Monthly Archives: May 2018

Flower Moons & Memorials


Today’s Full Flower Moon in Sagittarius speaks to abundance, blossoming, expanding, exploring the new, and being free. As Earth’s fertile soil springs forth in flowers and welcomes the planting of new seeds, so too can you plant new intentions in your garden of life that speak of your deepest dreams and heart’s joys. Responsible action aligned in heart, leads to renewal. The last two days here spoke to me of these fertile and shifting life cycles, as we ended a couple weeks of thunder and rainstorms with Summery weather, saw the reappearance of a dear friend, laid to peace a sweet soul, and I reached the half way mark of reworking my book, which looks to be in line for completion this month, as I felt.

The Sun’s rays are so vital to life and for me, to have sunshine is key for my own vibrancy. I’m much like a snake or lizard, who thrives off time in the Sun and feels more alive when it’s energy touches my skin. I guess I also “shed” skin just as much as they do too with all my changes. 😉 So I do make a point to relax and read a book while soaking in rays when I can, as well as being out getting natural exercise with Nature, as vitamin D does the body good and for me, a lot more than others is needed.

Today I plan to harvest my Garden Tower, get some Nature time, and write, but I’m feeling a greater sense of joy and peace from Sunday’s sighting of what I feel was momma bunny.

After thinking a lot about her and tuning in, wanting a sign if she was around and okay as I was feeling sad, we pulled up to the house that day and there on the front lawn was my answer. She hung out for a bit then took off under the trees.


I then saw baby in the side yard munching away on the grass and wild sage, and he scurried under the gate to join out front by the trees. I’ve only ever seen mom and baby here, so unless this is another elder family member, my instincts say it’s momma. We were far from her, but it felt like her especially given my asking for a sign. Yay! I thought you might want an update too. I’ll be keeping an eye out to get a closer look for confirmation, as I know her eyes and face well. Seems she is teaching baby the ways of being on his own more and entrusts Astrid and I to also watch over him while she’s away and if she may go away one day. We are one big happy bunny family! 

And daily now are sightings of baby just frolicking in our yard. It is the perfect sanctuary for him and bunnies for sure, as it’s safe and there is so much for them to indulge on. This is definitely becoming a more and more magickal spot by the day.

Then yesterday was bitter and sweet, as Memorial Day saw me creating a memorial.

In the morning, as I was checking out my Garden Tower, I noticed a beautiful little bird laying on one of the pavers keeping the netting in place. Poor baby must have hit a window perhaps, but it was interesting to find this sweetie right there waiting for me and its symbolism speaks to many things.

I always seem to find animals, alive, injured, or moved on, feathers, bones, etc., or perhaps they find me. I feel I am here to create sacredness around their transitions, to bring peace, and be a bridge for them. And that’s what I did yesterday for this sweetheart.

I normally wouldn’t show a photo of this, but this dear one was so lovely and still so full of life, as I held him or her in my hand and nuzzled it’s sweet feathers and breast with my fingers. There’s something about its energy that moves me so much – perhaps to remind us of singing our song and living life fully EVERY single moment.


It seemed like it had happened not long before my discovery, and so I honored the little one and created a special spot to memorialize his or her life right next to one of my barrel pots of Foxgloves, Delphinums, and Salvias just outside my office door.


I want this to be a sacred place where all creatures great and small feel to be a sanctuary and honoring of their lives and a place they can feel to come and we can all share in the magick.

Yesterday was also like the first Summer day here and continues today, with temperatures in the low 70’s. Everything is blossoming, especially the trees and bushes here.


We spent most of our day outdoors, including celebrating with friends, relaxing and enjoying the beauty of the now and the joys life has to offer.


We shared a short hike out back and then enjoyed great food and conversation.


We enjoyed outdoor grilling of my Hawaiian veggie skewers, some Sweet Earth burgers, Field Roast apple and sage sausages, rice slaw with sesame siracha dressing, rainbow potato salad made by one of our friends, chips and guacamole, “cheeze” with crackers and spinach naan appetizers, fresh raspberry and rhubarb pie made by our other friends from their garden, and topped things off with S’mores…all vegan and full of love and yum.


Life isn’t worth living to me unless we are enjoying it to the fullest with gratitude and the freedom to “BE”.

Wishing everyone a blossoming week.


Forest Portal Magick ~ Astrid & the Animals

When Astrid first came home to us, nearly a year ago now on Summer Solstice, we were living in the treehouse up above the lake. She loved the views of the forest, lake, and having the Moon shine in on her from the wide open Cosmos, as well as seeing the squirrels and chipmunks climb up to our deck, with bear and deer visiting down below. However, now that we live on the forest and her viewing windows bring her face-to-face with the animals, she has truly shown herself to be quite the guardian of the little ones here, drawing in all creatures to our Wonderland realm on the Forest Portal.

I have seen every variety of bird come visit, including Robin, Steller’s Jay, Chickadee, Woodpeckers, and more. Some of which I’ve been able to capture photos of when Astrid is lying on her bed and they are just outside the door or on the tree in front of our room. Here you can see her with a black and white Woodpecker sitting on the tree trunk and a Robin sitting on the tree stump.

astrid and woodpecker.jpgastrid and robin

Also tons of squirrels and chipmunks love checking in on her. But it wasn’t until several weeks ago that that I finally saw our resident Mountain Cottontail bunnies. I knew they were here, as I’d seen their footprints in the snow during Winter, but now they have become a daily visit we get to enjoy in the physical.

