligned for now.

So that brings me to sharing their photos and some about their energy.

The first two being Spirit Quartz, or Faery Quartz, as their known alongside sometimes also being called Cactus Quartz. They come from the Boekenhouthoek area, Mkobola, Nkangala District, Mpumalanga Province, South Africa.

They sparkle like crazy and really vibrate with harmony and radiating high frequencies.

These South African sweeties infuse a very nurturing and renewing energy into my sacred space, promoting hope, wholeness, clarity, and collective synergy.

Light body activation mixed with love and peace.

There’s a gentle grace pervading and it feels soft and freeing.

Pictured in the photos are a large Ametrine (Amethyst and Citrine) Spirit Quartz plate and rare occurrence of peach and white Spirit Quartz cluster that sits on a Boekenhout Jasper matrix.

Apparently, “the combination of Spirit Quartz and Boekenhout Jasper is a part of what’s known as the “Grand Formation” in the world of crystals.”

Interesting yes!

Sitting in a triad with them is this special little African stalactite that called to me. I don’t know the area it comes from, but just that it’s from Africa.

I love the stalactite essence – miracles of Terra. They seem to speak of raising one’s energy, deep inner growth that shifts the outer, and amplifying spiritual expansion, while connecting with the inner womb of creation from within Mother Earth.

Then we have this stunning Tigers Eye Egg that sits on my shelf alongside three other eggs I have of Lapis Lazuli, Sunstone, and Rainbow Moonstone.

This Tigers Eye Egg is really unique and rare – the largest of my eggs in fact. It holds incredible power and shimmers with both Blue Tigers Eye and Gold Tigers Eye chatoyancy. Each brings together their own metaphysical properties and energies into an alchemical blend.

Yes, you guessed it…This egg originates from South Africa and is a powerful third eye, throat chakra, solar plexus and root chakra stone that supports aligning with all six psychic senses. Wonderful for self confidence and encouraging one to stand in their own power.

Blue Tiger’s Eye is also known as Hawk’s or Falcon’s Eye, which also is SO connected for me, as I have a deep connection with Horus, the Hawk/Falcon God of Egypt. I happen to have a one-of-a-kind stone statue of him that I brought back from my first trip in Egypt, that sits atop my book shelf.

The blue adds calming energy and helps one connect with guides, helpers, and cosmic forces, while also bringing one into alignment with their highest gifts and life purpose. It draws in far-seeing vision to assist one in seeing their life from all angles, to uncover the truth, and read situations with hawk’s eye clarity.

The gold supports a life lived with courage and experiencing enjoyment and celebration of it. This aligns with experiencing abundance, as well as provides encouragement and hope. It’s wonderful for new beginnings and growth too, while remaining focused and grounded as you work towards goals and dreams.

Crystal Eggs represent rebirth, fertility, and new beginnings.

This leads us to the last of this African grouping – a gorgeous rare Black Ammonite Pair that originates from the magical island of Madagascar, one of the most energy-filled centers on the planet. These hold very ancient, healing energy, and deep/root/origin wisdom.

You can feel how different these are from the others. I’ve never seen such a large pair and I love the dark connecting with the hidden and shadowy recesses, but also the sparkly inner realm of it that shares light is inherent in it all.

These fossils are between 135-395 million years old and bring the energy of Ammonite – activators of our metaphysical gifts and inter-dimensional exploration. When placed on the third eye chakra, Ammonite reveals the soul’s path, which is encoded within it. It is also useful to support rebirthing and is a powerful Karmic cleanser, helping one release mental obsessions and important past life issues.

Feng Shui masters call Ammonite the seven color prosperity stone because it’s believed not only to stimulate the flow of life force energy through the body, but to be exceedingly fortunate for abundance, vitality, health, and promoting beneficial business ventures.

This brings me lastly, to my fun succulent discovery.


I have a new writing partner (to add to my Peter Rabbit and two storykeeper bunnies) and rabbit guardian overseeing things here in my Wonderland office from the vantage point of my desk.

This bunny planter is solid cement and so beautifully crafted. I found the perfect succulents I wanted for him to be like cascading water from the cabbage basket that will continue growing longer and adding to the abundant flow of energy and harvest alongside the grapes.

All of these holding rich symbolism perfect to immerse in.

I may move the planter out on my deck in summer, but for now I love the wisdom and whimsy of my new friend next to me and the exotic pink and green string of hearts Ceropegia Woodii, the Sedum Red Carpet Crassula that will turn red with intense sun, the Echeveria Moonglow at center AND the rare Senecio Rowleyanus string of pearls native to Namibia, Africa. I didn’t realize this until after I planted it.


I adorned the planter with three butterflies and one dragonfly, some moss, and three little quartz points – one of which has a timelink to the future – to add to the Magick.

Such incredible energies and all just “happening,” by listen to guidance within.

