Monthly Archives: July 2020

August 2020 Energy Update with Lee Harris

How was July for everyone? I felt it to be quite full with getting things done that involved very busy days and active dream nights.

Lee’s update for August has many good little morsels of insights that speak to breaking out and inspired action for the month to translate in varying energetic ways for each of us. He shares that it will be a cleanse and reset month and that there will be a lot of change momentum. I had just mentioned the same, for myself, in yesterday’s post. 😉

Things are going into action and it will be an opportune time for envisioning and seeding intentions because of the big transformation and creation energy August holds. This energy will start the wheel turning for what’s to come down the road.

Enjoy the update.

Closing Out Sale, Reiki, Reset & Transformational Opportunities

Many of you are likely also experiencing a complete remodel of your life right now, finding that one or more areas are going through a realignment process as things transition inside and out. Maybe it’s a new career, a new home, change of relationships or friendships, a new way of expressing yourself, and/or a new of relating to yourself as you haven’t before.

Change is cycling through quite rapidly right now and with it is opportunity to jump aboard a path of greater fulfillment and peace. For some that might mean really riveting changes and for others it may be more subtle refinement that simply draws in greater calm and presence of just being, where you’ve not experienced that before.

Personally, Dave and I are on the threshold of a whole new level of freedom in life and a lot of new energy moving through that will be interesting to see where it leads. It all seems to have anchored since the wedding and is in motion of transformation quite rapidly. I feel a lot of explorations in the coming months, along with fresh experiences that likely will inspire things for us both. I’ll keep you posted.

It’s interesting as always to have nature mirror messages that speak to the changes, as along with the robin family heralding renewal for us, and deer bringing gentleness, regeneration, independence, longevity, success and hope, coyote has been showing up quite a lot, and a peculiar raccoon sighting did as well.

Yesterday coyote showed up again (there have been multiple sightings) right behind the house. You can see her at center of the circled photo above. I watched her as she seemed to wander, drawn perhaps by the trail of a scent, as she went one way, back-tracked, returned, and then on the same way and beyond without a care in the world.

Coyote shares wisdom that is rarely straightforward, which is interesting given the way she sauntered in front of me back and forth, demonstrating this very clearly. They teach through indirect ways, while reminding us to keep a lightness and humor around ourselves and how we approach life. They reflect a time for letting go, trusting, and releasing the how’s to the Universe. Coyote signifies and prepares us for a time period of significant and dramatic change approaching, letting us know that presence and adaptation will be required, but also our flexibility to it will aid its success.

We also saw two raccoons lying dead, side by side on the road, on Sunday. That was a very unusual sighting. They must have been either siblings/family, a couple, or friends that were hit at the same time, together. I’ve never seen that before and it felt significant. There are similarities with coyote and raccoon energies, as raccoons teach us that following curiosity can pave the way for new exciting things and with that comes the letting go and release of the old. They also teach flexibility, adaptability and resourcefulness as ways to create success with the new underway. Raccoons message that you are prepared for the big leap of transformation and transition that is upon you. They also carry shape shifting energy, death of illusions, and death of an old way of being (as represented by the masks) into even greater authenticity and fulfillment.

Once again, the natural world and presence to the messages around, continue to support and affirm to us, if we are open to receiving them.

So, indeed we’re in preparation from old to new here and it is timely with a little reset mode for me I had mentioned would begin August 1st, which is also a big day on other fronts for us.

I’ve already removed the page link on this site to the discounted support offerings that I was guided to put out when all of the challenges in the world hit. But, as I mentioned, I will be stepping away from client sessions for a short period. Likely all of August and September, or at least until September 22nd’s Equinox. If something changes with that, I’ll let you know.

This is in response to energy movement that I keep aligning with, that leads me elsewhere to focus.

With these temporary shifts, I’m also going to be putting the Magick Rabbit Etsy Shop on a vacation hold, as I am also not wanting to focus on packaging and shipping out items during that time as well.

But when I do reopen it again, there may be a shift with inventory offerings and so I’m being guided to do a last “closing out sale” before I temporarily close the shop and do a refresh.

So, for two days only, tomorrow, Friday July 31st and Saturday August 1st, everything in the shop will be available with hugely slashed prices to clear out for the refresh.

Perfect for Christmas in July shopping! 😉

There are only 10 items left with 1 to very few of each item remaining to include the last of our greeting cards, notebook journals, prints, and 3 animal spirit guide paintings.

Link to the shop sale is here beginning tomorrow morning, after midnight tonight:

Magick Rabbit Etsy Shop

Beginning in August, I’ll only be focused on the upcoming Online Reiki Level 1 Certification Training classes, my writing, new inspirations, and personal shifts until I open things back up again.

Sometimes it’s important to follow particular energy streams in order to create a bigger momentum forward. So, I constantly am readjusting.

I think I mentioned that I ended up opening the class to more people because I didn’t want to turn anyone away that was ready. So I made adjustments and changes to the course training to accommodate and embraced change myself. 🙂

We reached capacity of what could be extended, but I had one of the review students needing to move out of both Saturday classes, so this makes it possible to open one more space for anyone interested. 

So if you were thinking about this, on the fence, or maybe seeing this for the first time, and feel it calling please let me know as soon as possible so I can make arrangements to support you. The classes begin August 16th and the second session opening is August 22nd. Again, I can only take one person and you will also have ability to continue the courses with levels 2 and 3 in October and December. 

And last, I wanted to put this out there as a potential, upcoming transformational opportunity.

I’ve often received inquiries about doing some kind of mentoring program with me and it’s one of the things I’m considering more seriously now.

This would be a more intensive one-on-one and more exclusive offering, to support a comprehensive approach to manifesting a new path that turns your purpose and passions into your career, while also transforming your life so you experience the fullest expression of your spirit potential right now.

This creative, spiritual journey will help uncover and transmute roots that may have you stuck and held back, and help reinvent, repurpose, refine and realign your life while giving you practical tools and action goals for building your life’s work.

If something along this line sounds of interest, please contact me.

I’ll continue to be blogging during this transitional time, so it’s just a subtle refocusing reset that I’m shifting into.

Wondering Things Into Reality ~ Remember Your Tools & Gifts. Value & Engage Your Parts

To wander is to live in wonder and I’m definitely a wonderer. But I wonder things into reality. 

That hasn’t always been the case, although I used to do this unconsciously when I was younger. Then, my life became compartmentalized and for some time, actually, quite tormenting and/or draining because I conditioned myself to believe that the parts of me couldn’t live unified together, always.

I became masterful at the art of living separate lives that made perfect sense to me.

Now, I’m learning to master the art of living, period, which is possible through exquisite balance when we start to merge all of our parts back onto the same stream of experience and realize how they were meant to be great allies.

I’ve been refining the process of merging the two into a grounded reality where the magickal is manifested and no longer hidden away just for me. 

It take practice, commitment, and consistency. 

