Monthly Archives: February 2011

Gaia – Earth Mother and Turtle? Ancient Wisdom For Conscious Living

Eternal Earth ~ Agate

Gaia is etymologically a compound word composed of two elements: Ge, meaning “Earth,” which is also a pre-Greek substrate word related to Ki in Sumerian, also meaning Earth and Aia comes from an Indo-European derivative meaning “Grandmother.” Therefore, the full etymology of Gaia was once “Grandmother Earth.”

Most of us know Gaia simply as Earth or Mother Earth; the primordial element from which all things originated, which is what the Romans believed as well. They knew Gaia, the Great Mother, as a single living entity that encompassed the totality of every element in the Universe; land, sea, or sky.

The Greeks knew her as an ancient primeval goddess who personified the Earth and whose emergence appeared at the creation of the Universe, born from Chaos. Gaia’s power was far reaching in Ancient Greece, making oaths sworn in her name to be the most binding of all.

If only such value for her was still a part of our lives, perhaps we’d discover more honor in promise to the planet we live on and more synergy and harmony through conscious, symbiotic care of the collective she signifies.

Agate Properties: grounding, balancing, centering to physical energy bringing emotional, physical and intellectual into harmony, soothing, calming, brings great strength, multiple layers bring hidden info to light, builds self acceptance and confidence, helps to speak one’s truth and improve mental function, overcomes negativity of heart, fosters renewal of love and courage, sense of safety and security, encourages quiet contemplation, raises consciousness and links to collective awareness of oneness of life.

Throughout the ages and cultures, active worship of this titan of fertile Earth came under the guise of many names and varied forms ranging from reverent bowing to Druidic ritual, all in an effort to get more in tune with the rhythm and continuity of nature she embodies. She represented to all, the Earth, or spiritual embodiment of the Earth, and sometimes was the goddess of all creation from which all other gods sprang.

Only Egyptian mythology holds a reverse personification, whereas Geb is the Earth Father while Nut is the Sky Mother, as opposed to Zeus as Sky Father and Gaia as Earth Mother.

In Indian religions, the Mother of all creation is called “Gayatri,” which is a very close form of Gaia. She is the mother of all Vedas, consort of the God Brahma, and personification of the all-pervading Parabrahman – the ultimate unchanging reality that lies behind all phenomena. Many Hindus view connection through the pure love and essence of the Gayatri Mantra as Divine awakening of the mind and soul and a way to reach the most Supreme form of existence.

Simply, the mantra helps us reach toward our divine mother and receive her blessings and wisdom to support us through the challenges of life.

Gaia’s qualities of divine femininity express her desire to nurture mankind and mirror for us, the reverence we have forgotten to honor.

Far too coincidental and divinely synchronous, turtles are the most ancient, vertebrate creatures that also possess Gaia’s wisdom and mother energy and through such, have much to impart. Many ancient myths, such as those of the Indigenous North Americans, describe the world as resting on the turtle’s back and many still refer to North America as Turtle Island.

This is illustrated by their creation legends that tell of a time when Earth was covered by water and Turtle dove to the ocean’s depths to bring forth Earth on its back so the people could have a safe, dry home.


The Mystic by Tania Marie

Like Gaia, these ageless beings have carried a myriad of symbolic meanings throughout the ages and cultures, mysteriously linking them as symbols of the primal mother (except in African lore where it is a male symbol) and lunar cycles; again possessing Earth and Cosmic Universal significance and connection with the center.

Far East Asian myth believed turtles brought about the creation of the Universe from its parts, which are said to depict a map of the stars and sacred writings: the shell symbolic of the heavens and used in divination readings, the body symbolic of the Earth, and its undershell symbolic of the underworld. This cosmic order they represent, coupled with the magical ability to support us in uniting heaven and earth within our lives, supports our experience of life as “heaven on earth.”

