Monthly Archives: July 2014

July/August 2014 Energy Forecast – Lee Harris

With the onset of the 1st of the month arriving tomorrow, I felt inspired to reblog this post from July 1st, which shares the July/August Energy Forecast from Lee Harris.

Indeed the same themes are flowing through from last month and a lot of what I shared in this post were themes that synchronously came up in discussions in Bimini last week on our retreat.

Wishing everyone a peaceful journey with all that you are integrating.

Tania Marie

I SO have been experiencing this and was just writing a little bit about these very things that Lee shares in the July/August Forecast. I also found it synchronous to read his newsletter update and how he recently had a health check up and was needing to incorporate more rest and self-time, pulling back from things and part-time working. He mentions how it’s funny/crazy how it takes something like this to give ourselves permission to slow down as a human being.

I recently had been seeing the same in a few people around me and mentioned this to them, but it also takes a readiness to accept and that’s something individuals only can choose for themselves.

For myself, I know that because I used to do the same, I no longer wait until it’s gotten that bad in order to do something and make a change. So, with personal nudges…

View original post 760 more words

From Dream to Reality – 4 Day Equine & Energy Partnership for Healing, Clarity & Empowerment


The stunning and magickal setting of Epona Rise where we will share this journey together

Next July 9th – 12th, 2015 welcomes you to an opportunity to intimately connect with yourself in nature through exchanges with Horses and exploration of Reiki, including certifcation in Levels 1 and 2. You will also receive individual energy healing and integrative sessions in this idyllic and loving setting that welcomes you.

Hillary Schneider and I came together over a magickal dream about Narwhals. We both had dreamed of them and Hillary’s dream inspired a search that guided her to read about mine.

Alongside our love for horses, all animals, and bringing a return to harmony on Earth, we both also share a deep love for unicorns.

Narwhals are considered the “Unicorns of the Sea”, which make connecting through these enchanted creatures, that much more special. 

As Hillary shares, “Once upon a time I had a dream, this dream led to exploring the wide world of the internet where I found Tania Marie and her blog…following an urge I wrote to her, we connected and have been speaking about doing a workshop together ever since.”

Hillary and I are very excited about September’s offering at her magickal Epona Rise Retreat Centre, which will take us on a 4-Day intimate journey of vibrational alignment through the partnering of Horses and Reiki!

I’m inspired by Hillary and how she is truly “living” her dreams. I’ve loved her from the moment I read her first email to me over a year ago.

I’ve always wanted to work with horses and people in a broader way than simply my own experience, having been so changed by my physical interactions and my meditations with them. I have a very long soul history with horses and to be able to partner with them through Reiki – another love of mine – is a gift beyond words. And after my very special experience with the Wild Mustangs of Reno, I knew the Horses were speaking to their excitement and approval of this timely and aligned venture.

hillary's horse

One of Hillary’s beautiful horses – this horse actually came to me in meditation when I tuned in for the guidance on the offerings of this retreat ❤

Working with both the Horses and Reiki combined is a potent, mirroring way to be conscious, and take ownership, of your feelings, recognize the light within you, and live with vibrational integrity.

We are so lucky, as this is the first ever 4-Day retreat at Epona Rise in beautiful British Columbia, and what a blessing it is to share it with you.

There are limited spaces due to the nature of this intimate work with the Horses.

And there’s only 1 room available on the property grounds – we are also able to offer tenting onsite to anyone who’d like to enjoy the full nature experience of the outdoors on Hillary’s beautiful land, or we can direct you to the B & B’s in town.

So if you’re coming from out of town, please let us know as soon as possible, what arrangements you’re interested in, so we can help meet your needs.

For full details and to register, please visit:

Having just returned from another empowering and opening retreat I was hosting, I can’t share enough how these experiences positively transform people’s lives. The sparkle in their eyes, skip in their step, peaceful renewal their faces reflect, inspiration and hope they leave with, and the smiles that reflect their inner heart and soul light shining brighter, speak for themselves.

We welcome you to come join us or share this opportunity with others who you feel this would be perfect for. It is sure to be an enchanted, nurturing, and heart-opening experience.

Responsibilities…When Does Peace of Mind Come?

This post is inspired by a beautiful friend of mine, so many others in similar situations, and even myself from the past.

She is an amazingly strong young woman who is always giving of her heart and has  been taking care of everyone since she was a little girl and is now feeling lost, depleted, and on the verge of breaking. And that breaks my heart to know.

I hear from many clients and people I know about their heavy “responsibilities” that are the focus of their life currently. So many have been taking care of themselves and others for a good portion of their lives for one reason or another, or have felt the need to put their lives on hold because they had to take care of everyone else first. Sometimes this may be sick family members, younger siblings, family or friends that are in challenged time periods in their lives, and sometimes this may be the ideas like “I can only do what I want once I have “x” amount of money, get the job I desire, the house I want”, or any number of other “things” we “think” that we need first in order to have the peace of mind desired.

I feel that peace of mind will come when you have peace of heart…and that stems from going within and taking care of yourself, listening to and nurturing YOUR needs, asking yourself what YOU desire, providing yourself the space and self honor and respect to feel what you’ve been pushing aside for so long in order to endure and carry on with the heavy load of responsibilities you have been carrying out.

And then doing something about it today.

I do understand how challenging and emotional it can be to see loved ones go through pain in any way. It’s really hard not to want to be there in all ways and help them. And yet there is a fine line of balance we have forgotten. We are either all or nothing it seems with things. We seem to intellectually “get” that we can’t change others and we can’t help anyone if they don’t want help. And we seem to understand how we also aren’t being of the highest benefit and support if we haven’t yet learned how to take care of the same exact needs they reflect to us about ourselves.

But we just can’t seem to mesh mind, with heart, with actions. Things get stuck and lost in the reasoning, suspended there as an “idea”, but never translates into actualization.

What good is it to have the thoughts, if you aren’t able to walk in their shoes and fill the empty space they are simply holding?

It can be tough to turn inward and create healthy boundaries for ourselves especially when we see and feel pain all around us, but the pain is also within us…pain that yearns for our self love. And when we listen and support that, we are actually being of most support and responsible service to others.

On last week’s’retreat, one of the guests was in a similar situation, as the young woman I mentioned above. She, too, takes care of her father and has been heavily weighed with “responsibilities”, duties, being overloaded, and unable to think straight on what she wants for herself. She shared that it was very hard to walk away and go on the retreat and she almost cancelled at the last minute, but she knew she just had to or she would break…and if that happens she is also of no benefit to her father or anyone else for that matter – including herself. She had some very close calls in her life that were clearly messaging her that the time was now to take care of herself and her path’s needs.

I’m happy to share that she emerged from the week saying it was the answer to her prayers, feeling renewed and able to see with fresh eyes and get out of her head to make changes when she returned home. She added that the trip “has forever changed me…I feel the dance again and am fully embracing it!”

We often think we have to take care of everyone and are responsible for things, then we end up either in a victim or martyr role, completely deteriorating and the people we thought we were trying to help still have the experiences that they do regardless of how much we keep giving to them. It’s very loving of us to want to help and take care of others, but I have to wonder, when will it be time to take care of you?

I see people have recurring illnesses, “accidents”, challenges, and blocks the more they keep taking care of everyone else and I ask them if they are nurturing themselves in any way, which usually is answered with a “no, I don’t have time for that”, or “I’d like to, but first I need to make sure of this or that and that everyone else is okay.”

