Monthly Archives: August 2018

September 2018 Energy Update with Lee Harris

A hugely resonant and synchronous message from Lee on this month’s energy moving through the end of the year – no surprise, but always brings a smile when things are reiterated. Lee shares that the energetic vibration has a lot to do with letting go of what you were doing in the world to start something new in a bigger way.

He continues in sharing that you likely have been experiencing a lot of “deaths” creating huge transformational doorways and rearranging everything in your life to come more into alignment.

Who you really are at the core is what is really needed right now and so it’s again that shift in perspective around the idea of “service” or even using that as the guiding force, and truly anchoring in what you came here to do and knowing that the two are one – your essence IS service.

There is no selfishness in doing what you need to balance in life so that you can bring more of that energy through everything you do and the role you express.

Lee shares that September through December is a foundational period of creating more solidity in your life with the new – something that can usually happen after the start of a new year, but now it’s shifting to during this end of 2018 period – (synchronous to what I’ve been sharing about my own experience and what is beginning at the end of September through end of year and even the next 6 months.) This time period will provide incredible clarity for the next couple of years for what’s coming in and going to be created through you in terms of being and doing.

There’s a definite identity shift taking place, which involves the shedding of skins – (another synchronicity because I was working with my snake skins the last few days and someone messaged me about an old post regarding the “shedding skin” just yesterday titled Shedding Our Way to New Experiences.)

Some people are in the process of discovering the new they want to bring through, while others who have that clarity will be working on foundations and more clarity about where you want to take this. The latter is where I’ve found myself and am both excited and challenged at the possibilities and work ahead.

As Lee says, it’s “the beginning of a whole new chapter” – (no coincidence I recently posted a blog titled “A New Chapter Begins.”)

Gotta love those reiterations, as it goes to show you that no matter how removed you might feel, lonely, different, or simply in your own little world, you’re still innately connected to the collective.

Enjoy Lee’s message and the journey!

Refreshing Life & Moving Energy ~ Crystals for the New & More

secret garden

In the secret garden of my dreams and imagination, many visions are growing, blossoming, and in some ways just now seeding for creative manifestation, although much more singular-focused than my past has journeyed through. It’s exciting to begin fresh and listen to the song of my heart. I imagine many of you are feeling that bubbling thrill of possibilities ahead of you and likely are also recreating your life in ways that align with and help draw in more of that reality you envision.

In the midst of this shift from old to new, I’ve found myself redecorating, planting new succulents, gridding my space with anchoring energies, and moving things around in my Wonderland office to reflect the shifting energies, as well as to create the optimal environment that will support, nurture, and inspire the many hours, days, and months ahead that I will be channeling creatively here.

Some energies have assisted with getting where I am now, but have come to the end of their road as well. While others continue to be life-long partners or still have more work to do with me and Astrid.

Do you find yourself always refreshing things in your work and living space? You may also do this with other or all areas of your life. I know I do because it helps when we are matching the frequency of what we’re drawing into our experience, just as a magnet easily brings to it the same.

If not and you’re feeling stuck, unclear, or uninspired, try moving things around, painting a wall a different color, bringing more light into a room, or adding a little something fresh – even a vase of flowers, a new plant, or a small piece of art that speaks to you can make a difference.

I find the same goes for clothes, where I either move things out when I go through big changes, or I get inspired to mix and match in new ways.

Life is definitely a work of art to me that I paint new everyday and flowing with those creative energies that cycle through has been one of the most supportive things I find that really helps keep things invigorated and cultivates clarity and alignment.

As I’ve shared in my previous post, I’ve been prepping to hunker down come end of September after our Fall Equinox “Living a More Magickal Life” workshop event and visiting/igniting things with Laura that week, so this has been a great space for getting everything set up, putting to rest some little projects around the home I wanted to do, researching, and finalizing this last month of to-do’s.

I’m almost done with the crystal staff I’ve long been wanting to create – I’ve had the wood for almost a year and it will be done in a few more days, which feels important for the Equinox ceremony we’ll be doing during the workshop event.

And speaking of shifts, we’ve had an opening come up in our Living a More Magickal Life workshop – but in the interim we’ve also felt that our original cut-off number of attendees was not aligning anymore with what we’re tuning into, so with this opening we can accommodate one more. If you feel called that registration ends 9/15. It’s always interesting to see what group forms for events such as these. My contribution to the event has been morphing and will be a powerful ending for me to go out with for this part of my ending path.

