Monthly Archives: March 2017

Red Rabbit Surprises ~ Amphibole Quartz from Brazil

So much is rapidly unfolding right now in my life, and I know from what I’ve heard from others that the same holds true – Spring has sprung indeed! It’s incredible how all that I knew was percolating and being anchored over the course of the last months, Winter, and year, is coming into manifestation now. And the New Moon in Aries really kicked things in gear with igniting several layers of events unfolding, my own seeding of intentions with certainty of action, and even some surprise arrivals that couldn’t have been cosmically timed better, along with today’s honoring of my dear Nestor…aligning at once.

But first, a sharing of reverence to the spirit who has been my guiding light in life.

I can’t believe it’s been 14 years (today) since this incredible being found me again and re-entered my life in the physical. What a gift you are in my life, even from afar now where you travel the Cosmos like the Cosmic Pilgrim that you are. Thank you Nestor, my twin soul, for everything you have and continue to teach me, for challenging me to be more of who I really am, to help me know the real meaning of love, and for knowing me better than I knew myself. I wouldn’t be where I am and creating what I am right now without your guidance and the tough, tough experiences you threw at me and stood by with your unwavering love and belief in me, so patiently. Where responsibility failed me at times, love helped me rise to the occasion. You are cherished and honored now and always.

It is no coincidence that everything unfolding and arriving in my life right now is connected to this portal day of your arrival. I know, also, that Joy, Gaia, and Cosmo would not have found me either, if it hadn’t been for you.

I love how you continually weave your magick and soon it will be known just how much you’ve changed the course of everything.

It is also no coincidence that a new crystal friend found its way into my life, arriving home to me on the New Moon.

Because of your teaching to me to trust my nudges, this led me to divine alignment in seeing a post by a crystal keeper of a new offering in his collection. The crystal I saw was spoken for, but it wasn’t the crystal itself, but the description that had caught my eye….”Red Rabbit,” And so I inquired, nonetheless, discovering he had just two more available. And one of them I knew instantly you had in mind for me and had helped me navigate to.

I had a feeling I would find surprises in store. I was sent a quick video of the crystal that went so fast it was hard for me to fully tell, but I had a feeling this was a magickal one. I was able to only discern the number of sides to most of its faces, but one was hidden, so I couldn’t confirm and didn’t feel called to ask about, as I knew to just trust.

And when it arrived, it was in fact what I had felt.

This is not only a potent and beautiful crystal in its own right of being, but turned out to be a Channeler Transmitter Quartz, or Trans Channeler/Dow Crystal as they are known. These seem to keep finding me, as I discovered Fiver’s Quartz was also this, which sits atop my Magick Crystal Wand I kept for myself, and I found two other crystals that will be fashioned into a scepter, which just so happened to be this as well.

Dow Crystals have perfect 7-3-7-3-7-3 face sides and are rare, remarkable healing stones bringing balance and harmony.

AND, to add to that, it is self-healed, has wonderful “root” energy for grounding its high vibes, has laser crystal essence for focus and fine-tuning communication within and with other worlds, and also holds scepter energy, which helps transmit directional energy to the heart of the matter from the higher planes.

AND, another surprise I didn’t see in the video, because he was holding it in a way that covered this, it has a key! A key helps you gain access to information, healing insights, and hidden things, as well as aspects of ourselves by unlocking doors. So, yes, a little portal action to discovery. This is usually and easily recognized by a six-sided indentation on the side of face of the crystal caused by another crystal.

And add to one of its nicknames – “Red Rabbit” – this was like hitting the crystal jack”rabbit”pot for myself with this lovely one.

A little on the crystal properties and generals.

It is an Amphibole Quartz, which is only found in Brazil – a mine in the mountains of Bahia to be precise. They are also known as “Angel Phantom” or “Angel Wing Phantom” sometimes – this is because of inclusions looking like wispy angel wings, and “Red Rabbit” – because of the white streaks flowing through the red like a rabbit dashing through the desert (their white tails create the streak when they run).

They have a beautiful, sweet, pure, but strong energy.

Some of these crystals are more etheric (like mine) in their inclusions and others are very pronounced and more solid appearing – almost like those colored sand creations you can make. This can include hematite (the red), kaolinite (the white), limonite (the yellow), and lithium (the pink).

Because of this mix of inclusions and their infused properties, they create balance on so many levels and assist with grounding and manifesting that which is in the higher realms of experience.

It was a first for me to know of these (all in divine timing) and I can understand why this one has come to me, given I don’t really bring many new crystals in anymore. I don’t look for them or even intend to have more crystals, but a select few have seemed to find me recently due to the new being created.

