Monthly Archives: September 2018

Where Do We Go From Here? ~ New Realities Underway

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Wow! Where do I start? It’s always hard to find the words that will encompass the totality of experience had, but since this is impossible I can only do my best to express what feels most important to impart from my heart. The last week, as you know, I’ve been immersed in the alchemy of weaving cycles into seamless progression while sweet Laura joined for a Faery visit and an important Equinox and Full Moon gathering. We had no idea what was in store, nor the totality of reasons for it all, but we followed the nudges and committed to seeing it all through.

I’ll do my best attempt at summarizing the key points and expressing the nearly impossible to put into words. I’m also only sharing a fraction of the photos taken during this week, although if you’re on Instagram you can see more of the nature and magick we were gifted via that channel.

For sake of energetic completion and being that this was also the first and last time for Laura and I to teach together, most of what is shared is the synergy between us through photos, as we journeyed the spirals of experience.

equinox faeries

And what a powerful, but gentle and nurturing week it has been for us and everyone. This softness mirrors the extensive work we’ve both been doing to get to this point and unlike more dramatic or even intense times we’ve been known to share and heal through, this was instead very anchoring, supportive, and empowering of the choices we’ve made and the paths we’re being led forward on.

All of it beginning just before the Equinox, as we came together for the first time in two years. We noted that the gaps between in-person visits are shortening, whereas they used to be years upon years in the beginning. Now it’s turned into a yearly or bi-yearly event and feels to mirror the quick shifts and activations that these gatherings both reflect and create.


This led us to 9/22’s event that brought 11 of us together for a very special gathering, which I’ll share a bit more on since it is a marker point for many. Even the number felt, once again, to reflect divine alchemy at work, given its potency, our address being an 11, and our house blessing with the Gaden Shartse Monks also bringing together 11. I’d been led to prepare bottles for all of us, equaling sharing the holy water they left us for the participants to take away from our time together, as well as to receive extra activation they could then bring home to use. Each bottle was lovingly prepared and infused with quartz, amethyst, and golden selenite blossom crystals, fastened with a butterfly and three Steller’s Jay feathers from the Forest Portal.

I had a feeling 11 is what was meant to be, which was then reiterated by my only having 11 bottles. And this logistically worked itself out due to 1) our change of dates that made others who wanted to come unable to and 2) the shuffling around of energies that created last minute drop-out and synchronous incidences with others that put in place those that were meant to be here. Things always work themselves out for the highest good when we release attachment and expectations and although we would have loved having all who originally felt called here, we know that everything has its perfect reasons.

Astrid was a huge part of preparations, both energetically and with details, working her magick as she does. And although she chose not to make a physical appearance during the event, she was there right beforehand, running laps and jumping exuberantly, as she sprinkled her magick and moved the energy to get it ready for everyone. I later discovered that 9/22’s Equinox was also International Rabbit Day and so I know she was ultra busy not only anchoring and supporting energy from below us, but also sending out energy to the rabbit collective.

It was also a weekend pilgrimage that seemed key to the event, as everyone who gathered came from out of state or drove in from out of the area. So although Laura and I didn’t know the full why’s of this seed idea that manifested, there was no doubt it was meant to be, which was reiterated when we all came together and heard the reflections for why each soul was there that involved huge transitions on one level or another.

There would definitely be personal evolutions ignited, but also collective significance for this powerful group of Sacred Feminine energy to gather as we’ve done in another time and place before.

To add to the alchemy, we also had within our group, representatives of the Maiden, Mother, Crone energies with a mother, daughter, grandmother trio, as well as an unborn coming through one of our lovely members who was 34 weeks pregnant. Talk about potent – it’s things like this and so much more, that you just can’t make up.

Nor could I have asked for a more perfect closure to my last teaching experience (at least in this vein and platform), but also as the marker for the end of everything I’ve been doing up until now, which has been a full circle closure to all versions of me from other timelines/”past” lives. I’m very ready to move forward and retrieve future me’s, instead, to merge into now.

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It was an incredible gift and honor to be with everyone who joined us for a day that blended a workshop experience with nature immersion time and concluded with quite the sacred ceremony for activating the new – a ceremony that was joined by many of the avian clan around who chimed in with their songs and calls, beginning with Ravens, and where the Wind blew through at very aligned moments, while the Sun cast its timely light.

