Monthly Archives: November 2023

Spreading Gratitude & Warmth, Expanding into New Realms, Dream Journeys & the Return of the Golden Bear

I’m sharing this blog before the upcoming holiday, as we have my mother-in-law visiting this week and I won’t be back online for a while. For those of you in the U.S. who celebrate Thanksgiving, I am extending warm wishes to all of you and huge gratitude for being here at this time on Earth and for the connection we share that adds so much richness to my life. Expressing and recognizing gratitude is a huge game-changer for manifesting a more fulfilling life, so it can be beneficial to remember this beyond just Gratitude Day.

I celebrate and feel gratitude that I have a heart that is capable of limitless expansion and depth. I’m grateful for every day that it challenges me to be ever-more courageous. And when I engage it in vulnerable embrace and committed, responsible partnership, it provides me its breadth of invaluable gifts. There’s nothing more important to me than to be in that source center.

Things here continue to feel ultra expansive and energized with a fresh invigoration. As I’ve shared, my days are so different without Astrid physically by my side and yet also extremely expanded with her on the other side and still daily in my experience. My life is more rich because of her. Grieving is a human process and is very natural. I know my heart still grieves, but that grief is also the alchemy of love…and through the heart all things are made possible. It allows us to deepen into gratitude and to stretch our capacity for compassion and unconditional kindness.

I’m now experiencing life in a new way and what might have taken more time is now here to walk in. I will be brave like Astrid always was and say “yes” without need of having the details. I just know, and that is good enough for me.

I think that some of you are probably feeling similarly – entering perhaps a new field of experience and feeling more courageous than you have in the past.

These days we are beckoned forth in greater embodiment and embrace of our personal frequency. I find that the more each of us steps into that, the more we fuel other potentials besides the ones duality offers.

And the more we have compassion for others not able to feel that kind of courage yet or even the inspiration for it, and extend hands or at least keep our heart bridges open to them, we create a possibility – a door – a pathway, to seed the journey when they are ready.

Astrid has been such a bridge for me on many fronts and one of them has included a new role for me with the rabbit collective that I hold so dear to my heart.

I mentioned before how I got connected with Reno Rabbit Rescue after Astrid transitioned. I contacted the non-profit organization to see if they could use the supplies I had from her, which was a lot, and they said yes. This led me to meeting with the founder and a relationship has slowly evolved from there. I shared about the sweet Bunny Yoga event I went to recently, and was pondering where things would lead.

Because Reno is an hour away, it seemed I likely wouldn’t be able to have a huge in-person presence – especially in the Winter. And then the perfect role was presented that really lit my heart. I was asked if I’d be interested in taking on the position of Adoption Counselor since this could be done from home, online, and would be a way to utilize my skills and my passion. I was in process of answering, when an email came through inviting me to one of these sessions with the founder the very next day, so I could see what it was like and what it involved.

I ended up co-supporting the session with prospective new adoptive parents, and at the end I knew this was the thing for me.

And so, I now am Reno Rabbit Rescue’s new Adoption Counselor and I couldn’t be more honored, humbled, and grateful to be offered this important role. I will be doing online trainings with potential new parents who are looking to adopt rabbits through this organization. This includes training on rabbit care, health, behaviors, and overviews of all things rabbit, plus assisting in determining good homes for the rabbits in need.

I don’t take this lightly, as it is a heart-full responsibility. The organization is small and there aren’t huge influxes of rabbits, so it’s the perfect way for me to stay active with the beings I love so much while feeling I am making a difference by utilizing my skills and gifts.

Once again, I have Astrid to thank for knowing what would be in the highest good for all.

So that’s really special news on my end to share and one of the many things I am feeling extra grateful for that is adding to the expansion.

Alongside that, a lot of other new developments have been growing and helping me to grow.

I already shared about how Astrid also connected me with Mody Ra, in my last post featuring our interview together and through our reconnection in this life, we see that our paths are intersecting at this time for another role of support with shifts on Earth. We share in healing work we collectively do and I am also honored to be able to share his works now as a representative for my dear friend to help spread the work of his hands and the energy of these ancient stones to the people they are meant to be with in their roles for the collective. It is important to me to help others have access to as many channels that can help them on their path and to assist the collective’s evolution. I especially love to bring lesser known works to the forefront, as well as artists, because it helps to spread the love and allow everyone to shine. So this is another heart-driven new piece of my life I am grateful to be a part of and to be trusted with, as the energy of these stones is very ancient and sacred. It feels to be a continuation of lifetimes-ago work.

I haven’t had the time yet to update the new designated page I’ve created on this site for Mody’s work with other pieces, but have updated what remains of the first group of 11 skulls. There are now just 3 still looking for their cocreators and I also posted the addition of 3 of his largest pieces to date – the largest skull and dragon in the world are included – that are also awaiting their heart homes.

If you check back at the link below, in the coming days or week, there will be smaller carvings added to the page. These include some dolphin, goddess, Horus, Bastet, Sekhmet, and Isis carvings, as well as some Flower of Life charging plates. Right now I only had time to share them in my Instagram stories, so if you’re on there you can see those or go to my highlights to find them right now. As mentioned, with Dave’s mom here this week, I will not have much if any time to get more done.