I learned that we have a momma bunny and one baby bunny.

This is momma.

momma bunny.jpg

She is quite the wise one, reminding me of Nestor and Astrid, but with that nurturing of Joy and her little one reminds me of Cosmo…he’s just a bouncy little bundle of love and purity.

This is baby.

bunny lawn.jpg

It was sad to me to know it was only the two of them, as that means her other babies did not make it. She watches over him with great care and has taught him to hide in the bushes outside my office, which I also believe houses their home.

I have recently only seen him, however, which makes me sad. I am hoping she is still around, but I haven’t seen her since right before I planted the Foxgloves, Delphiniums, and Salvias. I did manage to get one photo of Astrid and the momma at around that same time, which you can see here.

astrid and momma bunny

If you look right between the tree stump and the tree trunk you can see momma sitting. I am wondering now if perhaps she was asking Astrid to watch over her baby, knowing she may not be around much longer. The last time I saw momma I noticed her looking a bit scruffy around one eye, so she definitely was getting into things more.

And now it has been a regular sighting of baby bunny, playing, eating, and connecting with me and Astrid. There is chance we are now his surrogate family, so I am extra mindful of him and sending him lots of love and protection.

He is very trusting of me and will let me go outside and talk to him, as he sits and listens. And like the other animals of the forest, he is very curious about Astrid.

Yesterday was an incredible day that had my heart pounding with love and all a-flutter, as if butterflies were swelling inside.

It started with what was at that time, the absolute cutest thing that involved a big squirrel that ran over to the deck off my office and crept to the left of the sliding glass door, then got up on hind legs, leaned against the glass with hands and fingers open, and peered in looking for Astrid. It was right after she’d left her spot. It was too adorable! 

The rest of the day, the usual sightings of animals continued and then baby bunny started making his appearance.

baby bunny lawn.jpg

I’ve caught him some mornings eating the grass alongside a Robin, and jumping and running back and forth with joy, as if inviting Robin to play with him. And this day he was again eating the grass, exploring out front, by going under the gate (we have lots for him to eat there too including wild strawberry plants), and coming back to safety in our side yard. He then sat atop the tree trunk pedestals next to the flowers and continued his exploring.

baby bunny with flowers.jpg

He likes to eye my very lush garden tower and has given it the bunny approval.

baby and tower.jpg

I know he’d love at it, but it is critter proof now and likely for the best, as I wouldn’t want him relying on it, since he needs to learn the ways of the wild.

garden tower.jpg

And then, in the late afternoon/early evening I turned from my book I was working on at my desk and caught baby right up against the sliding door glass while Astrid lay on her bed – both a foot a part and only separated by the glass and screen door.

I only caught this one photo of them together, where you can see the top of the bunny and his ears, as not long after Astrid got up, which allowed me to connect with little one.

astrid and bunny.jpg

You can see how he peered inside looking for Astrid and not afraid that I was now only a foot or less away behind the glass. I couldn’t get enough of him moving about, chewing on the welcome mat, and stretching out his little body with legs and butt extended, as he continued to hang out and peer inside.

welcome bunnywelcome bunny2welcome bunny3welcome bunny4welcome bunny5.jpgwelcome bunny6.jpg

I am in love!

It’s incredible to see how much the little animals are drawn to Astrid and our Wonderland realm. They are very curious and quite aware of the Rabbit Queen who resides here and is spreading her wisdom and love. Astrid communicates so much with all of them and it seems interesting that her ear healing has come up when things have amped up the most the last week or two. Listening within and communicating from the heart is something available regardless of physical challenges. And Astrid has alerted me with this of my need to continue to do so about what my heart is telling me.

Perhaps even, the animals are all coming to assist her.

There is so much magick happening here daily at the Forest Portal and it’s only increasing. I found it interesting that the day baby bunny connected most was after my having a dream of a rabbit the night before. And no coincidence that the first time I saw him and momma was on Cosmo’s birthday.

In the dream there was a blueish gray bunny, similar to Nestor, but a male, whose name was Blueberry and we were thinking about adopting him. In that dream I also found a very large feather that appeared to be from an Eagle’s wing. Hmmm!

Then baby comes knocking at the door, sitting atop our “Welcome” mat while I’m writing and Astrid is connecting. Interestingly, I shared these photos on Instagram yesterday and the second I published them, the clock turned 5:55 pm – my magickal sign connected to my twin soul rabbit, Nestor.

For now it seems the bunny we’re adopting is him and I’m happy to see that our portal has felt to be a welcoming invitation to join our family. Who knows what is yet to come!

Changes & Clarification on Websites & Workshops

Just a heads up that I’m in the process of making changes to prepare for what’s upcoming, as well as to close doors on the old. I found it synchronous that today, as I made the phone calls and took the steps to put these in motion, was actually the day seven years ago that I first released my e-book version of Spiritual Skin. It wasn’t long after, that I then made available the hard copy and kindle version and today I’ve put in motion releasing that associated website and email address for my book, altogether. I’ve also released my old Tania Marie website and now you can access this blog via either domains of or the current you know of

For now, I’m keeping my associated email address for that domain name, as it’s connected to too many things I don’t have time and focus to handle currently, but you will not be able to contact me via the Spiritual Skin email.

While the website for this first book I self-published will no longer be, you will still be able to purchase copies on Amazon – the only way to do so going forward.