They are the only animal to have the honor of symbolizing both Mother Earth and healing waters, as well as personifying winter, humidity, thunder to the Mayans, Venus, Aphrodite, Northern directions, and the moon (most turtle shells are divided into 13 sections depicting the 13 yearly phases of the moon.) Powerfully nurturing and protecting, turtle medicine is beautifully illustrated through shared attributes with its Earth Mother counterpart, Gaia, while their spirit symbolizes profound lessons in light of its own example.

There is a presence and flow of steadfast strength in their deliberate, steady, and thorough approach to a life of non-doing, non-reaction, acceptance, and naturalism. Always at home within themselves, they embody the meaning of “home is where the heart is,” understanding detachment and freedom. These carefree, patient, instinctual creatures honor the rhythms of life balance, demonstrate non-violent, self-defense mechanisms, and know when to turn within. Navigating one day at a time, they mirror the importance of moving at one’s own pace through life while honoring boundaries.

Turtles are survivors; living so near the Earth, moving slowly, aging gracefully, symbolizing groundedness, and embracing courage with faith, as is demonstrated through the progress they make only by sticking their neck out. It is no wonder they are considered the wisest of souls in the animal kingdom, offering a potent and profound analogy for humankind on many deep levels.

So intertwined are the turtle and Gaia; there is no mistaking the significance and association of their deep and profound symbolism that seemingly comes from two separate sources, but are synchronously bridged as one. Such contrast between an omnipotent presence and an unassuming innocence and yet the blood lines run through the core of the same essence.

Do not be fooled by the book’s cover, as both embody the spirit and soul of Earth and beyond and share with us invaluable knowledge and teachings. Across the board, whether known as Gaia, personified as Turtle, called, sung, or chanted by another synchronous name, she is the connection to the Universal mothering and nurturing source that leads us to a deep sense of profound peace and balance within and manifested without. Yet, more than any other goddess, she is consistently identified as the divine and animate Earth Mother; the living, conscious planet we reside on that provides sustenance and inherent wisdom to all of her children.

cosmic turtleGaia personifies awareness of our connectedness through the circle of life and the sacredness of all life, be it plant, animal, human, or stars above. She roots her values and respectively ours, helping us to remember that connection and to remind us that respect and gratitude for everything and everyone around us is the ever-present message she hopes to impart.

Through this conscious living we can attain that balance and wholeness that is the promise Gaia offers. Shifting our perspective to that of experiencing connection with her as a partner in life worth respect and honor, we can then enjoy the blessings of that union through the daily gifts of beauty and miracles she provides.

Dedicated and inspired by my friend and Russian Tortoise, Gaia: a sweet, magical, Taurean-born being possessing earthy, feminine energy, as her name suggests. Gaia’s name was spoken to me from the Universe as I listened to ancient mantras on the way home from receiving her into my life. She was restless in her box, but instantly calmed to a stillness with the sound of the first mantra playing. Ironically, as I listened to it and sang the words, the only thing that pervaded my thoughts and essence was the Gayatri Mantra, even though the mantra I was singing was not this one. I only had Gayatri on my mind for some odd reason and didn’t realize I hadn’t been listening to it, until hours later after reaching home. So while I sang the mantra playing, I heard the word “Gayatri” in my head and instantly thereafter, Gaya…Gaia. I turned to my little friend and knew. The Universe and she had both spoken her name to me through the ancient mantra playing. And now I know why.

Libyan Desert Glass Tektite – Ancient Gemstone of the Pharaohs and Cosmic Bridge Builder of Love

I was drawn to intuitively check in today after a flow of inspiration was coming in and received guidance that some of my crystal creations are highly activated in seeking out their keepers right now, some of which are below and include the amazing Libyan Desert Glass Tektite, amongst other potent crystals. They are eager to align in helping to shift the earth energies that comes with synergizing into union with their chosen companions to support in healing. In light of this I am offering these four amazing pieces at very special prices. If you feel called to one, do let me know. (Shipping will be added to the prices reflected.) If you would like more information about the properties of the given crystals let me know and I will send that to you. Read on to discover the magic of Libyan Desert Glass Tektite.