It’s been an organic, trial and patience process of relaxing more into my natural essence, which involves seeing all of my parts and unique ways of expression as valuable. Not some being better than the others, but how they each amplify and bring out the best in one another, just as we can as compassionate beings do for our fellow humans.

It’s been about loving the complexity and diversity and not hiding away simply because others are doing differently than me.

But it’s also been about actively engaging my parts – all of them – and finding ways that they can all have their place without neglecting, bashing, judging, or repressing the others. Even if it’s in simple forms that can later translate across the board once I feel more comfortable with it.

This has also involved a willingness and active intention to remember and utilize my tools – something I have seeded as reminder over and over in past shares, as I personally know how it can often get overlooked.

When you feel stressed in life, unclear, or desiring to create something new, have you remembered some of the tools you have in your toolbox to implement? Have you remembered how you’ve gotten through similar experiences with success, and so can you also use that same process for the present ones?

Every person has some kind of track record with something in their lives they’ve managed to manifest, make work, fulfill, and be successful with. No matter how big or small, there is something we can draw upon and focus on, rather than placing all of our attention, energy and focus only on the things that haven’t gone as planned.

I can’t tell you how often I’ve listened to people frustrated, but when I ask them if they have used or engaged something they learned or love (ex: self Reiki treatments, the all-powerful Reiki Healing Attunements, creative visualization, meditation, breath work, engaging their creativity, spending time in nature, dancing, hiking, walking, singing, building something with their hands, volunteering, etc.) the answer always is, “no, I forgot” or “I didn’t think about that” or “I wouldn’t have thought that would help. I just feel so tired or angry.”

One of the ways I believe we can wonder things into reality is to merge our tools, parts, and gifts. While you’re actively engaging certain aspects of your life, why not invite in and actively engage the others to support them?

If you want to experience more peace at work, perhaps a Reiki Healing Attunement with that intention might help, or finding ways to bring more peace into your life by doing things you love or being in nature when you’re not at work can help balance things out for you and say to the Universe that you’re ready for it and creating it regardless of other things going on in life. Then you may start to see a shift and reflection of this act of empowerment.

If you’d like to draw in a new job, relationship, child, home, etc. perhaps engaging your creative energy can get the wheels moving. If rather than sitting still feeling hopeless around it or just thinking about your desire, you instead decided to pick up a paintbrush and just start throwing some paint around on a canvas, you might find that this act of inviting creative energy to flow and giving yourself permission to express yourself in some form, might then open the door to new in other areas as well. It’s the act of that says yes and merges your parts to manifest.

One way I find extremely potent is to move creative energy through your vehicle – you.

This could be through things like writing, painting, singing, or even taking a walk while you allow your imagination to run wild as you enjoy the sights and sounds around you.

I’ve learned to do walking meditations, active intentions, send healing energy, and channel ideas while I hike. While my body is occupied with the trail and moving me from one place to another, my mind, imagination and heart focus on what I want to create, draw in, receive, or flow out. This is one example of a merging of parts – both of myself and my life – so they are not compartmentalized. I find this to add extra powerful intent and energy to things. I’ve also done similar with sound moving through my throat chakra when I’ve felt stuck with something – it opens the creative energy flow channels and rebalances my body. New energy is welcomed in, as I move out the old.

Returning to your creative nature is the act of being creative. And creativity is the movement of energy and expression in a way that transforms imagination into reality and/or to create new methods in life.

It doesn’t have to be complicated. We just have to remember and give ourselves permission to open these doors. Then the energy will begin to flood through.

It’s never too late. It’s never lost.

You will find yourself wondering things into reality little by little until the organic process becomes your art of living.

Money & Manifesting….What are the Barriers to Your Abundance? ~ Are You Ready to Get Real About What’s Really Limiting You?

This is a long, in depth, and layered share I wrote five plus years ago that really nudged me to reshare again. It’s a theme and topic that pops up so often around abundance, which can encompass money and financial avenues, but also can be applied really to any part of our lives we might feel deficient in simply by replacing “money” with whatever it is you feel is lacking. Being conscious of our patterns in any area of our lives is key and listening to what we feel, how are bodies react or contract, and the way our energy fluctuates around things are all key pointers for us to learn to understand more so we can begin to have a healthier and more empowered relationship with ourselves and to these things. Once we understand our patterns, we can understand how to implement a new way to approach them and retrain ourselves. I believe we are all manifestors and you can see evidence in your life of the things you do manifest, which can then be applied to anything. You aren’t limited to just one way. You are an unlimited and creative being. As I wrote in a recent post, I believe “we are also reluctant magicians fearing our own power.”

Tania Marie

Being, doing, and having….

“We can think of life having three dimensions: being, doing, and having. Often we attempt to live our lives backwards. We try to have more money in order to feel we can do more of what we want, so we can be happier. The way it actually works is the reverse. We must first be who we really are, then do what we feel guided to do, in order to have what we want.”

Shakti Gawain

~ I allow myself to be; I do what feels right; I have everything I truly want. ~

In yesterday’s Reiki Master Teacher workshop, the theme of the day seemed to be about “manifestation.” It kicked off the day in a pre-discussion to our training, came up again during our training, and again later during our dinner outing.

Discussions about Reiki will often lead into discussions on how to live…

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Eyes That Reflect Depths You Can’t Shake ~ Tomorrow is Here Today

It seems fitting that on Ask Astrid Fridays spot, a blog about animal communication would pop up, as of course Astrid is a huge supporter of deepening the bond between humans and animals. You might recall her message from last January in this post, Animals Understand, where she shared:

“We are here for a purpose in your lives and while we communicate in nonverbal ways and demonstrations of reflections, we can also understand clearly what you say and feel, as well as have the ability to relay messages. I only ask for you to be open to this idea and try it. It may feel weird or silly at first, but then isn’t everything kind of silly if you think about it a lot? Many people talk to their unborn children while they are growing in the womb. Some talk to their family and friends who have journeyed to the other side. Others talk to God or other forms of unseen Sources that you believe in. So why is it so strange to think you could talk to animals AND that we could actually understand and communicate back? Think about it,” says Astrid.

This message had unfolded from a visit with our niece, Violet, and was a story about how one Big Faery taught one Little Faery to remember who she is and how to harness her abilities via communication with Astrid – the guiding light in my life and everyone’s lives she touches.

Well, Sunday’s beach time brought another layer of deepening with the wild kingdom and beyond, during another meaningful unfolding with the Canada Goose.

The geese spend a lot of time here in the Summers, but I tend to see or hear them a lot during other seasons as well. You already know from many of my shares that I have a special bond with animals and geese have increasingly, over the years, taken a prominent place as spirit messengers, guides, and in my heart.

Goose symbolism is quite inspiring, contrary to maybe some of the ideas people have about them. It includes that of loyalty, forging ahead with bravery and confidence, teamwork and comradery, protection, clear communication, determination, dedication, fellowship, fidelity, fertility, and the balance of knowing when to lead or follow. They also symbolize compassionate keepers of the community and embody the sacred circle and sanctity of the cycles of life.