Extra reiteration that that part of my life had come full circle were reflected in at least two books I know of that came out after mine – one that actually used my book title in theirs coming out almost 2 years later – and one recently that came out last year that ironically I was sent by the author’s marketing help to potentially review. I haven’t yet been able to read the book, but in scanning it, I was intrigued how similar it was to my own.

We are all collectively connected and tapping into the same pool of energy, but my time swimming there I now release to others.

That, in and of itself, feels like a huge refresh and reset.

You may have also noticed that I’ve deleted nearly all the pages of this blog site as well, and it now only contains my blog sharing and general and contact info.

So, those are some big changes that feel good, with more in time to come.

I continue to receive requests on things now and then, as I can’t delete everything out there in the world-wide web, but I’ve remained focused on only what resonates to move forward with. I am grateful to have a small network of referrals I can recommend to people in need and whom I’m unable to support at this time. Unfortunately, I don’t have recommendations of tattoo designers, but I do know wonderful tattoo artists I’ve personally worked with who are tapped in and create wonderful pieces. I always highly recommend taking time to search people out with intention, as you’ll always be led to the perfect person.

That brings me to the last Summer and Fall workshops that I’m offering.

I received some questions that I wanted to share my answer to for everyone, in order to clarify things if in fact you were curious as well.

Although I will not be offering classes anymore after August’s Reiki ones, I’m committed for life to provide support and answer questions for all of my students. I know that there was concern that if someone took my Reiki workshop they wouldn’t have what they called “mentorship” with this since I wasn’t teaching, but my ceasing to teach does not close the door on past students who have need for support with questions.

My students are always able to contact me for that. I’m simply not going to be attuning NEW students after August. I hope that is clarifying for anyone who had concern.

That said, in two weeks from this Saturday will be the last opportunity to register for June 23rd’s Reiki 1 & 2 Accelerated Workshop. June 9th is the deadline for that. So if you’re on the fence, that’s just a little reminder date to keep note of.

You still have opportunity to pre-register at discount for the August 25th Reiki 3 Master Teacher Workshop, as that deadline is July 4th with final registration ringing in on August 11th.

All info and registration can be found here: Summer 2018 Workshops

As for the Fall Equinox “Living a More Magickal Life” with Laura Bruno and myself, that pre-registration deadline to receive discount is coming up on June 21st Summer Solstice. The workshop is 1/3 full. Final registration is September 15th.

All details and registration can be found here: Living a More Magickal Life

Thank you so much to everyone who has supported my journey and to everyone who has invited me along on theirs. ❤

Time is A Useful Illusion

Since more and more people are experiencing multiple timelines, tapping into their multi-dimensionality, are accessing more than one reality, seeing through veils, and having synchronicity and alignments more frequently, I thought this video by Jesse Elder and his explanation of “time as an illusion” would be helpful to spark more latent DNA and remembering. When you harness this understanding, you’ll find yourself manifesting more and living more vibrantly. As in Reiki, we learn that we can bridge “time,” you can do this with intent on a day-to-day basis simply by expanding your perspective and letting yourself wander through the possibilities. Information like this leads to true empowerment. Just listening to this video will be an activation in itself.

Thank you Elana Rose for sharing this.

Updates: Expanding Options, Synchronous Alignments & Inner Ear Resonance

The last time I blogged was nine days ago on Mother’s Day, but feels like lifetimes. Have you also experienced increasingly fuller days? I feel a lot of work is being done 24 hours a day in the seen and unseen realms, with increased dream travels, work, and remote visits, while in the day an upsurge of incredible alignments, connections, synchronicity, and instant manifestation are taking place alongside the day-to-day intentional work. All the while, veils are parting and portals opening, which the Forest Portal here is revealing more and more, and multiple timelines are becoming available to choose between or expand into simultaneously.

Three years ago I made a big life choice that started setting a new spiral in motion with the theme of merging my Earthly and Cosmic selves in a new way. And while choices are presented every day, I continue not to find any wrong choices, but merely choice that if committed to with full intention and heart, will be successful and fulfilling.

Some of this involves exploring and straddling several timelines in order to feel them out before decisions are made, as these days we don’t just jump in anymore without doing full energetic scans and walking in the potentials a bit. This is being in our multi-dimensionality.

You can see in these photos, a portal of multi-dimensional access revealing itself here.

The first photo taken from our back deck captures it to the right of the left tree trunk in the foreground and right of that you can see almost a straight line of glowing light that is actually the lake peeking through the trees and not the sunset. Although, it is in fact the sun’s rays hitting just right on the water. In person the lake and sun were golden, the mountains on the other side of the lake were darker and contrasting, making it very easy to discern. Here you get a sense that something is opening at that horizon level of the lake.


That photo was captured seven days ago and these, below, were captured two days ago of the sun halo above our Forest Portal, mirroring the portal in the forest itself….as above, so below? They both look like eyes or a nucleus of sorts.


In between these days some special and big markers for me have occurred, including Thursday 5/17’s being a shared birthday for three people in my life – my precious Cosmo (who would have been 12 in Earth years), my sweet Australian cousin Nella who turned 71 (you may recall her from my posts last year when I met her and my family in Australia for the first time where we also celebrated my Great Great Uncle’s 102nd birthday and her 70th – synchronously and exactly one year ago), and a dear friend Hillary who turned 35 (you may recall her from our Reiki and Horse Retreat we shared together three years ago) – a pivotal time right before huge shifts took place for me and my path and when the Faeries had reminded me that I can now be the “not of this world” me fully.