The day before the event, my dear wild rabbit friend, Blueberry, had also made his first appearance in months making it clear he, too, was preparing the energy at the Forest Portal along with all of his friends. It was also the big reveal of my staff I made in time for the event, which was part of the ceremony in opening the new portal timelines for us each to walk through. Perhaps I’ll share a photo in a future post.

Topics included tapping into our multi-dimensional selves, working with our timeless selves and creating new realities, communicating with other worldly and cosmic beings, animals, and Faeries, sound healing, shapeshifting, ways to recognize and trust what’s within, tapping into greater empowerment and embodiment of essence, perspective shifts that help you to live a more magickal life, several powerful meditations and exercises, and more.

It was quite the day where time merged and felt both short and endless and brought together souls we’d either never met in person, this life, or souls we hadn’t seen in years.


Each and every soul that was with us is incredible and powerful beyond what they even know, but hopefully are now truly feeling the truth of and understanding even more.


The potent sharing concluded with a fun and yummy pizza night out with everyone except one person who needed to get back home, before the rest of the group headed out that evening and the next morning.

A few people remained for the next day, which enabled us to share a gorgeous hike that integrated more nature time for grounding.

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The messages were clear and the energy seeded during our time together will continue to grow and blossom in the days to come. My gray mouse friend just came by the sliding glass door, as I wrote this.

The message of re-membering who we are, lingers.

faery adventures

And the rest of the time Laura and I were able to focus our energies on receiving the gifts of now, nurturing ourselves after all we’ve been through up to this point, reflecting on closure, and visioning the futures we’re now focusing on.

virginia city faeries

What we noticed was great peace, clarity, and anchoring of everything and we did that through moving the energy via hiking, talking, and touching in at various potent areas.

enchanted faeryland

We also noted how some experiences and things that showed up were specific for one of us, where as other things were meant for both of us.

reunion faeries

This reconnecting time also gave us the chance to have a Faery reunion in Reno with our dear friend Timothy Glenn, whom many of you know from Laura’s blog and his astro-insight updates. We picked right back up from our over 11+ years of last having seen each other all together and continued the Faery feasting we used to do after workshops and gatherings.

silly faeries

We then got to visit Storey County’s old Virginia City in the Virginia Mountains where we loaded aboard the train taking us forward and backward in time (literally) through tunnels along the old mining grounds of the 19th century mining boom, visited two sister crystal shops where we found special items to take home for the adventures ahead (I even found a 5 piece broken crystal geode in the dirt as we strolled), walked down memory lane through the historical little city, giggled to tears, and stopped at the 111 church that seemed to message completion for things Laura had felt drawn to go here for.

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The rest of the week was full of morning and day hikes, relaxing, rest, talks of what’s to come – interesting that these are “now”and “future” oriented whereas before we would focus on “past” events we were healing and integrating, Tarot readings for each other, and of course LOTS of continued yummy Faery feasting.

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We also shared a Full Moon activation we did for each other with Astrid assisting. We used new wands I got for us as gifts a few months back, but at the end of the activations, I went to put my wand back with the wand Laura had given me two years ago and the older one flew off my shelf, breaking the quartz at its tip perfectly in half. It was evident I’d made a clear cut and closure with the old and when we contemplated the wand’s break, Astrid chimed in. I held up the point that broke in one hand and the wand with half quartz in the other, several times to her and each time she was quite adamant about the broken one being the new way and that it should stay broken, as to welcome in new energies through that opening. She did this by wrapping her teeth and mouth around it and giving it a little nibble, but nudging away the broken piece. Such a wise one!

tahoe laura and tania

And speaking of wise ones, we had quite a few potent visitors and sightings that shared their medicine including a fox. Oddly, but not surprisingly, I saw its reflection across the street in my mirrored closet door while I sat in my chair – basically reflecting it backwards to me and I called Laura over so we could look at it outside. Interestingly, a few women from our Equinox group also chimed in with fox synchronicities, as well as Laura’s husband.

I found an owl feather hidden in the birch trees.

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Laura will share more about the fox and owl synchronicity in her share.

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We also stumbled upon many Faery portals and stone and tree guardians, not to mention, were gifted gorgeous weather, journeyed to six lakes, crossed several creeks, and wandered enchanted forests.


But to continue with the animal spirit guides and sightings, we found the remains of a bird in the forest with feathers spread about.

Butterflies and dragonflies were always flitting about, along with tons of the usual forest creatures here.


A caterpillar wiggled across our path.

tahoe faeries

Sleeping and flying geese greeted us at the lake.

