Monthly Archives: July 2018

Aligning with Natural Cycles


I consistently see how the more we align with nature and the natural rhythms and cycles she reflects, the more life becomes a seamless experience without need to analyze and dissect what’s playing out. You may have noticed another shift into a more inward time period, with both challenges met – if you are trying to control things – or propulsion – if you are flowing with the nudges to redirect energies. This, of course, being a Mercury Retrograde influence, but truly it’s simply an ebb and flow of life.

Our minds enjoy wrapping their tentacles around understanding things, so to have those reiterations and details to link the “why’s” helps to appease that need.

This is shared for that part of the brain to help make sense of things I’ve been hearing people going through right now.

Mercury Retrogrades are times to really be gentle and kind to self and others, to release judgment and attachment, and to let go of trying to control things which only causes frustration, while you wind along meandering paths that have purpose even though you can’t see it quite yet.

They draw attention more inward, speak to completing things so you’re ready for the new, and help you to harness more effectiveness for that new.

It’s a time for processing and assimilating like the ever-growing, chewing and grinding teeth of a rabbit that helps digest new insights and perspectives available at this time for you to recognize.

Overall, this is the period of multiple r’s – reviewing, releasing, reclaiming, retrieving, recreating, renewing, reflection, and responsibility.

It’s natural to have these evolutionary processes as part of your life, so while Retrogrades may seem like the hidden enemy, they are actually quite supportive and productive if you choose to learn the language of this energy moving through you to support greater self-mastery.

As I reflect on my current situation, I can see how this is playing out naturally and supportively without my having planned or manipulated things and so, too, do I feel it is happening for each of us in relative ways although we may think otherwise.

I’ve currently found myself in organizing and finalizing mode, completing and preparing things, and clearing the slate, as I check off things one-by-one on my list.

Synchronously, I signed with my editor on the 13th, which catapulted me getting into the retrograde mode before its setting in on the 26th of July and I am set to receive it back by the 17th of August – the Retrograde ending the 18th.

I also have my last Reiki 3 Master Teacher workshop being taught on the 18th – it was moved by request of a student coming, which aligns with finalizing energy since it’s the last of that genre I’m teaching.

An interesting side note to that, which seems to be verifying this completion is that I discovered I lost a key chain. Not just any key chain, mind you. My Reiki key chain.


I recently just discovered that the quartz key chain with the word and symbol for Reiki engraved on it, cleanly broke off a very strong, thick chain that hung with my keys and other fun key chains. I’ve had it on there for years and to have it disappear speaks volumes to my being in alignment with this knowing that I’ve come full circle after teaching for 11 years. I love that the remaining key chains are a giant plush, pink bunny head I received as a free gift and a squeezable rainbow unicorn that poops rainbow sparkles when you squish her that my sweet Faery friend, KC – aka Bean – gave me. LOL! Speaks to my life.

Interesting for sure how the ending and new beginning of Reiki and my book, placing me on a different path and the timelines falling on the Retrograde ending, will put me in a new creation mode to work on a revision once things go direct. It’s like the passing of the baton. 🙂

People have asked what the book is about and when it is coming out, to which I’ve shared being guided to keep it a surprise (no one but myself and my editor have read the full story) and that I don’t know when it will be available, as I still have much to go before it will be out there. Perhaps next year – that seems feasible – but I won’t know for sure for some time, as I’m taking it step-by-step with full commitment to the thorough, patient process. Since it is my first book of this nature and like my baby, it needs its cultivation and nurturing process, as well as some very deep challenges to rise to with it.

So, I’ve been finishing things and preparing for when the book is returned, as I will have a lot of work ahead that will need my complete focus and will ask for a fresh new perspective and a fresh new me to dive into again.

I’ve been playing in the expansive field of potentials, dreaming and believing the impossible made possible, and taking actions, even if just energetic commitments, to solidify my partnership with the energy streams I travel.

I’m utilizing this time period to nurture myself and put things to rest, have read and am reading a bunch of books including a new one by a published author I’m reviewing, have been nurturing my plants, getting everything out of the way, preparing for an upcoming trip, and took some little side-detour creative time to help with that refresh.

It was funny because I got off the phone the other day with a friend and said to him, “I should go tend to my garden now,” referring to my plants and flowers I was working on before we got on the phone. He emphasized, “yes, you should go tend to your garden” and we both giggled at the metaphor of life we both recognized and he added he couldn’t let that one go without pointing it out – especially after the very complex journey we’d explored in conversation.

I’m also writing this as my last blog for a while, unless I have time for some short inspiration, as we are heading off this Friday morning for a small vacation for 10 days. This also seems perfect, as we will be attending two weddings at both ends of the trip, seeing friends and family that we haven’t seen for a long time, touching in for a few days in our old home base of Orange County and likely get to explore our favorite Crystal Cove again, and getting some relaxing, integration, and inspiration with time at the ocean in between at Pismo Beach.

We had planned to go to Yosemite, but changed plans due to Dave still healing and unable to hike extensively since his labrum repair surgery and due to fires near that area that didn’t make it optimal. We later learned they had closed Yosemite for the first time (not sure if it’s open again), but it all seemed aligned with our feeling the ocean was a better nurturer right now to take us somewhere different than our usual mountain and forest surroundings, and to the Pacific coast that we both love.

We return the 12th, still within the retrograde, in time to prep for the Reiki workshop and receiving my book back.

And speaking of last workshops (since I’ll be away while one of the registration deadlines roll around), if you want to join the last Reiki 3 Master Teacher workshop on Saturday, August 18th, as a new or review student, you can still register or let me know by August 11th.

And if you’re still interested in the Saturday, September 22nd Fall Equinox “Living a More Magickal Life” workshop event with Laura Bruno and myself, we have 2 of the 12 spots remaining. The last day to register for that is September 15th.

You can find links to both here: Workshop Updates

Retrogrades are a good time to complete and release things that no longer support your highest good, put to rest old “stuff”, have more patience and light-heartedness about things, take time for yourself away from it all, slow down and be still to receive, cleanse your life on all levels, focus on intentions you want to put out to the Universe, be more present in your life and with others especially in terms of more heart-based communication, listen and go within, and realize it’s not all that serious.

Things are always unfolding for the highest good even though you don’t feel like that’s the truth because it’s hard to embrace when you’re attached to outcomes and definitions of things.

You can utilize determination during this time to help carry out visions and goals, but remain flexible. You will also need to stay on top of your willpower, as illusions and immediate pleasures may easily sway you. Yes, that means more shadow work to help you to integrate and balance and be able to see things clearly. People and things that trigger us need to be looked at, not pushed away, in order to understand the trigger and what it is telling you about yourself and hidden feelings you may be afraid to see or acknowledge within.

Do you secretly envy someone or wish to be more like that which annoys you? Is the thing that is bothering you about them, a quality you, yourself possess, and therefore if you integrate it yourself with love, can transform your experience of self and others? Is the quality that you fear or cast out in another, a part of you that if nurtured, could really catapult your passionate life?

What are you willing to do and give up short-term for the things you desire? Your strength, will, determination and focus are key now, along with the flexibility to know when to flow so you maintain balance of mind, body, and spirit.

