Monthly Archives: December 2016

Happy New Year from Two Snow Bunnies!


Just a short message, as we plan to spend a quiet evening of self-nurturing to ring in and anchor the New Year intentfully in our magickal sanctuary space. Today, before sharing a delicious lunch at Simple Bliss Vegan Cafe here in South Lake Tahoe and enjoying a hike where I brought this magickal snowrabbit faery to life (my first full snowman ever made – of course it’s a bunny), we had some great news come in that we were waiting on – oh the divine timing on this last day of 2016! News upcoming.

But for now, this:

What ever you desire. Do it.

What you’re tired of. Release it.

What you don’t want more of. Stop focusing on it.

What you hide from or repress. Embrace, honor, and have unconditional compassion for.

What you’re afraid of. Take one gentle step toward.

What you don’t love about yourself. Love it anyway.

What you think you lack. You don’t.

What you compare about yourself to others. Stop it.

What you admire in others. You have within yourself.

Who you think you are. You’re more than.

Everything you tell yourself has to be a certain way before you can have or do what you want. It’s not true.

Keep believing.

Don’t give up.

I love you.

Warmest wishes and magickal blessings for an inspired, transformative, creative, and expansive 2017 to all of you!





Messages & Gifts Closing Out My 2016


Yesterday I received another very loud, clear, and blaring message from my sweet rabbit and soul companion, Joy, as you can see in this photo from our hike. As we were descending the mountain, our attention was drawn to the left and there in clear letters was her name deliberately written in the snow upon a rock. Incredible.

You may remember the sign from Cosmo after his transition and messages I’ve been getting from Joy since my dream of her about a week and a half or so ago where she was getting my attention to “hear” and “listen” to something coming, which could be tangible or telepathic.

Immediately following the dream, my bunny loves have been super active in showing up with messages, gifts, and their presences, but especially so, Joy has been with very tangibly seen messages and several times with her name appearing in huge letters.

Yesterday Joy’s message showed up right after I’d spent the last five minutes deeply immersed in thinking about my bunny loves and was getting teary eyed, feeling the tug at my heart strings.

Joy’s message felt fourfold.

  1. I felt that she was wanting me to know how much they were with me and to feel their love and “joy” in my heart to heal any sadness present.
  2. I felt that she was messaging me again to keep listening, being ultra observant, and to pay attention to the signs and messages she and the others would be sending me, as something is amping up right now and something big is coming. Also, to confirm for me to keep on point with my path I’m being inspired to follow right now, as it’s being supported and channeled by them to fuel my heart.
  3. I felt it (and the other “Joy” signs) was confirmation of what I’d come to see about Joy in her last year or so of having truly embraced and embodied her name, which when I first got her she had been concerned she couldn’t live up to and afraid of disappointing if she couldn’t be the essence of “Joy” always. She came to own that truth of her heart, as her innocence and vulnerability WAS pure Joy always.
  4. And a “joy” filled appreciation for what I’ll share below.

Needless to say, I was so touched by seeing her sign and have been so grateful for my bunny loves’ constant and recently very profound presence in more heightened ways than usual.

So much so, that I’m discovering myself embodying the bunny me more than ever and everything in my life is coming up bunnies, as I’ll touch a little bit on in another post.

Gaia has been there too, but she seems to make very timely, big entrances at less frequent intervals.

But for now, as we approach the end of this year and get ready to walk through a new gateway of experience, I felt so much that alongside all that I’m focused on I really wanted to anchor in some energy (it’s 3:33 pm here as I write this part) and honor the memory of my sweet ones in a way I know they would appreciate and likely have inspired.

Each year Dave and I give to organizations to help animals. Most of the time we do it around Christmas and the New Year, but sometimes it’s been at Easter (for bunnies), and sporadically donate to different events as well at any given time. For example, I’ve donated a bunch of my paintings, prints, time and services to help raise money for animals and volunteered at a rabbit shelter as well for a while.

This year it was immediately a stand-out for us where we wanted to lend our support.

Our Christmas gift went to two non-profit organizations that were connected with both Joy and Cosmo, in honor and in memory of them and all the love they had for the bunnies they left behind, and came to know over the course of their sheltered lives, when they came home with me, and to others like them that are in need and not as fortunate as they were.

Donations provide things like food, litter, supplies, toys, and help out with vet fees for neutering/spaying, health challenges, and needed surgeries.

Joy and Cosmo are “compassion ambassadors” for rabbits and spreading awareness and education to others about rabbits, and this was a way not only to do what is in my and Dave’s hearts’ “joy” to offer in way of support, but also to continue their work through me, since we are One.

No wonder I’m becoming a rabbit more and more with these power souls channeling through me.

As our gift of compassion we donated $500 each to both SaveABunny in Northern California where Joy came from and to Bunny World Foundation in Los Angeles where Cosmo came from.

It’s one way we can help bunnies in need, bridge the rabbit/human gap, do what’s most in our hearts, show our reverence for these two ever-giving souls, a way for me to keep them alive through me, and a way to spread a little “JOY” to others via the path and role I have in this life involving rabbits.

