
Tania authored and self-published her first book, Spiritual Skin, after having experienced her own transformative journey with sacred tattoos. She realized that there was no one really addressing a comprehensive look at how tattoos can be a spiritual tool for personal growth and realizing that there were others like her who desired more meaning and intent behind the images chosen to wear for life on the skin, she met that need with the first book of its kind. She not only created a unique niche with Spiritual Skin, but went on to be an internationally sought-after sacred tattoo designer for the next 6 years working remotely with clients around the world to create intuitively reflective images to support their lives.

After retiring from her sacred tattoo journey, both in assisting clients and coming to a natural conclusion with her own body art, Tania is currently writing her second book, which is in the editing phase. She is devoted to being guided by the novel’s story and its own timing.

Spiritual Skin Cover

Spiritual Skin ~ Sacred Tattoos: More Than Skin Deep 

Published in May and July of 2011 in two formats

Order on Amazon in two versions: Paperback or Kindle 


The most important, up-to-date, must-read tattoo guide ever that will answer all of your questions about body art, integrate spirituality into your tattoo process, and positively transform your life. A revealing rarity, receiving rave reviews. No other book like it! In-depth, practical guidelines and rich, historical information PLUS creating powerful tattoos for empowerment and spiritual awakening. Tania Marie’s ground-breaking new book takes you on an enlightening spiritual journey through body art while you discover the world of you, through the world of tattoos. Spiritual Skin creates the bridge between physical and spiritual, as it challenges you to look further than skin deep. Learn why spiritual tattoos are increasing in significance with the revival of this ancient sacred art. If you’re thinking about getting a tattoo, adding to the ones you already have, want to learn how tattoos can be an all-encompassing spiritual process, simply enjoy reading new perspectives and interesting history, or are opposed to tattoos and want to know what all the hype is about, then this is the must-have book for you.

Praise & Reviews:

As a baby boomer, I’ve had minimal experience or exposure to the world of tattooing, and have held perhaps a cultural bias against this art form. Having a chance to review this book has opened an enlightening window onto a subject that I may have not otherwise understood. “Spiritual Skin” is well-written, admirably researched and beautifully illustrated. With my background in Jungian psychology I can definitely understand the drive to give form and meaning to archetypal symbolism. It was thought-provoking to learn that getting a tattoo can be a rite of passage and a journey in self-discovery. The activation of the chakras through tattooing of a specific area also makes a lot of sense; Years ago I had my belly button pierced in Asia while on a teaching tour. While I did not retain the piercing, I was conscious of how the act itself seemed to trigger the solar plexus chakra and motivated me into a brand new workout regime. “My body is like a graphic melting pot of ancient symbolism spanning the Earth” – profound words from the talented and wise young author, Tania Marie. ~ LindaJoy Rose, Ph.D. Author of “Raw Fusion: Better Living Through Living Foods”

I enjoyed Tania’s book about tattoos. I loved being reminded that the body is a temple and in Tania’s own words she shares how she views tattooing, “The physical becomes sacred. The spiritual becomes tangible. And together they exist simultaneously in harmony.” I do not have a tattoo and so I found this beautiful book mind opening. My daughter who is in her twenties wants a tattoo to remind her not to be so worried and to open up to play. Now I can really get behind that. I liked the feeling that I had while reading; I felt a reconnection with spirit and was reminded of our need to express sacred purpose and creativity outwardly. I was able to see and open up to the deeper spiritual connection and meaning behind this sacred art. And as an artist I can see the beneficial point of choosing to tattoo. The tattoos that Tania chose to show us are stunningly beautiful. I also enjoyed the thought provoking quotes that she incorporates throughout. This book is all about tattooing, but it is also about opening the mind and letting go of judgment. I used to look at people with tattoos as “other.” Now I have a new appreciation and understanding. Thank you Tania! ~ Sharlyn Hidalgo, Author of Amazon’s #1 Bestseller, The Healing Power of Trees: Spiritual Journeys Through the Celtic Tree Calendar

What an inspiring presentation of beautiful, full-color photos of incredible tattoos. Each tattoo shown is so creative. I can imagine every tattoo parlor having a copy of this book in their lobby/waiting room since people would get so excited about them sales would be sure to climb. They’d probably get lots of questions like, “Can you do one like that for me?” But beside the photos, Tania has presented a spiritual perspective that I’ve never considered before. It’s like having a friend guide you through a whole other aspect of the world of tattoos. ~ Cliff Durfee, Author of Stories for the Inner Ear

A book whose time has come! And I can think of no one better suited to bring this valuable and life-changing information to Light! How one approaches a tattoo, their ‘conscious intention,’ is of utmost importance! In this book Tania illuminates the deep, ancient and sacred connection between the skin and the Spirit. May this book be a bolt of Divine Inspiration for any who may be seeking a tattoo. And may all who come across this book find tranquility in Tania’s meditative cadence. This is the book anyone interested in tattoos should read! I will read this over and over again. ~ SIVA, Sedona’s Award-Winning Tattoo Artist

Spiritual Skin is a beautifully put together ebook which perfectly mirrors my own feelings about tattooing and its sacred symbolism in my life. Tattoos for me are another way to express my own unique creativity and spirituality. Just like music and food, they are a way to take an invisible energetic impulse sensed on other realms and translate it into something materially substantive and appreciable on the physical realm. If you are considering a tattoo, or are already captivated by your own tattoos, reading Tania’s book will help you consolidate your ideas and validate your feelings. ~ Kate Magic, Raw Food Expert & Author of UK’s Best-Selling Raw Food Recipe Books

I have already referred clients to this book and they love it! ~ Laura Bruno, Medical Intuitive, Life Coach & Author of If I Only Had a Brain Injury, Schizandra and the Gates of Mu, & The Lazy Raw Foodist’s Guide

Tania Marie gives us a quantum leap revelation into the spiritual realm through the body, specifically through the art of tattoos. Spiritual Skin is a high vibrational easy to read guide on tattoos which encompasses the origin and significance of this ancient art. The book includes a “how to” guide when moving forward with your decision to get a tattoo and an understanding of the spiritual importance of this permanent body art when viewed from an energetic perspective. The author touches on the theology of tattoos through the ages and to this present moment explaining how they may assist us in the next shift of consciousness. As an artist, Tania Marie offers up her talent, with your intent and her insight she will design a tattoo specifically for you to facilitate what it is you would like to activate in your living or spiritual world. In addition, her colorful quotes and pictures throughout the book are a great bonus, giving us a deeper respect for those that bear their soul on their sleeve. ~ Amy Reed – Medical Professional and Yoga Instructor