This isn’t so much the time for doing, as it is for being, so all of this is done on the inner planes and if done with commitment to the process of you, you will reap the benefits of the Retrograde, rather than feel controlled and beat down by it.

Keep the faith and lovingly nurture yourself and others during this time. The more you practice these things, the more you can discover how Retrogrades can be powerful, catapulting times.

I’ll see you again soon!

The Visionary

Many of you see and envision things, and are guided by inspirations, that feel out of this world and unseen or felt by others. You believe in all possibilities and the invisible because for you it is real and through you hope is cultivated for others to experience the same. It’s your inspiration that nurtures the courage to take action on what channels through you, despite there being no assurance or promise of outcome because you are the builders of the path – the visionaries – and each step is creatively innovated as you go along.

When you act on your visions this creates alignment and magnetically draws forth magickal synchronicities, potentials that can be opportunities, incredible journeys, and collective possibilities. Although some of you do this more naturally, it is within all of us to live out our fullest creative power by more courageously engaging the visions and feelings that pulse through our hearts.

As we head into tomorrow’s total Lunar Eclipse Aquarius Full Moon (its totality will last a full 103 minutes during which time the Moon will become blood red and ochre – the longest Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse of the century), we are encouraged to stand centered and at peace amidst any chaotic and intense energies, so that we can see the hidden within and retrieve or release with awareness what serves and no longer serves us.

How can you recognize your unique individuality within the collective community and cocreate from that place of authenticity, rather than be led by the group agendas swirling around you?

Are you unwilling to courageously act upon your own inspiration that will create new breakthroughs?

There is a visionary awaiting your invitation to imagine and actualize a new experience.

While being a visionary can at times create feelings of being separate and on your own or a desire to escape this realm for another, remember that this is simply an illusion and a way to keep you from your creative power, rather than harnessing it.

Each visionary is needed to help manifest the inspirations you feel and envision, to actualize a transformation for this planet – our Earth Mother.

You are worthy.

Your visions are invaluable.

And now is the time to clearly bring them forth with others, as even if you aren’t hearing the love and support from those immediately around you, remember that so many of us, around the world and beyond, ARE loving and encouraging you from afar.

You are needed and each of your visions brought through into form, will both be empowering and create more empowerment for humanity.

And from there, may all possibilities be open to you.

The Stuff Faery Tales Are Made Of

forest faery 2

Faery tales embody the simple and complex at the same time and are a way to communicate truths through wonder and to bring magick to the child within who holds the keys to alchemy. Faery tales, in my book, do matter and I have made it a focus to bring my own version of them to life in one way or another, as I believe there is an unseen world where other realities exist and are available to experience here and now. What we discover is how our imagination is the doorway to live the enchantment that exists, as the essence of the universe at large.

Faery tales journey us through challenges, fears, and dangers, while revealing that things aren’t always as they seem and connecting us with our deepest desires through transformational adventures.

I’ve definitely experienced all of this and find myself with a better understanding of my life through discovery of spiritual insights uncovered along the twists and turns that revealed the fantastical as real.

So, do I believe in Faery tales?

Indeed I do and I believe we are all living and creating one – each our own – with shared themes playing out creatively across the collective.

Where things are unclear and hard to understand, I believe magick explains the why’s. After all, we are the greatest miracle embodied, and it’s hard to imagine we aren’t living magickal lives because of that. I do believe a wizard lies within each of us to remember.

And although my life may look or seem more Faery tale-like now, I assure you that all the tragedy, so-called villains, brushes with death, and character arcs that truly make the full gamut of a true Faery tale, have been journeyed through more than their fair share along my adventures in humanity on Earth. And even those experiences were filled with the miraculous and magickal, despite the less than desired ideals we gravitate toward because, after all, everything is part of the divine and sacred oneness that we are.

This is the inner journey of alchemy – some call it the hero’s or heroine’s journey – Deepak Chopra calls it “The Way of the Wizard,” sharing my own feeling on the magickal you, you’ve forgotten that you are.

It’s become more obvious to me, how I’m consciously creating a reality that breathes of Faery tales and whispers of enchantment, which has included the duality that every tale travels through.

And while the villains and tragedies are no longer the focal point of my story, I still get the opportunity to live out the actualization of what I’ve learned and discovered along the way in how I process and maintain my Faery tale peace within the collective kingdom at large – invoking more of the wizard within to step forth so I may see through her eyes of trust and experience the oneness of my own being – the end becoming the beginning.

Saturday felt like another layer added to my Faery tale, and as you can see in the photos of me in the forest, I was feeling the magick indeed.

Something about wearing this gown was very shifting and we decided to capture a photo in our backyard forest before heading out. So, I walked out barefoot and these two photos were taken in the two minutes we had to spare before leaving.

When I saw the photo at the end of this post, I noted that difference I felt, coming through in the visual of embodiment. I did, in fact, feel the totality of my Faery tale and this additional character arc that is taking me on a new beginning from a naturally culminating end.


It was my parent’s 50th golden anniversary, which is a Faery tale story and milestone, in and of itself, and I felt called to wear a long gown that featured a giraffe couple – perfect for this celebration with their gentleness of spirit, beauty, gracefulness, elegance, and tenderness. I’m so grateful to have them as parents and feel blessed to be able to witness these years their love has been a guiding force in our lives.

They have definitely been living their full gamut Faery tale that all began once upon a time when a young, beautiful girl living in an old village of cobbled streets nestled at the foot of a castle in southern France was sent off to college in England by her poor family where she met her Italian prince charming from Hoboken, New Jersey who was sent overseas by his working-class family to complete his education too.

The rest is history.

They are true twin souls journeying the Cosmos together eternally, as this photo so perfectly captures.


I haven’t followed in their exact footsteps for sure, but the foundation they created has been a stabilizing and guiding factor for all that my spirit had in mind for me.

Perhaps it’s because I step out in my own version of Faery tale shoes. 😉

stepping out bunny style.jpg

Can you say bunny love? (Despite my giraffe gown, I stay true to my rabbit roots)


And every morning I’m greeted by this enchanted Forest Portal we live on, and an enchanted office named Wonderland, with an extraordinarily enchanted bunny named Astrid, awaiting me.


While I do many mundane, seemingly unextraordinary things each day, they are made possible because of the miracle body I live in, and enhanced by the magickal surroundings I’ve dreamed up and created for myself.


I continue to watch my office evolve into more and more of the whimsical imagination within my child heart and can’t tell you how happy I feel and supported by all of the energies and beings that inhabit it with Astrid and me.


Every single thing has meaning, purpose, and carries a specific frequency of energy that speaks to the Faery tale story of my life and every experience I’ve had or am creating from the “future” backwards.


It is the 45 year old, adult version of my inner child, revered and cherished. And it is from this place of whimsy embodied that I dream up the new and bring my book and any other dreams alive.


I don’t know what the future holds with anything. I just know that I’ll live fully every interesting twist to the path in the forest, where ever they may lead. It’s my Faery tale to create and so it is that I will!