This leads me to a synchronous morning-full-circle-discovery that ties in the fossil wand and symbolic origins.

I was looking for something in my office closet and pulled out a bag. I didn’t know what was in it, but it happened to have these crystal prism hangers I once hung in my first Tahoe rental I moved into on my own after my divorce – something I’d had intention of finding and putting up here in my office.

Incidentally, the bag also had a card in it. The only two things in there.

The card had a black and white photo of Lake Tahoe on the front by a photographer, dated 2010. I opened it to find it was an anniversary card from Dave, perhaps from 2010 – eight years ago.

But guess what was also inside of the card?

The certificate of authenticity for my power piece wand that cracked open last night, along with all of the information about the fossil, sharks’ teeth, ammonite, crystal, etc. – the only way I would have known the info I wrote up above.

Then the card itself was a chilling a-ha moment.

It has one line it, besides ending off with “I love you.”

It reads, “Someday soon hopefully we’ll back in the place we came from.”

He meant Lake Tahoe, as that is where we met and had moved away from, but how uncanny in terms of this theme of “origins.”

On one level, Tahoe is indeed a return to our origins, having everything we love and both feel most at home in.

On another, well… speaks to so much more.

Celebrate What’s Right with the World

I’m so excited this Tedx talk is now available on YouTube from Dewitt Jones. You may recall that we got to see this talk in person here in South Lake Tahoe at the Lake Tahoe Community College – a sold out event of 250 people. Dewitt was my favorite speaker of the evening, moving me to tears as a man of my own heart. He was the only speaker who got a standing ovation for the evening, which speaks to how he must have hit a chord in others’ hearts as well. Perhaps you’ll find yourself moved into a different way of seeing life too. I hope so!

Photographer, director and Zephyr Cove resident (a Tahoe neighbor!), Dewitt Jones, has photographed stories around the world for 20 years with National Geographic, published nine books, and directed two Academy Award-nominated documentaries. 

In his talk, you can watch and listen to below, he so beautifully expresses the perspective of my own life and I felt the deep love in that reflection and mirroring, once again experiencing that full circle and collective connection. 

Dewitt’s talk explores a mindset that he learned while working for National Geographic, and being out in nature, of celebrating what’s right with the world and not just focusing on what’s wrong with life, although not denying or ignoring any aspect of it, but rather seeing from a different perspective and the wholeness inherent in it all.

Synchronously, I had received a sweet reflection this morning that went along perfectly with this theme, and that touched me so much. A new and dear friend of mine wrote to me saying he felt I looked so happy and added, “your happiness is contagious – a much needed thing.”

That’s the message I want to leave you with, which is one of the foundations of my own life.

Celebrate What’s Right With the World and your life will be enriched.

A Little Woodsy Magick


Yesterday we decided to visit Fallen Leaf Lake, which we hadn’t in a while, for a simple hike and woodsy mission.

IMG_20180210_144210511_HDR.jpgWe were on the look out for some wood to create a special sculpture, as well as to take in some nature goodness.


The lake was still and mysterious looking, but no snow except in little patches in the woods and on the mountain tops.


It’s definitely continued to be a mild winter here, but always beautiful and surprising.


It’s been fun having variety where we can choose to ski, snow shoe, hike with crampons, or simply hike – all depending on where and what altitude we decide to venture in at any given moment.


Speaking of wood sculptures, we made a lot of fun discoveries exhibiting nature’s fine job as an artist.


This included beaver’s work and a natural turkey vulture or condor work of art, as this Faery explored the forest’s gifts.


We then stumbled upon this mega magickal tree.


It was love at first sight.


Only nature knows truly how to touch our hearts in the deepest of ways.


Faery bliss abound with this incredible tree that had two portals in it.


Love the energy coming off of it. I found this photo on my camera that “randomly” showed up when I was taking a photo of the side portal.


Some of the tree’s energy showed up glowing red and red violet.


Can you see?

Rich, rooted, and regal.


Such life force burning even after having gone through the fire.


Proof we can thrive even when burned and challenged.


Love sharing nature’s magick with you. We’ll see what’s in store today, as we head out on another hike.


Enjoy this beautiful day and get outside!



Giraffes, Africa, Origins & Our Animal Sanctuary

A theme I’ve increasingly been experiencing is one of origins and a continued deepening into accessing those roots and remembrance. It’s much more than an integration process, but seems to be almost like opening a time capsule that is now aligned to access as keys to what was once behind closed doors. It’s been an ongoing journey, but things have been showing up more and lighting up an “intuitive treasure map,” as one sweet friend called it. It’s definitely more on an esoteric level so it’s hard to put into words, but that percolation is igniting subtle seeds of activation. There’s a lot of richness in the overall experience of it, although still is in blossoming mode.

One of these threads, for me personally, has been showing up through what is considered a cradle of civilization and humankind – Africa.