They are also extremely gifted in navigating, so they assist us in discerning our own paths in life and the choices that we’re presented.

One really cool thing about Geese is that they never leave one of their own behind for any reason. They will stay with the sick and injured until they are either well again, or to support them as they transition. They have amazing communication skills that they use in teamwork to help each other and protect one another. This protection quality also shows up in how they will fend fiercely for their young. I love this example of loyalty, compassion, and commitment they embody.

When I’m with them I feel a great sense of family and desire to protect them. It’s very strong and makes me feel that I am one of their clan. In fact, Dave told a story during our wedding ceremony in his vows about how I surprise him in wonderful ways. Although a few of the details he had remembered slightly different 😉 the moral of the story was still the same – that although I’m usually quiet, I will rise to the occasion if I see an innocent being abused – and in the case of the situation he relayed, it was a goose I took action for.

It feels that with recent things in the world unfolding as they have, we’ve also seen how nature has been flourishing more, returning where once things were depleted, and I hear about a lot more nature messaging whether from animals, things seen in the sky, light, or unusual plants and weather patterns that people are paying notice to more than ever.

There feels to be a calling that at one time was more subtle and is now becoming much louder. The animals and natural world are vibrating more profoundly than ever to invite us into a new way of relating, being, integrating, and envisioning in terms of creating more holistic and inclusive approaches to our choices and innovations to come.

In many ways we’re being invited into a new dance of life and it’s aligned much with the way of the Fae. And with this deepening faery energy comes greater calling to the innocence residing within our childlike nature that vibrates parallel to the natural world.

Faeries have always coexisted with us, but in different dimensions. As the collective raises their vibrational frequency, we are becoming more attuned to their dimensional frequency and, in turn, attuned to a new way of life they can more easily assist us with.

I shared recently with a client that I get the sense we are moving more into a “faery” state of being due to the shifts and peeling back of veils happening, and this brings us into more alignment with the playful, joyful, freeing energy the Fae embody. They can be 4th to even 7th dimensional and can be good bridges for us in these transitional phases since that’s where we are headed ourselves. They can help your inner child to come forth and help you to trust yourself more. And remember, faeries can also be mischievous and even dwell in the shadow areas, so they still carry a good balance of energies and aren’t just rainbows and unicorns.

When I think of geese, I see faeries and geese in communion. I see faeries riding the backs of their geese consorts, an armada of geese standing together with the taller faery races, and geese being guardians and loyal friends with them. I see a mutual partnership that reflects a unified experience of interspecies harmony.

I also see geese as hardy and incredibly advanced. I can feel these avian navigators, as more than navigators of the Earth planes, but I see a deep cosmic journey in their eyes of the long travels they have navigated across time and space.

And this was part of Sunday’s experience when one goose couple decided to be with us the whole time, peacefully beaching it next to my blanket.

We were accepted as part of their clan and there was an intense stillness moving between us that was rich with downloads.

The male in particular stood at the edge of my blanket for quite some time, never leaving my side. He just kept looking at me and out at the water, simultaneously through each eye on the side of his head. In fact, he hardly shifted his gaze and hardly moved at all.

He drew me in with his humble, but vast presence, beaming me with downloads I would be able to call up later.

He felt like my guardian and travel companion from another dimension, and I received his message through those deep soulful eyes of a soul who remembered and reminded me of where we come from. He was more than a soul in goose body. And I saw the journey we’ve been on through time.

This communicating takes place with telepathic transference or a form of projecting thoughts, energies, feelings, and full picture image stories from one’s own energy field into another’s.

I received this from him:

The world needs all of you to step into all of you. Tomorrow is here today. You’ve looked to outside forces to bring what is needed, but they who you look to, are you. More and more you will encounter your family walking between the worlds that seem separate and step out from behind eyes that reflect depths you can’t shake. When you do it’s to remind you how close we are and have been, but more importantly how close you are to where you’ve been headed. Keep traveling the roads that tug at your heart. Their origins have far greater reach than where you stand now. We’ll be with you the whole way. Your being here now is no accident, but a will of love and bravery you are remembering.

He stayed until his partner honked to join her in the water. And gliding gracefully off they went.

A couple of times the rest of their clan swam through to check in, but would soon leave the couple alone with us again.

When I entered the water they swam around me.

When I left they came to the sand.

And after a couple of hours, our time was done and we parted ways… for now.

His message about, “More and more you will encounter your family walking between the worlds that seem separate and step out from behind eyes that reflect depths you can’t shake,” appeared again in a two night’s ago dream via a different version of soul in animal body.

In short, I dreamed about a large white bird (yes bird energy again – I have a lot of that around me) I was going to be bringing home with me to live and care for. It was a big white owl. I felt an unusual, but important partnership/connection to him. The odd thing is that after the initial seeing of the bird aspect of him, he then only appeared as a man the rest of the time with white hair and short beard and mustache. Very ancient feel and not fully Earthly embodied – perhaps a shape shifter. Any time I saw him, he’d be doing what the bird would be, sitting on a perch, on my arm, etc. and I knew both aspects of the owl and man him even though I saw only man from then on. He talked to me and told me about things he liked that I could get him and I opened the contraption he was being handed over to me in to release him. It was not any kind of cage or housing I’ve ever seen. And I wasn’t able to see who handed him over. There was a relationship about to begin with him, and the stage was getting set to make it most supportive for what was to come.

I recalled the goose’s message and how countless experiences in waking time, continue to reiterate that I’m encountering beings beyond the physical form the eye sees in every important animal experience I have. I know this extends past the animal realm, but for me it’s a messaging system that is prominent.

I feel we are close to something evolving and others are coming in to support continued opening and activation of our remembering why we’re here, what we’re creating and what is coming.

They feel to be part of an energy collective that is newly revealing themselves at this time, carrying a powerful vibration in their presence and messages to help ignite and lend hand as portals to a new frequency in creation on Earth. Yet, we are still the ones the change comes through and these portal messengers simply help us to align for maximum potential.

In fact, they may even be another version of ourselves reaching out, just as we reach out to our inner child or past life selves to reclaim and assist our parts.

At least that’s my experience and sense of things and I’m okay with sharing that even if not embraced by everyone.

When we open our awareness and soften our experience, body and mind, we open the communication channels to a more pure connection not just with animals, but with ourselves, each other, the plants, the sky, the water, the Earth, and Universe at large.

With this wider perspective and conscious awareness, we experience how we are all a collective family dancing with life and each other. Yes, being alive is a gift and when we connect our individual, signature frequency with the frequency of the natural world around us, we align with the Earth’s frequency and understand the importance of a return to natural harmony and treating the entire inner and outer environment as a whole. The Elders and Indigenous Peoples have been sharing this understanding with us for a long time and the meaningful impact it has. And so have the animals. We just haven’t been listening.