However, something that might be showing up again (in a different way) soon for me is painting, as I’ve had the feeling it will be a good partner to the heavy writing work upcoming. It will also be good prep for another project that is ahead down the path, in getting me back into that painting flow. I’ll be feeling that out in the coming weeks, but if so, I foresee some small pieces of art available that will be the product of this flow of energy channeling through. I’ll keep you posted, but most of this will likely show up on my Instagram, so keep an eye out there for any surprises.

And this leads me to those shifting energies that has again released some crystal friends of both mine and Astrid’s to anyone who feels they would be the supportive partners to your new and shifting world. Astrid has since drawn in a couple of new friends, and is ready to move on fully from her last crystal buddy. I’m constantly fascinated by this process, and the fluidity I have with it now whereas in my past I held on to things.

This includes the following four friends.

Everything is Reiki-infused, charged, and cleansed before journeying to your home.


A gorgeous rare and quite large Black Ammonite Pair that originates from the magical island of Madagascar, one of the most energy-filled centers on the planet. These hold very ancient, healing energy, and deep/root/origin wisdom.

I love the dark connecting with the hidden and shadowy recesses, but also the sparkly inner realm of it that shares how light is inherent in it all.

These fossils are between 135-395 million years old and bring the energy of Ammonite – activators of our metaphysical gifts and inter-dimensional exploration. When placed on the third eye chakra, Ammonite reveals the soul’s path, which is encoded within it. It is also useful to support rebirthing and is a powerful cleanser of any hindering patterns, helping one release mental obsessions and important past life issues.

Feng Shui masters call Ammonite the seven color prosperity stone because it’s believed not only to stimulate the flow of life force energy through the body, but to be exceedingly fortunate for abundance, vitality, health, and promoting beneficial business ventures.

These have been extremely powerful for all that I’ve currently put in motion and a lot of soul retrieval and remembering.


Black Ammonite Pair (come with two stands to hold them nicely when not working with them – perfect for an altar space) – $110 + shipping (a separate invoice will be sent once shipped) – SOLD


This beautiful very pink Rose Quartz Cathedral Tower (with yellow/gold inclusions) was first purchased for Astrid when she came home to me last year to assist her with her healing and opening journey.

The Rose Quartz will infuse your space with Universal and unconditional love, self love, motherly and nurturing love, purification and opening of the heart, restoration of trust and harmony, deep inner healing, peace, calmness and reassurance, comforting with grief, cleansing of negative/triggering/challenging energies, and graceful energy of the Heart Chakra.

There are many rainbows throughout and the bottom (which has a naturally raw edge on part of it – this isn’t chipped) is a lovely and potent hexagon. I love raw edges and openings, as they feel to be places energy flows from, as well as create that perfect imperfection and nature of essence.

A beautiful, sweet and potent crystal that channels focused energy and of course has an extra Astrid infusion.


Astrid’s Rose Quartz Tower – $121 + shipping (a separate invoice will be sent once shipped) – SOLD


Then we have this super sweet, but potent little magick wand, which is so graceful, elegant, and simple. It is not one that I made, but my first larger wand I picked up in Sedona. Before that I only had a mini Faery wand that has since moved on to a lovely new guardian.faery

It is made of Red Oak for the wand and then has copper beautifully wrapped around a Quartz point at the end. It’s been cleansed and activated in Oak Creek and journeyed with me on our Magick Bus adventure.

Magick crystal wand – $45 + shipping (a separate invoice will be sent once shipped) – SOLD


And last, this lovely and elegant Selenite wand, which makes a wonderful partner for clearing, clarity, balance, purification, deep peace, expanding awareness, opening the crown and higher crown chakras, connecting with angelic consciousness and higher guidance.


It’s also great for working with flexibility of the spine and supporting the skeletal system, while being an effective tool and partner for chakra cleansing and harmony.

It is like liquid light, as you can see here, just glowing and illuminated in the Sun’s energy.

It’s the perfect size and smoothness for holding, traveling, and working with and has an incredibly perfect, sharp point and rounded bottom.

Selenite Wand – $12 + shipping (a separate invoice will be sent once shipped) – SOLD


Also, for anyone interested, I have a collection of 7 books on Reiki that I’m clearing off my shelves in order to make room for a bunch of books I’ve recently brought into my life. And being that I’m moving away from that part of my life, I felt I would offer these.