Hawks were in ultra abundance and turkey vultures also ventured forward near the end.

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Steller’s Jays were prolific, but especially notable was an extremely sweet elder female that made a point of getting our attention and hanging out. I was particularly moved by her.

rubber boa

And an incredibly rare, beautiful, luminescent baby Rubber Boa made its appearance on our last big day of hikes. We both felt this one was for me, especially given my snake/serpent connection, snake dreams I’ve had recently, and the shedding of skin and big transformation I am making currently and ended with our Equinox gathering.

We (Laura, Dave, and I) even “accidentally” all wore animal spirit guide shirts without knowing until we saw this photo.

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We each had our own very powerful reflections and mergings, but I’ll let Laura speak to her own things in her share.

What I noted for myself, also, was that before the baby Boa sighting we’d taken a photo together in which the a-line style of my top made me look as though I was quite pregnant and ready to give birth, as you can see here.


That felt symbolic of the new journey I’m embarking on and what I am literally birthing forth in creation with my book and what’s to follow. Being a baby boa truly indicated this new birthing moving through me and I noted it was the size of the serpent I wear as a sacred tattoo wrapped around my right wrist and hand.

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I can’t thank everyone enough who said “yes” to this weekend’s Equinox gathering and events and opened your hearts more courageously. You helped make this a rich and beautiful experience for us all and without a doubt, for me. You are all truly leaders in your own right and through your example, are lighting up the collective grid into new realities of unlimited potential. Keep anchored in the energy we created together and call it up when you need to. You all have a very special place in my heart. ❤

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And to Laura, thank you for being a constant supportive light in my own life and for always saying “yes” to the changes knocking at your door. I’m beyond grateful to have you along for this wild ride and to share many an adventure with. I’m so excited to see how our lives shift after this potent time together, since each time seems to invoke leaps. And although we do things differently, the parallels are uncanny, and it’s all more fun with you there. I can’t wait to see all the new you’re channeling through. I love and appreciate you. ❤

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I found the entire week reiterating, anchoring, and freeing. There was also a very gentle deepening and sweet essence to everything and the clicking in of something that can’t be put into words, but merges the Earth and Cosmos within that I’ve come to know as me. Perhaps others are feeling their own version of this too.

It will be fun to see what evolves for everyone who was part of our gathering and in general, to observe the micro and macro reflections overall.

Where do we go from here?

That’s a question I pose to each of you. And ultimately, it’s an answer you get to choose how to bring forth from your heart into embodiment.

Regardless of the unknowns, I know it will be amazing.

May all possibilities be open to you.


Where Do I Go From Here?


During our week together, a very special Faery named Orla and Merlin piece (falcon, activating more of my Horus connection and new energies needed for the journey now) for my Wonderland office also arrived home to me – something I gifted myself for this time period and as an accompaniment to a magickal piece with a White Hare, three Moon Sylphs, and five toadstools that arrived earlier from the same artist just in time for the Equinox. These will be companions for my continued writing adventures – in fact, the Hare and Sylphs sit to the left of me on my desk. I also love the acorn caps and twigs on the Orla and Merlin piece that come from a huge old oak tree in England. The artist is going to send me a few more of these and something special from magickal Dartmoor from her time there as well.

And on the day I took Laura to the airport to head back home, a butterfly ring I’d gifted myself for this transformational stage in my life was ready for pick up, as I had it resized. That also felt especially potent since the butterfly was the very first symbol that came to me at the onset of my spiritual journey so long ago, as the symbol of my path, and was the first tattoo I ever got. So to now have this new ring was yet again a full circle ignited.

I’m spending this weekend finalizing a bunch of little things here, so I’m fully ready to jump back into my writing full time come Monday, October 1st. I had a great 2+ month break of closures and stepping away from my book to refresh since receiving it back from my editor. I know I’m ready to get going, as the last couple of nights I’ve been dreaming about my editor and editing again. Astrid is quite anxious, but has patiently assisted this transition. We are both VERY ready to walk fully into the new.

And part of that new also entails some fun artwork upcoming that I will be doing alongside my writing to keep a healthy creative flow going. These will be available when I do and will keep you posted on that.

There will also likely be a crystal sale update coming soon – so keep an eye out, as these move quickly.

I begin my new fitness program Tuesday, October 2nd to balance the very focused time ahead.