Egyptian Skulls & Dragons by Mody Ra

But stay tuned for a few more episodes featuring Mody, as he’s headed back to Egypt and we have more in store.

And in other news, Dave and I just started a new Qigong and Tai Chi class at our community center a couple of weeks ago. It’s a ten session course and we’re enjoying it. It’s a combination of Tai Chi and Qigong, meditation, gentle rocking and stretching movements with breathing exercises that support balance, coordination, flow, and transition. This feels like a great addition to the changes we are implementing and part of our new routines with the home sanctuary and wellness room we just finished creating downstairs just in time for Winter. This space was always in an in between place and was more for Astrid as an extension to her fun play area. So, again she seems to have a hand in all things growth-oriented and for implementing new doorways.

And Winter is indeed around the corner, as we’ve been seeing snow dustings regularly here at our 6600 elevation, with a lot more hitting the mountain tops just above us.

Our last snow was between the night of the 18th to the morning of the 19th and the snow is sticking around at the top, creating ice-sculptured creeks with the frosty nights and cold days we’ve been having.

In between, we are enjoying those gorgeous Autumn days too, though, as you can see.

Winter hunkering down is feeling so exciting this year, for many reasons, which includes that invigorated energy I feel and all the heart-driven inspirations and projects.

I know not everyone looks forward to Winter, but if you are, what things are feeling extra exciting about it for you?

And if not, are there ways to light a little spark so that the darker days don’t feel so dim?

For some, holiday decorating and rituals and traditions can add some added warmth and bring out the inner child a bit more. For others, maybe it’s gatherings of friends or family, or extra time snuggling up with a good book or a furry friend. Are there new things you’d like to read, journaling you’ve put off, a fun project, baking or cooking to explore, or maybe a new restaurant or event in the area to stop in on and feel the spirit of connection at?

I cherish my quiet time and am looking forward to feeling into the extra stillness of the white landscapes that will soon surround us here and the expanse of the darker hours that beckon one into the Great Mystery just a little bit more.

And that leads me to dream journeys I’ve been experiencing recently and the return of the golden bear.

Dream time has been rich and a few of the dreams felt particularly potent to share, as they may speak to layers of your own changes or similar themes showing up.

A week or two ago I had this incredible dream where feathers were growing out of my crown. I won’t go into all of it except for the part where I discovered this. I noticed something at the top of my head peeking through and started to split my hair and then pulled at the tip of what seemed like a feather and ended up removing a full feather. I then saw that there were many more deeply rooted into my crown and kept pulling them out one-by-one. Small to large, feathers kept appearing and they were all different varieties and colors, starting out in more earthy colors and pheasant-like to then becoming more colorful and exotic. This felt like a huge spiritual transformation at hand and new experiences birthing with great expansive reach. I also felt an opening or channel telepathically opening that bridges Earth and Cosmos or flesh and spirit, so something evolving in this realm.

The next dream not long after that one, kind of takes off on that last part and again includes Astrid’s reach. I’m only sharing snippets, but the parts that were most interesting. In this dream I was sitting down with a journal and suddenly got the message from Astrid to just start writing questions down that I wanted answers to in the journal. So I did, and immediately following my hand continued to then start writing the answers. This was a form of channeling or auto-writing taking place, where I wasn’t doing the thinking or writing, but was simply embracing and allowing what wanted through and the messages were just streaming in quickly. Astrid was talking through me. Dave came over in the dream and I told him to watch, which he did and was surprised.

Then I slept with a new crystal called a Snow Rose from my friend Lisa of The Lemurian Rose and I shared this with her about the dream that night: “So far what I noticed is it seems to be going back and revisiting to rewrite things from early on in life. I have this feeling it may be course-correcting stuff if that makes sense.. bringing up and through things that may have had emotional impact that are most meaningful to now.. and maybe will continue with the next and next until current. I guess we’ll see.”

A couple of days later I was in a recurring dream/early life experience where I was having one of my waking dream journeys at night of visitations and trying to call out for my mom, but finding it difficult until I broke through the fear – this felt to be not only moving through old layers, but revisiting areas of my life that had those impacts I mentioned in the previous dream sequence to both rewrite and reopen what I once might have shut. All of these dreams are very much connected so far in what is being rebirthed.

This led to a very potent dream involving deep ocean and whales. In this one I found myself as me, but another aspect of me in the middle of the night out in the deep, dark ocean. I wasn’t covered in anything that would keep me warm and yet I was fine – I was in fact in more like a competitive or advanced swimmer kind of bathing suit with goggles and cap. There was a woman with me that I was not familiar with. For some reason we needed to get through miles of ocean to a big boat that was waiting. It was pitch black and we’d be going through the ocean abyss through the night. The woman was not able to do it, but I wouldn’t leave her behind. I tied a rope around me and her and I swam forward, pulling her along. I didn’t have breathing apparatus, but swam the whole way under the water, quite deep, and really couldn’t see anything as it was just darkness. Now and then an occasional shadow would appear as a huge mass in front of me and I could tell it was a huge whale. They were all around, but not in visible, clear sight. In fact many things were, as I could feel them, but not see them. The whales seemed to be keeping watch and guardianship as I kept moving forward guided by some intuitive inner navigation by sense and frequency vibration. Eventually I made it to the boat and the woman was so grateful. But when I got to the boat I was no longer just the human me. I was now whale, but in human body. I expressed my excitement and joy of having made it and going through some kind of transmutation, that I began hurling myself out of the water like a whale breaches. My body was in the same positioning as a whale with arms and legs held just like flippers and tail, yet I could thrust myself out of the water in and out just like they did with that power, and move in the water like them – all still as a human body without restriction and now becoming whale. There’s a lot to this, although I’m not interpreting all of these dreams here, but I found this interesting being in Scorpio season, emerged in that “deep alchemically transformative water that supports potential mastery of these shadowy depths” for us.