These crystals bring peace, harmony, serenity, surety, strong sense of quiet confidence with decisions and taking on the unknown and new, but also ground and provide raw energy and drive to do so despite obstacles, and do so with clarity, cohesion, and practicality (hematite), support self-worth, joy, vitality and abundance of energy, and inspiration to share with self and others (limonite), emanate love, compassion, empathy, integrity, and working for the highest good (lithium), and channel inspiration, connection, and channeled light from Crown Chakra and Angelic/etheric realm.

They call it a “manifestation crystal extraordinaire” that assists when we are faced with mountains to cross over and that’s good because I will need it for things upcoming!

It’s also a very potent protector (with discernment to help avoid reactions and fear-based decisions) and cleanser of all toxicity within and without, great for lucid, restful, informative, and peaceful dreaming, past life recall, but also helps you to see your gifts, strengths, increase self-empowerment, and infuses the importance and presence of more high-vibrational universal love, joy, and beauty into your life.

I love what Victoria of Ethereal Energies of Quartz Crystals shares about them:

“This is the perfect tool for the inter-dimensional era we have recently entered, so much unrest, worry, anxiety and fear are running amuck in the daily world news. We all need to take a deep breath and realize by our thoughts, feelings and beliefs today, we create the future we will live in tomorrow. The Amphibole Quartz is exactly what we need to give us that little extra boost of confidence, courage and protection we could all benefit from while we are creating the new us.”

My loves from beyond sure know just what I need for the journey ahead we’re co-creating and their timing is impeccable.

And yesterday, Dave and I had a bunch of things light up, but it was also a significant day just for me because I knew with clarity and conviction that I would get my first draft of my book completed by the time I leave for Australia, as so many things came together to support that. I hadn’t had that definitive feeling happen until then (as I’ve just been flowing along) and I anchored it in while I wrote another small, key part of the story as my action in support of that declaration.

Of course that doesn’t mean it will be done then, as there is a lot of reworking and editing to do, but to have the entire story done will be huge and finish off the cake, while the rest will be the icing that will unravel rather quickly I imagine from there.

Support is all around. It’s time, especially now, to manifest with certainty of action that backs your intents, connect with the essence behind your desire and how it can help bring more love and light into the world and is connected with All That Is, and believe the help and assistance will be there.

You can have the miracles and make the leaps desired.

You can write a new chapter in your life and recreate anew.

Climbing, Challenging, Centering & Soaring ~ Making Peace With Fear at Angels Landing, Zion

This post popped up from a year ago, today. Wow! It both seems so much longer ago, and also like yesterday. Amazing how much has shifted since then and what a huge transformation this was for me. I’ll be ever grateful for the Magick Bus journey, as it truly was a game-changer, lifeline, and highlight of my life. We’ve been talking about future journeys to come, but for right now, really grateful for, and embracing, all the gifts of embodiment received. So proud of myself for having done this. And because I know so many share this fear, but also have fears in their life they would like to integrate a healthier relationship to, I thought a repost might be supportive and inspiring. I know I’m inspired by myself right now, as I wouldn’t have thought I could do this and now I’m looking at my life and pretty amazed at what I’m taking on in other ways too since this experience and the huge life changes made.

Tania Marie


Saturday was our last day in Zion National Park and we decided to end our time there with a bang by taking on Angels Landing.

This is one of the most famous and thrilling hikes not just in Zion, but in the national park system.


It is a stunning 5.4 mile roundtrip trail with views from the top of the Virgin River and Zion Canyon below. Doesn’t sound like much, but it rises 1500 feet steeply and quite rapidly in the 2.7 miles, which for some can be quite strenuous in and of itself.

Then the last half mile is the truly gut-wrenching part, which is not for the faint of heart.

20160326_15062920160326_150756Six people have died on the trail since 2004, which indicates the need for confidence and presence.20160326_151821

Many will just stop at the top, where you can still enjoy wonderful views, without trekking the half mile of more…

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Be as You Truly Are ~ You Haven’t Lost Your Passion or Path, You Simply Can Choose to Dance & Sing Again

A little feather mandala with 11 that I found yesterday, encircling an orange calcite heart for New Moon in Aries … Stirring the fire within to unleash your most transformative expression that wisely harnesses your creative and courageous spark of truest nature and embodiment.

One might ask themselves:

How can I create more balance and harmony in the giving and receiving of energy?

What values call to my heart most?

Do I experience frustration due to unrecognized opportunity, limiting perspective, and lack of self love?

There is potential for more integrity of self-expression and recognizing your natural beingness as you truly ARE.

I recently had a dream about a small magickal creature I was given from the Netherlands and it rested in my hands and then gave me a bite on my fingers, although without the intent to hurt and it didn’t, nor did it bleed, but I knew it was getting my attention. There isn’t a creature that looks just like what I saw in the dream, but the word pygmy and vole came to mind…I did discover there are pygmy shrews and field voles in the Netherlands.