The highest gift and service we can provide is by being an example to others and loving and nurturing ourselves into wholeness. Then we are able to truly hold that space of wholeness for our loved ones and others to step into theirs if they so choose. As well as, are able to truly help because our supply of well being is abundant and constantly renewing. We become empowered to empower others, rather than enabling.

I believe we create our experiences by the choices we make and the perspectives we choose to embrace. There will always be something else that will delay us, as long as we agree to that.

Make today YOUR day to choose differently. Life will reflect the empowerment and love you embody.

July’s Reiki Special Ends Tomorrow!

reiki3Tomorrow is the last day to take advantage of July’s special that people have been experiencing benefit from, which includes a 15 minute laser-focused, distant Reiki & Crystal Healing Session to help unblock, bring to the surface, and help you to get in touch with the core (perhaps hidden) challenges that may be running the show.

These will help to support a return to balance, but are intended to help reveal, get you to feel, and release, providing you the opportunity to make changes with greater awareness.

Then it is up to you to partner in this process and implement the change.

You can purchase one of these for the special July pricing of just $44. 

Two for $77 (savings of $11) 

Or a package of Three for $111 (savings of $21) 

If you have any questions please message me at

You can purchase these now to lock in the price and use them later (as long as they are used within 2014), or they can be scheduled in succession as a series to really help blast through things. There is no limit on how many can be purchased, as it depends on your personal needs, just as long as they are purchased by July 31st.



Now We Are Free – Sister Spirits Soar in Bimini & Beyond

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Double arc rainbow greeting our first evening

Another sacred journey comes full circle on the spiral adventure of life and it never ceases to amaze me how every experience exponentially expands and deepens things to a whole new level. Having been on so many journeys both on my own and with groups (always focused on personal and collective work simultaneously) I remain in awe of the magick that divinely aligns and unfolds. There are never the words to explain and capture the feelings and experiences that take place, but the truth of it all remains a part of the heart and soul to take away with you every day.

20140725_104215_resizedAnd one thing that I’d been intuitively receiving was nudged more clearly during this week, which is that I would be getting back to more of my vortex and sacred journeys for Earth grid work like I was doing prolifically before. Hence, why I’ve been putting together the upcoming Peru journey, after receiving the guidance on that. I’ve continued my travels and on every trip I focus on energy work, but specific grid work is speaking loudly again, whether it’s personal trips or group collaborated. It was no surprise Jenny had also received the same nudge and we were already discussing future trips with the same common mission focuses.

As with anything I do, but especially so with meaningful trips like this past week’s, I devote a couple of days to write about the adventures and gather together the photos. Some people keep personal journals and I publicly journal my personal experiences and thoughts. It wasn’t always that way, but I’ve discovered how valuable it is to share things with others and many people have expressed how much they look forward to these stories so that they can feel a part of things and also share that it helps them feel not so alone because they see their experiences mirrored through the vulnerable sharing I put out there.

20140725_104325_resizedSo, as part of the process of personal integration, to tie in the journey for those that attended, to share the moments I captured in photos, as well as to share the energy and possibilities available for all others to be a part of these collective experiences, I am always drawn to express a recount of the stories as I saw them unfolding and what was taken away from the adventure. I never know what will come forth as I sit down to write, but I sense a lot wants through on this one.

Each journey is so unique and whatever shows up is exactly what was needed. I LOVE embracing the flow because it provides the highest possible outcomes.

Having experienced the immense transformational shifts from these sacred journeys, and observing the same in others, there is simply no denying, in my opinion, what is possible when we are nurtured in all the loving and supportive ways.

IMG_6326This last week in Bimini was another unique shared experience that was able to unfold in beautiful and powerful ways, because we all entered without attached expectations. When you let you go of the need to control or force things, and you release attachment to outcomes and expectations, you align with life. You then find that the things you desire from the core essence of you, are what life conspires to bring to you in more beautiful ways than ever imagined.

LET things COME to YOU and indeed they will.

IMG_6329I never enter any retreat or sacred journey (or any venture for that matter) with any expectations and this has allowed truly the most divine experiences to take place. I let go and let love take over and then I sit back and watch the amazing things that happen as a result. I always tell everyone, I have no idea who will end up showing up for things until the actual day “of”, as there is always this dance of energies that rolls in and out, while I allow life to conspire in alignment with the energies most needed for the highest good of all concerned.

And that IS exactly what happens.


The ARC and The ARC’s boat

The people that end up showing up, are always the perfect blend of energy that is supportive to the highest good of everyone who’s timing is aligned to join AND what is perfect for the collective since everything we personally work through affects and trickles outward to the collective.

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Our daily favorite beach at sunrise

So, this journey evolved into an intimate soul sister group of Divine Feminine energy that was lovingly conducive to every single person’s needs and the individual journeys everyone was on, while creating a collective group energy that was in total synergy with each other. And my intuitive hunches on this quickly were demonstrated, as we came to see the importance of that group dynamic from the get-go.

I cherished my “girly connecting time” and truly loved each of the girls who joined, bringing something perfect not only to the group, but also perfect to a piece of me that was reflected in each of them. I had so much fun pajama slumber partying it up, having long talks over tea, dessert, and nap time curled up like little girls…not growing up with a sister it’s just so valuable to me to spend quality time with women just being ourselves. I had the opportunity to deepen my “already” friendships to new heights and to make special new ones. Did I mention I love these women?

And I always see the empowering symbolism and messages in every little experience. As usual, this trip was full of them around every corner.

last rainbow

Rainbow gift on our last morning before departing

Our week was filled with blessings including, as Jenny shared, weather that “played us around” with wild thunder storms and lightening and an “alpha and omega” double arc and single rainbows (the beginning and the end or eternal), gentle feminine “girl time”, an elder bottlenose dolphin messenger, five sea turtles, a baby shark, starfish, a cosmic sting ray that glided to greet us the first day out front of The ARC, night land crab fun that had a couple of us squealing from it charging forth at us (lol!), tons of fun lizards daily, visions at the Atlantis Stones/Bimini Road, a light being visitor in our first session of the week, crystal activations, exploring our “true voice” through sound healing, inviting greater vulnerability and trust, releasing old patterns and emotions to shine more naturally and make way for new beginnings, nourishing our souls from the inside out with vibrant food, yoga, and allowance of rest and relaxation, strolling down memory lane with story-telling time that inspired and healed, and acceleration, rejuvenation, and renewal.


Raw vegan tacos

YES, it was a full week of full days and moments that felt both to have a deliberate slowness that allowed every moment to be absorbed fully, and yet in a flash it was also simultaneously like a blip in time.

And the magick and integration continues to unfold upon return.

But more on that as the story unfolds.


Jenny and me 2009 when we first reconnected – also when I first got my aquamarine and citrine necklace with mermaid necklace she made (she had shared she knew she created it for someone special)

Many of you may remember how Jenny and I “re”connected in Bimini back in 2009 in this life. I attended my own personal sacred journey in Bimini to do some healing and activation on a retreat she was hosting…and the rest was history since then. We’ve co-hosted three retreats since, from the onset of her opening The ARC. I had the extreme honor of being able to officially help baptize her new center on a journey over 12/21/12, which to date was the largest gathering there making it quite special in the way we were all able to anchor collective energies and help kick-start the amazing journey of healing and transformation that The ARC was founded upon and successfully is supporting week after week, guest after guest.


