Monthly Archives: November 2021

Ashes to Art ~ Reflections & Wishes from the Heart

As Autumn winds down, days sing of crunchy pine needles and the last melodies of birds enjoying warmth on their beaks. Evenings then roll in with whispers of violet skies and rose gold rays, put to bed in blankets of starlight diamonds woven across black silken dreams.

Landscapes may be drenched in brisk chilly air, darkened afternoons, and early Christmas-lit streets, but there’s still this warmth it evokes, as if your heart fire is being stoked by the nostalgic comforts it all conjures up.

It’s a beautiful time of year and it’s also a sullen time for some. An extra reason to reach in deep and extend hands of kindness around every corner.

There is opportunity in every moment to see with eyes of compassion and ponder the possibility that there just may be a different way to navigate than our years have mapped out for us thus far….the sacred wholly experienced.

We only think things are separate – like light and dark – because our minds have erected boundaries between them. The only reason we know each exists is because of the other. The line we’ve drawn to separate them is also the place they merge and share common ground.

Just like life and death are both part of creation. And just like ashes can provide a rush of nutrients for new plants to emerge.

With time moving forward quickly, many of the forest trails have reopened that were closed due to the fires and potentially hazardous ground conditions. Two days ago we got to hike one of these behind a friend’s home, whose house literally was twenty feet from the fire line.

And although much of the forest was blackened and covered in ash, I didn’t feel any heaviness when walking amongst the trees still standing. While there is a mix of bitter and sweet in all the ways I don’t need to explain, I still found much beauty and felt life stirring.

There was a mix of life and death blended together; one tree untouched next to another fully disintegrated or cloaked in black and others literally exhibiting half and half on their trunks of light and dark merged together.

Deep holes in the ground whispered of ancient ones whose life force could still be felt in the hollowed soil and ashes; where once their massive roots extended, now the tunnels mirrored that of a rabbit warren with holes reaching into Earth’s womb.

We came upon a couple of forest service workers who were assessing trees and taking down those extensively damaged with potential of falling on the trails, and learned more of the long recovery haul ahead.

At one of the sites of a beautiful large tree they needed to remove, I found this slice of its bark that spoke to me.

One side was dusted in dark ash and the other smelled so fresh and alive.

I plan to let it dry out and sand it, but I can hear the story it wants to share of how energy and consciousness still goes on. This will be my homage to the forests here and a way to recycle that life force into art.

Ashes to art.

Lately I’ve been hearing the song of the chickadees filling the air and bouncing from limb to limb above our heads. I know that melody…it blends in harmony with Jack Frost’s whistle.

Winter is near.

While the streets and shadowed corners hold Jack’s kiss long into the evening hours, I find the shortened daylight hours still drenched in richness.

And what light does reach through day adventures we take, is full of coded messages and inviting presence.

Days have been full and continue to move along rapidly, bringing us yet again to another holiday season.

Today we head to mom and dad’s for a warm feastive gathering and before so doing I wanted to wish you each a happy holiday, however you celebrate this day.

The one thing that always stands out is the reminder of how valuable gratitude is to extend to every single day, as you never know if it might be your last or if it might be the last time you see someone or get to experience any part of life as you know it now.

With a pause and a breath, I recognize the micro and macro of blessings – some of which may make sense and others that have yet to.

Astrid and I have been busy little bee-ings buzzing around doing and creating much these days. That includes a lot of artsy inspirations added to what remains, of which we hope to have one last bunch to share with you in the next week or so in time for Christmas.

Our connection deepens with each passing day and merges in ways its difficult to explain.

But one thing I know for sure is the depth of love and gratitude we share for each other, this Earth experience, and for every being that shares it with us – near and far.

We love and are so grateful for you!