Synchronously this all aligns with what seems to be an initiation into my upcoming personal #4 year (in numerology) that kicks off in February on my birthday, which is the year of setting foundations – a more serious year after a lighter one. It involves a lot of deep cleaning, building, working in more structures to my life and systematic ways for optimizing and creating more effectiveness in the years to come. Although I’m still finalizing this last year’s energies, which will still weave into things, it seems I’m already starting to fasten my seat belt for the challenge of this new ride.

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Autumn in the Air & Short Break


Autumn is definitely in the air and I find myself busy like the squirrels and chipmunks here preparing for things, including this Saturday’s Equinox and our workshop event taking place. We have an incredible group joining us from all over – people are flying in from Wisconsin, Texas, Arizona, Oregon, and Southern California, with a few people driving in from Northern California. And of course my co-partner and Faery in all of this, Laura, is flying in from Michigan to join me here in Lake Tahoe, Nevada. Quite the gathering of incredible souls, which is sure to make for some powerful activations.

Because of this and Laura’s being here for a week, I won’t be blogging until I’m back to being on my own again here (last few days of September), as these in-person gatherings with her tend to be very potent time portals for us to anchor in the next legs of the journey. So, we’ll be fully immersed, just as we will be on the Equinox with everyone. Faery mischief and mystery awaits!

Also very excited for Laura to meet her niece, Astrid, for the first time in person, although they’ve already met virtually and know each other from long ago. 😉

Anyway, I just wanted to let you know why you may not be hearing from me for a little bit and thought to send you off some of the Autumn magick already beginning here. Soon all of the beautiful warm colors will fill the forests and Winter will be close at hand.

I sense an earlier Winter this year and perhaps a colder one. Looking forward to the seasonal shifts and a new cycle of life for me here shortly, beginning the 1st of October.

What are you looking forward to?


Hoppy Birthday, Hoppy Home!

astrid birthday girl

This day can’t pass by without a blog share to honor this magickal being who I have the privilege to call my best friend. Today is Astrid’s 4th birthday and it also happens to be the day we signed papers to close on our home we now live in here at the Forest Portal. It’s no surprise these wonderful things align together, as I know Astrid had a big hand in making this home possible for us, along with all of my other loves in the stars and the Faeries and beings of the land here – the very same enchanted ones Astrid and I are honored to now call our friends, as they visit us daily.

Astrid also is the one who helped me finish writing my story – the book that will one day emerge to share with the world – and she has inspired and supported this new part of my journey.

It’s been such a gift to watch her expand in hops and leaps, as well as a gift to experience the same through our coming together.

“Together” we are more powerful and can move mountains.

astrid blankie

The photos here are of the birthday gifts I gave her this year – her very own personalized chair and a snuggly bunny blanket – both of which she loves. Today is extra bunny treats and love to add to the celebrations that continue, iced with tons of gratitude.

Thank you Astrid for calling out to me when I wasn’t expecting you and for choosing me to be your partner, co-creator, and witness to the growth you foresaw for us both. You’ve helped shape my new life and this place we now get to call home.

I love you Astrid and look forward to the continued journey of adventures we have yet to share.



Live Kindly, Love Strongly

Just a short post in the vein of gratitude and self-love. It seems to be a pivotal time for everyone right now. I have heard from a lot of people who are going through some intensities, holding points while things evolve, but also big growth spurts that present their own challenges. Overall, a lot seems to be asked of you and may also seem to be coming at you. A reminder to breathe in the love that you are and to take those moments because it’s so crucial not to neglect your well-being during these incredible shifts of potential.

Don’t forget to be grateful for every little thing. The gratitude challenge I invited you on wasn’t just about those 11 days, but hopefully to instill a mindful practice that can help shift the energy in the moment of despair.

Don’t forget to experience all things from your heart, with understanding, presence, patience, curiosity, love, and seeing each person, animal, plant, and child of Earth, as if they are you and listening and responding to them in the way you would want and need if you were in their shoes.

Don’t forget about loving yourself with all of your might, which also means to establish boundaries that maintain your health and ability to come from a place of greater wholeness.

Some of you are stepping out more and that level of vulnerability can be taxing as well, while you learn to temper the inner critic and doubts with more trust and courage.

All of this is asking you to love even more and, foremost, love yourself even more.