Me currently wearing the same necklace, 5 years later, on our last evening in Bimini – definite transformation since then

What I do is a soul mission and calling and I’ve known from the get-go that part of that included being a part of the energy at The ARC. Jenny and I share an amazing cosmic connection that keeps us bonded and energetically aligned. I respect her greatly and have cherished being able to do this work with her. We share a mutual honor and soul mission recognition. It’s always amazing to see how we parallel our lives and teachings, even without speaking much. There’s just this knowingness between us that speaks volumes of the telepathic connection, and I have come to see the times we are physically together to be these check-in points that are energetic activations, in and of themselves, simply by merging at specific aligned times. I believe this happens, not just with grid areas on the globe, but also with certain souls when they come together.


Chris smiling big even when she continually was soaked with waves from the rougher waters

That has become clear to me, especially from this trip. So I’m grateful for Jenny showing up and being the courageous soul that she is and for my own courage to embrace showing up along with her.

And I was happy that the other women got to experience Jenny’s amazing strength, confidence, and magick, as we sat many evenings listening to her awe-inspiring stories of manifestation. It was just the bit of hope and belief each of the women needed for what they are heading into creating in their own lives so bravely.


On the boat for our first day on the ocean with our Rasta captain, Alamo

Yet, the thing that moves me most and continues to fuel what I do, is the courage I see from every guest – turned lifelong friend – that shows up for themselves. This brave embrace trickles out to the collective when they make the decision to follow their heart, move through the transformational shifts, and join on one of these adventures. It’s really moving to see those transformations literally take place from one day to the next, as people arrive one way, but leave completely different, more open, and definitely more shining and free.


In total joy at my favorite place front of the boat

This week was a true joy for me as well, as I had the opportunity to share some new things, in a closer-to-home and organic way, that would also ask of my own vulnerability and truth to step up several notches. I always see everyone as my own teachers and that committing to the role I have is about vulnerably speaking my truth out loud, being willing to learn in the moment, talk the shifting processes out loud while sharing, embrace my weaknesses, and make all the human “mistakes” with an audience. It’s been one of the greatest growth processes for me and I have to thank this wonderful group of women for embracing me, and being who they are that made my own processes so gentle and so much easier.


Me being the silly, playful girl getting rolled around by the surf on the shore laughing the whole time!

To me, it’s simply about showing up to life with what I/we have to offer. And when we gather like this, while I or someone else may initiate that, hold the space for, help guide, and anchor things, I feel it’s more about friends gathering and creating the supportive space so that everyone is filling their role equally as the stunning souls that they are. Everyone is listened to whether they outwardly or inwardly are speaking, everyone is honored and respected, and everyone has something of value to share and to teach.


Melissa having tons of fun, fun, fun! as the light that she is

One of the themes of the week, was vulnerability, but also sweet synergy of supportive alignment we all were energetically for each other and the individual needs brought to the space. We all honored, without skipping a beat, what ever came up and what ever anyone wanted to do or not do. We shared those magickal moments of silence together many times, without any discomfort and need to fill the space, realizing how powerful that silence was and how powerful it was that we each unspokenly honored it. So much happens and is communicated in silence and it is such a breath of fresh air to be with others who get that. There was never a need to explain ourselves and never a need to ask…we were just in “flow” together, as the individuals that we are.


Janet exuding her inner child, girly innocence, tenderness, and purity

There were tears shed, breakthrough moments shared, laughter and play, silent peace, and new awareness.

I flowed with what felt to be showing up energetically each day and session, and also infused what I believed to be of great support for each of us to go to the next level into who we really are, activating latent parts of us and inner knowledge, and to bring greater wholeness to the journey of ascension. We got to explore our own “voice” through sound healing and explored our cosmic essence and multi-dimensional beingness. We ventured into newer realms and were introduced to new ways to really shift ourselves into our natural and most powerful frequency.


Chris emanating the light and strength of her truth

I’ve come to learn how just being open to exploring new perspectives, or simply to be present to hearing and discussing new things, instantly and naturally awakens those parts of the wisdom of our DNA in subtle, yet powerful ways.


Our first sunrise with a red heart-shaped orb illuminating the cairns on the dock

Not always do things have to be these huge big bangs to activate us into shifting. Most things are subtle and the more we practice them, the more they deepen and become natural to us, once again. I believe we all experienced how this takes place through our week together, whether fully realized at the time or not. And it was no wonder that everyone who was present, were all ready to move to a whole new level in life. We all came together in that transitional phase or needed that extra boost to make the changes, find greater clarity, realize the dreams residing within the heart that are now ready to blossom.


A fresh new day – sunrise from The ARC

And ready is what came out of the messages to all…yes we are all ready and will be supported on the next leg of the journey. Whatever your heart desires you can create. Just ask what it is you really want and when you listen to your body’s messages – ask it how it feels and tune in to the subtle energetic frequencies that are always alerting you – you will find your answers, which will always reflect your truth.

Whatever the body/feelings share, is the reflection of what your journey will be if you travel down the road you are asking about. It does not matter what the outcome is – release attachment to that and it unfolds for the greatest and highest good. But if your body reflects peace when you ask it something, you will experience peace the whole journey through. If it reflects joy, you will experience joy. If you feel it reflecting confusion and tenseness, you will experience a challenged path. If you feel fear or anger, then the path will mirror this.


Melissa and Heather – Heather is an awesome yoga teacher and an amazing and inspiring young woman who is so courageous and conscious. It was truly a joy to have her beautiful spirit with us, brightening each day.

We can all tend to get too “heady’ and our focus this retreat was on “feeling” and being “natural”. I felt it so important to discuss ways to embody personal truth, greater balance and empowerment, and harmony from the inside out. And we also had opportunity to venture down discussions of cosmic/extraterrestrial origin (one of my favs) and into embracing and becoming more of our Galactic Human Beingness.

And a “Galactic” visitor graced us in our first session in the yoga room. One of the guests shared how she’d been distracted a while, as I was sharing this cosmic information, because she was seeing a being of light in the room in front of her that kept moving and growing taller. She said it was listening in and seemed to be observing us/me and supporting what I was sharing, at one time moving to my side and turning toward me as I spoke. I definitely was in a zone and had shared information I did not go into that day having on my “agenda”, but something guided me to go there and so I was just drawing forth with whatever wanted to consciously channel through, trusting that the information was important and timely to impart as the initiatory phase of the week, that everyone was ready to hear it regardless of whether or not I thought I should or shouldn’t share it or how it may or may not be embraced.

IMG_6440After she told me and the others that, at the end of my sharing, I was not at all surprised and it made the energetics of what I’d been feeling, have a reiterating reflection.

We spent time also delving into “human origins” and our cosmic legacy that is within the inner library recesses of our ancient DNA. And interestingly, the first night that I returned home from the week in Bimini (which was also the first night I was remembering something from dreamtime, as I was very deep in Bimini) the one thing I woke up remembering was the words “Popol Vuh” repeating over and over in my head.


Egyptian papyrus art that synchronously hung across from my bed on the wall of my room

I remembered this from Mayan connections and research I had done many, many years back at onset of my ancient explorations, which opened up a whole new world and led me to where I am today. It was also part of the inspiration behind my painting titled “Cosmic Tree ~ Heart of Sky: Mayan Cosmology of Creation”. The Popol Vuh, or “Council Book” is the creation story/myth and most important sacred book of the Maya. The first part shares of creator, Heart of Sky, attempting to create the first human inhabitants, which finally resulted in creating the “true people” from maize.

I found this fascinating to be speaking through my dreamtime, given what I’d been sharing with the others and also how it linked to my Mayan pendant that I wore every day of the last week, until the last day (more on that below).