Prepare Your Broomstick Forest Witch ~ Riding the Taurus Full Beaver Moon Lunar Eclipse

Early morning of today, November 19th, sensual Taurus boldly joined the cosmic line-up in the sky. You may have felt drawn these days, leading up and descending out, to reflect on what you value most in life and what makes you feel secure in times of change and potential chaos. As this moon is named after the beavers who seek shelter at this time of year and prepare for the colder months ahead, we too can nurture the things worth our energy and that foster a sense of grounded comfort in extreme times. It’s also sometimes called a Frost, Frosty, or Snow Moon due to frosts and early snow that can happen at this time of year.

Although only small patches of snow are still present at our elevation here, the mountain peaks still wear powdered white blankets, and the short, dark days speak of Winter hiding behind the barren aspen trees who’s leaves now create a colored mosaic path along the forest ground.

Although not quite full, a couple of days ago our late afternoon hike up the canyon steps along a waterfall, graced us with a mystical November Moonscape. In person, the moon was golden with a soft halo glow emanating.

We felt Winter stirring in the brisk air, while the silence of only those who enjoy an adventure was the music filling our hearts.

During the transition from the 18th to the 19th, we experienced the longest lasting partial lunar eclipse (although it was near-total at 97%) in nearly 600 years and won’t again take place for over 600 more. This is the longest event like this in a stretch of about a 1000 years.

When we went to bed last night, it was just at the beginning of the Moon passing into Earth’s shadow, so the sky and forest were fully illuminated. I went out on the back deck, as we had full view of it. I asked Dave if he wanted to see, but he was already tucked in warm for bed and said it was okay, he’ll feel it. I joined him and he joked to wake him for the eclipse. I said, “If I’m meant to see this once in a 1000 or so year event, something will wake me up.”

And so I guess I was, as nearly at the precise minute of the eclipse peak, something woke me up. I went into the living room to find Astrid laying there and then I stepped out on the back deck just a couple of feet and there it was – the Earth covering 97% of the Moon in a red veil, with a sliver of gold at the bottom left, and the sky and forest draped in darkness.

The stillness and unusual appearance felt surreal and as if anything is possible.

This November Moon in Taurus provides grounding support during unpredictable lunar eclipse energies to assist you in discovering your balance and peace anchor while things get stirred up.

We so often want to control and know, but we keep being asked to let go and trust…this is how we gain back our power. Look at how holding so tightly to any area of your life has held you back from starting something new and more fulfilling.

What is so scary about surrendering and opening to the new?

No matter how hard those voices say, you’re not worth it, you’re a failure, people will laugh at or judge you, you have to prove something, you can’t change your mind, you have to see it through, it’s too scary, etc., they are only whispers of your past…shadows of an old you…stories of a lineage that awaits you to break the cycle….

Energies during eclipses can be like a snow globe, shaking up all that sparkly mischief in whacky or wondrous ways, but if you can find ways to ground yourself while allowing things to take shape, everything will settle again in perhaps even more interesting, supportive, or nurturing ways than you imagined. This is a time of resetting old, unsustainable emotional baggage and anchoring in new core foundations that have longevity and sustainability.

Self worth, strong sense of purpose, security, balancing needs and wants and home and work, building something new with greater value, and deepening into more sensual, earthy experiences and connections with the natural world are all the guiding lights during the eclipsing and seasonal darkness.

And while energetic shifts are a-brewing you can get your own witchy brew on to ride these energetic waves with some broomstick magick!


I thought I’d lighten up this post, all those transitions you’re riding, and these eclipse energies with a little creative fun.

While I was out in nature this week it was like a lightning bolt zapped me from a fly-by witch…and instantly I found all the pieces she wanted me to use to create these Full Moon Eclipse broomsticks. I was literally in awe at how it all came together so seamlessly. A way to bring a little mischief, magick, and elemental alchemy into your daily life, while unapologetically letting your inner witch out.