This year has been profoundly shifting for me, which has been in large part because of the work I’ve been doing with my rabbit companions and what has come through them.

These messages and gifts in the cycle of giving and receiving mutually, have truly been a theme pervading 2016 for me and I can’t think of a more perfect way to close it out and anchor in the new.

Meet the Kitties

As you may already know, Dave and I have two kitty babies, which were brother and sister to Joy, Cosmo, and Gaia. They were Dave’s animal companions he brought to the relationship, as I brought Joy and Gaia to it. Cosmo came to us together. So he had a different dynamic with us.

I haven’t written much about the cats only because I have experienced deeper soul and life path bonds with the bunnies (since they are directly connected just with me) and we’ve been through so much on every level together, but I do share past connections with the souls in these kitty bodies. They are just much more reflective of Dave and their behaviors and experiences are directly connected to him and how he feels and what he’s going through, just as the bunnies and Gaia would directly reflect me.

I’m sure many of you have observed similar differences with your own integrated families.

The cats and I have a very different relationship than they have with Dave. They know me as mom, more of the disciplinarian, since Dave is much more lax with that 😉 and they have a respect of me because of this. They know they can’t get away with anything where I’m concerned, as I see right through them. Because of this they have completely different behaviors when it’s just me at home with them or when Dave and I are both at home with them. I mean COMPLETELY different. 🙂

I’ve spent huge amounts of time with them, as I was always at home when Dave was at work, so they have grown very close with me. It’s just a different dynamic.

That said, I thought I’d share a little bit about them, so you can get to know their personalities a bit.

They are our only fur babies, at this time, and they definitely are interesting and very different characters.

Sweet Pea is one of the most engaging and soulful kitties I’ve experienced. She never shies away from deeply penetrating eye gazing and has such animated facial expressions that show how she feels and what she’s thinking.

Although she’s highly sensitive and scares SO easily, giving meaning to the word “scaredy cat” she is very human like and thoughtful. I often find her observing me with great interest no matter what I’m engaged in, to see what I’m doing and to learn. She used to always oversee me cleaning and drying Cosmo. She’s definitely a little healer kitty, as if you’re feeling “less than” in any way, she rests upon your heart.

Boojum on the other hand will never look you in the eye for more than a couple of seconds, and when he does he is not fully there and always looks past you. He also has no desire to engage in more than simply doing what he desires/needs in the moment and is very needy, whereas Sweet Pea is completely present, more independent, but thinks of others first.

Boojum has had behavioral challenges, as he will directly display what he is picking up through immediate physical reactions that have needed our being creative, since he’s crafty with hiding his intentions and puts on an air of not understanding, as if to say, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

But they are both very loving. They just have different motivational reasons and life paths.

It’s so interesting to observe their differences and how unique they/we all are and the experiences each soul has chosen to have when they choose the body form that they do.

Each very different, neither more or less than the other, but definitely indicative of the intents the soul has to live out.

This photo taken on our Christmas vacation shows her deep soulful gaze and I found it interesting how her little white patch at her third eye was lit up like a flame of light.


And this is a photo of Boojum on Christmas morning.


He was taking a cat nap next to me on the sofa, tuckered out from playing with Santa’s elves and chasing reindeer the night before. 😉

You can catch a glimpse of his sneaky little personality behind that big teddy bear. He definitely has a dual character going on, as he’s much more dog-like, not graceful or agile like most cats, and unable to fend for himself, as Sweet Pea who is much tinier holds her own and is much more of the “hunter” than he is. She’s also very transparent.

Interesting dynamics all around. Lots of love abound.

Our animal companions teach us much indeed and we equally support them with their choice of path as well when we recognize and embrace who they really are.

A New Moon & A New You

With today’s New Moon in Capricorn – the last of the year before we welcome in 2017 – I wanted to pause a moment to share how so much has shifted this year for me in terms of the structures and “routines” of my life, which Capricorn energy focuses much upon. While the energies abound also place focus on a time of review, rest, and nurturing of your own inner needs, Capricorn will assist with how to harness these in a responsibly resonant way that reflects who you are and the path of intents you are activating in your life.

This will involve honestly looking at the intricate details of how you’ve been living your life, how you go about your daily processes, your approach to life, and the amount of energy and time you extend to all things including, but most importantly – you.

Who are you?

Are you embodying the “you” you were born to be and share with the collective?

Do you relish in being yourself?

What are you doing to empower yourself and the gifts you were born to cultivate?

Are you ready to unleash your natural talents and release the limiting inhibitions, old patterns, and fears of increasing the magnitude of energy you came here to shine?

Are you willing to reclaim your origins of purity that naturally align you in harmony?

It’s time to hit the reset button, if you haven’t already, to revitalize your experience of life, restore your faith and trust in why you are here and how who you are can make a difference, and it’s an opportune time to do all things self-nurturing and supportive of regeneration and recreation of your life lived most authentically.

All this to mirror Nature with your own innate ability to renew through the cycles of life.

I know this year of 2016 was a challenging one for many and while I didn’t experience it in that way, I did learn what was important and vital to my own “nature” and have been implementing that more than ever.