And Faery tales wouldn’t be complete without a Faery wand!

Meet Harmony.


I recently had the opportunity to channel a new Mystery Magick Crystal Wand for a sweet and magickal spirit in Romania, and this is what came through.

Harmony is such a pure and, of course, harmonious embodiment of cosmic love, empowerment, transformation, self-awareness, creative birthing, and bringing forth gifts of the heart for humanity.

This is the only wand I’ve created outside in Nature. I created half of it while on the shore of Fallen Leaf Lake – the birth place of its beautiful wood branch. And the forest and waters there infused it with their song. I then completed the rest on the forest and garden of our home.

It’s quite a unique wand with a Triple Goddess Lemurian Phantom Quartz as a point! Woah! Can you say wow?! I had no idea that the crystal choosing to be the focal point had all of this going on until I looked and felt deeper into it.

It is a 5-sided Isis crystal as well and with three faces having 5 sides, we get that Triple Goddess effect. It actually has only 3 faces, which is unusual, as the other three triangular sides do not create faces, but simply create triangular points.


And you can see the phantom very clearly. A phantom looks like another crystal inside mirroring the shape, but ethereal (white or colored material – in this case gray). These phantoms provide indication of the experiences and transformations of the crystal’s evolution, represent the many phases of life you experience in a lifetime, helps to break through limitations, and grow beyond fear and blocks. They also help bring humanity together to support the planet.


Then along the shaft we have 3 Super Seven crystals that are super magickal little worlds of their own, one double terminated Rose Quartz, and one double terminated Chevron Amethyst, as you can see in these photos at the lake just after I completed that phase of the creation.


Super Seven creates a powerhouse of healing crystal energy to the wand’s embodiment bringing together the seven stones within it in combination with the other three types of crystals found on this creation. It can assist in all endeavors and helps to bring conscious awareness to the most challenging things that have been hidden or repressed within you. It is very protective and enhances psychic energies, while being energizing and expansive.

Rose Quartz creates the wand’s embodiment and focus of universal, unconditional love and helps restore harmony and trust, balances and opens the heart chakra, promotes all levels of love including self-love, brings calm and peace to healing, and encourages forgiveness and self-worth.

Chevron Amethyst creates the wand’s embodiment of peace, inner strength and courage, promotes self-discovery, helps remove resistance to change and helping oneself, dissipates negative energies, builds trust in intuition, cleanses, supports meditation and crown chakra illumination, amplifies energies for manifestation, and helps diminish potential addictive tendencies and recovery of any present addictions.


All entwined with rose gold wire enhanced by rose satin cord (that creates little rosettes throughout where knots are needed), and then anchored with two larger and perfect, darker twin Goose feathers, with one pure white Goose feather at center of the two – all silky and luminescent in quality.


The Goose and its feathers embody loyalty, forging ahead with bravery and confidence, teamwork and comradery, protection, clear communication, determination, dedication, fellowship, fidelity, fertility, the balance of knowing when to lead or follow, compassionate keepers of the community and embody the sacred circle and sanctity of the cycles of life, astute navigation, discernment of life path and choices, teamwork, protection, and committed responsibility. Geese never leave one of their own behind for any reason. They will stay with the sick and injured until they are either well again, or to support them as they transition.

The twin energy of the two larger Goose feathers brings together that which is within, merged, so that that without will reflect this integration and harmony. The white feather is the transmutational bridge that integrates it all with grace and purity. I have the white feather anchored strongly at center, while the two twin feathers are free flowing to the sides.


They ask you to remember your origins, to trust your intuition, communicate your needs and vulnerabilities, and honor and protect what is most of value.

Having a wand is a perfect and active way to focus energies while also a way of waving magick infusions into everything you are creating.

It was the perfect project for me to channel right now during my in-between book journey while I work on preparing the next phases after my editor returns it to me. It helps me to percolate the energies and keep momentum, as I want to preserve that enchantment and creative imagination to be ready for the leap to come. This is one of the things that has kept that going.

And in the meantime, I continue to imagine with great clarity, dream big, surround myself with everything that speaks to my essence, imbibe the frequencies I intend for the story of life I’m creating, and live as boldly and courageously as possible, as the character of my own Faery tale.

There’s definitely been an increased awareness around waking dreams and seeing how every part of the journey is a part of the creative story being woven.

We are the story tellers and story keepers of life unfolding. Faery tales have many twists and turns and are filled with imagination creating the embodiment of experiences that encompass the alchemy of you.

forest faery

Have More Fun

There’s plenty of time to be serious and let’s face it, most of the time that’s just what people are doing – planning, worrying, stressing, analyzing, keeping their nose to the grind, moving from one task to the other, having no time to smell the roses. And while there’s balance to be had in life, the main thing we lose focus of and have an imbalance of is work in place of play – how to experience life more lightly, have more fun, feel more vitality, surrender some of that load you’re carrying, and bring back that innocence into each part of your life.

I speak a lot about enjoying life more and having more fun, as it truly can be a game-changer. I know it can be hard sometimes when life seems to have thrown a lot at you that feels heavy on the heart, but the way out isn’t in digging deeper into that heaviness, but rather, finding ways to see through the eyes of your inner child, which will help lighten things. Laughing at ourselves and life, being silly, doing something spontaneous because it tickles your heart, infusing a child-like perspective of wonder and belief in all things possible, and reaching in to bring forth that tender, caring heart that simply loves.

So, while I am a child at heart big time, I still constantly nurture that child to merge even more of that innocence into my life and find myself more childlike now than even when I was a child. That’s not to say I’m not serious when the time calls for it, but I never let go of my inner child in the process. I choose to have her walk hand-in-hand in all that I do, think about, feel into, and take action on. I also engage her and ask her what she feels, so as not to neglect the wisdom and value she has to impart.

There’s been more than enough times when I didn’t really know how to love her, as she so needed, and I’ve committed to having her never experience that again. By inviting her into every experience, I get to experience greater wholeness and fulfillment that has the ability to bring harmony and healing to every forgotten corner of my heart.

It’s no mystery why I find myself surrounded by an armada of chipmunks and squirrels where we live, who all seem to congregate outside my office door – mirroring the inner child I have cultivated and even the childhood dream office of Wonderland I’ve created. And of course I have the magickal little bunnies and Astrid, who all reflect such purity, innocence, and playful harmony. Astrid also reflects my inner child and our interactions also help expand my interactions within for myself, and vice versa. We definitely assist each other in embodying greater wholeness.

I recently had opportunity to support a sweet soul in a distant, international Reiki Healing Attunement that also brought up this key theme of inner child love and embracing more innocence, play, and fun. So much so that a powerful display took place right before me while I was in the middle of the session.

Two giant squirrels – one of which was huge and bigger than any squirrel I’ve ever seen – both came running over to the sliding glass door in front of where I was working the session. They came up to the door, peered in on hind legs with paws and nose to the glass and were tapping to get in and get my attention. They would then run to my potted flowers and climb up them and play and then circle back and come tapping and peering in on me again at the door. This happened several times, until they knew I understood and then off they swirled their huge bushy tails and disappeared back under the fence from which they came.