If we understood the message, the next question becomes, what will we do with it and how will we respond?

Interspecies communication is how our brains are wired. It’s only odd to think in this vein, engage it, or trust it because everything and everyone around us has told us otherwise. But the blueprint is there and can be reactivated with curiosity.

Change is taking place on our planet whether we like it or not. I feel that the parts that don’t like it are associated with ego survival and that’s natural. Animals and the natural world know that survival instinct well, too.

Any part of us or anything or anyone that feels it’s about to leave, will fight to hold on. The key is, that part is only being asked to evolve and integrate into something different. So the threat is only imagined. The potential is real.

I’m envisioning and working toward the potential because that’s what I came here to do.

You May Have a Destination, but the Paths of the Journey are Up to You

It seems to me that a lot of energy gets spent on trying to lock in on what our path is, but perhaps it’s not a path that is pre-determined for us. Maybe there’s a destination in mind that we set course for throughout our lives, but the journey there involves many different paths based on our choices in each moment.

I know that I got myself very frustrated with this quest for a long time in my earlier years and it actually kept me in a state of restraint because I was waiting for “the answer” when in fact “the answer” came through movement toward something that resonated and brought me joy, rather than attaching to the idea that I could only move if in fact it was the final destination.

I also see this as a form of self-sabotage that keeps us in a conditioned pattern, but there’s a level of fear and judgment that comes with it too. A fear perhaps of doing something wrong, failing, and stepping into more accountability and responsibility. And a judgment that if it’s not perfect or what we think is the right thing, then we may look stupid, be wasting our time, or receive criticism.

This is mental chatter that forms from old stories replaying themselves. We become a self-critic, even if this was conditioned from outside of ourselves, and our ego finds ways to nourish these stories and keep us away from freeing ourselves from them. To me, it’s an act of survival playing out and not really that it wants to hurt us, but it wants to be right. We prove it right when we give in to it.

The same seems to happen around listening to and trusting intuition.

When you receive intuitive and heart guidance do you find yourself immediately starting to question it, analyze and dissect it, do everything to discount it?

Or do you realize its value and clarity and fearlessly and directly follow it?

It takes practice to learn to hear the whispers of your “true” heart because you can easily project what you want to hear onto it. If things aren’t working and increasingly become more challenging, if things aren’t lighting and lining up, you feel depleted of energy, feel a loss of joy, and creating more tension and frustration in your life, chances are you haven’t supported that true inner guidance yet, unless you are in the process of change where things can sometimes increase before releasing.

Keep practicing to go into your stillness and ask for your truth to make itself known to you, but be willing to courageously support it when it does or it will hide from you even more.

We are brilliant self-sabotagers, but we are also reluctant magicians fearing our own power.

We need to nurture the parts of us that hold our true power and that starts with listening within so you can remember what they are.

Whether it’s answers you seek about where to go next, or answers about any question that arises in the moment, much can be discovered through an honest reflection and a willingness to take action in any small way that supports a feeling or nudge.

The rest will unfold from there and reveal itself as you move along.

I’ve laced the post with some photos from Saturday’s hike – my most favorite trail here that reflects my heart’s joy. For more landscape and magickal faery captures you can find a bunch more on my Instagram. These ones capture me in the environment along the 10 1/2 mile stretch. No matter which way you turned along the path, there were wildflowers and gorgeous vistas that filled my heart and soul with breath of life. Every time I thought I couldn’t find a different flower or be in greater awe, there popped up a new blossom, fragrance wafting through the air, and another perspective and hidden treasure for the present heart to see. The landscape of my soul’s essence was mirrored and reminded me that there are so many ways I can channel through my expression and bloom forth who I am.

I shared this message before about paths, but it seems to be coming up a lot again for people and feels important to share again for support right now, as the world undergoes transformation.

Here’s a little repost for anyone it might speak to right now:

There is so much angst and frustration out there around worrying about not being on path, searching, yearning, seeking out guidance to what exactly you “should” be doing, holding onto the belief there must be some idealized version and bigness around an end result of what this looks like, and coming up short on these expectations placed on it all by self and the messaging out there.

Interestingly, at the same time you worry and search, you may also be avoiding the feelings inside, your intuitive messaging, those subtle or sometimes loud nudges, are self-sabotaging with conditioned beliefs, ingenious inner dialogue, and avoidance tactics, or even creating every obstacle and energy drain on yourself, otherwise.

Yet, one perspective might be about surrendering to what IS right now.

Who you ARE this moment.

The intelligence within you ALREADY.

You miss the opportunities every moment to just be YOU and bring through the creative vitality that stirs within your spirit and heart.

There isn’t a perfect outcome you need to strive for.

You simply need to choose to walk in the frequency of your vibration right now and how ever that leads you, IS exactly what you are here to do.

Don’t wait for some perfect answer or precise conclusion to your quest.

Give up the quest and realize the truth of your journey that is a step-by-step unfolding of you being you.

The more we can merge our feelings and the voice within with our mental processes, we can integrate a conscious partnership that will support greater knowing of exactly what it is in each moment that would be the best possible use of our breath here on Earth. And that may be much more simple than you were led to believe, although without devising it, could very well turn into something much bigger.

But don’t judge what is and isn’t extraordinary or how if you only do “this,” you aren’t doing enough.

If you truly are embracing your spirit’s song and commit to expressing its voice in each experience you have, then you will come to experience the peace and harmony you seek…the next notes will become clear…and naturally you’ll have a symphony at work with your instrument in sync with the the collective orchestra.

I find that people create inertia because they dwell too much on the ideas rather than the feelings moving through. I’ve been there too.

You have and always will be messaged by your inner voice to where would most be in resonance and alignment to your vibrational expression.

We simply don’t listen and listening, nurturing, and supporting that voice is more key than how things need to look, as when we cultivate that, we naturally will be doing and being our best possible version in each ever-expanding and evolving moment.

So it won’t be about what big thing you “should” be doing, but truly about embodying your own bigness through being.

The less we listen and support that innate knowingness, is where we come up against the challenges.

And that inner voice will tell us when making changes would be much more supportive to our life and everyone’s lives we touch.

If you feel a loss of passion, it’s not because you don’t have any or you need to discover your passion, you may just need to tune back into you, as somewhere along the line a door was closed on your feelings and the connection and love didn’t receive the nurturing that other things instead did. The nature of you doesn’t go away, it simply awaits remembering and dancing with once again.

And yes, that does become important, if in fact you desire to live from that purity of your natural vitality more and find yourself frustrated and tormented all the time.

Loss of passion may also speak to your completing a cycle on your spiral of life and rather than continuing to repeat patterns that keep you stuck, or drag you backwards like a whirpool, you may just be called to get on the next spiral and create anew, integrating ingredients to bring forth continual alchemy of being.