Yesterday was the twelve year anniversary of my French Grandmother’s passing (on my mom’s side), which signifies a matriarchal shift of energy and transformational shift of the Divine Feminine in our line of family. So a lot of pivotal energies for me framing this last week or so, coinciding with the Taurus New Moon that really showed in growth potential, as well as asked all of us to Earth ourselves some more in a new way.

The 17th also presented an instant manifestation Dave and I had just put out there involving our shared business, which involved deep explorations into where I wanted to go with things and exploring the infinite possibilities. We’ve had similar choices in the past that took some time to fully feel into, but in the end we have been very pleased with our decisions. So, this was another not to rush into and good we didn’t, as it has given us opportunity to review many possibilities and be open to even more.

So, besides my day-to-day things and working on my book when I can, I’ve mostly been focused on choices that have presented themselves in my life, dancing with the potentials, and exploring the different timelines available. The fun thing to discover is how much more mutable I have become, even beyond my native Pisces chameleon energy I’ve been known for. It is interesting to see how I entertain things I wouldn’t have thought of doing so in the past, as I truly open to my evolution with new perspectives and with the knowing that things don’t define me, but provide me opportunity to do or have more than one thing I may desire in unlimited ways.

I feel we are all straddling these interesting new potentials and that collectively this is an integral time of merging – that balance always ringing is as key.

In between all of this I’ve been remaining very balanced (unlike my past self) and grounding and Earthing quite a bit, as my garden became a focus amidst this pivotal decision time over the last week.


I’ve added a few new plants to my very lush Garden Tower, re-engineered the netting so that I no longer need the rabbit pen around it by using left over pavers we had (exactly the amount that created a circle around it) to replace the stones I found in the forest. The stones then were the exact amount I needed to finish the stone perimeter in the front yard and back yard that had been missing small segments from the previous owner – love how that all works out.

pathway entrance.jpg

I’ve enjoyed watching all of my plants flourish, finding new discoveries continuing to grow, and planting Faery flowers and Manzanita in barrel pots we got to sit atop tree stump pedestals that had been cut down years ago.


I so adore these and feel that they’ve added just that little bit of Faery magick to everything and are gorgeous bloom sentinels lining the pathway and keeping watch over all of the creatures great and small here at the front and the back of the house. I LOVE being able to see two of them with Astrid from our Wonderland room. wonderland

That includes my bunny friends who also revealed themselves again. The mother and little baby both showed up on Cosmo’s birthday. Both connecting with Astrid and me for quite a while. In fact, the little one was not afraid at all and allowed me to open the sliding door, step outside and near him and then proceeded to listen to me talk to him for about 5 minutes before I decided to go back inside.

baby rabbit.jpg

He seemed to have waited for me to do so. And then two days ago, on the day of the sun halo portal showing up, he returned again, and again allowing me to come outside and talk to him. A very special relationship is developing with the bunnies here and he feels connected to Cosmo. The mother is a lot more like Nestor and Astrid though.

momma rabbit.jpg

But back to our land here – we don’t plan to do anything elaborate at this time, as we like to keep things more natural looking and with little upkeep, so these potted beauties do the trick. We liked them so much we have three more on the way for the back deck for Manzanita likely – native around here and merges well with all of the ones we already have on our property and in the forest.

At some point our labyrinth idea we have had for years may manifest, but like all things, it’s all about timing.

For now, house projects have dwindled down to only organizing half our garage left to do over the next couple of weeks with shelving on the way. And we’ll likely pressure wash and stain the house this summer to prep it for winter. That’s part of the day-to-day on top of the rental property business Dave and I run together that’s a side balance to my life.

So, while it may seem I’m not doing or putting out much these days, after having pulled away from and retired from some of my life’s work, I do in fact have a full life of different things going on while I am recreating and reimagining myself. This also creates a need to stay focused and make time for my book, as it is one of the other timelines I have merging that feels key.

Life is full and very Earthy on the one hand, which is perfect to keep my Cosmic self in check, merged, and harnessing alchemy, which requires both. It also allows for magick to be brought through into this realm, rather than keeping things and parts of ourselves separate. This also aids peaceful experiences to be the norm, rather than fighting with parts of ourselves like much of the world at large seems so good at.

Things that used to put my emotions and nervous system into a spin in my past, don’t get to me anymore because of this balance I’ve learned and because of no longer having undercurrents of feelings, sensitivities, and no boundaries controlling me. I now orchestrate my life and responses. A welcomed shift. 🙂

I’m still in process of exploring some timelines I may want to pursue, but have also put the keys in drawers on a few, for now, that I may want to revisit another time, as I follow my current heart stream. Astrid has been instrumental with that and I’ll share more about her shortly.

Processes always reveal things naturally, but there are also times we can cut to the chase and not even go down that path. As mentioned, there’s never a wrong, as everything will provide growth potential and some nice gifts to embrace, but if you aren’t capable of hearing your intuitive voice, or have someone to help guide you with that to know the timing on things and when to leave or start something, then perhaps your first instinct of the end result is the telling one that will help you not go down a path that might be more challenging for you to get out of than it might be for someone else in different circumstances.

Many times, my Pisces gift is a knowing of end results based on current momentum and while there may be much to gain along the way, not everyone has the capability based on their current patterns, to embrace all of it right now. While ultimately it doesn’t matter, since we each have our own paths, there’s something to be said for choosing wisely based on you now, and not you later. Just as you don’t try to change someone else. You either except them as they are now, or not, and have no attachment to if they will change at some point.