These are great for your altar space, for ritual and ceremony, to create intention with, and simply to invite a bit of magick into your life. Perhaps you might even sweep away all that old stuff, clear the air for the new, or swish a portal open with a little swirl of your broom. 🙂

Whether for yourself or as a gift, these sweet broomsticks are sure to bring a smile and tickle your inner witch into a silly cackle.

Each one is completely unique, like you! All created from nature and organic items…some have mini crystals, pinecones, putka pod mini pumpkins, tiny feathers, dried flowers, and plant dyed organic material, ribbon, and twine. These elements making them the perfect Earthy essence adorned in Taurus beauty – just perfect for this November Moon’s energy. The mini pumpkins even remind me of the Full Moon Eclipse in their shape and coloring.

I completed them late afternoon yesterday, just hours before the eclipse.

I ended up with 11 – gotta love that master number, unplanned alignment – that I’m making available to any of you forest witches at heart, or perhaps for the beloved nature-loving witch in your life. I also had one left over that I made for myself because I love these so much!

So prepare your broomstick, forest witch, as you’re in for a wild, wonderly, ride!

You can order yours at the same link from before:

Pre-Order & Ready-Made Items to Invite Your Magick Out

There are just two ready-made Magick Smudge Fans remaining – beautiful ones too!

I sold out of the mini mushroom kingdom ornament, half of the fans, and the moonstone point options for the Magick Wands. Some crystal point options now only have 1 remaining.

The only item that is available for pre-order is the Magick Wands. I removed the pre-order option on the fans, as I feel guided to just make the remaining that I have whenever I have free time to, and when they’re completed I’ll make them available on the same page.

And just a little reminder that I’ll be removing the Reiki, email and support, special discounted session page after December 3rd. So, if you were interested or feel like the shifting energies are a bit challenging, there’s a couple of weeks left for these.

For those of you who are part of the Collective Energy Dynamics Forum, I’ll be getting your recorded link session out soon. There was a delay with gathering everyone’s questions, but the Universe always has a way of aligning things. I imagine the Full Moon Eclipse has a little hand in what’s coming through. That said, please get your questions in by end of November for December’s session, as I want to get it out to everyone no later than the 12th.

What ever energy wave you’re riding right now, please know that we’re riding this together. It’s a wild ride these days and however you can find a way to invite a little more humor, curiosity, softening, and surrender, you will likely experience the shifts more gently. You may even come to know magick more intimately.

Multi-Dimensionality Opens Doors for More Possibilities

Coming off the beautiful energy of our live, intimate Collective Energy Dynamics Forum gathering on Friday evening, which happened to also be on the fringes of 11/11’s portal energy, I felt an increased opening take place that filled my breath with greater expanse. This was experienced also as another layer of integrated embodiment and not just something sensed or felt to be percolating.

There were several themes that showed up in our sacred circle discussions, but in essence they all pointed to our multi-dimensionality and how we are journeying deeper into this experience with the rapid, collective vibrational changes taking place on Earth.

I love discussions that take us beyond boundaries and also help us to understand the purpose of boundaries, simultaneously.

After a week of hikes, we decided to kayak yesterday and take advantage of the perfect conditions of a stunning day.

In my opinion, kayaking in the off-seasons offers the best of everything. So, although one might think Summer is ideal – and it is gorgeous! – it is in fact ultra-gratifying in times like these….those times when no one is around, stillness envelopes the lake without wakes from boats or beaches full of people, and the weather is crisp and deeply tangible to all of the senses.

I love going places and doing things when others wouldn’t because they are outside of the ideals people wait for.

I create my own ideal and hiking in rain, snow shoeing in a snow storm, or traveling to a destination at the time of year others don’t normally, has always provided me with immense gifts.

It’s no surprise it’s the in between times that can be so satisfying, which mirrors that even the in between times of our individual soul journeys, processes, and evolution, can be so full of gifts if we are open to them. And of course even the in between realms are quite full of mystical wonder to explore.