I’m still piecing together a lot of what has come through and was activated from the journey, but I also know that it will continue to reveal itself each day with new pieces to the puzzle unraveling.

me beamsThese are some of the things we discussed in order to assist each person with the choices they are facing and the new they are embarking upon, or desiring to experience. Some of it planting seeds several steps ahead  that will blossom when the time is right and provide the space to grow into. I am a big believer in not being complacent and always being steps ahead of myself to allow the energetic percolating to take place along the journey.

And every moment and day was exactly conducive to the needs that would support this process. Because none of us had any expectations, we were able to move freely through the experiences and find what ever showed up or didn’t, to be magickal.

We discovered so many layers of synchronicities that we all shared and it was fun to see some of these that included how we all had tattoos, we all were extreme empaths/sensitives, we were all Reiki attuned to some level or another, we all had a lot of parallel challenges in life, we were all around similar time periods in life, and we were all ready for a very large and life-transformational shift.

IMG_6375Another theme that showed up, as mentioned, was that of rainbows and I found this extremely magickal. It’s the first time I’ve seen rainbows down there in Bimini and Jenny said it was the first time a rainbow arc, let alone a DOUBLE rainbow arc, showed up in front of The ARC. And how symbolic and amazing to have it show up on our very first evening together?!

We were seated enjoying one of the “yummy” meals Jenny so lovingly prepared for us and as we looked out the opened doors at the end of our dining table, there appeared our greeting – a double arc rainbow was emerging directly in front of us across the water! Needless to say that sent chills through me knowing we were receiving such a confirmational gift and blessing from the Earth and beyond.

And at the very tail end of our week, as we gathered for some impromptu Kundalini Yoga on our favorite beach that we’d shared sunrise and sunset swims on every day, there appeared a small rainbow emerging between the clouds!


Rainbow that appeared in sky at home this weekend on Crystal Cove Beach

Interestingly, I spent this weekend at my favorite beach here – Crystal Cove – gently flowing back into things and saw a rainbow emerge from out of nowhere in the clouds just infront and above our spot on the beach from where I sat under the umbrella. That is the most rainbows in the shortest period of time I’ve ever seen, and so beautifully aligned in timing. AND, to top it off, I just spoke to Melissa today who stayed in Florida for a few days after visiting with loved ones, and she said that when she was flying in the plane to come home, she saw a full circle, luminous rainbow halo in the sky from her window! Uh huh 😉

And to add to the magick, the rainbows showing up is also aligned with a new project, as I had also been recently commissioned to paint a sacred painting of Rainbow Lorikeets by a fellow soul visionary, as an extension to my series, Universal ARKitecture – yes another ARK/ARC. 😉

Of course I recognized some of the symbolism and received messages from this, but also delved into seeing what other information on rainbows there was out there to discover. They hold some powerful symbolism including ascension, expansion, initiation, transformation, enlightenment, creation, promise, hope, good luck, divinity, potential, choice, opportunities, and harmony – all so perfectly mirroring for our group!

Rainbows are a unification of light in perfect harmonic vibrational frequency and embody a full color spectrum. They herald a period of fresh outlooks and perspectives, seeing multi-dimensionally so that you recognize the spectrum of options possible – not just one, transitions from one way of life to another, reviewing if we are honoring the promises and commitments we came into life with, what our relationship and connection to that higher source and self is, and being initiated into a new dimensional awareness and way of living – all things, by the way, that were discussed during our week. 🙂

Arches, which the rainbows create, are symbolic of gateways, portals, and doorways opening to something new and heightened awareness. So that double rainbow on onset was a doozy of a message that set the tone for what was ahead that week that we’d gathered together for. It may not fully have hit everyone consciously, as to what took place, but I kept sharing with them that A LOT was indeed and simply our talking about what we did and being in openness to the experience, was working its thing on deep levels.

Rainbows of course are also symbolic of “bridges” – we’ve all heard of the Rainbow Bridge where souls transition. It connects Earth and Sky and transports us to an integrated experience of unity and enlightenment between the two, as well as unites our eternal beingness.

Many ancient cultures and teachings also share the “rainbow body” as the achievement of the highest meditative state or ultimate oneness and ascension reached as a body of light. The rainbow has also been seen as a double-headed dragon that communicates thoughts and prayers to the heavens from Earth and as a rainbow serpent that when ridden provides illuminated guidance from the Spirit world – I happen to have as one of my spirit guides, Rainbow Serpent Teacher, who of course is Mayan connected 😉

IMG_6430So indeed I was, and remain, very grateful for these reflective blessings and gifts that graced us. It is a humbling and deeply honoring experience, like so many magickal symbolisms are that we receive on a daily basis, but perhaps go unnoticed and respected as such.

But a week like this couldn’t be complete without one of my electronic blow outs though, right? 😉 Yes, that did happen. One evening we were sitting and I went to shoot a photo and “pow” we all heard quite the electrical burst from my camera that scared us and a lot of charged crackling that I could also feel, which continued a bit as I held it. The flash blew out spontaneously and the camera increasingly was dying thereafter, until not more than a couple of days later it was fully put to rest by a wave on the boat. That same wave took out another’s cell phone as well and of course when I left, I left behind my cell phone charger in my room and was without a cell phone until today.

The fun and also symbolic thing I didn’t discover until I got home, was the number of photos on my camera’s little memory card, which to my delight were preserved. I was happy to discover that my photos were in tact, despite all else being so NOT with it. And when I placed the card in my computer to retrieve the photos I’d taken up until then, I discovered there were exactly 111. No more or less. Hmmmm….yes quite symbolic I feel. 😉

tania bimini2

Me at the beach wearing my special pendant necklace, which I wore every day never taking off, until the last day when I released it

Another thing I left behind was some very important and symbolic pendants on a necklace that I had. I was intuitively guided the morning I packed to embark on this trip to take this necklace I had with three special pendants hanging on it. Each one spanned ancient culture timelines from my “past” and collective soul that have been very meaningful in my life and part of the integration to wholeness I’ve worked on personally and through actual sacred travels I took. There was a pendant I got in Egypt, one in Cancun Mexico at a Mayan ruin, and one from Ireland. Each pendant was silver (the Egyptian one had some gold) and they each were engraved with my name in sacred language. The Egyptian one in hieroglyphs, the Cancun one in Mayan Sacred Glyphs, and the Ireland was Celtic in old Ogham Tree Alphabet.

(Synchronously, the room I stayed in was the only room that had an Egyptian piece of art on papyrus that faced the bed where I slept each night)

Some of my personal work on this journey was to leave this necklace in the energetic Atlantean waters of Bimini, and to leave a piece of the old me behind in her healing and transformative embrace. Since these lives and what they represent collectively, hold very charged times for all, I did an intentional sacred meditation for healing integration globally through this release, as well as for my own closure of these times, so that I/we can move forward completely free and new, infused with the wisdom and empowerment only, of those integrated lives. But all else would be lovingly left behind and the waters would be the alchemy to that closure.


Melissa and me – we always showed up with the same colored bathing suit themes each day

It was an emotional little experience I had and I was grateful for the loving support of my dear friend Melissa, who held my hand through it, as tears rolled down my cheeks. I can feel that part of me left behind and it was indeed and feels indeed, like a mourning that has taken place, but the empty space within me that at first felt sad, I know has made room for the joy and newness to fill it.

I made it light at the end, as we had been talking about the movie Titanic and feeling like these free “Queens of the world” on the front of that boat, by sharing how the old woman at the end had climbed up on the rails of the boat and so gently, child-like, and freely took out that necklace she carried with her for her lifetime since the sinking, and made a little faery-like “uhh” as she tossed it effortlessly over and into the waters back from where it came.

