Crystals & Crystal Skulls


Keep reading for a new option for crystal connections – PERSONAL CRYSTAL SHOWINGS

Please read about payment options & details below 1st

  • Venmo and Paypal options available (I prefer Venmo, but can also accept PP if that helps) -my Venmo handle is @Tania-Marie-1. If you see something you like below and use Venmo, simply send the total to that handle with a note about which you are claiming. If you prefer Paypal and choose that option, the buttons to claim are found below each listing.
  • PAYMENT PLANS are available if needed CONTACT ME
  • If something says, RESERVED, please know that it is currently spoken for. You may still reach out with your intentions, as things can shift. If the person decides to release the crystal skull, which happens sometimes, I will reach out to you to.
  • Surprise gifts included in each order.
  • The system via this platform doesn’t update the items as SOLD, so I try to do that manually as soon as I can. I’m not always able to get online timely, so if for some reason I’m unable to update the status of an item, I will let you know and send a refund if by chance dual orders go through at once.
  • As always, everyone is lovingly cleansed, empowered into the purity of their origins, and nurtured here at the Forest Portal.


You can now CONTACT ME to receive a personal crystal showing. This is for very special, personal release crystals from my collection that are ready to work with new cocreators. I have a large group of potent and incredible crystals – too many to post – so if you would like to have me help you with finding one for you or would like to see what is available, please reach out. You will be sent a video of the pieces to explore. This is a way I feel I can better serve your individual needs and work more intimately with you in connecting cocreators – something I love to do!

New Crystal Skull Release Coming Soon!

Crystalline love from my heart to yours