I’ve made several connections to the entirety of the dream for myself and the connections of awareness it drew me too, but also while later looking into this animal’s symbolism, I was struck by something I read about vole that coincides with this New Moon energy and felt to share it too for the collective.

It shared how vole teaches about awareness to what is going on all around you with both sensitivity and alertness, but also simply teaches about expressing your nature, naturally, which comes through feeling and listening to your intuition with loving trust.

They also carry an energy and growth potential in embracing the learning around nature’s expression of both destruction and rebirth. So in essence, asking you to look at what needs to change or that you feel could use shifting in your life and then by listening you’ll be shown how to harness those changes with vole’s help.

And synchronous to my dream, voles teach us how to “sink our teeth into” the things we’re wanting to create…in essence showing us how to harness the visions and ideas with creative tenacity so we can make them productive and actualized.

There is so much angst and frustration out there around worrying about not being on path, searching, yearning, seeking out guidance to what exactly you “should” be doing, holding onto the belief there must be some idealized version and bigness around an end result of what this looks like, and coming up short on these expectations placed on it all by self and the messaging out there.

Interestingly, at the same time you worry and search, you are also avoiding the feelings inside, your intuitive messaging, those subtle or sometimes loud nudges, are self-sabotaging with conditioned beliefs, ingenious inner dialogue, and avoidance tactics, or even creating every obstacle and energy drain on yourself, otherwise.

Yet, what it boils down to is a need to surrender to what IS right now.

Who you ARE this moment.

The intelligence within you ALREADY.

You miss the opportunities every moment to just be YOU and bring through the creative vitality that stirs within your spirit and heart.

There isn’t a perfect outcome you need to strive for.

You simply need to choose to walk in the frequency of your vibration right now and how ever that leads you, IS exactly what you are here to do.

Don’t wait for some perfect answer or precise conclusion to your quest.

Give up the quest and realize the truth of your journey that is a step-by-step unfolding of you being you.

The more in touch we are with our feelings and the voice within, the more we know exactly what it is in each moment that would be the best possible use of our breath here on Earth. And that may be much more simple than you were led to believe, although without devising it, could very well turn into something much bigger.

But don’t judge what is and isn’t extraordinary or how if you only do “this,” you aren’t doing enough.

If you truly are embracing your spirit’s song and commit to expressing its voice in each experience you have, then you will come to experience the peace and harmony you seek…the next notes will become clear…and naturally you’ll have a symphony at work with your instrument in sync with the the collective orchestra.

I find that people create inertia because they dwell too much on the ideas rather than the feelings moving through. I’ve been there too.

You have and always will be messaged by your inner voice to where would most be in resonance and alignment to your vibrational expression.

We simply don’t listen and listening, nurturing, and supporting that voice is more key than how things need to look, as when we cultivate that, we naturally will be doing and being our best possible version in each ever-expanding and evolving moment.

So it won’t be about what big thing you “should” be doing, but truly about embodying your own bigness through being.

The less we listen and support that innate knowingness, is where we come up against the challenges.

And that inner voice will tell us when making changes would be much more supportive to our life and everyone’s lives we touch.

I recently went through this in a big way, myself, before we went on our Magick Bus journey and made the changes that were key to my spirit’s expression in order to thrive here or elsewhere.

If you feel a loss of passion, it’s not because you don’t have any or you need to discover your passion, you simply need to tune back into you, as somewhere along the line a door was closed on your feelings and the connection and love didn’t receive the nurturing that other things instead did. The nature of you doesn’t go away, it simply awaits remembering and dancing with once again.

And yes, that does become important, if in fact you desire to live from that purity of your natural vitality more and find yourself frustrated and tormented all the time.

Loss of passion may also speak to your completing a cycle on your spiral of life and rather than continuing to repeat patterns that keep you stuck, or drag you backwards like a whirpool, you simply need to get on the next spiral and create anew, integrating ingredients to bring forth continual alchemy of being.

Take an honest, deep, intimately vulnerable look within yourself and ask the really important questions. You’ll discover what the true “block” is to your having the very thing you say you desire…or in essence, to being more of who you really ARE.

It’s a very interesting journey we experience in our lives.

No right or wrong, nor timeframe. However, if you are feeling miserable or frustrated, that may very well be indication to try another way.

When we more actively engage ourselves as the truly empowered partners in co-creation, we can discover how to work with the alchemy latent within each of us to create.

How things evolve will be a beautiful spiraling of your nature unfolding her or his exquisite petals.

If you are feeling a squeeze on yourself, uninvigorated, and like you are suffocating, or ready to burst, then your spirit is messaging you to go bigger, expand, express, bring forth and wisely channel what is burning within.