I turned to Melissa and said, that’s how I will do this…light, fun, and with gentle ease (the way I intend and desire my processes to be)…and so I placed it in my palm and gently tossed it with my own faery-like “uhh” – very freeing indeed.

And every day did become more freeing it seemed, as the week moved along.

IMG_6380I watched other’s faces shift moment to moment into deeper relaxation and openness. Everyone’s energetic vibrations went through a complete transformation. And each day I had us pulling Tarot cards from two of our favorite decks Jenny has in her library (a Mermaid and Atlantis deck of course!), to see a reflection of what our daily energy and messages were, how we were evolving over the course of the week, and what we would take away into our journeys back home at the end. They were always SO on point and told such an incredible journey of what was taking place for us all. A few times I would draw the same card for a couple of us, and always everyone’s cards seemed relevant to and revealing things for us all that were helpful. So it was a lot of fun to not only pull them, but we’d read them out loud and share about how that was reflecting for us and how we each could benefit from the messages. By end of the week, we were in a state of renewed opportunity and with so much love and support from all around for the choices we were each going to be making and fulfilling.

IMG_6348I also enjoyed our Yogi tea messages and my very first one was SO perfect for me and this week’s focuses. So much so I took a photo of it and it’s message, “Sing from your heart”. And sing from my heart I did, and shared with the others, and we all journeyed down the discovery of our voice and personal frequency through sound. On the last night of the journey I also pulled a card about harmony and musical harmony/sound, which was just so reflective, not to mention another full circle spiral from onset to closure.

quartz2We also had some Crystal friends that joined us for the week, as I brought along large Brazilian Quartz Crystals for everyone as gifts, which I charged and activated, to have with them throughout our adventures. I encouraged them to come into each day’s session with their Crystal friend, so that they would absorb the energies to take back home, and be there to support the process. I also shared how powerful it would be to bring them into the waters with us, and so everyone did, to really charge their friends with that beautiful crystalline energy of the ocean there. We all slept with or near our Crystals and when we napped/rested, several of us laid with them on us and woah!!! Activations were taking place in wild ways!

I had my Lapis Lazuli with me as my friend from the week and one of the stormy days Melissa and I rested together after talking on her bed, and some crazy things were going on. I never actually fell asleep, which I’ll get back to in a bit, but Melissa did while I went into a very relaxed half trance, but fully conscious and awake place. Thunder and lightning rolled outside as she slept with her crystal on her Solar Plexus and I with mine on my Third Eye. The day before she had slept with it on her Heart Chakra and she emerged from nap time saying some wild activations that she’d never experienced before were happening.

But this continued on this second day with my experiencing it along with her. Suddenly, I felt like someone had zapped me in the Third Eye with an energetic blow and it jolted my head back into the pillow and to the side as if someone gave me an electrical shock or was using a defibrillator on my Third Eye. And not long after, I felt the bed shake, as Melissa’s whole body jolted and twitched much the same.

I put the Lapis back center on my Third Eye – it hadn’t knocked off, but I wanted to ensure it was securely anchored. And not too long after the same energetic blow and jolt zapped my Third Eye back and to the side.

I figured after that I’d move it to my Throat Chakra, just in case it knocked off on to the floor, as the jolts were getting pretty powerful. And not long after the same thing happened, but to my Throat. I left it there and continued to relax, feeling like something quite powerful had just happened. And when Melissa woke up, she explained having felt it again while she slept and was happy I had been there to actually witness and feel it, as she was wondering if she’d imagined it.

20140724_202007_resizedEvery aspect of what unfolded during the weekend was so conducive to what was going on and intricately connected. Those thunder rolls and lightning bolts were the same energetic surges zapping through our Crystals and I found it so fascinating that the first days unfolded as such, providing a lot of nurturing rest time for everyone. Most of the others didn’t realize how much they needed and wanted to rest and shared that they normally don’t nap or are tired, and yet it was as if a self-induced, aligned with Source, trance was being implemented in order for everyone to receive what they truly needed, which included downloads galore! Weeeeeeeeeee!

And to also put everyone in a place of complete surrender to the inner processes of healing, cleansing, releasing, and integration that their bodies and souls were needing. Not to mention, putting everyone in a more open place to receive the energetic activation support.

20140724_065335_resizedAs mentioned, I never actually fell asleep any of the days I laid down to rest, but this also seemed to be the theme for the week in general when I went to sleep at night. I barely slept and wasn’t able to. It wasn’t in a negative way, but I felt so literally charged up/activated that it was a challenge to get to sleep. I’d lay there resting in the dark with my eyes closed, but sometimes it would take three or more hours to fall asleep with all the energy running through me, and then I’d only get like three hours of intermittent, actual sleep with waking up in between. This carried on through the week and continued upon my first night back home as well.

Finally, just two nights ago I seemed to have hit my “I’m ready to sleep point”, which also indicates to me that all of the new energy activations have been integrated into my body, and I was able to do so for a nice long night.

Peach melba cheezecake

Raw vegan peach melba cheezecake

raw pizza fresh from dehydrator

Raw vegan pizza fresh out of the dehydrator

There was definitely A LOT of energetic stuff happening and it was all being supported by every beautiful detail of the week from the delicious, love-infused, high-vibed raw vegan delights, to the raw feelings and shares, cleansing swims, soul-massaging laughter with some really funny stuff that flew out of some of our mouths, and conscious conversations. Every where we turned was some mesmerizing or soul-captivating experience that none of us took for granted. We remarked on all the little and large magick and embraced each moment fully. I believe this is what actually felt extending to “time” and the fullness and richness to each day, because we were fully “being” in each moment with awareness.

And even for those that went through emotional cleansing that brought up sadness and confusion at times, what a beautiful and powerful reflection of their willingness to feel, acknowledge, and release those feelings. The natural process of flow and integrative healing was being supported simply by courageously showing up.

20140724_201429_resizedWith beautiful tropical storms playing with us, it still allowed us some amazing beach sunrise and sunset walks and swims, gorgeous meditative sunrise and star gazing (the first night seeing what was either a shooting star or UFO), while keeping the weather beautifully cooler – mirroring a cooling down/cleansing of things for everyone on onset to clear the way – as well as creating some amazing colors and clouded skies. It also provided us stillness and slowing down, as well as time to venture over to the Dolphin House and visit with the amazing visionary and Pisces soul brother, Ashley Saunders, as well as created two amazingly fun days out on and in the ocean for snorkeling, super gorgeous and ultra fun boat time – all while receiving activations from the powerful energies in the waters of this Atlantis vortex.

The ARC itself is in the ley lines of this energy vortex on the global grid, so no matter where you go, even if you remain in your own bed or sit out on the lounges facing the bay at the dock behind The ARC, you are receiving some powerful stuff!

20140724_075734_resizedWe saw a lot of sea life including a baby shark and one really quirky, long gray fish that was following us on one of our snorkels. It seemed to be a little messenger to one of our guests, as apparently it appeared and followed her after a vision message she had at the Atlantis Stones and then came all around each of the group of us, wanting to hang out and did. On the last day’s morning swim a school of gorgeous fish swarmed out of nowhere around and in between Melissa and I and then disappeared – the first time fish had come around on the beach itself, which was as if they were saying goodbye and creating an energetic bubble of energy around us to take home.