Take an honest, deep, intimately vulnerable look within yourself and ask the really important questions. You’ll discover what the true “block” is to your having the very thing you say you desire…or in essence, to being more of who you really ARE.

It’s a very interesting journey we experience in our lives.

No right or wrong, nor timeframe. However, if you are feeling miserable or frustrated, that may very well be indication to try another way.

When we more actively engage ourselves as the truly empowered partners in co-creation, we can discover how to work with the alchemy latent within each of us to create.

How things evolve will be a beautiful spiraling of your nature unfolding her or his exquisite petals.

If you are feeling a squeeze on yourself, uninvigorated, and like you are suffocating, or ready to burst, then your spirit is messaging you to go bigger, expand, express, bring forth and wisely channel what is burning within.

If uninspired, this is your chance to choose to recreate yourself and do something that moves you, feels invigorating, and keeps your imagination and creativity engaged. Start inviting and bringing forth new elements to your life that stimulate newness and fresh perspectives to keep you thriving and challenge you to go beyond yesterday’s ideas and version of yourself.

That doesn’t always mean it has to be a huge outward change, but may simply be about inviting more of the little tweaks and perspectives to your current experience that inspire a natural unfolding from there.

You have the ability to choose completely new right now and to create something different, something more, but ultimately more you this moment.

This doesn’t need to be a do or die situation, but about really feeding your spirit’s song without any constraints on should’s and should not’s, nor about following patterns…but carving a new way that is more resonant aligned to you in the flow of energy streaming through that is simultaneously abound.

I feel that as long as we continue to touch in with ourselves, invite, and put into action ways to challenge ourselves to expand our capacity for creative expression and move into new areas of personal passion moving through us with expanding courage, we will find our lives enriched and continuing to unfold in amazing ways.

You are an intuitive being whether you think you are, or not.

When you reteach yourself to trust what you’re feeling and relax into a more peaceful state of presence, then you can be more mindful, discerning, and understanding of how to navigate the energy streams in healthy partnership of heart and mind where unnecessary risks, but invigorating challenge will meet in your always being exactly where your spirit desires.

July Midway Update & Check-In

As Lee mentioned in his July Energy Update, this month has indeed felt very Yang in energy, at least in my experience. This, for me, has included a lot of action, doing, outward focus and taking care of multiple things at once. At the half-way point of the month, I do feel half-way done with what I set as goals to accomplish, so things are on track. But it’s also been a good test of my abilities to juggle many things, approach surprises and constant influx with deep breaths and release, and continue implementing boundaries and healthy balance. Now and then we get chances to put to practice what we’ve learned, so rather than be upset about it, we can see it as opportunity to be the change.

Weather has remained mild here getting into the low 80’s now and 40’s at night, but Summer is definitely in full gear. I’ve been able to start playing afternoon hooky sometimes at the beach to ground, relax, and soak in some water and sunshine, but there’s definitely a lot of energetic movement, more to manage, and longer hours being put into things. This mirroring the season’s longer days.

We’ve been getting in our bigger hikes and bike rides on the weekends these last couple of weeks, due to both of our work ramping up, with shorter walks when possible during the week. At the least, I get in garden watering time, sun bathing, or late afternoon beach time for nature nurturing. July has the potential for a lot of closure and opening for things with us, so we’re adjusting to accommodate.

It’s all good, as I knew this was coming for the month and will start to wind down as August approaches when I will be pulling back from some things to start streamlining my energy focus again.

Oh those ebbs and flows! 🙂 It’s become a regular part of managing energy and projects, for me, in literal inward/outward mirroring ways.

As mentioned previously, I’ll be stepping back from client sessions starting August and plan to only focus on the Reiki classes for that month and putting more time into my writing. I’ll open things up again later, but need to take some time off for now.

In terms of the Reiki classes, although I did open up to taking more students than originally intended, I do now have to close registration for Reiki Level 1, otherwise I’d need to open more days of training than I currently already have done. And that’s more than I can manage. These are taking place in mid to late August.

We have a confirmed group of 14 awesome souls, which made it necessary for me to be flexible with my teaching approach and break up the class into two sessions, of which the second session will be split into two groups for.

Rather than be rigid with things, I embraced a different approach, but one that feels good and supportive, without cutting corners.

That means only Reiki Level 2 (which will be held in October) and 3 Master Teacher (which will be held in December) are available to register for, although there’s 11 in each of these classes, so there’s really only a few more I could do there to make it work out like Level 1. Eleven is also a great master number, so I wouldn’t be surprised if we stay there too. 🙂

Info and registration can be found here: Online Reiki Classes

Other than that, I’m just trucking along with things. Astrid is doing well and has been such a great copartner with everything. She’s also going through shifts, as her fur begins to molt. She’s shedding a lot and it’s making interesting patterns on her back, including bringing through her underlying silver for the first time there.

Dream time has been interesting, to include a lot of continued bear dreams (which I discovered have ET connections), Astrid and wild rabbit dreams, Gaia (my tortoise) dreams, and telepathic dreams involving people I know that reveal psychic messages that pan out true in real life. So, it seems there’s even a lot of activity (Yang) stuff going on at night. Makes sense why I sleep even more these days. 😉

I feel like things are on the precipice of bigger change and even in waking life, there’s a lot of messaging coming through even more than usual. I’m seeing also that my clients are undergoing huge life changes for the good. That makes me super happy!

I heard from a magickal, dear friend of mine in England yesterday, which always seems to mark something important in motion. The last time we spoke was in February, just before everything hit, and hearing her update was refreshing, resonant, and a hopeful energy reflection from another side of the world.

So, while things in the wider world can be a bit daunting, there is evidence of transformation coming in from all of this. Endings and beginnings are bookmarking life, as always.

How are you all experiencing July so far?

Does it feel more Yang to you as well?

More Than Just Moments

There is a lot that goes on in any given day of my life, and likely yours too, and yet there are moments where time ceases to exist, every sensory perception feels stimulated wide open, and every detail is alive and strokes those perceptions like a fine tuned piano that harmonizes the perfect chords of your soul.

Some may call these the moments that take your breath away.

I feel them to be resonant moments that whisper the mysteries unraveled, breathe clarity into illusion, and sing the soul lineage of my heart.

These are the revealing moments that unveil meaning and purpose, that demonstrate love-making between your cosmic and human essence at its finest, and that voice the authenticity you’ve sought amidst the noise and distractions.

If you’ve wondered who you are, these are the moments of your truth.

These are the moments of your being.

And they are the moments shining love’s clarity that exists beyond any confines of your defining it.

It is so visceral you can taste it with your soul.

And everything in that eternal moment makes sense.

Then you don’t need to search and question anymore because you simply know.

(Felt the nudge to repost this channeling with a capture from Saturday’s hike. Perhaps they may speak something to your soul, as they have for me.)