I’ve had things from here in the past come forward, but a resurgence is taking me there again on a different spiral of the journey and around every corner things point to there when I least expect it.

I know one of my dear friends is having a similar experience, which in fact was so strong it showed up in detail through a dream of mine I shared with her, unknowingly connecting to things I was not consciously aware of about her roots and past.

I’m wondering if others are experiencing this origin journey in their own ways too?

It feels to be much more than a recall, reliving, and integrating of “past lives,” but more of….hmmmm, how can I express it?

Like stepping fully into essence alignment, almost like you’ve been having an out-of-body experience all this time, but now are returning to body in a fully spirit-activated way with all the micro DNA bells and whistles lighting up and all of the macro Cosmic elements exploding.

Anyway, some of the fun ways this “origins” experience has been flowing around me has been interesting to observe.

I’ll just touch on a few of them.

I very rarely bring home crystals these days, in comparison to a time so many were flying into my life. I’d found some for Astrid and to align with my writing, but not anything else until just recently.

Five (there’s my number again) crystals called out to me from “random” places and in “random” ways, which I found out to later all have their origin in Africa.

Three from South Africa, one from the magickal island of Madagascar (one of the most energy-filled centers on the planet), and the other from an unknown region of Africa. All of them came to me in strangely interesting ways and without searching for them or even desiring to find them, consciously.

Yet, they found me.

I’m still waiting on four to arrive, but they feel pivotal to something anchoring, now that we’ve grounded here and made a sanctuary for ourselves.

And speaking of sanctuaries, not only has this home become the most nurturing and expansive in this way for us, but has symbolically become an animal sanctuary (in the words of Laura) in all of the highlighted elements that adorn it. Not to mention, the rabbit and two cats that inhabit it with us and all of the animals that visit from the forest.

99% of the artwork in the home either as paintings, statues, and decorative items are all animals – many of which are my own original artwork.

One of those pieces includes a tapestry my mom gifted us as a house warming present she worked day and night on to have done for when we moved into our home.

The back story on it is interesting, as this was a tapestry my mom’s mom (my grandmother) had started back in the 80’s in Paris. My mom discovered it in a drawer when she and my dad were cleaning up things, after she passed away. My mom recently rediscovered it and seeing the image on it, knew right away it was meant for us.

She completed more than half of it herself, making it a combined effort of both my mom and grandmother. It is a needle point work of art that’s almost 40 years old – nearly my age since I’ll be 45.

But what is REALLY synchronous is the image of the tapestry….as if my grandmother had foreseen our “now” home way back then.

If you look closely you’ll see a house or cabin-like home sitting in the forest with a creek and three deer and a light blanket of snow. The house has a long deck running the length of the back of the house facing the woods, just as ours does…and three windowed doors there, just as ours does. We also sit between two creeks and do have wildlife like deer, bear, coyote and more that run through here.

I’ll have to get a better picture at the same exact angle of the tapestry, but this gives you an idea. This photo was taken pre to our changing out that middle window to a sliding glass door like the two on either side of it.


It’s really uncanny to the point of chills, and so you can understand why my mom worked all-hours to give it to us. I just got it back from being framed, the day before the monks came for our house blessing, which also felt to be important. The large frame I believe is burlwood and it sits in the master bedroom as the scene seen from our bed.

Even this speaks to me of origins for myself and essence alignment, as well as the kind of vision I’ll share of the next thing symbolizing too.

And just two days ago, a very potent, pivotal, and important piece just anchored in this energy for our living room, with yet again another Africa connection. I had no idea it was coming, but poof!

Some back story….Dave and I have been drawn for the last year to this beautiful giraffe sculpture in a local gallery here. We often wondered about it and several months ago finally asked about the price, which was WAY out of our reach. But the energy REALLY spoke to us and we loved her so much. Something about her spoke to us and was before we even knew this house was going to manifest.

Fast forward to now….I’d not thought about her anymore, but then Dave surprised me two days ago with something even better.

A large box arrived and he told me to stay downstairs until he had it ready to show me. He draped it with a blanket and called me up to unveil it.

There before my eyes were two elegant brass giraffes.

He won them in an auction and now they would grace our home with, well, their own grace.

I love all animals, but until recently with that first sculpture we’d seen, hadn’t really thought about them reflecting something within me or us I’d want close as reminder.

With shifting energies, new paths opening, and these anchoring origins, something now aligned.

I was so excited when I saw them and they touch a special place in me each time I see them, like an activation.

I LOVE these giraffes (just look at the energy swirling around them in the light – they actually energetically remind me of the otherworldy, Cosmic deer we encountered in Glacier National Park, Montana with their elongated bodies and necks) and they now have center stage in our living room in front of one of the picture windows, even more so broadcasting to our Forest Portal animal friends, that this is a home of harmony and a welcome sanctuary for all of them.