It was then no surprise that on the night of 11/16, as we were driving home, we encountered two large coyotes within about eight minutes of each other. The first one ran across the highway in front of us from the left. The second one ran across the highway in front of us from the right.

And on the very next day, 11/17, I encountered the return of the golden bear. You may recall the potent dream I shared with the golden bears at the end of December of last year. In that dream, one of the two joyous and exuberant golden bears ran toward me and we jumped in synchronized unison, landing at the same time and experiencing a space of incredible potency between us. Well, this last experience I want to end with was not another dream, but in fact a reality that manifested.

On that day I was sitting at my desk in my office on the garden and heard a honk on the street. I thought nothing of it and continued working until suddenly what sounded and felt like an earthquake, came banging and shaking the gate of the fence that sits just feet away through the sliding glass door. I turned and my heart started racing at what my eyes saw.

There before me was a big golden bear in the flesh. He or she had jumped and climbed over the fence and then jumped down landing right there on the other side of the sliding glass door looking at me. My heart wasn’t racing out of fear, but instead at this incredulous sight and surreal experience of an actual golden bear having jumped the fence and to be just feet away from me with only glass between us.

I say golden bear because even though this was in fact a black bear, his or her fur was gold and not black, as you can see. Dave was exercising in the room next to me, wearing ear plugs to listen to music, so I yelled out for him to look. He didn’t respond so I ran in the room and told him to turn around fast. The bear was now in front of the sliding glass door to that room and we both stood there looking at the bear, as the bear looked at us – again with only glass between the five feet separating us.

The bear was not in any aggravated state or uncomfortable. Just kind of ambling through. I think that the bear had been crossing the street and the car honked to get the bear to move a little faster. Then the bear decided to pay me a visit.

Anyway, Dave and I both watched with great interest to see where the bear would go and instead of hopping the other side of the fence to our yard to go directly into the forest, the bear decided to walk up our outdoor steps (at least 15 of them). But we had a gate at the top of the steps too. This didn’t deter the bear as he or she climbed up over them from the steps and plopped down onto our top deck.

Then proceeded ambling along watching me through the windows all across the back deck until finally went down the other side of the house (making now a complete perimeter of the house) and returned back to the street, likely to get back to the forest on the other side.

I was so caught up in the surreal moment that it wasn’t until the bear was at the top deck that I took the only photos you see in this post. I wish I had captured the bear climbing each gate and stairs, as it was quite the site.

I just so happened to have three golden bears right beside me while I was working at my desk when the golden bear jumped the fence – one full golden healer papa bear (who happens to have a rainbow nose, but it doesn’t show up in the photo), a golden citrine mama bear, and a baby quartz bear with golden healer inside her belly. Hehe! Golden bears galore!

It was a while until my heart stopped feeling exhilarated by this experience and it reminded me so much of my golden bear dream with that energy and the bear that jumps.

What ever it all means, there’s a continued feeling that things are in motion of big change despite what anything appears like, there’s a definite rewiring and renewal taking place even if just percolating or deep under the ground still, and dreams DO come true – another of those messages the very wise Astrid told me about the blurring of realities into One.

Warm wishes to all and lots of love!


Again, I haven’t had time for any major updating on my site, but will have some of my own special, crystal skull offerings upcoming – so keep a look out at this link in case I forget to announce them: Crystals & Crystal Skulls

And don’t forget that the online Reiki Certification Training modules are back for a limited time to support those of you wanting to take things to the next level with up-ticking your frequency and your ability to support self and others.

You can find those here: Reiki Certification Training

11/11 brought back a surprise and discount on the return of Sacred Tattoo Designs with 5 spots for these – I have 1 remaining: Custom Sacred Tattoo Designs

And last, an 11/11 special on Life Transition Support Sessions also went into effect since I’ll be finishing up with the last beautiful group of souls I’ve been working with near mid December, and so I was able to open 5 spots for either anyone who feels to continue or anyone who wants to begin, as this still feels aligned for me to be able to support and have time for – there are 2 remaining.

These are already offered at discount, but for anyone who feels called to continue working with me on new or existing focuses from the first group, I am going to offer an extra 11% discount on your choice of packages. Please reach out to me if you’d like to take advantage of this, as I won’t have the discounted option on the page below.