It’s the same with ourselves. We embrace who we are now and while we could change, there’s no attachment to if we will, and so we make decisions with as much as we know now and our patterns, without huge expectations placed on us to make these profound shifts. If we do, great, but we may not. Let it unfold naturally, as you’ll always get where ever you’re meant to go. So, if the sense is something isn’t going to end well, in the case of perhaps you’re not being able to make changes or understand your intuitive nudges, you may want to go with the decision not to do something and let the cards fall as they may. Unless, of course, you are an adventurer and enjoy the challenge of the moment to see if you can rise to the occasion.

I’ve seen this work itself out many times when people ask me for advice or have worked with me and they have chosen the path most aligned with their current momentum or that will bring about the results the way their souls know best, rather than entertain something else. And, there’s nothing wrong with that because there is no one way. In part this may be some of why I no longer resonate with teaching in the vein I have, as organic processes step more into Nature’s cycles. I love creativity as a form of natural activation of what’s already innately within.

That brings me to alignments – another natural cohesion that can take place – which I mentioned earlier because I’ve been experiencing an astounding amount of connections taking place that are true magick. This reflecting in many ways as new connections (in this life) with souls that have immediate depth, purpose, synchronicity beyond explanation, and producing creative results that are very mutually supportive. All of the details on these are too much to write, but I do want to extend gratitude for the blessings their are ringing in. The two most recent ones revolving around some rabbit creations that are very meaningful and timely for me – divinely inspired for sure.

This spirals us to the last update and most dear to me – Astrid.

That’s where the “inner ear resonance” part to the title of this post comes in. During this full week was also when Astrid started displaying some behaviors I took note of right away. Rabbits ask of us to be on our intuitive tip-toes all the time and ultra present. I noticed she was starting to shake her head and ears more excessively than normal. One might think it cute, but I had a sense there was something up. I kept watch for about 2-3 days noticing it was continuing and not simply just a fleeting irritation.

I then called to make an appointment Friday morning and the first available was yesterday. Interestingly, Astrid stopped the shaking head/ears behavior over the weekend, but I went with my instincts and took her anyway. We discovered that the left ear that had a bit more wax than normal in it last check up, had now created a plug, and the right ear that had no wax, now had some. Also, the inner canal was a bit red. The vet said that her hair follicles in her ear are for some reason not dispelling the wax as they normally do.

I definitely did the right thing in listening to my instincts, as an infection is starting and by being proactive, we can stop it from becoming something really serious. Ear infections for rabbits are not little things. Their ears are so sensitive, but infections can be horrible if not caught and treated in time, including could turn into head-tilt. But we won’t go there, as we’re on top of things and will continue with the current protocol – not fun to administer in her ears – and recheck in about 10 days.

Ears seem symbolically and literally significant right now – I have sensed my own shifting along with my eye sight. Ear canals are likened to birth canals and reflect the spiral and womb. In Egypt, ears aid the gods in hearing prayers so would be like hearing whispers from our higher self or the otherworldly parts of us. Ears provide the ability to be open to hearing new info and perspectives and knowing when to act upon what we receive. They are portals and antennae to receive thoughts, feelings, vibrations, and sound frequencies physically and telepathically. A channel to hear and know the truth within and without and as a result of that deeper inward hearing we can experience greater resonance and alignment on deeper levels of experience.

It’s interesting that I’ve seen Astrid communicating telepathically with so many of the creatures here in heightened collective activity – a variety of birds, squirrels, chipmunks, rabbits, and even spiders (too many photos capturing these moments to share). They all come outside her door. Even during this last week she started having symptoms, her telepathy has been on all-time high, demonstrating the inner ear, eye, mind, heart are the powers behind everything.

She’s going through her own shifts right now, mirroring my own, and during this week of choices, I can clearly see what Astrid wanted me to know – the answer that reflects my heart is the one to listen to and she’s ready to continue when I am from a deeper level of understanding. I love her so much and love how my rabbit companions have always and only been the ones to ever know how to guide me most effectively. Right now I plan to continue with our work together and help her to get back to her vibrant self with incredible cosmic ears. This is her this morning healing with Buddha.

astrid buddha healing


As for us, we’re looking forward to summer and all the outdoor activities and events upcoming – lots of Tahoe Herbivores’ Meetups to come including our annual Music on the Beach events that are a huge hit, an upcoming Full Moon drumming circle, and hikes and fun! If you live in the area or are passing through during that time, check us out on Meetup.

I have two Reiki workshops this summer, (still some spaces to join both of these) and one co-taught magickal workshop in Fall with Laura (already 1/3 full) – the last of my teaching, as that journey comes full circle. You can register at the links provided.

Dave and I have a 10 day August trip – the only travel right now we have planned in California for two wedding events, family and friend time, and time in Yosemite – a first for me. We lucked out on all of it in getting something last minute that we wanted and being gifted an awesome accommodation too. Dave was invited to speak in Hawaii next year for his book, but we felt into that as not being aligned.

End of Summer visitors are starting as we have Labor Day weekend booked here with friends and then of course Laura coming out. I sense we may get a couple more visitors too, so that will be fun. I’m so looking forward to beach time and kayaking, as well as incredible hikes, but mostly right now I’m looking forward to my book’s completion.