I’d never really dove into their symbolism before, other than obvious things like their elegance and grace, but upon further investigation, it was like ding, ding, ding….the bells and whistles all went off. And with recent discussions, life changes, dreams I’m focused on manifesting, and what this new home symbolized opening for us, it definitely all made sense.

Not to mention, once again there was that Africa energy coming through, which has also been showing up in discussions with friends recently and things around travel. That’s separate to all of the connections I have had with both the Northern and Southern regions through past life discoveries and this life sacred journeys (two travels to Egypt, which were the most powerfully life-shifting for me).

Giraffes speak to being able to see the bigger picture, while staying confidently grounded. They symbolize the visionary seers and doers, but done with gracefulness in action. This includes the ability to see into the future to things that used to or might seem out of reach, but now point to where you are headed and that by stretching further into things outside of your normal vantage point or comfort zone, you can experience new opportunities and potentials. In fact, eloquent giraffe encourages reaching as far as you can because the unattainable is now attainable and possible.

Basically, giraffe says, “rise to the occasion” and that there’s no challenge insurmountable since giraffe summons up your most remarkable potentials, while also reminding you to rise above the chaos. That speaks to me to going for the biggest dream ever and that grace and balance are possible through any challenges you may face.

They also speak to me about merging Cosmos and Earth and bringing those aspects of ourselves in balance and synergy together.

That life here is about the integration of both, and as the intro to my first book, Spiritual Skin says:

“The physical becomes sacred.

The spiritual becomes tangible.

And together they exist simultaneously in harmony.”

There’s a lot more about them including their sense of intuitive perception and knowing, their markings representing the labyrinth of life being journeyed with that same dignity and grace, but also the powerful use of self-expression to walk your talk and use the most effective communication without waste or chaotic enmeshment, as they mostly communicate only through body and tail language rather than creating sounds.

All of this really speaks to me and what’s next in life for myself and us (1111 word count as I just wrote that), but also, in the most simple of ways, this sweet and graceful giraffe couple seem to be imbuing a more elegant quality to life’s journey and a higher frequency to be embodying and emanating from here on forth, and of course a reminding, daily marker to hold ourselves to these higher potentials when anything might flow through to potentially thwart that.

All being things that I feel speak to the collective, too, if we really want to make changes and create a New Earth experience together.

Welcome Fertile February


The first day of February is a special day, as it will always be Nestor’s day of birth (my twin soul and rabbit companion) here on this Earth plane and back with me in this life. This is such a creative month ignited by today’s celebrations of also being “Imbolc, Candlemas, Groundhog’s Day and St. Bridget’s Day,” and it’s a special month for me sharing a birthday in February alongside my brother, both of my grandparents from France on my mom’s side that are no longer with us (including my favorite grandpa who nurtured the artist me), several dear friends with close birthdays to mine and even sharing the same day as me. Today also kicks off Lee’s new Energy Update for the month of February and feels to be the month I’ll be complete with editing my new book to ready it for the next stage.

Rabbits are reflections of growth, rebirth, awareness, harmony, abundance, creativity, fertility, vulnerability, and Mother Earth’s changing seasons. So Nestor is a powerful way-shower of these energies, as we kick start this new month of February possibilities and leap into the energies available.

Peace and visionary awakening are the themes Lee speaks of hitting the collective big time this month in his new Energy Update video below. He calls this a “high month and cosmic month” in terms of energy available and what is possible for everyone. That feels resonant to me and certainly to Nestor. 🙂

Lee points out and reiterates that action is required for us all and that’s not just about “out there,” but “in here,” inside of you. Not a new message, but definitely needed to keep repeating.

If you’re suffering or tired of the ups and downs, even if you are being of service to others, then it’s time to turn that action on to you and balance these out – fuel yourself!

This isn’t self-indulgence, but a way to show up more in the world the way you desire to and the way to keep your wellspring abundant for the giving and receiving.

Consistency and congruency in life is key – inside out reflections of life lived as an example. I can’t reiterate that enough, as well, as I have seen SO much of this inconsistency blowing up on people lately, especially in prominent positions who speak and represent one message, but behind the scenes are acting out a completely different lifestyle that is like a separate reality.

Self-care increasingly is being the message to us all and really taking care of what is not consistent for you and what is lingering and continuing to spiral around and around.

Nestor was always a great reflector for me of what I was missing and needed to take care of within myself. And she continues to be a daily reminder in my heart, keeping me on track and not straying from my own need for balanced consistency.

Today she would have been 15 and unbelievably it’s already nearly 10 years since she returned to the Cosmos. And yet, her presence is everywhere and disseminated into every part of my life, so that I see a reminder when needed or simply to reflect love.

Make February a month for self-love and this will assist turning around those challenges you have been experiencing and that have been beckoning for your attention.