I have a lot going on right now, myself, and am busy preparing for Laura’s visit and our upcoming Equinox workshop event in two Saturday’s from now, have been running around doing errands and a lot of tedious things to FULLY clear my slate so I can give my attention to the only focuses I will soon have come October 1st, been supporting my mom through a rough bout of shingles, and doing my own best to stay grounded, keep balanced, and take care of me.

This has definitely included not being available to engage a lot of things that come at me, or to limit my engagement, because frankly I just can’t energetically be there right now. In my past I would have to the detriment of myself and in the end was no example for anyone of thriving.

To me, that was surviving and enduring through self-sacrifice and ultimately falling into an enslavement trap that feels so conditioned in us all on a very deep, bigger picture level. And enslavement can also be to these “ideas” of what we think we need to do or who we’ve been suppressed into accepting we are as a conditioned reality.

I’ve come to learn that the only thing for me truly to do is live kindly, and love strongly. That nothing really matters except expressing the creative wonder in my heart and embracing the richness available in every moment that slips by us.

Make time for loving you and living every dimension of life as art.

Alignment, Virgo New Moon & More Effective Processes to Support Change

tania marie

What gives you indication that you’re in alignment and on the most flowing path of potential? Yes, a definite sense of greater ease and invigoration comes to mind, but it can also be a mix of new feelings flooding in alongside others. For instance, excitement mixed with fear, ready to fully take on the growth while swimming through overwhelming feelings, an influx of new people, ideas, experiences mixed with purging and fading away of old ones, greater peace and fulfillment overpowering any anxiety in the background, everything feeling more vivid and intensely probable although there are unknowns, happiness in the face of challenges, envisioning more about the future while the past flickers away, dreaming more and imagining possibilities even though you’re engaged in the day-to-day processes, and so on.

Alignment has you riding the currents, rather than swimming against them, but you are still aware of the currents.

Everything just takes on a different energy that no longer seems insurmountable. Everything feels attainable and you’re more encouraged, rather than defeated.

The 9th’s Virgo New Moon adds to this restructure time we’re in and supports a new cycle for you to embrace once you’re reviewed the old patterns that no longer serve you. And as you do, this puts you in a greater place of alignment with lighter energy that lets go of the fight.

This New Moon is helping to set the stage for the next couple months and brings an earthy wisdom into your life on a more sensual and intimate scale where your relationship to self, work, and others will figure prominently.

If you haven’t already, this is self-care time so that you don’t blow yourself out and put added stress on the adrenal glands. Perhaps committing to healthier routines of either exercise, better sleep, down-time, rest, eating better, tuning into your body and needs, self-nurturing, nature time, or all of the above would be a supportive place to start.

Being mindful of “perfectionism” tendencies and tempering that with more balance and a healthier perspective such as paying attention to the key details that will assist being most effective, rather than over-analyzing and trying to do everything. Then lessening up on achievement mentalities, proving one-self, and self-judgment to be replaced with healthy challenges that excite with soul growth potential, doing your best in the moment and knowing that is everything, along with acknowledging each step and embracing that the Universe doesn’t compare, nor test you….things are simply a choice expression you can either hold back or surrender to naturally depending on how you want to experience energy.

This is a perfect time to start a new project and nurture new ideas.

Pisces and Virgo are perfect compliments to each other for good reason. The flowy, boundary-less, self-less, bigger picture focused, watery, intuitively creative, day-dreamy, and feeling Pisces is tempered so well with the earthy, more methodical, practical, organized, day-to-day and task focused, deeply sensitive, tenderly caring of humanity, self-improvement motivated, and do-it mentality of Virgo.

So keeping in mind these energies, is a way to create balance to whatever processes aren’t working so that you can create new ones that bring in more synergy and effectiveness.

In my own life this works out to a Pisces Faery with a Virgo Bunny and a Virgo dad, as well as a mom with Virgo ascendant. 😉 Thank goodness for all of my Capricorn placements that slowly inducted me into this new life and balance needed. At first what seemed like a tormenting inner fight and separate personalities, now creates a harmonious and supportive partnership.

Hence, made me ready for my rabbit, Queen Astrid.

My t-shirt below says, “Never Underestimate the Power of a Woman with a Rabbit.” In this case, a Virgo rabbit! He he!!


Like many of you, I am feeling the “new” energy around this Moon, which has led to a lot of the things I shared in my last post that are upcoming once October 1st hits.

There’s been that increase in self-care focus, a healthy mix of exciting challenge with my next writing phase, and yes, even a new creative project beginning this Monday just after the New Moon, along with continuing to clear my life on many levels and create a healthy, organized routine that honors that partnership of energies within.