That’s what’s been evolving here  and what’s upcoming – in current sight at least. This is a little longer post to touch in and provide some updates as energetic gauges with all of you in your own worlds, as I haven’t posted for a while and don’t post regularly right now. I find that we always go through similar in our own relative ways, and sharing definitely chimes in those synchronous alignments.

Since I’ve been quiet, I figured I would do a little summary of main themes in my life – a way of also letting you know I’m still here working away on things to bring forth and share.

Seasons are shifting quickly, time is moving rapidly, veils are no longer boundaries, daylight is lingering longer, and expansion is happening in ways you aren’t even recognizing.

Appreciation to the Tribe of Invisible Mothers

A very powerful and important post by Jamie. Being a woman who falls into many of the categories she speaks of, I can relate to the silent place of daily courage and self-nurturing that one learns to foster within, despite not receiving understanding from without for the choices and experiences we live with. On top of this, I’d like to add to the Tribe of Invisible Mothers those of us who have also lost soul children that came in other forms – animal companions. I live daily with heartbreak from that as well without understanding from many – living as though they are still here, beyond just in spirit form. It, too, is a silent pain that while, like with all things we know better and of the bigger picture about, simply doesn’t go away and leaves us in mourning of the child soul, or souls, who truly sparked the Sacred Feminine within like no other. I know many will relate to your post, so thank you Jamie for sharing it.

Sophia's Children

Yes, Mother’s Day, and a happy one, with best wishes, for traditional mothers everywhere.

There is another tribe of mothers, though …

… probably several … that go unseen and unsung in our culture. It’s this tribe — my tribe — that I’m rippling “seeing and song,” homage and appreciation to today.

My Motherhood tribe is part of a tribe made up of about 20-percent of women (sometimes a bit more, sometimes a bit fewer, depending on the country and culture), so no small group of people. Just less visible, or actually invisible.

A Music Party, 1861, Arthur Hughes.

First though, a quickie look at the origins of Mother’s Day.

Turns out, that Mother’s Day in the U.S. was seeded in 1908 when Virginian Anna Marie Jarvis held a memorial service for her own mother, Anna Reeves Jarvis.

In the U.K. tradition of Mothering Sunday, the fourth Sunday of…

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Brief Workshop Updates & the Evolution of My Teaching

Everything evolves whether we flow with that or not and my way with this is to go with the current, rather than fight it. Some have been inquisitive about all of my changes and dropping services and channels of my expression over the last couple of years, which may have seen to come on suddenly, but in fact has been a natural evolution. I still field requests about services I used to offer, as there’s no way to delete info completely off the web, but the way to close doors is to know my boundaries and move fully into the new. I know when the time is up on something, as there will be a shift of energy in the reservoir of my heart that speaks louder than any outside element. While I’m grateful for interest in things I have offered, that does not reflect to me what my heart knows is best. There’s no amount of money or praise that can make me do what is against my inner knowing.

And right now, I’m being asked to challenge myself in new ways that not only speak deeply to my current heart’s joy, but raise my own vibration by stepping out of comfort zones and being willing to embrace growing pains.

I’ve reflected this week on the gift teaching has been to my life and how much I was taught in the process. It is one of the most life-changing experiences I’ve gone through and one of the most meaningful in terms of things I’ve done up until now. It completely shifted me into a whole new vibration, but it also brought full circle closure to a soul path I’ve been on for lifetimes.

The workshops and retreats I’ve put my heart fully into have been such beautiful experiences and truly brought out the best in me by vulnerably putting myself into a place of learning in the moment, and helped me to see myself through a different lens, while growing exponentially.

I was moved to joyful tears in seeing faces of everyone in photos from some of our workshops and retreats and knowing where they are now and how lucky I am to call these incredible people friends. Teaching connected me to soul family and I know that was a big part of a lot of the things I have done, to bring us together in the perfect alignment that would ignite remembrance within for all.

It makes these last three workshops I’ll be teaching, bitter sweet and yet perfect full circle gifts. I’m in awe of the people I have had opportunity to be in connection with and to witness the blossoming that has taken place for each. I’m grateful to have been able to walk with each of you for some small part of your lives. I’ve only seen who each person really is and not the stories that first walked in the door.

I’m looking forward to these last workshops for many reasons and will post reminders until their registration dates end, or they fill completely.

Here are the updates on availability:

As of right now there are officially only 3 spaces remaining in our Reiki 1 & 2 workshop on June 23rd. I do have 2 potentials, so there’s possibility of that filling. If you’ve wanted to join as a past student to review, you’ll need to let me know as well by June 9th.

Reiki 3 Master Teacher isn’t until August 25th, but pre-registration is July 4th to keep in mind for discounts. There are a couple of new students intending to register and a review student, so just something to keep in mind.

Reik Workshops

However, although the Fall Equinox workshop “Living a More Magickal Life” co-taught with Laura Bruno isn’t until September 22nd, it IS officially a quarter full already and may move faster. Pre-registration is June 21st to keep in mind for discounts. I sense a lot percolating for this workshop beyond what we’ve described in the details, as I’m listening to what is most pertinent to bring forth for this last workshop. Sure to be potent and filled with cosmic surprises.

It’s been a huge honor to support authentic empowerment, awareness, the raising of vibrations, and to help spread healing love and greater compassion via this channel. I look forward to meeting everyone who feels called to join us.