I had never had such a strong reflection of animal spirit guides during a session, other than my own bunny loves doing things and receiving visions of guides for the person I was working on. But this time they decided to manifest in the flesh and I know if that door had been open, they’d have been right up on me.

The huge display they played out in front of me, I not only took away as meaningful for this particular client, but also as important to impart to the collective.

I didn’t get photos, of course, as I was deep in a session, but here is one (below) of the chipmunk friends that constantly visits, peering in just as the squirrels did.

I also have a couple of quite large mice friends that visit as well, along with lizards and birds.

It’s definitely forest play land around here big time and I giggle daily at the beautiful mirror, which warms my heart that my inner child feels safe, loved, encouraged, and cherished.


Chipmunks have been known to show up as lucky signs that grant heart wishes, symbolize abundance, reflect an explorative and adventurous heart, and mirror that free spirited outlook on life – all similar to squirrels.

And while they both reflect that perfect balance of work and play, they always get what they need done with that light approach. This demonstrates that work can be accomplished without pressure and enjoyed by dedicating yourself to nurturing more fun in your life and living in more balance with nature. A cozy, comfortable, and joyful life is possible, just as these playful creatures show us.

Inner child work has always been a powerful seed “key” to creating change. And when done with unconditionally loving courage, can be the impetus for empowering yourself in unlimited ways.

We all have a child within that is in need of our loving acceptance. No matter how strong and self-reliant you think you are, there is a time for tender vulnerability in everyone’s journey that is needed to cultivate a garden that your child-like heart can creatively and expansively blossom in. This will provide astounding results in your current experience and with all that you intend.

As adults we carry with us false beliefs from the past that as children we learned to believe. A lot of that includes the things that we were taught were “wrong” with us and so the greatest rejection living with us today is of ourselves with these beliefs.

Listening to and softening our inner dialogue to embrace the perfection of all that we are, is a needed part of our daily practice. It is important to know ourselves to be whole and forgive ourselves, as well as revel in the quirky beauty that our inner child has to share.

Loving your inner child will support healing the darkest experiences by shining light on the beauty that was always there. This opens doorways that the Universe will support you with when you are willing to partner with it.



Harnessing that Cancer/Capricorn Balance – New Moon & New Phase in Motion

With the Solar Eclipse New Moon in Cancer and yesterday’s magickal Friday the 13th, I was feeling another influx and opening of opportunities present itself. Cancer really has us paying attention to our emotional and psychic sensitivities around matters of home, heart, nurturing, creativity, compassion, and feminine energy, but also learning to keep that all in Capricorn check so that we aren’t giving our energy and power away, we learn highest use of boundaries, true responsibility, and courage and fortitude to support healthy vulnerability that can be evolutionary for self and humanity and help you to take action that leads to manifestation of dreams, goals, and intents for the highest good. We’re definitely working on creating new foundations in all areas of life and the New Moon encourages birthing new things over and over with each cycle. There’s always a window of opportunity and it’s never too late to make changes – it starts with choice. New Moons are great for planting seeds of the new, and when you commit to something during the window of its energy you really help to fuel and solidify maximization of that energy.

I found myself the last couple of days really multi-tasking and honing in on more closures, new beginnings, and clearing my plate as well. I really felt that multi-dimensionality kick in, as my mind was expanding and at times exploding with all the levels of complexity it was journeying into simultaneously. I definitely felt like I was getting a brain workout in a good way, as I traveled different paths of thinking, focusing, perspectives, and potentials.

I also was working with that courage and vulnerability I spoke of, as my book journey ignited phase 3.

This all synchronously finalized yesterday on Friday the 13th and in the New Moon energy, or rather, it all ignited, as I officially committed and signed the client agreement with my editor. Things went into motion last weekend, but she was away on vacation and everything aligned us when she got back for it to fall as such.

So, this is an evolutionary igniting of taking my new step of responsibility and committed action with my heart project, as well as fully investing myself to see things through – definitely that balance of Cancer and Capricorn energies in acknowledging both my vulnerabilities and strengths, and supporting a balanced and well-thought out plan of responsible and serious action.

I also spent a good portion of the last couple of days doing bookkeeping on Quicken – this is all VERY new for me this year – for Dave and I and our shared work together, which was a big project and hones in on my Cancer/Capricorn balances with its focus. Another expansive venture for me that exercises my brain and capitalizes on my strengths, while also developing my weaknesses. Whew!

And synchronously, the last of my two massage tables was sold yesterday to the perfect person. They both went to perfect people, actually. This closing out my Reiki teaching journey and the in-person sessions I once used to offer.

Synchronously, also, Dave sold his guitar on the same day. He had two, and decided only to keep one.

We both had really nice people come to get them who were both so aligned and we both ended up talking to for a while. Dave’s went to a wonderful family of a man and his really sweet 14 year old and wife, and mine to a really lovely soul I would never have met if not for this. She and I had a lot in common. We both had tattoos all over us, she does massage and other body work, we both are writing a book, she also just got an editor (and actually had offered to refer them to me, but I’d just signed with mine), and we said we should hang out some time. Gotta love alignment!

So phase 3 is in full swing and while it is going through its extensive editing review, I’ll be focusing on other aspects to prepare for more phases to come.

In the meantime I will also enjoy a little different creative focus with the Magick Crystal Wand commission and my own staff this week. I have 2 more Mystery Magick Crystal Wand commissions remaining. I only plan to work on these over the next couple of weeks, so please try to get in any orders, as after that I’ll not have a window anymore.

Some people who haven’t seen my wands were curious, so here is a link to the first batch I channeled. I went on to create several more custom ones after that, but they are in individual posts and were much more complex, larger pieces that are not part of this offering. You can search my blog if interested in seeing more. This link is just for an idea, but each is unique to the wood and the inspiration I feel come through when working with it:

Magick Crystal Wands

And here is the link where you can order one of the two remaining wands-to-be:

Crystals, Mystery Wands, Reiki Healing Attunement Zappers & Workshops

In this same post I was offering other things, but the only remaining is the last two wand commissions I mentioned.

All of the crystals have found new lovely guardians – thank you so much! – I will be packaging them up safely this weekend (which takes time) and shipping off either Monday or Tuesday depending on my time window Monday between two engagements.

The workshops still have space, but the Fall Equinox is getting close to filling. There may end up only being 2 spots remaining soon.

Reminder these are my last workshops I’m teaching and the first and only co-teaching with sweet, magickal Laura.

I plan to bake a cake this weekend – one I’ve been feeling the last week or two, which will be a vanilla lavender cake (perhaps with another twist too, but we’ll see what comes to me). I’ll be using my fresh lavender from the garden for this, which is what inspired me. I’m so loving the smell of fresh lavender and cinnamon basil blossoms right now in my kitchen that I made a sweet little arrangement of in a tiny vase.

I have some new flowers and succulents to plant too.

Will be getting outside as well for sun and exercise.

There was a lot of hard work going on the last couple of days, so its time to kick in some serious play. 🙂

All to continue experiencing greater balance and inner harmony and peace.