For anyone new who feels this Winter to be a time of hunkering down and focusing on things that feel key to the next part of your journey, here is the link to register:

Life Transition Support (to support and optimize any area of life that is in process of change)

Christmas is upon us shortly, and I do still have three ready-to-ship Magick Rabbit Ornaments that somehow haven’t found their homes yet. These could be great for your Yuletide decorations, Christmas gifts/stocking stuffers, and also as year-round adornments to welcome a little magick into your life.

Interview with Egyptian Master Carver, Mody Ra ~ Talks With Crystal Skulls Episode 2 Plus a Celebration Special You Won’t Want to Miss

I’m excited to share with you the second episode of Talks With Crystal Skulls today, which will feature the first interview of the series.

Originally I had a different episode planned for the second release to delve into things more, but in recently learning that my guest was celebrating a special birthday on 11/16, I shifted gears and bumped our conversation up. So, this in fact makes today’s episode a celebratory one on two accounts – the first of interviews and a birthday party.

It’s my great pleasure to introduce you to a special soul and friend that I hope you will come to love too. Today’s episode is just a little intro to him and his work, as we will hear more from Mody in upcoming episodes and I will be sharing more about his skull carvings and the ancient stones he works with as well.

I credit a lot of connections recently being made to my beloved Astrid who truly knows how to work the magick – these to include when she was physically here and now while she’s no longer in body. Mody came into both of our lives just before Astrid transitioned and in fact Mody was with us during that huge shift.

I’ll also be sharing more down the road in upcoming episodes about some of Mody’s skull carvings that I am honored to have as partners on the journey here, but their arrival was divinely aligned with Astrid so I know even more how written in the stars this all is.

She was tuning in with the first group that arrived, along with two giant stones I found here in Tahoe with blue crystals in each, when I first learned that things were heading in a certain direction with her. I surrounded her with all of them to assist with her journey.

The second group arrived at another divine moment that was too uncanny for anyone to not realize just how powerful Astrid is and the amount of support she was being surrounded by. Not to mention, how much she wanted these new friends to be with me after she left and their arriving just in time gave her the opportunity to not only work with them for her journey back to the stars, but to prepare them for me and create a portal to the beyond.

Again, she’s AMAZING!

And so is Mody, which is why I just had to switch gears and share our interview together, as a way to celebrate him on his birthday. As you know this year was a pivotal year on many fronts for me including a lot of big birthdays, anniversaries, and Astrid’s transition. And now, Mody joins in on all of this as he rings in his 40th year. Yay!

And that leads me to the celebration surprise that Mody is so generously providing to share his birthday with everyone – a HUGE 40% off sale (for his 40th birthday) on some of his skulls carved from Ancient Egyptian Stones. So if you’ve been holding out for a special skull, have a connection with Ancient Egypt like me, or feel called to bring this energy into your skull collective and/or healing and evolutionary journey, you may want to tune into these beings at the link below.

I have the great honor to share these pieces with you to help Mody bring those cocreative connections together, so I now have a designated page on this site where you can find some of his carvings.

For more details please visit:

Egyptian Skulls & Dragons by Mody Ra

But you may want to tune into the interview to get a bigger picture for all of this. Again, remember that if you are receiving this blog post by email, you’ll need to click through the link to my website in order to view the video, as emails don’t embed WordPress videos into them. And if you’re interested in receiving firsthand updates on new episodes and other fun things to come on my YouTube Channel, then you may want to subscribe to my Channel here:


Now, please join me and Egyptian Master Carver, Mody Ra as we explore his work, the energy of Ancient Egypt through the stones he carves, and celebrate his big 4-0!

Time Warps, Merging Seasons, Things that Enliven the Heart & 11/11 Surprise Special Offerings

It’s interesting that even though we’ve turned back the clocks, the dark hours descend upon us rapidly each day, and things for a long time have felt like a speeding up of things, I’ve actually noted that my days have felt longer and stretched out the last several weeks. I felt this kick in when we started our trip, which isn’t the usual experience of our travels. I am used to the days seeming to go so fast – or even too fast – and like the vacation went by in a blink of an eye.

Yet, it seems like what ever portal we entered during the two week span from eclipse to eclipse with that journey, somehow put into motion an extending of time and an enhancing of how things are feeling.

Might it be an even richer presence being experienced that stretches the moment wide open?

Or, more integration taking root so that perception is shifting into a greater unified expression without designations of time or other definable points of reference?

What ever the case may be, I’m enjoying this shift and finding myself able to do a lot more in a day than I used to. This space of productivity feels really good and reflects a green light “go” messaging that is anchoring. I also feel like I have even more reserves of energy, motivation, and inspiration.

Perhaps some of you might be in that cauldron of experience as well, or are starting to feel like you’re moving into that?

If not yet, I do feel like things are opening up step-by-step and as each of us make moves, we’ll find how our threads weave through the tapestry and bring together more connections of shared and similar manifestations.

And while this stretched out experience has been unfolding, we’ve also been seeing Winter merge quickly onto the scene here. I mentioned a dusting of snow and freezing nights while we were away, and then snow gusts again when we returned with consistent freezing temperatures every night since.

Right now there’s a straddling of seasons taking place, blurring the definable points in the landscape as well. We had rain and snow Tuesday afternoon and night – just a touch at our elevation as you can see.

But up higher on the mountain, the snow was more abundant.

