Monthly Archives: July 2023

The Art of Wonder & Blooming Waves of Transformation ~ Part 1

With a powerful Aquarius Super Full Moon just around the corner to kick off the first day of August, inspiration and innovation are just some of the words that the energy calls up for me. This month holds bookending Full Moons, as August 30th will bring us a Pisces Super Blue Full Moon. So while you’re in release mode to liberate yourself from any toxic patterning or things that don’t resonant with your authentic being, today’s post offers some insights on how you can access these healing portals with greater lightness and neutrality. The less charge, the less weight attaching us to the old and this helps to free our subconscious so that it has space to explore other possibilities. Other realities ARE available, but it’s up to each of us to seed, nurture and cultivate them.

Wonder is looking at, and experiencing, everything with a mixture of pure amazement, awe, innocent curiosity, and genuine “now” surprise. In these current times it might feel challenging to maintain a level of wonder about life, and yet it is these very spaces of experience that are likely most beneficial to cultivate that feeling in, don’t you think?

Many of you know that my “most me” state of being is what I’ve coined as “wonderly” and never a day goes by that I don’t experience this state of presence for the moments unfolding before me.

Even when an old thought or experience of something that brings up a not-as-enjoyable emotional wave or memory appears on the scene, it’s not long before my inner magician does a transmutational wand sweep that aids my wonderly to make this moment new again.

I don’t wish to wallow in the stories of pain or perceived disappointment, although I know it can be hard on the ego sometimes not to get triggered or want to rehash a particular experience. If this happens, I remind myself that this is simply me queuing up the spidey senses to remember what I don’t want to experience, so that I may choose differently and put in motion a new way or process. Otherwise, I remain stuck in a spiral of giving away my power and energy, rather than standing in it and fortifying that reserve.

I’ve noticed that there’s a wave of heavier energies that continues to move through the collective, even hitting those who don’t normally experience a lot of this kind of thing. Change isn’t always comfortable and brings along with it potential growing pains, but you can make it less challenging by staying present to your natural state so that you can immediately pinpoint when a visitor is merely passing through on the road to transformation. Stay the course, be curious about, and kind to the traveler, and offer them directions on the most direct road onward.

We’re all here on Earth to experience and that does in fact include the gamut of emotions since outside of this 3D realm there isn’t one that’s considered better than another. There’s simply the ones we may personally choose or want to have more of, and yet the beauty of humanity is that we CAN actually experience anything sensory in ways that are not available otherwise.

What we do with that is the individual point…a point of reference we can build upon and move through as we desire.

Life is a series of blooming waves of transformation that cycle through – each moment seeded with a potential for us to ride.

The art of wonder is a mystical and creative adventure where we can invite a new perspective into the dance and reengage the wise child to play in the field of experience.

When overloaded or feeling bound by heavier energies that you have more challenge letting go of, just one moment of dropping into your inner child and asking her or him to come out from the shadows might be a way to help that part of you to feel valued, supported, and encouraged. Children see with the heart and their insights can shine a light of clarity on the murkiest of experiences. They are also resilient and their take on things is simple and pure. They ask questions and feel like everything is inherently special.

This might feel like a bit of role playing at first, until you are more comfortable with dropping into this essence of you that has been awaiting inclusion into the dance of life for so long. Eventually, though, it becomes second nature and you learn to maneuver through experiences with greater ease and flow.

Imagine if more people invited their wise child to be part of the every day world. Might there be a little less battle and blame and a little more acceptance and laughter in their place?

True, things don’t happen overnight, but that excuse will dictate your life if you never start somewhere for fear that a few steps and changes don’t account to much.

The collective experience is like a murmuration where we have the potential to act as a whole through each individual’s value as a key part of that.

Amidst a group we can still hold our own and decide the way we want to show up, despite how others are. We may even find that we seed the new formation of the murmuration, one person at a time.

That’s the very place I land, even more so when I’m engaged in outer world experiences where I’m around others. I deepen even more into who I am, as my own form of anchoring more potentials and doorways for others.