Some are very new and forward ideas and others are in line with the teachings I’ve been taught and passed on. In any event, if you’re interested in exploring and widening your scope of Reiki and exploring ideas that might trigger or support your own creative and intuitive practice, I’ll offer these for shipping costs only. If no one is interested I’ll donate them to our local library, as they have a book exchange where you can donate books and take home books in place of them.

I’ve used a highlighter in 4 of them when I first read them, but they are all in perfect condition otherwise and retail in total at $138.73

If interested, you can message me, but please do so by Monday morning the 27th (that’s two days from now), as I’ll be going to the library then. First come, first served.

That’s it for now….until the next round of changing seasons.

Here’s to reinvigorating energy and new adventures!

A New Chapter Begins


Have you been feeling the pull to take your life to a new level of experience? I know I’m not the only one embarking on a new chapter in life right now and I know that for some this can be both a scary and exciting thing, as well as potentially intense. Change is not always easy, but can become a more fluid experience when you play in the fields of potential with curious wonder, rather than fight it. After all, these shifts are soul nudges that have answered your desires or evolutionary needs, both consciously and subconsciously. Sometimes what shows up might not seem aligned with that and yet even when those things seem separate and not connected, there’s something at the heart of it all in essence that may be a hidden gift, reminder, empowering opportunity, or core way to integrate the new path.

I’ve traveled extensively in the outer world to what are considered sacred and exotic spots, but it’s the journeys within and even the traveling between spaces and through all the energetic and emotional nooks and crannies that things like physical travel took me to, that have made all the difference. And while much of that travel has been on more etheric planes, even such things as the sacred tattoos I wear, have been ways to come into my body and harness spirituality more tangibly for this Earth plane I currently reside in.

I feel like we’re being guided through new doorways of experiences, relative to each, but that are operating on a whole new plane of existence – in essence helping to create whole new realities.

Starting all over can feel like so many things, including some unpleasant or uncomfortable variations, but mostly I see it is an opportunity, a potential to rise to the “now” occasion, a possibility for recreating from new choices – a rebirth – and a means to shape in that “now” what the “future-you” already is walking, without past restraints.

Sometimes you might have that tug of war within yourself, as you wrestle with old and new, or sometimes it’s as easy as slipping on a new pair of shoes that feel oh-so-much-more comfortable, spacious, shiny fun, and upgraded.

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This last Saturday, 8/18/18 – a very cool number sequence to end on – marked the conclusion to my teaching Reiki, which has been an 11 year cycle. Synchronously, one of my students (who also captured this sneak photo of me teaching) was someone I taught Reiki 1 & 2 to, 10 years ago when she was 19. She now returned, at a completely new place in life to complete her 3rd Master Teacher level and boy has her life positively changed on every level. AND, she’s already put out there to her clientele, that she is available for teaching.

Talk about fast upgrades and changes, but it came with a lot of work over these past 10 years and willingness to keep saying, “yes” to what her soul was putting forth for her, even though her ego wasn’t understanding why and wasn’t fully on board with yet.

In some ways I’m in a similar place where my soul has put forth this inspiration and guidance, after culminating to an ending vortex of choice, and it wasn’t something I saw coming even though I toyed with things twenty five years ago.

That ending left me both fulfilled and feeling uninspired, completely soul spent, and nostalgic for a different place I call home.

In many ways, the “past me” might have seen the work I’ve been doing until recently as being my end result, and in a way it was – as it truly was more of a predictable soul path I was completing from lifetimes of build-up. Many of you likely can relate. And although not necessarily an easy path I was on, it was easier to melt into and only challenging in terms of moving into more vulnerability, clarity, and opening that throat chakra that yearned to teach, yet had the fear to transmute.

When everything pointed to endings 3 years ago, I was left with a choice and so I followed a nudge, went off into Nature (just as John Muir says, “The mountains are calling and I must go”), listened deeply, and found myself here when I might have been elsewhere.

This then put into motion a potential new cycle and so I began playing in this new field of experience and trying on how it felt. I decided to go with it, feeling a new level of inspiration was the very and only thing that would keep me here and that offered a completely new and freer embodiment, if so chosen.

Little by little, and quickly in some cases, I shed my skin and this led to now and a fresh start. During that time, a story began channeling through and I wrote when the moment moved me, while building a new life.

Perhaps the story reflects a journey intimately remembered or maybe it energetically rewrote what has been to what can be.