In fact, we did a hike the next day after that snow fall and found ourselves immersed in an enchanted white wonderland and at the higher elevation we were hiking, our feet enjoyed soft, fresh powder of 4-6 inches.

It was just so beautiful and invigorating!

My faery heart was in wonderly bliss, as I stayed back behind Dave and our friend so that I could explore all that sparkled through my eyes.

Again, this created a feeling of time-outside-of-time still for me and the addition of our not seeing a single other soul on the trail we chose that day, added to this feeling of a bubble enriched space that extends far and wide.

I don’t think I remember hearing anyone talk about this feeling of time being stretched, recently, but I imagine others are experiencing it nonetheless.

Right now, forecasts are showing a lot more moisture and snow on the way come the 14th or 15th, so it’s looking like ski season and cozying up is upon us once again.

This feels perfect for the way my inner space is revved up, as I’m bursting with creative energies to pour forth into all of my projects.

I sense the rest of the year and Winter season to be quite a productive window.

And despite the world scene right now, and even other unknown factors, I have an increased sense of peace moving through me. I find that the more I just do the things that challenge me on some level, the more things feel enlivened and actually kick in manifestations. Embracing spaces of discomfort and unknowns feels to move me/us into our essence more, as this is where the truth of who we are resides – in the places we locked away perhaps out of fear of our true power.

I was messaging with a friend about things we’ve been experiencing and we both felt that there’s a bigger unveiling taking place, but it’s starting from within. That things are pointing to more fully revealing and embracing all of who we each are and letting that be seen in a way that we haven’t done before.

Kind of like how the collective is also having much peeled back and surfacing from the core while a reorganization and recreating takes place to move everything into a whole new potential.

Things can be both scary and exciting at once, as you stand on the precipice of transformation. It’s those times I feel twinges of discomfort, insecurity, or fear, that I do find myself also simultaneously filled with immense enthusiasm and exhilaration. This is when I know I’m onto something big in terms of an inner to outer shift – and so, too, do I believe the same goes for the collective experience unfolding before us.

These are the times to ground into our hearts, find our peace centers, connect with those things or people that feel most resonant and aligned, and encourage the inner child within that her or his creative heart is worthy of being heard and expressed for who they are.

And one of those things that really helps me to feel that sense of peace and enlivened empowerment are rabbits, of course. Crystals (as you know from my shares and new video series), Nature, the Cosmos, being with my love doing what I love, moving my creative energy, and listening to my heart are some of the other things that support this too.

I mentioned having connected with the founder of Reno Rabbit Rescue after Astrid transitioned. My bunny soul mates always seem to lead me to rescues, as this is the third I’ve made connection with because of them. Since the rescue I got Astrid and Joy from is too far away, and the one that Cosmo came through is even further, it’s nice to have this more local one available at only an hour away.

Being away was helpful as a reset, after Astrid moving on, and coming home to an opportunity to be around and support rabbits was another way to keep that energy alive that means so much to my heart.

I had the opportunity to volunteer at my first Bunny Yoga event, as the photographer, videographer, and overall safety observer, which was really fun. This is an event put on by RRR where rabbit parents, potential rabbit adopters, and people just curious to learn about and be around rabbits, can come and share a peace filled hour of yoga graced by these beautiful souls exploring during the practice.

All rabbits need to have been neutered or spayed before coming, as well as received the RHDV2 vaccine to ensure all rabbits’ safety. This is a space that rabbit parents can bring their fur babies to enjoy the peace, meet other rabbits, and others in the rabbit community. There weren’t any current adoptable rabbits at the event I volunteered at, but six sweet buns did show up with their parents and had such a sweet time playing together, exploring the humans, doing their own bunny yoga, and providing so many smiles, giggles, and heart openings to all.

The focus of the event is to bring awareness to rabbits, educate, raise money to support the organization’s efforts, connect rabbit parents with others for potential sitter opportunities (since it’s hard to find this for our bunny babies), allow people to experience rabbits in a safe space, make connections for potential adoptions, and share information on vets and more. No one is allowed to pick up a rabbit without the assistance of a volunteer and all necessary precautions are put into place for the event to be safe for all.

The evening I went, one of the six rabbits there reminded me a bit of Astrid’s personality, which was special to me to see. I could feel Astrid strongly in the room with, happy to see me smile. Anyway, I had a great time and look forward to these once a month events, as long as weather permits me getting down the mountain in Winter. It also looks like I’ll be taking on one more role with this rescue that I’m feeling called to, but I’ll save that for another time. It’s just sweet for my heart to be able to have this little connection with the rabbits physically that feels balanced for my life right now.

I did also manage to get my final garden and yard clean-up done, amidst all the flurry of projects, so all the plant babies are ready for a long Winter’s nap, percolating beneath the blankets while I focus steadily inside on projects that will continue percolating over the season too.

It was sweet to find some lingering last blooms that I brought indoors to enjoy, as I put everything else to bed.

But Autumn has come and gone quickly indeed. Nearly all of the gorgeous colored leaves have fallen to the ground, joining Earth’s call to come rest for a while. And frosty sprinkles are found nestled in all corners, where Jack Frost has been whistling his wonderly tune.

