A New Moon & A New You

With today’s New Moon in Capricorn – the last of the year before we welcome in 2017 – I wanted to pause a moment to share how so much has shifted this year for me in terms of the structures and “routines” of my life, which Capricorn energy focuses much upon. While the energies abound also place focus on a time of review, rest, and nurturing of your own inner needs, Capricorn will assist with how to harness these in a responsibly resonant way that reflects who you are and the path of intents you are activating in your life.

This will involve honestly looking at the intricate details of how you’ve been living your life, how you go about your daily processes, your approach to life, and the amount of energy and time you extend to all things including, but most importantly – you.

Who are you?

Are you embodying the “you” you were born to be and share with the collective?

Do you relish in being yourself?

What are you doing to empower yourself and the gifts you were born to cultivate?

Are you ready to unleash your natural talents and release the limiting inhibitions, old patterns, and fears of increasing the magnitude of energy you came here to shine?

Are you willing to reclaim your origins of purity that naturally align you in harmony?

It’s time to hit the reset button, if you haven’t already, to revitalize your experience of life, restore your faith and trust in why you are here and how who you are can make a difference, and it’s an opportune time to do all things self-nurturing and supportive of regeneration and recreation of your life lived most authentically.

All this to mirror Nature with your own innate ability to renew through the cycles of life.

I know this year of 2016 was a challenging one for many and while I didn’t experience it in that way, I did learn what was important and vital to my own “nature” and have been implementing that more than ever.

Although I did see my two bunny loves transition and went through my own literal and profound death experience (allowing purification and a new “more me” to be reborn and step into my body while the old me was released) this year (the things that contributed to the collective #9 year of closure), I was able to maintain my vibration through it all and that came with my commitment to nurturing myself, flowing with the energies and inevitable transmutation that was necessary, listening to my needs, reclaiming parts of me, spending tons of time in Nature, balancing and softening my life, and returning to who I really am.

So, my experience of 2016 was cathartic and deeply nourishing and revitalizing, whereas I could have experienced it in a traumatic way.

And a lot of this, as mentioned, has been in realizing, embracing, and putting into motion the need for self nurturing and retrieving back my power in a personally empowering way that ultimately allows me to be more of a responsible contributor to the collective.

I’ve never nurtured myself and honored my energy as much as I have this year and this has continued to increase.

I saw so many things I desired personally and wanted to heal within myself, truly anchor.

I saw the anxiety and fixations on things disintegrate completely.

And life has become soft, flowing, responsive, and increasingly harmonized. It’s truly something I awe at when I really look at the changes that have taken place over the course of my life and how I feel now versus before. It gets me emotional to realize the difference I feel in comparison to the life I was once living.

And I have seen that when I honor these things within myself that the Universe/All That Is has been conspiring to support it all even more.

This especially so with the self nurturing, as my life has become surrounded with tangible and non-tangible forms of everything nourishing to my mind, body, heart, and soul.

I’ve shifted the way I approach everything I do and have shifted the anxious over-achiever-me into the peacefully flowing, confident, and anchored co-creator.

Even the place we live in currently is such a dream and has everything I could want to support this new cycle in my life to ensure well being and cultivation of what I’m birthing.

From a dream view in a sacred place that I love, which I face daily, a jacuzzi with light therapy and sauna to provide relaxation and purification, a biomat to nourish deeply, and Christmas gifts from my family and ourselves of a shiatsu foot massage with heat I use on my Pisces feet daily, a flameless candle fountain with flowing water energy, LED wax candles that can remotely be programmed for color therapy, daily nature immersions, creative time spent making delicious, healthy, and comforting foods, surrounding myself with reflections of my heart, having the ability to focus on my passions and doing what I love, blessed with incredible friends, family, and spirit guidance….I’m feeling like I live in a dream and day spa round the clock and almost have to pinch myself that this is the experience I manifested through a life of dedication, despite discouraging years of challenge.

To say I’m grateful is a HUGE understatement.

And that goes along with truly being grateful to myself for hanging in there, continuing to forge ahead, and never giving up.

I tormented for so many years in my teens, early twenties, and thirties with why life had been so hard and wondering if ever I would experience what I envisioned possible in feeling.