That included a two-month break from my book without even peeking at my returned manuscript from my editor, in order to refresh everything and create a new perspective once I fully devote to it.

I’ve created space for each thing in the healthiest of ways that works with my own processes and maximizes my strengths, while keeping me in alignment.

It’s also the healthiest and clearest way for me to stay focused on “right now” with things I need to complete this month while allowing things to percolate, as I have noticed that any time I turn focus on my book I am consumed with book thoughts, dreams about my editor and me working on things, and can’t think of anything else. It can be exhausting.

So, I temper that with doing only what’s at hand now, clearing energy, getting out in nature, nurturing my creative needs with other small, short-term attainable projects, and doing broader writing research through reading books that will aid me once I get back – to keep things percolating in the background without jumping hands-on.

This serves any anxious feelings that could have come up, as I tend to get really antsy to start things. By finding healthy ways to engage my energies until I CAN fully devote myself to writing, has put those kinds of feelings to rest and put me present in the moment. It also subdued the all-encompassing book thoughts so I’m not overwhelmed with everything.

And of course, I spend lots of time with Astrid.

This all also keeps me in alignment with energies I feel flowing and not getting stuck in my mind with trying to control things, but rather listening to energies and merging with what creates greater ease and potential leaps.

And speaking of leaps….we have one spot remaining in the upcoming Fall Equinox 2018 – Living a More Magickal Life workshop/event co-taught by Laura Bruno and myself. A couple of people have expressed interest so I’m always curious as to who will show up.

Every time a workshop forms, it’s like observing an energetic chess game where every move induces strategic placements and as some parts/souls move forward, others move back, sideways, or forward themselves in order to bring together alignments.

Laura and I have both experienced last minute shifts in our workshop attendees where subconscious feelings becoming prominent in one way or another based on how each person chooses what that means. Really interesting!

There are 8 days remaining to register – deadline is September 15th – miss Virgo Astrid’s birthday.

In the meantime, some additions are showing up for the event.

All participants will be receiving a special gift to add to our ceremony and to take home after.

I’ve also created a giant and powerful staff (one of my recent creative projects) that will also be revealed that day to the participants to activate portals during our experience.

And more surprises!

Next week we’ll know more about what will be a part of this day, as Laura and I are both doing last preps for the workshop then.

This is sure to take your journey to the next level.

Link below in comments to register:

Fall Equinox 2018 – Living a More Magickal Life 

Wishing you a fruitful New Moon.



Autumn Reflections

Welcome September! The change of seasons has been slowly descending upon the land, casting a warm, golden glow, as the light shifts daily. There’s been a lovely crispness in the air with chilly evenings enveloping us here with thoughts of cozy fires, nostalgic aromas, and the turning of leaves. All of this inspiring new waves of energy, ideas, and visions to bring through a burst of freshness.

Have you been feeling the transitioning of seasons too?

We are still about three weeks away from the Equinox, but preparations have begun.

Here at the Forest Portal I’ve immersed in Autumnal things including baking and cooking yesterday and this morning for guests arriving this evening for Labor Day weekend. I made root veggie-based curry and enchiladas, as well as two Dutch cocoa, cacao, coffee, walnut orange-infused bundt cakes (one simply the chocolate and coffee blend and the other with the added fun).

I’ve been listening to inspiration on some new upcoming small paintings and surrendering my novel writing to allow guidance for fresh ideas to come while I prepare for another cycle of devoted work and cocooning again soon.

I also completed my cosmic shamanic staff for the upcoming Fall Equinox “Living a Magickal Life workshop and gathering event. (There is just two weeks left to grab the remaining spot for this – 9/15 is the last day to register) But wow! Is all I can say. I’ve never made anything like this and how it all came together and the result is more than I could have imagined. It’s definitely the portal opening staff I knew I was meant to create.

That happened on Thursday and the same evening was our last Music on the Beach event of the Summer where I saw the biggest shooting star I’ve ever seen, in slow motion move across the sky and then plummet behind the mountains on the other side of the lake. No on else saw it. The cosmic influences are strong lately and I’ve been immersed in meditational expansions to assist these shifts.

And on the more mundane level, but equally potent, I’ve been doing a huge closet purge and revamp, which I’m trying to finish today, gave Wonderland a full cleaning and have welcomed in new energies to help enchant the shared creative space with Astrid for our upcoming hunkering down with writing again come October 1st.