One of many gorgeous varieties of lizards we saw daily – our favorite were the ones that curled their tails up behind them

The sea turtles were awesome and, as mentioned, the most I’d seen on one trip – five. I pondered on their showing up so much perhaps being connected to my sweet Gaia, who is still M.I.A. and now I’m not too sure whether she will be returning this time. She was once a giant sea turtle in Atlantis and she has messaged me through showing up on previous Bimini trips as a sea turtle to let me know she was there with me to support my journey. Seeing five sea turtles seems also connected to her because her birthday is 5/5. Could this have been a message of her transition back to the cosmos?

Sea turtles symbolize protection, wisdom, strength, Mother Earth, femininity, knowledge, longevity, independence, and freedom. Creation myths of Native American tribes share about Great Spirit creating their homeland by place Earth on the back of a sea turtle – another interesting and synchronous link to the “creation” discussion we had in sessions.

Other Ancient myths believe turtles brought about the creation of the Universe from its parts, which are said to depict a map of the stars and sacred writings: the shell symbolic of the heavens and used in divination readings, the body symbolic of the Earth, and its undershell symbolic of the underworld. This cosmic order they represent, coupled with the magical ability to support us in uniting heaven and earth within our lives, supports our experience of life as “heaven on earth.”

IMG_6457And the waters in this part of the Earth globe we were in after the storms, on our days out on the boat, were quite something. One day brought rougher waters, which for me was a natural high and Pisces dream ride at the front of the boat getting sprayed and being lifted weightlessly. The rougher water supported one of our guests to work through and embrace her fears and feeling out of control, which she did so beautifully and came through more empowered. I was so proud of her.  And our last day was like glass at times and felt like flying across the every-shade-of-aquas-greens-blues-waters.

Jenny now has her own boat at The ARC (another magickal story on its manifestation), which is wonderful for the intimate groups that come and it speeds along with great power and zip that again, a little Pisces as myself so appreciated. Everyone had the most magickal, fun time on the boat. And much of the time we just soaked it all in, in silence together, receiving the energy that just being on it provided. A lot of internal processing, integrating and activation was taking place on our boat time. It was just beautiful!

And the underwater sea fans, especially the purple ones that swayed so gracefully and ethereally, were “mesmerizing”, as Melissa put it. They also seemed to mirror the expansion and flexibility of our consciousness and awareness.


Janet floating in surrendered bliss, as Melissa readies herself for a invigorating plunge

It was great fun to just float and see all the underwater magick move under and around us. And at times, just soak in the energy and do nothing except “be”.

Storms draw the dolphins deeper in their underwater homes and so we were so lucky to have a bottle nose dolphin emissary show up for us. We had shut down the boat to snack on luscious fruit when he appeared and kept swimming around and near us for a bit, making his presence known. The bottle nose are the elders and not as interactive with humans like the spotted dolphin are. It was beautiful watching him surface and dive down and glide by the boat a bit. We discussed the symbolism later of his appearance/presence, which was twofold.

IMG_6439First off, I felt how appropriate that the dolphins go deeper during these stormy times, as we were all ALSO going deeper within ourselves and into our feelings, which the ocean symbolizes. Embracing more of our shadow, and acknowledging our patterns and things we want to release. I shared how beautiful and powerful it was to have this elder dolphin show up, as we also discussed during the week about the release of expectations to outcomes and simply to follow the feelings in our body, which would lead us to our greatest joy, love, and/or peace. Since the elder dolphin showed up at the end, to me that felt representative of us coming into our spiritual maturity more through the week and a reflection of how we create our own magick regardless of what shows up externally. All of that is icing on the cake, but when you reach that place of inner comfort and self love, you no longer “need” things or outside validation. You simply continue and consistently find every moment to be filled with the grace and beauty of divinely reflected perfection and realize that the energetic activations are taking place when you align with yourself as Source.

The second part of the symbolism of this dolphin showing up was connected to a friend of Jenny’s who was simultaneously in Peru Iinterestingly) at the time and had lost her husband there while they were in search of a cure for his cancer. It was a very challenged time with her in another country and yet she was so powerfully and beautifully embracing the experience with grace and peace, having been told by her husband before his transition that he would always be with her. This fueled a trust and peace within her during a very taxing time. She was challenged in getting back, having had some financial issues come up along the way, but Jenny had just sent off some money to assist her from our week’s offering to The ARC for the retreat, which came about due to the time storms kept us land based. AND, the same exact time/day she was traveling on her way to transport her husband and journey home, one single dolphin showed up alongside the boat she was traveling upon and she felt it was a sign from her husband that she was being watched over and supported. Jenny came to share this story with us as we sat gazing at the stars our last night, and we were all so touched and grateful we could assist with helping with her travels financially, as well as felt that the one single dolphin showing up for us was her husband’s way of showing us gratitude and sending us a message.

Yes, a lot of chills and love ran through us. We are all SO connected! And it also mirrored our session discussions on true service, which involves a consistent way of being no matter what you are doing or the job that you have, without expectation of anything whatsoever in return. If you want to be of service, you live daily in that vibrational frequency with whomever you meet. I’m grateful that by living in our truths, we were able to be of service to this woman.


Jenny’s amazing dog companion, Ralph McDuff in his pink life vest that makes his fur pink, who is officially obsessed with dolphins. It’s all anyone can do to hold him back when they show up or you mention the word “dolphins” around him. I love my nephew on the other side of ocean!

And dolphins just have this magickal way of touching our lives whether we directly “physically” interact with them or not.  The cetaceans are cosmic beings that are caretakers of the Earth and bridges between us and the Cosmos. They work on a species-by-species basis (with specific individuals or specific species on land, as well as in the oceans) to help maintain their life essences and biofield energies.

I remember many days of sitting on rocks overlooking the ocean and seeing and hearing the underwater magick taking place all around me, with my inner eye and heart. There is much that is unseen by our physical eyes that are locked into 3D viewing, but be assured there is SO very much going on all around you at all times whether you see it or not.

I have dolphins show up in dreams, they work alongside me in Reiki sessions with their sonar, I tune in with them in meditation, and I have experienced swimming with them on several trips, as well as having them show up at the beach and waters here at home. I can share that even the times I am in my room, just sitting by the ocean or am above it on a boat, I can feel their powerful energy tuning in and energetically supporting me. When you ask and invite the presence and support of others in, you will receive it, but you must ask, as this is a free will zone.


The very handsome and soulful Ralph McDuff post life vest, sporting a vibrant pink heart chakra!

And no matter the way they show up, just like with anything, the experience is the same magickal experience across the board. It’s simply our ego minds that perceive and reason something different.

That brings me back to Ashley and the Dolphin House, as it is because of his connection and experience with dolphins that his life’s mission is what it is today. He shared with us that he will never be able to equal what they have gifted him, but with all of his heart he passionately creates the vision he received to do in homage to them and the magick of life his heart was touched with through them.

IMG_6418I’d visited the Dolphin House each time I’ve been to Bimini, but this was actually the first time we had unlimited time with him and I heard the in depth story and detail of his life and how the Dolphin House came to be. Listening to him and being in his presence is truly magickal and he reminded me of the Pisces essence of myself, as I got lost in his eyes and stories that reflected the passions, love, dreams, service, and magick of his explorative and visionary heart that is ahead of his time and in a world of his own. His love and honor for Bimini, Atlantis, and the Dolphins exudes from every fiber of his being.

I couldn’t help but give him a huge hug when we parted. A separate blog would need to be written on him and his creation of this amazing House built solely from a vision, without blueprints and with his own two, unassisted hands from all of the treasures he found in the ocean and that had washed up on the beach over the 21 years he has literally been building his dream. The entire house is laced with mosaics of sea shells, conch shells, sea glass, and sea treasures – a one of a kind that is so solidly built it is the only building on the island that has withstood 6 hurricanes without a single touch of damage.