Although I did see my two bunny loves transition and went through my own literal and profound death experience (allowing purification and a new “more me” to be reborn and step into my body while the old me was released) this year (the things that contributed to the collective #9 year of closure), I was able to maintain my vibration through it all and that came with my commitment to nurturing myself, flowing with the energies and inevitable transmutation that was necessary, listening to my needs, reclaiming parts of me, spending tons of time in Nature, balancing and softening my life, and returning to who I really am.

So, my experience of 2016 was cathartic and deeply nourishing and revitalizing, whereas I could have experienced it in a traumatic way.

And a lot of this, as mentioned, has been in realizing, embracing, and putting into motion the need for self nurturing and retrieving back my power in a personally empowering way that ultimately allows me to be more of a responsible contributor to the collective.

I’ve never nurtured myself and honored my energy as much as I have this year and this has continued to increase.

I saw so many things I desired personally and wanted to heal within myself, truly anchor.

I saw the anxiety and fixations on things disintegrate completely.

And life has become soft, flowing, responsive, and increasingly harmonized. It’s truly something I awe at when I really look at the changes that have taken place over the course of my life and how I feel now versus before. It gets me emotional to realize the difference I feel in comparison to the life I was once living.

And I have seen that when I honor these things within myself that the Universe/All That Is has been conspiring to support it all even more.

This especially so with the self nurturing, as my life has become surrounded with tangible and non-tangible forms of everything nourishing to my mind, body, heart, and soul.

I’ve shifted the way I approach everything I do and have shifted the anxious over-achiever-me into the peacefully flowing, confident, and anchored co-creator.

Even the place we live in currently is such a dream and has everything I could want to support this new cycle in my life to ensure well being and cultivation of what I’m birthing.

From a dream view in a sacred place that I love, which I face daily, a jacuzzi with light therapy and sauna to provide relaxation and purification, a biomat to nourish deeply, and Christmas gifts from my family and ourselves of a shiatsu foot massage with heat I use on my Pisces feet daily, a flameless candle fountain with flowing water energy, LED wax candles that can remotely be programmed for color therapy, daily nature immersions, creative time spent making delicious, healthy, and comforting foods, surrounding myself with reflections of my heart, having the ability to focus on my passions and doing what I love, blessed with incredible friends, family, and spirit guidance….I’m feeling like I live in a dream and day spa round the clock and almost have to pinch myself that this is the experience I manifested through a life of dedication, despite discouraging years of challenge.

To say I’m grateful is a HUGE understatement.

And that goes along with truly being grateful to myself for hanging in there, continuing to forge ahead, and never giving up.

I tormented for so many years in my teens, early twenties, and thirties with why life had been so hard and wondering if ever I would experience what I envisioned possible in feeling.

And it wasn’t until I started integrating all aspects of my life and bringing physical and spiritual together in a sensual merging and honoring of the gift, beauty, and meaning of both being of stardust and living as a human, that life has emerged as such.

Now I’m truly seeing that the hope I held onto was not in vain.

And this is only the beginning…for me, for you, for us all.

I know this year was very hard for everyone and still may feel challenged, but I’ve also seen and heard of so many seeing the cycles of change through and coming out the other side with renewed zest for life and new beginnings emerging from seeing their dreams begin to manifest, realizing what they’ve accomplished, getting clarity on their path and direction in life, new more aligned dream jobs manifesting, engagements, marriages, pregnancies, births, moves to heart home places, dream travels actualized, new life adventures begun (several people jumped in rv’s this year too)….and more.

The end of one era and walking through the door of a new one.

And through it all it’s key to take care of you, as that will ensure all that you desire to do “out there”.

I realize the importance of taking care of me and it’s provided me so much more to give out to others without ever feeling depleted anymore and I’ve learned the most supportive way to be on path for me that will continue to honor myself and others simultaneously.

And this will include continuous self nurturing, reviewing my life to make any necessary adjustments that optimize things, continuing to strengthen my boundaries, creating intents and goals that keep me on point and utilizing more and more productive use of what I have available.

Capricorn energy is a guiding force in my life with it as my ascendant, North Node, and having Mars propelling it in my first house, and it wasn’t until recently that I’ve understood how to harness this energy.

I can only imagine what might be with continued cultivation and paying attention to the responsive integration of its energy in my life.

This New Moon highlights Capricorn essence for us all…and while this may be a cycle currently we’re moving through that can propel you when you harness what it is showing you in your life, I believe that working with all of the signs and energies in their most productive forms, throughout the year, will support us into living as the wholeness we are.

Our Christmas Away & the Many Returns it Gifted


I hope everyone enjoyed the holiday weekend in whatever perfect way resonated with your heart and aligned with your own beliefs and life intents. We were away to celebrate with family and even had the chance to touch in with some friends during our whirlwind weekend. And although brief, it was fully packed with beautiful experiences around every corner. It truly couldn’t have been more perfect and nurturing on many layers, not to mention confirming for me on equally varied levels.

From the moment we arrived it was nonstop enchantment and I felt so supported, as well as supporting, by and to others, as well as from the powers that be.