Going Into the Beyond


The last few days I’ve noticed energy shifting more with depth of reflection at the forefront, more anchoring in a flowing yet solid way, increased nature time than there already is, and more reviewing and clarifying. It has seemed like pauses or steps back, but in actuality are energetically catapulting. And during all of this it is not surprising to me that I would find both Astrid and myself feeling and emanating most ourselves and feeling freest to be who we really are. Our bond means the world to me and this book I find most of my work focuses on, to pull deeply at petals around my heart, asking it to open further despite feeling sometimes at a loss as to how.

Then the reminders and beautiful nudges come through that assure me I do know and when tears fall, it means I’m there.

They are tears of expansion and sweet remembrance of my song. A song we each have within, but forgot.

In the last several days I’ve needed to focus on a shared business I have with Dave and with his being away for work, it had me connecting even more with the forest land here we reside upon as guests to Nature’s kingdom. I even received some wonderful gifts in the mail – they always arrive in perfect timing.

It also had me digging deeper and imagining more possibilities than creatively have been explored. And when I found myself hitting an illusory ending with no way in sight to do what I feel in my heart can be done with the chapters at hand, I instead focused elsewhere and allowed those seeds to settle some more and watered them literally in my garden metaphor for the life I’m creating, just outside my sliding glass door. And I soaked in vitality from the Sun’s rays. And I nurtured myself with good food and good movies.

And the sign came, nearly knocking me over, that it isn’t all a figment of my imagination and IS in alignment.

So, I keep listening for my song to reveal the next notes and am learning that improvisation will inspire imagination into knowing.

Get out of your own way, out of the noise, out of the comfort zones, out of your head alone, and consult your heart.

It’s time to venture into the beyond and go where you’ve never gone before – blaze new trails into the unknown.

When you think there’s no other way, Astrid assures there is always an angle you haven’t yet explored.

Well We’re Movin’ On Up ~ Astrid’s Deluxe Castle In The Sky


Astrid is celebrating this special 5/5 day in Queenly extravaganza, joining in on the energies of this day with her own shifts into the next phase of her evolution. This day has special meaning to me not only because 5 is my favorite and most magickal number that when it shows up in repetition heralds big things for me, but because it is a cherished day of reverence to my dear ones. Today would have been my Russian Tortoise, Gaia’s 15th Earth birthday and on this day, 10 years ago, my beloved rabbit’s (Nestor) ashes were brought home to me.

Today’s also the last day to pre-register with a discount for the upcoming Reiki 1 & 2 workshop on June 23rd – the last I’ll be teaching. You can still register, however, until June 9th.

There’s definitely a lot of shifts taking place collectively and the energy of this day marks, to me, a big transitional opportunity for renewal. I love that as I write that, Astrid is grinding her teeth as she processes and moves the energy through with doing so.

But back to celebrations of big leaps. Astrid has graduated from her romper room playland to a full-on Queen’s kingdom here in Wonderland!

You’ll remember this was what she started with.


How did this evolve?

Well, she’s been growing leaps and bounds, or rather, revealing herself in huge ways because of finally having a safe, loving, and supportive home. If you follow along on Instagram or Facebook, you’ve likely seen her incredibly shifting fur exposing amazing images and symbolism, as well as her wisdom through the messages she imparts, and the joy in the videos of her that I share.

Recently, she has been asking for changes in her romper room, throwing out all of her hay and litter on the floor – which can be a very normal thing for bunnies who like to dig and play and create a natural habitat, but Astrid was wanting something more. I always listen to see if there is further meaning beyond simple and normal behavioral things. In the meantime, I had made adjustments that supported things until something permanent could take place. She also had chewed several holes in the playroom, so I knew it was only a matter of time before I either replaced it with another (I have one on hand in case) OR replaced it altogether.

The latter happened just yesterday in the late afternoon when her new, more supportive home arrived – a mega castle!

It all just came together in divine timing, as my favorite company, Small Pet Select, just put out new wood creations by their resident elf creator and they were exactly in response to Astrid’s new wants and needs and her growth, as well as my putting out there an intention to create something perfect for the new her. Love that instant manifestation!

I have several habitat things from this company, as well as a couple of other bunny companies, but I get all of her nutritional and daily needs from Small Pet Select, and have come to love their wood creations that are of such high quality and continually rising to the needs of our little ones. I love this company! They have the best customer service, friendliest people who I feel I know personally, fast shipping to keep things fresh, a great rewards program, awesome quality products, and Astrid loves everything from them. Anytime I have a question, the response time to receive help is immediate. I can’t say enough about them. They also support cruelty free shopping, rescues and shelters, and now have created the perfect castle habitat for Astrid.

It took me a little while to figure out the configuration of the set up for her, as I always have to think ahead to what will be most supportive, work in the space most effectively, and take precautionary steps for any unseens. And while doing so, Astrid was very curious and explorative. I always tell her about everything going on, with each step, and with assurance, as rabbits are creatures of habit so to change things can potentially be a bit scary. I also always want her to know that none of it means she’s going anywhere and that she’s safe and has a forever home.

Animals understand everything and they are just like us, with triggers that can bring up stuff. So you do want to explain to them what’s going on and give them every reason to know they are going to be fine, they’re safe, loved, and you will be with them every step of the way.

She did immediately start checking things out and licking every part of her new castle to make it hers. I explained how this wouldn’t be any different than the staircase she tackled so courageously and successfully here, and to get up and down would be a piece of cake compared to that.