So, yes, it’s important to nurture ourselves with those Cancerian things – for me the creative infusion of some fun projects to shift focus, making a nurturing cake that I love so much, giving back to Mother Earth with some Nature time and tending to her blossom and plant children around the home and home garden, and nurturing others with some Reiki Healing Attunements, as I’ve already put into motion one for myself and Dave.

And, key to remember our Capricorn aspects – for me this is implementation of business minded focuses, action-oriented step-by-step, patient processes, courage and confidence in what I am creating, putting into place supportive structures for long-term goals, and persistent focus to see things through for the highest good of all concerned.

All of this helping me to feel most essence aligned and helping to create greater harmony within and without.


Crystals, Mystery Wands, Reiki Healing Attunement Zappers & Workshops

I mentioned in my blog post yesterday that with me having some downtime while my book is being reviewed, I have the ability to create and offer just a few fun things, although I will still be immersed in other layers of steps upcoming for my project. This opened the ability to put out a few inspired offerings (I’m always listening) you can read about below that excite me, are aligned in how I feel, and that I know would be of benefit currently with everyone’s journey, as well as feel supportive to my creative energy.

I plan to utilize this time to finish creating my personal, magick staff and in seeing that I have three pieces of prepared wood all ready to go, I felt called to offer three magick crystal wands (you likely remember these from last year) to anyone who wants a little extra amplification and focus with your power and intents. Wands can help you to harness your power, direct it, and increase the flow.

I will be channeling them, as I get their energies coming through, so will not be posting them as completed wands to choose from, but rather as mystery wands you can feel into and choose accordingly. For some, price may be your leading factor of choice, and for others, you may feel what each will be manifesting as and that will be your resonance.

You can choose your magick crystal wand below, by purchasing through the link of choice.

Shipping and handling will be a separate invoice, once your order is ready to ship and destination/packaging cost is all compiled.

Mystery Magick Crystal Wand #1 ~ $111 – SOLD

Mystery Magick Crystal Wand #2 – $177

Buy Now Button

Mystery Magick Crystal Wand #3 – $222

Buy Now Button

I only have three pieces of wood and only have enough time to create them, so no, I won’t be doing more at this time, as I would have to have wood find me in the forest and also need another window of opportunity. This is it for right now.

reiki hands

The next offering is a Reiki Healing Attunement to receive a zap of support.

I don’t offer Reiki sessions or Attunements anymore, except in the last Reiki Workshops I’ve been teaching this Summer in terms of Initiation Attunements. So, this is a special and surprise opportunity if it calls to you.

With a small window of time on my hands, these fit perfectly and also align with what I sense could be an extra boost for people in the midst of shifts, healing, changes, wanting more alignment, ability to see the opportunities, gain greater clarity in general, support courage, creativity, and anything you want to enhance or bring forth more, help reveal and clear blocks, open doors, add increased magick to your current trajectory, etc.

I use these all the time for myself and Dave and I always stress to pass students who know how to do these, not to forget to actually utilize this tool, as they are super potent. Every time I do one, the intentions I have, one-by-one start happening – sometimes immediately. I like to keep a list of the things and check them off as they come true. Pretty incredible.

So, if this speaks to you, or you were wanting one – as I know a few of you have contacted me because you were interested and at the time I wasn’t available – then here it is.

I will only be making this available to 5 people, as that feels most aligned for me.

You can purchase your Reiki Healing Attunement below and then please get in touch with me via my CONTACT page to let me know your name, location, some options of good times for us to tune in together for this where you can be open to receiving peacefully and mindfully, and your intents for it and then we’ll be ready to go.

Reiki Healing Attunement ~ $55 – ALL SPACES FILLED

And last, we have some very special crystal beings that are ready to have new guardians, as our time has come full circle. I’ve been moving through things fast and so I don’t hoard crystals simply because I love them. I love them enough to know they have service to do and want them to keep moving their energy like I am.

Here are the 3 crystals currently available, which will all be Reiki infused and charged before heading off to you from the Forest Portal:

fluorite 4



fluorite 3

Earth & Cosmos Fluorite ~ $155 – SOLD

This incredible Fluorite is like nothing I’ve seen and truly embodies the essence of bringing together and merging Earth and Cosmos – as the bottom half is this exquisite layered journey through Earth’s womb in the brown and the top half is this ethereal experience of violet and white. Within each there are remnants of both interlaced, creating balance. And then we find sparks of rainbow and one larger one at top.

Harmony within and without. It stands 8 1/2 inches tall and about 3 inches at widest.

The colors will intensify and become more subtle as you have it with you. I love how crystals constantly shift.


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ocean jasper

Sacred Geometry Ocean Jasper Sphere ~ $44 – SOLD

This incredible Ocean Jasper sphere with portals and amazing naturally infused sacred circles in perfect geometric synergy throughout (hard to capture, but you can kind of see one of these in two of the photos above, including a reflection of Eeyore from my shirt – hehe). You’ll have fun discovering all of them, as they are very faint unless the right light and perspective reveals them. Amazing! I love that this crystal’s energy feels merging of Water and Earth, has that nature, Faery, and heart-centered aura with a zap of joyous empowerment.

It is a 2 inch sphere in mossy green, yellow green, and yellow. Looks like an Otherworldly planet.

Here’s a link on its properties: Ocean Jasper



Golden Ray Selenite Cosmic Blossom ~ $222 – SOLD

  • Also known as Golden Ray Selenite
  • This particular kind comes from Canada
  • It’s a completely natural formation that will carry the energy of Selenite, but with additional metaphysical properties due to its golden essence
  • Is a powerful, beautiful, and high vibrational crystal known to call in the highest frequency of white light and the Golden Ray of Buddha
  • Some say it stores Ancient Priestess teachings and can be used for a variety of metaphysical purposes – making them excellent for any healing environment
  • Connects to the Solar Plexus, Third Eye, Heart, and Crown Chakras – helps to integrate, open, and activate
  • Supports creative manifesting from your heart
  • Directs your will in a loving, joyful manner
  • Assists you to create your reality based on intention, trust, and joyful wisdom
  • Helps you to become attuned to, and harmonized with, your soul purpose for this lifetime
  • Focuses on joy, manifestation, and creation/creative energies and is really good for digestive issues and addictions, as the dis-ease of one’s will

I love both the inner Earth and Cosmic essence it embodies, which makes sense since Selenite is an embodiment of “As Above, So Below”.

It is a little over 3 inches tall and a little over 2 1/2 inches wide. It shifts in color all the time from lemony yellow, deeper yellows, and indoors and without light almost yellow green.

This is a very rare and unique specimen of this crystal – WOW!!! It’s like holding a star from the Cosmos in your hand.


Since I continue to move rapidly through things, there may be more in the coming weeks or months, but these are the three that jumped out right now.




Upcoming/Last Workshop Reminders:

One month from today, on August 11th, is the last chance to register for the Reiki 3 Master Teacher Workshop on August 18th. I have 4 spaces remaining for either new or return/review students. Remember review students of mine can join for free so if you want to brush up or think one of those big changes for you involves starting to teach, please reach out so we can make that happen!