Summer is a busier time for us and the last couple of months have been fuller than usual with day out-of-town visitors and longer out-of-state company, gatherings, events, extra outdoor activities, my parent’s 55th anniversary, and still more on the way.

We’ve had the chance to see some friends from Southern California we hadn’t seen in 9-10 years, got to see dear friends (a couple) that moved away – one of them for the first time in nearly 5 years and the other we hosted twice this summer, and lots of quality days with local friends.

It’s a fun time, yet it also reminds me not to forget the things I need in order to show up as a frequency anchor. If my energy isn’t fully at peace, then there’s bound to be experiences that will invite me to remember to feed that, since balance is my comfort zone.

The greater I can show up as me, the greater I support more of the same. I love to see people light up, as my own inner child engagement invites theirs out safely.

We recently were hiking with our Vermont friends who came out to enjoy the summer beauty of Lake Tahoe and anchor in their new life transformations.

It was quite the contrast to Desiree’s winter extravaganza for my 50th, but just as rich – made richer shared with her husband, Craig. It was their first trip away together on their own and not tied into family events. We were humbled they chose to come share that first with us, and Tahoe has the perfect, clear and nurturing energy to support big shifts.

It was also such a gift to see Desiree’s fresh full back sacred tattoo design come to life in the flesh! This was a design I was honored to cocreate with her and the tattoo artist didn’t change a thing in translating it onto her back. It was amazing to see my art worn proudly and beautifully as a portal of transformation into another reality for someone.

But back to the hike – while on this favorite trail with them, I was pointing out a giant mother quartz to the side of the trail with gorgeous icy blue tones to Desiree, as we both love our crystal friends.

A group of ladies, I later learned were part of a cancer survivor group, were just ahead and I mentioned excitedly to them in passing where the quartz was and they headed right over to check her out. We met up with them again near the end of the trail, as I was pointing out faces in a gorgeous giant Juniper’s trunk. The woman at the back of the group started talking to me with eyes lit up and told me that she loved hearing me say that about the faces, as she’s always seeing faces in nature on their hikes, but no one else seems to see. We had some moments of connecting through our child hearts and I could feel her melt into the comfort of herself, by me sharing myself with her. As we made it to the parking lot, another of her trail buddies stopped to thank me for pointing out the mother quartz, as she said she had never seen it in all the times she’s been on this hike.

The vision of our hearts when shared, can help others to see with new eyes and to anchor into feeling more secure to embrace who they really are.

The art of wonder is not just one I can engage and enjoy for myself, but by virtue of being part of the collective, I help others to engage that as well. I cherish the moments when I see the light dance in someone’s eyes and the murmuration begins.

It was also on this hike that two worlds were still very visible – remnants still of our big winter coupled with summer in full swing.

We crossed some fields of packed snow and were surrounded by peaks and trails of white still holding on while the warm sun kept shining. This theme of splits seems to be prevalent in the collective experience and so, too, in Nature.

Perhaps you are also feeling that split in your own life – through others around you, or maybe even straddling two worlds yourself. Tipping points are increasingly bursting on the scene like blooms from tight buds.

We also got to witness the beautiful irises that only can be seen for a short window in this area – in fact Dave and I saw them twice, as we scoped out this trail just days before our friends arrived.

The miracles that unfold side-by-side are there for just moments to experience and can be beautiful contrasts, demonstrating how everything is connected. The higher elevations are just getting in the swing of their blooming waves of transformation. I love how we can experience extended cycles here, depending on the elevation we venture off to.

That’s the beauty of life as well….where ever you find yourself you can discover pockets of varying experiences depending on the road you turn down and the wonder you fill your heart and eyes with.

The entire summer so far has been full of otherworldly realities and the days spent with Desiree and Craig were no exception. In fact, it was like a walk through Wonderland with portals and enchantment all around.

And even a caterpillar on a giant mushroom to kick things off.