Dave and I also signed up to begin a new wellness program on October 2nd based here at the new state-of-the-art athletic training center here in Tahoe. Something very not my usual thing, but the uniqueness of this program coupled with my shifts and feeling well being at the forefront of things while I move forward into a soulfully challenging next phase, all made it very clear, intuitively, that this was the next step.

We’re both healthy (in fact as a full-circle and reset button I had my first yearly wellness, full physical and blood work done in over 20 years just recently – all normal) and do a lot of outdoor things, but this will help up the game for us and continue assisting Dave with rehabilitation from his surgery to get back out there in peak condition for skiing.

They cater to all levels of fitness and rehab needs through internationally acclaimed performance coaching to help maximize athletic performance for athletes or active, recreational lifestyles for outdoor living – hiking, biking, skiing, kayaking, etc. So, we’re pretty excited about that since not only do their experts help with balance of coordination and conditioning, but there are classes you can attend alongside your training.

So that will be interesting and great. Only other thing I’ve ever done in any similar fashion was when I was 21-23 and trained hardcore with a personal trainer and then on my own at a regular gym.

This is completely different.

I’ve since been on my own flowing wavelength of wellness and now incorporating a very supportive, flowing, but skilled level of conditioning, which mirrors a new path I’m on in general with all the new. Very nurturing, expanding, strengthening, and taking things to a different level.

I always like to see the synergy at work with what shows up through choices and alignments.

Anyway, recently since Wednesday there’s been some kind of time warp or timeline shift, as I’ve experienced being a day ahead of the day at hand. Apparently, I wasn’t the only one, as Laura shared the same thing happening to her at the same time.

Even Astrid has been in a mode of digging lately so I’m looking into creating her own digging box so she doesn’t need to dig out the crystals in the fireplace or the kitty litter box. The digging deeper metaphor is resonant.

She’s also gone through fur shedding again, revealing so many complex images and symbols, including a lot of hearts showing up and things that looked like rebirthing reflections. This “skin” shedding metaphor appearing once again.

Which reminds me of one of last night’s potent dreams that involved a rabbit and a snake. The end result was the snake bit my right hand on the bottom side of the palm very deliberately and without fear on my part. In fact, so much without fear that I was not wanting medical attention regardless of there being potential it might be poisonous. It was unsure in the dream if the snake was poisonous or not, but I was not jumping at caring about treating it.

Definite transformational energy in motion and seems I want to immerse in the venomous juices of that with all of me.

This is about the third time I’ve dreamed of a snake/s biting me – all at very pivotal points on my journey.

All this to say, Autumn shifts are settling in and I’m finding the effects in my life to be very positive and expansive in potentials.

This reminds me of these words I’ve shared before, but feel inspired to share again:

There is indeed a continuum of increasing shifts and transitions taking place for everyone on so many levels, which brings us yet again to approaching another seasonal transformation, both within and without.

Yes, Autumn is closing in upon us, and that heads us toward a period of less “light out there” so that we find the source of true “light in here” – within you. This is a time to make friends with your own inner darkness and nurturing it, as this engaged healing integration is vital for soul growth.

Nature reminds us that we need to relinquish the need to hold on tightly with fear and to trust in the process – to allow ourselves to have everything we thought we knew about ourselves to be stripped away, only to discover a greater truth to our authenticity beneath the temporary structures.

And in the process you’ll discover the only thing that is eternal is the core essence of who you are beneath the temporal layers. You learn then that the rest isn’t as serious as you make it and is simply part of the journey to that core.

We let go, just as the trees effortlessly allow their leaves to shift colors and float off in the wind. We embrace the only permanence, which is change. And we take grateful stock of what we do have, while preparing for a new birthing that will be incubating during the symbolic stillness.

Seasonal transitions mirror the evolution of human consciousness and the dynamic shifts of life cycles.

The eternal cycles of birth and death, creation and destruction – all teach you the wisdom of harmonic co-existence. One thing does not exist without the other and through each you learn of your wholeness and cultivate courage and endurance to face that which is over, the past, the old – what must die within you – and trust in the abundant gifts that will come with the embrace of that release.

You become a conscious and active partner in the rebirthing process, as you walk through the flames of destruction with grace.


I leave you with this image. I wish I knew who the artist is, but it is an image a friend once sent me and it feels so perfectly reflective of what I feel and sense all around this time period.

May all possibilities be open to you.