The paraphrased words on Moldavite from “Love is in the Earth” author, Melody: “A pathway of inter-dimensional access to the highest Galactic energies, bringing higher thought forms and patterns through to the Earth plane. A multi-dimensional passage into other realms” equally apply to Libyan Desert Glass. The difference between the two being that Libyan Desert Glass is said to operate with direct focus on the Vishudda (throat) and Anahata (heart) centers, rather than operating in the higher Chakra realms. This quality of its essence creates a source and contact for universal love and harmony, as it acts as a channel for bringing Cosmic energies directly into the center of being. It is for this reason that Libyan Desert Glass was the jewel of Tutankhamen, designed to be worn over the heart in his breastplate, making it a highly sought out gemstone of the pharaohs and royalty.

Divine Illumination: Moldavite, Libyan Desert Glass Tektite & Lemurian Seed Crystal in Silver This piece is 3" long including clasp, 2 1/4" wide and 3/4" thick at widest part of tektite. Regular Price: $695 Special Price: $444

As a tektite, it is very unusual in being nearly clear and a beautiful pale yellow to green and sometimes with touches of amber to greenish brown color. The vast majority of tektites (natural glass rocks up to a few centimeters in size, which scientists say are formed by the impact of large meteorites on Earth’s surface) are black, with the exception of the beautiful cosmic green Moldavite. This shining impact Libyan Desert Glass ranges from opaque to translucent. Sometimes golden in hue and even with white opaque areas, Libyan Desert Glass also varies in surface texture from having an extremely smooth quality to being covered with small to medium sized, circular indentations, reminiscent of the lunar surface.

Known to scientists since the 1930’s, it is believed, according to scientific knowledge, that this tektite emerged from a collision of a meteorite with Earth nearly 29 million years ago (about 28.5 to be more precise) and is found only in a remote area of the Great Sand Sea of Egypt near the Libyan border. Relatively abundant, they are found in massive deposits with some estimates saying there may be as much as 40,000 tons of it lying on the surface of the desert amongst a small area measuring approximately 130 x 52 km. To others, the origin of Libyan Desert Glass still remains a mystery, with some attributing their existence to an ancient nuclear explosion, others to involvement with extraterrestrial activities, some believing they are pieces of our moon, but modern science explains their creation as result of a meteor impact, although no crater of suitable size or other evidence in support of this has ever been found nearby. Regardless of their mysterious creation, it is for sure they are of extraterrestrial origin.

Dream Weaver: Libyan Desert Glass Tektite, Aquamarine & Herkimer Diamond in Silver This piece is a little over 2 1/2" long including clasp, a little over 2" wide and a little over 1/2" thick at widest part of tektite. Regular Price: $695 Special Price: $444

Libyan Desert Glass is an exceptionally pure form of primarily silica glass formed at extremely high temperatures, too high for normal volcanic activity. According to the impact theory of a meteor striking the Earth’s sand, which is also composed of primarily silica (silicon dioxide), it caused a fusion of sand with intense heat and pressure. Yet, there is research that supports this theory to be incorrect based on homogeneity studies, which in summary show that thin segments of thousands of studied tektites were found to be virtually free of structural inclusions, except for small bubbles. Impact glasses, such as obsidian, will always contain terrestrial inclusions due to the impact of Earth by heated material. Noted homogeneity also was found in individual tektites discovered side by side or fused together exhibiting significant differences.

This, along with typical meteoric material and the high iridium content (an indicator for extraterrestrial origin) being present indicate their classing as tektite, but it may also be that these tektites were formed by a glancing blow from some large extraterrestrial object. The truth may never be known, but there is much speculation and disagreement, you can imagine. Regardless, this ancient stone has been around for quite some time.