This is our daily experience living here, but made extra fun to see it through their inner child eyes.

A wonder we will go… and we did!

And although we’ve been very busy and active, and things are blossoming and expanding, I’m ironically in a kind of hermit mode right now. Not necessarily physically withdrawn, but energetically regulating myself so that I can ensure maintaining the frequency of the anchor I want to embody.

Dave and I enjoy our quiet days just as much as the fun shared with others.

You’ll find us hiking, biking, or just beaching it with a good book.

The evolutionary journey is different for everyone and takes different turns along the way as well. If you stay focused on your own experience of that, instead of worrying about how others are approaching theirs, it truly does help your energetic well to stay full.

Letting your vibrational frequency speak for itself can be the way that you create ripple shifts because embodying your existence of manifested spirit in flesh is an act of change. Great impact comes from the smallest of things that we do on a daily basis within our interactions and emanations. We’ll never know the result of many of our interactions or choices, but they do in fact take place. It’s only the ego that wants to have confirmations of everything. The spirit knows.

Spirit also knows why it chooses certain circumstances and even dwelling areas. Darker realities are many times indicators of how powerful you are, as powerful souls often choose these versions that ignite an alchemical process to emerge, with great and far-reaching rewards.

If you are more conscious and aware of things in a different way than most of the people around you, it’s not that you’re better than them, that you need to belittle them into being like you, or that you’re being punished or tested. It may simply be that you are more powerful than you realize and you may have a role to anchor your frequency of awareness, patience, presence, and heart-bridging compassion that can help open a doorway for others to their own new potentials – what ever that is, relative to each.

Inspiration floods my heart each day with vistas like some you’re seeing in this post that I both embrace fully immersing in and never, ever, take for granted. Alpine living suits my spirit and supports my current trajectory. The things nature reflects to me, here, are the perfect messaging system and soul rich nutrients I thrive on and that inspire my wise child to engage all aspects of my life.

We each have different versions of this because like the many aspects found in nature, we are all divinely unique. Gratitude is a daily part of my life because I know that like nature, everything changes moment to moment. Gratitude slows down time to the here and now. You more fully experience the depths of what is before you and suddenly things take on a greater sense of awe.

This is the art of wonder in motion.

More fully being in the here and now.

And by virtue of that, you inevitably ignite your inner wise child to step forth and play with the breadth of what lies within the in between. You find more creative ways to see and experience what you do have and even start to imagine how what you don’t have or would like to see, can emerge into being.

I embrace what I can, now, and live my fullest life possible since tomorrow is a whole new world again and again and I don’t know where I might be. 

As I’ve mentioned before, there are many things that light my wonderly fire and the more I discover and know these ingredients, the more I can feed them to my body and soul.

A big part of that recipe includes everything Nature and enjoying her variety like a spice rack of tasty infusions I get to add to my day’s soul meal.

From my garden to the varying alpine terrains here, Astrid to the vast wildlife friends, and daily immersions with all that fills my cup…these all help me to drop into the now and experience every thing great and small like they are the Universe embodied right before my eyes.

There have been a lot of in-person animal messenger standouts lately that have shared extra impactful experiences. I am going to save those for Part 2, as I feel their stories need their own space and this post is long enough as it is. I will, however, share one, as it speaks to these waves of transformation we’re experiencing in very profound splits of reality.

This one took place on the 4th of July. We heard a bang to our upper picture window and discovered a beautiful bird laying on the ground. Unfortunately the hit was her transition point, and that was tough on its own, but what made it worse was hearing and seeing her male partner crying for her and looking and wondering what happened.

I held her in my hands and tried to see if she was just stunned, but when I understood she was gone, I shifted my energy exchange to one of supporting her return to the stars.