Our home-away-from-home Airbnb (which the kitty babies loved too) was a small creek side cottage in eclectic Topanga Canyon, which was very rustic and also quite enchanting with magickal touches like a storybook wardrobe staircase up to the cozy loft bedroom, private courtyard with hammock, outdoor couch, and sparkly lighting, a giant quartz crystal guardian at the front door atop a tree stump, skylights to see the trees and stars, original 1926 Winnie the Pooh and Eeyore illustrations (I love Eeyore and Pooh!), and other nurturing touches.


Although set back in the trees with a dirt road to walk up to it and septic and propane tanks the heating and plumbing were set up on, it was still a sweet getaway that made us feel connected to nature and back in our mountain home setting although near the big city of Los Angeles.


It was also very conveniently located to all the things we love, which enabled us to hike in Topanga Canyon State Park, stroll along the Pacific Ocean, and eat at a bunch of great vegan restaurants.

The other amazing thing was that not one bit of traffic was experienced the whole entire trip, which is unheard of in LA. We zipped along everywhere we needed/wanted to go without any challenge and quickly! And we literally were all over the place between Topanga Canyon, Santa Monica, Venice, Costa Mesa, Pomona, Pasadena, Camarillo, and Granada Hills.

We also got some things handled at our storage facility where we picked up some chairs we’d stored because we didn’t need them for our rv adventure (since it’s sold now) and put a large painting of mine in storage that was being housed/enjoyed by our friends renting our house, who will be moving on to a new home soon.

The latter helped out by my friend who had the painting since her car fit it, which enabled us to visit a little, exchange gifts with her and her children, and share some sweet moments we captured on camera.


I received such wonderful gifts this year that were so aligned with my essence – perhaps because of my being so in touch with it more than ever that people knew exactly the things that were perfect?

And apparently, I found out some more surprises are in store when I pick up the mail from our P.O. Box. Can’t wait!

It was all so unexpected, but truly filled my heart with gratitude for the welcome surprises.

Probably the sweetest Christmas gift maybe ever, though, came from my friend’s daughter when she presented me with her stuffed rabbit she sleeps with every night, named Cosmo after my bunny love.


Because she was at preschool and was heartbroken when she found out she’d miss me coming by the house to get the painting, we made a stop there to see her. Her mom told the teachers her Faery Godmother was coming, so they let her out to see me.


Anyway, she said that because he’s no longer with me she wanted me to have her Cosmo and that I have to sleep with him every night like she does and then every two months we will send it back and forth to share him together. Awww… talk about melting my heart.


She’s a magickal little Faery, as she presented it to me on 12/23 the day before my other rabbit’s birthday, named Joy, who was Cosmo’s beloved partner and in 2 months it will be 2/23 which is the 8 year anniversary that Joy came into my life. Talk about synchronous and connecting these two loves to me and each other.


I’m so grateful I had time to spend with these two sweetie pies that day and to sprinkle a little Faery gift giving to them as well.


I also had the chance to visit my beloved Garden Tower that my friend and her kids care for at our old house they have been renting for the last almost year and a half. It’s doing amazing as you can see and some of my original plants are huge and lush!! What a special gift all around!!


And the gifts kept pouring in (wow!), as you can see in some of these photos of things I received. This isn’t even all of it, but truly it they were some special and thoughtful things indeed.

…..magickal measuring cups that measure out love, beauty, grace and sparkle, Native American Herbal Remedies book, vegan cookbook and sweatshirts from Sea Shepherds, three porcelain rabbit figurines/ornaments meant to symbolize my three bunny loves, homemade nature-inspired Christmas ornaments, a snowflake blue agate display piece, a photo frame creation from the photographer and his wife who took the photo of me, Cosmo and Joy to have a keepsake, a lovely sterling silver/gold rabbit ring (interestingly Dave’s brother’s wife had gotten it for me earlier in the year but hadn’t been able to send it and then the timing at Christmas after Joy and Cosmo transitioned became the perfect timing to bond them and Nestor to me and wedding me to my loves eternally), a Navajo inspired cd of two flutists creating a haunting musical journey inside Canyon de Chelly, adobe village mugs from Mexico, natural gnome soap, Tree Tarot, and more, it’s been an unexpected Christmas for sure, but so appreciated. And all of them perfect, each in their own way speaking to a part of me and things that I love and that would nurture my life.


I also got myself a bunch of fun things, I may share in another post, as I was really feeling the need to nurture my heart after my bunny loves transitioning onward.

But truly, the best gift was the quality time spent with loved ones and the experiences that took place that touched my heart in non-tangible, but potent ways.


This to include a hike we went on where I found a sparkly pink and blue/gray stone gift from Joy, cleansing my feet in the creek of the canyon (where we found icy blue painted stones we had to walk across at one point), the waterfall, the enchanted forest we descended into, and the Mayan glyph and numeral I found etched in stone atop a cliff, which I knew because of my studies (also “happened” to be the same exact glyph in my painting of “Fire” that I had picked up from my friend’s house the day before), the red-tailed hawk that flew in front of me when I deciphered the glyph and made the connection to Joy sending me a message (big chills)!