Opening up to the possibilities within all realms of experience, we can find the hidden treasures that defy what we’ve come to believe. Opening to our multi-dimensionality provides unlimited possibility to become a reality.

That greater expanse I mentioned at start, felt reflected in our surroundings while kayaking.

The photos I’m sharing here are from yesterday’s experience, so that you can perhaps feel what I’m expressing, and because to me they also embody a glimpse of that multi-dimensional, boundlessness that is becoming more and more available to swim in.

May all possibilities be open to you.

To Create Is Your Power ~ Intentional Creations to Invite Your Magick Out

When you’re feeling blocked, challenged, or frustrated, creativity has a power to shift everything. Many chronic experiences and even depression can be alleviated through creative expression and moving energy in ways that share your unique essence. Why? Because it moves that stifled and unused energy, transforming feelings of disconnection back into connection and passionate desire.

And if you don’t see things you like in the world, creating is a way to put more of what you do like out there.

If you are not creating in some way, it may feel as if you are dying and in fact you are diminishing your life force because you are inherently a creative being.

I know I go through spurts of creativity from small doses to larger ones, depending on my energetic needs and what’s going on in my life and around me. It’s kind of like the seasons of Tania, just like Nature has her seasons.

I also discovered along the way that having different outlets of creativity truly helped activate more parts of my brain, but also of my heart, and definitely more of the latent parts of my DNA to come alive and awaken from their slumber.

Even the fact that having rabbits – the ultimate abundant, fertile, creativity spirit animals – are more resonant to me and have been with me through the most important years of my life, speaks to how vital this creative energy is to my well being. So much so, that I have a constant daily reminder right there staring into my heart and leading my heart daily.

The more you engage creativity, the more life force, overall well-being, expansion, and flow is available to you.

Creativity also helps you tap into your multi-dimensional self, which opens a plethora of possibilities.

When you feel trapped or there’s no way out, creativity unlocks a new door for you that was sitting silently closed down the dark hall.

To create is your power – a superpower in fact – and no matter which way you choose to bring through your creative spirit, your body, heart, mind, and soul will thank you.

That said, I’ve been enjoying one of my bigger spurts of creativity recently and the rainy days have added to endless rabbit hole creative projects here in the Wonderland imaginarium.

Whether a mandala portal to transform and awaken…

A mini world for your faery heart to take flight in…

Avian medicine to create ritual, cleanse, purify, draw in supportive energy, or carry prayers and intentions to the Universe/Great Spirit…

Or elemental wands that unapologetically speak for the wondrous being you really are…

There’s an intentional creation awaiting that invites your magick out.

I invite you to explore some of these heart-filled creations that are available to bring home, gift to others, and even pre-order – a fun, new option you can explore at this new page link:

Pre-Order & Ready-Made Items to Invite Your Magick Out

Wishing you a magickal 11/11!

New Moon Rainbow Magick ~ Live in the Moment

On yesterday’s New Moon we seized the moment and went on one of our favorite bike rides, which we missed doing this summer, due to the smoke and fires.

Despite forecasts of 40% showers where we were headed, the morning sunshine welcomed us and we decided that even a little bit of rain would be refreshing and not worth dropping our inspiration to enjoy the day anyway, and get some fresh air and healthy exercise in.

We modified our 43 mile ride to a 24 mile ride and the above and below photos were just as we approached our starting point.

We were gifted a gorgeous day, no rain, the trails mostly deserted with the least number of people we’ve ever seen here, and a couple of rainbows at each end of the lake.

The first one, near the start of the drive to our destination, was just a prelude hint to the full one we saw later. By the time we snapped a photo though, its full color range had already faded. Not to worry, because the other end of the lake had the full surprise awaiting us!

It was obvious that the rain forecast had come earlier than predicted, leaving us with rainbows, autumn splendor, and sunshiny serenity.

We enjoyed lake and river vistas, small rolling cascades, fall colors, bridges and sweeping mountain landscapes all along our ride.