I placed her on one of the stumps in our yard so that her partner who was crying to us from the limb of a tree just above, could visit her and say his goodbyes. In the meantime, I returned inside and Dave was out on our back deck. Several loud explosions went off. We assumed it was someone illegally doing fireworks. Then we heard sirens and thought maybe the fireworks caused damage, as they do. Dave saw smoke across the street and firefighters on the roof of a house. It was a house behind our neighbors across the street, so just one street up from ours. I was in the garden at this point, deciding where I would bury the sweet little bird – my garden has become both a sanctuary for the living and departed. Dave went over to talk with the neighbors and firefighters.

To hold her still-warm and soft, delicate body in my hands was a precious gift. Bitter and sweet – the cycles of life in motion. Being that I was there just moments after her passing was such an honor so that I could assist her crossing over to the other side. I seem to be a bridge for this, as I always find transitioned, or transitioning animals, bones, feathers, etc. Recently a friend we were hiking with came upon a perfect, dead chipmunk that I buried with him and as soon as we buried him I found another one just around the tree where we buried the first. This all after my finding a dead lizard minutes before.

We are here to both witness and experience the movement of energy and to cocreate the art of life from the canvas of our imagination. This includes birthing and dying, and everything in between.

While all that was happening and they were fighting the fire coming from the house, I buried my little friend and then stood in the garden marveling at what was before my eyes.

A giant swallowtail was visiting my flowers, while a hummingbird appeared. The hummingbird came over and hovered right at my eye level, peering at me, then went to the flowers next to the swallowtail. He did this several times. The two of them drew nectar from the same plant and were in this dance with each other, just inches apart. I felt privileged to be a part of this dance and was in awe of its timing upon completion of burying the sweet little bird. It was amazing to watch and it continued for a while, as I was whisked into another world that we were creating together outside of the reality going on across the street.

It’s as if the spirit of the little bird was inside of the three of us and this was her way to show how light carries on even after physical death. The reality before me was pure magick – surreal and yet right there before my eyes. It reflected how there’s never just one or even two ways that life can be experienced. Never doubt your power to create different realities, over and over again.

Eventually Dave returned and told me what he learned. Apparently a couple was in the house when they heard explosions from their garage. They thought the cars exploded and then the fire rushed into the house and was coming out of the windows. They managed to get out with their dog, but couldn’t find their cat. The firefighters had to break holes in the roof to put out the internal flames. We still don’t know the actual cause of the fire, as they didn’t appear to have electric cars where batteries have been known to explode spontaneously. But it was evident to me of how closely two realities can take place at once and how spontaneously things keep “exploding” into the light. Things do eventually surface and it isn’t always easy to digest. It can be quite volcanic, but renewing.

The emergency explosiveness and fires heating things up alongside me, peacefully, in the garden witnessing the dance of life and death was profound. Renewal and destruction at once – one door closing and others opening – and a literal “rising from the ashes” – all on the 4th of July. The day also that my favorite grandparent on my mom’s side had transitioned – my young-at-heart grandpa who encouraged the artist within me, had a love for gardening and nature, and experienced awe and gratitude for everything.

The story of two worlds continues, as this year I experimented with planting a few edibles in shared pots with my flowering plants on the back deck, instead of doing my Garden Tower.

I wanted things simple this year. I have a couple of tomato plants, shishito sweet peppers, sweet green bell peppers, lemon balm, pineapple sage, and a strawberry plant.

Just enough fresh yummies to add to summer salads and noodle or curry rice dishes. This has been a success and I love the blending of plants I can see from our living room.

And speaking of gardens, we’re seeing a second wave of blooms pop through, as my perennial wildflower plants mature and are happily reaching for the sun.

Everything, as I mentioned, is moving through in cycles. There are still a couple more cycles upcoming, as some of my perennial lilies are just budding and other plants are both maturing, as well as going through their next bloom cycles.

I’ve been anchoring in a lot of potent energy in my garden with all the powerful quartz and other stones I discover. Just days ago I found this beautiful rock art hidden off-trail of a magickal day’s hike I did with a friend. It now sits next to the faery holding a bunny.