The glyph is Ahau, which means “Sun” – the light of all life and is considered by the Maya considered as the most sacred of days. They also called it the “Day of Ancestors.” It also symbolized the “Flower”, beauty, dreams, hopes, wishes, artistic energy, transformation, light, the warrior and traveler, nature, love, and radiance. It represents artistic people who love recreating real life into their own vision of beauty (sound familiar with my personal motto of “creating life as a work of art” and how I’ve been saying I’m rebirthing and recreating myself? It also is about shining your light and embodying “I am the Sun” – more things I’ve been expressing a lot of lately too.


The glyph had the Mayan number for 13 atop it, and all encased within a Sun symbol. Numbers are Galactic Tones for the Maya and the number 13 and 20 are foundational to their astrological system.

Here’s a little insight on 13 from

“13 – Ascension, authority, intensity
The supreme deity—completion

The number thirteen, to the Maya, was a very powerful number. It represented going to the highest level of accomplishment. Those born with the number thirteen will be very good at tying up lose ends, making sure all the details of a project are in order.

Thirteen people are always interested in improving upon what they have created. Thirteen is at that point of getting ready to jump into the void to start a new cycle or project. Thirteens often have their feet in both worlds. They are at home in void, for they know that the void is that from which manifestation begins. Thirteen people are often psychics or clairvoyants. A thirteen person will always have a lot of intense experiences that they will either create or the people in their life will create for them.

Unexpected change is always part of a thirteen person’s life. For a thirteen person to be happy, they need to realize that change is a constant in their lives. They will be pleased if they can be flexible and allow new situations into their lives. Thirteens are always standing on the precipice of any area of life, ready to jump off into a new creation, or take it something already created to the next level.”

And here’s more on the significance of thirteen for the Mayas:

Joy has always been connected with the Mayan energy and sending me messages via this link that is strong for me and opened things at one point in my life to get me to where I am today. No coincidence there are some links to my writing here as well.

That’s a glimpse into that very powerful experience where I mentioned the hawk then flew by and around me when I was making this connection…feeling like the ancients and Joy were confirming through this sentinel who has been guiding the way for me daily.

And then there was the three deer that showed up at the end of the hike – Dave had walked by them and didn’t see them…another man also walked the opposite way and missed them – but me just a bit behind heard something and found the three of them munching on the fresh rained upon grass.


They let me stay so close to them, unaffected, and as if I was welcomed as one of them. If you remember, in Glacier National Park I’d come across two magickal deer, which were Nestor and Joy visiting me (Joy had just passed).

Well, now little Cosmo had joined them, as there were three. The middle, youngest one was him and he connected a long time with me.


This encounter was meant for just me and I received the gift they intended. What a special experience, which I relished in for a while on my own since no one was around. It was beautiful to just be with my loves…and all on Christmas Eve – Joy’s birthday. Thank you!

Joy was gifting things and showing up all around…she felt to be orchestrating all of the things I encountered and like the dream of her I had a couple of weeks ago that had pointed my attention to listen…I was!!! As it was my ears that made me hear the very subtle munching of grass that got my attention to stop, turn, and see the three of them surrounded by trees that camouflaged them to others.

And it is my ears that will also hear the Galactic and Cosmic tones of alignment speaking through my heart to guide me forth.

I love when the dots get connected.

That day also continued with a light lunch and I had a virgin mojito (since I don’t drink) on the beach, a stroll, and dipping my feet in the ocean…so I now had cleansed my Pisces essence (as feet are connected to the sign of Pisces in medical astrology) in the creek and the Pacific. A way of purifying and rebirthing, like a christening into a new me.


It was on the beach that also I found two heart shaped smooth stones (after intending I’d like to find one)…one of which has a “T” etched in it for Tania, Tiny, and Tiny Tim (the nicknames of Joy and Cosmo). And of course a lovely feather also made its way to me, as the bird tribe is so active these days!

Speaking of, as mentioned the hawk appeared at the site of the Mayan glyph on the cliff where I was connecting with it, but hawks were abound the whole trip in numbers too high to count.

But alongside deer, I also had coyote and road runner medicine show up. The coyote crossed the creek at Inn of the Seventh Ray where we had our Christmas Eve dinner/Joy and sister-in-law’s birthday celebration dinner at. The restaurant is in the canyon set amidst the trees, creek, and mountain, so nature is all around. I felt the coyote showing up was indicative of sacred teachings coming to light around paradoxes, especially since after dinner while we headed home, which was only two minutes away (convenient!), we saw coyote cross the road again. And roadrunner tried to cross the road in front of our car while I was driving on another day, but it darted back to safety once I’d seen him and told him to be careful! 🙂

And as mentioned, we enjoyed tons of good food and indulged ourselves at different restaurants all over…some old and some new places…all super yum. Meals, desserts and all.


And we had the chance to connect with a few friends one evening for a Christmas dinner at Cafe Gratitude – perfect place/name for all the overload of loving gratitude felt.


I was beaming with “Joy”.