The Stone-Age people knew this tektite very well, discovering the glass in the Paleolithic period and lived in the area hundreds of thousands of years ago before it became desert. They had pragmatic ways of using the stone in tools, where it was used as substitute for flint stone in the form of sharp blades and graters. Yet, its the ancient Egyptians that found less practical uses for this “special” stone, as they considered it to be very precious and to hold powerful energy. By the time of the great Egyptian Pharaohs, the area was only accessible by hardy nomads who must have traded regularly with those living in the Nile valley. Therefore, due to its rarity and esoteric value, it became part of religious objects such as the scarab-carved amulet of Tutankhamen, as the centerpiece of his pectoral breastplate. For it to have been carved in the form of a scarab, which is the symbol of the Sun-god Ra, would seem to indicate that the ancient Egyptians were aware of its powerful cosmic connections that this stone draws in.

Today, Libyan Desert Glass is not only a valued and pricey gem beauty for collectors, but its esoteric energies attributed to this “rock of the god” are vastly potent. Its high costs are attributed to the cost of retrieving it on remote expedition from the uninhabitable desert. Yet, its amazing qualities, priced similarly to Moldavite, are well worth the cost to at least own one in your collection. Only recently have those working with stones and crystals started to realize and understand the huge potential that these unique tektites offer.

Some of the metaphysical properties include a long and prosperous life, balancing of male and female polarities, stimulating growth and karmic completion, strengthening the auric field, facilitating communication between the third dimension and the origin of the gem, tool for meditating and connecting with other realms and advanced consciousness, stimulating increased cosmic flow, which can result in acceleration of heart rate, spacey feeling and out-of-body experiences, strengthening and energizing the heart and chest areas and said to bring the holder great luck by ancient cultural belief. It is also a stone of teaching and resonates strongly with the energy of the Hermit card of the Major Arcana of the Tarot deck; the wise teacher who looks within for answers of the universe and receives in silence.

The way that they create inter-dimensional connections between many realms, lends energy to seeing them as “bridge builders” helping to integrate and harmonize all of existence through heart-blending at a universal, collective consciousness level. This energy, amongst others, will become increasingly important and essential as we shift our consciousness and vibrations into that of the new Golden Age of being.

The Rabbit’s Magician ~ Behind the Smoke and Mirrors ~ A Little Alchemy For 2011

Happy Chinese New Year of the Magical Rabbit! As I sit here reflecting on the many things going on for me presently that tie into what rabbit years are about, I’m reminded of the synchronous and timely unfoldings taking place. The Year of the Rabbit holds many positive and supportive energies to be excited about. Look forward to more calm, peace, diplomacy, creativity, artistic expression, developing & birthing new projects, consistent ambition, good communication, solid, steady growth and endurance and luck and ease of financial flow. In honor of the Rabbit and my dear little ones, Nestor (my magical soul mate whom passed 3 years ago and whose birthday was just 2 days ago synchronously) and Joy (my new little lop earred friend and healing companion whom Nestor brought into my life), I’d like to share this article I wrote about how we too can embrace the “magician within”:


Our fascination with “magic” conjures up visions of mystique and intrigue that we seem to long for in our lives. History and stories of lore have mystified and enchanted us, continually tantalizing our desires to quench that unnerving thirst for a bit of the miraculous. Modern day magicians continue their predecessors’ practice of illusionary entertaining, satisfying our need to believe in something more; our need for a bit of mystery and a taste of the exotic. This desire and quest for the power of magic has spanned the ages, leaving us now with aspirations to capture some of that sparkle in the here and now. From the hierophants of ancient Egypt to the alchemists of the Middle Ages, from the Mayan high priests, to the Celtic druids, whether medicine men, sorcerers, or wizards of legend and fairy tale, these workers of wonders and miracles have left their mark beyond the world of their day. And let us not forget the high priestesses and druidesses, prophetesses and witches, medicine women and shamans, and our beautiful fairy queens. Magic has no gender. It also has no boundaries. And yet, who are these magicians, these conjurers of enchantment? Are they truly something for us to dream about and place in awe, as we project an omniscient quality onto that which seemingly is outside of ourselves? Or is there more to this “magician thing” than meets the eye? And what about that rabbit?