And it wasn’t until I started integrating all aspects of my life and bringing physical and spiritual together in a sensual merging and honoring of the gift, beauty, and meaning of both being of stardust and living as a human, that life has emerged as such.

Now I’m truly seeing that the hope I held onto was not in vain.

And this is only the beginning…for me, for you, for us all.

I know this year was very hard for everyone and still may feel challenged, but I’ve also seen and heard of so many seeing the cycles of change through and coming out the other side with renewed zest for life and new beginnings emerging from seeing their dreams begin to manifest, realizing what they’ve accomplished, getting clarity on their path and direction in life, new more aligned dream jobs manifesting, engagements, marriages, pregnancies, births, moves to heart home places, dream travels actualized, new life adventures begun (several people jumped in rv’s this year too)….and more.

The end of one era and walking through the door of a new one.

And through it all it’s key to take care of you, as that will ensure all that you desire to do “out there”.

I realize the importance of taking care of me and it’s provided me so much more to give out to others without ever feeling depleted anymore and I’ve learned the most supportive way to be on path for me that will continue to honor myself and others simultaneously.

And this will include continuous self nurturing, reviewing my life to make any necessary adjustments that optimize things, continuing to strengthen my boundaries, creating intents and goals that keep me on point and utilizing more and more productive use of what I have available.

Capricorn energy is a guiding force in my life with it as my ascendant, North Node, and having Mars propelling it in my first house, and it wasn’t until recently that I’ve understood how to harness this energy.

I can only imagine what might be with continued cultivation and paying attention to the responsive integration of its energy in my life.

This New Moon highlights Capricorn essence for us all…and while this may be a cycle currently we’re moving through that can propel you when you harness what it is showing you in your life, I believe that working with all of the signs and energies in their most productive forms, throughout the year, will support us into living as the wholeness we are.

About Tania Marie's Blog

Creating life as a work of art with a magick rabbit by my side. I remember my song. Do you? Artist, Author and Reiki Master Teacher with over 30 years' experience in creative healing arts and metaphysical studies. Tania inspires people globally to return to natural harmony, draw forth imagination to manifest dreams, embody creative empowerment, and live more magickally and abundantly from their most natural frequency – in essence, Tania helps you to remember your song.

Posted on December 29, 2016, in Uncategorized and tagged , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 10 Comments.

  1. I love, and am grateful for, all the magick, insight and light you share with us.
    You are so loved, sweet spirit! xo

    • thank you sweet friend. i’m so appreciative of the love filled soul and heart you embody and for the loving words of support. i wish you a wonderful new year and all things peace and joy filled. xoox love you!

  2. Walking with you into 2917, bringing new insights we have had this year… here’s to creating our heart and soul’s desire… love to you x barbara x

    • so many wonderful insights indeed, too. thank you barbara. i feel this year will help anchor them all and bring more full-bodied experiences of those insights and understandings we’ve embraced. love to you and warmest wishes for a wonderful new year! xoox

  3. Reblogged this on Reiki Dawn and commented:
    Sharing from sweet Tania Marie. I celebrate her and the ways she has found that shines her best and brightest self. By reading this post Tania also gives very defined steps on how she came to the place she is in her life and all that she has to look forward to. I for one eat these up. It’s a map for me to emulate. Even though my path isn’t the same it’s a guide to discover and integrate the life you so desire. Where you are thriving on all levels.

    As Tania shares it was a huge year for changes. I am blessed to be one of those people that can flow for the most part with change and enjoy it. It invigorates my life. If you are not one who change comes easily to it’s been challenging. I hope it becomes easier for everyone to embrace the change. To me it really is about life taking you where you were meant to be. Just as Tania saw her bunny loves transition and played an active role in that phase, I too saw my Jadey girl kitty transition and I am now in the midst of spending what time my Java boy has left prior to his transition. We do what we can each each moment to make it special, loving and conscious. I am very clear that our next phase of life (each of us) together yet not physically is exactly what and when it was meant to be. I took an early retirement this year, purchased an RV and Java and I began to take trips. We made two trips. now we are home honoring our connection and our mutual love together before he transitions. This year has been incredible and yet it is just the beginning. I look forward to embracing and connecting with the real me. Reflecting all that that is Love to all

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