A New Dawn Begins ~ Nest & Robin Gifts of Growth & Renewal

You can imagine my delight and surprise when I discovered this little nest tucked above the front door two days ago. We had no idea that a Robin family had made our home theirs until I was prompted to follow a nudge to check outside. For some reason I felt that a package might have been delivered to our door, but when I went out to follow that instinct, the package I discovered was a very different one.

I was greeted by the sound of happy chirps, which made me step further out the door and follow the sound with my eyes. As I looked up I found mama Robin feeding her three little ones in a sweet nest perched high above the entryway.

If I hadn’t gone out to explore what I felt, we may never have known this nest existed, nor have had the pleasure of experiencing all the rest that was to follow with these baby birds.

Mama Robin left not long after being discovered, to forage some more, and also to watch me from the branch of a tree. She wasn’t sure yet, after being discovered, if her babies were now in danger so she called out to them to stay quiet. The babies sat back, nestled together, wide-eyed and watching me. They listened to my voice and I assured them they were safe. I knew next I wanted to assure mama the same.

Well, I had my chance, as later while I went out to water the garden, she dropped down next to me on the lawn just a few feet away. She no longer was worried, but instead sat silently listening to me with curious energy, as I told her how happy I was about her little ones and that she chose our house as their home. I let her know they were safe and I would watch out for them. She kept hopping close just cocking her head to hear for truth in my voice. She continued to follow me until I finished watering and put the hose away.

I had no idea at the time, how old the babies were. They looked quite large when I first got glance of them stretching to mama’s beak to feed. But when they had settled in together, quietly, they looked much smaller.

Having a nest around is so beautiful to me. I love their meaning and energy. You might remember that I created a nature mobile indoors with old nests I found abandoned and fallen on the ground. Eventually, after the season, I’ll likely add this nest to the mobile, too, since it won’t be used and will make room for a new one.

They are considered a lucky symbol to have in your yard or on your home, bringing good fortune to everyone living there. They represent life, growth, health, love, warmth, family stability, beauty, and a happy home. They are also known to reflect good karma returning to you for your care and responsible keeping of your environment. 

As you might recall, when we first got this home and land, I made a promise to the Faeries and forest dwellers that I would take care of them and create a sanctuary here. So I’m grateful for all the little gifts they give me in return for following through with that promise.

Depending upon where the nest is located, can determine what area of your life will get an added boost of good energy and luck. In Feng Shui, the use of a bagua map can help to identify the nine main areas of luck. The front entry of the home represents career and life path. So having this bird nest above the front door points to things coming in this area. Interesting! As things are shifting with this for both Dave and I.

Robins carry fresh energy of joy, hope, renewal, simple pleasures, contentment, new beginnings, growth, transformation, power, passion, movement, rejuvenation, warmth and the sweet song of life. They strengthen your own voice, inspire prophetic visions, and assist moving forward with a heart full of laughter, grace, and perseverance for life.

When Robins show up in a prevalent way this can herald a new phase of life, may be motivating guides that encourage you to be brave again, and bring messages to you to let you know that you’re being watched over.

I had no idea that the adventures would continue in the vein that they would with this little family, but yesterday (the day after discovering them) I went out front to check on them in the morning, as I’d made a promise to watch over them and ensure they make it safely to the next phase.

I found the three of them standing upright this time and I could see what originally I had thought – that they were in fact quite big. I talked to them and they listened quietly, their eyes looking much brighter on this day. I snapped a photo and went in to show Dave, telling him that I felt they were getting ready to leave soon.

We both remarked on how they looked like wise little wizards perched there.

I checked in on them again just before our leaving to go to the beach in the afternoon, as I heard them chirping. They were sitting there still tall and alert and I continued feeling an adventure might be about to unfold.

We were only away for about two and a half hours, but upon return I found the nest empty. My instincts had been right. They were ready to fly.

Apparently around day 13 to sometimes up to 16, is when the babies turn to fledglings and get ready to leave. So, again, it was quite timely that I discovered them just the day before they were about to depart, as otherwise we would never have known they were there and wouldn’t have experienced all of the magick thereafter.

I felt like mama Robin, eager to know how they were and to make sure they made it safely. I immediately heard their little chirps, recognizing their sweet little voices, just like a mama would and went out to see if I could find them by their sounds.

I could hear all three calling to each other from different directions and knew that they were keeping in touch with each other and also communicating with their parents. I found one of them sitting on a branch of our tree just behind the garden. The others I couldn’t see, but heard.

I ended up having a call to do, but took the call in my office where I could see the little one through the sliding glass door. He stayed there the whole time until the last ten minutes, when he flew down to the top of the fence, and then disappeared.

I went outside after the call to hear for them. They all three continued chirping from new locations. I found the same one I’d been able to see before, now on an even higher branch of a tree just outside of the other end of our yard, on the forest side.

I was glad to keep hearing them and figured they were stretching their wings and practicing. Dave reminded me there was nothing I could do to help, but I still felt a natural protectiveness and desire to see them all make it safely.

One might have thought the story would end there with the fledglings making their way into the big world outside of their cozy nest, but our connection and journey together was to continue.

I had gone upstairs to tell Dave about them some more while he was doing his yoga stretches near the open sliding glass door of our room. The two kitty babies were sitting near. Boojum, atop the pillows and Sweet Pea at the screen door taking in the forest scents and sounds.

I could hear the little ones still calling out from afar and then suddenly the chirping became loud and I saw one of them land directly in front of the door next to the jacuzzi.

It was as if he sought me/us out and he just sat there chirping and chirping. He was so cute with little white feathers on both sides of his head sticking out, a very round, chubby little body, sitting atop little legs just strong enough to keep his cute roundness upright. He looked a little unsure, but stood steady crying out. After a couple of minutes, what I feel was papa Robin, appeared by his side.

Robin parents will assist them once they leave, to help teach them and make sure they are safe.

This can be a very dangerous time for the fledglings, as they practice flying and finding safe places to do so, as well as to perch since they won’t be returning to the nest. Both parents still feed them for a few days while they are learning and getting stronger. Eventually mama Robin will leave to lay a new round of eggs. Papa Robin will do a lot of the teaching until he, too, will need to leave to help with the new nestlings. At which time, the fledglings will learn from other Robins.

We were given an intimate, up-close look at the process right before our eyes. This Robin family had not only chosen our home, but chosen to reflect a beautiful gift of process, life cycles, and growth right before our very eyes.

This sweet little one kept chirping and papa Robin started talking back with a different little clucking noise and movement to get the little one to watch and learn. He hopped about and the fledgling watched. I could almost hear the whole conversation exchange, as they went through this ritual. Papa was very patient, but also knew he hadn’t much time because darkness was nearing in a few hours and the little one needed to get up high and safe before then.

Interestingly, before papa arrived, I had been telling the little one through the screen that he needed to get up high and that his father would want him safe. In arrives papa Robin, as if I already knew how this would play out.

Eventually, papa flew up to the banister as the little one looked on. Then flew to the side of the yard and suddenly the little one took off with a low fly across the trees, following. We didn’t see them again.