Actually, aren’t we all wanting simply to lead more of a so-called “charmed life?” It seems the desire to be magicians of our experiences and masters of our destinies is one we all share. Some people seem to naturally emanate a magical quality and we can see it in that sparkle from their eyes, that glow of an aura they exude, the way whatever they touch in their path seems to light up, almost like pixie dust that traverses any room they enter. And then some of us simply need to realize that if we can see in others such miracles of wonder, then we are closer to it than we think. Those of this nature merely mirror our own inner magician–the one whom we can call upon to cast our own magical spells of enchantment whenever we so choose. We just have yet to realize that magic is simply our innate art of creative power. Recognize it, exercise it, utilize it, and what do you know, “abracadabra,” you have yourself the ingredients for some home-made magic stew!

Speaking of “abracadabra,” let’s turn back the page to our friend the rabbit and the meaning of this most inane word. I think we’ve been missing something. Here is what Magic Words: A Dictionary, by Craig Conley has to say:

“There is profound meaning in the clichéd image of a magician pulling a rabbit out of an empty hat with the magic word abracadabra. The magician is speaking an ancient Hebrew phrase that means ‘I will create with words.’ He is making something out of nothing, echoing that famous line from Genesis: ‘Let there be light, and there was light,’ only in this case the light is a white rabbit and perhaps a flash of fire. The magic word, whether it be abracadabra or another of the magician’s choosing, resonates with the audience because there is an instinctive understanding that words are powerful, creative forces. ‘The word has always held an ancient enchantment for humans,’ says scholar Ted Andrews. ‘It hints of journeys into unseen and unmapped domains.'”

Enough said I think. Magic is a primitive power of creation through whatever means we use. Things take on magical qualities because of the energy we give it and the belief we put behind it. The power of language, personal meanings, and symbols enlighten and inspire us to create pure wonder and awe whenever they are spoken, connected with, or simply seen, worn, or held in our experience. We are the masters of projecting ourselves and our power onto everything around us, not realizing the magic skeleton key to everything we desire was always there within us. That’s not to say we shouldn’t have personal talismans and symbols or enchanting words in our lives. Sometimes the simple joy of that projection can help us to connect more deeply with ourselves and the collective around us, seeing and understanding how we are all so similar, all sharing the experience of the wonder of the world and all the beauty it holds for us each to see in it, the mirror of our own magical essence.

Symbols are beautiful and powerful things. The Egyptians carried amulets and magic figurines and Greeks sought out priests called Oracles. Alchemists searched to discover magical substances to turn lead into gold, cure disease, and extend life. We all need to believe in a bit of magic, yet the elixir of life is simply believing in you.

It is our friend the rabbit who holds all the magician’s answers to his, her, OUR projected magic. And we come to see how the rabbit is the true key to the magician’s power. Embrace and become your own inner rabbit and you too will discover an enchanted world of your own creation.

*Dedicated to, and inspired by, Nestie aka Nestor. Love is magic and I know no greater magic than the love between myself and my very own rabbit, Nestor, who has shown me the meaning of the Rabbit’s Magician and beyond.


Moldavite ~ Sacred Gem of the Galactic Heart

Crystals and stones are each magical and unique in their own right; possessing certain properties and energies that not only resonate with each of us personally, but also resonate during certain periods of our lives when we are in need of the supportive energy they provide. Moldavite is one such extraordinary stone and one of the most powerful, which just so happens to share the same hue and vibrancy associated with the Heart Chakra and new energies of the times.

Let’s look further into some of the uniqueness of this precious stone. Moldavite is a tektite-a mysterious group of glassy objects, that is the product of a meteor collision with Earth nearly 15 million years ago (14.8 to be exact). It is believed to have fallen from the sky only once, over what is now called the Moldau River Valley in Czechoslovakia. Found only in the Czech Republic, these green gems are among the rarest minerals on Earth-perhaps rarer than diamonds, rubies, and emeralds (hence being a bit pricey). Prized by humans for thousands of years, they are still given as gifts from royalty to royalty. Stories of legend associate Moldavite with the legendary Stone of the Holy Grail, an “emerald” said to have fallen from the sky, and a talisman for the healing of the Earth and having the power to accelerate one’s inner growth and spiritual evolution. Even those not usually sensitive to the energies of stones, often feel the energy of Moldavite because it’s undeniably powerful.