20140724_194004_resizedInspiring to say the least, which each of the women of our group were equally in their own unique way. I came away from the week with a full heart and reverence for the journey of the soul every one is traveling.

And speaking of sea treasures, each trip to Bimini I have brought home with me a special conch, but this trip the sea treasures that wanted to come home were four beautiful pieces of sea glass – one clear that has been formed into a fan and has some sand trapped in the folds, two emerald green, and one beautiful aqua piece. They now reside on my altar placed around my extraordinary Atlantean Crystal scepter-like healing wand. The colors all represent energies of the heart, higher heart, and the highest, innate vibratory frequency/expression of elevated consciousness – something we discussed in sessions during the week as well.

IMG_6334How wonderfully aligned it was to have the first day of the retreat to be on the full direct flow of Mercury from its Retrograde, as well as to have our last day in the building energy and light of the New Moon in Leo that would illuminate our new beginnings on our integration back the next day. This all really framed the experience in a supportive bubble. Again, divine perfection all around.

IMG_6455One thing I was drawn to do on this trip was to take a bunch of photos of each individual who joined, to capture their transformation and reveal to them the beauty of their true essence. It was a lot of fun having these essence photo shoots 🙂 which no one had ever done before. IMG_6393I felt it would be empowering and energetically accompany the work we were focused on in coming more into our authenticity and natural frequency. You see some of those photos interlaced into the photo story here – great reminders of that new beginning we are all embarking upon and the creative self expression into a more dynamic self.

20140724_074304_resizedI observed and experienced how faces relaxed, lit up, body postures changes, eye brightened, conversations loosened, sharing deepened, and more freedom was embraced. What a gift – the best gift I could ask for truly.

I love this sharing that really does capture the essence of the week. It comes from one of the beautiful guests who shared,

IMG_6343“Bimini was the answer to my prayers. A blessing that sums up how I have been feeling and how this trip has changed that: A New Beginning by Jonathan O’Donohue”:

In out of the way places of the heart, Where your thoughts never think to wander, The beginning has been quietly forming, waiting until you were ready to emerge. For a long time it has watched your desire, feeling the emptiness growing inside you, Noticing how you willed yourself on, Still unable to leave what you had outgrown. It watched you play with the seduction of safety and the gray promises that sameness whispered, Heard the waves of turmoil rise and relent, Wondered would you always live like this. Then the delight, when your courage kindled, and out you stepped onto new ground, Your eyes young again with energy and dream, a path of plenitude opening before you. Though your destination is not yet clear, you can trust the promise of this opening; Unfurl yourself into the grace of beginning that is at one with your life’s desire. Awaken Your Spirit To adventure; Hold nothing back, learn to find ease in risk; Soon you will be home in a new rhythm, for your soul senses the world that awaits you.

In our last session of the week, I played this song below (the visuals in the video are so reflective of the essence of our discussions and experience), which also captured the energetic focus of the week, some of the sound teachings, the new beginning expressed above, and the new found freedom we all came to embrace and embody a little bit more. I share it here so you can soar along in the freeing shifts that I know, you too, are experiencing. I was listening to this song over and over, as I wrote and put this share together as well. Felt perfect to support the energy I wanted to try to pull into words.


Soaring across the Bimini waters to the eternal beyond, on another adventure of the soul…the journey is always just beginning

And, to my soul sisters I thank you from my heart to yours for who you are and for choosing to open your hearts to me and this experience. Together we soar, taking with us the experiences shared in Bimini to the Beyond, infusing our lives with the enrichment embraced and accelerating us into new levels of being.

There are no limitations to what you can do and create, nor to where you can go. So aim high and put your entire heart and soul into whatever it is you choose. Remember, it’s simply a choice we have to make. The rest will come together once you take the first step.

Yes, Now We Are Free – we always have been, but now we know more of that truth available within us.

I hope this story inspires and infuses the same to anyone else who has been drawn to it. May you walk in the power of your free will, and bask in the light of love and magick always.

IMG_635520140724_064600_resized20140724_193357_resized20140724_074123_resized20140724_194744_resized20140723_195334_resizedBannofee Pie (bananas, caramel, coconut cream with chocolate sauce)...all raw20140725_091811_resizedIMG_6333rawvioli lunchIMG_6350IMG_6373IMG_6434IMG_6415peach pierawvioli on our first lunch togetherIMG_6401IMG_642320140724_074231_resizedIMG_6424pinkIMG_6431tania melissa20140724_193834_resizedIMG_6338tania dock20140724_075041_resizedIMG_6397IMG_6442

Feelings Enrich Our Lives

feelingsThere seems to be a theme around “feelings” threading through the collective, as I’m guided to share a bit more on this today – in flow with yesterday’s post on sadness. Not surprised, as we’re being asked to embrace all of them in order to come into our fullness and wholeness, as well as to trust those intuitive nudges that our bodies and feelings are messaging us.

All the colors of emotions are of value. They are all simply energy and part of Source experiencing itself through each wave of feeling that we have the free will to move through. We tend to deem some as better or worse, may avoid them, or deny some in favor of others. However there is a beauty and gift in feeling. Source does not hold judgment on feelings. It remains the unconditionally, detached observer of energy expressions.

Humans hault, block, and attach to energy – defying what is in its innate nature to do, which is flow.

We are human “beings”, which is a motion..a dance…the blessing of “feeling” and moving energy into action. When we allow ourselves to feel, we naturally cycle through the feelings to harmony and balance.

I am grateful for every experience that has taken me to the darkest and lightest of places, for it provides the ability to understand and have true compassion, not to mention infuses everything I do with a breadth of energy that takes my life’s work and relationships to everything around me, to another level otherwise not achieved.

Some of the tormented souls have indeed become great artists, visionaries, movers in the world, and healers because of their ability to go to the full gamut of experiences and depth that then infuses creations, ideas, dreams, and connection with more richness.

We do not NEED to be tormented – that is a choice – but there is also no judgment on this. The key isn’t to avoid feelings, but to learn processes to rebalance ourselves after allowing them to move through us freely. And once we retrain this, it becomes natural once again.

I would not be me, nor where I am in life without ALL that I have gone through – and there’s a lot of wild stuff indeed. LOL!

I cherish the highs AND lows, as they are the sacred fabric of my being.

Where There is Sadness There is New Promise

sadnessMuch of the time we judge emotions as good and bad and we feel that it’s wrong, unenlightened, or unevolved of us to have certain feelings that have been deemed as “less than”.

Feelings are there to be expressed, to move through us freely like the natural cycles and rhythms of life and nature all around us.

When feelings arise, it’s simply the divine journey of experience that, when embraced and allowed, returns us to who we really are.

Thank you Dawn for sharing this quote with from Matt. I hope it helps others to be more gentle with themselves and release the judgments, self-defeating thoughts, and punishment that do not serve the nature of you.

If you find yourself in sadness today, realize that you are journeying through a cycle of change that holds the promise of a new dawn.

Standing in the Light of Who You Are & What You Desire – Celebrating a New Moon in Leo

approaching new moon in bimini

Approaching New Moon out front of The ARC, Bimini

I’ve just returned home late last night, so am adjusting and settling back in. I’ll be sharing a bit about our journey soon, but wanted to just share this, as I feel everyone in some way or another is at a personal crossroads in their lives in terms of choices, new directions, and new beginnings.

As shared before, I didn’t realize when I chose the week for this retreat that it began on the day of Mercury going direct and would end just as the New Moon would be emerging, but as all things always are, divine alignment once again was at hand.