The whole time our kitties watched on too, with Boojum clucking along with the little fledgling.

I stayed where I was for a couple of minutes and suddenly I heard a loud, close chirping again – but it was a different fledgling!

A second one had made her way over to where we were, too, as she practiced.

Both of our cats now sat at the screen watching. I was happy we have indoor cats because I couldn’t bare anything happening to all the little forest creatures, regardless of it being nature’s way.

This little sweetie was a bit bigger and stronger than the last one and she chirped away as she hopped along. Then made her way to the stairs of the jacuzzi and then up onto the banister.

I moved to Dave’s office to watch her. She looked so regal and pure, even in her growth stage. The light was coming through the forest and upon her so beautifully, it was like a vision from heaven in a way. So much magick in this moment….and in all of these moments we’d been blessed to witness.

After a while she took off and I heard her high up in one of our back forest tree limbs. The chirping between little ones went on, as they called to each other and their parents until darkness set in.

I haven’t heard them since, including this morning, but I feel strongly they all made it safely and now nature will continue to unfold and the cycles of life will continue.

I’m excited to watch for them over the days, weeks, months and years to come, as I’m sure they will make this their home too. Or at least, some of them will. I will look for them by the bird bath and amidst the wild clover meadow lawn in the mornings.

Perhaps I will get to see them raise their families, as I saw their parents do.

However, it unfolds, to have witnessed this process has been such a gift.

It’s not often one gets an inside look at the life and adventures of the wild little ones.

It felt like a beautiful reflection for life’s opening into a fresh growth cycle of potential.

A new dawn has begun.

Your Body is Your Perfect Vehicle in Life ~ Plus an Inside Experience of My Own

I believe that everything we need to know is right within us – our bodies are the perfect best friend we never thought we would ever have, but divinely designed in reflection of exactly what we need. Whether our bodies operate in the way our egos desire or not, they are a miracle.

Cultivating body wisdom is an intuitive guide to understanding ourselves. Just like you can look at sky maps of the stars, planets and constellations, we can also consider our body a map of the interrelationship of the universe within and how everything is connected.

The body helps us to ground the creative life force energy that we are, into form, and provides the channel to convert energy into actions.

Everyone has a very different journey and trajectory in terms of how they will convert energy into action. However this has manifested is still in divine perfection regardless of how we judge it with our egos. This can be more challenging to embrace, if in fact we have some type of disability or limitation with the body or we dislike it in some way because we judge it against others.

Yet, it is always enough. It is always worthy. And it is more than adequate because it is a manifestation of creation with divine design in mind.

I feel that an illness, challenge, disease, etc. are ways of experiencing – not a punishment, but an act of experience. Everything can be viewed in terms of energy wanting to be experienced and there are unlimited creative ways for this to manifest as. There is no right or wrong about it.

Form is temporary, like in nature, and eventually will pass away. It goes through cycles that transform it and it only disappoints us if we hold tight to desiring it to be or look another way.

Experience lives on in infinite ways and creates eternally.

The body is our vehicle in life for what we came on Earth to do and the heart, spirit and mind work in unison as the driver.

Like every vehicle, our bodies need regular maintenance, care, nourishing fuel and good treatment (inside and out).

This is especially important at this time in human evolution where everything in the world is heightened in the most extreme ways, which takes a toll on our bodies, drains the emotions, strains the mind, and can temporarily put a damper on spirit when all of the other parts are processing and integrating all of it.

Even though spirit understands a grander alignment, the other parts of us are needing to catch up and doing all that we can to supply our bodies, emotions and minds with nurturing things, will help us stay strong and in flow with the experience spirit has set up for us.

This is why finding ways to create peace, time outs, doing something enjoyable or luxuriating in some way, and refocusing yourself at the center of your heart become vital. And there isn’t just one way to do this, since we all have different lives, likes, passions, and ways of experiencing things.

For me, I’ve found some of the greatest ways to restore vitality have to do with clearing my mind (getting things on paper and creating manageable daily schedules), creating a time-out-of-time space for myself (even if just for minutes), immersing in the natural world (the surrounding wild nature, my garden, soaking in the sun’s rays, spending time with Astrid and the kitty babies, making flower arrangements for the home), doing small relaxing or pleasurable things like tea time, daily home spa nights while watching a movie or series, letting go, having gratitude, laughing and being silly, establishing days off, and saying “no.”

These have all helped me create greater balance too, but the biggest thing I’ve found helpful for my body has been physical exercise that allows me to enjoy the outdoors and peace and quiet at the same time. This combined with a lifestyle daily intermittent fasting and even more sleep than I already usually get, help to physically integrate the fast changes we’re going through as humans right now.

Even if we can’t do physical exercise, just being outdoors or bringing nature indoors to you can have a profound effect.

For me personally, I’ve seen a huge difference in how my body performs and how some physical imbalances have all harmonized through finding the right fit of activity that integrates who I am and the energies I came to experience.

I mentioned in a recent post about a sudden accelerated level of endurance and speed in my hiking and biking activities.

But I’ve experienced many other physical shifts too. My years of mild, sporadic hypoglycemia has completely subsided, my EIB (exercise-induced bronchoconstriction), which for me is non-asthma related, has disappeared, peri-menopausal hormonal shifts have balanced out on their own so that I no longer take any herbal supplements to support (I actually don’t take any vitamins other than B12 or extra doses of Vitamin C in intervals), my adrenal glands experience consistent happiness, without trying my body dropped extra grounding weight it no longer deemed necessary to keep me integrated, and there’s a more consistent level of energy in me.

Getting outdoors and moving the body in what ever way we’re able, really does the mind heart and spirit good as well. Or at least moving creative energy through you in some way, relative to you, can help free up the blocks. The goal being, not to let energy sit stagnant. And the key being, use your creativity to be creative in finding ways that are perfect to your experience.

I wasn’t always this active, and it’s ironic that as I’ve gotten older, my physical activities have grown exponentially. It’s never too late to start caring for your body and taking on new activities. Our bodies are our vehicles in life and to the extent we are able to go that extra mile for it, it will for us too.

I’ve found that my experience requires me to both be creative AND to be physical. That’s just how my energy is set up – it’s in my astrological chart. And my body actually needs more than most people, otherwise the energy will turn on me and rage from the inside out in various forms.

“Never underestimate the power of a woman with a rabbit”

At 47 1/2 I feel the healthiest, most balanced, and in the best shape of my life (so far) and do the most things physically than I’ve ever done. It didn’t happen overnight, and I didn’t even know how it would happen, but with committed effort to make inner changes in my life, open my heart deeper, and release the internalized anxiety and acidic kind of stress build-up I once used to feel – things have continued to transform and come together with more synergy. (Having Astrid in my life, just might help too). Rather than having compartmentalized experiences, I’m learning to merge life as one stream of experience.