It’s like parting the veils when you explore this sanctuary, whisking you off into a reality where you actually feel the energy shift. I made a promise to the Fae of the land if they helped us to get this home, and I continue to cocreate with them to bridge their world into this one. It was fun to share my garden with a fellow Fae who daily invokes the art of wonder.

One magickal evening by twilight, while out collecting wild sage behind our house in the forest for Desiree to bring back home to make smudge bundles, we were surrounded by puffs all aglow.

She and I also discovered these other worldly plants bursting through the renewing ground where the forest trees were taken last year. We’d never seen these and there were so many in a variety of colors from lime to moss green, yellow, pinks, and corals.

They were like sacred geometry rosette mandalas – some nearly perfect – and truly felt like the Fae were helping to seed our backyard forest just off of our deck with magickal reflections of a new reality emerging.

And in between it all we’ve welcomed new Cedar trees to our yard (with one more on the way), transplanted Aspens and uprighted Pines, got our roof fixed from the wild winter, and are prepping to redo our back deck, as the weathering from alpine exposures has taken its toll.

It’s all a nice refresh and strengthening to the new foundations that will weather the cycles and seasons of life ahead.

It’s wonderly indeed to watch the whole landscape around us, flow through the blooming waves of transformation.

And super fun when you’re aligned with that flow and gifts show up to mirror your evolution.

Like this giant quartz I found on a hike while Desiree and Craig were here. It’s an incredible quartz plate with perfectly smooth, natural polished and flat surface, some golden healer and rainbows, lovely striations, and deep layers of mystery within.

I knew she would love to find some quartz as her pre-birthday celebration, and would be right there with me in carrying what ever weight of gifts the Earth would give us. So I planned a hike where I knew of a pocket of them and I was right…..what a collection we found!

It was quite a stash we loaded our small faery arms with and carried the last three miles of the hike down a loose gravel trail. Part of the initiation one goes through in order to be able to have such beings with us. This was the only one I kept for me and Astrid, and two others I put in the garden that Desiree needed to leave behind with me, as her luggage was packed like crazy.

I’ll share more about crystals in Part 2 (likely on or around the first Full Moon of August) with more animal messenger stories and how the art of wonder fills my days, but this one wanted to end today’s share, as he’s truly a mirror door to another world.

If you find yourself on the edge of change, or dancing between worlds, this is a powerful place to be.

Uncertainty can be an invitation to stretch into wonder.

There’s no better world. There’s just a world of your choosing and experiences awaiting your imagination to engage them.

You can turn any circumstance into an opportunity and can live in a reality of your own creating no matter what is happening just on the other side of the road.

Laura Bruno and Tania Marie talk about North Nodes, Relationships, Chiron Return and More (Video)

I mentioned I’d mostly be sharing some fun announcements and timely updates during this break period for myself, and this is the first.

We’re (Laura and I that is) excited to share this chat we had to delve a bit into North Nodes, relationships and Chiron returns, with some additions that flowed through our conversation. As Laura shares, we get personal about some of the things in our experiences and hope that you’ll enjoy some inside peeks into how we’ve navigated our journeys.

You may even get a little peek at the magick rabbit herself, Astrid.

If you read Laura’s info before the video, she’ll add some more tidbits to look out for. You’ll need to click through the email link to this blog if that’s the way you receive the update, as the video won’t show up unless you go to the blog post itself on my website. Just one of many hoops to jump through, but hopefully will be worth it.

Perhaps we’ll hook up for some more fun chats again soon. If you enjoyed this one, please let us know.

Laura Bruno's Blog

This comes as a special request by blog readers: Faery Twin Tania Marie and I get personal on video. With the collective North Node changing signs on July 17, this seemed like a great time to discuss the North Node point in the natal chart and how it can guide us to better relationships and more joyful, on path living.

Since we both turned 50 this year, we also talk about the Chiron Return transit that affects everyone at some point between ages 49-51, and we share tips for living a more magical and creative life. This one clocks in at just over 43 minutes. (If you’re receiving this by email, you’ll need to click through in order to view or listen to the video.)