And not having focused on what specific sign the New Moon would be in, until I returned, it was also synchronous that the themes we focused on were synchronous to the energy at hand as well.

Being that today is a New Moon, which symbolically is about new beginnings, perhaps you may find it supportive to tune into yourself and ask the really important question, “What do I really want right now?”

On our last evening and morning in Bimini the questions posed were, “What is your heart’s desire to do right now? What do you really want to do next?” and then “What ever that is, how can you support yourself to go do it?”

It was an open-ended question for each to explore and we left with greater connection to the answers, more expansive inspiration, the feeling of trust that we are supported always, and the knowingness that the time is now.

Although you might find doing the thing/s you want to be a bit challenging, you wouldn’t think that JUST asking the question would be hard. And yet it is a stumbling block for many of us, bringing up subsequent, and sometimes self-sabotaging questions that keep us at a stand still.

We avoid answering it directly and experience how our ego minds like to find every reason not to just simply express our truth, let alone can find all of the excuses why we feel that we can’t do the things now (sometimes with ingenious spiritual ego answers that run us in circles.)

Some of the questions that are triggered with this seemingly simple question posed of “What do I really want right now?” may include:

You mean I can really do what I want?

The only thing blocking me is me?

I don’t know what I want and I feel confused or worried I’ll choose the wrong path. Don’t I need to know what my ultimate end goal in life is before I can proceed?

How do I choose just one thing?

Will it be the right choice and will it make me happy?

Am I worthy of having what I want?

How do I do what I want when others are relying on me?

Won’t people judge me if I actually show them who I really am?

My parents, partner, friends…won’t support my desire if I share it, so how can I do what I want when everyone will be against me?

I don’t have enough money or time, I don’t know where to start, I’m scared, I’m not good enough, talented enough, experienced enough, etc., so why even go there and set myself up for disappointment?

And the list goes on….

new moon in leo

These are all valid questions to be aware of, which can lead you to greater understanding of yourself and to get to the core of why you aren’t experiencing your deepest wishes. But the challenge is not to let them run the show…not to let your ego minds reason with you, as they will always find a way to keep you from, and running circles around, yourself.

They are simply the reasons you have come to ACCEPT and keep telling yourself as your stories, in order to not experience your desire and not to be who you really are. Seems odd you’d do this, but it’s just an old program that’s been running overtime that needs rewiring and a little love and nurturing to cultivate the new program – the natural you.

Today’s New Moon in Leo is about expansive and creative passion to authentically, and with fullness of heart, express yourself, and support and nurture the flame within. New inspiration and vibrancy is at hand to embrace, which can assist you in inviting new shifts and initiate new experiences into your life right now. It all starts with the courage to say out loud what you dream of and want, and the courage to fully and vulnerably follow and trust the innocence of your inner child, step out of the darkness, and then live what you say out loud.

All of these were the themes of this week we shared in Bimini. And we walked away with greater exposure of our intimate selves shared more intimately with others.

Yes, it’s time to live without regret and fear, and shine brightly without apologies. Let us each take the time to tune in to who we really are and what we really want so that we can stand in the joyous expression of ourselves, together, in the light.

Whole Foods Now Selling Rabbit Meat?

I had no intention of posting again until I return, but this really is part of my calling to share. And it’s very odd, as I also didn’t share about a third dream where Nestor (my departed rabbit companion in this life) came to me AGAIN last night.

I was just talking to my mom and shared the dream with her. I said this is the third time she shows up and this time she came in as herself (well herself in this life that we shared). The first two times she came as a dolphin and a lioness. This time she was the gray bunny that I knew, but unlike the other two dreams I had, the interaction we shared was different and her presence and demeanor was solemn and stoic.

I think I know why now, as my telling my mom the dream prompted her to tell me something in return.

In the dream I had two little spiders. One very tiny and one about an inch or two. And the weird thing is that there was a cage they were kept in and I thought it odd that they didn’t try to escape, but stayed in the cage, which was lined with hay.

Nestor then appeared and I saw into her eyes, but her presence was different. I didn’t know if it was because she was adjusting to being back into her very limited little rabbit body, or something else?

She went into the cage with the spiders. Another odd thing, because I never kept her in a cage and she would never have tolerated it, as she is so freedom loving.

And in the cage she did yet another odd thing. She placed  her paw just above the larger spider, gently touching it, but not pressing and kept it hovered there for a while. It was as if she was doing some sort of healing, magick, or alchemy, as well as sending me a message through the symbolism.

Of course the spiders represent transformation and sometimes literal death – also rebirth, protection, fate and creation.

Then I remember her running out of the cage and in the room once around and then at some point in the end, I was holding her to my chest.

But again, the energy was very odd and solemn, although I loved seeing her, I knew she was the bringer of some message. And our uniting was not necessarily one of joy, but I clearly understood she was there for a mission – to impart something important to me.

Now, some of this does feel to be personal given things that have been going on and what I asked for before sleep, but I can’t also help but realize the synchronicity of her showing up and leading me to this information.

Did you know that wholefoods now sells rabbit meat? What’s next?

My mom said she saw it in the Reno store and couldn’t believe it. She also told me to brace myself.

I was not aware of this, as I don’t shop there anymore, but my heart sank deeper at this news.

You can sign here to support the rabbits:

And here are ways you can help and spread the word, along with a lot of questions and answers that are informative, including the domesticated breed they are selling – which is not wild rabbits:

The link shares that “Selling rabbit in Northern California stores is a pilot program that Whole Foods intends to expand into other regions. It is likely that other grocery stores will seek to copy the Whole Foods model and sell rabbit. These other stores will likely seek out less expensive sources with even lower standards.” And apparently that has already happened, since my mom is in Reno, NV. 😦

Time to Unplug

meditating in Bimini

Meditating in Bimini last Summer’s Retreat

I’m heading out tomorrow morning to host the “Accelerate Your Vibration” Bimini Retreat for the beautiful, very intimate group we have, so it will be a week of unplugging while away on the island, and fully immersing.

I will be unavailable during my time away and won’t be back into the flow of things again until the week of the 28th, and slowing adjusting back the 26th. 

So if you message me or need any assistance, please be aware I will not be able to respond until then.

I’m very much looking forward to our little “time out of time” island vortex we’ll be in, as interruption-free space is sacred and valuable. It’s like a creative pause that births those breakthroughs. We don’t have to go off to an island to create that, as we can create down-time sacred space anywhere, IF we have the self-discipline to do so. Retreats like this however, make it essential, so we aren’t pushing it off.

I feel that many fear the true “down-time” as it can be scary to actually “be” with ourselves because then we have to face what we are able to see, hear, and feel for the first time. The craving for stimulation and always needing to connect is a way, I believe, to avoid self nurturing, not to mention accountability and responsibility.

Whatever the reasons, if you find yourself unable to just “be” and unplug, then perhaps making a commitment to yourself to do so this weekend would be a good start. Find some time to do nothing and relax into yourself.

The more you give yourself permission to do this, the more you’ll realize how much your body and soul have been craving it, and it will become a natural necessity for well being in your life.

I wish everyone peace of heart, lots of love, and creative flow. 


Dates to Remember:

July’s Special good through end of the month

August 24th’s Crystal Magick and the Journey Within: A Creative Exploration for Personal Alchemy Workshop – Registrations close August 20th

September 4th – 7th Horses & Reiki: Living with Vibrational Integrity – A Four Day Certification & Experiential Retreat in British Columbia – Registrations close August 31st