And there are two months and four days – on September 15th – remaining to register for the Fall Equinox “Living a More Magickal Life” with Laura Bruno and myself on September 22nd.

We have only 3 spaces remaining, as we are limiting this to an intimate gathering of just 12.

The links to register for both can be found here:

Workshop Changes & Updates


I love surprises! Love and creative magick to you!

The Six C’s Speaking to Things Right Now


As I move through my own journey and hear from others, I constantly notice themes and a big awareness around process. Process has always been inherent in everything, but there’s an increased awareness of process in everything and greater presence around every step. And through that moment-to-moment experience, clarity, commitment, courage, creativity, communication, and celebration are stand-outs.

I’ll break them down, as I see them.

  • Clarity – there’s not only a greater need for crystallizing clarity of your intents, feelings, actions, and thoughts to create greater alignment, but there’s also an increased clarity, in general, being felt by many around their dreams and desires that is amplifying the manifestation of them and implementing a lot of life shifts in motion on every level. Veils are parting and awareness is increasing and with the intent to have greater clarity and willingness to truly see and feel, you will break down more barriers to yourself. With clarity comes focus and effective use of energy when you are able to identify what’s going on and what has been speaking to you from within. Now is a time to go within and trust what you receive so you can affirm clarity with actions you take.
  • Commitment – there’s a greater need now than ever for unwavering commitment to the things that are most meaningful to you, which includes taking care of and nurturing your own needs as an example of your own life working. With commitment comes care – you realize how important and crucial some elemental things are to your well being and to producing what you want to share with the world, and you care enough to see that through. As we’ve all learned, until you value yourself and what you have to give, you will be left searching for empty value elsewhere. Now is the time to make a firm commitment to what is nudging at your heart. This helps others to do the same.
  • Courage – it’s going to be scary, yes, and yet now more than ever there is greater support in seen and unseen ways to help you do what you feel clarity and commitment around. Courage of the heart is essential and it won’t erase fear, but it will accompany you through the journey with the right amount of encouragement to take you through the challenging stuff, step-by-step. If you REALLY want something and REALLY want to make changes, clarity around what that is, commitment to what ever it takes, and the courage to see it through are key. There’s no greater time than now to make leaps and grow exponentially. Courage will see you through the dark areas, as you navigate a new path. Everyone – even the people you admire and see as hugely successful – have harnessed courage to do what they’re doing. It gets easier, but without fears and uncertainties, we wouldn’t have opportunity to rise to the occasion. Remember, while others are leaders for you, you are a leader for others.
  • Creativity – cultivating and channeling creativity is vital – I wrote a little about that in my last post Feeling the Potency of Creative Alchemy in Action. Creativity is your power to choose differently, imagine unlimited potentials, flow your life force freely, ignite your passion, and bring love and action together as manifestation. No matter what channel you bring creativity through, the importance is simply that you DO bring it through and this will continue creating new realities and new Earth experiences. You are naturally a creative being and when you are creativity in action, this will help you to trouble shoot any area of your life with curious imagination, as well as help you to bring forth your dreams and goals. Clarity of energy moving through you, commitment to that energy that wants through, courage to keep that fire fueled no matter what, and the willingness to engage your creativity that is throbbing to be expressed. Through creativity we can forge new ways and find new solutions. We can create humanity at its highest.
  • Communication – there is heightened importance and need for communication and that includes the communication you have with yourself. Learning to make that a more present, gentle, tender, and open process will benefit you greatly and then help you to be the same with others. Communication is key for all types of relationships and the willing to be honest with yourself and others, while patient, and compassionate. Communication is essential to business endeavors, whether you work alone or co-create with others. You will have the need to enhance your communication skills with customers, clients, and co-workers, or people that you need to engage along the way that will be integral to your goals. There will also be importance in extending your reach of communication to include diversity of people, animals, plants, the Unseens, Nature and the Cosmos at large. This will help you to be in tune and aligned, so that things happen more seamlessly. As we evolve, communication is evolving and there are many forms whether through the written or verbal word, through art, music, your craft…communication goes beyond and into telepathy, which is felt through every interaction and increasing as we are shifting. Brushing up on your communication skills and bringing clarity, commitment, courage, and creativity to the process of how you share yourself is invaluable. The better you communicate to yourself and others, the more fine-tuned and aligned you are with your intents.
  • Celebrate – a vital part of the process and journey is to remember to celebrate every step of the way. This includes the small and large accomplishments, the ways in which you have overcome hurdles, something new you’ve been able to do, and each part you move through, regardless if the ultimate outcome has happened or not. This is part of that core gratitude that really makes a difference and how you truly enjoy life to the fullest without punishing yourself along the way. There is always something to celebrate and that starts with you being here in this moment and choosing to be alive at such a creatively fertile time. As Dewitt Jones shares, “celebrate what’s right with the world.” Have clarity of your thoughts, intents, feelings, and desires, then devote yourself to commitment of what you want to manifest, have the courage to see your commitment through, channel your creativity because your piece of the thread in the tapestry is needed and contains your vitality and fuel for your dreams, communicate with yourself and others along the way to help motivate and remain clear and aligned, as well as to support transparency and vulnerability, and then celebrate every step of the way!

So how has this been applying to me currently? Well, mostly with my book’s process – basically my main and only focus at this time in my life, besides the balance of life in general and things I do with Dave, our shared business, and in my personal life.

I’ve definitely seen, after coming to closure with so much from this life’s “past” and every other “past” life and feeling harmony flow through increasingly, that my next spiral of evolution and growth stems around this book – regardless of outcome.

I’ve definitely had clarity with the story, my intent and dream vision with it, and knowing whole-heartedly it is what I desire deeply to bring forth.

I’ve definitely made a soul and heart commitment to it and have just taken that to the next level, with this third phase I’m in with it. The first phase was in writing the full story, the second was in editing and reworking it myself to the best ability I knew how, and the third now involves an outside professional I’ll be working with. More on that…I’ve committed to seeing it through step-by-step and not rushing any part of it and doing it no matter what, taking risks with it in terms of how I’ve written it, and am holding myself to see it through to the end.

I’ve definitely had to muster up my greatest courage with it – or at least my next level of courage, as I’ve moved through many other levels of courage in the face of fears I’ve had up until this point. That included my fear of speaking and having shyness, which led me to embrace teaching, fear of speaking up for myself and saying “no” and having boundaries, which led me to have healthy ones, fear of looking crazy and feeling insecure about who I really am and the magickal me, which led me to vulnerably put that all out there without apology and even create this blog where I share so much, helped me to be at my best with overall well-being, and to no longer be energetically drained, and fears of having no support or security in order to take leaps, which led me to jump into what has called me greatest in my heart to bring forth as my essence expression – or work as some might call it. And now my next level of courage is in phase three of my book where I am handing it over to a professional editor who will completely dissect it and tear it apart, leaving me very vulnerable and at the end, with another round of reworking to do. I had some good news take place yesterday in hearing back from the developmental editor of my choice, after sending her a letter of my intent to work with her and it looks like we’ll be co-partnering likely beginning the end of this week and will be sharing a working relationship for a while. This next phase is a huge process and to say I’m both excited and scared, is definitely accurate! But I am more excited and proud of myself than anything, which brought me to tears at end of last week before I sent her a letter, as I could feel the immensity of this step that was bigger than my book, and I could literally feel a huge leap taking place for my path and my vibrational frequency I have been operating at. And this commitment solidifies the realness of everything and aligns me even more with the vision I have, as I put belief, heart, and clarity of intent into action. There’s no turning back. I was so happy when she accepted working with me and although I’m still far from any outcome, I’m sinking my teeth into it all and sucking the marrow of life, as they say. There is still a very long road ahead, as I’m not rushing any part of it, but I’m excited to be pushed to my highest capabilities and to be challenged to dig deeper than ever to make this the best possible book I can channel it to be.