And the best part was the peace and silence, with only nature music to accompany us.

The message always seems to be clear.

Don’t put off what you can do today, as tomorrow isn’t promised.

Bigger. Brighter. Bolder. Braver.

While the New Supermoon in Scorpio may have you digging deeper or feeling all the feels, you likely might find yourself shedding more layers of old skin to reveal a new and even more potent version of yourself. That’s because what’s been lurking in the shadows may be knocking louder at your door.

Stuff wants up and out.

No part of life will be left unturned as the transformational energies continue to sweep through.

How we harness that energy in our own lives is the question.

And how we mindfully respond to that energy outside of us, will be key.

Bigger. Brighter. Bolder. Braver.

That was one of the general messages that came in just a few days ago beyond just this New Moon energy.

Where in your life might you feel drawn to go a little bit further, take some calculated risks, or simply invite more into your life because, gosh dang it you deserve it!?

Don’t be afraid to share how you feel, ask for what you want, write in your journal your biggest dream without shame or apology, wear that bright red scarf or pair of canary yellow rainboots, say “no” or “yes” and mean it, start a new business or put your skills out there for a more aligned job, make that move you’ve been talking about for ages, start that new project or program, plant some bright flower seeds for the season to come or pick up a bright flower arrangement for your space, paint your room a new color, maybe even get a fresh hair cut or mini makeover, or bring out the bling you’ve been saving to wear for that moment that never seems to come.

If you have a longing or tug deep within, explore that.

Not all of our deep hidden stuff is about the more challenging or traumatic emotions and aspects of life….some of it is plain ol’ desire on a very long winter’s nap awaiting an invite to your waking world.

While this New Moon may highlight making self-worth and self-love a priority, as we release, shed, and navigate change, in general the energy dynamics keep pointing us to look at how we sacrifice our joy.

What reality do you want to create and live in?

Happy November!

Hope you enjoyed yesterday’s Halloween/Samhain energies, however you chose to celebrate.

These are couple of the fun sides of the day I had that included Halloween inner child fun in the faery kitchen making these giant vegan pumpkin spice pancakes (no molds, just pure imagination) while listening to Monster Mash and Thriller playing in the background.

And witchy time with Boojum our black cat.

The rest involved nature immersion where I was gifted a sparkly raw quartz Samhain gift just after a large hawk flew across the trail, a sweet Samhain gift exchange, soft evening ritual after setting up a sacred Egyptian altar, and night cake baking.

The landscape around us continues to have that in between, seasonal energy just like the feeling of being in between times, dimensions, or crossing veils that are increasingly being experienced.

I hope you enjoy this sweet little montage of Autumn nature art from Saturday’s bike ride, along with an inspiring quote for the month:

“Autumn whispered to the wind,” I fall; but always rise again.” ~Angie Weiland-Crosby

And while you enjoy Lee’s Energy Update for November below, I’m behind the scenes here preparing the first Collective Energy Dynamics Forum recorded session for those of you who registered for this 6 month immersion. Please remember to get in questions to me – I’ll send out an email reminder in the next day or two. I’ll also reach out to the small group participating in the live session to set up our meetup date. If you still want to be a part of the live session, please reach out to me today – I left up registration for it just through today, while I’m preparing emails to our two groups here: CEDF. We are open to one more person tops to keep this intimate, so, if you feel the connection to this group energy please let me know.

I also have a fun pre-order offering upcoming in the next few weeks. I’m working on the details, but you’ll have the ability to customize a couple of items I’m working on as example. Stay tuned!

In the meantime, here’s another very resonating message from Lee for the month and aligned with many of the messages I’ve been receiving as well.

Themes include: rising energy and allowing the old to go in order to bring power through in new ways, body healing, confusion being a part of your journey to sovereignty, things continuing to surface that will change past narratives, electric storm energy activating and purging surprises and delights, and higher consciousness messaging increasing.

Happy November!