It’s interesting because I was in complete embrace and peace with all the different things I used to experience, feeling relief I understood why and knowing how I could make adjustments to still do what I wanted to the extent that worked for me.

Creating peace around things is a perfect companion for the potential of change to happen naturally.

The energy around these three Eclipses seemed to also provide a doorway to activate more of this, and while I immersed in things like greater outdoor activities, an elevated surge of energy was able to course through my body. Astrid actually also has been experiencing a surge of energy in recent days. 🙂

It was surprising, for me, because although I have been doing a lot of natural exercise, things went to a whole new level I didn’t realize it would.

It feels like the years of trying to figure out how to harness the productive energies of my Mars placement in the first house is finally coming to fruition – organically.

So again, as I said, we each have different energy experiences we came in to have and for me this really is supporting the balance for my body.

That said, it still is vital to do self-care in your own way and some sort of body integration or physical activity to move energy is really supportive for everything we’re all going through.

So much old stuff, trauma, pain, wounds, beliefs, etc. are being loosened to the surface. So many very distinctly contrasting energies are circulating. And this can get trapped inside of us if we aren’t in some way able to move it through the body and “shake it off”.

Time-outs are increasingly important even if just five minutes of full shut down from everything to unplug and feel the power of silence.


I took a long three-day weekend off over 4th of July since Dave had Friday off of work and we decided to find our own bit of peace even amidst a busy weekend. Although this 4th of July wasn’t as crowded as past years, we still like to do our own thing. Fireworks were also banned this year so it was overall much more quiet.

We decided to fill each day with tons of nature and exercise for well being. That included ways to get out and away from everyone or to just be passing through while in motion.

This involved a long 12-mile hike on Friday, a more moderate 11-mile bike ride on Saturday, and ended with our longest-to-date bike ride on Sunday of 37 1/4 miles. The last time I attempted a 33 mile bike ride, the last half was very uncomfortable with my butt and back feeling sore and energy slowing. This time I didn’t experience any of that. In fact, not from any of the activities we did back-to-back did I have pains or soreness from and I even went above and beyond from day one, as you’ll see.

We definitely got some great physical strengthening in, soaked up immune system building pine air, and enjoyed good sleep from all the high vibes.

I want to circle back to the 12 mile hike, which was a retracing of our steps from nearly three years ago. That was the last time we did this hike to Star Lake and you may remember that story and what unfolded from my share in September of 2017, Made of Stardust.

We’ve been talking about returning and this time we decided to do it as an out and back trip rather than a shuttle adventure, like we did then with the group we were with. It was 13 miles the way we did it last time, but by doing it this way, it cut one mile off. Doing it this way also involved much more climbing than the previous time, with a cumulative elevation gain of over 2400 feet over the course of the mileage. The highest point you arrive at is 9600 feet with Star Lake sitting just over 9000 feet.

My intention with this hike, besides wanting to return to this beautiful lake I love the name of, was to integrate and harmonize 2017’s adventure that ended with me having a broken foot. Although that was perfectly in alignment with my writing goals at the time, I felt facing the trail again as the person I am today would be a powerful activation, as well as a way to overcome any trepidation that past experiences can potentially create.

Giant raw quartz throne we each took turns sitting in and receiving from

And it was.

Not only is the mountain charged with such powerful energy around this spot, but I found some interesting things show up in a couple of photos, like the odd rainbow energy just above this snow patch in the trees to the right of the middle rock.

And the light creating some kind of gateway anchoring each side of this creek.

Before I went I was getting from Astrid that there were more raw quartz in mind for us that were up there to retrieve. She was right, as I found 3 that spoke to me and received blessing on using for our Earth-grid here.

Astrid laying with her crystal friends. She sniffed and licked the new ones immediately upon seeing them, attuning them to the others for the work ahead.

I deliberately took the same backpack I had last time, which isn’t the greatest in terms of carrying things (material and without a waist strap to shift weight to your waste instead of your shoulders), but very light and roomy.

Not only did I carry these wonderful crystalline beings for half of the 12 miles on my own, but I’m happy to report no injury and my newfound strength and endurance had me capable of completing our hike in great time. I also never once had my EIB coughing that always would happen when I was doing strenuous uphill climbing and even with the added 27.4 pounds on my shoulders (yes we weighed them), I was able to do the elevation climbing without falling behind Dave. He remarked later that this is the exact weight of his mountain bike and how crazy that sounds to have basically carried his bike 6 miles. I had to agree.

I had to swing the backpack up my back so that I could carry most of the weight in my arms by holding the straps, but it worked.

I was amazed at the physical changes, as these are things I would not have imagined me doing, especially given my EIB.

But I’m happy that I did things the way I did so that I was able to actually experience the profoundness of how much things have transformed. It’s not something I need to repeat, yet it demonstrated what is possible.

I think I’m actually turning into the mountain goat I’m meant to be – I say that due to all my Capricorn energy.

And I believe I’ve found my way to move all of that deeper energy, emotion, and stored trauma up and out – my way of “shaking it off”.

That day also happened to be the day before 4th of July, which is the 9 year anniversary of my grandpa’s transition – he died at 96. I had a very special relationship and connection with him, despite his living in the south of France where my mom and her family are from. We would spend special time together on his long visits (sometimes a year) and we had a special bond. He is the one who helped cultivate my artistic gifts, as he would sit with me on his lap drawing for hours when I was a little girl and so I am grateful for his nurturing the artist in me and for seeing the value in that. He never wanted me to stop creating.

Creativity is connected with the importance of moving energy through the body in various forms. Our creative life force wants to be experienced and if we shut it down we can experience blocks and challenges. So, in fact, my grandpa was nurturing the importance of this from the start.

And being at Star Lake was also a perfect place for reflection on things to include my grandpa in the stars now as my guide. Perhaps he even showed up in a dance of starlight in the lake.

It’s especially meaningful that I wear his wedding band as my own, knowing he is with me even more along this new journey. Everything he stood for I carry forth through my own embodiment, in my own unique way.

He loved to draw, spend time in the garden, loved animals, loved to laugh, and had his own strong connection to his beliefs. Although more religiously based than my organic spirituality, he was giving, full of gratitude, and loved his family.

I know he is happy and proud seeing me as I am today and would have tears of joy for this union, knowing I wear what was so meaningful to him – a way to honor his bond of love with my grandma and the cycles of life meant to continue and expand further.

In many ways, during uncertain times, I feel I am rewriting my story and as I do, it is rewriting a lineage of stories.

As we each do this, we collectively ignite something different for the future.

And as we each do this, let us not forget our bodies – physical and emotional bodies – while we progress forward with our minds. All of these parts create divine union of our spirit in motion of experience.

In order to meet the new reality we envision, integrating all that good stuff through our miracle vehicles I believe will help get us there.

No matter where you find yourself in the experience of your body, there is a perfect path only you can carve that is vital to all of us. Loving our bodies as they are right now, allows us to really embrace how energy wants to move through it.