If uninspired, this is your chance to choose to recreate yourself and do something that moves you, feels invigorating, and keeps your imagination and creativity engaged. Start inviting and bringing forth new elements to your life that stimulate newness and fresh perspectives to keep you thriving and challenge you to go beyond yesterday’s ideas and version of yourself.

That doesn’t always mean it has to be a huge outward change, but may simply be about inviting more of the little tweaks and perspectives to your current experience that inspire a natural unfolding from there.

You have the ability to choose completely new right now and to create something different, something more, but ultimately more you this moment.

This doesn’t need to be a do or die situation, but about really feeding your spirit’s song without any constraints on should’s and should not’s, nor about following patterns…but carving a new way that is more resonant aligned to you in the flow of energy streaming through that is simultaneously abound.

I feel that as long as we continue to touch in with ourselves, invite, and put into action ways to challenge ourselves to expand our capacity for creative expression and move into new areas of personal passion moving through us with expanding courage, we will find our lives enriched and continuing to unfold in amazing ways.

You are an intuitive being whether you think you are, or not.

When you reteach yourself to trust what you’re feeling and relax into a more peaceful state of presence, then you can be more mindful, discerning, and understanding of how to navigate the energy streams in healthy partnership of heart and mind where unnecessary risks, but invigorating challenge will meet in your always being exactly where your spirit desires.

Update: What I DO & DON’T Offer

I just wanted to share a few updates on current offerings and also to reiterate and clarify other things in relation to past services, as I get so many emails and questions that it seems a general message is in order. I’ll likely share a post that goes into life path shifts and recreating anew at a later date, as a ton of big nudges keep coming in on that, but for now just touching on some things people have been messaging about in terms of what exactly I AM available for these days.

So, as mentioned, I’ve had some pretty big life shifts and that has included a need to change the course of things in pretty major ways, focusing my time and energy differently, releasing some things all together, and basically recreating my life and creative output in a more “now” aligned resonance.

That said, I’ve stopped offering many of the things I used to, took breaks from some, and morphed others. But from messages I’ve been receiving, I think there was confusion that when I came back to offering the Intuitive Energy Guidance sessions and was open to teaching maybe a couple Reiki workshops this summer, that that entailed I was back in action with everything.

This is NOT the case. And although I’ve been inconclusive about when, if ever, I might return to some things, I feel I should be more definitive now even though I don’t ever like to say “never.”

I’ve continued to receive requests for tattoo designing support and although I’ve been turning them away stating it’s not something I am able to offer at this time, my gut tells me it is not something I will be returning to – period.

So there may come a point, when I have time, where I’ll remove things altogether on my website that has referred to these services, as I just simply am not in that mode anymore and would like to avoid any further confusion.

That said, you are still able to purchase my book, Spiritual Skin, on Amazon and that will always be available.

I’m grateful people have been so understanding, as well as have been very grateful for the interest, and while it’s been a good test of my boundaries and honoring my needs, I also may simply create a clear cut there.

There are many creative services or products I also have moved away from offering and yet my creative output has continually shifted into new forms. So while I don’t offer custom paintings, nor am I creating any original pieces right now, I have created new channels like with the Magick Stones (which I’ve stopped at this time and was part of the Magick Bus journey of energy moving through) and Magick Crystal Wands (the current and only focus), which will continually evolve and have moved one into the other, but are movements of creative energy I embrace flowing through in the version that fits what is “now” aligned.

I was at one time making crystal jewelry, selling a lot of crystals, creating Crystal Illuminations paintings, had an Etsy shop, created crystal elixirs, and was available to procure crystals for people. This has all taken a pause as well and although now and then I’ve been able to offer crystals ready to move on, this is no longer the case, as I have no more to offer.

I get a lot of messages and emails on people looking for particular crystals and similar ones I’ve offered before, but I can’t be of service with this either. Nor can I continue to create some of the custom pieces in other genres I used to since I’ve shifted focus.

Some things at a later date, may morph back in a new way, but none of this is currently available. So if you find an old post on any of these things, it simply is just that…an old post and not a current offering.

Update on the wands…I WILL have more in the future and do have some custom pieces I’ll be working on so this seems to be the current creative output I’m being guided to channel alongside my other work. I also do still have one of the last group of wands remaining, if interested. It’s been an interesting one in terms of its energy and power, as it’s had a few people vying for it then shifting gears, one that had moved forward with acquiring and then things changed mid-course again and so it sill remains. I love observing the process. So, if interested, the Neptune & Nymph Wand is still available.

In terms of the Intuitive Energy Guidance sessions, I’m fully booked with March and April now and unavailable May, so the next availability will be June. This may only be offered through the end of this year or through end of Summer, so if it has been of interest you may want to let me know, as again I’m only taking 2 clients per 5 weeks on a first-come-first-serve basis.