The new set up has 3 stories and I placed her castle tunnel as a stepping piece for her to get up to the very top – this she already had, but in a different place. She tested things out, but was afraid to jump down into her litter box at first, although made it to the top floor where her hay is housed, quite rapidly.


I love this set up that was so well-thought out, as her hay can be housed without mess in this mess-free hay feeder, and her litter box that is on the bottom provides not only a private area to do her thing, but also supports her digging instincts and feeling of being in an underground tunnel to a rabbit warren.


Not to mention, keeps everything from being thrown out. Win-win! As no mess for mom and still everything is supportive to her. I add some hay in her little box as well as at top, and she also has a different kind of hay on her other castle across the room, so this provides variety and foraging fun, while she gets tons of exercise going in and out of tunnels, small spaces, hops up and down, more areas to lay and oversee her realm, and secret places to be in rabbit holes and tunnels too.

It all also happened to create even more space for mom in the room, as the romper room was larger and I now have a clear path to exit the sliding door without stepping over her things.

I shifted a lot around and in the end she ends up with quite a realm in Wonderland that outdoes the Queen of Hearts for sure!

She now has her Cosmic Castle (as I’ve named it) that sits under my 5th painting in my series, Universal ARKitecture titled Once in a Blue Moon that showcases Nestor and Joy (eventually to have Cosmo too).


So when she ascends up the castle it’s like she’s entering the Cosmos. It’s so cute to watch her stand upright and look at the painting just under Nestor and Joy, in recognition and as a way for her to reach for the stars and be one, as she is. This satisfies her Cosmic self.


Then, across the room she still has her other little castle, which I now call her Old World Castle that sits in the Old Country – a Faery realm resided over by a magick dragon, as you can see here. This satisfies her other world, Faery self.


And next to the sliding glass door she has her Carrot Cottage overlooking the Forest Portal, where she can connect with all of the critters that pass by, can sit and lay in her bed and watch the Moon and stars at night or dream away, and take in some sunshine by day.


There is a second bed to the left next to my desk where she can also take naps and channel to mom while she’s working. This satisfies her Earthly self, but truly merges all aspects together.


I’d say she’s got herself an incredible realm with so many beings as part of her kingdom to play with.

Not to mention, our exercise room is next to Wonderland, where she loves to run and play with me, enjoys hanging out with Buddha in the meditation cushions, and enjoys chewing on mom’s wood easel, which I encourage, as that’s a great thing for her to chew rather than other things, and infuses energy into it for when I use it. I think she smells the bunnies on it who were with mom before.

I figured she would come to love everything, even if at first it was a lot to take in and process, and that it might take time for her to jump into the litter box, but it was only a couple of hours before she got it!

Again, you can communicate with your animals and they WILL understand. I spent time telling her all about her new castle, how much mom loves her and why I got it for her, and that I knew she could figure it all out because she’s so smart. I helped with that, tuning in with her and sending the exact picture of how to use everything – walking her through it all and showing her how to get into her litter box and where the hay was. And she listened and understood. This all done telepathically. Immediately after, she went off to explore. She still wasn’t sure yet about the litter box and descending, so I got an idea.

I removed the top stories so she could see it in parts, just as I do with my own processes and take things a step at a time when things are too overwhelming or overstimulating like with my fear of heights. I only look right before me. So I did that for her and the second I removed the top stories, she hopped right in and realized this is easy!


Once she got out, I put the two stories back on and she immediately went right back and what do you know? She jumped right in again and that was it! She’s been using it ever since and realized how much fun it is.

I’ve found her enjoying every part of the new set up and laying on the top of her tunnel, which she never used to, laying inside of it, and going in and out of every little passageway.


It’s been so fun to watch and I know she’s super happy and grateful, as she’s been nuzzling and snuggling with me and loving all of the encouragement. I’ve even seen her sitting proud on each of her new realms, tall and dignified, full of peace and wisdom, just like the Queen that she is.

This reflects a significant stage for her and for me, and I love how it all happened in celebration of today’s 5/5 energies and my other beloveds. Things are transitioning in big ways for us both and I’m excited to see how it all unfolds.

She’s definitely “moved on up into a deluxe castle in the sky!”

If you remember the Jeffersons you’ll remember the song:

Well we’re movin’ on up
(Movin’ on up)
To the east side
(Come on, movin’ on up)
To a deluxe apartment in the sky
Movin’ on up
(Movin’ on up)
To the east side
(Come on, movin’ on up)
We finally got a piece
Of the pie

Yay Astrid!!


May 2018 Energy Update with Lee Harris

Perfect energy reflection from Lee on this month’s themes and the wave of energy flowing through collectively at large for the journey ahead. All of this resonates with me fully and what I’ve been experiencing. I think it will with many of you too. Themes of this update from Lee include:

  • identity changes and continued birthing energy in big ways happening
  • coming to terms with the old creating nostalgia and then clearing
  • innovation on all-time high
  • cultivating joy, which brings life force through us and to us and others – presence, gratitude for life and time for you to witness and embrace being alive
  • conflict energy and drama is done, so there’s a sense of peace without need to explain or defend, but can walk away with full inner resolution
  • actualization of dreams with the following mental pieces being key:
  • mental elevation – seeing from new and perhaps extreme perspectives
  • mental revelation – epiphanies, breakthroughs on the dreams you want to birth
  • time to manifest with all the synchronicity happening because this is alignment in motion of opportunity to create!