Watch for two Astrid sightings in the first few minutes!

Also, if you have a way to sign into YouTube, “Likes,” “Subscribes” and comments tell…

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July Rushes In But You Can Slow Down ~ Updates & Forest Portal Peaks from My Summer Cocoon

I hope this finds you all experiencing a little more blossoming in your life, although there may be some seeds still in the nurturing stage.

I know that most of the Eastern U.S. and Midwest have been going through heightened temperatures, smoke from the Canadian fires, and drought-like conditions – something we’re very familiar with in the West – and the South has been hitting record high temps too. My heart goes out to everyone experiencing challenges.

Things keep teetering on the scales and as others go through things while we may get a break, these are great times to send love from that full cup out to where it’s needed.

I can’t believe we’re already halfway through 2023, but here we are facing the new month of July. We hear things like Christmas in July at this time of year, and yet we ARE closing in on that season again.

I don’t know about you, but I’ve been hunkering into each season as much as I can and really stretching my wings to feel what each of them reflect to my own personal journey.

Slowing down the moments in a sped up world is everything to me. And I can both enjoy flying and cocooning at once.

I’ve included Lee’s July Energy Update below with some notes, which I think you’ll find supportive. I find myself in that “happy cocoon” that he mentions where I’m thoroughly in my joy and very much out and about, but maintaining my equilibrium and personal frequency.

I know that’s not the experience across the board for everyone, so I do my best to spread the inspiration, hope, and share the love and kindness I feel in my heart. This is made easier when I tend to my inner world.

It’s a space of deeper connection within, but that manifests as more connection without.

Dave and I experienced closure to an end of an era this week, I had my eyes opened to more endings that make great beginnings, and like Lee shares – yes, indeed fast manifestations have been on the scene.

The path I walk these days takes me to places I can luxuriate in my expansiveness and harness the core of my own inner Great Central Sun. I find myself needing more and more space to breathe with less noise and more nature than even I am always immersed in. My quiet time and boundaries are so sacred to me. In nature I can let it all go and expand into my fullness. In other spaces I exercise healthy shifting while remaining anchored in my heart.

The grass may appear greener on both sides, but the Emerald Bridge that is my heart knows the richness lies exactly where I am.

I cherish my “me time” and the landscape around me reminds me of how fertile each moment is to stretch into the vitality of my being.

I can’t reiterate enough the power right now in maintaining your vibrational frequency and not letting any narratives from anyone control your own story you write. 

Sure we’re connected, but breaking the mold is how innovation creates the new, one person at a time.

Or, one chipmunk at a time, in the case of this very enlightened little one. She and her two siblings live here with us and have made our sanctuary their own playground and growth space. I love watching them playing, loving each other, and taking pause. It’s not often you see chipmunks in a state of stillness for long periods, as they move about quite rapidly. But this little one certainly knows how to break the mold and slow things down.

As mentioned in my last post, I’m taking a big break for myself to focus on things important to me. I don’t know what that looks like fully except that it involves maintaining my own clear heart channel and doing what ever I need to do to strengthen and anchor that.

One of the developments is something I mentioned might happen earlier in the year. I am guided to close out my online Reiki training courses for the unforeseen future, as a result of the internal prompting of energetic alignment.

I may open them up again down the road, but that is an unknown as of now.

If you’ve been interested in learning Reiki to uplevel and align with current energy movement in the collective, want to add this to your body, crystal or healing work practice, would like a refresh to your past training, or would like to complete or continue your training certification, I will have the courses available for sign up until July 11th. You can go through the course/s in your own timing after that, but registrations will close on that date. Please reach out so I can assist you with your intentions before then. 

During this break I will only briefly blog post if I have any timely updates/announcements and you can find short inspirations on my IG page.

I’m limiting my messaging time as well, so if I don’t respond right away, I hope you’ll understand. If it’s something important and relevant to an offering, please place that in the beginning or subject line of your message so I recognize it right away and can get you the help you need. 