Although white will cover everything soon on a consistent basis, I’m feeling very colorful inside my heart and like this Winter will be very different. A lot of new energies have come into my experience and I’m looking forward to working with them and listening to their guidance.

Which brings me to one of the things that did come through recently while I was away, and mentioned in a recent post…the return of a couple of favorite offerings and a special on a current one that today’s 11/11 portal feels perfect to share on.

With so many people going through big shifts in their life, I’m guided to bring the online Reiki Certification Training modules back for a limited time to support those of you wanting to take things to the next level with upticking your frequency and your ability to support self and others.

You can find those here: Reiki Certification Training

And, those of you have consistently been reaching out about this one – when might I have openings again for Sacred Tattoo Designs? – will be happy to know that I’m going to open up several spots for this at a discounted rate as an 11/11 special surprise. This really spoke loudly to do, as I know the power of sacred tattoos and how anyone drawn to this form of integrative transformation can really shift their frequency and empower new potentials through aligned embodiment. It changed my life and all of my clients have shared much the same.

Five openings will be offered at this time and can be found here to claim one, along with details of what is entailed: Custom Sacred Tattoo Designs

And last, an 11/11 special on Life Transition Support Sessions. I’ll be finishing up with the last beautiful group of souls I’ve been working with near mid December, and so I am able to open spots for either anyone who feels to continue or anyone who wants to begin, as this still feels aligned for me to be able to support and have time for. I will open five spots again.

These are already offered at discount, but for anyone who feels called to continue working with me on new or existing focuses from the first group, I am going to offer an extra 11% discount on your choice of packages. Please reach out to me if you’d like to take advantage of this, as I won’t have the discounted option on the page below.

For anyone new who feels this Winter to be a time of hunkering down and focusing on things that feel key to the next part of your journey, here is the link to register:

Life Transition Support (to support and optimize any area of life that is in process of change)

Holidays are upon us shortly, and I do still have three ready-to-ship Magick Rabbit Ornaments that somehow haven’t found their homes yet. These could be great for your Yuletide decorations, Christmas gifts/stocking stuffers, and also as year-round adornments to welcome a little magick into your life.

There will be a new episode of Talks With Crystal Skulls upcoming…so stay tuned. I’m just so excited about all the energy around this series and the connections being made from it. I’m also super grateful for all the amazing and sweet feedback and shares from the crystal skull community I’ve received that overwhelmed me in a beautiful way. Thank you so much! I’m beyond happy to know this is speaking to many of you. There just may be surprises in store around this too to come.

Fun News: Debut YouTube Series “Talks With Crystal Skulls”

Today is a short, but exciting share for me to finally announce the debut of my new YouTube Series – Talks With Crystal Skulls.

This series has been percolating for quite some time, as the crystal skull collective I am honored to cocreate with here has been guiding me to put out there – but ONLY when THEY were ready.

It’s one of those things I really didn’t fully understand the scope of – and still might not lol – but I trusted the messaging and the messengers and dove right in.

Today’s share showcases the very first episode in this new series, which is an introduction of many more to come – hence it’s a little longer share than most will be. It explores crystal skulls through my eyes and heart to include the crystal skull collective that I heard the call from. Upcoming episodes will also showcase interviews with master carvers and other healers that are weaving their gifts together in support of humanity’s and Earth’s creative journey of evolution.

I’ve already recorded several episodes that are all in process of being produced, and will continue listening to when they want to go up, as well as what wants to come through future episodes.

This episode explains how this came together, some intuitively guided reflections about crystal skulls, and will introduce the key guests of the show.

I couldn’t be more grateful to my special friend and cosmic brother over all of these years, Cyberkaz, who some of you might remember helped produce my very first two YouTube productions showcasing my sacred tattoo designs and my healing work, and whom I finally got to meet in person back in 2013. Our first production was actually 14 years ago and the second one took place a couple of months after we spent a fun week together exploring, experiencing the magick, and with me even teaching him all three levels of Reiki as part of a retreat up in Montreal I hosted. When we’re together it’s an explosion of creative magick and giggles!

You’ll also discover a mini revamping update to my YouTube Channel, although you’ll still find my older videos there that include sound channelings, intuitively guided musings, and inspirational magick.

Astrid played a huge part in this all coming together, including helping to guide me with who was to come home, working the magick of connections and alignments to make it all possible, preparing them, and nudging me to keep trusting and acting upon what even to me felt wild. And she continues, if not more so now, to work through the whole experience that is weaving this all together.

This is her with one of the skulls that eventually moved on, but had connection with this collective and helped to prepare them – a Mexican Crazy Lace Agate Skull.

So, indeed, several skulls that have found homes with some of you are deeply connected to what you’ll learn about in this first episode.

If you’re receiving this blog post by email, you’ll need to click through the link to my website in order to view the video, as emails don’t embed WordPress videos into them.

And if you’re interested in receiving firsthand updates on new episodes and other fun things to come on my YouTube Channel, then you may want to subscribe to my Channel here:


I’d love to hear from you if you do feel called to explore this first episode with me, by leaving comments below the video. And if there are future ideas you’d like me to consider for upcoming episodes, please leave those as well in the comments and I’ll run them by my crystal skull friends, as well as sharing about your own journey with crystal skulls. This is a place where we can come together as a community to explore and evolve together.