Our trip happened to coincide with Dave’s dad having just gone into the hospital for major spinal surgery and so we were able to have a nice uplifting visit with him at Huntington Hospital on Friday and were grateful he was released on Christmas day so that we could spend a nice evening again having the family surrounding him in love to support his healing.


We had a mix of time to ourselves, time with some friends, and time with family enjoying the best of nature and city all around, returning to both of our old stomping grounds in Santa Monica and on the pier to relive exact experiences and photos from the past, duplicated in the now, like me kissing the golden dolphin, and even came across an Alice in Wonderland Christmas tree complete with White Rabbit tea party, but all filled with lots of love, warmth, connection, and sacredness.


Our last evening on Christmas ended with play time with our niece, Violet, after opening gifts (she received a giant pink unicorn because every princess needs one), including her teaching me and her mom a dance, which Dave video’d (I would totally have posted it, but it’s way too large and was done via his cell phone).

It seemed like the perfect conclusion to the weekend with the message of dancing my heart out through this new chapter of my life, just as sweet little Violet does, and of taking everything with lightness of heart, as life is meant to be joyous, playful and not so serious.

There is a time and place for it all and balancing wisdom with innocence creates harmony.

The weekend was full of themes like inner child wonder, nurturing, living life fully in each moment, the true meaning of love, values highlighted, eternal connections, guiding support always being around, and magick, of course.

And upon returning home, a stunning sunset welcomed us back and impressed it all upon my heart more so.


The Enchantment of Your Own Divinity

This short Christmas blog from two years ago felt perfect to share again as a message. I hope it touches a little place in your heart that remembers the divinity of your existence.

However you celebrate today, may it be a reminder of peace and compassion for all of life, which includes you.

Celebrating the light within each of you as I honor and shine the light within myself.

We are made of stardust and love. Remember your origins as you bring greater presence to each moment and then the grace of your essence will transform the world.

I know it’s not always a peaceful time for everyone and can present challenges and so I hope you can find a moment to be present to receiving the gifts unseen and the love that is there for you always even though you think you’re alone.

You are the gift ever cherished.

There are many messages guiding and supporting you. When you open to living life as a walking meditation of presence in each moment then you understand that you are not alone and receive the focus and vision to soar into rebirth and dreams manifested, and harness the knowing of your own beauty and the ability to live with grace, love and balance as you share your unique gifts.

May this help touch that spark of remembrance within your heart.

Tania Marie

enchanted christmasToday’s Daily Thought from Shakti Gawain’s Reflections in the Light: Daily Thoughts and Affirmations:

Your Own Divinity

In the stillness of meditation be with your own divinity. Pause and quietly rejoice in the feeling of oneness with the universe. At some point in your life’s path you became aware that there is more to life than what you perceive with your physical senses alone. At that moment your own spirituality was born in you.

I celebrate the birth of my spirituality.

magickal christmasMay you fully reclaim the purity and wonder that you are innately and may you come to consciously embody the joyous and miraculous spirit of creative love endowed upon you.

And if the bell doesn’t ring for you anymore, perhaps today can be your day to listen a little bit more and to invite imagination into your heart once again.

In the spirit of enchantment and wonder, I hope…

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Joy to the World


We are having a lovely, although very whirlwindish vacation back in Southern California, which I’ll share more of the fun and magick of when I return home and have the time to get the photos I’ve been collecting of our memories here together. But for now, on this special day I just wanted to share something dear to my heart and some Christmas Eve wishes from my and Joy’s hearts to yours.

Today happens to not only be Christmas Eve, but is also the birthday of my sweet rabbit, Joy, who would have been 13 this year.

She reminds me of many things and has been so profoundly around the last week or so with messages and showing up for me and others I know in known or unknown ways.

Today is a reminder of celebrating the inner child and possibilities available to us when we vulnerably share our hearts and embody the integrity of our essence. Joy taught me this and so much more as my companion, guide, and teacher in life. She also taught me to listen within and to trust the messages in and all around me, and that balance was key to living a life of harmony and grace.

There have been some very auspicious events around Joy the last two days and one of which was a sweet message I received this morning that I just had to share because it touched my heart so and again pointed to Joy’s profound reach and messages she is wanting to impart. I won’t share the person who sent it, but here is the message that meant a lot to me:

“To dear Tania, Happy Christmas Eve to you and all your loved ones. You have been and are an inspiration in my life and will now be an inspiration to all others in my life because you have caused a massive ripple. Your way of living has helped bring back the hope in my life which lost me for a while. Yesterday I watched a film which I had thought about watching for a while, but didn’t until yesterday. I watched it because the name of the film was Joy. I followed the magic which the universe in all it’s magical ways was trying to show me. The film is about a lady who despite having everything thrown against her made her dream come true. So now I will follow my dream and be strong. So thank you to you and all your beautiful friends and loved ones with all of my heart. In this moment, I am happy and that is what counts. This moment. I hope to always see your magical pictures you post. Blessings to you. Peace to you, love and Prosperity to you.”