Wearing, or simply holding, a piece of Moldavite can produce many interesting and instantaneous reactions and experiences including that of heat flashes and emanating heat in general, that can not only be felt by the wearer, but those around, energy jolts, and vibrations throughout the day. It’s not a power to play with though, as since it’s vibration is so high, one not used to such exposure can find themselves feeling quite drained, as your vibrational energy quickens to catch up to match it.

Moldavite is a definite and powerful Chakra opener and activator, particularly resonating with the Heart, 3rd Eye, and Crown Chakras. Although its energy tends to first move to wherever it is most needed in the physical and etheric bodies, it will settle and center in the heart.

Moldavite is a great stone to work with on a personal and collective level in your healing work, practices, and meditations. Its transformative qualities, begins a process of energetic resonance throughout one’s entire being, thus raising the vibration. There are many benefits of this stone, and exposure to it, including, activating the dream state when worn while sleeping, helping one to acclimate to the Earth plane environment if feeling not part of this world (especially in the case of Star Children), helps foster a deeper level of compassion and understanding for the human realities of the physical plane, aids in expansion of consciousness and rapid transformation in one’s life-aiding the release of those things that do not serve one’s highest path, visionary experiences, increased clarity, vibrational raising of both yourself and the Earth, energy cleansing, strengthens, aids in self discovery and enlightenment, cosmic and crystal consciousness, expansion, and even contact with interdimensional energies, and the list goes on…

It is considered the only known gemstone of “extraterrestrial” origin (not of this Earth) and is associated with the Star card of the Tarot. But most importantly, it is a direct link to the Heart Chakra. While wearing Moldavite one actively engages with the heart and it helps to return that beautiful pink glow to your aura that is associated with unconditional love. Definitely a stone that helps us to get in touch with that lovely pink (or green) resonance of the heart. Wow! What a little powerhouse of multiplicity. No wonder it can at first sometimes intimidate those not aware of its energy. It’s fully packed with releasing and relinquishing energy that one surely needs to be ready for. Although, by inviting one such lovely piece into your life, is already mirroring that on some level you’ve chosen to be ready. It is definitely a celestial “stone of transformation.” Yet, not all stones are for everyone.

You will know if Moldavite is for you either in resonating with what you are reading here, or on instant contact with one. Isn’t it wonderful that like with all things, there’s a multitude of choices out there for everyone to find what truly resonates with them? But if you find yourself ready for one of these beauties, enjoy! You will find a lasting friend you’ll want to take along for the journey.


It might be helpful to mentally prepare, when deciding to wear your Moldavite and you can also help to ground yourself as well by pairing it with other stones such as black tourmaline, smoky quartz, hematite, tiger eye, or whatever stone resonates grounding effects for you. Moldavite harmonizes well with such stones as quartz, amethyst, rose quartz, citrine, tanzanite, larimar, sugililte, and dozens more. It tends to supercharge the energies of whatever stones you pair it with. Or you can go cold turkey, wearing it alone as you say, “Bring it on!”

The stone can be purchased both in its natural beauty as a raw, amorphous stone, or as a cut and polished stone. Faceted Moldavites, some say, can have an intensified energy that is created by the cutting process. And if cut into geometric shapes it can also act as a type of laser. But again, it all depends on you and your intentions and the way the energy of the stone blends with your own. Whatever shape and type resonates with you, is the perfect choice always and will produce exactly the results you are looking for and needing. Like with anything, follow your intuition and heart. Higher prices don’t denote personal fulfillment.

A Brief Unveiling of the Meaning and History of Sacred Tattooing

Tattoos have been around for thousands of years as a form of marking the human body for different purposes and with varying meanings. Almost every ancient culture that has walked the Earth has created and worn tattoos and body art as a part of their symbolic way of life. Tattoo history spans over 5,000 years ago and is as diverse as the people that have worn them.