In any case and for what ever reason yet unknown, it is the only thing calling my heart besides seeing what is possible from living at a different and more balanced vibration.

This past Thursday, 8/16 – a day earlier than expected – I received my manuscript back from my editor (more on that shortly) and this coincided with Astrid’s early birthday gift arriving (her birthday isn’t until 9/15), which I’d ordered custom a couple of months ago, but was on back-order. No coincidence we both received something new and connected on the same day.

Astrid’s gift was this special child’s chair stitched with her name and a star on it, chosen to match my green chair and the green theme in our shared room.


I have both a green chair – my desk one – and a comfy arm chair by my book shelf, which Astrid loves to climb up and sit on. I thought she might enjoy her own arm chair so that she and I could both sit and mastermind together. Besides, every queen needs their special throne and now she has one that declares her star child essence as cosmic spirit in bunny body.

It took until yesterday to finally figure out where she wanted it, but the second I put it together and set it up for trial runs, she was exploring and jumped right in it quite comfortably.


But as the days went on, she was missing her bed and carrot cottage under the stars looking out on the forest by the door, so I moved it to a new location and put her other things back and she instantly said, “yes, that’s it!”


She climbed right in and sat there for long periods not moving at all, but just sitting up tall in it and looking at me from across the room, very regal and wise.


Then she started grooming herself and making it home. Good thing is, it’s super light and therefore totally mobile with a handle on top, so we can move it whenever she feels she wants a new vantage point.

She now goes to sit on it when I sit in my comfy chair and we gaze across at each other, feeling the immensity of our combined energies in this space.


It’s a bit like this new path for me, where I know it’s what my creative spirit is guiding, but will take some adjustments (likely a lot more work than Astrid’s few days of helping me to figure out where it belonged) in order to fit as comfortably in my own new “chair” as she does, but I’m following her example.

That brings me back to receiving my manuscript from the perfect editor I was guided to. I couldn’t be happier and more grateful for the opportunity to work with her and her feedback was just what I had hoped it would be to both support and kick me into deeper explorations with highlighted strengths and weaknesses. I feel as if I’m getting a whole new education and training in a way that works in better alignment for me than studying at a university, for example. She’s definitely my vibrational fit.

Since I had a workshop to teach last Saturday, I put aside editing and novel thoughts except for the summary letter, because I knew that once I dove in, it would be all-consuming. And quite literally, even though I still have yet to go through everything, as I’m creating the space for full digestion of it and all that I feel it will ask of me, it HAS become all-consuming on my mind. I find my thoughts are always going there and so I know where I’m meant to be.

Yet, just from her letter, I can sense the enormity of this commitment and choice I’ve made with it and why nothing else can be on my plate going forward. I was curious how I would feel from receiving the feedback and the only thing it brought up for me was this incredible sense of soul challenge to grow and deepen, which inspires me. I can also feel the reality of the creative limb I’ve flown out on with this, which presents further challenges to rise to, including even the genre choice I decide upon with it.

I definitely have my work cut out for me. I never do things simply, and it makes complete sense that for something to truly engage my heart and spirit to feel inspired to continue on here – regardless of any outcome with it what so ever – it WOULD have to be the biggest challenge yet.

Any fellow writers (or creatives), will understand the journey and it is one that can sometimes take years, of which I’m fully on board and committed to. So I truly don’t know the extent of time this project will take and I’m not rushing it so that I can immerse fully in the growth and learning, feeling that this is about much more than a book – it’s a whole new adventure and journey of mind, body, heart, and spirit.

And it IS a whole new playing field, as I’ve mostly only been a blogger and put out one self-published book – Spiritual Skin, along with a lot of creative writing when I was much younger. This one has the potential for traditional publishing depending on how vulnerably and flexibly I stretch myself and even how I surrender completely to living my dharma and embracing the new lessons this path is creating for me.

In any event, the old cliche is true…”it’s the journey, not the destination” that matters and I can really feel that in traveling this unknown territory simply for sake of bringing through vibrational potential that arises from the challenge and exhilaration of experiencing how far and wide I can fly on the wings of my creative free spirit.

It will definitely involve a constant cycling through of deaths and rebirths, as makes sense with next year’s growth year #13 – death / 4 year I’ll be entering come my birthday. The 4 energy will have me focusing on foundations, sharpening skills, working hard, involved in patient, methodical approaches to goals, nurturing of projects, and overall serious approaches to career, well being/health, and relationships of all kinds for balance. All of which I’ve been preparing for with deep cleaning on all levels and flowing with the creativity that was inspiring me this last 12/3 year I’m still completing.