I hope you enjoy the debut of Talks With Crystal Skulls

From Solar to Lunar Eclipse ~ Rapid Change Ignites

So much feels different since returning from our time away. It’s amazing to me how much things continually change from day to day. Not surprising, given the rapid way energy is streaming through our collective lives, but still surreal how every moment feels so completely different and even the way I think and feel one day seems to do a 180 very quickly.

That seems to also be the way the world scene is unwrapping these potent energies, and why no one can truly predict anything because the now moment offers a powerful point of choice that can redirect things, create new realities, and even jump tracks to new, but parallel timelines. I’m very careful about the narrative I say to myself and others, as I know the power of words and how they can shape our experience if we attach to them knowingly, or unknowingly. I never like to influence or take away from free will.

When we have inner fears or places of less strength than other areas in our lives, the words from anyone can have an effect on us – that can include even people in spiritual leadership roles who try to have what they feel are the best of intentions. This is why I always feel it important to be in touch with my own feelings and what is me and not me, so that I can more easily let things pass through and not stick to places of sensitivity I may have. Know thyself.

I no longer let any narrative, no matter the source, dictate my choices because unless I run things past my own heart decoder, there’s the potential that even the most well-intentioned ideas may not align with the purity of love and sense of connection I feel to All That Is – the ultimate essence guidance I trust most.

These are challenging times indeed and there is a wide range of experiences taking place for everyone that will vary greatly from person to person. The best way, I believe, to navigate these days is with as much conscious awareness to the heart as a bridge between everything and everyone. Unconditional love and kindness to others and ourselves will go a long way while we figure out, and create, a path through. Finding your peace center can make a difference while turbulent waters roll in all around you.

After sitting with things recently and all that transpired over the last few weeks, I am guided to focus forward and let the rich experiences I had while away, integrate into the upcoming shares and creative projects that will be pouring through the expansion that’s grounding. Too much took place to explain, but it’s been a meaningful part of the changes here for me, as well as part of my healing and origin integration, and demonstrative of how we create our own realities.

Just like with Astrid’s journey of transition, this feels like another sacred space meant for us. Creating bubbles of experience purely with ourselves and our surroundings for special and potent times feels to be a way to activate new codes outside of the current trajectories that can act as seeds for the new. I’ve always felt that doing things in completely new ways on all levels, is how we will create the visions of a New Earth and beyond. So I’m very conscious about whether there are any tentacles narrating the new thoughts, feelings, and visions. It’s a daily, conscious process that takes presence.

What I will share about our journey is that it put into motion Dave’s choice celebration of his 60th year on Earth, this time around, and when he made the plans he hadn’t been aware that it perfectly aligned our departure and return with the major Moon Eclipses – his higher self and intuitive strengths just guided him on (he knew). It wasn’t until after he told me the dates that I noted this and found it all to be a perfect reflection for this potent new cycle in his and our lives. Not to mention, felt deeply connected, in light of its essence, to the collective currents that we could help recode through our experiences and integration.

I figured Astrid also had a hand in that, as she and my other rabbit companions have all been so connected with the Moon – and as you know, she returned to the stars on the Full Blue Moon.

So we found ourselves preparing for a big adventure on the day of October 14th’s Libra New Moon Solar Eclipse – a perfect way to ignite a new cycle indeed. And as you saw in my previous post, we experienced Autumn splendor as our send-off with magick dancing in the air, salmon preparing to leave their legacy, and us about to embark upon a very rich journey to include footsteps through the sands of time, powerful physical energy movement for heightened vitality, and some ancestral retrievals.

As always, I did my usual energy work for the entire trip with intentions for the highest good of all. We were packed and ready to go, so the morning of the Solar Eclipse was relaxed and leisurely, giving us time to check out the Sun rising over the mountain. We couldn’t see the eclipse with our physical eyes, as the Sun was just a huge bright burst, but there was an interesting sky and light nonetheless to see.

And when I took photos I noticed in them these Moon slivers almost like orb projections of the Eclipse.

Dave then punched a hole in a piece of paper and held it so the Sun rays could come through and it projected this on the blank page he held in front of it.

We then headed off to the airport for a long travel day ahead that was always on time and even early. I felt our boarding time of 3:33 pm to be confirmation of divine alignment.

I was wearing a special faery queen necklace with crystals for our travels that had a secret bottle at the bottom I filled with some of Astrid’s ashes, so travels would indeed be potent and I would not only have her in spirit by my side, but with me physically too. And to add to all the feelings of magick riding along with us on this day of the New Moon Eclipse, we saw a bald eagle, three hawks (two of which were flying together), a big herd of mustangs the closest I’ve ever seen them to the highway, and a flock of large white pelicans just before heading out.

Natural harmony and divine grace was in flow, providing us smooth travels. We couldn’t have been more grateful.

This spoke to how even on potentially intense energy days or time periods, we can navigate our own reality. While I stay aware of things, I hold it in the background and put my cocreative powers at the forefront. As I said, I don’t allow other’s narratives and directives to be my guiding light. The guiding light is the one that shines brightly from within my heart. I believe this is available to all of us when we want to take responsibility for our own lives and harness our innate powers.