The art of mehndi, temporary art done on the body with henna, also dates back about 5,000 years. Mehndi is still used in ritualistic and religious ceremonies in India, but the earliest proven civilizations to use henna are the Babylonians, Assyrians and Sumerians. Many ancient cultures have used both tattoos and mehndi for spiritual purposes.

Permanent tattoo designs, sometimes very simple, sometimes extremely elaborate, but always with deep personal meaning, have served as amulets, status symbols, signs of religious beliefs, declarations of love, adornments and even at times as forms of punishment. There is cultural significance to tattoos that is timeless.

It used to be that the earliest known tattoos were for a long time Egyptian, dated around 2,000 BC. Many mummies, which seemed to be exclusively female, showed evidence of tattooed designs on their bodies, especially on their thighs. But the timeline has been pushed back further with the discovery of the Iceman in 1991, carbon-dated at around 5,200 years old, from the area of the Italian/Austrian border who displayed tattoos on various parts of the body. His tattoos were examined and found to correspond to stress-induced degeneration areas, suggesting they may have been applied in order to help alleviate joint pain and therefore were therapeutic in nature.

It is believed by some that the Egyptian women practicing tattooing were dubious in nature and that tattoos were a mark of a prostitute, but it has since been proven that female mummies have been found in royal and elite burial areas and that at first considered a royal concubine, they now know at least one was a high status priestess. So there is no indication that tattooing was only for the “dancing girls” as they called them. Some believe that the tattoos were not marks of a prostitute or to ward off sexually transmitted diseases, but were actually functioning therapeutically as permanent forms of amulets to aid in pregnancy and child birth, as is suggested by their patterns and placements and the addition of the God Bes, who was the protector of women in labor, amongst other things. This helps to explain why Egyptian tattooing was purely restricted as a female custom. Egyptian tattoos were usually a dark or black pigment. Brighter colors, it seems, were widely used in other ancient cultures.

The Inuits, Nubians, Scythian Pazyryk, ancient Britons, Greek, Romans, Pre-Columbian cultures of Peru and Chile, Native Americans, Ancient Chinese and Japanese, and Polynesians to name a few are of the ancient cultures who practiced the art of tattooing for varying reasons. These included similar reasons like the Egyptian women, as a mark of nobility and high status (not having them was a statement of low birth, interesting huh?), as a mark of belonging to a religious sect or to an owner, if a slave, or to mark a criminal as punishment, symbolized devotion to a patron deity, which Roman soldiers adopted until Christianity spread with the belief that tattoos “disfigure that made in God’s image.” Tattoos were worn on every part of the body including the face, all with different meanings and significance.

The Polynesians from Tahiti give us the modern day word “tattoo” from their islander term, “tatatau” or “tattau,” meaning to hit or strike. After James Cook’s expedition there, it became fashionable amongst Europeans to have tattoos, especially men with high risk professions, in which case the tattoos carried amulet-like symbolism for protection.

Modern day tattoos are world-wide spread throughout every culture still, including Japanese, Africans, and Maori of New Zealand to name a few and of course within the Western world as well. All of the symbolisms and reasoning stem from similarities to past ancient cultures, whether we’re conscious of knowing what and why we’re doing it for or not. Some may be for new reasonings and self expression, but the foundation behind it has been passed down for thousands of years and not so coincidentally, many of us get tattoos of ancient symbols from ancient civilizations and cultures. Cross-cultural influences have continued to play a significant part in how we express and live our lives, incorporating and melding things together. Interesting how everything is a cycling circle or spiral effect, linking us all in timeless experience.

Tania Marie is a Visionary Artist, Designer and Reiki Master Teacher based in both Southern California and Northern Nevada. To commission Tania for paintings and murals, animal portraits, tattoo designs, to purchase some of her original works and custom or original crystal pendant designs, or receive compassionate healing support through treatments and classes, by request in your area, or by distance please visit or call 775-343-9244.

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