I didn’t need to know this information on numerology, but it is definitely interesting to see how we do in fact follow the energy imprints regardless of not being aware of them playing out.

I always start experiencing trickles of the upcoming energies before they set in fully and I can see how come this Fall, pretty much exactly after Fall Equinox, I’ll be on a different trajectory.

This also falls perfectly with my sweet and dear Laura coming to spend a fun and potent week here at the same time we co-teach and host our “Living a More Magickal Life” workshop event on the Equinox – the official ending for me to this kind of teaching platform in general. It’s not often that we get in-person time together, but when we do it has always put into motion some huge life shifts for both of us and this coming together in a month from now feels like the most potent alchemy potential we’ve created yet.

So, between now and then I am readying everything, we have some other friends visiting, I’m getting fully organized and cleaned out, creating a workable plan to put into action, reviewing my editor’s feedback, tuning in, and beginning research – that way I’m fully ready to go, come end of September, and dive fully into things.

I see Fall and Winter perfectly fitting for nose-to-the-grind action, but in my newly adapted balanced way so as not to repeat my past neurotic tendencies to overwork myself until I “crash-and-burn.” This is why Dave and I have and will continue implementing a new well-being track into our life, while we also focus on other life goals we’re creating foundations for. It will definitely be a busy 6-8 months to get things ready for the next leg of the journey.

This is why I’ve released everything else, as a way of having laser beam focus on the new and yet without any old patterns being brought into that space and reality that is forming.

There is an invitation being extended to us all I feel where a portal of fresh possibilities await.

Have you also increasingly felt drawn away from things and toward completely new ones?

Where might you create more balance in your life so that you can be more present and vibrant to what is calling your heart’s attention?

Sometimes what we think we should be doing is only a choice away from what we could be doing.

If something nudges you there is reason. Whether it directs you into a whole new life journey or supports your journey with new, you will experience invigoration from listening to that subtle voice rather than dismissing it/you.

Thank you for being part of and supporting my journey. I not only support yours equally, but do my best to keep embracing each challenge on my own, as my contribution to the collective.


A Shifting Trip & Full Circle Updates

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As we’ve settled back in this week after our time on the Pacific Ocean, I’ve felt another shift of energy grounding subtly, but profoundly in. I just realized today that it was four years ago at this time in August that we were exploring Alaska for nearly 2 weeks and that seems fitting since it was upon returning from that journey that I knew a big life shift had to happen, and now another is organically kicking in that will change everything once again.

We just returned from 10 days away along central and southern California’s coastline, and while it was a very nurturing trip, we could sense its full circle energy, as well as its helping to reflect and integrate the new upcoming.

Like when we returned from Alaska, I knew Orange County was no longer our home and in revisiting there at the end of this trip, we no longer felt any heart ties to even the few places we had once loved and helped us while we were there. We felt a strong closure and it also offered us time to explore, in thought and imagination, the new opportunities and possibilities we’re feeling into and that are presenting themselves.

We always loved Crystal Cove, and while it still is a magickal place, it offered us a chance to seed intentions, as it had in the past, but this time as a portal door only.

We did enjoy seeing some of our dearest friends while visiting and of course, having some vegan food indulgences at some of our fav restaurants just around the corner from our then house.


Yet, like the weddings that both started and ended this trip, there was a solidification of commitment to another level of experience, life, and relationship to ourselves and each other that seemed to get kicked up a few notches. We found ourselves dreaming bigger and feeling into new choices.

On our first full day back we went to the beach here and both felt a much stronger resonance to our Lake Tahoe waters and the peace and energies most resonant to our new lives, to be flowing through this mountain air.

Interestingly, while we were away, the smoke in the Tahoe Basin from the immense fires in California was sadly the worst it had been. It started clearing a few days before our heading home and is hugely better now than it was. If not for an upcoming Reiki workshop I’m teaching this weekend, we had actually considered gathering up the fur babies upon return, and heading out somewhere else again until the smoke cleared. Something about that and its timing is meaningful. And even while we were at our favorite Crystal Cove, the nearby fire had created an ominous sky of smoke that merged an interesting portal of two worlds.


The energies shifted along the journey as well, where we were relishing in the relaxation and all of the Faery beauty and ocean magick, but nearing the last few days we were already ready to go home.