The Empowerment Series online courses – Everyday Reiki and Transcending Duality – will continue to be available after July 11th for anyone wanting to deepen their journey since they can be taken without involvement on my end.

Because I feel crystals are on extra high in terms of their partnership in these times of change, incredible new finds surfacing, and their energies amplifying in awakening and expanding states to match our own experience and needs with this, I continue for the time being to be a bridge for bringing forth and releasing crystal beings to assist that when called.

One thing I love about crystals is like any healing modality you’re drawn to, they are a way for YOU to access and harness YOUR own power and journey. You don’t need to know anything or think that you can’t work with them unless someone else tells you how. You have your own way and that is everything.

Trust that – this is the only part you may need to strengthen in terms of believing, but you truly are the only one who can do it.

Crystals are amazing reflections of our own inner state of wholeness and empowered clarity we forgot was always there. This aquamarine magickal child, above, feels so familiar to the inner me.

There is a small, extremely special and powerful crystal collection up on this page:

Creations & Crystals Closet

It’s called the Smoky Magick and Power Collection. All details about it are on that page, which I hope you’ll take the time to read if something nudges you there. These are very high vibed, unique, and some of the most potent pieces I’ve offered so I know they will speak to very particular souls ready for the next depths of the journey with these incredible beings. 

If you’ve been holding out for the perfect partner and find yourself in a place of creating major life changes, manifestations, and/or wanting to access more of your wholeness and multidimensional gifts for the greatest good, one of these might be the reason why you haven’t felt called until now to join a crystal partnership.

Thank you to everyone here on Earth and in our lives, who are so courageously doing your best and rising to the occasion of evolutionary change and creative manifestation like never before. It’s definitely not always easy, and yet somehow the Sun manages to keep shining through the clouds, the Moon illuminates the dark, and Nature finds a way to keep renewing.

I do my best to take in the vast gifts that would easily pass me by if I didn’t stretch my heart wider.

We are made of the same stuff we see all around us in the Earth and up there in the wide expanse of the Cosmos.

Divine madness pervades.

Below you’ll find Lee’s July Energy Update to help you ride the waves, as he always brings much clarity and compassion to these times and through his guides the Z’s.

I included the timestamps for this one:

WHICH OF THE 3 ENERGIES OF CHANGE ARE YOU FINDING YOURSELF IN? – June/July/August see a changemaking energy moving through the world, which will be experienced differently by each of us. Three states of the change below (and you may cycle through them): (01:26)

1) BRIGHT INTENSITY – brings awareness, and even if shocking initially, is clarifying and positive change-bringing. (01:50)

2) RELEASE INTENSITY – bringing healing and the dropping of anchors that would impede your future (triggered by personal events and areas of health or relationship) – can hold more grief and low vibrations if you need to release. (04:49)

3) COCOON INTENSITY – a feeling of being paused and still or stuck, stopped and heavy in your life and self – if the cocoon isn’t a pause time and is stuck or stopped, start changing your patterns and supporting yourself one day at a time. (07:42)

TAKE STOCK TO CREATE THE NEW – Space to create the new comes from taking a 360 view on things – reflect to redirect. (10:38)

FINANCIAL REVOLUTION ENERGY – A new energy around financial freedom and balance (not control and limitation) enters this month at a strong level – global and personal. (12:21)

TENDERNESS AND VULNERABILITY – At their core, these are superpowers. In our society, these have been discouraged or hard to maintain in traditional systems – they are rising again. (14.49)

FAST MANIFESTATION – If you are in alignment right now, things will be moving fast for you. Doesn’t mean you are always ready for the speed and remember, you can ‘slow things down’ for yourself. (17:27)

DEEPER CONVERSATIONS – INNER AND OUTER – Whether it is experiencing deep conversations with people you know, seeking them out or inner conversations with your higher self, soul or inner wisdom. (20:32)

Enjoy and may you find the perfect “you” ways to tend to your heart.