I no longer offer Reiki sessions, in-person or long-distance, except to my Guidance clients.

And in terms of Reiki training, I’ve opened this to teaching 2-3 workshops this Summer while I’m in Lake Tahoe. I’m in process of figuring out scheduling with this and contacting people who had inquired, so if you’re interested you can message me with your availability too so we can get those going and on the calendar.

And really that’s it, as the rest of my time I’m focused on my writing and cultivation of other new creations/offerings, plus a long term vision I’ve received that will take my energy and time to manifest.

So short recap.

What I’m NOT offering:

  • sacred tattoo design consultations/creations
  • logo designs
  • Reiki sessions: in-person or long distance
  • custom art
  • ongoing crystal sales
  • Magick Stones
  • original art other than what is still available via my website: Original Art by Tania Marie – mostly I just have the paintings in the Universal ARKitecture gallery available & the In Lak’ech originals, but no more prints
  • Crystal Illuminations paintings, crystal elixirs, and crystal jewelry
  • retreats
  • ongoing workshops – Reiki, Crystal, etc.

What I AM offering: 

  • Intuitive Energy Guidance sessions for 2 clients per 5 weeks (exception of April with 3 and custom created sessions with already established clients) – to be determined for how much longer
  • limited Reiki workshops this summer in Lake Tahoe
  • Magick Crystal Wands

I hope that helps clarify things and I apologize for long explanations, but I get so many messages, I’m hoping to help make things clear and avoid confusions.

In the meantime, I am looking forward to two upcoming trips beginning with Sedona on April 5th and then to Australia in May for 19 days that both feel significant for the next phase of things. I’ve reconfigured my time in Australia so that I can utilize the first part of May to complete my current project. I feel things amping up and the need to be riding that stream of energy.

Again, thank you to everyone for the understanding, the continual loving support, and reflections of interest. It really means a lot to me, more than I can express in words. I am so grateful to be able to have the ability to connect with you all in the varying ways that we do, to witness your own shifts, and to be a part of the changes we are all creating together.

And I am SO excited about all the new things being created by us all and can’t wait to share what is coming through just as soon as it’s ready to be revealed.

In love and creative magick always!


Springing Into Fuller Embodiment ~ Spring Equinox Portal of Possibilities

Peace and harmony to you on this beautiful Spring Equinox portal. Where ever you are I hope you can take some time to tune in and anchor in your own “change of seasons” with some reflection on where you are on your journey, envisioning what you would like to be creating as your path continues to unfold, and honing in on what actions you can take to put it all into renewing motion. I was just thinking about the last few years and where I was on Spring Equinox…last year in the Grand Canyon on our Magick Bus adventure, the year before on the island of Amantani in Lake Titicaca for our sacred journey to Peru I organized, and the year before hosting the Reiki Renewal Retreat in Laguna Beach, CA. And now, sitting above Lake Tahoe in our treehouse in Nevada engaging in what I feel to be my life’s work come full circle.

My how things shift and yesterday and this morning I’ve been reflecting on where I’m headed and how much has changed to get to this more anchored place I feel to be in with solid direction and fullest embodiment of what’s in my heart.

glacier national park.jpg

This photo is from last year’s RV adventure in the Magick Bus while exploring my favorite Glacier National Park. I love the hint of double rainbow that shows up in the clouds above and the hawk flying in the blue area of the sky that wanted to be captured in this image too.

This photo not only embodies the essence of today to me, but anchors in the visions I’m supporting from the guidance channeling through and my own intentions and dream visions unfolding.

I hope it ignites a spark of inspiration for you too.

Renewal is yours if you are willing to lovingly close doors, take action, and open to receiving new portals of experience because you’re worth it as an embodiment of All That Is.

Everything to me right now feels like we’re planting our own spirit gardens and it’s incredibly liberating and enjoyable to choose the seeds we want to see blossom and learn what each needs to be cultivated and nurtured into fruition. All the while knowing you are Spirit in motion of being and everything you do is a merging of this.

And if you don’t yet know what you want to be growing in your garden, this is a wonderful and revealing time to receive revelations and inspiration that uncover the seeds of your spirit’s truest calling.

Words that come to mind are surrender, balance, harmony, integrity, trust, and renewal.

I shared this message, below, before around the same time of year, but it still feels to be the theme and so I’ll reshare it again.

Things you might ask yourself in line with the words above are:

In what areas of your life can you surrender and stop trying to do and control it all? What can you let go of to make room for allowing and receiving?

How can you maintain your equilibrium, and remain balanced? Are you fortifying your source of energy and learning to shield yourself from all externals that knock you off your axis?