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Yet, there was much natural beauty and enchantment experienced that immersed us in Faery and vegetable garden delights, took us wandering along gorgeous coastlines, connecting with so many ocean creatures and cetaceans, discovering moonstones, tons of feathers from the amazing pelicans, seagulls, and hawks, and other sparkly quartz sea delights to create portal connections without needing to be physically there, and lots of yummy vegan food that included a very special, pampered evening with a friend who shared her new vegan cheese line with me, a gathering with friends, and some sweet time with Dave’s dad and stepmom.

It was no coincidence there were so many portals, abundance of blossoms, plants, and animals, water and faery energy, fountains, and even a wishing well….all perfect to activate new seeds of intention and reflect the promise of new.


And all of the ocean time coincided with a book I was reviewing for another author, set in Atlantis, that awakened more seed memories. I just sent in my endorsement review for the novel yesterday, which seemed to be a potent day for not just myself and Dave, but others, with things clicking in and setting the tone for another new cycle.

My Take-Away From the Last 10 Days:

Indeed there’s yet again another shift taking root, but each one is so mutable these days that it’s never about reaching any finalized stage or end result, yet truly about being most flexible and open to your highest joy and potential at every corner.

With Mercury Retrograde ending on the 18th, this all feels timely with the reflections, curiosity, explorations, solidifying – and for some – the intensity, around this time period, but also points to some leaps into new immersions just around the corner.

I feel another life-changing time period is kicking in for Dave and I, both individually and together. In many ways it does remind me a bit of the time period right before the Magick Bus adventure living in the RV for a year and a half traveling about. This took place after the impending changes following Alaska and the seeded intentions that were inspired. And while different energetically, there is a similar whole-new-start-vibe and more choices for how it all unfolds.

This Fall and Winter feels to involve a lot of focus, commitment, and work to solidify that change and catapulting to come in 2019. A lot is happening all at once and I feel that like the last couple of years, we will look back a year or two from now and be amazed at what was accomplished.

In many ways our trip was both surreal and like being in another world, as a bubble of magick always enveloped us, but while grateful for what it offered, we are happy to be home and so is a certain bunny, named Astrid, very happy about that too.

My Evolving Relationship with Astrid:

I had two dreams about her while we were away, so we were in contact, and since returning, our relationship has also kicked up several notches. We are the closest we’ve ever been, she’s been super attached to me, wanting to snuggle and immerse in loving connection, and even wanted me to hold her when I came home. She’s excited about the next level of work she and I will be doing, as in just two days I will be receiving back my manuscript from my editor – EEK!! – and the next challenging, but exciting step will kick in, as I review feedback and get cracking on the new plan in order with revision work.

But being back with Astrid has been very special and I’m loving our deepened connection and her continued softening into the love that she is. Our communication is impeccable and we are SO in tune!

She’s been extra excited running around in the morning and evenings, and watching me through the door, as I took care of my Garden Tower and plants and flowers outside. She’s actually been pawing at the window while watching me and anxious for the green yummies I just harvested for her yesterday.

Garden Tower Updates:

My small garden is doing so beautifully and is abundantly producing. I even have my very first two pumpkins ever (called Wee B Little pumpkins) starting to grow, which excites me greatly, along with another four tomatoes on the Charlie Brown Christmas tree-like tomato plants I saved, and nine Ring of Fire sunflowers all coming in – I smell Autumn just around the corner!

We and Astrid have enjoyed so many harvests and yesterday’s was no exception, as I filled a gigantic heaping bowl with every variety of herbs and greens and still there is tons on the Tower remaining. I gave everything a good pruning and watering and we have happy plants! Since the strawberries and lettuces are done, I no longer have to net the tower or any of the plants, as the forest critters are not interested and being entertained and indulged with other yummies.

And speaking of Garden Tower, my original one that used to be at our Orange County home, just found a new loving home with my dear friend and vegan cheese connoisseur/creator and her husband. The friend I mentioned who pampered me with this:


I couldn’t be happier! I can’t wait to see the Garden Tower flourish at their beautiful home, which is like a little Italian villa.

Somehow that feels full circle too, that my original one I loved so much and was one of the joys that kept me going while living there, has come into the right hands – the last thing I had a tie with in OC that always was in the back of my mind, is now put to peaceful rest and will assist my friend in the blossoming of her new business and intentions, as the metaphor for her experiences created in the garden of life.