This was my response:

“I can’t express to you enough how reading this message this morning touched me so. Wow! What a beautiful share from you. It made me so happy to hear that you are feeling a sense of renewal and inspired zest for life. This is incredible and if I had any tiny bit of a part in that, I am grateful for that ability to have connected in a meaningful way that makes a difference. Also, you may not be aware, but today, Xmas eve, would have been my rabbit Joy’s birthday…so your message was truly profound, as the film you saw had her name and she’s been so strongly around and sending me messages…now this…It shows how she is also still working her magick as the powerful one that she is, touching others as she always has…and speaks to our connection.”

You may remember I had a dream about Joy the night before the Christmas celebration with my family and then I saw in large letters the lit up word “JOY” on the window across the street of my parent’s house, as a neighbor’s decorative display.

And something else I’ll share more about when I’m home that happened yesterday too. Plus, another friend sharing how much Joy, along with my other loves were around her and felt so much, Laura also sharing how she and my other two bunnies had a hand in some gifts for me, and gifts from two other friends yesterday that she and my bunny loves were a part of.

Then this.

I hear you Joy and I hope that your message and presence will continue to shine a light of love into everyone’s hearts as you have mine for eternity.

May you all know and embody “joy” and wonder today and all the days of your life and may peace be your constant companion.


Solstice Magick

Yesterday’s Winter Solstice truly was a portal shifting one reality into another with so many truly magickal events culminating all in the same day that all went beautifully and couldn’t have aligned more perfectly. I wasn’t the only one who had felt this was going to be a powerful transition time and indeed it was. Not to mention had synchronous mergings all around.

I also felt that my bunny loves would have a hand in it all and so they did.

Without going into too much detail, yesterday not only saw an era end and begin with the Magick Bus being purchased by the most lovely couple and perfect new family for her, but saw Dave’s dad through a very successful surgery, there were two very special events that took place and were celebrated with a birthday and a union, my parents and we had some solidification of new anchored, we received more clarity on our living/housing situation, snow faery flurries of snow started off the day and created a wonderland fit for the Solstice, I created a Winter Solstice crystal grid with new crystals that will be utilized in some upcoming cosmic/faery/shamanic creations (this was a way to activate them set with the backdrop of the perfect Christmas card my parents gave me, as you can see having the words “A Gift…A Joy…A Miracle”):


I had prophetic dreams the night before of one of the events that took place and had smelled what seemed like roses and carnations (some kind of flowers for sure – the floral fragrance was so strong) wafting in the air during the time it was to happen that no one else could smell around me even though I was no where near the event (this felt like timelines merging and portals accessed), and I found the perfect private beach in Zephyr Cove (perfect name too) for some of Cosmo’s ashes to be spread on the lake per his wishes on this day, as his beloved Joy and dear friend Nestor had had theirs.


I even found confirming gifts of a white quartz stone shaped like a heart, and a lovely feather, on the beach just before reaching the stone pools where I lovingly dusted 5 small pinches of Cosmo’s Earthly beingness into a sacred little pool created by some of the beautiful, prehistoric rock formations of the lake.


There were other tie-ins with Cosmo and the Magick bus that made this day and events around these, to be much more than just symbolic, but also divinely orchestrated.

But back briefly to the Magick Bus. Dave and I never attached to any one person who would contact us to see her, as we knew when things were right they would just happen magickally. Plus, I’d already done a Reiki healing attunement on it all, so there was no reason to think in that way.

That said, I did have this sense that since these people wanted to see it on the Solstice, were driving all the way from Santa Rosa (4 hours away), which was the same place where the people who flew down and bought my Hunab Ku SUV outright for the exact price I asked were from, and I had the intention it would go before the end of the year, and maybe even before we left for our Christmas trip, it did seem auspicious.

Not to mention, it was the day I had Cosmo’s ashes with us and he and Joy had been actively working on bringing the right people to her.

My next indication was when the woman and I immediately learned that we shared the same favorite number and have had it our favorite since childhood – the number 5, which also so happens to always be a sign and message of confirmation from my beloved Nestor.

And more synchronicities came up during our conversations with the couple, which were uncanny. Then we were surprised by them offering us the exact amount we were asking, which had been the same with my car.

We were all just so grateful, as not only had they searched a long time for the right RV home, but we had intended the right people who would love and care for her in the same way. And we all discovered how we shared being meticulous people and how that was what sold them and what also one of the things that made us feel the Magick Bus was in wonderful caring hands. Yay!

AND, on the way to where we have the Magick Bus stored, we saw 18 hawks, which make a 9 for endings, numerologically. Then after our shaking/hugging on the whole thing and leaving, we saw 1 hawk for new beginnings. 19 total, also creating the merging of endings and beginnings in its 1 and 9 combination, but when added equaling a 1 again.

Needless to say, it was a day of big celebrations all around, bitter sweetness, and wonderful endings and beginnings.

We are now en route (yes, another road trip – 8 hours this time and with the kitty babies along for the ride) since this early morning after Solstice to Southern California for a long Christmas celebration feeling full in heart with love and gratitude for the incredible gifts received for the highest good of all.


I took this photo this morning at 7:30 am right when we’d gotten on the road. It was such a mystical view of the sun behind golden veils of mist and snow clouds. So mysterious! At times you could see the full sun behind a very thin veil with a soft golden halo around, against white blankets of clouds and lighting the tips of the snow covered trees in lemony gold. Stunning!