Are you being consistent with the integrity of your life and making it a priority as to your vibrational resonance you embody? Where might you release things, people, and situations that aren’t reflecting the same integrity? Are you ready to invite higher discernment into your life with the choices you make? Are you living authentically in expression of your inner truth and essence or is false ego running the show creating illusions and lack of self love and self worth?

Do you operate solely in your head and forego the knowing in your heart? Are you willing to cultivate more trust in that gut feeling, or are you more happy allowing all of the “stuff” out there to determine the course of your life? Is fear your friend or enemy?

Can you commit to letting go of the old with love, gratitude, and compassionate understanding for the way things have been, but no longer need to be? What are you willing to release in order to have the new experiences you want? Do you talk about things rather than do them?

It all boils down to how seriously you are willing to make different choices and back them up with action. The first step is the most challenging, but it all gets easier from there.

We are just like energetic coils, spiraling through the cycles of our life and able to “spring” back and regenerate ourselves.

You are more resilient than you think.

What you believe and the actions you take in support of those beliefs are shaping your experience and either bucking the natural harmony of your coiled embodiment or flowing gracefully with that spiraling essence.

Asking questions right now feels even more potent than simply sharing inspirational words, as it engages you to partner more in the empowerment you seek.

If you are willing to honestly answer the hard questions, then the next question is, are you willing to take the actions in support of helping you toward different answers you perhaps may seek to experience?

Only you can do the work.

Only you can make the changes….embrace new perspectives…and realize more expansive potentials.

I can’t do it for you and neither can anyone else.

We can only help guide you back to you, if, and only if you are ready to go there.

There is no wrong. There’s only choice and free will.

There is no timing to meet except your own soul’s gauge.

To reclaim your sovereignty you’ll need to reclaim it.

How that looks is up to you.

If you feel you’ve lost your way, yourself, your innocence….you can always choose a different spiral of experience. True, it may take time and it may not be easy, but neither of those are reason to turn a back on yourself for.

Nature has many mirrors for us of challenge and resiliency, of symbolic death and renewal…and yet it goes on as that is the nature of its reality that knows what it is here to do and doesn’t judge it against anything else.

The nature of your reality is that you, too, are powerful beyond measure, are beautiful in all of your seasons of inevitable change, and no matter the roads your journey takes you, you are and always have been an embodied miracle.

The truth of it is, there is no magick.

Magick is simply when you are surrendering to your essence.

Magick is when you express your creative piece of life force energy moving through you.

Magick is simply you being you.

And when you are embodying your essence expression and trusting in the knowing of that beyond all else, everything you touch is a process of alchemy creating alignment, abundance, and grace.

That’s the “magick”. It’s a natural process.

When you aren’t being natural you don’t experience this.

It’s that simple.

From being in the core essence of you, you are then able to branch out into new things from a stable, solid, and sustainable energy source that isn’t being depleted by having to manage frustration, inner torment, or having to support inauthentic, contrived, conditioned, or illusory ideas of you, what you think you should be doing, or how you think you need to look to others.

For myself, I have come to a place of great clarity through letting go of personal stagnation I was feeling, although to the outside world would not have been detected.

This has resulted in cultivating and nurturing those key themes I mentioned at start: surrender, balance, harmony, integrity, trust, and renewal.

It’s come with letting go of EVERYTHING that doesn’t mirror the integrity I’ve become ultra sensitively discerning about.

It’s like a complete update and upgrade, which ultimately is a total renewal.

So, not only is it Spring time for the next quarter cycle of the year, but this whole year feels to be a year of allowing new blossoms to open from the work you’ve done all of these years, while also planting tons of new seeds and working them fully.

A time you can activate more trust and surrender to “knowing” while branching out and following new aspirations or creative directions.

A good time for cleaning out your spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical house literally and symbolically.

A time you can live more from a place of saying “yes” to your inner truth.

And tend to your own inner garden of blossoms, while planting like crazy.

Time to branch out into new areas that aren’t tied to anything but essence embodiment.

lake tahoe reflections

This photo is from yesterday.

I was in gratitude of coming full circle to “everything” that ignited here once in Lake Tahoe, NV and was seeded in my soul, now to actually surface through the sands of time within my essence. This unfolding after having followed the threads that tied up all loose ends, integrating, weaving, and retrieving, which helped me understand more fully their reason for being there and how Spirit truly has been designing it in perfect merging of love and mission as One.

All that I/we need to know is in my/our heart(s).

And then it comes down to trusting that.

The answers have always been there. You’ve always received the inner nudges. You/we just hadn’t been taught to listen to, recognize, and support them. Now you can by choosing to do so and it will get stronger the more you do.

Wishing you an invigorating, inspiring, and revealing Spring Equinox.