Dave had chosen a very balanced birthday trip of experiences that supported and nurtured physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual energy movement along with ancestral and DNA restructuring on personal and global timelines. It was extremely special, memorable, and full of depth beyond what I can express in words. Perhaps it will be felt in the days and months ahead, through what I’m guided to bring forth.

I had many hours to think about Astrid and she continued showing up in magickal ways, supporting us, helping to align us with opportunities and incredible finds for the needed energies we were to process, and even helping us to make resonant connections. Of course, a LOT of amazing rabbit signs kept popping up around every corner of the journey too, that were unbelievable in the context they showed up in.

And magickal faery energies in profound ways – even connecting to Titania the faery queen for me – came through in direct messaging. There were other signs like my finding a dead perfect chickadee, a skull (appearing to be that of either a woodchuck or badger), hedgehogs galore, turtles, an actual wizard, a lot of Christ Consciousness and ancient (oddly including downloads of Egyptian) energies beaming through, a lot of childhood touch-ins, explorations of death, the eternal, faith, and hope, and even a rainbow at both ends of our journeys that greeted us on first mornings.

The energies and experiences were perfectly matched to a Scorpio celebrating his 60th, while continuing in the vein of the other realms being more a regular part of this one.

And then a concluding journey home on the portal of the Taurus Full Moon Lunar Eclipse of October 28th, equally ending in aligned intuitive guidance and timely arrivals snug back at home synched with the onset of snow gusts through the glow of the Moon.

The bookending eclipses and cycle from New to Full Moon felt extremely activating and profoundly gridding what felt like years and lifetimes into a two week window.

Change can happen more rapidly than we think and it comes with a fresh approach, seen with the heart’s eyes.

The world is going through huge labor pains while we are infusing experimental ingredients within our alchemy cocoons. What emerges will be interesting to see, and yet that could be different for everyone, as collective realities edge their way more so toward the multi-dimensional potentials on a tangible level.

I never believe in just one way or black and white about anything. And any time I feel cornered with choices, the way I relieve the pressure is by reminding myself there are unlimited possibilities available. I just haven’t stretched my creative abilities enough yet, nor invited even just the unknown potential of something else to come through. Once I do that, the stress releases and a door is created to walk through to another way.

And speaking of doorways, Samhain’s portal was very peaceful and connective here, offering us a perfect window for joint spreading of some of Astrid’s ashes I was waiting to do with Dave at the right moment.

We also took a serene walk along the lake, finding the air still and water placid, but so much going on in the expansive sky.

We found a spot to tune in with our loved ones who have crossed over – especially Cosmo who had departed on that day seven years ago, and Astrid who departed just two months ago.

I then turned into a rabbit and mushroom faery queen for Halloween.

Or, perhaps I was just wearing who I really am on my sleeve. 😉

It was a lot of fun, and very easy to do this simple transformation that reflects my heart.

Nothing extravagant…just a little whisk of a magick wand to feel more wee!

We didn’t go anywhere for Halloween. I simply felt like I wanted to honor Astrid’s wisdom messaging on this day of the thinning of the veils:

“What she’s telling me is that now it’s time to experience everything seamlessly and consistently. Not just at certain times, but in ALL times as the every day way of life and even without boundaries created for others who may not experience things the same. Astrid tells me to go fully into the Unseen, but to bring it back with me instead of leaving it there. She says the time for the Unseens to be seen is here and to walk always in that knowing and out loud.”

Perhaps that’s what unfolded when we stepped outside in the garden and forest, as the late afternoon light seemed to glow, magickal displays of rays and orbs showed up, and the photos looked less focused, as if catching the in between coming through.

Many changes have taken place since Astrid’s physical departure and that accelerated with our time away. I was hoping for a reset and that seems to have rooted. And since our trip and return, Astrid is coming through even more, as she’s been guiding me to very connected and aligned people, opportunities, and even physically popping through like the magick mushrooms she’s been sending my way. I have twice now, since coming home and in conjunction with Samhain, found something physically moved in the same exact way downstairs that only she could or would have done – the other side is merely a heart beat away.

And the changes experienced seem to also be mirrored in several other things upon returning home, to include the place where we have a mail box shutting their doors out of the blue, without any notice to anyone – kind of like a life rerouting and new channel or pathway of connection opening after our integration away. This change turns out to be better for us in the long run on many levels, and we immediately got a new box at the post office even closer to home and within even easier walking distance. This pointed to me how transformation is manifesting and redirecting things in more efficient ways.

Side note: I’m not one to send out mass emails, so just a heads up to friends and family that a change of mailing address has taken place. If for any reason you have future need to send something, please reach out and I’ll share the new one with you.

I’ve also come home to a lot of cleaning out and organizing that the changes implemented my feeling clarity on, as well as a lot of intuitive guidance on things upcoming to share.

One of those you can look out for at the beginning of this week, which has been a fun development and new birthing I’m very much looking forward to share with you.

There will also be an upcoming post about offerings, which will include the return of a couple of favorites that these collective energies have spoken to me to bring back for the time being.

Until next time, here’s Lee with November’s Energy Update, which I know so many of you love and find supportive.