I’m not sure I’ll have time to blog until we return home Monday the 26th, but if I do it will be a brief message of holiday wishes.

Until then, I hope you enjoy the beautiful photos of my Solstice magick, as I always love to spread the energetic vibes and love to each of you. A way to share life from my perspective and to connect us across space and time.

Winter Solstice Reflections


As I sit here watching the snow gently fall, creating magick all around me, I am in gratitude of the cycles and seasons of life that have brought me to this very moment. I’m also in awe of the perfection of this sweetness falling from the heavens like powdered sugar, in perfect creation of what will be a potent and memorable day. This Winter Solstice has been chosen by my beloved Cosmo as the day to spread some of his ashes upon the lake to join in alchemy with Joy’s and Nestor’s, igniting a sacred wave of shifts abound.

Other things are also taking place today and ending/beginning, so I will be reflecting upon and adding energy to the magickal brew a-stirring.

Today marks another new cycle and change of seasons as we welcome in the Winter Solstice (for the Northern Hemisphere and Summer Solstice for the Southern Hemisphere). This brings the end of the old year’s cycle, as we begin anew, and provides a supportive time to make leaps in consciousness by moving within to shine your light, as the light lessens on this shortest day/longest night of the year (or longest day of the year for you Southern Hemisphere folks).

We’ve been continuing to clear in preparation for new and more natural ways of living from our highest and likely you’ve been experiencing heightened awareness of all things in your life through varying ways of experiencing these, relative to each, and coming to feel more self alignment and merging taking place.

This is creating an upsurge of excitement, as you feel the energy field welcoming you into your truth more than ever.

Where ever you are in your journey, is perfect, and likely you have that sense, even if moving through the “ick” still, that there’s something different this time in the experience.

I simply would encourage you to let go, do what ever you can to maintain your own inner balance and harmony so that you can vibrate at your own relaxed and natural personal frequency, and compassionately realize that you are different than everyone else and therefore you only need to exercise your own sovereign free will and lovingly allow them to do the same.

More and more you will be experiencing, embodying, and emanating so much more light, which is not to be feared, but to be celebrated.

Through this Winter Solstice “gateway” you can be mindful of this turn of seasons to be more soul driven and may feel called to take some moments to honor this flowing change of life cycles. Perhaps creating a special sacred space or ritual act to honor the “return of light” that this Solstice is reminding us.

Candles and crystals come to mind when I think of ways you might symbolically create that space, or perhaps simply envisioning and imagining (imagination is a powerful tool) the light and inner fire of your heart and soul expanding and filling your entire body and emanating out and joining with the light of our Great Central Sun, allowing yourself to take up more space and be who you really are.

Winter Solstice provides a supportive time to honor the remembrance of light that you are, for making those leaps in consciousness by moving within to shine your own light, and to “see the light” even when things get dark and you’re unsure of what to do, where to go, or even how to think or feel.

There is so much potential available to each of you and it is up to each individual how you choose to embrace this or not. It’s an opportunity to completely reinvent yourself and your life and to do things more differently than ever before, which will take the courage of being willing to shine your light even if no one else around you is.


A lovely Christmas card I received this year from a beloved friend that reminded me of the little faery ballerina me, alongside a photo of me at 3 years old practicing my ballet poses. 

Childhood memories of myself as a ballerina and the passion I expressed through me with dance brings depth to the meaning of today’s “rebirthing of the Light” and life and spirit.

We all have the opportunity to courageously be born again like a seed of light, as we deepen into the stillness of the dark.

There is much hope and promise within remembering the heart of who I am and what was alive within me as a child. Some of what I/we may have forgotten.

There’s an integration that takes place and frees me even more when I reclaim those parts of my essence.

What this means to me is that what ever it is I do take action to bring forth in my life, the little girl within me will be dancing her heart out while doing it, as the dream is the reality I choose to live and nothing less than that.

Wishing you a liberating and enlightening Winter Solstice.

May your courage deepen and the creative impetus of transformation shine brightly within you.

What Are You Afraid Of?

What are you afraid of? What holds you back from asking for what you truly want and declaring your dreams out loud? Why is it that you feel uncomfortable in wanting something for yourself, in voicing what you desire, or that what you desire is bigger than you’ve allowed yourself to accept as possible?

I’m wishing and dreaming bigger than I ever have and am no longer uncomfortable with asking for the things I really want to create in my life no matter how crazy they may seem to others. Claiming our abundance and innate worthiness helps us step into greater wholeness and empowerment. I speak my truth, own my path, and surrender into the flow and alignment of actualization that is in the highest good of all concerned.

We’ve been conditioned to put our desires and dreams on hold… that they aren’t important, can never happen, and aren’t right to want because we must do for others first.

But what if you learned that your dreams and gifts are expressions of the collective’s highest good making themselves known through your desires?

You have a purpose and those nudges and urges you feel deeply are tied into a need that will nourish us all.

But you need to feed it in order to see it.

You will understand how those dreams gift others as well, once you follow that stream of energy all the way through.