Peter Gundry ~ 1 Hour of Celtic Music

Love the Celtic magick in this, which flows with my returning to a sound channeling share of my own today as my Spring Equinox gift to you, so I’m reblogging this from my Faery sis. Sparkly wishes, golden treasures, harmony, renewal, and ancient retrieval to each of you this St. Patrick’s day and pre-Spring celebration.

Laura Bruno's Blog

A quarter Irish (and mostly Fae), I wanted to share this magical Celtic music from composer Peter Gundry. My connection to Ireland goes back much further than St. Patrick’s Day — to the ancient myths and lore, Wheel of the Year and more. Next Monday marks Spring Equinox, and David and I will be busy with our own unusual way of celebrating another Turn of the Wheel. However you honor this day and the coming seasonal shift, I wish you a pot of peace and a rainbow of blessings.

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Nature’s Breath ~ The Space Between Worlds

As we approach Spring Equinox, I felt a simple sound channeling wanting to come through that felt to reflect this shift from one season to another, from experience to experience, of releasing the old to step into the new, and that stirring of a seed within the dark, nurturing womb reaching through the dirt to touch its tendrils to the light. This is about the moments in between and the deliberate presence of breath during the transmutation….until the last moment. Much love to all.

Tiny Aqua Tortoise

I am always enthralled by my dream time and how rich it is. I’ve had many interesting dreams recently again, but the one that stood out most was of the tiny aqua tortoise two nights ago. I love how each time my Russian Tortoise, Gaia, assists me with my writing, she will show up in my dream that very night, or vice versa – show up the night before and I’ll know she has something to share for the day’s writing ahead. I’m so grateful for my spirit family and especially my tortoise and rabbit companions who share their loving support always.

In the dream it actually started out with me on a journey – this time in a smaller RV – and about to embark. Before leaving I catch glimpse of a tiny (baby-sized) tortoise with aqua shell scurrying across the ground of what seemed to be like a garage or storage area. This little tortoise was fast!

The only other tortoise I know to be so fast is my beloved Gaia. She not only had strong presence, patience, and deliberate, persistent action, but she could move between those methodical, soldier-like steps of intention into a speedy sprint.

I knew right away this was a manifestation of Gaia coming through in this mighty and speedy little tortoise. She was reminding me not to forget the gifts and tools I have, not to mention the guiding support to lean into with this journey.

I went after her trying to pick her up, as she dashed quickly in and out of things in this storage area, making it challenging to get her, but also calling forth my not wasting energy, but focusing intentfully on what would be most effective in scooping her up without zig-zagging about.

And soon I did have her in my hands and just remembered how sweet she looked, her deep eyes and almost smiling face, with a fully aqua painted shell home she carried on her back and her coloring reminding me more of a sea turtle – interestingly just the size and similar essence to a tiny figurine I was gifted by a dear friend that sits on my dresser.

That was all I remember.

But as mentioned, since she’d come through that day with writing support and channeling the part of the story I was tapping into, I knew this was no coincidence, but timely and symbolic manifestation on her part.

Her small size felt to indicate these as reminders more than a blaring warning or that I was off-track and needing a huge sign. It also felt like she was helping me to fine-tune these elements and gifts rather than outright teaching me it from scratch. So definitely about honing in on things even more and tweaking so I can optimize.

Aqua happens to be my favorite color, but this is also a color that holds much pertinent energy to my life and this undertaking right now.

It can represent our unconscious and the instincts we have, wanting us to take notice and support. I take this as Gaia sharing to just trust this next flow of information coming through and to surrender to almost what I’d call “automatic writing” that has and will continue to take place. I will not need to dictate anything.

Aqua is also highly creative energy, light-hearted and still carries a strong individuality. This speaks to me too about the writing I’m engaged in and how it is being carried through me, but also of me.

It’s also definitely about inspiration, focus, concentration, communication between heart and spoken/written word, clarity, and even has been linked with the “electronic age” where computers are a form of wide-scale communication. To me speaking to again, trusting the translation that takes place if I let my parts work in balanced partnership and weave thoughts and words from their true source. And of course, I do type on a computer and to understand the collective reach of what’s taking place, not to mention is a way Gaia communicates to me through electronics with her ability to tap into this energy.

It’s also a color of calm invigoration, restoration, recharge of spirits, encourages healing, compassion, and our intuitive abilities that have the ability to open doorways to greater spiritual growth.

I have found this journey with my writing to be all of this and Gaia seems to be encouraging the process and path, sensing I had a moment of pause where I stepped out of that automatic writing place and was stumped for a bit before I jumped back onto the frequency train of allowing.

Aqua is a perfect color to support expression and confidently focus us with our speech and bringing through ways of describing things we might find hard to express. So it’s a wonderful color to surround ourselves with while also enhancing our gifts, help us make decisions, move forward, carry us through successfully, get us out of a rut or indecisive place in life or with a project, and all the while calming our nerves so we can return to center.