I’ve definitely been channeling creativity. I think it’s impossible for me not to be, as I would literally die if I wasn’t and when I stop, is when I won’t be here anymore. So onward-ho with creative flow! It’s definitely been my best friend on this writing adventure!

I’ve definitely been engaging greater clarity of communication when engaging myself and others and have put into action all of the things I’ve learned, more and more, so that truly communicating even at tough times, has become so much easier, and so much more present and aware. Communication is definitely coming through for this book, as I work with the written and telepathic word, for the co-partnership with my new editor, and in receiving communication from the Other Realms in channeling it.

And lastly, I’ve definitely been in celebration mode with every part of the process. In the past I’ve had a tough time with processes, because the visionary in me always saw things as whole and the end results, so to have to take things apart, piece-by-piece and go through the human journey, was tough. No longer so. Perhaps I’ve bridged timelines and experiencing it all at once now, or perhaps I’m just more present and grateful, and truly living what life is about and each piece as beautiful without expectation, attachment, and need for a result.

It’s all changed everything and the whole game for me. I know so many others that are also experiencing greater fluidity with it all, and I believe whole-heartedly that we all can.


And just for giggles and a heads-up, here’s two more C’s I’ve experienced and coming up.

Contacts – I’ve noticed an interesting influx of contacts in the last couple of weeks about a variety of things, that include inquiries about old services, invites to be on podcasts, synchronicities shared with people internationally, and even some odd inquiries on things I didn’t even know I had out there. All speaking to me to collective connection (some more C’s) and alignment both in knowing my boundaries and attracting reflections.

Crystals – Stay tuned either tomorrow or some time this week, as with a little opening in time on my hands and another big shift happening, a few crystal friends are ready to move on and I may have some custom and healing openings as offerings. More soon!


Feeling the Potency of Creative Alchemy in Action

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So, wow! I have to start off by saying how incredibly beautiful this gift sharing has been with everyone who was a part of the Summer Solstice Gratitude Giveaway. I not only enjoyed sharing Reiki blessings with all who joined, but also loved being able to send what I was guided to for each of the recipients as well. It seems that most of the gifts are arriving since yesterday (even overseas – incredible!) and the blast of beaming energy of love you are all sharing via your emails supports why I felt like a giddy little Faery up to good mischief in sprinkling surprises your way. To hear about the perfection these gifts have been for you and the joy, inspiration, and shifts they are igniting, is the icing on my cake I so love. 😉

There’s always so much to be grateful for and increasingly I’m experiencing life in a natural flow of honoring the opportunities that present themselves to give and receive in a multitude of ways that reflect unity in truly fulfilling expressions beyond limited ideas and attachment.

The unlimited ways mirror creativity and creativity is one of the most powerful energies available to us.

Creativity is love.

It is a magickal and powerful energy vital to exercise and cultivate as a channel of creation itself.

Summer is rolling along and I can just feel the creative energy blossoming in bursts of vibrancy everywhere – not only mirrored in Nature and Her incredible flowers, but also mirrored in the explosion of creative output people are expressing, sharing, cultivating, and nurturing to bring forth.

I can’t tell you how many people I know that have birthed, or are in process of birthing, so many new things in their life whether a new product, a book, paintings, a new job, a new home, a new relationship including one with themselves, a new animal companion, a new idea, a major life leap…and having the courage to bring it all through, realizing the value in that and the value of who they are and what they have to offer. People are actively working that creative alchemy and anchoring in the manifestation of dreams they’ve long had or newly discovered as their truth.

Even just in the category of books alone, something I am also creatively engaged in, I know of SO many people writing books right now and how wonderful is that?! People giving value to their voice and are ready to express what is inside of them. And that, in and of itself, is beautiful and huge!

Everyone has something of value to contribute and will touch lives relative to their energy and message that aligns with others drawn to and needing just that very thing.

I was just sharing about this with a dear friend today, as I learned she, too, was bringing forth her message in a book. I personally know of a couple dozen of people either writing their first book or working on another.

I’m wow’d by this shift where once only a small group of people would be called to even venture into this way of creating and now we have a tapestry of colorful messages and stories popping up like a Cosmic grid of stars and so many ways to make this a reality where doors would otherwise have been closed – thus mirroring our expansion and letting go of rules and limitations that would otherwise have been daunting to the creative impulses you have.

I love that things are shifting to support everyone with opportunity – yet we must each rise to that challenge, as opportunity doesn’t just hand itself over.

You must reach out your hand, take the steps, or even leap into the air believing in your wings to carry you on. You must challenge yourself to open your petals when you otherwise would rather keep them tight in a bud.

When the Sun shines upon you, let the warmth of those rays do their magick, rather than fight them. Open your arms to vitality – to creativity – to YOU….to the MAGICK OF YOU.

And this creative energy isn’t just limited to “artists,” but is available to anyone who desires to push the envelope of their personal expressiveness in life.

Exercising your imagination is invaluable.

It’s an exciting time for alchemizing your very existence. You are an infinitely creative being here to evoke the remembrance of what lies in your heart.

Your creative energy is an expression of the boundless love of All That Is and it is essential in creating new realities of experience. Cultivating the imagination, dreaming, believing, surrendering to and supporting vulnerable and passionate expression, utilizing creative visualization… is all vital to manifestation.

The creative and healing arts are rapidly taking more of an essential role, as they once did, in leading the way to a new experience of life.

Creativity supports what feels most natural in this life and beyond. It IS your essence.

There are always cycles to life and the circle is cycling back in a new way, as we are remembering, reevaluating, and understanding that balance is essential and cultivating natural creative expression is healthy to the state of collective humanity.

All forms of art have the ability to enhance life in amazing ways, not to mention, help you to get more in touch with Source. It is an invaluable expression that through support and cultivation, can help you to connect more with your natural essence as a creative, loving being of individually beautiful expression within the collective diversity.

The more you support these creative impulses, the more you allow yourself to explore things outside the box, to start creating and manifesting what you desire, to experience more magick and synchronicity in your life, to create the greatest works of art you have yet to create, and to find greater sense of peace and inner joy.

Creative energy is the source of creation. If you don’t exercise it, you close the door on the endless possibilities you, as a limitless and powerful being, have the ability to tap into.

Creativity is the power of love expressing itself.

The more you support this expression in yourself and in others, the more beautiful life will be.