Writing & Workshop Updates:

As mentioned, I’ll be receiving my manuscript back in two days, but since I’m teaching on Saturday and will need time to digest all that I hear back, I’ll likely not be starting back on revision work and the next stage until sometime next week. That said, it WILL be my main and only focus outside of life and shared ventures with Dave. Likely even more so now, as every step gets increasingly demanding and challenging. So, while I will continue to blog now and then, as inspired, it will still remain on the less side and not like my once daily shares.

As always, you can catch more inspiring and fun, quick updates on my Instagram page though, which has included the photos you see here in this blog, plus many more!

The day before I left, I received some new bunny additions to my Wonderland office and upon returning I had two new dragons awaiting me. These all anchoring in new energy to inspire my writing again, along with some small shifts in redecorating I often do here and there. Astrid also has a very special birthday gift arriving tomorrow – all just in time for beginning the book adventures next week.

I do feel rested and rejuvenated from our little vacation and the last month off from writing while its been with my editor, so I’m ready to dive back into writing with my wise partner, Astrid, and the rest of my spirit guides.


This Saturday ends my Reiki teaching days, as I put closure to that with the last Reiki 3 Master Teacher workshop held here. It will be a lovely day, as one of my first students joins to finally get her last level in, while another lovely soul comes to both review and cultivate her teaching skills, helping out as she feels so moved. I have some ideas percolating for this workshop that will make this a fun ending. I know a few people were sad not to be able to join this and the last Reiki 1 & 2 workshop, but I do firmly believe that all things flow in alignment and there is a beautiful reason yet unseen that will reveal itself in perfect ways.

And lastly, today marks exactly 1 month remaining to register for the upcoming Fall Equinox “Living a More Magickal Life” with Laura Bruno and myself.

The last day to register is September 15th – synchronously that’s also Astrid’s birthday. 🙂

To reiterate, this is the first and last time she and I will be teaching together and this event will end and celebrate my own closure with teaching in this format at this point in my life. So, it will be a special event with inspired topics that will assist all joining with how to move into that new with wings! We continue to tune in and be open to what wants to come through for this, but as with all gatherings of this kind, not only do surprises always show up, but the effects of what takes place on the seemingly subtle planes will continue to unfold long after the day in potent ways. So keep those keen senses about you, as magick increases before your eyes.

There are still a couple spots remaining. If you feel called to join, you may register here:

Living a More Magickal Life


Keep believing and may all possibilities be open to you!

From the Stars


We’ve been heart and soul enjoying our vacation time away on the coast, connecting with the Pacific Ocean. The energy has been so nurturing and magickal, beginning with our first stop in Cambria’s Faery gardens and Moonstone Beach, descending into Pismo Beach’s oceanic adventures, and now concluding the next few days in our old home of Orange County’s coastal cities, to come full circle with time at our favorite place here of manifestation – Crystal Cove.

If you’re on Instagram you’ll have a chance to see all the beauty and enchantment, as I’ve posted shares along the way including all of the incredible time with the ocean’s wildlife. I’ve found it particularly synchronous that I’m reading and reviewing a romance novel set in Atlantis, as I’ve been fully surrounded by cetacean friends and more. Dolphins and whales danced in the waves under the cliffs we stayed, seeming to follow us, and showing up several times each -the whales in very large pods sending me messages and invitations.

I also found this gift from the merpeople, on the beach at water’s edge the very first day upon arriving in Pismo, which you see pictured in the palm of my hand. A tiny Orca whale – these whales have visited me in dreams before and were actually the messengers bringing me Cosmo’s name – my special needs bunny who has since returned to the stars, himself.

I shared this on Instagram and Facebook, but the whales have been lingering with me and I felt to share what came through as inspiration and message, here.


From the stars their liquid minds converge with mine.

I can hear their songs inside my heart.

Their enormity envelops me like a nebula bursting with interstellar brilliance and yet their deep and elusive howls, although eerie like the planets themselves, are light and ethereal like a feather floating at my center.

Like whistling helium their spouts blow cosmic essence into the atmosphere, infusing harmony for all to breathe.

As I feel each silky mass move with grace through the space between worlds, I hear them whisper, “come back to us.”

August 2018 Energy Update with Lee Harris

I think this energy snapshot and inside look at things for the month will resonate for many. Wishing everyone an empowering August and a wonderful new chapter to your journey.