Gaia was definitely reminding me of the aura I carry with me with aqua always having been in and around my life, and to surround my process in this essence to carry me to closure with the story.

The things about tortoise/turtles is that they can live and journey both in water and on land, so there is again that balance of diving into our sensitivities and bringing them into concrete form. A bridge between the imagination and manifestation.

Vulnerability will be part of the journey when they show up and at times this will need withdrawing into our “shell” to bring forth something deeper, but also knowing we have the support to share it and that courage will be there when needed.

Normally turtles/tortoises can signify a need to slow down, but in the case of Gaia and this tiny turtle manifestation of her, she was moving quickly. I feel it represents that things will move more rapidly now with things, if I continue to go in this flow she is sharing, but also to be aware of how I can still navigate intentfully and more effectively. By continuing to be aware of my energy out-put and acting instinctively rather than just doing things without engaging my ability to think 10 steps ahead in the moment to understand the flow of energy currents I can ride, I will bring things together with productive results.

When ever I do this, then I meet with harmonious outcomes and merge as one with what is unfolding as an equal partner in tune with the natural rhythms.

There is so much we can learn by symbolism that comes through and many ways and perspectives to receive and see them as, but I believe we are guided to the ones that we need to know most.

I’m grateful to Gaia for her taking time from her ever-full missions she’s on to support me with mine – well….ours. 🙂

Sacred Silence

“Silence is a source of great strength.” ~Lao Tzu

I’ve continuously found myself being in silence and craving it more and more. This has led to an increased time spent in nature as well where I can hear the whispers carried in every breath of life around me. And when not outdoors, I enjoy a good portion of time being and working in silence, listening to the music of my cosmic heart. I’ve always been one to listen silently and not talk much when around people, unless of course I’m teaching a workshop. However, over time, even that has incorporated more silent presence, as I’ve created space and encourage others to lead and share, acting more as a facilitator to move the energy and support empowerment.

It’s interesting to reflect on my past when I was more insecure and without the confidence or courage I experience today, and remember that even then others were reflecting the power of my silence and presence, which took me time to understand consciously.

I would often hear later that people would share things about me to others, or be grateful for something I did or said, when in actuality I NEVER ONCE spoke a word. At least not through my mouth and voice, but in fact I was speaking through the silent presence I’d embraced from very young and telepathy that comes through in that state of being.

Silence has an energy to it that is like no other source and it is from this stillness that you find everything you will ever need and all that you forgot you knew.

It’s important to go out of your way to cultivate silence in this modern world where it practically ceases to exist, as it is invaluable. When you create even 5 minutes of silence each day, it will change your experience and you will become aware of just how much the external stimuli is affecting you.  All of this external noise creates internal noise, as our minds become more restless and active. Silence and inner stillness will lead to an experience of wholeness and happiness that comes from experiencing the divine inside you and conversely, also the divine inside everything and everyone else.

As we learn to experience this state of inner peace consistently and consciously, we recognize more what is our energy and others’ energy and get stronger at being able to create and duplicate that same inner peace and silence in the middle of any situation. We learn to take back control of our lives and strengthen our abilities.

Silence is something that not only do I find balancing and recharging, as well as supportive to being more present, mindful, and aware of all the energetic subtleties and guiding messages, but I also find it a way in which I can go deeper into the watery abyss of my authenticity, hear my intuition and truth, and exercise expansion of my heart. It’s also a way to access deeper connection with everyone and everything around me.

“In the attitude of silence the soul finds the path in a clearer light, and what is elusive and deceptive resolves itself into crystal clearness. Our life is a long and arduous quest after Truth.” ~Mahatma Gandhi

I’m constantly in awe and in love with the limitless depths of the heart. We’ve come to understand the importance of exercising the body, but it is also important to continually exercise the heart in taking it to new levels that will access its expansive potentials to heal all and to create anything we dream. Silence helps us to touch into those spaces in between and to understand the language of love.

Silence speaks volumes and is a way we can speak heart to heart and allow love’s stillness to envelope our souls.

This takes place even without words needing to be uttered.

I am grateful for the moments that exercise my heart and draw me deeper into the stillness within.

May you be inspired to embrace the power of sacred silence and the heart.

“Silence allows you to watch your mind and become aware of the thoughts that you may be acting on unconsciously. When you see the thoughts, you can make a conscious choice to act on the thought or change your mind, instead of going along with the noise. I have seen people who don’t want to look at themselves keep going until something happens that makes them stop — a sickness or an accident — but it gives them that reflective, quiet space where they can face what is difficult in their mind. We each have a unique purpose to fulfill in this life and inklings can come in those quiet moments.” ~Swami Radhananda

Where Do You Find Peace?