I’m grateful for creativity and the power of my creative heart to express itself in any way it feels called to channel what is within.

Right now that has been through the channeling of my new book that is about to hit phase three, but it also has been through the cultivating of our home, garden, and life, nurturing a sanctuary and magickal space for us and our soul family in furry bodies that supports our essence and helps to impart an outflow of the highest through that, implementing and embodying ways to support greater remembrance of wholeness collectively, creating yummies in the kitchen, and finding ways to bring little bits of creative gratitude through to others.

Today was definitely filled with people and experiences to be grateful for and I found myself a few times in joyous tears that rose up through me like a well of love exploding. I realized through some events that I’d hit another huge leap along my creative journey that suddenly snuck up on me while I have been engaged in the courage of each step, and was amazed to see where they were taking me. It doesn’t matter what the outcomes might be. It only matters that I celebrate each step and live in the awe of the now. I’m grateful to myself for supporting the vision I have and seeing it through.

I then saw 2:26 on the clock – my birthday – and realized I was in fact rebirthing again.

We all are, in every creative moment, because choice renews everything.

I’ll leave you with this photo.

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It’s of a tiny succulent clipping I saved. When I recently found a few larger succulents at the local store here that I was looking for, I also found two clippings of different succulent plants that seemed to have fallen off or were broken off of other succulent plants. Those plants were no longer around, but these two little clippings were sitting on the shelf next to the potted succulents. I picked them both up and took them home with the potted ones. I immediately put them in the soil of two of the pots next to the other succulents, in hope that they would grow and weren’t gone already.

They’ve been sitting on my desk for the last week and suddenly this morning I noticed that the tiniest one had a bud, which slowly opened over the course of today.

As you can see, it produced this lovely red blossom of creative vitality and courage from a tiny piece of succulent, no more than an inch or less. I actually see another bud right next to it that I imagine will be opening in the next day or so as well.

And they spoke to me of nurturing and cultivating the tiniest of seed dreams and visions we have, taking those steps even when they seem impossible or others tell you it’s improbable. Not giving up and having the courage to open your petals to the Sun’s rays and to your essence that beckons creative expression.

Like the tomato plant I saved, that no one wanted, these two succulents are coming alive against all odds because someone saw the potential in them and fed that potential with love.

It is 5:55 right now as I close with this.

Never let anyone throw their shadow upon you. Cast the light of your creative power upon every hidden corner of your heart and watch the seeds within blossom. It doesn’t matter how long something takes…it only matters that you immerse each step with your beautiful essence.

Workshop Changes & Updates


It’s been a beautiful weekend here, enjoying the wildflowers in full bloom while immersing in nature and new hiking adventures, sharing a Full Moon drum circle and vegan potluck, getting out to events, as well as putting together love package gifts from my heart to the 17 recipients of the Gratitude Giveaway –  we also had more registrations come in and some changes to the upcoming workshops I wanted to update you with.

But first, I know I said I was hoping to get out all of the gifts by end of last week, but I underestimated the time it would take to package up 17 gifts, I ran out of packing tape, and I underestimated the time needed to bake and prep for our Friday Meetup event for our Tahoe Herbivores group, which was the drum circle and vegan potluck. Alongside quite a full weekend of back-to-back events, rest, and needed nature time, I wasn’t able to complete the packaging up until last evening. With that said, I’m happy to share that this morning I will be off to the post office to send off your goodies, so you should all be receiving them this week sometime, except if you live out of the country, which may take a bit longer – Faery fingers crossed! I hope you enjoy this items that are special to my heart and that they bring you the perfect energy and inspiration.

That brings me to the changes and updates on the upcoming last workshops I’m teaching.

First off is the September 22, 2018 workshop co-taught with Laura Bruno on Fall Equinox. We are now just over 2/3 full with this event we’ve limited to just 12 participants to keep things intimate for this very unique workshop and experience that will include an Equinox ritual and blessing/activation led by and transmitted through us.

We have an incredible group of souls joining that are all traveling in from out of the area. It is sure to be a potent gathering and will be customized to the group.

There are 2 spots left, so if you’d like to be a part of this, here’s where you can register to reserve your place:

Living a More Magickal Life


I then have a change to update you with on the Reiki 3 Master Teacher workshop. Originally, this workshop was set up for August 25th, but due to that date not working for the first student that registered, and my ability to change (which actually works out better for me too), we have moved it to the weekend before. It will now be held on Saturday, August 18th.

I’m putting the registration here to make it easier for anyone to sign up without weeding through blogs and the Reiki 1 & 2 info.

I can accommodate 6 people for this and currently there are 4 spots remaining for anyone wanting to review this workshop or take it anew.

Please keep in mind that the pre-registration discount for this ends in just 2 days on July 4th – UPDATE: this has ended.

Final registration is needed by August 11th.

We enjoyed the last Reiki workshop in June all outdoors on the forest here, so perhaps we might do the same for Reiki 3! Either way, we’ll get some outdoor time.

Reiki 3 Master Teacher Workshop: Saturday, August 18, 2018 from 9 am – 6 pm

This workshop will be taught in Stateline, NV at Lake Tahoe at a private residence called the Forest Portal – details and address will be provided to registrants before the time of workshop.

Past students of mine are welcome to join for free review, given there are enough new registrants to meet the required attendee minimum for teaching this workshop. Please let me know of your interest, as I will have a limited amount of room for review students.

Class Description, Reiki III:

Reiki Level III Master Teacher Class involves learning 3 Reiki Master Symbols including Tibetan, Anthakarana and Usui Master Symbols, Violet Breath, Hui Yin exercise, healing attunement instruction, receiving a third attunement, learning advanced techniques, and more. You will also be given instruction on how to give attunements for all levels and how to teach them as well. You learn what it means to be a teacher, while helping to nurture more confidence, commitment and responsibility to your service.

Registration Price for Reiki 3 – $650 – Final Registration by August 11th

Buy Now Button


Quick update: the Dendritic Opal and the Magick Crystal Wand I had available are both on their way to their new guardian. I may have some other offerings pop up. You never know! If I have time at some point I may have a few wands I could possibly make, although right now am focused on my book and then want to finalize my staff that’s been calling me to finish. If you’re local, I do have a massage table I’m going to be selling this week. I already found a home for the other one.

Okay, I’m off to get those gifties out and errands! Then a full week of things here, as I begin phase 3 of my book journey, do some planting indoors and outdoors, catch up on bookkeeping with Dave, and get some nature time in before his surgery and recuperation begins to repair a ski injury from this Winter so he can get back to adventure time again.

Wishing everyone a beautiful week! If you want to see what I’ve been up to in nature and with other things, you can always visit me on my Instagram page where I share daily quick posts of nature beauty, fun, food, inspirations, and quick updates. taniamarieartist is my profile handle there 🙂

July 2018 Energy with Lee Harris

Another message from Lee Harris that I think you’ll find in resonance with your experience. It feels spot-on to me. Lee discusses reverse polarity, nervous energy, humanity and oneness, and tender-heartedness as this month’s themes.  I hope you’ll take a listen if you’ve been led to this share.